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Your Typical Legacy Chapter 1.0 “Who I am? The answer is not important. Your life is important, and the life of your descendants. You must live. You will flourish. The world will see your memories. Ten generations, only. Then, everything will become clear. Life goes on.”

Chapter 1.0

Jun 27, 2015



Chapter 1.0 Your Typical Legacy
Mia questions her existence and finds love!
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: Chapter 1.0

Your Typical Legacy

Chapter 1.0

“Who I am?

The answer is not important.

Your life is important, and the life of your descendants.

You must live. You will flourish. The world will see your memories.

Ten generations, only.

Then, everything will become clear. Life goes on.”

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Mia: Hello, my name is Mia Owens – and I have no idea who I am!

Ah, hello again, dear reader. I welcome you back to a tale just like any other. That is – a legacy. You

have already met poor Mia, so I won’t bother to reintroduce her. You can read the prologue here:, for more information. Either way, welcome to new readers –

and hello to old ones! I’m glad to see you return.

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When we last left off, Mia found herself on an empty lot with absolutely no recollection of who she was

or where she came from. The only thing I can reveal, however, is the origin of her name. Mia was

named after the character Mia Thermopolis, from the series “The Princess Diaries”. In the books, Mia

was the unknown heir to the crown of Genovia, a fictional European Country.

Her last name, Owens, was the alias I used when I first started roleplaying. I have learned a lot about

writing since then, especially when it comes to legacies. This legacy is really going to be a legacy where

we get our hands dirty – try some new things, let our sims decide their own fate, etc.

Mia: So…Benjamin, is it? Do you at least know where we are? All I can see is empty land and roads!

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Ben: Erm, well Mia – this is Driftwood. I’m one of your neighbors, but I don’t exactly know who I am

either. I’m just here.

Mia: What? But if this is a town, then where are all the buildings? How am I supposed to live without a

grocery store? Where do I buy my clothes? How am I supposed to find a job?

Ben: I don’t know! I think there is a newspaper or something…as for buildings: I heard you would have to

build them yourself. Or something like that – I don’t know. I’m just as confused as you are, ma’am!

Of course Ben wouldn’t have any answers. Townies wouldn’t know their purpose in any town. They just

wander about, hoping for the freedom of becoming playable.

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This doesn’t stop Mia from asking, however.

Mia: Are you sure there isn’t a way to escape this town? I just want to find civilization, maybe track

down my identity? I’m sure I have one – after all, nothing can just appear out of nowhere. Everything

has a source.

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Goopy: I don’t know what you’re talking about! But I don’t think there is any way you can escape this

place. It’s just land, as far as the eye can see. Besides, do I appear uncivilized? I feel rather civilized, as a

matter as a fact. Just look at these lovely plaid shorts…

Mia: Err…well my point is… you don’t have a home or a family. You don’t even know who you are…

Goopy: How does that make me uncivilized? By that definition, you’re uncivilized! Personally, I just think

you’re crazy.

Goopy did not seem very happy to meet our founder. I guess she comes off as a bit forward, but can

you really blame her? Honestly someone who doesn’t question their existence seems pretty insane to


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Maybe Joe will be able to understand her. At least Mia finally had the sense to not start the

conversation off with her many questions…

Mia: So, who are you? I’m Mia, and I apparently live here. That’s really all I know.

Joe: Ah, hey Mia. I’m Joe Carr, but that’s all I know about myself too. It seems like we’re in the same

boat here.

It looks like the man is at least giving her a chance. I hope she doesn’t scare him off as well. It would be

nice for the girl to at least have friends.

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Mia: Yes, it appears so. Doesn’t that seem weird to you? All of a sudden, everyone appears in an empty

town named Driftwood. Nobody knows who they are, nobody knows where they’re from, and nobody

knows their purpose or fate. It’s not normal!

Joe: I guess it isn’t, really. But isn’t that the beauty of it? We can decide our own fate here. No rules or

restrictions! No established government! This is a fresh start – an escape from whatever our past may

have contained. Who cares what that means, as long as we are free?

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Mia: I never thought of it that way. So we could essentially create our own destiny?

Not quite, this is a legacy after all. But perhaps I will let Mia ‘create her own destiny’ for a bit before I

explain the rules. Besides, what harm could it really do? Besides, nobody said this was against the rules.

In fact, it seems pretty ideal to me: less work = more enjoyment out of playing. It won’t seem like such a

chore to complete, which is what I struggled with in my other legacies.

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Joe: Mmm, I suppose so… Chess?

Joe seems like a pretty good match for Mia. He can keep up with her never-ending question. I think she

definitely found someone who can handle her. Of course, I can’t exactly tell her this – we’ll just have to

wait and see.

I went into this not knowing what to expect, but for a family sim – Mia is surprisingly forward. I guess

that’s a good thing for a founder – to be independent.

Mia: Sure, but I’ll win!

Joe: How could you win? You don’t have a single skill point! I- on the other hand, am a scientist. At least,

that’s what my business cards say. I’ll totally win this.

Mia: Give it your best shot, buster.

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Needless to say, Joe owned Mia in that game of chess. If she wants to win, she’s going to have to

practice. At the moment, she seems a bit more preoccupied.

Mia: Fine, you may have won that game, Mr. Carr, but I assure you I will kick your ass in future


Joe: I’d like to see you try, Mia.

Mia: Oh I shall try, and I shall win, and you shall lose horribly. I dare you to bring it! Tomorrow morning.

I’ll be here!

Joe: Fine, I’ll see you then. I am counting the seconds.

Mia: I’m sure you are.

Ah, what is this? Is my little founder growing up already? She’s only been here for a day! I guess a little

philosophical simulation was a good thing, eh? Either way – she still doesn’t have a single logic point, so I

don’t know how she expects to beat him.

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Or perhaps winning is not her intention at all. Mia seems to like him already – I’m glad. That means we

are that much closer to getting this legacy really rolling. After all, the second generation really is our

starting point – you can create as many founders as you want and they still wouldn’t be considered

legacies. Legacies require multiple generations.

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The one thing Mia hasn’t done yet is gotten a job. Truthfully, she was a bit confused how one could get a

job without any buildings. Well – as Ben pointed out, there are listings in the newspaper. Where said

jobs are located – well, your guess is as good as mine. We can only assume Mia will be taken out of town

– wherever that may be.

She got a job in the military career, but that’s only temporary. A girl like Mia would never survive in the

Army – too many rules and restrictions. But it pays well, so she had to take it. Nobody wants to live on

the lawn forever.

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The next morning, Mia’s little boyfriend friend decided to pay her a visit. I thought they were going to

play chess, but Mia seems to have more than just chess planned.

Joe: Mia, how are you? Were you able to sleep last night?

Mia: I slept surprisingly well for sleeping on the lawn. It wasn’t as bad as people make it out to be.

Joe: Oh, I wouldn’t know…I don’t even own a bed. But I’m glad you’re okay, I was a bit worried last


Mia: What do you mean you don’t own a bed? Where do you sleep?

Joe: That doesn’t matter. Now how about that chess game?

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Mia: I have an even better idea than some silly chess game.

Joe: Oh? And what would that be, Miss Owens?

Oh dear, she moves fast – doesn’t she? I guess the whole idea of freedom has gone to her head already.

The two can't woohoo until they’re married, though. The only handicap I have chosen for this legacy is

Strict Family Values. Why? Because it keeps things interesting, of course! Babies and family building is

my favorite part of sims, while woohoo is one of my most hated aspects of the game. Icky!

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Mia: You look stressed; I was thinking you might like a backrub.

Joe: Mia, dear -- you don’t have to give me a backrub. I’m fine – really.

Mia: No it’s okay, honestly. Actually --

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Mia: -- I really like you.

Joe: Really? That’s fantastic!

Why is it fantastic, Joe? Why?!

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Joe: Because I really like you too!

Score! Love has officially blossomed in Your Typical Legacy household. I knew Mia was a romantic at

heart, her being a family sim and all. She frequently rolls wants for other sims, especially Joe. But she

found it really difficult to find love without chemistry. I’m going to install Nightlife after this update –

otherwise it is really too easy for sims to get together. Where are the ups and downs? How can they

really find true love?

But Mia and Joe seem happy together.

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If you paid any attention to the mailbox, you would have noticed that Mia had mail. That’s from me of

course – I need to talk to her somehow.

“Love is in the air, at last.

Make a move, and make it fast.

For love is such a shallow thing,

It will pass you by and leave you clean.”

Mia: Not again! I don’t even understand her last letter! Now she’s sending me more riddles? What does

this even mean??

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You know, for someone who can’t understand a simple poem, Mia does pretty well when it comes to

founding a legacy. She seems overtly smitten with Joe. I’m surprised the wedding bells haven’t started


Mia: You’re hot, did you know that?

Joe: I’m afraid I had forgotten that since the last 40 times you’ve told me.

Mia: Cute.

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Then again, it could be any day now. I don’t know what she’s planning, but by the looks of things – it’s

big. What’s in your want panel, Mia? Death and despair…marriage?

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Okay, okay, maybe she just wanted to get promoted. Either way – today is a special day.

Do you see mail? Well, it’s not me – just bills. Lawn living can be expensive, you know.

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Mia: JOE! I’ve missed you so much! It’s been forever.

Joe: Mia, we saw each other yesterday. Why the sudden enthusiasm?

At least –someone—is reasonable around here. I just hope this doesn’t turn into Twilight – I don’t want

my founder’s entire life’s purpose to be her love interest. There are babies to be bred, here! Hopefully

cute ones – but you never really know.

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Mia: Because I love you!

Darn’t, Mia! Don’t get too obsessed. You are not Bella Swan*, you are Mia Owens –and that makes you

infinitely more rational.

Joe: Really? Because I think I love you too…I mean, it’s only been a few days, but you’re the most

interesting person I’ve ever met.

*No offense to any Twilight fans out there. I just don’t like the franchise in any way whatsoever.

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Mia: Good! Because I love you more than time can tell. In fact, I want to love you forever. Will you

marry me and take the Owens name?

Joe: Of course I will! What kind of madman would pass up a girl like you?

This really is getting a bit too cliché for me. Excuse me while I go barf – cheesy love stories make me a bit


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Mia: Good, oh and just so you know – this is a legacy or something. Hence the lawn living.

Joe: Uhh, well I kind of figured. Who else buys a gigantic lot when they don’t have any money to spend?

Well that’s certainly offensive! If I could talk to Joe, I would give him a piece of my mind – but it’s

probably best if I don’t ruin their wedding day by complaining. At least Mia is getting married, which

means we are one step closer to generation two!

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Joe: Mia, from the day we met, I knew you were different. I’m glad you decided to marry me, and not

any of the other –countless- townies out there. I’m even happy to start a legacy with you, because with

a mother as special as you, our family is going to be amazing. I love you, Mia.

Mia: You’ve pretty much summed up everything I could say…ditto!

Ah, weddings- such a wondrous and monumental event. I would say congratulations, but they probably

don’t care.

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With that, we leave you. I’m aiming for updating about once a week – my life is pretty hectic, so I don’t

have a ton of time to devote to sims. Also, I’m curious – do you prefer shorter and quicker updates, or

longer but less-frequent updates? I could probably do either, depending on reader preference.

Just let me know in the comments section or on boolprop, thanks!

Until next time, “Happy Simming!”