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Chapter22 Pregnancy

Feb 20, 2018



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  • 7/24/2019 Chapter22 Pregnancy


    Chapter XXII


    Annie Grace D

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter22 Pregnancy


    Pregnancystate of a woman who haswithin her body the

    growing product of

    conception or a

    fecundated germ.

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    Legal Importance of theStudy of Pregnancy

    .Pregnancy is a ground for the

    suspension of the e!ecution ofthe death sentence in a


    Art. "#$ %evised Penal &ode 'he death sentence shall not be in(icwoman within the three years ne!t date of the sentence or while she is upon any person over seventy years of

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter22 Pregnancy


    Legal Importance of theStudy of Pregnancy

    .Pregnancy is a ground for the

    suspension of the e!ecution ofthe death sentence in a


    ).A conceived child is capable

    of receiving donation.

    Art. *+)$ &ivil &odeDonations made to conceived and unbmay be accepted by those personsregally represent them if they were alr

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter22 Pregnancy


    Legal Importance of theStudy of Pregnancy.Pregnancy is a ground for the

    suspension of the e!ecution ofthe death sentence in a


    ).A conceived child is capable

    of receiving donation.

    #.A conceived child may

    e!ercise civil rights.

    Art. +,$ &ivil &ode-irth determines personality but tchild shall be considered born for all are favorable to it$ provided it be borncondition speci/ed in the following arti

    Art. + $ &ivil &ode0or civil purposes$ the fetus is considis alive at the time it is completely d

    the mother1s womb. 2owever$ if the intrauterine life of less than seven modeemed born if it dies within twenty3foits complete delivery from the materna

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter22 Pregnancy


    Legal Importance of theStudy of Pregnancy. Pregnancy is a ground for the

    suspension of the e!ecution of thedeath sentence in a woman.

    ). A conceived child is capable of

    receiving donation.

    #. A conceived child may e!ercise civil


    +. &oncealment of the woman that she is

    pregnant at the time of marriage is a

    ground for the annulment of marriage.

    Art. "4$ &ivil &odeA marriage may be annulled

    following causes$ e!isting at the marriage56+7 'hat the consent of either party wby fraud$ unless such party afterwa8nowledge of the facts constitutinfreely cohabited with the other as hor his wife$ as the case may be.

    Art. "9.$ &ivil &odeAny of the following circu

    constitute fraud referred to in :umbpreceding article56#7 &oncealment by the wife of ththe time of the marriage$ she was prman other than her husband.:o other misrepresentation or decharacter$ ran8$ fortune or

    constitute such fraud as will giveaction for the annulment of marriage.

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    >edical =videncesof Pregnancy

    Presumptive orProbable

    Signs andSymptoms

    Positive Signsand Symptoms

    of Pregnancy

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    >edical =videncesof Pregnancy

    Presumptive orProbable

    Signs andSymptoms

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    &essation of>enstruation

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    Other causes that could cause cessation of menstruation:Emotional disturbance

    AnemiaSystemic infectionDisturbance in the function of the ovary

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    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    Other causes that could cause morning sickness:Hypertonicity of the stomachPeptic ulcerGastric hyperactivity

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

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    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    &hanges in the-reast

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    ncrease in si!eSensation of tightnessPinkish bro"n areloae changed to dark#bro"n or black$ubercles of %ontgomery developed$issues erectile&olostrum found in third month

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    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    &hanges in the-reast

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    'elationship bet"een age of fetus and the level of the fundus:( calendar months # ( fingers above pubic bone) calendar months # *et"een the symphysis and pubis+ calendar months # ( fingers belo" the umbilicus, calendar months # At the level of the umbilicus- calendar months # ( fingers above the umbilicus. calendar months # , fingers above the umbilicus/ calendar months # %ore than . fingers above the umbilicus

    Progressive =nlargemof the Abdome

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

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    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    &hanges in the-reast

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    Progressive =nlargemof the Abdome

    &hanges in cothe vagina asoftening of


    0ac1uemin#&hadi"ck2s Sign

    $here is pale violet discoloration of the anterior "all ofvaginal "all and softening of the cervi34

    Hegar2s Sign*imanual e3amination of gravid uterus sho"s e3treme

    softening of the cervi34

    %acDonald2s SignOn account of the softening of the isthmus5 the fundus o

    the uterus is antefle35 so by bimanual e3amination5 there is aneasy appro3imation of the fundus and the cervi34

    Goodell2s Sign6hen the cervi3 feels as hard as the tip of the nose5

    pregnancy does not e3ist5 but "hen it is as soft as the lips5the uterus is gravid4

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

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    0unic Sou@mbilical

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    &hanges in the-reast

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    Progressive =nlargemof the Abdome

    &hanges in cothe vagina asoftening of


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    $he "histling sound synchronous "ith the fetalheart beat4

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    0unic Sou@mbilical

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    &hanges in the-reast

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    Progressive =nlargemof the Abdome

    &hanges in cothe vagina asoftening of


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    -allottement$his is the feeling perceptible to the fingersplaced on the abdomen on giving sudden impulse tothe child through the neck of the uterus4

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

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    0unic Sou@mbilical


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    &hanges in the-reast

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    Progressive =nlargemof the Abdome

    &hanges in cothe vagina asoftening of


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    $his is the rhythmical contraction and rela3ation ofthe uterus perceptible to the hand "hen resting on theabdomen4

    nterval of contraction is +#78 min and lasting from7#+ min4

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    0unic Sou@mbilical



    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    &hanges in the-reast

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    Progressive =nlargemof the Abdome

    &hanges in cothe vagina asoftening of


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    9oticeable at the second month of pregnancy4 Ho"evno diagnostic value because even a non#pregnant "ommay manifest the same symptom4

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    0unic Sou@mbilical




    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    &hanges in the-reast

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    Progressive =nlargemof the Abdome

    &hanges in cothe vagina asoftening of


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    $he desire for a particular class or kind offood may sho" in "omen during the eastage of pregnancy or even thereafterHo"ever5 its presence is not conclusive ofpregnancy4

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    0unic Sou@mbilical

    Abnormality inPigmentation




    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    &hanges in the-reast

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    Progressive =nlargemof the Abdome

    &hanges in cothe vagina asoftening of


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    Pregnant "omen usually manifest pigmentation insome parts of the body especially in theabdomen and perineum4Ho"ever5 pigmentation may also present in somediseases5 like Addison2s disease4

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    0unic Sou@mbilical

    =asy 0atigability

    Abnormality inPigmentation




    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    &hanges in the-reast

    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    Progressive =nlargemof the Abdome

    &hanges in cothe vagina asoftening of


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms


    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    $his may be due to the "eight of the graviduterus and insufficiency of nutrient and o3ygensupply to the tissues if the body due to thedeviation of a portion to the gro"ing fetus4

    Ho"ever5 may also present in cardiac andpulmonary diseases4

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    &essation of>enstruation

    >orning Sic8ness

    =asy 0atigability


    &hanges in the-reast

    Progressive =nlargemof the Abdome

    0unic Sou@mbilical

    &hanges in cothe vagina asoftening of

    cervi!Abnormality inPigmentation




    Presumptive orProbable Signsand Symptoms

    di l id

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    >edical =videncesof Pregnancy

    Positive Signs

    and Symptomsof Pregnancy

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter22 Pregnancy


    PresumProbabland Sym

    2earing of the 0etal 2eartSounds 6>ayor1s Sign7

    Positand S

    of P

    $he fetal heart sound is compared to that of theticking of the "atch under the pillo"4

    ocation is at the anterior abdominal "all andis dependent upon the presentation and positionof the fetus4

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    PresumProbabland Sym

    2earing of the 0etal 2eartSounds 6>ayor1s Sign7

    utlining of the0etal Parts

    Positand S

    of P

    *y palpation5 "e can determine thehead5 neck5 arm5 back and buttocks4 fthese parts could be outlined5 thepregnancy is sure4Ho"ever5 it may be confused "ithirregular ovarian cyst4

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    PresumProbabland Sym

    2earing of the 0etal 2eartSounds 6>ayor1s Sign7

    utlining of the0etal Parts

    >ovement of the0etus 6Buic8ening7

    Positand S

    of P

    Observed at the fifth month ofpregnancy5 this can be felt if thepregnant "oman and may be visible toother observers4

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    PresumProbabland Sym

    2earing of the 0etal 2eartSounds 6>ayor1s Sign7

    utlining of the0etal Parts

    C3ray =!amination

    >ovement of the0etus 6Buic8ening7

    Positand S

    of P

    ;etal skull and vertebra are visible "ith 3#ray e3amination at the fifth month ofpregnancy4Also valuable to determine the presence ofplural pregnancy5 malformation and death ofthe fetus4

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    PresumProbabland Sym

    2earing of the 0etal 2eartSounds 6>ayor1s Sign7

    utlining of the0etal Parts

    C3ray =!amination

    >ovement of the0etus 6Buic8ening7

    Positand S

    of P

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter22 Pregnancy


    Laboratory 'estfor Pregnancy

    .Pregnancy Slide 'esta7 Principle An agglutination3inhibition reaction is used to

    demonstrate the hormone 2&G which is e!creted into theurine during pregnancy.

    b7 %eagents 6 7 Pregnancy Slide 'est antiserum 6)7Pregnancy Slide 'est antigen

    c7 Procedure Place drop of urine$ then drop of PS'antiserum in one of the circles on the test slide and mi!thoroughly with a stirring rod. Add drop of PS' antigen ) .>i! well with a stirring rod. &arefully agitate the slide witha circular motion ensuring that the (uid revolves all over

    the circle. %ead the result after )min.d7 Interpretation of result :o agglutination means positivee7 Sensitivity 2&G concentration of .43).+ I@Eml urinef7 %emar8s 0resh urine preferably in the morning.

    ).Gravinde! 2&G Slide 'est3 principle and procedure involved same with thePregnancy Slide 'est

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  • 7/24/2019 Chapter22 Pregnancy


    Duration of PregnancyAverage duration is )*, )", days from the onset of last menstruation.It is hard to ascertain the e!act date of fertiliFation.

    >inimum Period of Gestation &ompatible with Viability ofthe &hildA child born at ", days of gestation may live.-efore that period$ may e!hibit signs of life but cannot continue to live$ owing

    the want of development of the breathing muscles and breathing center.

    Abnormally Prolonged GestationIn all cases where the gestation much over #,, days is alleged$ con/rmatoryevidence should be e!pected in the e!ceptional weight and siFe of the child.

    >ethods of =stimating the

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    >ethods of =stimating theDate of =!pected Delivery

    o 0rom the date of the /rst day of the last menstruation$ addseven days and count three months bac8wards.

    o &ount forward nine calendar months from the date of the /rstday of the last menstruation and add one wee8.

    o &ount forty wee8s or ten lunar months from the date of the /rstday of the last menstruation.

    o Determination of the level of the fundus of the uterus.

    o >easure the distance of the symphysis pubis up tothe fundus of the uterus in centimeters divided by#.4 gives the age in month of gestation 6>acDonald>ethod7.

    o &ount ahead )+ wee8s in multigravidas and )) wee8s inprimagravidas from the date of the uic8ening.

    Proofs of Previou

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    Proofs of PreviouPregnan

    Perineum is lscar if therprevious lac

    0ourchette is mretrac

    La!ity of the abdominalwall.

    Presence of striae ofpregnancy on theabdominal wall.

    Vestige only of thehymen is present


    -reast is la! with enlarged nipples. Vaginal e!ashows p


  • 7/24/2019 Chapter22 Pregnancy


    Superfecundation0ertiliFation made byseparate intercourses oftwo ova which haveescaped at the same actof ovulation.


    which h






    re(e!a i

  • 7/24/2019 Chapter22 Pregnancy



    sor SpuriPregnanImaginary pregnancy usually obse

    women nearing menopause or iyounger women who are very dhaving children.

    Patients will present5All the sub;ective symptoms.Increase in abdominal siFe due to abdeposition or tympanism.Abnormalities with the menses.0etal movements which are in reality

    agnos s o e a

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    agnos s o e a

    Death. %epeated e!aminations of the uterus show that the siFe remains stationary even aftera lapse of a number of wee8s or months.). =ndocrine test for pregnancy is negative on more than one occasion.

    #. &essation of fetal movements after they have been felt.

    +. Absence of fetal heart sounds after a repeated and prolonged e!aminatio

    4. Positive signs of fetal death as shown by the palpation of softened mace

    fetal head$ with bones freely moveable on each other and the scalp han

    over a loose sac.

    9. 'he breast cease to enlarge and become soft and (abby.

    Later monthsof pregnancy

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    Acmawmc>ay a