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PARISH COUNCIL CLERK Sal Robinson, 60 North Allington, Bridport (01308 426327) PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMAN Vanessa Glenn, 6 Winniford Close, DT6 6SA (480810) CHIDEOCK W.I. CHAIRMAN Mary Rogers (01297 489452) VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Sue Walliker (01297 489545) CHIDEOCK SOCIETY Lyn Crisp, The Farmers Arms, Mill Lane, DT6 6JS and Sal Robinson,60 North Allington, Bridport (10308 426327) CHIDEOCK FETE COMMITTEE Keith Baylis, Seatown Cottage, DT6 6JT (01297 489027) CHIDEOCK CIDER MAKERS Colin Hopkins, Colraine, Main Street, DT6 6JG (01297 489899) ST. GILES CHURCH GOLDEN CAP TEAM RECTOR Rev. Chris Martin 01297 561065 LICENSED LAY MINISTER Mr. Jim Pettifer, 7 Winniford Close (01297 489260) ST. GILES CHURCHWARDEN Mrs.Valerie Hunt, Longwood, Chideock Hill (01297 489417) ST. GILES CHURCH BELL CAPTAIN Mr. Dave Symonds, Dormer Cottage (07768193030) ST. GILES CHURCH PCC Mrs. Valerie Hunt, Longwood, Chideock Hill (01297 489417) FRIENDS OF ST. GILES Mrs Diane Benjamin, The Old Bakery, Main Street .(01297 489298) CHIDEOCK ART GROUP Liz Kennedy, Chideock (01297 480855) CHURCH OF OUR LADY & ST. IGNATIUS Bridport Parish Office 01308 422594 FRIENDS OF OUR LADY Gaby Martelli (01308 488348) CHIDEOCK VILLAGE TRUST Mrs. Lisa Tuck, Broadlands, Chideock (01297 489543). SYMONDSBURY SCHOOL HEADTEACHER Mrs. Emma Roberts (01308 423502) CHIDEOCK NEWS (including Seatown & North Chideock) NOVEMBER 2020

CHIDEOCK NEWS including Seatown & North Chideock) … · Sunday 1st 08.30am Mass Friday 6th. 10am Mass Friday 13th. 10am Mass Sat 14th. 6pm Vigil Mass Friday 20th. 10am Mass Friday

Oct 29, 2020



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Page 1: CHIDEOCK NEWS including Seatown & North Chideock) … · Sunday 1st 08.30am Mass Friday 6th. 10am Mass Friday 13th. 10am Mass Sat 14th. 6pm Vigil Mass Friday 20th. 10am Mass Friday

CHIDEOCK NEWS (including Seatown & North Chideock)

NOV 20

PARISH COUNCIL CLERK Sal Robinson, 60 North Allington, Bridport (01308 426327) PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMAN Vanessa Glenn, 6 Winniford Close, DT6 6SA (480810) CHIDEOCK W.I. CHAIRMAN Mary Rogers (01297 489452) VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Sue Walliker (01297 489545) CHIDEOCK SOCIETY Lyn Crisp, The Farmers Arms, Mill Lane, DT6 6JS and Sal Robinson,60 North Allington, Bridport (10308 426327) CHIDEOCK FETE COMMITTEE Keith Baylis, Seatown Cottage, DT6 6JT (01297 489027) CHIDEOCK CIDER MAKERS Colin Hopkins, Colraine, Main Street, DT6 6JG (01297 489899) ST. GILES CHURCH GOLDEN CAP TEAM RECTOR Rev. Chris Martin 01297 561065 LICENSED LAY MINISTER Mr. Jim Pettifer, 7 Winniford Close (01297 489260) ST. GILES CHURCHWARDEN Mrs.Valerie Hunt, Longwood, Chideock Hill (01297 489417) ST. GILES CHURCH BELL CAPTAIN Mr. Dave Symonds, Dormer Cottage (07768193030) ST. GILES CHURCH PCC Mrs. Valerie Hunt, Longwood, Chideock Hill (01297 489417) FRIENDS OF ST. GILES Mrs Diane Benjamin, The Old Bakery, Main Street .(01297 489298) CHIDEOCK ART GROUP Liz Kennedy, Chideock (01297 480855) CHURCH OF OUR LADY & ST. IGNATIUS Bridport Parish Office 01308 422594 FRIENDS OF OUR LADY Gaby Martelli (01308 488348) CHIDEOCK VILLAGE TRUST Mrs. Lisa Tuck, Broadlands, Chideock (01297 489543). SYMONDSBURY SCHOOL HEADTEACHER Mrs. Emma Roberts (01308 423502)

CHIDEOCK NEWS(including Seatown & North Chideock)

APRIL 2020

CHIDEOCK NEWS (including Seatown & North Chideock)

APR 20

PARISH COUNCIL CLERK Sal Robinson, 60 North Allington, Bridport (01308 426327) PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMAN Vanessa Glenn, 6 Winniford Close, DT6 6SA (480910) CHIDEOCK W.I. CHAIRMAN Mary Rogers (01297 489452) VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Sue Walliker (01297 489545) CHIDEOCK SOCIETY Lyn Crisp, The Farmers Arms, Mill Lane, DT6 6JS and Sal Robinson,60 North Allington, Bridport (10308 426327) CHIDEOCK FETE COMMITTEE Keith Baylis, Seatown Cottage, DT6 6JT (01297 489027) CHIDEOCK CIDER MAKERS Colin Hopkins, Colraine, Main Street, DT6 6JG (01297 489899) ST. GILES CHURCH RECTOR LICENSED LAY MINISTER Mr. Jim Pettifer, 7 Winniford Close (01297 489260) ST. GILES CHURCHWARDEN Mrs.Valerie Hunt, Longwood, Chideock Hill (01297 489417) ST. GILES CHURCH BELL CAPTAIN Mr. Dave Symonds, Dormer Cottage (07768193030) ST. GILES CHURCH PCC Mrs. Valerie Hunt, Longwood, Chideock Hill (01297 489417) FRIENDS OF ST. GILES Mrs Diane Benjamin, The Old Bakery, Main Street .(01297 489298) CHIDEOCK ART GROUP Liz Kennedy, Chideock (01297 480855) CHURCH OF OUR LADY & ST. IGNATIUS Bridport Parish Office 01308 422594 FRIENDS OF OUR LADY Gaby Martelli (01308 488348) CHIDEOCK VILLAGE TRUST Mrs. Lisa Tuck, Broadlands, Chideock (01297 489543). SYMONDSBURY SCHOOL HEADTEACHER Mrs. Emma Roberts (01308 423502)


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The main symptoms of coronavirus are: • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or

back (you do not need to measure your temperature) • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an

hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

• a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

To protect others, do not go to places like a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital if you have any of these symptoms. Stay at home (self-isolate) and get a test. Symptoms Coronavirus Flu Cold Fever Common Common Rare Cough Common Common Mild Loss of taste & smell Sudden Rare Sometimes Fatigue Sometimes Common Sometimes Headaches Sometimes Common Rare Aches & pains Sometimes Common Common Runny/stuffy nose Rare Sometimes Common Sore throat Sometimes Sometimes Common Sneezing No No Common Shortness of breath Sometimes No No Diarrhoea Sometimes Sometimes No (for children) (especially

for children) Remember Hands… Face… Space…to help stop the spread

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CHIDEOCK VILLAGE HALL Chairman: Richard Benjamin (489298); Secretary: Paul Ramsden (480941 Treasurer & Table Tennis contact: Roger Carey (489782) For hirer’s responsibilities during Covid-19 please contact any of the above For regular bookings contact Sue Walliker 01297 489545 or [email protected] If you wish to cancel a booking please notify us as soon as possible For general information about the hall: For the current availability either contact Sue Walliker or go to: and click on ‘Check availability’ SERVICES AT ST. GILES 1st November. 11am. Village Service. 8th November. 10.50am. Remembrance Sunday 15th November. 11am. Chideock Praise 22nd November. 11am. Holy Communion 29th November. 11am. Morning Prayer Please note......The Remembrance Service will be in the Church, not at the War Memorial. See further article CHURCH OF OUR LADY, QUEEN OF MARTYRS & ST. IGNATIUS Sunday 1st 08.30am Mass Friday 6th. 10am Mass Friday 13th. 10am Mass Sat 14th. 6pm Vigil Mass Friday 20th. 10am Mass Friday 27th. 10am Mass Sat 28th. 6pm Vigil Mass APART FROM THESE TIMES, THE CHURCH WILL REMAIN CLOSED

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DEADLINE DATE : Items for inclusion in the December 2020/January 2021 magazine to: Ms. Ruth Wrixton, Sweet Briar, West Road, Bridport, DT6 6AE. Tel: 01308 422649 or mobile 07811672058 or e-mail me : [email protected] (I will always acknowledge I have received them – so that you know I have!) LATEST acceptance date will be Friday 20th November 2020.

Do you think you know lots of Christmas songs and carols? On December 1st you can buy a star sheet from the shop for £3. Then you need to find stars with clues to these songs. Fill in the sheet and return it to the shop by 19th December. Prizes for the first 5 correct answers. The stars will all be within the main road, they could be in people's front windows, in the shop, notice boards or on lampposts. They will not be up side roads so you don't need to walk too far. Join in the fun All proceeds in aid of St Giles Church ARE YOU INTERESTED IN CHIDEOCK HISTORY? We are in the process of setting up a new website in connection with the history of Chideock. The Chideock Society holds a huge archive of old photographs and other memorabilia and we hope over the next months to ‘scan’ all this material in to the new website so it is held safely and for everyone to see. The hard copies can then be placed with the Dorset Archive. If you can help in any way please contact Lyn Crisp on 01297 489098 or email me at [email protected]. We will also provide a link from the Community website to this new ‘history website’. DIAL A FRIEND – COASTAL CLUSTER Maybe you know of someone, or you happen to be that someone, who lives alone and has little social contact. Are you aware of what is available? Do you live in the Chideock, Morcombelake or Lyme Regis areas and would like even a brief visit, maybe simply for a talk. We are members of a Team from these local churches. Would you like to meet us and see what we can share together? If you would then please just call Anne: 01297 442 558; Ann: 01297 489 532. (NOTE: obviously visits are temporarily suspended)

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THE EVER POPULAR CHIDEOCK QUIZ NIGHT Answers to October questions … 1. Where is the sea of tranquility? Moon 2. Which Country first made use of paper money? China 3. Where is the world's most ancient forest? Australia 4. What is another word for LEXICON? Dictionary 5. If you suffer with ARACHNOPHOBIA, what are you afraid of? Spiders 6. How many legs does the Legs of Man have? Three 7. Bob Marley was born where? Jamaica 8. If a donkey and a horse are cross bred, what is the resultant animal? Hinny 9. Who flew in Vostok 1? Uri Gagarin 10. From which two metals is Pewter made? Tin & Lead 11. How many sides, in total, would 3 triangles and 3 rectangles have? 21 12. Who is the Prime Minister of New Zealand? Jacinda Ardern HOPE YOU ARE ALL WELL AND KEEPING SAFE. Hope the little Quiz got the Brain Cells working again, if so have a go at this month's Teaser… Here's a dozen teasers to keep you going until we all meet again,!! answers published in the December issue, maybe a few Christmas teasers for the enthusiasts.!! Here goes, no cheating; 1. In which year did the second world war start? 2. Born in 1820, who was known as the founder of modern nursing? 3. Who wrote '' A Brief History of Time''? 4. Which is the World's smallest country? 5. At which racecourse is the Grand National traditionally held? 6. Which fictional city does Batman call home? 7. What is the name for a baby rabbit? 8. How many bones does a shark have? 9. What is the name for the prong of a fork? 10.The extinct Dodo was endemic to which Island in the Indian ocean? 11. What word can be placed before Bottle, Bell, and Bird? 12. What is the name of the German Airline? Hope you did well, see you in the December issue, Very Best Wishes John T☺

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CHIDEOCK ART GROUP This term will be 5 sessions on alternate weeks. We have a full complement and a waiting list!!! However, all is tentative and subject to Government guidelines and laws. More details - please contact: Liz [01297 480855] Jane [01297 489996] or Sue [01297 489520] Autumn 2020 [5 alternate weeks] Chideock Village Hall Monday Nov 2nd 2pm Barbara Green – portraits using acrylics Monday Nov 16th 2pm Jo Hamilton - animal portraits in pen Monday Nov 30th 2pm Jo Hamilton - animal portraits in pen 4 OCTOBER 2020 The Rain was lashing down and the wind drove up from the sea with a winter ferocity. But four friends and I were enjoying a picnic. Of course due to the weather, time of year, and the times we were safely indoors, duly sanitised and spaced. The Harvest Take-away Lunch. Knowing full well that we were going to be five I had somehow booked six and asked for ‘just a selection please’. It was a large bag that was placed in the centre of the table and then it seemed like a minor Christmas. There were so many little parcels enclosing single portions, beetroot, walnut and cheese and other salads, and then there were quiches, sausage plait, rolls – indeed a host of goodies. We had several really good eaters, so accompanied by cider, beer, Adam’s ale and some left over wine, (not mixed of course), the food soon disappeared leaving only the second course. Unanimously we decided a rest by the fire was needed before some hour later we had tea and delicious home-made brownies and lemon drizzle cake. It was delightful to have a ready-made picnic which for us had required no thought, buying and preparing. Others we knew had done all the hard work for which we were grateful. Our group all enjoyed the food but there was something else. There was an intangible feeling of sharing for we had not been picnicking alone. Throughout the village there were another fifty or so enjoying their Harvest Take-away Lunch. We had been brought together in thought. The virus and its consequences many mean isolation and making us wary of contact but the picnic reminded us that we are still a community – a caring community. Alison T.

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HARVEST TAKE-AWAY LUNCH We would like to congratulate the Friends of St Giles Church on producing a magnificent Take-away Harvest Lunch. The selection of quiche, sausage plait, salad and accompaniments and the sweets were delicious. It was all packaged beautifully, and enjoyed by ourselves and visiting family. Well done and very many thanks. Marian and Steve Warburton WILDLIFE CHURCHYARD – ST GILES Despite COVID-19 the churchyard in St. Giles has been progressing along through the year, in fact the Wildlife Churchyard Scheme was first stared in 1996. Unfortunately Dorset Wildlife Trust are no longer able to fund a scheme that covers all churchyards throughout Dorset. In Chideock we are continuing to keep the churchyard a haven for wild flowers and wildlife. We have been able to upkeep this throughout the summer with the help from Wayne who cuts and strims the grass, and keeps a wild flower area for people to enjoy. We must also thank Adrian Humphries who has funded the upkeep of the churchyard over several years and Rob Murray who pruned the Copper Beech every summer. This tree was donated by Deirdre Coburn, the founder of the Wildlife Area and also to mark the Millennium. If you have a few minutes to spare, please look in the church porch where Diane Benjamin has made a fantastic photographic display of the wildlife churchyard through the seasons, together with a display of the Yew trees which we believe to be over 200 years old. Also in the porch there is a box for ‘Cupboard Love’ and any donation for them would be appreciated. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY in CHIDEOCK This year because of the Covid restrictions we do not have enough space in the road by the War Memorial for our usual Act of Remembrance. We shall therefore lay the wreath by the list of names in St Giles Church and afterwards place it outside on the Memorial. We will have a short Service in the church after the dedication but sadly without any singing, although we will have some music. There will be a short break after the laying of the wreath for those who do not wish to remain. Face masks of course must be worn and there is sufficient space for the congregation to sit safely. Please do come in the usual way to remember those who gave their lives in war and made the supreme sacrifice. We will gather at 10-50am on Sunday 8th November. Jim Pettifer LLM

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A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who left items for the Foodbank in Bridport at the Sunday 4th October Harvest Festival service. This is very much appreciated. The Foodbank has continued to operate throughout the current COVID19 crisis with volunteers delivering to vulnerable households and others collecting bags of food from the St Mary’s Church small back door but wide open for support. ALSO A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who supported our Harvest Take-Away event on the 4th October. Watch out for another Take-Away opportunity for the Christmas period. Diane Benjamin, and the Foodbank and Friends of St Giles Team

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THANK YOU CHIDEOCK I would like to take this opportunity to say a further big ‘thank you’ for a recent very kind donation towards the parish magazine printing costs. The donator wishes to remain anonymous. Obviously without these donations the magazine would not be able to continue. Ruth Wrixton (Hon. Editor) Dear Chideock 100 Plus Club members Following on from my piece in last month’s magazine, I have received no objections to the remaining prize money for the year 2019-2020 being donated to the Chideock News. Therefore, owing to your generosity, I have been able to send to the magazine the sum shown in the accounts below, for this past accounting year. The 100 Plus Club will now be put on hold until such time as I can safely run the club. Thank you again for your support. Kindest regards Julia Greenshields

100 Plus Club Accounts 2019-20 ending September 2020 Membership fees for 12 months - £12 per number

B/F from last year £29.40 104 members at £12 2 part-year members @ £10

£1,248.00 £20.00

Donations from individuals £33.00 Less licence fee £20.00 Less prizes for year (Oct 19 - Feb 2020) £375.00 Money to Chideock Parish Mag £906.00 Balance C/F £29.40 £1330.40 £1330.40

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WI News Although WI members have not been able to attend regular meetings in the Village Hall there has still been plenty going on including Teas in the Garden at various venues, giving a welcome opportunity to get to know each other better over a cup of tea and cake. Donations have been sent to Chideock News and our local food bank, Cupboard Love. We will also be working with the organisers of Cupboard Love over the next month to provide bags for Christmas goodies. The new Garden Group has visited two lovely local gardens with one in Axminster opening especially for us; the Book Group have continued to meet in gardens in groups of six, bringing our lunch boxes as well as books with us; the Walking Group have walked in North Chideock and Fishpond where we were rewarded for our efforts by a lovely tea. The Craft Group have been amazingly busy, meeting outdoors and also completing projects at home. 22 teddies have been knitted for the Womans’ Voluntary Service and they had a Teddy Bear’s picnic in the garden before leaving Chideock. Mastectomy cushions and drainage bags have been made for use by the Macmillan Nurses in Dorchester and these will shortly be delivered to them.

Disaster has struck our storage cabinet in the Village Hall, leaving records and contents either ruined or in a very poor state. Amongst these was the tablecloth used on the President's table and our banner. The Craft Group will be spearheading the design and making of new versions to take us into our next 100 years.

We now have our own website and this has been augmented every month since May by a wonderful Newsletter which is distributed to members via email or paper copies to those who don’t have email. Full of quizzes, jokes, WI news and photos, we are trying to keep everyone connected throughout this difficult time.

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Chideock Parish Council News. E-mail: [email protected] Website: Address: 60 North Allington, Bridport, DT6 5DY Phone: 01308426327 Please note that the Clerk works 30 hours per month so may not respond immediately. The Council continues to lobby various individuals, organisations, and bodies regarding the A35 issues experienced by the village. Chideock Parish Council intends to resume in-person monthly meetings in the Village Hall, with the first meeting at 10 am on Tuesday 29 September. The Parish Council will follow the COVID-19 instructions issued by the Village Hall Management Committee, together with 2 metre social distancing and the wearing of face coverings.

Face, Hands and Space! Broadband in Chideock Parish. Dorset Council has come back regarding a possible broadband “green box” capacity issue in Chideock – the OpenReach website which is used to check capacity does not show any issues. Please let the Clerk know if you have been told otherwise by BT / OpenReach. Works on Chideock Hill. Connect Balfour-Beatty has informed the Parish Council as follows: -

“The slip works have been postponed for the time being. We will be closing the A35 for 5 nights from the 26th October to resurface the three lane section. It will then return to its original state until the slip works restart later next year.”

Casual Vacancy. There was no request by 10 electors for an election (deadline 24 September), so the vacancy must, if possible, be filled by co-option. Do you enjoy living in Chideock, and would you like to play a part in decision making for the village? If so, have you considered joining the Parish Council? The council needs a good mix of people living or working in the parish; 18 years and over, working age, or retired. Do you possess any, all or some of the following skills?

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Good at mediation, forward thinking, like helping others, enjoy lively debate, can make awkward decisions without fear or favour, interested in learning how some of our lives are run by others, have a large amount of common sense and can agree to disagree with others who may not share your views?

If your answer is YES to any of the above, why not share your skills to benefit the village? A Parish Council has few powers but is the means by which those who do have power can be contacted and chased up on their responsibilities to communities. Training is provided by the Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils (DAPTC) and expenses are paid for travel costs made on behalf of the Parish Council. More information on being a councillor can be found on the Parish Council website under the 2019 Elections tab or contact Sal Robinson, the Clerk. If successful, you will be required to complete an entry in the parish council’s register of members’ interests. This involves putting your address, employment, relevant major shareholdings and membership of charities, pressure groups, political parties etc., on public record. Qualifying Criteria to be a councillor: -

• Age 18 or over • One of the following conditions applies:

▪ is an elector of the Parish ▪ has for the previous 12 months owned or rented land or

premises in the Parish ▪ has for the previous 12 months worked primarily within the

Parish ▪ has for the past 12 months either resided in the Parish or

within 3 miles of it. Applications must be received by the Clerk on or before 17 November. Applicants will be invited to attend the Parish Council meeting on 24 November to give a short summary of why they wish to be a councillor. Current councillors will then vote.

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DORSET TRADING STANDARDS … Selling fireworks safely Guy Fawkes night is approaching, and many businesses are taking delivery of fireworks ready to supply their customers. Did you know the Explosives Regulations 2014 require businesses storing fireworks and other explosives to have a licence and to store fireworks safely? Trading Standards grant licences according to the amount and type of explosive a business wants to store. Most fireworks sold to consumers are classed as ‘hazard type 4’ and a licence from us allows storage of up to 250kg of net explosive content. We also inspect business premises to ensure the proposed store is safe and compliant. The outer transport packaging that fireworks are delivered to shops in help to keep fireworks safe. Ideally in shops fireworks should be kept in those same closed transport packages inside a locked storeroom that is used exclusively for the storage of fireworks. It sounds obvious but fireworks should be stored away from combustible material such as cigarette lighters, but that includes other sources of ignition such as electrical fuse boards. If a dedicated locked storeroom is not available then fireworks should be stored in their closed transport packaging away from the sales area in a fire-resistant cabinet, container, or suitable cage. A lesser amount of fireworks can be displayed in a suitable display case in the shop floor area for customers to see, but no fireworks should be on display for sale outside of any shop display case. It is also right to remember that it is illegal to sell fireworks or sparklers to any person under the age of 18 years old. We want to help keep people safe while allowing businesses to sell fireworks in a safe and legal way. So, if you see firework sellers storing fireworks in a way that appears to you to be unsafe, or selling to people under 18 years old, then we’d like to hear about that promptly please. You can report it to us via the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on freephone 0808 223 1133. If you are a business thinking of selling fireworks then further advice on how to do that safely can be obtained from our website or by calling our business advice line on 01305 225063.

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Bridport News 29 December 1860 District Intelligence The Choir of our parish church will give ‘A Christmas Concert’ in the schoolroom on Thursday evening next, at half past seven o’clock. Presentation - A testimonial consisting of a very elegantly chased silver card case was presented a few days ago to Miss Whitworth, by the parishioners, in acknowledgment of her very great kindness in playing the harmonium in Church. The presentation was made by Captain Hay, RN with an appropriate address in the national schoolroom in the presence of a number of the inhabitants of Chideock. 24 July 1958 On Sunday last a boy whilst playing at the edge of the cliff on Doghhouse Hill near Chideock, overbalanced himself and slipped from the top to the bottom, a distance of at least 150 feet. He sustained no injury whatever as he slipped down the steep incline at a rapid pace, and his feet became embedded in the sand beneath. He is probably the first human being who has made this perilous descent. The cliff is not, of course, perpendicular, but it is an incline oat an angle at least of 75 degrees. 24 December 1864 A lusus naturae. One day last week an ewe belonging to Mr. R. Tucker of this place, gave birth to a lamb with eight legs, two tongues, and two perfect hind parts. The joints of the whole of the legs were perfect. The two extra legs in front proceeded from the top of the shoulders. The lamb did not live long. Had it done so it would have been a small fortune to a clever travelling showman if one could have secured it. 4 March 1865 Mr. Frederick Weld, the new Prime Minister of New Zealand, is a brother of Mr. Charles Weld of Chideock, and a nephew of the late Mr. Weld of Lulworth Castle, the head of one of the most worthy and respectable of the English Roman Catholic bodies, and nearly related to the Petres, Stourtons, Cliffords, Arundells, &c. He is comparatively a very young man, but went out as a settler to New Zealand several years ago. 20 December 1872 For a great many years past two white owls have taken up their quarters in a part of Mr. Jerrard’s house at North Chideock and at the present time they have three young ones, quite fledges, looking very wise and brisk; a similar young family left them about the end of May last. Is this an uncommon occurrence?

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Government Announce Results of their RIS2 Consultation As many villagers are probably aware the Government has now published its Road Investment Strategy 2 (RIS2) which lays out their budget for spending on improvements to Strategic Highways and Trunk Roads throughout the UK for the period 2020 - 2025. CWBG are disappointed to see that this does NOT include any money for upgrading the A35 Strategic Highway which is the road that causes our Village so many problems. CBWG still believes that a discreet Chideock-only relief road (route to be agreed by DfT) remains a viable short term solution and indeed the only way of solving ALL the many traffic related problems associated with the A35 passing through the centre of Chideock including the illegal levels of air pollution at the western end of the village. Therefore CBWG will continue to pursue this course with all relevant bodies. Thank you for your continuing support Chideock Bypass Working Group THANK YOU I want to send my appreciation to Sue, Jane and Frances for so quickly organising a help network. My sincere thanks to all the volunteers and also to local shops for their help. Alison, Bay Tree House

Chideock Village Trust Charity No. 1084576

The Chideock Village Trust has been in existence for nearly 20 years and its objects are:

To preserve for the benefit of the Chideock community whatever is of artistic, architectural, historical or constructional beauty or interest.

To promote the study and general

knowledge of all artistic and scientific subjects with the object of advancing the education of the Chideock community.

The Trustees would welcome applications for grants from students planning to advance their education, especially by way of unfunded expeditions either in this country or overseas, and from groups seeking to enhance village amenities. Applicants, which should be from residents of Chideock Parish for a prospective (not retrospective) project, should be made in writing to the Secretary of the Trustees, Mrs Lisa Tuck, Broadlands, Chideock, DT6 6HX or by email to [email protected].

Jewellery ShopWrixton-Smyth

CreationsNow at

SYMONDSBURY ESTATEOpen Wednesday - Saturdays 10:30 - 4:30

( and Most Sundays 11- 4 )



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To advertise in this magazine contact the editor 01308 422649

[email protected]