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SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN DERMA, 01000 KANGAR,PERLIS CHEMISTRY SPM 2015 PAPER 1 SOALAN ARAS TINGGI 1 The figure shows a symbol of an atom. (Rajah menunjukkan simbol bagi suatu atom) Which of the following is true about an ion formed from the atom? (Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang ion yang terbentuk daripada atom tersebut?) A B C D Number of protons Nucleon number Number of electrons (Bilangan proton) (Nombor nukleon) (Bilangan elektron) 10 24 12 12 24 10 12 20 10 12 24 12 2 The table shows the information for two types of particles. (Jadual menunjukkan maklumat bagi dua jenis zarah.) Particle (Zarah) Proton number (Nombor proton) Electron arrangement (Susunan elektron) J K 8 15 2.8 2.8.8 Based on the information in the table, particle J and particle K are (Berdasarkan maklumat dalam jadual, zarah J dan zarah K ialah) A B C D inert gases (gas lengai) negative ions (ion negatif) atoms of metals (atom logam) isotopes of the same element (isotop unsur yang sama) 24 X 12


Dec 13, 2015



Jaaizah Jaafar
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SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN DERMA,01000 KANGAR,PERLISCHEMISTRY SPM 2015PAPER 1SOALAN ARAS TINGGI1The figure shows a symbol of an atom.(Rajah menunjukkan simbol bagi suatu atom) 24 X12

Which of the following is true about an ion formed from the atom?(Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang ion yang terbentuk daripada atom tersebut?)

ABCDNumber of protonsNucleon numberNumber of electrons (Bilangan proton)(Nombor nukleon)(Bilangan elektron)102412122410122010122412


The table shows the information for two types of particles.(Jadual menunjukkan maklumat bagi dua jenis zarah.)

Particle(Zarah)Proton number(Nombor proton)Electron arrangement(Susunan elektron)


Based on the information in the table, particle J and particle K are(Berdasarkan maklumat dalam jadual, zarah J dan zarah K ialah)

ABCDinert gases (gas lengai)negative ions (ion negatif)atoms of metals (atom logam)isotopes of the same element (isotop unsur yang sama)

3Element X is below potassium in the Periodic Table. We can predict that(Unsur X berada di bawah kalium dalam Jadual Berkala. Boleh diramalkan bahawa)




DElement X is less electropositive than potassium(Unsur X adalah kurang elektropositif daripada kalium)The size of atom X is smaller than potassium(Saiz atom X adalah lebih kecil daripada kalium)Atom of element X has more valence electrons than potassium(Atom unsur X mempunyai lebih banyak bilangan elektron valens daripada kalium)Element X reacts more vigorously than potassium in oxygen(Unsur X bertindak balas lebih cergas berbanding kalium dalam oksigen)


Element P has a proton number of 17. It can be deduced that (Unsur P mempunyai nombor proton 17. Boleh disimpulkan bahawa)




Dit is located at Period 2(ia berada di kala 2)it has 17 valence electrons(ia mempunyai 17 elektron valens)it has three electrons in the outermost shell(ia mempunyai tiga elektron di petala terluar)it has three shells filled with electrons(ia mempunyai tiga petala berisi elektron)


The diagram shows the electron arrangement of atom X(Rajah menunjukkan susunan elektron atom X)


Which of the following atoms cannot form covalent bond with atom X?(Antara atom berikut yang manakah tidak boleh membentuk ikatan kovalen dengan atom X?)

ABCDCarbon (Karbon)Sulphur (Sulfur)Nitrogen (Nitrogen)Magnesium (Magnesium)

6The table shows the electron arrangement of atoms for five elements. (Jadual menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi atom lima unsur) Element(Unsur)Electron arrangement(Susunan elektron)






Which of the following pairs of elements will form a chemical compound with high melting point and boiling point?(Antara pasangan unsur berikut, yang manakah membentuk sebatian kimia dengan takat lebur dan takat didih yang tinggi?)

ABCDU and W V and Y X and Y W and X

7The table shows the information of three voltaic cells.(Jadual menunjukkan maklumat bagi tiga sel voltan.)

Voltaic cell(sel voltan)Electrodes (elektrod)Potential difference/V(beza keupayaan/V)Negative terminal (Terminal negatif)

XZinc and magnesium(Zink dan magnesium)1.6Magnesium

YIron and zinc(Besi dan zink)0.2Zinc

ZCopper and magnesium(Kuprum dan magnesium)2.6Magnesium

What is the potential difference of the voltaic cell consisting of copper and iron electrodes?(Berapakah beza keupayaan sel voltan yang terdiri daripada elektrod kuprum dan besi?)

A 0.8 VB 1.0 V C 1.8 VD 2.4 V


The figure shows the apparatus set up for electrolysis of copper(II) sulphate solution using carbon electrodes. Copper(II) sulphate solution Carbon electrodesA

(Rajah menunjukkan susunan radas bagi elektrolisis larutan kuprum(II) sulfat menggunakan elektrod karbon.)

Which of the following are true about the electrolysis?(Manakah antara berikut adalah benar tentang elektrolisis tersebut?)





ABCDBrown deposit is formed at the cathode (Enapan perang terbentuk di katod)Intensity of the blue solution decreases (Keamatan warna biru larutan berkurangan)Bubbles of greenish yellow gas is evolved at the anode(Gas kuning kehijauan terbebas di anod)Size of both electrodes increase(Saiz kedua-dua elektrod bertambah)

I and II onlyII and III onlyII and IV onlyI, III and IV only

9Lead(II) nitrate can be prepared from the reaction between(Plumbum(II) nitrat boleh disediakan daripada tindak balas antara)


ABCDlead and nitric acid (plumbum dan asid nitrik)lead(II) oxide and nitric acid (plumbum(II) oksida dan asid nitrik)lead(II) carbonate and nitric acid (plumbum(II) karbonat dan asid nitrik)lead(II) hydroxide and nitric acid (plumbum(II) hidroksida dan asid nitrik)

I and II onlyII and IV onlyII, III and IV onlyI, II, III and IV


Equations below represent four stages of reactions in the manufacture of sulphuric acid by the Contact Process. (Persamaan di bawah mewakili empat peringkat tindak balas bagi penyediaan asid sulfurik melalui Proses Sentuh.)

P : 2SO2 (g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g)Q : S(s) + O2(g) SO2(g)R : H2S2O7(l) + H2O(l) 2H2SO4(aq)S : SO3(g) + H2SO4(aq) H2S2O7(l)

Which of the following arrangements shows the correct sequence of reactions in the process?(Antara susunan berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan urutan tindak balas yang betul bagi proses tersebut?)

ABCDP, Q, R, SQ, P, R, SP, S, Q, RQ, P, S, R

11An experiment is carried out to investigate the rate of reaction for the reaction between zinc granules and hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas.(Satu eksperimen dijalankan untuk menyiasat kadar tindak balas bagi tindak balas antara butiran zink dan asid hidroklorik untuk menghasilkan gas hidrogen)


IExcess zinc granules and 50 cm3 of 2 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid(Butiran zink yang berlebihan dan 50 cm3 2 mol dm3 asid hidroklorik)

IIExcess zinc granules and 50 cm3 of 1 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid(Butiran zink yang berlebihan dan 50 cm3 1 mol dm3 asid hidroklorik)

Which of the following graphs represents the reactions ?(Antara berikut, graf yang manakah mewakili tindak balas itu ?





12An ester with the formula C2H5COOCH3 can be produced from reaction between(Ester yang berformula C2H5COOCH3 boleh dihasilkan daripada tindak balas antara)




The figure shows the apparatus set up for an experiment to investigate electron transfer through a distance. (Rajah menunjukkan susunan radas bagi eksperimen untuk menyiasat pemindahan elektron pada suatu jarak.)

Potassium bromide(Kalium bromide)Carbon PSulphuric acid(Asid sulfuric)Chlorine water(Air klorin)Carbon Q

Which of the following is true about the experiment?(Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang eksperimen tersebut?


DBromide ions donate electrons (Ion bromida menderma elektron)Rod Q is the negative terminal (Rod Q adalah terminal negatif)Sulphuric acid allows the flow of electrons through it(Asid sulfurik membenarkan pengaliran elektron melaluinya)Electrons are transferred from rod Q to rod P through the external circuit(Elektron mengalir dari rod Q ke rod P melalui litar luar)

14 The equation represents a redox reaction. (Persamaan mewakili suatu tindak balas redoks) Br2(g) + 2KI(aq) I2(g) + 2KBr(aq)

The oxidation number of bromine changes from (Nombor pengoksidaan bromin berubah dari)

ABCD0 to -10 to -2 2 to -2 -2 to 0


The diagram shows the energy profile of a reaction.(Gambar rajah menunjukkan profil tenaga untuk satu tindak balas.)Energy/kJ

50142263W + XY + Z

Which of the following pairs shows the correct values of the activation energy and the heat of reaction?(Antara pasangan berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan nilai tenaga pengaktifan dan haba tindak balas yang betul ?)

Activation energy/kJ(Tenaga pengaktifan/kJ)Heat of reaction/kJ mol -1(Haba Tindak balas/kJ mol -1)





16The chemical formula of butanol is C4H9OH. Determine the relative molecular mass.[Relative atomic mass of H=1, C=12, O=16](Formula kimia bagi butanol ialah C4H9OH. Tentukan jisim molekul relatif.)[Jisim atom relatif H=1, C=12, O=16])


17The charge of magnesium ion in MgX2 is +2. What is the charge of ion X?(Cas bagi ion magnesium dalam MgX2 ialah +2. Apakah cas ion X?)

ABCD+1+21 2

18Which of the following hydrocarbons contains 81.82% carbon by mass?[Relative atomic mass of H=1, C=12](Antara hidrokarbon berikut, yang manakah mengandungi 81.82% karbon mengikut jisim?[Jisim atom relatif H=1, C=12])


19The equation represents the action of heat on calcium carbonate, CaCO3.(Persamaan di bawah mewakili tindakan haba ke atas kalsium karbonat, CaCO3.)CaCO3 CaO + CO2

If 0.2 mole of calcium carbonate is heated until no further change, what is the mass of calcium oxide, CaO produced?[Relative atomic mass of C=12, O=16, Ca=40](Jika 0.2 mol kalsium karbonat dipanaskan sehingga tiada perubahan, berapakah jisim kalsium oksida, CaO yang terhasil?)([Jisim atom relatif C=12, O=16, Ca=40)]

ABCD5.6 g11.2 g16.8 g22.4 g

20The equation represents a neutralisation reaction.(Persamaan mewakili satu tindak balas peneutralan)2HNO3 + Ba(OH)2 Ba(NO3)2 + 2H2O

10.0 cm3 of barium hydroxide solution 0.1 mol dm-3 is titrated with nitric acid 0.1 mol dm-3. If the initial reading of the burette is 10.00 cm3, what is the final reading of the burette?(10.0 cm3 larutan barium hidroksida 0.1 mol dm-3 dititrat dengan asid nitrik 0.1 mol dm-3.Jika bacaan awal buret ialah 10.00 cm3,berapakah bacaan akhir buret?)

ABCD20.00 cm330.00 cm340.00 cm350.00 cm3

21The equation shows the decomposition of a nitrate salt of metal X(Persamaan menunjukkan penguraian garam nitrat bagi logam X) 2X(NO3)2 2XO + 4NO2 + O2

Calculate the volume of nitrogen dioxide,NO2 gas at room condition if 18.8 g of X(NO3)2 salt is heated.(Hitung isipadu gas nitrogen dioksida, NO2 pada keadaan bilik jika 18.8 g garam X(NO3)2 dipanaskan) [Relative atomic mass: X = 64 ; N = 14 ; O = 16. Molar volume = 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions](Jisim atom relatif: X = 64 ; N = 14 ; O = 16. Molar volume = 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions])

ABCD0.6 dm31.2 dm34.8 dm39.6 dm3

22The diagram shows part of the structure of a polymer . (Rajah menunjukkan sebahagian struktur polimer)

H H H H ~ C - C C - C ~

Cl H Cl H

Which is its monomer?(Yang mana satu adalah monomernya?)




D H Cl C = C


H Cl



Cl Cl


C = C C H H H


The table shows the volume of oxygen gas released from the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide:(Jadual menunjukkan isipadu gas oksigen yang terbebas daripada penguraian hidrogen peroksida:)


Volume of gas/cm3(Isipadu gas/ cm3 )051013151515

What is the average rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide for the first four minutes?(Berapakah kadar penguraian hidrogen peroksida bagi empat minit yang pertama?)

ABCD2.50 cm3 min 13.75 cm3 min 16.00 cm3 min 115.00 cm3 min 1

24The time taken for exactly 2 g of zinc powder to react completely with excess hydrochloric acid is 5 minutes. What is the average rate of the above reaction ?(Masa yang diambil untuk 2 g serbut zink bertindak balas lengkap dengan asid hidroklorik berlebihan ialah 5 minit. Berapakah kadar purata bagi tindak balas di atas ?)

ABCD0.4 g s 10.4 g min 12.5 g s 12.5 g min 1

25The equation represents the combustion reaction of ethanol with oxygen.(Persamaan mewakili tindak balas pembakaran etanol dengan oksigen.)

C2H4 + 2O2 2CO2 + 2H2O

What is the volume of carbon dioxide gas given out when 20 cm3 of ethene is burnt completely in excess oxygen?(Berapakah isipadu gas karbon dioksida yang dibebaskan apabila 20 cm3 etena dibakar dengan lengkap dalam oksigen berlebihan?)

ABCD20 cm330 cm340 cm360 cm3

26The table shows the observation when mixtures of metals and metal oxides are heated strongly. (Jadual menunjukkan pemerhatian apabila campuran logam dan oksida logam dipanaskan dengan kuat.)


Metal P and metal Z oxideGlowing (Membara)

Metal Q and metal R oxideNo change (Tiada perubahan)

Metal Q and metal T oxideGlowing (Membara)

Metal R and metal Z oxideNo change (Tiada perubahan)

Which of the following arrangement represents the descending order of metal reactivity with oxygen? (Manakah antara berikut menunjukkan susunan menurun kereaktifan logam terhadap oksigen?)



27The diagram shows two metals each wound around an iron nail and placed in different test tubes. (Rajah menunjukkan dua logam yang telah dililit mengelilingi paku besi dan dimasukkan ke dalam tabung uji berbeza)

The following observation is obtained after one week(Pemerhatian berikut didapati selepas satu minggu)

Test TubeObservation

IIron nail does not rust (Paku besi tidak berkarat)

IIIron nail rusted(Paku besi berkarat)

Based on the above observation, the arrangement of metals E, F and iron in ascending order of electropositivity is(Berdasarkan pemerhatian di atas, susunan menaik keelektropositifan logam E, F dan besi adalah)

AF, iron, E

BE, F, iron

CE, iron, F

DIron, E, F

28The energy profile for reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide is shown below.[Profil tenaga bagi tindakbalas antara asid hidroklorik dan natrium hidroksida ditunjukkan di bawah]..

Energy [tenaga] HCl + NaOH H = -57 kJmol-1

NaCl + H2O

The same amount of energy is released if hydrochloric acid is replaced by.[Jumlah tenaga yang sama dibebaskan apabila asid hidroklorik digantikan oleh....]

ABCDsulphuric acid, H2SO4 (asid sulfurik)nitric acid, HNO3, (asid nitrik) carbonic acid, H2CO3, (asid karbonik)ethanoic acid, CH3COOH , (asid etanoik)


Carbon burns in oxygen in a reaction as shown in the equation below.(Karbon terbakar dalam oksigen seperti ditunjukkkan dalam persamaan dibawah)

C(s) + O2(g) CO2 (g) H = -394 kJ mol-1

What is the mass of carbon that must be burnt completely to produce 78.8 kJ of heat?(Berapakah jisim karbon yang mesti terbakar untuk menghasilkan 78.8 kJ haba?)

ABCD0.2 g1.2 g2.4 g6.0 g

30Which of the following can be used to cure headaches?Antara berikut yang manakah dapat diguna untuk merawat sakit kepala?


31 Diagram 6 shows the elements which are represented by letters J,Q,T and Z in the Periodic Table.J, Q, T and Z are not the actual symbols. Rajah 6 di bawah menunjukkan unsur unsur yang diwakili oleh huruf J,Q,T dan Z dalam Jadual berkala. J, Q, T dan Z bukan symbol sebenar unsur. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




Which of the following are true about elements J,Q,T and Z? Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang unsur J,Q,T dan Z?

IProton number increases in the order of J,Q,T and ZNombor proton bertambah dalam urutan J,Q,T dan Z

IICharges of J and Q ions are 2 while charges of T and Z ions are 3Cas ion J dan Q ialah 2 manakala cas ion T dan Z ialah 3

IIIJ and Q combine to form a compound with the formula JQ2 J dan Q bergabung membentuk sebatian dengan formula JQ2

IVElectronegativity decreases in the order of J,T and ZKeelektronegatifan berkurang dalam urutan J,T dan Z

AI and II only

BI and IV only

CIII and IV only

DI,III and IV only

32 Which of the following is not a natural polymer? Di antara berikut, yang manakah bukan polimer semulajadi?





33 When bromine water is added into iron(II) sulphate solution and heated, the green solution changes to brown.Which of the following conclusion is true about the reaction?Apabila air bromine ditambahkan kepada larutan ferum(II) sulfat dan dipanaskan, larutan hijau itu bertukar menjadi perang. Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat daripada tindak balas itu?

AFerum(II) ions are reduced to ferum Ion Ferum(II) diturunkan kepada logam Fe

BFerum(II) ions are oxidised to Ferum(III) ionsIon Ferum(II) dioksidakan menjadi ion Ferum(III)

CBromine ions are oxidised to bromine molecules Ion Bromida dioksidakan menjadi molekul Bromine

DSulphate ions are reduced to Sulphur dioxide moleculesIon Sulfat diturunkan kepada molekul sulfur dioksida

34 The thermochemical equation below shows a neutralisation reaction. Persamaan termokimia menunjukkan satu tindak balas peneutralan.

NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl (aq) + H2O(l) H = -57.0 kJmol-1 What is the heat change if 2.7g of water is produced? Berapakah nilai perubahan tenaga haba apabila 2.7g air dihasilkan? [Relative atomic mass : H,1 ; O,16] [Jisim atom relatif : H,1 ; O,16]

A-5.7 kJmol-1

B-8.55 kJmol-1

C-57.0 kJmol-1

D-153.9 kJmol-1

35 A patient must finish the full course of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.Which of the following statements is the best to explain this? Seorang pesakit mesti menghabiskan kesemua dos lengkap antibiotik yang dibekalkan.Di antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah paling tepat menerangkan tujuan tersebut?

ATo prevent wastageUntuk mengelakkan pembaziran.

BTo minimise the side effectsUntuk mengurangkan kesan sampingan

CTo improve the body immunityUntuk memperbaiki daya tahan badan.

DTo prevent bacteria from becoming more resistant to the antibiotic.Untuk mengelakkan bakteria daripada menjadi lebih rintang terhadap antibiotik berkenaan.

36 The standard representation for carbon atom can be written as, Perwakilan piawai bagi atom karbon boleh ditulis sebagai,


What is the number of valence electron for carbon atom? Apakah bilangan elektron valens bagi atom karbon?





37 Which of the following gases have the highest mass at room temperature? [Relative atomic mass : H, 1 ; C,12 ; O, 16 ; Ne, 20 ; S, 32 ; 1 mole of gas occupies a volume of 24 dm3 at room temperature] Antara berikut, gas yang manakah mempunyai nilai jisim yang paling tinggi pada suhu bilik? [Jisim atom relatif : H, 1 ; C,12 ; O, 16 ; Ne, 20 ; S, 32 ; 1 mol gas menempati isipadu 24 dm3 pada suhu bilik ]

A6 dm3 of neon, Ne6 dm3 of neon, Ne

B9 dm3 of methane, CH49 dm3 of metana, CH4

C72dm3 of hydrogen, H272dm3 of hidrogen, H2

D3 dm3 of sulphur dioxide, SO23 dm3 of sulfur dioksida, SO2

38 The equation represents the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide solution. Persamaan di bawah mewakili penguraian larutan hidrogen peroksida

2H2O2 (aq) 2H2O(I) + O2(g)

Which of the following can be used to determine the rate of this reaction? Antara berikut yang manakah boleh digunakan untuk menentukan kadar tindak balasIRelease of gas per unit time Pembebasan gas per unit masa

IIChange of colour intensity per unit timePerubahan keamatan warna per unit masa

IIIFormation of precipitate per unit timePembentukan mendakan per unit masa

IVIncrease in the mass of reactant per unit timePenambahan jisim bahan tindak balas per unit masa

AI only

BIII and IV only

CI,II and III only

DII,III and IV only

39 Elements X and Y form an ionic compound with a formula of X2Y3. What are the correct electron arrangements of atom X and Y.Unsur X dan Y membentuk sebatian ionik dengan formula kimia X2Y3. Apakah susunan elektron yang betul bagi atom X dan Y?.






40 Diagram 7 shows the set up of the apparatus to study the electroplating of an iron spoon using electrolysis method.Rajah 7 menunjukkan satu set radas untuk mengkaji penyaduran sudu besi menggunakan kaedah elektrolisis.

DIAGRAM 7Iron spoonSudu besiSilverArgentumSilver nitrat solutionLarutan Argentum nitrate


Which of the following half equations represent the reactions that occur at the anode and cathode?Yang manakah antara berikut setengan persamaan yang mewakili tindak balas yang berlaku di katod dan di anod.


A4OH 2H2O + O2 + 4e2H+ + 2e H2

B4OH 2H2O + O2 + 4eAg+ + e Ag

CAg Ag+ + eAg+ + e Ag

DAg Ag+ + e2H+ + 2e H2

41 Table 3 shows solution X, Y, Z and W with their pH values. Jadual 3 menunjukkan larutan X, Y, X dan W dan nila pH masing-masing.



TABLE 3 Which of the following solution reacts with magnesium to produce hydrogen gas? Larutan manakah bertindak balas dengan magnesium menghasilkan gas hidrogen?





42 Reaction between a soluble salt A and sodium iodide solution will produce an insoluble Salt, lead(II) iodide. Tindak balas antara garam terlarutkan A dan larutan natrium iodida akan menghasilkan garam tak larut, Plumbum(II) iodida.

A+Sodium iodide solutionLarutan natrium iodidaLead(II) iodidePlumbum(II) iodida

Which of the following substance is A?Yang manakah antara berikut adalah A?

ALead(II) nitratePlumbum(II) nitrat

BLead(II) chloridePlumbum(II) klorida

CLead(II) carbonatePlumbum(II) karbonat

DLead(II) sulphatePlumbum(II) sulfat

43 Table 4 shows the mass of sulphur trioxide formed at different temperatures during the Contact Process. Jadual 4 menunjukkan jisim sulfur trioksida yang terbentuk pada suhu berlainan semasa Proses sentuh

Temperature/ oCSuhu/ oC300400500600

Mass of sulphur trioxide/kgjisim sulfur trioksida/kg350200120100

Time takenmasa5 hours5 jam2 hours2 jam6 minutes6 minit9 minutes9 minit


What is the temperature to produce the highest rate of reaction in the process? Berapakah suhu untuk menghasilkan kadar tindak balas tertinggi dalam tindak balas itu?





44 Diagram 8 shows the structural formula of a hydrocarbon. Rajah 8 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi satu hidrokarbon.

DIAGRAM 8 RAJAH 8 What is the name of the hydrocarbon? Apakah nama hidrokarbon itu?





45 An experiment is carried out to study the rate of reaction between marble chips and hydrochloric acid to produce carbon dioxide gas Satu eksperimen dijalankan untuk mengkaji kadar tindak balas antara ketulan marmar dan asid hidroklorik untuk menghasilkan gas karbon dioksida


IExcess marble chips and 50.0cm3 of 2 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acidKetulan marmar berlebihan dan 50.0cm3 2 mol dm-3 asid hidroklorik

IIExces marble chips and 100.0 cm3 of 1 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acidKetulan marmar berlebihan dan 100.0 cm3 1 mol dm-3 asid hidroklorik

Which of the following graph represents the two experiments? Antara graf berikut yang manakah mewakili dua eksperimen tersebut?

46 H2 + CuO Cu + H2O

The oxidation number of copper in the reaction changes fromNumbor pengoksidaan bagi kuprum dalam tindak balas di atas berubah daripada

A2 to +1

B1 to 0

C+2 to +1

D+2 to 0

47 Which of the following statements about heat of precipitation is not correct? Manakah pernyataan berikut mengenai haba pemendakan adalah tidak benar?

AThe heat change is always negative.Perubahan haba tersebut adalah sentiasa negatif

BIt is the heat change measured when 1 mole of ionic crystal is formed.Ia merupakan perubahan haba yang disukat apabila 1 mol hablur ionikterbentuk.

CIt is the heat change measured when solutions containing the anion and cation of the ionic compound are mixed together.Ia merupakan perubahan haba yang disukat apabila larutan yang mengandungi anion dan kation suatu sebatian ionik dicampurkan bersama.

DIt is the heat change measured when 1 mole of anion combines with 1 mole of cationIa merupakan perubahan haba yang disukat apabila 1 mol anion bergabung dengan 1 mol kation.

48 What is the purpose of adding azo and triphenyl compounds in foods? Apakah tujuan mencampurkan sebatian azo dan trifenil dalam makanan?

ATo stabilise the dispersion of oil in water.Untuk menstabilkan penyebaran minyak di dalam air.

BTo enhance the taste and flavour of foodsUntuk menambahkan rasa dan perisa makanan

CTo prevent the foods from being oxidised by the airUntuk mengelakkan makanan daripada teroksida oleh udara.

DTo improve the appearance of foods by restoring their colours.Untuk memperbaiki rupa makanan dengan memulihkan warna makanan berkenaan

49 Table 5 shows the standard representation of element P, Q, R and S. Jadual 5 menunjukkan perwakilan piawai bagi unsur P, Q R dan S.






Which of the following pairs of element are isotopes? Yang manakah antara pasangan unsur-unsur tersebut adalah isotop?

AP and R

BR and S

CQ and R

DP and Q

505g of calcium carbonate is added to excess hydrochloric acid. Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide gas evolved at room temperature.5g kalsium karbonat ditambahkan kedalam asid hidroklorik berlebihan. Tentukan isipadu gas karbon dioksida yang terhasil pada suhu bilik. [Relative atomic mass: C, 12 ; O, 16; Ca, 40; 1 mole of gas occupies a volume of 24 dm3 at room temperature] [jisim atom relatif: C, 12 ; O, 16; Ca, 40; 1 mol gas menempati isi padu 24 dm3 pada suhu bilik]

A0.6 dm3

B0.9 dm3

C1.2 dm3

D1.8 dm3


1 X is element of group 17 in Periodic Table. X ialah unsur kumpulan 17 dalam Jadual Berkala

AtomNumber of ProtonBilangan protonNumber of ElectronBilangan elektronNumber of NeutronBilangan neutron



Which of the following is not true about X? Antara berikut yang manakah tidak benar tentang unsur X? AX forms X-X membentuk X2-

BX is an oxidizing agentX adalah agen pengoksidaan

CX form a compound with carbon with formula of CX4X membentuk sebatian dengan karbon berformula CX4

DX reacts with magnesium to release hydrogenX bertindak balas dengan magnesium membebaskan gas hidrogen

2Table 6 shows the electron arrangement of atoms of elements V, W, X, Y and Z. Jadual 6 menunjukkan susunan elektron atom-atom unsur V, W, X, Y dan Z.ElementElectron Arrangement






TABLE 6JADUAL 6 Which of the following pair of elements when combined will form a compound that conducts electricity in the molten state? Manakah pasangan unsur berikut apabila berpadu akan membentuk satu sebatian yang boleh mengkonduksikan arus elektrik dalam keadaan lebur?

AV and X

BW and Z

CX and Y

DY and Z

3Diagram 9 shows a Daniell cell. Rajah 9 menunjukkan sebuah Daniell sel.

DIAGRAM 9 RAJAH 9ZincZink Zinc sulphate solution Larutan zink sulfatCopperKuprumCopper(II) sulphate solutionLarutan kuprum(II) sulfatPorous potPasu berliang

Which of the following is correct about the cell? Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang sel itu?

AThe zinc electrode becomes thickerElektrod zink menjadi lebih tebal

BThe copper electrode dissolves in the solutionElektrod kuprum larut dalam larutan

CElectrons flow from zinc to copper through the external circuitElektron mengalir dari zink ke kuprum melalui litar luar

DZinc electrode is the positive terminal whereas copper electrode is the negative terminalElektrod zink ialah terminal negative manakala elektrod kuprum ialah terminal positif

4 Diagram 10 shows two volumetric flasks containing 2.0 moldm-3 of hydrochloric acid and 0.2 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid.Rajah 10 menunjukkan dua kelalang isipadu yang mengandungi asid hidroklorik 2.0 mol dm-3 dan asid hidroklorik 0.2 mol dm-3.

100 cm3 hydrochloric acid 0.2 mol dm-3100 cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.2 mol dm-350 cm3 hydrochloric acid 2.0 mol dm-350 cm3 asid hidroklorik 2.0 mol dm-3


What is the volume of 2.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid needed to prepare 100 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid?Apakah isipadu asid hidroklorik 2.0 mol dm-3 yang diperlukan untuk menyediakan 100 cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.2 mol dm-3?

A1.0 cm3

B5.0 cm3

C10.0 cm3

D20.0 cm3

5 Sulphuric acid, H2SO4 reacts with lead(II) nitrate, Pb(NO3)2 to produce a white precipitate lead(II) sulphate, PbSO4 as the equation below:Asid sulfurik, H2SO4 bertindak balas dengan plumbum(II) nitrat untuk menghasilkan mendakan putih, plumbum(II) sulfat, PBSO4 seperti persamaan di bawah:

H2SO4 + Pb(NO3)2 PbSO4 + 2HNO3

What is the mass of lead(II) sulphate, PbSO4 obtained when 0.1 mol of lead(II) nitrate, Pb(NO3)2 is used? [Relative Atomic Mass: Pb, 207; S, 32; O, 16]Berapakah jisim plumbum(II) sulfat, PbSO4 , yang didapati apabila 0.1 mol plumbum(II) nitrat, Pb(NO3)2 , digunakan? [Jisim Atom Relatif: Pb, 207; S, 32; O, 16]

A15.15 g

B30.30 g

C25.50 g

D12.75 g

6 Which of the following chemical fertilizer is the best fertilizer according to its percentage of nitrogen content?Di antara baja kimia berikut, yang manakah paling baik berdasarkan peratus kandungan nitrogen? (Relative atomic mass: N,14,Ca,40,O,16,H,1,S,32,P,31)

ACalcium nitrate, Ca(NO3)2

BAmmonium nitrate, NH4NO3

CAmmonium sulphate, (NH4)2SO4

DAmmonium dihydrogen phosphate, (NH4)H2PO4

7 Diagram 11 shows a part of the structure of a polymer chain formed by additional polymerisation. Rajah 11 menunjukkan sebahagian struktur rantai polimer yang terbentuk hasil pempolimeran penambahan.


Which of the following is the monomer of that polymer.?Antara berikut yang manakah monomer bagi polimer tersebut?





8 Diagram 12 shows a set up of the apparatus to study the transfer of electrons at a distance.

Which of the following half equations show the correct reactions at rod P and rod Q? Rajah 12 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji pemindahan elektron pada satu jarak. Antara setengah persamaan berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan tindak balas yang betul di rod P dan rod Q?

DIAGRAM 12 RAJAH 12Dilute sulphuric acidAsid sulfurik cairBromine waterAir brominPotassium iodide solutionLarutan kalium iodidaCarbon electrodeElektrod karbonPQ


A2I I2 + 2eBr2 + 2e 2Br

B2I I2 + 2e2Br Br2 + 2e

C2Br Br2 + 2e2I I2 + 2e

D2Br Br2 + 2eI2 + 2e 2I

9 Substance Y shows the following properties. Sebatian Y menunjukkan sifat-sifat berikut. Solution Y produced a blue precipitate when sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH was added.Larutan Y menghasilkan mendakan biru apabila larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH ditambahkan.

Substance Y released a colourless gas which turns lime water cloudy when heated.Sebatian Y membebaskan gas tanpa warna yang mengeruhkan air kapur apabila dipanaskan.

Which of the following is substance Y? Yang manakah antara berikut sebatian Y?

ACalcium oxideKalsium oksida

BCopper(II) oxideKuprum(II) oksida

CCalcium carbonateKalsium karbonat

DCopper(II) carbonateKuprum(II) karbonat

10Which of the following compounds is a soluble base?

ABCDAluminium oxideCopper(II) oxideIron(III) oxideSodium oxide

11The pH scale below shows the position of five aqueous solutions P, Q, R, S and T, of equal concentration. P Q R S T

1 7 14 pH Scale

What could the aqueous solutions be ?

ABCDEthanoicsulphuricammoniasodiumsodium acid acidaqueouschloridehydroxideP Q R S TQ P S R TQ P T S RS T Q R P

12What is the concentration of hydrogen ions in 0.05 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid?

ABCD0.025 mol dm-30.050 mol dm-30.100 mol dm-30.250 mol dm-3

13Which of the following equations best represents the actual reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution?

ABCDH+ + OH- H2OH2 + O2 H2O2H+ + O 2- H2ONa+ + Cl- NaCl

14The neutralization reaction between nitric acid and barium hydroxide solution is shown in the equation below 2HNO3 + Ba(OH)2 Ba(NO3)2 + 2H2O10.0 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 barium hydroxide solution was titrated with 0.1mol dm-3 of nitric acid . What is the volume of the nitric acid?

ABCD40 cm330 cm320 cm310 cm3

15Air polluted by sulphur dioxide was passed through the apparatus shown in the diagram below.

Which of the following solutions could be used as Z to show the presence of sulphur dioxide?

ABCDacidified potassium manganate(VII)aqueous iron(II) sulphateaqueous potassium iodidelimewater

16The following scheme shows four stages in the conversion of sulphur to sulphuric acid. In which stage is the catalyst used?

17Which of the following mixtures of elements forms the most suitable alloy for manufacturing of racing bicycle which is light and firm?

ABCDcopper and nickeliron and carbonstanum and copperaluminium and copper

18Which of the following pairs shows the correct monomer for making the polymer?





19The followings are the properties of glass. Which of the followings are true?Ilow melting point.IIthey are good insulators of heat.IIIresistant to chemicals IVhard but brittle

ABCDI and II onlyIII and IV onlyI, III and IV onlyII, III and IV only

20Compound A is an organic compound. When heated strongly, which of the following gases is released?

A B C D OxygenHydrogenCarbon dioxideEthane


The chemical equation shows a chemical reaction that took place.XCH2CHCH2CH3 +H2 CH3CH2CH2CH3


A B C D X Y Hydration Hydrogenation Hydrogenation Hydration Substitution Dehydration Oxidation Reduction

22Which of the following is the IUPAC name for the structural formulashown?

A B C D 3-ethyl-4-methylheptane4-methyl-2-ethylhexane5-ethyl-3-methylheptane2-ethyl-4-methylhexane

23Which of the following is correct regarding the physical properties of pentene, C5H10?

A B C D Pentene is denser than hexene.Pentene exists in the form of gas at room temperatureComplete combustion of pentene will produce 4 moles of carbon dioxide gas.Pentene is insoluble in water but is soluble in organic solvent.

24Which of the following best explains the statement below?

Combustion of hexene is sootier than that of hexane


D Hexane molecule has more hydrogen atoms than hexene molecule.The van der Waals forces between hexene molecules are stronger.Percentage by mass of carbon in hexene molecule is higher than that in hexane molecule.The size of hexene molecule is larger.

25In a reaction temperature will increase the rate of reaction because it will

ABCD lower the activation energy of the rectionincrease the energy of particles involved in the reactiondecrease the effective collision of particles involvedincrease the rate of collision among the particles

26The table shows the volume of oxygen gas obtained at regular intervals for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, H2O2

Time(min)Volume of oxygen gas (cm3)







The everage rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide from the second minute to the fourth minute is

A B C D 17.5 cm3 min-112.5 cm3 min-1 3.75 cm3 min-1 4.17 cm3 min-1

27The graph below shows the volume of gas produced against time for the reaction of potassium carbonate and hydrochloric acid

The gradient of the graph decreases with time because

AB C D catalyst is not usedtemperature of reaction decreasesvolume of mixure decreasesconcentration of hydrochloric acid decreases

28Which of the following will increase the frekuency of collision?IUse reactant with larger size

IIIncrease the concentration of reactant

IIIIncrease the temperature of reaction

IVRemove the product of reaction

A B C D IV only II and IV only II and III only I, III and IV only

29Which of the following chemicals can oxidise chloride ions to chlorine?

ABCDPotassium manganate (VII)Iron(III) sulphateAqueous brominePotassium

30Which of the following is an oxidising agent?

ABCDHydrogen gasPotassium manganate(VIl)Potassium IodideAmmonia

31A patient claims that other people are reading his mind and controlling his thoughts

Which of the following types of medicine is most appropriate in treating the above symptoms

ABCDPsychotherapeutic medicineHormonesAnalgesicAntibiotics

32 A series of experiment was carried out to investigate the reactivity ofmetals K Y and Z. The following results were obtained.


X+ oxide of Y

No reaction.

Y+ oxide of Z

Reaction occurred.

X + oxide of Z

Reaction occurred.

Which of the following is the correct sequence for the reactivity of the metals in ascending order?


33The figure bellows shows the energy profile diagram for a reaction between X and Y to produce Z.

What is the heat of reaction?

ABCDE2 E1E1 E2E3 E1E3 E2

34Which of the following is an exothermic reaction?

ABCDThe heating of hydrated copper(II) sulphateThe heating of sodium thiosulphateDissolving ammonium chloride in waterRusting process

35The figure below shows the change in the heat of combustion of a few alcohols.Heat of combustion increasesPropanol ( C3H7OH )

Ethanol ( C2H5OH )

Methanol ( CH3OH )

The increase in the heat of combustion of alcohols as shown is due to

ABCDan increase in the sootiness of the alcohols when burntan increase in the reactivity of alcoholsan increase in the relative molecular massan increase in the carbon and hydrogen atoms per molecule of alcohol

36Which of the following pairs regarding traditional medicines and their uses is correct?

ABCDTraditional medicineUse

Eurycoma longifoliaTo relief asthmatic attack

Aloe veraTo treat skin wounds

GarlicTo treat stomach wind

GinsengTo treat malaria

37A mixture carbon powder is heated strongly as shown.

Carbon powder + oxide of metal L Evaporating dish

Which of the following shows the arrangement of the metals in the reactivity series in ascending order?

ABCDM, N, LL, M, NL, N, MN, L, M

38Which of the following is one of the possible products formed when palm oil is boiled in concentrated sodium hydroxide solution ?

I Sodium chlorideII GlycerolIII Sodium palmitateIV Sodium stearate

ABCDII and III onlyI, II and III onlyII, III and IV onlyI, II, III and IV

39. Calculate the volume of sodium hydroxide of concentration 0.5 mol dm-3 needed to neutralise 25.0 cm3 sulphuric acid of concentration 0.20 mol dm-3.Hitungkan isipadu larutan natrium hidroksida berkepekatan 0.5 mol dm-3 yang diperlukan untuk meneutralkan 25.0 cm3 asid sulfurik 0.20 mol dm-3.

A10 cm3

B20 cm3

C25 cm3

D50 cm3

40.Examples of salt which can be prepared by double decomposition areContoh-contoh garam yang dapat disediakan dengan kaedah penguraian ganda dua adalah

ISilver chlorideArgentum klorida

IIMagnesium nitrateMagnesium nitrat

IIIBarium sulphateBarium sulfat

IVzinc carbonatezink karbonat

AI and III

BII and IV

CI, II and III

DI, III and IV

41. Which of the following reactions does not produce a salt?Antara tindak balas di bawah, yang manakah tidak menghasilkan garam?

ACalcium carbonate and hydrochloric acidKalsium karbonat dan asid hidroklorik

BCopper(II) oxide and nitric acid.Kuprum (II) oksida dan asid nitrik

CZinc and hydrochloric acidZink dan asid hidroklorik

DIron(II) nitrate and sulphuric acidFerum (II) nitrat dan asid sulfurik

42.A series of test is carried out on solution Y and the results are shown in Diagram 1. Identify the substance present in solution Y.Satu siri ujian telah dijalankan ke atas larutan Y dan keputusan nya d itunjukkan dalam Rajah 1

/ Mendakan perang

Mendakan putih

Diagram 1 Rajah 1

AIron(II) sulphateFerum(II) sulfat

BLead(II) sulphateplumbum(II) sulfat

CIron(III) nitrateFerum(III) nitrat

DZinc carbonateZink karbonat

43. Which of the following reactions does not produce a salt?Antara tindak balas di bawah, yang manakah tidak menghasilkan garam?

ACalcium carbonate and hydrochloric acidKalsium karbonat dan asid hidroklorik

BCopper(II) oxide and nitric acid.Kuprum (II) oksida dan asid nitrik

CZinc and hydrochloric acidZink dan asid hidroklorik

DIron(II) nitrate and sulphuric acidFerum (II) nitrat dan asid sulfurik

44. Photochromic glass darkens on exposure to sunlight. The salt used to make photochromic glass isKaca fotokromik menjadi gelap apabila didedahkan kepada cahaya matahari. Garam yang digunakan untuk membuat kaca fotokromik ialah

ALead(II) nitrateplumbum(II) nitrat

BSilver chloride Argentum klorida

CCopper(II) sulphateKuprum(II) sulfat

DIron(II) sulphateFerum (II) sulfat

45. Which of the following sulphate salt given below is soluble in water?Di antara garam sulfat di bawah yang manakah larut dalam air?

ABarium sulphateBarium sulfat

BMagnesium sulphateMagnesium sulfat

CLead(II) sulphateplumbum(II) sulfat

DCalcium sulphateKalsium sulfat

46. An alloy is harder than its pure metal because the foreign atoms in the alloyAloi adalah lebih keras daripada logam tulen kerana logam asing di dalam aloi

Aincreases the bond strength between the atoms.menambah kekuatan ikatan di antara atom.

Bincreases the empty spaces between the atoms.Menambah ruang kosong antara atom-atom

Creact with the pure metal atoms to form a compound.Bertindak balas dengan atom-atom logam tulin untuk membentuk sebatian

Dreduces the ability of the atoms to slide across each other.Mengurangkan kebolehan atom-atom untuk menggelongsor antara satu sama lain

47. Choose the conditions applied in the Contact Process to get optimum yield.Pilih keadaan-keadaan yang sesuai bagi Proses Sentuh supaya memperolehi hasil yang maksimum


A450oC1 atmosphereVanadium(V) oxide

B500oC200 atmosphereVanadium(V) oxide

C450oC1 atmosphereFine iron powder

D500oC200 atmosphereFine iron powder

48. The main element present in glass isUnsur utama yang hadir dalam kaca adalah




DBoron Boron

49. Ceramic is made fromSeramik di buat dari

ASilica, SiO2Silika oksida, SiO2



DAluminosilicate hydrateAluminosilikat terhidrat


Diagram 2Rajah 2

50.Diagram 2 shows the energy level for the reaction A + B C. The activation energy for the reaction isRajah 2 menunjukkan aras tenaga bagi tindak balas A + B C. Tenaga pengaktifan bagi tindak balas tersebut adalah



C(x + y)

D(y x)


1. Zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid according to the equation below: Zink bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik seperti persamaan di bawah :Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g) Which of the following graphs between volume (V) of hydrogen against time (t) is correct?Antara graf isipadu(V) hidrogen melawan masa(t) berikut berikut yang mana adalah betul ?





2 Two experiments are carried out as follows:Dua eksperimen telah dijalankan seperti berikut:

Experiment I : Eksperimen I100 cm3 of 1.0 M HCl is added to 10g of marble chips at 30oC.100cm3 HCl 1.0M telah ditambah dengan 10g cip marmar pada suhu 30o C

Experiment II :Eksperimen II50 cm3 of 1.0 M HCl 1.0 M is added to 10g of marble chips at 50oC.50cm3 HCl telah 1.0 M ditambah ke 10g cip marmar pada 50o C.

Which of the following graphs shows the volume of carbon dioxide (V) collected against time (t) in both the experiments?Antara graf-graf berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan isipadu karbon dioksida (V) yang dikumpul melawan masa (t) bagi kedua-dua eksperimen





3. Excess zinc metal is added to 50 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid. The hydrogen gas evolved is collected at 20 second intervals. The results are tabulated in Table 6:Zink berlebihan telah ditambah ke 50 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 asid hidroklorik . Hidrogen gas yang dibebaskan telah dikutip pada setiap 20 saat . Keputusan yang diperolehi direkokan dalam Jadual 6

Time /seconds020406080100

Total volume of H2/cm303055759090

Table 6 Jadual 6What information can you obtain from the result of the experiment?Apakah maklumat yang boleh diperolehi dari keputudan tersebut?

INo hydrogen gas is given off at time 100 seconds.Tiada gas hydrogen dibebaskan pada masa 100 saat.

IIThe average rate of reaction is 0.9 cm3 s-1.Kadar purata tindak balas ialah 0.9 cm3 s-1.

IIIThe total volume of hydrogen gas collected is 340 cm3.Jumlah isipadu gas hydrogen terkumpul ialah 340 cm3.

IVThe rate of release of hydrogen gas decreases with time.Kadar pembebasan gas hidrogen berkurang dengan masa.

AIV only

BI and IV

CI, II and IV

DI, III and IV

4. The general formula of an organic substance that can decolourise the purple colour of acidified potassium permanganate(VII) solution isFormula am bagi satu bahan organik yang boleh menyahwarnakan larutan ungu kalium manganat(VII) berasid adalah





5. Which of the following pairs of substances are not isomers ?Antara pasangan berikut yang manakan bukan isomer?

AHexane and 2,3-dimethyl pentaneHeksana dan 2,3 dimetilpentana

B1-butene and 2-methylpropene1-butena dan 2-metilpropena

CPentane and 2,2-dimethylpropanePentana dan 2,2-dimetilpropana

D2-chloropentane and 3-chloropentane2-kloropentana dan 3-chloropentana

6. Pentyl propanoate is a food flavouring with apricot taste. This substance can be obtained from the reaction betweenPentil propanoat adalah perasa makanan dengan rasa aprikot. Bahan ini boleh didapati dari tindak balas antara





7. Concentrated sulphuric asidAsid sulfurik pekat


Diagram 3Rajah 3

Consider the conversion in Diagram 3 and identify the substance X.Pertimbangkan pertukaran dalam Rajah 3 dan kenal pasti bahan X.



CButanoic acidAsid butanoik


8. W, X, Y and Z are four metals. Consider the reactions below involving these metals:W,X, Y dan Z terdiri dari empat logam. Pertimbangkan tindak balas yang melibatkan logam-logam tersebut di dibawah :

Z sulphate + X Z + X sulphateZ sulphate + W No reactionY sulphate + W Y + W sulphate

Arrange the metals W, X, Y and Z in decreasing order of reactivity.Susun kereaktifan logam-logam W,X, Y dan Z mengikut tertib menurun.

AX, W, Z, Y

BY, W, Z, X

CX, Z, W, Y

DY, Z, W, X

9. In which of the following compounds is the oxidation number of nitrogen the highest?Antara sebatian-sebatian berikut ,yang manakah mempunyai nombor pengoksidaan yang tertinggi bagi nitrogen ?






Magnesium ribbon, tin foil, copper foil and zinc foil are coiled around four different iron nails. The metal pairs are then placed in a test tube containing aqueous sodium chloride solution. Which of the test tubes will contain the highest concentration of iron(II) irons after 2 days?Pita magnesium, lingkaran stanum, lingkaran ferum dan lingkaran zink diikat pada paku besi. Pasangan logam itu kemudian diletakkan di dalam tabung uji yang mengandungi larutan natrium klorida. Antara tabung uji berikut yang manakah mengandungi kepekatan ion ferum(II) yang paling tinggi selepas 2 hari.





11. When a mixture of carbon and copper(II) oxide is heated stronglyApabila satu campuran karbon dengan kuprum(II) oksida di panaskan dengan kuat

Ithe oxide ion loses two electrons.Ion oxida melepaskan dua elektron.

IIthe oxidation number of carbon increases from 0 to +4nombor pengoxidaan karbon bertambah dari 0 kepada +4.

IIIthe copper(II) oxide acts as the reducing agent.Kuprum(II) oksida bertindak sebagai agen penurunan.

IVthe copper(II) ion accepts two electronsIon kuprum(II) terima dua elektron.

AI and III

BII and IV


DI, II, III and IV

12. When 25 cm3 of 0.25 mol dm-3 silver nitrate solution is added into 25 cm3 of 0.25 mol dm-3 sodium chloride solution, the temperature of the mixture rises by 3oC. What is the quantity of heat released in this experiment? Apabila 25 cm3 of 0.25 mol dm-3 larutan argentum nitrat ditambah ke 25 cm3 of 0.25 mol dm-3 larutan natrium klorida, suhu campuran tersebut meningkat sebanyak 3oC. Apakah kuantiti haba yang dibebaskan di dalam eksperimen ini.

(Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J g-1 oC-1)(Muatan haba tentu air = 4.2J g -1 o C -1 )

A25 x 4.2 x 3.0 J

B25 x 4.2 x 0.25 x 3.0 J

C50 x 4.2 x 3.0 J

D50 x 4.2 x 0.25 x 3.0 J

13. The heat of neutralisation between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution is higher than the heat of neutralisation between ethanoic acid and sodium hydroxide solution becauseHaba peneutralan antara asid hidroklorik dan larutan natrium hidroksida adalah lebih tinggi berbanding haba peneutralan antara asid etanoik dan larutan natrium hidroksida kerana

Aenergy is needed to ionise the ethanoic acid.tenaga diperlukan untuk mengionkan asid etanoik

Bthe reaction between ethanoic acid and sodium hydroxide solution is incomplete.tindak balas antara asid ethanoik dan larutan natrium hidroxida adalah tidak lengkap

C hydrochloric acid is a mineral acid whereas ethanoic acid is an organic acid.asid hidroklorik adalah asid mineral manakala asid etanoik adalah asid organic

D hydrochloric acid and ethanoic acid have different pH values.asid hidroklorik dan asid etanoik mempunyai nilai pH yang berbeza.

14. In an experiment to determine the heat of combustion of propane, when 2.4 g propanol is completely burnt, the temperature of 500 cm3 of water increases by 38.5 oC. What is the heat of combustion of propanol?

Dalam suatu eksperimen untuk menentukan haba pembakaran propane, apabila 2.4 g propanol terbakar dengan lengkap suhu 500 cm3 air meningkatkan sebanyak 38.5oC. Tentukan haba pembakaran propanol.

(Relative molecular mass of propanol=60, Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J/g oC)(Jisim molekul relatif propanol=60, Muatan haba tentu air = 4.2 J / g o C )

A 500 x 4.2 x 38.5 kJ/mol 2.4 x 60 x1000

B 60 x 4.2 x 38.5 kJ/mol 2.4 x 1000x 500

C 2.4 x 60 x 500 kJ/mol 4.2 x 38.5

D 60 x 500 x 4.2 x 38.5 kJ/mol 2.4 x 1000

15. The reaction between zinc and silver nitrate solution is represented by the equation:Tindak balas antara zink dengan argentum nitrat diwakili dengan tindak balas berikut :

Zn(s) + 2AgNO3(aq) 2Ag(s) + Zn(NO3)2(aq) H = -310 kJ mol-1

Which of the statements is true concerning the reaction above?Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah yang benar mengenai tindak balas di atas[relative atomic mass of Ag = 108, Zn = 65][Jisim atom relatif Ag = 108, Zn = 65]

IThe zinc metal is oxidised.Logam zink di oksidakan

IIThe temperature of the mixture increases during reaction.Suhu camppuran meningkat semasa tindak balas

IIIWhen 10.8 g of silver is displaced, 31 kJ of heat is released.Bila 10.8 g argentum disesarkan , 31 kJ haba dibebaskan

IVWhen 6.5 g of zinc is reacted, 31 kJ of heat is released.Bila 6.5 g zink ditindak balaskan , 31 kJ haba di bebaskan

AI and II


CI, II and IV


16. In which category of medicine is emphetamine grouped into?Dalam kategori ubat yang manakah emfetamin dikelaskan?





17. Picture 1Gambar 1

Picture 1 shows some oil palm fruits. Saponification of oil palm producesGambar 1 menunjukkan buah kelapa sawit. Saponifikasi minyak kelapa sawit menghasilkan

Aone glycerol molecule and one soap molecule.Satu molekul gliserol dan satu molekul sabun.

Bone glycerol molecule and two soap molecules.Satu molekul gliserol dan dua molekul sabun.

Cone glycerol molecule and three soap molecules.Satu molekul gliserol dan tiga molekul sabun.

Dsoap and water molecules.Sabun dan molekul air.

18. Which of the following food additive is correctly categorised?Antara bahan tambah makanan berikut , yang manakah di kategorikan dengan betul?

Food additiveCategory

IAscorbic acidAntioxidant


IIIStarch powderThickening agent

IVSodium phosphateFood additive

AI and III

BI, II and IV


DI ,II ,III and IV

19The diagram shows the set up of the apparatus of a simple chemical cell.Gambarajah menujukkan susunan alat radas untuk sebuah sel ringkas.

ElectrolyteElectrode LElectrode YElectron flow

What are metals X and Y that produce the highest voltage of the cell?Apakah logam X dan Y yang boleh menghasilkan voltan sel yang tertinggi?

Metal XLogam XMetal YLogam Y

AAluminium AluminiumIronBesi



DZincZinkLead Plumbum

20The diagram represents the molecular formula of a carbon compound.Gambarajah mewakili formula molekul suatu sebatian karbon.


What is the IUPAC name for the above carbon compound?Apakah nama IUPAC untuk sebatian karbon di atas?

AEthyl propanoateEtil propanoat

BPropyl propanoatePropil propanoate

CPropyl butanoatePropil butanoat

DButyl propanoateButil propanoat

21. The table shows the melting points and boiling points of substances S, T, U, V and WSubstanceMelting point/oCBoiling point/ o C

S- 182- 162

T- 23 77

U- 97 65

V 41182

W 132290

Which substance exists as a gas at room temperature?AS onlyB S and T onlyCT and U onlyDVand W only

22. The table below shows the proton number of elements M and N

ElementProton number



Which is true of the compound formed between elements M and N? Compound formulaType of bond AMNIonic bond BMNCovalent bond CM2N3Ionic bond DM3N2Covalent bond

23 Dilute sodium chlorideQP

In which set of the following pair of metals would electron flow in the direction as in the diagram?PQ





24. What is the number of atoms in 1 mole of ammonia, NH3? Use the information that the Avogadro Constant 6.02 X 1023 mol-1 A6.02 X 1023B2.408 X 1024C1.806 X 1023D1.2 X 102425The chemical formula for glucose is C6H12O6. This shows thatI the empirical formula for glucose is CH2OIIeach glucose molecule is made up of 6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms and 6 oxygen atoms.III1 mol of glucose contains a total of 144 x 1023 atomsIVOne glucose molecule has a mass of 180 times higher than the mass of 1 hydrogen atomUse the information relative atomic mass for H =1,C =12 and O =16 Avogadro Constant = 6.02 X 1023 mol-1AI and II onlyBI, III and IV onlyCII, III and IV onlyDI, II, III and IV

26What is the percentage by mass of nitrogen content in urea, CO(NH2) 2 ?Use the information that the relative atomic mass of C = 12 , N =14, H=1 and O = 16

A23.3 % B31.8 %C46.7 %D63.6 %

27A meteorologist would like to release a weather balloon to the amosphere to carry out carry out studies on the weather.

Between A, B, C and D in the Periodic Table shown below which is the most suitable element to fill up the weather balloon?

28The diagram shows the electron arrangement of a substance formed between two atoms of Z.ZZ

Which of the following statements is true about the substance?AConsists of ionsBConduct electricity in molten stateCThe compound has a low melting pointDDissolves in water

29. When 10 cm3 of 0.50 mol dm-3 NaOH is diluted with water to 100 cm3 , the concentration of NaOH solution is A0.050mol dm-3 B0.10mol dm-3 C0.15 mol dm-3 D0.20mol dm-3

30.The reaction between lead (II) nitrate and potassium iodide solution is represented by the equation below

Pb(NO3)2 (aq) + 2KI (aq) PbI2 (s) + 2KNO3 (aq)

25.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 potassium iodide solution is mixed with 25.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 lead (II) nitrate solution. What is the maximum mass of lead(II) iodide produced in this reaction? Use the information relative atomic mass for I = 127 and Pb = 207

A4.175 gB5.76 gC8.35 gD11.52 g

31.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of ammonia?

AVery soluble in water.

BHas a pungent smell.

CA white fume gas.

DAlkaline gas.

32 1g of magnesium was allowed to react with 50 cm of sulphuric acid, 1 mol dm-. Three experiments were conducted using three different sizes of magnesium. The time taken to collect 20cm of hydrogen gas is as below.ExperimentIIIIII

Time / s16725

Which of the following experiments show the arrangement of the size of magnesium in decreasing order?AI, II, IIIBII, I, IIICIII, II, IDIII, I, II33The diagram below is a structural formula of a polymer.CCCH3CCCCCCH3CH3CH3HHHHHHHHHH

What is the structural formula of the monomer for the above polymer?





34 A compound with formula M2CO3 has a relative formula mass of 138.What is the relative atomic mass of M ?Use the information that the relative atomic mass of C = 12 and O = 16A39B69C78D110

35Study the structural formula below:H







Based on the IUPAC system, what is the name of the compound having this structural formula?

A 2,4,4- trimethylpentane B 2,4,4- trimethyloctane C 2-ethyl-4-methylpentaneD 2,4-dimethylhexane36 Butane has some similar characteristics with butene. The characteristics are I Exist as gas at room temperature.II Decolourise the purple colour of acidified potassium manganate(VII).III Cannot dissolve in water.IV Burn in excess air to produce a gas that turns limewater cloudy.A I and III onlyBII and IV onlyCI, III and IV onlyDI, II, III and IV37Two experiments were conducted to study the rate of reaction between excess calcium carbonate and sulphuric acid as shown below.ExperimentSulphuric acid

I25cm H2 SO4, 1 mol dm-

II50cm H2 SO4, 0.5 mol dm -

Which of the following graphs best describes the results of the above experiments?Volume/cm3



A CIIItime/s






38The relative atomic mass of metal Q is 7 and the relative atomic mass of the metal W is 56

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above statement?I1 mol of W has 8 times more atoms than 1 mol of QII1 atom of W is 8 times heavier than 1 atom of QIII1 atom of W has the same number of protons with 8 atoms of QIV56 g of W has the same number of atoms as in 7 g of QAI and III onlyBII and IV onlyCI, II and III onlyDI, II, III and IV

39The equation shows neutralization reaction between W hydroxide solution and nitric acid.

W(OH)2 + 2HNO3 W(NO3)2 + 2H2O

20 cm3 of W hydroxide solution 0.5 mol dm-3 neutralized 20 cm3 of nitric acid. What is the concentration of the nitric acid needed?A0.25 mol dm-3B0.50 mol dm-3C1.00 mol dm-3D2.00 mol dm-340An esterification reaction is given as follows: Propanoic acid + ethanol Q + H2O

What is the molecular formula of ester Q?





41Below are the symbols of element X and Z.

If elements X and Z combine together to form an alloy Q, what is the arrangement of atoms in alloy Q?



BAtom XAtom ZAtom ZAtom X

DAtom ZAtom X

Atom XAtom Z


42. The equation below represents the reaction to extract aluminium from aluminium oxide.2Al2O3 4Al + 3O2

What is the mass of aluminium that can be extracted from 51 g of aluminium oxide ?Given that relative atomic mass of Al = 27 and O = 16

A6.75 gB13.5 gC27.0 gD54.0 g43Between these aqueous solutions, which will give the increasing number in pH value?ACH3COOH, HCl, NaOH, NaClBHCl, NaCl, CH3COOH, NaOHCNaOH, NaCl, CH3COOH, HClDHCl, CH3COOH, NaCl, NaOH44. The table shows the number of electrons, proton number and number of neutrons for particles X and Y.

ParticleNumber of electronsProton numberNumber of neutrons


Which of the following conclusions is correct for X and Y?AX is a positive ionBX and Y are isotopesCThe mass of 1 mol of X is equals to 16gDBoth X and Y are charged particles45The combustion of methane is as follows:CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O

If 100 cm3 of methane is burnt in excess air, what is the volume of carbon dioxide gas given off at room conditions?Given that 1 mol of gas occupies 24 dm3 at room conditions.A100 cm3 B150 cm3 C200 cm3D300 cm346Which of the following are the properties of acid?IChanges the blue litmus paper to redIIReacts with metal to produce salt and hydrogen gas onlyIIIReacts with metal oxide to produce salt and water onlyIVReacts with metal carbonate to produce salt and carbon dioxide only AI and II only BII and III only CI, II and III only DI, II, III and IV

47You were asked by your teacher to verify the cation and anion in a sample of iron ( II ) chloride salt solution.What substance can you use to verify the cation and anion?


ANessler reagentDilute nitric acid and silver nitrate

BNessler reagentDilute hydrochloric acid and barium chloride

CSodium hydroxide Dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate

DSodium hydroxideDilute hydrochloric acid and barium chloride

48The figure below shows the structural formula of a molecule of fat X. O




Which of the following is true about fat X?

IFat X can undergo hydrogenation reaction.IIFat X could be found much in plants or vegetables.IIIIncreases the amount of cholesterol in blood.IVFat X is an ester.

AI and II


CI, II and IV

DI, II, III and IV

49. The table below shows the melting and boiling points of substances P, Q, R and S. [Jadual menunjukkan takat lebur dan takat didih bahan P, Q, R dan S. ]

Substance[Bahan]Melting point(C)[Takat lebur]

Boiling point (C)[Takat didih]





Which of the following are true about the physical state of the of substances P, Q, R and S at room temperature ?Yang manakah antara berikut adalah benar tentang keadaan fizik bahan P, Q, R dan S pada suhu bilik ?

Substance [Bahan]Physical state [Keadaan fizik]





AI and III BII and IV CI, III and IV DI, II, III and IV

50. Compound P and compound Q have the molecular formulae CH3OH and C2H5OH resperctively. Which of the following reaction is true of both compounds? [Sebatian P dan sebatian Q mempunyai formula molekul CH3OH dan C2H5OH masing-masing. Tindak balas yang manakah antara berikut adalah benar untuk kedua-dua sebatian?]

AProduce esters when reflux with concentrated sulphuric acid.[ Menghasilkan ester apabila direfluks dengan asid sulfurik pekat]BProduce carboxylic acids when reflux with acidified potassium dichromate(VI).[ Mehghasilkan asid karbosilik apabila direfluks dengan kalium dikromat(VI).] CProduce alkenes when the vapour is passed through heated porcelain chips. [Menghasilkan alkena apabila wap sebatian melalui serpihan porselin yang panas.]D Produce the same amount of heat when undergo complete combustion.[Menghasilkan jumlah haba yang sama banyak apabila mengalami pembakaran lengkap]

CHEMISTRY SPM 2015SOALAN ARAS TINGGISET 41. The table below shows the results of two experiments carried out to investigate the rate of reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid. [Jadual di bawah menunjukkan keputusan dua eksperimen yang dijalankan untuk mengkaji kadar tindak balas magnesium dengan asid hidroklorik.]Experiment[Eksperimen]Volume of hydrochloric acid/cm3[Isipadu asid hidroklorik]

Concentration of hydrochloric acid/ mol dm-3[Kepekatan asid hidroklorik]



Which of the following graphs show the volume of hydrogen gas liberated against time?[Antara graf yang berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan isipadu gas hidrogen dibebaskan terhadap masa?]

AVolume of gas / cm3[Isipadu gas]Experiment II

Experiment I

Time / s

CVolume of gas / cm3[Isipadu gas]

Experiment II

Experiment I

Time / s

BExperiment I

Volume of gas / cm3[Isipadu gas]

Experiment II

Time / s

DExperiment II

Volume of gas / cm3[Isipadu gas]

Experiment I

Time / s

2. The formula for X oxide is X2O3 and its relative formula mass is 70. What is the relative atomic mass of element X? [Formula bagi oksida X ialah X2O3 jisim formula relatifnya ialah 70. Apakah jisim atom relatif unsur X?]

[Relative atomic mass of O = 16 ] [Jisim atom relatif O = 16 ] A 9B 11C 24D 27

3. Diagram 10 below shows the set up of an electrolytic cell and a chemical cell[Rajah 10 di bawah menunjukkan susunan bagi sel elektrolisis dan sel kimia.]


Chemical cell[Sel kimia] Electrolytic cell [ Sel elektrolisis]

DIAGRAM 10Which of the following statements is common to both electrolytic cell and chemical cell?Antara penyataan berikut yang manakah benar bagi kedua-dua sel?

A The energy changed is from electrical energy to chemical energy. [Perubahan tenaga yang berlaku adalah dari tenaga elektrik ke tenaga kimia].

B The electrons flow from the negative electrode to the positive electrode. [ Elektron mengalir dari elektrod negatif ke elektrod positif.]C Reduction occurs at the anode and oxidation occurs at the cathode.[Proses penurunan berlaku di anod dan proses pengoksidaan berlaku di katod]

DThe more electropositive metal will becomes the anode in both cell [Elektrod yang lebih elektropositif akan menjadi anod dalam kedua-dua sel]

4. Diagram 11 shows the atomic symbol for element M [Rajah 11 menunjukkn simbol atom bagi unsur M.] 19M 9

DIAGRAM 11 The nucleus of atom M contains[Nukleus atom M mengandungi]

A 9 electrons and 19 neutronsB9 protons and 10 neutrons C9 electrons and 10 protons D9 protons and 19 neutrons

5. Diagram 12 shows the conversion of methanol into compound P and subsequently into compound Q.[Rajah 12 menunjukkan penukaran metanol kepada sebatian P yang seterusnya kepada sebatian Q.]

Compound Q [Sebatian Q]

Compound P[Sebatian P]


reflux with C2H5OH andconcentrated H2SO4[Refluks dengan C2H5OH dan H2SO4Pekat]

Heat with acidified K2Cr2O7[Panakan dengan K2Cr2O7Berasid]


Which of the following may be compound Q?[Yang manakah antara berikut ialah sebatian Q?]

A Methanoic acid [Acid metanoik]B Methylethanoate [Metilletanoat]C Ethylmethanoate [ Etilmetanoat]D Ethylethanote [ Etilletanoat]

6. 12.4 g of P has reacted with 9.6 g of Q. Which of the following represents the reaction? [12.4 g P telah bertindakbalas dengan 9.6 g Q. Yang manakah antara berikut mewakili tindakbalas tersebut?] [Relative atomic mass of P= 31 , Q = 16][Jisim atom relatif P= 31 , Q = 16]

A4P + Q2 2P2Q

B2P + Q2 2PQ

C4P + 3Q2 2P2Q3

D4P + 5Q2 2 P2Q5

7. The following shows the chemical equation for the reaction between ammonia gas and hydrogen chloride gas.[Persamaan berikut mewakili tindakbalas antara gas ammonia dan gas hidrogen klorida.]

NH3 (g) + HCl(g) NH4Cl (s) 500 cm3 of ammonia gas has reacted with excess hydrogen chloride gas at S.T.P. What is the mass of ammonium chloride formed in the reaction?[500 cm3 gas ammonia telah bertindakbalas dengan gas hidrogen khlorida pada S.T.P.Berapakah jisim ammonium klorida terbentuk dalam tindakbalas itu?] [Relative atomic mass of H=1, N=14 , Cl =35.5 ; 1 mol of gas occupies 22.4 dm3 at S.T.P] [Jisim atom relative of H=1, N=14 , Cl =35.5 ; 1 mol gas menempati 22.4 dm3 at S.T.P]

A22.4 x 1000 500 x 53.5 B22.4 x 1000 x 53.5 500

C 500 ______ 22.4 x 1000 x 53.5

D__53.5 x 500_ 22.4 x 1000 8. 3.2 g of copper (II) oxide powder is reacted with excess dilute nitric acid. What is the mass of copper (II) nitrate formed in the reaction? [3.2 g serbuk kuprum(II) oksida ditindakbalaskan dengan asid nitrik cair yang berlebihan. Berapakah jisim kuprum(II) nitrat yang terbentuk dalam tindak balas itu?]

[Relative atomic mass : N,14; O,16; Cu,64][Jisim atom relatif : N,14; O,16; Cu,64]

A3.76 gB4.96 gC5.04 g D 7.52 g9. The following information is given. Relative atomic mass of C =12; H=1; O = 16 and Na = 23[ Jisim Atom Relatif C=12; H=1; O=16; Na=23 ]One mole of ethane, C 2H 4 contains[Satu mol etena, C 2H 4 mempunyai]

I the same number of molecules as 1 mole of methane, CH 4 [bilangan molekul yang sama dengan 1 mol metana CH 4 ]II the same number of carbon atoms as 2 moles of sodium carbonate, Na2CO 3 [bilangan atom karbon yang sama dengan 2 mol natrium karbonat, Na2CO 3]III the same mass as 1 mole of carbon monoxide [jisim yang sama dengan 1 mol karbon monoksida] IV the same volume as 1 mole of hydrogen gas [isipadu yang sama dengan 1 mol gas hidrogen]

AIII and IVBI , II and III CII,III and IV DI, II, III and IV

10. The thermochemical equation below represents the combustion of methane in excess oxygen.[Persamaan termokimia berikut mewakili pembakaran metana dalam oksigen berlebihan]

CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) H = -890 kJmol-1Which of the following are true when 4.0g of methane was burnt in excess oxygen?[Yang manakah antara berikut adalah benar apabila 4.0g of metana dibakar dalam oksigen berlebihan?][Relative atomic mass: H,1;C,12;O,16;Molar volume of gas = 24 dm3 at room temperature] [Jisim atom relative: H,1;C,12;O,16; Isipadau molar gas = 24 dm3 pada suhu bilik]

I222.5 kJ heat was released 222.5 kJ haba terbebas II0.25 mol of oxygen is used 0.25 mol oksigen terhasilIII 6 dm3 of carbon dioxide was formed 6 dm3 karbon dioksida terbentuk IV4.5g of water was produced 4.5g air terbentuk

AI and III onlyB II and IV onlyC II, III and IV only DI, II, III and IV

11. The table below shows the results of an experiment to study the displacement of metal from its solution using other metals[ Jadual menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen untuk mengkaji penyesaran logam dari larutan garamnya oleh logam yang lain]Metal[Logam]Nitrate of W[Nitrat logam W]Nitrate of Y[Nitrat logam W]Nitrates of Z[Nitrat logam W]

W -X

Y- X


Which of the following statements is true about metals W,X and Y? [ Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang W,X dan Y?]

I. W is more electropositive than Y [W adalah lebih elektropositif dari Y.] II. No reaction occurs between Z and nitrate of Y [Tiada tindakbalas berlaku antara Z and Y nitrat. ] III W is placed higher than Z in the electrochemical series [W terletak lebih atas dari Z dalam siri elektrokimia] IV The arrangement of metals W,Y and Z in descending order of electropositivity is Z,W and Y. [ Susunan logam dalam tertib keelektropositifan menurun ialah Z,W danY.]A. I and III onlyB. I and IV onlyC. I,II and III only D. I,II,III and IV12. A student was provided with 2.40 g solid sodium hydroxide to prepare a standard solution of 0.12 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide [ Seorang pelajar telah dibekalkan sebanyak 2.40 g pepejal natrium hidroksida bagi menyediakan satu larutan piawai natrium hidrksida 0.12 mol dm-3](Relative atomic mass : Na =23; O=16; H=1 )(Jisim atom relatif : Na =23; O=16; H=1 )

The size of the volumetric flask required to prepare the solution is.[Saiz kelalang volumetrik yang diperlukannya ialah untuk menyediakan larutan tersebut ialah]A200 cm3B250 cm3 C500 cm3 D 1000 cm3

13. Diagram 13 shows the set up of apparatus for the titration of sodium hydroxide solution with sulphuric acid. [Rajah di bawah menunjukkan susunan radas bagi proses pentitratan larutan natrium hidroksidadengan asid sulfurik.]

0.1 mol dm-3 of sulphuric acid [Asid sulfurik 0.1 mol dm-3]

20 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide andphenolphthalein as an indicator[20 cm3 larutan natriun hidroksida0.2 mol dm-3 dan penunjuk fenolftalein]

DIAGRAM 13 What is the total volume of the solution in the conical flask at the end point of titration ?[Berapakah jumlah isipadu larutan di dalam kelalang kon pada takat akhir pentitratan?]

A20 cm3B30 cm3 C40 cm3 D50 cm314When a mixture of 2-butanol, CH3CHOHCH2CH3 and concentrated sulphuric acid isheated, gas X is produced. Which of the following is the molecular structure of X?


15The diagram below shows the changes of the sulphur in Contact Process.

SSO2SO3H2S2O7Which of the following are the correct changes in the oxidation state of sulphur?

ABCD0 +4 +6 +60 +4 +6 +71 +3 +6 +81 +4 +6 +6

16The following equation shows the formation of water

H2(g) + O2(g) H2O(l) , H = 287 kJmol

Which of the following is true regarding the above equation?

ABCDActivation energy for the reaction is highIf 1 mole of oxygen reacts 574 kJ of heat energy is absorbedCombustion of 1 mole of hydrogen releases 287 kJ of heat energy1 mole of water that is formed in the reaction received 287 kJ heat energy

17A patient claims he always heard someone says something to him but hedidnt see anybody around him during the situation.

Which of the following medicines is most appropriate in treating the above symptoms or disorders?


18Which of the following isotopes is used to detect leakage in a gas pipe?

ABCDCarbon 14Cobalt 60Sodium 24Iodine - 131

1934 g of ammonia consists of[Relative molecular mass of ammonia = 17, Avogadro constant = 6.02 x 10 23 mol-1]


ABCD2 mole of nitrogen atoms2 mole of ammonia molecules1.204 X 1024 molecules5 mole of hidrogen atoms

I and II onlyI, II and III onlyII, III and Iv onlyI, II, III and IV only

20Profesional cyclists usually fill their bicycle tyres with gas X which makes the bicycle lighter.




Which of the following elements X, Y, W and Z in the Periodic Table is suitable to be used in bicycle tyres?


21The diagram below shows the symbols of atoms D and E27 D1316 E 8

Atom D reacts with atom E to form a compound. Calculate the relative molecular mass for the compound formed.

ABCD21 43 102113

22Calculate the volume of sodium hydroxide of concentration 0.5 mol dm-3 needed to neutralize 25.0 cm3 sulphuric acid of concentration 0.20 mol dm-3.

ABCD10 cm320 cm325 cm350 cm3

23The table below shows the potential difference of three simple voltaic cells.

CellPair of metalPotential difference(V)Negative terminal

IMg and Cu3.0Mg

IIMg and Zn1.5Mg

IIIZn and Fe0.5Zn

What is the potential difference of a simple voltaic cell for pair of iron and copper ?

ABCD0.5 V1.0 V1.5 V2.5 V

24200 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 sodium chloride solution reacts completely with excess silver nitrate. Calculate the mass of precipitate produced.[Relative atomic mass of: Ag, 108; Cl, 35.5]

ABCD2.78 g2.87 g3.78 g3.87 g

25The uses of substance X; To clean metals. To produce detergents. To make paints.

What is substances X?

ABCDNitric acidSulphuric acidAmmoniaAmmonium sulphate

26Graph represents the decomposition of 25 cm3 hydrogen peroxide of 0.5 mol dm-3 with manganese(IV) oxide as a catalyst at a temperature of 30oC.

Which of the following experiments will produce graph II ?

Volume ofhydrogen peroxide / cm3Concentration ofhydrogen peroxide/mol dm-3Temperature ofhydrogen peroxide / oC





27Which of the following equations represents a redox reaction?

ABCDPb(NO3)2(aq) + CuSO4(aq) PbSO4(s) + Cu(NO3)2(aq)CH3COOH(aq) + NaOH(aq) CH3COOH(aq) + H2O(l)Mg(s) + CuSO4(aq) MgSO4(aq) + Cu(s)C2H4(g) + 3O2(g) 2CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

28The diagram below shows the molecular formulae of two compounds A and B. Substance X is formed when both compounds react with each other.Compound A,C2H5OHCompound B,C2H5COOHSubstance X

Which of the following set represents substance X?

Structural formulaName


Ethyl propanoate


Ethyl propanoate


Propyl propanoate


Propyl propanoate