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Charlotte Doyle Vocabulary - Part #1

Charlotte Doyle

Feb 24, 2016



dahlia husein

Charlotte Doyle . Vocabulary - Part #1. Appalling . (uh-Paul-ling) Horrifying, causing dismay The boy’s behavior was appalling because he burped and cussed in church. Incredulous. (in-cred-u- luss ) skeptical, unable to believe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Charlotte Doyle

Charlotte Doyle Vocabulary - Part #1

Page 2: Charlotte Doyle

Appalling • (uh-Paul-ling)

• Horrifying, causing dismay

• The boy’s behavior was appalling because he burped and cussed in church.

Page 3: Charlotte Doyle

Incredulous• (in-cred-u-luss)

• skeptical, unable to believe

• My sister told the most incredulous story about her homework being eaten by aliens!

Page 4: Charlotte Doyle

Emit• (ee-mitt)

• send out, give off

• The rotten egg emitted a horrible smell!

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Appease• (uh-pees)

• pacify, calm

• She tried to appease the baby by giving him a bottle and rocking him.

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Apprehensive• (Ap-pree-hen-siv)

• anxious or fearful about the future, uneasy

• War makes people apprehensive about the future and what it may hold.

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Convulsively• (Con-vul-siv-lee)

• shake involuntarily

• Beatrice was so cold she began to shiver convulsively.

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Gumption• (gump-shun)

• courage and initiative

• It took a lot of gumption to get in front of the whole school and sing a solo.

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• (om-u-nuss)

• Threatening

• The ominous thunder scared us so we ran from pool to and took shelter in the house.

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Livid• (li-vid)

• Extremely angry

• My mother was livid after my brother broke the big screen TV.

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Destitute• (des-ti-toot)

• Abandoned, forsaken, poverty stricken

• The starving, homeless child was destitute.

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Mutiny• (mu-ti-nee)

• Rise up against authority

• The sailors hated their cruel captain so they planned a mutiny.

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Permeate• (perm-ee-ate)

• penetrate and spread throughout

• The red punch spilled onto the carpet and permeated the rug.

Page 14: Charlotte Doyle

Surmise• (Sir-mise)

• To guess

• I would surmise that she was the teacher based on her clothing and in-charge attitude

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Condone• (Con-Don)

• forgive, pardon, overlook

• When the teacher did nothing about the obvious cheating, he seemed to condone the action.

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• (Im-pul-siv-lee)

• suddenly, spontaneously, unplanned

• My cousin impulsively decided to visit Las Vegas since she was traveling through Nevada to get to California.

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• (Di-spik-a-bul)

• deserving to be despised or hated, not worthy of respect

• Hilter was a despicable man who deserved to hated for killing so many people.

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• (Slan-der-os)

• damaging another person’s character

• The gossip about me was slanderous and made me look guilty in front of all my friends.

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• (En-gross)

• take the entire attention of, absorb

• My son was completely engrossed in the video game and did not hear the doorbell ring nor the dog barking.

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• (Bass-sk)

• enjoy a warm or pleasant feeling from being in a certain situation

• When I finished the solo, the crowd applauded and whistled so I stood on stage and just basked in the moment.

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• (Pron)

• Inclined

• My brother is prone to anger if his team doesn’t win!