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Charles R Butler Jr Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Charles R Butler Jr Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    , ~ 0 ~ o FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT R e p o r t R e q u i r e d b y t h e E t h ic sin Government Act of 1978Bey. 1/2008 FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 (5 v .S.c , app. 1o1-11J)1 Person Reporting (lasZ na me, first, middle initial) i 2 . Court or Organizat ion 3. Dat of ReportButler, Jr., Charles R. U.S. District Court, SDAL 0 5 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 0

    4. Title (Article IIl judges indicate active or senior stares; 5a. Report T~pe (check a ppropriate type) 6. Reporting Periodmagistrate j u d g e s indicate full- or part-time)[] Nomination, Date 0/01/2009

    Article II1 Judge - Sr. Status [] Inidal ~ ~ A n n u a l [] Final to12/31/20095b. [] Amended Report

    7 . C h a m b e r s o r Office Address 8. On the basis of the information onlaiued in this Report and an ymodif icat ions pertaining thereto , i t is , in my op inion, in compliance113 St. Joseph Street with applicable laws and regulations.Mobile, Alabama 36602

    Reviewing Off icer Date

    I M P O R T A N T N O T E S : The i ns t rue t l ons ac c om pany i ng a ds f orm m us t be f o l l ow e c L C ompl e t e al l par t s ,checking t l~ NO NE box for ~ach par~ where you have no reportable in formatiom Sign on last page~

    I . P 0 S I T I 0 N S . t R ~ , a ~ g . ~ d ~ o ~ o , t y ; , e , r ~ 9 - i ~ of filing instructions.)[---] N O N E ( N o reportable positions.)

    PO SIT IO N N A M E O F O R GA N IZA T IO N /E N T IT Y1, Managing Agency C ommittee Mbr. Former Stockholder of McClure Pine Co.2. Co-Trustee w/Regions Bank Trust #1


    ~ ~N O N E (No reportab& agreements.) ~.7c~--


  • 8/3/2019 Charles R Butler Jr Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT N ~ e o f P e r s o n Report ing Date of Rpor~Page 2 of 7 Butler, Jr., Charles R, 05/1012010

    I I I. N O N - I N V E S T M E N T I N C O M E . ~epo,ang ~,~i~idu~t a~ ~Oo ~sc; see W. W-24A. Fliers N on-lnvestment Income

    N O N E ( N o r e p o r t a b l e n o n - i n v e st m e n t i n c o m e . )D A T E SOURCE AND TYPE ~COME(you~, not s~es)



    B. Spouses Non-Investment Income - l[~u were married during any po~on of ~e re~gyear, comp~e~oll~ ~nt not ~quired ~c~t for ~n~a~a.)

    N O N E ~ o reportable non-inves~ent income3SOURCE AND T~E


    IV . R E I M B U R S E M E N T S - r...~.po,.a~, todgi,~.~ood, e.ter~u~.m~(Includes those to spouse and dependent children; see pp. 25-27 of f i ling i~mtr~ctiom.)

    N O N E ( N o reportable reimbursements.)SOURCE I)A T E S LO C A TIO N PURPOSE ITEMS PAID OR PROVIDED



  • 8/3/2019 Charles R Butler Jr Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FIN A N CIA L D ISCLOSU R E R EP OR T N a m e o f P e r s o n R ep orting D ate o f R epo!!P~,ge 3 Of 7 Butler, Jr., Charles R. 05/!0/2010

    V . G I F T S . a .a ~ t t, o ~ , o s p o u s e o . d ~ a , u z ~ s ~ ~ . ~ - ~ of filing instructions.)NONE (No reportable gifts.)

    S O U R C E D E S C R I P T I O N1 .2.3~4.5.

    [~ NONE (No reportable liabilities.)C R E D 1 T O R DESCRIPTION V A L UE C O D E



  • 8/3/2019 Charles R Butler Jr Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Iame of Person Reporting Date of ReportFINANCIALD I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T[ Butler, Jr., Charles R. 05/10/2010

    age 4 of 7

    D N O H E ~ o repo~able income, assets, or transactions.)

    D~c~pdon of As~ Income d~ing Gross value at end of T~actions during ~ing(including t~ as~ts) ~ning ~. ~ning p~Ph~ ~" a~ each asset Amo~t Ty~ (e.g., Value i Val~ T~ (e.g., ~at~ ]Value Gaia Id~ti~ or

    [ (Adl) o r i n t . ) O - P ) C~e 3 ~mpt i~) ~Y 0 - P ) (A-8) ( i t p r i v a t e

    !. Rogions B~k, PFS Acc~ Mobile, AL (for A Int ~merly AmSou$)2. Exxon ~ation (HaRePs Pond) A Ro y J T~ . U~on E xplo~tion (Ch~chula Pr~. Min) A Ro y J T4. Four Star Oil & Gas (Texaco) (Chunchula) A Roy J T5. Regions IRA, Mobile, AL, (formerly AroSe A Interest K Tuth) -(lines 6 and 7 )6. -Stripped Int Pmt Cpn for US Treas Sees Bend 1 1.75%7. USAA Subscribers Savings Accounl A Interest J T8. Trust # ! as listed below (lines ! 1-23): None M T9. -Pioneer Tax-Free Income Fund

    1 0 , -Regions Trust Money MarketI 1 . -American Century Large Co., mf

    1 2 . -American Europacific Gff, h-F2

    1 3 . -MFS KESH INTL FD CL I1 4 . -Pioneer Small Cap Value Fundi 5 . - P io n e e r O a k R i d g e S m a l l C a p G r o w t h F u n