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Chapter - 2 Theoretical Framework of Cost Benefit Analysis and Planned Urban Development

Chapter - 2 Theoretical Framework of Cost Benefit Analysis 2.pdf · Chapter - 2 Theoretical Framework of Cost Benefit

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Chapter - 2

Theoretical Framework of Cost Benefit Analysis and

Planned Urban Development

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Chapter - 2

Theoretical Framework of Cost Benefit Analysis and Planned Urban Development

Planned Urban Development as highlighted in chapter one is one

of the basic long term strategies for sustainable growth and

development. Indian older cities and town areas are rusting due to lack

of urban planning. Even the present development on the outer skirts of

the urban societies is relatively ignored resulting into escalating cost

and depleting benefits of urban planning and development. However,

in the process assessing the cost benefit analysis of urban areas in

general and that of Aligarh in particular, it seems logical to present a

theoretical analysis of the issue.

Cost Benefit Analysis:

The planned urban development will be a huge drain on the

municipal resources on the one hand but on the other hand if ignored

on the consideration of lack of resources, may have a multiple effect in

terms of cost.

Every developing country allocates its scarce resources among

different sectors within the economy and among different projects

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within each sector of the economy. For determining the rationality of

investment in any project whether commercial or a project undertaken

for social uplift as a whole, cost benefit analysis is necessary. Just

working on the techniques of economic or commercial evaluation of a

project is not enough. The rationality of a project comes after the

inclusion of Social cost factor. The commercial evaluation of urban

planning is concerned only with private costs and benefits and does not

take into account the existence of externalities in returns and costs,

which need to be evaluated with respect of society’s welfare and

national objectives. Under some circumstances, the price that some one

pays for resource goods on services is different from the opportunity

cost that the entire society pays for that resource goods or services.1

For example, the sealing drive in Delhi has caused enormous loss

to the traders in the form of cost, profit, and business, besides the

psychological pressure faced by both traders and common people. An

industrial project to manufacture paper and process chemicals is being

set up in a city where the residents so far enjoyed pollution free

environment. The industry will pay for its inputs like land, labor,

capital etc. and will consider its cost on the basis of these inputs. But,

what the economic evaluation of the project will not consider is the

smoke, release of injurious gasses, and pollution of environment that

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the industry will cause during its operation to the residents of the city.

On the other hand, the residents will have to pay its cost in the form of

poor health leading to expenditure on medicines, etc. thus, their

external costs, which are not considered in economic evaluation of a

project and create biasness in investment decisions, also need to be

considered. Similarly, there may be externalities in results/benefits; viz;

generation of employment saving in foreign exchange, increase in

national income etc.2 Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) estimates and totals

up the equivalent money value of the benefits and costs to the

community of projects to establish whether they are worthwhile. These

projects may be dams and highways or can be training programs and

health care systems.

Cost benefit Analysis called economic analysis is a methodology

developed for evaluating investment projects from the point of view of

the society (or economy) as a whole. Used primarily for evaluating

public investments though it can be applied to both private and public

investments, Cost Benefit Analysis has received a lot of emphasis in the

decades of 1960s and 1970s in view of the growing importance of public

investments and in many countries, particularly in developing

countries, where governments are playing a significant role in the

economic development. Cost Benefit Analysis is also relevant, to a

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certain extent to private investments as these have now to be approved

by various governmental and quasi-governmental agencies which bring

to bear larger national consideration in their decisions.

In the context of planned economies, Cost Benefit Analysis aids in

evaluating individual projects within the planning framework which

spells out national economic objectives and broad allocation of

resources to various sectors. In other words, Cost Benefit Analysis is

concerned with tactical decision making within the framework of broad

strategic choices defined by the planning at the macro level. The

perspectives and parameters provided by the macro level plans score as

the basis of Cost Benefit Analysis, which is tool for analysis and

appraising individual projects.

Rationale for Cost Benefit Analysis:

In Cost Benefit Analysis the focus is one the social costs and

benefits of the project. These offers tend to differ from the monetary

costs and benefits of the project source of discrepancy are:

Market imperfections;


Taxes and subsidies;

Concern for redistribution;

Merit wants;

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Market Imperfections:

Market prices, which form the basis for computing the monetary

costs and benefits from the point of view of the project sponsor reflect

social values only under conditions of perfect competition, which are

rarely, if ever, realized by developing countries. When imperfections

exist, market prices do not reflect social values.


A project may have beneficial external effects. For example, it

may create certain infrastructural facilities like roads which benefit the

neighboring areas. Such benefits are considered in Cost Benefit

Analysis; though they are ignored in assessing the monetary benefits to

the project sponsors they do not receive any monetary compensation

from those who enjoy this external benefit created by the project.

Likewise, a project may have harmful external effect like environmental

pollution. In Cost Benefit Analysis, the cost of such environmental

pollution is relevant, though the project sponsors may not incur any

monetary costs. It may be emphasized that externalities are relevant in

Cost Benefit Analysis because in such analysis all costs and benefits,

irrespective of what they accrue and whether they are paid for or not

are relevant.

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Taxes and Subsidies:

From the point of view, taxes are definite monetary costs and

subsidies are definite monetary gains. From the social point of view,

however, taxes and subsidies are generally regarded as transfer

payments and hence considered irrelevant.

Concern for Savings:

Unconcerned about how its benefits are divided between

consumption and savings, a private firm does not but differential

valuation on savings and consumption. From a social point of view;

however, the division of benefits between consumption and

savings/which leads to investment) is relevant; particularly in the

capital Scarce developing countries. The concern of the society for

savings and investments is duly reflected in Cost Benefit Analysis

wherein a higher valuation is placed on savings and a lower valuation

is put on consumption.

Concern for Redistribution:

A private firm does not bother how its benefits are distributed

across various goods in the society. The society, however, is concerned

about the distribution of benefits across different groups. A rupee of

benefit going to an economically poor section is considered more

valuable than a rupee of benefit to an affluent section.

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Merit wants:

Goals and preference not expressed in the market place, but

believed by policy makers to be in the larger interest, may be referred to

as merit wants. For example, the government may prefer to promote an

adult education program or a balanced nutrition program for school-

going children even though these are not sought by consumers in the

market place. While merit wants are not relevant from the private point

of view, they are important from the social point of view.

Approaches of Cost Benefit Analysis:

Social Indicator (Brummet) Approach: This approach involves

different areas of social contribution to be undertaken by business

corporations. Lee Brummet in 1973 in his article ‘Total Performance

Management’ defines accounting and communication of economic and

social information and purposes in the following measurement


Total Performance = Net Income Human Resource Contribution

Public Contribution

Environmental Contribution

Producer Service Contribution

Brummet further details the contents which should be included in

each of these performance elements, called social indicators. For

example, the product or service contribution includes product safety,

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durability utility, maintainability, customer satisfaction, truthfulness in

advertising, etc.

Classical Approach:

The classical approach asserts that by maximizing the profits with

in the constraints of the existing corporations are acting in the best

interests of the society at large. Milton Friedman advocated, “There is

one and only one social responsibility of business – to use its resources

and engage in activities designed to increase its profits as long as it

stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engage in open and

free competition; without deception or fraud”. However, in the

changing environment and social parameters this approach is no more


Descriptive Approach:

This is the simplest and traditional method of reporting social

information. According to this method the social activities of business

corporations are presented along with financial statements in narrative

form. Usually, only positive social aspects of firm are presented in a

non-quantitative form. Thus the impact of social activities is not

measured under this method.

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Linowes Operating Statement Approach:

D. F. Linowes in his article, "Socio-Economic Accounting" has

proposed the development of socio-economic operating statement

(SEOS). According to this approach, the firm presents its social benefits

as well as the social costs along with the corporate balance sheet and

income statement. It includes tabulation of the firm’s voluntary

expenditures to benefit its employees, the public and the environment

as well as the estimated costs of any social programmes which are

postponed or ignored. The difference between the social benefit and

social costs is termed as social contribution.

Multidimensional Statements Approach (Colantins, Coper and

Dietzer Model) – This model has proposed to extend financial

statements into multidimensional nature of the social reports creates

problems in measurement and quantification. It requires help from

engineers, social scientists lawyers and statisticians to prepare the


UNIDO Approach:

The UNIDO approach was first articulated in the guidelines for

project evaluation which provides a comprehensive framework for Cost

Benefit Analysis in developing countries. The rigour and length of this

work created a demand for a succinct and operational guide for project

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evaluation in practice. To fulfill this need, UNIDO came out with

another publication guide to practical project appraisal in 1978.

Cost Benefit Analysis by Financial Institutions:

The all-India term lending financial institutions – IDBI, IFCI and

ICICI-appraise project proposals primarily from the larger social point

of view. ICICI was perhaps the first financial institution to introduce a

system of economic analysis as distinct from financial profitability

analysis. IFCI adopted a system of economic appraisal in 1979. Finally,

IDBI also introduced a system for economic appraisal of projects

financed by them.3

Indicators of Social Desirability of Urban Planning:

There are various indicators/criterion which may be used to

evaluate the social desirability of urban Planning. Some of the

important indicators are discussed as below:

(I) Employment Potential:

In a developing country like India, where labor is surplus, the

employment potentiality of Urban Planning is an important

consideration while determining the social desirability of Urban

Planning. The Urban Planning should be done, keeping in mind labor

intensive and higher employment potential.

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(II) Output per Unit of Capital:

As capital is also scarce in a developing country, capital output

ratio becomes an important factor in evaluating the social desirability of

a project. The project which gives a higher output per unit of capital

employed is preferred to a project which gives lower output per unit of

capital employed.

(III) Value Added Criterion:

The term ‘Value Added’ refers to the market price/value of the

output of an enterprise less the cost/price of the goods and services

acquired or bought from other firms. The value added criterion is

similar to the capital output ratio except that the estimated value added

by a project is considered in place of the total value of the output.

Under this approach value added per unit of capital invested is

ascertained and the project which gives higher value is preferred to the

project which gives lower value added per unit of capital. It serves as a

better indicator as it takes into accounts the net contribution of an

enterprise or project to the nation's economy. Capital output ratio

cannot be used satisfactory in case of projects which use high

proportion of bought out materials, e.g. a firm engaged in mere

assembly of components may give a higher capital output ratio but the

net contribution to the economy may not be that significant.

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Identifying and Measuring Benefits and Costs:

CBA’s must include comprehensive estimates of the projected

benefits and costs for all alternatives. Benefits which money value

cannot be assigned (intangible benefits) should be included along with

tangible benefits and costs. Intangible benefits should be evaluated and

assigned relative numeric values for comparison purposes. For

example, maximum benefit could be assigned a value of 5, average

benefits a value of 3 and minimum benefits a value of 1. Evaluating and

comparing benefits that have both money values and relative numeric

values require extra effort, but it allows subjective judgment to be a

factor in the analysis.

CBA’s should be explicit about the underlying assumptions used

to arrive at estimates of future benefits and costs. For example, the

number of users of a highway might be assumed to increase at a rate of

10 percent each of the 6 years of the system life cycle.

Cost incurred in the past (Sunk Costs) and savings or efficiencies

already achieved (Realized Benefits) should not be considered in a CBA,

there may be pressure to compare all costs and benefits from the

beginning of the project. In that situation, the question to be answered is

whether or the benefits of proceeding justify the costs associated with

continuing the project. The classic example of this is a situation when

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large amounts of money have been spent designing a system that has

not been successfully implemented; and the project is being re-

evaluated. The fact that a lot of money has been spent is no reason to

continue spending CBA’s focus on the future; and decisions have to be

based on the expected costs and benefits of the proposed alternatives.

Past experience is reliant only in helping estimate the value of future

benefits and costs.


This section briefly describes the steps required to perform a CBA:

Determine/Define Objectives:

The CBA should include the project objectives and other

pertinent background information so that it stands on its own and can

be understood by a reviewer who is not intimately familiar with the

organization and its work process. The objectives should be designed to

improve the work process so the project can better perform its mission.

Document Current Process:

The baseline for any CBA is the current process. Because

understanding the current process provides the basis for decisions

regarding new alternatives, a CBA must thoroughly document the

current process to ensure that everyone involved in the CBA

preparation and review understands that process.

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Estimate Future Requirements:

Future customer requirements determine the system capabilities

and architecture, and ultimately affect system costs and benefits. Thus,

it is very important to accurately estimate the future requirements. The

two key items to consider are the system life cycle and the peak life

cycle demands.

Collect Cost Data:

Cost data must be collected for estimating the cost and benefits of

each project alternative. Six sources of data are historical organization

experience, current system costs, market research, publications, analyst

judgment, and special studies. This step is the preparation for the

actually estimating costs and benefits in later steps.

Choose at Least Three Alternatives:

A CBA must present at least three alternatives. One alternative

that should always be included in the CBA is to continue with no

change. During the Work Process Evaluation, a number of alternatives

may be considered. Other alternatives are whether to do development,

operations, and maintenance with in-house personnel or contractors.

Each technical approach that is a viable alternative from a work process

perspective should be included as an alternative. However, the number

of technical approaches may be limited if only one or two are

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compatible. Some alternatives can be addressed and rejected because

they are not feasible for reasons other than costs and benefits.

Document CBA Assumptions:

Because a CBA often relies on many assumptions, it is important

to document all of them, and, if possible, justify them on the basis of

prior experiences or actual data. For example, you may assume that the

PC hardware and software for a system will need to be upgraded every

three years. This could be justified on the basis of the rapid increases in

capacity and speed and decreases in cost for PCs over the past 15 years.

This can also be an opportunity to explain why some alternatives

were not included in the analysis. Some alternatives are eliminated in

the early stages of a CBA because of a conclusion that it is not feasible. If

that conclusion is based on an assumption, the assumption must be

clearly explained and justified.

Estimate Costs:

Many factors must be considered during the process of

estimating the costs associated with competing alternatives in a CBA.

All costs for the full system life cycle for each competing alternative

must be included. The following factors must be addressed: Activities

and Resources, Cost Categories, Personnel Costs, Direct and Indirect

Costs (Overhead), Depreciation, and Annual Costs.

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Estimate Benefits:

Benefits are the services, capabilities, and qualities of each

alternative system, and can be viewed as the return from an investment.

To estimate benefits, first identify the benefits for both the customers

and the organization that provides the service(s) to the customers.

Benefits to customers are improvements to the current IT services

and/or the addition of new services. Some possible benefits for the

servicing organization are productivity gains, staffing reductions, or

improved organizational effectiveness.

After the benefits are identified, establish performance measures

for each benefit. The final step is to estimate the value of the benefits. If

a benefit cannot reasonably be assigned a monetary value, it should be

valued using a more subjective, qualitative rating system (which assigns

relative numerical values for the competing alternatives). All benefits

for the full system life cycle for each competing alternative must be


Discount Costs and Benefits:

After the costs and benefits for each year of the system life cycle

have been estimated, convert them to a common unit of measurement

to properly compare competing alternatives. That is accomplished by

discounting future rupee values, which transforms future benefits and

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costs to their "present value." The present value (also referred to as the

discounted value) of a future amount is calculated with the following


P = F (1/ (1+I) n), where P = Present Value, F = Future Value, I = Interest

Rate, and n = number of years.

Evaluate Alternatives:

When the costs and benefits for each competing alternative have

been discounted, compare and rank the discounted net value

(discounted benefit minus discounted cost) of the competing

alternatives. When the alternative with the lowest discounted cost

provides the highest discounted benefits, it is clearly the best

alternative. Most cases may not be that simple and other techniques

must be used to determine the best alternative.

When some benefits have dollar values assigned, but others do

not, the non-cost values can be used as tie-breakers if the cost figures do

not show a clear winner among the competing alternatives, and if the

non-costed benefits are not key factors. If the non-costed benefits are

key factors, the costed benefits can be converted to scaled numeric

values consistent with the other non-costed benefits. The evaluation can

then be done by comparing the discounted costs and the relative values

of the benefits for each alternative. When the alternative with the lowest

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discounted cost provides the highest relative benefits, it is clearly the

best alternative (the same basic rule used when you have discounted

benefits). If that is not the case, the evaluation is more complex.

If no benefits have rupee values, numerical values can be

assigned (using some relative scale) to each benefit for each competing


The Real Cost of AIDS:

Already a staggering 5.2 million people in India are infected with

HIV and if unchecked, the killer bug could push 4.3 million people

deeper into poverty and share billions of dollars of India’s GDP. Can

India defeat this epidemic-in-the making: Can we reflect this study for

the Cost & benefit effect of Planned Urban Development? When the first

HIV case was detected among sex workers in Chennai, the estimated

number of HIV positive people in the country has soared to 5.20

million, which is 0.91 percent of the total adult population. If

unchecked, the situation could soon reach epidemic proportions.

Technically, a country is said to be facing a generalized AIDS epidemic,

when at least 1 percent of the adult population is HIV positive) Says

Ashok Alexander who heads Anham, the anti-AIDS initiative of the Bill

and Melinda Gates Foundation in the country: “India is where South

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Africa and Thailand were in the early 90s. We are reaching an inflexion


But a health crisis isn’t the only fallout of this growing menace.

This roaring Indian economy could suffer a severe setback if the

problem snow balls. Shockingly enough there are no reliable estimates

available yet on the economic impact of HIV. Delhi based economic

think tank NCAER (National Council of Applied Economic Research) is

currently doing a comprehensive study for UNDP (United Nations

Development Program). However, even an amateurish, back-of-the-

envelop calculation throws up just what is at risk: given India’s per

capita income of $700/- Rs. 31,500) and HIV positive headcount of 5.2

million, at least $3.6 billion, on Rs. 16,200 crore; of productivity is under

threat. Translate that into PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) equivalent,

the figure soars to $18 billion, or Rs. 81,000 crore.

As the epidemic makes inroads into the heartland of India it is

clear that the socio-economic consequences will be devastating.

According to UNAIDS (the joint United Nations Programme on

HIV/AIDS) forecast, if AIDS continues its relentless march across

districts in the country, it will be impossible for the government to

deliver on its Millennium Development Goal of reducing the

population of people below the poverty line to 15 percent by 2015. The

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anti-AIDS organization estimates that roughly 4.3 million people will be

pushed deeper into poverty because of the epidemic.

For the affected families the consequence can be traumatic and

ruinous. Since HIV is more prevalent among sexually active people in

the age group of 14 to 49, it not only immediately hits the family

income, but also increases costs in terms of treatment and better diet.

Revealingly, an International labor Organization (ILO) study done in

2002 pointed out that such families start spending more on food and

medical treatment, and less on education. In fact, in some African

nations, AIDS has also been linked to an increase in child labor. That

shouldn’t be too hard to explain. If the parents get infected then the

family has no choice, but to take its children out of school and put them

in factories or farms.

Corporate Shock:

At present, corporate India doesn’t seem too worried about the

problem, and that’s a big mistake. A study, also done by ILO in Andhra

Pradesh in 2003, at a coal company revealed how costs can shoot up due

to medical care bills and lost productivity. “In the five years precious to

the study”, says S. Mohammad Afsar of ILO, “29 employees were

declared unfit to work due to AIDS, and the company had to pay Rs. 65

lakh in compensation, which they could have saved if the employees

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had been provided treatment. “Obviously the company in question –

like many others even today did not have a proactive HIV Policy and it

today has 311 HIV positive employees on its rolls and may have to pay

as much as Rs. 9 crore in compensation in the years to come.

The most direct and visible cost of the epidemic is the

government spending on it. This year, Rs. 900 crore has been allocated

to the National AIDS control organization (NACO). Never mind that

the budget is far short of the estimated $1 billion (Rs. 4,500 crore) that is

needed for prevention and treatment of HIV, this is the money the

government could otherwise have spent on education, infrastructure or


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Planned Urban Development:

The growth and development is a continuous process of every

dynamic society. The population grows the standard of living increases

and so rises the expectation. The rural masses often tend to be

influenced by the economic demonstration effect and shift to urban

areas, while the lower middle class or the middle class expands usually

on the outer peripheral of the city/town areas. This is a continuous

process leading to creation/expansion or newer urban areas. This

expansion should ideally be planned.

Meaning and Definition:

The simplest definition of urban or an urban area might be the

confederation or union of neighboring class resorting to a center used as

a common meeting place for worship, protection and the life; hence the

political or sovereign body formed by such a community. An urban

area can also be defined as a composite of cells neighborhoods or

communities where people work together for the common good. The

type or urban areas can vary as greatly as the variety of activities

performed there: the means of production and the kinds of goods trade,

transportation the delivery of goods and services, or a combination of

all of these activities.

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A third definition says that urban areas are those locations where

there is opportunity for a diversified living environment and diverse

life-styles. People live, work, and enjoy them in social and cultural

relationship provided by the proximities of an urban area.4

Urban areas can be simple or complex. They can have a rural

flavor or that of an industrial workshop. They can be peaceful or filled

with all types of conflict. They can be small and easy to maintain or

gargantuan and tied with strife and economic problems.5

The Dawn of Urbanization:

Contrary to popular belief, urbanism did not begin when people

left the cave: It probably started in the caves themselves, where the

people gathered for protecting themselves, where the people gathered

for defense against the elements or for defense against rival tribes.6

Lewis Mumford States:

Though permanent villages date only from the Neolithic times,

the habit of resorting to cause for the collective performance of magical

ceremonies seems to late back to an earlier period; and whole

communities living in caves and the hollowed-out walls of rock have

survived in widely scattered areas down to the present. The outline of

the city as both an outward form and inward pattern of life might be

found in such ancient assemblages.7

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Planning age: Never in the history of man, planning has been so much

in the forefront as it is today. The whole world is now passing through

the planning age. Without planning, nothing succeeds. So we have

defence planning at national level, Regional planning, urban and Rural

planning at state level so on and so forth to family planning at domestic

level. India has so far already implemented.8

Concept of Planning: Planning means pre-climbing and pre-arranging

things before an event takes place so as to achieve good results in

health, convenience, comfort and happiness of all living beings. By

careful planning, we can eradicate the mistakes of the past and be wiser

in the future.

Concept of a Town and Town planning:

Town or city is a place of urban living. Urban means an

environment in which natural surroundings have been dominated by

artificial or man made surroundings, which man builds for himself-for

his living, working and recreation. As per census of India, a place

becomes urban if it has more than 5,000 populations, more than 75% of

which are engaged in an agricultural occupation and the density is

more than 1000 persons per sq. km. However, there are exceptions.

A city also means a place, in which citizens with rights of

citizenship, live a civil Life. The words citizenship, civic, civilized,

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denote the most advanced state of social organization and behavior that

man has now attained, and it is against that the word 'city' or 'civic' is


Town planning is considered as an art of shaping and guiding the

physical growth of the town creating buildings and environments to

meet the various needs such as social, cultural, economic and

recreational etc and to provide healthy conditions for both rich and

poor to live, to work and play or relax, thus bringing about the social

and economic well-being for the majority of mankind. Aristotle once

said "A city should be built to give its inhabitants security and

happiness". While Platu describes it as "A place where man had a

common life for a noble end".

Though the term applies to planning of new towns, cities on

virgin land, it also equally takes into account their development,

improvement of the existing towns and their extensions.

Aims and objectives of urban planning:

The planners before taking up any planning work must have

definite aims and objectives with regards to the town planning.

According to the town planning Acts, the main objectives of the

town planning may be summarized in three words viz. Health,

Convenience and beauty.

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(1) Health:

(i) To create and promote healthy conditions and environments for

all the people rich and poor, to live, to work, to play or relax.

(ii) To make right use of the land for the right purpose by proper

division of land called zoning such as residential, commercial,

Industrial, Institutional and recreational etc in order to avoid the

encroachment of one zone upon for smooth and orderly development of

the town or city without causing future conflicts.

(2) Convenience:

The object of convenience is meant in the form of various needs of

the community such as social, economic, cultural and recreational

amenities etc. Public amenities required for the proper upkeep of the

citizens include water supply. Sanitation, electricity, post, telegraphs

gas, etc proper sites for industrial, commercial business enterprises to

encourage them in trade with cheap power, transport services, drainage


Recreational amenities include open spaces for gardens and

playgrounds, for children and town-halls stadiums, community centers.

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(3) Beauty:

(i) To presume the individually of the town by developing it on its

suited natural conditions. (ii) To presume the aesthetics in the design of

all elements of town or city plan which include preservation of trees,

natural greenery, embrown types of domestic buildings and buildings

of civic dignity and beauty, architectural control on public as well as

semi-public buildings, ancient architectural buildings, temples,

mosques and churches and buildings of cultural and historical


Principles of urban Planning::

The main principles of urban planning are as below-

(a) There should be no haphazard (laissez faire) method in planning


(b) Housing accommodation to various classes of people should be

allowed to develop. If slums exist they should be pulled down by

making of alternate arrangement some accommodation in transit camps

for dishoused persons.

(c) Civic amenities like shopping centers, dispensaries, schools,

nursery, etc should be provided to all the residents.

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(d) Adequate open spaces should be reserved for public recreation

centers and also for future expansion of the town.

(e) Public and semi-public buildings should be grouped and

distributed neatly throughout the town.

(f) The system of zoning should be strictly followed. The town

should be divided into suitable zones such as residential zone,

commercial zones, industrial zone and recreational zone etc.

(g) The growth of the town should be controlled by the provision of

green belt, which is an open strip of land all round the town or city

reserved for special purpose of limiting the growth of the city. It is

primarily meant for intensive cultivation of vegetables, fruits, farm

industry like poultry farms dairies etc. It also provides sites for

recreational amenities like parks, playgrounds and picnic spots etc. It

also serves as a sanitary cordon to prevent the formation of slums. At

least it keeps its growth away from the town.

Most of the evils of urban planning lie in the gigantic size of the

city due to tremendous growth in population. The remedy lies in

limiting its growth. The main purpose of green belt is to prevent

urbanization beyond its outer periphery and also to allow few

extensions during emergency period. It, therefore prohibits

concerbation (con=together and arb-city) i.e. linking up of urban areas.

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The touch stone of what constitutes planning is the matter of

proper relationship and provision of several units to make a

harmonious whole. The words of Aristotle, who summarized all

principles of city planning, may be quoted here "'A city should be built

to give its inhabitants security and happiness".

To make the town a pleasant place of living, the authorities of the

town should follow these dicta: unity in diversity; Nip in the bud;

prevention is better than cure are its catchwords. Health, convenience

and beauty are its watchwords.

Necessity of Urban Planning:

The Industrial Revolution that took place in 1760-1820 is an

important epoch in the history of growth of towns and cities. No

country is free from the galloping multiple crisis of our time, due to

over crowding in the towns and city areas in particular. This has

resulted in the haphazard (laissez faire) development, chaos and

disorder in the town.

Some of the evils from which the town suffers in absence of town

planning are as below:

(1) The suburban sprawl has entirely engulfed every town and city.

The life inside the urban areas often seems to close to being snuffed out

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completely. The people therefore have to go far off in the country side

to get open air, breeze.

(2) The people will have to take long uncomfortable journey from

place of residence to the place of work. As such there is waste of time,

money and energy.

(3) Every road has become highway, increasing the traffic

congestion, resulting in accidents.

(4) Noisy traffic has almost disturbed the peace of the city dwellers.

(5) Indiscriminate sitting of industries in the heart of the city has

resulted in producing smoke, dangerous gas, bad smell etc. Improper

disposal of industrial waste has caused pollution of water, air etc.

(6) Increased industrial population has given rise to the formation of

squatter settlements, slums etc.

(7) Insufficient open spaces, parks, playgrounds have caused

unhealthy conditions of living.

(8) Lack of public amenities such as water supply, drainage,

sanitation, electricity etc.

In short the present picture is gloomy and dull. We have

therefore to put tremendous efforts for the proper shaping of urban

areas to meet the various needs such as social, cultural, economic and

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recreational thus bringing general welfare of the majority of mankind.

Winston Churchill once said "We shape our buildings and then our

buildings shape us "The building should be built in good environment

which will influence to build up of good character, civic consciousness

and civic ideas or the making of good citizen and citizenship, good

environment is essential for the well-being of the people for they in turn

will collectively contribute to the well being of the state levels.

Mumford quotes a Chinese proverb "If you are planning for one year

plant grains, if you are planning for ten years, plant trees, if you are

planning for a hundred years, plant men". The capital criticism of

Indian Urban Planning of towns is that the planning is not done for a

period of many years. As such apart from human suffering, it has

resulted in heavy liabilities. To avoid these in future, it is found

extremely necessary to prepare a comprehensive planning taking into

account a number of years for an overall development of towns and

country as whole.9

Forms of urban planning:

According to planning authority the urban planning is divided

into the following categories:

(i) Local Planning (ii) Country Planning (iii) Regional Planning (iv)

National Planning (v) International Planning.

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i. Local Planning: It is largely influenced by the economic conditions

for the development of the town. Keeping in view of these, the

development plan is prepared. The population is spread over the town

uniformly keeping the density of population as low as possible. Zones

are formed and traffic regulations are maintained.

ii. Country Planning: The country is allowed to develop in an

orderly manner and on pre-determined lines. There should be no

haphazard (laissez faire) methods in the urban planning. The town

should be linked with the surrounding villages by suitable transport

facilities; scope should be given to village industries in the form of

poultry farms, dairies, wearing industries maintaining a proper balance

with the agriculture in the village development scheme.

iii. Regional planning: Regional planning means planning of a much

larger unit than a town called' region' the planning is done more or less

on the same principles of town planning. Region includes the territory

lying within easy reach such 15 to 50 kilometers and containing number

of villages and townships. The regional planning helps to develop the

region in a coordinated manner. It deals with planning of regional

highways regional transport regional water supply, drainage etc. It also

takes into account the overall development of towns’ villages in the

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region and provides sites for new towns for rehabilitation for the

displaced lessons from the main city.

iv. National Planning: The planning process is done on a national

level. It considers the resources, potentialities in different fields of the

nation as a whole. It helps to utilize the national resources in the best

possible way for the development of the nation. Works of national

importance such as Railways, irrigation, Heavy Industries Hydro

electric works come under National planning. Our various five years

plans can save as an example of National planning.

v. International Planning: International planning came into

existence with the establishment of units and nations organization or

UNO. It aims at promoting co-operation, goodwill among different

nations of the world. UNO has appointed various agencies to conduct

surveys in different fields of human life, like health, housing, food,

education etc. and to provide suitable solutions to these problems at

international level.10

Growth of towns:

Origin of Towns: In the cultural evolution of mankind we come across

mainly three stages such as 'stone', 'Bronze' and 'Iron Ages' according to

the type of materials and weapons used at that time. The Ages have

different periods in different parts of the world. Next job they did was

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to change the face of the jungle and create the huts of reeds and tents, to

protect against winter wind and enemies. They started living a settled

life mostly on the banks of rivers, which they found to be life giving

source - water for drinking and rich fertile land for cultivation.

Mohanjo-Daro: Excavations at Mohanjo-Daro in the Indus Valley have

revealed the remains of a large city built about 3000 B.C. It is apparent

that a relatively advanced civilization flourished in this city.11



Houses ranged in size from two rooms to mansions with

numerous rooms. The buildings were of masonry, streets were paved,

and considerable evidence of sewer drainage from dwellings has been

uncovered. The principal buildings excavated are a public bath and a

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monastery. Permanent towns of sunbabed brich arose along the Indus

Valley. In Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa the streets were arranged on a

regular pattern and as in Egypt, the dwellings were compactly built

around interior courts. Building heights were established in proportion

to the width of streets predominantly there were one and two storied

buildings. Sanitation was of a relatively high order, a system of

underground sewers extended through the towns, and there is evidence

that disposal lines were connected to the dwellings. But all trace of the

civilization that produced these cities has apparently vanished, and it

remains a matter of conjecture whether the people who occupied them

influenced the city building of the near east in subsequent centuries.12

Types of Towns: The factors that distinguish one town from another

are: (I) location, (2) function (3) shape and (4) size.

Hill stations, riverbanks, sea fronts suggest their respective

locations. Pilgrim towns, health resorts, education, fishing, industrial,

commercial and political towns indicate their function. The type of road

system, which depends upon topographical features, determines the

shape or pattern of the town.

A town is known as linear, rectangular, radial, star, circular or

radial and circular (Spider's web) according to the road system.

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The size of the town is fixed by population such as a community

with more than five thousand but not more than about one lakh

population may be roughly called as a town, that with population of

one to ten lakh a city, that with population more than ten lakh may be

called metropolitan city.13

Stages in the growth of towns:

A town is classified into various categories according to the

different stages of development. Sir Patrick Geddes has given three

categories such as primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary town is

one which produces human necessities such as agricultural village.

The secondary town is one which functions as center of exchange

such as marketing town.

The tertiary town is one, which provides residential, educational

and recreational facilities. In reality a town is a mixture of all the above

categories. Lewis Mumford has given six categories which are as


Ecopolis: Here gown grows as one entire unit. Its economy is based on


Polis: Here town grows into a small urban unit of self-contained

community. It has a commerce and industry etc.

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Metropolis (Mother City): Here the city grows to its full stature with

high population density and large potentialities withal facilities like

heater supply drainage, electricity, transport, commerce and industries

etc (London, Mumbai, Kolkata etc).

Megalopolis: It is an over-grown city into a mess due to growing

expansion of industries, high-rise buildings multi-trade roads, mass

housing mass transportation. In its overgrown nature, lie the germs of

its decay which begin to creep in all the portions of the city.

Tyrannopolis: The city shows further decay in all the fields like trade,

commerce, military, power etc.

Necropolis: The city is in the worst stage and unfit for dwelling. So it is

the dead where one finds disease, famine, economic breakdown etc

(Persepolis, Babylon etc).

Methods of External Growth:

With the passage of time, no towns for long remained in static

condition. The towns behave like living creature and their methods of

growth on account of new industries factories, educational institutions,

aided by transport facilities, etc. The growth of towns can be classified

in two ways:

Growth according to origin

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Growth according to direction

Growth according to Origin:

The growth of town according to origin is further divided in two

types such as (a) Natural growth (b) Planned growth

Natural Growth: Here the town is the result of evolution, rather than

pre-thought or pre-planned development the towns have developed as

a matter of chance than design. Here the primary factors are availability

of water, rich soil immediate comfort and convenience of the people,

rather than other amenities like schools, playgrounds, hospitals,

transport system, commerce and industries etc. There are four types of

natural growth such as:

Concentric spread: Here the town develops in the form of concentric

rings, with nuclear as town since the natural tendency of the people is

to keep the center, nucleus or heart of the town as near as possible. Such

a town soon suffers from important houses, concentration of the people

in the heart of the town, congestion of the traffic and accidents.

Satellite growth: The satellite growth implies dependency on the parent

city but still possessing its own identity see figure 1.1 when a town

reaches a certain size, satellite devolution must take place, to break the

suburban sprawl beyond that size. Since its periphery falls away from

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the heart of the parent city, it becomes less convenient and

uncomfortable for the distant people.

Figure 2.1: Satellite Town

The satellite town will have the following features:

The satellite town is also a full town in free sense but depends to

certain extent on the parent city for higher education,

employment etc.

It is however independent in its economic, social and cultural


It is pure residential unit with civic amenities like shopping

centers, dispensary, primary or nursery schools etc.




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Here no industries are permitted; hence the people will have to

depend on parent city for any workshop and employment


It must be linked with parent city by easy transport facilities like

buses, local trains etc. There will be only one arterial road for


It may or may not consist of zoning

Every house may or may not have garden.

It is generally situated in an open country beyond the greenbelt of

the parent city.

Its size and development should be controlled and not allowed to

grow more than its parent city. Otherwise it would grow to

become a rival to the parent city and would create the same

problems of control in future.

Ribbon Development: Here the development is in the form of a ribbon

or line i.e. a single row of houses along the bus-stops, bus routes,

railway lines, railway stations.

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Figure 2.2: Ribbon Development

S-Shop, R-Residential Bldg B- Bank

Following are the disadvantages of ribbon development:

(a) Every body wants to take advantage of the frontage of the main

road. The interior is therefore left underdeveloped causing wastage of

valuable land.

(b) Overcrowding on the roadside, streets become narrow and give

rise to accidents.

(c) All types of buildings creep in, at the frontage, such as schools,

factories, bus stops, petrol pump, theatres, etc with no regard to zoning

regulations. All these affect health conditions of the residents.

(d) The town spreads far and wide, which is costly to maintain.





l S





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(e) Future improvements become very costly. Ribbon development is

the inverse of planning and is not desirable. Hence it is necessary to nip

it in the bud on check its development, in its early sludge.

Growth according to direction:

The growth of towns’ considering the direction takes place in two

ways. They are (i) Horizontal growth and (ii) Vertical growth.

(i) Horizontal growth: The city can grow horizontally in all

directions, to accommodate the growing population. It is clear that such

horizontal growth is economical at places where the land is cheap.

The advantages of horizontal growth can be stated as follows:

(a) Since the building has only one storey, the wall could be made

thinner and this results in savings in masonry and foundation.

(b) It does not require high technical personnel.

(c) It is possible to have roof ventilation and maximum use of roof


(d) There is a lot of economy in space since there is no necessity of a

lift or supporting columns or walls.

(e) There is also economy in cost as the provision of lift, columns;

cross walls will not be required.

(f) The density of population is generally low

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(g) The marginal space surrounding the building can be used for


The disadvantages of horizontal development can be stated as follows:

(a) It requires more land for the same space area

(b) The foundation cost per unit area used is more since the

area is spread throughout.

(c) It is uneconomical where the land is costly

(d) There is absence of graph living

(ii) Vertical growth: Here city grows vertically which is done by

adding more floors to the existing buildings or by constructing high-rise

or multistoried buildings. This type of growth is suitable where the land

is costly.

The advantages of vertical growth can be stated as below:

(a) Since the same area is used for foundation, the foundation cost

per unit area is within reasonable limits.

The Great Town Planner of Modern age and Urban Models:

The social concept of the town or city marks the final state of its

progress. It started in the early days of 20th century when environment

sociologists like Sir Patrick Geddes, Sir Ebenezar, Howard, Lewis

Munford entered the field of Town Planning for the first time. Other

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environmental town Planners who deserve mention are Le Corbusier,

Griffith Taylor, Clarence Stin, Henry Weight, Sir Patrick Abercrombie,

Charles Correa and many others.

A. Sir Patrick Geddes:

The well-known town planner, sociologist of Scotland, Sir Patrick

Geddes (1854-1932) came to India in 1915 at the initiation of Lord

Pentland the then Governor of Madras. He gave his expert advice for

the improvement of about eighteen major towns in India. He laid

emphasis on ‘Survey before Plan’ i.e., diagnosis before treatment to

make a correct diagnosis of various ills from which the town suffers and

then prescribes the correct remedies for its cure. These are the physical

and economic surveys. He was the first man who introduced the

sociological concept in the town planning. Before coming to India, he

had successfully overcome the horrors of Edinborough slums.

The principles of planning enunciated by Sir Patrick Geddes are

as below:

(i) The town planning primarily meant establishing organic

relationship among, Folk, Place and work’ which corresponds

to traid (Geddesian traid) of organism, function and

Environment, Folk Organism (social aspect); Place (Physical

aspect); Work (economical aspect). Accordingly the city came

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to be looked upon, as a physical utility for collective living

organism which like all other living creatures is governed by

definite laws of growth and where Environment played a

great part.

(ii) The city is no longer mere a physical structure but it is now

meant the people, then families and communities they formed,

their places to most important than physical aspects. This

epitomizes the essence of planning.

(iii) Sir Ebenezer Howard: The author well-known sociologist was

Sir Ebenezer Howard (1850-1928) who after studying the

industrial units in Britain gave the concept of ‘Garden City’. It

soon became the landmark in the history of town planning. He

had an idea which he set forth in little book entitled ‘To-

morrow’, published in 1898 which later republished under the

title of ‘Garden City of tomorrow’. He explained his idea of

‘Garden City’ by an impressive diagram of the three Magnets

shown in Figure 2.3 namely the town magnet, country magnet

with then advantages and disadvantages and the third

magnets with attractive features of both town and country life.

Naturally people preferred third one namely Garden City

made a deep impression in the field of town planning

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Letchworth, Weloyn and many other cities were planned on

this principle.

The main features of Garden city principles are:

(i) The dwellings for all classes of people should be distributed

about a large central court in which the public buildings

would be located.

(ii) The shopping centre to be located on the edge of the town.

(iii) The employment facilities for all the people to be provided by

starting a variety of industries.

(iv) The industries to be located on the outskirts of the town.

Figure 2.3: Garden City Principles

The People

Advantages and Disadvantages of

TownAdvantages and Disadvantages of


Attractive Features of Town Life and

Country Life

Town Country

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(v) The city should have a maximum population of thirty to

thirty-five thousand people in an area of one thousand acres.

(vi) The city should be surrounded by a permanent belt of

agricultural land of three to five thousand acres.

(vii) The city should have the advantage of both rural life such as

fresh air, gardens, playfields, cottages etc. and amenities of

urban life such as schools, theaters, hospitals, recreation

centers etc.

(viii) To eliminate the private ownership and whole of the land to

be brought under co-operative basis on held in trust for the

community in order to have the control on finance and the

profit gained thereby utilized for uplifting the community


B. Clarenance Stein

He is an American architect and planner. He was much

influenced by the concept of Garden City of Sir Ebenezer Howard. He

along with Henry Wright, also an American architect and town planner,

prepared the town plan for a city Reddburn in New Jersey in 1928.

The principles of planning advocated by Stein are as below:

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(i) No grid – iron road pattern be provided in the road system. In

his dictum it is the greatest enemy to traffic and road users.

(ii) Planning not in term of single block, sector etc. but overall

planning of the whole neighborly area or ‘super block’.

(iii) The Super blocks to be enclosed by main roads which in turn

enclose the narrow lanes or alleys.

(iv) Expressway or parkway for high speed traffic with limited

access from and to neighborhoods. The footpath for

pedestrians should be safe and segregated from other

vehicular traffic.

(v) House to be turned inside out – usually the roads and back for

the houses are not belt clean. For this reason the working areas

like store, kitchen, bath etc. should face the front roads

whereas living areas like drawing, diving, and bed rooms

should be on the rear side of the roads. This is known as

‘Redburn idea’, which earned the name of “The Town for the

Motor Age”.

(vi) A community lack spreading on whole of the area of the town

instead of providing one big part at some distance which may

not be used by all. The park should be well balanced and

spread throughout the town.

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(vii) Cut-de-sac sheets. These are look streets of ‘dead end’ streets.

The idea is not to allow through traffic go to the houses.

C. Sir Patrick Abercrombie:

He is an eminent town planner and worked as Head of the Town

planning Department in London University. He is the planner of many

cities like Greater London, Bristol etc. He synthesized the theories of Sir

Patrick Gedees and Sir Ebenezer Howard. He is the pioneer planner to

advocate regional planning.

His town planning principles are:

(i) ‘Civics Survey’ to be carried out before planning i.e., diagnosis

before treatment like the ‘Diagnostic Approach’ of Sir Patrick


(ii) Planning not to be done on piece meal basis. Instead the town

shall be considered as a whole unit with respect to the entire


(iii) Uncontrolled growth of cities should be stopped.

(iv) Industries should be located on the outer areas of the town.

D. Le Corbusier

Another giant in the field of architecture and town planning area,

Charles – Edoured Jeamnert better known as Le Ceerbusier (1887-1965).

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According to him; a city is a living organism. He says, “Towns are

biological phenomena, such as head, heart, limbs, lungs and arteries.

Government buildings like High Court, legislative Assembly,

secretariat, Raj Bhavan constitute the head, city centre with commercial

buildings and shops represent heart, industries and Educational

institutions represent limbs; part, playfields, green belt are the lungs,

roads, footpaths and arteries : He advocated the following principles of

Urban planning.

(i) Core of the city should be decongested by removing the excess

of population and should be inhabited at the outer

countryside in satellite towns which are linked to the main


(ii) Provision of speedy transportation.

(iii) Provision of plenty of open spaces in the form of gardens,

parks etc. round the tall buildings throughout the length and

breadth of the city.

(iv) Population control. The high destiny should be spread over

the interim area for the town. He suggested a plan for Paris

city with buildings 24 No. sky scrapers, 215 m high, 100m

apart with about 1500 to 2000 persons in each. These high rise

buildings are linked underground with one another by central

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area such as shopping centers, civic centers etc. Plenty of open

area with parks, gardens and recreational centers are to be

provided all round these high rise buildings.14

The New Town:

An appropriate form for the future city has not yet emerged.

Nonetheless, serious attention has been directed to the nature of the

modern city in two major areas: the redevelopment of the internal

urban structure, and planned decentralization of the new towns. The

results are not yet conclusion in either, but on present consideration of

the new towns may serve as important experience in shaping over

vision of the city of tomorrow.15

Thus the chapter discussed various theoretical models on cost-

benefit analysis of planned urban development and threw light on

various models and conceptual issues. Given the conservative approach

of increase in population of the world in general and of India in

particular it appears logical to analyze the urban planning scenario in

international and Indian perspectives.

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1. Sharma, R. K. and Gupta, Shashi K., (2003), “Management Accounting”, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, p. 30.2

2. Ibid. p. 30.2

3. Ibid. pp. 30.1-30.9

4. B. Gallion , Arthur, Eisner Simon, (2004), ”The Urban Pattern City Planning and Design”, CBS publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, p.3

5. Ibid.p.3

6. William L. Thomas, Jr. (1956), “The Natural History of Urbanization” in Man’s Role in Changing the fate of the Earth, Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 6-11

7. B. Gallion , Arthur, Eisner Simon, (2004), op. cit. p.4

8. Hiraskar, G.K., (2000), ”Fundamentals of Town Planning”, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi, p.1

9 Ibid. pp. 1-4

10. Ibid. p.9

11. Nehru, Jawaharlal, (1937), ”Vishwa Itihas Ki Jhalak” Sasta Sahitya Bhandar, New Delhi, pp. 37-49

12. B. Gallion , Arthur, Eisner Simon, (2004), op.cit. p.14

13. Hiraskar, G.K., (2000), op.cit. p.10

14. Ibid. pp. 5-16

15. Montigomery, Mark R, Stren, Richard,Cohen, Barmey and Reed,Holly E (2004), “Cities Transformed, Demographic change and it’s implications in the developing world” Earth Scan , New Delhi, p. 401.