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C LARKSTON U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH C HIMES Date Mailed: 01/27/2015 Core Values: Committed to Christ Worship That Makes a Difference Making Disciples Biblical Hospitality Transformational Mission February Issue Valentine’s Day Dance Join us on for a fun night as we dance to some of our favorite tunes played by Andy, a fabulous DJ (and Sashabaw Middle School teacher) from Mirror Ball Productions. Date: Friday, February 6, 2015 Time: 7-9pm Who: All families, friends, and neighbors Cost: Free We will provide light refreshments including Cake and punch. All ages are welcome. If you have a favorite song that you would like to hear, email Annette—[email protected] so she can pass the request to Andy.

Chimes February

Apr 07, 2016




February 2015 Clarkston United Methodist Church
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Chimes February



Date Mailed: 01/27/2015

Core Values:

Committed to Christ Worship That Makes a Difference Making Disciples

Biblical Hospitality Transformational Mission

February Issue

Valentine’s Day Dance Join us on for a fun night as we dance to

some of our favorite tunes played by

Andy, a fabulous DJ (and Sashabaw

Middle School teacher) from Mirror Ball


Date: Friday, February 6, 2015

Time: 7-9pm

Who: All families,

friends, and neighbors

Cost: Free

We will provide light

refreshments including

Cake and punch. All ages

are welcome. If you have

a favorite song that you

would like to hear, email

Annette—[email protected] so she can pass the

request to Andy.

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A Word From Pastor Amy

By now, you have hopefully heard that beginning July 1, 2015 I will be serving as Senior Pastor at Orchard UMC in Farmington Hills. When Rev. Melanie Carey, District Superintendent of the Detroit Renaissance District called me regarding this move, I was surprised. I wasn’t expecting to move. As she spoke about the move and told me about the church, I felt a sense of peace, and God’s leading. As much as I love my ministry at Clarkston, I felt like this was something I need to give a lot of thought and prayer to. The next day, (I had to get back to Melanie within 24 hours), after prayer and conversation with my husband Mike, and Pastor Rick, and several tears, I said yes to the appointment. Orchard is a great church with a lot going on. Assuming all goes well, my children will be able to graduate high school from there, and not have the fear of moving looming over their heads anymore. I feel God’s hand in this move and know God is calling me there. But that doesn’t make it easy. A day hasn’t gone by yet that we haven’t cried. I will miss Clarkston so very much, and so will my family. I have had the blessing of being a part of this incredible staff who is so talented and gifted by God, and who have made me into a better pastor. I have gotten to know and love so many of you. I thoroughly enjoyed my work with missions, hospitality, the Sunday Night Worship service, Christmas Connection, and of course the youth. What a wonderful church you are and how I will miss you. But, I’m not leaving yet. My appointment doesn’t begin at Orchard until July 1,2015. So there will be time to say goodbye, to put into place the pieces for your next pastor to come in and hit the ground running. I will have lots of time for lunches and parties and mission events with all of you before we say goodbye. And then you will welcome in your new pastor with the same love and open arms you welcomed me and my family and I will look forward to hearing how together you are building the church. Clarkston United Methodist Church is at such an exciting place right now, and while I am sad not to be able to a part of your ministry expansion after July first, I am so excited for this church. You are wonderful disciples who follow God’s leading into the future. You are an example of a faithful, healthy church who has taught me so much, and will continue to shape lives for Christ. As you continue to connect people to people and people to God, I look forward to these next months with you, and the opportunity to say thank you for all you are and all you have been for the church, the kingdom, and me.


Pastor Amy

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MUSIC You, too, can be a handbell ringer! We have room in all of our handbell choirs for more ringers. Adults and Youth with experience playing handbells are welcome to join Jubilation Ringers, who rehearse on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. The Celebration Ringers, who rehearse on Wednesdays from 6:45 to 7:30, is a great place for both adults and youth with musical experience to learn the art of handbell ringing. And children in grades 2-5 can learn to read music as they learn to ring handbells in the angelus Bell choir, Wednesdays from 4:45 – 5:15.


Thank you Clarkston United Methodist Church—2014 Salvation Army Bell Ringers. 192 people braved the cold ringing the bells this past December, 6, 13 & 20 from 9am-5pm (96 man hours). December 2014 marked the 28th year that CUMC has rung the bells. CUMC’s 3-day bell ringing red kettle total (3 Kroger's & Neiman's) was $6,390.49. This commitment insures that the Salvation Army of North Oakland County will be able to continue to feed the hungry, shelter & clothe the homeless and offer spiritual support to those who are searching. God Bless from Jay Bleim, CUMC S.A. Bell Ringer Coordinator

Ash Wednesday Services

February 18th



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FAMILY MINISTRY - CHILDREN Valentine’s Day Dance and Lounge 456 Lock-In is Friday, February 6th at 7pm. Everyone is invited to a Valentine’s Day dance from 7-9pm on Friday, February 6th. Dance to your favorite tunes and enjoy light refreshments too. Following the dance is our annual

Lounge 456 Lock-In. If you are in the 4th, 5th or 6th grade, you are invited to spend the night at the church and participate in some fun activities. Enjoy breakfast on Saturday at 7:30am. Pick-up is at 8am on Saturday, Feb. 7th. RSVP for the Lock-in to Annette at [email protected] by Feb.1st.

VBS informational meeting! We will hold our first VBS meeting on Sunday, February 8th at 10am in Room 207 (Children’s Church). Come learn about our very fun theme (G-Force: God’s Love in Action) and how you can help.

No Angles in Training on February 15th. Mark your calendars!

One Room Sunday school on February 15th at 9 & 11am in Children’s church (Room 207). We will be showing a movie and enjoying a light breakfast/snacks together.

Bring a Friend to Sunday school day! On March 8th at both 9 & 11am, we encourage your children to bring a friend to Sunday school. What a wonderful opportunity to share our awesome church and faith with others.

Wesley Choir Musical is March 15th . . . . and there will be no Sunday school at 9 or 11am for Kindergarten-Lounge 456 as they are encouraged to attend worship and support our Wesley choir friends! There will be Sunday school as usual for our 3-4 year olds.

Easter Candy Donations Needed for CUMC’s Egg Hunt! Please drop off candy donations in the main office or outside of Room 201--to be used to stuff +2000 eggs for our Egg Hunt scheduled for Saturday, March 28th at 3pm.

Be a Bible Buddy! Bible Sunday this year is Sunday, May 10th at 11am. If you would like to purchase a bible for a 2nd grader this year, the cost is $15.00. Look for the Bible Buddy tear-off in the February and March bulletins.

Looking Ahead . . . Bible Sunday is May 10th at 11am. If you have a registered 2nd grader, he/she will receive a bible from a special bible buddy in our church. Please make sure you have turned in your Sunday school registration form. We don’t want to miss any 2nd graders. Additional information will be coming in March

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FAMILY MINISTRY - FUEL No FUEL Youth Group or Youth Breakfast Club on February 15- Happy Midwinter Break

Youth Breakfast Club 7th-12 graders, please join us Sundays at 9 and 11am for Youth Breakfast Club in the Youth Lounge. Each week you can enjoy the sermon, stream-lined to the lounge TV, with your peers while enjoying a light breakfast. Discussions will be led by an adult facilitator, with questions provided by our Pastors. Parents, please sign up to donate breakfast items at The theme of the sermons for February is vision casting. What are we doing today and what we will be doing in the future to serve God? SUNDAY NIGHT FUEL YOUTH GROUP Sunday Night Fuel YOUTH GROUP continues for all 6th-8th graders. Youth are encouraged to bring friends too! The upcoming topics are:

· Feb. 1nd –Super Bowl Party at Siminski House (4514 Villa Rio Dr., Clarkston)

· Feb. 8th—Smart Intimate Relationships Part 1 (Permission slip necessary)

· Feb. 15th—NO FUEL YOUTH GROUP Midwinter Break Enjoy! · Feb. 22nd---Smart Intimate Relationships Part 2 (Permission slip

necessary) Looking Forward: Gratitude Sunday is February 22nd! Leading up to this date we will be having the congregation, including our youth, share through video and writing what about God, their families and our church that they are grateful for. It is going to be a great celebration. Please mark your calendars!

Let the Games Begin!!! Middle School versus High School returnable/Change War Beginning February 22, Gratitude Sunday through March 22, Commitment Sunday, our Youth will be engaged in a friendly competition collecting bottles and change that will all be donated to the expansion fund of our church on Commitment Sunday. Our collections sites will be outside Michele and Annette’s office at the cross roads. Feel free to bring in your returnable bottles and cans for our youth to return (let them do the dirty work)! Great fun for a great cause!

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Sunday, February 1 6:00- Superbowl Party at MacGregor Shaffer’s House: 7689 Deerhill Dr. Clarkston

Friday, February 6 3:30 p.m.- Sunday, February 8, 3:00 p.m. SpringHill

Sunday, February 15 NO YOUTH GROUP

Sunday, February 22 6:00-7:30 Love Languages

Sunday, March 1 6:00-7:30 Bridges Out of Poverty (Mandatory for those attending Righteous Mission)

Saturday, March 7 Spaghetti Dinner

FINANCE COMMITTEE UPDATE Note from The Finance Committee - 2014 financial results Thank you to the congregation and staff for truly answering the stewardship call and generously allowing us to finish 2014 with a balanced operating budget totaling approximately $1,150,000. It was through a combination of your faithful tithes, gifts and second mile contributions - coupled with prudent expense management - that blessed us with these results. We expect to mail the year end personal contribution statements shortly. In the meantime, we would like to thank you again for your commitment to our ministry and mission at CUMC.

HOSPITALITY The Clarkston UMC’s “Faith In Cinema” series is great fun and a perfect way to invite friends and neighbors to a church event in a non-threatening atmosphere. This year I saw CUMC members make friends with mall patrons and invite them to movies with us. In one case a friendship was made and the invitation to the movie turned into dinner too. A Detroit Conference pastor friend of mine has a program at his church where they give out baked goods to individuals who work at businesses that are open on holidays. He often says “People are not going to go to your church just because you give them cookies but they are going to go to your church if you give them cookies.” Similarly, for us, new people are not going to come to CUMC just because we take them to the movies but taking people to the movies is going to hopefully leave a lasting memory of a church that is friendly and hospitable. Did you know that when we offered the movie Annie for free, we had so many people attend that Star Great Lakes had to open up a second theater? What a blessing! Mary Gladstone-Highland

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COMMUNITY OUTREACH UPDATE Mission Candle 4th Birthday Celebration. The 4th Birthday celebration in honor of the Clarkston UMC Mission Candle was celebrated on January 25th. Thank you to everyone who gave a donation! If you would like to donate but have yet to do so, not a problem! You can always make donations at the church office. When you donate to the mission candles, you do so much more than recognize, honor or remember someone. You help give light to many, many others through the missions you support. Here are the missions that are currently supported by contributions to the mission candles: CUMC Food Pantry: CUMC is able to provide food and household necessities to families on a temporary emergency basis. The food and supplies come mainly from in kind giving and money donated to the program. Righteous Mission: Each year, the High School Youth of CUMC go on a week-long mission trip. This year, the youth will be going to Detroit. Mission Trip Scholarships: It is typical for each participant on a mission trip to pay some of the costs of the trip and project in order to participate. The mission scholarships allows participation for those who might not become involved. Pastor’s Emergency Fund: The Emergency Fund is able to help people in the local community with situations such as avoiding utilities being shut off, emergency housing assistance and other emergency needs. MIA (Missions In Action) Days: Mission in Action Days allow us to serve others in the area by volunteering at shelters, kitchens and other facilities. CUMC Christmas Connection: The Christmas Connection provides the opportunity for families who may not otherwise be able to afford gifts for their family. Missions General Fund: The general fund may be used to run new missions or supplement any of the existing missions as needed

Blessings, Mary B. Gladstone-Highland Community Outreach Director & Church and Community Worker—CUMC

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United Methodist Women

UMW Circles – Following is information on the UMW Circles for their February meetings.

Alethea Rose: The next meeting of Alethea Rose will be held Wednesday, February 4th at 7 pm in the Parlor. Please choose a book from the United Methodist Women Reading List to read and discuss (they can be found in the church library). Don't have time to read? Join us for fellowship and lively discussion. For any questions please contact Mary O'Rourke at 248-620-9491 or [email protected].

Susanna Wesley Circle: We will meet Wed. Feb. 4 at 9:15 in the parlor. The program will be on gratitude as we collect our World Thank Offering contributions and we will prepare Valentine gifts for the girls at Children’s Village. Please bring paper towels and/or packaged cookies or snacks for the pantry. All women are invited. Call Paula Acton (248-625-5797) if you have any questions.

For information on any of our Circles, please call Suzanne Tinka at (248) 625-3405 or E-mail: [email protected] Upcoming Events Spring will be here soon - and with it will come the Crossroads District United Methodist Women Social Action Day and the Annual Prayer Breakfast.

Not all details are available yet; but the Prayer Breakfast is March 14 at Davison UMC in Davison and the Social Action Day is May 9 at Halsey UMC in Grand Blanc. Check the United Methodist Women’s Bulletin Board for further details when they are available.

For information on the above listed events or to register for any of them, please call Suzanne Tinka at (248) 625-3405 or E-mail: [email protected].

Suzanne Tinka

Suzanne Tinka, President CUMC United Methodist Women

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UMM United Methodist Men

CUMC Men's Bible Study

Thursday evening, 6:30pm-7:30pm - Library (Jeff Smolek)

Friday morning, 7:00am-8:00am (Bob Hoff)

Feb 11 (Wed) 7:30pm - CUMC MEN'S MEETING the CUMC monthly Men's committee consists of the CUMC UMMen's Officers, Committee members and members at large that serve as a leadership team working in partnership with the pastor(s). All men of the church are welcome to drop in and join the committee meeting @ 7:30pm in the adult classroom off of fellowship hall. Feb 15 (Sun) 7:30am - CUMC MEN'S BREAKFAST (FH) - We will be honoring Bob Scott, John Bundridge, & David Johnson as the "Men in Honor of Faith" for Feb 2015. Our Guest Speaker will be Mary Gladstone-Highland - CUMC Missions & Community Outreach. Make the Sunday Men's Breakfast part of your monthly routine! Join us every 3rd Sunday at 7:30 a.m. (exc. Dec, March, June, July & August) in Fellowship Hall for breakfast, fellowship and guest speaker focusing on a variety of informative topics. The cost is a Free Will Offering, and no advance reservations are necessary. The breakfast will conclude no later than 8:45 a.m., and if some men need to leave a little early, that's no problem. ALL "MEN of the CHURCH are WELCOME to attend!"

Feb 15 @ 4:30pm Flint Hope UMC - attend a John Wesley 60 minute class "Revival for Today" hosted by Rev. J.D. Landis (Feb 15, March 15, April 26). RSVP to James Walker at 810- 732-6396

Feb 28 (Sat) 8am - ANNUAL BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST @ BETHEL UMC 1309 N. Ballenger Hwy, Flint, MI 48504 - 1 (810) 238-3843 - Great Devotions, Great Music, Great Food, Great Guest Speaker & Recognition of Churches.

Snowbirds ! If you are leaving town to head south—please contact the church office (248-625-1611 or [email protected]—to update contact information with the dates you will be gone.


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ADULT EDUCATION Sunday Morning Parlor Class is examining a variety of social issues using the United Methodist Social Principles from the UM Books of Discipline 2012 and The UM Book of Resolutions. Social issue for study is chosen by the class on Sunday morning. We have learned about Corporate Social Responsibility, the Triple Bottom Line, ethical investing and related these to Genesis 1, Exodus 21 and Leviticus 25. Come and join us for discussion. Coffee served. Facilitated by Rev. Christine between worship services.

February 2015 Studies: Disciple 2 – Study of Luke and Acts with Pastor Rick. Begins February 3, 2015 for in Fellowship Hall from 7-8:30 pm. Be sure to sign up to reserve your workbook. This class studies, the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts of the Apostles and tells the story of Jesus life, ministry and the early church. Sign up at, Adult Ed bulletin board. Tuesday Morning Parlor class led by Rev Christine will resume February 24th at 9:30 a.m. with a study for Lent. Please register on line at or sign up on the Adult Ed bulletin board. CUMC Bookclub – All Readers Welcome! We meet in the Parlor from 7-8:30pm.

February 17- All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. This book is a finalist for the National Book Award.

March 17- The Distance Between Us by Reyna Grande.

April 21—The World’s Strongest Librarian by Josh Hanagarn

May 19—The Good Luck of Right Now by Matthew Quick

June 16—Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd

MISSIONS PET-Wednesday, Feb. 4, we will be carpooling to Ed Noll's workshop near Hadley to fabricate and assemble parts for the PET vehicles. We will meet at the church at 08:15, and be back by about 12:30. You should wear clothing appropriate for the weather that would not be ruined by a little paint. Bring your favorite work gloves. Please let me know by e-mail or phone if you can help with this activity. Thanks... God Bless.... Dave Kauffman [email protected] 248-425-3132

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The Crossroads District will be leading a Mission Work Team to Haiti October 28-November 7, 2015. The project will be to continue construction on the Harry Brakeman School in Petit Goave, Haiti. Construction skills and other gifts are greatly needed! Find a flier with more information and an application on our website.

I am so proud to work with CUMC. In the end of 2014 CUMC gave over $14,000 to UMCOR to help with the Ebola relief efforts in Liberia and Sierra Leon, we sponsored 35 families through Christmas Connection, and offered a Christmas Workshop for the families living at Bridgewater that was co-planned with a mom whose children attend Homework Club. In 2014 CUMC also helped 136 families avoid eviction and shut-offs giving them the opportunity to go to work or school knowing that they would be coming home to a safe, warm, household. We helped those families with over $41,000! On February 14th from 9:30-12:30pm we will offer a Robotics day for the children of Bridgewater. At this event, children and youth will be able to test their hand at building robots. There will also be Lego kits for the youngest children. I hope you will consider helping us out at this great event! Thank you for all that you do to share Christ’s love with our neighbors! Mary Gladstone-Highland

Helping Hearts Helping Hands Update Thank you all of my church family for your continuous support of our mission. It is a blessing to have you involved in everything we are doing in Honduras. We are able to grow our mission every day and expand our mission projects to more areas of Honduras. Below is information about how you can get more involved and support our mission. In God’s name with love, Erica Cale Coral Ball Friday, April 17th 6:00pm – 1:30am Support our mission work in Honduras. Get dressed up, enjoy an evening out, bring your friends and reserve a VIP table of 10, and join us! Includes: appetizers, dinner, silent auction, live auction, mission presentation, music, dancing and more! Where: Deer Lake Banquet Center. Adult tickets: $80 before April 11th, $90 at the door. Under 21 Tickets: $35 before April 11th, $45 at the door. $20 for entrance after 10pm for all ages. Table of 10: $695 if purchased by April 11th. Order gift cards and help support starving children and families in Honduras… Do you spend money on gas, groceries, office supplies, etc.??? Why not purchase gift cards in advance? Support a good cause and have cards on hand for everyday spending or purchase for gifts. If you would like to learn more about this program, the mobile app and how you can support our mission at no cost to you (the vendor donates a percentage, not you), please contact us! For more information on the above events, please contact Erica or Nancy Cale at [email protected] or

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SUNDAY 9:00 —10:00am Worship Service

9:00—10:00am Sunday School 9-10am Youth Breakfast Club (Youth Lounge) 10-11am Angels In Training (201-205) 10:10– 10:50am Parlor Class (Parlor) 10:10– 10:50am Parent’s Circle (Adult Classroom) 11:00—12:00pm Worship Service 11:00—12:00pm Sunday School 11-12pm Youth Breakfast Club (Youth Lounge) 6-7:30pm Fuel & HS Youth Groups (FH)

MONDAY 1-4pm Line Dancing (FH) 1:00—2:30pm Knitting from the Heart (Par) 4pm– 5:30pm Gentle Yoga (Par) 6:00—7:00pm Tai Chi (FH) 7:00—9:00pm AA Meeting (Yth Clr) 7:00-8:30pm Cub Scout Pack 126 (Lib)

TUESDAY 9:30-12PM Caring Hearts Bible Study (Yth Clr) 9:30-10:30am Beth Moore Makeup (Lib) 9:30-11am Tuesday Morning Study (Parlor) 6-7pm Girl Scout Mtg. (Brd Rm) 4-5:30pm THINK Tutoring (FH) 7-8:30pm Disciple II (FH)

WEDNESDAY 7:00—8:30am Optimist Club (FH) 9:15—11:15am Covenant Group (Lib) 4:15-4:45pm Sign Choir (FH) 4:30-5:15pm Angelus Bells ( Music Rm) 5-6pm Wed. Night Youth Dinner (Youth Lounge/Classroom) 5:15-6pm Cherub Choir (Par) & Wesley Choir (Music Rm) 6-6:45pm Youth Choir (Music Rm) 6:30-8:30pm Companion Group (Library) 6:45-7:30pm Celebration Ringers (Music Rm) 7pm-8:30pm Prodigal Son Bible Study (Par) 7:30-9pm Jubilation Ringers (Music Rm)

THURSDAY 7:30—9:00am Clarkston Coffee Club (FH) 9:30-11:30am Beth Moore Bible Study (Par) 6:30—7:30pm Men’s Bible Study (Lib) 6:45— 7:45pm DivorceCare (Par) 7:30—8:30 pm Chancel Choir (Music Rm)


7:00—8:00am Men’s Bible Study 7:00—9:00pm AA Meeting

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Confirmation


10 & 12 Fellowship Hour Celebration

Mission Candle

5pm FUEL Superbowl Party

(Siminiski House)

5pm HS Superbowl Party (Shaffer’s


2 Groundhog Day

9am Speaker Mtg (Par)

3 Clarkston Comm.

Women's Club (Lib)

4 8:15 Pet will meet at

church back at 12:30pm

Susanna Wesley 9:15am

Alethea Rose 7pm (Par)

Stardusters Rehear. 7pm (Sanc)


6 HS Springhill (OS)

leaves at 4pm

Family Valentine Dance 7pm


Lounge 4-5-6 Lock-in begins 9pm

7 HS Spring hill(OS)

Lounge 4-5-6 Lock-in ends 8am


HS Springhill (OS) returns 3pm

10am VBS Info Mtg (207)

12pm Musical Rehear (Sanc)

6pm FUEL Youth Group (FH)

9 Ed I Meeting

7:30pm (202)


11 UMMen Meeting 7pm (Adult Clr)

7pm Campaign Leadership Mtg. (FH)


13 14 Valentines Day

10am MIA Day Bridgewater (OS)

15 UMM Breakfast


No Youth group

16 Pres. Day 7pm Trustee Mtg.


17 CUMC Book Group (Par)

7pm Missions Mtg


18 Ash Wed. 12pm Worship Service

(Sanc) 7pm Worship Service


19 20 12pm 50 & Over

Potluck (Par)

21 9am Relay for Life

Kickoff (FH)

5pm Parent’s Night Out (FH)

22 12pm Musical Rehear (Sanc)

23 10am Food Pantry

Pickup (FH)

7pm Food Pantry Pickup (FH)

24 UMW Board Mtg


25 UMW Board Mtg (Par)

9am New Member Class


UMW Meeting 9am


View the most recent version of the CUMC calendar at our website:

Page 13: Chimes February

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Confirmation


10 & 12 Fellowship Hour Celebration

Mission Candle

5pm FUEL Superbowl Party

(Siminiski House)

5pm HS Superbowl Party (Shaffer’s


2 Groundhog Day

9am Speaker Mtg (Par)

3 Clarkston Comm.

Women's Club (Lib)

4 8:15 Pet will meet at

church back at 12:30pm

Susanna Wesley 9:15am

Alethea Rose 7pm (Par)

Stardusters Rehear. 7pm (Sanc)


6 HS Springhill (OS)

leaves at 4pm

Family Valentine Dance 7pm


Lounge 4-5-6 Lock-in begins 9pm

7 HS Spring hill(OS)

Lounge 4-5-6 Lock-in ends 8am


HS Springhill (OS) returns 3pm

10am VBS Info Mtg (207)

12pm Musical Rehear (Sanc)

6pm FUEL Youth Group (FH)

9 Ed I Meeting

7:30pm (202)


11 UMMen Meeting 7pm (Adult Clr)

7pm Campaign Leadership Mtg. (FH)


13 14 Valentines Day

10am MIA Day Bridgewater (OS)

15 UMM Breakfast


No Youth group

16 Pres. Day 7pm Trustee Mtg.


17 CUMC Book Group (Par)

7pm Missions Mtg


18 Ash Wed. 12pm Worship Service

(Sanc) 7pm Worship Service


19 20 12pm 50 & Over

Potluck (Par)

21 9am Relay for Life

Kickoff (FH)

5pm Parent’s Night Out (FH)

22 12pm Musical Rehear (Sanc)

23 10am Food Pantry

Pickup (FH)

7pm Food Pantry Pickup (FH)

24 UMW Board Mtg


25 UMW Board Mtg (Par)

9am New Member Class


UMW Meeting 9am


View the most recent version of the CUMC calendar at our website:

27 28 7pm World

Championship Year 1935 (FH)

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Transitioning Aging Parents Group—Are you struggling to care for your aging parents? Are you faced with deciding whether they can continue to drive, stay in their home, what the next step in their care should be or how to cope with behavioral changes and loss of independence due to their diminished health? When mental and/or physical health issues take a toll on aging parents' capacity, it can be very overwhelming for caregivers too. Come join Transitioning Aging Parents if you are seeking suggestions, practical guidance in finding resources and/ or support and encouragement from others facing similar struggles. Our next meeting is Monday, February 2nd at 7 pm and is facilitated by Kathy Gleason, MA, LMFT and CUMC member.

Parish Visitors Do you enjoy people? Are you intrigued by stories older people have to share? Do you feel called to share the love of Jesus Christ? If so, you may want to become a Parish Visitor in our church! Parish Visitors are volunteers who visit members and friends of the church who are homebound. Come to an informational meeting on Monday, February 9, 2015 from 7-8:30 p.m. This meeting is also for current parish visitors to meet each other and share stories of what the experience has meant to them. Questions? Please contact Deacon Laura Speiran, Minister of Congregational Care: [email protected] or 248-625-1611 x222.

Chase away the winter blues with Gentle Yoga and stretching. Classes are held every Monday in the Parlor from 4 to 5:30 pm. Cost is $75 for 10 weeks or $10 for weekly drop in. This is a great way to keep moving during the snowy winter. Questions? [email protected]

Confirmation Our Confirmation Class has been very busy working on their Kingdom Assignments. Each confirmand was given $100 and tasked with the responsibility of growing their money and using it to build the kingdom. These creative kids are hard at work building the kingdom. Here are a few ways you can support them: On Sunday, February 15 Morgan Clemens will have a muffin sale. All donations received from the sale will go to make parent overnight bags for parents staying with children at Royal Oak Beaumont’s Children’s Hospital. Each bag only costs $5.00 to make. Nick Manting, Ben Wellman and David Yonkers are collecting new and gently used boots to be distributed at Sleeping Bags for the Homeless next November. They noticed that over the past few years, there haven’t been many boots available , and yet there was great need. Be on the look out for “Coffee for a Cause” in March in the narthex, all donations will go to purchase boots. Announcements continued on page 16

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Announcements continued

50 and OVER is a vibrant group that enjoys the fun and fellowship of monthly mid-day social gatherings. We meet for potluck lunches, programs and field trips. You are heartily welcomed and encouraged to attend any time! We usually meet on the third Friday of the month. Watch the Bulletin for detailed information and sign up on the 50 and Over bulletin board in the hallway by the nursery. Contact for questions: Lou and Brenda DuPree, [email protected], 248-625- 5141.

February 20, 2015— 50 and OVER + Anyone Interested! A Very Special

and Timely Program We know that there is much interest and excitement and, also, many questions surrounding the Building Program and the Capital Campaign which are committed to accomplishing the plan that we feel God has for CUMC. We have seen the drawings around the church and have listened at various meetings over the last months. A Vision Brochure will soon be in your hands with more information. At this 50 and OVER gathering you will hear more details and be able to dialogue with committee members about our strategy of implementing and realizing the goals of the Building Program and Capital Campaign.We hope you choose to join us! The potluck lunch begins at noon in the Parlor on Friday, February 20, with the program to follow at 1pm. Bring friends, a dish to pass and your own place setting. Please sign up on the 50 and OVER bulletin board outside the nursery.

Grief Support—Have you or someone you know experienced the loss of a loved one recently? Have you wondered where you could turn for help? A 6 week Grief Support Series will begin on Monday, February 23, 2015, from 6:30-8:00 p.m., at the church. Facilitated by Gina Shuster, Bereavement Coordinator for Grace Hospice, it will include the following topics: What is Grief? Myths of Grief; Tasks of Mourning; Honoring and Remembering; Grief vs. Depression; Anniversaries and Holidays; Self-Care; Moving Forward. There will also be time to share about personal experiences. This learning series/support group is open to the community. Questions? Please contact Deacon Laura Speiran, Minister of Congregational Care: [email protected] or 248-625-1611 x222 in the church office.

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, February 28, 2015 at 7pm, CUMC Fellowship Hall. Winter is here - and Baseball Season is not far behind. Did you know – the first Tigers, Lions, and Redwings Championships were in the same season? Did you know – “PLAY BALL” is the first baseball movie ever made with sound; and it was filmed in Detroit during the 1934 Tiger Season. (continued on next page)

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Join the Speakers Team and spend an evening with Charles Avison as he speaks on Detroit: City of Champions, the Tigers 1934 season, and other sports-related history. Find out more about the early days of the Tigers! Check Sunday Bulletins in the upcoming weeks for further details.

Save the Date: Spaghetti Dinner This year’s Spaghetti Dinner will be Saturday, March 7, with seating's at 5:00 and 7:30. The cost is $15 per person and all proceeds go to the High School Righteous Mission trip to Motown Mission in Detroit. Tickets will be on sale February 15, 22 and March 1. Invite your friends and make a night of it! Childcare available, and gluten free menu also available (both by reservation). Questions, see Pastor Amy

New Member Class Have you been attending Clarkston UMC for awhile and feel ready to join? On Wednesdays March 11 and 18, Pastors Rick and Amy will be leading a new member class from 6:30-8:30. Sign up on the bulletin board across from the office. Have any questions? Contact Pastor Amy.

Annual Women’s Retreat: March 20-22 at Lake Huron Retreat Center This year’s theme is: “The Journey is Our Home” and will be led by Pastor Amy and her mom, Rev. Judy Mayo. The retreat begins with dinner on Friday and ends with breakfast on Sunday. We highly encourage people to come home in time for Celebration Sunday. Through scripture, conversation, and activities, we will explore the theme of God’s presence with us throughout our lives. Cost: $181 per person for a two person room, $161 per person for a three person room. Please sign up on the bulletin board outside Pastor Amy’s office and deliver your checks directly to Pastor Amy, or register online. $75 deposit is due by February 28.

February & March dates are available for Mission Candles dedications to honor, remember or celebrate an occasion or someone special. Please check in the church office for the Mission Candle book.

The UMW Rummage Sale is coming Saturday, May 30th. Start saving your unwanted items to donate and keep the week leading up to the sale open so you can work, play the what is it game and shop before anyone else gets the good stuff!

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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Location: Comerica Park

Program Time: 9:30 AM

Game Time: 1:05 PM Start

Tigers' Opponent: Kansas City Royals

Expected Attendance: 5,000 - 8,000

People * To Order Your Homeplate Tickets please contact Carl Bidinger @ 248 922-3260 or 248 318-4867 or [email protected] www.HomePlateDetroit.Org

Dear CUMC Friends:

This is an invitation for you from Jeff Totten, Detroit Tigers Chaplain, to

consider participating in a Christian outreach event at Comerica Park prior to

a Detroit Tiger game on Sat May 9th vs the Kansas City Royals.

This annual event, called HOME PLATE began in 1987. It features current and

former Detroit Tigers (and other athletes) sharing about their careers in

professional sports and faith in Jesus Christ.

Each $32 ticket includes: The HOMEPLATE Program, on-field baseball

clinic, Souvenirs, Food coupon for concession areas at Comerica Park, and a

Ticket to the game to see the Tigers battle the Royals. Please be aware that this

event has sold out each of the past 7 years. Typically, the supply of tickets runs

out by March 1. So, if you plan to participate, begin planning now and be

prepared to order tickets early in 2015, call Carl today!

HOMEPLATE program begins 3 1/2 hours before game time. Also, there will

be an On-Field Baseball Clinic scheduled before the game.

Hurry please call Carl Today!!! 248 318-4867 - tickets are distributed on a first-

come, first serve- basis and Carl needs a COUNT to place CUMC's order! We

will car pool from the CUMC.

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LAY READER REFLECTIONS February 2015 Our Capital Campaign: The Stewardship Journey - Grounded in Gratitude, Revealed in Prayer, Lived in Faith

As I ponder over New Year’s thoughts about assessing my path, developing The Plan and listening to Jeremiah’s advice to “Ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls”, I recognize feelings of discomfort, anxiety and even fear in discerning that good way, in anticipating the risk that it can bring. However, I believe that rest and peace come with knowing that I have the right Plan – God’s Plan. Recently our Capital Campaign Leadership Team was introduced in church, a team of over 50 members who are enthusiastically taking the risk of reaching out in faith, a faith that is built on trust and belief that we are indeed following God’s leadership. The Capital Campaign is our Stewardship Plan with a dual vision of creating an accessible, welcoming and usable place for today’s and future generations and of Vitally Connecting People to People and People to God. Yes, we will construct a new brick and mortar building and repurpose our existing facilities! Yes, the new space will offer opportunities to expand and enrich our ministries whereby we will be able to share God’s message of love and inclusion with the community, where we can gather for many existing activities and others not even dreamed yet! Anyone interested in becoming involved in this campaign is invited to do so. Review the drawings of the proposed building that are around the church, that will be in the upcoming Vision Brochure and on the CUMC website. IMAGINE! Just imagine what the Lord can do through each of us! During this campaign period of several months, miracles are happening every day, miracles of this Stewardship Journey that is grounded in gratitude, revealed in prayer and lived in faith. Find them, share them, give thanks! Brenda DuPree Lay Reader

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Building Committee Update

In planning for our Ministry expansion, the architect and construction management firms are working with the subcontractors to develop detailed designs and costs. Their input will feed the creation of the detailed architectural drawings and construction timeline.

We are pleased to work with the Capital Campaign Leadership Team to plan the activities for the fundraising effort. We continue to witness overwhelming support for the work that God is calling us to do and appreciate your prayers, participation, and support.

Building Capital Campaign Launched We are excited to launch the Capital Campaign to fund the expansion to our building. You will hear throughout the Campaign that we are not simply raising funds for a building expansion - but rather we are called to fulfill God's powerful vision for ministry here at CUMC. Yes, we are working toward a larger building with much more flexibility and space - but the real reason for this project is to change lives. If you were in church on 1/11, you had a chance to meet the Leadership Teams who will be accompanying all of us on a journey that will be Grounded in Gratitude, Revealed in Prayer, and Lived in Faith. More information on the Campaign will be available early February, and please view the bulletin boards throughout the church for more details on the expansion plans. Dave & Mary Kanous and Ric & Carola Huttenlocher, Campaign Chairs

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Ongoing through April 16, 2015

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PRAYER REQUESTS Prayer Requests for church bulletin and/or Prayer Chain:

Use pew card, contact Suzanne Tinka at 625-3405, or email to [email protected].

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Your prayers are requested for:

Congregation and their Family Members

Mary Aleksoff, Bob Anderson, Eddie Anderson, Lisa Barton, Doris & Bob Beattie, Blaze Beeson & Family, Jeff Bleim, John Bundridge, Erica & Trevor Cale, Ralph Carter, Vern & Betty Case, Anne Chen, Linda Clark, The Cobb Family, Cameron Corder, Jenny DuPree, Kathy Fairburn, Cameron Fortinberry, Janet Glascock, Bob Greene, Michelle Henry, Don Hill & Family, Elliott Hirn, Tom Hoff, Ruth Ellsworth Jones, Vineese Kasari, Marge Kenerson, Patricia Kerrick, Casey Knott, Lynne Kristi, Elsa Lopez, Jan Lucich, Laura Madison, Kelley Martin, Bernice McCarrick, Ed McGregor, Tom McKittrick, Kelsey Merz, Lila Miller, Jim Morrison, John Morrison, Ed Nagel, Pat Ouellette, Gordan Palmer, Dallas Peterman, Fran Pitcher, Jay Reinke, Heather Robinson, Bill Samson, Bob Scott, Yvonne Sleight, Matt Smolek, Steve Stadler, Kari Bryson-St. Dennis, Charles & Patricia Sutherland, Arlyce Tague, Armen Tamakian, Jameson Timberlake, Robert & Linda Tudor, Nancy Vance, Justin Van Hooser, Joan Veale, Noah Wills & family, Kent Winter and Family, Shawna Wisser, Anne Wohlford, David & Matthew Wood, Jim Zink and Bill Zorka

Friends of the Congregation

Jan Altermatt, Lisa Ballinger, Sandy Balone, Joe Battaglia, Debby Berry, Marilyn Campbell, Jim Carpenter & Family, Amy Castell, Betty Cole, Baby Collin, Karen Cooper, Dan, Tony Davidge, Carol Doeringer, Ian Dyer Dorothea Flagg & Family, Nate Gheen, Bernita Hawes, Linda Hamilton, Abby Hixson, Jim Hopson, Mike Kindermann, Andrea and Ken Klimek, Fritz Kruger, Dawn Lamb, Joyce Lewis, Tom Lowell, Jim MacDonald, Jaclyn Martini, Baby Maya, Gary McCowan, Larry Moceri, Mary Muscat, Rev. Barbara Nolin, Cheryl Noll, Rebekah Oman, Marcia Outlaw, Jean Pachuta, Rachel Rea, Alicia Riegel, Fred Rohrbach, Russ, Peggy Schroeder, Shawn & Jon Schwarts, Jane Sessions, Matt & Kathleen Shipley, Larry Sholtey, Carol Ann Simmons, Cody Sleva, Raymond Stutzman, Sue, Jim Terrill, Anita Terry, Taryn Tucker, Jim Walker, Robert Ward Sr., Brian & Lezley Wells and Wendy Wisniewski

In Care Facilities

Golda Cecil, Rev. Jon Clapp, Marie Dolby, Peggy Dryer, Eva Fockler, Marilyn Guzzo, Jean Koskela, Lillie Leedy, Bernice McCarrick, Freda Meyland, Lila Miller, Bob Morse, Marge Ricketts, Jan Sutton, and Robert Wickell

At Home

Jim & Kay Coates, Jean Macklem, Patricia Stitt

Serving Our Country

Maggie Adams, Robert Baird, Aron Bland, Joe Bondy, Madeline Bondy, Josh Brewer, Scott Brewer, Becky Bucar, Tommy Bullen, Tommy John Burbank, Sean Coppinger, Cameron Corder, Shawn Flanigan, Charlie Fulton, Michael Galbraith, Jim Goerss, Joshua Goerss, Ansel Gruenberg, Ariel Gruenberg, Luke Harris, Gentry Herring, Courtney Koskela, Greg LeClaire, Tommy Lewis, Matt Murphy, John Nickerson, Lisa Pasternak, Wendy Pinter, Eric Speiran, Ben Tartell, John Wawruck, Nicholas White, Dennis Wisser, Justin Wisser, and Gabriel Zapata

Our Christian Sympathy Extends to

Friends and family of Kay Valley, on the passing of her mother, Betty Fulton, on January 13, 2015.

Birth of Ophelia Jane (Bleim) Carrier born on Tuesday, Jan 20th to Devin Bleim. Proud grandpa is Jeremy Bleim, Proud great grandparents are Jay & Joyce Bleim

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Main Number: 248-625-1611 Email: [email protected] Website:

Richard Dake, Senior Pastor ext. 223 Amy Mayo-Moyle, Associate Pastor ext. 224 Laura Speiran, Minster of Congregational Care ext. 222 Christine Wyatt, Minister of Adult Education ext. 226

Kim Bishop, Choral Director Gwen Burns, Finance Assistant ext 221 Jeremy Dean, Director of Facilities/Caretaker ext. 234 Michele Ettinger, Children & FUEL Coordinator ext. 235 Mary Gladstone-Highland, Community Outreach Director ext. 234 Collen Godfrey, Executive Director of Ministries ext. 250 Cheryl Kelly, Administrative Assistant ext. 227 Jack McCarrick, Evening Caretaker ext. 252 Judy Mellen, Handbell Choirs Director ext. 253 Carole Meyers, Finance Manager ext. 221 Michele Poirier, Childcare Coordinator ext. 232 Karen Girard, Cherub Choir Director ext. 251 Annette Siminski, Director of Family Ministries ext. 233 Fred Krause, Sunday Evening Caretaker Angie Scheu, Director of Worship ext. 228 Holly Stowers, Office Volunteer ext. 220 Kathy Waechter, Finance Assistant ext. 221 Leslie Wills, Principal Organist ext. 229 Neal Wright, Youth Music Director

Chimes Schedule

Submission deadlines Mail date

March Issue/ Tue Feb 17 Tue Feb 24

April Issue/ Tue Mar 24 Tue Mar 31

May Issue/ Tue April 21 Tue Apr 28

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