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Chapter 14 Notes World War II and Aftermath

Chapter 14 Notes World War II and Aftermath. Aggression Japan invades Manchuria and Eastern China Italy Invades Ethiopia Hitler defies Treaty of Versailles.

Dec 24, 2015



Ashlyn Hancock
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Page 1: Chapter 14 Notes World War II and Aftermath. Aggression Japan invades Manchuria and Eastern China Italy Invades Ethiopia Hitler defies Treaty of Versailles.

Chapter 14 Notes

World War II and Aftermath

Page 2: Chapter 14 Notes World War II and Aftermath. Aggression Japan invades Manchuria and Eastern China Italy Invades Ethiopia Hitler defies Treaty of Versailles.

Aggression• Japan invades Manchuria and Eastern


• Italy Invades Ethiopia

• Hitler defies Treaty of Versailles – built up German military, sent troops into Rhineland

• Policy of Appeasement; Pacifism; US Neutrality Acts

• Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

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Dress Rehearsal for WWII• Spanish Civil War- 1936

General Franco, conservative and pro-monarchy, attempted to overthrow new democratic government. Mussolini helped due to shared hatred of Communists. Hitler also sent aid.

• Soviets supported the republicans who fought for elected government.

• Germans attacked small town, Guernica (as test for new planes and equipment)

• Franco won.

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• Annexation of Austria• Anschluss –union of

Germany and Austria. Forced Austrian Chancellor to appoint Nazis to cabinet posts, Hitler sent in army to ‘preserve order’

• Czechoslovakia/ Sudetenland:

• Insisted 3 million Germans in Sudetenland be given autonomy,

• No one was willing to save Czechoslovakia (one of 2 remaining E. European democracies)

• Sudetenland annexed to Germany with promise of German end to expansion

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World War II Begins

• 1939- Germany signed a non-aggression treaty with the Soviets freeing up the borders and able to place all efforts in invading Poland, dividing the nation between the two countries.

• Sept. 1, 1939- Tanks entered Poland while the Luftwaffe (airforce) bombed cities with the “blitzkrieg” or swift maneuver air strikes.

• Caused France and UK to enter the war because they had agreed to protect Poland.

• Soviets created bases in Baltic states and seized part of Finland

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Axis Advances• Miracle of Dunkirk: • German forces evaded

Maginot Line, Allies retreated trapped between English Channel and Nazis. Rescued by available English vessels. Ferried 300K troops to safety

• France Falls:• June 22, 1940 French signed

surrender docs. Germans occupied Northern France.

• Vichy government established in Southern France- “puppet state”

• Operation Sea Lion: Nazi planned invasion of Britain, massive airstrikes.

– August 1940: German daily bombardments of England’s southern coast, and eventually London

– Sept. 1940: Blitz of London begins, destroys most of city. 57 nights in a row and lasted until May

– Hitler unable to take Britain; morale actually strengthened with bombing

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Blitz of LondonSeptember 1940- May 1941

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Axis Powers invade Africa and Balkans• Italy sends troops from Libya

into Egypt (UK)• UK evaded Italian advances• Hitler sends in Gen Rommel –

Desert Fox• Successes in 1941-42, push

British forces back towards Cairo

• Oct 1940- Italy invaded Greece with German reinforcements– Greece,

Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Hungary added to Axis alliance

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Soviet Front

Operation Barbarossa- Nazi invasion of USSR (had non-aggression pact) : Wanted raw materials. Did not prepare for Russian winter.

June 22, 1941. Surrounded Leningrad for 900 days, starving to death ½ million residents. Residents ate most anything- wallpaper; rationed to 2 pieces of bread/day

Sept. 1942- Nazi troops attacked Stalingrad, battle continued around the ruin and rubble of the city for 5 months until Germans surrendered in Jan. 1943.

Soviets hoped for help on the Western front from Britain – Allies were unable to offer the help Soviets requested

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• Nazi’s intense hatred of Jews led to the eradication of Jews, known as the “Final Solution” to the “Jewish problem”.

• Jews were first forced to label themselves with a Star of David

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• Next the Jews were forced out of their homes and into ghetto’s where they had to live several families to a room.

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• The ghetto’s were eventually liquidated and the Jews were placed on trains to “work” camps

• Once at the camps they were used as slave labor, weak or sickly were killed. Eventually many died of starvation or were gassed or shot.

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Holocausteventually more than 6 million Jews and 6 million

gypsies, homosexuals, pow’s, and slav’s were murdered

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US Involvement• Lend-Lease Act – March

1941, US ‘neutral’, but act allowed US to sell or lend war materials to “any country whose defense… is vital to the...US”

• “Arsenal of Democracy”

• Atlantic Charter: US and UK August 1941, set goals for war: final destruction on Nazi tyranny, self-determination

• US bans sale of iron, steel, and oil to Japan– Japan viewed it as

interference with their sphere on influence

Attack on Pearl Harbor: Dec 7, 1941

- US declares war on Japan

- Germany, Italy declare was on US

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Allies• Total War

– Bonds– Factories– Price regulation– Ended unemployment– Limited rights of citizens– Japanese Internment

• Rosie the Riveter: women helped war effort; Rosie was face of propaganda program

• Pacific Theater:– Japanese suffered loss at Coral

Sea in May 1942; 1st war where aircraft carriers launched attack using planes

– Battle of Midway June 1942; Japanese left unable to launch further offensive operations

• ‘Big Three’: • Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin

focused war on Europe before Asia

• Allies distrusted each other; agreed to let Stalin have boundaries et out by Nazi-Soviet Pact

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• Victory in North Africa:• Stopped Rommel at El Alamein

Nov. 1942 • Allies trapped Rommel’s army in

May 1943

• Allies advance through Italy July 1943

• Germans defeated at Stalingrad• D-Day Assault:

– June 6, 1944, Invasion of France

– 156K troops ferried across English Channel

– Allies advance into France as allied forces continue north from Italy

– August 25th Allies liberate Paris

– Battle of the Bulge; Last German offensive, one month battle, terrible losses suffered on both sides

– Italy- guerillas captured and executed Mussolini

• V-E Day: – Victory in Europe, May 8. 1945 one

day after Germany surrendered

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Yalta Conference

• February 1945: Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill met in Southern USSR

• Planned strategy in atmosphere of distrust

• Agreed to:

– USSR would enter war vs Japan within 3 months of Germany’s surrender

– FDR and Churchill promised Stalin that Soviets would get Sakhalin and Kuril Islands and part of Korea

– Germany would be temporarily divided into 4 zones, each controlled by British, French, American and Soviet forces

– Stalin agreed to hold free elections in E. Europe

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Struggle in Pacific• Bataan Death March- US

POW’s surrendered to Japanese- marched with little food and water, beaten or shot for straying, thousands perished.

• Victory of Guadalcanal• Island Hopping campaign

– islands serve as stepping stones, refueling

• By 1944 US had made progress and was blockading Japan

• War over in Europe allies poured all resources into war with Japan

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Bombing of Japan

• Atomic Bomb: Truman had scheduled an invasion of Japan late 1945. July 16, 1945: American scientists led by J. Robert Oppenheimer successfully detonated the first a-bomb over Alamogordo, NM (Manhattan Project)

• Aug. 6, 1945: dropped single a-bomb “Little Boy” from the Enola Gay on Hiroshima. Killed 100k instantly.

• Aug. 9, 1945: 2nd bomb, “Fat Man” dropped over Nagasaki.

• Aug 14, 1945: Japanese government surrendered.

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End of WWIINuremburg Trials: Axis leaders should be tried for ‘crimes against humanity’; Nearly 200 Germans and Austrians were tried, most guilty.

Occupying Allies: Why had Europe allowed Hitler’s “Final Solution”. US felt that democracy would ensure tolerance, Western Allies built new gov’ts in occupied Germany and Japan.

• United Nations– 50 nations

– Each member nation has 1 vote, 5 permanent Security Council members (US, USSR, France, Britain, China) have more say

– Goal to ensure peace

• Beginning of Cold War– Differences grow between Allies– State of tension and hostility

between US and USSR (and their allies)

– Stalin ignored earlier promises for free elections in E. Europe