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1 1. ITRODUCTION In 1964, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were first published. This story is about a poor little boy who tours Willy Wonka's famous chocolate factory. Charlie and the Chocolate Most importantly, in most of Dahl's work, adults are the bad guys, but in this one, it's the kids who cause the trouble (and boy do they learn their lessons the hard way). We have chosen the book because we liked the story, but when we were read the book, we realized that we can work these issues with students: Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
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Page 1: Charlie and the chocolate factory



In 1964, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were first published.

This story is about a poor little boy who tours Willy Wonka's

famous chocolate factory. Charlie and the Chocolate Most

importantly, in most of Dahl's work, adults are the bad guys, but in

this one, it's the kids who cause the trouble (and boy do they learn

their lessons the hard way).

We have chosen the book because we liked the story, but when we

were read the book, we realized that we can work these issues

with students:

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Theme of Awe and Amazement. If

only real life were as awe-inspiring and amazing as life in Willy

Wonka's factory. Every chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

has a new and fascinating invention. The point of Charlie's visit to the

chocolate factory is to show that awe and amazement are an

important part of growing up. He must hang on to these feelings in

order to be happy in life.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Theme of Foolishness and Folly.

There certainly are a lot of fools in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The

children make uninformed, unwise, rash choices, and they pay the price.

Their parents, too, are foolish, because they can't seem to handle their

own kids.

Appearances, the appearances are also part of a greater lesson, but

appearances can be deceiving.

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Charlie reminds us that even when we've hit rock bottom there's

always hope.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Greed, especially in this story, makes people do not-so-smart things

(like fall in a chocolate river or build a violent, faulty robot). You'll notice

that almost every greedy person gets his comeuppance in this book.

The world of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is not one that tolerates


Family is clearly the most important thing for little Charlie Bucket. For

one thing, he's willing to share his birthday chocolate bar with all six

members of his family, even though he only gets one bar a year. But let's

not forget the other families in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The

Gloops, Salts, Beauregardes and Teavees have quite a different family

dynamic than the Buckets do. We can't imagine Augustus or Veruca

sharing a chocolate bar with their parents..

Poverty, the protagonist is poor, but Charlie hasn't won any money.

What he's won is a home, and food for him and his family, which makes

him the richest kid of all.

Rules and Order, Willy Wonka is forever telling these kids (and their

parents) to keep their paws off the merchandise. These are not just rules

– they're good advice. Charlie is the only kid that followed the rules,

which is to say, he listened.

Theme of Old Age, Charlie and his grandfather (Joe) manage to be quite

good friends, despite their age gap.

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ROALD DAHL a writer of both children's fiction and short stories

for adults. Roald Dahl has been described as a master of story

construction with a remarkable ability to weave a tale.

Roald Dahl was born September 13, 1916, in Llandaff, South

Wales, United Kingdom, to Norwegian parents. He was a

mischievous child, full of energy, and from an early age he proved

himself skilled at finding trouble.

After his father died when Dahl was four, his mother followed

her late husband's wish that Dahl be sent to English schools. Dahl

first attended Llandaff Cathedral School, where he began a series

of unfortunate adventures in school. Dahl would later describe his

school years as "days of horrors" filled with "rules, rules and still

more rules that had to be obeyed," which inspired much of his

gruesome fiction.

After graduating from Repton, Dahl took a position with the

Shell Oil Company in Tanganyika (now Tanzania), Africa. In 1939

he joined a Royal Air Force training squadron in Nairobi, Kenya,

serving as a fighter pilot in the Mediterranean during World War II

(1939–45). Dahl suffered severe head injuries in a plane crash near

Alexandria, Egypt. Upon recovering he was sent to Washington,

D.C., to be an assistant air attache (a technical expert who advises

government representatives). There Dahl began his writing career,

publishing a short story in the Saturday Evening Post. Soon his

stories appeared in many other magazines. Dahl told Willa

Petschek in a New York Times Book Review profile that "as I went

on, the stories became less and less realistic and more fantastic.

But becoming a writer was pure fluke. Without being asked to, I

doubt if I'd ever have thought of it."

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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In 1943 Dahl wrote his first children's story, The Gremlins, and

invented a new term in the process. Gremlins were small creatures

that lived on fighter planes and bombers and were responsible for

all crashes. Through the 1940s and into the 1950s Dahl continued

as a short story writer for adults, establishing his reputation as a

writer of deathly tales with unexpected twists. His stories earned

him three Edgar Allan Poe Awards from the Mystery Writers of


In 1953 Dahl married Hollywood actress Patricia Neal. Although

the marriage did not survive, it produced five children. As soon as

the children were old enough, Dahl began making up stories for

them each night before they went to bed. These stories became

the basis for his career as a children's writer, which began

seriously with the publication of James and the Giant Peach in


One way that Dahl delighted his readers was to take often

vicious revenge on cruel adults who had harmed children, as in

Matilda (1988). But even some innocent adults received rough

treatment, such as the parents killed in a car crash in The Witches

(1983). Many critics have objected to the rough treatment of

adults. However, Dahl explained in the New York Times Book

Review that the children who wrote to him always "pick out the

most gruesome events as the favorite parts of the books.… They

don't relate it to life. They enjoy the fantasy." He also said that his

"nastiness" was payback. "Beastly people must be punished."

Roald Dahl died in Oxford, England, on November 23, 1990.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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Relationship of the book with its historical context

The time that lived Dahl was not easy. His parents emigrated

to Wales with the hope of providing a better life ahead children.

It's a significant fact insofar as Norway adopts the Universal

suffrage in 1913 and was considered as the first full democracy

in the world.

Dahl was born in full World War 1, but was very small yet to

know the meaning of a conflict. Participated in the 2nd World

War, fact that marked his life since it gave the opportunity to

showcase his excellent Narrator facet count the adventures and

exploits lived during the war. It was an experience which served

as a source of his stories, combining true stories or real origin

with fantasies created in his imagination.

Dahl participated in the fight against nationalism so

exaggerated that it ended up being a movement of nature

pangermanista (Union and supremacy of Germanic peoples)

fascist and anti-Semitic which increased the anti-authoritarian

tendency which was already about the mind of the young Dahl.

In 1942 he was sent to Washington as air Attaché. Later the

White House is occupied by Democrat Harry Truman while

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

AUTHOR: Roald Dahl.

WORK: Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.

DATE: This novel was written in 1964.

PERIOD: 2nd Half of the 20th Century.

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Europe celebrates the end of the nazi hegemony after Hitler

committed suicide.

In London the town commemorates the victory day (May 8)

come to Buckingham Palace, to acclaim the Royal family. In the

evening the British capital was filled with reflectors Fireworks,

the streets were filled with holiday and dolls were burned with

the image of Hitler and his henchmen. Similar scenes occur in

Paris and Rome. Similar scenes occur in Paris and Rome.

Meanwhile, in Moscow are stacked the flags captured from

the enemy at the foot of the Soviet leaders (the dictator Stalin

among others).

Many European cities were practically in ruins, there are

concentration camps and extermination everywhere... The

situation of devastation stretches to East where United States

launches an atomic bomb on Nagasaki that causes more than

65000 deaths and another on Hiroshima. United States looked

strong both military and economically to maintain conflict with

various places of East and West over the coming years and

decades, proof of this is the Cuban missile crisis in 1962; the

war of Viet Nam from 1964 until 1973: or cold war against the

former Soviet Union.

Without a doubt, we must not forget to mention the unfair

uprising which saw a division within the old continent. British

Prime Minister Churchill during the war had found a new enemy:

the threat of communism. On a tour of United States, warned

that "an iron curtain had divided Europe" believing that

differences between the capitalist and Communist countries

were irreconcilable, and thus urging an alliance between United

States and United Kingdom to counter Soviet aggression.

It highlights the existing coincidence between the beginning

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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of the movement against racial segregation he launched Martin

Luther King, Jr. in 1955 throughout North America with the fact

of the publication in 1964 of the book Charlie the Chocolate

Factory, as some critics describe this work of Dahl as an apology

against racism, which makes a critique of society to reflect

some Pygmies enslaved.

General characteristics

Children's literature reached its full development in the 20th

century. From then on, increasingly more writers have taken into

account the tastes and needs of the children and have written

specifically for them. In general, children's literature has

evolved from the works of moral or educational content early to

works of simple entertainment or fun. In addition, in the 20th

century has expanded significantly the nature and type of the

characters in the stories, which are no longer just for children or

animals that talk, but also fabulous beings, as the heroes of the

comic book, by fantastic creatures and even toys and dolls


Characteristics of the personality of the author which

are reflected in the work

The literature of Dahl is a combination of various ingredients

such as humor, magic or fantasy. When writing for children

speaks of a reality that the adult it lacks interest but that,

however, the child loves: the world of sweets, candy, chocolate

and sweets.

Dahl goes back to his childhood in Llandaff to write. Revive

the time of schoolboy in which candy played such an important

role in his life, as for any other child. The intense moments

experienced before the showcase and in the interior of the shop

of sweets in his hometown, makes so much fingerprint in the

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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writer who later is able to transmit that so pleasant emotion

with absolute authenticity. One bright spot for Dahl during his

school days was chocolate: he and his classmates often served

as chocolate bar tasters for Cadbury Chocolate.

Relationship between the novel with the rest of the

production of the author.

Roald Dahl stories are related. In the same way, the

characters designed by this author, jump easily from a book to


Charlie and the glass elevator, the imagination of the Welsh

writer, gives life to extra-terrestrial creatures of viscous aspect

that pose a threat to the man who reappear in James and the

giant peach. There is a certain parallelism between the

imaginary Loud Men appearing in James and the giant peach

and the Oompa-Loompas of Charlie and the chocolate factory.

They only have identity as a group, do not exist as individuals,

are engaged in work and likes to do singing.

Dahl repeats the prototype of the spoiled and capricious child

that parents attach everything what they ask for. This profile

responds to Violet Beauregarde, Veruca Salt, Mike Teve and

Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the chocolate factory. This

behaviour remains unpunished and they all learn the lesson.

The writer harshly punishes gluttony. The Augustus-like

character appears in Matilda. It's Bruce Bogrotter. Look up

physically. The latter is punished by comerese School Director

choclate cake. Bruce Jenkins also saves some relationship with

since Augustus who only thinks about food.

Dahl directed his criticism against parents who do not well

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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educate their children: some pamper them (as it is the case of

the parents of Veruca), others do not condemn the attitude of

their children (as the parents of Augustus). In Matilda, parents

play a lousy role, are not able to see the wonder that they have

as a daughter and only negative qualities attributed to him.

Even at the beginning of this work, the writer tells us about the

types of parents that exist.

In almost all books, Dahl follows the same scheme: presents

to an orphan (generally), along with an adult with whom there is

great rapport, this being a relative or teacher. The great

adventure involving a visit to the chocolate Wonka factory

undertaken together in Charlie and the chocolate factory,

Charlie and his Grandpa Joe. In Matilda, Matilda and Miss honey

unite against the tyrannical Director of school miss Trunchbull

and master also supports the girl from the family that both

neglected. These protective adults of children have a common

feature which unites them, and are excellent storytellers. They

bewitch children with the magic of his words, similar to Dahl

dazzled to their children and grandchildren and does it now with


Dahl pays special attention to such rude children who have to

get everything that they want. But not all children that appear

in its pages are selfish, rude and capricious, also we are full of

charm and goodness such as little Matilda and Charlie.

Situation of the novel in the production of the author

The first novel for children by Roald Dahl was not, as many

believe, James and the giant peach, it was The Gremlins,

published in 1943.

Both James and the giant peach and Charlie and the

chocolate factory, were released in the United States several

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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years before they appeared in United Kingdom in 1967.Charlie

and the chocolate factory reached great success around the


Then came a uninterrupted "bestsellers", as The good-

natured giant; Danny, the champion of the world; The twits; The

witches; Boy and Flying only.

When Roald Dahl died on November 23, 1990 was working in

The parish priest of Nibbleswicke.


Charlie Bucket is a child who lives with her parents and two

sets of grandparents in a small wooden house on the outskirts

of a big city. This family was very humble. Only the father

worked, who did not earn enough to keep everyone. The food

was always scarce and varied: bread and margarine, potatoes

and cabbage. Charlie loved to eat chocolate, but could only do

it once a year, his birthday. Members of his family saved and

bought a chocolate bar, he savored slowly, making it last longer

than a month. Most of Charlie torture was to spend every day

in front of the Chocolate Factory was in front of his house.

One day, the factory owner, Willy Wonka, an ad in the

newspaper reporting that has hidden five golden tickets in their

chocolate, and that children are lucky that you can visit the

factory and get a fabulous gift. Charlie, who has found a coin,

you can buy two chocolate bars. Luckily for him, in the second

finds a golden ticket. Along with his Grandpa Joe and the other

four children and their parents come to visit the Chocolate

Factory. Throughout the long day at the factory, Charlie only

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory


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behaves well and obeys the instructions of the owner. As a

reward for his humility and sensitivity, you receive the great

gift: it is named owner and director of the factory.

Charlie Bucket is a child living with his parents and maternal

and paternal grandparents in a ramshackle house. They are

poor and hungry. Charlie and his Grandpa Joe dream of visiting

the Wonka chocolate factory, in principle, has long closed. And

the dream would come true. Willy Wonka, owner of the factory,

put into circulation within their chocolate bars, five golden

tickets. These tickets allow, five boys and girls who find them,

enter the factory for a day. Also give them free chocolates gift

for life.

Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Beuregarde, Mike Teavee

and Charlie Bucket would be the lucky winners. All come with

their parents, except Charlie, who is accompanied by his

grandfather Joe. Once inside, they discover the hand of the

eccentric Mr. Wonka (sla that receives input from the factory), a

wonderful world of chocolate and sweets and their helpers, the

Oompa Loompa, yet each one of the guys going out of the

factory because of their quirks, flaws and bad manners:

A Augustus Gloop can ruff, falls into a river of chocolate, and

is absorbed by a tube that leads out of the enclosure.

Beuregarde Violet, the gum Nibbler obsessive and relentless

competitor, becomes a blueberry by chewing experimental try a

taste of a two-course meal and dessert. Veruca Salt, spoiled

brat and not to ask, is thrown into the waste hole for a squirrel

trying to get one of them. Mike Teavee, tireless viewer is

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory


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transformed into a small television character who has to stretch

like chewing gum to return to minimally look normal.

Charlie, who was the only one to achieve to remain in the

factory, is chosen as the winner.

The special prize was that the winner would own the whole

factory, for Mr. Wonka, the realization of arriving at an older

age, look for an heir. Charlie seems very confident of taking

office, but upon learning that his parents could not go with him,

refused. Wonka realizes that the conditions under which the

family lives were deplorable and Charlie decides to not only

deliver the factory, but also allow your family to live there.

However, Wonka, seeing the parents of Charlie, brings back

bad memories, because small Wonka was angry with his father

and left home, but Charlie, hearing this, convinces him to visit

his father. The result of the visit was that Wonka and his father

ended up making up, after about 10 years.

Finally, the heir to Charlie and Mr. Wonka agree to work

together in the factory and live like family.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Education and good behavior

Education for coexistence

The book criticizes the television. Working in teams to identify

the negative consequences of viewing as much.

Values education

One of the qualities of Charlie's generosity. Encourage students

to reflect on this remarkable attitude, despite the

circumstances surrounding the character.

Describe the moral qualities of Charlie. Highlight the

importance of family in forming positive habits.

Encourage students to recognize the negative attitudes that are

whimsical characters. Discuss from these behaviors.


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Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Education and good behavior

Education for coexistence

The book criticizes the television. Working in teams to identify

the negative consequences of viewing as much.

Values education

One of the qualities of Charlie's generosity. Encourage students

to reflect on this remarkable attitude, despite the

circumstances surrounding the character.

Describe the moral qualities of Charlie. Highlight the

importance of family in forming positive habits.

Encourage students to recognize the negative attitudes that are

whimsical characters. Discuss from these behaviors.

Education for love, family and sexuality

The family relationship is a basic theme of reading, in which we see

the following:

The caring for the elderly.

Respect and obedience inculcated by the family.

The positive attitude of the members of the family despite


Conduct a debate about the negative influence of TV on children's


Dialogue from the bad habits that allow parents to Veruca Salt and

Violet Beauregarde.

The family should be concerned about the health of its members.

The overeating leading to obesity, while the shortage, malnutrition.

The work touches on both themes. List the foods that provide a

healthy and profitable.

Intercultural education.

The relationship between Mr. Wonka and the Pygmies was always

cordial. Reflect with students about the importance of valuing the

customs and racial differences of others. Can enter the treatment

of Mr. Wonka with workers demonstrates its respect for differences.

However, in a part of the book mentioned that brings in boxes with

holes to breathe.


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Grandpa Joe is the oldest and wisest of the characters

in the novel. However, like Charlie and Mr. Wonka, he

remains young at heart. His youthful exuberance makes

him the perfect person to escort Charlie to the chocolate


Grandpa Joe is also Charlie’s best friend. Every evening when Charlie

spends time with his grandparents, Grandpa Joe entertains Charlie

with a story. It is Grandpa Joe who initially tells Charlie all about the

history of Mr. Wonka and his vaunted chocolate factory, and

Grandpa Joe urges Charlie to have faith that he can find a golden


The linguistic style of the play is simple, since it is aimed at

children, using language appropriate to that age. The

omniscient narrator, is in third person narrative voice is always

favoring objectivism. The genre of the work is fantasy, as

extraordinary phenomena occur and act in it creatures exist.

The structure could be divided into three parts. The first one

that teaches us who is Charlie, introduce us to the other

characters and the situation in which they live Charlie and his second part would be when you open the factory and

lived all these adventures in the DigiDestined. The last part is

when Charlie is a winner and Wonka, the owner of the factory,

he realizes the lives of the family of Charlie, not only makes him

heir to the factory but also allows him and his family live



I could say that the main characters of the book are:

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory


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Charlie Bucket is the protagonist of Charlie and the

Chocolate Factory, and he is the embodiment of all that is

virtuous. He is deprived of adequate food, a bed, and any

privacy. In spite of all this, he never complains, nor does he

ever accept charity from his family when it comes at their

own expense.

Each morning, Charlie musters the strength to walk to school, even though

he nearly freezes during the colder months. And each night, he returns

home and dutifully spends time with his bedridden grandparents, a chore

that he seems to genuinely enjoy.

Charlie’s physical proportions align with his personality: not only is he

quite small and undernourished, but also he is meek. He speaks only when

he is spoken to. He never asks for more than he is given. He looks forward

to the one time a year, on his birthday, when he can indulge in a Wonka

chocolate bar, and instead of wolfing it down all at once, he savors it (bite

by bite) for many months. Charlie walks past the world-renowned Wonka

chocolate factory twice a day, yet this never causes him bitterness or anger.

Instead, Charlie simply indulges in the savory smells coming out of the

factory and humbly dreams of entering the factory one day. When the

golden tickets start turning up in the hands of nasty, greedy children,

Charlie never complains about how unfair it is that he will never get to go.

Charlie’s strongest criticism of one of the other children comes when he

hears that Veruca’s father is using all the workers in his peanut factory to

unwrap chocolate bars night and day until his daughter gets a ticket.

Charlie’s only comment is that Veruca’s father is not playing quite fair.

Behind Charlie’s meek and virtuous exterior lies an inner strength and

courage. He faces the new challenges and mysteries of the factory with the

same bravery he employs to overcome the adversity of his everyday life. He

finds all of the adventures in the chocolate factory to be wild and

stimulating. While other characters cringe at the speed of the boat as it

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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tears down the chocolate river, Charlie demurely embraces it, clutching to

Grandpa Joe’s legs for stability and enjoying the ride of his life.

Mr. Willy Wonka The eccentric owner of the

world-famous Wonka chocolate factory. Along with

his eccentric behavior, Mr. Wonka also has a

benevolent side. The mystery workers operating his

chocolate factory after the reopening are called


The Oompa-Loompas hail from Loompaland, where they are the

defenseless prey of hungry creatures like hornswogglers,

snozzwangers, and whandoodles until Mr. Wonka rescues them. He

brings the malnourished Oompa-Loompas back to his factory where

they are allowed to eat their favorite food cacao beans in unlimited

quantities and live in complete safety in exchange for running the

factory. Mr. Wonka treats the Oompa-Loompas like children, and, in

return, they treat him as a benevolent caretaker. Mr. Wonka further

demonstrates his affinity for children and wariness of adults by

choosing a child to take over his factory. The child he seeks is

humble, respectful, and willing to run his factory exactly how Mr.

Wonka runs it himself.

Though benevolent, Mr. Wonka’s character is not beyond

reproach. His treatment of the Oompa-Loompas is paternalistic, and

his desire to mold a child into a second version of himself is

narcissistic. Furthermore, Mr. Wonka is unwilling to accept anyone’s

foibles. He can be extremely demanding and judgmental. The four

children who do not win the grand prize clearly disgust Mr. Wonka. He

is short with each of them he acts as if he invited each of them simply

to prove the virtuosity of Charlie. The humble and gracious Charlie is

everything Mr. Wonka is looking for.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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The minor characters in the book are:

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Violet Beauregarde An avid gum chewer. Violet’s

attempt to beat a gum-chewing record completely consumes

her. At the factory her gum-chewing antics become her

downfall when she grabs an experimental piece of gum

against Mr. Wonka’s advice. She eagerly chews the gum and

turns into a giant blueberry. After being juiced by Oompa-

Loompas, she leaves the factory changed.

Augustus Gloop. A fat boy who loves nothing but

eating. Augustus is rude and insubordinate in his never-

ending quest to fill his own face. His parents choose to

indulge him rather than listen to his whining. He suffers for his

greed in the factory: while sucking from the chocolate river,

he falls in and is sucked up by one of the super pipes. He

comes out changed on the other side, as evidenced by his

new thin body.

Veruca Salt. A spoiled brat. Veruca demands

anything she wants and throws tantrums until her parents

meet her demands. She is mean and completely self-

involved, and her parents always acquiesce to her wishes.

Veruca’s impetuousness causes her trouble at the factory.

She demands to own one of Wonka’s trained squirrels, but

when she marches in to claim it, it deems her a “bad nut”

and sends her down the garbage chute. Mingled with

garbage, she comes out changed at the end of the story.

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And finally I would like to mention other characters that appear in the

story without great importance as they are such as:

Mr. Bucket and Mrs. Bucket, Charlie´s parents.

Grandma Josephine and Georgina.

Mr. and Mrs. Gloop, Augustus’s parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Salt, Veruca’s parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Beauregarde, Violet’s parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Teavee, Mike’s parents.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Mike Teavee .A boy who cares only for television. The more

guns and violence on a show, the more Mike likes it. Mike is

slightly more complex than the other bad children in that he

is smart enough to realize when Mr. Wonka is lying to him.

Still, his attempts to get answers to his questions go

completely unheeded. At the factory he wants nothing more

than to check out the chocolate television room. Once there

he spies the opportunity to be on television himself. Without

regard for his own safety, he engineers a filming of himself

and ends up shrinking down to a couple of inches. The

Oompa-Loompas stretch him out to twice his normal height

in the end.

The Oompa-Loompas Fun-loving dwarves hailing from

Loompaland. Mr. Wonka’s diminutive work force feasts on cacao

beans and performs all of the work in the Wonka chocolate

factory. They also enjoy dancing, beating drums, and singing

songs about what happens to bad children.

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We understand as children´s literature the one which is orientated

towards children, plus the set of literary texts that the society has

considered adequate for the youngest, but having been writted, at the

begining, thinking on adult readers.

We could define then children´s literature as the one which is

also read by kids and young people.

On the other sense of the, children´s literature, would involve

literary works written by children themselves. even, sometimes,

this concept includes the juvenile literature, written by or for


In the case of this work, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, we

can see, clear features of children´s literature, such as, for


Magical elements taken for granted

Characterization mostly physical


Children play the lead


Was born in 1932 in Sidcup, Kent

and was evacuated to the West Country

during the war. He went to Chislehurst

and Sidcup Grammar School, where his

English teacher, J H Walsh, influenced

his ambition to become involved in

literature. His first published drawing

was for the satirical magazine Punch, at

the age of 16. He read English

Literature at Downing College,

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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Cambridge (1953-6), received his postgraduate teaching diploma

from the University of London, and later studied at the Chelsea

School of Art. He gained another teaching diploma at the Institute

of Education before working at the Royal College of Art. His full

name is Quentin Saxby Blake. He is not married and has no


Blake gained a reputation as a reliable and humorous illustrator

of more than 300 children's books. As well as illustrating the books

of others, including Joan Aiken, Roald Dahl, Elizabeth Bowen and

Dr. Seuss, Blake has written numerous books of his own. As of

2006, he has participated in the writing and/or illustrating of 323

books (of which he wrote 35 himself, and 18 were by Dahl). He

taught at the Royal College of Art for over twenty years, and was

head of the Illustration department from 1978 to 1986. He recently

illustrated David Walliams's debut book, The Boy in the Dress and

his more recent book Mr Stink.

This is a list only of books both written and illustrated by Blake:

Patrick, 1968, Jonathan Cape

Jack and Nancy, 1969, Jonathan Cape

Angelo, 1970, Jonathan Cape

Snuff, 1973, Jonathan Cape

Lester at the Seaside, 1975, Collins

Lester and the Unusual Pet, 1975, Collins

The Adventures of Lester, 1977, BBC

Mister Magnolia, 1980, Jonathan Cape

Quentin Blake's Nursery Rhyme Book, 1983, Jonathan


The Story of the Dancing Frog, 1984, Jonathan Cape

Mrs Armitage On Wheels, 1987, Jonathan Cape

Quentin Blake's ABC, 1989, Jonathan Cape

All Join In, 1990, Jonathan Cape

Cockatoos, 1992, Jonathan Cape

Simpkin, 1993, Jonathan Cape

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The Quentin Blake Book of Nonsense Verse, 1994, Viking

Clown, 1995, Jonathan Cape

La Vie de la Page, 1995, Gallimard

Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave, 1997, Jonathan Cape

Dix Grenouilles (Ten Frogs), 1997, Gallimard

The Green Ship, 1998, Jonathan Cape

Zagazoo, 1998, Jonathan Cape

Zap! The Quentin Blake Guide to Electrical Safety, 1998,

Eastern Electricity

Fantastic Daisy Artichoke, 1999, Jonathan Cape

The Laureate's Party, 2000, Random House

Un Bateau Dans le Ciel, 2000, Rue du Monde

Words and Pictures, 2000, Jonathan Cape

Tell Me a Picture, 2001, National Gallery Co Ltd

Loveykins, 2002, Jonathan Cape

Laureate's Progress, 2002, Jonathan Cape

Mrs Armitage, Queen of the Road, 2003, Jonathan Cape

A Sailing Boat In The Sky, 2003, Red Fox

Angel Pavement, 2004, Jonathan Cape

You're Only Young Twice, 2008, Andersen Press

Daddy Lost his Head, 2009, Andre Bouchard

Blake and his illustrations in the book “Charlie and the factory of

chocolate” His artistic style is very typical, with lines to ink

planned with rapidity and insecurity studied.

All his(her,your) illustrations are a fruit of a wonderful spontaneity

Later we can enjoy some of the illustrations that he realized for

the book Charlie and the factory of chocolate

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The first publication was in 1964 with the title of Charlie and the

Chocolate Factory (original title: Charlie and the Chocolate

Factory) is a children's book, authored by Roald Dahl. The book is

known for its simple and informal language and their detailed

descriptions. Some have described it as a science fiction book for

children. Dahl's other books keep the same style.

Had its influence in society, when it was published the original

novel, was accused of racist treatment by the slave that Dahl gave

the Oompa Loompas, in future editions, these characters went

from African pygmies to be hippies dwarfs. Responding to criticism

from the NAACP (National Association for the development of

black-skinned people), on the description of the Oompa Loompas

as dark skinned African pygmies working in Wonka's factory for

cocoa beans, the book was changed and republished in 1973. In

the newest version, the Oompa Loompas have long brown hair,

blond and pink-white skin. Its origins were changed from Africa to

the fictional Loompaland.

Society's interest in the book begins when we read the title. We

believe that there are very few children who do not like chocolate

and imagine a factory engaged in it, will love.

Charlie's family situation children make you think how lucky

they are, and can understand how necessary is solidarity with the

needy, because Charlie is a boy who shares what little he has, is

generous, but also is a child who likes to hear about the elderly,

their grandparents, and is affectionate with them, providing them

with joy in your life. This is a very positive reflection on society.

Moreover, the attitude of other children can be an example for

students to understand how to not have to be because they are

spoiled children, rude and selfish.

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It is also training the Roald Dahl critique against gluttony, the

whims irrational and the bad influence of television on children's

minds, that at this time is very large.

We can find various editions and publishers of this book, as the


This author has published many books of a similar style, such


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The second was the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,"

about which he had already shown interest and it is said, had held

talks with Marilyn Manson for the role of Willy Wonka. The book

has already been transferred to the screen in the 1971 film "Willy

Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" (translated as "A world of

fantasy") with Gene Wilder as the odd chocolate, however the

result was complete satisfaction British author. Burton sets the

target to perform an adaptation as faithful as possible to the book,

forgetting that version of the 70. Throughout this time there have

been several movies both Charlie and Willy Wonka.

The film, as we have seen, reflects the story of a boy named

Charlie who lives in a humble home as with his family, his parents

and four grandparents. One day there is news that Willy Wonka,

the greatest inventor of sweets and chocolates in the world, will

invite five children to visit his chocolate factory. The children

selected will be those who find a Golden Ticket in the Wonka

chocolate bars. The hysteria was unleashed worldwide, increasing

as the news is given a new lucky child, each more repellent.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Roald Dahl is one of the most important literary

writers of children's literature. Several of his books

have been moved to the big screen, including "The

Witches" with an evil Anjelica Huston.

"Matilda" in the sight of Danny DeVito in a style close

to that of Tim Burton, who, how could it be otherwise,

is fixed to the author on several occasions.

The first was in "James and the Giant Peach," which

was making a film of stop-motion animation.

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Already lost hope, Charlie buys a tablet and discover in it the last

bill, which will be a ticket to a fantastic world.

The story (either in the book or film) criticizes what they are

spoiled children by their parents. Each child is an infant reflex of

the father figure, or maternal, which accompanies it.

An ideal story for children and adults, we might even say that

most adults, when Burton got one of his films more cheerful and


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a film from 2005, directed

by Tim Burton. The film is based on the novel by Roald Dahl.

It was filmed in Yorkshire, United Kingdom and is the second

adaptation of the novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the first

was filmed in 1971 and took the name "A world of fantasy" in

Spain and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" in Spanish (Willy

Wonka & the Chocolate Factory in English).

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a film that will appeal to

both adults and children. The first undoubtedly be impressed with

the strength of the message, the aesthetics of the work in general

and originality. Children are fascinated by the gothic world Burton

is a classic and this time, is full of colorful, rave and creativity.

The fluidity of the plot and an ending that repairs mistakes of

the past and reconcile their characters will leave a good taste in

the viewer, as delicious as the chocolate.

If games are found on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Children: Internet for Play Station, Nintendo, Xbox, bench, etc.

These are highly interactive, colorful and simple.


In our view we can say that is a very good story that talks about

the illusions of a child, despite living with few luxuries gladly

shares with his parents and grandparents because for him the

most important thing is love that offer parents and people around

you. It is a story that teaches us many values such as respect,

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friendship, affection, kindness, and also teaches us that greed and

laziness are defects that sometimes if we abuse them can change

your life.

We think this story reflects many situations and small faults in

society and also how to solve them. Show the real world we live in,

do a little reflection, criticism and comparison and that makes the

attention of the reader or viewer.

We think that when working this story in the classroom, it is

important to consider and compare the behavior of the two

environments, the real and fictitious, and the reactions that occur

between the actors and those that occur in the classroom.

Finally say that "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" is the

perfect read for any child. Although having seen the film may be a

slight inconvenience, as the overall plot is known, does not detract

from a superbly written work that includes much more than they

could bring to the screen.

It is also an interesting book for adults as light reading, full of

subtle humor and relentless that, fortunately, does not conflict

with presenting a general history rather friendly, and therefore

more suitable for children.


Charlie and the chocolate factory, Roald Dahl


Lorena Isabel González Delgado

Leticia Rios Harillo

Vanessa Méndez Díez-Madroñero

Esther Madrigal Reviejo

María Miguel Ramos

Maria Larrocha

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Charlie And The Chocolate Factory