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Chapter 6 units 1-3 By: Wyatt Pauline

Chapter 6 units 1-3 By: Wyatt Pauline. Section 1.

Dec 31, 2015



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Chapter 6 units 1-3By: Wyatt Pauline

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Section 1

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The old Regime

France still clung to an outdated social system that had emerged ion the middle ages.

Ancien regime or old order

France belonged to 3 classes The first estate (made up of clergy) Second estate( Made up of the Nobility) Third estate(vast majority of the population)

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Church had exerted great influence throughout Christian Europe.

Clergy still enjoyed enormous wealth and privilege.

Church owned about 10%of the land, collected tithes, and paid no direct taxes to the state

High church leaders as the bishops, and abbots we usually nobles the lived very well

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Nobilities of the French society

Middle ages noble nights defended the land

Richelieu and Louis XIV had crushed the nobles’ and gave them other rights

Rights include top jobs in government, army, the court, and church

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27 million people, or 98 % of the population

At the top sat the Bourgeoisie- middle class

Bulk of the third class 9/10 people in France were rural peasant's

Poorest members are Urban workers

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From rich to poor members of the third estate resented the privileges enjoyed by their social ”betters”.

Peasants were burdened by taxes and everything on the land to soap to salt

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Economic troubles

Economic woes added to the social unrest and heightened tensions.

Deficit Spending- Government’s spending more money then it takes in

Louis XIV had left France deeply in debt

To solve financial crisis, the government would have to increase taxes, reduce expenses, or both.

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Other economic troubles added to the financial crisis general decline begun in 1700s

the late 1780s that harvest to send food prices soaring and brought hunger to pour peasants and city dwellers

The heirs of Louis XIV were not the right man to solve the economic crisis that afflicted France

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Louis XVI Calls the Estate Generals

As 1788 came to a close, France tottered on the verge of bankruptcy.

In preparation Louis had all three estates prepare Cahiers or notebooks listening their Grievances

Cahiers testified to boiling class resentment.

One called tax collection “bloodsuckers of the nation who drink the tears of the unfortunate from goblets of gold”.

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Third estate were elected through only propertied men could vote

Followed the king to Paris

Members worked to draft a constitution

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Section 2

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Creating a New France

The political crisis of 1789 coincided with the worst famine in memory

Starving peasants roam the countryside or flocks of towns

In such despair times rumors ran wild and set off what was later called “The Great Fear”

Paris, too, was in turmoil

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The capital and chief City of France, it was a long revolutionary center

Variety of fractions or small groups, competed to gain power

More radical groups, the Paris Commune, replaced the royal government of the city

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Peasant uprising and the storming of the Bastille stampeded the National Assembly into Action

On August 4, in a combative all-night meeting nobles in the National Assembly voted to end their privileges

“Feudalism is abolished” announced the proud and weary delegates at 2 a.m.

In late August, as the first step toward writing a constitution , the Assembly issued the Declaration of the rights of the Declaration of Independence.

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Declaration further proclaimed that all male citizens were equal before law

Uncertain and hesitant , Louis XVI was slow to accept the reform to the National Assembly.

October 5, thousand od women streamed down the road that led from Paris to Versailles.

Much of the crowd’s anger was directed at the Queen, Marie Antoinette.

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Ever since she married Louis in 1770, she had come under attack for being frivolous and extravagant

The women refused to leave Versailles until the king met their most important demand –to return to Paris

Reorganizing the church National assembly put French Catholic Church under the states control

National Assembly finished its main task by creating a constitution in 1791

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Set up a limited monarchy

Events in France led to debate around Europe.

English supporters applauded National Assembly's reforms

French experiment was looked at as the start of new age for equality and justice

Border patrols were increased by the European rulers to stop spread of “French plague”

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Section 3

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Radical Days

The Monarchy Abolished

War heightened tensions

Prussia troop were defeating inferior French troops

Royalist officers left French army

Outbreaks of violence

Revolutionist though king was in line with invaders

Violence increases due to this

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August 10, 1742 revolutionaries laughter kings guard

Royal families flee to legislative assembly

Citizens attacked prisons with priests and others

Prisoners were killed

Convention met in September 1792 to declare France a republic

Deputies drew up new constitution

Jacobins erased all evidence of Monarchy

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The French Republic

Radicals tool control of legislative assembly

Wanted new legislative body called national convention

Suffrage would be extended to all male citizens

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The convention defends the republic

Early 1793 All sides of France was threatened with danger At war with parts of Europe

Britain Netherlands Spain Prussia

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Vendee of France (royalist and priests) Led rebellions and peasants against the government.

Paris San-culottes demanded relief from infatuation and for

the shortage of food. Convention was divided into Jacobins, and Gironde's

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Committee of Public safety Committee of public safety was created to deal with

threats to France 12 member committee Had absolute power Prepared France for an all out war

French recruits marched off to defend the republic.

Later invaded Italy

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Robespierre Government battled counterrevolutionaries under the guiding hand Had embraced Rousseau’s idea of the general will Promoted religious toleration and wanted to abolish slavery Popular with sans-culottes

Hated old regime as much as he did Believed that France can achieve a “republic of virtue” Engine of terror

Guillotine Fast falling blade extinguished life quickly Invented by Dr. Joseph Guillotine Introduced as a humane method of beheading Symbol of horror

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Reaction of the directory

Entered a third stage of terror

Constitution of 1795 set up a 5 men directory and a 2 house legislature elected by male citizens of property.

Politicians planned to use him to advance their own goals

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Women in the revolution

Women in all classes participated in the revolution

Women in Paris formed political clubs

Jeanne Ronald was a noted leader

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Changes in Daily Life

1799 10 year old French revolution

dramatically changed France Dislodged the old social order

Nationalism Definition: A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to

ones country Revolution and war

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Social Reform Revolutionaries ran for social reforms and religious

toleration Had set up a couple of state schools

The Arts France adopted a grand classical style Jacques Louis David immortalized on canvas