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Cara membuat Cheese Cake Oreo Bahan Kulit CheeseCake Oreo 400 gram biskuit oreo dan haluskan 4 sendok makan mentega dan lelehkan Bahan Isi CheeseCake Oreo 4 butir telur ayam 150 gram gula pasir 100 gram keju chedar dan parut 100 gram cream cheese 150 ml krim kental 1/2 sendok teh vanila essence 100 gram biskuit oreo dan tumbuk kasar 3 buah oreo, tumbuk kasar untuk taburan Cara Membuat CheeseCake Oreo Campur bubuk oreo dengan mentega cair. Masukkan ke dalam loyang bundar yang telah di alasi dengan alumunium foil, ratakan sambil di tekan agar padat. Panggang dalam oven bersuhu 150 derajat celcius selaman 10 menit, dan sisihkan. Kocok telur, gula, keju chedar, cream cheese, krim kental, dan vanilla essense hingga lembut. Tambahkan oreo yang ditumbuk kasar dan aduk rata. Tuang adonan ke dalam kulit pie, beri taburan biskuti oreo, lalu panggang dalam oven dengan suhu 150 derajat celcius. Jika sudah, angkat dan masukkan ke dalam kulkas selama satu jam.
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Cara membuat Cheese Cake Oreo

Bahan Kulit CheeseCake Oreo400 gram biskuit oreo dan haluskan4 sendok makan mentega dan lelehkanBahan Isi CheeseCake Oreo4 butir telur ayam150 gram gula pasir100 gram keju chedar dan parut100 gram cream cheese150 ml krim kental1/2 sendok teh vanila essence100 gram biskuit oreo dan tumbuk kasar3 buah oreo, tumbuk kasar untuk taburanCara Membuat CheeseCake OreoCampur bubuk oreo dengan mentega cair. Masukkan ke dalam loyang bundar yang telah di alasi dengan alumunium foil, ratakan sambil di tekan agar padat.Panggang dalam oven bersuhu 150 derajat celcius selaman 10 menit, dan sisihkan.Kocok telur, gula, keju chedar, cream cheese, krim kental, dan vanilla essense hingga lembut. Tambahkan oreo yang ditumbuk kasar dan aduk rata.Tuang adonan ke dalam kulit pie, beri taburan biskuti oreo, lalu panggang dalam oven dengan suhu 150 derajat celcius. Jika sudah, angkat dan masukkan ke dalam kulkas selama satu jam.


Oreo Cheesecake:Oreo again! I never have enough of it ^^

I don't have to say much, all of you know me by now, ^^. I start to think that maybe one day I will have 100 recipes with Oreo as an ingredient in my blog, haha.

But I think you won't mind to see a lot of it, right? For me Oreo always be a symbol of comfort and happiness, the reason of this feeling is very simple, the delicious food from our childhood always bring back good memory.I just find one more quotation that catches my heart "People aren't rich because of money but because of their memory" (from Tissa Kiros), ^^ for me all my memory filled with good thing about food and family, and yes, I think I'm amillionaire by now, haha. So, I never wait for anything that will make me feel like a little kid again.This recipe came from one of my favorite book : ..........................., I used many recipes from this book even there are some problem when I make"Fraisier" I still think that this one is not bad at all. Because I believe that even you try so hard, fault can happen, and for us who live our life by reading the recipe (haha), all we have to do is read the recipe more carefully, that all. The only problem for this recipe that I found is the quantity of the Oreo cookies in the original recipe is too little, I don't know the size of the Oreo that sell in Japan, but my Oreo is about 4cm in diameter, anyway if yours is bigger you can reduce the cookies that you will use in the base (or use the same quantity and have a thicker base, that I think it's still delicious, ^^).This cake is very easy to make, and don't require any special equipment. But if you love to bake and make a lot of desserts, I suggest you to buy a bottle of Kirsch, because a bit of this liqueur will make your dessert and can much more delicious.Kirsch is a clear,colorlessfruit brandy traditionally made from double-distillation of morello cherries, and the smell of Kirsch is cherry like.There are a lot of brands to choose from, as always I recommend that you buy the one that you can taste it by it own.I don't have to say much about this cake, the only thing that I will tell you is "It's delicious!!!!!!!"

Oreo Cheesecake

Makes 15cm cake

Base8 ..................................... Oreo cookies30g ................................. Butter (melted)Filling100g ............................... Cream cheese50g ................................. Sour cream60g ................................. Sugar......................................... Lemon juice from half of the lemon3g .................................... Gelatin sheet10ml ............................... Kirsch150ml ............................. Whipping cream4 ...................................... Oreo cookies (take the filling out)Decoration......................................... Whipped cream......................................... Mini Oreo

Take the filling out of the cookies. Crush the cookies with the rolling pin.Pour the melted butter into the cookie crumb, mix to combine, then put all the crumb into the cake pan with removable bottom or cake ring, press evenly. Refrigerate until require.

Bloom the gelatin sheet in cold water for 5 minutes.Discard the water and pour the Kirsch into the gelatin bowl, melt the gelatin by placing the bowl over the hot water (or warm in microwave for 10 seconds, stir until melt).

Beat the cream cheese until soft (you can make the cream cheese soft and smooth by placing the bowl over the warm water). Pour the sour cream in beat to combine, follow by sugar, lemon juice, and gelatin mixture beat to combine.

Whip the cream until soft peaks, spoon 1/3 of the cream into the cream cheese mixture fold to combine, then pour the cream cheese mixture into the whipped cream and fold to combine.

Pour half of the filling into the pan, place the cookies over, then cover with the rest of the filling.Refrigerate until firm (about 12 hours), take out of the pan and decorate with whipped cream and mini Oreo.

Oreo Cheesecake:

Oreo again!I never have enough of it ^^

Junior Brownie Swirl Cheesecake

Recipe taken from Suite 101

For the brownie crust and brownie bites:

8 ounces bittersweet

or semisweet chocolate

1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter

11/2 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon salt

6 extra-large eggs

2 cups sugar

1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract

For the Cheesecake:

three 8-ounce packages

cream cheese (use only full fat),

at room temperature

11/3 cups sugar

3 tablespoons cornstarch

1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract

2 extra-large eggs

2/3 cup heavy or whipping cream, plus 1 tablespoon for brushing

2 ounces bittersweet

or semisweet chocolate

1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

How To Make A Cheesecake:

1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Generously butter the bottom and sides of a 9-inch springform pan and an 8-inch square baking pan. Line the baking pan (but not the springform) with parchment or waxed paper, leaving a 1-inch overhang over the sides. Wrap the outside of the springform with aluminum foil, covering the bottom and extending all the way up the sides.

2. To make the brownies, melt the chocolate (page 23) with the butter and let cool. In a small bowl, combine the flour and salt. In a large bowl, beat the eggs with an electric mixer on high until light yellow and thick, about 3 minutes. With the mixer still running, gradually add the sugar, then the chocolate mixture and vanilla. Reduce the speed to low and blend in the flour mixture just until it disappears.

3. Spread 2 cups of the batter in the springform to make the crust and the rest in the baking pan. Bake just until set around the sides, about 10 minutes for the crust and 25 minutes for the baking pan. (The centers will be slightly soft.) Let cool on a wire rack for 1 hour. Leave the brownie crust in the springform. Lift the brownies out of the square pan onto a plate, using the paper hanging over the sides as handles. Cover both the crust and the square of brownies with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

4. Cut the square of brownies with a serrated knife into 1-inch squares and set aside. Put one package of the cream cheese, 1/3 cup of the sugar, and the cornstarch in a large bowl. Beat with an electric mixer on low until creamy, about 3 minutes, scraping down the bowl several times. Blend in the remaining cream cheese, one package at a time, scraping down the bowl after each one. Increase the mixer speed to medium and beat in the remaining 1 cup sugar, then the vanilla. Blend in the eggs, one at a time, beating well after adding each one. Beat in the 2/3 cup of cream just until completely blended. Dont overmix! Transfer 1 cup of the batter to a small bowl and set aside for the chocolate swirls.

5. Cover the chocolate brownie crust in the pan with small brownie bites (12 to 16), covering as much of the crust as possible. Use only one layer of brownie bites in order to leave plenty of room for the cheesecake batter. (Eat the rest of the brownies!) Gently spoon the white batter over the brownie bites.

6. Now make the chocolate swirls. Melt the chocolate (page 23) and stir into the reserved white batter until completely blended. Using a teaspoon, drop the chocolate batter on top of the white batter, pushing it down slightly as you go. Using a thin, pointed knife, cut through the batter a few times in a swirling figure 8 design, just until chocolate swirls appear.

7. Place the cake in a large shallow pan containing hot water that comes about 1 inch up the sides of the springform. Bake until the edges are light golden brown and the top of the cake has golden and dark chocolate swirls, about 11/4 hours. Remove the cake from the water bath, transfer to a wire rack, and let cool for 2 hours (just walk awaydont move it). Leave the cake in the pan, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until completely cold, at least 4 hours or preferably overnight.

8. To serve, release and remove the sides of the springform, leaving the cake on the bottom of the pan. Place on a cake plate. Brush the remaining 1 tablespoon cream in a 1-inch border around the top edge of the cake (this helps keep the nuts in place). Sprinkle the walnuts over the cream, pressing the nuts down gently, making a 1-inch border around the top outside edge. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Slice with a sharp straight-edge knife, not a serrated one. Cover leftover cake and refrigerate or freeze up to 1 month.

9. Makes one 9-inch cheesecake, about 3 inches high.

Read more at Suite101: Juniors Brownie Swirl Cheesecake Recipe: Juniors Cheesecake Cookbook Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cheesecake |

* 8 ons pahit * Atau semisweet * 1 cangkir (2 batang) mentega tawar * 11/2 cangkir semua tujuan-tepung * 1 sendok teh garam * 6 butir telur ekstra besar * 2 cangkir gula * 1 sendok makan ekstrak vanili murniUntuk Cheesecake: * Tiga paket 8 ons * Krim keju (hanya menggunakan lemak penuh), * Pada suhu kamar * 11/3 cangkir gula * 3 sendok makan tepung jagung * 1 sendok makan ekstrak vanili murni * 2 butir telur ekstra besar * 2/3 cangkir berat atau whipping cream, ditambah 1 sendok makan untuk menyikat * 2 ons pahit * Atau semisweet * 1 cangkir kenari cincang kasar

Panaskan oven sampai 350 F. Murah hati mentega bawah dan pinggir 9-inch springform pan dan kue persegi 8-inci panci. Melapisi loyang (tapi tidak springform) dengan perkamen atau kertas lilin, meninggalkan overhang 1 inci di atas sisi. Bungkus luar springform dengan aluminium foil, meliputi bagian bawah dan memperpanjang sepanjang jalan sampai sisi.# Untuk membuat brownies, lelehkan cokelat (halaman 23) dengan mentega dan biarkan dingin. Dalam mangkuk kecil, campurkan tepung dan garam. Dalam mangkuk besar, mengalahkan telur dengan mixer listrik pada tinggi sampai lampu kuning dan tebal, sekitar 3 menit. Dengan mixer masih berjalan, secara bertahap menambahkan gula, kemudian campuran cokelat dan vanili. Mengurangi kecepatan rendah dan campuran dalam campuran tepung hanya sampai menghilang.

Spread 2 cangkir adonan di springform untuk membuat kerak dan sisanya di loyang. Panggang hanya sampai diatur di sekitar sisi, sekitar 10 menit untuk kerak dan 25 menit untuk loyang. (Pusat-pusat akan sedikit lembut.) Biarkan dingin di rak kawat selama 1 jam. Tinggalkan kerak brownies di springform. Angkat brownies keluar dari loyang persegi ke piring, menggunakan kertas yang menggantung di sisi sebagai pegangan. Mencakup baik kerak dan kuadrat brownies dengan bungkus plastik dan dinginkan semalam. # Potong persegi brownies dengan pisau bergerigi ke dalam kotak 1-inci dan sisihkan. Masukkan satu paket krim keju, 1/3 cangkir gula, dan tepung jagung dalam mangkuk besar. Kocok dengan mixer listrik pada rendah sampai lembut, sekitar 3 menit, menggores bawah mangkuk beberapa kali. Blend dalam krim keju yang tersisa, satu paket pada satu waktu, menggores bawah mangkuk setelah masing-masing. Meningkatkan kecepatan mixer sampai sedang dan mengalahkan di sisa 1 cangkir gula, maka vanili. Haluskan dalam telur, satu per satu, kocok setelah menambahkan masing-masing. Mengalahkan dalam 2/3 cangkir krim hanya sampai benar-benar rata. Jangan overmix! Mentransfer 1 cangkir adonan ke dalam mangkuk kecil dan disisihkan untuk berputar cokelat.

Tutup chocolate brownie kerak di wajan dengan brownie gigitan kecil (12 sampai 16), yang meliputi sebanyak kerak mungkin. Gunakan hanya satu lapisan gigitan brownies untuk meninggalkan banyak ruang untuk adonan cheesecake. (Makan sisa brownies!) Perlahan sendok adonan putih di atas gigitan brownies.# Sekarang membuat pusaran cokelat. Lelehkan cokelat (halaman 23) dan aduk ke dalam adonan putih disediakan sampai benar-benar rata. Menggunakan sendok teh, menjatuhkan adonan cokelat di atas adonan putih, menekannya sedikit ketika Anda pergi. Menggunakan tipis, pisau runcing, memotong melalui adonan beberapa kali dalam berputar "angka 8" desain, hanya sampai berputar cokelat muncul.

Letakkan kue dalam panci dangkal besar berisi air panas yang datang sekitar 1 inci sampai sisi springform. Panggang sampai ujung-ujungnya cahaya keemasan coklat dan bagian atas kue memiliki emas dan gelap berputar cokelat, sekitar 11/4 jam. Lepaskan kue dari air mandi, transfer ke rak kawat, dan biarkan dingin selama 2 jam (hanya berjalan pergi-jangan memindahkannya). Tinggalkan kue dalam panci, tutup longgar dengan bungkus plastik, dan mendinginkan sampai benar-benar dingin, minimal 4 jam atau lebih dalam semalam.# Untuk melayani, lepaskan dan menghapus sisi springform, meninggalkan kue di bagian bawah panci. Tempatkan di piring kue. Sikat sisa 1 sendok makan krim di perbatasan 1-inci di sekitar tepi atas kue (ini membantu menjaga kacang di tempat). Taburkan kenari di atas krim, kacang menekan ke bawah dengan lembut, membuat border 1 inci di sekitar tepi luar atas. Dinginkan sampai siap untuk melayani. Slice dengan pisau lurus-tepi tajam, tidak bergerigi satu. Tutup sisa kue dan mendinginkan atau membekukan sampai dengan 1 bulan.# Membuat satu cheesecake 9-inch, sekitar 3 inci tinggi.

For Slice

1 pack White Wings Hedgehog Slice 520g

1 egg (beaten)

125g ( cup) margarine spread or butter

Biscuit pieces

For Frosting

20mL (1 Tbsp) milk

30g (1 Tbsp) margarine spread or soft butter

40g (2 Tbsp) desiccated coconut

40g (2 Tbsp) slivered almonds and/or 60g ( cup) roughly chopped glace cherries

Preparation time: 15 mins

Cooking time: 30 mins

Serves: 16

All you needFor Slice

1 pack White Wings Hedgehog Slice 520g

1 egg (beaten)

125g ( cup) margarine spread or butter

Biscuit pieces

For Frosting

20mL (1 Tbsp) milk

30g (1 Tbsp) margarine spread or soft butter

40g (2 Tbsp) desiccated coconut

40g (2 Tbsp) slivered almonds and/or 60g ( cup) roughly chopped glace cherries


Preparation time: 15 mins

Cooking time: 30 mins

Serves: 16


Lightly grease a 20 x 20cm square cake pan. Line the base with baking paper, allowing the paper to overhang edge of pan.


Empty the slice mix sachet into a medium size saucepan and add margarine spread or butter. Stir over medium heat with a wooden spoon for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly until mixture is well combined and has started to bubble.


Remove saucepan from the heat, immediately add in a beaten egg and mix well with wooden spoon. Mix will appear lumpy. Empty the sachet of biscuit pieces into saucepan and stir gently until covered. Spread mix into prepared pan and press firmly with the back of a spoon. Place slice in the refrigerator and allow to cool for approximately 30 minutes before preparing the frosting.


Combine frosting sachet, milk, margarine spread or soft butter and desiccated coconut, slivered almonds and chopped glace cherries, mix well. Spread mix into prepared pan and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Spread prepared frosting over cold slice and cut to desired size.

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