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Chapter 1 of Djing

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    Everything You Need To Know !out D"#ing $ Success%200& 'opyright ll Rights Reserved( Danny Rampling

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    Foreword and Introduction by Danny Ramping

    )i *#m Danny Rampling and * am sincerely than+,ul that you have ta+en the step tolearn more a!out achieving your goals-

    .y passion ,or music !egan at a very young age listening to music on the ,amilygramophone /record player developing a ,ascination o, how a vinyl disc couldproduce such wonder,ul sounds- * also !ecame ,ascinated !y the music on radio-

    .y ho!!y as a +id was collecting records and playing them over and over with thewindows wide open at ,ull !last on one turnta!le- These early experiences o, musicshaped my destiny to !ecome a D"-

    1or over 20 years * have !een sharing the oys o, music and dancing as apro,essional D"- * consider mysel, !lessed to lead the li,e o, my dreams doingsomething * love- .y ourney as a D" has ta+en me ,rom the !edroom to pirate radio

    to long running pea+ time shows on National 33' Radio 4 /syndicated internationallyaround the world-

    .y cra,t has also ta+en me around the world many times to many o, the !est clu!s(events( ,estivals and parties as well as into the musical charts and on to internationalT5 as a producer and musician-

    * am so grate,ul to have made so many wonder,ul ,riends on these trips worldwide6,riends ,rom all wal+s o, li,e( including many leaders within their respective ,ields o,endeavour-

    There aren#t many D"#s that * have not played alongside at some point and many o,my !est ,riends are ama7ing D"#s themselves- * also met my !eauti,ul wi,e 8atriciathrough music in a 9ondon clu!-

    1or over 20 years *#ve !een a!le to remain at the top o, my game( ru!!ing shoulderswith many o, the world#s most inspiring( in,luential and success,ul individuals ,rom allwal+s o, li,e-

    *n this !oo+ * am going to share with you everything that *#ve learnt and experiencedthrough this ,antastic ourney-

    :n the musical side o, things *#ll show you everything that * have learnt; ,rom the very!asics o, collecting music and !uying e

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    *#m going to e

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    Beneath is your complimentary segment from theDJ Section of the book

    (To see what else is covered in Section 1, please see the end of this email)

    utting !ogether a rofessional Demo "i#

    Wait! Dont rewind the tape!.ost o, the excitement and hype created around underground dance music scenes(particularly in )ip>)op and Rave( has !een due to the circulation o, the .ixtape-:!viously in the *nternet and i8od age( a physical cassette is a thing o, the past( !utthat does not diminish the importance o, putting mixes out to promote your sound tothe pu!lic-

    reparing a Demo8utting together a demo mix is an art in itsel, and re

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    Rehearsing the Running $rderThe order o, play is e,orm( as it allows the concluding4I to serve as a ?cool>down# period( where the mix can !e !rought !ac+ down- *nterms o, energy( this does not necessarily re

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    the mind set and ,ocus is usually !est the ,irst time around- )owever( as the mixingneeds to !e completely ,lawless throughout( !e aware you may need to have severalattempts( or redo certain mixes- This is not cheating6 a,ter all this is essentially astudio mix so you are entitled to edit it to per,ection-

    You should also try to show o,, as much variety in your mixing techniplanned-

    *t is worth mentioning that your head>space is ust as important ,or recording a demomix as it is when playing out- s you have no crowd to ,eed !ac+ on the energy o,the selection( this needs to !e created !y you- Sometimes having a ,ew enthusiastic,riends in the room can compensate ,or this( !ut i, you are ,lying solo( turn the systemup nice and loud and try to get involved in the moment- This is one o, the reasonswhy the trac+ selection needs to !e so strong > you need to !e excited a!out playingeach tune /especially i, you are re>doing the mix ,or the A thtimeC so that your love ,or

    the music comes across in your mixing-

    =se o, 1J( scratching( dou!le>copy techni)op o, courseC

    * personally ,ind that it really helps to set the scene and create an environment that isconducive to per,orming at your !est- 1or me( * li+e low light( !ig sound and !luelighting- * used to li+e having smo+e in a room also- ,ew enthusiastic ,riends mayalso help create some energy and reaction- :r li+e Sanche7 it may !e candles andincense-

    .y ,irst Essential .ix ,or 33' Radio 4 was done live at :lympic Recording Studiosin 3arnes6 Eddie Gordon set the studio up with =5 lighting so that it gave the studio aclu! ,eel; we did the mix in one ta+e through the monster studio monitors- :n anotheroccasion in the mid 0#s * was still riding on the high o, playing two great gigs innorthern England- * returned home at Bam ,ull o, energy( set up the =5 and stro!elighting and cran+ed up the spea+ers and came !ac+ and recorded an early 9oveGroove Dance 8arty 'D( ,rom B to 44 in the morning- * was inspired and !anged outthe mix until * ,elt * had got it right- .y wi,e o, the time( "enny( was asleep in the roomnext door( and along with neigh!ours( didn#t hold the same vision that * had( that *was still pumping it out in the clu!- * was in su!ur!an North 9ondonC

    Everything You Need To Know !out D"#ing $ Success%200& 'opyright ll Rights Reserved( Danny Rampling

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    !he Finished "i#,ter re>editing and tidying up any ropey mixes( !urn o,, a copy and listen to it start to,inish- This is to ma+e a last chec+ that the mixing is genuinely as tight as it should!e( !ut also to experience it in a similar way to the people that you are planning togive it to- Despite the ,act you may have spent a whole day wor+ing on it( your mixshould still !e an exciting musical experience- /*, it isn#t you may want to considerdoing anotherC

    *, you are truly happy with the end result( !urn o,, some 'D copies ,or distri!ution- *tis worth the e,,ort to also design a cover and la!el( or at least print the trac+ listing toput in with the 'D-

    This should always contain your contact details including your D" name( telephonenum!er andIor e>mail address or we!site details- Duplication so,tware such as Neroo,ten includes cover designer templates that will correctly si7e images ,or 'Dsleeves( and many printers come with so,tware that does the same ,or 'D la!els(%i'*)- Remem!er that impression is all important and although the music will

    ultimately do the tal+ing( it is !est to spend time on creating an all round pro,essionalimage- Simply writing on a 'D with a mar+er doesn#t loo+ that great( whilst stic+ywhite la!els can sometimes peel at the edges or even come o,, in players- .a+ingyour 'D as visually pleasing as possi!le is a great way to have it catch the eye o,someone who has the power to get you a gig-

    You can use the online services o, companies such as .ixonic www-mixonic-comwho ena!le you to upload your artwor+ and they ta+e care o, the rest- *, you can#tdesign( use a ,riend who does graphic design( or go to a local artIdesign college andput a notice up ,or someone who wants some experience- This way you can getcompetent pro,essional artwor+ at a !udget price- There are thousands o, willing anda!le people crying out ,or exposure and practiceC


    Everything You Need To Know !out D"#ing $ Success%200& 'opyright ll Rights Reserved( Danny Rampling
  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    ostproduction of the "i#lthough !y no means essential( with heightened competition( to help distinguishyoursel,( it is advisa!le to run your mix through some post production e

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    .hats in Section % of the book/

    Section 4; 3ecoming a Success,ul D"

    3uying .usic and Starting a 'ollection



    Downloading .usic

    ll a!out the .usic

    3uying .usic

    Styles o, .usic

    Genres and Su!>Genres

    )istory and )eritage

    .usic Genres and Su!>Genres; n :verview



    Drum $ 3ass


    :ld S+oolI)ardcore



    1un+ and Rare Groove

    Soul and R$3

    3uying E

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    So,tware 8ac+ages


    9eads and 'a!les

    The 3udget

    The 3ooth; Spea+ers and mpli,iers


    Spea+ers and .onitors

    3uying Spea+ers and mpli,iers

    Setting up a D" 'onsol

    Getting 'onnected

    .andatory > 3asic setup

    :ptional > Extra setup

    )earing and =nderstanding Rhythm

    Time Signatures and 3eats o, the 3ar

    8hrases and Rhythmic Structure

    Starting to .ix

    'ueing =p

    dvanced 'ueing



    5arispeed 'ontrols on Turnta!les

    3eatmatching Two Records

    )eadphone 'ueing

    'omparing Records Ready ,or the .ix

    Starting to 3eatmatch Two Records

    'orrecting the 8itch o, a 1aster Record

    'orrecting the 8itch o, a Slower Record

    8er,orming a .ix

    Everything You Need To Know !out D"#ing $ Success%200& 'opyright ll Rights Reserved( Danny Rampling

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    *n The .ix


    3ringing out the .ix

    Spin!ac+s and Rewinds

    *nstrumental Elements

    1amilies o, .usical *nstruments

    .elody and )armony

    *mproved .ixing

    Tighter .ixes

    Luic+ ?:n the 1ly# .ixing

    Super>1ast ?Non>.anual# 3eatmatching

    9ong 3lends

    The Role o, the .ixer

    =se o, the =p>1aders

    =se :, EL

    =sing Sounds E,,ects

    Setting up 1J with a D" 'onsol

    Types o, E,,ect

    =sing 1J in .ixes

    dvanced .ixing

    ccapella .ixes

    .ixing on Dec+s

    3asic Scratching

    .odi,ying the Eup

    Scratch Records and 8reparing 5inyl

    Starting to Scratch

    Ru!!ingI3a!y scratching

    'hops and 'hirps

    Everything You Need To Know !out D"#ing $ Success%200& 'opyright ll Rights Reserved( Danny Rampling

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    Drags and Tears


    dvanced Scratching

    1lares and :r!its

    'ra!s and Twiddles

    )ydroplane Ru!s

    =sing :ther .ixer 1unctions; Echoes and 3u!!les

    =sing :ther Turnta!le 1unctions; Tones and Twea+s

    Dou!le 'opy .ixing

    1langing and 8hasing

    3eat 'hasing

    *ncorporating Scratching

    3ac+ 'ueing

    3eat "uggling

    9yric 'utting

    9yric 'utting in ction

    =sing 'D Turnta!les

    The 8ros and 'ons o, using 'D Dec+s

    .ixing on 'D Dec+s

    Standard and Specialist 1unctions

    Diversity o, :peration

    Digital D" 1ormats I .ixing with 'omputer So,tware

    vaila!le 8roducts

    )armonic .ixing with ?.ixed in Key#

    !leton 9ive

    8utting Together a 8ro,essional Demo .ix

    8reparing a Demo

    Rehearsing the Running :rder

    Everything You Need To Know !out D"#ing $ Success%200& 'opyright ll Rights Reserved( Danny Rampling

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    Recording the .ix

    The 1inished .ix

    8ostproduction o, the .ix

    Distri!uting the Demo .ix

    8reparing a Set to 8lay :ut


  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    3ar Sta,,( Door Sta,, and :ther 'lu! 8ersonnel

    8ro,essional 'onduct

    Drin+ and other Su!stances

    3ecoming a 8ro D"

    'lu!night Residencies

    The 3ene,its o, a Residency

    3uilding 'ommunity

    3eing 8art o, the 'rowd

    'ontracts and 8ayment

    :,,ers( cceptances and greements

    Revo+ing :,,ers and cceptances


    Non>ritten 'ontracts

    ritten 'ontract

    3reach o, 'ontract


    .o!ile and 1unction D"ing

    Eup Sa,ely and E,,iciently


    8ersonality and Eti

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    8romoting Your :wn Events

    .ar+et Research

    *mage and 3randing

    Stri+ing a Deal

    Negotiating Tips

    'ontract I greement

    .ar+eting and 8romotion

    The 9aunch 8arty-


    ,ew extra Tips

    8ress Kits


    )ow to 8romote Events o, the *nternet using Social Networ+ing Sites

    3uilding a e!site without 3rea+ing the 3an+C

    3ecoming a Radio D"

    Getting on the ir

    8irate Radio

    *nternet Radio


    'orporate Radio


    Dead ir

    .icrophone Eti

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    ,ull o, !onus resources-

    Than+s once again ,or your interest- * hope this has !een o, value to you-

    To get your ,ull copy( with over 0 pages o, invalua!le material please visit;




    !his ebook is also a'ailable without Section *

    FDanny(* ust ,inished your !oo+ and wanted to say GRET ":3C

    5ery inspirational and ,ull o, very use,ul in,ormationCThe thing * li+ed most is that you not only ,ocused on the in,ormation on !ecoming agreat d( !ut you also tal+ed a!out( and stressed the importance o, !ecoming a great


    *ts great to see you giving !ac+( and * +now with our !usy schedules as d#s it reallytoo+ a commitment on your part to !e a!le to deliver such a well thought out !oo+(

    and ,or that * commend youC

    ll the !estH

    Bad Boy Bill(

    merica#s 1avorite )ouse D" /38. 200B $ 200Sales )istory o, over 4 million units sold

    Everything You Need To Know !out D"#ing $ Success%200& 'opyright ll Rights Reserved( Danny Rampling
  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top


    Everything You Need To Know !out D"#ing $ Success%200& 'opyright ll Rights Reserved( Danny Rampling
  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 of Djing


    Danny Rampling Shares 20 Years Experience at The Top

    1'erything 2ou 3eed !o 0now 4bout DJing 5 Success &all 6 sections- abo'e)

    1'erything 2ou 3eed !o 0now 4bout D,ing &abo'e)

    1'erything 2ou 3eed !o 0now 4bout Success &abo'e)


    Everything You Need To Know !out D"#ing $ Success