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forest ecology Changing Climates, Changing Forests: A Western North American Perspective Christopher J. Fettig, Mary L. Reid, Barbara J. Bentz, Sanna Sevanto, David L. Spittlehouse, and Tongli Wang The Earth’s mean surface air temperature has warmed by 1° C over the last 100 years and is projected to increase at a faster rate in the future, accompanied by changes in precipitation patterns and increases in the occurrence of extreme weather events. In western North America, projected increases in mean annual temperatures range from 1 to 3.5° C by the 2050s, and although projected changes in precipitation patterns are more complex to model, more frequent and severe droughts are expected in many areas. For long-lived tree species, because of their relatively slow rates of migration, climate change will likely result in a mismatch between the climate that trees are currently adapted to and the climate that trees will experience in the future. Individual trees or populations exposed to climate conditions outside their climatic niches may be maladapted, resulting in compromised productivity and increased vulnerability to disturbance, specifically insects and pathogens. In western North America, as elsewhere, several recent assessments have concluded that forests are being affected by climate change and will become increasingly vulnerable to mortality as a result of the direct and indirect effects of climate change. Droughts associated with higher temperatures may accelerate levels of tree mortality, for example, because elevated temperatures increase metabolic rates without increasing photosynthesis rates, thus compromising a tree’s ability to create defenses against insects and pathogens. Distributions of the climatic niches of some tree species in western North America are predicted to change by up to 200% during this century based on bioclimate envelope modeling. We discuss the science of climate change, the implications of projected climatic changes to forest ecosystems in western North America, and the essential roles of forest managers, policymakers, and scientists in addressing climate change. Keywords: bioclimatic envelopes, climate change, disturbance ecology, forest ecology, tree physiology F orests provide vast ecological, eco- nomic, and social goods and services (Nelson et al. 2009) including regu- lation of climate through carbon storage and complex physical, chemical, and biological processes (Bonan 2008). Past climates have shaped the world’s forests (Bhatti et al. 2006), and minor shifts in climate can have significant impacts (Shugart 2003). Even under conservative estimates, future anthro- pogenic-induced changes to the earth’s cli- mate are likely to include further increases in temperature with significant changes in pre- cipitation patterns in some regions (Inter- governmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] 2007). Across western North Amer- ica, temperature increases are projected to exceed global mean increases, and more fre- quent extreme weather events are expected (Kharin et al. 2007, Karl et al. 2009, Roden- hius et al. 2009). A recent global assessment reported 88 unique episodes of increased levels of tree mortality over the last 30 years (Allen et al. 2010). Examples ranged from modest and short-lived local increases in levels of tree mortality to acute, regional-scale episodes often involving large-scale insect outbreaks (e.g., Bentz et al. 2009). The common causal factors in these and other examples (Marti- nez-Vilalta et al. 2012) are elevated temper- atures and water stress, suggesting that the world’s forests are increasingly responding to ongoing warming and drying attributed to climate change (Allen et al. 2010, Marti- nez-Vilalta et al. 2012). Although these epi- sodes are well-documented, the underlying causes of tree mortality are complex and probably involve numerous predisposing, Received September 25, 2012; accepted February 19, 2013; published online April 4, 2013. Affiliations: Christopher J. Fettig ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Ecosystem Function and Health Program, Davis, CA. Mary L. Reid ([email protected]), University of Calgary. Barbara J. Bentz ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service. Sanna Sevanto ([email protected]), Los Alamos National Laboratory. David L. Spittlehouse ([email protected]), British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Tongli Wang ([email protected]), University of British Columbia. Acknowledgments: We thank the many attendees of the “Evidence of Changing Climate Influencing Outbreaks and Impacts” plenary session held at the 63rd Western Forest Insect Work Conference in Penticton, British Columbia, and The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (University of Victoria) for their helpful insights and thoughtful debate and dialogue, which influenced the content of this article. We thank John Nowak (Forest Health Protection, USDA Forest Service), David Levinson (Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Air and Rare Plants, USDA Forest Service), and four anonymous reviewers for their critiques, which improved earlier versions of this manuscript. REVIEW ARTICLE 214 Journal of Forestry • May 2013 J. For. 111(3):214 –228

Changing Climates, Changing Forests: A Western North ... · northern part of western Canada by 5–20% and to decrease in the southern part of west-ern Canada and the western United

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Page 1: Changing Climates, Changing Forests: A Western North ... · northern part of western Canada by 5–20% and to decrease in the southern part of west-ern Canada and the western United

forest ecology

Changing Climates, Changing Forests:A Western North American PerspectiveChristopher J. Fettig, Mary L. Reid, Barbara J. Bentz,Sanna Sevanto, David L. Spittlehouse, and Tongli Wang

The Earth’s mean surface air temperature has warmed by �1° C over the last 100 years and is projected toincrease at a faster rate in the future, accompanied by changes in precipitation patterns and increases in theoccurrence of extreme weather events. In western North America, projected increases in mean annualtemperatures range from �1 to 3.5° C by the 2050s, and although projected changes in precipitation patternsare more complex to model, more frequent and severe droughts are expected in many areas. For long-livedtree species, because of their relatively slow rates of migration, climate change will likely result in a mismatchbetween the climate that trees are currently adapted to and the climate that trees will experience in the future.Individual trees or populations exposed to climate conditions outside their climatic niches may be maladapted,resulting in compromised productivity and increased vulnerability to disturbance, specifically insects andpathogens. In western North America, as elsewhere, several recent assessments have concluded that forests arebeing affected by climate change and will become increasingly vulnerable to mortality as a result of the directand indirect effects of climate change. Droughts associated with higher temperatures may accelerate levels oftree mortality, for example, because elevated temperatures increase metabolic rates without increasingphotosynthesis rates, thus compromising a tree’s ability to create defenses against insects and pathogens.Distributions of the climatic niches of some tree species in western North America are predicted to change byup to 200% during this century based on bioclimate envelope modeling. We discuss the science of climate change,the implications of projected climatic changes to forest ecosystems in western North America, and the essentialroles of forest managers, policymakers, and scientists in addressing climate change.

Keywords: bioclimatic envelopes, climate change, disturbance ecology, forest ecology, tree physiology

F orests provide vast ecological, eco-nomic, and social goods and services(Nelson et al. 2009) including regu-

lation of climate through carbon storage andcomplex physical, chemical, and biologicalprocesses (Bonan 2008). Past climates have

shaped the world’s forests (Bhatti et al.2006), and minor shifts in climate can havesignificant impacts (Shugart 2003). Evenunder conservative estimates, future anthro-pogenic-induced changes to the earth’s cli-mate are likely to include further increases in

temperature with significant changes in pre-cipitation patterns in some regions (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change[IPCC] 2007). Across western North Amer-ica, temperature increases are projected toexceed global mean increases, and more fre-quent extreme weather events are expected(Kharin et al. 2007, Karl et al. 2009, Roden-hius et al. 2009).

A recent global assessment reported 88unique episodes of increased levels of treemortality over the last 30 years (Allen et al.2010). Examples ranged from modest andshort-lived local increases in levels of treemortality to acute, regional-scale episodesoften involving large-scale insect outbreaks(e.g., Bentz et al. 2009). The common causalfactors in these and other examples (Marti-nez-Vilalta et al. 2012) are elevated temper-atures and water stress, suggesting that theworld’s forests are increasingly respondingto ongoing warming and drying attributedto climate change (Allen et al. 2010, Marti-nez-Vilalta et al. 2012). Although these epi-sodes are well-documented, the underlyingcauses of tree mortality are complex andprobably involve numerous predisposing,

Received September 25, 2012; accepted February 19, 2013; published online April 4, 2013.

Affiliations: Christopher J. Fettig ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Ecosystem Function and Health Program, Davis, CA.Mary L. Reid ([email protected]), University of Calgary. Barbara J. Bentz ([email protected]), USDA Forest Service. Sanna Sevanto ([email protected]), Los AlamosNational Laboratory. David L. Spittlehouse ([email protected]), British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. TongliWang ([email protected]), University of British Columbia.

Acknowledgments: We thank the many attendees of the “Evidence of Changing Climate Influencing Outbreaks and Impacts” plenary session held at the 63rd WesternForest Insect Work Conference in Penticton, British Columbia, and The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (University of Victoria) for their helpful insights andthoughtful debate and dialogue, which influenced the content of this article. We thank John Nowak (Forest Health Protection, USDA Forest Service), David Levinson(Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Air and Rare Plants, USDA Forest Service), and four anonymous reviewers for their critiques, which improved earlier versions of thismanuscript.


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Page 2: Changing Climates, Changing Forests: A Western North ... · northern part of western Canada by 5–20% and to decrease in the southern part of west-ern Canada and the western United

inciting, and contributing factors (Manion1981). These examples raise concern thatforests are likely to become increasingly vul-nerable to mortality in response to climatechange. Here, we discuss the science of cli-mate change, and the potential implicationsof projected climatic changes to forest eco-systems in western North America. We con-sider the direct effects of climate on trees aswell as indirect effects mediated by insectsand pathogens that are in turn influenceddirectly by climate and indirectly by hosttree conditions (Figure 1). The forests ofwestern North America support some of thehighest volumes of merchantable trees andstored carbon in the world (CanadianCouncil of Forest Ministers 2012, USDAForest Service 2012), making this region ofcritical economic and ecological impor-tance.

Climate ChangeThe Earth’s mean surface air tempera-

ture has warmed by �1° C over the last 100years (Jones et al. 2012). Most of this warm-ing, particularly in the last 60 years, is be-lieved to result from increases in atmo-spheric concentrations of greenhouse gasesreleased by human activity (IPCC 2007,Solomon et al. 2007). Changes in precipita-tion patterns and in the occurrence of ex-

treme temperature and precipitation eventshave also been documented (IPCC 2007).Temperature changes in western NorthAmerica are consistent with worldwidetrends (Karl et al. 2009, Rodenhius et al.2009). Over the last 60 years, mean annual

surface temperature has increased by �2° Cin the northern part of western Canada andby �1° C in the western United States (Karlet al. 2009, Rodenhius et al. 2009). Temper-ature increases have been greater in winterthan in summer, and there is a tendency forthe increase to be manifested mainly bychanges in minimum (nighttime low) tem-perature (Kukla and Karl 1993). Changes inprecipitation patterns are more variable thanthose observed for temperature with someareas showing small increases and othersshowing decreases in precipitation duringthe last 60 years (Karl et al. 2009, Rodenhiuset al. 2009). In some western forests, warm-ing temperatures have reduced the amountof precipitation that falls as snow, reducingsnowpacks and increasing the length of thewildfire season (Westerling et al. 2006). Forexample, Pederson et al. (2011) reportedthat late 20th century snowpack reductionsare almost unprecedented in magnitudeacross the northern Rocky Mountains,United States. Both snowpack declines andtheir synchrony across the region result fromspringtime warming and shifts in precipita-tion patterns and form, foreshadowing con-cerns regarding water supplies because cli-mate change alters not only the amount andtype of precipitation, but rates of evapo-transpiration, storage, and discharge (Millyet al. 2008, Elsner et al. 2010, Pike et al.2010).

Projections of future climates are based

Management and Policy Implications

The earth’s climate is changing and will continue to do so at a faster rate than in recent history due toanthropogenic-induced increases in concentrations of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2).Climate change poses a significant challenge for society because it is unlikely that efforts to controlgreenhouse gas emissions will eliminate the risk of anthropogenic-induced climate change. A sound forestcarbon policy informed by the best available science represents an important part of the solution becauseforests have the potential to assimilate, accumulate, and sequester large amounts of carbon from theatmosphere, thus reducing one of the primary drivers of climate change. Alternatively, large amounts ofCO2 are released when forests are killed, burned, defoliated, or deforested, and carbon may be lost whenforests are converted to other systems (e.g., shrublands) that have smaller carbon pools. Individual treesor populations exposed to climate conditions outside their climatic niches may be maladapted, resultingin compromised productivity and increased vulnerability to disturbance. Tree distributions and plantassociations, as we know them today, will change. Although forest managers, policymakers, and scientistshave been working to develop and implement strategies that increase the resistance and resilience offorests to climate change in western North America, much of this work has not been well-coordinated. Bycollaborating with scientists, managers can implement adaptive strategies based on the best availablescience, which in turn informs forest policy. We encouraged flexible management approaches that promotelearning and sharing and recognize the need for a more collaborative approach, in which managers,policymakers, and scientists of broad expertise from various disciplines and across political borders workto address climate change.

Figure 1. Climate affects the frequency and severity of disturbances (e.g., insects andpathogens) that shape forests, whereas forests influence climate through carbon storageand complex physical, chemical, and biological processes. Many experts conclude thatforests are being increasingly affected by anthropogenic-induced changes in the earth’sclimate that make them more vulnerable to mortality. Forests that were carbon sinks maybecome carbon sources. Sound policy is needed to address the situation.

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on assumptions about future anthropogenicgreenhouse gas emissions and simulationsusing sophisticated global climate models(GCMs; Solomon et al. 2007). Differencesin the formulation and resolution of thesemodels and the different emission scenarios1

result in a wide range of projections. How-ever, all forecast a warmer climate than whatwe experience today in western NorthAmerica. For example, projected increases inmean annual and seasonal temperatures forBritish Columbia, Canada, range from �1to 4° C by the 2050s (Figures 2 and 3) andincreases to �2 to 7° C by the 2080s com-pared with the 1961–1990 climatic normalperiod2 (Rodenhuis et al. 2009). The period1961–1990 is commonly used for compari-sons regarding anthropogenic-inducedchanges to the earth’s climate and also rep-resents a period of limited departure in tem-perature compared with the 1904–1980mean for western North America (Wahl andSmerdon 2012). For the western UnitedStates, increases range from �1.5 to 3.5° C

by the 2050s (Figures 2 and 3) and �2 to 6°C by the 2080s (Karl et al. 2009, Mote andSalathe 2010). Depending on the scenarioand location, winter precipitation is pro-jected to increase by 10–30% in westernCanada and the northern part of the westernUnited States by the 2050s and decrease byup to 20% in the southern part of the west-ern United States (Figure 4). In summer,precipitation is projected to increase in thenorthern part of western Canada by 5–20%and to decrease in the southern part of west-ern Canada and the western United Statesby �10–30% (Figure 4). Warming temper-atures will exacerbate recent decreases in thewinter snowpack, produce earlier snowmeltand alter streamflow regimes (Elsner et al.2010, Pike et al. 2010), and increase the riskof weather-related forest disturbance (Karl etal. 2009, Haughian et al. 2012).

Changes in the frequency of extremeweather conditions will accompany themean changes discussed above. For example,an increase of 2° C in mean temperature (as

may be seen in parts of western North Amer-ica by the 2050s) may result in what is cur-rently a 1 in 20-year event becoming a 1 in5-year event (Kharin et al. 2007). Extremecold events will become less frequent or, de-pending on location, no longer occur. Ex-treme precipitation events are projected toexhibit similar changes in frequency with 1in 20-year events becoming 1 in 10-yearevents or perhaps more frequent (Kharin etal. 2007). Dry periods during the summer insouthern Canada and the western UnitedStates will probably become more intense(Karl et al. 2009, Mote and Salathe 2010,Haughian et al. 2012).

Climate change projections in impactassessments and vulnerability analyses needto recognize the large range of possible fu-ture climates (IPCC-Task Group on Dataand Scenario Support for Impact and Cli-mate Assessment [TGICA] 2007, Murdockand Spittlehouse 2011). Most projectionsare at a relatively coarse spatial scale (e.g.,50,000 km2), but managers usually desired

Figure 2. Median change in mean annual precipitation (left panel) and mean annual air temperature (right panel) from 1961 to 1990normals based on projection by 13 global climate models and the A2, A1B, and B1 emission scenarios. The range around these medianvalues is discussed in the text. (Produced by the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium 2011.)

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Figure 3. Median change in mean air temperature by season from 1961 to 1990 normals based on projection by 13 global climate modelsand the A2, A1B, and B1 emission scenarios. The range around these median values is discussed in the text. (Produced by the PacificClimate Impacts Consortium 2011.)

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Figure 4. Median change in mean precipitation by season from 1961 to 1990 normals based on projection by 13 global climate modelsand the A2, A1B, and B1 emission scenarios. The range around these median values is discussed in the text. (Produced by the PacificClimate Impacts Consortium 2011.)

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information at a more local level. Variousmethods to downscale data (increase resolu-tion) are available but introduce uncertaintyinto the downscaled climate projections(Wilby et al. 2004, Burger et al. 2012). Therange of projected climates can be addressedby basing analyses on a suite of projectionsfrom a range of GCM/emissions combina-tions (IPCC-TGICA 2007, Murdock andSpittlehouse 2011). Furthermore, projec-tions of changes in means and extremes areusually based on a 30-year window of data.In using these data, we must recognize thelarge interannual and interdecadal variabil-ity superimposed on the data.

Climate change projections can be ob-tained from a variety of sources. These rangefrom the extremely large gridded data sets tosoftware and websites that provide subsets ofthese data tailored to users with limited tech-nical skills (Girvetz et al. 2009, Mc-Kenney et al. 2011, Wang et al. 2012b).There are also publications illustrating fu-ture changes (Joyce et al. 2011, Price et al.2011) and recommendations on selectingand using climate change data (Murdockand Spittlehouse 2011, Levinson and Fettig2013). The data referenced in these publica-tions are all based on simulations done forthe Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC(IPCC 2007). Projections of change pro-duced for IPCC’s Fifth Assessment (Tayloret al. 2012) are based on a wider range ofclimate forcing (i.e., agents or factors thatcause climate change)3 and were producedusing GCMs with higher resolution andphysical complexity. However, the pro-jected changes in climate show the sametrends as those of IPCC’s Fourth Assess-ment. Consequently, although variabilityand uncertainty in climate projections mustbe recognized, there is enough consensus inthe major trends that we should anticipatethese changes and proceed to address theirecological consequences.

Climate Change Impactson Forests

Climate is one of the primary factorsregulating the geographic distributions offorest trees (Woodward 1987, McKenneyand Pedlar 2003). Forest tree species areadapted to a range of climatic conditions,which is often referred to as their “climaticniche.” Because the climatic niche of a treespecies is unlikely to change (Peterson et al.1999), at least not in the short term (Ackerly2003, Wiens and Graham 2005), changes in

climate will cause shifts in the geographicaldistribution of the climatic niche. In fact,shifts have already been documented for alarge number of plant and animal species(Parmesan 2006). Based on meta-analysis,Parmesan and Yohe (2003) reported an av-erage boundary shift of 6.1 km per decadenorthward (or 6.1 m in elevation upward)associated with climate change for 99 speciesof birds, herbs, and insects. For long-livedtree species, because of their slow rates ofmigration, climate change will probably re-sult in a mismatch between the climate towhich trees are currently adapted and theclimate that trees will experience in the fu-ture (Aitken et al. 2008). Individuals orpopulations exposed to climate conditionsoutside their climatic niches may be mal-adapted, resulting in compromised produc-tivity and increased vulnerability to distur-bances, such as insects and pathogens(Aitken et al. 2008, Bentz et al. 2010, Stur-rock et al. 2011). However, there will be ex-ceptions as many tree species have beengrown successfully far outside their nativegeographic ranges (i.e., realized climaticniches). For example, Monterey pine (Pinusradiata), native to certain areas of the coastof California, United States, has become thestaple softwood in Chile, New Zealand,Australia, and the Cape Province of SouthAfrica (Clapp 1995). Efforts to model theclimatic niche of forest tree species and asso-ciate forest ecosystems and to project theirshifts under future climates have proliferatedin recent years.

Projections of changes in tree speciesdistributions are achieved with niche-basedbioclimate envelope models4 or process-based mechanistic models. Because of lim-ited knowledge on the biophysiological pro-cesses of tree species and the computationalcomplexity, bioclimate envelope models(also referred to as “ecological niche mod-els”) have been used more widely than pro-cess-based mechanistic models (Rehfeldt etal. 2006, McKenney et al. 2007, Wang et al.2012a). These models are built on the basisof the relationships between observed pres-ence of a species (or a forest ecosystem) andvalues of climate variables at those sites. Be-cause they rely on actual distribution of thetarget species, they model the realized niche(i.e., resulting from abiotic and biotic con-straints, such as interspecific competition) asopposed to the fundamental niche (i.e.,solely based on the species’ abiotic require-ments). However, it is important to empha-size that these models predict the shift in

distribution of the climatic niche of a species(or a forest ecosystem) rather than the shiftin distribution of the species per se. The fateof any tree species will depend on geneticvariation, phenotypic variation, fecundityand dispersal mechanisms, and their resil-ience to a multitude of disturbances (Levin-son and Fettig 2013).

Substantial shifts in geographical distri-butions of bioclimatic envelopes have beenprojected for some tree species and forestecosystems. Based on consensus projectionsintegrating individual projections derivedfrom 20 climate change scenarios in BritishColumbia, Wang et al. (2012a) forecastedincreases in the geographical distributions ofbioclimatic envelopes for interior cedar-hemlock (Thuja-Tsuga), interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and ponderosapine (Pinus ponderosa) ecosystem zones of80–200% by the 2050s. Meanwhile the bio-climatic envelope for interior spruce (Picea)is projected to contract substantially.Through modeling of the biomes in NorthAmerica, Rehfeldt et al. (2012) reported aconsiderable contraction of climates for Ca-nadian taiga biome and northward expan-sion of climates suitable for Great Plainsgrassland and temperate deciduous forestsbiomes into Canada. For individual tree spe-cies, McKenney et al. (2007) projected anaverage decrease in the size of species climateenvelopes by 12–58%, depending on disper-sal scenarios, by the end of this century. Re-hfeldt et al. (2006) suggested that �48% ofthe western United States landscape is likelyto experience climate profiles with no con-temporary analog for the current coniferousvegetation by the end of this century. Pro-jections showed that the distributions ofgrassland, chaparral, and montane forestwould increase largely at the expense of sub-alpine forest, tundra, and Great Basin wood-land (Rehfeldt et al. 2006). Shifts are ex-pected to be most rapid along ecotones,particularly in semiarid landscapes (Allenand Breshears 1998).

Although tree species as a whole can becharacterized by their bioclimatic envelopes,populations within a tree species vary intheir response to climate (Matyas 1994, Re-hfeldt et al. 1999, Wang et al. 2006, 2010),and local adaptation has been demonstratedalong climatic gradients (Epperson 2003,Howe et al. 2003). For example, peripheralpopulations of lodgepole pine (Pinus con-torta) from cold environments at the north-ern limit of its distribution grow muchslower under favorable temperatures for this

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species than central populations (Wang et al.2006). This finding suggests that localizednorthern populations would be unable totake full advantage of warming temperaturesattributed to climate change, whereas somepopulations in the South are likely to begrowing outside their bioclimatic envelopes(Rehfeldt et al. 1999, Wang et al. 2006).Therefore, climate change will also cause cli-mate mismatches at the population levelwithin a tree species.

The magnitude of projected shifts inbioclimatic envelopes for tree species, popu-lations, and ecosystems suggests that climatemismatch will be a serious matter. Forest sci-entists, managers, and policymakers need todevelop new management strategies to effec-tively address these concerns. Assisted mi-gration (also referred to as “facilitated migra-tion” or “assisted colonization”)5 has beenproposed and discussed at the species level(Andalo et al. 2005, Rehfeldt et al. 2006,Iverson et al. 2011) and population level(Rehfeldt et al. 1999, Wang et al. 2006). Inwestern North America, long-term field ex-periments have been established to explorethe potential of assisted migration for com-mercial tree species (O’Neill et al. 2011)and for whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis;McLane and Aitken 2012). Different ap-proaches have been explored (Rehfeldt andJaquish 2010, Ukrainetz et al. 2011). Thechallenge lies with the uncertainty in thetiming and magnitude of climaticchanges, coupled with the longevity oftrees, ranging from decades to centuries.To that end, assisted migration is a con-tentious issue. Proponents advocate thatthe undesirable consequences of projectedchanges (e.g., localized extinctions ofsome tree species) warrant such interven-tion applied at broad spatial scales. Othersare concerned about the unintended con-sequences. McLachlan et al. (2007) ar-gued that assisted migration is necessarydespite the potential risks, which can beminimized through proper monitoringand adaptive management and that fur-ther delays in policy formulation and im-plementation are unacceptable. Perez et al.(2012) provided a hierarchical decision-making system that considers 10 criteriauseful for implementing successful proj-ects involving assisted migration.

Climate Change Impacts onTree Physiology

For locally adapted tree populations,climate change tests the adaptive limits of

tree physiology, productivity, and defensivemechanisms (Bokhorst et al. 2009, vanMantgem et al. 2009, Allen et al. 2010, Car-nicer et al. 2011, Peng et al. 2011). Increasesin atmospheric CO2 may stimulate plantgrowth through enhanced photosynthesisand/or indirectly through increased wateruse efficiency, but tree growth has not in-creased as expected (Penuelas et al. 2011),suggesting that other factors compete withthe potential growth benefits of elevatedCO2. Plant defenses to insect attacks andpathogen infections are energy intensive(e.g., Bolton 2009), and therefore compro-mised physiological function and reducedproductivity often lead to higher vulnerabil-ity to such disturbances (e.g., Larsson 1989,Larsson and Bjorkman 1993). However, de-spite decades of research on plant responsesto climate, the physiological mechanisms bywhich plants succumb under climatic stressare still under debate (Schaberg et al. 2008,Adams et al. 2009, McDowell and Sevanto2010, Sala et al. 2010, Anderegg et al.2012).

During the growing season, most ofwestern North America is expected to bewarmer and drier than in the recent past(Figures 3 and 4). The general response ofplants to drought is to close the stomata (i.e.,pores in the leaf epidermis that regulate va-por exchange) to avoid excessive water lossand consequent wilting. This, however, in-herently leads to reduced productivity be-cause stomatal closure also prohibits CO2

uptake and therefore photosynthesis (Figure5). The balance between avoidance of exces-sive water loss and reduction in productivityhas led to current hypotheses of tree mortal-ity mechanisms. Plants that readily closetheir stomata during drought develop a neg-ative carbon balance (i.e., respiration ex-ceeds photosynthesis) and may die of car-bon starvation under prolonged drought,whereas plants that keep their stomata openrisk mortality via hydraulic failure in theform of uncontrollable runaway cavitationand consequent loss of conductivity of thexylem tissue (McDowell et al. 2008). Thereis evidence that xylem structure and suscep-tibility to cavitation are linked to the timingof stomatal closure during drought (e.g.,Tyree and Sperry 1988, Jones and Suther-land 1991, Schultz 2003), but what deter-mines the dominant mortality mechanismin individual cases and how these are linkedwith insect attacks and pathogen infectionsis still relatively unknown (McDowell 2011,S. Sevanto, unpublished data). Hydraulic

failure and carbon starvation may also becoupled via the need of carbohydrates forcontrolling loss of hydraulic conductivity(McDowell 2011, Secchi et al. 2011, Secchiand Zwieniecki 2011). Drought and stoma-tal closure also slow and ultimately hamperwater and carbohydrate transport in foresttrees (S. Sevanto, unpublished data). Thiscould accelerate both carbon starvation andhydraulic failure and reduce availability ofplant defenses as redistribution of resourcesceases (McDowell and Sevanto 2010, Sala etal. 2010). Drought also reduces growth(e.g., Orwig and Abrams 1997, Klos et al.2009) and respiration rate (S. Sevanto, un-published data), both of which may initiallydecrease more rapidly than photosynthesis,leading to a temporary increase in carbohy-drate reserves at the onset of drought (Sala etal. 2010, McDowell 2011).

Increasing temperature generally in-creases plant maintenance respiration rate(Ryan 1991) as well as evaporative demand,the latter speeding up stomatal closure (e.g.,Farquhar 1978, Franks and Farquhar 1999).Indeed, there is evidence that droughts oc-curring during warm periods are more dam-aging to plants than those during cool peri-ods (Breshears et al. 2005, Adams et al.2009), but the combined effect of increasedtemperature and drought on carbohydrateconsumption and its link with plant suscep-tibility to specific insects or pathogens re-mains to be fully determined. Reduced car-bohydrate reserves or hydraulic conductivitywill also affect recovery of the surviving treesand could lead to fatal insect attacks orpathogen infections years after the droughthas ceased because the structural defensemechanisms (e.g., size of resin ducts andthickness of cell walls) might have beencompromised during drought and remain inthis condition (Ogle et al. 2000, Gaylord etal. 2012).

With the projected increase in winterand spring temperatures (Figure 3), morefrequent warm spells followed by below-freezing temperatures and warm springs mayhave different consequences on plant sur-vival. An overall increase in winter tempera-ture tends to increase respiration rates (Ve-sala et al. 2010) and could lead to reductionof carbohydrate reserves in both dormantdeciduous trees and conifers in the far northwhere photosynthetic capacity and solar ra-diation is low during winter (Sevanto et al.2006, Vesala et al. 2010). Frequent freeze-thaw cycles also cause cavitation and loss ofxylem conductivity (e.g., Martinez-Vilalta

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and Pockman 2002, Pittermann and Sperry2006, Mayr et al. 2007) and could depletecarbohydrate reserves during warm spells be-cause xylem conductivity has to be repairedto avoid spring drought mortality (Hackeand Sauter 1996). In many trees, roots aremore vulnerable to cavitation than the bole(Kavanagh et al. 1999), and, therefore, anyreductions in snow cover could lead tospring drought responses even in springs ofnormal precipitation (Hacke and Sauter1996, Pockman and Sperry 1997). Meltingof snow and subsequent freezing and thaw-ing of soil also affect soil nutrient content,and leaching could leave plants nutrient de-prived during the growing season (Larsen etal. 2002, Joseph and Henry 2008). Similarto midwinter warm spells, warming in the

early spring could affect the cold hardening6

of trees, and direct frost damage could resultin loss of tissue and reduced resources, lead-ing to a higher susceptibility to insects andpathogens. The results of these events maybe seen the following summer, or they couldlead to cumulative reduction of tree vigorand productivity and ultimately to large-scale tree mortality over several years (Saxe etal. 2001, Gu et al. 2008).

The sensitivity of different trees to cli-matic stress depends on how susceptible thetree is to the stress and whether it will be ableto recover once conditions improve. Cur-rently, few data that would assist us in deter-mining a threshold of recovery versus no re-covery exist, but some predictive argumentscan be made based on our current under-

standing of tree physiology and wood anat-omy (Engelbrecht et al. 2007, Brodribb andCochard 2009, Coops and Waring 2011).In general, trees that have narrow xylemconduits (gymnosperms) can maintainphysiological function and recover frommore severe droughts than trees exhibitingwide xylem conduits (most angiosperms;Brodribb and Cochard 2009). Similarly,trees with narrow conduits are less vulnera-ble to freeze-thaw cycles than those withwide conduits (Sperry and Sullivan 1992).Early spring frost or warm autumns couldaffect angiosperms more than gymno-sperms, because of their wide xylem con-duits and temperature-sensitive leaf phenol-ogy (Polgar and Primack 2011). The effectsof warm autumns could be expected to be

Figure 5. Illustration of plant function. While taking CO2 from the air for photosynthesis, trees lose water through the stomata. If water lostto transpiration is not replaced by soil water uptake, the water flow in the xylem can be interrupted by gas bubble formation (cavitation).Unrepaired, this can lead to hydraulic failure of the xylem and plant mortality. Stomatal closure during drought constrains transpirationbut may promote carbon starvation as stomatal closure also prevents photosynthesis by preventing CO2 from entering the leaf. Repairinggas-filled conduits requires sugars, but movement of sugars requires water. How climate-induced suppression of this interaction betweenwater and carbon transport and use in plants affects plant defenses to insects and pathogens is still relatively unknown.

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especially damaging to ring-porous species(e.g., oaks [Quercus] and ash [Fraxinus]) be-cause they rely on developing a new layer ofconduits before budbreak to supply the de-veloping leaves with nutrients and water(Hinckley and Lassoie 1981). If carbohy-drate reserves have been depleted during awarm autumn, as a result of increased respi-ration, resources for building new cells be-fore leaf development may be reduced. Dif-fuse porous trees (e.g., birches [Betula],maples [Acer], aspens [Populus], and alder[Alnus]), may need fewer carbohydrates forrecovery after winter because some of theirlarge conduits may be protected from freez-ing/thawing by their location far inside thetree bole (Sevanto et al. 2012).

In addition to differences in xylemstructure and leaf phenology, trees can bedivided into roughly two groups (isohydricand anisohydric) based on the stomatal re-sponse to drought (Tardieu and Simonneau1998). Isohydric trees tend to close their sto-mata earlier than anisohydric species duringdrought. Interestingly, gymnosperms andangiosperms, as well as evergreens and de-ciduous trees, exist in each group, preclud-ing broad generalizations among them. Ithas been hypothesized that isohydric treesare less vulnerable to severe droughts ofshorter duration, whereas anisohydric treeswould better survive prolonged droughts(McDowell et al. 2008). This hypothesisseems to be true and is supported by recentdata from large-scale tree mortality events inthe southwestern United States (Allen et al.2010). Isohydric and anisohydric species co-exist in many forests, and therefore droughtcould alter not only structure but also spe-cies composition in dramatic ways. How-ever, rates of tree mortality depend not onlyon tree physiological differences but also ontree age (Chazdon et al. 2005), stand density(Savage 1997, Allen and Bresears 1998), soildepth and composition (Peterman et al.2012), and aspect (Plaut et al. 2012), amongother factors. Therefore, making predictionsabout where and when forest mortality islikely to occur and which tree species aregoing to suffer the most is prone to failurewithout a comprehensive understanding ofassociated interactions, including the influ-ences of climate change on common distur-bances. Predictions of susceptibility are fur-ther complicated by the potential ofresprouting, which is more common in an-giosperms than in gymnosperms (Del-Tredici 2001).

Climate Change Impacts onForest Insects and Pathogens

Insects and pathogens will be the pri-mary biotic catalysts for changes in the struc-ture and composition of forests in westernNorth America (Levinson and Fettig 2013).Outbreaks of forest diseases caused by nativeand introduced pathogens are generallythought to become more frequent and severeas a result of climate change (Sturrock et al.2011). However, diseases caused by patho-gens directly affected by climate (e.g., needleblights) are predicted to have a reduced im-pact under warmer and drier conditions.These groups of pathogens may cause dis-ease in healthy hosts if the environmentalrequirements of the pathogen, many ofwhich require moist conditions, are met(Sturrock et al. 2011). For example, Cronar-tium ribicola, the fungus that was introducedfrom Asia in the early 1900s, which causeswhite pine blister rust, requires high humid-ity and temperatures �20° C for germina-tion and needle infection to occur (Van Ar-sdel et al. 1956). Infection by C. ribicola hashad a significant impact on white pinesthroughout much of western North Amer-ica, but climate is thought to currently limitits distribution in the southwestern UnitedStates, and less rust infection is expected as aresult of climate change (Kinloch 2003,Sturrock et al. 2011). Thus, the timing of apathogen’s life cycle with respect to pro-jected seasonal changes in temperatureand precipitation (Figures 3 and 4) will becritical.

Insects are major components of forestecosystems, representing most of the biolog-ical diversity and affecting virtually all pro-cesses (Mattson 1977). Because temperatureis a major driver of their physiological pro-cesses, all insect species will be affected insome way by climate change. As an example,we consider the mountain pine beetle (Den-droctonus ponderosae), a native bark beetlespecies for which climate effects have beenstudied most extensively (Carroll et al. 2004,Aukema et al. 2008, Safranyik et al. 2010),and an important disturbance in western co-niferous forests. Recent outbreaks of themountain pine beetle have been severe,long-lasting, and well-documented (Bentzet al. 2009). Since 2001, �25 million ha oflodgepole pine forest have been affected(Figure 6). The mountain pine beetle rangesthroughout British Columbia and Alberta,Canada, in most of the western UnitedStates, and into northern Mexico and colo-

nizes several pine species, most notably,lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine, sugar pine(Pinus lambertiana), limber pine (Pinusflexilis), western white pine (Pinus monti-cola), and whitebark pine.

In addition to the effects of temperatureand precipitation on host distributions andtree physiology (as described above), tem-perature directly influences several impor-tant mountain pine beetle life history traits,including developmental timing (Bentz etal. 1991) and mortality (Safranyik and Lin-ton 1998, Bentz and Mullins 1999), whichcollectively influence the population dy-namics of this species (Bentz et al. 2010, Sa-franyik et al. 2010). The range of mountainpine beetle is limited by climate rather thanhost tree distribution (Carroll et al. 2004),and today successfully breeding populationscan be found in locations of western NorthAmerica with no published record of out-break populations since monitoring began�100 years ago. For example, a new Ne-braska state collection record recently docu-mented its presence in several western coun-ties in that state (Costello and Schaupp2011), and mountain pine beetle popula-tions have been found in Alberta in areasthat are not considered part of the historicaldistribution of this insect (Cudmore et al.2010, de la Giroday et al. 2011). Severaltemperature-dependent life history traitsplay a role in mountain pine beetle popula-tion success and, when combined with attri-butes of host tree condition and landscapeconfiguration (Fettig et al. 2007, Hicke andJenkins 2008), contribute to the positivefeedback necessary for range expansion andepidemic populations to occur (Raffa et al.2008, Bentz et al. 2010, Safranyik et al.2010). In short, outbreaks occur when fa-vorable climatic and forest conditions coin-cide in time and space.

Mountain pine beetle uses cues of de-clining temperature to cold harden, and lar-vae can survive extreme winter cold, al-though significant mortality occurs aftercold snaps when the acclimation process isdisrupted (Bentz and Mullins 1999). Parentadults also cold harden to survive winter(Lester and Irwin 2012), thereby potentiallycontributing to sister broods, an importantlife history trait that can influence popula-tion growth (DeLeon et al. 1934). In areaswhere cold has historically limited mountainpine beetle population growth, warm tem-peratures associated with climate changehave had a positive influence on populationsuccess (Sambaraju et al. 2012). Even if cold

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temperature survival has not been a limitingfactor, warm temperatures can increase thesynchrony of emergence and consequentpopulation success by enabling mass attackof trees (Bentz et al. 1991, Powell and Bentz2009).

With use of process-based models, thephenology of mountain pine beetle (Bentz etal. 1991, Logan and Bentz 1999, Regniere etal. 2012), acclimation to decreasing fall tem-perature (Regniere and Bentz 2007), andbeetle-host interactions (Safranyik et al.1975) have been described. Based on climatechange projections of temperature, simula-tion results from these models suggest thatclimatic suitability for mountain pine beetleexpansion across the boreal forest of NorthAmerica in future decades will be highest incentral British Columbia and western Al-berta and moderate in central Alberta east toSaskatchewan, Canada and decrease east-ward (Bentz et al. 2010, Safranyik et al.2010). Therefore, the likelihood of moun-tain pine beetle range expansion into theeastern United States via the boreal forests ofcentral Canada appears low (Bentz et al.

2010) despite recent concerns. High-eleva-tion forests will become more suitable forpopulation success (Sambaraju et al. 2012).Similar to tree species, local adaptation ofmountain pine beetle along climate gradi-ents in the western United States has re-sulted in substantial genetic differences andphenotypic plasticity in developmental ratesand thresholds (Bentz et al. 2011). Pheno-typic plasticity has allowed the species to besuccessful in variable and new thermal hab-itats, but this success may be limited withoutfurther adaptation. Mismatches within apopulation could occur as thermal condi-tions move beyond the current limitsof plasticity. However, with much shorterlifecycles than forest trees, insects and patho-gens have a greater potential for adaptationto changing climatic conditions. Commu-nity associates and trophic interactions, in-cluding avian predators and insect parasi-toids and predators, will undoubtedly beinfluenced by climate change as well, al-though little is known about these relation-ships (Bentz et al. 2010).

ConclusionOur climate is changing and will con-

tinue to do so at a faster rate than in recenthistory. There is an aspirational goal thatglobal emission reduction should be largeenough to maintain a global temperaturechange of �2° C by 2100. However, recentcomputer simulations suggested that a 60%reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is re-quired to achieve such a goal (Weaver et al.2007), and that the earth will continue towarm into the 22nd century unless we re-duce emissions by an even greater amount.As a result, it is unlikely that efforts to con-trol anthropogenic-induced greenhouse gasemissions will eliminate the risk of climatechange. To that end, a sound forest carbonpolicy informed by the best available sciencerepresents an important part of the solutionbecause forests have the potential to assimilate,accumulate, and sequester large amounts ofcarbon from the atmosphere, thus reducingone of the primary drivers of climate change(Bonan 2008). Young, healthy forests tendto be carbon sinks; however, as many forestsmature, they become carbon neutral orsources of carbon as net primary productiv-ity declines (but see Luyssaert et al. 2008).Furthermore, large amounts of CO2 are re-leased when forests are killed, burned, defo-liated, or deforested (Kurz and Apps 1999),and carbon may be lost when forests are con-verted to other systems (e.g., shrublands)that have smaller carbon pools. In thesecases, forests that were once carbon sinksmay become carbon sources (Kurz et al.1995, 2008, Stocks et al. 1996), causing fur-ther warming and influencing land use(Figure 1).

There are well-recognized tools avail-able to increase the resiliency of forests tocommon disturbances exacerbated by cli-mate change, such as bark beetle outbreaks(Fettig et al. 2007) and wildfire (Stephens etal. 2012). Stephens et al. (2012) concludedthat treatments, such as prescribed fire andmechanical fuel reduction treatments (e.g.,thinning of small-diameter trees), which areimplemented to create more fire-resistantforests probably create forests that are alsomore resistant and resilient to changes im-posed on them by climate change. Othershave reported that fuel reduction treatmentsand forest restoration treatments are alsoprudent approaches for reducing risks asso-ciated with bark beetle infestations in somewestern forests (Hayes et al. 2009), althoughthinning prescriptions applied to specifically

Figure 6. Bark beetles are important disturbance agents in forests of western NorthAmerica, and climate effects have been studied most extensively in the mountain pine beetle(Dendroctonus ponderosae). Recent outbreaks have been severe (red or faded trees),long-lasting, and well-documented. In many areas, these outbreaks have been linked toclimate change and an abundance of susceptible hosts. There is evidence that mountainpine beetle outbreaks and associated levels of tree mortality affect the subsequent risk andseverity of wildfire, another major disturbance in western forests.

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reduce the susceptibility of forests to barkbeetles would differ (Fettig et al. 2007).Tools are also available to identify where theprobability of disturbance is likely to havethe greatest negative impact (e.g., Stocks etal. 1998, Aukema et al. 2008, Bentz et al.2010). Resource managers can interveneand reduce some of the negative impacts ofclimate change through adaptation7 (Peter-son et al. 2011). For example, as previouslydiscussed, some suggest that assisted migra-tion in large-scale reforestation programscould be a potent and cost-effective adapta-tion strategy for some tree species (Gray etal. 2011). Research and monitoring pro-grams should be implemented to determinehow disturbances affect forests and to con-tinually update our understanding of howclimate change is influencing disturbancesthat shape forests (Dale et al. 2001).Through collaboration with scientists, man-agers can implement adaptive managementbased on the best available science, which inturn should be used to inform forest policy.(See Franklin and Johnson [2012] for a rel-evant example involving restoration in thePacific Northwest, United States.) For thisreason, it is appropriate to create a diversityof forest structures and compositions and tolearn about their resistance and resilience toclimate change. Others have encouragedflexible approaches that promote reversibleand incremental steps and that favor ongo-ing learning and the capacity to modify de-cisions and direction (Millar et al. 2007).We agree with these approaches. Decision-support tools that help transform complexscientific concepts into management op-tions are available (e.g., Morelli et al. 2012).The Climate Change Resource Center(2012) is a valuable resource for managersaddressing climate change in forest plansand during project implementation. We en-courage use of this resource. Furthermore,we emphasize that forest management deci-sions implemented today must consider anypotential unintended consequences in thefuture and the direct and indirect effects ofprevailing climates for the entire life cycle oftrees.

Numerous interagency and interna-tional efforts have been initiated over thepast 3 decades to analyze several aspects ofthe earth’s climate and to develop optionsthat have the potential to aid in addressingclimate change. The most well-known ofthese is IPCC, formed by the United Na-tions in 1988 to help address the scientific,economic, and policy aspects of global cli-

mate change. Despite these efforts, climatechange poses a significant, if not daunting,challenge to forest managers and policymak-ers. Climate science is complex and oftendifficult to understand. The body of scienceis rapidly evolving, challenging even themost informed to remain knowledgeable ofrecent advances. Projections of future cli-mates contain inherent uncertainty and re-quire understanding of complex assump-tions (scenarios) and use of sophisticatedmodels. Assessing the extent to which recentchanges in climate have affected forests isdifficult, and predicting future ecologicalimpacts is even more so. Of necessity, stud-ies in this area are primarily correlationalrather than experimental, and, as a result,assignment of causation is inferential (Par-mesan and Yohe 2003). This may lead toskepticism despite experimental research(e.g., on the effects of temperature and pre-cipitation on target species) serving as thefoundation for this inference. Although thisskepticism is understandable, we readily ac-knowledge the influence of past climates oncurrent tree species and forest distributions.For example, the downslope expansion ofjuniper (Juniperus) into more xeric sites inthe northern Great Basin, United States, iscommonly recognized and associated with awetter period 1900–4000 years ago (Millerand Wigand 1994). Despite these challengesand limitations, there is enough consensusin the major trends concerning projectionsof future climates and changes in tree speciesand forest distributions that we should an-ticipate these changes and proceed to ad-dress them (McLachlan et al. 2007).

The IPCC stated that “In the long-term, a sustainable forest management strat-egy aimed at maintaining or increasing for-est carbon stocks, while producing anannual sustained yield of timber, fiber, orenergy from the forest, would generate thelargest sustained mitigation benefit” to cli-mate change and that “Forestry can make avery significant contribution to a low-costglobal mitigation portfolio that providessynergies with adaptation and sustainabledevelopment” (Metz et al. 2007, p. 543).Malmsheimer et al. (2011) provided a usefulframework for managing forests for carbonover time as well as for the numerous otherbenefits provided by forests (Nelson et al.2009). Their framework includes the fol-lowing three aspects: keeping forests as for-ests through active management to increaseresiliency; recognizing that substantialquantities of carbon can be stored in wood

products for lengthy periods of time; andpromoting wood products as a substitute forother building materials (e.g., aluminum,concrete, and steel) that do not providethe associated carbon benefits of wood(Malmsheimer et al. 2011). Although man-agers, policymakers, and scientists have beenworking to develop and implement strategiesthat increase the resiliency of forests to climatechange in western North America, much ofthis work has not been well-coordinated.We recognize the need for a more collabor-ative approach, in which managers, policy-makers, and scientists of broad expertisefrom various disciplines and across politicalborders work to address one of the most im-portant issues facing our society. Our com-munities, tribes, industries, nongovernmen-tal agencies, and local, state, and federalagencies need to be involved and engaged.

Endnotes1. Projections of climate change depend on as-

sumptions (scenarios) based on changes inhuman populations, technology, land use,and global gross domestic production, whichin turn influence greenhouse gas emissions.There are six families of scenarios discussedin the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). Abrief summary is available online at

2. Climatic “normals” are used to compare cur-rent or future climatological trends with pastobservations. A normal is defined as themean of a climate element (e.g., tempera-ture) over a 30-year period. This period oftime is thought to be long enough to filterout any interannual variation or anomalies,but short enough to be able to show emerg-ing climatic trends.

3. Most notable are changes in atmosphericconcentrations of greenhouse gases (primar-ily carbon dioxide [CO2], but also othergases such as methane [CH4], nitrous oxide[N2O], and halocarbons) and variations insolar activity that affect radiation and cli-mate.

4. Bioclimate envelope models require present-absent data (where the trees grow and wherethey do not) to determine the realized cli-matic niche of a particular tree species as wellas high-resolution climate data that reflectclimatic conditions where the species is pres-ent or absent and a powerful modeling ap-proach that can effectively capture the rela-tionship between the species occurrence andclimate variables.

5. The practice of planting tree species outsideof their current distribution due to antici-pated changes in the climatic niche.

6. Cold hardening is a process that plants andinsects use to prevent injury due to chillingand freezing, although the physiologicalmechanism differs (Salt 1961).

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7. An adjustment in response to actual or ex-pected climatic stimuli or their effects, whichmoderates harm or exploits beneficial oppor-tunities (IPCC 2007).

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