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k i i SV LVWRT M - Bl 4 MSWt K 5 n- - V fftfjjg VOL XI Mr SovereJc213 Letter Sulphur Springs Ark Feb G 1896 Gek A J VYaknkr Preat American B L Washington D C PsarSir The kind initation from yourself Hon H U Miller Hon R C Cham ¬ bers and Hon J M Devine to attend the conference at Washington Jan 22 Kas duly received but other press ing engagements prevented my attend nce t the meeting However I am pleased to intorm you that the resolu ¬ tions adopted meet my most hearty ftpproral and as a member of the peo- ples ¬ party will do everything in my power to harmonize the forces for Tlctory thia year The exigency of the timeB demand and the working people require that every member of every feform element in this country make overy possible effort to unite the sev- eral ¬ dlviBioui into one grand party and with one national ticket for all jQBKen concerted campaign against the goldpower and the National Banks I entertain strong convictious on other great national questions but 1 ean wait longer for them to raattiial Ue iuto campaign issues than our poor destitute working people can wait for bread and shelter I am will tag to make the test and measure words with the organized plutocracy with the money question for the issue If we cannot win on that issue this year and secure a lasting victory for the common people then there is no reform question now in the arena of public discussion on which a victory csn he won during the next hundred years The perfidy of the gold power the greed of the bond grabbers and the crimes of the administration with the consequent suffering ot the people tare brought the money questiou near- er ¬ the hearts of the industrial masses than has beenany other question since the Civil War With the avowed purpose of pauper 42ingour people ana destroying free government in this country the qluto eratlc classes have combined the gold haronaand the national banks of two continents to Oght the battles of im ¬ perialism In America They have in ¬ creased our bonded debt under the pre teitof maintaining a gold reserve and that in suck a way that at the maturi- ty ¬ of the bonds it will cost the Amen ean people more than five hundred Millions to keep one hundred millions Intact for three years obligated the people to the extent of five dollars to keep one cowardly unpatriitic dollar fn the vaults of the national treasury With such an imfamous record fresh in the minds of the people and the wreck and ruin wrought by the single gold standard everywhere visible if we oannot unite forces and destroy the last leech of the money power in this country we had better curse the graves of our forefathers aud present an un- conditional ¬ surrender to Cleveland Morgan and the Rothschilds or turn out the lamp in the watch tower and ask God to stop the sun six hours after it has gone down If we fail to unite forces this year we deserve to wear the yoke of bondage for all time to come There are honest sincere reformers in this country who believe that the rapid concentration of wealth in the hands of the few and the ever growing poverty of the masses are portentous of a sweeping victory for the people within a very few years and that it is better to wait for a general victory than to unite the elements and give battle to the enemy on a special issue But let it bo remembered that just in proportion as the money power grows In strength the people become weak and dependent With comes degradation lassitude of moral character and laxity of vigilance ard tio one understands this result better than the gold barons They know that if ihey control the money of the nation can absorb and monopo- lize ¬ the industries of the country and degrade the people and that a degrad ¬ ed people will part with the last ves- tige ¬ of liberty for tnval and temporary consideration Slaves can never free themselves and therefore if I had but one thought to utter this side of the grave it would be to warn the com ¬ mon people of very near approach to the point where their own weakness and dependence will bar the possibili ¬ ty of social and political corruption fhpneTer the money power becomes WE DO NOT ASK SYIV1PATHY BUT WE DEMAND JUSTICE - VALENTINE CHEERY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY MARCH 5 1896 tronger than ihe people it will apply its arrogant lash with rentless fury and liberty will be lost until through a reign of terror the oppressors have exhausted their force in the gloom of another night To form a union I will not recede from any declaration contained in the preamble of the Knights of Labor or the Omaha platform Nor is it neces- sary ¬ In this hour of national peril when the hosts of mammon are mar- shalled ¬ agaiast the liberty and pros- perity ¬ of the people it is necessary to centralize around the issues that will concentrate the industrial forces in one united attack on the most vulr-v-abl- e point of the enemys front To my mind the resolutions of the Wash- ington ¬ Conference refered to contem- plate ¬ just that kind of a campaign and should command the approval And Bupftorc of every lover of justice aud good government Respectfully yours J R Sovereign Ossr JLetteav Chicago III Feb 29 1896 The country at large has the satis- fying knowledge that now the alleged fight between Maher and Fitzsimmons being over there will be less disturb- ances ¬ of the atmosphere Besides the moral atmospher will be to some ex- tent ¬ clearer as the necessity for collos sal lies will uot exist to the same ex- tent ¬ as before Fitzsimmons takes his immediate departure for England and Corbett thieatens to follow him This country has the glorious prospect of finally being rid of these tempestu- ous ¬ liars The country can stand it if they can The recent storm of black snow that visited Chicago need not be a cause of fear to the inhabitants as the hand of providence can be as clearly seen in this as in several other act done in the interests of that boodle ridded city It was all done with the intention of The Ben- - Seven years ago Wlltf bad to the unwary the C3 Revere lung trouble vriucn 03 outer face of with tiivciriiii nrnnninnvrf cousnmntum the inner workings of the council This would free him from the possibility of tricked into the belief that the gislatnre of his city were men of spotless character and show bim that when the most wind was being ex- pended ¬ in the council thre was being the most done to blacken the reputa- tion ¬ of that city The sort of inter state exposition in- - prospect at Chicago soon to be started and conducted by the people of that ity and men from the southern status will do much to open up the markets Ihe north to the people of the i outh and Dice verse It would seem that as the war has been over for a great many years old animosities shonld be forgotten and the people of ail iocali ties dwell together in peace and unity In fact as well as name Either region has much that the other needs and must hare but heretofore there has been a sort of gulf between them across which no commercial bridge has as yet been built fcred to will go a The exposition re long way bridging it It is curious to eee what adegrec of importance attaches to this country since the administration and congress took such a decided stand regarding the Monroe doctrine Trior to that time mention was scarcely ever made of this country in connection with the affairs of another country By Jate leports it is seen that various attempts have been made to get the TJ uiteit States to take sides in European con- troversies ¬ regardless of the fact that this country cannot under the teach ings of the very doctrine it ih uphold- ing ¬ have a linger in any pio raaGe on dependence the other side of the water Its chief they the function in this particular is to see that European poweis have no more slices from the pie of the western hemisphere That job will keep this nation busy during all its spare time SCHOOL COLUMN EDITORS toward ClIAKLKS WELLFOIID CnARLES COOK UIGII SCHOOL Stella Bartley was absent one day this week on account of the bad weather A ttendance 98 Allie Cyphers was oe the sick list Thursday Yiula Collblt was absent from school Monday and Tuesday on account of the severe weather GRAMMAR DEPT Attendance good Grammar department hold the 5 banner this week We had an interesting talk on Japan by Prof Anderson He also explain- ed ¬ the Armeian and Cubian questions Several Japanese cureos furnished by Mrs C it Glover were objects of in- terests ¬ The County Superintendent gave us an interesting talk on educational work Weduesday SECOND INTERMEDIATE DEPt Attendance good Prof Anderson will favor us with a miniature volcane Friday gwhich promises to be pupils Nettie and Glen interesting to all the Emma Carlson IToenig carried away the honored for the best map drawing FIRST INTERMEDIATE DEPT Attendance good Pax ton is a new scholar The pupils of the A class did themselves credit in the composition work CONSUMPTION SJ SO IROyOTJisCED vm s V3 Cfeft TT7 li KjH x v saa isaissB v y -- MU k i- - Umt4 tii - g k AffiX LI r E il rSa3r S ij Y J S wv A mil lns 2 7 ij f 5VBKS At Jyiglit 5 I i k mnm k ooo Given Over by ihe OsctorsI LSrE SAVED SY OYERS CHERRY showinff citizen that my a - 1 attack of nature corresponds 02 bMnir li of W3 The cough was extremely distressing Qg espeeiilly at night and was frequently ojj attended with the spitting of hlooii g The doctor being unalile to help her 1 induced her to try Ayers Cherry Pec- - o toril and was surprised at the great 02 relief it gave Before using one whole Q bottle she was cured so that now she is of quite strong and healthy That medieine saved my wifes life I Jmvennt the leist doubt E Moeiub Mem- - o phis Tenn J w Krcelaud Received Highest Award AT THE WORLDS oooooocoooooocoooooooopi ompiexioH Pressed 931 a P Remove3Precc2s Pimpiss Liver IVioSes B3ackhaads Sunburn and Tan and ro- - otores the skin to its origt nal iiesnness pronuoiug p dear and healthy com vlezlon Surcvior to all facs--- - 21 03 DR ai o 02 0 FASR o lif prepnretioiis and purfeetly harnilcvj At all aruggists or mailed for 5 Oeis Send for ciroalar VIOLA CAAfi 80AP Is rimplv JiC5araroM st jnirlfrlas Soap uiic-iial-- a tor tho toilet aiiii uitbont rirl for the liursrrv Ab pare sini tWlsatsljr lurdi C1 At Jrit Prica 25 Ceuls Tiie G C BiTTNSR CO ToJedo O fiEITEIi 3H0E CO Tncp Capital Si OCO003 BEST S150 SHOE IN THE WO1UD A dollar saeetl is a dollar earned ThlsXadlfcs Solid French ton Boot delivered free anywhere in the US on 3 Wmmm WFL wra lytnePnysiGisns Sy- - PECTORAL mum MM tfela DonRolaKJdBufc Money Postal for Equate every tho boots Bold all retail for mako Uiis boot oureolveB therefore tve ffuar antec wear end if any ono is not satletled FMfcZ rK or M nT litTVT Ctrl l urOSX receipt fcif w r BT A BV rXww kct v effsra lPtA S3 ISSSXcSi mx i this A 5SV a b lnttr or Jasn uraor or Note S150 way in store 250 We tie ft stiie and wr trui ii Ruejiei 1 c- - I rotuna tee nioncj 1 another pair Opera or Ccnnnon Sense TvidthB C D E EE cues 1 to 8 and hall izes ScndyoursUe tZTUr gfrfii TTii ii JS V SB 1 iciu nt yot Illustrated wigigw Cstfn logue HSSgfciggBS FREE Dexter Shoe CoTsSSLt FARROWS MILITARY ENCYCLOPEDIA This la tho Standard Military Encyclopedia of tbo world and tho only work of Its bind In tho English language It has the endorsement of the Vnr Department and tho loading military oomiranflers of America nnd Europe It ifc Lsqc4 in tires larsa octavo volnmee of about 1000 pr s tseli rrlntcri ea flno iviper from ne r electitms pUtctu pro f osely illustrated and handborrely bound it la a complete library of military iaforniatloa both for rnUltary and tea military people Kwry library Bhonid have it- - Clrcrilar3 Ent on application Good agents wanted MILITARY AND N AVAL BOOKS All the leading op toate miitvrV find nrai books Price liKfaratehedcaiapjCfiUoa HILITARY NAVAL PUBL1SHIM8 CO 1121 Broadway New York City -- g I - S II la fl a H g Is fcl III I tratart tfk a a a r t a v iU Mor than half the victims of ccnsimp Hon do not know they have it Here is a list of symptoms by which consumption can certainly be detected Cougb one or two slight efforts on risinwoccurrin during the day and fre- quently ¬ during the night Short breathing after exertion Tightness of the chest Qrick puis especially noticeable in the evening and after a full meal Chilliiwx in the evening followed bv Slight f ever Perspiiation toward morning and Tale face and languid in the morning Ioss of vitality a Jf you have these symptoms or any of them do not delay Tnere are many preparations which claim to be cures but Df limits GnAih nBcJyfor Consumption has the highest endorsements and lias stood the test of years It will arrest con- sumption ¬ in its earlier stages and drive away the symptoms named It is manu ¬ factured by the Acker Medicine Co 16 and tS Chambers St New York and sold by all reputable druggists 1 W 5 2 a -- i R ea B rjv 5rt1 9X all gold zz far as you can see They look like solid cases wear like solid cases and a solid cases for all practical purposes yet only cost about half as much as an out-and-- solid gold case Warranted to wear for 20 years many iu constant use for thirty years Better than ever since they ere no fitted at no extra cost with the great bow riijff which carnet be iulUd or twisted m off the case tfcs ll Can only be had on the casss stamped with this mark All others have the old style pull out bow which is only to the case by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers Sold only through watch dealers Send for a watcli case opener to tiio manufacturers KeystoneWatch Cass Co9 PHILADELPHIA ci S SJ Kca SA trade held PER iO lm You a wsa Locality aiade easily and honorably without capi- tal ¬ during your spare hours Any man woman boy or girl cm do the work hand ¬ ily without experience Talking un ¬ necessary Kofhlng lika it for money making ever offered before Our wo kers always prosper No tlroo wasted in Icarninc the btir inesa Vrc teach you in a night how to succeed from the first hour Yon can mate a trial without ex ¬ pense to yourself Wo start you furnish everything needed to carry on the busi- ness ¬ successfully and guarantee you against failure if you but follow oar simple plain instructions Reader if you are in need of ready money and want to know all about the best paying business before the public Rend us you- address and Ave will mail vou a docu- - I ment giving you all the particulars T8yg C005 Box 400 Augusta Ea3ne ffi iSA r5i pij js3 fti A aavni bin w 1 hi iiiMiuirta CAS I COPYRIGHTS OBTATN A PATENT For a prompt answer and un honest opinion write to OIUNN fc CO who liavo had nearly fifty years eipcrienee in the patent buslnesa Comr- - lnica tions strictly confldential Alladlmp of In- formation ¬ conconiinR Patents and hor to ob- tain ¬ them sent free Also a catalogue of mechan ¬ ical and scientific books sent fiee Patents taken- - thronfih Munn Co receive special notice In tho Scientific Amorirnn and thus are brought widely before the public with ¬ out coHt to the inventor This splendid paper issued woelcly elecant ly illustrated has by far the larpest circulation of any scientific work in tho world S3 a year Snniple copies sent free Building Edition monthly 250 a year 8mjrte copies 2o cents Every number contains beau ¬ tiful plates in colors and nhotopraphs of new houses with plans enabling builders to show the latest design and sennro contract Addrers 2IUHN CO K EW YOHK SGI iiQATrJAT TSotxco to SToH nKittcnt SefJrtaut Georse Lans will tikc roticr that on thu 3Hh day of January i5QfJohu Duisn Justice oi the iv of Cherry ofwiuty Ncbiujka issued an order of attacliinent ftr the sum of 3Jt 10 in an action pending before 1ih wiirin E IS Thorn ib plaiutuT and 5eorRj Lanis ckftdrt that the rights vu orithts of th iid oorpe Lanpj in tin hands of Jaim s O Vinccr Iivh been at taciied and rnruibhi under ss d o dor Bald c u wa coutinuud to luu 2oil -- y t March 1S0 3 at 10 oclock a in i K TilOKX r riaintiC U S Land Oftlc Brolscn JJow Nch 1 hciimiryvaUs 1530 f o vlniiit JinvtiM hepu cntrrwl u this office Gonpl iiri having been erturcd at thi- - ofdc by Hiram U Lnwr aKauil Chaiics Rieu for aonn lnte hi Iomisiiad Kntry N0RR03 datrri Ott JO lts0 unoa th e4 t4 href Tp ZQ a Itange 27 w and hc ae Sec 32 Ip 27 11 It 27 w In Ibrry county Neb with a mow tn the cmi nci aio i off aid entry the said parties aie here ¬ by srmiiioncd to appear t tho othctj 01 John K L C a nouiy public at Brun nice Neb 011 the 6 h day of April 1303 at 10 oclock a m to respond aod tunibb tebtimony concerning eaid sliiSOi abandonment C1IA RwES H ADAMS Resistor NO ECK WITH THE Newest Finest and Most Com- plete ¬ line of GROCERIES CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT In this City Also Provisions and Vegetables in season W A PETTYCRE W Prop Let 11s give yon a pointer D ry 6 ycnOryA n HEADQUARTERS FOR Buy for and out of the Goods Clothing otions Boots Shoes Hats Caps and Furnishing G oocls AXD A COMPLETE LIST OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE a large invoice of 1 NAVAJO IBTDIAN BLANKETS j B sg wm fPH a H s T a g g3 I i 1 loo ourrLiLO WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF COFFINS CAS BTSand CASES nc k F ffV ncu keep CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE JACKSON BRAYTON Props Valentine Nebraska RANK OF mi ar wwjttt mm-mnii-T- fii m Pl1E4uy Tir W Z 1 f w C a CORX ELL President 31 T Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General Banking JSusiness Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Ex cluing Correspondents Chemical National Bank New Yorfc First National Bank Omaha iHt P WINE FRONT VALENTINE WILL FTJRXTISH - Fish Game Tender Steaks Jncy Roasts Dry Meats i and the fir est line of Smoked Hams and Breakiast Bacon ever in town At StottersOld Stand on Main Street cash hole Also XICEOLSOX Salt sold J W STETTER PROP ALAOE SALOON HEADQUARTERS LiaUORS and CIGARS O Hie Choices- - BrnH S r Ti a b 3

Cherry County Independent. (Valentine, Nebraska) 1896-03 ...€¦ · degrade the people and that a degrad ¬ ed people will part with the last ves-tige ¬ of liberty for tnval and

Apr 27, 2020



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Page 1: Cherry County Independent. (Valentine, Nebraska) 1896-03 ...€¦ · degrade the people and that a degrad ¬ ed people will part with the last ves-tige ¬ of liberty for tnval and








MSWt K 5 n--



VOL XIMr SovereJc213 Letter

Sulphur Springs Ark Feb G 1896

Gek A J VYaknkrPreat American B L

Washington D C

PsarSirThe kind initation from yourself

Hon H U Miller Hon R C Cham ¬

bers and Hon J M Devine to attendthe conference at Washington Jan22 Kas duly received but other pressing engagements prevented my attend

nce t the meeting However I ampleased to intorm you that the resolu ¬

tions adopted meet my most heartyftpproral and as a member of the peo-


party will do everything in my

power to harmonize the forces forTlctory thia year The exigency of thetimeB demand and the working peoplerequire that every member of every

feform element in this country makeovery possible effort to unite the sev-



dlviBioui into one grand partyand with one national ticket for all

jQBKen concerted campaign against thegoldpower and the National Banks

I entertain strong convictious on

other great national questions but 1

ean wait longer for them to raattiialUe iuto campaign issues than ourpoor destitute working people canwait for bread and shelter I am will

tag to make the test and measurewords with the organized plutocracy

with the money question for the issue

If we cannot win on that issue thisyear and secure a lasting victory forthe common people then there is noreform question now in the arena ofpublic discussion on which a victorycsn he won during the next hundredyears The perfidy of the gold powerthe greed of the bond grabbers andthe crimes of the administration withthe consequent suffering ot the peopletare brought the money questiou near-


the hearts of the industrial massesthan has beenany other question sincethe Civil War

With the avowed purpose of pauper42ingour people ana destroying free

government in this country the qlutoeratlc classes have combined the gold

haronaand the national banks of twocontinents to Oght the battles of im ¬

perialism In America They have in ¬

creased our bonded debt under the pre

teitof maintaining a gold reserve andthat in suck a way that at the maturi-


of the bonds it will cost the Amenean people more than five hundredMillions to keep one hundred millionsIntact for three years obligated thepeople to the extent of five dollars tokeep one cowardly unpatriitic dollarfn the vaults of the national treasuryWith such an imfamous record freshin the minds of the people and thewreck and ruin wrought by the singlegold standard everywhere visible ifwe oannot unite forces and destroy thelast leech of the money power in thiscountry we had better curse the graves

of our forefathers aud present an un-



surrender to ClevelandMorgan and the Rothschilds or turnout the lamp in the watch tower andask God to stop the sun six hours

after it has gone down If we fail to

unite forces this year we deserve towear the yoke of bondage for all timeto come

There are honest sincere reformersin this country who believe that therapid concentration of wealth in thehands of the few and the ever growingpoverty of the masses are portentousof a sweeping victory for the peoplewithin a very few years and that it isbetter to wait for a general victorythan to unite the elements and givebattle to the enemy on a special issueBut let it bo remembered that just inproportion as the money power growsIn strength the people become weakand dependent Withcomes degradation lassitude of moralcharacter and laxity of vigilance ardtio one understands this result betterthan the gold barons They know

that if ihey control the money of the

nation can absorb and monopo-



the industries of the country anddegrade the people and that a degrad ¬

ed people will part with the last ves-



of liberty for tnval and temporaryconsideration Slaves can never freethemselves and therefore if I had butone thought to utter this side of thegrave it would be to warn the com ¬

mon people of very near approachto the point where their own weaknessand dependence will bar the possibili ¬

ty of social and political corruptionfhpneTer the money power becomes


tronger than ihe people it will applyits arrogant lash with rentless furyand liberty will be lost until througha reign of terror the oppressors haveexhausted their force in the gloom of

another nightTo form a union I will not recede

from any declaration contained in thepreamble of the Knights of Labor orthe Omaha platform Nor is it neces-


In this hour of national perilwhen the hosts of mammon are mar-


agaiast the liberty and pros-


of the people it is necessary tocentralize around the issues that willconcentrate the industrial forces inone united attack on the most vulr-v-abl- e

point of the enemys front Tomy mind the resolutions of the Wash-


Conference refered to contem-plate


just that kind of a campaignand should command the approval And

Bupftorc of every lover of justice audgood government

Respectfully yoursJ R Sovereign

Ossr JLetteavChicago III Feb 29 1896

The country at large has the satis-

fying knowledge that now the allegedfight between Maher and Fitzsimmonsbeing over there will be less disturb-ances


of the atmosphere Besides themoral atmospher will be to some ex-


clearer as the necessity for collossal lies will uot exist to the same ex-


as before Fitzsimmons takeshis immediate departure for Englandand Corbett thieatens to follow himThis country has the glorious prospectof finally being rid of these tempestu-ous


liars The country can stand it ifthey can

The recent storm of black snow thatvisited Chicago need not be a cause offear to the inhabitants as the hand ofprovidence can be as clearly seen inthis as in several other act done in theinterests of that boodle ridded cityIt was all done with the intention of


Ben- -

Seven years ago Wlltf badto the unwary the C3Revere lung trouble vriucn 03outer face of with tiivciriiii nrnnninnvrf cousnmntum

the inner workings of the council Thiswould free him from the possibility of

tricked into the belief that thegislatnre of his city were men of

spotless character and show bim thatwhen the most wind was being ex-


in the council thre was beingthe most done to blacken the reputa-tion


of that cityThe sort of inter state exposition in- -

prospect at Chicago soon to be startedand conducted by the people of thatity and men from the southern status

will do much to open up the marketsIhe north to the people of the i outh

and Dice verse It would seem that asthe war has been over for a greatmany years old animosities shonld beforgotten and the people of ail iocalities dwell together in peace and unityIn fact as well as name Either regionhas much that the other needs andmust hare but heretofore there hasbeen a sort of gulf between themacross which no commercial bridge hasas yet been builtfcred to will go a

The exposition relong way

bridging itIt is curious to eee what adegrec of

importance attaches to this countrysince the administration and congresstook such a decided stand regardingthe Monroe doctrine Trior to thattime mention was scarcely ever madeof this country in connection with theaffairs of another country By Jateleports it is seen that various attemptshave been made to get the TJ uiteitStates to take sides in European con-



regardless of the fact thatthis country cannot under the teachings of the very doctrine it ih uphold-



have a linger in any pio raaGe on

dependence the other side of the water Its chief



function in this particular is to see

that European poweis have no moreslices from the pie of the westernhemisphere That job will keep thisnation busy during all its spare time






Stella Bartley was absent one daythis week on account of the badweather

A ttendance 98

Allie Cyphers was oe the sick listThursday

Yiula Collblt was absent from school

Monday and Tuesday on account ofthe severe weather


Attendance good

Grammar department hold the 5

banner this week

We had an interesting talk on Japanby Prof Anderson He also explain-ed


the Armeian and Cubian questionsSeveral Japanese cureos furnished byMrs C it Glover were objects of in-


The County Superintendent gave usan interesting talk on educationalwork Weduesday


Attendance good

Prof Anderson will favor us with aminiature volcane Friday gwhichpromises to bepupils

Nettieand Glen

interesting to all the

Emma CarlsonIToenig carried away the

honored for the best map drawing


Attendance good

Pax ton is a new scholar

The pupils of the A class didthemselves credit in the compositionwork


vm sV3

Cfeft TT7 li KjH

x v saa isaissB vy -- MU k i--Umt4tii -g

k AffiX LI r E ilrSa3r Sij Y J Swv Amil lns 2 7 ijf


At Jyiglit5 I i

k mnm k ooo

Given Over by ihe OsctorsILSrE SAVED SY


showinff citizen that my a- 1 attack of

nature corresponds 02



W3The cough was extremely distressing Qgespeeiilly at night and was frequently ojjattended with the spitting of hlooii gThe doctor being unalile to help her1 induced her to try Ayers Cherry Pec- - otoril and was surprised at the great 02relief it gave Before using one whole Qbottle she was cured so that now she is ofquite strong and healthy Thatmedieine saved my wifes life I Jmvenntthe leist doubt E Moeiub Mem- - ophis Tenn J



Received Highest AwardAT THE WORLDSoooooocoooooocoooooooopi

ompiexioH Pressed



Remove3Precc2s PimpissLiver IVioSes B3ackhaadsSunburn and Tan and ro--otores the skin to its origtnal iiesnness pronuoiug pdear and healthy comvlezlon Surcvior to all facs--- -





lifprepnretioiis and purfeetly harnilcvj At allaruggists ormailed for 5 Oeis Send for ciroalar

VIOLA CAAfi 80AP Is rimplv JiC5araroM stjnirlfrlas Soap uiic-iial-- a tor tho toilet aiiii uitbont

rirl for the liursrrv Ab pare sini tWlsatsljr lurdiC1 At Jrit Prica 25 CeulsTiie G C BiTTNSR CO ToJedo O

fiEITEIi 3H0E CO Tncp Capital Si OCO003BEST S150 SHOE IN THE WO1UD

A dollar saeetl is a dollar earnedThlsXadlfcs Solid Frenchton Boot delivered free anywhere in the US on





Sy- -


mum MM



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FMfcZ rK or

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or Jasn uraoror Note S150

wayin store

250 We

tie ft stiie and

wr trui ii Ruejiei1

c- -


rotuna tee nioncj1 another pair Operaor Ccnnnon Sense

TvidthB C D E EEcues 1 to 8 and hall

izes ScndyoursUe

tZTUr gfrfii TTii ii JS


SB 1

iciu nt yotIllustratedwigigw Cstfn

logueHSSgfciggBS FREE

Dexter Shoe CoTsSSLt


This la tho Standard Military Encyclopedia of tboworld and tho only work of Its bind In tho Englishlanguage It has the endorsement of the VnrDepartment and tho loading military oomiranflersof America nnd Europe It ifc Lsqc4 in tires larsaoctavo volnmee of about 1000 prs tseli rrlntcriea flno iviper from ne r electitms pUtctu profosely illustrated and handborrely bound it la acomplete library of military iaforniatloa both forrnUltary and tea military people Kwry libraryBhonid have it-- Clrcrilar3 Ent on applicationGood agents wantedMILITARY AND N AVAL BOOKS

All the leading op toate miitvrV find nraibooks Price liKfaratehedcaiapjCfiUoa


1121 Broadway New York City

-- gI


S II la fl a H g Is fcl III I


tfk a aa r t a viU

Mor than half the victims of ccnsimpHon do not know they have it Here is a listof symptoms by which consumption cancertainly be detected

Cougb one or two slight efforts onrisinwoccurrin during the day and fre-


during the nightShort breathing after exertionTightness of the chestQrick puis especially noticeable in the

evening and after a full mealChilliiwx in the evening followed bvSlight feverPerspiiation toward morning andTale face and languid in the morningIoss of vitality

a Jf you have these symptoms or any ofthem do not delay Tnere are manypreparations which claim to be cures butDf limits GnAih nBcJyfor Consumptionhas the highest endorsements and liasstood the test of years It will arrest con-sumption


in its earlier stages and driveaway the symptoms named It is manu ¬

factured by the Acker Medicine Co 16and tS Chambers St New York and soldby all reputable druggists



2 a

-- i

R ea B rjv5rt1

9X all gold zz far as you can see They looklike solid cases wear like solid cases anda solid cases for all practical purposes yetonly cost about half as much as an out-and--

solid gold case Warranted towear for 20 years many iu constant usefor thirty years Better than ever since theyere no fitted at no extra cost with the greatbow riijff which carnet be iulUd or twisted


off the case tfcs


Can only be had on the casssstamped with this mark

All others have the old style pull out bowwhich is only to the case by frictionand can be twisted off with the fingers

Sold only through watch dealers Send for awatcli case opener to tiio manufacturersKeystoneWatch Cass Co9






PER iOlm You a wsa Localityaiade easily and honorably without capi-tal


during your spare hours Any manwoman boy or girl cm do the work hand¬

ily without experience Talking un¬

necessary Kofhlng lika it for moneymaking ever offered before Our wo kersalways prosper No tlroo wasted inIcarninc the btir inesa Vrc teach you ina night how to succeed from the firsthour Yon can mate a trial without ex¬

pense to yourself Wo start you furnisheverything needed to carry on the busi-ness


successfully and guarantee youagainst failure if you but follow oarsimple plain instructions Reader ifyou are in need of ready money andwant to know all about the best payingbusiness before the public Rend us you-

address and Ave will mail vou a docu- -I ment giving you all the particulars

T8yg C005 Box 400Augusta Ea3ne

ffi iSA r5i pij js3 fti A

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prompt answer and un honest opinion write toOIUNN fc CO who liavo had nearly fifty yearseipcrienee in the patent buslnesa Comr- - lnications strictly confldential Alladlmp of In-formation


conconiinR Patents and hor to ob-tain


them sent free Also a catalogue of mechan ¬ical and scientific books sent fiee

Patents taken-- thronfih Munn Co receivespecial notice In tho Scientific Amorirnn andthus are brought widely before the public with¬out coHt to the inventor This splendid paperissued woelcly elecant ly illustrated has by far thelarpest circulation of any scientific work in thoworld S3 a year Snniple copies sent free

Building Edition monthly 250 a year 8mjrtecopies 2o cents Every number contains beau¬tiful plates in colors and nhotopraphs of newhouses with plans enabling builders to show thelatest design and sennro contract Addrers


TSotxco to SToH nKittcnt SefJrtautGeorse Lans will tikc roticr that on thu 3Hh

day of January i5QfJohu Duisn Justice oi theiv of Cherry ofwiuty Ncbiujka issued anorder of attacliinent ftr the sum of 3Jt 10 in anaction pending before 1ih wiirin E IS Thornib plaiutuT and 5eorRj Lanis ckftdrt thatthe rights vu orithts of th iid oorpe Lanpjin tin hands of Jaim s O Vinccr Iivh been attaciied and rnruibhi under ss d o dor Baldc u wa coutinuud to luu 2oil --y t March1S0 3 at 10 oclock a in i K TilOKXr riaintiC

U S Land Oftlc Brolscn JJow Nch 1

hciimiryvaUs 1530 fo vlniiit JinvtiM hepu cntrrwl u this office

Gonpl iiri having been erturcd at thi- - ofdcby Hiram U Lnwr aKauil Chaiics Rieu foraonn lnte hi Iomisiiad Kntry N0RR03 datrriOtt JO lts0 unoa th e4 t4 href Tp ZQ a Itange27 w and hc ae Sec 32 Ip 27 11 It 27 wIn Ibrry county Neb with a mow tn the cminci aio i off aid entry the said parties aie here¬

by srmiiioncd to appear t tho othctj 01 John KL C a nouiy public at Brun nice Neb 011 the6 h day of April 1303 at 10 oclock a m torespond aod tunibb tebtimony concerning eaidsliiSOi abandonment

C1IA RwES H ADAMS Resistor



Newest Finest and Most Com-plete



AND FRUITIn this City

Also Provisions and Vegetablesin season


Let 11s giveyon a





Buy forand

out ofthe

Goods Clothingotions Boots Shoes

Hats Caps and Furnishing G ooclsAXD A COMPLETE LIST OF

GENERAL MERCHANDISEa large invoice of


T a g g3 I i1



nc k F ffVncu




JACKSON BRAYTON PropsValentine Nebraska

RANK OFmi ar wwjttt mm-mnii-T- fii mPl1E4uy Tir

W Z 1 f w

C a CORX ELL President 31 T Cashier

Valentine NebraskaA General Banking JSusiness Transacted

Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Excluing

Correspondents Chemical National Bank New Yorfc First National Bank Omaha

iHt P





Fish Game Tender SteaksJncy Roasts Dry Meats

i and the fir est line of SmokedHams and Breakiast Baconever in town

At StottersOld Stand on Main Street








O Hie Choices- - BrnH


