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Chicken Brochure Download

Apr 09, 2018



Andrea Spurio
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  • 8/8/2019 Chicken Brochure Download


  • 8/8/2019 Chicken Brochure Download


    Welcome to Omlets wonderful world!

    If you have been thinking about keeping chickens for a while butust n t now w ere to start or you want to treat your oc toa fabulous new home, then youll be delighted with the new rangeo eg u c c en ouses.



    Ona tph



    Om et s C c en De very Area

    We e ver an nsta t e eg u comp ete w torgan ca y e c c ens t roug out a argepart o t e UK. T e map s ows our ocat onand approximate delivery area for an eglu withc c ens. P ease ca or go on ne to c ecwhether your address falls within the area.

    I you ve w t n t e c c en e very areayou can c oose rom 2 e g t u ree s oc c en. T e magn cent G ngernut Rangeran t e c c M ss Pepperpot are ot exce entegg ayers an r en y pets. You can nout much more about them on the oppositepage.

    Delivery area forOmlet chickens

    Omlet recomendedchicken breeders

    Choosing your chickens...

    Introducing the family

    I pre er to use eggs t at I now ave een pro ucey appy c c ens

    eta - Brac ey

    For anyone consi ering eepingc ic ens, I wou not esitate torecommen t e service provi e

    y t e mem ers o t e Omet team.ey are extreme y now e gea e

    an a ways appy to a ress anypro ems or queries t eir customersmig t ave. T e egu provi es anatttractive y mo ern, sa e an easiyc eane ome or your c ic ens anit wi appiy t into any gar ensc eme.

    Page 2

    The Eglu is the worlds best selling chicken house. Recognisedor ts awar w nn ng es gn, t ousan s o owners an t e r

    c c ens en oy us ng t e r eg u every ay. It s a comp etepac age t at s ea or t e rst t me c c en eeper n t etown or country gar en. Su ta e or up to 4 c c ens, see page4 or more n ormat on.

    T e New Eg u Cu e s a revo ut onary c c en ouse oreep ng up to 10 c c ens. It s ase on t e same nnovat ve

    technology as the original eglu and makes keeping a largernum er o c c ens pract ca , un an rewar ng. Easy tomove, clean and maintain it is an ideal home for an established

    or grow ng oc . See page 6 or more n ormat on.

    Om et Recommen e C c en Bree ers

    I you a rea y ave c c ens or ve outs eour c c en e very area t e eg u w edelivered directly to your home using oure c ent nat ona cour er serv ce.

    To ma e c oos ng your own c c ens easy we

    provide you with a comprehensive list of youroca ree ers an a gu e on uy ng c c ensw t t ps, quest ons to as an escr pt ons ot e most popu ar ree s ava a e.

    Easy to c ean Tw n wa e nsu at on Easy to move Long ast ng

    Secure Low ma ntenance Ava a e n 6 great co ours Loo s grea n your gar en

    Eg us - T e Essent a Facts

    No Foxes Allowed is the eglus proven defence system againstpre ators. T e run s ma e o ura e 3mm stee we mes -impossible for vermin to break. A unique anti-tunnel skirt sitsat on t e groun an prevents an ma s rom gg ng un er t e

    run. Over 20,000 chickens rely on the eglus No Foxes Allowede ence system to eep t em sa e at n g t.

  • 8/8/2019 Chicken Brochure Download



    Miss Pepperpot:Beautiful iridescent beetle blackfeathers characterise this hen.She has been bred from the

    Rhode Island Red and the Maran

    to create a lively hen capable oflaying 5-6 eggs a week.

    Gingernut Ranger:Dark russet red with accentedblack tail feathers, this is a perkychicken. She lays 5-6 large tastyeggs a week and has an inquistive

    nature. She will never be far awayif you are out in the garden.

    Chickens - The Essential Facts

    You on t nee a coc ere : Fema e c c ens ay ust asmany eggs w t out a coc ere an on y coc ere s crow n

    e morn ng.

    Number of Eggs: The number of eggs a chicken laysvar es rom ree to ree , ut M ss Pepperpot an t eG ngernut Ranger w ay on average 6 eggs per weeeac .

    Other animals: A lot of people who keep chickens have acat or og an c c ens get on ne w t ot . I n ou t,e caut ous an ntro uce your ot er pets to your c c ens

    gradually. Having dogs can help to deter foxes.

    Economics: It only costs 3p a day to feed a chicken andover a year you cou save as muc as 120 on eggs w two c c ens.

    L espan: C c ens ve or aroun 4 to 5 years.

    Num er o c c ens: I you are eep ng c c ens or t erst t me, we recommen you start w t etween 2 an

    4 chickens.

    W I e a e to p c up my c c ens? Yes, t e moreme you spen w t your c c ens t e tamer t ey wecome.

    Can c c ens y? It s extreme y un e y you w see aoc o c c ens y ng over ea ! Bree s e t e G ngernutanger an M ss Pepperpot are essent a y groun we ng

    an on t o more t an arge ops.

    C c ens Are Eggce ent - Fr en y, un an rewar ng to eep,c c ens are a great a t on to your gar en. T ey can prov edelicious, fresh eggs all year round, make use of kitchen leftoversan are a natura way o contro ng gar en pests suc as s ugs.They become very tame, respond to names (and treats such asgrapes! , get on we w t ot er an ma s an ma e exce ent petsfor children.

    C c ens are ar y out- oor an ma s w t an average espan ove years. Essenta y groun we ng, t ey are una e to y g

    or over ong stances. In act t ey w rema n n your gar enprov ng t as a ence approx mate y 1.5m 5 t g .

    Fresh Eggs Every Morning - With their charming charactersOm et s spec a y c osen c c ens, t e G ngernut Ranger an M ssPepperpot will give you hours of pleasure. They are particularlywe -su te to omest c gar ens ecause o t e r oc e nature anexcellent egg laying. Organically fed, they will lay their first egg in6 wee s or ess! We on y supp y ema e c c ens w c , un ecoc ere s, on t crow.

    Keep ng C c ens In A Gar en T ey ta e a out a wee tosett e n to t e r new surroun ngs an can t en e et out to

    exp ore t e gar en. C c ens a ways come ome to roost at us .When they have taken themselves to bed, you simply close theeg u oor e n t em. I you ave a sma gar en or wou eto keep the eglu in one place, then you can keep your chickens onan area covere n woo c pp ngs.

    Go ng Away For T e Wee en ? - You can app y eave yourc c ens n t e eg u an run y s mp y topp ng up t e ee anwater conta ners e ore you go. For onger rea s, a r en orre at ve w usua y e more t an appy to oo a ter your c c ensn return or t e antast c eggs.

    T e serv ce an support t at Om et prov es you as eenes gne w t t e same care an attent on to eta as t e eg u.

    Our guide, which you receive with the eglu, describes all you needto now a out eep ng your c c ens appy an ea t y. T eOmlet website is a great way to find out even more; you can

    scover t e asc nat ng story o c c ens, try one o our tastyrec pes an even ma e your c c en a star y sen ng us a p otoor t e ga ery!

    W et er Om et are supp y ng you w t c c ens or you are n ngt em yourse , we are a ways appy to a v se you on t e mostsu ta e ens or your requ rements.

    When you buy from Omlet you can have complete confidence thatyou are uy ng a ome t at as een per ect y ta ore to t eneeds of you and your pet. With helpful support always on handyou w soon ee e an expert. Keep ng c c ens or p easure nyour gar en as never een eas er.

    T e eg u s t e on y way or us to eep ens

    or severa years we ave oug t on yorganic eggs, ut Henny an Pennypro uce eggs t at are muc tastier, anwe now ave oo -yar s rat er t an oo -mies to our cre it. T e eg u is t e on yway or us to eep ens. It oesn t ta eup too muc space an is easy to eepc ean. Even t e cat gets on we wit myc ic ens!

    eg an Bar ara - Bo icote

    Help is always at hand

    Page 3

    Yolks the colour of the setting sun...

  • 8/8/2019 Chicken Brochure Download


    Let your chickens out in themorning and shut them away at

    night using the front door.

    Any droppings done in the egluare collected on the dropping trayand are great for your compost.

    Collecting your eggs everymorning is such a thrill.

    You can position the eglu on a layerof bark chippings. Inside, chickenshave a nesting box and roosting

    bars for perching at night.

    The eglus unique anti-tunnel skirtstops foxes digging and protects

    your chickens.

    The specially designed food andwater containers can be accessedor refilling through the run door.

    An eglu will fit into gardens of all shapes and sizes. s a guide 6m(20ft)by 8m(30ft) is plenty of space to move your eglu around in

    Des gne Fochicken houseeeper. Mo ern, sty s an ava a e n a range o res an

    v rant co ours, t s t e ea way to eep etween 2-4 c c ensw et er you ve n a town or t e countrys e.

    A Comp ete Pac age - T e eg u comes w t everyt ng you neeto get starte . T e eg u as woo en roost ng ars an a screetnest ng ox w c can e e w t straw or s re e paper. T eres y a eggs can e co ecte us ng t e an y eggport on t e

    side of the house. Letting your chickens out in the morning ands utt ng t em away at n g t s neat y one us ng t e an e onthe top of the eglu.

    Low Ma ntenance - T e eg u s qu c an easy to c ean w ta s e out tray t at neaty co ects a t e ropp ngs. You cana t ese to your composter to ma e won er u ert zer or yourp ants. T e can e remove to g ve access or a comp ete c ean.T e eg u s smoot p ast c sur aces can e was e w t a ose nodifficult corners or absorbent materials. Unlike wooden housing,you o not nee to treat your eg u - sav ng you t me an money.

    We Insu ate - T e eg u as tw n wa e nsu at on an raug tfree ventilation keeping your chickens warm in winter and cool insummer. T e run as a arge s a e t at s e ters your c c ensrom t e w n , sun an ra n.

    No Foxes A owe - T e run s ma e rom strong stee wemesh impossible for predators to break. A unique anti-tunnels rt s ts at on t e groun an prevents an ma s rom gg ng n.T e run as spac ous vert ca s es an g ves your c c ens p entyo room. You can exten t e run n 1m sect ons you w s .T e eg u can e pos t one on grass or any ot er sur ace sucas woo c pp ngs or roug groun w ere t e c c ens canrummage.

    Spec a y Des gne Fee er An Dr n ers - T e eg u comes

    complete with unique food and water containers which are easyto , eep t e ee c ean, ry an re uce sp age. T ese oenough food and water for 10 chickens for 2 days, so you cancon ent y eave t em or a wee en .

    Page 4

    T e eg u s t e est coopn t e wor !

    We waite wit suc excitement or t eegus arriva & g ee u y set it out or t eens. ey too to t r g t away soon

    one o t e c ic ens was aying eauti urown eggs. I t in t ey ee very sa e ansecure in t ere. We certainy i e it an areso g a we got one. I never wou aveguesse t at c ic ens wou ma e sucun an entertaining pets.

    x4 x24/wk

    o n Ha i ay

  • 8/8/2019 Chicken Brochure Download


  • 8/8/2019 Chicken Brochure Download


    Let your chickens out in themorning and shut them away atnight using the sliding front door.

    All the droppings done at nightare collected on the dropping tray.They are great for your compost.

    Collect your eggs every morninghrough the conveniently located


    Chickens have a nesting box androosting bars for perching at


    Moving the eglu cube is madeeasy using two foot operated


    The automatic food and watercontainers hold enough for a


    An eglu cube will fit into gardens of all shapes and sizes.

    Page 6

    ox w ceggs can

    n port n

    No Foxes A owe - T e run s ma e rom strong stee wemes mposs e or pre ators to rea . A un que ant -tunneskirt sits flat on the ground and prevents animals from digging in.T e spac ous run g ves your c c ens p enty o room an t e argeshade shelters your chickens from the sun and rain.

    Easy To Move - You can move t e eg u cu e on your owne ort ess y aroun your gar en us ng t e spec a puncture-proow ee s an easy to operate w ee mec an sm.

    Extra Large Fee er An Automat c Dr n er - T e eg u cu ecomes with a special drinker that can be connected to a garden hose

    to eep t e water cont nua y toppe up. T e purpose es gnefeeder is easy to fill, keeps the feed dry and reduces spillage.Bot conta ners o enoug oo an water or 10 c c ens or 2days, so you can confidently leave them for a weekend.


    T e R10 c

    revo uarger

    F ex e Des gn - T e eg u cu e comes n t ree erentcom nat ons. It can e use as a stan a one ouse n an ex st ngrun. Or with the standard 2m run which can then be extended in1m engt s or eep ng up to 10 c c ens n com ort an sa ety.

    Low Ma ntenance - T e c c ens ave a arge s eep ng area w twoo en roost ng ars. A t e ropp ngs a t roug t e s atsonto t e s e out ropp ng trays, w c ma es g t wor o t ewee y c ean. For a t oroug c ean t e an ac pane cane remove to g ve u access. T e smoot p ast c sur aces can

    t en e was e w t a ose an t ere are no aw war cornersor absorbent materials which attract red mite. Unlike wooden

    ous ng, you o not nee to treat your eg u - sav ng you t me anmoney.

    Well Insulated - The eglu cube has twin walled insulation andraug t ree vent at on eep ngs your c c ens warm n w nter

    an coo n summer.

  • 8/8/2019 Chicken Brochure Download


    Dimensions of an eglu cube and 3m run






    Do you still take a bottle of wine todinner parties? Eggs from your own

    hens presented in these boxes make alovely gift.

    Omlet feed and water containers matchyour eglu and have been speciallydesigned to attach to the run so thatthey keep food and water off theground.

    The stylish dark green all weathershade can be easily positioned on therun to provide shelter for chickens withperfect plumages!

    A comprehensive guide describingall you need to know about the art of

    keeping chickens.

    Free extras worth over 60 with your eglu cube and run

    Ordering your eglu cube


    We are so confident that you willlove keeping chickens with the eglu,that Omlet offer you a 30 day moneyback guarantee if you are not entirely

    satisfied with your eglu and chickens.



    Chicken delivery - If you live within ourvan delivery area then you might want toadd some chickens and feed to your order.You can order a maximum of 10 chickensat a time. See page 2 for details.

    10 ea.10

    eglu cube + standard2m run + 1m extension

    eglu cube +standard 2m run

    eglu cube(without run)

    Comes complete with:Eglu cubeAutomatic feeder & drinker10 egg boxesChicken guide

    30 day money back guarantee

    Comes complete with:Eglu cubeSecure 2m runAutomatic feeder & drinker10 egg boxesShadeChicken guide

    30 day money back guarantee

    Comes complete with:Eglu cubeSecure 3m runAutomatic feeder & drinker10 egg boxesShadeChicken guide

    30 day money back guarantee




    200cm (eglu cube with 2m run)




    Organic Chicken FoodContains everythingto keep your chickenshealthy and laying.

    Miss Pepperpot Gingernut Ranger

    You can choose from 6 fantastic colours

    A lifetimes supply of eggs with everychicken! A chicken can lay 6 eggs aweek, thats over 300 eggs a year.

    Call0845 450 2056or order online

  • 8/8/2019 Chicken Brochure Download


    The Omlet Club

    As an eglu owner you will have access to the Omlet Club ont e Om et we s te. T e c u nc u es severa areas ncu nga orum, a ga ery an a rary o Om et News etters. It s auge y en oya e an ve y commun ty w ere peop e w t ots o

    exper ence o eep ng c c ens n eg us s are t ps an a v ce w tpeop e eager y expect ng t e r rst egg.

    The gallery pages are filled with pictures of eglus and chickens,t ere s a spec a area e cate to mages o my rst egg anyou can put names to faces in the meet the eglu owners pages.W t we over a t ousan mem ers t ere s never a u momentn t e Om et C u !

    The Omlet Website

    ore a out t e eg u or eep ng c c ens? T enoo no ur er han the Omlet website. Youll find sections on allour pro ucts an s ort v eo c ps o t e eg u n use. A ree sdirectory on the website features over 50 of the most popularan extraor nary var et es rom a over t e wor . You w a son compre ens ve gu es cover ng everyt ng rom a y c c en

    rout nes to seasona care an even a escr pt on o ow an eggs orme .

    See more photos at

    tic resource and a place to make new friends.

    The Omlet Shop

    Join the Omlet Club

    i ts

    et er you re c oosing or yourse or oo ing or a presentr someone wit c ic ens t e Omet s op is sure to ave

    met ing. From c ic en car s an coc ere a arm c oc s toormats an oorstops t e Omet s op as it a .


    u range o use u accessories suc as a exi e, easy toect netting or encing o part o your gar en an screw ings or securing t e eg u to uneven groun .

    u ccessories

    ena e you to create t e per ect egu we ave esigne ange o accessories. You can uy extensions or your run,erent size s a es an extra ee ers an rin ers.

    o s

    you can imagine, c ic ens are a avourite t eme amongt ors. We ave a careu y e ite seection o t e esto s avai a e on oo ing a ter c ic ens, ree gui es anen a oo e cate to coo ng wt eggs.


    m et can supp y you wit a your c ic ens oo requirementse ivere irect to your oor. As we as t e super organicyers pe et t at is t e stape o t eir iet, we a so aveeats suc as organic corn, mea worms an tu s o grit tonsure proper gest on an strong egg s e s.

    ea t

    m et s c ic ens are u y vaccinate or i e an genera yic ens are very ar y ut t ey can, i e any creature,

    ccassiona y ee a it un er t e weat er so we ave a gooe ection o main y natura tonics to e p revive t em.

    itc en an eggcups

    it so many e icious res eggs every ay you e usyt e itc en! We ave a range o a u ous itc en ga getsr turning eggs into amazing ca es, sou es an o course auge co ection o egg cups or you to c oose rom.

    g us or ot er anima s

    you ave a guineapig, ra it or uc on t espair t ey canave an eg u too! Visit or ca us on 084550 2056 an we appiy te you more.

    ot ing

    it a sty is egu an equa y c ic c ic ens you wi want too your est w en youre out in t e gar en. T e Omet s op

    mes to t e rescue wit a range o T-S irts, eeces an evenrons so you a ways oo your est.

    In t e Om et s op you can n everyt ng you nee to eepyour eg u an c c ens n t p top con t on. You can or er morec c en oo , rowse or oo s on c c ens an n unusuatems suc as egg t mers an m n ry ng pans t at ma e per ectg ts or en-t us asts. We a so stoc accessor es or eg us anpro a y t e wor s argest se ect on o egg cups!

    Omet Lt , Tut i Par , War ington, Ban ury, OX17 1RR.Reg#5028498 VAT#837106436

    m et, eg u an o oxes a owe


    are tra emar s o e e tu o .

    To order these items please call0845 450 2056

    r you can order and pay securely online