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Chapter 19 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500- 1750
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Page 1: Chapter 19 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750.

Chapter 19

Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean,


Page 2: Chapter 19 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750.

I. Ottoman Empire to 1750A. Expansion and Frontiers• NW. Anatolia - Turkish nomad horsemen, founder Osman• Gallipoli key link - Asia/Europe• Army -Turkish cavalry and gunpowder• 1402 - most of Anatolia/SE Europe under Ottoman control,

setback by Mongol Timur• 1453 - Sultan Mehmed II captured Constantinople and

renamed it Istanbul• 1514 - Battle of Chaldiran, Selim I ended Safavid threat, soon

conquered Mamluk Egypt• Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) – further expansion

into S/E Europe, failed siege of Vienna in 1529 • Conflict with Venice over control of Mediterranean

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Page 4: Chapter 19 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750.

B. Central Institutions • Balkans -Christian POW’s forced to fight in

army• Janissaries – convert to Islam, foot soldiers,

guns• devshirme – new system imposed a regular

levy on male children in Christian villages• Opportunities – education • Cosmopolitan empire – language and military• Askeri – military/bureaucracy, no taxes, paid

by sultan• 1500s – conflict with Charles V and Phillip II• 1580 - capture Cyprus from Venice • Cavalrymen maintained order, collected taxes,

of rural areas of the empire• Central gov. seldom involved with subjects;

justice sought in religious courts

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Page 6: Chapter 19 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750.

C. Crisis of the Military State 1585-1650• Cavalry shrank, firearms/cannons -

Janissaries grew in importance• Mid-16thC. Sultan reduced

landholding of cavalry to pay for janissaries

• Late-16thC. problems with silver, lack of Ottoman sultans’ response

• Students/professionals in madrasas hard to live with limited endowment

• Government levied emergency surtaxes to pay jan./bur. -added partially trained soldiers to army who were out of work once the summer campaigns ended.

• Revolts/banditry resulted in 1590-1610; former cavalrymen, peasants, and short term soldiers, and impoverished students

• Janissaries started to marry and engage in business; previously not allowed

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D. Economic Change and Growing weakness 1650-1750

• Sultans – hostages, fratricide• Sultan’s mother/chief Eunuch• Grand viziers• (Devshirme discontinued) Janissaries power grew/positions

hereditary • Became involved in crafts/trading• Land grants for service stopped; tax farming instead• Imperial government came to rely on provincial

governors/wealthy men for administration of lands• Subsistent farmers switched from grain to cotton/tobacco • Power of military fell; Janissaries hired ill-trained substitutes

to fight instead• 1683 – second failed attempt to take Vienna• 1718-1730 “Tulip Period” • 1730 Janissary revolt and Sultan Ahmed III abdicates,

Patrona Halil governs till captured/killed• Mid 18thC. Mamluks regained dominance in Egypt; Arabia,

Sunni movement led by Abd al-Wahhab rose

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Page 9: Chapter 19 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750.

II. The Safavid Empire A. The Rise of the Safavids • Death of Timur - Ismail claimed himself Shah of Iran in 1502• Shi’ite Islam - Sunni beliefs to be abandoned (majority Sunni)• Ismail’s Sufi brotherhood, fought on his behalf, known as the Qizilbash.• Iranian subjects resisted, and neighboring lands gave refugee to Sunnis• Ismail’s son Tahmasp successful - Shi’ite Iran

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B. Society And Religion • By 1500 a library of legal/theological

writings; epic, lyric, and poetry • Iranian scholars/writers knew both

Arabic/Persian• Iran made contacts with India, where

Muslim rulers made Persian language of the government

• Persian Poets Hafez(1319-1389) and Sa’di(1215-1291) made morally instructive/allegorical poetry popular

• All Muslim areas had mosques/madrasas that trained the Ulama to interpret the Shari’a, but local understandings of traditions varied

• Impact of Shi’ism in Iran significant; Shi’ite doctrine says that temporal rulers are stand-ins for the “Hidden Imam” the twelfth descendent of Ali

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C. A Tale of Two Cities: Isfahan and Istanbul

ISFAHAN - Safavid• became Iran’s capitol in

1598 by decree of Shah Abbas I (1587-1629) ;

• featured brick domes covered with tiles, and unobtrusive minarets

• far from the sea, traded more with Jews/Hindus/Armenians

• located away from danger in the center of Iran

ISTANBUL - Ottoman• built on seven hills

had lots of gray lead domed mosques and pointed minarets including Aya Sophya (Hagia Sophia)

• traded with European often due to harbor

BOTH• No wheeled vehicles,

used camels • Both cities had guilds

that were socially/economically bonded

• Women seldom in public; women’s quarters in Iran = anderun “interior” and in Istanbul called harem or “forbidden area”

• Islamic law, unlike European codes, allowed women to hold property after marriage, and could testify in court.

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D. Economic Crisis & Political Collapse• Silk from N. Iran main foreign trade; manufacturing carpets made by

yarn/threads associated with Iran: different carpets per city (Women/child)• Most of shah’s subjects lived by subsistence farming or herding• Shah grants large sections of land to Qizilbash nomads in return for warriors• Safavids had difficulty paying troops armed with firearms; needed

firearms/artillery to fight of Ottomans/Uzbeks • Nomad warriors refused to trade arrows for guns; Shah had to employ slave

corps of annul soldiers armed with guns• Christian converts to Islam added to troops and grew to hold power• Late 1500s -inflation caused by cheap silver spread into Iran; overland trade

declined due to mismanagement of silk due to death of shah Abbas (1629)• Removal of nomads from their land proved difficult (needed the taxes)• 1722 - Afghan’s captured Isfahan/ended Safavid rule• Safavids never possessed a navy and (Portuguese captured Gulf island of

Hormuz)• Shah relied on English/Dutch naval support; Nadir shah unified Iran briefly

between 1736-1747, purchased naval vessels from English

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Page 14: Chapter 19 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750.

III. Mughal Empire 1526-1761 A. Political Foundations • Descendent of Timur, Babur (1483-1530) founded Mughal Empire; invaded

from C. Asia and defeated sultan of Delhi at Battle of Panipat in 1526• India = primary area of Mughal accomplishment; Babur’s grandson Akbar

(1556-1605) established the central administration of the state• Akbar granted land revenues (mansabs) to military officers/government

officials in return for service. (nonhereditary)• Economy was based on cotton cloth, and administration; foreign trade

boomed at port of Surat in NW, also point of embarkation to Mecca • Mughals had no navy, Indian merchant ships were privately owned

B. Hindus and Muslims • Muslim destruction of Hindus cultural monuments, the expansion of Muslim

territory, and POW’s/forced converts horrified Hindus• 70% of mansabdars(officials who had land grants) under Akbar, were

Muslim soldiers born outside of India, 15% Hindus from the N (Rajputs) • Akbar strived for social harmony, not just territory/revenues; married a Hindu

Rajput princess and welcomed her family to court

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Hindus And Muslims continued • Akbar ruled that in legal disputes between 2 Hindus, dispute would be

decided by village customs or Hindu law; Muslims followed Shari’a law • 1579 - Akbar made himself last resort in legal court ; also made himself

center of “Divine Faith” incorporated Muslim/Hindu/Zoroastrian/Sikh/Christian ideas

• Akbar’s court culture lasted until his zealous great-grandson Aurangzeb• Mughal/Rajput depictions of people in portraits, frowned upon by Muslims• Lead painters were Hindu; Persian poetry favored at court, language Urdu • Most Muslim converts occurred in Indus River valley• Introduction of Sikhism in Punjab (NW India)• Nanak (1469-1539) 1st guru; stressed mediation and combined

Muslim/Hindu beliefs; no caste system• Auranzeb had 9th guru beheaded in 1675 for refusing to convert to Islam • 10th guru reorganized followers “the army of the pure” for revenge

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Page 18: Chapter 19 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750.

Central Decay and Regional challenges 1707-1761

• Mughal power fell after death of Aurangzeb in 1707; land grant system one cause of this; decline of imperial authority

• Aurangzeb failed to integrate new Mughal territories into the imperial structure and regional military leaders challenged Mughal supremacy

• The Marathas took territory across India’s middle, and Sikhs, Hindu Rajputs, and Muslim Afghans exerted pressure from the NW

• 1739 Nadir Shah sacked Delhi, and took the crown jewels

• 1723 Nizam al-Mulk, the vizier of the sultan, gave up on the central government and established independent state at Hyderabad in E. Deccan

• Other officials (nawabs) became independent in Bengal/Oudh in NE, and Marathas W, NW Afghans set up an independent kingdom

• Joseph Francois Dupleix took over stronghold of Pondicherry in 1741 and captured the English trading center of Madras, after 1754 – open for British colonization

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