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chem kinetics ib questions

Jan 08, 2016



Dhruv Khurana

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  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    r1. Consider the following graph of ln k against for the rst order decomposition of

    N2O4into NO2. Determine the activation energy in kJ mol

    for this reaction.

    (Total 2 marks)

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    2. !romine and nitrogen"##$ o%ide react according to the following e&'ation.

    !r2"g$ ( 2NO"g$ ) 2NO!r"g$

    *hich rate e&'ation is consistent with the e%perimental data+

    [Br2] / mol dm3

    [NO] / mol dm3

    Rate / mol dm3


    ,., ,., ., - ,

    ,.2, ,., 4., - ,

    ,.2, ,.4, 4., - ,

    /. rate 0 k1!r221NO

    !. rate 0 k1!r2 1NO2

    C. rate 0 k1!r22

    D. rate 0 k1NO2

    (Total 1 mark)

    3. *hich step is the rate3determining step of a reaction+

    /. he step with the lowest activation energy

    !. he nal step

    C. he step with the highest activation energy

    D. he rst step(Total 1 mark)

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    "8$ Determine the activation energy7 Ea7 for this reaction.








    "c$ he rate e%pression for this reaction is rate 0 k 1N2O2and the rate

    constant is,.244 dm9mol


    at :;,

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    5. he rate information 8elow was o8tained for the following reaction at aconstant temperat're.

    2NO2"g$ ( >2"g$ ) 2NO2>"g$

    [NO2] / mol dm3

    [F2] / mol dm3

    Rate / mol dm3


    2., - ,9

    ., - ,2

    4., - ,4

    4., - ,9

    ., - ,2

    ?., - ,4

    4., - ,9

    2., - ,2

    . - ,9

    *hat are the orders of the reaction with respect to NO2and >2+

    /. NO2is rst order and >2is second order

    !. NO2is second order and >2is rst order

    C. NO2is rst order and >2is rst order

    D. NO2is second order and >2is second order

    (Total 1 mark)

    6. Consider the following reaction.

    2NO"g$ ( 2@2"g$ ) N2"g$ ( 2@2O"g$

    / proposed reaction mechanism isA

    NO"g$ ( NO"g$ N2O2"g$ fastN2O2"g$ ( @2"g$

    ) N2O"g$ ( @2O"g$ slowN2O"g$ ( @2"g$

    ) N2"g$ ( @2O"g$ fast

    *hat is the rate e%pression+

    /. rate 0 k1@2 1NO2

    !. rate 0 k1N2O2 1@2

    C. rate 0 k1NO21@2


    D. rate 0 k1NO21N2O2


    (Total 1 mark)

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    7. @ydrogen and nitrogen"##$ o%ide react according to the following e&'ation.

    2@2"g$ ( 2NO"g$ N2"g$ ( 2@2O"g$

    /t time 0 t seconds7 the rate of the reaction is

    rate 0 k1@2"g$1NO"g$


    "i$ B%plain precisely what the s&'are 8rackets aro'nd nitrogen"##$ o%ide71NO"g$7 represent in this conte%t.




    "ii$ Ded'ce the 'nits for the rate constant k.




    (Total 2 marks)

    . *hich e%perimental proced're co'ld 8e 'sed to determine the rate ofreaction for the reaction 8etween a sol'tion of co8alt chloride7 CoCl2"a&$7

    and concentrated hydrochloric acid7 @Cl"a&$+


    "a&$ ( 4Cl"a&$ CoCl4

    2"a&$ ( @2O"l$

    /. eas're the change in p@ in a given time

    !. eas're the change in mass in a given time

    C. se a colorimeter to meas're the change in colo'r in a given time

    D. eas're the change in vol'me of the sol'tion in a given time(Total 1 mark)

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    !. 6odi'm thios'lfate sol'tion7 Na262O9"a&$7 and hydrochloric acid7 @Cl"a&$7

    react spontaneo'sly to prod'ce solid s'lf'r7 6"s$7 according to the e&'ation8elow.


    "a&$ ( 2@


    "a&$ ) 6"s$ ( 6O2"a&$ ( @2O"l$

    / st'dent e%perimentally determined the rate e%pression to 8eA

    rate 0 k162O92


    *hich graph is consistent with this information+

    (Total 1 mark)

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    1". /le% and @annah were asked to investigate the kinetics involved in theiodination of propanone.hey were given the following e&'ation 8y theirteacher.

    C@9COC@9"a&$ ( #2"a&$ C@2#COC@9"a&$ ( @#"a&$

    /le%Es hypothesis was that the rate will 8e aFected 8y changing theconcentrations of the propanone and the iodine7 as the reaction can happenwitho't a catalyst. @annahEs hypothesis was that as the catalyst is involvedin the reaction7 the concentrations of the propanone7 iodine and thehydrogen ions will all aFect the rate.

    hey carried o't several e%periments varying the concentration of one ofthe reactants or the catalyst while keeping other concentrations andconditions the same7 and o8tained the res'lts 8elow.

    #om$os%t%o& 'ol*me

    o+m%,t*re /




    1."" mol




    ater 1."" mol









    / mol dm



    ,., ,., ,., 2,., 4.G - ,

    2 ,., ;,., ,., 9,., ;.,4 - ,

    9 ;., ;., ,., 2,., 2.4: - ,

    4 ,., ;., ;., 2,., 2.; - ,

    "a$ B%plain why they added water to the mi%t'res.




    "8$ "i$ Ded'ce the order of reaction for each s'8stance and the rate

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    e%pression from the res'lts.






  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    "ii$ Comment on whether /le%Es or @annahEs hypothesis is correct.




    "c$ sing the data from B%periment 7 determine the concentration of thes'8stances 'sed and the rate constant for the reaction incl'ding its'nits.








    "d$ "i$ his reaction 'ses a catalyst. 6ketch and annotate the a%well3!oltHmann energy distri8'tion c'rve for a reaction with andwitho't a catalyst on la8elled a%es 8elow.


    "ii$ Descri8e how a catalyst works.


  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions




    (1)(Total 11 marks)

    11. "a$ he prod'ction of ammonia is an important ind'strial process.

    N2"g$ ( 9@2"g$ 2N@9"g$

    "i$ sing the average 8ond enthalpy val'es in a8le , of the Data!ooklet7 determine the standard enthalpy change for this


    "ii$ he standard entropy val'es7 S7 at 2G? 5 for N2"g$7 @2"g$ and

    N@9"g$ are G97 9 and G2 J5


    respectively. Calc'late ISO

    for the reaction and with reference to the e&'ation a8ove7 e%plain

    the sign of ISO.


    "iii$ Calc'late IGOfor the reaction at 2G? 5.


    "iv$ Descri8e and e%plain the eFect of increasing temperat're on thespontaneity of the reaction.


    "8$ he reaction 'sed in the prod'ction of ammonia is an e&'ili8ri'mreaction. O'tline the characteristics of a system at e&'ili8ri'm.


    "c$ Ded'ce the e&'ili8ri'm constant e%pression7 Kc7 for the prod'ction of


    "d$ "i$ ,.2, mol of N2"g$ and ,.2, mol of @2"g$ were allowed to reach

    e&'ili8ri'm in a dm9closed container. /t e&'ili8ri'm the

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    concentration of N@9"g$ was ,.,, mol dm9

    . Determine the

    e&'ili8ri'm concentrations of N2"g$ and @2"g$ and calc'late the

    val'e of Kc.


    "ii$ redict and e%plain how increasing the temperat're will aFect theval'e of Kc.


  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    "e$ Descri8e how increasing the press're aFects the yield of ammonia.(2)

    "f$ #n practice7 typical conditions 'sed in the @a8er process are atemperat're of ;,,

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    13. Consider the following reaction.

    NO2"g$ ( CO"g$ ) NO"g$ ( CO2"g$

    /t T K 22:

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    15. *hat happens when the temperat're of a reaction increases+

    /. he activation energy increases.

    !. he rate constant increases.

    C. he enthalpy change increases.

    D. he order of the reaction increases.(Total 1 mark)

    16. "a$ here are fo'r str'ct'ral isomers with the molec'lar form'la C4@G!r.

    One of these str'ct'ral isomers e%ists as two optical isomers. Drawdiagrams to represent the three3dimensional str'ct'res of the twooptical isomers.


    "8$ /ll the isomers can 8y hydrolysed with a&'eo's sodi'm hydro%idesol'tion. *hen the reaction of one of these isomers7 7 wasinvestigated the following kinetic data were o8tained.

    ,$er%me&t &%t%al [] /mol


    &%t%al [O0] /

    mol dm3

    &%t%al rate o+

    rea-t%o& /moldm



    2., - ,2

    2., - ,2

    4., - ,9

    2 2., - ,2

    4., - ,2

    4., - ,9

    9 4., - ,2

    4., - ,2

    ?., - ,9

    "i$ Ded'ce the rate e%pression for the reaction.


    "ii$ Determine the val'e of the rate constant for the reaction andstate its 'nits.


    "iii$ 6tate the name of isomer and e%plain yo'r choice.(2)

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    "iv$ 6tate e&'ations for the steps that take place in the mechanism ofthis reaction and state which of the steps is slow and which is fast.

    (2)(Total 11 marks)

    17. his &'estion refers to the following reaction.

    2( 2 ) 2

    he reaction occ'rs in a series of steps.

    2) 2 slow ( ) fast

    *hat is the rate3determining step for this reaction mechanism+

    /. 2( 2 ) 2

    !. 2( ) (

    C. 2) 2

    D. ( ) (Total 1 mark)

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    1. his &'estion refers to the following reaction.

    2( 2 ) 2

    he reaction occ'rs in a series of steps.

    2) 2 slow ( ) fast

    *hat is the rate e%pression for this reaction+

    /. rate 0 k1

    !. rate 0 k1212

    C. rate 0 k12

    D. rate 0 k12(Total 1 mark)

    1!. Consider the following reaction.

    ;!r"a&$ ( !rO9

    "a&$ ( @

    ("a&$ ) 9!r2"a&$ ( 9@2O"l$

    he rate e%pression for the reaction is fo'nd to 8eA

    rate 0 k1!r 1!rO9



    *hich statement is correct+

    /. he overall order is 2.

    !. Do'8ling the concentration of all of the reactants at the same timewo'ld increase the rate of the reaction 8y a factor of .

    C. he 'nits of the rate constant7 k7 are mol dm9



    D. / change in concentration of !ror !rO9

    does not aFect the rate of the

    reaction.(Total 1 mark)

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    2". he rate e%pression for a reaction isA

    rate 0 k 11

    *hich statement is correct+

    /. /s the temperat're increases the rate constant decreases.

    !. he rate constant increases with increased temperat're 8't event'allyreaches a constant val'e.

    C. /s the temperat're increases the rate constant increases.

    D. he rate constant is not aFected 8y a change in temperat're.(Total 1 mark)

    21. Consider the following reaction mechanism.

    6tep @2O2( #) @2O ( #O


    6tep 2 @2O2( #O) @2O ( O2( #


    *hich statement correctly identies the rate3determining step and thee%planation+

    /. 6tep 2 8eca'se it is the faster step

    !. 6tep 8eca'se it is the slower step

    C. 6tep 8eca'se it is the rst step

    D. 6tep 2 8eca'se it is the last step(Total 1 mark)

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    22. Nitrogen mono%ide reacts at 2?,

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    "ii$ #dentify the intermediate involved in the reaction.(1)

    (Total 2 marks)

    24. he conversion of C@9NC into C@9CN is an e%othermic reaction which can 8e

    represented as follows.

    C@9NPC transition state C@9CPN

    his reaction was carried o't at diFerent temperat'res and a val'e of therate constant7 k, was o8tained for each temperat're. / graph of ln k againstQT is shown 8elow.

    "i$ Dene the term activation energy7 Ea.


    "ii$ Constr'ct the enthalpy level diagram and la8el the activation energy7Ea7 the enthalpy change7 IH7 and the position of the transition state.


    "iii$ Descri8e &'alitatively the relationship 8etween the rate constant7 k7and the temperat're7 T.


  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    "iv$ Calc'late the activation energy7 Ea7 for the reaction7 'sing a8le of

    the Data !ooklet.(4)

    (Total ! marks)

    25. wo species7 and L7 react together according to the following e&'ation.

    ( L ) M

    he accepted mechanism for this reaction is

    ( 2 fast 2( L ) M (


    *hat is the order with respect to and L+

    9 :


    !. 2

    C. 2

    D. 2 2

    (Total 1 mark)

    26. he activation energy of a reaction may 8e determined 8y st'dying theeFect of a partic'lar varia8le on the reaction rate. *hich varia8le m'st 8echanged+

    /. p@

    !. Concentration

    C. 6'rface area

    D. emperat're(Total 1 mark)

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    3". *hat is the order of reaction with respect to NO2"g$ and >2"g$ given the

    following rate data at a certain temperat're+

    [NO2(8)] / mol dm3

    [F2(8)] / mol dm3

    Rate / mol dm3


    ,. ,.2 ,.

    ,.2 ,.2 ,.4

    ,. ,.4 ,.2

    Order ;%t< res$e-tto NO2(8)

    Order ;%t< res$e-tto F2(8)

    /. rst rst

    !. rst second

    C. second rst

    D. second second

    (Total 1 mark)

    31. Nitrogen"##$ o%ide reacts with hydrogen according to the following e&'ationA

    2NO"g$ ( 2@2"g$ ) N2"g$ ( 2@2O"g$

    he ta8le shows how the rate of reaction varies as the concentrations of thereactants are changed.

    ,$er%me&t&%t%al [NO] /

    mol dm3

    &%t%al [02] /mol


    &%t%al rate /mol

    (N2) dm3


    ,.,, ,.,, 2.;9-,

    2 ,.,, ,.2,, ;.,;-,

    9 ,.2,, ,.,, .,-,;

    4 ,.9,, ,.,, 2.2?-,;

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    "a$ Determine the order of reaction with respect to @2and with respect to


    @2 ............................................................................................................


    NO ..............................................................................................................................


    "8$ *rite the rate e%pression for the reaction.



    "c$ Calc'late the val'e for the rate constant7 and state its 'nits 'sing thedata from e%periment .






  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions


    "d$ / s'ggested mechanism for this reaction is as follows.

    @2( NO fast step ( NO ) ( @2O slow step ( @2) N2( @2O

    fast step

    6tate and e%plain whether this mechanism agrees with thee%perimental rate e%pression in "8$.










    "e$ B%plain why a single step mechanism is 'nlikely for a reaction of thiskind.






    "f$ Ded'ce and e%plain how the initial rate of formation of @2O compares

    with that of N2.

  • 7/17/2019 chem kinetics ib questions







    (2)(Total 13 marks)