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Chapter 5: The Generalized Linear Regression Model and Heteroscedasticity Advanced Econometrics - HEC Lausanne Christophe Hurlin University of OrlØans December 15, 2013 Christophe Hurlin (University of OrlØans) Advanced Econometrics - HEC Lausanne December 15, 2013 1 / 153

Chapter 5: The Generalized Linear Regression Model and ... · Chapter 5: The Generalized Linear Regression Model and Heteroscedasticity Advanced Econometrics - HEC Lausanne Christophe

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Page 1: Chapter 5: The Generalized Linear Regression Model and ... · Chapter 5: The Generalized Linear Regression Model and Heteroscedasticity Advanced Econometrics - HEC Lausanne Christophe

Chapter 5: The Generalized Linear Regression Modeland Heteroscedasticity

Advanced Econometrics - HEC Lausanne

Christophe Hurlin

University of Orléans

December 15, 2013

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Section 1


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1. Introduction

The outline of this chapter is the following:

Section 2. The generalized linear regression model

Section 3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Section 4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Section 5. Heteroscedasticity

Section 6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

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1. Introduction


Amemiya T. (1985), Advanced Econometrics. Harvard University Press.

Greene W. (2007), Econometric Analysis, sixth edition, Pearson - PrenticeHil (recommended)

Pelgrin, F. (2010), Lecture notes Advanced Econometrics, HEC Lausanne (aspecial thank)

Ruud P., (2000) An introduction to Classical Econometric Theory, OxfordUniversity Press.

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1. Introduction

Notations: In this chapter, I will (try to...) follow some conventions ofnotation.

fY (y) probability density or mass function

FY (y) cumulative distribution function

Pr () probability

y vector

Y matrix

Be careful: in this chapter, I dont distinguish between a random vector(matrix) and a vector (matrix) of deterministic elements (except in section2). For more appropriate notations, see:

Abadir and Magnus (2002), Notation in econometrics: a proposal for astandard, Econometrics Journal.

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Section 2

The generalized linear regression model

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2. The generalized linear regression model


The objective of this section are the following:

1 Dene the generalized linear regression model

2 Dene the concept of heteroscedasticity

3 Dene the concept of autocorrelation (or correlation) of disturbances

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2. The generalized linear regression model

Consider the (population) multiple linear regression model:

y = Xβ+ ε

where (cf. chapter 3):

y is a N 1 vector of observations yi for i = 1, ..,N

X is a N K matrix of K explicative variables xik for k = 1, .,K andi = 1, ..,N

ε is a N 1 vector of error terms εi .

β = (β1..βK )> is a K 1 vector of parameters

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2. The generalized linear regression model

In chapter 3 (linear regression model), we assume spherical disturbances(assumption A4):

V (εjX) = σ2IN

In this chapter, we will relax the assumption that the errors areindependent and/or identically distributed and we will study:

1 Heteroscedasticity

2 Autocorrelation or correlation.

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2. The generalized linear regression model

Denition (Generalized linear regression model)The generalized linear regression model is dened as to be:

y = Xβ+ ε

where X is a matrix of xed or random regressors, β 2 RK , and the errorterm ε satises:

E (εjX) = 0N1V (εjX) = Σ = σ2Ω

where Ω and Σ are symmetric positive denite matrices.

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2. The generalized linear regression model


V (εjX)| z NN

= E

εε>X| z




ε21X Cov ( ε1ε2jX) .. Cov ( ε1εN jX)

E ( ε2ε1jX) V

ε22X .. Cov ( ε2εN jX)

.. .. .. ..Cov ( εN ε1jX) .. .. V



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2. The generalized linear regression model


In the generalized linear regression model, we have

V (εjX) = Σ = σ2Ω


Σ =

0BB@σ21 σ12 .. σ1Nσ21 σ22 .. σ2N.. .. .. ..

σN1 .. .. σ2N

1CCA = σ2

0BB@ω11 ω12 .. ω1N

ω21 ω22 .. ω2N

.. .. .. ..ωN1 .. .. ωNN

1CCAand ωij = σij/σ2.

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2. The generalized linear regression model

Denition (Heteroscedasticity)

Disturbances are heteroscedastic when they have di¤erent (conditional)variances:

V ( εi jX) 6= V ( εj jX) for i 6= j

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2. The generalized linear regression model


1 Heteroscedasticity often arises in volatile high-frequency time-seriesdata such as daily observations in nancial markets.

2 Heteroscedasticity often arises in cross-section data where the scaleof the dependent variable and the explanatory power of the modeltend to vary across observations. Microeconomic data such asexpenditure surveys are typical

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2. The generalized linear regression model

Example (Heteroscedasticity)If the disturbances are heteroscedastic but they are still assumed to beuncorrelated across observations, so Ω and Σ would be:

Σ =

0BB@σ21 0 .. 00 σ22 .. 0.. .. .. ..0 .. .. σ2N

1CCA = σ2Ω = σ2

0BB@ω1 0 .. 00 ω2 .. 0.. .. .. ..0 .. .. ωN

1CCAwith ωi = σ2i /σ2 for i = 1, ..,N.

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2. The generalized linear regression model

Denition (Autocorrelation)

Disturbances are autocorrelated (or correlated) when:

Cov ( εi , εj jX) 6= 0 for i 6= j

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2. The generalized linear regression model

Example (Autocorrelation)For instance, time-series data are usually homoscedastic, butautocorrelated, so Ω and Σ would be:

Σ =

0BB@σ2 σ12 .. σ1Nσ21 σ2 .. σ2N.. .. .. ..

σN1 .. .. σ2

1CCA = σ2Ω = σ2

0BB@1 ω12 .. ω1N

ω21 1 .. ω2N

.. .. .. ..ωN1 .. .. 1

1CCAwith ωij = σij/σ2 for i = 1, ..,N denotes the correlation (autocorrelation)

ωij =σijσ2= cor (εi , εj )

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2. The generalized linear regression model

Key Concepts

1 The generalized linear regression model

2 Heteroscedasticity

3 Autocorrelation (or correlation) of disturbances

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Section 3

Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


The objective of this section are the following:

1 Study the properties of the OLS estimator in the generalized linearregression model

2 Study the nite sample properties of the OLS

3 Study the asymptotic properties of the OLS

4 Introduce the concept of robust / non-robust inference

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


Assume that the data are generated by the generalized linear regressionmodel:

y = Xβ+ ε

E (εjX) = 0N1V (εjX) = σ2Ω = Σ

Now consider the OLS estimator, denoted bβOLS , of the parameters β:

bβOLS = X>X1 X>yWe will study its nite sample and asymptotic properties.

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Denition (Assumption 3: Strict exogeneity of the regressors)The regressors are exogenous in the sense that:

E (εjX) = 0N1

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Finite sample properties of the OLS estimator

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Denition (Bias)In the generalized linear regression model, under the assumption A3(exogeneity), the OLS estimator is unbiased:

EbβOLS = β0

where β0 denotes the true value of the parameters.

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


Heteroscedasticity and/or autocorrelation dont induce a bias for theOLS estimator

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


bβOLS = X>X1 X>y = β0 +X>X

1 X>ε

So we have:

EbβOLS X = β0 +


1 X>E (εjX)

Under assumption A3 (exogeneity), E (εjX) = 0. Then, we get:

EbβOLS X = β0

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Proof (contd)

EbβOLS X = β0

So, we have:


EbβOLS X = EX (β0) = β0

where EX denotes the expectation with respect to the distribution of X.

The OLS estimator is unbiased:

EbβOLS = β0

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Denition (Bias)In the generalized linear regression model, under the assumption A3(exogeneity), the OLS estimator has a conditional variance covariancematrix given by

VbβOLS X = σ20




1and a variance covariance matrix given by:



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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


bβOLS = X>X1 X>y = β0 +X>X

1 X>ε

So we have:

VbβOLS X = E








XX X>X1= σ20





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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Denition (Variance estimator)An estimator of the variance covariance matrix of the OLS estimatorbβOLS is given by

bV bβOLS = bσ2 X>X1 X> bΩX X>X1where bσ2 bΩ is a consistent estimator of Σ = σ2Ω. This estimator holdswhether X is stochastic or non-stochastic.

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Denition (Normality assumption)

Under assumptions A3 (exogeneity) and A6 (normality), the OLSestimator obtained in the generalized linear regression model has an(exact) normal conditional distribution:

bβOLS X N β0, σ





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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Asymptotic properties of the OLS estimator

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


plim1NX>X = Q

plim1NX>ΩX = Q


1 Q is a K K nite (non null) denite positive matrix

2 Q is a K K nite (non null) denite positive matrix with

rank (Q) = K

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Denition (Consistency of the OLS estimator)

If plim N1X>ΩX and plim N1X>X are both nite positive denitematrices, then bβOLS is a consistent estimator of β:

bβOLS p! β0

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


bβOLS = β0 +X>X

1 X>ε

We know that under assumption A3 (exogeneity):

plim1NX>ε = 0K1

plim1NX>X = Q

So, we haveplim bβOLS = β0

So, the estimator bβ is consistent. Christophe Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics - HEC Lausanne December 15, 2013 35 / 153

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Denition (Asymptotic distribution of the OLS)If the regressors are su¢ ciently well behaved and the o¤-diagonal terms indiminish su¢ ciently rapidly, then the least squares estimator isasymptotically normally distributed with

pNbβOLS β0

d! N

0, σ2Q1QQ1


Q = plim1NX>X Q = plim


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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


1 Regularity conditions include the exogeneity conditions, but also (i)the regressors are su¢ ciently well-behaved and (ii) the o¤-diagonalterms of the variance-covariance matrix diminish su¢ ciently rapidly(relative to the diagonal elements).

2 For a formal proof in a general case, see Amemiya (1985, p. 187).

Amemiya T. (1985), Advanced Econometrics. Harvard University Press.

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Denition (Asymptotic variance)Under suitable regularity conditions, the asymptotic variance covariancematrix of the OLS estimator bβ is given by:


bβOLS = σ2


withQ = plim

1NX>X Q = plim


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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Fact (Non-robust inference)Because the variance of the least squares estimator is not


1statistical inference (non-robust inference) based on

bσ2 X>X1 may be misleading. For instance the t-test-statistic:tβk =

bβkbσpmkkwhere mkk is kth diagonal element of X>X do not have a Studentdistribution.

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Robust / Non-robust inference

As a consequence, the familiar inference procedures based on the Fand t distributions will no longer be appropriate.

The question is to know how to estimate VbβOLS in the context

of the linear generalized regression model in order to make robustinference.

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Denition (Estimator of the asymptotic variance covariance matrix)

If Σ = σ2Ω were known, the consistent estimator of the (asymptotic)variance covariance of bβOLS would be:


bβOLS = σ2



1 1NX>ΩX



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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


By denition:

Q = plim1NX>X

Q = plim1NX>ΩX


plim bVasy

bβOLS = plimσ2



1 1NX>ΩX





Or equivalently bVasy

bβOLS p! Vasy


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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


X>X =N











σijxix>i = σ2N





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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


The estimator


bβOLS = σ2



1 1NX>ΩX


1can also be written as


bβOLS = σ2





!1 1N






! 1N




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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


In the next section, we will give a feasible estimator bVasy

bβOLS in thespecic case of an heteroscedastic model.

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares


In the GLR model, under some regularity conditions:

1 The OLS estimator is unbiased

2 The OLS estimator is (weakly) consistent

3 The OLS estimator is asymptotically normally distributed

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares



1 The inference based on the estimator σ2X>X

1is misleading.

2 The OLS is ine¢ cient.

VbβOLS I1N (β0) is a positive denite matrix

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3. Ine¢ ciency of the Ordinary Least Squares

Key Concepts

1 OLS estimator in the generalized regression model

2 Finite sample properties

3 Asymptotic variance covariance matrix of the OLS estimator

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Section 4

Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)


The objective of this section are the following:

1 Dene the Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

2 Dene the Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS)

3 Study the statistical properties of the GLS and FGLS estimators

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Consider the generalized linear regression model with

V (εjX) = Σ = σ2Ω

We will distinguish two cases:

Case 1: the variance covariance matrix Σ is known (unrealistic case)

Case 2: the variance covariance matrix Σ is unknown

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Case 1: Σ is known

The Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimator

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Denition (Factorisation)Since Ω is a positive denite matrix, it can factored as follows:

Ω = CΛC>

where the columns of C are the characteristics vectors of Ω, thecharacteristic roots of Ω are arrayed in the diagonal matrix Λ, and

C>C = CC> = IN

where I denotes the identity matrix.

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

DenitionWe dene the matrix P such that

P> = CΛ1/2

so thatΩ1 = P>P

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

ProofP> = CΛ1/2

Since Λ is diagonal, Λ1/2Λ1/2 = Λ1, and we have:

P>P = CΛ1/2Λ1/2C> = CΛ1C>

Consider the quantity P>PΩ:


= CΛ1ΛC>

= CC>

= IN

Since C satises CC> = IN . Then, P>P = Ω1

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)GLS estimator

Premultiply the generalized linear regression model by P to obtain

Py = PXβ+Pε

or equivalentlyy = Xβ+ ε

The conditional variance of ε is

V (εjX) = E


= PE


= σ2PΩP>

= σ2Λ1/2C>CΛC>CΛ1/2

= σ2IN

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

GLS estimator (contd)

y = Xβ+ ε

V (εjX) = σ2IN

The classical regression model applies to this transformed model.

If Ω is assumed to be known, y = Py and X = PX are observed data.

So, we can apply the ordinary least squares to this transformed model:

bβ = X>X1 X>y

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

GLS estimator (contd)

bβ =X>X

1 X>y



1 X>P>Py



1 X>Ω1y

This estimator is the generalized least squares (GLS) estimator of β.

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Denition (GLS estimator)

The Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimator of β is dened as to be:

bβGLS = X>Ω1X1


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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Denition (Bias)

Under the exogeneity assumption (A3), the estimator bβGLS is unbiased:EbβGLS = β0

where β0 denotes the true value of the parameters.

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)


We have:

bβGLS = X>Ω1X1

X>Ω1y= β0 +


1 X>Ω1ε


EbβGLS X = β0 +


1 X>Ω1E (εjX)

Under the exogeneity assumption A3, E (εjX) = 0, so we have

EbβGLS X = β0

andEbβGLS = EX

EbβGLS X = EX (β0) = β0

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Denition (Variance covariance matrix)

The conditional variance covariance matrix of the estimator bβGLS isdened as to be:

VbβGLS X = σ2


1The variance covariance matrix is given by

VbβGLS = σ2EX



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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)Proof

Consider the denition of bβGLS in the transformed model:bβGLS = β0 +


1 X>ε

VbβGLS X = X>X1 X>E


XX X>X1Since E


X = σ2IN , we have

VbβGLS X = σ2




1= σ2


1= σ2


1= σ2



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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Denition (Consistency)

Under the exogeneity assumption A3, the GLS estimator bβGLS is (weakly)consistent: bβGLS p! β0

as soon asplim

1NX>X = Q

where Q is a nite positive denite matrix.

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)


bβGLS = β0 +X>Ω1X

1 X>Ω1ε

Under the assumption A3 (exogeneity):

plim1NX>Ω1ε = 0K1

plim1NX>Ω1X = Q

So, we haveplim bβGLS = β0

The estimator bβGLS is weakly consistent. Christophe Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics - HEC Lausanne December 15, 2013 65 / 153

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Denition (Asymptotic distribution)

Under some regularity conditions, the GLS estimator bβGLS isasymptotically normally distributed:

pNbβGLS β0

d! N

0, σ2Q1


Q = plim1NX>X = plim


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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Denition (Asymptotic variance covariance matrix)

The asymptotic variance covariance matrix of the estimator bβGLS is:Vasy

bβGLS = σ2


If Σ = σ2Ω is known, a consistent estimator is given by:


bβGLS = σ2



1This estimator holds whether X is stochastic or non-stochastic.

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Theorem (BLUE estimator)

The GLS estimator bβGLS is the minimum variance linear unbiasedestimator (BLUE estimator) in the semi-parametric generalized linearregression model. In particular, the matrix dened by:



bβGLSis a positive semi denite matrix.

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Theorem (E¢ ciency)Under suitable regularity conditions, in a parametric generalized linearregression model, the GLS estimator bβGLS is e¢ cient

VbβGLS = I1N (β0)

where I1N (β0) denotes the FDCR or Cramer-Rao bound.

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)


In a Gaussian generalized linear regression model (under assumption A6),the likelihood of the sample is given by:

LN (θ; y j x) =2πσ2

N/2 jΩjN/2

exp 12σ2

(yXβ)> Ω1 (yXβ)

The log-likelihood is dened as to be:

`N (θ; y j x) = N2ln2πσ2

N2log (jΩj)


(yXβ)> Ω1 (yXβ)

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)


For testing hypotheses, we can apply the full set of results in Chapter 4 tothe transformed model. For instance, for testing the p linear constraintsH0 : Rβ = q, the appropriate test-statistic is:

F =1p



> σ2R



RbβGLS q

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

FactTo summarize, all the results for the classical model, including the usualinference procedures, apply to the transformed model.

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Case 2: Σ is unknown

The Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) estimator

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)


1 If Σ contains unknown parameters that must be estimated, thengeneralized least squares is not feasible.

2 With an unrestricted matrix Σ = σ2Ω, there are N (N + 1) /2additional parameters (since Σ is symmetric) to estimate

3 This number is far too many to estimate with N observations.

4 Obviously, some structure must be imposed on the model if we areto proceed.

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Denition (Structure of variance covariance matrix)We assume that the conditional variance covariance matrix of thedisturbances can be expressed as a function of a small set of parameters α:

V (εjX) = σ2Ω (α)

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Example (Time series)For instance, a commonly used formula in time-series settings is

Ω (ρ) =


1 ρ ρ2 ρ3 .. ρN1

ρ 1 ρ ρ2 .. ρN2

ρ2 ρ 1 ρ .. ρN3

ρ3 ρ2 ρ 1 .. .... .. .. .. .. ..

ρN1 ρN2 ρN3 .. .. 1


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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Example (Heteroscedascticity)If we consider a heteroscedastic model, where the variance of εi dependson a variable zi , with

V ( εi jX) = σ2zθi

we have

Ω (θ) =

0BBBB@zθ1 0 0 .. 00 zθ

2 0 .. 00 0 zθ

3 .. 0.. .. .. .. ..0 0 0 .. zθ



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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Denition (Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS))

Consider a consistent estimator bα of α, then the Feasible Least GeneralizedSquares (FGLS) estimator of β is dened as to be:

bβFGLS = X> bΩ1X1

X> bΩ1y

where bΩ = Ω (bα) is a consistent estimator of Ω (α) .

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)




1NX> bΩ1


= 0


1NX> bΩ1


= 0

Then the GLS and FGLS estimators are asymptotically equivalent

bβFGLS bβGLS p! 0K1

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Theorem (E¢ ciency)An asymptotically e¢ cient FGLS estimator does not require that we havean e¢ cient estimator of α; only a consistent one is required to achieve fulle¢ ciency for the FGLS estimator.

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)


If the estimator bα is consistentbα p! α

then the FGLS estimator has the same asymptotic properties (consistency,e¢ ciency, asymptotic distribution etc.) than the GLS estimator.

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4. Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

Key Concepts

1 Factorisation of the variance covariance matrix

2 Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimator

3 Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) estimator

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Section 5


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5. Heteroscedasticity


The objective of this section are the following:

1 To determine the properties of the OLS in presence ofheteroscedasticity

2 To estimate the asymptotic variance covariance matrix of the OLSestimator in presence of heteroscedasticity

3 To introduce the concept of robust inference (to heteroscedasticity)

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5. Heteroscedasticity


In the rest of this chapter, we will focus on the case of heteroscedasticdisturbances.

V ( εi jX) = σ2i for i = 1, ..,N

Heteroscedasticity arises in numerous applications, in both cross-sectionand time-series data.

For example, even after accounting for rm sizes, we expect to observegreater variation in the prots of large rms than in those of small ones.

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Assumption: We assume that the disturbances are pairwiseuncorrelated and heteroscedastic:

V (εjX) = Σ = σ2Ω


Σ =

0BB@σ21 0 .. 00 σ22 .. 0.. .. .. ..0 .. .. σ2N

1CCA = σ2Ω = σ2

0BB@ω1 0 .. 00 ω2 .. 0.. .. .. ..0 .. .. ωN

1CCAwith ωi = σ2i /σ2 for i = 1, ..,N.

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Denition (Scaling)The fact to scale the variances as

σ2i = σ2ωi for i = 1, ..,N

allows us to use a normalisation on Ω

trace (Ω) =N


ωi = N

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Introduction (contd)

We will consider three cases:

Case 1: the heteroscedasticity form (structure) is unknown: OLSestimator and robust inference

Case 2: the variance covariance matrix Σ is known: GLS or WeightedLeast Square (WLS)

Case 3: the variance covariance matrix Σ is unknown but its form(structure) is known: two-steps or iterated FGLS estimator

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5. Heteroscedasticity

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Case 1: Heteroscedasticity of unknown form

OLS and robust inference

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Assumption: We assume that the variances σ2i are unknown for i = 1, ..Nand no particular form (structure) is imposed on Ω (or Σ).

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5. Heteroscedasticity


1 The GLS cannot be implemented since Σ is unknown.

2 The FGLS estimator requires to estimate (in a rst step) Nparameters σ21, .., σ2N . With N observations, the FGLS is not feasible.

3 The only solution to estimate β consists in using the OLS.

4 Under suitable regularity conditions, the OLS estimator is unbiased,consistent, asymptotically normally distributed but... ine¢ cient.

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Introduction (contd)

Consider the OLS estimator:

bβOLS = X>X1 X>yWe know that bβOLS asy N





bβOLS = σ2


withQ = plim

1NX>X Q = plim


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5. Heteroscedasticity

Problem (Robust inference with OLS)The conventionally estimated covariance matrix for the least squares

estimator σ2X>X

1is inappropriate; the appropriate matrix is


1 X>ΩX

1 X>X

1. It is unlikely that these two would

coincide, so the usual estimators of the standard errors are likely to be

erroneous. The inference (test-statistics) based σ2X>X



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5. Heteroscedasticity


How to estimate Vasy

bβOLS and to make robust inference?Vasy

bβOLS = σ2


Q = plim1NX>X Q = plim


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5. Heteroscedasticity

We seek an estimator for

Q = plim1NX>ΩX = plim




ωixix>i = EX


or equivalently of

Q = plim1NX>ΣX = plim




σ2i xix>i = EX



Q = σ2Q

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Q = plim1NX>ΣX = plim




σ2i xix>i

White (1980) shows that under very general condition, the estimator

S0 =1N



bε2i xix>iwhere bεi = yi x>i bβOLS , converges to Q = σ2Q

S0p! Q = σ2Q

White, H. A Heteroscedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator anda Direct Test for Heteroscedasticity.Econometrica, 48, 1980, pp. 817838.

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5. Heteroscedasticity


bβOLS = σ2


We know that:

S0 =1N



bε2i xix>i p! σ2Q






!1p! Q1





1p! Vasy


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5. Heteroscedasticity

Denition (White heteroscedasticity consistent estimator)The White consistent estimator of the asymptotic variance-covariancematrix of the ordinary least squares estimator bβOLS in the generalizedlinear regression model is dened to be:


bβOLS = N X>X1 S0 X>X1bVasy

bβOLS p! Vasy


S0 =1N



bε2i xix>i

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Corollary (White heteroscedasticity consistent estimator)The White consistent estimator can written as:


bβOLS = 1N




!1 1N



bε2i xix>i!





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5. Heteroscedasticity


1 This result is extremely important and useful. It implies that withoutactually specifying the type of heteroscedasticity, we can still makeappropriate inferences based on the results of least squares.

2 This implication is especially useful if we are unsure of the precisenature of the heteroscedasticity (which is probably most of the time).

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5. Heteroscedasticity

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5. Heteroscedasticity


Given the normalisation trace(Ω) = N, we have:

σ2 =1N




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5. Heteroscedasticity

Denition (SSR)

The least squares estimator bσ2 dened by:bσ2 = bε>bε

N K =1



bε2iconverges to the probability limit of the average variance of thedisturbances bσ2 p! lim

N!∞σ2 = lim






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5. Heteroscedasticity

Example (White robust estimator. Source: Greene (2012))Consider the generalized linear regression model:

AVGEXPi = β1 + β2AGEi + β3Ownrenti + β4Incomei + β5Income2i + εi

where AVGEXP denotes the Avg. monthly credit card expenditure,Ownrent denotes a binary variable (individual owns (1) or rents (0) home),Age denotes the age in years, Income denotes the income divided by10,000. The data are available in le Chapter5_data.xls. Question:write a Matlab code to (1) estimate the parameters by OLS, (2) computethe standard errors and the robust standard errors and (3) compare yourresults with Eviews.

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5. Heteroscedasticity

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5. Heteroscedasticity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10­500











This graph is the sign of heteroscedasticity.. the variance of the residualsseems to depend on the income.

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5. Heteroscedasticity

The values are the same.. perfect

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5. Heteroscedasticity

The values are di¤erent... Why?

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5. Heteroscedasticity


This di¤erence is due to the fact that Eviews uses a nite samplecorrection for S0 (Davidson and MacKinnon, 1993)

S0 =1



bε2i xix>iDavidson, R. and J. MacKinnon. Estimation and Inference in Econometrics.New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

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5. Heteroscedasticity

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5. Heteroscedasticity

The values are now identical.

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Case 2: Heteroscedasticity with known Σ

GLS and Weighted Least Squares

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Assumption: We assume that the disturbances are heteroscedastic with

V (εjX) = Σ = σ2Ω


Σ =

0BB@σ21 0 .. 00 σ22 .. 0.. .. .. ..0 .. .. σ2N

1CCA = σ2Ω = σ2

0BB@ω1 0 .. 00 ω2 .. 0.. .. .. ..0 .. .. ωN

1CCAwhere the parameters σ2i and ωi are known for i = 1, ..N.

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Denition (GLS estimator)

In presence of heteroscedasticity, the Generalized Least Squares (GLS)estimator of β is dened as to:

bβGLS =




!1 N




or equivalently by

bβGLS =




!1 N




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5. HeteroscedasticityProof

In general, whatever the form of Σ = σ2Ω, we have:

bβGLS = X>Ω1X1


Since Ω is diagonal:

X>Ω1X =N



X>Ω1y =N



As a consequence:

bβGLS =




!1 N




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5. Heteroscedasticity


bβGLS =




!1 N



!This formula is similar to that obtained for a Weighted Least Squares(WLS).

bβWLS =




!1 N




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5. Heteroscedasticity

Fact (GLS and WLS)In presence of heteroscedasticity, the GLS estimator is a particular case ofthe Weighted Least Squares (WLS) estimator.

bβWLS =




!1 N




where δi is an arbitrary weight. For δi = 1/ωi , we have bβWLS = bβGLS .

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5. Heteroscedasticity


1 The WLS estimator is consistent regardless of the weights used, aslong as the weights are uncorrelated with the disturbances.

2 In general, we consider a weight which is proportional to oneexplicative variable (the income in the last example):

σ2i = σ2x2ik () δi =1x2ik

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Case 3: Heteroscedasticity for a given structure

FGLS and two-step or iterated estimators

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Assumption: We assume that the disturbances are heteroscedastic with

V (εjX) = Σ (α) = σ2Ω (α)

where α denotes a set of parameters.

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Example (Restriction)We assume that

V ( εi jX) = σ2i (α) = σ2z>i α

2where α = (α1 : .. : αH )

> is a H 1 vector of parameters and zi is H 1of explicative variables (not necessarily the same as in xi ).

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Example (Harveys (1976) restriction)

Harvey (1976) considers a restriction of the form:

V ( εi jX) = σ2i (α) = expx>i α

where α = (α1 : .. : αH )

> is a H 1 vector of parameters and zi is H 1of explicative variables (not necessarily the same as in xi ).

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5. Heteroscedasticity

We know that the GLS estimator is dened by:

bβGLS =



xix>iσ2i (α)

!1 N


xiyiσ2i (α)


S, the feasible GLS (FGLS) estimator is:

bβFGLS =



xix>iσ2i (bα)

!1 N


xiyiσ2i (bα)


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5. Heteroscedasticity

If we assume for instance that

V ( εi jX) = σ2i (α) = expz>i α

where zi is a vector of H variables, a way to estimate α consists inconsidering the model:

lnbε2i = z>i α+ vi

and to estimate α by OLS. The OLS is consistent even it is ine¢ cient (dueto the heteroscedasticity). Given bα, we have a consistent estimator for σ2i :

bσ2i = expz>i bα p! σ2i (α)

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5. Heteroscedasticity

ProblemIn order to estimate β by the GLS, we need bα, and to estimate α, we needthe residuals bεi = yi x>i bβGLS ...

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Two solutions

1 A two steps FGLS estimator

2 An iterative FGLS estimator

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Denition (Two-steps FGLS estimator)

First step: estimate the parameters β by OLS. Compute the residualsbεi = yi x>i bβOLS and estimate the parameters α according to theappropriate model. Second step: compute the estimated variances σ2i (bα)and compute the FGLS estimator:

bβFGLS =



xix>iσ2i (bα)

!1 N


xiyiσ2i (bα)


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5. Heteroscedasticity

Denition (Iterated FGLS estimator)

Estimate the parameters β by OLS. Compute the residualsbεi = yi x>i bβOLS and estimate the parameters α according to theappropriate model. Compute the estimated variances σ2i (bα) and computethe FGLS estimator:

bβ(1)FGLS =



xix>iσ2i (bα)

!1 N


xiyiσ2i (bα)


Compute the residuals bεi = yi x>i bβ(1)FGLS and estimate the parameters α

according to the appropriate model. Compute the FGLS bβ(2)FGLS and soon...The procedure stop when


bβ(i )j ,FGLS bβ(i1)j ,FGLS

< threshold (ex: 0.001)Christophe Hurlin (University of Orléans) Advanced Econometrics - HEC Lausanne December 15, 2013 129 / 153

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Example (Harveys (1976) multiplicative model of heteroscedasticity)Consider the generalized linear regression model:

AVGEXPi = β1 + β2AGEi + β3Ownrenti + β4Incomei + β5Income2i + εi

where the heteroscedasticity satises the Harveys (1976) specication

V ( εi jX) = σ2i = exp (α1 + α2Incomei )

The data are available in le Chapter5_data.xls. Question: write aMatlab code to estimate the parameters by FGLS by using a two-step andan iterative estimator.

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5. Heteroscedasticity


A way to get the estimates of the parameters α1 and α2 is to consider theregression:

lnbε2i = α1 + α2Incomei + vi

and to estimate the parameters by OLS.

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5. Heteroscedasticity

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5. Heteroscedasticity

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5. Heteroscedasticity

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5. Heteroscedasticity

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5. Heteroscedasticity

Key Concepts

1 OLS and robust inference

2 White heteroscedasticity consistent estimator

3 GLS and Weighted Least Squares (WLS)

4 FGLS: two-steps and iterated estimators

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Section 6

Testing for Heteroscedasticity

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity


The objective of this section are to introduce the following tests forheteroscedasticity:

1 White general test

2 The Breusch-Pagan / Godfrey LM test

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

Denition (White test for heteroscedasticity)The White test for heteroscedasticity is based on:

H0 : σ2i = σ2 for i = 1, ..,N

H1 : σ2i 6= σ2j for at least one pair (i , j)

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

The intuition of the test is based on the following idea:

1 If there is no heteroscedasticity (under the null H0):


bβOLS = σ2Q1


bβOLS = σ2X>X

12 Under the alternative (heteroscedasticity):


bβOLS = σ2Q1QQ1


bβOLS = σ2X>X




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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

White (1980) proposes the following procedure and test-statistic:

Step 1: Estimation of the model using the OLS estimator of β.

Step 2: Determine the residuals bεi = yi x>i bβOLS .Step 3: Regress bε2i on a constant and all unique columns vectors containedin X and all the squares and cross-products of the column vectors in X.

Step 4: Determine the coe¢ cient of determination, R2, of the previousregression.

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

Denition (White test for heteroscedasticity)

Under the null, the White test-statistic NR2 converges:

N R2 d!H0

χ2 (m 1)

where m is the number of explanatory variables in the regression of bε2i .The critical region of size α is

W =y : N R2 > χ21α

where χ21α denotes the 1-α critical value of the χ2 (m 1) distribution.

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

Example (Whites (1980) test for heteroscedasticity)Consider the generalized linear regression model:

AVGEXPi = β1 + β2AGEi + β3Ownrenti + β4Incomei + β5Income2i + εi

The data are available in le Chapter5_data.xls. Question: write aMatlab code to compute the White test-statistic for heteroscedasticity andits p-value. What is you conclusion for a signicance level of 5%?Compare your results with Eviews.

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

Denition (Breusch and Pagan test)

Breusch and Pagan (1979) have devised a Lagrange multiplier test ofthe hypothesis that

σ2i = σ2f

α0 + z>i α

where zi = (> is a p 1 vector of independent variables. The test

is:H0 : α = 0p1 (homoscedasticity)

H1 : α 6= 0p1 (heteroscedasticity)

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

The test can be carried out with a simple regression of

gi = Nbε2ibε>bε 1 = N bε2i

∑Ni=1bε2i 1

on the variables zik for k = 1, .,N and a constant term.

gi = α0 + α1zi1 + ...+ αpzip + vi

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

Denition (Breusch and Pagan test-statistic)

Dene Z the N (p + 1) matrix of observations on (1, zi ) and let g bethe N 1 vector of observations

gi = Nbε2ibε>bε 1

Then, the Breusch and Pagans test-statistic is dened by:

LM =12g>Z



Under the null, we have:LM


χ2 (p)

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

Example (Breusch and Pagans (1979) test for heteroscedasticity)Consider the generalized linear regression model:

AVGEXPi = β1 + β2AGEi + β3Ownrenti + β4Incomei + β5Income2i + εi

The data are available in le Chapter5_data.xls. Question: write aMatlab code to compute the Breusch and Pagan test-statistic forheteroscedasticity with zi = xi and its p-value. What is you conclusion fora signicance level of 5%?

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

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6. Testing for heteroscedasticity

Key Concepts

1 White test for heteroscedasticity

2 Breusch and Pagan test for heteroscedasticity

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End of Chapter 5

Christophe Hurlin (University of Orléans)

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