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Chapter 2

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• What we mean by a “process”?

• Software development products, processes, and


• Several models of the software development process

• Tools and techniques for process modeling

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2.1 The Meaning of Process2.1 The Meaning of Process

A process: a series of steps involving activities, constraints, and resources that produce an intended output of some kind

A process involves a set of tools and techniques


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Process CharacteristicsProcess Characteristics Process prescribes all of the major process activities


◦ Uses resources (e.g., customer input, specifications),

◦ Subject to set of constraints (such as schedule, platform reqts)


◦ Produces intermediate and final products (e.g., models)


◦ – May be composed of sub processes with hierarchy or links


◦ – Each process activity has entry and exit criteria

◦ – Activities are organized in sequence, so timing is clear

◦ – Each process guiding principles, including goals of each activity

◦ – Constraints may apply to an activity, resource or product


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When process involves the building the product – referred as Life Cycle

Software Development Process is sometimes called Software Life Cycle.


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The Importance of ProcessesThe Importance of Processes

Process impose consistency and structure on a set of activities

Process is a collection of procedures, organized to build a product that satisfy goals or standard

Process guides us to understand, control, examine, and improve the activities

Process enable us to capture our experiences and pass them along


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Software Development StagesSoftware Development Stages

Requirement Analysis and Definition

System Design

Program Design

Program Implementation

Unit Testing

Integration Testing

System Testing

System Delivery


Each stage itself a Process that can be described as a set of activities.

Each activity involves constraints, outputs, and resources


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2.2 Software Process Models2.2 Software Process Models

Prescriptions – way the s/w dev. should progress Descriptions – way s/w dev. Is done in actuality

Reasons for Modeling a Process To form a common understanding To find inconsistencies, redundancies, omissions To find and evaluate appropriate activities for

reaching process goals To tailor a general process for a particular situation

in which it will be used8

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Software Life CycleSoftware Life Cycle

When a process involves building software, the process may be referred to as software life cycle◦ Requirements analysis and definition◦ System (architecture) design◦ Program (detailed/procedural) design◦ Writing programs (coding/implementation)◦ Testing: unit, integration, system◦ System delivery (deployment)◦ Maintenance


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Software Development Process ModelsSoftware Development Process Models

Waterfall model

V model

Prototyping model

Operational specification

Transformational model

Phased development:

◦ Increments

◦ Iteration

Spiral model

Agile methods


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Waterfall Model ( Royce)Waterfall Model ( Royce)

One of the first process development models proposed

Works for well understood problems with minimal or no changes in the requirements

Simple and easy to explain to customers

It presents

◦ – A very high-level view of the development process

◦ – Sequence of process activities

Each major phase is marked by milestones and deliverables (artifacts)

There is no iteration in waterfall model

Most software developments apply a great many iterations


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Waterfall ModelWaterfall Model


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Software Development Process in RealitySoftware Development Process in Reality


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Drawbacks of the Waterfall ModelDrawbacks of the Waterfall Model

Provides no guidance how to handle changes to products and activities during dev. (assumes requirements can be frozen)

Views software development as manufacturing process rather than as creative process

There is no iterative activities that lead to creating a final product

Long wait before a final product


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Prototype – a partially developed product

Validation – ensures that the s/m has implemented all of the req. in the spec.◦ It makes sure that the developer is building the

right product.

Verification – ensures that each fn. works correctly.◦ It checks the quality of the impl.


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Waterfall model with PrototypingWaterfall model with Prototyping


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V Model ( German Ministry of Defense)V Model ( German Ministry of Defense)

It is a variation of Water fall model that demonstrates how the testing activities are related to analysis and design.

V - coding forms the point

◦ Analysis and Design - left

◦ Testing and Maintenance – right

This model used to verify pgm. design

Acceptance testing done by customers rather than developers

Waterfall model focus on documents and artifacts whereas V model focus on activity and correctness


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V ModelV Model


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Prototyping ModelPrototyping Model

This model allows all or part of a s/m to be constructed quickly to understand or clarify issues.

Allows repeated investigation of the requirements or design ◦ to ensure user, customer, developer has the

common understanding of both what is needed and what is proposed

Overall goal : Reduces risk and uncertainty in the development


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Prototyping ModelPrototyping Model


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Operational Specification Model (Operational Specification Model (ZaveZave)) The s/m. reqts., are executed (examined) and their

implication evaluated early in the dev., process –demonstrate the behavior of the s/m.

Functionality and the design are allowed to be merged whereas in Waterfall model what the s/m is to do is separated from how the s/m does it.


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Transformational Model (Blazer)Transformational Model (Blazer)

This model tries to reduce error by eliminating several major dev., steps

Applies a series of transformations to change a spec., into deliverable s/m.◦ Change data representation◦ Select algorithms◦ Optimize◦ Compile

Relies on formalism Requires formal specification (to allow

transformations) – may gain wider acceptance.22

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Transformational ModelTransformational Model


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Phased Development : Phased Development : Increments and IterationsIncrements and Iterations

Cycle time – Time b/w the reqts., documents were written and the s/m delivery

Shorter cycle time

System delivered in pieces

◦ enables customers to have some functionality while the rest is being developed

Allows two systems functioning in parallel

◦ The Operational or Production system (Release n): currently being used by customer and user

◦ The Development system (Release n+1): the next version


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Phased Development ModelPhased Development Model


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Incremental development: starts with small functional subsystem and adds functionality with each new release

Iterative development: starts with full system, then changes functionality of each subsystem with each new release


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Ex. Word Processing ◦ Release 1 - Creating text

◦ Release 2 - Organizing text

◦ Release 3 - Formatting text

Phased development is desirable for several reasons

◦ Training can begin early, even though some functions are missing

◦ Markets can be created early for functionality that has never before been offered

◦ Frequent releases allow developers to fix unexpected problems globally and quickly

◦ The development team can focus on different areas of expertise with different releases


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Spiral Model (Spiral Model (BoehmBoehm )) Suggested by Barry Boehm (1988)

Combines development activities with risk management to minimize and control risks

The model is presented as a spiral in which each iteration is represented by a circuit around four major activities

◦ Plan

◦ Determine goals, alternatives and constraints

◦ Evaluate alternatives and risks

◦ Develop and test

With each iteration, the risk analysis weighs

◦ diffn. alternatives in light of reqts., and constraint

◦ prototyping verifies feasibility before particular altn. is chosen


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Spiral ModelSpiral Model


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Agile MethodsAgile Methods Emphasis on flexibility in producing software quickly and capably

Agile manifesto that focuses on 4 tenets – abt., s/w dev.,

( Agile Alliance 2001)

◦ Value individuals and interactions over process and tools

◦ Prefer to invest time in producing working software rather than in producing comprehensive documentation

◦ Focus on customer collaboration rather than contract negotiation

◦ Concentrate on responding to change rather than on creating a plan and then following it

The overall goal of agile dev., is to satisfy the cust., by “early & continuous delivery of valuable s/w”


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Agile Methods: Examples of Agile ProcessAgile Methods: Examples of Agile Process

Extreme programming (XP): a set of techniques for leveraging the creativity of developers & minimizing the amount of administrative overhead

Crystal (Cockburn 2002) : a collection of approaches based on the notion that every project needs a unique set of policies, conventions and methodologies.

Scrum(Schwaber & Beedle 2002) : iterative dev.,

◦ each 30-day iterations is called sprint;

◦ multiple self-organizing & autonomous teams impl., product in parallel;

◦ daily “scrum” (as in rugby) coordination

Adaptive S/w Dev., (ASD) : a mission acts as guideline, sets the destination but not prescribing how to get there.

◦ Iteration is important

◦ Change is embraced

◦ Fixed delivery times

◦ Risk is embraced31

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Agile Methods: Extreme ProgrammingAgile Methods: Extreme Programming

Emphasis on four characteristics of agility

◦ Communication: continual interchange between customers and developers

◦ Simplicity: select the simplest design or implementation

◦ Courage: commitment to delivering functionality early and often

◦ Feedback: loops built into the various activities during the development process


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Agile Methods: Twelve Facets of XPAgile Methods: Twelve Facets of XP The planning game (customer defines Value)

Small release (Phase dev., approach – Functions decomposed into small parts)

Metaphor (Common vision, common names, common way)

Simple design

Writing tests first

◦ 1. Fnal., test - dev by cust., & executed by developer & user

◦ 2. Unit test - written & done by developer

Refactoring (Revisiting the rqts., & design , reformulating them to match new & existing needs)

Pair programming

Collective ownership

Continuous integration (small increments)

Sustainable pace (40 hours/week)

On-site customer

Coding standard


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When Extreme is Too Extreme?When Extreme is Too Extreme?

Extreme programming's practices are interdependent, a vulnerability if one of them is modified

In XP , rqts., expressed as a set of test cases must be passed by the software

The System passes all the tests but is not what the customer is paying for

Refactoring issue - it is difficult to rework a system without degrading its architecture


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Tools & Techniques for Process ModelingTools & Techniques for Process Modeling

Your choice of notation depends on what they want to capture in your process model

◦ Textual - processes as fns.,

◦ Graphical – processes as hierarchy of boxes & arrows

◦ Combination of picture & text

Types of model◦ Static Model – depicts the process, showing that i/ps are transformed

into o/ps.

◦ Dynamic Model – enacts the process, so the user can see how intermediate & final products are transformed over time.


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Static Modeling Static Modeling –– Lai NotationLai Notation Lai developed a comprehensive process notation

The model shows the rlnship., among roles, activities, and artifacts and state tables show information abt., completeness of each artifact at a given time.

Elements of a process are viewed in 7 types:◦ Activity - something that will happen in process

◦ Sequence - order of activities

◦ Process model - view of interest abt., the s/m

◦ Resource - necessary item, tool, or person

◦ Control - external influence over process enactment

◦ Policy - guiding principle

◦ Organization - hierarchical structure of process agents ,

with physical grouping to logical grouping and related roles


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The process of starting a car (Lai 1991).The process of starting a car (Lai 1991).


Lists artifacts Artifacts


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Lai’s notation includes several template, such as an Artifact Defn., Template

Lai’s approach can be applied to modeling s/w dev., processes

Other templates define rln, process states, operation, analysis, actions and roles

Initiate - Entrance cond.,

Park – Exit Cond.,

Transition Diagram for a car – shows how states are related to one another





Get -out



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Dynamic Modeling Dynamic Modeling –– S/m DynamicsS/m Dynamics

Dynamic process view – enables us to simulate the process and make changes before resources are actually expended

This model decide

◦ How many testers we need

◦ When we must initiate testing

◦ We can include or exclude activities to see their effects on efforts and schedule.

The s/m dynamics approach (Forrester 1950) - simulating diverse processes.

Abdel-Hamid & Madnick - - applied s/m dynamics to s/w dev., enabling proj., managers to ‘test out ‘ their process choices before imposing them on developers.

We can build a descriptive model of various activities

◦ Involve in developers’ time and how changes in model increase or decrease the time it takes to design, write, and test the code.


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Model of factor contributing to productivity (Abdel-Hamid 1996)

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Arrow – how changes in one factor affect changes in another


◦ Fraction of exp., staff increases from., one quarter to one-half of the people assigned to the proj., then we would expect the avg., potential productivity to increase.

◦ Larger the staff (staff size), more time is spend to communicate among proj., members (commn., overhead)

First step in using s/m dynamics is

◦ To identify the rlnship.

◦ To quantify the rlnship.


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Process losses Potential Productivity

Error Detection & correction

QA effortLearning

S/w dev., rate

Error Rate

Actual Productivity

Schedule pressure

Work force level perceived needed

Scheduled Completion date

Forecasted Completion date

Adjustment to workforce& schedule

Hiring Rate Turnover Rate

Workforces Workforces experience mix

Perceived productivity

Proj. Tasks perceived complete

Effort Perceived still needed

Level of accuracy in measuring progress

Perceived proj. state






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S/m dynamics model

◦ Expensive and complex

◦ 4 major areas that affect productivity 1. S/w production2. HRM3. Planning 4. Control

The power of s/m dynamics – impressive but it should be used with caution


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Process Programming (PP)Process Programming (PP)

If process is well understood , we should be able to write a pgm., to describe the process and then run pgm to enact the process.

The goal of Process pgmming.,

o To eliminate uncertainty

o To have enough understanding to write s/w

o Turning process into a deterministic soln., to the pbm.

o Possibilities of PPo Mgmt visibility into all process activitieso Automate all activitieso Coordinateo Change all activities with ease


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Practical Process ModelingPractical Process Modeling

It offers great benefits for understanding process & revealing inconsistencies


◦ Barghouti, Rosenblum, Belanger & Alliegro (1995) –conducted 2 case studies

Marvel Case Studies◦ used Marvel Specification Language to define the process

◦ and then generate a Marvel process enactment environment.

MSL uses three main constructs.◦ a rule-based specification of process behavior.

◦ an object-oriented definition of the model’s information process

◦ a set of envelopes to interface between Marvel and external software tools used to execute the process.


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First case study involved an AT&T call-processing network that carried

phone calls, a separate signaling network for routing and load balancing.

Marvel was used to describe Signaling Fault resolution

◦ Workcenter 1 monitored the network detecting faults it referred

faults to one of two other work centers

◦Workcenter 2 handled human or software faults

◦Workcenter 3 handled hardware faults.

Double dashed lines – indicate which activity uses the tool or DB

represented by an oval

Rectangle – a task or activity

Diamond – a decision

Arrow – flow of control


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Signaling Fault Resolution process Signaling Fault Resolution process ((BarghoutiBarghouti et al. 1995).et al. 1995).


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Examples of Marvel commands (Examples of Marvel commands (BarghoutiBarghouti et al. 1995).et al. 1995).


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Desirable Properties of Process Modeling Tools and Desirable Properties of Process Modeling Tools and Techniques Techniques –– Identified by Curtis, Identified by Curtis, KellnerKellner & Over (1992)& Over (1992)

Facilitates human understanding and communication: depicts the process

in a form that most customers and developers can understand.

Supports process improvement: identify the essential components of a dev.,

or maintenance process , allow reuse of process.

Supports process management: allow process to proj., specific, developers

and customers should be able to reason about attributes of software creation and


Provides automated guidance in performing the process: should define all

or part of the process development environment.

Supports automated process execution: should automate all or part of the



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Exercises Exercises –– Chapter 1Chapter 1

1. What is software engineering and how does it fit into computer science?

2. What is the difference between technical and business quality? Explain why each is important.

3. Give two or three examples of failures you have encountered while using software. Describe how these failures affected the quality of the software product.

4. Examine failures that have occurred in software that you have written. Identify and list the faults and errors that caused each failure.


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Exercises Exercises –– Chapter 2Chapter 2

1. Describe the process you use to get to ready for class or work in the morning. Draw a diagram to capture the process.

2. Describe three software development life-cycle models. For each, name the main activities performed, and the inputs and outputs of each activity. For each give an example of the kind of software development project where the life-cycle model would be well-suited, and an example of where the life-cycle model would be inappropriate; explain why.

3. What is the difference between static and dynamic modeling? Explain how each type of modeling is useful.

4. Explain the difference between prescriptive and descriptive process

models. What is the purpose for each? When is it appropriate to use each?