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Ch. 1 conceptual approaches on Victorian age.docx

Apr 14, 2018



Adela Tudose
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  • 7/27/2019 Ch. 1 conceptual approaches on Victorian age.docx



    Ch. 1 conceptual approaches on Victorian age

    1.1. Historical and cultural aspects of the timeQueen Victoria and the Empire Queen Victoria was only eighteen when she

    ascended the throne, and she ruled not only the world's most powerful nation but also

    an empire extending to Canada, Australia, India, and parts of Africa. After the death

    of her uncle, William IV, the young Princess Victoria was awakened from a sound

    sleep and brought down stairs in her dressing gown. Her diary forth at day records

    that on the staircase that morning she had felt quite prepared to be queen. She

    remained queen until her death sixty-four years late rat the age of eighty-two. Her

    long reign was a period of progress and prosperity forth en ation. Victoria's personal

    life was richal so She married her cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (an

    amen that their successors would eventually change to the more British-sounding

    Windsor).Victoria and Albert ad happy family life with four sons and five daughters,

    and they traveled of ten to visit royal relative son the Continent, especially in

    Germany. The queen's exemplary personal life, along with her famous honesty, sense

    of morality, and propriety, won a new respect for the monarchy. The Victorian Age

    did contain conflict, inevitable in an empire that can ned the globe, an empire upon

    which the sun literally never set.

    No matter how controversial the issues relating to the Victorian age may have

    been when the term Victorianism imposed itself as indispensable to the history of

    culture and civilisation in the nineteenth century, consensus has been reached that this

    period was one of unprecedented development in all the fields of Englands

    economic, social and political life. Referred to from the standpoint of the twentiethcentury, Queen Victorias age is undoubtedly perceived as a period of stability and

    equilibrium underlain by a solid and reliable value system, with the idea of God

    looming large at its centre. Far from being a period of perfect harmony, free of any

    conflicting states, Victorianism still enjoys the benefits of some strongholds on whose

    unquestionable stability one is invited to rely. The most important one is the figure of

    Queen Victoria herself and the institution the queen represented - the monarchy.

    The historical terms, Victorian Age or Victorian Era, referred to the things and

    the events that happened during the reign of Queen Victoria in England from 1837 to

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    1901. Some adjectives to describe the people and things of this period would be

    prudish, strait-laced, and old-fashioned. Another characteristic of the Victorian

    society was that many of the upper class individuals were snobbish and that they

    looked down upon others, especially the lower class individuals. In addition, this era

    came before the Womens Suffrage Movement in the 1920s. Many women were still

    thought of as being inferior to their male counterparts, even if they were

    wealthy. Two examples of literary works that show some of the characteristics of the

    Victorian age are The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde and The Old

    Nurses Story by Elizabeth Gaskell.

    Queen Victoria was the longest reigning monarch in English history and she is

    primarily remembered for her having established the monarchy as a respected and

    popular institution. The monarchy the apex of the court and of polite society

    generally 1 flourished under Queen Victoria. The monarchy represented the

    timeless quality of what was taken to be a pre-industrial order. In an increasingly

    urbanised society, it balanced the Industrial revolution: the more urban Britain

    became, the more stylised, ritualised, and popular became its monarchy, for the values

    which it claimed to personify stood outside the competitive egalitarianism of capitalist


    Victoria gained enormous popular esteem for supporting the imperialistic policies

    and, in 1876, she also became Empress of India. Great Britain turned into one of the

    worlds most extended empires. It occupied a position in the world that engendered a

    feeling of self-confidence, of trust in the individuals power and in an unlimited

    possibility of progress, all the more so for Britain also being the cradle of the

    Industrial Revolution. Dictated by a tough competition with other European nations,

    the British Empire expanded with a view to establishing new spheres of influence and

    gaining control over previously unexplored areas that represented fresh opportunities

    for trade and new sources of wealth. A feeling of national pride was also associated

    with Britains expansionistic tendencies in the nineteenth century, which undoubtedly

    accounts for part of the apparent stability of the Victorian society. The Empire was,

    thus, another stronghold of the Victorian age, on whose strength much of the spirit of

    the period depended.


    Morgan , Kenneth O. (ed.), The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, Oxford University Press, 2000,p.4932ibidem., p.496

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    On the occasion of the Great Exhibition of 1851, proudly opened by Queen

    Victoria and Prince Albert in London, E. P. Hood, the inventor of the term Victorian

    stated with immeasurable pride. The Englishman lives to move and to struggle, to

    conquer and to build; to visit all seas, to diffuse the genius of his character over all

    nations. Industry, Protestantism, Liberty seem born of the Teutonic racethat race to

    whom God has committed the conservation as well as the spread of Truth and on

    whom mainly depend the civilisation and progress of the world.3

    The boom in wealth generated a boom in birth rate. In the public opinion, the

    traditional picture of the family reigned supreme. The large family was the rule in the

    Victorian society. Many children, gathered under the protective wing of a caring

    mother, materially depended on the effort, and consequent success, of the father, who

    could be seen as a dignified epitome of God on earth.

    Much of the stability and solidity of the Victorian age were given by peoples

    perceiving the family, the monarchy and the empire as solid, incontestable and wealth

    providing institutions. Although the Victorian prosperity was only one side of the

    coin, the other being the victims, the multitude of the crushed and the oppressed, few

    Victorian people ever seriously thought of contesting the beneficial role of these

    institutions in the Victorian society. Dissatisfaction may have been formulated with

    any other social, economic or political aspects. The monarch and the institution she

    led, the imperialist expansionism and the family as the basic social unit of the society

    were never questioned.

    Literature, and especially fiction, reflects the reality in a certain period of time.

    The Victorian novel, constructed according to the conventions of realism is, thus,

    expected to be in various ways a reflection, or better said, a representation of the

    Victorian society, with all its underlying values. Yet, one and the same cultural,

    ideological and axiological background will generate different distinct individual

    works. The main condition of existence of fiction is that it establishes a necessary

    relationship with the external referent. When a mimetic attitude to literature is

    adopted, the fictional work will create an illusion of reality, which can go from an

    apparent total overlap between fiction and reality, to subtly or maybe strikingly

    3Hood, E.P., The Age and Its Architects quoted in Bedarida, F., A Social History of England 1851-

    1990, Routledge, 1994

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    divergent paths of the two. No matter which type of illusion it creates, the work

    always is an original processing of the same material. It is the form and the choice of

    method and technique that gives the work uniqueness and differentiates it from any

    other individual work, even if the latter is inspired from the same referent.

    Starting from the historical delimitation of the Victorian period, it is interesting to

    see how different Victorian writers, or writers creating in the Victorian age,

    formulated their own standpoint and related themselves to the Victorian values and

    conventions. The paper will try to demonstrate that there is a clear relationship

    between the particular standpoint that a writer chooses to express and the technique

    that he opts for in order to carry into effect the intended representation. To this end, I

    have chosen for exemplification three novels by three novelists whose work displays a

    fairly wide range of references to the Victorian period, but which, by a different

    option in point of technique, produced a different representation of reality. The

    specific moment of time when the three novels I selected were published is also

    relevant. Charles Dickens Bleak House came out in 1852-1853, i.e. about the same

    time the Great Exhibition took place in London. The Great Exhibition marked a

    turning point in the history of the nineteenth century, delimiting the Hungry Forties

    from the Fabulous Fifties. Lewis Carrolls Alices Adventures in Wonderlandappeared in 1865, i.e. a moment when the Victorian values indicative of wealth and

    prosperity, success and self-confidence became the standard of the Victorian

    organisation. Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness was written in 1899 and published

    only three years later in 1902, i.e. in a period when the Victorian system, the Empire

    included, underwent a process of decline, when mans value system got relative under

    the influence of the turn-of-the-century scientific and technological discoveries. I will

    approach the three novels, starting from some textual instances that I consider

    relevant to the purpose of this paper. The three writers work will be dealt with in

    succession, given the fact that the view of the world and the modifications of

    technique can be also interpreted as time-dependent.

    Dickens confronts his reader with an image of the Victorian society rendered in the

    conventions of the realist novel. Without claiming that he would reform manners and

    morals, or that he would repair social injustice, Dickens constitutes himself, however,

    into a spokesperson of the realities of his time. He has a view of both sides of the

    Victorian coin, but he chooses to emphasise more the bad side of it, focusing on the

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    deficiencies of the legal, social and political system. Dickens is a keen observer of

    reality and he decides to present it as truthfully and as accurately as possible. He

    chooses thus the narrative technique that could provide the proper birds-eye view of

    the Victorian panorama. The point of view that Dickens uses is the omniscient, which

    means that, no matter how sceptical about the values underlying the Victorian system

    he may be, he is not ready to essentially question these values. The omniscient

    narrator is a God-like presence in the narrative that parallels Gods central position to

    the Victorian mans system of values. Consequently, critical as Dickens is of

    Englands situation, the values underlying his thinking coincide to a certain extent

    with those underlying the thinking of any Victorian individual. Dickens may criticise

    the organisation of his contemporary England, but he will seldom, if ever, question

    the validity of this organisation, in a subversive way. Dickens criticism can be

    effected in tones ranging from mild irony, through satire to bitter sarcasm, but

    ultimately he will acknowledge the system as system, and thus his novel will be an

    artistic representation of a society which is, after all, stable and solid.

    Although England and the English political system are not too often the subject

    matter of Dickens novels in explicit terms, the chapter National and Domestic in

    Bleak House offers the reader an almost straightforward representation of the

    countrys political deficiencies. There is one ingredient that is purposefully avoided in

    the constitution of England the Queen. One may easily refer the two fictional

    characters in the fragment to the historical personages Benjamin Disraeli and William

    Gladstone, both Prime Ministers having played a significant part during Queen

    Victorias reign. Yet the monarch does not appear, although Dickens openly satirises

    the performance of the two politicians, the former a Conservative, the latter a Liberal.

    Dickens message is that all political alternatives are reduced to mere irrelevance

    when the judicial system is so ineffective and so negatively reflected in the peoples

    life. Yet, the taboo subject of the queen, and implicitly of the monarchy, is not

    tackled, which is clearly indicative of Dickens essential standpoint.

    England had been in a dreadful state for some weeks. Lord Coodle would go

    out, Sir Thomas Doodle wouldnt come in, and there being nobody in Great

    Britain (to speak of) except Coodle and Doodle, there has been no

    Government. It is a mercy that the hostile meeting between the two great

    men, which at one time seemed inevitable, did not come off; because if both

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    pistols had taken effect, and Coodle and Doodle had killed each other, it is

    to be presumed that England must have waited to be governed until young

    Coodle and young Doodle, now in frocks and long stockings, were grown

    up. This stupendous national calamity, however, was averted by Lord

    Coodles making the timely discovery that, if in the heat of debate he had

    said that he scorned and despised the whole ignoble career of Sir Thomas

    Doodle, he had merely meant to say that party difference should never

    induce him to withhold from it the tribute of his warmest admiration; while it

    as opportunely turned out, on the other hand, that Sir Thomas Doodle had in

    his own bosom expressly booked Lord Coodle to go down to posterity as the

    mirror of virtue and honour. Still England has been some weeks in the

    dismal strait of having no pilot (as was well observed by Sir Leicester

    Dedlock) to weather the storm; and the marvellous part of the matter is, that

    England has not appeared to care very much about it, but has gone on

    eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage, as the old world

    did in the days before the flood.4

    The irony underlying the text is evident. The names of the two great men come

    into derisive discrepancy with their indispensability to the fate of Britannia, asEngland is referred to some lines downwards by Dickens, in remembrance of the

    heroic days of the Roman province. The common noun doodle5 turned into a proper

    one and, more importantly, assigned to a person on whose shoulders the responsibility

    of a country lies suggests Dickens clear intention of mocking at the whole political

    system that both Conservatives and Liberals represented. The name Coodle is

    only an invention to make political irresponsibility rhyme. Dickens has the same

    critical attitude when he considers the political discourse in the Victorian period. He

    points to the ambiguity and lack of coherence of this discourse, which may be mildly

    termed diplomatic, but which shows nothing but the indifference, lack of consistency,

    even rude manners of the politicians at that, and other coming, time. Similarly, he

    questions, by attacking it, the hereditary right of the aristocratic class to the

    government of the country. Yet what the reader discovers, in surprise is that, in the

    Victorian writers opinion, the country could manage without the two, which


    Dickens, Ch.,Bleak House, Penguin Books, 1994, pp.5165doodle: meaningless scrawls and scribbles, while one is or ought to be paying attention to something


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    indicates, in an implicit way that the structure was seen as stable and strong enough to

    resist in absence of government. This is the reason why the Queen is not held

    responsible. She was a guarantee to the countrys stability and prosperity. Her

    privileged place in the Victorian mentality prevented Dickens from having her

    artistically involved. The Queen, just like the other institutions mentioned in the

    beginning of this paper, was a taboo subject. Adopting an omniscient narrators

    perspective, it would have been unlikely that Dickens should diverge from the main

    line of thought and mentality of the Victorian age. He formulated an individual

    viewpoint, without taking the risk of offending the public one.

    Just a few years later, Lewis Carroll represented the same Victorian period, but in

    a moment when Victorian issues had, in a way, ceased to be seen as points of

    controversy. Things had started to change for the better, and the Reform Bills relieved

    Great Britains political system. Under the form of a nonsensical story, anticipating

    the twentieth-century literature of the absurd, Lewis Carroll enlarges upon various

    Victorian topics, in a joking and apparently superficial way. The form he adopts and

    the technique that he decides onselective omniscience- indicate more than a change

    in the tenets of literature. It was certainly difficult for Carroll to give an unbiased view

    of his times society unless he decided to free his reader from a too strict control onthe part of the omniscient narrator. To be able to express a personal standpoint, he had

    to sacrifice the privilege of omniscience to the freer perspective of a character who

    should not necessarily hold the systems values in reverence. Alice is indeed a

    dignified representative of the Victorian society, but she is a child, so she has an

    incomplete and imperfect view of the society she was born in and educated to. For

    this reason, the action being filtered through her eyes, she has the capacity of coping

    with the topical issues of the Victorian age in a freer manner and thus formulating a

    viewpoint different from that of Dickens. Alices eye functions as a mirror, but due to

    the incompleteness of her knowledge, as an imperfect, sometimes distorted mirror.

    The impression of distortion is accentuated further more by the story being transferred

    to a realm of dream. Beside the narrative precautions that Carroll took to enable him

    to move more freely within the established value system, cherished by the Victorian

    public opinion, he also resorted to a method of demonstration borrowed from

    mathematics, the reductio ad absurdum one6. Thus all Carrolls story acquires an in-


    reductio ad absurdum: the disproof of a proposition by showing that its conclusion can be only absurd

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    the-mirror quality. The imperfect and distorted mirror reflects the image of the

    Victorian society, without the writer committing himself to the sense and value of the

    mirror reflections.

    Under the circumstances, it is not surprising that Alice admits the court and the

    queen in her representations of the Victorian society. She had had access to the

    incontestable meaning of this institution only through books, that is her discourse

    becomes a second degree one, and for this much less implicating. What Alice does in

    the encounter with the underground dream world is nothing but to assign appropriate

    roles, whose knowledge and linguistic labels she had acquired from books, to beings

    she meets. It is only through language that Alices whole world is constructed, which

    is not different from how fiction linguistically constructs itself starting from facts of

    the real. Due to this strategy, Carrolls criticism, if there is any at all, and his

    representation of the Victorian society are liberated from the constraints of the

    Victorian mentality.

    The King and Queen of Hearts were seated on their throne when they

    arrived, with a great crowd assembled about them [].

    Alice had never been in a court of justice before, but she had read aboutthem in books, and she was quite pleased to find that she knew the name of

    nearly everything there. Thats the judge, she said to herself, because of

    his great wig.

    The judge, by the way, was the King; and as he wore his crown over the wig,

    (look at the frontispiece if you want to see how he did it,) he did not look at

    all comfortable, and it was certainly not becoming.

    And thats the jury-box, thought Alice, and those twelve creatures, (she

    was obliged to say creatures, you see, because some of them were animals,

    and some were birds.) I suppose they are the jurors. She said this last word

    two or three times over to herself, being rather proud of it: for she thought,

    and rightly too, that very few little girls of her age knew the meaning of it

    all. However, jury-men would have done just as well.7

    7Carroll, L.,Alices Adventures in Wonderland, Penguin Books, 1994, pp. 128-129

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    In Conrads case, the representation strategies are more complicated. Conrad is a

    turn-of-the-century writer. The Victorian value system starts to give way under the

    pressure of a new, not yet definite, one. Conrads works faces the crisis of the

    Victorian value system and so it represents a Victorian society that strives to preserve

    their feeling of self-confidence by giving prominence to the imperialistic values. The

    British Empire reached its climax in the last years of the nineteenth century and, as a

    matter of fact, its supremacy had never been contested before in the Victorian

    literature. It seems that it was only an exile, such as Conrad was, a man of Europe and

    not a British subject, to come to grips with the obvious controversial aspects of

    Britains imperialistic experience. The imperial idea, which reached its zenith

    between 1880 and 1914, was a strange compound of widely different ingredients: the

    will to power, the profit motive, national pride, Christian zeal, humanitarian feeling

    an extraordinary mixture of cold calculation and passion, reason and sentiment, all

    combined in one irresistible thrust.8

    For all its civilising dimensions, the springs of the imperialistic experience were

    mainly material. However, the moral aspect had been always seen as inherent in the

    mechanisms and ideologies of the empire. Thus many considered it the duty and

    obligation of the whites to civilise the savages, to impart their knowledge to theuncultured brutes, to pass on the European cultural standards to the native inhabitants.

    With all this moral camouflage, it is not surprising that the imperialistic ideas were

    more often than not perceived as positive within the general framework of the

    Victorian value system.

    Dealing with such delicate issues in an age which had already announced its

    relativity, Conrad needed, from a narrative as well as from an ideological point of

    view, the proper detachment that could permit him to investigate the imperialistic

    discourse and to subversively assert his own standpoint. Both the narrative and the

    ideological detachment are ensured in Conrads novels by the adoption of a technique

    of indirectness, with Marlow as a narrator, observer, interpreter and experiencer of the


    References to the empire, a taboo subject in the Victorian novels, are always veiled

    and subtle. Meanings of the empire are interwoven with a deeper meaning of mans

    8Bedarida, F.,A Social History of England 1851-1990, 1994, p.145

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    investigation of the self. There are, however, portions in Heart of Darkness, where

    ideas relating to the empire are clearly stated, although dealt with quite

    diplomatically. Conrad does not aim at shocking his audiences. He simply wants to

    question and subvert the existing value system, which he manages to do by an artful

    combination of acknowledged truths and ironically questioned ones. This flexibility

    of approach would have never been possible without his eye witness narrators


    As compared to his predecessors direct reference to Victorian aspects, in a more or

    less ironic tone, Conrad handles topics relating to the empire more subtly and with

    much more insight. He is more interested in the philosophy and ideology of the

    empire and their relevance to mans existence than in the institution as such.

    We looked at the venerable stream not in the vivid flush of a short day that

    comes and departs for ever, but in the august light of abiding memories. And

    indeed nothing is easier for a man who has, as the phrase goes, followed

    the sea with reverence and affection, than to evoke the great spirit of the

    past upon the lower reaches of the Thames. The tidal current runs to and fro

    in its unceasing service, crowded with memories of men and ships it had

    borne to the rest of home or to the battles of the sea. It had known and

    served all the men of whom the nation is proud, from Sir Francis Drake to

    Sir John Franklin, knights all, titled and untitledthe great knights-errant

    of the sea. It had borne all the ships whose names are like jewels flashing in

    the night of time, from the Golden Hind returning with her round flanks full

    of treasure, to be visited by the Queens Highness and thus pass out of the

    gigantic tale, to the Erebus and Terror, bound on other conquestsand that

    never returned. It had known the ships and the men. They had sailed from

    Deptford, from Greenwich, from Erith the adventurers and the settlers;

    kings ships and the ships of men on Change; captains, admirals, the dark

    interlopers of the Eastern Trade, and the commissioned generals of East

    India fleets. Hunters for gold or pursuers of fame, they all had gone out on

    that stream, bearing the sword, and often the torch, messengers of the might

    within the land, bearers of a spark from the sacred fire. What greatness had

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    not floated in the ebb of that river into the mystery of an unknown earth!

    The dreams of men, the seed of commonwealths, the germs of empires.9

    The fragment synthesises Great Britains imperialistic experience from the times of

    the Renaissance, to whose name much lustre was added by historians as regards the

    exploits of brave lords-pirates such as Drake, to the modern times. Englands

    imperialistic history does not confine itself to the Victorian times. The expansionist

    tendencies of Britain are inherent in the medieval crusades, and the conquering of

    Canada and America. What Conrad suggests, by the way in which he organises the

    historical information and adds to it his subtle ironic comments, is that mans

    propensity towards destruction and self-destruction, translated in expansion and

    conquest, is inherent in human nature. What seems to be nothing but a sequence of

    events praising Englands uninterrupted presence in the history of the world turns out

    to be a subversive dismantling of the very building the text apparently puts up.

    Conrad gallantly refers to the Queen and her reassuring presence, it is true that he

    means Queen Elizabeth I, but he implies Victoria as well as any other monarch of

    England, while disclosing the monarchs implication in the imperialistic

    destructiveness. Conrads strategy is thus characterised by simultaneous assertion and

    subversion of a value system, which is part of the modernity of his enterprise.

    Nineteenth-century style is born after a lengthy and complicated process of

    transition of the meanings attributed to almost every artist relationship with reality.

    The ideal time to take Thomas Lawrence and William Etty vision of a conventional

    beauty, superficial and David Wilkie from an anecdotal petty. Iamginea first-century

    British art is a deterrent. Fusseli famous death and Blake (1920) and Constable's (the

    year Queen Victoria ntronrii - 1837) Turner's create them isolated status, becomes a

    kind decorative watercolor and only a few artists, such as Samuel Prout and Thomas

    Shotter Boys extant, in a minor tonality, the virtues of evocation of the picturesque.

    At this point, taste Victorians - insufficiently prepared to accept Turner's landscapes

    glow - inclined to Clarkson Stanfield's navies. But his on, Ruskin remarked: "Any

    painting of containing as many scientists focused on sea and sky, technical how-to

    dilute his masters"10 . Now turns romantic themes, as in literary forms, the mannerist

    forms. Exceptions are rare (eg Theodor von Holst).

    9Conrad, J., Heart of Darkness, Penguin Books, 1994, pp. 6-7

    10Dan Grigorescu, English Art (1989), Bucharest University, p.313

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    Victorian taste in fine arts show more directly than any other area of British culture.

    Is a dark period, driven by violent confrontation in order to obtain political rights for

    the proletariat, held on the economic depression the country rocks. Depressing picture

    of Victorian England's Elizabeth Gaskell's books pencil, the Bronte sisters or Dickens.

    World perspective that emerges from their work is completed by the painter William

    Bell Scott memoirs - a framework suffocating feeling of helplessness overwhelmed

    by hypocrisy and lust hidden behind appearances pudice.Influena epigones on artists

    from the Victorian is an obvious, even if at first is ideological rather than stylistic

    order. An example is the "ideal community" (a phalanstery artists) created at

    Shoreham, in 1826 by Samuel Palmer and a group of friends who call themselves "the

    Ancients", whose enthusiasm was impelled by the ideas of Blake (whose disciple

    Palmer was very enthusiastic), although so far not known but a fragment of Blake's

    work - his woodcuts for Virgil's Eglogelor edition (published between 1820-1821).

    Palmer himself will work towards the end of life, the illustrations for his own

    translations of Eglogele vergiliene. He was attracted to the natural landscape,

    especially the light of the world, twilight, forests, streams, trees with strange shapes,

    delicate contrasts of light and shadow, geomerizate landscapes. Cycles of the

    landscapes are small works, of deep poetic vibration (wind clouds roll, appleblossoms in the moonlight) but lacking depth. More contoured, George Richmond and

    Edward Calvert (also "ancient") are deeply influenced by Blake and Palmer. Calvert's

    art and the more direct heavenly perspective, pastoral engravings by Blake, Palmer's

    youthful works and landscaping to Shoreham. But as he merged them, but betrays an

    essentially pagan poetry (and not Blake's philosophy). Palmer differs from the "lyrical

    erotic hunt" what works and crosses. Remarkably engraver, Calvert celebrates youth

    in the 11 works (1825-1831) natural fertility myth. George Richmond is closer to the

    style of Blake (Blake is said that some of the corrected drawings paintings), but lacks

    febrile communion with nature, he was defining his vision of Palmer and Calvert.

    Blake's influence extends the work of John Linnell. Student of humble but good

    professor John Varley, Linnell was encouraged to identify the nature of art all that is

    necessary. Together with his friend William Henry Hunt, Linnell noted dramatic

    views of the solitary lands such as houses in ruins, river banks and trees store France

    by storm. Realism landscapes in the first period of the nineteenth century collectors

    call perceived as "too cruel" and no sense of beauty. However echo Blake's ideas are

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    found in Linnell's paintings, landscapes are imbued with a spirit that is pastoral

    associate with the strangely accurate representations of fragments of nature. Through

    Linnell, the echo will reverberate until the end of century..

    Turner's followers failed to go beyond the classical landscape forms taken as a

    means of expression of romantic feeling. Among them stands John Martin (in the first

    half of the nineteenth century - he had originally learned the art of painting on

    porcelain and he will find the smoothness of lines, delicate tonal harmony of painting

    in oil. Under the influence of romantic, his compositions apocalyptic air releases:

    fantastic caves, flying demons and scenes of oriental stories. historical or biblical

    themes (destruction of Pompeii, Flood, Osul of Balthazar) are treated with ease but

    manierizare threatened, with the passage of time. popularity has increased through

    engravings, and illustrations of the 24 (the technique mezzotintei) from Milton's

    Paradise Lost, published in 1824.

    Victorian art remain indifferent to all the great conflicts of the time, following a

    quiet course, normal. Are characteristic topics John Frederick Lewis (with his harem

    scenes) aimed at the kind of beauty found in the journals of the time fashion and

    portraits of Thomas Lawrence. William Powell Frith, however, make exception

    ("Hogarth of the Victorian period") and its composition with scenes of life in time, it

    includes many landscapes found in railway stations, racing or promenade

    balneare.Dominant resorts in Victorian art, tend pictorial composition to make a

    favorite fable with many celebrities opting for themes such as sin and punishment.

    One of the most acclaimed artists of the time - Augustus Egg melodramas compresses

    his compositions, in the spirit vitorian moralizing allegories, like Robert Braithwaite

    Martineau.n '70s is prolific presentation of the emotional tone dezmoteniilor fate,

    Luke, noting the ivory, very popular at that time.

    Feature of this period is late review and ignoring the ideals of Classical Antiquity

    shows the contemporary reality. Artists in the second half of re-discover the Elgin and

    the regularity of classical Greek drapery robes composition and effect. Artists (Albert

    Moore, Frederick Leighton, George Frederick Watts) but not exceeding a certain

    didacticism.Printr-archaeological perspective rather than the classicist, the story with

    contemporary subject is reduced to anecdote (Frederick Walker, Edward Poynter,

    Alma-Tadema Lwrence - influential the mentality of the end is academist century

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    and Alfred Stevens - furthers the "Grand Style" by Reynolds, extended until1875).

    Another feature of the Victorian period is the strange isolation of British painters

    of the world, content with the patronage of wealthy bourgeois. Becomes necessary to

    renew the art of the continent, which is made by an American in London - Whistler.

    He manages to recover, before long, the link between England and Europe.

    The end of Victorian era England picture is confusing, insipid, more can inglorious

    than other European powers. '80s And '90s brought the creation of various art

    colonies, the French model of Pont-Aven: Newlyn in Cornwall (1884), from Staithes

    in Yorkshire and in Scotland at Brig O'Turk (where are gathered so called "Glasgow

    Boys"). publishers began to publish photo albums that often recorded patriarchal

    endangered world. The new galleries promoting young work groups (The New

    Gallery, The Grosvenor Gallery - which opened Ruskin attacked Whistler's

    exhibition). In 1886 incurred Arts Club New English, an association aimed at

    promoting the organization of exhibitions participating artists and anticonservatori

    antiacademiti. In a short time but the club will betray the very least anticonservative

    trends, which will lead to the creation, within it, in 1889, the organization's "core

    Impressionist of NEAC (New English Art Club)", led by young Walter Richard

    Sickert and Philip Wilson Steer. Influenced early Whisler (Sickert was a student),then the two embraced Impressionism, with art meeting different Impressionists

    Degas and French. The most important work of Sickert's Impressionist Summer

    evening. If we consider the connotation it has in England the term "impressionist"

    painting that has the gift of new that surprised and irritated audience and critics, only

    Steer can be considered an impressionist and only during 1887-1894, when he paints

    scenes by the sea at Walberswick. Between Sickert and Impressionism on the

    continent, the only link is to investigate the uncertain distribution of light and

    shadows, while the delicate tone painting smooth surfaces rather claimed in Whistler.

    Exhibition "London Impressionists' Paris of the Goupil Gallery in 1889, attended by

    ten young people who form the core of the NEAC has puzzled French critics, for the

    term" impressionism "had another meaning.

    1.2. The literary scene in the Victorian age

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    At the beginning of the Victorian era, about 80% was able to read. Even so, only a

    small part had time to do so and the money to buy books, for many people in that

    period buying a book was considerated a luxury. One reason for the expansion of the

    readers was that people were motivated to fight for their rights, an example is creating

    The Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, inn witch people had the privilege to

    borrow books.

    Defining Victorian literature in any satisfactory and comprehensive manner has

    proven troublesome for critics ever since the nineteenth century came to a close. The

    movement roughly comprises the years from 1830 to 1900, though there is ample

    disagreement regarding even this simple point. The name given to the period is

    borrowed from the royal matriarch of England, Queen Victoria, who sat on throne

    from 1837 to 1901. One has difficulty determining with any accuracy where the

    Romantic Movement of the early nineteenth century leaves off and the Victorian

    Period begins because these traditions have so many aspects in common. Likewise,

    identifying the point where Victorianism gives way completely to Modernism is no

    easy task. Literary periods are never the discrete, self-contained realms which the

    anthologies so suggest. Rather, a literary period more closely resembles a rope that is

    frayed at both ends. Many threads make up the rope and work together to form thewhole artistic and cultural milieu. The Victorian writers exhibited some well-

    established habits from previous eras, while at the same time pushing arts and letters

    in new and interesting directions. Indeed, some of the later Victorian novelists and

    poets are nearly indistinguishable from the Modernists who followed shortly

    thereafter. In spite of the uncertainty of terminology, there are some concrete

    statements that one can make regarding the nature of Victorian literature, and the

    intellectual world which nurtured that literature11.

    During the Victorian age, there were immense changes in society, advances in the

    sciences, and it was also the beginning of the Industrial Age. A number of the

    literature produced during this period reflected on these changes and celebrated

    them. Some literary works criticized the changes being made and made a mockery of

    them as well.

    The literary genre, the novel, also came on the scene during the Victorian

    11 Josh Rahn, Victorian literature, (1987), Morehead State University, p. 68

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    Era. Some Victorian writers that also emerged are Charles Dickens, George Eliot,

    Elizabeth Gaskell, and Oscar Wilde. Victorian writers always responded to the

    conditions around them. Queen Victoria influenced her world and she also influenced

    the literature that used conditions in the Victorian world as its subject.

    The literature of the period reflects the wide horizons of the Empire. Among

    historical writers, Parkman the American was one of the first and best to reflect the

    imperial spirit. In such works asA Half-Century of ConflictandMontcalm and Wolfe

    he portrayed the conflict not of one nation against another but rather of two

    antagonistic types of civilization: the military and feudal system of France against the

    democratic institutions of the Anglo-Saxons. Among the explorers, Mungo Park had

    anticipated the Victorians in his Travels in the Interior of Africa (1799), a wonderful

    book which set England to dreaming great dreams; but not until the heroic

    Livingstones Missionary Travels and Research in South Africa, The Zambesi and its

    Tributaries and Last Journals [Footnote: In connection with Livingstones works,

    StanleysHow I Found Livingstone (1872) should also be read. Livingstone died in

    Africa in 1873, and hisJournals were edited by another hand. For a summary of his

    work and its continuation see Livingstone and the Exploration of Central Africa

    (London, 1897).] appeared was the veil lifted from the Dark Continent. Beside suchworks should be placed numerous stirring journals of exploration in Canada, in India,

    in Australia, in tropical or frozen seas,--wherever in the round world the colonizing

    genius of England saw opportunity to extend the boundaries and institutions of the

    Empire. Macaulays Warren Hastings, Edwin Arnolds Indian Idylls, Kiplings

    Soldiers Three,--a few such works must be read if we are to appreciate the imperial

    spirit of modern English history and literature.

    Victorian literatures temper is described as am eager of earness response toexpanding horizon of nineteenth century life12. It reflected concerns about the effects

    of the industrialization process and the fear of the alienation.

    There also existed the desire of the part of readers to be guided and edified13.

    Problems of the daily life and also society and religion needed to be discussed and

    explained. 14

    12Abrams, 1993, p.906


    11, p. 905

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    Victorianism is understood that the image of British realism, bringing the same

    level writers sequences showing specific life-nineteenth century England territory.

    Dickens plays "Picture" universal child abandoned to their own devices, but finally

    manages to keep their innocence, kindness and trust in people. An Oliver or Pip seem

    to have been weird to find or maybe rather, to find the support just when are about to

    (be) lost. Not strong and self-confidence will keep them within the property, but

    rather agents destiny. Pip is "saved" the prisoner's confession time, the help given by

    Miss Havisham, the Magwitch, Herbert and perhaps finally meeting with Estella. In

    the case of Oliver scheme is almost the same, but backups are of two types: Rescue

    the and save a life despicable.

    Thackeray gives life to a powerful female Julien Sorel, Becky Sharp the image is

    used for any climber to climb the social hierarchy. The writer acid which skillfully

    manipulates his characters microcosm, whose center is snobbery, upstartism desire to

    be sheltered by a coat of arms. Bronte sisters are those female characters bring

    forward full force and determination. Is there growing heroine with each page of the

    novel, most times managed to overcome hard lines (Jane Eyre) or pretend to not

    understand the game of destiny, and finally be crushed by it (in crossroads of winds).

    In Emily Bronte when the first attempts to hide the omniscience


    by interferingdirectly in the text as a minor character (At the crossroads of winds).

    Charlotte Bronte builds a character-narrator who is lost in moving scenery. Jane

    Eyre is a Gothic boarding school where he completes the education, removed from

    that environment, will become a gray spot color to Thornfield Manor or Marsh's


    Thomas Hardy brings to the stage characters close to those of ancient tragedy by

    placing into an implacable destiny and fatality. He manages to put character against a

    given environment, so that eventually the reflector to be held on the internal structure

    of the hero. Image realism with which Hardy plays hard life class bottom of British

    society, work becomes a critique of it, especially the idea of British woman's purity.

    Like Flaubert, seems to love the heroine. Despite the constant failure, the writer gives

    14Kristin Simion, The diverisity of the Victorian literature, Seminar paper, Grin Publish & Find

    knowledge, 2005, p. 315Olteanu, T. (1977).Morfologia romanului european n secolul al XIX-lea, Bucureti:Univers., p. 339

    16Galea, I. (1996). Victorianism and Literature, Cluj-Napoca:Dacia

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    the image of the pure woman, finally managed to rehabilitate the readers and turn it

    into a woman who has the power to stand against games fate, even if defeated17.

    Oscar Wilde and sequence depicts real life, harsh and oppressive

    with those less fortunate. The Happy Prince is writing of extraordinary load, with

    over-character generosity and magnanimity. Following the realist tradition, Wilde

    succeeds in the few pages to give life to the story types and paint in dark colors

    painting company end Victorian era. Flight brings the reader he-swallow a live picture

    of the abundance realm of the rich and gloomy picture of the world poor.

    Sorin Alexandrescu 18 if Henry James speaks of an American Victorianism a

    extension of British Victorianism thus to the European canon. In this case, realism

    equivalent to trying to give the canon, the tendency to lean on daily life through the

    detail, the veracity of that reproduced or social biography of the character. It off both

    the European models (Dickens, Thackeray), and the American Crane). in

    aesthetic influence current (pre-Raphaelite painters, Wilde) becomes adept superiority

    of art over

    reality, taking it as a landmark on Flaubert.

    1.3. The status of womenThe era of the Victorian women spanned 64 years and concluded several

    changes in attitudes.

    The status of women in Victorian Age is often seen as an illustration of striking

    discrepancy between Englands national power and wealth and what many, and

    now considered that is appalling social conditions. During the era symbolized by

    the reigh of the British monarh Queen Victoria, difficulties escaladed for women

    because of the vision of the ideal woman shared by the most in the society. The

    legal rights of the married women were similar of those of children; they could not

    vote or sue or even own property. Also, they were seen as pure and clean. Because

    of this view, their bodies were seen as temples which should not be adorned with

    17Christiansen, R. (2000). The Victorian Visitors: Culture Shock in the Nineteenth-Century Britain,

    New York:Atlantic Monthly Press18Sorin Alexandrescu, Henry James or riddle poem, preface to H. James, Daisy Miller, for Ed. Lit.,

    Pcs., 1968

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    jewelry nor used for physical exertion or pleasurable sex. The role of women was

    to have children and tend to house. They could not have a job unless it eas that of

    a teacher or a domestic servant, nor they were allowed to have their own cheking


    The common thinking about women in the Victorian era was that a womans

    position was limited to domestic work and the care for her children. The stereotype of

    the distribution of roles was women staying by the hearth with their needles whilst

    men wielded their swords.

    Women had to bear a large family and to maintain a smooth family atmosphere

    whereby men did not need to bother himself about domestic matters. A gentlewoman

    ensured that the home was a place of comfort for her husband and family from the

    stresses of Industrial Britain.

    Victorian dresses show typical excessive style elements such as V-waists, layering

    of trims and bell sleeves. The Victorian head of household dressed his woman to

    show off family wealth. Additionally, there were great differences between members

    of society by the end of the Queen Victorias reign but the most instantly apparent

    difference was through the garments worn.

    Not only the dress code symbolized the status of a Victorian woman but also thecircumstances she lived in. A wealthy wife was supposed to spend her time reading,

    sewing, receiving guests, going visiting, letter writing, seeing to the servants and

    dressing for the part as her husbands social representative.

    In contrast, for the very poor of Britain society it was common to wear fifth hand

    clothes and to eat the pickings left over in a rich household.

    Whether married or single all Victorian women were expected to be weak and

    helpless so that they looked like fragile delicate flowers incapable of making

    decisions. Besides, if a woman took a lover it was not made public because if that

    became the case she would be cut by society. Instead, men could amble along to one

    of their gentlemens clubs and always find a warm welcome.

    Relationships in 1887 were quite artificial. A married woman could not own

    property and became a chattel of the man. A divorced woman had indeed no chance

    of acceptance in society again.

    Most women had little choice but to marry and upon doing so everything they

    owned, inherited and earned automatically belonged to their husband. This meant that

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    if an offence orfelony was committed against her, only her husband could prosecute.

    Furthermore, rights to the woman personally - that is, access to her body - were his.

    Not only was this assured by law, but the woman herself agreed to it verbally: written

    into the marriage ceremony was a vow to obey her husband, which every woman had

    to swear before God as well as earthly witnesses. Not until the late 20th century did

    women obtain the right to omit that promise from their wedding vows.

    In 1890, Florence Fenwick Miller (1854-1935), a midwife turned journalist,

    described woman's position succinctly:

    Under exclusively man-made laws women have been reduced to the most abject

    condition of legal slavery in which it is possible for human beings to be held...under

    the arbitrary domination of another's will, and dependent for decent treatment

    exclusively on the goodness of heart of the individual master. (From a speech to the

    National Liberal Club)19

    Every man had the right to force his wife into sex and childbirth. He could

    take her children without reason and send them to be raised elsewhere. He

    could spend his wife's inheritance on a mistress or on prostitutes. Sometime,

    somewhere, all these things - and a great many more - happened. To give but

    one example, Susannah Palmer escaped from her adulterous husband in 1869

    after suffering many years of brutal beatings, and made a new life. She

    worked, saved, and created a new home for her children. Her husband found

    her, stripped her of all her possessions and left her destitute, with the blessing

    of the law. In a fury she stabbed him, and was immediately prosecuted.

    If a woman was unhappy with her situation there was, almost without

    exception, nothing she could do about it. Except in extremely rare cases, a

    woman could not obtain a divorce and, until 1891, if she ran away from an

    intolerable marriage the police could capture and return her, and her husband

    could imprison her. All this was sanctioned by church, law, custom, history,

    and approved of by society in general. Nor was it the result of ancient,

    outdated laws: the new (1857) divorce act restated the moral inequality. Mere

    adultery was not grounds for a woman to divorce a man; however, it was

    sufficient grounds for a man to divorce his wife.

    19Fenwick Miller (1890) cited in Wojtczak
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    Signs of rebellion were swiftly crushed by fathers, husbands, even brothers.

    Judge William Blackstone had announced that husbands could administer

    "moderate correction" to disobedient wives, and there were other means: as

    late as 1895, Edith Lanchester's father had her kidnapped and committed to a

    lunatic asylum for cohabiting with a man. As a Marxist and feminist, she was

    morally and politically opposed to marriage.

    Among the rich, family wealth automatically passed down the male line; if

    a daughter got anything it was a small percentage. Only if she had no brothers,

    came from a very wealthy family, and remained unmarried, could a woman

    become independent. A very wealthy woman might make a premarital

    agreement for her wealth to be held in a trust fund, but in the majority of cases

    marriage stripped a woman of all her assets and handed them to her husband.

    At the end of Victorian times things changed and many women adopted the tailor

    made garment that showed their more serious concern to be recognized as thinking

    beings with much to offer society beyond being a social asset for a husband.

    New inventions such as sewing machine or railway and the capability to use those led

    to new thinking and women of all classes felt the dynamic atmosphere of change as

    much as men. Many women joined the Fabian Society, a group of non revolutionary

    thinking socialists and others sought reform for more practical dress, better education,

    the right to take up paid work and better employment prospects.