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Chatfield Center for the Arts

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 Chatfield Center for the Arts


    - NNESOTAn gementBudgetAttachment A

    For Local Governments Requesting a 2014 Capital Appropriation

    Please provide answers to all of the following questions one for each project request) andsubmit them electronically n Microsoft Word to capitalbudget.mmb@state .mn .us by June 21,2013.I Project Basics

    1) Name City of Chatfield Economic Development Authority:2) Project title: Chatfield Center for the Arts3) Project priority number: First4) Project location: 4 5 South Main Street, Chatfield, Fillmore County5) Ownership and Operation:

    Who will own the facility: Chatfield Economic Development AuthorityWho will operate the facility: Chatfield Economic Development AuthorityNames of any private entities that will occupy/use any portion of the building: Wit's EndTheater; Chatfield Brass Band; Chatfield Community Choir; Chosen Bean Concerts;Julie Elder Yoga; Jackie's Fitness Center; Fillmore County Habitat for Humanity andmany others

    6) Project contact person :Joel Young, Chatfield City [email protected]

    II. Project Description7) Description and Rationale: Provide a brief project description and rationale (one page

    maximum).The very first sentence of this narrative should identify what is being requested. Example:This request is for_ _in state bond funding to acquire land, predesign. design, constructfurnish and equip (all that apply) a new facility located in (citv and (countvJ(purpose)As part of the project rationale, be sure to explain what public purpose the project is meeting -and how.

    400 Centennial Building 658 Cedar Street St Paul Minnesota 55 155Voice: 651) 201-8000 Fax : 651) 296-8685 r : 1-800 -627-3529J\n Equal Opportunity Employer 84

  • 8/13/2019 Chatfield Center for the Arts


    Local Govermncnt Capital udget RequestsPage

    This request is for 7,985,000 in state funding for pre-design, design, construction and projectmanagement of Phases and Ill of the renovation o the Potter Auditorium and ChatfieldCenter for the Arts in Chatfield into a modern, accessible and effective performing and displayarts center. Not only will this project preserve and enhance a distinctive, historic structure inSoutheastern Minnesota, it will provide an outstanding venue for the performance and visualarts in the area. Such a facility will have an enormous positive impact on the local tourismeconomy and the adjacent downtown. Local matching funds and/or facilities in the amount of9.1 million have already been committed to the project and a non-profit corporation has beenestablished to create and manage an endowment fund to maintain and operate the facility.Built in 1935-36, Potter Auditorium represents the most complete and best maintained PWAbuilding remaining in the nation, according to historical consultants. With its 850 seats and oneof the largest proscenium stages in the state of Minnesota, Potter has been a primary site forthe performing arts in southeastern Minnesota for 75 years. Theater productions by theChatfield Public Schools, Western Days Musical Productions and Wit's End Theater as well asa variety of travelling productions have graced its stage. Musical performances by the ChatfieldBrass Band, Chatfield school bands and vocal groups as well as regional musicianship andvocal contests continue to be a part of the Potter offerings.Since the space is no longer needed by the school district as elementary physical educationspace, it will now be possible to encourage its use by outside performers. In addition to offeringa site for all Sectional band, choral and drama competitions, the space will be available for thevariety of area theater groups that surround Chatfield. The major theater events, and concerts,that are planned, will draw thousands of people, injecting hundreds o thousands of dollars intothe economy each year.As part of this project, the Auditorium systems will be renovated and upgraded to modernstandards. New lighting, acoustical and HVAC systems will take advantage o the technologicaladvances since 1936 to make the space more compatible with modern theatrical and musicalneeds. n compliance with changing expectations and regulations, seating, access andrestroom facilities will be upgraded to current standards. While very little structural constructionis necessary, the building's wiring, plumbing and HVAC systems are in need of major upgradesafter 75+ years of use.

    The recently vacated Chatfield Elementary School has been a part o the Chatfield educationalexperience since the First World War. It began life as a High School and for 50 years had beenthe Chatfield Elementary School. The recently completed, new Chatfield Elementary Schoolmakes this space available for renovation into gathering space for events in Potter as well aslarge enough space for local and regional meetings of the wide variety of public service groupsin Southeastern Minnesota. This space can also be a display area for area artists and asperformance space for smaller presentations. A majority of the construction activity will takeplace in this building as it is the oldest and faces the greatest level o reconfiguration.The public purpose fulfilled in this project is multi-dimensional. The educational and culturaldevelopment o children/students will be enhanced, and the cultural opportunities offered withinthe Center will provide a valuable resource for the region, maintaining and attracting residentsto southeast Minnesota. n addition, two historically significant buildings will be preserved andenhanced, and the events that are hosted will generate a substantial economic impact to theregion and State coffers for years into the future.


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    Loca l Government Capi tal Budget RequestsPage3

    8) Square Footage: The project will renovate roughly 38,000 square feet of space. o newspace will be added.

    Ill Project FinancingThe following table describing the total amount of financial resources needed and the proposeduses of funds must be submitted for each project.Do the project cost estimates below include inflation see question 1 below)? Yes _.X_No

    Funds Alread CommittedState Funds 7,9855Other Local Government Funds 7,894Federal FundsNon-Governmental Funds

    Count FundsOther Local Government FundsFederal FundsNon-Governmental Funds I

    * Totals must be the same


  • 8/13/2019 Chatfield Center for the Arts


    Local Govern men t ap ital Budget RequestsPagc

    IV. Other Project Information10) Project schedule Identify the date (month/year) when construction crews are expected tofirst arrive on site, and the date (month/year) when const ruction will be completed with acertificate of occupancy.Anticipated Start Date: uly 1, 2014

    Anticipated Occupancy date: _ anuary 1, 2016_ 11) Predesign For projects with a total construction cost of 1 .5 million or more:Has a project predesign been completed? Yes X NoIf so, has the predesign been submitted to the Commissioner of Administration?

    Yes No12) State operating subsidies Identify any new or additional state operating dollars that will berequested for this project. (Specify the amount and year, i f applicable). None required.13) Sustainable uilding guidelines Discuss how the project meets or exceeds the MinnesotaSustainable Building Guidelines established under Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.325, whichmay be found at These are now mandatory for all new buildings ormajor renovations receiving state bond funding.The commonly used phrase, the greenest building is the one that's already built, succinctlydescribes the relationship between the Chatfield Center for the Arts project and sustainablearchitecture. The City of Chatfield and its Economic Development Authority are committed todesigning , constructing, maintaining, and operating the Chatfield Center for the Arts in an energyefficient and sustainable manner that strives to achieve a balance that will realize high standardsof living, wider sharing of life's amenities, maximum attainable recycling of depletable resources, inan economically viable manner, consistent with the state's Sustainable Building Guidelines. Thephilosophical basis for the project is the historic preservation treatment concept known asrehabilitation, defined as the process of returning a historic property to a state of utility throughrepair and alterations which make possible an efficient contemporary adaptive reuse whilepreserving those portions or features of the property which are significant to its historical,architectural, and cultural values. Rehabilitation and adaptive reuse are synonymous withsustainability. The sustainability of the historic Chatfield high school and the Potter Auditorium hasbeen carefully considered in every aspect of project planning. In addition to meeting the Secretaryof the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Buildings (the required basis for evaluatingprojects involving National Register of Historic Places properties), design for renovations in boththe 1916 and 1936 buildings reflect the Secretary of the Interior's most recent guidelines onsustainability for rehabilitating historic buildings.

    14) Sustainable uilding designs Explain the extent to which the project will use sustainablebuilding designs, if applicable. Throughout the renovation and construction, new, Greentechnology will be applied to the project .The traditional materials and construction methods used in both h istoric structures are generallydurable: as built, the 1916 and 1936 buildings were quite energy efficient (both structures weredesigned to maximize natural sources of lighting, heating, and ventilation), but redevelopment willrequire significant investment in new systems to meet 21 tcentury sustainability requirements.


  • 8/13/2019 Chatfield Center for the Arts


    Local Government Capital udget RequestsPage

    The major goals of the Center for the Arts project include reducing the total cost of the facilities,improving energy efficiency, providing a safe, healthy, and productive environment for buildingoccupants and visitors, and promoting sustainable environmental (including heritage preservation)stewardship. The historic preservation plan of treatment emphasizes identification o lost originaland existing energy-efficient aspects of the original school building and auditorium, along withimplementation of new technological innovations to help the facility operate even more efficiently.The redevelopment concept incorporates whole building performance targets that take intoaccount historic preservation, intended uses, energy demands, and design. Historic preservationstandards not only allow for sustainability improvements, they encourage modifications thatimprove building performance without destroying significant historic features. The arts centerproject will employ strategies that reduce indoor and outdoor water use; improve accessibility andcomfort; enhance indoor environmental quality; reduce environmental impact of materials throughrecycling; and take advantage of the 1916 building s inherently sustainable day-lighting andnatural ventilation qualities.

    15) Resolution of support nd priority designation Has the governing body of the applicantpassed a resolution o support (which indicates the project s priority number if the applicant ssubmitting multiple requests)? Yes X NoIf so, please attach the signe resolution. If not, please indicate when the resolution will becoming (and forward the resolution to MMB when available): _ une 25 , 2013


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  • 8/13/2019 Chatfield Center for the Arts

