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E4-E5 Civil (Technical) Rev date: 20-04-11 BSNL India For Internal Circulation Only Page: 1 Chapter-2 STAAD PRO – AN OVERVIEW Rajendra Mathur Dy. Dir(BS-C) 09412739 232(M) e-mail – [email protected]

CH-2 STAAD PRO – An Overview

Nov 26, 2015




CH-2 STAAD PRO – An Overview
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    Rajendra Mathur Dy. Dir(BS-C) 09412739 232(M) e-mail [email protected]

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    STAAD PRO An Overview

    Use of Computer in Structural Designing of Buildings In ear lier periods say in s ixt ies, engineering calculat ions were done b y slide ru les. Then in sevent ies, came the era of calculators, which replaced s lide rules completely. The calculators are ver y much in vogue these days but to aid the structural engineer have come computers which are high-speed calculators and much more. When similar members (say, s labs, beams columns, footings) are to be designed, relevant computer programs can be used to get more accurate methods which were earlier diff icu lt and time-consuming to use manually. For example, frames under horizontal loads were ana lysed by portal o r cant ilever methods manually. These gave only approximate resu lts and we had to be sat isfied with them. But now, computer can be used effect ively to get accurate results.

    Computer-Aided Analysis & Design:- Computers have recent ly been brought in to aid structu ral designers. These machines are as effective as the ava ilab le software (i.e. computer p rograms). Programs are ava ilab le for design o f s labs, simply supported and continuous beams. Co lumns under biaxia l bend ing, isolated foo tings, combined footings and rafts. There are also ava ilab le 2-D plane frame programs, gr ids, reta ining walls, etc. not only all the ava ilable p rograms ma y be to the liking o f a designer. The assumptions made in the development o f some programs may no t be acceptable to the structural designer and in one case, it was found that the column program purchased was valid only for short columns and not for long columns, although at the time of purchase, it was cla imed to be valid for both short and ling co lumns.

    In practice, cont inuous beams, frame analysis under horizonta l loads are a lmost alwa ys solved by a computer. Sometimes, an building is divided into frames in both the pr inc ipal directions. All the frames with the vert ical and the horizo ntal loads are pu t in the computer and the solut ion is got which includes the complete design of beams at al l the floor levels. Column loads are then assembled manually. Column design under biaxial bending at all levels is done by a computer program.

    A ver y powerful program STAAD Pro is a lso availab le in the market which can be used fo r 3-D analysis of a building as a whole. It is usefu l for analysis and design of multi-storied build ings. We may

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    consider the followings methods of approach in order to tap the fu ll capacit y of STAAD Pro software.

    Structural Design Using STAAD- PRO

    Concurrent Engineer ing based user environment for model development, analysis, design, visualizat ion and ver if icatio n .

    Full range o f ana lysis including stat ic, P-delta, pushover, response spectrum, time histor y, cab le ( liner and non-linear) , buckling and stee l, concrete and timber design.


    Limitat ions of Hand Computation Methods A ppli c a b le fo r s ma l l pro b l ems Tedi o us f o r e ven med i u m si ze d pro b l ems 3 - d a na l ysi s a lmo st i mpo ss ib l e

    Advantage for Invention of Computer Ma t ri x met ho ds o f st ruc tura l a na l ys i s D e ve l o pme nt o f nume ri c a l t ec hni q ue s Fi n i te e le ment met ho d Pro g ra mmi ng l a ng ua g es deve lo pe d

    Object-o riented intuit ive 2D/3D graphica l model generat ion. Pull down menus, float ing too l bars, tool tip he lp. Quick data input through property sheets and spreadsheets. Customizab le structural templates for crea ting a model. Complete support of VBA macros fo r customization ( integrate with

    Match CDA or Excel) . Supports truss and beam members, plates, solids, linear and non-

    linear cables and curvilinear beams. Advance automatic load generat ion fac ilities for wind, snow, area,

    f loor and moving loads. Flexib le zoom, pan and multiple views. Isometric and perspective view and 3D shapes. Toggle disp lay o f loads, supports, properties, joints, members, etc.

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    Built- in command file editor for text ed it ing. State-of-the-art graphica l p re and post processors.

    Rectangular/cylindr ical coord inate systems with mix and match capabilit ies.

    Joint, member/e lement, mesh generat ion with f lexib le user-controlled numbering scheme.

    Import/Export DSF, DWG, VRML, CIS/2 and Excel files. Efficient a lgor ithm minimizes disk space requirements. FPS, metric or SI units. Presentat ion qualit y printer plots of geometry and results as part of

    run output.

    Graphics Environment Model Generation Easy au to mesh and auto refinement of user-defines polygonal

    element boundary b y s imple mouse c licks, including openings and column/wall lines.

    Unlimited Undo and Redo . More structure wizard models inc luding user-defined parametric

    structures to create any s tructural template. 2D and 3D graphic generat ion using rectangu lar, c ylindr ica l and

    reverse cylindrical coordinates systems. Segments of repetit ive geometry may be used to generate complex

    structural models. Generate, copy, repeat, mirro r, pivo t, etc. for quick and easy

    geometry generat ion. Comprehensive graphics ed iting. Library of commonly used structures can be picked and disp lay o f

    properties, loadings, supports, o rientat ions etc. Graphical spec ificat ion and disp lay of properties, loadings, supports,

    orientat ions etc. Import/Export Auto Cad 2D/3D/ DXF or CIS/2 files to start your

    model. Access to text editor to modify model quickly through command

    syntax. User-controlled scale factors for deflected or mode shapes. Inte lligent ob jects (beams, plates, columns) to report geometry. Structure Wizard to create parametr ic templates, meshes with ho les

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    and curved surfaces. Easy snap-to construction gr id for laying out beams and columns

    on irregular gr ids. Step-by-to hand calcu lat ions including all formulae, intermediate

    results, and code clauses for stee l and concrete design. Graphically disp laying built-up sections and customized shapes in

    3D within the STAAD Pro environment. New customizab le node/member renumbering scheme.

    DESIGN CODES Steel Design Design codes inc lude AISC (ASD and LRFD and & 3 rd Ed.), AISI

    and AASHTO. Optional codes availab le include ASCE 52, BS5400, BS5950, Canadian, South Africa, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Ind ian, Scand inavian, Mexican (NTC and CFE), Eurocode and much more.

    Built- in-steel tab les includ ing AISC (7 th-9 t h Editions), Australian, Brit ish, Canadian, Chinese, European, Ind ia, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Russian and South Africa.

    Shapes inc lude I-Beams with or without cover plates, channels, angles, double angles/channels, pipes and tubes (HSS Sect ions).

    User-specified design parameters inc luding s ides way, st iffeners , welding, net sect ion factor, drift and deflection.

    Code check, member select ion consist ing of ana lysis/design cyc les. Calculat ion of Effect ive Length Factors (K Factors) for Steel Design. Powerful group ing command to design dis jointed members as a

    physical member.

    Concrete Design

    Design of concre te beam/columns/s labs per ACI 318-02, 318-95 . Also foo ting design per ACI 318-02. Optional codes include BS8007 , BS8110, Canadian, French, German, Spanish, Scandinavian, Japanese, Chinese, Australian, South Afr ican, Singaporean and Indian Codes IS-456-2000.

    Design c ircular, rectangu lar, I and L shaped, trapezoidal and Tee sect io ns.

    Numerical and grap hica l design outputs with complete reinforcement details.

    Interact ive concrete design and detailing with bar scheduling and

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    interact ive rebar la yout. Design Physical members by combining separate beam ent it ies as

    one with fu ll step-by-step ca lcu lat ion sheets for verif icat ion. Full, integrated rectangular shear wall ana lysis and design (inc luding

    openings) with output inc luding forces at different heights a long the wall

    (axial, shear and moment in-p lane and ou t-of-plane bending moment), automatic meshing of the wall, horizontal and vert ica l shear and edge reinforcements at different he ights.

    Analysis & Design Static Analysis

    Pr im ar y P- d el t a N o n- l i ne ar N o n- Li ne ar Cab le


    Real world


    Idealization to a mathematical

    model Solution

    of the model

    Analysis is perfo rmed to predict the response of a structure to applied external loads.

    Real world structural problems are very complex in natu re. Analysis of these p roblems requires idealizat ion.

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    Element Types

    Structural Elements Line



    Surface Plate/ Shell Surface


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    Structure Types


    G X

    G Y

    G Z




    TRUSS (2D) TRUSS (3D)


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    Fully Restrained

    Partially restrained w/ Springs


    Multi-l inear

    Boundary Condition

    Part ially Restrained

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    Basic Design St ee l C o ncre te

    Sta tic Analysis Geometric Modeling Material Properties Sect ional Properties Supports : Boundary Cond it ions Loads & Load combinat ions Specia l Commands Analysis Spec ificat ion Design Command

    Geometric Modeling Nodal Co-ord inate Data Select ion of Elements : Element Library Beam Elements : Beams, Columns, Truss Members Plate Elements : Structural Walls, Floor Slabs Plane Stress Elements : Shear Walls, Floor Slabs Acting As Rigid

    Diaphragm To Lateral Loading Solid Elements : Thick Raft, Block Foundations

    Surface Element: Rec t a ngu lar D e fau l t D i v i s io n 1 0 X1 0 , no . can b e co nt r o l le d M ai n l y i n t r o d u ced fo r She ar Wa l l Mo de l i ng & D e s i gn

    Sectiona l & Material Properties Beam Elements : Cross Sect ion Plate Elements : Thickness Solid Elements : NIL

    Material means a set of: M odu lu s o f E l as t ic it y Po is so n s R at io We i gh t D e ns i t y T he r ma l Co e f f ic i e nt D amp i ng R at io She ar M o d u lu s

    Geometric Constant Bet a ( ) A ng l e

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    Re fer e nc e Po in t

    LOADS Self Weight Jo int Loads

    Co nce nt r a te d Lo ad & M o me nt s Su pp o r t Disp l ac e me nt Lo ad s

    Member Loads U ni fo r m Fo r ce & M o ment ( Fu l l / P ar t i a l ) (d 1 , d 2 , d 3) Co nce nt r a te d Fo rc e & M o me nt ( d 1 , d2 ) Flo o r Lo ad & A rea Lo ad (n ew G X, GZ F lo o r Lo a d ) L i nea r Var y ing & Tr ap e zo id a l Lo ad Pr e- S tr e s s / Po st - S t re s s Lo a d H yd r o st a t i c T ra p ezo id a l Lo a d T em p er a t u re Lo ad (x , y, z ) Fi xed E nd Lo a d


    Plate Element Loads Pr es su r e ( Fu l l / Par t ia l) Co nce nt r a te d Fo rc e (x , y) T r ap ez o id a l & H yd ro s t a t ic Tr ap e zo id a l Lo ad

    Surface Element Pressure Generated Loads

    W i nd Lo ad Se ism i c Co -e f f ic i e nt M et ho d Rep e t i t i ve M o vi ng Lo ad

    Dynamic Loads T ime H i s t o r y Re sp o nse Sp ect r u m

    Combined Effect of Loads Co mb i na t io n ( A l ge b ra ic , SRSS , AB S) Rep e at Lo a d

    IS 1893 2002 (Part 1) Parameters: Se ism i c Z o ne Co ef f i c ie n t Re sp o nse Re d u ct io n Fa c t o r Imp o r t anc e Fa c t o r So i l S i te Fa c t o r T yp e o f S t ru c t u re D amp i ng R at io (o b ta i n M u lt ip l ic a t io n Fac to r fo r Sa / g) D ep t h o f Fo u nd at io n b e lo w Gr o u nd Leve l

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    Reduction of Ah due to Depth o f Foundation C Value Abolished Acceleration as Funct ion of Time Per iod and Soil Type Evaluat ion of Base Shear Distr ibution of Lateral Sto rey Forces (same as before) New Floor Weight & Element Weight Commands


    Once analysis is completed for different load combinat ion design will be perfo rm fo r load envelope case.

    Concrete Design can be done either using IS456 or for ductile detailing IS-13920 can a lso be used .

    Using STAAD Pro for analysis & design the Building as a whole Steps in design 1. Manual design of slabs, stair s, cha jjas, non-gr id beams, etc. 2. Preparing data for STAA PRO program at a ll leve ls i.e

    generat ion of model, load intensit ies at all floors and wall load as u.d.l, support conditions, material p roperties etc

    3. Using computer, feeding data and getting the ou t-put. It gives beam and co lumn design at all leve ls and it also gives co lumn loads for design o f foundatio ns. .

    4 . Manual design of footings. 5. Preparation of structu ral drawings with foundations and upwards

    by AUTOCAD or by manual. After analysis and design by STAAD Pro so ftware we have to note

    down area of steel for column at various levels & grouping is done accordingly.

    For beams be have to do detailing as per SP-34 by noting down the main reinforcement & Shear reinforcement & at var ious sect ion floor wise. The drawings are prepared floor-wise, start ing from the foundation, p linth beam and upwards and issued to the s ite for execution in the same order.

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    STAAD SPACE START JOB INFORMATION ENGINEER DATE 12-Nov-07 END JOB INFORMATION INPUT WIDTH 79 UNIT METER KN JOINT COORDINATES 1 0 -1.2 0 ; 2 3 -1.2 0; 3 7 -1.2 0; 4 11 -1.2 0; 5 15 -1.2 0 ; 6 18 -1.2 0; 7 0 -1.2 6 ; 8 3 -1.2 6; 9 7 -1.2 6; 10 11 -1.2 6; 11 15 -1.2 6; 12 18 -1.2 6; 13 0 -1.2 12; 14 3 -1 .2 12; 15 7 -1.2 12; 16 11 -1.2 12; 17 15 -1.2 12; 18 18 -1.2 12; 101 0 0 0 ; 102 3 0 0; 103 7 0 0; 104 11 0 0; 105 15 0 0; 106 18 0 0; 107 0 0 6 ; 108 3 0 6; 109 7 0 6; 110 11 0 6; 111 15 0 6; 112 18 0 6; 113 0 0 12; 114 3 0 12 ; 115 7 0 12; 116 11 0 12; 117 15 0 12; 118 18 0 12; 119 0 0 8; 120 3 0 8; 121 7 0 8 ; 122 11 0 8; 123 15 0 10; 124 18 0 10; 201 0 3 .5 0; 202 3 3.5 0; 203 7 3.5 0; 204 11 3.5 0; 205 15 3.5 0; 206 18 3.5 0; 207 0 3.5 6; 208 3 3.5 6; 209 7 3.5 6; 210 11 3.5 6; 211 15 3.5 6; 212 18 3.5 6; 213 0 3 .5 12; 214 3 3.5 12; 215 7 3.5 12; 216 11 3.5 12; 217 15 3.5 12; 218 18 3.5 12; 219 0 3.5 8; 220 3 3.5 8; 221 7 3.5 8; 222 11 3.5 8; 223 15 3 .5 10; 224 18 3.5 10; 225 7 1 .75 12 ; 226 11 1.75 12; 301 0 7 0; 302 3 7 0; 303 7 7 0; 304 11 7 0; 305 15 7 0; 306 18 7 0; 307 0 7 6 ; 308 3 7 6; 309 7 7 6; 310 11 7 6; 311 15 7 6; 312 18 7 6; 313 0 7 12; 314 3 7 12 ; 315 7 7 12; 316 11 7 12; 317 15 7 12; 318 18 7 12; 319 0 7 8; 320 3 7 8; 321 7 7 8; 322 11 7 8; 323 15 7 10; 324 18 7 10; 325 7 5 .25 12 ; 326 11 5.25 12; 401 0 10.3 0; 402 3 10.3 0; 403 7 10.3 0; 404 11 10.3 0 ; 405 15 10.3 0; 406 18 10 .3 0; 407 0 10.3 6; 408 3 10.3 6; 409 7 10.3 6; 410 11 10.3 6 ; 411 15 10.3 6 ; 412 18 10.3 6; 413 0 10.3 12; 414 3 10.3 12; 415 7 10.3 12; 416 11 10.3 12 ; 417 15 10.3 12; 418 18 10.3 12; 419 0 10.3 8; 420 3 10.3 8; 421 7 10.3 8; 422 11 10.3 8; 423 15 10.3 10; 424 18 10 .3 10; 425 7 8 .75 12 ; 426 11 8.75 12; 501 7 12.7 6; 502 11 12.7 6; 503 7 12.7 12; 504 11 12 .7 12; MEMBER INCIDENCES 101 101 102; 102 102 103; 103 103 104; 104 104 105; 105 105 106; 106 107 108;

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    107 108 109; 108 109 110; 109 110 111; 110 111 112; 111 119 120; 112 120 121; 113 121 122; 114 123 124; 115 113 114; 116 114 115; 117 115 116; 118 116 117 ; 119 117 118; 120 101 107; 121 107 119; 122 119 113; 123 102 108; 124 108 120; 125 120 114; 126 103 109; 127 109 121; 128 121 115; 129 104 110; 130 110 122; 131 122 116; 132 105 111; 133 111 123; 134 123 117; 135 106 112; 136 112 124; 137 124 118; 201 201 202; 202 202 203; 203 203 204; 204 204 205; 205 205 206; 206 207 208; 207 208 209; 208 209 210; 209 210 211; 210 211 212; 211 219 220; 212 220 221; 213 221 222; 214 223 224; 215 213 214; 216 214 215; 217 216 217; 218 217 218; 219 201 207; 220 207 219; 221 219 213; 222 202 208; 223 208 220; 224 220 214; 225 203 209; 226 209 221; 227 221 215; 228 204 210; 229 210 222; 230 222 216; 231 205 211; 232 211 223; 233 223 217; 234 206 212; 235 212 224; 236 224 218; 237 225 226; 301 301 302; 302 302 303; 303 303 304; 304 304 305; 305 305 306; 306 307 308; 307 308 309; 308 309 310; 309 310 311; 310 311 312; 311 319 320; 312 320 321; 313 321 322; 314 323 324; 315 313 314; 316 314 315; 317 316 317; 318 317 318; 319 301 307; 320 307 319; 321 319 313; 322 302 308; 323 308 320 ; 324 320 314; 325 303 309; 326 309 321; 327 321 315; 328 304 310; 329 310 322; 330 322 316; 331 305 311; 332 311 323; 333 323 317; 334 306 312; 335 312 324; 336 324 318; 337 325 326; 401 401 402; 402 402 403; 403 403 404; 404 404 405; 405 405 406; 406 407 408; 407 408 409; 408 409 410; 409 410 411; 410 411 412; 411 419 420; 412 420 421; 413 421 422; 414 423 424; 415 413 414; 416 414 415; 417 416 417; 418 417 418; 419 401 407; 420 407 419; 421 419 413;

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    422 402 408; 423 408 420; 424 420 414; 425 403 409; 426 409 421; 427 421 415; 428 404 410; 429 410 422; 430 422 416; 431 405 411; 432 411 423; 433 423 417; 434 406 412; 435 412 424; 436 424 418; 437 425 426; 501 501 502; 502 503 504; 503 501 503; 504 502 504; 1001 1 101; 1002 101 201; 1003 201 301 ; 1004 301 401; 2001 2 102; 2002 102 202; 2003 202 302; 2004 302 402; 3001 3 103 ; 3002 103 203; 3003 203 303; 3004 303 403; 4001 4 104; 4002 104 204; 4003 204 304; 4004 304 404; 5001 5 105; 5002 105 205; 5003 205 305; 5004 305 405; 6001 6 106; 6002 106 206; 6003 206 306; 6004 306 406; 7001 7 107; 7002 107 207; 7003 207 307; 7004 307 407; 8001 8 108; 8002 108 208; 8003 208 308; 8004 308 408; 9001 9 109; 9002 109 209; 9003 209 309; 9004 309 409; 9005 409 501; 10001 10 110; 10002 110 210; 10003 210 310; 10004 310 410; 10005 410 502; 11001 11 111 ; 11002 111 211; 11003 211 311; 11004 311 411; 12001 12 112; 12002 112 212 ; 12003 212 312; 12004 312 412; 13001 13 113; 13002 113 213; 13003 213 313; 13004 313 413 ; 14001 14 114; 14002 114 214; 14003 214 314; 14004 314 414; 15001 15 115; 15002 115 225; 15003 225 215; 15004 215 325; 15005 325 315; 15006 315 425 ; 15007 425 415; 15008 415 503; 16001 16 116; 16002 116 226 ; 16003 226 216; 16004 216 326; 16005 326 316; 16006 316 426; 16007 426 416; 16008 416 504 ; 17001 17 117; 17002 117 217; 17003 217 317; 17004 317 417; 18001 18 118; 18002 118 218; 18003 218 318; 18004 318 418; DEFINE MATERIAL START ISOTROPIC CONCRETE E 2.17185e+007 POISSON 0.17 DENSITY 23.5616 ALPHA 1e-005 DAMP 0.05 END DEFINE MATERIAL

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    MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN 1001 TO 1004 2001 TO 2004 3001 TO 3004 4001 TO 4004 5001 TO 5004 6001 TO 6004 - 7001 TO 7004 8001 TO 8004 9001 TO 9005 10001 TO 10005 11001 TO 11004 12001 - 12002 TO 12004 13001 TO 13004 14001 TO 14004 15001 TO 15008 16001 TO 16008 - 17001 TO 17004 18001 TO 18004 PRIS YD 0 .3 ZD 0 .6 MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN 111 TO 114 211 TO 214 237 311 TO 314 337 411 TO 414 437 - 502 PRIS YD 0.45 ZD 0 .23 120 TO 137 219 TO 236 319 TO 336 419 TO 436 503 504 PRIS YD 0.6 ZD 0.3 101 TO 110 115 TO 119 201 TO 210 215 TO 218 301 TO 310 315 TO 318 401 TO 410 - 415 TO 418 501 PRIS YD 0.45 ZD 0.3 CONSTANTS MATERIAL CONCRETE MEMB 101 TO 137 201 TO 237 301 TO 337 401 TO 437 - 501 TO 504 1001 TO 1004 2001 TO 2004 3001 TO 3004 4001 TO 4004 5001 TO 5004 - 6001 TO 6004 7001 TO 7004 8001 TO 8004 9001 TO 9005 10001 TO 10005 11001 - 11002 TO 11004 12001 TO 12004 13001 TO 13004 14001 TO 14004 15001 TO 15008 - 16001 TO 16008 17001 TO 17004 18001 TO 18004 SUPPORTS 1 TO 18 FIXED *ZONE III , CONSIDERING ORDINARY MOMENT RESISTANT FRAME FOR MEDIUM SOIL UNIT MMS NEWTON MEMBER RELEASE 111 114 211 214 311 314 411 414 START MZ 113 114 213 214 313 314 413 414 END MZ UNIT METER KN DEFINE 1893 LOAD ZONE 0.16 RF 3 I 1 SS 2 ST 3 JOINT WEIGHT 101 WEIGHT 85.13 102 WEIGHT 111 .04 103 WEIGHT 118 .02 104 WEIGHT 117 .77 105 WEIGHT 84.31

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    106 WEIGHT 85.26 107 WEIGHT 163 .24 108 WEIGHT 162 .18 109 WEIGHT 171 .62 110 WEIGHT 172 .39 111 WEIGHT 134 .06 112 WEIGHT 158 .87 113 WEIGHT 88.75 114 WEIGHT 99 115 WEIGHT 150 .09 116 WEIGHT 150 .14 117 WEIGHT 127 .8 118 WEIGHT 97.01 201 WEIGHT 113 .37 202 WEIGHT 156 .75 203 WEIGHT 170 .52 204 WEIGHT 172 .82 205 WEIGHT 158 .67 206 WEIGHT 113 .52 207 WEIGHT 223 .46 208 WEIGHT 279 .83 209 WEIGHT 327 .51 210 WEIGHT 294 .85 211 WEIGHT 250 .11 212 WEIGHT 221 .07 213 WEIGHT 114 .66 214 WEIGHT 180 .03 215 WEIGHT 232 .11 216 WEIGHT 222 .57 217 WEIGHT 181 .04 218 WEIGHT 123 .82 301 WEIGHT 114 .1 302 WEIGHT 157 .89 303 WEIGHT 172 .09 304 WEIGHT 174 .12 305 WEIGHT 159 .8 306 WEIGHT 114 .27 307 WEIGHT 221 .76 308 WEIGHT 276 .11 309 WEIGHT 323 .95 310 WEIGHT 291 .52 311 WEIGHT 246 .31 312 WEIGHT 219 .38

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    313 WEIGHT 115 .5 314 WEIGHT 181 .11 315 WEIGHT 229 .5 316 WEIGHT 219 .86 317 WEIGHT 182 .17 318 WEIGHT 124 .68 401 WEIGHT 68.96 402 WEIGHT 122 .95 403 WEIGHT 133 .8 404 WEIGHT 136 .21 405 WEIGHT 123 .84 406 WEIGHT 68.84 407 WEIGHT 145 .12 408 WEIGHT 244 .63 409 WEIGHT 341 .48 410 WEIGHT 303 .81 411 WEIGHT 235 .42 412 WEIGHT 147 .21 413 WEIGHT 66.97 414 WEIGHT 133 .23 415 WEIGHT 185 .86 416 WEIGHT 173 .94 417 WEIGHT 133 .54 418 WEIGHT 70.18 501 WEIGHT 72.68 502 WEIGHT 72.61 503 WEIGHT 73.53 504 WEIGHT 73.82 LOAD 1 SEISMIC X DIRECTION 1893 LOAD X LOAD 2 SEISMIC Z DIRECTION 1893 LOAD Z LOAD 3 LOADTYPE Dead TITLE SELFWEIGHT SELFWEIGHT Y -1 LOAD 4 LOADTYPE Dead TITLE DEAD LOAD FROMSLAB FLOOR LOAD *DEAD lOAD from FF SLAB YRANGE 3.5 3.5 FLOAD -5 XRANGE 0 18 ZRANGE 0 6 GY YRANGE 3.5 3.5 FLOAD -5 XRANGE 0 7 ZRANGE 6 12 GY YRANGE 3.5 3.5 FLOAD -5 XRANGE 7 11 ZRANGE 6 8 GY YRANGE 3.5 3.5 FLOAD -5 XRANGE 11 18 ZRANGE 6 12 GY *DEAD lOAD from SF SLAB YRANGE 7 7 FLOAD -5 XRANGE 0 18 ZRANGE 0 6 GY

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    YRANGE 7 7 FLOAD -5 XRANGE 0 7 ZRANGE 6 12 GY YRANGE 7 7 FLOAD -5 XRANGE 7 11 ZRANGE 6 8 GY YRANGE 7 7 FLOAD -5 XRANGE 11 18 ZRANGE 6 12 GY *DEAD lOAD from Terrace SLAB YRANGE 10.3 10.3 FLOAD -8 XRANGE 0 18 ZRANGE 0 6 GY YRANGE 10.3 10.3 FLOAD -8 XRANGE 0 7 ZRANGE 6 12 GY YRANGE 10.3 10.3 FLOAD -8 XRANGE 7 11 ZRANGE 6 8 GY YRANGE 10.3 10.3 FLOAD -8 XRANGE 11 18 ZRANGE 6 12 GY *DEAD lOAD from Mumty SLAB YRANGE 12.7 12.7 FLOAD -6 XRANGE 7 11 ZRANGE 6 12 GY LOAD 5 DEAD LOAD OF WALLS MEMBER LOAD 101 TO 110 115 116 118 TO 122 135 TO 137 201 TO 205 215 TO 221 234 TO 236 - 301 TO 305 315 TO 321 334 TO 336 UNI GY -15 111 112 114 123 126 129 133 134 206 TO 212 214 306 TO 312 314 UNI GY -9 117 UNI GY -10.5 213 313 UNI GY -30 113 UNI GY -30 2 4 401 TO 405 415 TO 421 434 TO 436 UNI GY -5 408 426 427 429 430 UNI GY -10 .5 413 UNI GY -30 0 2 501 TO 504 UNI GY -3 237 337 437 UNI GY -54 LOAD 6 LOADTYPE Live FLOOR LOAD *FF SLAB YRANGE 3.5 3.5 FLOAD -4 XRANGE 0 18 ZRANGE 0 6 GY YRANGE 3.5 3.5 FLOAD -4 XRANGE 0 7 ZRANGE 6 12 GY YRANGE 3.5 3.5 FLOAD -4 XRANGE 7 11 ZRANGE 6 8 GY YRANGE 3.5 3.5 FLOAD -4 XRANGE 11 18 ZRANGE 6 12 GY *SF SLAB YRANGE 7 7 FLOAD -4 XRANGE 0 18 ZRANGE 0 6 GY YRANGE 7 7 FLOAD -4 XRANGE 0 7 ZRANGE 6 12 GY YRANGE 7 7 FLOAD -4 XRANGE 7 11 ZRANGE 6 8 GY YRANGE 7 7 FLOAD -4 XRANGE 11 18 ZRANGE 6 12 GY *Terrace SLAB YRANGE 10.3 10.3 FLOAD -1.5 XRANGE 0 18 ZRANGE 0 6 GY YRANGE 10.3 10.3 FLOAD -1.5 XRANGE 0 7 ZRANGE 6 12 GY YRANGE 10.3 10.3 FLOAD -1.5 XRANGE 7 11 ZRANGE 6 8 GY YRANGE 10.3 10.3 FLOAD -1.5 XRANGE 11 18 ZRANGE 6 12 GY *Mumty SLAB

  • E4-E5 Civil (Technical) Rev date: 20-04-11

    BSNL India For Int ernal Circulat ion Only Page: 21

    YRANGE 12.7 12.7 FLOAD -0.75 XRANGE 7 11 ZRANGE 6 12 GY LOAD 10 DEAD LOAD(UNFACTORED) REPEAT LOAD 3 1.0 4 1.0 5 1.0 LOAD COMB 11 ((DEAD LOAD + LIVE LOAD)*1.5) 10 1.5 6 1.5 LOAD COMB 12 (DEADLOAD*1.2 + LIVE LOAD *1.2 + EQLOAD+X *1.2) 10 1.2 6 1.2 1 1.2 LOAD COMB 13 (DEADLOAD*1.2 + LIVE LOAD *1.2 + EQLOAD_X *1.2) 10 1.2 6 1.2 1 -1.2 LOAD COMB 14 (DEADLOAD*1.2 + LIVE LOAD *1.2 + EQLOAD+Z *1.2) 10 1.2 6 1.2 2 1.2 LOAD COMB 15 (DEADLOAD*1.2 + LIVE LOAD *1.2 + EQLOAD_Z *1.2) 10 1.2 6 1.2 2 -1.2 LOAD COMB 16 (DEADLOAD*1.5 + EQLOAD+X *1.5) 10 1.5 1 1.5 LOAD COMB 17 (DEADLOAD*1.5 + EQLOAD-X *1.5) 10 1.5 1 -1.5 LOAD COMB 18 (DEADLOAD*1.5 + EQLOAD+Z *1.5 ) 10 1.5 2 1.5 LOAD COMB 19 (DEADLOAD*1.5 + EQLOAD_Z *1 .5) 10 1.5 2 -1.5 LOAD COMB 20 (DEADLOAD*0.9+ EQLOAD+X *1.5) 10 0.9 1 1.5 LOAD COMB 21 (DEADLOAD*0.9 + EQLOAD_X *1.5) 10 0.9 1 -1.5 LOAD COMB 22 (DEADLOAD*0.9 + EQLOAD+Z *1.5 ) 10 0.9 2 1.5 LOAD COMB 23 (DEADLOAD*0.9 + EQLOAD-Z *1.5) 10 0.9 2 -1.5 LOAD COMB 24 (DEADLOAD*1.0+ LIVE LOAD *1.0)(FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN) 10 1.0 6 1.0 PERFORM ANALYSIS LOAD LIST 3 24 PRINT SUPPORT REACTION LOAD LIST 11 TO 24 START CONCRETE DESIGN CODE INDIAN

  • E4-E5 Civil (Technical) Rev date: 20-04-11

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    UNIT MMS NEWTON FC 20 ALL FYMAIN 415 ALL FYSEC 415 ALL DESIGN COLUMN 1001 TO 1004 2001 TO 2004 3001 TO 3004 4001 TO 4004 - 5001 TO 5004 6001 TO 6004 7001 TO 7004 8001 TO 8004 9001 TO 9005 - 10001 TO 10005 11001 TO 11004 12001 TO 12004 13001 TO 13004 14001 TO 14004 - 15001 TO 15008 16001 TO 16008 17001 TO 17004 18001 TO 18004 DESIGN BEAM 101 TO 137 201 TO 237 301 TO 337 401 TO 437 501 TO 504 CONCRETE TAKE END CONCRETE DESIGN FINISH

  • E4-E5 Civil (Technical) Rev date: 20-04-11

    BSNL India For Int ernal Circulat ion Only Page: 23


    1 . Which t ype of analysis can be carried ou t by STAAD-PRO? 2. Which t ypes of structures are supported in STAAD-PRO? 3. Which s tructural components are called as beam elements in

    STAAD-PRO? 4. What is the sequence of commands in a STAAD-PRO input file? 5. What are the t ypes of structures that can be designed using

    STAAD-PRO? 6. What are the t yp es of loads that can be applied on structu ral

    model in STAAD-PRO? 7. What are the sect ional shapes that can be designed in RCC

    design in STAAD-PRO? 8. What are the coordinate systems that are used for graphica l

    generat ion o f model in STAAD-PRO? 9. Whether numbering scheme of members in STAAD-PRO building

    model the can be User controlled? 10. Which unit system can be used in STAAD-PRO?