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Carly Fraser ! " # $ % About the Author Carly Fraser has her BSc (Hons.) Degree in Neuroscience, and is the owner and founder at Live Love Fruit. She currently lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba, with a determined life mission to help inspire and motivate individuals to critically think about what they put in their bodies and to find balance through nutrition and lifestyle. She has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals to re-connect with their bodies and learn self-love through proper eating habits and natural living. She loves to do yoga, dance, and immerse herself in nature. View Profile Here’s The Homemade Cannabis Oil Recipe That People Are Using To Fight Cancer Cannabis Oil Cancer Treatment Cures Elderly Man with Stage 4 Lung Cancer The Anti-Cancer Green Juice Recipe For Total-Body Healing Reverse Atherosclerosi s and Fight Cancer with Strawberry Pomegranate Juice 6 Anti-Cancer Foods That Kill Cancer The Moment You Start Eating Them Roundup Cancer Trial: Monsanto Faces First US Trial Over Roundup Cancer Link Ellagic Acid In This Raspberry Smoothie Literally Destroys Cancer Cells Name Email Address Chemotherapy Kills: Doctor Claims More People Die From Chemo Than Cancer Itself ! Feb 7, 2018 ! Carly Fraser " Post contains affiliate links " Save For Later # Print Cancer is among the leading causes of death worldwide. In 2018, there will be an estimated 1,735,350 new cancer cases diagnosed and over 609,640 cancer deaths in the United States alone (1 ). However, new research shines light on the truth that maybe it isn’t cancer that kills, but that chemotherapy kills. For the first time ever, researchers looked at the numbers of cancer patients who died within 30 days of starting chemotherapy, which indicates that the medication is the cause of death, rather than cancer itself. The study, published in The Lancet Oncology, showed that chemotherapy treatments kill up to 50% of cancer patients in some hospitals (2 ). Chemotherapy Kills The British study looked at more than 23,000 women with breast cancer and nearly 10,000 men with non-small cell lung cancer who underwent chemotherapy in 2014. Almost 1,400 patients died within a month of being given chemotherapy (roughly 8.4% of lung cancer patients and 2.4% of breast cancer patients). In some hospitals, this figure was much higher. In Milton Keynes Hospital, the death rate for lung cancer treatment was 50.9%. At Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, the 30-day mortality rate was 28% for palliative chemotherapy for lung cancer. According to the authors of the study by Public Health England and Cancer Research UK, “patients dying within 30 days after beginning treatment [with chemotherapy] are unlikely to have gained the survival or palliative benefits of the treatment, and in view of the side-effects sometimes caused…are more likely to have suffered harm.” Professor David Dodwell, a Consultant Clinical Oncologist based at Leeds Cancer Centre/Institute of Oncology St. James Hospital stated, “I think it’s important to make patients aware that there are potentially life threatening downsides to chemotherapy. And doctors should be more careful about who they treat with chemotherapy (3 ).” Learn more Pancreatic Cancer Signs These 11 signs can indicate whether a person has pancreatic cancer Ad Chemotherapy is toxic for the body because it does not discriminate between healthy and cancerous cells. A surprising statement from one of the study’s authors, Dr. Jem Rashbass, sums up just how indoctrinated the cancer industry mentality really is: “The easiest way not to kill your patients with chemotherapy is not to give it to anyone, and that is clearly wrong.” Ironically, another direct effect of chemotherapy is, in fact, cancer. It’s even printed on the chemo drug warning labels (in small print of course). For example, Doxorubicin may increase your risk for developing leukaemia (cancer of the white blood cells), especially when it is combined with other chemotherapy drugs and radiation. Cyclophosphamide increases the risk of bladder cancer and ovarian cancer, and so on. While your oncologist might claim to have “successfully” treated your first cancer, you might very well have developed a second or third cancer directly caused by the chemo used to treat the original cancer (sounds like a headache, I know). According to a study conducted by the Department of Radiation Oncology at Northern Sydney Cancer Centre and published in Clinical Oncology, the actual impact of chemotherapy on a 5-year survival in American adults is only 2.1% (4 ). The Cancer Industry Conventional cancer treatments not only fail miserably, but they’re almost guaranteed to make cancer patients sicker. In fact, over 88% of doctors who were terminally ill, would avoid aggressive treatments (like chemotherapy), despite recommending it to their patients (5 ). The reason? Hospitals and doctors are reimbursed for carrying out the standardized cancer procedures, whatever the end result. Treating cancer is a big business. In the USA alone, allopathic (conventional) treatments generate over $200 billion dollars. Those involved in the “cancer industry” (aka. Big Pharma, physicians, etc.) receive a heavy profit each time a cancer patient submits to the conventional treatment model of surgical intervention, chemotherapy and radiation. Currently, a quarter of the total Medicare budget is spent on services to beneficiaries in their last year of life, and 40% of that is on the patient within the last 30 days of their lives (6 ). Clearly, if doctors themselves don’t stand behind their methods of treatment, then something needs to change in the medical system. Cancer Business A Sham Dr. Hardin B. Jones, a former professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, Berkeley, describes “leading edge” cancer treatments a sham (7 ). After studying the life expectancy of patients for more than 25 years, Dr. Jones came to the conclusion that chemotherapy does more harm than good. This bone-chilling realization called Dr. Jones to speak out against the billion-dollar cancer industry. “People who refused chemotherapy treatment live on average 12 and a half years longer than people who are undergoing chemotherapy,” said Dr. Jones of his study , which was published in the New York Academy of Science. “Patients with breast cancer who reject conventional therapy live four times longer than those who follow the system. So this is something that you will not hear in the mass media, which will continue to carry the myth that the best chemotherapy drug in the fight against cancer.” Less Chemotherapy or None At All A shift to less chemotherapy, or none at all, called “de-escalation,” is being hailed by some as revolutionary, after years of over-treatment with drugs that may have harmed more than helped. De-escalation is the idea that chemotherapy should only be used when it appears likely to reduce the chances of cancer spreading. From The Australian : “Tens of thousands of women were over- treated, they got surgery they didn’t need, they got radiation they didn’t need, and they got chemotherapy they didn’t need,” said Steven Katz, a professor of medicine at the University of Michigan and a supporter of de-escalation. Chemotherapy, he says, “knocks the hell out of people and oncologists have gotten more sensitive to the harm” it can cause. While cancer-death rates continue to rise, taking a more educated approach to chemotherapy and educating the public about preventative medicine is the only way we’ll see a brighter future in the struggle between life and death. Preventative Medicine While mainstream media and the allopathic healthcare system don’t teach about the importance of preventative medicine, it is usually your only bet if you want to steer clear of cancer. Eating a healthy diet , engaging in regular exercise, finding ways to reduce stress and think positive thoughts , engaging in activities that bring about joy in your life, are all proven to improve longevity and happiness. There are also many potent all-natural remedies and procedures you can utilize to fight cancer. CBD-rich cannabis oil , herbal remedies, vitamin B-17 , hyperthermia, bio-oxidative therapies, frequency machines , and detoxification are all great options for non-toxic cancer treatment. The biggest risk factors for cancer are stress, obesity, processed food intake, sedentary lifestyle, vaccines, radiation from cell phone towers and wifi, smoking, drinking alcohol, processed sugar intake, hormones in meat & dairy, air pollution, chemicals in food, water and medicine, over-eating, dis-functional relationships, dehydration, viruses and lack of fresh air. Keeping your body clean and living a simple natural lifestyle is the only way. The industrialized, chemical and electronic era has all but severed our precious relationship with nature. We have not evolved fast enough to survive and thrive outside of mother natures ways. We must return to her. Here is the simple list of lifestyle factors and choices I am going to recommend to eliminate cancer. Not necessarily in order. Do what you can with where you are right now. Detox your life. Lifestyle Factors & Choices To Eliminate Cancer: – Fresh air. – Pure water. – Whole, plant-based, raw, living foods. – Enzymes to eliminate bio-films (these are good enzymes ). – Probiotics to heal the damage from GMO foods (these are good probiotics ). Rebounding to move the lymph. – Yoga stretches for flexibility. Green juices for chlorophyll and hydration. – Cancer is oxygen deprivation (so think breathing exercises and fresh air in nature) – also, fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs alkalize the body and therefore provide the body with an influx of oxygen molecules. Shilajit for minerals (this brand is great ). Parasite herbal formulas to eliminate parasites (this is a good brand ). – Pine pollen for testosterone levels. – Sunlight for everything. – Oxygen to live the higher life. – Beets and dandelion (root, and leaf) for the liver. – Apples to soften hard masses in the body. – Lemons to dissolve. – Oranges and coconuts are perfect foods. – Bitter herbs take your health to the next level (water cress, dandelion, arugula etc.). – Broccoli is anti-cancer (juice it with apples). – Colonics/enemas will accelerate the cleansing healing process. – Daily juicing is a miracle. Water fasting is even more of a miracle and heals and regenerates you more rapidly than anything. Go slow with this. Take time to do it right and prepare. Learn. Read the essence gospel of peace, miracle of fasting by Paul and Patricia Bragg and rational fasting by Arnold Erhet. Master the 24-36 hour weekly fast and work your way up from there. – Chlorella to remove heavy metals. – Zeolite Superfine Pure Clinoptilonite clay to remove all other toxins (fluoride, pesticides, etc.). – Hot and cold baths. The colder the better. – Saunas. – Pure spring water in glass. Stay hydrated. Fruits and coconuts are awesome for this. – Cucumber juice in high quantities is a cure all. – Get outside for fresh air and sunlight. – Berries for glands (Goji is awesome) Cilantro removes heavy metals. – Wheatgrass purifies blood (very important to get some wheatgrass – juiced fresh is best!) – Massage is soul food. Detox bathing . Dry brushing helps skin breathe (more important than most realize). – Meditation will balance brain. – Eliminate refined sugar, omega-6 oils, processed grains, and GMOs – Fruits, herbs, nuts and seeds are real food. – Eat simple combinations (mono meals are best). – Dead animals are not good for the human body long term. Go vegan and learn how to do it right with carbs, proteins and fats with a focus on full mineral spectrum. Most vegan teachers and advocates don’t have the full picture and people get weak and pale and go back to animals and cooked food and over eat to compensate for nutritional deficiencies. If you are addicted to carbs you need to cleanse the parasites and yeast in your body. – Keep your colon clean. – Keep your heart pure. Forgive. Really. Have anything else to add to the list? Let me know in the comments below! " This post contains affiliate links Filed Under: Diet & Lifestyle, Health Tagged With: cancer prevention, chemotherapy dangers, chemotherapy kills, how to survive cancer, preventative medicine RELATED POSTS Comments Larry Park says Jun 26, 2018 at 9:41 am Everyone should be WARNED of the fatal nature of chemo therapy. Our dearest friend died a week ago thanks to her chemo treatment. A small, black "dot" on her pancreas was detected while she was being diagnosed for stomach ulcers. Thanks to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, her doctors delayed operating long enough so that surgery was no longer practical. They then opted for chemo instead. After the first three month regimen proved futile, they prescribed another, more aggressive regimen of chemo. Very soon she was totally bedridden. And even sooner, the doctor and cancer center in Newnan, Ga. sent her home to die under hospice care, saying, "there's nothing more we can do for you." No. They couldn't. They had already killed her with their chemo. The chemo killed her intestines – not the cancer! She could no longer eat since nothing could be passed out of the stomach. She survived on fluids only and a tube had to be inserted into her stomach to drain that!! So, did she die from starvation or chemo poisoning? It's very doubtful she died from cancer. If her doctors had been more concerned about her cancer than their Thanksgiving holiday, we might have her with us today. Reply Carly Fraser says Jun 26, 2018 at 3:06 pm Sorry to hear about your friend Larry. Chemo is an incredibly toxic option for those dealing with cancer. Cancer can be beat, and chemotherapy isn't going to help. Reply Shirl says Feb 8, 2019 at 10:51 am Chemo is poison. It just killed a young friend of mine. She was diagnosed with breast cancer around November. After starting on Chemo she went down hill. She past away at 5 AM this morning. Even though she kept getting sicker, her family just said the doctor knows best. She has a 3 year old daughter and a baby they took early a month ago. The baby will never now her mother. they gave them no other options. Reply Carly Fraser says Feb 8, 2019 at 11:09 am It’s a shame, really. There are so many different options out there. Starting with enhancing the immune system instead of killing it (which is what chemo does) is of upmost importance! I am really sorry for your loss <3 Reply Pam says Jan 5, 2019 at 7:32 pm No Chemotherapy for my mom. We are doing all natural treatments. Reply Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Enter comment Notify me of follow- up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Post Comment Don’t Miss Anything! Recent Posts Use This Companion Planting Chart to Help Your Garden Thrive Blue Java Bananas: Everything You Need To Know About This Magical Fruit Study: Kids Who Spend Time in Nature Become Happier Adults Why Adjuvants in Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Are A Bigger Problem Than Glyphosate Alone Health A-Z Conditions Remedies Recipes Fitness Environment Self-Improvement Product Reviews Fake Olive Oil is EVERYWHERE! Here Are 7 Popular Brands You Should Stop Buying NOW Glyphosate in Food: Complete List of Products and Brands Filled with Popular Cancer- Causing Weed- Killer 8 Health Dangers of Canola Oil: Not the Healthy Oil You’ve Been Led to Believe Whales Dying From Plastic Pollution Are a Grave Reminder to Give Up Our Addiction to Plastics 8 Non-Marijuana Plants That Contain Therapeutic Cannabinoids 18 Juice Cures For Practically Every Ailment How To Get A Deep Piriformis Stretch To Get Rid of Sciatica, Hip & Lower Back Pain Johnson & Johnson Finally Admits: Our Baby Products Contain Cancer- Causing Ingredients Monsanto’s Toxic Chemical Glyphosate Found In 100% Of California Wines Tested 8 Popular Tea Bag Companies That Contain Illegal Amounts of Deadly Pesticides POPULAR POSTS RECOMMENDED Stay Connected! Fibromyalgia Warning Sign These 8 signs can indicate whether a person has 2bromyalgia 17.5 K SHARES ! Facebook 17.4K " Twitter # Pinterest 21 $ LinkedIn % 17.5 K SHARES ! Facebook 17.4K " Twitter # Pinterest 21 $ LinkedIn % Sign Up & Recieve: & 7 Day Plant-based Meal Plan $ 21 Smoothie & Juice Recipes # Foods That Fight Disease: Shoppers Guide % New Article Updates Be the first to know about better ways to live! First Name Email Address Join Now Yes, sign me up to receive weekly newsletters from Live Love Fruit. All emails include an unscubscribe link. You may opt-out at any time. See our Privacy Policy. Pure Hawaiian Spirulina Powder 16 oz - Better than Organic - Vegan, Non… $37.94 (3434) Edens Garden Top 6 Essential Oil Set, Best 100% Pure Aromatherapy Start… $32.95 $79.90 (846) Nebulizing Pure Essential Oil Aromatherapy Diffuser With Touch … $99.00 (406) Traditional Medicinals Organic Peppermint Herbal Leaf Tea, 16 … $19.49 $23.94 (3898) & Product Reviews Health Remedies Recipes A-Z Conditions Fitness Environment Self Improvement ' My LLF ( Shop ) Search Articles, Recipes, & More... ×

Chemotherapy Kills: Doctor Claims More People Die From ......Chemotherapy Kills: Doctor Claims More People Die From Chemo Than Cancer Itself! Feb 7, 2018 ! Carly Fraser " Post contains

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Page 1: Chemotherapy Kills: Doctor Claims More People Die From ......Chemotherapy Kills: Doctor Claims More People Die From Chemo Than Cancer Itself! Feb 7, 2018 ! Carly Fraser " Post contains

Carly Fraser

! " # $ %

About theAuthor

Carly Fraser has her BSc(Hons.) Degree in

Neuroscience, and is theowner and founder at Live

Love Fruit. She currently livesin Winnipeg, Manitoba, witha determined life mission to

help inspire and motivateindividuals to critically thinkabout what they put in theirbodies and to find balance

through nutrition andlifestyle. She has helped

hundreds of thousands ofindividuals to re-connect

with their bodies and learnself-love through proper

eating habits and naturalliving. She loves to do yoga,dance, and immerse herself

in nature.

View Profile

Here’s TheHomemade

Cannabis Oil RecipeThat People AreUsing To Fight


Cannabis Oil CancerTreatment CuresElderly Man with

Stage 4 LungCancer

The Anti-CancerGreen Juice Recipe

For Total-BodyHealing


s and FightCancer withStrawberry


6 Anti-CancerFoods That Kill

Cancer TheMoment YouStart Eating


RoundupCancer Trial:

MonsantoFaces First US

Trial OverRoundup

Cancer Link

Ellagic Acid InThis Raspberry


Cancer Cells

Name Email Address

Chemotherapy Kills: DoctorClaims More People Die FromChemo Than Cancer Itself! Feb 7, 2018 ! Carly Fraser " Post contains affiliate links " Save For Later # Print

Cancer is among the leading causes of death worldwide. In 2018,there will be an estimated 1,735,350 new cancer cases diagnosedand over 609,640 cancer deaths in the United States alone (1).However, new research shines light on the truth that maybe it isn’tcancer that kills, but that chemotherapy kills.

For the first time ever, researchers looked at the numbers of cancerpatients who died within 30 days of starting chemotherapy, whichindicates that the medication is the cause of death, rather thancancer itself. The study, published in The Lancet Oncology, showedthat chemotherapy treatments kill up to 50% of cancer patients insome hospitals (2).

Chemotherapy KillsThe British study looked at more than 23,000 women with breastcancer and nearly 10,000 men with non-small cell lung cancer whounderwent chemotherapy in 2014. Almost 1,400 patients died withina month of being given chemotherapy (roughly 8.4% of lung cancerpatients and 2.4% of breast cancer patients).

In some hospitals, this figure was much higher. In Milton KeynesHospital, the death rate for lung cancer treatment was 50.9%. AtLancashire Teaching Hospitals, the 30-day mortality rate was 28% forpalliative chemotherapy for lung cancer.

According to the authors of the study by Public Health England andCancer Research UK, “patients dying within 30 days after beginningtreatment [with chemotherapy] are unlikely to have gained thesurvival or palliative benefits of the treatment, and in view of theside-effects sometimes caused…are more likely to have sufferedharm.”

Professor David Dodwell, a Consultant Clinical Oncologist based atLeeds Cancer Centre/Institute of Oncology St. James Hospitalstated, “I think it’s important to make patients aware that there arepotentially life threatening downsides to chemotherapy. Anddoctors should be more careful about who they treat withchemotherapy (3).” Learn more

Pancreatic Cancer SignsThese 11 signs can indicate whether a person haspancreatic cancer


Chemotherapy is toxic for the body because it does not discriminatebetween healthy and cancerous cells. A surprising statement fromone of the study’s authors, Dr. Jem Rashbass, sums up just howindoctrinated the cancer industry mentality really is:

“The easiest way not to kill your patients with chemotherapy isnot to give it to anyone, and that is clearly wrong.”

Ironically, another direct effect of chemotherapy is, in fact, cancer.It’s even printed on the chemo drug warning labels (in small print ofcourse). For example, Doxorubicin may increase your risk fordeveloping leukaemia (cancer of the white blood cells), especiallywhen it is combined with other chemotherapy drugs and radiation.Cyclophosphamide increases the risk of bladder cancer and ovariancancer, and so on.

While your oncologist might claim to have “successfully” treatedyour first cancer, you might very well have developed a second orthird cancer directly caused by the chemo used to treat the originalcancer (sounds like a headache, I know).

According to a study conducted by the Department of RadiationOncology at Northern Sydney Cancer Centre and published inClinical Oncology, the actual impact of chemotherapy on a 5-yearsurvival in American adults is only 2.1% (4).

The Cancer IndustryConventional cancer treatments not only fail miserably, but they’realmost guaranteed to make cancer patients sicker. In fact, over 88%of doctors who were terminally ill, would avoid aggressivetreatments (like chemotherapy), despite recommending it to theirpatients (5). The reason? Hospitals and doctors are reimbursed forcarrying out the standardized cancer procedures, whatever the endresult.

Treating cancer is a big business. In the USA alone, allopathic(conventional) treatments generate over $200 billion dollars.

Those involved in the “cancer industry” (aka. Big Pharma, physicians,etc.) receive a heavy profit each time a cancer patient submits tothe conventional treatment model of surgical intervention,chemotherapy and radiation.

Currently, a quarter of the total Medicare budget is spent onservices to beneficiaries in their last year of life, and 40% of that is onthe patient within the last 30 days of their lives (6).

Clearly, if doctors themselves don’t stand behind their methods oftreatment, then something needs to change in the medical system.

Cancer Business A ShamDr. Hardin B. Jones, a former professor of medical physics andphysiology at the University of California, Berkeley, describes“leading edge” cancer treatments a sham (7).

After studying the life expectancy of patients for more than 25 years,Dr. Jones came to the conclusion that chemotherapy does moreharm than good. This bone-chilling realization called Dr. Jones tospeak out against the billion-dollar cancer industry.

“People who refused chemotherapy treatment live on average 12and a half years longer than people who are undergoingchemotherapy,” said Dr. Jones of his study, which was published inthe New York Academy of Science. “Patients with breast cancer whoreject conventional therapy live four times longer than those whofollow the system. So this is something that you will not hear in themass media, which will continue to carry the myth that the bestchemotherapy drug in the fight against cancer.”

Less Chemotherapy or None At AllA shift to less chemotherapy, or none at all, called “de-escalation,” isbeing hailed by some as revolutionary, after years of over-treatmentwith drugs that may have harmed more than helped. De-escalationis the idea that chemotherapy should only be used when it appearslikely to reduce the chances of cancer spreading.

From The Australian: “Tens of thousands of women were over-treated, they got surgery they didn’t need, they got radiation theydidn’t need, and they got chemotherapy they didn’t need,” saidSteven Katz, a professor of medicine at the University of Michiganand a supporter of de-escalation. Chemotherapy, he says, “knocksthe hell out of people and oncologists have gotten more sensitive tothe harm” it can cause.

While cancer-death rates continue to rise, taking a more educatedapproach to chemotherapy and educating the public aboutpreventative medicine is the only way we’ll see a brighter future inthe struggle between life and death.

Preventative MedicineWhile mainstream media and the allopathic healthcare systemdon’t teach about the importance of preventative medicine, it isusually your only bet if you want to steer clear of cancer. Eating ahealthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, finding ways to reducestress and think positive thoughts, engaging in activities that bringabout joy in your life, are all proven to improve longevity andhappiness.

There are also many potent all-natural remedies and proceduresyou can utilize to fight cancer. CBD-rich cannabis oil, herbalremedies, vitamin B-17, hyperthermia, bio-oxidative therapies,frequency machines, and detoxification are all great options fornon-toxic cancer treatment.

The biggest risk factors for cancer are stress, obesity, processed foodintake, sedentary lifestyle, vaccines, radiation from cell phonetowers and wifi, smoking, drinking alcohol, processed sugar intake,hormones in meat & dairy, air pollution, chemicals in food, waterand medicine, over-eating, dis-functional relationships, dehydration,viruses and lack of fresh air.

Keeping your body clean and living a simple natural lifestyle is theonly way. The industrialized, chemical and electronic era has all butsevered our precious relationship with nature. We have not evolvedfast enough to survive and thrive outside of mother natures ways.We must return to her. Here is the simple list of lifestyle factors andchoices I am going to recommend to eliminate cancer. Notnecessarily in order. Do what you can with where you are right now.Detox your life.

Lifestyle Factors & Choices To Eliminate Cancer:– Fresh air.– Pure water.– Whole, plant-based, raw, living foods.– Enzymes to eliminate bio-films (these are good enzymes).– Probiotics to heal the damage from GMO foods (these are goodprobiotics).– Rebounding to move the lymph.– Yoga stretches for flexibility.– Green juices for chlorophyll and hydration.– Cancer is oxygen deprivation (so think breathing exercises andfresh air in nature) – also, fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs alkalizethe body and therefore provide the body with an influx of oxygenmolecules.– Shilajit for minerals (this brand is great).– Parasite herbal formulas to eliminate parasites (this is a goodbrand).– Pine pollen for testosterone levels.– Sunlight for everything.– Oxygen to live the higher life.– Beets and dandelion (root, and leaf) for the liver.– Apples to soften hard masses in the body.– Lemons to dissolve.– Oranges and coconuts are perfect foods.– Bitter herbs take your health to the next level (water cress,dandelion, arugula etc.).– Broccoli is anti-cancer (juice it with apples).– Colonics/enemas will accelerate the cleansing healing process.– Daily juicing is a miracle.– Water fasting is even more of a miracle and heals and regeneratesyou more rapidly than anything. Go slow with this. Take time to do itright and prepare. Learn. Read the essence gospel of peace, miracleof fasting by Paul and Patricia Bragg and rational fasting by ArnoldErhet. Master the 24-36 hour weekly fast and work your way up fromthere.– Chlorella to remove heavy metals.– Zeolite Superfine Pure Clinoptilonite clay to remove all other toxins(fluoride, pesticides, etc.).– Hot and cold baths. The colder the better.– Saunas.– Pure spring water in glass. Stay hydrated. Fruits and coconuts areawesome for this.– Cucumber juice in high quantities is a cure all.– Get outside for fresh air and sunlight.– Berries for glands (Goji is awesome)– Cilantro removes heavy metals.– Wheatgrass purifies blood (very important to get somewheatgrass – juiced fresh is best!)– Massage is soul food.– Detox bathing.– Dry brushing helps skin breathe (more important than mostrealize).– Meditation will balance brain.– Eliminate refined sugar, omega-6 oils, processed grains, and GMOs– Fruits, herbs, nuts and seeds are real food.– Eat simple combinations (mono meals are best).– Dead animals are not good for the human body long term. Govegan and learn how to do it right with carbs, proteins and fats witha focus on full mineral spectrum. Most vegan teachers andadvocates don’t have the full picture and people get weak and paleand go back to animals and cooked food and over eat tocompensate for nutritional deficiencies. If you are addicted to carbsyou need to cleanse the parasites and yeast in your body.– Keep your colon clean.– Keep your heart pure. Forgive. Really.

Have anything else to add to the list? Let me know in the commentsbelow!

" This post contains affiliate links

Filed Under: Diet & Lifestyle, HealthTagged With: cancer prevention, chemotherapy dangers, chemotherapy kills, how tosurvive cancer, preventative medicine



Larry Park saysJun 26, 2018 at 9:41 am

Everyone should be WARNED of the fatal nature of chemo therapy.Our dearest friend died a week ago thanks to her chemo treatment.A small, black "dot" on her pancreas was detected while she wasbeing diagnosed for stomach ulcers. Thanks to the Thanksgivingand Christmas holidays, her doctors delayed operating long enoughso that surgery was no longer practical. They then opted for chemoinstead. After the first three month regimen proved futile, theyprescribed another, more aggressive regimen of chemo. Very soonshe was totally bedridden. And even sooner, the doctor and cancercenter in Newnan, Ga. sent her home to die under hospice care,saying, "there's nothing more we can do for you." No. They couldn't.They had already killed her with their chemo.The chemo killed her intestines – not the cancer! She could nolonger eat since nothing could be passed out of the stomach. Shesurvived on fluids only and a tube had to be inserted into herstomach to drain that!!So, did she die from starvation or chemo poisoning? It's verydoubtful she died from cancer. If her doctors had been moreconcerned about her cancer than their Thanksgiving holiday, wemight have her with us today.


Carly Fraser saysJun 26, 2018 at 3:06 pm

Sorry to hear about your friend Larry. Chemo is an incrediblytoxic option for those dealing with cancer. Cancer can be beat,and chemotherapy isn't going to help.


Shirl saysFeb 8, 2019 at 10:51 am

Chemo is poison. It just killed a young friend of mine. She wasdiagnosed with breast cancer around November. Afterstarting on Chemo she went down hill. She past away at 5 AMthis morning. Even though she kept getting sicker, her familyjust said the doctor knows best. She has a 3 year old daughterand a baby they took early a month ago. The baby will nevernow her mother. they gave them no other options.


Carly Fraser saysFeb 8, 2019 at 11:09 am

It’s a shame, really. There are so many different optionsout there. Starting with enhancing the immune systeminstead of killing it (which is what chemo does) is ofupmost importance! I am really sorry for your loss <3


Pam saysJan 5, 2019 at 7:32 pm

No Chemotherapy for my mom. We are doing all naturaltreatments.


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