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Cheshire West & Chester Falls Prevention Strategy · Cheshire West and Chester Falls Prevention Strategy 03 Every year older people in Cheshire West and Chester fall and injure themselves,

Jul 26, 2020



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Page 1: Cheshire West & Chester Falls Prevention Strategy · Cheshire West and Chester Falls Prevention Strategy 03 Every year older people in Cheshire West and Chester fall and injure themselves,



Falls Prevention StrategyCheshire West & Chester


Page 2: Cheshire West & Chester Falls Prevention Strategy · Cheshire West and Chester Falls Prevention Strategy 03 Every year older people in Cheshire West and Chester fall and injure themselves,

02 Cheshire West and Chester Falls Prevention Strategy


Foreword 3

Introduction 4

Aims and Vision 5

Outcomes 6

Background 6

Areas of action for the next three years 7

How will we know and ensure we are making a difference? 8

References 9

Appendix 1 9

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Cheshire West and Chester Falls Prevention Strategy 03

Every year older people in Cheshire West and Chester fall and injure themselves,sometimes severely. Often the fall results in the person needing to stay inhospital and can permanently reduce their physical and mental health andwellbeing. Sometimes these falls could have been prevented, or therepercussions of the fall reduced with timely intervention.


In addition to the personal consequences offalling, treating people who have fallen can bevery expensive for the local health and socialcare community.

This dual importance of falls prevention has beenrecognised by both the Council and ClinicalCommissioning Groups, who, jointly with PublicHealth colleagues, have prioritised reducing thenumber of falls and associated hospitaladmissions in older people within Cheshire Westand Chester.

People aged 65 and older have the highest risk offalling. For the purpose of this strategy olderpeople are therefore defined as aged 65 and over.

The strategy also applies to adults identified to beat a higher risk of falling.

Key stakeholders make up the membership of theFalls Prevention Group, and we are committed toensuring that all older people who live inCheshire West and Chester have access to highquality falls prevention services, irrespective oftheir condition or where they live.

This high-level falls prevention strategy thereforeoutlines the system wide approach to fallsprevention that will be taken within CheshireWest and Chester over the next three years.


Councillor Samantha DixonLeader of the Council, Chair of

the Health and Wellbeing Board

Dr Chris RitchiesonChair of NHS West Cheshire CCG, DeputyChair of the Health and Wellbeing Board

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Reducing the incidence of and injuries sustainedfrom falls in the borough, has been identified as akey priority by Cheshire West and Chester’s Healthand Wellbeing Board. Within Cheshire West andChester’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2015-2020, the key strategic priorities for falls preventionare to:

• Reduce injury rates from falls, amongst olderpeople

• Reduce the number of hip fractures, amongstolder people

In response to this, the Health and Wellbeing Boardhas set a target of a 3% reduction in injuries due tofalls in people aged 65 and over for 16/17.

Falls and fractures amongst older people, (themajority of which are as a result of a fall), aresignificant public health issues. Falls are costly tothe individual, the NHS and the social care system.The human cost of falling includes distress, pain,injury, loss of confidence, loss of independence andeven death.

Although everyone is at risk of a fall, people overthe age of 65 have the highest risk of falling. Losingconfidence and subsequent loss of independenceare major results of someone having a fall; often,this results in the person being admitted into eitherresidential or nursing care, or becoming isolatedwithin their own home.

A fall is defined as an unintentional loss of balance resulting in coming to rest onthe floor, the ground, or an object below knee level. A fall is distinguished from acollapse that occurs as a result of an acute medical problem such as acutearrhythmia, a transient ischaemic attack or vertigo (NICE Quality Standard 86, 2015).

04 Cheshire West and Chester Falls Prevention Strategy


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The primary aims of this strategy are therefore to:

• Reduce the numbers of serious injuriesthat result from a fall

• Reduce the numbers of falls that affect olderpeople and those at higher risk of falling

• Commission an integrated, evidenced-based, fallsprevention pathway across Cheshire West andChester

• Reduce the fear of falling among older people

This strategy acknowledges the critical role that manyorganisations have to play in this area, reflecting themultifactorial causes of falls and the holistic approachthat is necessary to reduce them.

Older people are central to this strategy. They are in agreat position themselves to contribute to fallsprevention work; for example by having regularmedication reviews, checking their homeenvironment for potential hazards that could result ina fall, arranging regular eye check-ups and by takingregular exercise to improve their strength andbalance. This strategy will therefore ensure that thoseat higher risk of falls and their carers understand howto reduce the risk of falling.


This vision provides the borough-wide direction forcommissioning, service planning and delivery andwill be implemented by the Cheshire West andChester Falls Prevention Group. This Group consistsof representatives from all relevant stakeholders –see Appendix 1. The Falls Prevention Group willreport progress to Cheshire West and Chester’sHealth and Wellbeing Board regarding the effectivedelivery of the strategy in the coming three years.

This strategy reinforces the need to continue tostrengthen partnerships to ensure a whole systemapproach. It is underpinned by the same keyprinciples and approaches to improving health andwellbeing as outlined in Cheshire West andChester’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2015-2020. For example, the organisations implementingthe strategy will take account of the considerablevariations in general health and wellbeing betweenthe most affluent and most deprived parts of theborough. Furthermore, it builds on the information

contained in Cheshire West and Chester’s JointStrategic Needs Assessment and uses analysis fromthe Public Health Profile for Cheshire West andChester.

The strategy supports the work of other local keypartnership documents including Cheshire West andChester’s Outcome Plans; NHS West CheshireClinical Commissioning Group’s The West CheshireWay and NHS Vale Royal Clinical CommissioningGroup’s Connecting Care.

The strategy applies to all people aged 65 and overwithin Cheshire West and Chester and those adultsidentified to be at a higher risk of falling regardlessof:

• Where they reside (e.g. private home, residentialcare home, hospice or acute hospital)

• The person’s health or wellbeing condition


Working together to reduce falls and promote independence

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06 Cheshire West and Chester Falls Prevention Strategy

The intended outcomes of this strategy are to reduce injury rates from falls in the over 65’s and adults identified to beat a higher risk of falling in Cheshire West and Chester by:

• Identifying those likely to have a fall

• Helping those likely to fall to prevent falls

• Working effectively with people who have fallen to help reduce the likelihood that they will fall again


BackgroundNational position

Falls and fall-related injuries are a common and seriousproblem for older people, particularly those who haveunderlying conditions:

• Falls are a major cause of disability and the leadingcause of death resulting from injury in people aged 75and older in the UK

• People aged 65 and older have the highest risk offalling. Around 30% of adults over the age of 65 andliving at home will experience at least one fall a year -this is approximately 2.5 million people in England.This rises to 50% of adults aged over 80, who areeither at home, or in residential care

• Every year, approximately 5% of older people living inthe community who fall experience a fracture, orrequire hospitalisation

• In 2010, falls and fractures in people aged 65 andover accounted for over 4 million hospital bed dayseach year in England

Local position

In 2014/15, in Cheshire West and Chester, there were1,564 hospital admissions for people aged 65 and over,with an injury related to a fall. This figure is significantlyhigher than the average admission rate for England.

Two thirds (68%) of all admissions were in people agedover 80. Falls in the over 80’s were more likely to result

in a fractured neck of femur, accounting for over aquarter (26%) of falls in this age group, compared to21% in those aged 65-79.


The human cost of falling includes distress, pain, injury,loss of confidence, loss of independence, socialisolation and even death. Falling also affects thefamily members and carers of people who fall.

Falls are estimated to cost the NHS more than £2.3billion per year. This cost is likely to beproportionately similar for Local Authorities, eitherthrough an increased demand on both short and longterm social care, or through commissioning ThirdSector services to provide care for the older personwho has fallen and their carers.

In 2014/15, there were 378 hospital admissions for hipfractures in people aged 65 and over in Cheshire Westand Chester equating to hospital costs of £2,171,232,or £5,744 per patient. If all admissions were conveyedto hospital by ambulance; the cost would be a further£86,940, or £230 per call-out.


We recognise that there are a number of initiatives andgroups that currently take place within ourcommunities and other settings that support olderpeople to remain both physically and socially activeand thereby reduce the risk of falling. This strategy willtherefore seek to build on such assets and ensure thatthey form a central part of a falls prevention pathway.

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1. Involving the public in the implementation ofthe strategy, for example:

a) Through the formal involvement ofHealthwatch on the Falls Prevention Group

b) Through the formal involvement of a serviceuser representative on the Falls PreventionGroup

c) By all falls prevention services routinelyobtaining the views of the people who haveused them about their experiences and learningfrom their feedback

d) Through regular engagement with older people;for example, the Older People’s Network

2. Look to ensure value for money is obtainedacross services. For example by:

a) Reviewing current investment in falls preventionin terms of impact and effectiveness againstNational Institute for Health and CareExcellence (NICE) Guidance and QualityStandards

b) Investing money in prevention and earlyintervention that will save money across healthand social care systems in the longer term

c) Establishing an Operational Leads meeting tostrengthen partnership working and enhancebest practice

3. Commissioning and developing borough-wide appropriate, evidenced based serviceswhich are both individually and collectivelysuccessful in reducing the likelihood of atrisk people falling and injuring themselves.For example, ensure everyone at risk offalling and injuring themselves is able to:

a) Receive a formal risk assessment from anappropriately qualified professional

b) Be able to access falls specific exercise classesthat can improve their posture, balance andmuscle strength

c) Be provided with a home environment check toreduce the likelihood of them falling and toensure they have any equipment or assistivetechnologies they may need

4. The Falls Prevention Group will:

a) Continue to develop opportunities to workcollaboratively, to ensure that all available dataand evidence-based practice is used to informfuture falls prevention commissioning across thewhole of Cheshire West and Chester

b) Ensure people know how to access the servicesthey need and that it is easy for them to do so byundertaking a pathway review of current fallsprevention services. The review will identify anygaps in provision and better understand howpeople access and navigate current services. Thiswill ensure that everyone receives the servicesthey need in a timely manner

c) Develop a Communication Plan to improvepublic awareness of the importance of fallsprevention to their general health and well-being

d) Ensure that service users and their families andcarers are integral to the delivery of thisstrategy

e) Engage with Cheshire West and Chester'sCouncil Highways Department to explorepotential areas for joint action

f) Establish agreed, clear lines of accountability formonitoring the delivery of the strategy

5. Utlise the experience and expertise of theThird Sector by:

a) Incorporating evidence-based research and bestpractice from national and local Third Sectororganisations into Cheshire West and Chester’sdetailed service development considerations

b) Using Third Sector networks and links tomaximise the involvement of service users andcarers

Areas of action for the next three yearsWe believe that service users and those with lived experience of falls are integral to the developmentand delivery of the Strategy. In order to deliver the strategic priorities for falls prevention in CheshireWest and Chester the following broad actions will be delivered:

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6. All professionals will be pro- active inidentifying people at risk of falls.For example GPs and other relevantprofessionals will:

a) Use their records to identify people at thehighest risk of falling and refer them toappropriate services so that they can be offeredperson-centred falls prevention advice andsupport

b) Ensure people receive regular reviews of theirmedications to help limit the likelihood of a fall

c) Ensure people with weak or fragile bones areoffered treatment in line with nationalguidelines to help limit the likelihood of seriousinjury to people should they fall

7. Ensure local authority, health and third partycolleagues take account of the importance offalls prevention within their strategic plans. Forexample to ensure:

a) All relevant community services are appropriatelyincluded in the care and support of people who haveinjured themselves as the result of a fall, when theyare discharged from hospital

b) Housing design and lighting facilities are appropriatefor people with reduced mobility or vision

c) Housing adaptations are completed as quickly aspossible

d) Home safety checks are undertaken and subsequentrecommendations are delivered

8. Ensure all health and social care professionalshave access to appropriate basic yet high qualitytraining and education regarding effective fallsprevention approaches.

08 Cheshire West and Chester Falls Prevention Strategy

This strategy will be implemented through the FallsPrevention Group who will agree clear lines ofaccountability for monitoring and delivering theStrategy.. An action plan will support the detaileddelivery of this strategy over the 2017 to 2020timeframe. The action plan will list all the actionsrequired to actively improve falls prevention in CheshireWest and Chester and ensure this improvement willcontinue sustainably.

For each area of focus, achievable objectives andtargets will be set with appropriate timescales and clearorganisational accountability. Progress against theseobjectives and targets will be continuously reviewedand updated by the Falls Prevention Group. This processwill ensure that falls prevention continues to reflect anddevelop in line with public and stakeholder needs andwishes and reported back to the Health and WellbeingBoard.

All this work will collectively contribute to CheshireWest and Chester’s improved performance against thefollowing national indicators contained with the PublicHealth Outcomes Framework.

How will we know and ensure we are making a difference?

Public Health Outcomes Framework

2.24 Emergency hospital admissions for injuries dueto falls in people aged 65 and over

2.24 Emergency hospital admissions for injuries dueto falls in people aged 65 and over – aged 80+

4.14 Emergency hospital admissions for fracturedneck of femur in people aged 65 and over

4.14 Emergency hospital admissions for fracturedneck of femur in people aged 65 and over –aged 80+

A number of sub-outcomes will also be used formonitoring performance, for example:

• A reduction in the number of other fractures as aresult of a fall

• The reduction in the number of inpatient falls

• The reduction in the number of falls-related deaths

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Terms of Reference and membership of the Falls Prevention Group

Objectives1. To draft, agree and have authorised a whole

system, cross organisational Falls PreventionStrategy in Cheshire West and Chester by:

a) Identifying and collectively agreeing upon gaps /areas of improvement in current service delivery, asmatched against nationally recognised, evidenced-based practice

b) Formally recording the action(s) needed collectivelyand by each individual organisation/ area to makeappropriate improvements

c) Obtaining the public’s view upon the strategicintentions towards falls prevention

d) Obtaining the Cheshire West and Chester’s Healthand Wellbeing Board’s approval for the FallsPrevention Strategy

2. To implement the strategy over the 2017 – 2020planning horizon by:

a) Producing a collectively agreed prioritised actionplan for a whole system improvement in fallsprevention across Cheshire West and Chester

b) Assigning individual actions to individual leads andcollectively ensure that these actions are deliveredin accordance with the action plan

c) Monitoring Cheshire West and Chester’s populationlevel performance against key indicators thatdemonstrate effective falls prevention

d) Making necessary adjustments to the strategy andaction plan, based upon population levelperformance over the 2017– 2020 timeframe

Outcomes• To reduce injury rates from falls in the over 65’s

and those adults identified to be at a higher risk offalling in Cheshire West and Chester by:

• Identifying those likely to have a fall

• Helping those likely to fall to prevent falls

• Working effectively with people who have fallen tohelp reduce the likelihood that they will fall again

Appendix 1

AimTo exercise collective, cross organisational ownership of effective falls prevention within Cheshire West and Chester.

Cheshire West and Chester Falls Prevention Strategy 09

1. Cheshire West and Chester Council Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2015-2020

2. Cheshire West and Chester Joint Strategic Needs Assessment


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10 Cheshire West and Chester Falls Prevention Strategy

MembershipThe Falls Prevention Group is chaired by aConsultant in Public Health and has representativesfrom the following organisations and groups:

Age UK Cheshire

Brio Leisure

British Red Cross

Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service

Chester Voluntary Action

Cheshire West and Chester Public Health Team

Cheshire West and Chester Strategic Commissioning

Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Countess of Chester NHS Foundation Trust

Healthbox CIC

Healthwatch Cheshire West

NHS West Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group

NHS Vale Royal Clinical Commissioning Group

North West Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Older People's Network

Plus Dane Housing

GovernanceThe Group is accountable directly to the Cheshire West and Chester’s Health and Wellbeing Board.

Frequency of meetingThe group will meet on a monthly basis and the frequency of meetings will be reviewed annually.

ReviewThese Terms of Reference will be reviewed and revised as necessary on an annual basis.

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