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Child Development 149 Class Assignment Blog on PowerPoint

Jan 17, 2017



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Child Development 149Assignment Blog on Microsoft 2010 PowerPoint By: Norma J. Robinson

• Norma J. Robinson 09/12/2012• Child Development 149-E/EX Wednesdays/11:00 Am- 2:30 Pm• Instructor: William T. O’Donnell Room: 3426• REFLECTION PAPER # 1• In reflecting back on my childhood, I would have to say that both of my parents had influenced me to become

the creative person I am today. I would always help my mother in the kitchen when she baked cakes, pies, cookies, custards and biscuits. Spending time with my mother in that kitchen was the most enjoyable moments of my life. The nurse who would care for my mother at home bought me a green, Betty Crocker oven for my 8th birthday. Before my mother became terminally ill and bedridden, she would help me create cakes, cookies, brownies, pies and even candies with my stove. It was not a toy! It actually had an electrical cord and the oven door did not open until the stove cooled off. It came with baking materials and a variety of mixes to create baking items with.

• The love of baking never left me after my mother died. However, I found a new interest. I became interested in drawing, painting and making arts and crafts as I got older. My father was always buying me art materials. My father did not allow me to play with the children who lived in the neighborhood for fear that I would get hurt. I was influenced to draw when I had been shown a book which had belong to my mother. She use to doodle on the inside covers of her books. I was fascinated by her creativity. I began to draw comics of my own. I would just create characters right out of the blue. I would color these characters with crayons. It did not matter if I had art paper or not. I would draw on brown paper bags or my notebook paper. I would make giant sized characters sometimes when I was bored. I would pretend that we were having a tea party and make a lot of giant paper dolls from brown paper bags or art paper. I would glue the arms and legs to the body of the character and I would just have fun that way. I grew up alone as a child and I had to find some way to have fun by myself.

• I took my drawings on notebook paper to school and sold them for a quarter to my classmates. The classmates would ask me to create them something like I had created myself. I joined an art club when I was in the 7th grade. In high school, I studied two years of Commercial Arts and participated in many art festivals throughout my high school years. I received many certificates of awards and even trophies for art and designed a t-shirt jersey for my graduating class of 1981. I also did artwork for the school newspaper and yearbook.

• Art has been my favorite subject for many years, although I did attend culinary art school to venture back into the field of cooking. My father taught me how to cook some foods. My mother taught me about baking and creating desserts and influenced me in the area of visual arts where my talent which continues to develop.

• In conclusion, when thinking about how I viewed my interest in play as a child and the way which I think about play these days is really to say that technology has created the way that toys are created today from my years as a child. Children today, tend to have a lot of interest in the interest in electronic video games or toys that generate sounds, lights or that can provide movement such as dancing and singing dolls or those that can even talk. Virtually everything in this 2000 era has some form of computer chip in it or it is made very differently from when my parents bought me toys. Children watch more television now and the things shown on there are not always age appropriate for all children to view. The commercials and even the cartoons are not really adequate for young children to view. However, the media still shows it on those children televised networks. My childhood interest in learning about baking or art has excelled over the years. I still find enjoyment doing these same things. But, now I am teaching my children and grandchildren about those same things and it is fun for all of us.

This was a reflection paper produced for my Child Development 149/Creative Activities for Young Children course on 09/12/2012.

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Week: 4 Role of the Teacher: Chapter 5Children’s, Teacher & Creative Activities: Drawing, Coloring and

Painting. 09/12/20012

I created this self-portrait of myself as an assignment for my Child Development 149 class at Malcolm X College. This class is called, “Creative Activities for Young Children.”

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Week: 1 What is Art?08/22/2012

Get to know your lab

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Week: 2 Creative Problem Solving08/29/2012

The Egg Drop Experiment: This was a class project. We were broken into groups. Our group had to come up with a package that we could pack an egg inside of which would not break upon being dropped from an high level to the ground. Only three eggs survived the fall.

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Week: 3 Process vs. Product09/05/2012

The Development of a class sculpture:

Our class put together a sculpture made from recyclable materials.

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Week: 5 Painting09/19/2012

This work of art was also was produced by me for the creative activities for young children’s course. It was something that our instructor told us to create based on how we we were actually feeling on that particular day. I felt happy and overjoyed!

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Week: 6 Art Inside and Out09/26/2012

This work of art is more than just art! It is an actual topic about a science area being created for youth. In class we were told to create a subject area in which we would discuss and describe something that would be of interest you young people. I chose the science area to talk about the life cylce of plants and how they develop into what they are.

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Week: 7 Art and Society10/03/2012

Homemade Fish Aquarium:

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Week: 8 Making Music10/10/2012

This class project was about creating a music instrument from recyable materials. I made some maracas instruments from two Tropica orange juice bottles and decorated them by use of lady bug red and black designs.

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Week: 9 Singing and Dancing with Young Children: 10/17/2012

• Norma J. Robinson 10/17/2012

• Child Development 149 Week # 9

• B. Shelton• THE LIBRARY SONG:• Can you tell me how to get,• How to get to the library?• Everyday, children are learning their A BC’s,• Can you tell me how to get,• How to get to the library, This ?• the place where we all be,• It’s a place where children get to read,• We put letters together,• Then create words we can spell,• There’s a story for everyone,• Find a book today, when you get to the library.• Can you tell me how to get,• How to get to the library?• How to get to the libray?

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Week: 10 Constructive Play Froebel’s Gifts: 10/24/2012

• We actually created music instruments from recyclable materials. Mine were a pair of black poka dot on red covered juice bottles with beans in them. I had to go before the class and make up a song.

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Week: 11 The Art, The Craft: Halloween Celebration: 10/31/2012

This was the game creating or playing day.

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Child Development 149• Norma Jean Robinson 10/29/2012• Child Development 149• Instructor: B. Shelton• THE MEDICATED CHILD DOCUMENTARY PAPER:• Documentary Produced, Written and Directed by: Marcela Gaviria• Writer: Will Cohen• Original Source: FRONTLINE•• In observing the documentary on the children who were said to need medication to treat their behavioral problems, I am overwhelmed with much grief after viewing the documentary about

children like Jacob and Jessica. They monitored these two children from very young ages as more and more meds were added to their daily lives. • In 1993, in Los Angeles, California, Jacob was one of the first to be interviewed by Frontline for this documentary during his second birthday celebration. He was running around playing like

children always does. From just watching him at that time, I could not understand why he had to be placed on any meds! He was a normal child just doing what two year olds do! By the age of three years old, it was stated that a teacher said that Jacob was hyperactive and he had no impulse control. Ron and Iris Solomon, his parents argued this fact with the teacher, yet by the age of 4 a pre-school teacher even suggested medication for him as if a chemical situation was going on. This child by the age of nine had developed a mood disorder. At ten years old, Jacob had been taking eight different prescribed medications! He had developed side effects from each of the medications in which he had been given. This was very sad to watch a child experience this! He was hospitalized and was taken off of all meds! However, it was said that within a 24 hour time frame, he was diagnosed as having a bipolar disorder and was placed immediately on meds for this! This child had been experimenting with the different drugs, because he went through all kinds of disorders after taking each of them. By the age of 13, Jacob was waking up with a stiff neck and his neck would roll uncontrollably! At age 16, Jacob had extreme anxiety and mood swings and had to take more medications for them. If I was the parent, I would have brought a legal case against the doctors who prescribed these meds to their son!

• Now, the girl Jessica, she was diagnosed as being bipolar like at the early age of 4! According to the Food and Drug Administration, there wasn’t enough research being done on medication for children with a bipolar disorder. As a matter of fact, the research was only done on medication for adults with the bipolar disorder. In other words, these children are taking adult medication and it is bringing on side effects and or killing them! This girl was interviewed saying morbid things like cutting someone’s head off and her parents were in the room with her as they would agree that she had behavioral problems. They mentioned that she was withdrawn from the world as she didn’t want to get out of her bed some days, and that she was extremely depressed more than often. She was most likely be similar to Jacob, and have to take one drug after another to make her feel better! According to the doctors and the administrator in this documentary, children still have a long way to go before the research is definite on what works for children with ADHD, ADD, or any type of behavioral disorder. It is sad, because too many children have died due to the fact the proper research has never actually been done to find out what can actually work for children of certain age groups. Also, in knowing that boys and girls are usually defined differently, should they be given the same meds for these various disorders? Men and women don’t take the same medications as for example, men take different vitamins from women because something in our bodies functions differently! They should think long and hard about the fact that child in different age groups respond to medication differently also. I just pray that they find a solution to help all children who need help with their problems. Too many children are suffering due to a lack of research! It is really beyond sad! The FDA, even admitted that there were no clinical trials being ran on children’s medication for any of the mentioned disorders on this documentary. The behavioral modifying medications created more problems than one can begin to realize. In 1997, the former President Clinton’s Administration offered a lucrative patent incentive to clinical studies to force them to enforce them to do research on children medications. The End~

• • • References Cited:• Documentary Produced, Written and Directed by: Marcela Gaviria• Writer: Will Cohen• Original Source: FRONTLINE••