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ANK AND QUOTATION SECTION OF THE COMMERCIAL & FINANCIAL CHRONICLE. Copyrighted in 1911 according to Act of Congress, by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, in office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. VOL. 92. NEW YORK, APRIL 8 1911. NO. 2389 INDEX TO STATEMENTS OF BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES ALBANY, N. Y. Page. National Commercial Bank... _ _ 4 ATLANTA, GA. Atlanta National Bank AUGUSTA, GA. Georgia Railroad Bank. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Page First National Bank 10 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. First National Bank 15 7 Northwestern National Bank_ 15 Security Nat. Bank of Minn._ _ 15 8 MOBILE, ALA. People's Bank BALTIMORE, MD. Farmers & Merchants Nat. Bk. 5 Merchants' National Bank 6 Safe Deposit & Trust Co 6 BIRMINGHAM, ALA. First National Bank 10 BOSTON, MASS. National Union Bank 3 BUFFALO, N. Y. Marine National Bank CHARLESTON, S. C. People's National Bank 8 CHICAGO ILL. Chicago Savings Bank & Tr. Co. 15 Continental& Commerc'l Nat Bk 12 Corn Exchange National Bank_ 10 Harris Trust & Savings Bank Inside back cover First Nat. Bank of Chicago 11 Live Stock Exchange Nat. Bank 13 Merchants Loan and Trust Co._ 11 National Bank of the Republic_ 12 Northern Trust Co. Bank Inside back cover. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Fifth -Third National Bank 13 CLEVELAND, OHIO. First National Bank 13 Union National Bank 13 DENVER, COL. First National Bank 9 DETROIT, MICH. People's State Bank 4 FORT WORTH, TEXAS. Fort Worth National Bank.... 11 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Old National Bank 8 HARTFORD, CONN. Aetna National Bank 5 INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Merchants' National Bank 12 JERSEY CITY, N. J. First National Bank KNOXVILLE, TENN. City National Bank 9 LOS ANGELES, CAL. First National Bank 17 LOUISVILLE, KY. National Bank of Kentucky 10 NASHVILLE, TENN. American National Bank 8 Fourth National Bank 9 NEWARK, N. J. Union National Bank 4 NEW ORLEANS LA. Whitney -Central Nat. Bank__ __ 11 NEW YORK, N. Y. Chemical National Bank 2 Citizens' Central Nat. Bank... 3 Coal & Iron National Bank 2 Farmers' Loan & Trust Co 18 Fourth National Bank 3 Gallatin National Bank 2 Hanover National Bank 2 Seaboard National Bank 2 NORFOLK, VA. Norfolk National Bank 5 OMAHA, NEB. Omaha National Bank 13 PATERSON N. J. First National Bank 4 PHILADELPHIA, PA. Corn Exchange Nat. Bank 7 Farmers' .1c Mech. Nat. Bank_ 6 First National Bank 8 Fourth Street National Bank...-. 9 Franklin National Bank 4 Girard National Bank 5 Girard Trust Company 7 Market Street National Bank_ _ Philadelphia National Bank_ 6 Tradesmens National Bank.. 7 Union National Bank PORTLAND ORE. United States National Bank__ 16 PROVIDENCE, R. I. Merchants' National Bank 5 ST. JOSEPH, MO. Tootle -Lemon National Bank__ 14 ST. LOUIS, MO. Boatmen's Bank 14 Mechanics' -American Nat. Bank 14 Mississippi Valley Trust Co 14 National Bank of Commerce__ _ 15 Third National Bank 14 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. McCornick & Co 16 Walker Brothers 10 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. The First National Bank 16 SEATTLE, WASH. Dexter Horton National Bank.. 16 National Bank of Commerce.... 16 REVIEW OF MARCH. A quiet condition of things prevailed during March. In the railroad world the aftermath of the decisions of the Inter -State Commerce Commission, which came towards the close of the preceding month, denying to the carriers permission to advance rates, was in evidence, and naturally this did not stimulate ac- tivity or enthusiasm. On the contrary, there was much to indicate that the railroads were now de- termined to pursue a rigid policy of economy and re- trenchment. Furthermore, on March 8 the New York Central & Hudson River RR., as a result of the action of the Inter -State Commerce Commission, reduced its quarterly dividend from 13/ to 14%. At the same time returns of railroad earnings as received for the month of February showed considerable losses in net in the case of the Eastern trunk lines and the more prominent Pacific systems, like the Union Pacific and the Southern Pacific, though on the other hand some leading Western systems were able to present fairly satisfactory exhibits by reason of the control exer- cised over the expense accounts. It happened, too, that the weekly figures of gross earnings by the few companies making such returns revealed a growing tendency of gross receipts to shrink too—this latter being a new development for many of the roads. The life of the old Congress expired March 4 without the Senate having taken action on the bill which had passed the House of Representatives providing legis- lation for giving effect to the Reciprocity agreement with Canada. President Taft thereupon issued a proclamation convening the new Congress in extraor- dinary session for April 4. The fact that the new Congress was to assemble so much ahead of the regular time for meeting in December also exercised somewhat of a damper upon enterprise, inasmuch as it opened visions of general tariff legislation, which is always a deterrent upon business. That trade was quiet ap- peared from reports regarding the iron and steel trade and the copper trade, and likewise from a pretty ex- tensive restriction of coal production in various parts of the United States. The statistics of iron produc- tion for February showed an output of 1,794,509 tons for that month, consisting of 28 days, against 1,759,326 tons for the month of January, comprising 31 days. For March, it later appeared, the output was 2,188 161 tons. The U. S. Steel Corporation, however, reported a falling off in the bookings of new orders for steel as the month progressed. These new bookings were stated to have averaged 35,000 tons per day during March, against 40,775 tons in February. The falling TACOMA, WASH. 12 Fidelity Trust Co WILLIAM B. DANA 17 COMPANY, Publishers, FRONT, PINE AND DEPEYSTER STS., NEW YORK Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
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COMMERCIAL & FINANCIAL CHRONICLE.Copyrighted in 1911 according to Act of Congress, by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, in office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C.

VOL. 92. NEW YORK, APRIL 8 1911. NO. 2389


ALBANY, N. Y. Page.National Commercial Bank... _ _ 4

ATLANTA, GA.Atlanta National Bank

AUGUSTA, GA.Georgia Railroad Bank.

MILWAUKEE, WIS. PageFirst National Bank 10

MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.First National Bank 15

7 Northwestern National Bank_ 15Security Nat. Bank of Minn._ _ 15

8 MOBILE, ALA.People's Bank

BALTIMORE, MD.Farmers & Merchants Nat. Bk. 5Merchants' National Bank 6Safe Deposit & Trust Co 6

BIRMINGHAM, ALA.First National Bank 10

BOSTON, MASS.National Union Bank 3

BUFFALO, N. Y.Marine National Bank

CHARLESTON, S. C.People's National Bank 8

CHICAGO ILL.Chicago Savings Bank & Tr. Co. 15Continental& Commerc'l Nat Bk 12Corn Exchange National Bank_ 10Harris Trust & Savings Bank

Inside back coverFirst Nat. Bank of Chicago 11Live Stock Exchange Nat. Bank 13Merchants Loan and Trust Co._ 11National Bank of the Republic_ 12Northern Trust Co. Bank

Inside back cover.

CINCINNATI, OHIO.Fifth-Third National Bank 13

CLEVELAND, OHIO.First National Bank 13Union National Bank 13

DENVER, COL.First National Bank 9

DETROIT, MICH.People's State Bank 4

FORT WORTH, TEXAS.Fort Worth National Bank.... 11

GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.Old National Bank 8

HARTFORD, CONN.Aetna National Bank 5

INDIANAPOLIS, IND.Merchants' National Bank 12

JERSEY CITY, N. J.First National Bank

KNOXVILLE, TENN.City National Bank 9

LOS ANGELES, CAL.First National Bank 17

LOUISVILLE, KY.National Bank of Kentucky


NASHVILLE, TENN.American National Bank 8Fourth National Bank 9

NEWARK, N. J.Union National Bank 4

NEW ORLEANS LA.Whitney-Central Nat. Bank__ __ 11

NEW YORK, N. Y.Chemical National Bank 2Citizens' Central Nat. Bank... 3Coal & Iron National Bank 2Farmers' Loan & Trust Co 18Fourth National Bank 3Gallatin National Bank 2Hanover National Bank 2Seaboard National Bank 2

NORFOLK, VA.Norfolk National Bank 5

OMAHA, NEB.Omaha National Bank 13

PATERSON N. J.First National Bank 4

PHILADELPHIA, PA.Corn Exchange Nat. Bank 7Farmers' .1c Mech. Nat. Bank_ 6First National Bank 8Fourth Street National Bank...-. 9Franklin National Bank 4Girard National Bank 5Girard Trust Company 7Market Street National Bank_ _Philadelphia National Bank_ 6Tradesmens National Bank.. 7Union National Bank

PORTLAND ORE.United States National Bank__ 16

PROVIDENCE, R. I.Merchants' National Bank 5

ST. JOSEPH, MO.Tootle-Lemon National Bank__ 14

ST. LOUIS, MO.Boatmen's Bank 14Mechanics'-American Nat. Bank 14Mississippi Valley Trust Co 14National Bank of Commerce__ _ 15Third National Bank 14

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.McCornick & Co 16Walker Brothers 10

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.The First National Bank 16

SEATTLE, WASH.Dexter Horton National Bank.. 16National Bank of Commerce.... 16

REVIEW OF MARCH.A quiet condition of things prevailed during March.

In the railroad world the aftermath of the decisions ofthe Inter-State Commerce Commission, which cametowards the close of the preceding month, denying tothe carriers permission to advance rates, was inevidence, and naturally this did not stimulate ac-tivity or enthusiasm. On the contrary, there wasmuch to indicate that the railroads were now de-termined to pursue a rigid policy of economy and re-trenchment. Furthermore, on March 8 the New YorkCentral & Hudson River RR., as a result of the actionof the Inter-State Commerce Commission, reduced itsquarterly dividend from 13/ to 14%. At the sametime returns of railroad earnings as received for themonth of February showed considerable losses in netin the case of the Eastern trunk lines and the moreprominent Pacific systems, like the Union Pacific andthe Southern Pacific, though on the other hand someleading Western systems were able to present fairlysatisfactory exhibits by reason of the control exer-cised over the expense accounts. It happened, too,that the weekly figures of gross earnings by the fewcompanies making such returns revealed a growingtendency of gross receipts to shrink too—this latterbeing a new development for many of the roads.The life of the old Congress expired March 4 without

the Senate having taken action on the bill which hadpassed the House of Representatives providing legis-lation for giving effect to the Reciprocity agreementwith Canada. President Taft thereupon issued aproclamation convening the new Congress in extraor-dinary session for April 4. The fact that the newCongress was to assemble so much ahead of the regulartime for meeting in December also exercised somewhatof a damper upon enterprise, inasmuch as it openedvisions of general tariff legislation, which is always adeterrent upon business. That trade was quiet ap-peared from reports regarding the iron and steel tradeand the copper trade, and likewise from a pretty ex-tensive restriction of coal production in various partsof the United States. The statistics of iron produc-tion for February showed an output of 1,794,509 tonsfor that month, consisting of 28 days, against 1,759,326tons for the month of January, comprising 31 days.For March, it later appeared, the output was 2,188 161tons. The U. S. Steel Corporation, however, reported afalling off in the bookings of new orders for steel asthe month progressed. These new bookings werestated to have averaged 35,000 tons per day duringMarch, against 40,775 tons in February. The falling

TACOMA, WASH.12 Fidelity Trust Co




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20 MONTHLY REVIEW [Vol, Lxxxxii.

off was attributed to the diminution in orders from the

railroads. The copper statistics showed a further

accumulation of stocks during February after a similar

addition the previous month. As to the restriction in

coal production, the "Engineering & Mining Journal,"

under date of March 18, said that the bituminous mines

in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Colorado were

being operated at only about 50% of their capacity,

those of the So.uthwest at about 60%, of Alabama

about 65% and of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois at only

about 40%.A new element of uncertainty was injected in

affairs on.Tuesday, March 7, by an official announce-

ment from Washington—of which there had previously

been not the slightest intimation—that some 20,000

American troops had been ordered to San Antonio,

Texas, and other points near the Mexican border. The

original explanation of this wholly unexpected move

was that it was for the purpose of "extensive maneuvers

to try out organization and equipment," and it was

also stated that the scheme contemplated joint action

with the Navy at Galveston. These official explana-

tions (President Taft himself remained reticent) were

not, however, generally accepted. It was seen at once

that the action must have some reference to the dis-

turbed state of things in Mexico arising out of the in-

surrection in that country, which had been growing in

importance and in significance in recent periods.All sorts of rumors naturally gained currency.

There were intimations that our Government hadacted or was acting at the suggestion of other foreigncountries, and there was more or less talk of possibleintervention by this country in Mexican affairs. Asthe troops were dispatched to the scene of action ingreat haste, warships rushed South, militia officersasked to watch the maneuvers, and even hospital corpsorganized, it was not surprising that rumors of actualwarfare and actual interference should have gainedcredence. To remove all cause for uneasiness on the

part of the Mexican Government President Taft finallyfelt obliged to assure President Diaz that no stepshostile to Mexico were contemplated. Within a dayor two after the original announcement the pretencethat this large military movement was simply to givethe troops practice was abandoned. On Thursday,March 9, the staff correspondent of the AssociatedPress who was accompanying the President on thelatter's • holiday journey to Atlanta announced thatthe troops had been sent to form a solid militarywall along the Rio Grande in order to stop filibus-tering and to see that there was no further smugglingof arms and men across the international boundary.Senor Limantour, the Mexican Finance Minister,

was temporarily in New York at the time on his wayhome from Europe and did not appear to be altogetherpleased with what was happening though he wasdiplomatically cautious in his utterances. Shortlyafter his arrival in the City of Mexico and a conferencewith President Diaz, the news came that the entireMexican Cabinet had tendered their resignations. Thiswas taken as an attempt to placate the rebel chief,Francisco I. Madero. On Monday, March 27, thenames of the reconstructed Ministry were announced,showing that Senor Limantour in the Finance Depart-ment and General Manuel Gonzales Cosio in the Warand Marine Department were the only members of theold Cabinet who had been retained.At first President Taft was strongly criticised for his

action, on the idea that the move was unjustified,and, furthermore, that it must tend to accentuate theinternal troubles in Mexico instead of serving to com-pose the same, but , later, criticism was greatly modified.The view now taken is that Mr. Taft must have hadknowledge of possible serious developments in Mexicoand took the necessary steps, as was his duty, to be

fully prepared for every contingency, near or remote,that was likely to arise.The decision by the U. S. Supreme Court upholding

the validity of the Federal Corporation Tax imposedunder the Tariff Law of 1909 was also one of the eventsof the month. The decision was handed downMarch 13. In declaring the law Constitutional, theCourt—all the Judges concurring—took precisely thesame ground as President Taft when he urged theacceptance of the provision upon Congress, that isthat the tax answers to the definition of an excise tax,and hence comes within the powers conferred uponCongress. All the other various objections which hadbeen urged against the legality of this tax provision,and the measures for carrying it into effect, were alsoswept aside.The final cotton ginning report of the U. S. Census

for the season of 1910-11 was issued on Monday,March 20, and proved that there was no basis for thevery low estimates of yield which speculators for therise had put forth. It assured a crop of, roughly,12 000,000 bales-11,941,563 running or standardhales, 6es, including linters, repacks, &c. The result wasclosely in accord with current general opinion andhence was without much influence in the cottonriiiarket. From 14.45 cents February 28 and 14.60cents March 1 middling upland cotton in this marketdeclined to 14.20 cents March 6, then reached 14.65March 11 and again March 16, touched 14.35 centsMarch 28 and closed at 14.40 cents March 31. Printcloths at Fall River ruled at 334 cents until March 18,when there was a reduction to 3% cents.A further sharp decline in wheat occurred. This

was in part on the good prospects for the growingwinter-wheat crop, but also in part on the large reservestocks of cereals in farmers' hands shown in the reportissued by the Department of Agriculture on Wednes-day March 8. This report indicated much largerreserves of corn, oats and wheat in farmers' handsthan in the previous year and also much larger thanthe general average in recent years. From 899 centsFebruary 28 the May option for wheat in Chicagoadvanced to 923/i cents March 6, but March 31 sawthe price down to 8534 cents. May corn in Chicagofrom 473'1 cents February 28 advanced to 50% centsMarch 11, but closed at 47% cents March 31. Mayoats in Chicago declined from 31% cents March 20 to303 cents March 31.The course of the foreign exchange market was more

or less irregular throughout the month, with no verywide fluctuations in rates. The tendency, however,was towards 'lower prices most of the time, and adistinctive feature was weakness towards the closeof the month, when many dealers had expected asharp rise on preparations to meet the customary1st of April payments to European holders of Americansecurities. As it happened, the inquiry for remittancewas below the normal for the end of the quarter. Theexplanation was that very large credits had beenestablished abroad by our bankers through the placingsince the first of the year of numerous large new loansin Europe,the proceeds of which had not been remittedto this country, owing to the fact that with rates formoney so exceedingly low in this country it was moreadvantageous to allow the money to remain abroadfor the time being. In providing for the 1st of Aprilpayments, these credits abroad were drawn againstto a considerable extent. At the same time a con-siderable trade balance was accruing in favor of theUnited States on the merchandise movement. Whilethe exchange market was extremely dull most of themonth, and speculation at a minimum, there was,nevertheless, some short selling the latter part byspeculators who counted on being able to cover theircommitments in April at a profit. The Bank ofEngland on March 9 reduced its rate of discount from3M to 3%. In the early days of the month more orless liquidation in stocks for European account wasnoted as a result of the previous month's decisign of theInter-State Commerce Commission.

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Mch. 60 Days. Demand. Mch. 60 Days. Demand. Mch. 60 Days. Demand.

___ 4 84;4 4 $7% 14 ___ 4 84% 4 87 27 4 8434 4 874 84% 4 87% 15 __ 4 84% 4 87 28 ___ 4 84% 4 874 84% 4 8734 16 4 8434 4 87 29 4 8434 4 87

5---4 84;4

Sun4 87%day

17 __18 ___

4 84%4 84%

4 874 87

30 ___31

484344 84%

4 874 87

4 84% 4 87% 19 ___ Sun day4 84;4 4 87% 20 ___ 4 84% 4 87 Open 4 84% 4 87344 84% 4 87% 21 4 84% 4 87 High 4 84% 48754


4 84%4 84%

4 87;54 87

22 ___23 ___

4 84%4 84%

4 874 87


4 84;44 84%

4 874 87

11 _ 4 84% 4 87 24 _ 48434 4 8712 _- Sun day 25 __ 4 84% 4 8713 — 4 84% 4 87 26 ___ Sun day


Bankers' Bills Bills-Documents

Payment.60-Day. Sight.

—CommercialCable On

Transfers. Banks. forMob. 8390-4 8405 48630-8640 48660-8670 482 -83 4823i-4 8334

8385-48395 48625-8635 4 8655-8665 48231-83 4 8234-4 83343......4 84 -4 8410 48635-8640 48665-8675 482 %-83 % 48234-4 8331

84 -4 8410 48640-8645 4 8660-8670 48231-8334 48331-4 8454SUNDAY.

84 -4 8410 4 8635-8640 48665-8675 4 8231-8334 48334-4 847---484 -4 8410 4 8640-8645 4 8665-8675 48231-8334 483 -4 848—.484 -4 8410 4 8635-8640 4 8670-8675 48234-8334 4 83 -4 84349.--48395-4 8405 4 8625-8635 4 8655-8665 48254-8354 483 -48410_48390-4 84 48610-8620 4 8640-8650 483 -8334 48334-4 833411____4 8390-4 84 4 8610-8615 48635-8640 48234-8354 483 -4 8354

SUNDAY.8385-4 8395 4 8610-8615 48635-8640 48231-8334 4 83 -4 8331

14__48390-4 84 4 8610-8615 4 8630-8635 48234-8334 483 -4 8415____4 8390-4 84 486 -8610 48620-8630 4 8234-8334 48234-4 833416____4 8385-4 8395 4 8605-8610 4 8630-8635 4 8234-8334 483 -4 833417__ _ _4 8390-4 84 4 8605-8615 4 8635-8645 483 -8334 48334-4 8418____4 84 -4 8410 4 8620-8630 4 8655-8660 48234-8334 483 -4 833419___.. SUNDAY.20____4 8410-4 8420 4 8625-8630 4 8650-8660 483 -8334 483 -4 833421.. _ _4 8405-4 8415 48625-8635 48655-8660 4 8334-8334 48334-4 833422..___4 8405-4 8415 4 8610-8620 48645-8655 483 -8354 483 -4 833423_48410-4 8240 4 8610-8620 48640-8650 4 8274-8394 483 -4 839424.48415-4 8425 4 8610-8620 4 8645-8655 483 %-83 % 48334-4 833425__48405-4 8415 4 8610-8615 4 8645-8650 483 -8334 483 -4 839426____ SUNDAY.27..„.4 8410-4 8420 4 8615-8625 4 8645-8650 48334-8334 4 8334-4 8428....4 8415-4 8425 4 8610-8615 4 8645-8650 4 8334-8334 4 8334-4 8429....._4 8405-4 8415 48595-86 4 8635-8640 483 -8374 4 8334-4 8430__484 -4 8410 4 8590-8595 4 8620-8630 483 -84 4 8354-4 8431......4 8410-4 8420 4 86 -8605 4 8630-8640 4 8334-84 4 8334-4 84

In the money market there was continuedweakness,with a further decline in rates for time accommodation,but with a fractional recovery again at the very close.

RATES FOR MONEY IN NEW YORK WEEKLY.Call Loans— Mc .3. Mch.10. Mch.17. Mch.24. Mch.31.

Stock Exchange—Range for week_ _ 1-234 2-254 134.254 2-234 2-234Average for week__ 254 231 254 234 234

Time Loans—Thirty days Sixty days 231Ninety days 3Four months 334Five months 334-334Six months 331-334Over-the-year 4-434

Commercial Paper—Double names—Choice 60 to 90 days 4-434Single names—Prime 4 to 6 months 4-434

Good 4 to 6 months_ 434-5















In the stock market there was a recovery in astaggering sort of way from the fall sustained at theend of February as the result of the decisions of theInter-State Commerce Commission, but business wasat a very low ebb and there was dulness almost to theverge of stagnation. Comparing opening and closingquotations, certain stocks show scarcely any change,while a few record substantial gains and still othershave suffered a net decline. Among the strongfeatures were Atchison and Canadian Pacific and itsallied properties, namely the "Soo" road and theWisconsin Central. Among the weak specialtiesMissouri Pacific was noteworthy. Steel common closedat precisely the figure at which it opened, namely 773'.


Month of March— 1911. 1910. 1909. 1908.Stock sales—Number of shares_ 6,823,868 14,988,179 13,650,595 15,939,255Par value $619,067,575 $1,336,803,725 $1,240,583,900 $1,387,712,725

Bond sales (par val.)—RR. &misc. bds $60,365,000 $66,035,500 $80,286,000 $51,514,700Government bonds 11,000 78,500 59,000 144,620State bonds 4,745,000 9,659,700 4,036,000 11,350,000

Total bond sales__ $65,121,000 $75,773,700 $84,381,000 $63,009,320Jan. 1 to Mch. 31—

Stock sales—Number of shares_ 27,434,611 55,539,454 43,263,294 42,373,856Par value $2,429,080,350 $5,015,693,775 $3,992,328,175 $3.617.316.425

Bond sales (par val.)—RR. & misc. bonds $194,072,000 $209,531,500 $321,294,000 $177,827,600Government bonds 68,500 146,500 177,000 257,820State bonds 36,223,500 17,088,700 12,106,600 32,783,000

Total bond sales_ $230,364,000 $226,766,700 $333,577,600 $210,868,420


We present below comparative statements showing the condition of the trust companies of New YorkState at the date of the last call and of various previous calls since August 1907. We give separately thetotals for the Greater New York and those for the whole State. We also add tables to indicate the changesin deposits for all the separate companies in the different boroughs of this city.


Aug. 22 1907. Dec. 31 1907.Jan. 1 1909.Sept. 14 1909.Jan. 1 1910.June 30 1910.Jan, 2 1911 Feb. 28 1911.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $7apital 68,661,600 66,276,560 68,450,000 69.400,000 71,400,000 74,181,000 73.431,000 72,731,000lurplus and profits, market value_ 151,339,110 169,647,107 173,845,240 178,979,744 181,322,415 184,025,130 187,083,463lurplus ani profits, book value 176,944,735 Inpald divs. reserved for taxes, 3,164,978 2,098,690'ref. deposits—Due State say. banks_ 37,467,239 28,340,454 39,118,589 38,530,614 40,759.951 43,829,822 43,827,892 45,291,734Due State say. & loan associations_ 414,423 306,316 778,421 558,498 600,479 689,440 758,989 558,626Trust deposits not payable within30 days 21.180,942 29,233,840 38,059,940 49,199,191 25,598,430 28,207,549

Due as exeo'r, admin'r, guard., re-ceiver, trustee, committee,

&o-. 41,773,538 43,641,702 23,190,699 24,802,720 30,913.481 37,533,220 36,844,508 37,336,189

Deposits pref'd because secured byunmaturod bonds of the State_ 4,728,253 5,753,623 5,122,449 5,828,655 6,963,259 5,070,003

Other deposits pref. because ofpledge of part of trust co. assets_ 1,276,500 2,879,716 4,236,781 7,341.305 5,187,086 4,417,648 2,422,372 4,040,291

Deposits otherwise preferred 1,098,788 2,770,685 2,569,357 4,969,837 7,356,349 2,554,737 2,832,612 1,612,749

Deposits subleot to check (not pref.). 812,011,853 555,397,056 868.754,742 937,006,859 899,090,713 938,796,9851)tfs. of dep..time 46 demand (not pref)rime deposits not payable within 30days. represented by ars. (not



_- ___



- ________


1 40,470,643







1,014,744,488 1,035,500,846

Due trust companies 23,002,116 f 103,907,041 115,902,676 84,038,005 87,637,767 84,389,877 113,994,717Due banks and bankers 42,077,022 20,667,605 _

Total of all deposits 1,087,664,431 732,278,460 1,182,242,775 1,386,389,611 1,302,099,738 1,323,879,889 1,218,382,416 1,271,612,704

Borrowed money 1,867,663 672.460 1.100,140 1.189,000 1,382,360 1,655,000Pref. liability as executor, eco 2,987,034 904,843 Other liabilities 27,708,303 61,948,915 55,367,899 43,202,292 50,624,063 41,541.550 35.067.726 33,638,899Add for cents 40 42 45 43 42 41 42 45

Grand total 1,363,966,143 1,012,747,930 1,477,575,489 1,673,509,646 1,604,203,727 1,622,113,895 1,515,453,650 1,568,819,801


Aug. 22 1907. Dec. 31 1907. Jan. 1 1909. Sept. 14 1909. Jan. 1 1910. 'June 30 1910.Jan. 2 1911.Feb. 28 1911.

$$ $ $ $ $ $ $Bonds and mortgages 87,962,350 80,759,054 78,199,314 83,152,739 83,660,067 86,053,200 87,341.640 83,678.722Stock and bond investments 326,497,210

Public securities 50,966,201 66,644,416 84,394,083 69.268,783 73,230,436 67,309,082 78,590,552Other securities 208,860,012 292,497,347 323,196,713 296,958,325 306,658,409 303,382,679 310,970,772

Loaned on collaterals 627,514,698 405.844,757 584,006,564 661,861,721 696,601,870 616,818.678 547,767,677 541,616,175Loans not secured by collateral 15,032,322 9,342,981 8,918,033 8,160,799 10,789.942 11,671,358 15,517,476Other loans, including bills purchased 108,122,742Bills purchased 54,051,230 87,294,263 115,781,835 102.402,940 131,026,745 125,914,655 146,060,762Overdrafts 204,270 137,844 155,529 140,943 108,040 85,927 159,415 142,396Real estate 17,706,522 16,066,494 22,080,844 25,039,649 25,518,600 28,135,971 29,361,282 29,258,329Due from approved reserve deposi-

tories, less offsets 95,144,026 89,175,391 160,935,501 129.011,800 99,766,067 122.628,380 100,382,483 128,162,805Due from trust co's, banks & bankers,not included in preceding item 27,117,410 15,120,176 42,227,028 70,020,269 48,863,157 49.770,048 54,503,832 60,841,161

Specie 52,413,706 39,324,130 90,125,202 127,759,056 124,161,053 127,321,645 115,989,335 114,107,750

U. S. legal tenders and bank notes 6,893,690 8,506,218 13,668,318 18,605,592 18,167,454 18,435,393 16,990,981 17,863,387Bills and checks for next day's ex-changes, and other cash items 909,983 2,013,398 1,791,260 1,050,350 3,052,804 2,637,891 2,951,007 1,374,256

Investments as executor, &o 2,987,034 904,843Other assets 10,492,462 25,985,818 28,606,877 24,596,820 27,513,726 48,520,598 51,728,182 40,635,213Add for cents 40 42 45 43 42 41 42 45

Grand total 1,363,066.143 1,012.747.930 1,477,575,489 1,673.509,646 1,604,203,727 1,622,113,895 1,515,453,650 1,568,819,801

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Aug. 22 1907. Dec. 31 1907.Jan. 1 1909.Sept. 14 1909.Jan. 1 1910.June 30 1910.Jan. 2 1911.Feb. 28 1911.

Gap! tal Surplus and profits, market value

60,636,600 58,251,560144.600,599







Surplus and profits, book value Unpaid dlvs., reserve for taxes, int., etc.Pref. Deposits-Due State say. banksDue State say, and loan associations











418,050Trust deposits not payable within30 days 20,146,656 28,200.691 36,871,355 47,832,479 24,336,543 27,118,183

Due as exec.. admin., guardian, re-ceiver, trustee, committee, &c 38,079,532 40,296,845 21,392,534 22,974,213 29.009,253 35,500,245 34,580,803 35,382,245

Deposits preferred because securedby unmatured bonds of the State 4,078,253 4,378,623 3,880,449 4,481,655 5,435,259 3,776,003

Other deposits preferred because ofpledge of part of trust co. assets_ 886,500 2,609,430 4,032,481 6,442,245 4,934,470 3,942,018 1,805,166 3,298,493

Deposits otherwise preferred 996,616 2,388,755 2,472,794 4,944,837 7,345,074 2,554,737 2,811,605 1,518,512Due depositors (not pref.) 688,604,953 444,817,663 748,020,445 814.808,730 774,061,989 812,120,246Oerts. of dep. on time & dem. (not pf.) 100.352,199 48,054,808 66,761,475 81,136,510 78,596,293 57,114,917 874,289,233 892,579,021Time deposits not payable within 30days, represented by certificates, &c 40,284,595 133,925,128 105,681,485 80,672,550

Due trust companies 41,527.250 22,234,360 101,367,610 112,647,019 80.786,598 84,424,117 80,873,915 110,788,958Due banks and bankers 40,738,939 18,976,184

Total of all deposits 946,608,382 605,652,530 1,045.665,475 1,245,517,486 1,159,319,311 1,178,938,481 1,065,380,457 1,116,960,142

Borrowed money 1,454,975 672,460 980,140 844,000 1,372,360 1,525,000Preferred liability as executor, &a 2,578,790 751,265Other liabilities 27,241,967 59,789,589 54,542,068 41,867 ,332 49,800,511 40,472,98-7 34,609,985 32,487,466

Grand total 1.205,048,180 869,045,543 1,322,255 690 1,513,421,967 1,442,372,676 1,457,531,053 1,341,773,413 1,392,645,770


Aug. 22 1907. Dec. 31 1907.Jan. 1 1909.Sept. 14 1909. Jan. 1 1010.June 30 1910.Jan. 2 1911.Feb. 28 1911.

Bonds and mortgages 75,682,997 68,532,010 65,379,871 69,203,287 68,871,110 70,210,213 70,434,543 66,248,159Stock and bond Investments

Public securities 269,699,998

43,471,463 57,919,435 75,182,192 60,048,703 63,897,999 57,39-5-,665 68,707,399Other securities 166,358,136 243,085,376 268,246,371 245,695,838 255,639,724 252,467,751 258,023,745

Loaned on coliaterals 582,826,452 365,723,291 546,816,033 627,481,274 660,489,153 580,288,485 509,483,028 504,281,304Loans, not secured by collateral 9,772.982 5,765,637 6,347,894 5,203,728 7,200,362 7,940,524 11,817,055Other loans and bills purchased 86,770,861 _ Bills purchased 41,991,225 71,885,130 98,046,079 82,131,718 109,526,945 102,533,886 122,581,543Overdrafts 165,652 121,954 141,410 126,285 95,738 74,487 151,067 132,129Real estate 14,950,841 13,296,286 19,270,541 22,205,844 22,633,821 25,217,981 26,339,232 26,233,515Due from appr. res. depos., less offsets 83,582,056 78,992,219 146,953,404 116,699,223 89,495,686 112,082,242 87,303,726 112,467,986Due from trust cos., banks and bank-

ers, not included In preceding items 23,698,302 12,523,082 39,295,396 66,901,581 44,720,953 46,588,510 50,483,718 58,219,978Specie 49,179,020 35,844,818 87,261,025 124,903,213 121,362,596 124,545,781 113,069,471 111,054,150U. S. legal-tenders and bank notes__ _ 5,095,751 5,327,384 10,241,562 13,939,537 13,666,256 13,509,308 12,103,225 12,966,650Bills and checks for the next day'sexchange and other cash Items_ _ _ _ 604,977 1,027,537 824,280 724,274 1,455,318 1,320,627 1,491,362 583,722

Investments held as executor. &c- - 2,578,790 751,265Other assets 10,212,483 25,311.893 27,4 6,592 23,414,913 26,502,058 47,427,389 50,576,782 39,382,435

Grand total 1,205,048,180 869.045,543 1,322,255,690 1,513,421,967 1.442,372,676 1,457,531,053 1,341,773,413 1,392,645,770


ORO UGH OFMANHATTAN- Aug. 22 1907,Dec. 31 1907.Jan. 1 1909.Sept. 14 1909. Jan. 1 1910.June 30 1910. Jan. 2 1911. Feb. 28 1911.

Gain or Losssince

Aug. 22 1907.

6 $ $ $ $ $ $ 3 6•stor 8,965,745 8,103,748 12,245,219 14,524,970 13,895,030 14,561,257 14,774,859 17,341,131 +8.375,386ankers' 23,861,606 20,240,194 39,021,765 44,689,107 46,602,542 68,408,353 62,013,877 76.074,236 +52,212,630roadway 3,932,749 2,340,822 3,309,969 3,751,573 4,281,437 4,318,098 4,607.336 4,395.292 +462,543arnegie e 7,923,242 6,528,511 11,636,804 13,752,036 12,665,754 0,093,039 8,355,940 e• -7,923,242entral 42,137.580 33,961,798 85,749,341 86,708,959 91,394,728 69,301,070 67,843,148 66,806,212 +24,668,632olumbia 6,774,339 4,700,103 11,029,855 13,310,565 12,145,661 13,136,115 13,800,562 16,291,508 +9,517,169ommercial 3,876.981 2,948,586 4,626,215 4,843,549 5,308,155 5,426,817 4,473,784 4,861,444 +984,463ommonw'Ith (defunct) 516 476 476 476 478 2,576 564 476 -40:moire 8.898.940 6,304,846 13,058,062 19,766.881 16,857.406 17,681,681 20,040,241 18,716,434 +9,817,494:quitable a 17.381,123 9,715.776 22,490,3181 a47,440,668 a49,930,289 a43,276,039 a35,044,790 a35,396,890 +1,782,138Bowling Green a ._ _ _ 16,233,629 11,209,036 14,637,4671

'armers' Loan & Trust 81,702,513 58.497,300 122,389,387 143,699,387 115,793,639 126,669,224 116.368,590 123,020,311 +41,317,798'idelity 3,028,403 3,016,254 5,177,550 5,672,107 6,602,632 6,762,977 7,008,343 6,923,083 +3,891,680'ulton 7,423,429 6,047,183 7.613,282 8,745,838 7,871,433 7,457,389 7,723,527 7,647,054 +223,625;uaranty c 41,996,504 28,161,527 69,031,398 89,084,701 77,832,184 iFifth Avenue c 17,532,796 10,413,911 14,882,682 16,808,558 17,636,478 }c154,817,622 c124,815,857 c133,729,746 +33,680,618Morton c 40,510,828 22,166,365 36,365,370 41,780,307 33,863,400 1

ivardian 4,185,255 3,315,280 4,126,034 3,921,279 4,677,865 3,553,939 3,638,994 3,226,232 -959,023ludson 2,066,175 1,172,075 2,243,241 3,595.065 3,447,404 3,437,437 3,416,134 3,526.985 +1.460,810:nickerbocker 62,114,992 • 34,614,439 34,883,901 35,267,275 35,263,703 32,467,648 32,007,280 -30,107,712,awyers' Title Ins. & T 8,524,049 5,511,071 11,936,708 15,442,156 12,495,502 13,410,283 13,452,914 13,759,082 +5,235,033,Incoln 22,400.958 6.483,066 9,233,676 10,942,091 12,492,637 11,228,335 11,141,401 10,600,079 -11,800,879(adison d 8,101,350 5,623,758 7,541,352 8,599,384 7,453,215 6,481,354 (16,540,091 d3,428,277 -4,673,073Ianhattan 10,975,957 9,327,741 20,240,520 18,633,713 26,904,439 18,413,733 19,051,288 20,968,017 +9,992,060Eercantile 35,119,131 23,277,232 49,434,429 64,529,766 56,109,550 55,607,715 48,382,224 52,193,691 +17,074,560fetropolitan 23,747,751 15,764,837 21,147-.691 27.101,096 26,817,084 25,433,955 24,971,982 26,148,885 +2.401,134f utual Alliance 5,763,501 3,651,793 7.371,744 9,546,340 12,716,417 8,221,800 8,493,763 8,251,250 +2.487.749iew York Life Ins.&T. 33,782,456 24,680,912 35,476,878 40,776,675 37,795,781 40.125,372 35,550,811 39,652,541 +5,870,085iew York 33,517,360 27,862,835 42,593,538 73,549,499 51,486,440 50.070,081 41,313,028 48,310,297 +14,792,937lavoy b 1,560,287 909,024 1,023,152 1.280,170 1,836,544 1,750,715 1,762,388 1,722,572 +153,285tandard 12,884,258 7,691,641 15,534,457 18,242,248 16,715,732 15,371,194 16,583,839 16,188,042 +3,303,784'Itle Guar. & Trust 28,495,980 21,574,526 22,051,658 27,683,102 26,355,280 24,979,031 24,224,805 26,573,630 -1,922,350'rust Co. of America 64,124,995 20,705,636 26,893,245 27,252,981 29,074,839 31,011,177 26,881,367 27,256,100 -36,868,895Inion Trust 48,231,644 44,169,764 55,324,808 66,045,033 61,485,010 62,847,335 53,527,947 50,554,687 +2,323,043Tnited States Mtge.&T. 30,982,562 20,096,258 27,313,836 42,829,119 41,002,035 47,667,075 43,415,252 44,161,470 +13,178,908hilted States 59,394,159 47,302,953 71,353,611 76,001,586 69,111,176 64,075,039 58,735,106 63.126,761 +3.732,602Vashington 9,798,340 7,415,009 10,068,724 10,225,499 10,162,558 10,464,985 10,306,003 10,442,664 +661,324Vindsor 11.162,536 7,773,031 8,589,889 7,512,059 8,866,152 7,137,862 6,844,238 5,003,351 -6,159,185

Total 849,123,619 538,864,879 957,378.793 1.143,172.444 1,064,954,258 1.077,464.377 977,572,641 1,018,305,710 +169,182,091

• Not reporting on account of suspension, and not included In total. a The Bowling Green was consolidated wlth Equitable Trust Co. March 31 11109to Title changed from Italian-American Trust Co. Nov. 1909. c Fifth Avenue and Morton were consolidated with Guaranty Trust Co. Jan. 27 1910d On Jan. 9 1911 arrangements were made to take over the Madison Trust Co. by Equitable Trust Co. e Banking Department closed the CarnegieTrust and assumed charge Jan. 7 1911.

10120 UGH OFBROOKLYN- Aug. 221907.Dec. 31 1907.Jan. 1 1909.Sept. 141909.Jan. 1 1910.June 30 1910.

1Jan. 21911. Feb. 28 1911.

3rooklyn litizens' Flatbush Franklin iamilton Some Kings County :aafayette z Island Loan & Tr.'tassel' eople's Nilliamsburgh a..


30RO. OF 0 UEENS-ue•tus 011.14ty




10,120.685• 6,489,3555,329,614






15,084.194• 9.948,3246,279,49519,413,1702,223,433


15,065,023• 9,008,8836,374,01017,820,6881,750,798


16,165,517• 9,392,4395,955,159




* 8,841,6105,660,3711



15,410,831 •




















Gain or Losssince

Aug. 22 1907.







- • Not reporting on account of suspension. z Formerly Jenkins-Tfust-Co. a-Williamsburg Trust Co. voted to dissolve Its business In --Jan. 1911. -

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The following tables furnish a complete record of the New York Stock Exchange transactions for the past month and

the year 1911. They need no extended introduction, as they are self-explanatory. The tables embrace every security

(excepting only State bonds) dealt in on the Exchange. We give bonds first, using the classification adopted in the officia

list. All quotations in the column headed "Price about January 3 1911" were made on that date, except those in italics

which are the nearest in January 1911. The black-faced letters in the column headed "Interest Period" indicate in each

case the month when the bonds mature.In accordance with the new rule adopted by the New York Stock Exchange all quotations for interest-paying bonds

are at a price to which accrued interest must be added. The exceptions to the rule are income bonds and bonds on which

interest is in default. This method of quoting bonds became effective January 2 1909.

a'For foot-notes to tables see last page of bonds and last page of stocks.




Sales inMarch.

(Par val.)

Price aboutJan. 31911.

U s Gov a city securitiesU S 2s, cons, reg_ __ _April 1930 Q - JU S 2s, cons, coupon_ April 1930 Q - JU S 3s, reg 10-20s_ __ _Aug 1918 Q - FU S 3s, coup, 10-20s_ _Aug 1918 Q - FU S 4s, registered 1925 Q FU S 4s, coupon 1925 Q - FPan Can 10-30-yr 2s_Aug 1936 Q - NPan Can 10-30-yr 2s 1938 Q - NNew York City-4s 1959 NI - N43(% Corporate stock_ _1960 M - S4 Vo Rec int. from Jan 24 '60 M - S0 Co4 rporate stock_ _ _ _1958 M - New 4 s 1957 M - N

New 4s 1917 M - N4 Corporate Stock_ _1957 M - N45.7 assessm't bonds_ _1917 M - N0 Co4 rporate Stock__ _1957 M - N

3 % Corporate Stock_ _1954 M - NN YState-Canal Impt 4s, 1960 J - J

Foreign Gov't SecuritiesArgentine-Internal 5s of 1909. M - SImperial Japanese Gov't-

Sterling loan 4%s 1925 F - A2d series 4 %s 1925 J - J

Sterling loan 4s 1931 J - JRep of Cuba 5s, ext debt_ _1904 M - S4 hs external loan 1949 F - A

San Paulo 5s trust bonds_ _1919 J - JU S of Mexico External gold

loan of 1899, sink fund 5s_ Q - J4$ gold debt of 1904.. _1954 J - D

Railroad Bonds

Alabama Cent. See South Rylabama Mid. See Atl Coast L

Albany & Susq. See Del & HudAllegheny Valley. See Pa RRAllegh & West. See Buff it & PAm Dock & Imp. See CentofNJAnn Arbor 1st g 4s_ _July 1995 Q - JAtch Top & S F-Gen g, 4s 1995 A - 0

Registered 1995 A - 0Adjustment g, 4s....July 1995 Nov

Registered July 1995 NovStamped July 1995 M - N

50-year cony, gold 4s_ _.1955 J - DCony 4s issue of 1909...1955 J - DCony 4s issue of 1910_ _ _1960 J D10-year cony, gold 5s__ A917 J - DDebenture, Series J 1912 F - A

Series K 1913 F - AEast Okla Div, 1st g, 48_1928 M SShort Line 1st 4s, gold_ _1958 J - JS Fe Pres & Phe, 1st g 581942 M- SChic & St Louis 1st 6s_ _1915 M - S

Allan Knoxv & No. See L & NAll Coast L 1st 4 gs_ _ _July 1952 M - S

Registered July 1952 M - SAla Mid, 1st, gu, g, 5s..1928 M - NBruns & W, 1st gu, g, 4s 1938 J - JCharl & Say, 1st g, 7s_ _ _1936 J - JL & N collat g, 4s_ _Oct 1952 M - NSav Fl & W, 1st g, 6s_ - -1934 A -

1st g, 5s 1934 A - 0Sil Sp 0 & GI, gu, g 4s 1918 J - J

Atlan & Danv. See South'n RyAllan & Yadk. See South'n RyAustin & N W. See So PacificBait de 0-Pr lien, g, 33%s 1925 J - J

Registered Q -Gold, 4s July 1948 A -

Registered Q -Pitts June, 1st g. Os_ ___1922 J - JPitts Jet & MD 1st g 33%s '25 M - NPLE & WVaSys,ref,g,4s 1941 M - NS W Div, lst g, 3 %s__ ._1925 J - JC 0 Reorg 1st con, g, 4%s '30 M - SClev Lor&W con,lst g 5s 1933 A - 0Mon R 1st gu g, 5s 1919 F - AOhio Riv RR-lst g, 58_1936 J - DGen, g. 5s 1937 A -

Pitts Clev & To1,1st g,(Is 1922 A - 0Pittsb & West 1st g, 4s..1917 J - JStat IslRy,Ist,gu,g,4%s 1943 J - D

Battle Creek&Stur. See Mich CBeech Creek. See N Y C & HudBellev & Carond. See Ill CentBruns & West. See Atl Coast LBuffalo N Y & Erie. See ErieBuff It & P. gen, g, 5s.. _1937 M - SCongo' 454s 1957 M - NAllegh dr West 1st g, gu 4s '98 A - 0Cl & Mah, 1st gu g, 5s...1943 J - J



1 ,457 ,00078,00049,0003,000



Ask.100% 101%100% 101102 10234102 102115% 116115% 110100 100, 99 Sale101% Salo

99% Sale1073% Sale102% 107% Sale102% 10390% Sale86% 104H 104%

23,000, 973.j Sale1

290,000, 95% Sale71,000i 95% Sale67,000, 893% 90

114,0001 102% Salo I 97% 10,000, 973% Sale

34,000,1 973% Sale

16,000 923% 94



77% 78%99% Sale98 91% Sale


Mch. 1. Mch. 31. Lowest.

Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask.' Sale Prices.101 1013% 101 31 101'%101 1013% 1013% 1024 103 10134 1023%10234 103 1014 116 116 115 116110 1163% 1153% 116,3%l00% lot 1013%loo lin 1013%99 Sale 993% Sale 99 Mch. 13101 Sale 1013% 1013% 1013% Mch. 7102 Sale 1023% Sale 1013% Bich. 13993% Sale 993% Sale 983% Mch. 311073% Sale 1073% Sale 1073% Bich. 17102 1023% 1023% 1013% Mch. 291073% 108 1073% 1073% 10754 Mch. 17102 1023% 1023% 102 Mch. 24993% Sale 993% Sale 998% Bich. 17 873% 88 88 Bich. 6

1043% 1043% 103 1043%


Sale Prices.

1023% Bich. 29

a98 99

a94% Salea94% Salea883% Sale103% 10498% a97 3%

a97 Sale94% 90

84% Sale98 Sale98V Sale917' Sale





1,000,1107%1,0001 943. 131I 131319,000 9231 Sale14,000 123 1 ,000' no 8 I 95%

91% 92105 Sale 106%102% Sale108 108%99 98 9631 93 Sale1093% 105%

94% Sale95

87,000 923% Sale 90 91%

197,000, 99 Sale 98 1111% 6,0001 87%

83,0001;1090%i% Sale122,000 90% Sale


1098634 110 113


3,000 111% 115%105% 10996% 108%

91 Sale1073-1 Sale106 1081033% Sale109 Sale99% 98% 97 Sale9234 93110 111106%

93% Sale 95108% 109%94% 134% 93 94124 127Ill 95%

92% Sale90 98% Sale 97%111% 113%87% 88%91 Sale90 Sale100 Sale

102% 109% 111103 110%110 11497%

a98 99

a93% 93%a93% Salea88% 88102% 102 98%a97% 97%

a95 9790 92

83 84%99 Sale97 98% 91%

91% Sale110 Sale

104% Sale111 Sale

96% 97%92% Sale108 110106%

93% Sale



98% Mch. 2

933% Mch. 27933% Mch. 31873% Mch. 21103 Mch. 27

1023% Bich. 29

Lowest. Highest.

Sale Prieto.1013% Feb. 15101 Feb. 1103 Feb. 71023% Bich. 29116 Feb. 211163% Feb. 17

993% Mch. 311013% Mch. 271023% Mch. 31993% Mch. 22107ii Mch. 9101 Mch. 291073% Bich. 111023% Mch. 10993% Mch. 3088 Bich. 6

993j Bich. 15

94% Mch. 994% Mch. 489 Mch. 3104 Mch. 3

97 Mch. 25 973% Bich. 17

97 Mch. 16 973% Mch. 1491 Bich. 20 943% Mch. 7

82% Mch. 298 Mch. 13983% Bich. 1903% Mch. 29

903% Mch. 301063% Mch. 8107 Mch. 10103 Mch. 11108 Bich. 6

963% Bich. 18923% Bich. 2

933% Mch. 31

108 Bich. 259531 Mch. 17

943% Sale 931243% 1243% 1241103.1 111 11195%

92% Sale

11289%91% Sale90% Sale100%

98% Sale983%

102% 109% 110105 • 110113 97% 80

1113% 1133% 1113% 1131063% 1073% 1063% 97 97% 108% 1108%


85 Bich. 8993% Bich. 3198% Mch. 1913% Mch. 14

Sale Prices.1013% Feb. 151013% Feb. 151033% Feb. 81026% Feb. 1116 Feb. 211163% Feb. 17

983% Jan. 10 993% Jan. 61003% Jan. 12 1013% Bich. 271003% Jan, 14 1023% Feb. 23983% Jan. 10 993j Jan. 61063% Jan. 13 108 Feb. 201013% Bich, 291013% Mch. 291063% Jan. 12 108 Feb. 23102 Jan. 25 103 Jan. 598% Jan. 12 993% Jan. 688 Feb. 8 883% Jan. 61043% Jan. 10 1043% Feb. 23

973.( Jan. 4 993% Mch. 15

933% Mch, 27939-i Mch. 31873% Mch. 211023% Feb. 1973% Jan. 1797 Jan. 23

95% Jan. 3953-1 Jan. 1190 J an . 5104 Feb. 21100 Feb. 2973% Jan. 16

97 Jan, 26 973/ Jan. 691 Bich. 20 943- Jan. 20

78% Jan. 498 Wk. 1398 Jan. 5903% Bich. 29

913% Mch. 8 903% Bich. 301103% Mch, 30 105 Jan. 3108 Bich. 13 1053% Jan. 51043% Mch. 30 1023% Feb. 61113% Mch. 29 1083% Jan. 4

97% Mch. 19331 Bich. 13'


963.1 Jan. 21923% Bich. 2

943% Bich. 291

108 Bich. 25'9531 Bich. 17

933j Mch. 31

108 Mch. 259531 Bich. 17

Bich. 3 943% Bich. 28,Bich. 30 125 Bich. 14Bich. 17 111 Bich. 17

85 Mch. 899% Jan. 398% Feb. 7923% Jan. 26

923% Jan. 261103% Mch. 30109 Feb. 111043% Mch. 301113% Mch. 29

97% Feb 16933% Feb. 10

943% Jan. 27

108 Mch. 25cmq Mch. 17

9234 Jan. 3 963-i Feb. 11243% Bich. 30 125 Mch. 14111 Jan. 27 1113% Feb. 18

923% Bich. 14

98% Mch. 1

883% Bich. 2991 Bich. 13903% Bich. 14

93 Bich. 11 923% Jan. 14

983% Bich. 31 98 Jan. 1208 Jan. 20

883% Bich. 30913% Bich. 9903% Bich. 31

873% Jan. 1091 Mch. 13903% Feb. 21

1023% Feb. 15

1123% Bich. 28

107 Jan. 14113 % Feb. 28973% Feb. 16

113 Bich. 6 1123% Bich. 28

97 Feb. 7

93 Jan. 17

993% Feb. 2198 % Feb. 8

88 Jan. 2692 Jan. 391 Jan. 20

1023% Feb. 15

107 Jan. 1411394 Jan. 17973% Feb. 16

113 Mch. 6

97 Feb. 7

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Sales inMarch.

(Par vat.)

Price aboutJan. 31911.


•Mch. 1. Mch. 31.

Buff Roch & Pitts (con.-Roch & Pittsb 1st g, F - A

Consol, 1st g, 6s 1922J DBuff &Sus-lst ref g 4s Apr 1951 J - JBurl C R & No. See CRI & Pac

Can So 1st extended 6s 1913 J - J2d 58 1913 M - SRegistered 1913 M - S

garb & Shawn. See Ill CentralCarolina Cent. See Scab Air LCarthage & Ad. SeeNYC& H

BeeBC&RNSentral Branch Ry. See Mo PacSent Branch 11:1 P. See Mo PacCentral Ohio. See Bait & OhioSent of Ga-lst, g, 5s_Nov 1945 F - A

Consol, gold, 5s 1945 M - NRegistered 1945 M - N

1st, pref, Inc, g, 5s_Nov 1945 OctStamped

2d, pref, Inc, g, 5s_Nov 1945 OctStamped

8d A Pre, Inn, 8, 58-Nov 1995 OctStamped

Chat Div pur money, g,4s '51 J - DMac & Nor Div, 1st, g, 5s1946 J - JMid Ga & Atl Div 5s___ _1947 J - JMobile Div, 1st, g, 5s_ _1946 J - J

SenRR&B of Ga-Col g 5s 1937 M - NCentral of N J-Gen g, 5s_1987 J - J

Registered July 1987 Q - JAm Dock&Imp Co gu 5s 1921 J - JLeh & H R gen gu, g, 5s 1920J - JLeh & Wilkes-B Coal 5s_1912 M - NN Y & L Br, gen, g, 4s_ _1941 M - S

Sent Pacific. See So Pac CoSent Ver lst,gu,g,4s_May 1920Shea & 0-Fund & imp 5s 1928

1st cons, g, 5s 1939193919921992

_ 19301949

Q - FJ - JM - N

Itegistered M NGen, gold, 4%s M- S

Registered M - SConvertible 430 F - ABig Sandy, 1st, 4s J - DCoal Riv Ry lst, gu, 4s_ _1945 J -DCraig Valley, 1st, g, 5s_ _1940 J - JPotts Creek Br 1st 4s_ 1946 J - JR & A Div, 1st con g, 4s_1989 J - J2d con gold, 4s 1989J - J

Warm Spr Val, 1st g, 58_1941 M - SGreenbr'r Ry,lst gu,g,4s 1090 M - N

Chic & Alt RR-Ref g 35.._1949 A - 0Railway, 1st lien,g,3 %s_1950 J - J

Chic Burl & Q-Denv D 4s 1922 F - AIllinois Division, 3 30_ _1949 J - J

Registered 1949 J - JIllinois Div 4s 1949 J - J

Registered 1949 J - JIowa Div sink fund, 5s 1919 A - 0

Sinking fund 4s 1919 A - 0Nebraska Exten, 4s___ _1927 M - N

Registered 1927 M - NSouthwestern Div 4s_ 1921 H - S45, joint bonds. See Gt NorDebenture 5s 1913General 4s 1958ehle & E Ill-Ref & imp g 4819551st cons, gold, 6s Gen cons, 1st, 58


Registered 1937Ch & Ind Coal Ry 1st 5s 1936Ihic Gt West-lst 50-yr 48 1959Chic hid & Lou-Ref, g, Os 1947Refunding, gold, 55.._ _ _1947Refunding 4s Series C 1947L N A & C, C&I div 6s 1911Chic Ind & Sou-50-yr 4s_I956Chic Milw & St Paul-5s_ _1914Gen, g, 4s, ser A__May 1989

Registered May 1989Gen g, 334s, ser B_May 1989Registered

25-year deben 4s May 1989

1934Oh & L Sup, Div, g, 5s_192114Ch & Mo Riv Div, 5s_ __ _1926Ch & P W, Ist,Dak & Gt So, g, 55 Dubuque Div 1st, 5!, 6s_11992108Fargo & So, assu, g, 68_19241st La Crosse & D, 5s_ _ _1919Wis & Minn Div. g, 55:1021Mll & No 1st consol, 6s _1913Chic & North W cons 7s__ _1915Extension 48 1886-1926

Registered 1880.1926General, gold, 3 34s

General 45 Nov 19998887Re 77Registered

Sinking fund 68_1879-1929Registered 1879-1929Sinking fund 5s 1879-1929Registered 1879-1929

Debenture 5s 1921Registered _

Sinking fund deb 5s.......11993231Registered 1933Frem Elk & Mo V 1st as 1933Mani GB&NW 1st gu 3 Hs '41Milwau &S L lat gu 3 481941M LS & West, 1st, g, 68_1921Ext & imp, s f, g, 5s_ _1929Ashland Div, 1st, g, 681925Michigan Div, lst,g,6s 1924Incomes, 6s 1911

ale R I & Pacific, Cis 1917Registered

9General, gold, 48 1198187Registered 1988

Refunding, gold, 4s.... 1934Collet trust, Series J___ _1912

Series M 1914Series L

Series 0 1915

Series P 19171918

Chic R I & Pac RR 48_ 2002Registered 2002R 1 Ark & L 4345 rec_1934

Burl C R & No-gold 58 _1934Registered 1934






Bid. Ask.115% 118116 72%

103 103%100% 101% /Of%

1,000 111% 24,000 10734 108 10899,000 10134 Sale3,000 100 102

372000 993.4 Sale5,000 99 100

227,000 9734 100 97% 100 86 909,000 105% 105 1075,000 102 105

89,000 1223/ Sale11,000 1213, 122341,000 10834 Sale 101 100% 101 99%

40,000 8736 9057,0001102 8 105 •28,0001 1129 11334 112Y3

141,00011 101% Sale /00

94 Sale 89%85% 87103 10581 9095% 963490 927102 85 92

4,0001 723% 747/s28,000 70 70346,000 9934 904

58,000 8834 Sale 8654 62,000 993 10034 9934

Bid. Ask.113% 116 116%38



M N 34,000M- S 267,000J - J 38,000A -- N

M- NJ JM- SJ -JJ -JJ -JF -AJ j 2,000j J 14,000J J 164,000Q

j 21,000J -J



J -JJ - JJ JJ -J - JJ - JJ -JJ JJ -JJ -D

F 4,000A 13,000

F - A 3,000H- N 152,000Q - F M - N 341,000A -A -A - 0 2,000A -A -A -M - N 1,000M - N 6,000A -J JJ -J M - N 6,000F -A M - S J - J fl- N J - J 9,000J J J - J 78,000J -J



10436 9934 100%98% Sale98% 98%99


Bid. Ask.113% 116 38

Lowest. Highest.

Sale Prices. Sale Prices.

11674 Mch. 3 11674 Mch. 3

103% Sale101 Sale 101%

Lowest. Highest.

Sale Price.

11634 Feb. 3

10234 Mch. 15 10334 Mch. 31101 Mch. 1610134 Mch. 11

11234 11434 Sale 1143/s Mch. 3110834 109 10734 109 108 Mch. 27 108 108 100 Sale 103 Sale 100 Mch. 1100 101 103 105 10034 Mch. 995 Sale 100 Sale 95 Mch. 195 96 100 101 100 Meth 2085 86 96 Sale 86 Mch. 285 86 95 96 87 90 87 104 10534 10534 Mch. 21105 105% 108% 109% 1013/2 103 10134 103 10134 Mch. 14123 Sale 12234 12334 12234 Meli. 412234 Sale 12234 12334 122 Mch. 2 108 107 108 10734 Mch. 6100% 100% 10034 101 10034 99% 99%

8934 905/g 9034 9134 9034 Mch. 810554 Sale 105 107 10434 Mch. 1411234 11334 11234 11234 112 Melt. 29

111% 10034 Sale 10034 Sale 10034 Meh• 3 100 1009634 Sale 9634 Sale8734 88 8734 877485 8734 85 8734102% 102% 84 84 9534 963% 95 96349034 9234 9034 93101% 101% 85 85 70 73 73 7470 703% 69 69349936 995/s 99 99%88 Sale 8734 Sale

88%99% Sale 9934 Sale

101% 101%97% Sale82 82%123% 129109% 111%109 110%109% 1103484% 8434125% 107% 93

10091% 95102% 102%99% Sale

88 Sale 873.192% Sale106% 108% 106% 106%103% 104%f/3% 116%, 105Y

1031 104%106

11036 113993

98%88 Sale

A - 0 301,000M - N M - N M - N M- N M- N M- N 1,195,000M- N

A -A - 0

111% 111 105% 104% 106 107105% 105108


104% 99% 99%98% Sale


101 101%97% Sale81 82%124 128109% Sale

109% 84% Sale126% 107% 11193 94%100% 92% 93% 102%98% Sale98% 87% 87% 87%92% 92%10636 10710834 106% 106%103 104%113% 116 105% 106% 103%• 110 110%99% 100%07 8734 Sale

87%99 Sale111% 110% 105% 104% 105 106 105%108 110%108% 109126%

104% 99% 99%98% 99


10274 Mch. 1510034 Jan. 2010034 Jan. 9

11434 Mch. 31 11234 Jan. 3110874 Mch. 8 10734 Jan. 5

104 Mch. 21.100 Feb. 2310034 Mch. 9 10034 Mch. 9101 Mel'. 211 95 Feb. 24100 Mch. 20 100 Mch. 2096 Mch. 311 85 Feb. 24

10636 Mch. 30873% Feb. 1410534 Jan. 6

10134 Mch. 14123 Mel'. 1511223% Mch. 111073/8 Mch. 6

Sale Price.

11674 Mch. 3

10334 Feb. 810136 Feb. 17100% Jan. 9

11436 Meth 31109 Feb. 3

104 Mch. 2110034 Mch. 9101 Mch. 21100 Mch. 2099 Jan. 13

87% Feb. 141063 Mch. 30

1083% Feb. 3 108% Fed. 310134 Mch. 14 102 Jan. 261223% Jan. 3 12336 Feb. 11122 Mch. 2 12336 Feb. 81073/5 Mch. 610834 Jan. 25

10036 Feb. 27

9234 Mch. 1010636 Mch. 281127/ Mch. 9

10034 Feb. 27

8736 Jan. 14 9234 Mch. 101024 Jan. 13 10636 Mch. 28112 Mch. 29 113% Jan. 5

101 Mch. 141 100% Feb. 24 10134 Feb. 3

9574 Mch. 29 9674 Mch. 1!8734 Mch. 13 8734 Mch. 13,

103 Mch. 28 103 Mch. 281 103 Mch. 28;103 Mch. 28

9534 Mch. 17

94 Jan. 3 9736 Feb. 238734 Feb. 28 89 Feb. 3

95% Mch. 8 9534 Mch.(179136 Jan. 19

101% 101%96% Sale 80124% 126110 Sale

115 115%109 117% 117100 1095 112108 110%97% Sale



115% 109% Ill117% 117% 10036 10934, 109 96% 96% 9788% Sale

9658 98%95% 94

110% Sale85% Sale127% 107% 11193 94%100% 92 92%102% Sale98% 98% 9887 Sale 86%


93% 9573 Sale


74 Sale

93%110% 112%


73 Mch. 2169% Mch. 699 Mch. 308734 Mch. 31

99% Mch. 15

99% Mch. 296% Mch. 69836 Mch. 17

101 Mch. 10963% Mch. 3181 Mch. 16

109% Mch. 1108% Meth 21110 Meli. 78456 Mel'. 1127 Mch. 21

9236 Mch. 1710234 Mch. 309834 Mch. 29

87 Mch. 31

7334 Mch. 307034 Mch. 17,9934 Mch. 2088 Mch. 20

72% .Tan. 769% Mch. 699 Mch. 308734 Meli. 31

993% Mch. 22 .99% !deli. 15 100 Jan. 18

9934 Mch. 8 9934 Jan. 1499 Mch. 20 96% Mch. 69834 Mch. 17! 9836 Mch. 17 I 99 Feb. 21

101 % Mch. 20 101 Mch. 109734 Mch. i 96% Mch. 3182 Mch. 8 81 Meth 18 127 Jan. 19110 Mch. 31; 1093% Mch. 1108% Mch. 211108% Mch. 21110% Mch. 311110 Mch.86 Meth 30 84% Feb. 2412734 Mch. 22 127 Mch. 21

100 A Feb. 109234 Meth 17! 9236 Mch. 17102% Mch. 31110234 Mch. 3099 Meth 1 1 9836 Mch. 29 I 993/ Jan. 78774 Mch. 15; 863 Jan. 26

96 Jan. 269134 Jan. 19

733% Jan. 167136 Jan. 19997/s Feb. 1188% Jan. 4

10034 Jan. 410034 Jan. 7

9936 /deli. 89914 Feb. 69836 Mch. 1799 Feb. 21

101% Jan. 598 Jan. 483 Jan. 20127 Jan. 19111 Jan. 12108% Mel'. 211103% Mch. 3186 Mch. 3012734 Feb. 1

10034 Feb. 209334 Feb. 1510234 Feb. 7995% Jan. 10994 Jan. 78834 Jan. 20

92 9236 92 Meth 281063% 107% 10636 Mch. 4

Mch. 20Mehl. 24

108% 10910636 Sale 106%103% 104113% 116 105% 106 103% 110% Sale96% 98%97% 9987% Sale85% 86%98 99 98% Mch. 29111 11036 1063 106 Mch. 101053'4

110 Mch. 1699% Mch. 1097 !dell. 787 Mch. 30

925% Mch. 111 92 Mch. 2810634 /dell. 410636 Mch. 4109 /deli. 20 109 Mch. 20106% Mch. 15:106% Mch. 24 11103% Feb. 21 . 114 Feb. 17 !11734 Jan. 7

1065% Jan. 4 110384 Feb. 281105% Mch. 14 109% Jan. 2599% Mch. 3 993% Meth 1097 Mch. 7 97 Meth 78736 Mch. 1 .87 Meth 30


108 109 108%127%

1141 10958 111117117100 109% 110109 96 96% 9788% Sale


73% Sale

92% 94111% 112

93 Jan. 6107 Jan. 9109 /dell. 2010734 Jan. 610334 Feb. 21114 Feb. 17117% Jan. 7

10736 Feb. 24103% Feb. 28112 Feb. 3998% Jan. 189836 Feb. 178836 Jan. 20

99 Mch. 16 085% Jan. 27 9934 Feb. 14112 Jan. 17 112 Jan. 17

1083% Mch. 310834 Mch. 6

115 Mch. 3

10634 Mch. 17, 106 Mch. 10 10634 Mch. 17

1106 Jan. 4 106 Jan. 4

108%, Mch. 3108% Feb. 11 108% Mch. 3108% Meth 6 108% Mch. 6 108% Meth 6

127 Feb. 10 127 Feb. 10

11534 Mch. 20

109% Mch. 16

96 Mch.-16

8836 Mch. 16

115 Jan. 610934 Feb. 3

118 Jan. 31

1091% Mch. 17,

_ 665% ______ 241

11534 Mch. 20110 Feb. 18

118 Jan. 31

1093% Mch. 16 110 Jan. 20

06 Feb. 28 98 Jan. 6

89 Mch. 23 8834 Feb. 28

97% Feb. 4

89% Jan. 6

97% Feb. 4

726% /deli. 11 7434 Mch. 29

93% Mch. 811134 Mch. 29

93% Mch. 8112 Mch. 11

72% !dell. 1174% Feb. 1934 Jan. 711134 Mch. 29

74% Jan. 277434 Feb. 194 Feb. 1611234 Feb. 15

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 7: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf




Sales inMarch.

(Par val.)

Price aboutJan. 31911.

@hie R I & P-(Concluded)- 8GRIF&N W, gu, g 5s _1921 A - 104% M & St L, 1st gu, g, 7s_..1927 J - D Choc Okl&G gen, g 5s,Oct'19 J - J 2,000 102'

Consol, gold, 55 1952 M - N 110%Keok & Des M, lst,5s___1923 A - 0 2,000 100%

Chic St L & N O. See Ill CentChic St L & Pitts. See PennCochic St P M & 0, cons 6s__1930 J - D 22,000 124 SaleCons 6s, reduced to 3 %_1930 J - D 85 Ch St P & Min, 1st g, 6s_1918 M - N 124 SaleNorth Wisconsin 1st 6s_ _1930 J - J 122% 127%St P & S City, 1st g, 6s__1919 A - 0 14,000 112%

Chic & W I gen, g, 6s_Dec 1932Q - M 6,000 109 110%Consol 50-year 4s 1952 J - J 73,000 91% 93

Chic & W Mich. See Pere MarqChoc Okl & G. See CRI&PQin Ham & D 2d g, 4 %s 1937 J - J 99%

1st guar 4s 1959 J - J 89Cin D & I, 1st guar g 5s_1941 M - N 12,000 103% 105%CinFin&FtW,lst gu g 4s.1923 M - N 1,000 Cin Ind & W, 1st gu g 45.1953 J - J 88Ind Dec&West 1st, g, 55.1935 J - J 15,000 101 104

1st guar gold 5s 1935 J - J ------Gin Ind St L & C See CCC&StLGin San & Clev. See CCC&StLClearfield & Mahon. See BR&P0 0 C & St L gen g 4s 1093J -D 20,000 93% 95

Cairo Div, 1st, gold, 4s 1939 J - J 93% Cin W & M Div, 1st g 4s_1991 J - J 93% St L Div, 1st coil tr g 4s_1990 M - N 7,000 94 95

Registered 1990 M N 90 93Sp & Col Div, 1st g 4s__1940 M - S 92 100%W W Val Div. 1st g 4s__1040 J - J 91% Cin I St L & C, cons 6s__1920 M - N 105%

First gold 4s____Aug 1936 Q - F 5,000 97% Registered ____Aug 1936 Q - F 93% 97%

Cin S & Cl, cons 1st g 5s_1928 J - J 105% Cl C C & In consol 7s_ _ _1914 J -D 106%

Consol sink fund, 7s__1914 J - D Gen'l consol, gold, 6s_1934 J - J 125%

Registered 1934 J - J• Ind BI & W, 1st pref, 4s_1940 A - 0 0 I & W, 1st pf, 5s_Apr 1938Q -Peor & East, 1st cons 4s_1940 A - 0 5,000 91 92Income 4s 1990 Apr. 59 Sale

Gleve Lor & W. See Bait & 0Gleve & Mahon Vail. See ErieCleve & Marietta. See Penn RRCleveland & Pitts. See PennCoColo Midland-1st g 4s___1047 J - J 29,000 96% SaleSolo & Southern 1st g 4s.._1929 F - A 99,000 96 SaleRefunding & ext, 4 Hs_ _1935 M - N 126,000 97% SaleF W & D City-lst g 6s_1921 J - D 36,000 113

Colum & Greenv. See South RyColum & Hock V. See Hock ValCol Conn & Term. See Nor&WConn & Pas Rivs, 1st g 48_1943 A - 0 Cuba RR 1st 50-year 5s g_ A952J - J 99% Dakota & Gt So. See CM&StP

alias & Waco. See Mo K &TDelaware Lack & Western-

Morris & Essex 1st 7s___1914 M - N 5,000 108% First cons guar, 7s___1915 J - D 1,000 111%

Registered 1915 J - D1st ref, guar, g, 3 4s.._2000 J D 91

N Y L & W, 1st, 6s 1921J - J 4,000 115% 118Construction 5s 1923 F - A 107% Term & improv't 4s_ _1923 M - N 32,000 98%

War RR 1st ref gu g 3 %s2000 F - A 85 Del & H-lst Penn Div 7s_1917 M - S 117% 120

Registered 1917 M - S 116 10-year convert deb 4s__1916 J - D 149,000, 98 N Sale1st lien eq 15-yr g 4 %s__1922let refunding 4s 1943

J - JM - N


10134 Sale100% Sale

Alb & Susq, cony 3 Hs_ _1946 A - 0 80,000 93% SaleRens & Saratoga 1st 7s 1921 M - N 123%

Del Riv RR Bdge. See PennRRDen & R G-Ist cons, g, 4s 1936 J - J 47,000 93% SaleConsol gold 4%s 1936J - J 101 102%Improvement, gold, 5s_ _1928 J - D 2,000 103% 104%First & refunding 5s____1955 F - A 201,000; 90 SaleRio Gr Junc,lst,gu,g,5s_1939 J - D 4,000 105Rio Gr Sou, 1st, g, 4s.._..1940 J - J 65Guaranteed 1940 J - J 79

Rio Gr West, 1st, g, 4s__1939 J - J 28,000 90% SaleM & colt tr, g,4s,Ser A.1949 A - 0 13,000 83% 84Ut C, 1st, gu, g, 4s.Jan1917 A - 0

Des M & Ft D. See M & St LDee M Un Ry, 1st, g. 5s- --1917 M N 100 Det & Mack, 1st lien g, 4s_1995 J - D 03 Gold 4s 1995 J - D 1,000 88% 90

Det Sou-0 S Div, 1st 4s_ _1941 M - S 79Dul Missabe & Nor gen 5s_1941 J - J 104% Dul & Iron Range, 1st 5s__1937 A - 0 1,000'108%

Registered S

1937Second Os 1916

A - 0 J - J

Duluth Short Line. See Nor PDul So Shore & Atl, g, 5s_ _1937 J J 106% 108Vast of Minn. SeeSPM& M1-last Tenn Reor lien. See SoRyEast Tenn Va & Ga. See SoRyElgin Jol & East, 1st g 5s__1941 M - N 108% Elm Cort & No. See Leh &NYErie-lst consol, gold, 7s__1920 M - S 28,000 119% 120NY & Erie 1st ext, g, 4s_1947 M - N 98 2d, ext, gold, 5s 1919 M - S 11043d, ext, gold, 43%s___1923 M - S 101% 4th, ext, gold, 5s____1920 A - 0 4,000 103% 5th, ext, gold, 4s_ ___1928 J -D 03 NYLE&W g, fund, 7s.1920 M - S 11TErie, 1st con, g, prior 4s_1996 J - J 131,000 84% 8534

Registered J - J 1,000 83 As1st consol gen lien g 4s1996 J - J 81,000 73% Sale

Registered J - J 75!..1 Penn coil trust, g, 4s_1951 F - A 29,000: 86% WO

50-yr cony g 4s, Ser A_1953 A - 0 83,000 73 SaleDo do Ser B_1953 A -0 455,000' 69 Sale

Buff N Y & Erie 1st 7s_.:1916 J -D 100 112Chic & Erie, 1st gold 5s_1982 M - N 1,000 1 1 1 111Clev & Mahon Val, g 5s_1938 J - J 1113%

Registered 1938 Q - J 110 Long Dock, cons g 6s___1935 A - 0 1,000 122% C & RR Co 1st cur gu 6s_1922 M - N 104% 108D & Impt Co 1st cur 6s__1913 J - J 100% NY&Greenw L guar g 5s.1946 M - N 90%

• NYSusq&W, 1st ref g 5s.1937 J - J 101% 103Second, gold, 43%s.....1937 F - A

rGeneral, gold, 5s 1940 F - A 80 87


Mch. 1. Mch. 31. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. Highest.

Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Sale Prices. Sale Prices. Sale Prices. Sale Prices.1063% 1063% 105 1063% Feb. 23 1063% Feb. 23

1023% 102 1023% Mch. 14 1023% Mch. 14 1023% Mch. 14 1023% Mch. 14 1093% 1063% 1083% 1093% Feb. 6 1093% Feb. 6993% 101 993% 1003% Mch. 31003% Mch. 3 100 Jan. 241003% Mch. 3

124% Sale 1243% 1253% 1243% Mch. 22 1243% Mch. 13 124 Jan. 31253% Jan. 3085 85 1243% 1243% 124 Jan. 41253% Jan. 201233% 126 124 1261123% 1123% 1123% 1123% 1113% Mch. 31123% Mch. 13 1113% Mch. 31123% Mch. 131083% 1103% 1093% 112 109 Mch. 201093% Mch. 29 109 Mch. 201093% Mch. 29923% 93 923%.Sale 923% Mch. 141 93 Mch. 3 923% Jan. 13 933% Jan. 27

100 1003% 101 90 89%102 104 103 1043% 1023% Mch. 141043% Mch. 18 1023% Mch. 14 1043% Feb. 2186 86 88 Mch. 15 88 Mch. 15 88 Mch. 15 88 Mch. 1585 88 88 901033% Sale 104 105 1033% Mch. 1 104 Mch. 30 103 Jan. 21 104 Mch 30

94 95 93% 94 94 Mch 29 943% Mch. 20 933% Jan. 17 95 Feb. 11 93 92% 92 Feb. 9 92 Feb. 991 9414 923% 9492 93% 923% 933% 923% Mch. 24 933% Mch. 13 923% Mch. 24 94 Jan. 1290 90 90% 90% 91% 91% 106 106 96 973% 943% 97 Mch. 20 97 Mch. 20 96 Feb. 7 97 Feb. 1793% 93% 107 107 106 Jan. 41063% Jan. 201073% 1073% 107% Feb. 11 107% Feb. 11

1253% 1253% 1253% Feb. 71253% Feb. 7

913% Sale 90 913% 903% Mch. 30 92 Mch. 15 90 Jan. 7 93 Jan. 24 60 59 59 Jan. 3 613% Jan. 16

(16 673% 643% 643% 643% Mch. 23 66 Mch. 10 643% Mch. 23 69 Jan. 13

953% Sale 95 Sale 943% Mch. 21 953% Mch. 6 943% Mch. 21 973% Jan. 23

983% 980% 983% Sale 983% Mch. 29 985% Mch. 11 973% Jan. 3 983% Jan. 6110 113 1123% 113 1123% Mch. 25 1123% Mch. 14 1123% Mch. 25 113 Jan. 27


108 1073% 1083% Mch. 16 1083% Mch. 16,1083% Mch. 16 108% Jan. 20111 111% 1103% 1113% 111 Mch. 6111 Mch. 6'111 Mch. 6111% Jan. 17109% 87% 90 91 Jan. 6 91 Jan. 61153% 116 115 1163% 1163% Mch. 7 1163% Mch. 7 1153% Jan. 4 1163% Mch. 7107% 107% 99 993% 98 99 99 Mch. 21 993% Mch. 3 99 Jan. 18 993% Jan. 1985 85 1153% 1173% 1153% 1163%

99 Sale 983% 99 983% Mch. 9 99 Mch. 1 983% Jan. 3 99 Jan. 20101 1013% 1013% 1013% 1013% Mch 61013% Mch. 10 101 Jan. 17 102 Jan. 598 983% 083% 985% 983% Mch. 30 983% Mch. 13 983% Mch. 301003% Jan. 6933% 94 933% 94 933% Mch. 28 933% Mch. 16 933% Feb. 27 94 Jan. 191243% 1243% 1233% Jan. 5 124 Jan. 25

923% 933% 933% Sale 93 Mch. 13 933% Mch. 31 923% Feb. 15 94 Jan. 699% 99% 101 102 1013% 101 Mch. 9101 Mch. 9 101 Mch. 9 101 Mch. 9933% Sale 923% Sale 923% Mch. 31 933% Mch. 1 90 Jan. 3 933% Feb. 21 105 1043% Mch. 22 1043% Mch. 22 1043% Mch. 22 1043% Mch. 22 62 63 85 85 92 923% 91 Sale 91 Mch. 31 923% Mch. 7 903% Jan. 4 923% Mch. 7853% Sale 85 853% 843% Mch. 14 853% Mch. 1 833% Jan. 4 853% Feb. 8

100 100

• 893% 90 90 90 Mch. 6 90 Mch. 6 883% Jan. 23 90 Mch. 6 72% 72%

106% 109 112 109 Sale 109 Mch. 31 109 Mch. 31 1083% Jan. 5 109 Feb. 20

104 Feb. 27 104 Feb. 27

106% 109 1063% 109 108 Jan. 4 108 Jan. 4

110% 110%

119 1205% 1183% Sale 1183% Mch. 10 1183% Mch. 30 1183% Mch. 10 1203% Jan. 28100% 100% 1053% 1053% 1053% 1063% , 1043% Jan. (31043% Jan, 61033% 1033% 11013% Jan. 9 1024 Feb. 3105 1053% 1053% 1063% 1053% Mch. 9 1053% Mch. 9 105 Jan. 18 1053% Mch. 997 96 99 118% 118% 86 863% 853% Sale 85 Mch. 30 863% Mch. 2 85 Mch. 30 86% Feb. 21 8334 823% Mch. 21 823% Mch. 21 823% Mch. 21 823% Mch. 21753% Sale 75 753% 75 Mch. 11 753% Mch. 1 733% Jan. 3 76 Feb. 11

87 88 883% 883% 87 Mch. 2 883% Mch. 29 86 Jan. 25 883% Mch. 2£77 79 783% Sale 763% Mch. 30 793% Mch. 30 73 Jan. 3 793% Mch. 3(703/3 Sale 72 Sale 70 Mch. 9 7234 Mch. 31 69 Jan. 6 72% Mch. 311105% 113 111 113 1103% Jan. 241103% Jan. 22112 1123%1113%

1113% 1123%1113%

1123% Mch. 251123% Mch. 25 1113% Jan. 14 1113% Feb. 14

113 Feb. 1•

(III % Feb. 12

• 110% 110• 1243% 1243% 125 Mch. 15 125 Mch. 15 1243% Jan. 25 125 Mch. 1:1053% 108 1053% 1093%

• 1013% 1013% 1003% Jan. 11 1003% Jan. 1]100 100 1013% 105 103 105 L01% Jan. 41013% Jan. , 8080 8714 80 873% 8514 Jan. 31 8711 Feb. 11

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Sales inMarch.

(Par val.)

Erie—(Con.)—N Y Susq & W—Terminal, 1st, gold,5s 1943

Mid of N J 1st ext, 1940____5Wilk dr East,lst gu, g 58.1940

Erie & Pittsburgh. See Penn CoEv & In, 1st con, gu, g, 68_1926Ev & T H—let cons g 68_ _1921

let general gold 58 1942Mt Vernon let gold 6s 1923Sull Co Brch, 1st g 5s_ _ _1930

Vargo dr Sou. See ChicM&StPA la Cent & P. See Seab Air LFla East Coast 1st 434s 1959Fort St U D Co let g 4 %8 1941Ft W & Rio Or, 1st g 48_ _ _1928Gal H & San A. See So Pa Co

alv H & H of 1882, let,58,'13Ga & Ala. See Seab Air LineGa Car & Nor. See Seab Air LGeorgia Pacific. See South RyGila V 0 & N. See Sou Pac CoGouv & Oswegat. See N Y CentGt No—C B & Q coil tr 4s_1921

Registered July 1921St Paul Minn & Manitoba—

Consol mortgage 4s_ _19331st consol, gold, 6s __ _1933

Registered 1933Reduced to gold 4%8_1933

Registered 1933Mont Ext, 1st gold 4s.._1937

Registered 1937Pac Ext, sterling gu 4s....1940E Ry M,No Div,lst,g,4s_1948Minneap Un 1st, g, 68_1922Mont C, let, gu, g, Os__ 1937

Registered 19371st guar, gold, 58 _ _ _1937

Registered 1937Will & S F, 1st, gold, 5s_1938

Greenbrier Ry. See Ches & 0G&ShI, 1st rf&ter5s,g,Feb 1952

Registered Feb 1952Hock Val, 1st con, g, 4348.1999

Registered 1999Col & H V, 1st ext g 48_1948Col dr Tol 1st, ext, 4s_ _ _1955

Housatonic. SeeNYNII,Sz HH de Tex Cent, See So Pac CoHous Belt & Ter 1st 5s_ 1937I llinois Central-1st g 4s_ _1951

Registered 19511st, gold, 334s 1951

Registered 1951Extended, 1st, g, 3345....1951

Registered 19511st, gold, 3s, sterling __ _1951

Registered 1951Collateral trust gold 48.._1952

Registered 19521st refunding 4s 1955Purchased linesColl tr g 48, L N 0 & T 1953

Registered 1953Cairo Bridge, gold, 4s_ .1950Lou'v div& term,g,3348_1953

Registered 1953Middle Div, regis, 58_ _ _1921Omaha Div, 1st, g, 3s 1951St Lou Div & term, g, 3s.1951

Registered 1951Gold, 354e 1951

Registered 1951Springf Div 1st g 334s...1951

Registered 1951Western Lines 1st g 4s_ _1951

Registered 1951Belle dr Carond, let 68_ _1923Carb & Shaw, 1st 4s, g_1923Ch St L & NO, gold, 5s_1951

Registered 1951Gold 3348 1951

Registered 1951Memphis Div,18t,g,48.1951

Registered 1951St L So, let, gu, g, 48_1931

Ind B1 & W. See ClevCC&StLInd Dec & W. See Cin H & DInd Ill & Ia, 1st, gold, 48_ _1950Intern dr GtNo—lst, g, 6s_19192d, gold, 5s 1909

Trust Co certificates 3rd, gold, 48 1921

Iowa Central, let, gold, 5s_1938Refunding gold 48 1951

Jack Lane & Sag. See Mich CenJames F dr Clear 1st

4s_- _ _195


all All G R. See LS & MSan & Mich. See Tol dr 0 CC Ft Sc & M. See St L & S F

K C & M Ry & B. SeeStL&SFK C dr Pacific. See Mo K & TKan City South, 1st g, 38_1950

Registered 1950Ref & irnro 58-- April 1950

Kansas C Term 1st 4s ....1960Kentucky Central. See L & NHeok & Des M. SeeCRI&PKnoxville & 010 dee Sou Ry

Lake E & W, ist, gold, 58.1937Li 2d. gold, 5s 1941

North Ohio 1st gu g 58_ _1945L Sh dr Mich So. See N Y CentLeh V(NY)Ist gu, g, 4348_1940

Registered 1940Leh V (Pa) gen con, g, 48_ _2003Leh V Ter Ry 1st gu, g, 5s_1941

Registered 1941Leh V Coal Co, let, gu,g,58.1933

Registered 1933First int reduced to 48_1933

Leh & N Y—lst gu, g, 48_1945Registered

Elm C & N, 1st pref 68_1914Gold, guar, 58 1914

Leh & Hud R. See Cent of N JLeh & Wilkesb. See Cent N JLeroy & Caney Val. See Mo PLong Dock See Erie

M - NA -J D

J▪ JA -A -A -

J -D• JJ J

A -•


J -J -JJ -JJ -JJ -JJ -DJ -D

A rJ

j JI - JJ JJ -JJ -D

J -JJ -JJ - JJ -JA -F- A


• .J JA -A -M- SM- SA -A -M - NJ -JM- NM- NJ -D-J

J -JF - AF - AJ -JJ -JJ -JJ JJ -JJ -JF - AF - AJ -Din- SJ -DJ -DJ DJ DJ -DJ -DM- S

J -JM- NM- S

M SJ -Din- S

J -D

A - 0A - 0J JJ -J

A -

▪ -M - NA -A -J -JJ -JJ -JM- SM SA - 0A -







Price about Jan. 31911.


Mch. 1.




10186 80 8434

97% 99

95% Sale 95%


Mch. 31.

Bid. 44. Bid. Ask.10934 111 109% 11034110 110 100% Sale 100 101%

110 1123% 110 1123/s112% 112% 101 102 101% 106 112 105

8,000 105% Sale




94 98 95 Sale86 00 95 84% 84%

96% 96%

96% Sale 96 Sale96 95% Sale

98 99% 98 99%126% 127% 126%

105% 105% 105%

9534 97

a9234 95% 11412634 12511134 113%



Sale Prices.



Lowest. Highest.

Sale Prices. Sale Prices.

101 Mch, 3

11234 Mch. 7101 Mch. 9

98 98% 95% 98% 95

a921% a92% 95% 96% 114 116 127% 12812534 125% 112% 113% 1123-4 113%

89% 95

46,000 102% Sale


112% 113%

90 9034 89% 90

102% Sale 101% 102%

94% 94

99 101%

5,0001 8934



94% 9596 96%

101%102 Sale100 102%8634 Sale





7 96 97% Sale84% 87%9814 99% 97%96 Sale84% 87




98 95 9634 96%85% 97% 98%94% 96% 9886% Sale

7534 Sale7334 85 89

102 74 75% 7774% 85 87%

87 87

95% 95%

101 94 113 119%111 11584%











11794 115 119%111 84%


94 95%107% 108%102% •10534 Sale14% 15103 Sale66 67%

95 Sale




94 06%107% 109106 112 Sale14% 25 102%66% 67


73% 74%

101% Sale 97

109 110 106106%




101% 101%97%

109 Sale10434 Sale108%

94% 9596 96%

100 101%100% 102100 90 8988% 89

98 95 96%9636 978534 863497% 98%94% 963496% 97%

102 75% 75% 77

85% 86%

87 _


117%9411634 117114% 84%


101 Mch. 3 100% Feb. 3

11234 Mch. 710154 Mch. 17

112% Jan. 4101 Jan. 17

Sale Prices,

101 Mch. 3

113 Feb. 18102 Feb. 21

95 Mch. 31

84 Mch. 7

95 Mch. 31 95 Feb. 15

95% Mch. 169534 Mch. 13

126% Mch. 29

105 Mch, 4

98% Mch. 6

84 Mch, 7

96% Mch. 1795% Mch. 31

127% Mch. 2,

105% Mch. 23

84 Feb. 20

98% Feb. 2

95% Jan. 395% Jan. 5

98% Feb. 1126 Jan. 7

95 Feb. 15

8434 Jan. 19

98% Feb. 2

96% Feb. 21963-4 Feb. 23

99 Feb. 212734 Mch. 2

105 Mch. 4106 Jan. 21

98% Mch. 9 96 Jan. 5 9834 Jan. 24

a99% Mch. 281a92% Mch. 28

1163/3 Mch. 16 1163% Mch.

a92% Mch. 281a92% Mch. 28

11634 Mch. 161116% Mch. 4127 Jan. 12'127 Jan. 12

90 Mch. 31 90 Mch. 3

112% Feb. 17

90 Mch. 3

1013% Mch. 10 10234 Mch. ii

101% Mch. 27

86% Mch. 1

102 Mch. 1

89% Mch. 17

11234 Feb. 17

91% Jan. 9

101% Mch. 10102% Jan. 5

94 Feb. 231 943% Feb. 196 Feb. 23 96 Feb. 23

10154 Feb. 610134 Mch. 27

101% Feb. 6103 Feb. 9

.86% Mch. 1

9636 Mch. 13

9734 Mch. 14

853-4 Mch. 22

98 Jan. 14

963% Mch. 301

98 Mch. 30/

86% Mch. 1

9634 Mch. 1386 Feb. 9973-4 Mch. 1494% Jan. 1196 Jan. 38534 Jan. 28

9034 Feb. 23

98 Jan. 20

98 Jan. 2087 Feb. 1598% Feb. 6943% Jan. 11973-4 Feb. 21-8634 Mch. 1

86 Mch. 20

75% Jan. 3

86% Mch. 15 86 Mch. 20

75% Jan. 3

8634 Mch. 15

11534 Feb. 7113 Feb. 16


95 96107% 109113 115%113% Sale17 27 10264 66


73% 74

100% 10197% 97%

109 109%10434 105%108%

10534 107 104 106104% 105% 9734 97 9734114 114 Sale111% 11334 111% 107 107%

94 94


102 100%

102 100%

95 Mch. 301073% Mch. 28

112 Mch, 1

63 Mch. 15

9434 Mch. 13

733% Mch. 29

100% Mch. 2997% Mch. 17

109 Mch. 1310434 Mch. 1

105% Itch. 9

97 Mch. 27113 Mch 13

1163% Feb. 10115 Feb. 16

95 Mch. 301073% Mch. 28

113% Mch. 2

66% Mch. 2.

9434 Mch. 131

74 Mch. 17

95 Mch. 3010734 Jan. 19112 Feb. 2310534 Jan. 315 Feb. 18102 Feb. 663 Mch. 15

9434 Feb. 21

73% Mch. 29

9634 Jan. 14108% Feb. 20112 Feb. 231137% Mch, 215 Feb. 18103 Jan. 669 Feb. 24

95 Jan. 3

7434 Jan. 9

101% Mch. 16 10064 Jan. 25 102 Jan. 697% Mch. 27 9634 Jan. 4 97% Mch. 27

109 Mch. 301109 Mch. 13 111 % Jan. 1410434 Mch. 1 104% Mch. 1 104% Mch. 1 108% Jan. 12 108% Jan. 12

106% Mch, 16 105% Mch, 9 10634 Mch. 16 104% Jan. 18 104% Jan. 18973-4 Mch. 28 97 Mch. 27 973.4 Mch. 28114 Mch. 31 113 Mch. 13 114 Jan. 26

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Long 1st 1st con, g, 5s_July 1931 Q - J1st cons, gold, 4s __July 1931 Q - JGen, g 4s 1938J -DFerry, g, 4 3is 1922 M- SGold, 4s 1932J -DUnified gold 4s 1949 M - SDeb, gold 5s 1934J -DGuar, ref, g 4s 1949 M - S

Registered 1949 M - SNYB&MB, con, g, 5s 1935 A - 0NY&RoBch, 1st, g, 5s_ _1927 M - SNShBch, 1st con,gu5s,Oct'32 Q - J

Louisiana & Ark, 1st 5s_ _ _1927 NI - SLouisville & Nashville-General gold 6s 1930 J - DGold 5s 1937 M - NUnified, gold, 4s 1940 J - J

Registered 1940 J - JColl trust, gold, 5s 1931 M NE H & Nash, 1st, g, 6s 1919 J - DLouis Cin & Lex, g, 4 3is.1931 NI- NN 0 & NI, 1st, g, 6s 1930 .1 - JN 0 & NI, 2d, g, 6s 1930J - JPad & Mem Div 4s 1946 F - APensacola div, g, 65_ _ _1920 M - SSt Louis div, 1st, g, 6s_1921 M - S2d, gold, 3s 1980 M - S

Atl Knox & Cin div,g,4s_1955 M - NAt1Knox&No, 1st, g, 5s_1946 J - DHend'son B'ge,lst s f,6s,g1931 M - SKentucky Central, g, 4s_1987 J - JL&N&Mob&N1 1st g 4 %s1945 NI - SL&N-Sou Mon, joint, 4s_1952 J - J

Registered July 1952 Q JNFl&Shef, 1st, gu, g, 5s_1937 F - ANpt&CinB gen gu g, 43,01945 J - JPens & Atl, 1st, gu, g, 6s 1921 F - AS & N Ala, con, gu, g, 5s.I936 F - A

Lo&JeffBridgeCo,gu g, 4s_1945 M - SL N & A Ch. See Chic Ind & LMahoningCoal. See LS&NISo

anito S W Coloniz, g, 5s 1934 J - DManila RR-Sou lines, 48_1936 M - NMcK'pt&BVern. SeeNYC&HRHex Cent, con, gold, 4s_ _1911 J - J2d, con, in g, 3s, Tr certfs_ _Equip and collat, g, 5s....1917 A - 02d Series, gold, 5s_ _ _1919 A - 0

Mex Internat, 1st con, g, 4s1977 M - SStamped, guaranteed_ _ _1977 NI - S

Michigan Central. See N Y CentMid Term, 1st, g, s f, 5s_ _ _1925 J - DMil L S & West. See Chic & N WMil & North. See Ch M & St PMinn & St L, 1st, gold, 7s..1927 J - D

Pacific Ext, 1st, gold, 6s.1921 A - 01st cons, gold, 55 1934 M - N1st & refund, gold, 48_ _1949 fi - SDes NI & Ft D 1st, gu,g,4sI935 - J

Minn & St L, gu. See B C & N&I St P & S S NI, con, gold, 4s,stpd, payment of int gu 1938 J - J

NI S S NI & Atl, 1st gold, 4s,stpd, payment of int gu 1926 J - J

Minneap Un. See St P NI & MMississippi Cent 1st 5s_ __ _1949 J - JMo Kan & Okla. See NI K & TMissouri Kansas & Texas-

1st, gold, 4s 1990 J - D2d, gold, 4s June 1990 F - A1st extension, gold, 5s_ _1944 NI - N1st & refund mtge, 4s_ _ _2004 M - SGeneral s f, 43.0 1936 J - JSt Lou Div, 1st, ref, g, 4s2001 A - 0Dal & Wa, 1st, gu, g, 5s_1940 M - NKan C & Pac, 1st, g, 4s_1990 F - AMo K & E, 1st, gu, g, 5s_1942 A - 0Mo K & Ok lst, gu, 5s_1042 M - NMK&T of T lst,gu,g,53.1942 NI - SSher Shriv&So,lst,gu,g,58_'43 J - DTex & Okla, 1st, gu, g, 5s1943 NI - S

Missouri Pacific-1st consol gold 6s 1920 M - NTrust, g, 5s, stamp_Jan 1917 M - S

Registered Jan 1917 M - S1st, coil, gold, 5s 1920 F - A

Registered 1920 F - A40-year gold loan, 4s.._ _1945 M - S3d 7s ext at 4% 1938 M - N1st & ref cony 5s 1959 NI - SCen Bch Ry, 1st, gu, g, 4s1919 F - ACent Br Un Pac, 1st, g, 4sI948 J - DLeroy&CValAL,Ist,g,5s_1926 J - JPac R of Mo, 1st, ext g,4s1938 F - A2d extended, gold, 5s_1938 J - J

St Louis Iron Mt & South-Gen con ry&ld gt, g, 5s1931 A -0Gen con stpd, gu, g, 581931 A - 0Unit & ref, gold, 4s_.._1929 J - J

Registered 1929 J - JRiver&Gulf div, lst,g 4s'33 M11 - N

Verdigris V I &W,lst g,5s, '26 +11 - SMobile & Birm. See South RyMobile & Ohio, new, g, 6s_1927 J D

1st extension, g, 6s_July 1927 Q -General, gold, 4s 1938 M -Montgom Div, 1st, g, 5s_1947 F - ASt L & C coil tr,g,4s_ May 1930 Q - F

Guaranteed, gold, 4s_ _1931 J - JCollat trust, 4s. See Southern

Mohawk & Mal. SeeNYC& H!Monongahela Riv. See Bait & 0Montana Cent. See St P NI & NIMorgan's La & T. See So Pac CoMorris & Essex. See D L & WMash Chat & St L-1st, 7s, '13 J - J,‘ 1st, con, gold, 5s___ _1928 A - 0

Jasper Bch, 1st, gold, 6s.1923 J - JMcM M W & Al, 1st, 68_1917 J - JT & P Bch, 1st, 6s 1917 J - J

Nash Flor & Shef. See Lou & NNat Rye Mex prior lien 4 %s1957 J JGuaranteed general 4s 1977 A - 0

Sales inMarch.

(Par val.)













22 000





















Price aboutJan. 31911.

Bid. Ask.109% 96 10095% 9798 9994 953490 96 10596% 96%95 Sale103% 101% 103 94 95%

114% 114%111% 98% Sale


Mch. 1. J Mch. 31. Lowest.

Bid. A sk.iBid. Ask.10934 11234 109% 1123496 '96 96 92 969834 100 9834 10091 97 93 9694 94% 94%102 105 10334 958% 96% 9634 Sale

103% 103% 101% 101% 101 10434 10334 104369434 95 948/i 955/s

116% Sale110% 98% Sale

108110 115104% 106122% 117% 95% 98106 109113 71% 91 92%11234 115103 94 94%102% 88% 89%

109 110112 115104% 106122% 123118 118%95% 97%106 109114 71% 73%93 95%112 103

95%103% 8834 91%

10736 112%98% 110% 110 11492

107% 112%99% 110 110% 11492 94

102% 102% 86% 86%

9934 Sale 993-4 993% 60


130 101106 107% 7480 92



10971% Sale80 92

97 97%

98 Sale82% 83%100% 103%78% 79%85% Sale 92105 90 11110736 107%102,4 105104 109104% 109

109 Sale101 101%


97 97%85 86101% 102%80% Sale86 86%73 79105 90 91109 109% 107%102 104102 105%105 105%

108% 110%101% Sale

101% 101% 101 101%

77 98%9134 Sale92 85

80 81 979534 Sale93 94%85

9834109 110

107 Sale

98108 110%

108 108%

83 83% 83%83% 85

86% Sale

86% Sale

11934 121115% 11783% 86109% 109% 85 94

106% Sale110 Sale115% 106% 10654

94% Sale8754 90

120 120%11454 116%87 90110


115111% 98% Sale

109 110111 113104 106122 122%118 118% 96%105% 109114 7134 91% 93%112 105%


Sale Prices.

98% Mch. 3

94 Mch. 2

95% Mch. 14

10354 Mch. 279434 Mch. 20

11634 Mch. 111236 Mch. 179854 Mch. 17


Sale Prices.

98% Mch. 3

Lowest. I Highest.

Sale Price.11034 Feb. 25

96 Feb. 289834 Feb. 17

94 Mch. 2

Sale Price.11254 Jan. 20

96% Jan. 5983-4 Feb. 17

94 Mch. 2 9534 Jan. 10

97 Mch. 30

1953% Mch. 14 97 Mch. 3095 Jan. 3 95 Jan. 3

10334 Mch. 27 10334 Mch. 27 1043j Jan. 129434 Mch. 20 9434 Mch. 20 9434 Mch. 20

11634 Mch. 11133-4 Jan. 6 116% Feb. 2011234 Mch. 15 11234 Mch. 17 11234 Mch. 159834 Mch. 24 9834 Mch. 17 99 Feb. 7

109 Jan. 9 109% Feb. 3111 Mch. 9,11134 Mch. 20 111 Mch. 9 112 Jan. 2710434 Mch. 29 10434 Mch. 29 10434 Mch. 29 10134 Mch. 29

105% Mch. 10 105% Mch. 10

93 Mch. 11

94 Meth 24

90 89 Mch. 20

108 11110034 11034 110% 94 Sale

10234 86

99% 100


131% 110 10765% 6980 81%

97% Sale

94 Mch. 31

11894 Feb. 8118% Feb. 8

105% Mch. 10 10.5% Mch. 10

93 Mch. 117134 Feb. 1192 Jan,, 30

94 Mch. 24

89 Mch. 2211

7134 Feb. 1193% Feb. 10

94 Mch. 24 96 Feb. 23


89 Mch. 20 91 Jan. 14

112% Feb. 27

94 Mch. 311


199% Mch. 16 100 Mch. 22

1123% Feb. 27

110 Jan. 25 110 Jan. 25112 Feb. 3 112 Feb. 392 Feb. 2 94 Mch. 31

9954 Jan. 6 100 Mch. 22

130 Jan. 14 130 Jan. 14

10534 Mch. 15 10534 Mch. 1570 Mch. 10' 7154 !itch. 181% Mch. 20 8134 Mch. 20

97 Mch. 2 97% Meth 31

94 9334 Mch. 15

97% Sale84% 8510134 102%79% 8086% Sale78 79105%

91109% 110106 107103% 104105 105 105%

109% 109%100% 101%

100% 101%

78% Sale 9795 Sale91% 94%83%

10295% 97%108% 109

108% Sale

85 85%

86% Sale

119m 1203411434 116% 87%109%


10634 106% 106 106341105/ 1103,4 109% 110115 115 106 106 106 106%

94% Sale87 88%

93% Sale86% 87%

9334 Mch. 30

9734 Mch. 27 97% Mch. 16845-4 Mch. 27 84 Mch. 4%101 Mch. 23101%Mch. 7

7934 Mch. 23 80% Mch. 185% Mch. 9 863% Mch. 3178 Mch. 28 78 Mch. 30

105% Mch. 15 109 Feb. 2370 Mch. 10 74 Jan. 981% Mch. 20 8134 Mch. 20

95% Jan. 5

9334 Mch. 15

97% Feb. 20

933-4 Mch. 30

97 Mch. 27 98 Jan. 38334 Jan. 5 86 Feb. 23101% Feb. 27 102% Jan. 287954 Feb. 21 81 Feb. 2385% Jan. 3 867% Feb. 378 Mch. 28 78 Mch. 30

90 Mch. 2 90 Mch. 2 90 Mch. 2 9034 Feb. 27109 Mch. 6 1093,4 Mch. 30, 109 Feb. 1411054 Jan. 6

1107 Jan. 4 108 Feb. 10103% Mch. 27 103% Mch. 14102% Jan. 12 103% Feb. 28

1093-4 Mch. 1111034 Mch.101 Mch. 30 102% Mch.

100% /itch. 29,102 Mch.

105 Jan. 24 105 Jan. 24

109 Jan. 3 111 Feb. 189,

1 10034 Feb. 1 102% Mch. 6


7734 Mch. 10 80% Mch. 2

9434 Mch. 17

1073% Mch. 17

95% Mch. 1

10834 Mch. 14

8534 Bich. 30 8654 Mch. 886% Mch. 2 86% Mch. 285% Mch. 2 86% Mch. 8

120 Mch. 6 12054 Mch. 16

110 Mch. 30 110 Mch. 30,81 Mch. 24 81 Mch. 24'9334 Mch. 30 9454 Mch. 6

100% Feb. 1

7634 Jan. 4

91% Jan. 692 Jan. 26

978% Feb. 21

10634 Jan. 11

83% Jan. 786% Mcli. 28434 Jan. 24

102 Mch. 7

82 Feb. 23

96% Feb. 2393% Feb. 27

98% Feb. 23

1083-4 Feb. 21

877% Feb. 2086% :Nell. 288% Feb. 20

120 Mch. 6 122 Jan. 2311534 Jan. 20116% Feb. 118634 Jan. 20 8654 Jan. 20110 Mch. 30.110% Feb. 1581 Mch. 24 81 Mch. 24933-4 Mch. 30 9434 Mch. 6

106 Mch. 30 106 Mch. 30 106 Mch. 3010654 Jan. 271093,4 Mch. 23 110 Mch. 23 1095-4 Mch. 23110% Jan. 12

9294 Mch. 17 9434 Mch. 185 Mch. 20 87% Mch. 3

92% Mel. 17 9534 Jan. 3085 Mch. 20 89% Jan. 14

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Sales inMarch.

(Par val.)

Nat of Mex prior lien,g,434s1926 J - J1st consol, gold, 4s 1951 A - 0

NH St Derby. See NYNH&HN J Junc'n RR. See N Y CentNewp't & Cin B'ge. See Lou&NN 0 &N E prior l'n,g,6s.Nov1915 A -0N Y B & Man Beach. See L IsN Y Central & Hudson River-Gold mortgage, 3 Hs_ .._ _1997 J - J

Registered 1997 J - JDebenture, gold, 4s__ _ _1934 M - N

Registered 1934 M - NLakeshore, coil, g, 334s_1998 P - A

Registered 1998 P - AMich Cent, colt, g, 334s_1998 F - A

Registered 1998 P - ABeech Creek, lst, gu, 4s_1936 J - J

Registered 1936 J - J2d, guar, gold, 5s_ __ _1936 J - J

Registered 1936 J - JBch Cr ex 1st gu g 334sFeb'51 A -0Cart & Ad, lst,gu, g, 4s 1981 J - DGouv & 0, 1st, gu, g, 5s_1942 J - DMoh & Mal, 1st, gu, g, 4s1991 M - SNJ June R, gu, 1st, 4s_ _1986 P - A

Reg,istered certificates.1986 P - AN Y & Harlem, g, 3%s_ _ 2000 M - N

Registered 2005 M - N

IY & North, 1st, g, 5s_1928 A - 0Y&Put 1st con gu g 4s_1993 A -0or & Mont 1st gu, g, 55.1916 A - 0ne Creek, reg, guar 6s_1932 J - D

RW&O, con, 1st 5s_Ju4y 1922 A - 0Os&R, 2d gu g 5s_May 1915 F - A

• RW&OTR 1st g 5s_July 1918 M - N• Rutland 1st cons g 4 34s 1941 J - J• Og & L Ch,Ist gu g 4s_1948 J - J

Ruti'd-Can 1st gu g 4s_ 1949 J - JSt Law & Ad, 1st, g, 55_1996 J - J

• 2d, gold, 6s 1996 A - 0• Utica & B1 Riv, gu, g, 4s 1922 J - J•Lake Sh & M S, g, 3 yo_ .1997 J -D• Registered • Debenture, gold, 4s_ AZ t :13• 25-year, gold, 4s • Registered

1931 M - N

• Hal A & GR 1st gu c 5s_ 11331,;. - 1Mahon Coal RR, 1st, 58_1934 J - J• Pitts & L E-2d g 5s Jan 1928 A - 0PittsMcK&Y, 1st gu 6s_1932 J - J2d, guar, 6s 1934 J JMcK & Belle V, 1st, g, 6s1918 J - JMichigan Central 5s_ ...1931 M - S

Registered 1931 Q M48 1940 J - J

• Registered 1940 J J• Jack L & S, gold, 3348.1951 M - S

• BatC&Stur lst,gu g 3s a F :- ID

• •1st, gold, 334s • 20-yr deb 4s

• N Y Chic & St L,lst,g,4s • Registered

1937 A - 0

. 25-year debenture 4s_1831 ti-IsiWest Shore, 1st, 4s, gu_ _2381 J - J• -Registered 2361 J - JN Y Cent Lines eq tr 5s_ _1914 M - NNY& Greenwood L. See ErieNY& Har. SeeNYC&HRN Y Lack & West. See DL&WN Y LakeErie&West. See ErieN Y & Long Bch. See Cent N JN Y New Haven & Hart-. Non-cony deben 4s 1955' Non-cony deben 4s 1956' • Convertible deben 334s_19561 -Convertible deben ft__ _1948Harlem R Port Ches 1st 48'54

r • Housaton RR, con, g 5s_1937NH&Derby con,coup 5s_1918Providence Secur deb4s 1957

NY& Northern. See N Y CentNew York Ontario & Western-Refund, 1st, g, 4s_ _June 1992

• Reg. $5,000 only_June1992N Y dc Putnam. See NYC&HN Y& Rock Beach. See Long IsN Y Susq & Western. See ErieN Y Tex & Mex. See So Pac CoNorfolk & South. 1st, g, 5s.1941Norf & West, gen, g, 6s_ _ _1931Improve & ext, g, 6s_ _ _ _1934

• New River, 1st, g, 6s_ _ _1932• Nor&WRy lst,con,g,4s_1996• • Registered 1996• • Div 1st & gen, g, 4s _ _1944• • 10-25-year cony 4s_ 1932f • • Poca C de C, joint 4s 1941• Col Con&T, 1st gu, g 5s_1922• ScloV&NE 1st, gu, g, 43_1989Northern Ohio. See L Erie & WNorthern Pacific-

; . prior lien, gold, 40 1997 Q - 4f • Registered 1997 IQ - J1 -General lien, g, 38_ _Jan 2047 Q - F1 • Reglatczed Jan 2047 Q F

• St Paul-Dub Div, g, 4s_ A996 J - D. Registered 1996 J D• Duluth Sh Line, lst,gu 5s1916 M - S• CB&Q, coil tr 4s. See GtNor• St P & No Pac, gen, g, 651923 F - A• Registered certiflcates.1923 Q - rt• St Paul & Duluth, 1st, 5s1931 F -

' • 2d 5s 1917 A - 0•

• 1st consol, gold, 4s_ 1968 J - D• Wash Cent Ry, 1st, g, 4s 1948 Q - MNor P Ter Co, 1st, g, 6s_ 1933 J - JNor Railway Cal. See Sou PacNorth Wiscon. See C St PM&O,Nor & Mont. See N Y Central

Orloinlad CIAPS'egeeeCgagrg,Oregon & Cal. See Sou Pac CoOre RR & Nay. See Union PacOre Short Line. See Union PacOswego & Rome. See N Y CentOzark & MX. See St L & S Fpacific Coast Co, 1st g 5s. 1946 J - Da act& of Missouri. See Mo Pac

M - NJ JJ JM - NM - NM - NM - N

M- SM- S

M - NM - N- A

A -A -A - 0J -JJ -DJ -DJ JM- N




Price aboutJan. 31911.


Mch. 1. Mch. 31. Lowest. Highest. Lowest.

100% 10483 3%


89% Sale88 93% Sale 96%80% Sale 79 79

7998% 9834 10534

Bid. Ask.101 104823%


88% Sale88

92% 92%

8034 Sale78% 7934




86% 86

20,000 99%93 100 9990

111 98% 95 100 9990

1O7%0734 98%



106 10795% 98%

107% 110 102103958234

10734 110100 105100 9634 8634

Bid. Ask. 10481% 8334

108 110







108% 110

100 89% Sale88% 893493% Sale93% Sale91 93%11034 110 100 12234 120 107 109% 11510834 97 10093 86% 9085 88%91% 92%92 923;99% 10098% 90% 91%101 101%99% Sale





88 Sale 88%93 Sale


78% 76 7898%



98% 95 100 9990

106 107•9534 97

107% 110100 1051033496%

Sale Prices.

81 Mch. 15

87% Mch. 13863% Mch. 1492% Mch. 29234 Mch. 2979% Mch. 30783% Mch. 2079 Mch. 2

993's .Mch. 20

10734 Mch. 24

87 87 Mch. 3

Sale Prices.

83 Mch. 6

Sale Prices.1003% Feb. 481 Mch. 15

8834 Mch. 228734 Mch. 109334 Mch. 17923% Mch. 3180% Mch. 679 Mch. 3079 Mch. 4

87% Mch. 1386% Mch. 14923% Feb. 289234 Mch. 29793/3 Mch. 30783% Mch. 207834 Jan. 1976 Feb. 24

99343 Mch. 20


Sale Prices,100% Feb. 48334 Jan. 26

90 Jan. 178934 Jan. 1194 Jan. 1893 Feb. 280% Feb. 179% Feb. 97934 Feb. 1676 Feb. 24

99 Feb. 17 9934 Mch. 20

9034 Feb. 28 9034 Feb. 28

97% Feb. 9734 Feb. 2

10754 Mch. 24 10734 Mch. 24 108 Feb. 20

8934 Mch. 22 8534 Jan. 17 8934 Mch. 22

108 110

100 100 8834 89% 88% Sale 88% Mch. 29883% Sale 88 __ . 88 Mch. 299334 Sale 933% Sale , 933% Mch. 31927% Sale 9334 Sale 1 92% Mch. 192 92 110% 11034 111 1113% 11134 Mch. 30101 1063-4 1223% 1223% 120 120 1107 107 110934 115 110 115108% 109% 98 99 97% 9993 9654 8634 8834 8634 88348734 88 87 88 91% 91%

99% 10098% 91 9134100 100349934 Sale

93% 94%100 Sale133% Sale 101112 • 101% 84% Sale


9554 Sale 97

100% 125 124 128122% 1259934 Sale

9493% Sale99% Sale134% Sale

112 101% 84% 87

96 Sale 95%

10034 103124%, 124% 12334 12599 99%






92% 93%10034 Sale883% 90104 96% Sale

10034 Sale99 1003,170% Sale 7196 Sale

93% 93%104% Sale90 90%104 96 96%

100 100%98% 99%70% Sale 70%96 Sale

1,000 11634115%

106% 101 10392 95%91 1113%






997/3 Sale

903% 91100 10198% Sale

93%93 94%98% Sale133 Sale

112% 101% 85% 86

96 96%

100% 103124%, 125%124% 12354 1259834 Sale

9334 Sale1083% Sale88% 88%104


99% Sale98% 99%70% Sale 70%96 98





89% Mch. 3 88% Mch. 28834 Mch. 1 88 Mch. 29933% Mch. 17 9334 Jan. 49334 Mch. 3 923% Mch. 1

11154 Meth 30'

90 Jan. 278834 Jan. 1994 Feb. 109354 Jan. 25

110% Feb. 17 11134 Mch. 30

99 Jan. 5 99 Jan. 5

873% Meth 2 873% Mch. 2 87 Jan. 26 87 Feb. 28913-4 Mch. 8 9134 Mch. 17 9134 Mch. 8 9234 Jan. 16

9934 Mch. 8 100 Mch. 27 9934 Jan. 5 10034 Jan. 4

9034 Mch. 2110054 Mch. 898% Mch. 31

933% Mch. 17983% Mch. 24133 Mch. 31

8534 Mch. 30

95% Mch. 7

98 Mch. 8

923% Mch. 1410334 Mch. 388% Mch. 28

963% Mch. 16

9954 Mch. 10983% Mch. 25703-4 Mch. 156934 Mch. 2596 Mch. 29

91 Mch. 9101 Mch. 2999% Mch. 7

9034 Mch. 211003% Feb. 2598% Mch. 31

933% Mch. 1799% Mch. 113434 Mch. 15

91 Jan. 2410134 Jan. 3110034 Jan. 23

933 Jan. 20 9434 Jan. 99834 Mch. 2410054 Jan. 9133 Mch. 31134% Jan. 24

863% Mch. 17

903% Mch. 1

84% Jan.

95 Jan. 49434 Feb. 21

10334 Jan. 20

9834 Mch. 28

9334 Mch. 2010934 Mch. 29903% Mch. 11

125 Jan. 2398 Mch. 898 Jan. 992% Jan. 1310034 Jan. 388% Jan. 9

9634 Mch. 11

10034 Mch. 139934 Mch. 177134 Mch. 306934 Mch. 2596 Mch. 29

963% Mch. 16

9954 Mch. 10983% Mch. 257054 Jan. 186954 Mch. 2596 Jan. 3


116% Mch. 24 1163% Mch. 24 11634 Jan. 18

87 Feb. 15

96% Feb. 219434 Feb. 21

10334 Jan. 20

125 Jan. 239934 Jan. 398 Jan. 993% Feb. 910934 Mch. 299054 Jan. 26

9734 Jan. 21

1003% Feb. 699 Jan. 2071% Mch. 30693- Mch. 2596 Jan. 3

116% Mch. 24

1023% Feb. 6

111 % Jan. 31

102% Feb. 6

111 % Jan. 31

9,001105% 1053% 107%1105% 107% 10634 Mch. 23 107 ;Steil. 11 10531 Jan. 6 108 Jan. 27

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Sales inMarch.

(Par val.)

Penn RR,lst,4s,real est,g_1923 M - NConsol, gold, 5s 1919 M - SConsol, gold, 45 1943 M - N10-year conver, g, 3%s_1912 M - N10-year convert, 3 54s_ _ _1915 J -D

Registered 1915 J - DConsol, gold, 48 1948 M - NAlleg Val, gen, gu, g, 4s_1942 M - SDelRivRR,Bge,lst gu g 4s. 36 F - APhila Bait & W lst,g,4s.1943 M - NSod Bay & So, fst, g, 5s_1924 J - JSunbury & Lewis,lst,g,4s1936 J - JUNJRR&CanCo,gen,4s_1944 M - S

Pennsylvania Co-gu 4 %s_1921 J - JRegistered 1921 J - J

Cu, 354s, coil tr reg ctfs 1937 M - SCu, 354s, coil tr ctfs, B_1941 F - ATr Co ctfs, gu, g, 3 545_ _1916 M - NCu, g, 3%s, tr ctfs, SerC.1942 J - DCu, g, 3%s, tr ctfs, SerD 1944 J - DGuar, g, 15-25 year, 45_ _1931 A - 0Cin L&N,lst,con,gu,g,4s1942 M - NCl & Pitts, gu, g, 454s,A.1942 J - J

Series B, 454s 1924 A - 0Int reduced to 3 5.4%_ _1942 A -0Series C, 3 54s 1948 M - NSeries D, 354s 1950 F - A

Erie&P,gen,gu,g,3 548,B.1940 J - JSeries C 1940J - J

Gr R&I,ex 1st gu g 4 Ms_1941 J - JPitts FtW & Chic,lst,7s_1912 J - JSecond, 7s 1912J - JThird, 7s July 1912 A - 0

Pitts Y &Ash,lst con,5s_1927 M - NTo1WV&O,1st,gu,454sA.1931 J - J

Series B, 454s 1933 J - JSeries C, 4s 1942 M - S

PCC&StL,gu,g,4 %s,SerA1940 A - 0Series B, guar 1942 A - 0Series C, guar 1942 M - NSeries D, guar 1945 3.1 - NSeries E, 354s, guar,g_ 1949 F - ASeries F, cons 4s,gu,g_1953 J - DSeries G cons 4s guar_1957 M - N

ChicStL&P,1st,cou,g,5s_1932 A - 0Pensacola&At-See Lou& NashPeor & East-See C C C & St LPeor & Pek Union 1st g 6s_1b21 Q - FSecond, gold, 4 %s_ _Feb 1921 M - N

Pere Marquette-Ref 4s_ ..1055 J - JRefunding guaranteed 4s 1955 J - JChic & West Mich 5s 1921 J - DFlint & Pere 31arq, g, 6s_ 1920 A - 0

First consol, gold, 5s_ _1939 M - NPt Huron Div,lst g 5s.1939 A - 0

Sag Tu & Hu 1st gu,g,48.1931 F - APhilippine Ry 1st 30-yr sf 4s '37 J - JPine Creek-See N Y CentralPitts C C & St L. See Penn CoPittsb Cl & Tol. See Bait & 0Pitts Ft W & Chic. SeePenneoPitts Junction. See Bait & OhioPitts & Lake E. See N Y CentPitts McK & Y. See N Y CentPittsb Shen & L E 1st g 5s_1940 A - 0

First cons gold 5s 1943 J JPittsb & West. See Bait & 0Pitts Y & Ashtab. See Penn Co

Read 1 ng Co, gen, g, 4s.._ _1997 J - JRegistered 1997 J - J

Jersey Central, coil g 4s_19S1 A - 0Atl City 1st con gu g 4s_ _1951 J - JPhila & Read consol 6s_1911 J - D

Consol 7s 1911 J -DRensselaer & Sar. See D & HRich & Danv. See SouthernRyRich & Mecklen. See SouthRyRio Gr June. See Den & Rio GRio Cr Sou. See Den & Rio GrRio Cr West. See Den & Rio GRoch & Pitts. See Buff R. & PRome Wat & Og. See N Y CenRutland. See New York Cent

Sag Tusc & H. See Pere Marqt Jos & Gr Isl, 1st, g, 4s_1947 J - J

St Law & Adir. See N Y CentSt L & Cal. See Mobile & OhioSt L Iron Mt & So. See MoPacStLD1Br. See Ter RR As ofStLSt L & San Fr-Gen, g, 6s_1931 J - J

General, gold, 5s 1931 J - JSt L & S F RR,cons g 4s_1996 J - JGeneral 15-20 year 55__ _1927 M - NSou West Div, g, 5s_ _1947 A - 0Refunding gold, 4s_1051 J - J

Registered 1951 J - JK C Ft S & M con g 6s_ _1928 M - NK C Ft S & H Ry ref g 4s.1936 A - 0

Registered 1936 A - 0KC&MR&B-lst gu g 5s1929 A - 0Ozark&Ch0,1st,gu,5s,g_1013 A - 0

St Louis South. See Ill CentralSt Louis Southw-lst g 4s_1989 H - N2d, g, 4s, '89 J - JConsol, gold 4s 1932 J - DGrays PtTer,lst gu g,58_1947 J - D

St Paul & Duluth. See No PacSt P Min & Man. See Gt NorthSt Paul & Nor Pac. See NoPacStP&Sioux0y. See C StP M &OS A & A P, 1st guar, g, 4s_1943 J - JS F & N P, 1st, s, f, g, 5s1919 J _Scioto Val & N E. See Nor&WSeaboard Air Line, g, 4s_ _ _1950 A - 0Stamped Registered 1950 A - 0Coll trust refund, g, 5s_ _1911 M - NAdjustment 5s

_- - _Oct 1949 - A

Atl-Bir 30-yr 1st g4s_May '33 31 - SCaro Cent 1st cons g 4s_ _1949 J - JFla Cent & Pen, 1st g 5s_1918 J - J

1st land gr ext, g 5s_ _1930 J - JConsol gold 5s 1943 J - J

Ga & Ala 1st cons 5s_0ct1945 J - JGa Car & Nor, 1st gu g 5s1929 J - JSeab & Roanoke, 1st 58_1926 J - J

Sher Shr & So. See Mo K & TSil Sp 0 & G. See Atl Coast LSou Caro Rr Oa. See Southern




Price aboutJan. 31911.

Bid. Ask. 103 1101033% 99 Sale96% Sale95 10354 Sale 100%,94%101%10095%




103 Sale102 87 88 9097 98%87% 89% 90 98%95% 97%106 106



90 90 9590 9300 93104 106%104 104 103% 107 100% 1003% 94m, 107% Sale107% Sale10798% 90% 93




107 593 96 69 71100% 101%110 101 103 103

8,000 86 89



98 Sale 98%97% Sale

3,000 87 88





118% 120107 107190 903486% Sale99 807 Sale

11677% Sale






10097% 98

90 Sale79 8173% 7696%

86 879054

84% 8884% 84



100 10076% Sale85% Sale91

101% 101% 103% .._2,000 103 __--

l03% _104%


Mch. 1. Mch. 31. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. Highest.

Bid. Ask.991% 102108 109

993% Sale968% Sale

1033% Sale 10098 101% 100 95% 100 103t 10410278 87 88 89973% 983%873% 90

98% 963/2 106% 10654

90 90 9591 9391 93102 105341033% 1041038% 103% 107 103 103% 94% 1078% 108

99 993/291%

1 983/2


109 9770 74 Sale1003% 1018%1103% Sale101 Sale1028% Sale

87 87%


973% Sale97 973/2

863% 893%

119 Sale1075% 11289 91 87% Sale1003% Sale 82 Sale

1163% 793/2 793%


9834 985%

903% 90%: 82i 773/2 788%


87 8734100

863/2 88 87 875/2

i 100 1003%75% 763%75%86% 9092 98102 103 1053% 1063%

_ 1043% 10.53%1043% 1043%

Bid. Ask.993% 102103 110 103% 993/2 993%963s Sale

103 104998% 100 100 102% 100 95%

1035/g Sale1027/2 Sale87 88 973% 973%873% 90 89

98%963% 971063/2 106%

90 91 95 91 9390 93 10434 105341033% 1041038% 103 107 103 103% 95% 99

107 107

988% 918% 98% 988%


109 91 97 755/2 768%76 768%1003% 1103 1113%100 1043/21028% 106

863% 87


97 Sale968%


87 88

118 1193%1073% 1083%

9087% 87%

1013%818% Sale

116 793% 793%

100 987% 99

913/2 Sale81 8278 Sale97%

863% 867/2100

863% Sale

100 1003%Sale

86 863492 98 1023% 1023% 1053% 1043/2 104% 1043%

Sale Prices.1014 Mch. 27

99 Mch. 16963% Mch. 13

103 Mch. 30

1038% Mch. 61028% Mch. 21

888% Mch. 20973% Mch. 9

98 Mch. 27968% Mch. 15

91 Mch. 7

1043-1 Mch. 71038% Mch. 13

733% Mch. 8733/2 Mch. 9

1108% Mch. 131108%101 Mch. 11018% Mch. 14

863% Mch. 8

96% Mch. 15973% Mch. 2096 Mch. 15

87 Mch. 15

119 Mch. 251073/2 Mch. 1590 Mch. 2186% Mch. 3100% Mch. 181 Mch. 24

808% Mch. 30

793/2 Mch. 23

983% Mch. 3

903% !deli. 1181 Mch. 2778 Meth 31

863/2 Mch. 18

863% Mch. 13

100 Mch. 1375 Mch. 15863% Mch. 6

1043% Mch. 2

• •• • •• • • •

Sale Prices.1013/2 Mch. 27

993% Mch. 2968% Mch. 31

104 Mch. 15

1041-4 Mch. 211027/s Mch. 21

888% Mch. 209731 Mch. 9

98 NIch. 27968% Mch. 15

91 Mch. 7

10434 Mch. 71038% Mch. 13

76% Mch. 2276% Mch. 22

Mch. 1103 Mch. 21038% Mch. 1

878% Mch. 3

978% Mch. 79734 Mch. 20963% Mch. 15


87 Mch. 15

119 Mch. 25108 Mai. 790% Mch. 487% Mch. 29moy, zilch. 182 • 1.51ch. 3180% Mch. 30

803% Mch. 7

993/2 Mch. 22

913/2 Mch. 3181 Mch. 27783% Mch. 17

873% Mch. 3

873% Mch. 30!

100% Mch. 2175% Mch. 3186% Mch. 6

1043% Mch. 2

Sale Prices.1013'2 Mch. 27

98% Jan. 12968% Jan. 12

9654 Jan. 9103 Mch. 301043%

1003% Jan. 41003%

1033/ Mch. 61023% Mch. 21

888% Mch. 2097 Jan. 12 .,

97% Feb. 1796 Feb. 7

91 Feb. 24

1043/2 Mch. 71033/2 Mch. 13

1031% Feb. 1

1078% Jan. 31078% 107 Jan. 3

93 Jan. 17

999/2 Jan. 24 113 Jan. 6

933/2 Jan. 966 Feb. 17683% Feb. 28

1008% Feb. 101008%110 Jan. 161108%100 Feb. 171018% Feb. 71038%

86% Mch. 8

1128% Jan. 23

963% Mch. 15973-1 Mch. 2096 Mch. 15

863% Jan. 19

119 Mch. 25107 Jan. 2590 Feb. 148654 Jan. 3loco% Mch. 1803% Jan. 3803% Mch. 30

116 Jan. 13773/2 Jan. 3

973% Jan. 10

893% Jan. 2478 Jan. 97554 Jan. 16

863% Melt. 18

, 853% Jan. 1284% Jan. 5

100 Jan. 2375 Mch. 15853% Jan. 31

102 Feb. 28

106 Feb 71063%1043% Feb 24104 Jan 5

Sale Prices.102 Feb. 15

993% Feb. 27963% Mch. 31963/2 Jan. 4

Jan. 23Jan. 4

1048% Mch. 211023/2 Mch. 21

888% Mch. 209731 Jan. 30

- ._98% Jan. 119651 Feb. 21

91 Feb. 24

1043/2 Mch. 7104 Jan. 1C1038% Feb. 1

Jan. 111078% Jan. 1( .

93 Jan. 17

9954 Jan. 24113 Jan. (

9354 Jan. c76% Mch. 2176% Mch. 21

Jan. 4Mch. 1

103 Mch. 1Mch. 1

88 Feb. 2(

1123/2 Jan. 21

983% Jan. (973% Jan. 30973/2 Jan. 11

873% Jan. 11

119 Mch. 2:108 Mch.903% Feb. P88 Jan. 1(lot% Feb. 118254 Jan. 31803% Mch. 311168% Feb. 2!803% Mch.

993% Mch. 2:

.9 -1,2 Itch. 381 Itch. 2'79 Feb.

873% Jan. 1

853% Jan. 1:87% Jan. 11

1003% Feb. :77% Jan. 1:86% Jan. 11

102 Feb. 2

Feb.1043% Jan.1043% Jan. 1

• ••



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Sales inMarch.

(Par val.)

Price aboutJan. 31911.


Mch. 1. Mch. 31. Lowest. Highest, Lowest. Highest.

Southern Pacific Co-418, g, Cent Pac, coll Aug 1949

Registered Aug 1949Convertible 4s__

- _June 1929

Cent Pac, 1st, ref gu g 48.1949Registered 1949

Mort guar g 334s_ Aug 1929ThroughStIAst gug4s_1954

Galv Hous & San Antonio-Mex & Pac D, 1st g 58_1931

Gila V G&N,1st,gu,g,5s-1924

H E & W T, 1st, g, 55-19331st, gu, g, 58, redeem_1933

li&TesC,let g'5s,int gu-1937Cons gold 6s, int guar. 1912AGen gold 4s, int guar- -1921Waco & N W,Ist,g,68-1930

At & N W, 1st, gu, g. 58-1941Morgan's La & 'I' 1st 75-1918

First, gold, 68 1920JNY Tex&M,gu,Ist,g,4s-1912Nor of Cal, gu, gold, 58_ _1938

Sire & Cal, 1st, gu, g, 58-1927Eo Pac of Cal, Series E-1912do do Series F.. -19121st coasol, gu, g, 59,-1937

S P Coast, 1st, gu, g. 48-1937San Fran Term 1st 4s „.. -1950Tex&NO,SabD,lst,g,6s-1912

Consol, gold, 5s 1943So Pac RR, 1st, ref ,g11.4s '55

SOuthern-lst, cons, g, 59-1994Devel & gen, 4s, Ser A-1956Mob & 0, coll tr, g, 43-1938Mem Div, 1st, g, 434-55_1996

St L Div, 1st, gold, 4s-1951Ala Cent R, 1st, g, 63-1918Atl & Danv, 1st, g, 4s 1948Second, 45 1948J

Allan & Yad,lst,gu,g,48.1949Col & Greenv, 1st, g, 68_1916

E T Va & Ga div'l g 53-1930Cons, 1st, gold, 55-1956

E Ten reorg lien, g, 58-1938Georghs Midland 1st 38.-1946Ga Pac Ry, 1st, g, 6s-_- -1922Knox & Ohio, lst, g, 6s.1925Mob&Brim, pr lien g 58-1945Mortgage, gold, 4s___1946

Rich & Danv, con, g, 6s-1915Deb, 55, stamped- -1927

Rich & Meek, 1st, g. 48-1948So Car & Ga, 1st g 5s- - -1919Va Mid-Ser mtg, B, 68•1916

Series E, 58 1926Series F, 55 1931Virginia Mid. gen, 55-1936Guar, stamped _ .--1936

Va& Southwest 1st gu 58.2003First cons 50-year 58.1958

W 0 & W, 1st, cy, gu, 48.1924We,st N C, 1st, con, g, 68.1914

Spokane Internat 1st g 59_1955Sunb&Lewistown. SeePennRR

'rerAssn 0f3tL,lst,g,4348_1939

a First cops, g, 58.1894-1944

Gen ref, s, f, gold. 4s_1953Ter,gu, - -1930StL M Br g, 5s

Texas & N 0. See Sou Pac Co

Texas & pacific, 1st, g, 5s_2000

Second, g, income 5s.. 2000

La Div B L. lat, g, 5s_ _ _193f

W M W&NW,,5s_1930

Tol & Ohio Cent-lst,g,5s_ 1936

Western Div, 1st, g, 58-1935

General. gold, 58 1935

Kan & 1M, 1st, gu, g, 49-1990Second 20-year 55_ 1927

Tot Peo & W, 1st, gold, 4s_1917Tol St L &W-Pr 1. g, 3%3.1925

Fifty-year, gold, 4s1950Coll trust 4s g Ser A__ -1917

Tor H & B, 1st, g, 4s_July 1946

1 Tister & Del, 1st con,g,5s.1928•-0 First refund, g, 45_1952Union Pac RR & Id gr g 48.1947

Registered 194720-year cony 45 1927First & refund 4s. June 2008Ore RR & Nay con g 48_1946Oreg Sh Line, 1st, g,


First consol, gold, 55.-. 1946Guar refund gold 4s_ _1929Utah & Nor, gold, 58_1926

U N J RR&C Co. See Penn RRUtah Central. See Rio Or WesUtica & B1 Riv. See N Y CentUandalia consol g, 4s__1955• Congo' 4s Series B _ _ _1957Vera Cruz&P 1st gu g4348 _1934 JVer Val Ind & W. See Mo PacVirginia Mid. See Southern RyWabash, 1st gold 5s..1939

Second, .gold, 5s____1939Debenture, Series B, 68_1939 J1St lien, equip, a f, g, 59_10211st lien, 50-yr, g, term 4s1954 J1st refund & ext gold 4s_1956 JDet & Ch Ex, 1st, g, 5s_ _1941 JDes Moines Div. 1st, g, 4s '39 JOmaha Div, 1st, g, 3%8_1941Tol & Chic Div, lst, g, 481941

Wabash-Pitts Ter,1st g 4s_1954 JCent Tr & Old Col Tr certs.Columbia Trust Certfs_Col Tr Ctfs for Cent Tr Ctfs_Second, gold, 45 1954 J

Trust Co certs of deposit__Wash Central. See Nor PacificWash Ohio & West. SeeSoRyWash Term 1st gu 334s- -1945 FWest Maryland, 1st g, 48..1952 AW Va Cent & P, 1st g 6s_1911 J

west N Y & Pa, 1st g 5s 1937 J

•-neral,gold. 48 1943 Aincome 5s Apr111943

West'n No Car. See South RyWheel & L Erle-1st g 5s__1926 AWheeling Div 1st g 5s.._ _1928 JExten & Imn gold 5s_ _ _1930 F

J -J -DM -F -F -J -DA -

M -M -M -hi _J -

-A -0M - N J -A - 0-

A - 0 A -J -A - 0 A - 0 M - N J - J A -M -J - JJ - JJ - JA -03,619,000M - Sj _ jJ - JJ - JJ - J- J

A - 0.1 _ jJ - .1M - NM - S A - 0 J - JJ - JJ - Jj _ jJ - .1A - 0M - NM - NM - S M - SM S M- N M. N J - JA - 0F -A J - .1J - .1

A- 0F - A.1 - JA - 0

J - DMch i _ j

F - A.1 _ jA - 0 J - DA - 0J - JJ - JJ - .1A - 0F - A J - DJ - DA - 0 J - JJ - JI - JM - SJ -DF _ AJ - JJ - DJ - J

F - A M - N

- J

M - NF - A

- J M- s

- J- J- J- J

A .0 M- S80- D


- A- 0- .1- J- 0


-0- J - A

$D 104,000

1,000 S 855,000A 160,000A


N 12,000N N N 2,000J0 1,000


J 1,000

J 2,000















699,000247,00061,0001. i-•zi ,000,15,000




4,210,000, 1108X1,000 1

42,00012,936,000740,0001 i10,000,53,000'

8,000220,00016,000 100% 25,000 110343,000

4,000 10114 1 il

Bid Ask.9134 Sale

92 97 Sale9634 Sale

95% 91 92%

90 94

10634 10834

10934 1093(105

10984 Sale08% 14(511

11534 118

1101434 2110


102 102 102 1073 84 93

18nt Al 101 945/i Sale10734 1073476 Sale84 90


1 107 80 8034

8234 8234 80 10634 ,10734 109

110 11034104% 10634

67 112 116 118 10534

10434 1081045 71 10334

i.e.) 5.%- 10534 107 10534

108 110349434 Sale86 104%

101 10234

10534 10734


110% 111%85


109% 110

j1.81331 110

8934 91349534 9790 92348934

7581 83 8634 106 106348334 86101 Sale100 104 Sale96% Sale964 114% 11134 Sale93 Sale106


108% 1099834 Sale

100 9734100

85 6434 Sale



4734 Sale4734 Sale

473446 486% 7


88348634 Sale

10034 111 10934


10534 ,103g 110025,4


Bid. Ask.92 93

9134 98% Sale96% Sale

91 9290 93

106 10734

105 105%105 • 110 111108% 109%94 053,1116

102% 11534

11034 112%

100% 101% 102101% 10734 84 9392% 92%101% 101 10394% Sale107% Sale77% Sale87% 88 108% 110

88 88% 107% 8934 9082% 828034 873,4106% 107107% 110% Sale10534 67 11334 nog 105%

105% 108103% 71 103% 105

105% 106 107% 106 108 110 96 96% 91 10434 103 105

105% 106112%8 97% 9834 107% los%

11134 1113%80


109 110%110

101% 90% 95% 97190 925489% 893472 Sale

81% 86% 10554 Sale8434 100% Sale100 104% Sale96% Sale96 Sale114% 115%112% 112%9334 Sale106

96% 97%90

109 109% 1083499 Sale

100103% 103%

827034 Sale10734 10834 107%

7680 8645% 4746 Sale4534 4645% 46

7% Sale

908654 Sale

10034 11034 109%


105 103106 104%

Bid. Ask.9134 92%

97% Sale96% Sale

9134 923493

106 10734

105 105% 105 109% 110 10834 1103494% 95116 104115 116110%

101101% 1013,4 107% 84 93 923.4 92%10134 101 105 95 Sale107 Sale78% Sale

87%10734 109%

89107% 110% 89 9034 8234 8234 80% 1063.4 107 107%11034 Sale10534 10634

67 11334 11634 105%

10534 108 105 Sale7110394 105

105% 106 107% 105%

109 97%

91 10434 105 %10234 105

10534 105%112% 112%

9734 107%

11034 Sale80


108% 10934

10134 8954 91%97 97%90 92348934 893469 Sale

81 86% 106 84% 8934 100% Sale

9934104% Sale96% 96%96 Sale

1143.4 Sale112% Sale94 Sale106

96 96 973491

10999% 100%95 100

8270 Sale

81 70 75%81 86

45% Sale45 4645 466% Sale7 8

88% 898634 Sale

10054110 10934

88% 89%


Sale Prices92 Mch. 30

9034 Mch. 219754 Mch. 1396 Mch. 11

9134 Mch. 22

1073,4 Mch. 3

105 Mch. 29

1093.4 Mch. 794 Mch. 23

11534 Mch. 30111 Mch. 17

92% Mch. 21015% Mch. 17

94% Mch. 81063% Mch. 2877% Mch.88 Mch. 8

87% Mch. 27

11034 Mch. 31

10454 Mch. 25 71 Melt. 13

1033% Mch. 17

106 Mch. 14

9634 Mch. 30

104% Mch. 9

10534 Mch. 241123-4 Mch. 30

11034 Mch. 31

1089,4 Mch. 27

10134 Mch. 289034 Melt. 1696% Mch. 290 Mch. 288934 Mch. 2869 Mch. 31

87 Mch. 2810534 Mch, 1

100 Mch. 17100 Mch. 1810334 Mch. 3963,4 'itch. 1495 Mch. 1511454 Mch. 2211234 Mch. 179334 Mch. 1

9634 Mch. 13

10834 Mch. 27 11099 Mch. 1 10054

6834 Mch. 4

81 Mch. 28

443,4 Melt. 844 Mch. 284434 Mch. 27

634 Mch. 316% Mch, 20

8834 Melt, 1586 Mch, 13

Arch. 9 10094Mch, 29 110

8834 Mch. 2

Mch. 211047.4

Sale Prices9234 Mch. 149034 Mcli. 219834 Melt.9634 Mch. 16

92 Mch.

1083,4 Mch.

105 Mch. 29

1095,4 Mch.94 Mch. 23

11534 Mch. 30111 Mch. 17

92% Mch. 210154 Mch. 17

9554 Mch. 3110734 Mch, 27894 Mch. 2788 Mch. 8

88 Mch. 3

1103,4 Mch. 28

105 Mch. 3171 Mch. 131033% Mch. 17

106 Mch. 14

963.4 Mch. 30

10434 Mch. 9

10534 Mch. 241123.4 Mch. 30

11134 Mch. 10

10874 Mch. 30

10134 Mch. 28913.4 Mch. 219794 Mch. 1690 Mch. 28893,4 Mch. 2472 Mch. 1

90 Mch. 910534 Mch, 1

10, Mch. 29100 Mch. 1810534 Mch. 29963% Mch. 2996 Mch. 3111454 Mch. 271129.4 Mch. 3194 Mch. 31

963,4 Mch. 13

Mch. 20Mch. 22

7134 Mch. 14

81 Mch. 28

46 Mch. 1348 Mch. 1348% Mch. 11

734 Mch, 138 Mch. 11

8834 Mch, 158694 Mch. 1

Mch. 9 10034Mch, 16 1097%

8834 Mch. 3

Mch, 21 10410334

Sale Prices9114 Jan. 139034 Mch. 21

1 97 Jan.96 Melt. 11

8 91% Feb. 92 Jan. 10

4 10634 Feb. 23

105 Mch. 29 10934 Jan.

7 10934 Mch.94 Feb. 23

11534 Mch. 30111 Mch, 17

102 Jan. 13

9254 Feb. 2510154 Mch. 17

103 Feb. 249434 Jan. 610634 Mch. 2876 Jan. 386 Jan, 11

8634 Jan. 13

10634 Feb. 21

1093-4 Jan. 14 105 Feb. 16

114 Jan. 6

10554 Jan. 2010434 Meth 2571 Melt. 13

1033,4 Mch. 17

106 Mch. 14

107 Jan. 16

110 Jan. 1794% Jan. 3

10434 Mch. 9 102 Jan. 12

105 14 Feb. 171123% Mch. 30

98 Feb. 6 10834 Feb. 23

1103.4 Mch. 31

10834 Mch. 27

10154 Mch. 2890 Jan. 19906 Mch. 290 Mch. 2889 Jan. 2769 Mch. 31

81% Feb. 287 Mch. 2810534 Jan. 13

100 Mch. 179934 Jan. 1110334 Feb. 249634 Mch. 1495 Mch. 1511454 Mch. 22111 Jan. 3923,4 Jan. 6

9634 Mch. 13

10834 Meth 2798% Jan. 6

100 Feb. 3

6334 Jan. 27 10834 Jan. 3

81 Mch. 28 74 Jan. 17

44 Jan. 184334 Feb. 144 Jan. 18

6 Jan. 196 Jan. 9

8834 Jan. 1186 Mch. 13

Jan. 23 10094Mch. 29 11034

8834 Jan. 7

Jan. 10 105Feb. 8 10334

Sale Pr,ce,93 Feb. 79034 Mch. 21

3 9934 Feb. 89734 Jan. 3

1 92 Feb. 17933,4 Jan. 11

1083,4 Jan. 19

105 Melt. 293 1093% Jan. 37 10934 Mch. 7

9536 Jan. 12

11534 Mch. 30111 Mch. 17

10234 Jan. 13

9334 Feb. 61015% Mch. 17103 Feb. 249594 Jan. 21108 Jan. 177834 Mch. 2788 Feb. 15

88 Feb. 14

1065% Jan. 2/3

11134 Jan, 311051% Feb. 27

114 Jan. 6

10534 Jan. 20105 Mch. 3171 Mch. 13104 Jan. 30

106 Mch. 14

107 Jan. 16

110 Jan. 1897% Feb. 4

105 Jan. 141025% Jan. 17

10534 Feb. 1711254 Mch. 3098 Feb. 610834 Feb. 23

11134 Jan. 13

11034 Jan. 10

10354 Jan. 26913,4 Mch. 219734 Jan. 1490 Mch. 288934 Mch. 247434 Jan. 178134 Feb. 290 Mch. 9106 Jan. 9

101 Jan, 610034 Jan. 610634 Feb. 69734 Jan. 1997 Jan, 7

1153,4 Feb. 211334 Jan. 994 Mch. 31

9734 Jan. 30

110 Feb. 20101 Feb. 21

100 Feb. 3

7134 Feb. 211083,4 Jan. 381 MO. 28753,4 Feb. 23

48 Feb. 204854 Feb. 214834 Mch. 11

7% Feb. 248 Feb. 23

90 Feb. 887 Jan. 6

Jan. 24Feb. 10

88% Mch. 3

Jan. 24Feb. 8

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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Sales inMarch.

(Par val.)

Price aboutJan. 31911.

Wh & LE RR 1st con g 45_194920-yr equip s f g 58 1922

Will & Sioux F. See St P M&MWlscon Cent 1st gen g 4s 1949Sup&Dul div&ter 1st 4s 1936

Street Rail way BondsBrooklyn Rap Trans g 58_ _1945

1st refund cony g 4s_ __ _2002Bklyn City 1st con 5s_'16-'41Bklyn Q Co & S gu g 58'16-'41Bklyn Un El 1st g 4-5s_ _1950Stamped guaranteed. 1950

Kings Co Elev 1st g 4s_ _1949Stamped guaranteed 1949

Nassau Elec guar gold 4s 1951Conn Ry & Lt-1st g 4%8_1951Stamped guar 4%s 1951

Det United 1st cons g 4%8_1932Grand Rap Ry 1st gold 58_1916Havana Elec Ry cons g 58_1952inter-Metrop coil 4 %s_ 1956interboro R T cony 6s........191145-year 5s, series A 1952

Internat Tract coil tr 48_ ....1949Manhat Ry (N Y) con g 48_1990Stamped tax exempt

Manila Elec 1st & coil 5s_ _1953Metropolitan Street g 58......1997Guaranty Tr Co ctfs Refunding gold 4s 2002Tr Co ctfs of dep stamped..

B'y & 7th Av 1st con g 581943Col & 9th Av 1st gu g 58_1993Lex Av &P F 1st gu g 58 1993Third Ay 1st con gu g 48_2000

Central Tr Co ctfs stampd_1st gold 5s 1937

Mil El Ry & Lt con g 5s_ _ _1926Refund & ext 4%8 1931

Minn St Ry 1st con g 5s......1919N Orl Ry & Lt gen 4 %s_ _ _1935St Jo Ry Lt H &P 1st g 58_1937'Fri-City Ry & Lt 1st s f 58_1923Underground of London 5s 19204%s 1938Income Os 1948

Un Rys Inv-5s Pitts 188_1926United Rys St L 1st g 4s_ _ _1934St Louis Tran gu imp 5s_1924

United RRs San Fr s f 48.. _1927Gas & Electric Light Cos.

Atlanta Gas-Lt 1st g 58_ 1947Bklyn Un Gas Co 1st c g 5s 1945Buffalo Gas Co 1st g 58_ _1947Columbus Gas Co 1st g 55_ _1932Detroit City Gas Co g 5s_ _ _1923Det Gas Co con 1st g 5s_ 1918Detroit Edison Co 1st 58_1933Eq Gas L Co N Y con g 58_1932Gr Rap Gas-L Co 1st g 5s.._1915Hudson Co Gas 1st g 5s_ 1949Kan City (_M0) Gas 1st g 5s 1922Kings Co EL ScPg 55 1937Purchase money 68 1997Ed El Ill Bkn 1st cog 48_1939

Lac Gas L 1st g 58__ May 1919Refund & ext 1st g 5s 1934

Milwaukee Gas Lt 1st 4s_ _1927N Y Gas El Lt H & P 5s_ _ _1948Purch money coil tr g 4s_1949Ed El Ill 1st cons g 5s_ _ _1995

N Y & Q El L & P 1st c g 581930Pacific G & Elec Co Cal G & Ecorp unifying & ref 5s ._1937

Pat & Pas Gas & El con g 58'49People's Gas & C-18t 6s_ _1943Refunding gold 58 1947Ch Gas L & C 1st gu g 5s 1937Consum Gas Ch 1st gu g 58 '36Ind Nat Gas & Oil ref 5s '36Mut Fuel Gas 1st gu g 55 1947

Phila Co cony deb 5s 1919Syracuse Lt Co 1st e 5s_ _ _1951Union El L & P refund 58_1933Utica G& Elec ref & ext 58_1957Westchester Light gold 58_1950

Miscellaneous Bonds.Adams Express col tr g 48_1948Armour & Co 1st real est 4%8'39Bush Terminal 1st 4s 1952

Consol 58 1955Chic Jet & St Yd col g 5s_ _1915Det M & M land gr incomes 1911List for Irrig Wks s f 43%s 1943Inter Bier Marine col tr 4%8 '22Int Navigation 1st s f 5s_ _ _1929Morris & Co 1st s f 43.4s_ _ _1939N News Ship &DD 5s 1890-1990N Y Dock 50-year gold 48 1951Pub Ser Cot NJ gen 50-yr 5s '59Wash Water P 18t 30-yr bs 1939Telegraph and Telephone.

Am Tel & Tel col trust 4s_ _1929Convertible 4s 1936

Commercial Cable 1st g 4s_2397Keystone Telephone 1st 58 1935Met T & T 1st s f g 5s 1918Mich State Telep 1st 20-yr 55'24NY &NJ Tel gen g 5s_ _ _ _1920N Y Tel let & gen s f 4%8_1939Pacific T & T 1st 55 1937West Un-Coll tr cur 5s_ _.1938Fund & real est 4%s g_ _1950Cony 48 Series A 1936No W Tel gu fund 4 %a g 1934

Manufacturing & Industrial.Allis-Chalmers 1st 58 1936Am Ag Chem 1st cons 58.._1928Am Cotton 011 4 %s_ _ Nov 1915Am Hide & L 1st s f g 68_ _1919Am Ice Securities deb g 68_1925AmSmelt&R sub rects6sfullpaidAm Spirits Mfg 1st g 68_ 1915American Thread 1st 4s_ 1919Am Tobacco 40-year g 6s 1944

Registered 19444s 1951

Registered 1951

M- SJ - J

J - JM - N

A -J -JJ -JM - NF -AF -AF - AF - AJ -JJ -JJ -JJ - JJ -DF - AA -M - NM- NJ -JA -A -M- SF - AJ -DA - 0

.1 -DM- SM- SJ -J

JF -AJ JJ JJ -JM- NA -M - NJ JJ- JM - NJ - JA -A -

J -DM - NA -J -JJ - JF -AJ - JM- SF - AM - NA -A -A -j jQ - FA -M- NJ -DF -AJ - JF - A

M NM-A -0

- SJ - JJ -DM - NM - NF - AJ -DM NJ JJ D

M- SJ -DA -J - JJ - JA -M - NA -F - AJ -JJ - JF - AA- 0J - J


-J - JM - NF -AM - NM - NJ - JJ - JM- NM- N-

J - JA -Q - F- s

A - 0F -Ahi- SJ - JA -A -F - AF - A






Rut Ask.84 8596 97%

93% Sale92% 93%

103%83 Sale102% 103 98101% 102 102 86









• 12,000







• 13,000200,000175,000








26,000' 118,000



400,000,92,000:2,0001 14,000,












100% 101% 8099%

94%79% Sale100% 100%103% Sale70 97% Sale98% 98%88 78 7978 8048 5048 49102% Sale100 Sale98


Mch. 1. Mch. 31. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. Highest.

Aok84% 85%97%

93% Sale 93

10383% Sale102 102%

101% Sale 101%82 8483 Sale78 78% 102%101 81% 82%99% 9778% Sale100% 100%103% Sale

9797% Sale

58% Sale109 103 91% 101 10334 8534 999834 98%98 99%893% 373 38%85 81% 8166% 68%

102105% Sale59% 64

75 78%75 77 4746 Sale102% 102% '10110058% 6060% Sale110 1111039234 102% 8598% 10098% 98%a95 99%a94 Salea44% Sale


102 106% 107%59% 61%

100% 100%100 100% Sale105 98 10110234 10397 101 10211234 11586 102 102%99% 101%89% 92%102% Sale87% Sale111% 101

9•2 93

100% 100 100% 105 98 101103% 98 102% 103114 115%87% 88102% 102% 100%90% 91102% 102%88 89111 100%

92% Sale

116% 117101 101%10234 104%100% 103 89%100 100102 10598 95% 06%98 102% 104

90 91%92 Sale88 985495% 10535 40953 6334 6578 78%90 91%98 85 01%9454 -101%

91 Sale105 Sale83% 88 8403% 99 99%103 98% Sale97 Sale99 Sale9534 Sale102% 103 95

76% 78102 102%97% Sale95 97%64 66%

96 989234 93105% Sale

116% 101% 10234103 1037101% Sale90 92%101% 105% 10799 95 99 104%

90 Sale93% Sale91%


5095% 66 6780 81%91% 9295 90 9195% 96101

89% Sale107% Sale84% 90 85103% 104%98% 99%103 98% Sale97% Sale99% 99%95 95103% 103 94

78 Sale10234 Sale97% 9899% 10073 Sale102 Sale100 1019331 106% Sale

80 Sale 83% Sale

But. Ask.82 84%97% 98%

92% 92%92% Sale

102% Sale84% Sale 102%

100% Sale100% 102 84 82%78% 79 102%101 102_ 82%99%

78% Sale100% 103% Sale

96 9796% 97%

75 75%75 75% 47%4534 46102 102% 10099% 10058 603%109 111103% 92% 102

98% 10198 98%

a93% Sale(155% Sale85% 85%

69% 71

102%107 107%6034 Sale

100% 100%100 100% 105% 106%99% 101103% 104%99 100102 113% 115%88 102%100 10090 90%103% Sale88% Sale111% 101%

95% Sale

115% 101% 102103 103101% 102%

_ 92%i61%107% 10897 93 9798 104% Sale

• 8834 Sale9234 939154 973.4 9814

35 4093 66% Sale79% 81%91% 913495 9094 95%101

90%108% Sale84% 9082 83103% 104%98% 103 98% Sale97% Sale99% Sale95 95%103% Sale 93%

7654 Sale10134 101%97% 98%98 Sale75 Sale101% Sale99% 10192% 93%107% Sale

85% Sale


8434 Mch. 14Sato Prires8434 Mch. 14

9234 Mch. 27 93% Mch. 392 Mch. 24 92% Bich. 22

102 Mch. 24 103 Bich. 108334 Mch. 3 84% Mch. 22102 Mch. 23 103 Mch. 7

Sale Prices.84 Jan. 698% Feb. 18

92% Mch. 2792 Mch. 24

Sale Prices.86 Jan. 1699% Feb. 6

9354 Jan. 209334 Jan. 30

102 Bich. 24 104 Jan. 582% Jan. 3 84% Mch. 22102 Jan. 10 103 Jan. 6

100% Mch. 13 10134 Mch. 1100% Mch. 15 101 Mch. 3

82% Mch. 3078% Mch. 14

81% Bich. 14

97 Mch. 1778% Mch. 6100% Mch. 271033% Mch. 10

9634 Bich. 1797% Mch. 21

7534 Mch. 2275 Bich. 3145% Mch. 2945 Mch. 29102% Bich. 4

83 Mch. 178% Mch. 23

10034 Feb. 24100% Mch. 15

8234 Bich. 3078 Jan. 12

8134 Bich. 14101% Feb. 380% Feb. 3

97% Bich. 137934 Mch. 211003% Mch. 3103% Bich. 27

9454 Jan. 1178% Mch. 16100% Bich. 27103% Feb. 6

97 Mch. 797% Mch. 9

96% Feb. 696% Feb. 2

75% Mch. 2276% Mch. 646 Mch. 1546% Mch. 221023's Mch. 4

997% Mch. 16 100 Bich. 961 Bich. 22 61 Mch. 225934 Mch. 15 61% Mch. 22

75 Jan. 3175 Feb. 144534 Mch. 2945 Mch. 29102 Jan. 3100 Jan. 399% Jan. 2659 Jan. 558% Jan. 3109 Jan. 10

85 Feb. 11

98 Mch. 30 9854 Mch. 25 98 Mch. 30

9354 Mch. 25 9434 Mch. 2944% Mch. 1 58 Mch. 308534 Bich. 31 86 Bich. 27

70 Mch. 30

1,07 Mch. 14130 Bich. 23

10054 Bich. 15

10034 Mch. 1610534 Bich. 8

10354 Mch. 2199% Bich. 7

113% Bich. 3088 Mch. 810234 Mch. 24100 Bich. 890% Bich. 18102 Mch. 288 Bich. 8111 Mch. 810134 Mch. 28

92% Bich. 1

116 % Bich. 610154 Mch. 7102% Bich. 1410134 Mch. 490 Bich. 24

107 Bich. 15

95 Mch. 2

90% Jan. 53834 Jan. 1485 Jan. 19

72 Mch. 7 70 Jan. 13

102 - Jan. 1102 Feb. 11

84% Jan. 479 Jan. 26

i02 Jan. 1882% Feb. 20

97% Mch. 1379% Jan. 6100% Jan. 6103% Jan. 19

98% Jan. 498% Jan. 6

7834 Jan. 678% Jan. 6463% Feb. 1048 Jan. 4102% Jan. 17101 Jan. 12100 Jan. 1261 Bich. 2261% Bich. 22111 Jan. 4

85 Feb. 11

98% Feb. 2

94% Mch. 2958 Mch. 3086 Feb. 15

72% Feb. 15


3 Mch. 24Mch. 22

105% Jan. 35934 Jan. 21

10034 Mch. 15 100 Jan. 30

10034 Bich. 1710534 Mch. 8

100 Jan. 2710534 Bich. 8

104% Bich. 289934 Mch. 7

113% Mch. 3088 Bich. 8102% Bich. 71003% Mch. 1091 Mch. 21033% Bich. 3088% Mch. 27111 Mch. 810154 Bich. 28

95% Bich. 21

103 Jan. 599% Bich. 71013% Jan. 5113% Mch. 3087% Jan. 1210234 Mch. 24100 Mch. 890 Jan. 11102 Feb. 2387 Jan. 6111 Bich. 8100 Feb. 4

913% Jan. 19

116 8 Mch. 6 116 % Feb. 2010134 Mch. 7'l013% Jan. 4102 Mch. 21102% Mch. 14101% Bich. 1 101 Feb. 991 Bich. 10 90 Jan. 6 '10034 Jan. 910834 Bich. 17 104 Jan. 20

95 Bich. 2

104% Bich. 31

885% Bich. 31923% Bich. 3092% Bich. 2798 Bich. 18

35 Bich. 25

1105 Mch . 14

90 Bich. 19334 Mch. 289234 Bich. 2798% Bich. 20

95 Mch. 2

104 Jan. 30

88% Bich. 3192% Jan. 590 Jan. 597 Feb. 14

35 Bich. 25 35 Bich. 25

107% Feb. 276034 Jan. 14

101 Jan. 24

10034 Jan. 1010534 Bich. 8

104% Mch. 289934 Bich. 710234 Feb. 23115 Jan. 3188 Mch. 8103 Jan. 19101 Feb. 2191 Jan. 31103% Bich. 3089 Feb. 21111 Bich. 810134 Mch. 28

95% Mch. 21

116% Feb. 26102 Feb. 1710334 Jan. 19101% Bich. 191% Jan. 271003% Jan. 910834 Mch. 17

9634 Feb. 23

105 Mch. 14

91 Feb. 209354 Feb. 239234 Bich. 2798% Mch. 20

35 Mch. 25

65% Mch. 147934 Bich. 149134 Bich. 20

6734 Mch. 307934 Mch. 149134 Mch. 20

64 Jan. 1778 Jan. 1291 Jan. 9

90 Mch. 139334 Mch. 1710234 Mch. 14

891% Bich. 20106% Bich. 3

90 Bich. 1496 Mch. 710234 Bich. 15

897% Bich. 27108% Mch. 31

90 Mch. 13963% Jan. 2710234 Mch. 14

895% Bich. 20105 Jan. 3


Mch. 7Mch. 13

983 Mch. 149734 Mch. 149934 Mch. 3192 Mch. 9103% Mch. 31

763% Bich. 3110134 Bich. 319734 Mch. 1698 Bich. 3170 Mch. 610134 Mch. 4100% Bich. 99354 Bich. 27106% Bich. 2106% Mch. 13833% Bich. 18434 Mch. 6

1033% Bich. 799% Mch. 13

1033/8 Mch. 798 Jan. 17

98% Mch. 2897% Bich. 1100 Bich. 2295% Bich. 14103% Bich. 21

98% Jan. 2097 Jan. 69934 Feb. 2392 Melt. 9103 Jan. 13

78 % Bich. 1102% Bich. 198 Mch. 27100 Mch. 475 Mch. 3110234 Mch. 1100% Mch. 109354 Mch. 27107% Mch. 31107% Bich. 2785% Bich. 31841% Bich. 15

6854 Jan. 23793% Mch. 1492 Jan. 23

90 Bich. 149634 Jan. 2710234 Mch. 15

91 Jan. 6109 Feb. 3

103% Mch. 7993% Feb. 16

9934 Jan. 2697% Feb. 24100 Jan. 595% Jan. 6103% Feb. 17

765% Jan. 13 78% Feb. 1410134 Bich. 31102% Jan. 279734 Jan. 4 98 Jan. 16963-4 Jan. 4 100 Feb. 2465 Jan. 5 75 Mch. 311003/4 Feb. 3102% Feb. 14100 Jan. 17 101 Jan. 20923% Jan. 19 9351 Feb. 10104% Jan. 17 107% Mch. 31105 Jan. 20 107 Mch. 2779% Jan. 3 8534 Mch. 31833% Feb. 251 84% Mch. 15

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 14: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf



Manufacturing & Indus (Con.).Am Writing Paper 1st 51551919Baldwin Loco Wks 1st Sf58 '40Beth Steel 1st ext 5 f 58.... -1926Central Leather 20-yr g 55_1925Consol Tobacco 50-yr g 45_1951Corn Prod Ref g s f 55 1931

1st 25-yr s f 55 1934Cuban-Am. Sugar coil tr 6s, 1918Distillers' S C cony 1st g 55 1927E I du Pont Powder 4 3%s-1936General Elec deb g 3 3%s-1942

10-yr gold deb 55 1917Internat Paper 1st con g 6s 1918Cons cony s f gold 5s...... -1935

Int Steam Pump 1st s f 55_1929Lackaw Steel 1st cony 5s 1923

1st cons 55 series A 19505-year cony 55 1915

NatEnam&StPg 1st 20-yr5s '29N Y Air Brake 1st cony 6s_1928Rwy Steel Springs 1st s f 551921Repub I & S 1st & col tr 55 1934Union Bag & P 1st s f 55- - -1930Stamped

1.1 S Leathers f deb g 65_ -.1913U S Realty Sr Imp deb g 5s 1924U S Red & Ref 1st s f g 68.-1931U S Rubber 10-yr coil tr 65 1918US Steel Corps f g 58 Apr_1963

Registered Apr 1963Va-Car Chem 1st 15-yr 5s_ A923Western Elec 1st 55 Dec 31 1922Westingh El & M con s f 5s 1931

Coal and Iron Bonds.Buff & Susq I s f 5s 1932Deb 55 Jan 1926

Col Fuel & I Co gen a f g 55 1943Convertible deb gold 55_1911Col Fuel Co gen gold 6s_ _1919Col Indus 1st coil tr5s gu1934

Pocahon Con Coll 1st s f 55 1957Tenn C I & RR gen 55____1951Birm Div 1st cons 6s___ _1917Tenn Div 1st g 6s_ _ _Jan 1917Cah C M Co 1st gu g 6s_ _1922

Victor Fuel 1st s f 5s 1953Vs Ir Coal & Coke 1st g 55_1949


JM - NJ -JA -F - AM- NM - NA -A -J -DF - AJ -D• -AJ -JM - SA -M - SM - SJ -DM - NJ -JA -J -J

M - NJ -JJ -JJ -DM- NM - NJ -DJ -JJ -J

J -DM- S- A

F - AM - NF - AJ - JJ -JJ -JA -- D

J -JM- S

Sales inMarch.

(Par val.)
















Price aboutJan. 31911.

90 90

86% Sale99% Sale79% 80%97 97%94 96 9776 77%833% 85 813%146 148104 104%843% 8591% Sale963% Sale85 91% Sale 98%103% Salc97 97%101% 92 9592 95104% 104%90 Sale88 Sale103 Sale104 Sale103% 103%100% Sale100 10192% Sale

66 88 9899% 100107% 763% Sale 85103%, Sale104% 106104% 106107 85 943% 953%


Mch. 1. Mch. 31. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. , Highest.

Bid. Ask.90 Sale

883% Sale993% Sale833% 8595 97 963% 963% Sale783% Sale 8481 149 Sale1033% 104843% 853%923% 93983% Sale87 943% Sale91 953%1023% 1043%973% 1033% 95 953% 953% Sale 1043% 893%82 843%1033% Sale105 Sale

1013% Sale101 Sale923% Sale

97 85 923%983% 993%993% 1003%1073% 783% Sale 85%104 1043%1041053% 1061043% 106107


Bid. Ask.893% Sale

1023% Sale893% Sale99 Sale853% 95 963%

963%96 963%783 Sale833% 8481 82 1473% Sale1003% 1023%84 Sale935% Sale983% 99883% '953% 953%94 961023% 103973% 1023%

1043% 1043%89 9075 811036% Sale1053% Sale

1013% Sale100.3% 1003%923% Sale

973% 90 92 963% 9878100 1003%1073% 75 7682% 85

1043%1043% 1061043% 106107

93 94

Sale Prices.893% Mch. 271023% Mch. 3187% Mch. 1698% Mch. 1385 Mch. 396 Mch. 2096 Mch. 16963% Mch. 21773% Mch. 3183% Mch. 6

145 Mch. 31023% Mch. 1784 Mch. 3192% Mch. 2983% Mch. 3088 Mch. 13943% Mch. 1943% Mch. 29102 Mch. 10973% Mch. 29

95 Mch. 24 953% Mch. 1

1043% Mch. 111043%89 Mch. 20753% Mch. 241033% Mch. 211033%105 Mch. 11

1053% Mch. 41053%1013% Mch. 161013%1003% Mch. 22913% Mch. 4

983% Mch. 14100 Mch. 11

75 Mch. 22

104 Mch. 291047% Mch. 7105 Mch. 23

87 Mch. 2394 Mch. 13

Sale Prices.90 Mch. 131023% Mch. 31893% Mch. 31993% Mch. 1853% Mch. 1697 Mch. 13963% Mch. 10963% Mch. 22783% Mch. 1833% Mch. 30

149 Mch. 11033% Mch. 711023%85 Mch. 171933% Mch. 231993% Mch. 31883% Mch. 31196 Mch. 24195 Mch. 18j1023% Mch. 22973% Itch. 30

953% Mch. 2196 Mch. 27

Mch. 2990 Mch. 2982 Mch. 7

Mch. 71057% Mch. 27

Mch. 20Mch. 25

101 Mch. 13923% Mch. 31

983% Mch. 14100 Mch. 11

783% Mch. 1

104 Mch. 9105 Mch. 7105 Mch. 23

883% Mch. 2296 Mch. 3

Sale Prices.893% Feb. 201023% Arch. 31863% Jan. 3'985% Meth 13813% Jan. 11196 Jan. 19,953% Jan. 10,953% Jan. 311763% Jan. 13,823% Jan. 19,

81 Feb. 21145 Mch. 3

Mch. 1784 Jan: 71913% Jan. 5963% Jan. 987 Feb. 2590 Feb. 17943% Mch 29102 Feb. 2973% Jan. 4

1033% Feb. 4903% Feb. 892 Feb. 41033% Feb. 2189 Jan. 4753% Mch. 24103 Jan. 31033% Jan. 61033% Jan. 41053%1003% Jan. 31003% Jan. 5915% Jan. 14

963% Jan. 11

973% Jan. 20993% Feb. 14

25 Mch. 22

1033% Jan. 61043% Feb. 1105 Mch. 23

87 Mch. 2394 Mch. 13

I Sale Prices.903% Feb. 61023% Mch. 31893% Mch. 31100 Jan. 10853% Mch. 1697 Jan. 1697 Feb. 197 Jan. 1679'% Feb. 683% Feb. 23813% Jan. 12151 Feb. 211043% Jan. 1287 Jan. 26933% Jan. 28993% Mch. 3883% Mch. 3196 Arch. 24953% Feb. 14105 Jan. 11973% Mch. 301033% Feb. 4953% Mch. 2196 Mch. 27105 Feb. 1490 Jan. 1988 Jan. 3104 Feb. 81053% Mch. 27

Mch. 20102 Feb. 3101 Jan. 1293 Feb. 23

97 Feb. 27

99 Feb. 10100 Feb. 10

793% Feb. 1

1043% Feb. 24105% Jan. 91053% Jan. 9

883% Mch. 22963% Feb. 21

a On the basis of $5 to the £ sterling. b On the basis of four marks to one dollar. c 1st installment paid. d Full paid. e Second installmenpaid. s Option sales. y Coupon on. z Flat price.

STOCKS-PRICES AND SALES FOR MARCH AND THE YEAR TO DATE.Prices are on basis of 100-share lots. Exceptions of stocks which sell only in a small way are noted by the letter a. Option sales are disregarded


SALES TO APR. 1.Price aboutJan. 31911.


Sales inMarch.

SinceJan. 1. Mch. 1. Mch. 31. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. Highest.

ParAnn Arbor 100 Preferred__ . 100

Atchison Top- &- S Fe-100Preferred 100

Atlan Coast Line AR 100Baltimore & Ohio. 100

Preferred _100Brooklyn Rap Transit_100Buff Roch & Pitts. .....100

Prefer:ed 100 Canadian Pacific 100Canada Southern 100Central of New Jersey 100Chesapeake & Ohio _.100Chicago & Alton RR .100

Preferred 100Chic Burl & Quincy ....100Chic & East Ill pref _ _ _100Chic Gt West tr ctfs_ _ _100

Preferred trust ctfs_100Chic Milw & St Paul- -100

Preferred 100Chicago & North West_100

Preferred 100Chic St Paul M & 0_ _100

Preferred 100Chic Term Trans RR_ _100

Preferred 100 Chic Union Traction_ _100 Tr Co cas, asst paid 100 Pref do do do 100

Clev Cin Chic Sz St L_ _100Preferred 100

Clev Lor & Wheeling_ _100Preferred 100

Cleve & Pitts guar_ ___ 50Colorado & Southern .100

First ppreferred 100Second preferred.... 100

Delaware Sz Hudson__ _100Del Lack Sz Western 50Denver & Rio Grande_100

Preferred 100Des Moines Sz Ft D.._ _ _100 Detroit & Mackinac _..100

Preferred 100 Detroit United 11y__100Duluth S S & Atlantic_ 100

Preferred 100Duluth-Superior Trac_100

Preferred 100 Erie 100

First preferred 100Second preferred _ 100

Evansville ,4r Terre H.._ 50Preferred 50

Great Northern, pref_ _100Iron ore properties

0 Bay & W deb ctfs A 1000Deb certfs B 1000

Havana Electric Ry _100Preferred 100

Hocking Valley 100Illinois Central 100

r .....a um, 4 OA of noir inn






































34 382210900 400


Bid. Ask. 25 30 65 70

101 Sale100% Sale117 Sale1053% Sale89 9175 Sale102 108

125 1401953% Sale62 703%260 280803% Sale24 30


213% Sale453% Sale

1235% Sale147 Sale

Sale180 210135 145160 175

3 33%6 8653% Sale973% 100

167 563% Sale76 Sale73 761643% Salex500 575283% Sale67 693%

43% 13 823% 90 923% 100

67 70 103% 12a22 Sale

27% Sale46 4634 3558 62

70 851233% Sale563% Sale

133% 1588

943% 123 134132 Sale93

Bid. Ask.20 4065 851053% Sale1023% Sale1203% Sale1033% Sale88 89783% Sale115 Sale120 150x2123%Sale62 723%275 285833% Sale25 34


107 213% Sale443% Sale123 Sale1483% 1503%1463% Sale201 209135 145150 165

3 33%63% 860 63963% 100

167 56 5775 763%733% 763%166 171525 535323% Sale72 Sale5 13823% 90 95 100

13 1426 Sale

293% Sale493/s Sale383% Sale60 6580 851253% Sale603% Sale

75 78 133% 143%

123 1341343% 1369314

Bid. Ask.20 45 65 85 1095% Sale1023% Sale1183% Sale1033% Sale873% 883%:77% Sale110 120120 150 z221 Sale623% 66270 284z81 Sale243% 30 40 54

213% 2244 443%1203% Sale147 151:145 Sale:200 210135 140150 165

2 3 5 8 58 6395 96

167 523% 53

:743% 76:71 75167 169505 550a313% Sale703% 713%5 13

95 100 69 72153% Sale275% Sale

303% Sale49 Sale383% Sale65 7080 85 1263% Sale:603% Sale

8014 15

128 Sale1385% Sale03IA

Sale Prices.

104 Mch. 3102 Mch. 71183% Mch. 311023% Mch. 2873% Mch. 21

:763% Mch. 13115 Mch. 1

:2118%Alch. 22263%62 Mch. 3270 Mch. 1181 Mch. 2

52 Mch. 17

21 Mch. 14433% Mch. 181193% Mch. 31473% Mch. 8:1423%Mch. 14201 Mch. 21140 Mch. 8152 Mch. 21

60 Mch. 3963% Mch. 18

52 Mch. 4z743% Mch. 27743% Mch. 6166 Mch. 3525 Mch. 231 Meth 670 Mch. 13

70 Mch. 14133% Meth 125 Mch. 2

273% Mch. 4473% Mch. 11363% Mch. 465 Arch. 15

1235% Mch. 41285%:58 Mch. 4773% Mch. 17133% Meth 2

953% Mch. 28128 Rich. 24133 Mch. 6n6M Mph. 10

Sale Prices.

1105% Mch. 29103 Mch. 111003%122 Mch. 151043% Mch. 28883% Mch. 13783% Mch. 22115 Mch. 1

Mch. 2962 Mch. 3275 Mch. 16833% Mch. 1

52 Mch. 17

223% Mch. 1453% Mch. 15

1233% Mch. 15153 Mch. 211463% Mch. 1201 Melt. 21140 Mch. 8152 Mch. 21

603% Mch. •963% Mch. 18

56 Mch. 2753% Mch. 16753% Mch. 2168 Mch. 15535 Mch. 22333% Mch. 172 Mch. 1

70 Mch. 14155% Meth 30303% Mch. 30

313% Mch. 30150 Mch. 301393% Mch. 30168 Mch. 301

Mel'. 1633% Mch. 291773% Mch. 17115 Mch. 231 I953% Mch. 28130 Meth 251383% Meth 3n94 1%1(41 in

Sale Prices.

100% Jan. 3Jan. 3

117 Jan. 3102 Feb. 24873% Mch. 21743s Jan. 3108 Jan. 27

1955% Jan. 32203%62 Mch. 3270 Mch. 11soi Jan. 3

30 Jan. 952 Mch. 17

21 Mch. 1443 Feb. 241193% Mch. 3147 Jan. 31423% Jan. 16a200 Jan. 41373% Jan. 11152 Feb. 18

23% Jan. 20 674 Feb. 4

60 Mch. 3963% Mch. 18

52 Mch. 4743% Mch. 27733% Jan. 111643% Jan. 3510 Feb. 9283% Jan. 368 Jan. 5

. 67% Jan. 711 Jan. 622 Jan. 6

273% Jan. 11455% Jan. 123.5 Jan. 960 Feb. 1

122 Feb. 2456 Jan. 5763% Feb. 7135% Mch. 2953% Feb. 11933% Jan. 12128 Meth 24132 Jan. 3,Lcm A.frth in

Sale Prices.

1105% Mch. 291033% Jan. 27124 Feb. 71093% Jan. 3191 Jan. 4793% Feb. 6126 Feb. 8

Mch. 2965 Jan. 10285 Feb. 25863% Feb. 830 Jan. 953 Jan. 19

245% Feb. 6493% Feb. 61333% Feb. 71553% Feb. 6150 Feb. 1a209 Jan. 7140 Mch. 8152 Feb. 18

35% Feb. 673% Feb. 666 Jan. 1898 Feb. 1

60 Jan. 1877 Jan. 24753% Mch. 2172 Feb. 35423% Jan. 1135 Feb. 2174 Feb. 21

74 Feb. 7155% 'Itch. 30303% Mch. 30

323% Feb. 20513% Feb. 20403% Feb. 2068 Meth 30

1313% Feb. 1633% Feb. 478 Jan. 27153% Jan. 1796 Feb. 17953% Mch., 28130 Mch. 251383% Melt. 30nil A AS oh in

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 15: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf


SALES TO APR. STOCKS. Price aboutN V STOCK EXCHANGE Sales in Since Jan. 3

March. Jan. 1. 1911. -

Par Shares. Shares. Bid. Ask.Interb-Met, vot tr ctfs_100 15,080 71,851 193i Sale

Preferred 100 30,019 123,354 53% SaleIowa Central 100 3,100 12,490 18 Sale

Preferred 100 4,350 13,795 32 SaleK 0 Ft S & M tr ctfs, pref 170 270 73 773%Kansas City Southern. 100 12,200 43,950 32 Sale

Preferred 100 1,100 7,010 643% SaleKeokuk & Des Moines_100 4 8

Preferred 100 200 35 45Lake Erie & Western. .100 200 14 20

Preferred 100 300 600 37 47Lake Shore & Mich So_ 100 325 450Lehigh Valley.----. 50 117,510 691,135 175% SaleLong Island 50 2,219 62 66Louisville & Nashville_100 6,520 48,260 1443% SaleManhattan Railway 100 1,310 5,669 138 140MinneaP & St Louis_ 100 5,212 17,952 253% SalePreferred 100 12,985 12,985 35 50M St P & S St M 100 45,417 88,018Preferred 100 1,405 4,193 IV 111"i Leased line certificates__ 1,175 2,675 89% 90%

610 Kansas & Texas 100 16,925 (),,N2 glp SalePreferred 100 1,125 68

Missouri Pacific 100 321,990 733,025 473% SaleMorris & Essex 50 -------Nash Chatt & St Louis. 100 435 156 -- iii --Nat Rys of Alex pref __ _100 550 2,750 68 713%Second pref 100 12,250 56,292 34% SaleN Y Cent & Hud Riv_ _100 160,403 395,785 111 SaleN Y Chicago & St L 100 1,600 5,100 63 68

First preferred 100 100 300 104 110Second preferred_ 100 760 87 93

N Y N H & Hartford. .100 2,985 16,887 150 SaleSubscription receipts... 1,675 7,145 g145 148

N Y Ontario & West_ _100 6,275 39,660 403% 42Norfolk & Southern.. _100 336 33e Norfolk & Western_ __ _100 97,925 325,630 100% SalePref (adjustment)__100 10 466

Nor Ohio Trac & Lt. ..100 400 2,880 393% SaleNorthern Pacific 100 104,450 531,460 1163% SalePacific Coast Co 100 400 98 105

First preferred 100 90 110Second preferred__ .100 200 98 105

Pennsylvania 50 111,864 421,719 1287% SalePeoria & Eastern 100 17 22Pere Marquette 100 '30

First preferred 100 65Second preferred_..100 38

Pitts Cin Chic & St L.._100 3,600 16,538 96 ggPreferred 100 100 105 112

Pitts Ft Wayne & Chic.100 163 RR Securities, Ser A.1000 Reading Company.... 50 1,128,320 5,812,350 151 Sale

First preferred 50 3,400 5,900 871% 91Second preferred 50 900 6,760 92 96

Rensselaer ,Sz Saratoga. 100 200Rock Island Co 100 40,175 269,055 29% Sale

Preferred 100 2,100 26,868 60 SaleRome Watert'n & Ogd_ 100 110 Rutland, preferred_ __ _100 100 444 33 40St Joseph & Grand Is1.100 100 310

First preferred 100 100 614 Second preferred___100 200 600

St L & S F, 1st pref.. ..100 750 1,675 60 65Second preferred_ __100 8,280 35,150 383% SaleC & E Ill stk ctfs__100 100 100 1504% stock tr ctfs _1000 8 183 50 60

St Louis Southwest_ __100 800 22,050 25 26Preferred 100 1,200 24,100 591% Sale

Southern Pacific Co_ _ _100 118,438 475,335 rl14% SaleSouthern vot tr ctfs_k_100 15,997 172,947 263k SalePreferred do do_ _100 7,480 59,980 62 SaleM & 0 stock trust certs_ 70 85

Texas & Pacific 100 8,250 52,270 253% SaleThird Avenue (N Y)....100 5,460 14,510 103% SaleToledo Rys & Light_ _ _100 900 2,000 8 SaleToledo St Louis & W 100 7,800 22,330 233% SalePreferred 100 8,530 22,540 53 SaleTwin City Rapid Tran_100 667 6,187 107 1083%

Preferred 100 Union Pacific 100 742,370 2,732,495 1703% SalePreferred 100 10,410 23,942 93 Sale

United Rys Inv of S F.100 9,520 40,925 31% SalePreferred 100 13,535 35,505 60% Sale

Wabash 100 7,200 48,452 15% 163%Preferred 100 34,460 149,211 35 Sale

Western Maryland Ry_100 5,570 37,520 51 SalePreferred 100 400 3,500 75 77

Wheeling & Lake Erie 100 400 6,150 43% 6First preferred 100 100 6,800 133% SaleSecond preferred. ..100 100 3,750 5 7

Wisconsin Central 100 21,300 33,760 57 Sale


industrial & MiscellaneousAdams Express 100Allis-Chalmers 100

• Preferred 100Amalgamated Copper. 100Amer Agricul Chem ..100

Preferred 100American Beet Sugar. ..100

Preferred 100Am Brake Shoe & Foun100

Preferred 100American Can 100

Preferred 100Amer Car & Foundry 100

Preferred 100American Cotton 011..100

Preferred 100American Express_ 100Amer Hide & Leather_100

Preferred 100Amer Ice Securities 100American Linseed .__..100

Preferred 100American Locomotive_100

Preferred 100American Malt Corp.. .100

Preferred 100Am Smelt Sec, pref B. _100Amer Smelt & Refin 100

Preferred 100American Snuff 100

Preferred 100Amer Steel Foundries. 100American Sugar Refln_100Preferred, new 100





















Mch. 1.

Bid. Ask.19 Sale53% Sale17% Sale31 32%74 7534% Sale65 67%5 835 4015 2036 45325 450174% Sale60 65144% Sale139 14028% Sale 54142 Sale153% Sale89% 9033% Sale66% 67%56% Sale------140 150a70% Sale37% Sale108% Sale55% 62101% 10782 90150% Sale148% 149%42 Sale

104% Sale

42 45123% Sale100 10785 108100 107126% Sale17 22 30 65 3896% 98105 114%164%

156% Sale88 Sale92 99185% 20030% Sale613% Sale115 121

65 6641 42

131 18050 6031% 32%65 68116% Sale27 Sale64% Sale70 8528% Sale9% Sale7% Sale23% Sale53% Sale109 110%

220 2458 Sale24 2961% Sale46 Sale84 42% Sale91% 9590% Sale127% 130%9 Sale77% Sale50% Sale115 Sale59 Sale

Mch. 31. Lowest. I Highest.

x174%Salex90% 9146% Sale72 7417% Sale38% Salea50 Sale75% 775 613 16%6% 7%62% 63%

Bid. Ask.18% Sale53 Sale16 16%31% Sale573 7534% Salex66 67%5 8

z33 4015 2035% Salez325 450174 Sale60 05144% Salez136% 13923% Sale37 39%x146%Salex156%Salez88% 003%33% Sale66 6951% Sale

140 14666 7235 Sale

z106%Sale60 Sale100 10780 86z148%Salez146%Sale41% Sale 59108 Sale

42% 421%12:3% Sale94 10485 10594 104126 Sale16 22 30

3896% 98100 114%164%

155% Sale88 9097% 98185% 20029% Sale60% Sale117 121

62 6641% Sale140 18060 62:31% Sale66% 67%x115%Sale26% Salex63% Salez70 8528% Sale10 10%7 7%21 Salex48 Salez108%109%z134%145z176%Sale93 Sale45% Sale74% Sale17 Sale37% Sale40% Sale74% 764% 513 166% 869% Sale

227 240 240 24573% 8% 7% 8%28 32% 30% 32%64 Sale 625% Sale59% Sale 57 Sale100 110 z101 10247% Sale 43% Sale97 973% z95 97%' 71 • z94% 96

1373% 139 z135%1369% Sale 9% Sale82 Sale z80 Salez533% Sale z53% Sale118 Sale 115 116%62% Sale 60 Sale

220 2404% Sale22% Sale17% 18%11 12%31% Sale38% Sale108 Sale3% 5%35% Sale86% Sale73% Sale103% Sale260 300100 10144 Sale115 Sale112 115

240 250 244 2474 4% 4 Sale235% Sale 23 24%21 Sale 24 Sale103% 12% 103% 1230 32% 32 Sale39 Sale 37 38109% Sale 106% 1083% 4 3% 4%323% 34 32 333%87% 87% 87 8877% Sale z75 Sale1053% Sale z1043%105%5 z268 993% 102 z99 10248 Sale 47 Salex119 Sale zall9 Salex117 Sale z115%117

Lowest. Highest.

Sale Prices. I Sale Prices.18% Mch. 2, 19% Mch. 1850% !itch. 955% Mch. 20163% Mch. 24 17% Mel'. 130 Mch. 31 313% Mch. 1575% Mcli. 16 75% Mch. 1633 Mch. 3 35% Mch. 21663% Mch. 91 68 Mch. 17

Sale Prices.18% Mch. 250% Mch. 916% Mcli. 2430 Mch. 375 Feb. 2432 Jan. 364% Jan. 3

35% Mch. 311z36 Mch. 27

1703% Mch. 81 176% Mch. 2

143% Mch. 2,145% Mch. 29134 Mch. 28 138% Mch. 823% Mch. 17 283% Mch. 135 Mcli. 13 42 Mch. 22139% Mch. 2 1523% Mcli. 30153% Mch. 1 160 Mch. 30z88% Zilch. 24 903% Mcli. 1532 Mch. 4 34% Mch. 2067 Mch. 23 683% Mch. 2949% Mch. 18 58 Mch. 7

a70% Mch. 134 Mch. 17105% Mch. 4591 Mch. 81015 Mcli. 20

z147%Mch. 16z146%Mch. 3141 Mch. 1160 Mch. 9102% Mch. 3a90% Arch. 2840% /itch. 15120 Mch. 4

124% Mch. 9

96 Mch. 4

153% Mcli. 488 Mch. 197 Mch. 20

28% Mch. 358 Mch. 3

40 Mch. 1820% Mch. 655 Mch. 4393% Mch. 21623% Mcli. 1340% Meth 2

60 Mch. 230 Mch. 466 Mch. 7114% Mcli. 325% Mch. 463 Mch. 2

27% Mch. 28% Mch. 2

Mch. 2721 Mcli. 27x48 Mcli. 31x108 Mch. 10

z1708%Mch. 4z907/ Mch. 645 Mch. 372 Mch. 216% Mch. 436% Mch. 449% Mcli. 3175 Mch. 305 Mch. 1514% Mch. 30

Mcli. 261% Mch. 2

a703% Mch. 137% Mch. 2109% Mch. 1603% Meth 15

1015% Meth 20

a240 Mch. 218 Mcli. 1630% Mch. 661% Mch. 254 Mch. 13102% Meth 2443% Meth 897 Mch. 1496 Mch. 14136% Mch. 159% Mai. 31

z80 Mch. 31523% filch. 3114% Atch, 1359% Meth 8104% /deli. 2240 Mch. 144 Mch. 822% Mch. 1121 Mch. 110% Mch. 730% Mch. 336% !itch. 2106% Mch. 213% Mch. 2031% Mch. 886 Meth 11735% Mcli. 4

x1033.4 Mcli.10

102 !deli. 1445% Mch. 4

z117 Mch. 4115% Mch. 27

150% Mch. 1148% Mch. 242 Mch. 160 Mch. 10109% Mcli. 28a90% Meth 2843 Mch. 612558 Mch. 1G

127% Mcli. 15

35% Mch. 3116% Feb. 139 Jan. 23

1703% Mch. 860% Feb. 4142% Jan. 25134 Meth 28233% Arch. 1735 Mch. 13132% Jan. 4147% .Tan. 6883% Mch. 2431 Feb. 24633% Jan. 16453% Jan. 11

140% Jan. 1970 Jan. 534 Mch. 17105% Meth 459% Mch. 8101% Feb. 2187 Feb. 24147% Mch. 16g146 Jan. 1740% Jan. 1160 Mch. 9100% Jan. 390 Jan. 539% Jan. 3116 Jan. 3100 Jan. 11

101 Jan. 11124% Mch. 9

98% Mch. 21 96 Mch. 4112 Feb. 17

158% Mch. 2190 Mch. 2797% Mch. 28

150% Jan. 388 Mch. 194 Jan. 5

Sale Prices.20% Feb. 1055% Jan. 419% Feb. 333% Jan. 1775% Mch. 1635% Feb. 2168 Mch. 17

39 Feb. 316% Feb. 140 Jan. 13

181 A Feb. 363 Jan. 161483% Jan. 18141 Jan. 631 Feb. 15a50 Feb. 14152% Mch. 30160 Mch. 3090% Feb. 1636% Feb. 8683% Mch. 2963 Feb. 15

143 Feb. 272% Jan. 26386% Feb. 15115% Feb. 365 Jan. 19101% Mch. 2090 Jan. 27151% Feb. 23g149%Feb. 2744 % Feb. 660 !deli. 10109% Mcli. 28903% Jan. 1843% Mch. 61283% Feb. 1102 Jan. 10

102 Jan. 11130% Feb. 2

100 Jan. 17112 Feb. 17

161% Feb. 791 Feb. 3903% Feb. 8

30% Mch. 161% !itch. 1

28% Mch. 358 Mch. 3

40 Arch. 1820% Mch.55 Mch.39% Mel]. 2165 Mch. 1543 Mch. 2

60 Mch.32 Mch. 1767% Mch. 21118% Mch. 2827% Mch. 1565% Mch. 28

40 Feb. 2418 Jan. 2650 Jan. 1239% Mch. 2162 Jan. 1038% Jan. 3145 Feb. 1659 Feb. 924 Jan. 1359% Jan. 3x114% Jan. 325% Meth 461% Jan. 11

29% Mch. 2111% Mch. 22

Mch. 1323% Mch. 253% Mch. 1109 Mch. 2

25% Jan. 38% Mch. 2

Mcli. 2721 Itch. 27x48 Mcli. 31108 Jan. 11

178% !itch. 2943% !itch. 2848% Meth 276% Mch. 217% Mch. 139% Meth 151% AWL 875% :Itch.51% Mch. 1514% Mch. 3

Mch.72 Mch. 3

a240 Mch. 218 Meth 1732% Mel'. 1565 Mch. 1559% Mch. 1102% Mch. 247% Mch. 198 Mch. 1897 Mel'. 9137 !itch. 410% Mch. 182% Mch. 1z54% Mch. 2118 Mch. 162% Mcli. 1105 Meth 11245 !itch. 274 Mch. 924% Mch. 125% Meth 111% Mch. 1833% Mch. 239% Meth 1110% Mch. 14 Mch. 21333% Mcli. 287% Mch. 2377% Mch. 1105% Mch. 1

z102 Mch. 1648 Mch. 1121 Mch. 21z117%Mch. 10

169% Jan. 390% Mch. 631% Jan. 360% Jan. 315% Jan. 632% Jan. 1149% Mch. 3175 Jan. 144% Jan. 27123% Jan. 115 Jan. 557 Jan. 3

33% Feb. 165% Feb. 1

40 Feb. 2421 Jan. 2755 Feb. 240 Jan. 2768 Feb. 644 Feb. 6145 Feb. 1662 Feb. 2334 Feb. 469 Feb. 21121% Feb. 229 Feb. 766% Feb. 7

30% Feb. 2112 Jan. 58% Jan. 1724% Feb. 853% Jan. 5111 Feb. 2

181 % Feb. 694% /deli. 2849 Feb. 2076% Meth 2218% Feb. 2340% Feb. 2351% Feb. 177 Jan. 66 Feb. 2117% Feb. 38 Feb. 772 Mch. 30

235 Jan. 20 a240 Feb. 27% Jan. 27 8% Jan. 30275% Jan. 6 34 Feb. 361 Jan. 3 67% Feb. 646 Jan. 3 59% Feb. 281013% Jan. 27 103 Feb. 939% Jan. 12 47% Mch. 192% Jan. 9 98 Meth 1890 Jan. 6 97 Feb. 27128 Jan. 5 138 Feb. 238% Jan. 6 10% Jan. 2577 Jan. 5 827% Feb. 9503% Jan. 573% Feb. 8114% Mch. 13 118% Feb. 4556% Jan. 11 62% Feb. 28104% Mch. 2 105% Feb. 16a224 Jan. 11 a255 Jan. 273% Jan. 25 4% Jan. 3120 Jan. 10 25% Feb. 8173% Jan. 17 25% Mch. 1410% Jan. 13 12% Feb. 14303% Jan. 16 34 Feb. 14363% Mch. 2 423% Feb. 1106% Mch. 211103% Mcli. 13% Feb. 17 4% Jan. 1831% Mch. 8 36% Jan. 2586 Mch. 11 89 Feb. 872% Jan. 3 81 % Feb. 6103% Jan. 3 106 Feb. 1280 Feb. 27 a290 Feb. 24100% Jan. 30 102 Mch, 16435% Jan. 3 52% Feb. 9113 Jan. 6 122% Feb. 27111 Jan. 5 1193% Feb. 14

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Sales in SinceN Y STOCK EXCHANGE Jan. 3March. Jan. 1. 1911, Mch. 1.

Par Shares. Shares. Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask.Amer Teleg & Cable.....100 100 1,710 78 84 82 86Amer Teleph & Teleg_ ..100 31,622 141,929 140% Sale 14634 SaleAmer Tob (new), pref_100 5,863 17,616 93 94 9654 SaleAmerican Woolen 100 26,060 36,360 30% Sale 3334 Sale

Preferred 100 6,940 12,468 91% Sale 95% SaleAm Writing Paper, pf_100 972 17,922 29 31Anaconda Copper 25 3,215 24,460 $38% Sale $38 39Associated Oil 100 3,000 3,000 45 52 45 52Batopilas Mining 20 1,027 3,722 162 4 $234 SaleBethlehem Steel Corp.. 100 3,900 32,800 29 29% 31 SalePreferred 100 4,025 13,625 59 Sale 59 62

Brooklyn Union Gas_ _100 1,800 11,523 135 Sale 13934 14034Brunsw'kTerm&RySec100 850 3,575 8% 10 954 103%Butterick 100 1,100 3,125 28 30 278/s 29Central Leather 100 29,605 119,680 31% Sale 30 SalePr f ferred 100 9,190 18,126 104 Sale 1033% Sale

Cent & So Amer Teleg_100 40 104 ..... 119 121Chino Copper 5 18,205 18,205 Solorado Fuel & Iron_ _100 8,800 45,195 31 Sale 33 Sale

Preferred 100 100 300 110% 117 110% 125Sol & Hock Coal & Iron100 1,000 1,600 4 5 3

Trust Co certs full paid_ 100 100 Comstock Tunnel -___ 2 1,600 12,630

1st income 4s Consolidated Gas N Y_100 35,048 321,858 135% Sale 14134 SaleCorn Products Refln...100 8,310 31,560 143% 15 13% Sale

Preferred 100 3,582 11,623 78 Sale 78% 79%Crex Carpet ' 100 405 1,335 57 67 63 70Cuban-Amer Sugar.. ......100 ...400 36 39 34% 37

Preferred 100 700 2,000 88 9134 88 90Detroit Edison 615 715 Distillers' Secur Corp.. ..100 13,730 54,918 33 34 3734 SaleE I du Pont Pow pref....100 355 861 8434 87Federal Min & Smelt_ ..100 225 6,050 12 20 2834 32%

Preferred 100 855 8,861 4554 55 61 66Federal Sugar Refining 100 1,005 1,835 25 35 41 45

Preferred 100 85 90 General Chemical 100 945 5,121 95 102 126 130

Preferred 100 650 3,135 10154 10434 105% 107General Electric 100 10,435 29,085 1515 Sale 152 153Goldfield Consol Mines.. 10 65,855 230,135 $7/s Sale $6% SaleEiomestake Mining..__ _100 100 854 84% 88 84% 8734internal Harvester.... _..100 6,750 65,102 109 Sale 116% Sale

Preferred 100 2,056 10,535 1223% Sale 123 SaleInt Mer Mar stk tr ctfs_100 702 4,252 434 41% 4% 5%

Preferred 100 2,625 9,300 1534 Sale 1534 17%International Paper__ _100 3,850 17,415 1254 Sale 113A Sale

Preferred 100 3,400 20,078 54 Sale 49 Saletaternat Steam Pump_100 4,350 35,755 403% Sale 41 Sale

Preferred 100 3,775 14,027 853% Sale 88 SaleLackawanna Steel ........100 385 685 35 42 42 'Laclede Gas (St. Louis)100 16,530 106,680 106 Sale x111 Sale

Preferred 100 80 102 95 Mackay Companies__ _100 1,050 5,260 89 93 91% 94

Preferred 100Vtanhattan Beach Co.._100National Biscuit 100

Preferred 100





7454 7554 2% 4

11854 Sale125 Sale

76% Sale2% 334

122 Saleal28 Sale

Nat Enamel & Stamp..100Preferred 100

National Lead 100Preferred 100

Nevada Consol Copper- 5New York Air Brake-100New York Dock 100

Preferred 100 No Amer Co new stock-100Ontario Silver Mining-100Pacific Mail SS 100










16 173480 8654 56104 108$1884 Sale7034 Sale

35 65 68

6534 Sale1% 2%2734 29

18 Sale87 9355% Sale107 Sale$18% Sale68 7225 30

6771 Sale134 2%25 Sale

Pacific Telep & Teleg--100 18,510 74,755 44 Sale 52% SalePreferred 100

People's Gas L & Coke..100398


40,46190 9910554 Sale

90 99341053,4 Sale

Philadelphia Co (Pitts) 50 6,810 20,817 x10054 Sale 106% SalePittsburgh Coal of N J..100 23,900 36,450 173% Sale 1934 Sale

Preferred 100 17,543 22,963 6634 70 71 SalePressed Steel Car 100 4,070 23,130 3034 Sale 3334 Sale

Preferred 100 970 4,495 9234 Sale 9734 SalePub Serv Corp of N J.._100 1,095 12,975 119 SalePullman Company...-. -100 5,740 11,990 159 Sale 15934 SaleQuicksilver Mining...._ -100

Preferred 100 200 1,300 34 2" 154 2%

3 5Railway Steel Spring....100 1,350 13,390 32 33 35 Sale

Preferred 100 1,445 3,915 92 Sale 99% SaleRay Consol Copper_ _ .. _10 5,123 5,123 Republic Iron & Steel 100 5,500 41,335 30 31 33% Sale

Preferred 100 1,935 13,242 91% 93 99 99%Sears. Roebuck & Co...100 1,875 5,290 185 Sale 190 Sale

Preferred _100 365 975 119%Sloss-Sheffield Steel&I.100 1,600 10,100 49% 50 5334 Sale

Preferred 100 33 723 112% iouth Porto Rico Sug_100 50 250 82 a85 Sale

Preferred 100 900 1,498 109 113 112 SaleTennessee Copper Co.. 25 8,050 75,305 $33% Sale $3834 SaleTexas Co (The) 100 3,340 13,415 135% Sale 1353% Sales

Rights 7,242 7,242 Texas Pac Land Trust_100 300 2,000 88 91% 89 SaleUnderwoodTypewrit'r_100 500 500

Preferred 100 170 170 Union Bag & Paper.._ _100 3,915 8 9 7% 8%Preferred 100 100 2,419 53 59 56% 59%

United Cigar Mfrs, pf_ ..100United Dry Goods Cos..100



100 103100 102

103 10510534 106%

Preferred 100 1,865 6,800 102 102 105% 105%U S Cast Iron Pipe & F.100 760 4,583 16 17 18 19

Preferred 100 340 5,814 52 Sale 58% SaleU S Express 100 345 1,238 93 100 ,0100 SaleU S Realty & Improv_100 4,950 11,895 69 70% I 67% 69U S Reduc & Refining_100

Preferred 100 100 900

2004% 714 17

3%, 43411 19

U S Rubber 100 87,255 165,319 37 37% 47 SaleFirst preferred 100 3,020 14,885 111 Sale 114 SaleSecond preferred.._ _100 2,200 8,520 72 74% 79 Sale

United States Steel.-- -100 1,312,920 5,513,425 72 Sale x7734 SalePreferred 100 18,825 76,253 116% Sale 119 Sale

Utah Copper 10 21,575 78,695 $44% Sale $45 34 SaleVa.-Carolina Chemical_100

Preferred 100109,758


5,82162% Sale123% Sale

69% Sale127 Sale

Va. Iron Coal & Coke 100 1,200 3,980 Vulcan Detinning 100

Preferred 100 Wells, Fargo Express_ -100Western Union Teleg_ _100


45 3,839

58,810152 16073 Sale

ato8 Sale74% Sale

West'gh E & Mfg assent 50 8,620 20,610 66 Sale 69% SaleFirst preferred 50 1,270 2,090 120 123 119 120


I Arch. 31. Lowest. I Highest. .

Bid. Ask. Sale Prices. I Sale Prices.80 85 81 Mch. 9 81 Mch. 9x145 Sale 144 Mch. 3 14734 Mch. 28z9734 Sale 963% Mch. 3 10034 Mch. 143134 Sale 31% Mch. 29 3634 Mch. 21z89% Sale z8634 Mch. 29 953% Mch. 12934 Sale 27% Mch. 17 291% Mch. 14$3834 Sale $38 Mch. 2 $39 Mch. 1452 Sale 48 Mch. 24 5234 Mch. 31$2 24 $2 Mch. 3 $234 Mch. 1031 33 30 Mch. 6 32% Mch. 146134 Sale 60 Mch. 9 6334 Mch. 28

z140 142 13934 Mch. 2 14234 Mch. 229% 10 93% Mch. 7 1034 Mat. 1729 3134 28% Mch. 3 31 Mch. 302834 Sale 2634 Mch. 14 30% Mch. 159934 Sale 99 Mch. 13 103% Mch. 1x119 121 a120 Mch. 2a122 Mch. 3032234 Sale $2234 hIch. 25 $22% Mch. 233134 3234 31 Mch. 2 33% Mch. 14110 125 110 Mch. 23 110 Mch. 232 2 Mch. 3 2 Mch. 312 1534 14 Mch. 22 14 Mch. 22 20c. Mch. 7 24c. Mch. 9

144% Sale14% Salex78 Sale67 7534% 36%90 92x107 35 Salea87 Sale26% 3960 65

131 135z106% 108z148 %Salex$5% Sale85 87%z118 Sale123% 1254% 5%17% Sale10 1148 4940% Sale88% Sale45 z103 Sale

z91 93%z7634 77%

234 3%z132 %Sale126% 12917 18%

z86 94z52% Sale105% 107418 Sale 7325 30

x_ 66z72 Sale1% 224 24%51% Salex95 98107% Salex106% 10721% Sale78% Sale33 'Sale983% 99x118% 119159 1601% 33 534 Sale

z99 Sale$16% Sale3334 Sale

z96 97%h145 147%z 1213652 54

z80 83za11034 Sale$38% Sale129 Sale

88 9563% Sale103 Sale7 8

557 5934102 104105 106104% 105%16% 18a56 Sale98 10272% Sale3% 511 1942% Sale112 1147734 Sale

z7734 Sale119 Salez443,8 Sale66% Salex124 1263457 62

164 Salez73% Sale6634 Sale120 121

139% Mch. 413% Mch. 1x78 Mch. 3169 Mch. 3

89% Mch. 910834 Mch. 1035 Mch. 318434 Mch. 223% Mch. 459 Mch. 34034 Mch. 13

Lowest. Highest.

Sale81Hog93%308627%$3848$2295913592826%99all 6$22%3111021420c.

14614 480%70

Mch. 22Mch. 30Mch. 30Mch. 28


Mch. 22Mch. 21Mch. 1Mch. 2Meth 8Mch. 2Mch. 16

Prices.Mch. 9Jan. 3Jan. 4Jan. 3Mch. 29Mch. 17Feb. 24Mch. 24Jan. 20Jan. 12Jan. 3Jan. 3Jan. 6Feb. 16Mch. 14Mch. 13Jan. 30Mch. 25Jan. 3Mch. 23Mch. 3Mch. 22Feb. 23

135% Jan.13% Jan.74% Jan.60 Jan.35 Feb.88% Jan.107% Jan.z32% Jan.82 Jan.17% Jan.48% Jan.35 Jan.

Sale Prices.85 Jan. 18147 Mch. 2810034 Mch. 143654 Mch. 2196 Feb. 834% Feb. 7$41 Feb. 65234 Mch. 313234 Jan. 2733% Feb. 164 Feb. 1814254 Jan. 910% Feb. 1531 Mch. 3033% Feb. 2105 Feb. 10a122 Mch. 30$2254 Mch. 2336% Feb. 611034 Jan. 94% Feb. 814 Mch. 2226c. Feb. 11

3 14634 Mch. 2210 15 Jan. 510 8034 Mch. 3026 70 Feb. 82 35% Jan. 1719 93 Mch. 225 nog Mch. 2111 3834 Mch. 118 8434 Mch. 228 36 Feb. 1611 6556 Feb. 1619 46 Mch. 16

12734 Mch. 1313134 Mch. 231055 Mch. 2 z107%Mch. 28x145 A Mch. 3 152 Mch. 2x$5% Mch. 31 $7 Mch. 385% Mch. 29 85% Mott. 2911534 Mch. 13z119 Mch. 30123 Mch. 1 12434 Mch. 2045% Melt. 2 5 Mch. 2215% Mch. 3 17% Mch. 2110 Mch. 13 1134 Mch. 14754 Mch. 10 4934 Mch. 13934 Mch. 4 4134 Mch. 18734 Mch. 3 893% Mch. 2044 Mch. 18 4434 Mch. 10x10234Mch .27 112 Mch. 15

9134 Mch. 28z7534 Mch. 21

121 Mch. 31257% Mch. 2017 Mch. 18834 Mch. 1551 Melt. 1710534 Mch. 24z$18 Mch. 3170 Mch. 8

69%, Mch. 29134 Mch. 224 Mch. 650% Mch. 3098 Mch. 210334 Mch. 210554 Mch. 319% Mch. 271 Mch. 131% Mch. 397 Mch. 7119 Mch. 1159 Mch. 22% Mch. 29

3234 Mch. 10x98 Mch. 8$1634 Mch. 283134 Mch. 13

z9734 Mch. 20h144 Mch. 1512134 Melt. 252 Mch. 8a112 Mch. 16a85 Mch. 1112 Mch. 1$3654 Mch. 4129 Mch. 31

34 Mch. 2087 Mch. 363 Mch. 29103 Mch. 31

5834 Mch. 2710134 Mch. 1710554 Mch. 29104% Mch. 1617 Mch. 145834 Mch. 29a98 Mch. 1366% Mch. 3

Mch. 17

39 Mch. 4112 hich • 37634 Mch. 25

z7494 Mch. 4118 Mch. 4$4334 Mch. 46534 Mch. 1712634 Mch. 2754 Mch. 13

a158 Mch. 1471% Mch. 86634 Melt. 2711736 Mch. 6

al00 Jan. 1910354 Jan. 10x14534 Melt. 33534 Jan. 148434 Feb. 15109 Jan. 312254 Jan. 34% Jan. 181534 Jan. 1710 Mch. 1347 Feb. 2139% Jan. 268434 Jan. 2638 Feb. 16x10234Mch .27

x933-4 Melt. 1077 Mch. 7

9134 Feb. 2474% Jan. 18

z135 Mch. 3012934 Mch. 301834 Melt. 27886% Mch. 1555% Mch. 1107 Mch. 131934 Mch. 1472 Mch. 22

11734 Jan. 16124 Jan. 2017 Jan. 1085 Jan. 651 Mch. 1710534 Mch. 24$18 Mch. 3170 Mch. 825 Feb. 16

z7234 Mch. 21 64 Jan. 10154 Mch. 2 134 Jan. 232534 Mch. 15 24 Mch. 65434 Melt. 14 44 Jan. 39934 Mcli. 10 a95 Jan. 24108 Mch. 28 10334 Mch. 2109 Mch. 18 x10034 Jan. 322% Mch, 23 17% Jan. 3793% Mch. 28 67% Jan. 43354 Mch. 1 3056 Jan. 398 Mch. 27 9234 Jan. 3120 Mch. 29 11634 Jan. 3116134 Mch. 20 159 Jan. 32% Mch. 291 2% Mch. 29

35 Mch. 11 31 Jan. 119934 Mch. 1 92 Jan. 3$17 Melt. 29 $1634 Mch. 2834,8 Mch. 151 313% Jan. 4993% Mch. 141 93 Jan. 4190 Mch. 15144 Mch. 15x122 Melt. 15 11934 Jan. 1354 Mch. 1 t 50 Jan. 26al 12 Mch. In 112 Feb. 14a85 Mch. 1 1/85 Mch. 1112 Mch. 1 110 Feb. 1$39 Mch. 30 $32 Jan. 11136 Mch. 7; 129 Mch. 311 Mch. 13 % Melt. 2089 Mch. 11 87 Mch. 36334 Mch. 23 63 Mch. 29103 Mch. 31 103 Mch. 31

8 Jan. 25z59 Mch. 24 56% Feb. 310154 Mch. 17 10154 Mch. 1710654 Mch. 11 10056 Jan. 271051% Mch. 14 1023's Jan. 51734 Mch. 9 15 Jan. 1058% Mch. 1 50 Jan. 16a102 Mch. 30 95 Jan. 77334 Mch. 30 6534 Jan. 25

Mch. 17 38% Mch. 17 1134 Feb. 214734 Mch. 1 36 Jan. 611434 Mch. 1 10956Jan. 1879 Mch. 1 7234 Jan. 317034 Mch. 28 715% Jan. 3119 Mch. 28 11634 Jan. 3$4556 Mch. 1 $433/s Mch. 47034 Mch. 1 6234 Jan. 312854 Mch. 15 12334 Jan. 361 Mch. 21 52 Jan. 6

a165 Mch. 174 % Mch. 170% Mch. 1121 Melt. 29

a50 Jan.a150 Jan. 18713% Melt. 86534 Jan. 12116 Jan. 14

135 Feb. 1610734 Melt. 2815534 Feb. 10$7% Jan. 385% Mch. 2912134 Feb. 2012434 Feb. 65% Jan. 3018 Jan. 241334 Jan. 31565% Jan. 1744 Feb. 889% Mch. 20443% Melt. 1011434 Jan. 20

95 Feb. 277 Melt. 7

135 Mch. 30130 Feb. 41834 Mch. 2790 Feb. 1859 Feb. 410854 Jan. 16$20 Feb. 676 Feb. 425 Feb. 16

7256 Mch. 211% Feb. 2829% Jan. 45434 Jan. 319934 Melt. 10109 Jan. 19109 Mch. 182234 Mch. 23793% Mch. 2836% Feb. 69934 Feb. 23120 Feb. 7163 Jan. 302% Jan. 13

38 Feb. 3100 Feb. 2331754 Mch. 2935% Feb. 699% Feb. 1192 Feb. 6x122 Mch. 1556% Feb. 6112 Feb. 1590 Jan. 7113 Jan. 2433934 Feb. 2113634 Feb. 4

1 Mch. 1392 Jan. 246334 Mch. 23103 Mch. 319 Feb. 105934 Jan. 30x104 Feb. 23106% Feb. 20107 Feb. 1819 Feb. 2361 Feb. 23al05 Jan. 277334 Melt. 3043) Jan. 13

11 1 Feb. 234778 Mch. 111434 Mch. 179 Mch. 1.82% Feb. 6120% Feb. 434734 Jan. 9703% Feb. 2812834 Mch. 1566 Feb. 11

a50 Jan. 5166 Feb. 277654 Jan. 1971 Feb. 15123 Jan. 5

a Less than 100 shares. b Ex-rights. c Ex-div. & rights. d 1st paid. e 2d paid.x Ex-dividend. z Quoted ex-dividend during the month and prior to this date.

Full paid. 3d paid. h Ex stock div. k Stamped extended.

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1. In the following thirty pages of tables, quotations are given for all the more important securities listed on anyStock Exchange in the United States; also for leading unlisted and inactive securities.

2. Quotations from all Stock Exchanges are as near as possible for the closing day of the month preceding the date ofissue. As the New York Stock Exchange began with Jan. 2 1909 to quote all bond prices 'and interest," we have adoptedthe same method, and no longer employ a designating mark to indicate the fact except where there is a deviation fromthis rule. The reader will understand, therefore, that unless the letter "f" is prefixed to the price, he must pay accruedinterest in addition to the price. This, however, does not apply to income bonds or bonds in default, in which cases theprice includes the interest, should there be any.

3. The letter "f" prefixed to bond prices denotes that the quotation is a flat price—that is, that the accrued interestforms part of the price, and therefore the purchaser does not have to provide for it separately in making payment. Asalready stated in the case of income bonds and bonds in default, the price is always "flat," and no designating mark isemployed to indicate the fact.

4. Stock prices marked thus (d) are per share. All others are per cent except bank stock prices, which are quotedper share unless otherwise stated.

5. It should be borne in mind in the use of these tables that the quotations for many inactive and unlisted securitiesare merely nominal, but in all cases the figures are obtained from sources which are considered reliable.

6. The following abbreviations are often used, viz.: "M" for mortgage, "g" for gold, "g'd" for guaranteed, "end" forendorsed, "cons" for consolidated, "cony" for convertible, "s f" for sinking fund, "1 g" for land grant, "op" for optional.

7. The black-faced type in the letters showing the interest period indicates the month when the bonds mature.NOTICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "f" and income and defaulted bonds.

Bonds Bid.

RAILROAD BONDSBonds of companies consol'd areoften under the consolidated name.Adirondack—See Del & Hudso n.Akron & Barb Belt g 4s '42_J&D 90Alabama Cent—See South'n Ity.Ala Gt South 1st 5s Dec '27_J&J 105Gen M 53 Dec 1 1927 £J&Dl 104Eq 4 MsgMay'l 1 May'16.M&N b 5%Belt Ry of Chattanooga-

1st M bs July 1 1945_ _ _J&J 100Alabama N On T & P June—"A" deb bs g 1911-1940_ M&N If 111"B" deb g 5s 1911-1940_ M &N If 107"C" deb g 5s Nov 1 1940_ A&O If 98

Ala Tenn & Nor bs 1956_ _ A&O 92Ala & Vick—Con g 5s 1921_ A StO 1022d consol g 5s 1921 A&O 98Vicks & Mer 1st g 6s '21_ A&O 109

Albany & Susq—See Del & IIudAllegheny Valley—See Penn RRAileg & West—See Buff It A: PAllentown Term 4s g 1919_ _J&J 99Alton Bridge—See St C M & StLAnn Arbor 1st g 4s 1995 Q-J 83Arkansas Oklahoma & West-1st g 43s Jan 1 1947 J&J 95

Aroostook Northern—See Bongo r & AroAroostook Valley—See Canadian Pac.Asheville & Spartanburg—S U&Col 1st m g gu 45 1995_ _J&J 78

Atch & East'n Br-4s 1928A &J 81Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe—Gen mort gold 4s 1995_ _A&O 98%Adjustment 4s July 1 '95_ Nov 91Stamped M&N 90%

Cony g 4s 1955 opt J&D 109Cony g 4s 1960 .J&D 104Cony g bs 1917 J&D 111Deb 4s Ser J 1912 F&A 993%Ser K 1913 F&A 99Ser L 1914 F&A 98%

Tran S L 1st g 4s 1958_ __JStJ 92%Chic & St L 1st Os 1915.. Al&S 1063E Okla Div 1st g 45 '28_M&S 96%Hutch & So 1st g bs 1928_JSrJ 101San Fr & San Joaquin Vail-

1st g 5s Oct 1 1940 A&O 110Santa Fe Prescott & Phoenix

1st g 581042 M&S 108Atlanta Birm & Atlantic-

1st M g bs Jan 1 1936 op .1 drJ f 35Col tr notes5s'10ext to'12M&N 84Ati&Birm 1st g 5s 1934 J&J 974

AtiKnox&Cin—SeeLouls&NashAtlanta Knoxv & Nor—See Lou isv & NAtlantic & Dan—See South RRAtlantic City-5s 1919.. __ M&N 105%

1st consol g gu 4s 1951__J&J Atlantic Coast Co of Conn—

Certs Indebt bs irredeem.J&D f 1043Certs Indebt 4s opt 19201E ff 92

4s 1925 opt 1910 Atlantic Coast Line RR-

1st cons 4s July 1 1952 M&S 933%Col tr g 4s Oct 1 '52 op M&N 94Certs ot Indeb 4s,irred.M&N Eq 4s Sept '12-Mch'17 M&S b AlaMid—Ist gu g bs'28NI&N 107%Atlantic Coast Line of SC—Gen 1st g 4s July '48_J&J 963N E of S C 6s 1933_ _J&J 125

Brun & West 1st 48 '38.J&J 953%Cent of So Car 6s '21_ _J&J 107Char & Say gen 7s 1936 J&J 133Fla So 1st g gu 4s '45_ _J&J 91Nor & Car 5s 1939_ A&O 108Pet'b'g—ClassA5s g'26.J&J 107%

Class B (Is g 1926_ _A&O 116Rich & Peters (3s191 5.31&N 107

Consol 7s 1915_ _ _M&N 111Consol 4%s g 1940. A&O 1013

SavFla&W 1st g Os '31 A&O 124%1st M g bs 1934_ A&O 110%

Silver Spgs Ocala & Gulf-4s g 1918 J&J 95%

Wit & Wel gen g 5s '35_ J Sti 109Gen mort g 48 1935_J&J 97

Atlantic Tenn & 0—See So RyAtlantic & Yadkin—See Southe rn RyAugusta South—See South Ky.Aug Term—See Charl & W CarAustin & Northw'n—Sef So Pat.Balt Ches & Atlan—See Pa RR

Ask. Bonds Bid. Ask. Bonds Bid. Ask.

__ ....





















Bait & Cumberland Valley—RR 1st M 6s July 1929_ _ _J&JEx 1st 1M 68 July 1931_ _J&J

Balt & Harrisb—See West Md Baltimore & Ohio—

Prior lien 3%s g 1925_ _ _ _J&J1st M 4s g July 1 1948_ _A&O

43% notes 1913 J&DPitt Jc&M div 3%s g'25.M&NPittsb Lake Erie & W Va—Refund gold 4s 1941_ M&N

SW div 1st g 3%s 1925_J&JCentral Ohio—Reor 1st con g 4 %s'30M&S

Monon Riv 1st g bs 1919_ F&APitts Cl St Tol 1st Os '22.A&OPitts Junc—lst g 6s '22_ _J&J2d g 5s July 1 1922 _J&J

Pitts & West—lst 4s '17_J&JSch Riv East Side 4s '25_J&DW Va & Pitts 1st 4s g '90 A&O

Bangor & Aroostook—1st mort 5s g Jan 1 '43 J&J2(1 5s g July 1 1945 J&JCons refund g 4s 1951 _ _ _J &JPiscat Div g bs Jan '43_ _A&OVan Bur Ex 5s g Jan '43.A&OWashburn Ext 1st 5s '39F&AAroostook Nor-5s g '47.A &O Nor Maine Seaport 5s '35A&O

Battle Creek & Stun—See MichC Beech Creek—See N Y C & II

Bellingham Bay Sr British Col—1st g 5s Dec 1 1932 J&D

Bell Sr Caron.—See Illinois CentBell's Gap—See Pa & Northw'nBelt Ry of Chat.—See Ala Gr SoBelvidere Del—Gu 45 1927_ FAA

1st g gu 334s 1943 J&J Bennington & RutPd—See Rut Big Sandy Ry—See Ches & Ohio Birm Belt—See St L & San Fr

Birmingham Terminal— 1st gold 4s 1957

guar_.. _M&S

Boca & Loyalton (3s '23 op_ A &OBony StIL & Sou 1st Os '11.F & ABoston Sr Albany-4s 1913.A&O4s May 1 1933 gu NYC_ M&N4s May 1 1934 gu NY C_ M&N4s May 1 '35 gu N Y C_M&N3545 Jan 1 1951 J&JRef 3 45 1952 gu NYC__ A&O

Boston & Lowell 4s 1913_ FAA48 March 1915 M&S4s July 1 1916 J&J43 Oct 1 1918 A&O48 April 1932 A&O354s July 1 1919 J&J

Boston & Maine-454s g '44 J&J434s April 1 1929 A&O

4s Sept 1 1926 M&S 4s Feb 1 1937 F&A

4s Aug 1 1942 F&A33,4s Nov 1 1921 MAN334s Jan 1923 J&J3s July 1 1950 J&J

PortsGtF&Con 434s '37_J&D Bos & NYAL—See NYNII&H.

Boston & Prov-4s 1918_ _J &JBoston Rey B & L 434s '27_J&JBruns & W—See At Coast Line

Buffalo Creek— Con M (now 1st) 5s 1941 J&J Buff N Y & Erie—See Erie. Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburgh

General bs g 1937 M&S Con g 4365 1957 MAN

Equip 4%s Ser E 1922_ _Al&NEquip g 4% Ser F 1927. A&O

Equip 4s Ser G 1929_ A&O Al & West 4s g guar 1998.A&O Clear & M 1st bs g gu '43_J&J

Roch A P 1st g Os 1921 _ _F&AConsol 1st g (3s 1922_ _J&D

Buffalo & Southwest—See Erie. Buffalo & Susquehanna Ry.— 1st g 4 4s April 1 1953_ _ M &N RR—Ref 4s April! 1951 ...1.1rJ

Burl Ced itap& No—See CRI&PBurl dr Mo (Neb)—See C B & QCalifornia Northwestern—

1st Ms f g 5s 1928 gu_ _ASK)California Pacific—See So PacCam & Clear—lst 5s g 1941 _J&J




10034 102% 113112989734 9995





88107999998349834985487348734999834 9834 9854 98 9454 1033%102349634953%9554923%927334 10434

9854 102


1113%10634 1009854 95 9754 10834 1138% 116

f 29f 38

















Camden & Atl—See West Jer & Canada Sou 1st 6s 1913_ _ _J&J 2d mort 5s Marl 1913_ _M&S

Can No—Land gr 48 1919_ F&A1st con deb 48 1930 gu_J &D30Can Nor Div 48 1929 gu_F&AImperial Roll Stk 4%s ser V_Nov 1 1911-1920 gu__M&N

Winnipeg Term g 48 '39 g J&JCanadian Pacific-

1st M deb £ g 5s 1915_ _ _J&JCons deben 4s perpetual_ _J&JAroostook Val 43s 1929 F&ANew Brunsw 1st g 5s '34_F&ACons deb 48 perpetual_ _J &J

Ont&Que deb gu 55 perp.J&D Carb & Shaw—See Ills Central. Carolina Cent—See Seab Air L

Carolina Clinchfield & Ohio—1st g 5s 1938 op J&D

Carthage & Adiron—See N Y CCatawissa cons g 4s 1948_ _ A&OC It la F & N—See B C It & N_

C It k Mo Riv—See Chic & N WCent Branch Ry—See Mo Pac.Cent Br U Pac—See Mo Pac.

Central of Georgia—1st M g 5s Nov 1 1945__F&A

Cons g 5s 1945 M&N1st in (up to 5) Nov 1945_0ct2d in (up to 5) Nov 1945_003d in (up to 5) Nov 1945.. Oct5% notes Mch 1 1912....M&SEq 43,4s Ser H 1912-16_F&AEq 4545 Ser I 1911-16___J&JEq 58 SerK Sept 1911-17M&SChat Div g 451951_ J&DMacon St Nor g 5s 1946_ _J&JMid Ga & Atl 1st 5s 1947_J&JMobile Div g bs 1946_ _J&JOconee Div 1st g 5s 1945.J&DCent RR & Bkg Co of Ga-

Coll tr g 5s 1937 opt_ _ M&NChattahoochee & Gulf RR-

1st g 5s July 1 1930__J&JChat R & South g 5s '47 _J &JEatonton Br bs g 1926_ _J&DOcean SS Cog gtd bs '20_J&J

Central New England-Gen inc g bs Feb 1 '49 Oct 1Dutchess Co 454s '40 gu_J &D

Central of New Jersey-Gen M (now 1st) g 5s '87_J&JEquip 4s Apr '12 to '13_ A&OEquip 4s May 1911212_M&NAm D&Imp Co gtd 5s '21 _J&JLeh & W mort bs 1912_M&NCon g 4s 1915, 1920, 1925,1930, 1935 J&D

N Y Sr L Br gen 4s '41_51&SGen g 5s 1941 M&S

Central Ohio—See Bait & Ohio.Central Pacific—See So Pacific.Cent Vermt 1st 4s May '20_Q-FCharl&West Car 1st 5s '46_ A&OAug Term 1st gu g 6s '47.A&O

Chateaugay Ry—See Del & H.Chattanooga Station Co-

1st mort g 4s 1957 gu_ _J&J Chesapeake & Ohio-

Term 1st g 6s 1922 J&D 1st con g 5s 1939 _M&N

General 434s gold -179-9-2_M&SCony g454s 1930 op '15 F&AGen fdg & impt 5s 1929_ _J&JCar tr g 48 Ser B '11-'12_ FAACar tr g 4s Ser C '11-'12..M&S

Car tr g 4sSerH Oct'11-16A&OCraig Valley 1st 5s g '40_3 &JPotts Creek 43 1946 J&JR & A Div 1st con g 4s '89J &J2d con g 4s 1989 J&J

Warm Sp Val 1st 5s g '41.M &S Coallliver Ry 1st 4s gu'45J&D

Elevator Co g 4s guar '38 ASE0Big Sandy Ry 1st g 4s '44J&DGr'nb'r Ry 1st g gd 4.3 '4011Sr NRaleigh & SW lst 48'36.J&J

Chesterfield & Lancaster—1st m e 5s Aug I 1955_ __ F&A

liicago & Alton Ry- 1st lien g 3'-6s 1950 J&J

RR refund g 35 1949_ _A&O 5% notesMch15'13op'11 /SUS

Eq Asso'n 4s 1911-'15__M&NMIAs R Bdge Os a 1912_ _ A&O


if 10097

b 54%99

If 104lf 105

97if 111if 102If 128



11434 107%

f 103f 100f 95b 534%b 44%b 4543b 4%%

8710534 10534 10954 102


f 100f 105f 104101


122%b 4347b 01%10710034

Basis9954 108




b 434%b 04%b 434%102% 8495905410154 858287548584



b 5%100

1035%101 %



















6 Basis. f This price includes accrued interest. k Last sale. tin London. n Nominal. s Sale price.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 18: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf

36 GENERAL C UOTATIONS. Lxxxxii.NOTICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "f" and income and defaulted bonds.

Bonds. Bid. Ask. Bonds. Bid. Ask. Bonds. Bid. Ask.

Chicago Burlington & Quincy- Chic St P Minn & 0—Canci'd. Delaware & Hudson—Concluded5s debenture 1913 M&N 1013% 10134 StP& Sx C 1st g 6s 1919_A&O 11234 11234 Hudson Coal Co—Gen M 4s 1958 M&S 96%, 97 S S M&SW 1st M bs '15_M&N 101 Gu deb 4s 1911-1917_M&N 94Deny Ext col tr 45 1922_ F&AIllinoisDiv 3 Ms'49 op '29_J&J



Chic Subway 1st 5s '28 op_J&DChic Terre Haute & Southeast-

f 2534 2634 Rens&Sar reg lst 7s '21 _ M &NUtica Olin & Bing 5s '39...l&J

12434 110

4s July 1 1949 J&J 99' 9934 1st & ref g bs Dec 1 '60 opJ& D 96 98 Delaware Lack & Western-Iowa Div s f bs 1919A&O 1043 Sou Indiana-1st g 4s 1951F&A 8234 8334 Morris & Essex 1st 75'14M&N 107%

Sinking fund 4s 1919_ _ A&ONebraska Ext 45 1927 M&N

99 %98%


Chicago Terminal Transfer —Chic & Gt W 5s g 1936_ _J&D 105 110

1st con 7s guar 1915_ _J&D434s Pur Mon Jan '12_ _J &J



S W Div s f 4s 1921____M&S 99 Chicago & Western Indiana— Ref g 334s Dec 1 2000_J&D 90 92Burl & Mo(Neb)con6s'18.J&J 102% Gen g 6s Dec 1 1932 Q-M 10934 112 N Y Lack & Western-Repub Vail 1st 6s 1919 _J&JB & Q joint 4s—See at Nor

103 Consol g guar 4s 1952_ _ _ _J&JChic & West Mich—See Pere M

9234 0234 1st 6s g'd Jan 1 1921_ _J&J2d 5s g'd cons 1923_ _F&A



Chicago & Eastern Illinois— Chic Wis & Minn—See Wis Cent Term& Imp 4s gd '23-..111&N 98 99Ref & Imp M 4s g '55 on_J&J -- 80 Choc Ok & Gulf—See Ch R I & P Osw & Syrac gu 5s '23_ _ &N 105

1st consol 6s gold 1934_A&O 1245% 126 Cin Bluff & Chic 5s 1933_ _M&S Valley N Y 1st bs '11_ F&A 100

Gen consol 1st 5s 1937_ _ &N 109% 110 Cincinnati Dayton & Ironton — Warren 1st refg334s 2000F&A 85

Eq 4%s July '11 to Jan'15J&J b 53% 44% 1st guar gold 5s 1941_ M&N 103 104% Denver Northwest & Pacific—Eq 43-is Ser E to Aug'15_F&A b 53% 434 % Cin Find & Ft W—See Cin II&D Northw Term g 5s '26 gu_J&J 91 93

Ch & I C Ry—lst 58 '36_J&J 1104 Cincinnati Hamilton&Dayton— Denver & Rio Grande-Danv&G Cr 1st M 6s '20.M &NEvT H & Chic inc 63 '20_ M &N

105105 General bs gold 1942_ _J&D 2d mort gold 434s 1937_ _J&J

10134 10034 101

1st con g 4s 1936 J&J1st con g 454s 1936 J&J 9934


Chic Gt West—lst 48 1959_M&SChicago Hammond & Western-

1st gold 6s Jan 1 1927._ _J&JChic & I C Ry—See Chic & E IllChicago Indiana & Southern RyCon mtge g 4s 1956 guar_J&J






Gen M 434s July 1 1939 1st & ref g 4s 1959 J&J

Guaranteed 4% g coil tr notes '13 op_J&JCin Findlay & Ft Wayne-

1st gold guar 4s 1923_M&N

1 6734




Improv't gold 5s 1928J&D 1st & ref g 5s 1955 op_ F&ARio Grande Western-

1st g 48 July 1 1939_ .._J&J1st cons g 4s 1949 op__ A&OUtCt4 gu g Jan 1 '17_ A&O





Ind Ill & la 1st g 4s 1950_J&JChicago Indianan & Louisville—Refund mtge g 6s 1947_ _ _J&JRefund mtge g 5s 1947_ _J &JRef m g 4s 1947 Ser C __J&JIndiana.p&Louls 1st 4s '56J&J


1273,107 A93



Dayton & Mich 1st 5s 1911Ext at 434 % to'31op'17J&J

C I St L & C—See C C C & St LCincin Indianapolis & West-

1st & ref g 4s 1953 guar_ _J&JInd Dec&W—lst g 58'35.3 &J




Utah Fuel 1st 5s 1931_ M&SDes Moines & Ft Dodge RR-

1st guar gold 4s 1935_ _ _ _J&JDes M Iowa Falls & Northern-

1st g 5s 1931 op 1906_ _ _ _J&J Des Moines Union 5s 1917_ M&N





L N A&C, C&I Div 6s '1 1 F&ACh I &StL ShL—See CC C&St L

1004 1st guar gold 55 1935_ J&J Eq 4s May &;Nov '11. M&N b

Detroit Grand Haven & Milw- 1st Equip Os Nov 14 '18_ A&O 107

Chicago Lake Shore & Eastern-1st M 4 Ms 1969 op 1919_J&D

Chic Milw & Puget Sound-1033-

Cin Leb & Nor 1st 5s 1916_J&J1st cons gu 4s 1942_ _ _M&N

Cincin & Muskingum Valley-

10134 9634 97

Con gu 6s Nov 15 1918_ _ A&ODet Gr Rap & West—See PereMDetroit & Mackinac—


1st M g 48 1949 guar J&J-Q-J 95 9534 1st guar gold 4s 1948_ __F&A 90 Prior lien gold 4s 1995. J&D 93Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul— Cincin N 0 & Texas Pacific- Mortgage gold 4s 1995.. J&D 90Gen g 4s A May 1 1989_ _J&J 98% 9834 Eqp 4%s May '11-1916_M&N b 5 4%% Detroit Mackinac & MarquetteGen g 3 j4s B May 1 1989_J&J 863 873% Cincin North 1st g 4s 1951_ _J&J 89 94 Land grant inc 7s 1911_ _A&O 35 40Terminal 5s gold 1914___J&J 102% 10234 Cin Rich & F W-7s g '21_J&D 11734 Detroit Toledo & Ironton—

• Deb gold 4s July 1 1934_ _J&J 92 9234 Cin San & Clev—See C C C&St L Ohio South g 4s hich'41_M&S 68 75• Chic & L Sup Div g 58 '21.J &J 106% 10734 Olearfield&Jeff—See Pa & No W Gen lien & div 1st g 4s'55 J&D 45 55• Ch & Mo Riv 1st 5s 1926_J&J 1083' Clean f & Maloning—See B R&P Con mtge g 454s 1980_ F&A 8 12oh& Pac WestDiv 5s '21_J&J 106% 10634 Cleveland Akron & Columbus- Detroit & Toledo Shore Line-

• Dak&Gt So 1st g 5s 1916_J&J 103% 104 General gold 5s 1927_ _ _ _ &S 107 108 1st gold guar 4s 1953_ __ _J&J 82 85• Dubuque Div 1st 6s 1920_J&J 1135% 1st cons guar g 4s 1940 F&A 93 Duluth & Iron Range-• Fargo & So g 6s ass'd '24_J&J 116 Unguaranteed 95 1st bs 1937 A&CI 109 112

• La C & D Div 1st 5s 1919_J&J 1053-i Cleve Cincin Chic & St Louis— 2d mortgage 6s 1916 _ _ _J&J 104 10534• Milw & Nor 1st 6s 1910— General 4s gold 1993_ _.._J&D 93% 94 • Duluth Missabe & Northern-

• •Ext at 434% to 1913J&D 100 % 5% gold notes 1911_ _J&D 100 1st gold 6s 1922 J&J 105

• 1st consol 6s 1913_ _ _J&D 1039' Cairo Div 1st g 4s 1939 _J&J 9234 1st cons g 6s Jan 1 1923_J&J 105

Wis & Minn Div g 55 '21_Th.1 106 C W &M Div 1st 4s g '91 _J&J 9234 94 Gen g s f 5s Jan 1 1941 _J&J 106

Wise Vall Div 1st 6s '20_ _J&J 114 StL Div 1st col tr g4s'90_1%I&N 9234 9334 Duluth Rainy Lake & Winnipeg

Ch & No M—See Pere Marquette Spr&Col Div 4s 1st g '40_ M &S 9034 1st gold 5s 1916 op 1911J&J 9754 09

Chicago & North Western— White WV Div 1st 4s'40_J&J 91 % Dul Short Line—See St P & Dul

Con s f 7s Feb 1 1915_ _Q-F 110% Central Indiana Railway Co- Duluth South Shore & Atlantic

General M 3 Ms g 1987_M&N 861 8734 1st gold guar 4s 1953_ M&N 85 88 1st gold 5s 1937 J&J 108

Gen M gold 48 1987.._ _ .M&N 98 99 Chic Ind & St L Sh Line Ry- Dutchess Co—See Cent New Eng

Sink fund deb bs 1933_ _ M&N 108 109 1st gold guar 4s 1953_ A&O 91 East Tenn Va & Ga—See So Ry

Sinking fund 6s 1929__A&O 111 CISL Scelst 4s g Aug'36.Q-F 943% Eastern Minn—See St P M & M

bs 1929 A&O 106% Cons f 6:3'20 dr@i105 M&N 106 Easton & Amboy—See Leh Val

30-year deb 5s 1921_ A&O 15 10734 Cin San&Clev con g 5s'28.J&J 107 Elgin Jol & East 5s 1941 _M&N 11034

Exten bonds 4s 1926_ F&A 15 963 98% Cleve Colum Cin & Indianan Elmira Cort & Nor—See Leh Val

Cedar R & M 1st 7s 1916.M&N 112 34 113% Consol mtge 7s 1914J&D 1073% Elmira & Williamsport-

Boyer Val 1st g 3345 '23_J&D 9134 Cons sink fd 7s 1914_ _J&D 10734 10834 1st 6s '10 ext at 4% 1950_J&J 100

Frem Elk & Mo V 6s '33_ A&O 12734 Gen con gold 6s 1934 _J&J 12534 Income 5s 2862 A&O 112

Ia Minn & NWlst 3 Ms'35J&J 87 Id Blm & W ext 4s 1940_ A&O 90 El Paso & Rock Isld—See El Paso & Sou thwest.ManitowGB&N W3 34s'41.J&J 8534 Ind & St List 7s 1919 A_J&J 117 El Paso & Southwestern Co—

Marshf ext 1st M 5s '22_ _A&O 106 1st 7s July 1919 SerB_M&S 117 New Mexico Ry & Coal Co-

hfenom ext 1st g 73 '11_ _J&D 10034 1st 7s July 1919 SerC_M&N 117 1st col tr g 5s Oct 1 '47.A&0 00 10034Milwaukee Lake Shore & W— 0 Ind & W g 5s Apr 1938_Q-J 100 lst&con&coll tr g5s'51A&O 9734 90

Con 1st 6s gold 1921_ _M&N 11434 Peo & East cons 4s 1940_ A &O 90 9134 Dawson Railway & Coal-Mich Div 1st g 6s 1924_J&J 117 2d cons inc 4s 1990_ Apr if 59 1st col tr g 5s'51 gu sfRic.1 99 100%

Ashland Divlst g6s'25.M&S 117 Cleveland Lorain & Wheeling- ElPas&RI 1st g gu5s'51J&J 10234 104

Ext & imps f g 5s '29_F&A 10934 111 Cons now 1st g 5s 1933_ _ A&O 10934 112 Erie—NY&Elst4s ext g'47M &N 10034 Incomes 6s 1911 M&N 100: Stamped subject to call_ 105 5s 2d ext gold 1919 M&S 10534 106%

StP E GrTr 1st 6s g '13...I&J 101 Con refg g 4345 1930 red_J&J 95 4345 3d ext gold 1923_ M&S 10334

Mil&StateLine 1st 3 ,is'41J&J 8534 Clev & Mah Val-5s g 1938 J&J 11134 5s 4th ext gold 1920_ __A&O 10554 10634

Minn & Ia 1st g 3345 '24A &D 9134 Clev & Marietta—See Penn RR 4s 5th ext gold 1928_ __J&D 96 99

NW Un 7s g June 1 '17_M&S 114/ Cleveland & Pitts—See Penn Co 7s 1st cons g 1920 M&S 11934 120%

Peoria & Norw 3345 '26_M&S 90% Cleveland Terminal & Valley- 7s 1st cons g fund 1920_M&S 11834

Prin & Northw 3%s 1926_J&J 9034 1st 48 gold guar 1995_ .M&N _AISEN 94 9434 Prior lien gold 4s 1090_ __J&J 85 86

Sioux City & Pac3 %s'36-F& A 87 Coal & Coke Railway Co- Gen lien gold 4s 1096_ _ _J&J 75 75%

Wino & St P 1st 7s 1916.:J&D 11334 11434 1st gold 5s Apr 1 1919_ A&O 94 06 Cony gold 4s 1953 Ser A_ A&O 79 79%

Chicago Peoria & St Louis— Coal & Iron Ry—See WVaC&P. Series B 1953 A&O 72 7234

Prior lien g 414s 1930_ _ _M&Sf 87 Colo Midiand—lst 4s g '47_J&J 6434 6434 Eq g 4s May '11-Nov'16_M&N b 534% 434%

Cons mtge gold bs 1930 __J&J f 50 Colo & Sou 1st g 45 1929_ _ _ F&A 95 9534 Cobs g notes Apr 8 '14A &O 8 10034 10034

Income bs July 1 1930 10 Ref Mg 434s May M1 '35_&N 08 9834 Penn coil g 4s Feb 1 '51_ F&A 8834 8854

Chic Rock Isl & Pac Railway— Eq bs her A Oct 11-17_ _ A&O b Buff NY & E 1st 7s 1916_J&D 111 113

General gold 45 1988.__ _J&J 96 9634 Ft Worth & D C es 1921_J&D 11234 113 Buffalo & Southwestern-

1st mtge 6s 1917 J&J 109 110 Col Sou N 0 & Pac—See St L & SF 1st g 6s'08ext at5%'18_J&J 101 102

Ref g 4s 1934 op to 1911_ A&O 88 8834 Colo Spr & Cripple Cr'k D Ry- 2d g 5s '08 ext to 1918_J&J 95

Coll tr g 4s May '11 to'18M&N b 5% 434% 1st gold s f 5s 1930 J&J 103 10434 JeffRR5sgu'00 ext to'10.A&O 102

do Ser I 1911.._M&N 100 1st cons 5s Oct 1942 _A&O 96 9734 Chic & Atl Term 5s 1918_J&J 98

do Ser P1918___M&N 94 Columbia & Gr—See South'nRy ch & Erie 59 ist g 1982.M&N 111% 11234

Eq 4345 Aug'11-Feb '17_F&A b 5% 434 % Col Connecterer—See Norf & W Long Dock Os con g 1935.A&O 124%

Eq 434s Oct '11-Oct '19_A&O b 5% 434 % Col Hock Val&T—See Hock Val Newb & N Y 1st 5s 1929_J&J 100

Chic R I & Pacific Railroad-4s gold 2002 M&N 7334 74

Concord & Mont con 4s '20.J&DDeb 4s June 1 1920 J&D



NJ &NY lst 6s 1910-Ext at 5% to 1950_ _M&N 105

R I Ar& La4%s 1934_M&S 9234 04 Deb 334s June 1 i920_ J&D _J&D 9334 94 NY& Gr Lake gu g bs'46.M&N 100

Burl Cedar Rapids & North— Conn & Pass—lst g 48 '43.. A&O 98 NYLE&WC& RR-

Con Ist&col tr 55 g'34.A&O 11134 112 Newp& Richt 1st 5s'41 gu J&J 11034 11094 1st 6s curr guar 1922_ M&N 10534 10934

Cedar Rap Ia F & N W- Conn River—Gold 48 1943_ M&S 9834 NYLE&WD&ICo-

5s gold guar 1921_A&O 105 3 Ms Jan 1 1923 J&J 9334 94% 1st 6s curr 1913 J&J 10154

M&StL 1st gu g 75 '27_J&D 115 Cuba Eastern 1st 6s 1933_ M&S 5 20 N Y Pennsylvania & Ohio-

Choctaw Oklahoma & Gulf— Cuba RR—lst g 5s 1952_ _J&J 100 102 Prior lien 434s 1935__M&S 98

Gen M g 5s Oct 1 1919_J&J 102 Cum & Penn—lst g 5s '21 M&N 103 N Y Susq & Western-

Consol gold 58 1952_ _M&N 10634 1083% Current Riv—See K C Ft S & M 1st refunding 5s 1937_ _J&J 103 105

Choctaw & Memphis- Dak & Gr So—See Ch Mil & St P 2d mtge 4%s 1937_ __ _F&A 80

1st g 5s Jan 1 1949_ _J&J 108 110 Dallas & Waco—See Mo K & T Gen mtge 5s g 1940_ _ _ F&A 80 8734

PeoriaRyTer 4s'37 gu op_J&J 80 86 Daws Ry & C'l—See El Paso & Southw estern Term 1st g 5s 1913M&N 10934 11034

Rock Isl & Peoria 6s '25_J&J 109 Dayton & Mich—See Cin H & D Midland of N J 1st 6s 1010

St Paul & Kan Cy Short L- Delaware & Bound Brook- ext at 5% to 1940__A&O 110

1st g 434s 1941 opt_ _ _F&A 93 9334 1st con gold 3345 1955—F&A 91 9234 Wilkes & E 1st g 5s '42.J&D 100 101 34

Keo & Deshl—lst 55 '23A&0 9934 Delaware & Hudson— Erie & Pittsb—See Penn RR-

Chic & St L—See Atch T & S Fe Cony deb 4s June 15 '16_J &D 9834 99 European & N A—See Maine Central

Chic St L & N 0—See Ill Central 1st lien equip g 434s '22_J&J 101 101% Evans 'lend & Nash—See Louis& Nash

Chic St L & Pitts—See Penn Co 1st & ref gold 4s 1943_ _M &N 98 9834 Evansville & Indianapoiis-

Chic St Paul Minn & Omaha— Penn Div 7s Sept 1917._M&S 115% 11634 Consold g guar 6s 1026_ _J&J 110 11294

Con Os June 1 1930 J&D 12434 12534 Adirond 1st 434s '42 gu_M&S 105 Ev & In 1st g gu 6s 1924A &J 10934

Con 68 red to 3345 1930_J&D 85 Albany & Susq 334s gold 1946 Evansville & Terre Haute-

Ch St P&Mlst g 6s 1918_M&NNorth Wisconsin-6s '30_J&J

12434 124 126

(cony before 1916) gu_ A &OBluff Point Land Impr Co-

933% 94 1st con gold 6s 1921 J&J1st gen 5s gold 1942_ ..A&O

11234 101%

1st M g guar 45 1940_ _J&J 92 Eq 434s Aug '11-Feb '1-6.F&A b 554% Chateaugay Ore & Iron—Guar gold 4s 1942 J&J 85

b Basis. I This price includes accrued interest. k Last sale. 1 In London. n Nominal. a Sale price.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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APR., 1911.] RAILROAD BONDS.NOT ICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "f" and income and defaulted bonds.


Bonds. Bid. Ask. Bonds. Bid. Ask. Bonds. Bid A814

Evansville & Terre Haute (cone) Ind & St L—See C C C & St L— Louisiana & Arkansas Ry-Mt Vernon 1st 6s g 1923_ A&O 106 112 Indiana Un 1st 4%s '26_ _ _M&N 85 1st s f g 5s 1927 M&S 943% 95%Sul Co Br 1st g 5s 1930_ _ A&O 105 Interboro-Met 1See Street & El Louisiana Western—See South ern PacT 11 & Chic—See Chic & E III Inter Rap Trf Ry Securities Louisv Cin & Lex—See L & N

Fargo & So—See Chic M & St P International & Gt Northern- Louisville Henderson & St L-Fitchbur.g-4 Ms May 1'14 M&N 100 1st g 6s 1919 M&N 107% 109 1st mort gold 5s 1946_ _ _ _J &J 108 110430 Refunding 1928__Al&N4s March 1 1'915 M&S


104% 2d 5s 1909 M&STrust Co ctfs of Dep



Louisville & Jeffersonv Bridge—Guaranteed gold 4s 1945_M&S 91% 94

ts July 1 1916 J&J 98 3d 4s gold 1921 M&S 17 27 Louisville & Nashville—4s Refunding 1925_ _ _ _ _M&N 973% Eq 5s Jan 1912-1913 _J&J Gen mort gold 6s 1930.. ..J&D 115 116%43 Refunding Mar 1927_ _ M&S 97M Colorado River Bridge- 50-year gold 581937_ _M&N 111% 4s Refunding 1927 A&O 9734 1st M 7s 1920 _ _M&N 100 Unified gold 4s 1940 984 98%

&N4s Jan 1928 J&J 97M Iowa Cent—lst g 55 1938 _J&D 102 Coll tr gold 5s1931 MJ&J

109 1103 Ms Oct 1 1920 A&O 913% 1st & ref g 481951 M&S 64 66 At K & Cin div 4s 1955_ M&N 913% 933%330 Oct 1 1921 A&O 913% Iowa Falls&SC—lst 7s '17_ A&O 114 Atl Knox & Nor 1st 5s'46J&D 112Troy & Boston-7s 1924_J&J 127 129 Jacksonville Terminal- Consol gold 4s 2002__M&S

Flint & PereMarq—SeePere.Mar 1st M 5s g guar July 1 '39 J&J 100 Lou C & Lex 434s g 1931 M&N 104 106Fla Cen&Pen—See Sea AirLine Jamestown Frank & Clearfield- N 0 & Mob Ist g 6s 1930_J&J 122 122%Florida East Coast- 1st g 481959 guar J&D 94 9434 2d gold 6s 1930__J &J 118 1183%1st M g 43%s 1959 J&D 94M 95 Jefferson—See Erie Pad&Mem div 1st 4s '46_ F&A 963,1

Florida South—See Atl Coast L Joplin Union Station- Pensacola Div 1st 65 '20_ M&S 1053% 109Florida West Shore- 1st g 4%s 1940 guar op_ M&N 100 102 St Louis Div 1st g 6s '21_M&S 114

1st gold guar 55 1934_ _ _J&J 95 100 Hal Al & G R—See LS & 2d 381980 M&S 71% Fonda Johnstown & Gloversv- Kanaw & Mich—See Tol & 0 C St L prop 1st g 5s 1916_ _ M&S 1021st cons ref'g g 43%s 1947_J&J 97 Kankakee & S W—See Ill Cent E H & N 1st 6s 1919__J&D 111 113Gen ref'g gold 4s 1950_ _ _J&J 87 Kan City Belt 1st Os 1916_ _J&J 107 Henderson Br 6s g 1931 M&S 105% 1st con ref 4 Ms '52 opt_ _NUN

Ft Smith & Western-86 38 Kansas City Clinton & Sp-

1st 5s gold 1925 guar_ _ _ _A&O 95 97Kent Central-4s g 1987_J&J L&N Mob&Mont 4 Ms'45M&S 103


1st M g 4s 1954 A&OFt Worth & Den C—See Col & S

f 45 55 Kansas & Colorado Pacific—SeeKan City Ft Scott & Memphis—

Mo Pac I.ouisv & Nashv South'n jointgold 4s 1952 J&J 90

Fort Worth & Rio Grande-1st 4s g 1928 J&J

Fre Elk & Mo Riv—See C &N WGalv liar & San An—See So PacGal Hous&Hen—lst 5s '13 A&OGen & Wyo 1st g 5s 1929_ _ A&OGeor & Alabama—See Scab A L

96% 81

84%Refdg g 4s 1936 guar__ _ A&OCons (is 1928 M&N Equip notes gold 4%s ser BAug '11-Aug 1915_ F&A

Current Riv 1st 55 1927_A&O Kan City Ft Scott & Gulf-

1st 7808 ext5% to'll_J&D


b 5%97




L&NTermIst g 4s'52 gu J&DNasF&S lst gu g 5s '37_ _F&ANewport & Cincin Bridge-

1st Mg434sl945guarJ&J Pensa & Atl 1st 6s gu '21 F&A

S & N Ala Con M g 5s '36 F&A Louisv N A & Chic—See Chic


100%110% 110%

Ind &



Lou.Georgia Car & N—See Scab A LGeorgia Coast & Piedmont-

Kansas City Memphis & Bir—Gen 4s 1934 M&S 92

Macon Dublin & Savannah- 1st gold 5s 1947 guar_ _ _ _J&J 98 99

1st gold 5s 1946 M&S 80 90 Income 5s Mch 1934 Sept 1 Mahoning Coal—See LS &MSGeor Midland—See Southern RyGeorgia Pacific—See Soutten RyGeo RR & Bank'g 65 1922_J&J5s Jan 1 1922 J&J43 Jan 1 1947 J&J

Georgia Southern & Florida-1st gold 5s 1945 J&J

Gettysburg & liar Ry—

f 112104M 93



Assented M&SKansas City & Hem Ry & B-

1st 55 gold 1029_ _A&OHans & Mo—lst 5s '22_ _ F&A

Kansas City Mexico & Orient-1st gold 4s 1951 F&A

Kan City W 1st g 55 '33 J&JKan City & Pac—See H K & T







Maine Central—Cons 7s 1912 A&OColl tr 5s 1923 J&DCons 5s Apr 1 1912 A&OCons 4 Ms Apr 1 1912_ A&OCons 4s Apr 1 1912 A&O

4 %% notes Apr 1 1912_ _ A&OEur & N A 4s gold 1933_ _J &J

102 % 10610099% 99% 10096


Con 5s g guar Oct 1 '26_ _A&O 10434 Kan City St Jos & Council Bl— Hereford Ry—G 4s 1930 M&N 93Gila Val Globe & Nor—See Sou Pacific Nodaway Val 1st 7s 1920 J&D Knox & Line 1st M Pen ShGr Rap Bel & Sag—SeePereMar Tarkio Val 1st 7s 1920 J&D line 491920 F&A 94Grand Rapids & Ind—Exten 1st g 4%s 1941_ __J&J 104% 105%

Kan City Southern-1st gold 3s 1950 ____ A &O 73% 74

Upper Coos 1st gu 4s '30 M&NUpperCoosEx4 Ms g '30 M&N



Muskegon Div g 5s 1926_J&J 80 88 Ref & imp't 5s Apr 1 '50 _J&J 100% 101 Washington Co Ry 1st g guGrand Trunk Western Ry- Kansas City Terminal Ry- 3 Ms Jan 1954 op 1924_J&J 80 85

1st g gu 4s July 1 1950_ __J&J If 95 97 1st g 4s 1960 op 1930_ _ _ _J&J 97% Manila RR—See Foreign Gov't.Sec. p. 50.Great Northern— Kan City Wat & Gulf—See St L outs W at & G Manitoba & Southeastern-

B & Q coil tr g 4s 1921_J&J 953% 95% Kentucky Central—See L & N 1st gu 4s £ Feb 1 1929_ _ F&A 98% 100Great Northern Ry of Canada— Keokuk & Des IM—See C It I &P Marquette Houghton & Ont—Con 4s 1934 opt to 1914_A&O

Greenbrier Ry—See Chesapeak823%

e & Ohi840 Knoxv & Ohio—See Soutlen Ry

Lake Erie & Western-Mort 6s 1925 A&O

Md Del & Va 5s 1955 gu _ _ F&A113M98


Gulf Beaumont & Kan City- 1st gold 5s Jan 1 1937_ _ _J&J 109 10934 Meryl & Pa 1st g 4s 1951_ _M&S 834 89341st 6s gold Aug 1 1013_ _ F&A2d gold 5s Aug 1 1913_ _ _ F&A

Gulf & Ship Island RR-

n 101%101

102% 2d g 5s July 1 1941 J&J No Ohio 1stgu 5s g '45_ _ A&O

Lake Sh & Mich So—See N Y C

104%108% & H R

105M Income 4s 1951 Mason City & Ft Dodge—


1st M gold 4s 1955 J&D




851st ref & term g 5sFeb'52 J&J

Gulf Terminal of Mobile-893% 90 Leavenw'th Term Ry & Bridge

1st M gold 5s 1923 J&J 87 95McK'sp't & B V—SeePMcK&YMemphis Union Station—

1st mort g 4s 1957 gu___J&J 85 90 Lehigh & Hudson River RR- Col tr notes 5s Nov 1911 _ M & N 100 100%Harrisb Ports Mt J & Lane- 1st mort gold 5s 1911_ _ _ _J&J 100 Merchants' Br—See Term RR

1st 4s July 1913..J&J 98 99% 2(1 M 5s July 1 1917 J&J 101 103 Meridian Terminal-Hartford & Conn Western- Gen g 5s July 1 1920 guar J&J 100% 1st M 4.9 1055 guar82 89

1st ext g 4%s July 1 1923 J&J 101 Unguaranteed 1003% Mexican Central—Henderson Br—See Lou & NashHocking Valley Ry-

WarwVal A&O2(1 6s Oct 1912 A&O

95100 Cons gold 4s 1911 Equip & coil g 58 1917_ _MA;NOI

99% 100

1st con gold 4%s 1999_ _ _J &J 101% 1023% Lehigh & Lake Erie—See Lehig h Valle 2(1 Ser 5s 1919 A&O Car tr g 43%s May'11-'12 M&N8434% 4%7 Lehigh Valley- Mexican International—Eq g 48 Ser A 1911-'17 F&A15 b 44 0 1st Os ext g 4s 1948 J&D 103 104 Prior lien g 43%s 1947_ M&S 104Col & II V Ext 4s 1948.. _ A&OCol & Tol 1st g 4s 1955_ _ F&A

94 496


Con AI (is ann reg irred'm J&DCon 1M 68 R gold 1923_ _ _J&D



1st con gold 4s 1977_ _ _M&SStamped guar op to Mar '07

7681 84

Hoosac Tunnel & Wilmington- Con M 4%s C 1923 J&D 104 Mexican Northern-1st sk fd g 5s Sept 1922_ M&S 85 95 Con AI 430 ann irred'm_J&D 111% 11234 1st g 6s 1910 ext to 1930_J&D 95

Housatonic—See NYNH& II Gen cons gold 4s 2003_ .._ M&N 97 9734 Mich Cent—See N YC&HHouston Belt & Terminal- Easton & Amb 5s 1920_ _ &N 106% 107% Middlesex Valley—See Leh Val

1st M gold 5s 1937 op_ _ _J&J 100 10134 Elmira Cortland & North'n- Midland of N J—See ErieHouston E & W Tex—See Sou P acific 1st pf g 6s Apr 1 1914_ A &O 102 Midland Term 5s 1925 _J&D 101Houston & Tex Cen—See Sou P

,acific 1st gu gold 5s 1914_ _ _ A&O 10031 Millen & Southw-5s 1955 A&O 96

Hudson Co 6% notes '11_ A&015 10054 101 Lehigh & Lake Erie- Mil & Lake Win—See Wis Cen6% gold notes Feb 2 '13_ F&A 9731 97% 1st 4%s 1957 gu M&S 100 105 MilLSh&West—See Chic & N W

Hudson & Manhattan- Lehigh & N Y 1st 4s '45_ M&S 94% Milw & No—See Chic Mil & St P1st M 4%s 1957 cony _ _ _ F&A 70 80 Lehigh Valley Coal- Min&Pac—See M St P &SS MN Y & Jer 1st g 5s '32optF&A 1023% 1033% 1st 5s gold guar 1933_ _J&J 109.' 109% Minneapolis & St Louis-

Huntingdon & Broad Top- 1st 40-year gu int red to 1st 7s 1927131% 1st g 4s Sept 30 1920__A&O n 90 4% 1933 J&J 97 99 Pacific Ext 1st 6s 1921_ _ A&O 1102d mort 48 gold 1925_ F&A n 85 90 Lehigh Valley Ry of N Y- 1st1st consol gold 5s 1934_ _M&N 107Con 5s g Mar 31 1925_ _ _ A&O 92% 94% 1st 4%s gold 1940_ ___J&J 104 106 1st ref'g gold 48 1949_ _ _ M&S 65% 69

Hutchinson & S—See A T&S Fe Lehigh Valley Terminal- Col notes g 5s'll ext to'13F&A 95% 963.1Idaho & Wash Northern- 1st gold gruar 5s 1941 _A&O 113% 11434 Minn St P & Sault Ste Marie-

1st in g 55, 1032 opt ___M&N 100 Middlesex Vat .1st 58'42_1‘1&N 105 1st cons gold 48 1938_ _ _ _J&J 97% 97%Illinois Central- Pa & N Y Canal— 2d M gold 4s guar 1949_ _J&J 90

1st gold 4s 1951 JSEj 1003% 102 Con 1M 5s 1939 A&O 11334 Eq g notes 4MsApr'12-20A&O b 434% 1st gold 3%s 1951 J&J 90 Con M 4 Ms 1939 A&O 106 M S Ste NI & Atl 1st 4s '26 J&J 95Main L ext 1st g 3343'51 A&O 88% Cons 4s 1939 A&O 100 Minn & Pac 1st 4s 1936_ _J&J 95•1st mort £ g 3s 1951_ _ _ _M&S If 81 84 Lehigh & Wilkes—See Cent N J Minn Union—See St P M &Col tr gold 4s 1952 A&O 98 Leroy & Caney Val—See Mo Pac Mississippi Central-Col Tr L NO &Tg 4s '53M&N 07% 98% Lexington & Eastern— 1st M g 5s 1949 opt jSrj 94Pur lines 1st g 334s 1952_J&J 85% 86% Gen mort gold 5s 1935_ _ F&A 70 Miss Riv Bdg—See Chic & ARef g 4s 1955 op 1918_ _M&N 00% 97 Litchfield & Mad 1st 58'34_M&N 90 96 Missouri Kansas & Texas-Cairo Bridge 4s g 1950_ _J&D 004 973% Little Miami—Renew 5s'1211I&N 100% 1st gold 45 1990 J&D 97 97%Lad' Div 1st g 35 1951.._J&J 753% Little R'k&Hot Sp West fly- 2d gold 43 June 1 1990_ _ F&A 844 85Louisv Div 3 Ms g 1953_ ..J&J 85% 86 1st g 4s 1939 guar J&J 80 1st Extension 5s 1944__M&N 10134 102%Middle Div reg 55 1921.._F&A 102 Long Island— 1st & ref 43 gold 2004_ _ _M&S 79% 80Omaha Div 1st 3s g '51_ _ F&A 75 Unified gold 4s 1940 M&S 94% Gen Ms f g 43-4s 1936___J&J 86% 86%St Louis Div 3 Ms 1951-J&J 8558 863% Refund g gu 4s 1949_ _ _ _ M&S 96 97% 5% gnotes 1913 optM&N 99% 993%St Louis Div 3s g 1951 ___J&J 75% 77 2d mort 7s 1918 F&A St Louis div g 4s 2001_ _ _ A&O 78 79Sp'gfield Div Ext 3%s'51-J&J 87 1st cons g 55 July 1 1931_Q-J 109% 112% Boonville RR Bridge-Western lines g 491951 -F&A 95% 1st cons g 4s July 1 1931 _Q-J 96 1st g gu s f 4s 1951_ _M&N 78Chicago St Louis & N 0— Gen mort g 4s 1938_ _ _ _J&D 92 96 Dal&Waco 1st gu 5s'40_M&N 105% Con g 5s June 15 '51 J&D15 116% 119% Ferry 1st 4 Ms con g 1922 M&S 98% 100 Kan C & Pac 1st 4s g '90_ F& A 91Con g 3 MsJ'ne15'51 J &D15 86 89 48 gold 1932 J&D 93 96 Mo Kan & E 5s 1942 gu_ A&O 109% 110Hem Div 1st 45 g 1951 J&D 93 Debenture gold 5s 1934_J&D 1033% Missouri Kansas & Okla-

Kankakee & Southwestern- Montauk Ext 5s 1045_ _ _ _J&J 104 110 1st g gu 5s May 1 '42_ _M&N 106 1071st mort 58 1921 F&A 106 Brook& Mon 2(1 5s 1038_J&D 1033% MK&T of T 1st 5s gu '42 M&S 103% 104

St Louis Alton & Ter Haute— L I City & F-1st (3s'll_M&N 100% Sherman Shreveport & S-Bellev&Car 1st Os 1923 J&D 117% 1st con g 5s May '37 _ M&N 103 1st H gu gold 5s 1943 J&D 105 107St L South 1st g 43 '31 M&S 94% N Y Bay Ex R 1st 5s g'43 J&J 101 S W Coal & Imp 1st 6s'29 J&J 108

• • Carb&Shaw 1st g 4:3'32M &S 94 N Y B'klyn & Man Beach 1st Texas & Okla-5s 194331&S 105 105%Ind B1 & Wn—See C C C & St L gout 5s 1935 A&O 103% Missouri Oklahoma & Gulf-Ind Dec & West—See Cin I & W NY&RB 1st g 5s 1927_ M&S 101% 1st g 5s Nov 1 1944 M&N 80 88Indiana III & Ia—See Chic Ind & Sou North Shore Branch- Mo Pac—Cons Os 1920_ _ _ M&N 1093-4 109%Ind & Louisv—See Ch Ind & L 1st con 5s g Oct 1 1932_Q-J 10334 10434 3d 7s ext toJly'38 at 4% M&N 97

Tr g 5s stpd Jan 1 1917 _ _M&S 1003% 101

6 Basis.V This price includes accrued interest, k Last sale. I In London. n Nominal. s Sale price

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 20: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf

38 GENERAL QUOTATIONS. [voL. LXXX.X11..NOT ICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "f" and income and defaulted bonds.


Missouri Pacific—(Concluded)Col trust 5s 1920 F&AEquip Ass'n certfs 55 gu Ser CJune 1 1911 to 1913__Q-M

Gold 4s Mar 1 1945 opt_ _M&Slst&ref 5s'59 cony SerA_M&SCentral Br Ry 4s g 1919_ F&ACentBr UnPac 1st g 4s'48 J&DKansas & Colorado Pacific-

1st & ref gu g 6s '38_F&ALer&Can V A L 1st 5s'26_J&JLexington Div 5s 1920_ _F&APac of Mo 1st ex g 48'38_ F&A24 ext 5s gold 1938_ _J&JSt L R E 1st 5s 1938_ _M&NCar'deletBrlst434s'38 A&O

St Louis Iron Mtn & So—Unify & Ref'g g 4s 1929 J&JGen con ry & 1 g 5s'31_A&OGen con stpd gu g5s'31 A&ORiv & Gulf Div 4s'33_M&NLit R'kJn 1st 6s gu'16_ A&OPine Bluff & Western-

1st gu g 5s'23op'13_ Adz°VerdVal I &Wlst 5s'26 M&S

Mo`tile & Birm—See Southern RHo & 0-1st g 6s 1927 J&D

1st exten Os July 1927._ _QQ-JGan g 4s 1938 M&SEq 5s guar 1911-1914_ _ _ A&O

4345 Ser E 1911-16_ _M&S1iontgom Div g 5s 1947_ F&AL & C col tr 4s May'30_Q-F45 guar 1931 J&J

Mobile Terminal & Ry-1st M g 6s 1935 opt M&S

Mohawk&Maione—See NYC&HNfortong River—See Bait & OhioMont Cent—See St P M & MMorgan's La & Tex—See So PacMorris Sr Essex—See D L & WNashville Chattanooga & S L-

1st 7s 1913 J&J14 consol gold 55 1928_ _ A&OCentreville Br g 6s 1923_J&JJasper Br 1st 6s 1923_ _ _ _J&JLebanon Br 6s Jan 1 '17_J&JMcM M W & Al 1st 6s'17_J&JTracy City Br 6s 1917 —J&J

Ntsh For & Sheff—See L & NNational Rys of Mexico—Pr lien g 434s s f 1957_ _ _J&JGen %1 4s 1977 A&O

National RR of Mexico—Prior Lien g 4545 1926_ _ _J &J1st cons g 4s 1951 A&O

Nebraska—See C B & QNev-Cal-Ore Ry-5s 1919_ M&NNewcas & Shen Val Os '17_J&JNew Eng RR—See NYNH&H.N Hav&Derby—See NYNH&HNew Hay & No—See NYNH&HN J Junction—See N Y CentralNew Jer Sz New York—See ErieNew London Northern-

1st M g 4s July 1 1940_ _ _J &JNew Mex Ry&Coal—SeeElPasoNew Orleans Great Northern-

1st m g 5s Aug 1 1955_ _F&ANew Orleans Mobile & Chic-

1st M g 5s 1960 J&JNew Orleans & Northeastern—Prior 1 g 6s Nov 1 1915A&0Equip 434s Oct '11-13_A&O

New Orleans Terminal Co-1st g gu 4s 1953 J&J

Newport & Cin FIdge—See LouisNewp & Rich—See Conn & PassNYB&M Bch—See Long IslN Y Bay Ext RR—See Long Is!New York Central & Hud Riv—

Ref'g g 354s July 1 1997_J&JDeb g 4s 1934M&N434% notes Mch 1 1914_M&SNY U Lines eq 5s '11-22_ M&NNYC Lines eq 4 '12-25 J&JL S Col tr g 33is 1998_ _F&AM C col tr g 3 %a 1998._ _ F&ABeech Cr—lst 4s g gu'36_J&J24 guar g 5s 1936 J&JCif Bit C Co 1st g 4s'40_J&J

Beech Creek Extension-1st gtd g 33,6s 1951_ A&O

Cart & Adir 1st 4s g '81_J&DGouv&Osw 1st 5s g 1942_J&DLake Shore & Michigan So—Con g ref 3%s 1997_,....I&DDeb g 4s 1928 M&SGold 4s 1931 M&NK A & Gr R 1st 5s '38_J&JKal&W Pig'n g 5s 1940 J&JMahon C RR 1st 58 '34_J&J

Michigan Central-5s cou '31 D&BC div_M&SDeb g 4s 1929 A&O1st 5s Kal & SH 1939_111 &N1st mtg M Air IAne4s'40J&J1st g 4sJoi&NoInd'57J&J101st g 3%s JL&Sag '51_ M&S1st g 3%s 1952 M&NBayC&BC lstM g 3s'89J6cDBat C&S 1st gu g3s'89_J&DGrand Riv Val 4s '59..M&SToledo Can South & Det-

1st g 4s 1956 guar__J&JSloh & Mal 4s 1991 M&SConsol gold 3%s 2002_ M&S

N J June 1st 4s gu 1986_ F&ANY&Har 1st g 3 54s2000 M&NN Y & Nor 1st g 5s '27.._A&ON Y & Put 1st 4s g 1993 A&ONor & Mon 1st 5s g '16. A&OOs & Rome 1st M 7s '15_ M &N2d 5s May 1 1915 F&A

Pine Creek gu Os 1932_ _J&DPitts McK & Y 1st 6s'32_J&J2d 6s guar 1934 J&JMcK&BV 1st 6s g '18_J&J

Rome Watertown & Ogden—Cons g 5s July 1922_ _A&OCo s g 353s July '22_ A&O


Bid. I Ask.--


b 534%78349591%83%



n 94%




3' 11934


b 5%b 5%10934










103b 5%

87%vile &



101 %







120%116%87%4% a4%












88 883493 93%99% 100%

b 4%% 431%b434% 4h%


















N Y Cent & Hud Riv—(Concl)RW&O Ter R 1st 5s '18_ M&NUtica & B Riv 4s g 1922_J&JWest Trans Co 3 tis 1923 F&AWest Shore 1st 4s 2361.._ _J &J

N Y Chicago & St Louis-1st g 4s Oct 1 1937 A&ODeb 4s May 1 1931 M&N

N Y & Greenw'd Lake—SeeErieN Y & Harlem—See N Y Cent &NY&Jersey—See Hudson& ManN Y Lack dz West—See Del LacNYLE &WC RR—See Erie.N Y & L Br—See Cent of N J.N Y New Haven & Hartford—Deb 6s Jan 15 '48 conv.J MI5Deb 4s July 1 1955 J&JDeb 4s 1956 non-conv_M&NDeb 4s 1947 non-conv__M&SDeb g 4s 1914 non-conv _II& ADeb 3545 Mch 1947 M&SDeb 3349 1954 A&ODeb 354s 1956 convert....1M5% notes Jan 1912 434% notes Mch 1 '12__M&SBos & NYALlst 4s g'55. F&ADanbury & Norwalk-

1st ref g 4s guar 1955 J&DCon 5s July 1 1920_ _ _ _J&JGen 5s April 1 1925_ _ A&O

Harlem River & Portchester-1st 4s gold 1954_ &N24 4s guar June 1911 _J&D

Housatonic—Con 5s'37_Ial&NNew England RR—Consol 4s July 1945 gu _J&JConsol g 5s July 1 1945_J&JNY&NE BosTer 4s'39 A&O

NH &Derby—Cons5s'18 M&NNew Haven & Northampton-

Ref 4s 1956 guar J&DNew York Provid & Boston—Gen g 4s April 1 1942 A&O

Prov Ter 1st g 4s gu '56_M&SN Y & Northern—See N Y CentNew York Ontario & Western—Ref 1st g 4s June 1992_ _M&SGen M g 4s 1955 red_ _ _ _J&D5s g notes J'ne'l 1 Dec '15 J&D

NYPhila&Nor—lst g 4s'39_J&JIncome 4s Jan 1 1939.. ..M&N

N Y Prow & Bost—See N Y NN Y & Putnam—See N Y CentN Y & Rockaway Bch—See LoN Y Susq & W—See ErieNodaway Val—See KCStJ&CB.Norf & Caro—See Atl CoastLineNorfolk & So-1st g 5s'41_M&N

1st gen g 55 1954 opt_ _J&J- Suffolk & Car-

1st con 5s 1952 J&JNorfolk & Western—General 6s 1931_ _ ______ M &NImp & exten Os 1934_ _F&ANew River 1st Os 1932_ A&ON&WRy 1st con g 48'96_ A&ODiv 1st lien & gen g 4s July 11944 opt Jan 1 1929_ _ _J&J

Cony g 4s 1932 op 1917_J&DN&W Pocahontas 4s '41 ..J&DEq tr g 4sSerBMar 1'12-13M-SEq tr 4s SerD-F 1911 to '16 gu

Ser G H J K'11-'16 gu_F&AColCon&Ter 1st 5s g '22_J&JSciotoVal&NElst 4'89_ M &N

Northeast Pennsylvania—I st g gu 5s 1920 A&O

N'east of SC—SeeAt1CoL of SC.Northern Cal Ry—See So Pac.Northern Central—Con gen M 4345 E 1925 A&0Mort bds 5s 1926 Ser A ..J&JMort bonds 5s 1926 Ser B J&J

Northern N J—lst Os 1917 .J&JNorthern Ohio—See L E & WestNorthern Pacific—St Paul&No Pac6s g '23_ F&AReg certs 6s 1923 Q-F

Prior lien g 4s Jan 1997_ ..(11-JGen lien g 3s Jan 2047... _Q-FSt P & D Div g 4s 1996_ _J&DWash Cent 4s Mch 1948 .Q-MC B & Q Coll 4s—See Gt No.St Paul & Dul 1st 5s '31_ F&A24 mortgage 5s 1917_ _ A&O1st consol g 4s 1908 .J&DDul ShLine gtd 5s '16_11I&STay Falls&LSup 6s '14_J&JDill Union Dep 59 '30_A&O

No Pac Ter Co—lst 6s '33_J&JNorth Ry of Cal—See Sou Pac.North Pac Coast—See No Shore.North Pennsylvania-

1st M 4s extended 1936_M&NGen g 3 3-10s 1953 J&J

North Shore Ry (Cap—Nor Pac Coast 5s :g 1912_JdzJ

Northwest'n Term—See Deny NNorwich & Wor-4s 1927_ _M &SNorwood & Montreal—See NYCOgd'b'g & L Cham—See Rutl'ndOhio Connect'g 1st g 4s'43_ M&SOhio I & W—C C C & St L.Ohio River RR—lst g 5s'36 J&DGen gold 5s 1937 A&OHunt & B S 1st 6s 1922_ _J &JRay Spen & G 1st 6s '20_ F&A

Old Colony-4s gold 1924_ F&A4s Dec 1 1925 J&D45 Jan 1 1938 J&J334s July 1 1932 J&J

Omaha & St L—See Wabash.Oregon & California—See SoPacOregon RR & Nay—See Un PacOregon Short Line—See Un PacOswego & Rome—See N. Y CentOswego&Syracuse—See D L& %VOzark Az Cherokee Central—

ist g gu 5s 1913 opt_ _ _ _A&OPacific Coast Co—See Misc B'ds

Bid. Ask.

10314 10091100 101

99% 99%9034 91

Hud R

k & West







t 105101%


Bonds. Bid.





9990 100

& Hud Riv

9'6 96%92 92%10098% 9934 94

H & H artHud Riv

ng Isla nd





b 4%%0496%b 4% %104








99%W & P
















Pan American 1st 5s '34 op J&J Pennsylvania RR—Con M Ssg 1919 M&S 103(10 45 trold 1943._ 31,VS do 4s g 1948 M&N 103do 334s g £ 1945_ _J&J 90

Collateral tr g 434s 191-31J &D 101Col tr 48 Ph W & B 1921_J &J 98RE pur mon 1st g 4s'23_M&N 9934Equip tr g 4s '14 Ser A_ _M&S 9734Equip tr g 330 June '11_Q-M b 44%Cony & opt 33is g 1912_M&N 9934Cony g 330 Oct 1 1915 optDec 1 1910 J&D 9654

Penn Steel Car Trust Ctfs 3 345Oct 1911-1912 -J b %

Steel Rolling Stock Tr g 354sMay 1911 to 1913 Q-F b 434%

Gen ft eq 4s May '11 to'20 Q-F b 434%Alleg Val gen 4s 1942. ..M&S 9934BaltChes&Atlst g 5s'34_M&S 102Clev&Marietta-434s'35 M&N 102Cleveland & Pittsburg—SerA434s gen gtd 1942 J&J 10654SerB434s gen gtd '42_A&O 10654SerC 334s gen gtd '48_M&N 90SerD 31.4s gen gtd '50_ F&A 91

D Riv Rit&B gu g 48'36_F&A 9834Erie & Pittsburgh—Gen gu g 334s SerB '40_J &J 91

Series C 1940 J&J 90Pennsylvania Company-

1st M g 4%s 1921 J&J 10334Gu g 4s 1031 on 1921_ A&O Gu tr cts g 3 tis 1937_ _M&S 88Gu tr certs g 314 1941 .F&A 88Gu tr certs g 3 %s '42_ _J&D 8754Gu tr certs g 354s '44..J&D Guar trust gold 3%s call

1-15 yearly to I 916_ M &N 973-4Phil Germ & Chestnut Hill-

1st g'd 434s 1913____M&N 98%Pitts C C & St L—Con g gu 434sSerA'40_ A &O do do Ser B'42 A&O do do Ser C'42_M&N 106do 4s Ser D '45.1%1&N 9854do 4s Ser F 19.53_3 &D 9854do 4s Ser G 1957_M&N 9854do 334s SerE '49_ F&A 9134

CStL&Pittsist5s g '32 A&O 112Steub & Ind 1st 5s '14_J&J 101

P Ft W & C 7s July 1 '12_Var 1033424 7s July 1 1912 Var 103343d 7s July 1 1912 A&O 103

Pitts Va & Charleston-1st g gu 4s 1943 M&N 94

Sodus Bay & Sou g 5s '24_J&J 100Sun & Lew 1st g 4s 1936_J&J 9534

Penn & N Y Canal—See Leh V.Pennsylvania & Northwestern—Gen 5s Jan 1 1930 J&J 10834Bells Gap Cons Os 1913.. A&O 103Cleartield&Jetf 1st Os '27_J&J 11734

Pensacola & Atl—See Lou & N.Peoria & Eastern—See Clev CinPeoria Ry Term—See Ch It I &Peo & Pekin Un 1st Os '21 _Q-F2d mort g 454s Feb 1'21_M&N

Pere Marquette RR—Cons g 45 Jan 1 1951— _J&JRef. g 4s 1955 ___ J&JGuaranteed_

Deb Os July 1 1912 J&JEquip tr 434s 11 to '14_ A&OChic & W Mich 5s 1921_ _J & DCh & N Mich 5s gu'31_M&N

Detroit Grand Rapids & West1st g 45 April 1 1946_ _ A&O

Flint & Pere Marquette—Gold 681920 A&O 110%15t con gold 5s 1939_ _M &N 100%PtHuronDiv g 581939_ A&O 10254

Grand Rap Belding & Sag-1st g 5s March 1924....M&S 95

Lake Erie & Detroit My Div-1st g 434s Aug 1 1932_ F&A

Pere Marquette RR of Ind-1st gu g 45 1943 opt_ _M&N

Perkiomen—lst ser 5s '18_Q-J2d series 5s Jan 1 1918.... -Q-J

Petersburg—See Atl Coast Line.Phila & Bal C 1st 5s 1911 M&N

1st 4%s 1911 M&NPhila Belt & Wash 4s '43_11I&NPhiladelphia & Erie—Gen (now 1st) gu Os g '20_J&J 11454Gen g 55 July 1 1920.. A&O 107Gen g 4s July 1 1920_ A&O 100

Phil Ger&Ches Hill—See Pa RRPhila Harrisburg & Pittsburg-

1st mort gold 5s 1925_ A&O 1063.4Philadelphia Newtown & N Y-

1st mort red to 3s 1942_ A&O n 75Phila & Read—See Reading CoPhiladelphia W & Baltimore—

Debenture 4s 1917 A&O 99Debenture 4s 1922 M&N 99Debenture g 49 1926 J&J 9934Debenture g 45 1932_ _ __A&O 9934Col tr ctfs 1921—See Penn RR

Philippine Ry—See Foreign Gov Sec., pPhillipsburg & Susq Valley It It-

1st s f 5s 1940 op '15_ _ _ M&N 9134Pled&Cumb—lst g 5s '11 _ F&A 9931Pine B1 & W—See St L I M & SoPine Creek—See N Y Cent & ff ud RivPitts Bessemer & Lake Erie—PS &LE 1st g 5s 1940_A&O 113

Cons 1st g 5s July 1 '43..J&J 11234PB&LE con g 59 1947 J&J 11334Deb g 5s 1919 J&D 100

Pitts Char & Youghiogheny—Gen mort gtd 4s 1932... A&O

Pitts Cin Chic & St L—See Penn RRPitts Cleve & Tol—See B & 0.Pitts Ft W & C—See Penn Co.Pittsburg Junction—See B & 0.Pitts & L Erie—Ist g 6s'28.J&J 122342d 5s Jan 1 1928 A&O 10734





Chic &Pac10991







4% %











St L


83% 8475% 7676 7698% 99(4

Basis 6'101% 99% 100%

87% 90






age 50





11098% 99


0 Basis f This price inclu les accruei interest. k Last sale. 1 In London. n Nominal. s Sale price. t Free of tams in Massachusetts.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 21: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf

APR., iii. RAILROAD BONDS.NOTICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "f" and income and defaulted bonds.


Bonds. Bid. Ask. Bonds.

Pitts Niel{ dr Yough—See N Y CPitts Shaw &N—lst g 55'49 F&A

Gold 4s Feb 1 1952 F&A5% receivers ctfs '14 op J&D5% receiver's ctfs '15 op_ F&A5% receiver's ctfs '16 op M&S

Pitts Shen &LE—See PBess&LEPittsburgh & Susquehanna-

1st f g 5s 1940 op 1915_M&N






St Paul Minn & Man (concl'd)— Mont Cen 1st gd g 6s '37_J&J

1st guar gold 5s 1937_ _J&JWil & S F 1st 55 g 1938_J&D

it P & N Pac—See No PacSt P & S C—See C St P M &Salt Lake City Un Dep & RR-

1st AI 5s 1938 NUNSan Ant &AranPass—See SoPac

Pitts Term RR & Coal- San Francisco & Nor Pacific-1st g gu s f 5s 1942 J&J 04 97 1st g 55 sink fund 1919 J&JWest Side Belt 1st g 5s'37Nt&S 97 100 San Fr & S Jo Val—See AT&SF

Pitts Va & Chas—See Penn RR San Fran Term—See Sou PacificPitts & West—See B & 0 Santa Fe Pres & Ph—See AtchPitts Youngst & Ashtabula— Sault Ste Marie Bridge-Consol 5s 1927_ At & N 107 1st Msfg 5s July 1 1937_J&J1st gen 4s Ser A 1948_ _J&D 98 S Ste Marie & S W—See Ch St P

Pontiac Ox & N 1st g 6s '16..J&J 100 Say Fla&W—See Atl Coast LinePortland & Ogdensburg- Sav&States—lst g gu 55 '53 J&J

1st M 4%s 1928 guar__ _At &N 103% 105 Schenectady & Duanesburg-Port & R Falls—lst g4s'26 M&N 96 1st guar Gs 1924 M&SDebenture 4s Aug 1927_ F&A 95 Schuylkill River E S—See B &O

Port Reading—lst gu 5s'41 J&J 104 Scioto Val & N E—See Nor & WPorts Gt P & Con—See Bos&Nte Seaboard Air Line-Potomac Val—lst gu 5s g'41J&J 107% 110 1st g 4s 1950 A&OPrinceton Sr Northw—See Chic & N W Stamped Providence Term—See NYNIISr Coll tr g 5s May 1 1911_ _M&NProv & Worc—lst 4s 1947_ A&O 98% Coll tr 5s'07 ext toNtay'llAl &SRaleigh & Augusta—See Seaboa rd Air Line Adjust M 5s. Oct 1 '49_F&ARal&CapeFear—lst g5s'43 M&S 98 102 Eq tr g 4%s 1911 Apr '13 J&JRaleigh & Gas—See SeaAir Line Eq g5sJne'11-Dec'19_J&015Ral & Southp—Con 5s '65_J&D 95 100 Atlanta-Birmingham Divis-Raleigh & S W—See Chesapeak e & Oh io 1st g 4s May 1 1933_ __AI &SRaritan River—lst g 5s '39_J &J 110 114 Car Cent 1st g gu 4s '49_ _J&JRavensw Spenc & Glen—See Oh io Riv Florida Cent & Peninsula-Reading Company— 1st gold 5s 1918 J&JGen g 4s Jan 1 1997 J&J 97 971% 1st 1 g ext 5s gold '30_ _J&JJer Cen g 4s '51 op '06_ _ A&O 973% 1st con 5s gold 1943_ J&JW&N s tr ctfs 4s red 105_Q-M 95 So Bound 1st g 5s '4L A&OPhila & 11-2d 5s g 1933_ A &O 116 Georgia & Ala 5s Oct '45_J&JCon M 75 1911 J&D 100% Ga&AlaTerm 1st g5s'48.J&DConsol mort g 6s 1911.J&D 100% Ga Car & N-1st 5s g '29_J&JImp ext g 43 1947_ A&O 100 100% RaPh&Aug'sta—lst 6s'26J&J

Cons ext gold 4s 1937_ M&S 100 Ral'h&Gast'n—lst g5s'47J&JTerm 5s g gu May 1'41_Q-F 116% 1173% Seab&Roanoke—lst5s'26 J&JDeIRTer p mon g 5s'42,1I &N 110 Deb Os after July 1,16 F&AEx p mon g 55 1942_J&J 110 Seacoast RR of N J 5s '48_ A&O

Wilin&No 1st 5s 1927_J&D 100 Sebast & Mooseh 1st 58'28_AUSGen g 5s Aug 1 1932_Q-F 106% 1073% Shamokin Sunb'y & Lewisb'g-

Phil & Read Coal & Iron— 1st 5s May 1 1912 M&NCol s f g 4$ ext'32gu F&A 08 99 2d 6s g July 1 1925 J&J

Rens & Saratoga—SeeDel&Ilud Sherman Shrev & Sou—See AtoRichm & Danv—See Southern Ry Shreve Brdg & Ter—See St LoutRich Fredericksb & Potomac— Sierra Ry of Cal-Cons mort 43%s l940_ A&O_ A&O 104 106% 1st s f g (is Apr 12 '37_ A&012

Rich & Mecklenburg—See Soily Sit Sp Ocala & G—See Atl C LRich & Peters—See Atl Coast L Sioux C & Pac—See Chic & N WRichmond-Washington Co— Sodus Bay & Sou—See Penn RRCol tr g gu 4s 1943 opt __J&D 97 97% Somerset Ry 1st & ref 4s'55 J&J

RioGrJunc—lst gu 5s 139_J&D 105 5% notes 1911 guar_ _J&DRio Grande So—lst g 48'40_J&J 63 South Bound—See SeaboardA L

1st g 4s guar 1940 J&J 85 So Car & Ga—See Southern RyRio Grande West—See Den & Rio Gr Sou Indiana—See Ch Terre HauRoch dr Pitts—See Buff R & P Southern Pacific Co—Rock Island-Frisco Terminal- Coll tr 4s(CP) Aug 1 '49_J&D1st M g 5s 1927 guar__ _J&J 101 102 Cony g 4s Jne 1'29op'14_Al&S

Rock 1st Ark & La—See C R I & Pac Aust & Nor 1st 5s g '41_ —IRockIsl& Peoria—See Chi RI&P Cal Pac—lst g 43%s '12_ _J&JRome W & 0—See NYC &H Central Pacific-Rutland—Con 43%s 1941_ _J&J 100% 102% 1st refdg 4s g g'd '49_F&ABenn&Rut 43%s g 1927_ AI& N 95 101 1st g gu 4s Oct 1 1954_ A &OOgd&LCh 1st g gu 45'48_J&J 87 M 33%s g g'd Aug 1'29_J&DRutICanad 1st g gu 4s'49.J&J 82 87 Galveston Harrisb & SanAn—Car tr g 43%s 1911 to '17.A&O Basis 6% Alex&PDiv 1st 5s'31_M&N

St Clair Mad & St L Belt— Gila Val Globe & Northern-Alton Bridge 1st g 4s '51_J&J 85 1st g 5s Nov 1 1924 _M&N

St Clair Term 1st 58 1932 _F&A 101 103 Houston East & WestTexas-St Johns & L Champlain- 1st 5s g May 1 1933_ _ _M&N

1st g 5s March 1 1944_ _ _M&S 112 1st guar g 5s Mar '33_At&NSt J & Or Isl—lst g 4s 1947 J&J 87 88 Houston & Texas Central-St Law & Adiron 1st 5s'96_J&J 110 1st 1 g g 5s 1937 J&J2d g 6s 1996 A&O 122 Consol I e gold Os 1912 A&O

St Louis Al & T II—See Ill Cent Gen gold 4s 1921 A&OSt Louis Br—SeeTermRR Ass'n Waco&NWDiv6s g'30M&NSt L & Cairo—See Mobile & 0 La West 1st Os 1921 J&JSt L Iron Mt & Sou—See NtoPac Morgan's I.ouis'a & Texas-St L Ater Br Co—See Term RR 1st mort 7s 1918 A&OSt L Rocky Mt & Pac 5s '55 J&J 86 87% 1st g Os 1920 J&JSt L So-9ee Illinois Central North Cal Ily g 5s 1929_ _J&DSt Louis & San Francisco— NoRy ofCal 5s g gu 1938 A&OGen mort g 65 1931 J&J 118 119% Oregon & Cal 1st 5s 1927_J&JColl tr s f g Os 1920 F&A 104 S A & Ar Pass g gu 4s'43_J&JGen mort g 5s 1931_ _.....JSEJ 107% 1083% San Fran Term 1st 4s'50 AL1r0Gen g 5s 1927 op M&N 87% 87% So Pacific Br 6s 1937___A&OEq no 5s Aug'11-Aug'17. F&A b 5 Southern Pacific RR Cal-Eq g 4s Aug'11-Feb '13.F&A b 5 4% 1st g Os ser E & F '12_ A&OEq notes 4s 1011 J&D b 5% 4% 1st con g 58 gu 1937_ _NUNColl trust g 5s 1987 A&O 98 1st con ref g 4s'55 op'10 J&JCons g 4s 1996 J&J 90 So Pac Coast 1st g 4s '37. J&J43%% g notes 1912 opt_ _F&A 99% l00% Texas & N 0—5% g notes Atch 1 '13 op M&S 98% 99 Sabine Div 1st Os '12_AUSRefunding g 4s 1951_ __ _J&J 81% 82 Consul gold 5s 1943_ __J&JBirm Belt 1st g gu 4s'22 A&O 86 Dallas Div 1st g 43'30_ F&ACol South New On & Pac— Southern Railway-Eq tr 5sAug'11-Feb'17F&A b5 %% 5% 1st consol gold 5s 1994. _J&J

Sou West Div g 5s 1947_ A&O 101% Develop & gen Nt g 4s'56 A&OSt I. W & W g 6s 1919...NUS 103 5% g notes __F&A

St Louis Southwestern- Eq tr g 43%sJ'ne'11-De'14J&D1st g 4s 1989 certfs M&N 91 92 Equip trust g 4%s Ser L2d g inc 4s Nov '89 cert__J&J 82 Aug1911 to Feb 1921_ F&A1st consol g 4s 1932_ _ _ _J&D 78 783% Eq tr 4s Ser M '11-'19 __J&DGrays Pt Term g 55 '47...I&D 973% Equip trust g 43%s Ser NShrev Bdg & Ter 5s'55gii F&A 96 98 Aug 1911 to Apr 1920 A&O

St L Wat & Gulf 5s J'ne'30_J&J E Tenn reor lien 5s 1938_M&SSt L Wichita & West—See St L & San Fran 1st Mem div g 5s 1996_ _ _J&JSt Paul & Duluth—See Nor Pac St Louis Div 1st g 4s 1951 J&JSt P E G T—See Milw L S & W Aiken Br 1st g 4s 1998 J&JSt Paul & K C Short L—See Ch It I & Pac Ala Cent 1st g 6s 1918 _J&JSt Paul Minn & Manitoba- Atl & Danville 1st 4s '48_J &J

1st cons g 4s 1933 J&J 98 99% 2d g 4s 1948 J&J1st consol g 6s 1933 126% Atl & Yad 1st gu g 4s'49_A&O.J&J1st con red to 43%s g 1051 105% At1Tenn&O—lstM6s'13 A&OMontana ext 1st 4s '37_ _J&D 953% 98% Aug South g 5s 1924._ _ _J& DPacific Ext 1st 4s.£ 1940.J&J 1 99 101 Col & Green 1st 6s 1916_J&JEastern Ry of Minnesota— ETVa&Ga—Dly g 53 '30_J&JNor div 1st g 4s 1948_A&O 96% Consol 1st g 5s 1956M &N

Minn Union 1st Os 1922_ _J&J 116 Ga Mid 1st g 3s 1946_ ASK)1st 5s July 1922 J&J 100 Ga Pac 1st g 6s 1922_ J&J

Minn & Wes 1st g 5s '11_ _J&J 100 Knoxv & 0 1st g Os 1925_J&JL & N So joint g 4s—See L & N

Ask. Bonds.




Top &

100M & 0




S 531%



100110Ran &s South


te & S















Southern Railway—(Con.)— Mob & Birm pr lien 5s '45 J&J1133% Gen M g 4s 1945 J&J Mobile & 0 col tr 43 '38_M&S

Rich & Dan con g 6s '15_J&JDeb 5s stamped 1927_A&0

Richmond & Mecklenburg-98 1st g 4s Nov 1 1948___M&N

So Car & Ga 1st g 5s'19_M&NSumter&WatR5s g'19 A&O

Va Mid Series C 6s 1916_M&SSeries D 4-5s 1921... _ _M&SSeries E 5s 1926 M&S

S Fe Series F 5s 1931 M&SGeneral 5s 1936 M&Ndo guar stamped_ M&N

Wash O&W 1st gu 4s'24_F&AW No Car 1st con g 6s '143&J

100 S & N Ala—See Louis & NashSouth Pac Coast—See Southern

SpartanU&Col—See Ashy&SparSpokane Falls & Northern-

1st 6s g 1939 J&JSpokane International-

1st g 5s 1955 J&J873% State Line&Sulliv-43%s'29 J&J Staten Isld Ry-43%s '43_ _J&D Steub & Ind—See Penn Co76 Suff & Carolina—See Nor! & So Sumter & Water R—See SC&Ga4%% Sunbury Hazleton & W B-

1st 5s May 1 1928 M&N863% 2d mort inc 6s '38 coup_ M&N98. Sunbury & Lew—See Penn RR

Tampa & Jacksonville- 1st M 5s 1949 A&O Tarkio Valley—See K C St J & Taylors Falls & L Sup—See St108 Term'l RR Ass'n (St Louis)

1st gold 43%s 1939 A&O 1st consol gold 5s 1944_ _F&A Gen ref s f g 4s '53 op '10_J&J St L Br 1st g 7s 1929__A&O St L Mer Bge T-5s 1930 A&O

Men Bdge Os '29 op '09 F&A Terre Haute & Ind 55 1925_J&J1103%, Terre Haute & Peoria- 1st con g 5s Sept 1 '42_ ..M&S

Texas Central—lst 5s 1923 A&O Texas & New On—See So Pac Texas & Okla—See M K & T

Tex Texas & Pac 1st 55 2000_ _ _J&Dwestern 2d inc g 5s Dec 2000 Mar

Lou Div 1st g 5s 1931 J&J1033% Tidewater Company-

6% g notes 1913 gu cony J&DToledo Can Sou & Det—See MicTot & 0 Cent 1st 5s g 1935_ _J

West Div 1st 5s g 1935_ A&O4% Gen g 5s 1935 J&D

Car tr 4s May '11-'17_M&N15Car tr 4s Ser B 1911-'20_J&JKana & Mich 1st 4s 1990 A&O2d g 5s 1927 J&J

923% St Mary's Div 4s g 1951_F&A983% Toledo Peoria & Western- 1st g 4s July 1 1917 J&J1003% Toledo St L & Western—

Pr lien g 3%s July 1 '25_ _J&J963% 1st g 4s Apr 1 1950 A&O93 Col tr g 4s Ser A 1917F&A923% Toledo Terminal-

1st M g 4145 1957 gu NUN1073% Tol Walh Val & Ohio-

1st g gu 4%s 1931 ser A_ _J&J 1st g gu 43%s 1933 ser B_J&J

1st g gu 4s 1942 ser CAl&S1053% Tombigbee Val 1st g 5s'56_ A&O Gen mtge 6s 1935 J&J

Toronto Ham & Buffalo-110 1st g 4s July 1 1946 J&D1103% Troy Sr Boston—See Fitchburg95 Troy & W T Bridge 5s '15_M&S Ulster & Del con 5s 1928_ _J &D 1st ref g 4s 1952 A&O

Union Pacific-116 1st Ry &lg 4s g 1947____J&J Cony 45 1927 J&J 1st & ref 43 June 2008.. _NUS Oregon Railroad & Nay—

Cons g 4s 1946 J&D863% Oreg Sh Line 1st g 6s'22..F&A923% 1st consol 5s g 1946_ _J &J1283% Ref g gu 4s '29 op '07_J&D

Utah Sr Northern-1st 7s'08ext at 4%to'33 J&JConsol gold 5s 1926_ J &J

953% United N J RR & Canal Co-93 General gold 4s 1923_ __ ..F&A

General gold 4s 1929_ At &S General gold 4s 1944....105 Gen 1st g 314s Marl '51..M&S91 Utah Central—See Rio Gr West

Utah & Northern—See Union P1073% Utica & Bl R—See NYC &H783% Utica Clint & Bing—See Del &100 Valley (N Y)—See Del L & W4%% Vandalia RR—

Con g 4s 1955 Ser A__ _F&A4%% Ser B 1957 NUN4%% Vera Cruz & Pacific RR-

1st g 43%s 1934 opt J&JVerdig Val Ind & W—See Mo PaVermont Valley-

1st M g 43%s Oct 1 '40_ _ A&OVirginia Midland—See So RyVa & Southw 5s 2003 J&J

1st con g 5s 1958 A&OVicksburg & Meridian—See Ala\ricks Shreve & Pac—

Prior lien 6s g Nov 1'15_M&NGen 5s May 1 1941 M&N

Wabash—lst gold 5s 1939_M&N107 2d gold 5s 1939F&A Deb mort Os ser B 1939_ _J&J Equip g 5s Mar 1 1921_ _M&S65 Eq g 43%s J'ne'l1-'14__J&D

1st lien term g 4s 1954.. J&J 1st ref & ext 4s 1956_ ___J&J












Paul &






101%h Cent108%

101%b 5b 5899785
















& Via;


S 53.1%



























7043%% notes'10 ext to'13 M&N n 95%Det&Ch ext let g 5s '41_J&J' 1073%

S Basis. c On basis of $4 848 to the £. d On the basis of $5 to the X. f This price includes accrued interest. k Last sale. / In London.n Nominal. s Sale price.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 22: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf

40 RAILROAD STOCKS. [VoL. Lxxxxii.

Bonds and Stocks. Bid. Ask. Stocks. Par. Bid.

Wabash (concluded)—• Des M div 1st g 45 1939_J&J 81•Tol & Chic 4s g 1941_ _ _ _M&S 81• OmahaDiv 1st 3 %s g '41 A&O 70Wabash Pitts Terminal Ry-

1st g 4s June 1 1954._ _ _J&D Cen Tr & Old Col Tr ctfs__ 45

2d g 4s June 1 1954 J&DGuaranty Tr ctfs of dep__ _ 7

Warren RR—See D L & NVWarwick Val—See Leh & HudRWash & Colum Riv-4s '35 J&J 87Washington Cent—See Nor PacWash Co Ry—See Maine CentWash 0 & W—See Southern RyWashington Terminal Co-1st g gu 334s 1945 F&A 88%1st g 4s 1945 guar F&A 99

Weatherford Min Wells & Nor-1st gu g 5s 1930 F&A

West Jersey Sr Sea Shore—Consol g 4s 1936 J&J 100Cons 334s g Ser B 1936.. _J&J 91Cam & Atl con 691911_ _ _J&J 100Cons 5s 1911 J&J 100

West Maryland-4s 1952_ _A&O 864Bait & Harris g 5s '36_ _M&N 107

1st M WestExt g5s'38 M&N 104West N Y & Penn-5s 1937 J&J 1096%Gen mort gold 4s 1943_ _ A&O 88%Income g 5s Apr 1943.. _Nov 1 18

West Nor Car—See Soutlen RyWestern Pac 1st 5s 1933 _M&S 93%Western Pa-1st g 4s 1928. J&D 100West Ry of Ala-43491918 A&O 98Western Transit—See N Y CWest Shore—See NYC &HRWest Side Belt—See Pitts Term RR CoWest Va & Pitts—See B & 0West Va Cent & Pitts-1st gold 68 1911 J&J 10034Coal & Ir Ry 5s g 1920_ _ F&A 102

Wheeling & Lake Erie RR-1st consol g 4s 1949 M&S 82L Erie Div 1st g 5s 1926_ A&O 103Wheeling Div 1st g 5s '28 J&J 104%Exten & impt g 5s 1930_ F&A 10134Equips f g 5s 1922 J&J 973%

Wheeling Term-4s 1940_ _F&A 00Wichita Falls & Northwestern-1st 5s Jan 1939 J&J 97%

Wilkes-B & East—See NYS&WWilliamsport & N Branch RR-1st ref g 434s 1931._ J&J

Willmar&SFalls—See StPM&M 70Wil & Nor—See Phila & Head'gWil & Weldon--See Atl Coast LWinona & St P—See Chic & NWWinston-Salem Southbound-

1st g guar 4s 1960 J&J 95Wisconsin Central Company-1st mtg g 4s 1949 J&J 9234Ch Wis & Minn lst6s'16_M&S 106Marshfield &South East Divpur mon 1st g 481951 M&N

Sup & Dui Div 4s 1936.._M&NMil & Lake Win 6s 1912_ _J&JMinneap Term 3 34s'50 op J&J

Wisc & Mich Ry-5s 1945_ _J&JWise Minn & Pacific RR-1st g 4s Oct 1 1950 A&O 7934

Wiscon Val—See C M & St PWorcester Nashua & Roch-4s Jan 1 1913 J&J 984s Jan 1 1930 J&J 974s Oct 1 1934 A&O 97

Yosemite Val s f g 5s 1936.. _J&J

RAILROAD STOCKS. ParAla Great Southern corn_ _ _ 50 Id 43

Preferred 50 Id 59Ala NOT &P Jc A pref.__ _£10 ldxB deferred £10 Id 11-16

Albany & Susquehanna (gu) 100 280Allegheny & West (guar).._ _100 135Ann Arbor common 100 20

Preferred 100 65Arkansas Okla & West 100 Atch Top & Santa Fe 100 10934Preferred 100 10234

Atlan & Char Air L (guar)_ _100 185Atlanta & West Point 100 130Atlantic Coast L Co of CL ...100 227Atlantic Coast L RR corn.. _A00 118Preferred 100 104

Atlantic Coast Line—A..... A00 120Atlantic 1st leased lines rent tr__ /d105Augusta & Say (guar) 100 106Bait & Cumb Val Extension-7% (guar West'n Maryl'd) 50 d 485% (guar West'n Maryl'd) 50 d 45

Bait & Ohio—Common 100 10334Preferred 100 8734

Bangor & Aroostook 100 Beech Cr (guar N Y C) 50 95Bost & Alb (guar N Y C)___ _100 22134Bost & Lowell (guar B & M)_100 210Boston & Maine 100 116

Preferred 100 153Bost & Prov (guar Old Col)_100 295Boston Rev Beach & Lynn_ ..100 150Buffalo loch & Pittsburgh_100 110

Preferred 100 120Buffalo Sr Susquehanna pref_ 50 Camden & Burl Co (guar).. _ 25 135Canada Southern 100 6234Canadian Pacific 100 221

Preferred 100 fd1023,4Catawissa RR—lst pf (guar) 50 d 54342d pref (guar P & R) 50 d 5434

Cayuga & Susq (gu D L Sr W) 30 215Central of New Jersey 100 272Chesapeake & Ohio 100 81Chicago & Alton RR 100 24%

Preferred 100 40Chic Burl & Quincy 100 215Chic & East Ill—Preferred.. _100 107Chic Gt West corn tr ctfs.. _...100 2134

Preferred trust ctfs 100 44


Ask. I

Chic Ind & Louisv corn 100 53 Preferred 100 60 8086 Ohicago Milw & St Paul 100 1203% 121757% Preferred 100 148 150

Chicago & North Western_ ..100 14434 145 Preferred 100 200 21046 Chic R I & Pac Ry 100 734 Chicago St Paul Minn & 0_ _100 135 1408 Preferred 100 150 165

Chic Terre Haute & S E 100 20 30Chicago Subway Co4% 100 4

Cincin Ham & Dayton 100 35 50Cin New On Sr Tex Pac 100 150

Preferred 100 105Cincinnati Northern__ _ _ _100 Cin Sandusky & Cleve pref__ 50 125

89 Cleveland Akron & Colum_ _100 10034 Clev Cin Chicago Sr St L.. .....100 5834 63

Preferred 100 93 96102 Cleveland Lorain & Wheel_ ..100

Preferred 100 101 Clev & Pitts (Guar Pa RR) 50 163 17092 Betterm't stk (Gu Pa RR) 50 98 100 Colorado & Southern 100 52 53

100 7434 76 1st preferred 8634 2d preferred 100 71 75109 Columbus & Xenia (Guar).._ 50 203 Concord & Mont—Class I.. _100 154110 Class II 100 1548934 Class III 100 16220 Class IV 100 160

Concord & Ports (guar)._ _100 180933% Conn & Passumpsic—Pf(gu) 100 139 14010034 Conn River (guar B & M).. _100 264 Cripple Creek Central 100 17 22

Preferred 100 43 48Cuba RR preferred 1001d 96 98Dayton & Mich corn (guar). 50 80 85Pref (guar C H & D) 50 185 190

Delaware & Bound Br(guar)100 198 Delaware Sr Hudson 100 167 1673410234 Delaware Lack & West_ . _ - 50 505 550

Delaware 25 185 190844 Denver & Rio Grande 100 31 3134104% Preferred 100 7034 7134 Des Moines & Fort Dodge_ ..100 5 1310334 Preferred 100 35 40083% Detroit Hills & S W (guar) _100 95 Detroit & Mackinac Ry_ _100 8234 90

Preferred • 100 95 1009934 Del. Tot & Ironton 1st pref_ _100 10

2nd preferred 100 4


Duluth South Shore & Atl__100 1434 Preferred 100 2734

I75 East Penne, (guar P & R) 50 d k

Elmira & W'msport (guar)__ 50 d k 50Pref (guar Nor Cent) 50 d k 713

100 30 % 3034Erie—Common 100 488% 491st pref 100 38% 3995% 2nd pref

Erie & Kalamazoo (guar) 50 220 240927% Erie & Pittsb (guar Pa RR)_ 50 140 Evansville & Terre Haute 50 65 70

Preferred 50 80 8592 Fitchburg preferred 100 1279234 Fonda Johns & Glovers com_100 25 40 Ft Wayne & Jack—Pref(gu) 100 132 139 Geor RR & Bank Co (guar)_100 263 26740 Georgia Southern & Florida_100

1st preferred 100 81 2nd preferred 100

Grand Rapids & Indiana... ..100 25 40Grand River Valley (guar)_ _100 120

Great Northern Ry—Pref.. ..100 12634 126% Ore certificates d 6034 603 Green Bay & Western 97 Deb ctfs A

100 1000 80

Deb ctfs B 1000 14 15Harrisburg Ports MtJ & Lan 50 dk 96

45 Hartford & Conn Western.. ..100 4261 Hocking Valley—Common _100 125 1341034 Hudson Companies 100 13-16 Preferred 100 60 62 Hudson & Manhattan 100 1834 19145 Huntington & Broad Top... 50 ds 645 Preferred 50 ds 18 2085 Illinois Central. 100 138 1383411 Leased lines (guar) 100 9334 1093% Stk tr ctfs—See RR Securs Co10234 Iowa Central 100 1834 1634 Preferred 100 30 31133 Jackson Lams& Sag (guar) ..100 80 90230 Joliet & Chic (guar C & AL ..100 16334 119 Kal Allegan & Gr Rap (guar)100 131 K C Ft Scott & Memphis Ry-120% Pref (guar) trust ctfs_ _100 73 75107 Kan City Mex & Orient com_100 7 12108 Preferred 100 12 17

K C St L dr Chic—Pref (gu)_100 130 140 Kansas City Southern 100 34 3434 1Preferred00 x 66

100 5 67

103% Keokuk & Des Moines 100 33

88834 Preferred

100 15 40

Lake Erie & Western 100 35

20100 Preferred 40223 Lake Shore & Mich Sou__ . ..100 325 450 Lehigh & New York pref...100 11634 Lehigh Valley 50 174 17434 Preferred_ 50 d k 120 Little Miami (guar Pa RR)__ 50 21034 160 Lit Schuyl Nay RR&Coal(gu) 50 d s 57

50 60120 Long Island 65150 Louis & Mo Riv pref (guar)_100 155 165 Louisville Bridge Co 100 128 135 Louisv Hend & St L com__ 100 n 10 15

100 n 3066 Preferred 3522134 Louisville & Nashville 100 1433% 1443410334 Lowell & Andover 100 210 Lykens Valley RR & Coal.. 20 d Mahoning Coal RR 50 600 1000 Pref (guar L S & M S)_ 50 100 108278 Maine Central 100 200 2108134 Manchester & Lawrence.. _100 22130 Maryland & Pennsylvania...100 22 2354 Massawippi Valley (guar)_..100 130230 Conn Tr & Safe Dep ctfs 125 Michigan Central 100 18022 Mine Hill & Schuy Hay (gu)_ 50 d 6034 s 614434 Minneap & St Louis corn.... .100 23 24

Preferred 100 37 39

Stocks. Par.

Minneap St P &SSM 100Preferred 1004% Leased Line Ctfs 100

Mississippi Central 100Missouri Kansas & Texas.. _100Preferred 100

Missouri Pacific 100Mobile Sr Birm pf (guar)_ _100Mobile & Ohio—See South'n RyMorris Sr Essex (guar) 50Nashua & Lowell Nash Chat & St Louis


Nashv & Decatur (gu L & N) 25National Rys of Mex 1st pref 100Second preferred 100

N Y Blyn&ManB pref(Gu)_100N Y Cent & Hud River 100Dividend payable in London.

New York Chic & St Louis.. 1001st preferred 1002d preferred 100

New York & Harlem (guar). 50N Y Lack & West (guar)__ .100New York New Hay & Hart _100N Y Ontario & Western_ 100Norfolk & Western Ry 100Adjust preferred 100

No Carolina (guar So RR)....100Northern Central 50North'n N H (guar B & M) 100Northern Pacific Ry 100Nor RR of N J (gu Erie)_ 100Northern Securities Co Stubs....North Pennsylv (gu P & R).. 50Norwich & Wore pref (guar) 100Ogden Mine RR(gu CenNJ)_100 95OldColony (gu NYNH&II) 100 Ontario & Quebec 100 1d146Oswego & Syra (gu D L & W) 50 210Pac Coast Co—See Misc Stocks.Pennsylvania Railroad 50Peoria & Bureau Val (guar)_100Peoria & Eastern 100Pere Marquette RR 100

1st preferred 1002nd preferred 100

Philadelphia & Erie 50Phila Germ & Norris (guar).. 50Phila & Trent—(gu Pa RR)..100Pittsburgh Bess & Lake Erie 50

Preferred 50Pittsh Cin Chic & St Louis. ..100

Preferred 100Pittsb Ft W & Chic (guar)_ 100

Special (guar Pa Hit).. _ _ _100Pittsburgh & Lake Erie 50Pittsb McK & Yough (guar)_ 50Pitts Youngst & Asht pref_ _100Prov & Worcester (guar). _100Providence Warren & B ..100Railroad Securities Co-47t Ill Cent Stock ctfs 1952..

Reading Co 501st preferred 502nd preferred 50

Rensselaer & Saratoga (guar)100Rich Fred & Pot—Common_100

Dividend obligations 1006% guaranteed 1007% guaranteed 100

Rich & P & R F &CConn- 70Rio Grande Southern 100Roch & Genesee Val RR _100Rock Island Co 100

Preferred 100Rome & Clinton (gu D & H)_100Rome Wat'town & Og (gu)_ ..100Rutland preferred 100St Joseph & Grand Island.. _100

1st preferred 1002nd preferred 100

St Louis Bridge 1st pref_ _1002nd preferred ..100

St Louis & San Fr 1st pref_ ..1002nd preferred 100Stock trust certfs for

Chicago & East Ill com_100Preferred 100

St Louis Southwestern._ -- -100Preferred 100

Saratoga&Schenectady (gu)_100Seaboard Co common 100

1st preferred 1002nd preferred 100

Sharon 50Southern Pacific Co 100So Ry—Corn (vol Ir ctfs ext)100

Preferred do 100Mob & Ohio stock tr ctfs

Southwest'n of Ga (guar)._ _100Texas & Pacific 100Toledo Peoria & Western_ _100Toledo St L & Western 100TroPyre& Gferrerd 100,bush

(gu N Y C). 50Union Pacific—Common.. _100

Preferred 100United N J RR & Canal (gu) 100Utica & Black River (guar)_100Utica Chen & Susq Val (gu)_100Valley RR (N Y) (guar)._ _ ..100Vandalia RR _100Vermont & Mass (guar)_ _100Virginian Ry 100Wabash Railroad 100

Preferred 100Ware My RR (gu B & A)....100Warren NJ (guar D L & NV)._ 50Western Maryland Ry 100Preferred 100

Western Pacific 100West Jersey & Sea Sit—Com 50Wheeling & Lake Eie corn...100

1st preferred 1002d preferred 100

Wisconsin Central 100Worcester Nash & Hoch_ _100Wrightsville & Tennille,com 25


x 146%x 155894133%6651%70




d 123141123%85100

ds 97%



Ask. •









k 65

k 250%d 33 • 36d68 75

9634 98110 116164% 156 165300121 127166 169263145


d 1155




x 115%26%

x 637010628%1620

x 47170176%9234239%1631481258815821log373417516549%751934

dx 53413%669150

d 27













b Basis. d Price per share, not per cent. I Flat. k Last sale. / In London. n Nominal. s Sale price. x Ex-dividend. y Ex-rig its

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 23: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf


In quoting street and electric railway bonds, we employ the same method as in quoting the bonds of steam railroads.The great majority of issues being quoted "and interest," we use no designating mark whatever where that is the case.On the other hand, we prefix the letter "1" where there is a deviation from this rule; in such cases the interest forms partof the price. Unless, therefore, "f" appears against a quotation, the buyer will understand that the accrued interest isto be added on. This, however, does not apply to income bonds and bonds in default, in which cases the price takesaccount of the interest and no designating mark is employed.

NOTICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "f," and income and defaulted bonds.

Bonds. Bid.

IIIREET RAILWAY BONDSAkBed & Cle—See N Ohio Tr&LAlbany Ry—See United TractAlbany Southern RR-

1st s f g 5s 1939 M&S 973%Alton Gran&StL—See EStL&SAltoona & Logan Val Elec Ry—Con g 4348 1933 guF&A 15 91

Amer Rys Co cony bs '11_J&D 993%Coll tr g 55 1917. opt_ __ _ A&O 93Scrant Ry tr cts g5s'35M&S 95

A.nacos & Pot—SeeWashRy&ElArdmore St Ry—See Phila Co.Ashland (Wis) L Pow & St Ity-

1st in g 5s, 1939 J&J 96Atlanta Cons St—See GaRy&ElAtlanta Nor—See Ga Ry dr ElAtlantic Ave—See Bklyn R TrAtlantic Coast El 1st 55'45 M&N 90Atlantic Shore Line Railway-1st con in g bs 1934_ A&O n63Auburn dr Syracuse Elec RR-1st & ref g 5s '42 op '12_A&O 983%Tax exempt 993%Augusta (Ga)Ry &El 55 '40_J&D 101

Aurora Elgin & Chicago RR-1st & ref g 58 1946, OP J&J 93A E & Ry lst g bs '41A&Olb 100Eig Aur & S s f 5s '16_J&D 993%Baden & St L—See Un'dRy,StLBait & Ann S L—See Md El Ry

BaltCatons&E1M—SeeUnRy&EBaltCityPass—See Un Ity&EIBaltSpP&Ches--SeeUn Ry & ElBait Terminal—See Wash Balt & AnnBait Trac—See Un fly & ElBangor Ry & Electric-

1st con g 5s 1935 opt__J&J 99Beaver Valley Traction—Gen g bs 1953 opt____M&N 95

Berkshire St 1st g bs 1922_ _J&D 1013%Bingharnt Ry 5s '31 op '11_ M &N Birm Knox & All—See Phila CoBirm Ry Light & Power—Gen ref g 43%8 '54 op '09_ A &O 903%Birm Ry&EI 1st g bs '24_ _J&J 101

51St & Ful Fer—See NY C ityBoston El g 4s May 1 1935 M&N 963%West End St 43%s 1914_M&S 100434s July 1 1930 ____ .J&D 1023%Curr 4s Aug 1 1915___F&A 98Gold 4s May 1 1916_..M&N 983%Gold 4s Feb 1 1917___F&A 983/s4s Aug 1 1932 F&A 98

Bost & Nor ref g 4s '54 _ _ __J&J 92Georget Row&Ipsw 5s '20J &D 973%LowLawdr II 1st g bs'23op J &DLowell & Sub bs 1911_ _ J&D .16 - -,5 Lynn & Bost 1st 58 g '24_J&D 1043%

Bost & Wore 1st 434s 1923_F&A 94Braintree Weym'h—See Old ColBridgeton & Millville Trac-1st g 55 1930. jAc‘i 99

Bridge Whit & Rockand—See Old ColBway & 7th Ave—See N Y0 RySway Surface—See N Y C RyBkn City&New—See C IdrBkBrooklyn Rap Tran-5s '45A&O 1013%1st ref g 4s 2002 J&J 843%Brklyn City—lst bs '41 J&J

Wm&Flat 43%s July '41_F-A 87Bklyn Hghts 1st 5s 1941_ A&O 98Brooklyn Queens Co & Sub—let in g 5s 1941 op '16J&J 981st con gu 5s July '41 _ _M&N 97

Bklyn Un El bs 1950.. ...F&A 1003%Stamped guaranteed 1003%Kings Co El 1st 4s 1949 _ _F&A Stamped guaranteed Nassau El—lst 5s 1944__A&O 1031st g 4s Jan 1 1951 J&J 783%Atlantic Ave Con 5s g '31A&O 10214Bklyn Bath& WE 5s '33.A&O 97

Brownsville Ave—See Phila Co.Buffalo st ry—See Inter TrBuffalo & Lackawanna Tract-

1st in g bs 1928 opt J&D 90Buffalo & Lake Erie Tract-

1st & refg g 58 '36 op s f_M&N 68Hamburg Ry 40 1926 .M&N

B irlington (Ia) fly & Light-1st g 59 1917 gu A&OGal Pac--See Los Ang InterurbCsiStCableRR 1st 59 gCalumet & South Chicago Ry-1st M rehab g 5s '27op'12F&A 983%C lind'n&Sub—SeePubservCorpCanal & Clalb—See NO Ry&L

triton-Akron 1st g Ss '22_M&S 97Canton-Mass 1st g 58'20_ M&N 97Can-N Phila g bs '23 optP&A 97Capital Tract (Wash, D C)-1st g bs June 1 1947_ _ J&D 112

CASS Av & F'r Gr'ds—See UnRyCentral California Traction-

1st s f g 55, 1936, optA&O 943%Cult Crosst—See N Y C RyCentral Elec—See KCRy&LightCent Ky Tr—See Lex & Int RysCent Market St—SeeColRy&LtCentral Pass—See Louisv TracCentraiRy—SeeUnRy&El(Balt)Cantral Tract—See Phila CoCaarleston Cons Ry Gas & ElConsol g 5s 1999 ____ M&S 95Ch City Ry 1st g 5s 1923_J&J 103

Chatt Rys—lst con 5s '56_ M &N 043%Chicago City & Connecting Rys—.Col tr s f g bs Jan 1 1927 ASK) 893%



Ask. Bonds
























Micago City Ry—Ist g5s 1927 op up to'12_F&A

Chicago Junction RR-1st g gu 4s 1945 op '10__M&S 87

Chic & Milw Elec RR—Hy 7st g Ss July 1 1919___J&J 85RR 1st g bs 1922 J&J f 50Wisc Div 1st g bs 1925 guJ&J f 18

Chicago & Oak Park Elec Ry—Lake St El 1st 5s 1928 flu-J&J 80

Chicago Railways Co-1st m g 5s 1927 opt _ F&A 983%Con M 4-5 Ser A Feb '27.A&O

Series B Feb 1927 ___ .J&DSeries C Feb 1927 _ _F&A

Col g notes Os '13 op 'll_F&AFunding 6s Feb 1 1913_ _F&A

Chris & 10th St—See NYCityRyCicero & Prov—See Chic Un TrCin D & T Trac gold 5s '22.. _J&J 80South Ohio Trac bs '20 _ _M &N 9314Cin & II 8s g Apr 1 1918 J&J 1043%

Cm Lawr & Aur 5s 1919... J&JCin New & Coy bs g 1922_ _J&J2d g 5s July 1922 J&JSo CovdrCin 1st M 6s '12_M&S2d cons M Os g 1932 J&J

Newp't & Day 1st 6s '17_F& ACitizens' Ry & Lt—See MuscatiCit Ry L & P—See Newp NewsCitizens St—See Ind Tr & Ter.Citizens St—See Memnhis St RyCit RR—See United Rys St LouCitizens' Tract—See Phila Co.City Pass Ry—See Reading TerCity dr Sub—See Port (Ore) Ity.City&Sub—SeeUnfty&EI(Balt)City & Sub—See Wash Ry & ElCleveland Ry 5s 1912 op '10J&J

1st M g bs 1931 opt__ _M&SCiev Elec cons bs g 1913_ M &S

Clev Painesv & Ashtab Elec-1st gold 5s July 1 1922.... _J&J

Clev l'ains & East 58 '18__A&OConsol 5s 1918 A&O

Cleve & Southwestern lrae-1st & con bs '23 op '13_ _ F&ACiBerEly&O ber5s g '19 M &SClevArEly g Os '15 op_..M&NCley Ely & W bs 1920_ _F&AEly & Ober g 6s '17 op_ _F& A

Columbia RR—See WashRy&ElCol Buckeye L & New—See ColCol Del & Marion bs 1921 M&NColumbus (Ga) Electric Co-1st colt g 5s 1933, option.. _ A&O

Col Lon & Springf—See Ind Col & EastColumbus Newark & Zanesv-

1st g bs 1924 M&S 98Gen & ref g 5s 1926 M&N 91Col Buck Lake & New Trac

1st g bs 1921 M&N 903%Zanesville fly Lt & Power1st con g bs Oct 15 1912_A&O 98

Columbus Ity & Light—Cen Market 1st g 5s 1922_ _J&JCol Ry 1st 4s '39 op '14__Q-JCol St Ry 1st bs g 1932 ....J&JCross St 1st bs g 1933_ _ _J &D

Col & 9th Av—See N Y City RyCompt llt.s & Mer Ter—See UnConey Isl&Bklyn 4s 1948_ _ _J&JCon g 4s 1955 J&JB C & N 1st con 5s _ _J&J

Conn Ry & L 434s 1951J&JStamped, guaranteed opt'l_ _ _

ConRy(Newliav)deb4s'54 J&JDeb 4s 1955 J.t.)Deb 4s 1956 guar J&JCons g 3-334-4s 1930 _ ..P&A

Cons Tr (N J)—SeePubServCorpCrosstown St—See Col Ry & LCross St—See Int Ti (,Buffalo)DallasEl Cor col tr g 5s 22A6r0Danville St Ry dr Light Co—Ref gold bs 1912-1925 _ _J&J

Danville Urbana & Champ-1st bs 1923 opt'l M&S

DarbyMeddrChest—SeePhlIRTrDayton Coy Sr Piqua Tract-1st g bs 1922 Adr0

Delaware Co dr Phila—See Un PDenver & Northwestern Ry-1st & coil g bs 1932 M&N

Den C Tram—Purch g 58'19A&Olat & ref g 5s 1933 op s f M&NCan Tram con g 5s 1933....A&O

Denver Tram Pow Co-1st imp g gu 5s '23 op 'O& A&O

Des Moines City Ry—Ref g 5s 1921 op 1906_ _ A&O

Det United 43%s 1932 opt J&JCol tr g notes 5s, 1912_ _ _J&J 100Det Elec Ry eon g 5s '16_J&D 93Det Ry 1st 5s '12-'24_ J& D 94

Det&Flint 1st g Ss '21_ _F&A 89Det Roch Romeo & L Orion1st s1/4 fd g bs 1920 ____J&D 97

Det Ft Wayne & Belle Isle—Ist g 5s Anr 1 1928 A&O 89

Det Mon&Tol Short Line Ry-1st M g 5s Jan 1933 J&J

Detroit & Northwest-1st g 4%81921 op 1911.M&N

Det & Pontlac-5s g '22..F&A Cons g 4%s '26 op '11_ _J&D 87

Det & Pt Huron Shore Line-1st g 59 1950 J&J 80Rapid Ry 1st bs g '15 ...M&S



ne Lt && P








ited Ry787598101%101%919191%88




91& 'Fran











TracRy El


























Detroit United—(Con.)Detroit & Lake St Clair Ry-1st g bs 1920 A&O

Det Ypsil Ann Arbor & Jack-1st g 58 1926 P&ADY & AAg (38 1917 M&NCons g Os 1924 F&A

Doylestown&E—See Phil& E—DDEB & B—See NYCityRy—Duluth Superior Traction Co—Duluth St Ry 1st g bs '30.M&N

Duquesne Trac—See Phila Co—Eastern Pennsylvania Rys —

1st in g 55 1938 J&JEastern Wisconsin Ry & Lt-1st M g 5s 1923 opt A&O

Easton Cons El 5s 1949_ _ M&NEaston Palmer & Beth St Ry1st g bs Dec 31 1918_ _ __J&J

East St Louis & Suburban Co—Coll trust g 5s 1932 opt _ _ A&OAlton Granite & St L Trac-1st cons g 6s 1944 F&A

Edgefleld St—See Nashylly&LEighth Av RR—SeeNYCityRyElec & Peop—See Phila R TrElg Aur & So—See Aur Elg &ChEliz Plaint&CenJ—See Pub S CElmira Water Light & RR-1st g 5s Jan 1 1949 J&J1st & con g 5s 1958____M&S

El Paso El Co coll tr g bs '32.J &JCony g 6% notes 1913 J&Jis

Ely & Ober—See Cleve & S W TErie El Motors f g 6s 1941_ A&OEvansv & Sou Ind Tract—Evansville El 1st g 48 '21.M &NEvansv& Princt Ist 58'23. A&O

Fairmont& Clarksburg Traction1st g bs 1938 op 1913 _..A&O

Fairmount Park Trans-1st g 5s 1912 op 1902.. __M&S

Fed St & PleasVal—SeePhila CoFerries & C1H—See U RRs (S F)Ft Pitt Trac—See Phila CoFtWayneBi&M 1st bs '35 gu J&JFt W Van Wert & Lima Trac-1st M g 5s 1930 guar J&J

Ft Wayne & Wabash Val Trac-1st cons g 5s 1934 M&S

42d St M & St N Av—SeeNYCRFrankf Tacony &Holmesb Ry-

1st g 5s July 1940 J&JGalveston Electric Co-1st bs g May 1 1940 op _ _ _ M&N

Galveston-Houston Elec Ry-1st Msfg 5s 1954 opt_ _A&O

Gary & Interurban Ry-1st ref g Ss 1930 opt _ _ _ _J&J

Geary St Pk & 0 1st 5s '21_A&OGeorRow&Ips—See Bos & NorGeorgia fly & Elec 55 1932_J&JRefg & impt g 58 '49 s f__.J&JAtlanta Cons St bs 1939 J&JGeorgia Elec Lt bs 1930_ _J&JAtlanta Northern Ry Co-1st guar 5s '54, op '09...._J&J

Grand Rap Ry 1st g bs '16..1&DGrand Rap Gr Hay & Musk Ry1st g 58 July 11926 J&J

Greenwich Tram 1st 58 '31_J&JHalifax Elect Tramway Ltd-1st M 5s 1916 opt J&J

Hamburg Ry—See Buff & LakHart Man & Rock 5s 1924_A&OHart & Springf 5s g 1921_ _ _J &JHart St Ry-1st g 4s 1930_M&SHavana El cons g 5s 1952 _F&AHelena Light & ity-1st M g bs Sept 1925 op.._M&S

Hest Man&Fair—See Phila U THonolulu Rap Trans & Land-1st g Os 1927 op 1917_ __M&N

Houghton County Traction1st con g 6s 1937 J&JHoughton Co St 581920J&J

Hous El 5s 1925 op 1910__F&AIllinois Central Traction-1st M g Ss 1933 op g.uar J&D

Indiana Columbus & E Trac—Gen Jr ref g 55 '26 op 'll_M&NCol Lon & Springf 5s '20_ A&O

Indianan Columbus & Sou Tr-1st M g bs Feb 1 1923_ _ __F&A

Indianan & East bs 1927 _J&JIndianan & Green Rap 'Fran-1st g bs Jan 1 1929 J&J

Indianan & Martinsv Rap Tr-1st g 5s 1932 opt J&J

Indianapolis Northern—See UniIndianapolis & Northwest Tr-1st g 5s 1923 opt M&S

Indianapolis &Southeast Trac-1st M g 58 1935 J&JInd'n Sheibyv & Southeast 1sts f g bs Jan 1 1932 J&J

Indianapolis Trac & Term Co-1st s f g bs Jan 1 1933_ __Aec0Indianan St gen 48 1933_ _J&JCitizensSt con 58 g 1933_M&N

Indiana Union Traction-1st g 58 July 1 '33 op '08_AJEOIndiana Nor 1st g bs '33_A&O

Interborough-Metropol Co—Coll trust g 43%s 1956_ A&O

Bid. Ask.

80 85

78100 105100

973% 100

80 82%

95 9795 98

95 100

98% 98%

94 95

102 103%93 9596 9899% 101

rac99 1013%

80% 82%95 100

98% 99

n80 85

92 9534

78 82%

83 84

96% 99

90 94

92 95


101 10297 98%105 105%100% 101%

98 10099% 10034


100a Erie Ti.10691 93100 10196% 97

90 95

103% 104

96 99%96 98

93 96%

87 8996 98

1013% 102%99

99% 101

88 96on Tr of Ind.

93 94%

80 87

92 94

97 F3'81q83%

104 105

72% 80 83%

78% 78%

f This price includes accrued interest. k Last sale. n Nominal. s Sale price.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 24: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf

42 STREET AND ELECTRIC RAILWAY SECURITIES LxxxxiiNOTICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "f" and income and

defaulted bonds.


Intsrborough Rapid Transit—Sony 6% notes 1911.. _ _M&NMt g g 5s Ser A 1952 op_M&NN Y City Rys—See NYC Ry

Intarnat'l Traction (Buffalo)—Coll tr 4s 1949 J&JBuff Ry 1st con M 5s g'31_F&ADeb g Os 1917 Adr0

gross St Ry 1st 58 g '32_M&NBuffalo Trac 1st g 5s '48..J&DBuff Bell dr Lan 6s 1927_J&DBuff & Lock 1st g 55 1938_J&JBuff & Niag Falls Elec Ry-1st M 5s g 1935 J&J2d mtg g 55 '21 op '01 J&J

Lockp & Olc 1st g 65 '20_ _J&Jinter-State Rys—Col tr g 4s1943 op 1913 F&A

Phila Trust Co ctfs dep. _Interurban Ry dr Terminal-1st g 5s Jan 1 1928

Jackson & Battle Creek TracjJackson Consolidated TractionJacksonville El 5s 1927 opt M&NJar City Bob & Pat—See PublicJohnstown (Pa) Pass Ry—Rfg 4a 1931__J&D

Joplin dr Pittsburgh Ry-1st g 5s 1930 opt M&S

Kan City Ry & Lt Co 1st lienrat g 5s 1913 opt __ __M&N 156% notes Sept 11912___ M&SCentral Elec g 55 1914_ _M &NK C Elev Ry 48 g'd '22 _J&JG't'd 6s, 1922 J&JK 0 & Westport Belt-

1st g 5s guar 1926 op J&JMet Corrigan iss 5s 1916_ _J&JMet St 55 1910 ext to '13_M&N

Kan City-Western—lst refg gIfs 1925 opt Sept 1 10__M&S

Kings Co El—See Bklyn Rap Tr.Knoxville Railway dr Light—Cons M 5s '45 op '10_ __ _M&SKnoxville Trac 5s 1938_ _ A&O

Kokomo Marion & W Trac-1st g 6s July 1 1933 J&J

&ackawanna dr Wyo Val R. TSoil tr 5s 1951 _ _ __F& A

LakeSh Elec 1st con g 55 '23 J&JGen g Ss Feb 1 1933_ _ __FdrALor & Clev g 5s '27 op '17J &JSandusky Fremont dr So-1st M g gu 5s 1936 J&J

Toledo Fremont & Norwalk1st g 5s 1920 opt 1905_ _J&J

Lake St El—See Chic & Oak Pk.Lehigh Valley Transit-1st M g 5s Dec '35 opt__ M&S1st M g 4s Dec '35 opt__M&SCons g 4s 1935 J&DRef & imp g 5s 1960_ _ J&D

Lew Br & Bath 1st g bs '18_ M &SLexington Ave & Pay Fer—SeeLax & Bost 1st g 43%s '20_ _ A&OLexington (Ky) dr Interurb RyColl tr _g Ss 1956 Fdr ACent Ky Tr bs 1937_ __ _ _ Fdr ALexington 1st g 5s 1949 _J&D

Lima Electric Ry & Lt Co-1st cons g 5s July 1 1916_J&J2d cons g bs Apr 1 1925_A&O

Lindell Ry—See United RyeLittle Rock Ry & Elec—let g 5s 1933 op 1908 A&O

Lockport & Olcott—See InterLorain dr Clev—See LakeShElecLos Angeles Interurban Ry—California Pacific 5s 1941_J&JLos Ang Trac 1st Os 1915 M&N1st g 5s 1938 .T&D

Los Angeles Pac—See Pac El Ryuos Angeles dz Pasadena—SeeLos Angeles Ry Corp-

1st & ref s f g 5s, 1940_ _J&DLos Ang Ry 5s g 1938_ _A&O

Louisville & Nor Ry dr Light-1st g 5s 1925 opt 1910__J&D

Louisville Traction—Loulsv Ry con M 5s g '30 J&J2d mtg 43%s 1940 M&SGen M 5s, 1950 F&A

Low Law dr Hav—SeeBost&NorLow & Sub—See Bost & Nor.Lynn & Bost—See Bost & Nor.Macon Railway & Light Co-1st cons g 5s '53 op '08_ _ _J&J

iliahoning & Shenango Ry dr L-1st con ref 5s 1916 opt J&JPenn dr Mah Val bs 1922_M&NYoungstown-Sharon Ry & L—lst M g 5s 1931 J&J

Manchester (N H) Tr L & Pow-1st con 55 1921 Adr0

Manhattan El con 45 g '90_ A&OStamped tax exempt

Manila Elec RR & Ltg Corp-1st lien dr col tr g 5s '53_M&S

Manila Suburban Rys-1st Msfg 5s guar 1946_ _M &S

Manistee (Mich) Light& Trac —1st mort g 55 1926 —___J&J

Market St Elev Pass—See Phila.Market St (San Francisco)—SeeMaryland Electric Rys-1st s f g guar 5s 1931 red_ A&OBait & Ann S L 5s 1946F&A

Massachusetts Electric Cos—Boston & Nor—See that co.Old Colony—See that co.

McGavoek & Mt Vernon—SeeMemphis Street Railway—Con M g 5s 1945 J&JCitizens St RR 1st g Os '16_J&J

-Meriden Electric RR—Mer Horse RR 1st 5s 'll_A&OGen M g 5s 1924_ _ -J&J

•Metrop-Crosst—See N Y CityRy'Metropolitan RR—See Wash Ry'Met St Ry—See N Y City Ry







95See MicUnited97







104 %


1 82948099




s 8585


(St Lo

103%nat Tr


Pac El


105 %97103









Nash R



& Elec





















y Ry.90

s 559090





ec Ry.

101%- • -









y & L


Bonds Bid. Ask. Bonds. I Bid.

Metropolitan West Side "L"-1st g 48 108 F&AEaten g 4s 1938 J&J

Michigan United Rys-1st & ref g 5s 1936 M&NJack & Bat Cr 5s '23_ _J&JJack Cons Tr 5s '34___ _M&N

Millvale Etna & Sharps—SeeMil El Ry & Lt-5s 1926F&ARef & Ext 43% g '31 op _J&JMil Light Heat & Traction-1st g 55 gu 1929 op M&N

Minneapolis st rys—See TwinCity Rapid TransitMob Lt & RR—lst g 5s '37_J&DCons g 5s 1941 M&SMob St RR—lst Os g '23_M&N

Monongahela St Ry—See PhilaMontreal St Ry 454s '22__ _F& AMontville St Ry-5s '20_ M&NMtAuburnCable—See CinStRy.Mt Wash St Ry—See Phila Co.MuncieHartford&Ft Wayne-1st g 5s 1035 opt 1925 _ _ _ _J&J

Muscatine Lt & Traction—Citizens Ry&L 1st g 5s '17 A&O

Muskegon Trac & Lighting-1st g bs 1931 opt 1911_ _ _M &S

Nashville Railway & Light—Cons g 5s 1953 op 1908_ _ _J&JRef and ext g 5s 1958 ._J&JNashv St Ry 55 1925 J&JEdgefield St Con 65 1920_ _J&JMcGavock & Mt Vernon—Summer St 1st M 6s '26 J&J2d series Os July 1937.. J&J

Nassau El—See Bklyn Rap Tr.Newark Pass Ry—See PublicNew Bed Middleb & Brock—SeeNew Bedford & Onset Ry-1st g 5s 1922 J&JUnion St Ry—Under "U"N II & Centrev 1st bs g '33_M &SN H St Ry 1st 5s g '13 M&SEdgew Div 1st g 5s '14_ _J&DWinchester Ave bs '12_ _ M&NConsolidated Ry—See that coN J & Hud Riv Ry & Ferry-1st g 4s 1950 opt M&S

N 0 Rys & Ligbt Co—Gen M 454s g 1035 J&JCanal & Clan) 1st (Ss '46_ _M&NN 0 Cy RR—Gen g bs '43..J&JN 0 Cy & Lake 5s 1943 J&JPower-house Os 1917_ _ _ _J&JNew Orleans & Carrollton—Cons g 5s Feb 1933 J&JEdison El 1st 5s 1029. _J&J N 0 Pow-House Co bs '41.J &JOrleans RR 1st Os Apr '12_J&J2d 6s Apr 8 1912 J&J

St Charles St 1st g 4s '52. ASONewp't & D'ton—See Cin N'portNew'tNews&OldPtRy&E1Co.1st g 5s Nov 1 1938 M&NGen g bs Mch 1 1941 M&SCitizens Ry Lt & Pow-1st g guar 5s 1940 M&N

New W'msburgh & Flatbush—New York City Ry—Bleecker St&FF 1st 4s '50_J&JBway&7th Av 2d bs '14J&JCon 11 55 g 1943 J&DBway Surf RR 1st 5s '24_ _J&JCen Crosstown 1st 6s '22..M&NChristopher dr 10th Street-1st ext 4s 1918 A&O

Col & 9th Av 1st bs '93M&SDry Dock E Bway & Battery.1st bs gold 1932 J&DCert indebt 5s 1914_ F&A

Eighth Av cert ind 6s '14_&A42d St M&St N 1st Os '10_51&S2d M inc Os Jan 1915 _ _ J&J

Interborough-Met—See underIInterb Rap Tr—See under I.LexAv&PF'ylstbs g '93..M&SMetropolitan Crosstown-1st 5s April 1 1920 A&O

Metropolitan Street Ry Co—Ref g 4s Apr 1 2002_ .A&OTrust Co. ctfs. of dep. .Stamped_

Gen coll tr g bs 1997 _ . F&AGuaranty Tr Co ctfs of dep

SecondAv Con 55 g 48 gu..F& ATrust Co. ctfs. of dep.

South Boulevard g 5s '45_J&JSouth Ferry 1st bs 1919._ _ A&OTar W P & Mam bs g '28_M&SThird Ave 1st bs g 1937_....J&J1st cons gu g 45 2000 _J&JCentral Trust Co ctts stp _ _

34th St Crosst 1st 5s '96_ A&O28th & 29th St 1st bs '96..A&OUnion Ry 1st bs g 1942_ _F& AWestchester El 1st bs g '43J&JYonkers Ry let 5s 1946 _A&ON Y & Queens Co 4s g '48_ _ A &OSteinway Ry—lst g 6s '22 J&JNY&Stamf'd—lst g 5s '31_A&Olst&refg4s'58op af'14guNI&N

Norfolk & Portsmouth Tract-1st M g 5s 1936 J&D

Norfolk Railway & Light-1st cons g s f 5s 1949_ _ _ _M &NNorfolk St 1st g 5s 1944 _J&J

North Carolina Pub Serv Co-1st & ref 5s 1934 opt A&O

North End St—See viVorc Con StNorthern Elec Co (Calitornia)-

1st f g 53 1955 opt 1914 A&ONorthern Ohio Trac & Light-1st consol g 5s 1933 J&J1st consol g 4s 1933 AdaNorth Ohio con g 55 1919_J&JAkronBed&Clev g 5s '15_M&S

Northern Texas Elec Co—Col tr s f g 5s 1940 op J&J

Northern Texas Trac Co—lstg 5s 1933, opt 1913 J&J

84 ati


Phila. C103549254








Serv CoOld Col






& Covl


75See Bkl



1 95

f 40


I 45%f 46


f 451 45


I 601095861

7 011










North Bud Co Ry—See Public Service85" North Jer St—SeePubServ Corp8254 Northw El 1st g gu 4s '11_ _M &S 9854

Union El (Loop) bs g '45_Adr0 90 Norwich St-1st g 5s '23A&O 103 Oakland Traction Co-100 Gen con bs Jan 18 '35 J&J18 9054

o Oak Trac Con Ss 1933 __ J&J 9654 Oak Tran 1st cons 158 '32 J&J 1039354 Oak Tran 1st c g 5s '31_ _J&J

Oak Tr Co con g 63 '18 _ _J&J 106103 Old Colony St Ry Ref 4s'54 J&J 88

New Bed Middleb&Brockt'n-1st g 5s Jan 1 1920_ _ J&J 95

97 So Shore&Bost g 5s 1919..F&A 87 BroAnt & Wey g bs '17 M &S 100 Br'ge Whit & Rk 5s '17_ M& N

Omaha & Council Bi St Ry-100 1st consol g 5s 1928 J&J Omaha & Coun Bluffs Ry &Br

1st con g 5s Jan 1 1928 J&J 96Omnibus Cable (San Fran)—See UnitedOregon Water Power & Ry—See Portlan

Orleans RR—See N 0 Ry & Lt.Ottumwa (Ia) Ry & Light-

1st & ref g 5s 1924 J&J 9201 Trac & L 1st 58 '21_ _ A &O 99

903% Pacific Elec Ry g 5s 1942 _ _J&J 10354Los Angeles Pacific Co-

102 Gen cons M g 5s 1946_ _J &J 06 Los Angeles Pacific 1111-104 • 1st consol 5s 1931_ A&O 10354111 L A Pa RR Cal 5s 1943M &S

Los Aug & Pas 5s g 1928A &J 9954116 Padura h Tract & Lignt-119 Col trust gold bs 1935 M&N_

r. Park & Cliff House—See United ftRa (SPaterson Ry—See Pub Ser Corp.

ony. Peekskill Lt & RR-5s '30 Adr0 96Penn & Mah Val—See Mah & Shen R

96 Pensacola 01 Co 1st bs '31_F& A People's Tract—See Phila R T.

Peoria Ry- 1st & ref 5s'12 to'26 op gu F&A s 94 Phila Coatesville & Lan Pass Ry M g 58 Mch 1934 op M&S

"C." Philadelphia Company-1st coil trust g 5s 1949_ __M&S 10254

82 Cons mtge coil tr g 5s '51 M&N 975Cony deb g 5s 1919 F&A 107 4

85 Ardmore St bs 1958_ _ _ _ A&O 9554125 Central Trac 1st bs 1929_ _J&J Citizens' Trac 1st bs 1927 A&O 104 Duquesne Trac 1st 5s 1930 J&J 10354 Fed St & P V 5s May 1 '42 J&J 102

Fort Pitt Trac 1st 5s 1935 J& D 103110 Gas Cos—See Gas Secur, p. 44

Millvale Etna & Sharpsb-1st g bs 1923M&N 101

101 Monong St HT 5s g 1928_ _J&D 101Wilk&EPit 1st g 5s '29_ M&S 102

100 Mount Washington St Ry—ngton. 1st & coil tr gu 5s 1933_ A&O 100

Pitts Alle & M gen bs '30_A&O 1039254 Pitts & Bir Tr 58 g 1929_M&N 1028254 B K & A Trac 6s 1931_ _ M&S 108

Brownsville Av bs 1926_F&A 10285 W Liberty 1st g 53 1930_J&J 102

yn H T Pitts & Charleroi 5s '32_ _ M &N 101Pitts Trac 1st 5s 1927_ A&O 103

65 SoTrac 1st &coil tr g bs '50A&O 933%101 Sub Rap Tran 6s 1913 __ ..M&S 1003%10254 The 2d Ave Tr 5s 1934. _J&D 1031033% United Traction 5s 1997_ _J&J 1023%85 WestEnd Trac con bs '38_ J&J 103

Philadelphia & Easton- 1st g4-5s 1927 M&S100 Philadelphia Rapid Transit—

Col tr g 581957 op sf F&A 983%100 Darby Media & Ches St Ry-40 1st 454 s,'36, op '16, gu_J&J100 Market St Elev Pass Ry- 1st g gu 4s 1955 M&N 005460 Union Traction—

Elec & Peo 48 tr ate '45_ A &O 80Hest Man & F 5s 1924_M&N 102

100 People's Traction Co—P P Ry tr ctts 4s 1943 F&A

Philo Tr col 4s Fb '15'17 F&A 100W Phila Pass 2d 58 '26_M&N 102

4754 Phila&WChester 1st 55 '18 It 8105146 Mtge g 4s 1954 Pitts Alleg&Man—See Phila Co7554 Pitts & Blrm Tr—See Phila Co7554 Pitts & Charleroi—See Piffle Co55 P McK & Con—See W Penn Rys55 Pitts McKeespt & Greensb Ity-85 1st g 5s 1931 J&J 8592 Pitts Trac—See Phila Co80 Portland (Me) RR-111 1st g 454s 1913 M&N 100 1st cons g 354s 1951 J&J 8261 % Portland & Cape Eliz Ry-82 1st g 5s Nov 1 1915__M&N 10025 Portland (Ore) Ity-103 1st & ref g 5s 1930 op_ _ _M&N 975475 City & Sub Con 6s '16 op M&S85 Cons g 4s 1930 op 1915_J&D 8276 Oregon Water Power & Ry-104 1st g bs 1932 op 1912_ _ J&J 101

Portland City & Ore Ry-94 1st g Os 1921 op 1911F&A15 100

Porto Rico Rys, Ltd-87 1st g 5s Nov 1 1936 op_ _M&N 8654

Powell Co—See Un RR (San Fr)9954 Providence Securities Co— Deb g 4s 1957 op '17 gu_M&N 8554

R I Sub 1st g gu 4s 1950_ _J &J 833%9254 United Tr & El 1st 5s '33_ M&S 10354

Public Service Corp of N J—Trust certs 2% to 6% perpet__ 10454

Gen g 5s Oct 1 '59 op . A&O 94Col tr g notes 5s, 1913_ _A&O 100

873% Camden Sub 1st 5s 1946__J&J 10473 Cons Trac 1st 5s 1933_ _J&D 1049954 Eliz Plaint & Cent Jersey Ry- 1st g 5s Dec 1 1950_ _ _ _Jctr D 0554

Gas Cos—See Gas Secur p. 4596 J C Bob & Pat 4s 1949_ _M&N 7654









98RRs.d Ry .




80an Fr.)

100y & Lt92%



10398108 •97%104105%105





104103 %105





S 03











I This price includes accrued interest. k Last sale. n Nominal. 8 Sale price.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 25: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf

APR., 1911.1 STREET AND ELECTRIC RAILWAY SECURITIESNOTICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "f" and income and defaulted bonds.43

Bonds. Bid. Ask. Bonds. Bid. Ask.Public Service Corp—(Con)—Newark Pass con 58 g '30 J&JN Bud Co Ry 1st es 1914_J&JCons M 5s 1928 J&J2d 58 extended to 1924.M&N

Nor Jersey St Ry 4s 1948 M&NOr & Pass Val 1st bs '38_J&DPaterson Ry—Con es g '31J & D2d es Oct 1 1914 op__ __AM)

RapTrStRy 1st M es g'21.A&OSe Jersey Gas Elec & Trac—Guar g bs Mch 1 1953.. M&S

Puget Sound Electric Ry —1st consol g fis 1932 op_ _ _F&ACony g notes 5s 1912 _ _F&A6% g notes 1912 F&ATacomaRy & Pow lst5s'29 &O

Puget Sound Power Co-1st g gu bs 1933 op J&D

Quebec Ry L H & Pow—Cons g 5s 1939 opt J&D

Rapid Ry—Sea Det United RyitapidTr St Ry—See Pub Ser CorReading Traction es 1933_ _J&J 117 120Read & Womels—lst5sg'25 J &J n 100 102

ft I Sub—See Providence Sec CoRich Pass & P—See Va P & PowRio de Janeiro Tram L & P—

let g 58 1935 J&JEtoch Ry & Lt 5s 1954 op_ _J&JRoch Ry cons bs g 1030 _ _ A&O2d bs g 1933 J&D

Koch Syr dr E 1st 15s 1945_ M&NRockford & Inter-Urban Ry-1st g 5s 1922 op 1907_ _ _ _A &ORockford & Freeport 1st g gu5s 1923 op aft Feb 'I0_M&NRock B & J 1st g 5s '30 guA & 0

Rutland Ry Light & Power-1st M g 5s 1946.M&S

Sacramento Elec Gas & Ry—Cons bs Nov 1 1927 M&N

Saginaw-Bay City Ry-1st & ref g 5s 1935_ _M&SSaginaw Val Trac 5s 1- -920.F&ABayCyGas—SeeGasSec's,p.44

St Charles St—See N Or Ry & LSi Joseph Ry Lt Heat dr Pow-1st g 58 Nov 1 1937 M&N

Si LouisCable—SeeUnRyscStL)St L Cable& W—SeeURys(St L)St L & Mer—See Un Rys (St L)Si L dr Sub—See Un Rys (St L)Si L Tran—See Un Rys (St L)St Paul City—See Twin Cy K TSand Frem & So—See LakeShElSan Fran Oak Jr San Jose Con—Con 6s May 19 1938 M &N19SFO&SJRy 1st 58'33 JSrJ2d M g bs 1933 s f

-_J&JSan Fr street rys—See respec cos

Sao Paulo Tram L & P, Ltd-1st g 5s June 1 1929_ _J&D

Savannah Elec Co 5s g '52 .J&JSchenectady Railway Co-1st g 4%s 1941 op 1911_11I&SConsol g 4%s '53 guar _M&N

Schuyik Trac—lst Cs 1943_ A&0Scioto Valley Traction-1st s f g 5s 1923 M&S

Scranton Ry—lst bsNov'32 J&JGen g bs 1020 opt M&NAm Rys Tr ctfs—See Am RysScran Trac 1st (is g '32M&NScran dr Carb Tr 1st es '23_J&JScran Jr Pittston es '23_ _A&OSeattle Elec 1st g bs '300P-P&ACon & refg s f bs, 1929F&A

Convertible Seattle Ry Cs 1921 op M&N

Seattle-Everett Traction-1st M g 5s 1939 op 1914_ M&SSecond Ave—See N Y City Ry

Second Ave Tract—See Phila CoSedalia L & T 1st bs 1926_ _J&DSharon dr New Castle Ry-1st g 5s guar 1931 J&J

Sioux City Service Co--1st & ref st g 5s '28 op_ _J&JSioux City Tr 1st Cs 1919_J&J

South Coy & Cin—See Cin NewpSo Boulevard—See NY City RySouth Elec Ry—See United RysSouthern Light & Traction—Coll tr g 5s 1949 opt M&S

South Ohio Tr—See Cin Day JrSouthern Trac—See Phila CoSouth Ferry—See N Y City RySouth Jer G E Jr T—See Pub SerSouth Sh de Bost—SeeOldColonySo Side El 4%s 1924 op '10_J&JSouthwest Missouri RR—Gen & ref g 5s 1931 M&SSouthwest Missouri El Ry—Ret & ext bs 1923 \USSpokane & Inland Empire RR1st Jr ref g 5s 1926 opt .M&NSpringfield (Ill) Ry dr Lt Co—Coll tr g 6s 1933 opt__ _J&DSpringfield (Mo) Ry & Light-1st lien ref g bs 1928.... ___J&JSteinway Ry—See N Y &Qu Co

Bub Rap Tr—See Phila CoSutterSt—SeeUnited RRs(SanF)Syracuse Lake Shore & Nor-

1st m g 55 '47 opt '17_ hl&NSyrac Rap Tr 1st g Cs 1946 M&S2d mtg g Cs 1930 J&J

Tacoma Ry & P—See Puget SouTampa Electric Co—

Ist M g bs 1933 s f op __J&DTarn W131&Ma—SeeN YC1tyRyTaun & Brock 1st g 5s '17.F&ATaunton St Ry-5s 1914. .J&JTaylor Ave—See Un Rys of StTerre Haute Indianap & East-

1st & ref sf g 5s '45 op .A&OTerre Haute Trac & Light-1st con M g bs 1944 M&NTerre Haute El-5s '29 _ _J&J

['bird Ave—See N Y City Ry107 4 108% roledo Bowl Green & Southern102% 104 1st g 5s May 1 1921 M&N104 Col Frem & Nor—See LakeShEl08 Col Rya & Light g 4s 1909 _J&J I76% 77% TolConStRy—Conlst5sJly '0991 94 Ext at 6% to 1912 op_J&J114 ToledoTract cons g 5s Jly '09100 103 Ext at 6% to 1912 op_J&J102 Col & West Ry 1st g 5s '2e_J&Jropeka Ry-5s '30 op '15_ _J &J

98 99 Toronto Ry 43.4s '11-'21__F&ATrent St Ry—con g 58 '38 __J&J88 93 Trent Penn dr Hop 5s '43_J&D99 100 Tr -City Ry & Light-

100 101 Coll tr s f g Cs 1923 A&O98 100 Troy City Ry—See Un Tr(Alb)28th&29th Sts—See N Y CityRy100 102 Twin City Rapid Transit Co-1111nn St R 2d 6s 1913 _ _ _M&N 102% 85 Con 5s g Jan 15 '19_ _J&J 15 102%St Paul Cy—lst g es '32_A&0 1141st cons es g 1934___A&O 114Cable con 5s g 1837--J&JJE iS rAGuar g 5s 1937

Minn St & St Paul City—Cons guar g 5s 1928 ___A&O

Underground Elec Ry of London993% 100% Prior lien 55 Nov 1 '20-M&N99% 100% 4%s Jan 1 1933___ J&J 933%103 107 Income es Jan 1 1048 f101 103 Union Depot—See United Rys (St Lo85 85% Union Elev—See Northw Elev

Union Ry—See N Y City Ry 98 Union Ry, Gas & Elec Co (111)—

Col tr g bs 1939 cony op _J&J 97% UnionStRy (NewBedford.Mass)95 97% Con g 58 1914 J&J

Union Trac Co of Indiana-94 96% 1st g 58 July 1919 J&JIndianap North'n 5s 1932_J&J 103% Union Utilities Co-1st s f g 5s 1944 opt_ __J&J90 95 United Power & Tran-

97 DelCo&Phila tr ctfs 45 '49_J&J n 76United Rys tr ctfs 48 '49_ _J&J s 773/s

United Kits of San Fran—S f g 48 April! 1927_ ___A&O 69%99 99% Ferries dr Cliff 8s 1014... M&SMarket St con g 5s '24 _ _ _ Al &SMarket StCab 1st es g '13.J&JOmnibus Cable 1st es '18_ A &OPark & Cliff Ho 1st es '13_J &JPark & Ocean 1st es 1914_J&JPowell St RR 1st es 1912_ M &SSutter St 1st g 5s 1918_M&N

Unit Rys & Elec (Baltimore)-92% 1st consol g 4s 1949 M&S104 Incomes g 4s 1949 op '29_J&D f93% Inc funding g 5s 1935 _ _J&DB C &Ell Mills bs g g'd '18_J&JBaitCityPas 1st 5s g '11_ _ M &N

99% 101 Balt Sparrows Pt & Ches-70 75 1st g gu 4%s 1953 F&A

Balt Trac Co 1st M 5s '29_ M & N101 No Balt Div 1st bs '42_J&D101 Cent Ry con Mg 5s 1932_MdrN90 Ext & imp bs 1932_ __M&S

City & Sub 1st 5s 1922__J&D97% 99 Lake Ro El 1st 5s '42 _ _ M&S99 101 Md Elec Rys—See under "M"97 98% Unit Rys (Phil )—See Unit P&T

United Railways of St Louis-111 113 Gen g4s July 1 1934 J&J

n 105 107% Baden & St L 1st 58 g '13_J&Jn 105 107% CassAy Sr F Gds 1st 5s '12_J&J104% Lindell Ry 1st g 5s 1911_F&A97 99 Comp H & M Ter es '13_ _J&J100% 101% Taylor Av (Ss g 1913 J&J101 103 St Louis Ry (B'way) bs 1910

ext at 4%% to 1920__Al&N97 98% Southern Elec 5s 1916_ _ _ F&ASouthern Ry es 1915_M&N

Union Dep con 6s g 1918_J &D43 51 St L & Sub 1st bs g 192l_F&A

Gen g bs Apr! 1923 gu_ A &O StLCab&W let M es '14:1I&N

St L & Meratnec es g '16/11&N St Louts Trans Co 591924.A&O

97 99 United Rys Investment Co—& Coy 1st lien coil tr s I' g 5s '25_ M &N

United Traction (Albany)—(St L) Deb g 4%s 1910 M&N

Con g 4%s 2004 _J&D90 94 Tax exempt J&DTol Albany Ry con M 5s g 1930J&J

Gen g Cs 1947 _ __ _J&DWTurn&RFt 1st g 8:s '19_M&N

Corp 2ti g es 1919_ _M&NTroy City Ry Cs g 1942_ _ A&O93% 94 Unit Trac(Pittsb)—See PhilaCo

Unit Tr & El—See Prov Sec Con 90 95 Utica & Mohawk Valley Ry-1st g 41is 1941 NI& S

n 95 100 (JticaBeltL 1st g bs 1939_ NI & N2d g 5s 1931 J&J

gui 99 Virginia Ry dr Power-1st & ref g Cs 1934_ _ _ _ J&J

93 05 Rich Tr 1st 58 g Nov '25 J&JWash Alexandria & Mt Vernon

98 1st g bs 1955 op M&SWash Arlington & Falls Ch Ry-

1st con Cs 1958 III&SWashington Bait & Ann El-1st M g 5s 1935 rcts M&N94 96% 2d Mg 5s 1930 rcts M&N f101% 102% Balt Term bs 1927 rcts M&S I 77%96 Wash Ry & Elec g 4s 1951_J&D • 85%

nd Elec Anacost & Pot 5s 1949_ _ _ A&O 100%Capital Trac—See under "C"

97% 100 City & Sub Cs g 1948_ __FdrAColumbia St let es 1914_A&O

100 Extension g bs 1914_ _ __A &O 100 Metropolitan 1st Cs 1925.. F&A

Louis) Washington Water Power Co—Consol & coil tr g 581929 _ _J &J 107

94 95 1st refg, g, Cs 1939 op.. __J&J 102%Watervliet Turnpike & RR— See Un

I 82

Bonds and Stocks. Bid. Ask.

WestchesterElec—Sea NYCyRyWest Chester (Pa) St Ry-76 1st gbs Aug 7 1932 F&A 90 95W Chic St—See Chic Union Trac45 West End St—See Boston ElWest End Trac—See Phila Co96 W Ohio Ry—let Cs 1921_M&N 83 85

Certificates 83 84%West Liberty St—See Phila Co.West Penn Railways Co-1st g 5s Jan 1 1931 A&OPitts McKees Sr Connells RR—lat cons g bs Jan 1 1931 __J &J

West Penn Traction Co-1st g 5s, 1960 J&D

98% W Phila Pass—See Phila R TWhatcom Co Ry & Light-1st M g bs 1935 M&N

Wheeling Trac Cs g 1931 J &J 93 95103% Wheel Ry 1st g 6s 1922_ _M&S 102103% Wilkes Barre & Haz eton RR- 1st coll tr g 5s 1951. __111&N 15 f 62%118 Col tr term 5s,'45,op'10_A&O 108 Wilkes & WyoVal-5s '21_A&O 102108 Wilkinsb &E Pitts—SeePhila CoWilm dc Ches Tr g bs 1918_ A&O 90 94104% 105 WinchesterAv—SeeNHav St RyWinnipeg El—lst ref bs '35 _J &J 104 Worcester & Conn Eastern-

94% 1st s f g 4%s 1943 J&J58 Worc Con St 4%s g 1920_ _ A1&S

uls) Deb g 5s 1927 M&N 1u6North End Cs 1915 F&AWore & Clinton 1st g Cs '19J&JWore & 11Iarlb 1st Cs '17 _A&O

92% 95 Worc&Southblst 4%s '22_M&SWore & Web 1st g bs 1919 .J&D

100% 101% Yonkers Ry—See N Y City RyYoungs-Sharon Ry & L—See

95% 96% Zanesv Ry L & P—See Col New86 87

STREET RAI L'Y STOCKS Par97% Albany Southern RR corn_ _100 10 13

Preferred 100 37 4078 Allegheny Tract—See Phila Co77% Amer Cities Rys & Lt com_100 7314 74

Preferred 100 x 97Y4 973/s71 American Railways Co 501d• 43% s 44105 Aurora Elgin & Chicago__ _ _100x 40 4498 Preferred 100x 85% 88101% Bangor (Me) Ry & Elec 100 115 118106% Birm Ry Light & Power_..100 102

98% Preferred 100 102 105100 BleeckSt&FulFy—SeeNYCy Ry99 Boston Elevated RR 100 128% 129%97% 100 West End St eet Ry corn_ ..00 d 90

Preferrea 8 per cent CO d 103 .34 84% Boston & North St Ryporef_100 128 130--63% 64 Boston Suburban Elec Cos 14 1685% 86 Preferred 73102 103% Boston & Worcester Elec Cos 8 10100% Preferred 41

B'way & 7th Av—SeeNYCyRy96 96% Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. __100 77% 77%107 108 Brooklyn City RR 10 165 170109% 110 Nassau Electric Co pref_ _100 105 107 Calif St Cable RR (San Fran)100 125105 107 Camden &Sub—See Pub Ser Cor106 107 Capital Trac (Wash D C)_ _ _100 x 125 126%107% 110 Cent Crosst—See N Y Cy Ry

Cent Pk N&ERiv—SeeNYCyRyChar Con Ry Gas dr Elec Co._50 d 32Chattanooga Ry & Lt, corn .100 36 40

76% 76% Preferred 100 75 85100 100% Chicago City RI 100 186 190100 100% Chicago & Oak Park Ry.. _ _100 2 3100 100% Preferred 100 4 6102 102% Chicago Railways-102% 103 Participation Certfs Ser 1_ __ . 89

Series 2 21%97% 98 Series 3 9141044Series 4 104% Chicago Union Traction-106% Com Cent Tr etts dep stpd 2 3

102 103 Pref Cent Tr ctfs dep stpd__ 5 889% 90 Chris&lOth St—See N Y Cy Ry103% - ,Cin Dayton & To! Tr corn_ _100 20 22% 104% ;Cincinnati & Hamilton 100 69 72•381 82 1, Preferred 100 104

'Cm New & Coy Lt & Trac_ _100 95% 9885% 85% I Preferred 100 84%

;Cincinnati Street Ry 50 130 132%97 98 ;Citizens' Pass—See Phila R T96% 97 Citizens' Trac—See PHs Co96% 97 City Pass Ry—See Reading Tr.104 105 City Ry (Dayton, Ohio)._ ..100 172104% 10.5 Preferred 100 155106 I 108 Cleveland Ry 100 x 94% 96106 108 Clev Painesv & Eastern__ ..100 20 30104 105 Clev & So West Tract 100 4 4%

Preferred 100 33 35,Columbus Ry—Common.. _100 89%I Preferred 100 9J% 100%97 99 Col Ry dr Lt Co ($20 paid) _ _100 39% 40

104 110 ,Commonw'h Pow Rydr I. com 100 54 54%102 108 I Preferred 100 87 87%

;Coney Island & Bk RR__ _ _100 45 6092 103%

93 1Conn Ry & Lighting 100 75 75% Preferred _100 79 81

iCons Tram of N J—See Pub. S. C95 'Contin Pass—See Phila R T.

Dallas Elec Corp common _ _100 15 171st preferred 100 93 9524 preferred 100 42

Dayton & Western common_100 10520 Preferred 100 115 Denver &Northwestern Ry.100 150 155• 85% Detroit United Ry 100 69% 69% Duluth-Superior Trac Co_ _ . _100 81 85

Preferred 100 60 70103 104 Eastern Penn Rya corn . _100 5 7104 Easton Consol Elec ($25 pd).. CO d 20 21101 102 East Read'g El—See R'd'g Trac107 East St Louis & Sub 100 32% 37%

Preferred 100 80 Eighth Av—See N Y City Ry.103% El Paso Elec Co common...._100 SiTr (Al) Preferred 100 97

Fairm t Pk&Had—See PhtlaRTFairmount Park Trans 50,d 8













Mah&SSt. Zane






Ry & L8V


c Assessment paid. d Price per share, not per ct. f This price includes accrued int. k Last sale. n Nom. 8 Sale price. x Ex-div. y Ex-rights

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 26: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf

44 STREET RAILWAYS-MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES. [VOL. LXXXXII.NOTICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "f" and income and defaulted bonds.

Stocks. Par Bid. Ask. Stocks Par Bid. Ask. Stocks. Par Bid. Ask.

Federal Light & Trac com..100 36% 37 New York City Ry—(Concluded) Reading Traction 50 d 30

Preferred 100Fed St & Pleas Val—SeePhilaCo

8l Vs 823%•

Sighth Ave 10042d St & Grand St Ferry _100



City Passenger Ry 50 East Reading Electric Ry.. ..50


Ft Wayne & Nor Ind Tract- ..100 18 22 42d St M & St Nich Ave _ __100 Rhode Island Sec—See Prov Sec

Preferred 100 65 75 Metropolitan Street RR_ 100 Ridge Ave Pass—See PhilaRapT42d St &Grand St Ferry—See N Y City Ry Ninth Ave guar 6% 100 150 175 Rio de Janeiro Tram L & P..100 10734 107%

42d St M & St Nich Ave—See N Y City Ry Second Ave 100 8 16 Roch Ry & Light preferred_100 894 90

Frankf & Southw—See Phil R T Sixth Ave 100 122 130 Rochester Syr & East pref.. 100 80 85

Galveston-Houston Elec Co _100 64 Third Ave 100 10 104 Rutland Ry Lt & Pow 100,n 35 45

Preferred 100 91 93% Twenty-third St guar 100 190 215 St Jos Ry Lt Heat & Pow_ _ _100 39 40

Gary & Interurban 25 dl 21 N Y State Rye com 100 84 87 Preferred 100 80 84

Geary St Park & Ocean RR_100 First preferred 100 9534 963% Sao Paulo Tram L & P Ltd_ _100 x 16334 164

Georgia Ry & Electric Co.. 100 13334 Ninth Avenue—See N YCity Ry Savannah Electric Co 100 5 7Preferred 100 914 Norfolk & Portsm'th Trac_ 100 38 41 Preferred 100 20 25

Germant'n Pass—See Phila R T Preferred 100 76 80 Scioto Valley Tract corn__ _ 22 23Grand Rapids Ry preferred .100 82 85 Norfolk Railway & Light.. 25 d 25

_100First preferred .100 101

Green&CoatesSts--SeePhilaRT.Halifax Elec Tramway Co.. 100 x140% 144

Northampton (Mass) St Ry_100Northern Ohio Tr & Light_ _100



Preferred_ 100Seattle Electric Co 100

913% x 1054 107

Havana Electric Ry 100 94 95 North Tex Elec Co corn_ 100 92 9334 Preferred 100 98Preferred 100 954 Preferred 100 924 94 Second Ave /%11()—See N Y City Ry

Hestoqville M & F—See PhlIRT North Jersey St Ry—See P S C. 2d & 3d Sts Ry—See Phila RapTHolyoke Street Ry 100 185 190 North Western El (Chicago)_100 234 24 Sixth Ave—See N Y City RyHoughton County Tract com100 80 Preferred (voting trust)_ ..100 65 68 So Jer Gas Elec & Tr—gee Publi c Servic e CorpPreferred 100 94 Ohio Traction—Common _100 474 50 South Side Elev (Chicago)_ _100 71 71%

Illinois Traction preferred _100 92% 94 Preferred 100 90 100 Southwest Missouri RR 100 Indian.ap & Southeast Tr pf_100 x80 90 Omaha & Council Bluffs__ _ _100 65 75 Spokane & ml Emp—Cap stk100 n 30 35Indianapolis St Ry Co 100 103% 105 Preferred 100 80 Preferred ctfs 100 it 48 53Indianapolis Trac & Term.. .100 80 Ottumwa(Ia)Ry&Lt pref_ ....100 92 94 Susquehanna Ry L & Pow—Indiana Union Traction.. _100Interborough-Metropolitan Co—

124 1334 Pacific Coast Power corn.. _ _ _100Preferred 100

10234 99 100

Pref (with 25% corn stk)100Syracuse Rapid Transit.. _ _ _100

95 100684

Common vot tr ctte 100 18% 18% Paducah Tr & Lt corn 100 8 10 Preferred 100 90 98Preferred • 100

International Trac (Buffalo).100Preferred 100



Preferred 100 Pensacola Electric Co, corn_ ..100

Preferred 100 23


Tampa Elec Co 100Terre Haute Ind & East




Interstate Rye 100 Philadelphia Co (Pittsburgh) 50 x 1064 107 Terre Haute Tr & Lt, pref_100 102Interurban Ry & Term pref_ _100 Jacksonville Elec Co com___100 110

100 Preferred 50 d 423% Allegheny Traction 50 d 30


Third Ave—See N Y City Ry13th & 15th Sts—See Phila Rap Transit

Preferred 100 100 Citizens Traction 50 d 58 59 Toledo Bowling Green & So_100 20

Jer City Bob & Pat—See P S C.Kansas City Ry & Lt. corn 100 22% 25

Federal St & Pleasant Val25 d 2534Pittsb & Birmingh'm Tr.__ 50 d 25


Toledo Rye & Light Co 100Toronto Railway 100

7128 1278

Preferred 100 67 71_

United Traction pref 50 d 40 Tr -City Ry & Light corn_ .. _100 344 35%Kentucky Securities Corp_ _ ..100

Preferred 1001455


Phila Rapid Transit 50,d 1934Citizens Passenger guar_ _ _ 50.d

19%k 282%

Preferred 10023,1 Street—See N Y City Ry

x 92 93

Kokomo Marion & West Tr_100 53 Continen Pass By ($29 pd).. 50 d s 123 Twin City Rapid Transit__ _ _100 1084 109%Lake Shore Elec common ....100 7 Fairmount Pk & Had'gt'n..50 d k 63% Preferred 100 134% 145

1st Preferred 100 82 Frankf'd & Southwark Pass Sod s 370 Union Pass (Phila)—See Phila R apid Tr ansit2nd Preferred 100 17% Germantown Passenger.. 60 d s 1164 Union Ry, Gas & Elec com_100 44 45

Lancaster Co(Pa)Ry& L pref 50 41 46 Green & Coates Sts ($15 pd) 50 d k 123% PreferrPd 100 x 834 85Leb Val Tr corn vot tr ctfs__ 50 d8 Hestonville M & F com____ 50d k 45 Union StRy(New Bed,Mass).100 190

Preferred vot tr ctfs_ ___ 50 d22% 212 Preferred 50 d k 65 Union Traction of Indiana...100 29 30Little Rock Ry & Elec 100 115 Phila Cy Pass Ry ($23% pd)50 d s 155 Preferred 100 86 90Preferred . 100 100 105 Phila&Gray's Fy ($25 pd) _50 d k 81 Union Trac (Phila)—See Phila Rapid Transit

Louisville Traction Co 100 94 95 Philadelphia Traction 50 d 834 84% United Railways of St Louis—Preferred 100 107% 109 Ridge Ave Pass ($28 paid) _50 d s 250% Common voting trust ctfs_100 11 11%

Manhat Elev Ry (N Y)____100 1364 139 2d & 3d Sts Ry guar 50 d s 250% Preferred 100 39 39%Mass Electric Companies_ __100 173% 17% 13th & 15th Sts Pass Ry __ _50 d s 248 United Rye & Elec (Bait) corn 50 d 18% 18%Preferred 100 874 87% Union Pass ($30 5-6 paid) .. 50Id s 200 United Rye Investment Co_ 100 45 46

Memphis Street .y com__ _ .100 40 Union Traction ($1734 paid)50 d 47 4734 Preferred 100 74 744Preferred 100 x70 West Phila Pass guar 50 d s 225 United Trac—See Phila Co

Met St RR—See N Y City Ry. Pittsb & Birm—See Phila Co. United Trac & Elec—See Prov Sec CoMetro West Side El (Chic)_ _100 23% 244 Portland (Ore) Ry, It & Pow— Virginia Ry & Pow com_ _ _ _100 42Preferred 100 69 70 New stock (65% paid) 74 74% Preferred 100 82 83

Mexico Tramway 100 122 124 Porto Rico Rye Ltd 100 59 5974 Washington-Va Ry, corn.... _100 37 37%

Milw Elec Ry 4g Light pref_ _100 105 110 Presidlo&Fer RR(San Fr)_ _100 20 Preferred 100 67 67 34Mohawk Valley Co 100 Providence Securities Co— Wash Baltimore &Annapolis 100 - •

Montreal Street Ry 100 229 230 United Trac & Electric ......100 993% 1004 Receipts Nassau Elec—See Bklyn Rap Tr Public Service Corp of N J__100 x 11834 118% Wash Ry & El Co common.... 100 35% 364

Nashville Ry & Light 100 x64 Camden & Sub ($5 paid)__ _25 d 16 17 Preferred 100 88% 89%

Preferred 100 x85 % Consolidated Trac of N J_ _100 76 76% Washington Water Pow Co_ 100 130 135

New Bedford & Onset Ry _ _100 55 60 Jer City Hob & Paterson.... 100 60 West End St Ry—See Boston El ev Ry

New Eng Inv & Sec pref gu 100 94 97 North Jersey Street Ry_ ....100 60 Western Ohio RR ctfs 100 24 30

New Orl Rye & Light Co.._ ..100 26 264 Rapid Transit St Ry Co _ _100 230 240 West Penn Rys preferred......100 774 78

Preferred 100 x69% 69% So Jersey Gas Elec & Trac _100 138 142 West Penn Traction corn_ .. _ _100 44 44%

ew York City Ry— Puget Sound Electric Ry__ _100 15 20 Preferred 100 75% 76%

Bleecker St & }"ult'n Ferry 100 15 21 Preferred 100 75 80 W Phila Pass—See Phila Rap Tr

Bway & 7th Ave guar.. ......100 124 131 Quebec Ry Lt Heat & Pow_100x 603% 61 Whatcom County Ry & Lt_ _100 30

Central Crosstown 7%........100 90 Railways Company General 10 d 10 10% Preferred 100 92%

Cent Pk North & East Riv_100 5 15 Rap Tran St Ry—See Public Ser vice Co rp Wheeling Traction.. 100 90 92Cnristopher & Tenth Sts_ _100 85 100 Winnipeg Electric Ry 100 192 193

d Price per share, not per cent. k Last sale. n Nominal. s Sale price. x Ex-dividend. y Ex-rights.

MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES.Quotations marked "f" indicate that accrued interest is included in the price. Prices not marked are "and interest"

that is, purchaser has to pay accrued interest in addition to the price. This, however, does not apply to income bonds

and bonds in default, in which cases the price takes account of the interest and no designating mark is employed.NOTICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "f" and income and defaulted bonds.

Bonds Bid. Ask. Bonds. Bid. Ask. Bonds.Bid.--


;OAL, IRON & STEEL BONDS.kla Steel & Shipbldg—See Tenn3sech Creek Coal & Coke Colet s f gu g 5s 1944 op'07J&D

3ethlehem Steel Corporation—Beth St let ex g 5s '26gu J&JBeth St pur m 6s Aug '98 Q-F6% notes 1914 M&N

Bun Air Coal 2d ser 6s '28_ _J&JBuffalo Iron 5s 1925 A&OBuffalo & Susq Iron Co--

1st g 5s 1932 op Dec '07 J &DDeb g 5s Jan'26 op 1910M &S

Diairton Steel g 5s '11 to '13 J&JDol Fuel & Iron-5s s 1 '43_F &ACony deb 5s 1911 F&ACol Fuel Co 6s gen g '19 _M&NGr'd Riv C&C g 6sy'19 A&On

Dolorado,.Industrial—1st g gu 5s ser A &B '34opF&A

3ol&Hock C&I 1st g 5s '17 J&JCol tr s f 6s Oct '56 red _ _J&J

)onsol Coal (St L) 69 1911 M&SJonsolidated Indiana Coal—1st a f g 5s 1935 gu opt.. J &D

)onsolidation Coal Co—Ref g 434s 1934 Opt _M&N1st & ref s f g 5s 1950 _J& D

)ontinental Coal Co—let a f g 5s 1952 op '06. .F&A

Dom'ion Coal 5s '40 op '10 M&NDominion Ir & 85s 1929 _ _ _J&J Fairmont Coal be 1931 ._ ___J&JGrand River Coal & Coke—See

C I &

f 84

883%1153% 98349085

9734 90

b 5%963410010734 93A

75f 45f 4599%


0034 96

97 14Col Fu





92444 %983410034





& Iron

Ill Steel Co deb 5s 1913_ _A&OJeff & Clear C&I 1st 58'2-6 J&D2d gold 5s 1926 . J (VDInd Co 1st s f 5s 1950_ _J&J

Jones & Laughlin Steel Co—1st g 5s 1939 s f M&N

Kanawha & Hocking C & C Co—1st g gu 81 6s '51 op '06_ J&J

La Belle Ir Works 6s '23 _J&DLackSt'l 1st g 5s'23op to'06A&O

1st 5s 1950 opt aft 1915 M&SCony deb5s'15 red aft'13.M&S

Lehigh Coal & Nav-43%s'14Q-JRailroad, gold, 4s, 1914_ _Q-F6s extend to 4s g 1914 _ _ ...Ha)Consol mort 78 1911 _ _ _ _J&DGen M g 434s May 1924 _Q-FFunding 4s g July 1 1948 _J&JColl in g 434s 1930 opt.. _M& N

Leh & W-Barre Coal—See CentMaryland Steel 1st be 1922_1- &AMexican Coal & Coke—

opt_-..M&S 1st M g be 1926 ..Monong Riv Coal-6s 1949 A&ON Y Susq&WCoal-6s '12_M&SN Y & Wilkes-B Coal 6s'33 M&N O'Gara Coal Co—

1st s 1 bs 1955 on aft '08_M&SPennsylvania Coal & Coke—

1st s f g bs July 1 1932 op_J&JCons 1st & coll in g Lis '53M &S

Penn Steel let 5s 1917_ _ _M & NPa&Md Steel Cong 6s '25 _M&SSpan.-Amer Iron 6s 1927_J&J

Pitts-Buff s f5s '29 OD af '12 F&A


1033% 98348834 958%1011009934 100102y 96$102

RR of1013.4



851 71013%1083410198

— -







NJ, p351023%





—Pittsb Coal 1st 55 1954 opt_J&J

PWh& L E Coal lst m 48131 J&J Pleasant Val Coal 5s 1928_ _J&J Pocahontas Consoi'd Collieries—

1st g 5s 1957 op J&JRepublic Iron & Steel—

1st & coil tr g bs '34 opt _ A&OS f g 5s 1940 on 1920_ __ A &O

Roch&Pitts C & I g 58 '46 _M&N1st s f g 434s1932 opt.... _F & A

Sloss Iron & 8 CO let tie '20_ F &ACons 43is 1918 A&O

Southern Iron & Steel— 1st & ref g 4-5s 1929 op A&O

Span-Amer Iron Co—See Pa SteSun Crk Co col tr s f g 58 '44 _J &JSunday Creek Coal g 6s '12_J&DTemple In 1st & col trg4s'25_J &JTenn C I & RR. Gen g 58'51 J&JTenn Div 1st 6s Jan '17_A&OBirm Div 1st con 6s '17 .J&JAla Steel&Shipbdg 6s '30.J&JCahaba CMCo 1st6s '22.. _J&D

Union Steel Co 1st 5s '52 gu J&D 11 S Steel Corp-

Col tr s f 5sApr'51 op '11 Var.Col tr s I 5sApr'51 not optVarCol s f 2d 5sAp'63 op'13."M&N

Utah Fuel—See Den. & R 0 RRVandalia Coal 1st 65 '30 op J&JVictor Fuel—lst s f g 58 '53 _J &JVa I Coal & Coke 5s 1949 _M&SWebster Coal & Coke—

1st s f g 6s 1942 op_ ___M&SWest Ken Coal 1st 5s 1935_ _J &J

1063if 26







p. 3697873693

f 7978



_ -- ..97

.,,,,,,-106 ,1953.1


- -, -984105104106106- - - - -,,,,z;104M




b Basis. 1 This price includes accrued interest. k Last sale. n Nominal. s gale price.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 27: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf

APR., 1911.1 MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIESNOTICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "f" and income and defaulted bonds.


Bonds. Bid.


Altoona Gas 5 Aug 1 '32 __FdrA f 94American Gas Co--Cony col tr g Os 1914 op_A&O 1003-

AmGas & Elec coil 5s 2007 F&A 85Atl'ta Gas Light 5s g 1947.. J&D 103Atlantic City (N J) Gas-1st g Os Jan 1 1960 op '20 J&J 90 %

Bait Elec 1st g 5s 1947 gu _J&D 90MBay City Gas 1st g 55 1920.J &D 93Bay Counties Power bs '30_lit&S 101Binghamton Gas 5s 1938__A&O 96Binghamton Lt Heat & Power-

1st 5s July 1 1942 opt '12A&O Blackstone Valley Gas dr Elec—Col tr g bs 1939 op J&J 99%

Boston El L 1st con 5s '24 _ M &S n 109%Bridgeport Gas L 4s 1952 J&J 90Bronx Gas & Electric—lst&ref 58'60 op aft '20 _J&J 96

Brookline Gas-58 Augl'13 F&A 100Bkl'nUnGasIst conbs g '45 MAN 107%Buffalo City Gas g 5s 1947 .A&O 60Buff •Gen Elec R f g 5s '39 F&A 100Buff & Niag Falls El L & Pow-

1st g bs 1942 F&A 98Burl'ton(Vt) G L bs 1955_J&J 89Butte Electric & Power-

1st g sink fd 5s 1911-51_J&D 95Cal Gas dr Elect Corp—Sink fund g 5s 1933 opt_ M&S 99 %Urd.&Ref.g.58'37 op s.f.M&N 943%Cal Cent Gas & El 5s '31_F&A 100

Canadian Light & Power-1st s f g bs 1949 op '14. J&J

Canton (()) Electric Co-1st & ref g 5s '37 op '12_M&N 95

Central Maine Power—ist g 58 1939 op 1919___M&N 96M

Cicero Gas—See Northwest Gas Light &Cinn Edison Elec-5s 1917 J&D 101Cincinnati Gas Transportation-

1st 5s 1933 guar op '13J&J 96Citizens L,IT&P (Johnstown,Pa)

1st g 581934 op 1914___M&N 99MCity Electric, San Francisco-

11 g 69 1937 J&J 913/iCleveland Elec Illuminating-

1st M 5s 1939 op '24 .....A&O 100Colo Spgs Lt lit & Power-

1st & ref g bs 1920 op '17 _F&A 94Colorado Springs Elec Co—

'9t g Os Apr 20 1920 A&020 97Colo springs L't & Power—

'5s Apr 1 1919...A&0 97Columbia Gas & Electric-

1st g 5s 1027 s f J&J 633-iColumbus Elec 6s 1922____M&NColumbus Gas Co 1st 5s g'32 J&J 90Columbus (0) Light Heat & P—Gen M g es, 1924, guar_F&A

Columbus (Ga.) Power—id Os 1936 A&O 90

Commonwealth-Edison Co-1st g bs June 1 1943 M&S 1013.

Com'wealthElec 5s J'e '43_M&S 101Common vealth Power (Mich)—

1st g ;is Dec 1 1924J&D 100Cons Gas of Bait 5s, 1939J&J 108MGene I Ms Apr 1954_ A&O

Consol Gas Elec L & p (Balf)—Gen g ls Feb 14 1935_ _J &J 875% gold notes 1913 __.J&J 99%

Consol ts N J-58 g 1936_J&J 90Consolidated Gas (NY). See N Y G ElConsul ',as (Pitts)-5s'48F&A 94MConsul Ltg Co (Vt) 1st 68 '26J&J 94Consum t H & P Co (Eliz, N J)-5s • a i8 J &D 100

Dana fas—lst g58'25 op.M&N Daytoii Lighting Co-1st & ref 5s 1937 op '12_M&S 88Dayton Electric Light Co—

is' g 5s 1921 ont.1906 M&S 98Dayton (0) Gas bs '30 op '15 M&S 98 M1)4nvGas&EI-1st g 58'49 MAN 89DetroitC'yGas5% gmtg 23_J&J 100Gen g Os 1913 to 1917 opt J&JDetr Gas con 1st g 5s '18 F&A 100

Detroit Edison 1st g 5s '33_J&J 1003'sCony deb (is 1920 A&O 109Cony deb Os 1921 F&A 108%

Duluth Edison Mee—Agar 5sMar 1931opM&S 98

Economy Lt dz Pow (Joliet Ill.)1st msf g Os 1958.____ J&D 94

Edison Elec Co of Los Angeles—qtAref g Os 1922 op '07_M&S 101

Edison Elec Lt ctfs g 5s'46 A&O 108Edison Lt & Pow (S F) 6s'21Q-F 105%Electrical Securities Corp—

oil tr g s f 6s 1935 opt F&A 95Equit. Gas(Memphis)—See Hem . Cons.Equitable Gas dr Electric, Utica.

g bs 1042 A&O 102%Equit Iii Gas. Phila, 5s g'28J&J 106%Evansville Gas &Elec Light-

4t, g Os 1932 opt 1912J&D 933,Gas A Elec Co of Bergen Co—

ons g Os 1949 J&D 102 Mlen 5s Nov 1 1954 MAN 95%

General Elec-3s '42 opt FAA 81ilonv g 5s 1917 J&D

Gr'd Rap Edison 5s g 1916M&N 97Gr /tap Gas L Co 1st 58'15 F&A 993,Great West Pow 6s '46 opt-J&J 83Guanajuato P & Elec Co-

1st s f g es 1932 opt_ A&O 97Harwood Electric Co—

let s f g Os 1939 op '14___J&J 95Haverhill G S Co 1st 5s '29_J&J 90HoughtonCo(Mich)ElecLight—

let g 68 Jan 11927 opt_ _J&J 05'Tuition Co Gas-5s g '49_M&N 103MHudion River Electric Co—

let g gu Os Dec '18 '31 _ _M&N f 24Hudson River Elec Power Co—in g gu 5s Jan 2 1944__F&A f 12

Huil ion River Gas & Electric Cr,1st Ref g 5s 1929 __ _ M&N 95

Ask. Bonds. Bid. Ask. Bonds. Bid. Ask.








107 %60%101
























110109 %



1023%8 108%

100G. & E.










Hudson Riv Pow TransmissionRfg g 58 guar Joe 15 '35 A&O f 50

Hudson Riv Water Power Co—ist g s f 5s 1914-1929___M&N f 72

Indiana Ltg 4s 1958 op._ —F&A 653%Indiana & Michigan Lice Co—

: qi H bs 1957 opt FAA 97Indiana Nat Gas A 0—See Peop les G LImPsGas—Ist con g 5s'52_A&O 79J a ;iison Gas 59 g 1937 Adr0 1 88Jacksonville (Fla) Gas Co-

1st s f g Os June '37 op__Q-M 923%Kankakee (III) Gas & Electric-

1st & ref 58 1930 op '13_M&S 90City(Mo)Gas 58'22_ A&O 99

Kansas Gas & Electric-1st g 5s 1922 opt M&S 95

Kan 'Nat Gas Co ist [is '16 MAN 9824 m es 1918 J&J 82

Kenosha Gas & Electric Co —1st g 5s 1930 op 1910J&D 101

Kings Co Elect Light & Power-1st gold Os 1937 Adt0 102Purchase money (is g '97 A&O 1133%Cony deb (is 1922 M&S 1143%Bklyn Edis Ill cons 4s'39 J&J 88

Knoxville (Tenn) Gas Co-1st g Os 1933 op 1913 __ _A&O

Laclede Gas g 6s May 1919 Q-F Ref & ext g bs 1934_ _ A&O ilOO

La Crosse Gas & Electric Co-1st & ref g 5s '21 op '11_J&D

Lansing Fuel & Gas Os '21_A&0 923%Leavenworth Lt Heat & Pow-

1st g 58 1923 opt M&S 94Lockport (NY) Gas & Elec Lt-

1st M g Os Feb 1 1920 F&A 95Los Angeles Gas & El Corp-

1st & ref g 5s 1939 opt M&S Los Ang G & E 59 '34_J&J 97Los Ang Ltg 5sApr11'24 A&O 100

Louisville Ltg 58 '63, gu _A&O 90LowellElLtCor 1st 58 g'14_J&J 100Ma.lisonGas&Elec g Os 26A&0 103Maiison River Power-

1st M Os 1935 gu opt__ __FAA 95Mankato Gas & Elec L't Co-

1st g Os May 11020 opt_M&N Cons & refg Os '35 opt. M&N

Mass Gas 43%s 1929_ _J&J 993%Memphis Cons. Gas & Elec.—Cons & ref g 5s 1943_ ___J&J Equit Gas 1st 5s 1929_ _ M&N I 100Itemph L & P ref 5s '31_J&J [ 102

Mexican Elec Light Co, Ltd-1st msfg 5s 1935 J&J 85

Mexican Light & Power-1st g 5s 1933 s f FAA 89%

Mich City G&E155 '37 op'10 J&J 93Mil Gas Light-1st g 4s '27 MAN 90Minneapolis Gas Light-1st gen Os Feb '30 op '14 HAS 093%

Minn General Electric Co-1st g Os Dec 1 1934 op_ _J&D 993%

Mo Edison Elec 58 g 1927 ..F&A 100Mo El Lt Os May 1921 Q-M

Missouri River Power Co-1st g 6s 1920 opt 1905 ..M&N

Mobile Electric Co-1st Os 1946 op 1910_ __M&N 85

Monongahela Light & Pow Co-1st g 5s June 1 1949 _ J&D 95

Montreal Lt, Ht & Power Co—ist &col tr g43%s'32 op'12_J&J 98Gold bs 1933 op 1913 _ _ ,A&O 102

Muncie El L 1st Os '32 op '12J&J Municipal Gas A Elec. Roch- -

1st M g 43%s 1942 op '12 A&O 95Muskogee(Okla) Gas&Elec—

lst&ref 5s 1926, op '09_ J&D_ 91Nassau Lt & Pow 1st 5s '27 Adr0 993%National Light, Heat & Pow—

Coll trust 5s 1919 Ser B__J&J 973%Coll trust Os 1920 Ser C_J&D 913%Cent Ind Ltg 5s 1927_ _AT &N CityG&E(Paris,I11)58'24 A&O 92Marshill(Mo.)LII&P59'35J&D 92Twin StatesG&E43%s'26.A&0 87

Nevada-Cal Pow 1st Os '27- Ado0 973%Newark Gas es Apr 1 1944_Q-J 127Newark Consolidated Gas Co—Cons g 5s Dec 1 1048_ _ _J &I) 1043%

New Castle (Ind) L, II & P-1st g 5s 1929 op after '11 _J &J 96

N London G & Elec g 5s'27A&0 10424 m 5s 1929 A&O 100Consol & refg Os 1933___J&J 98

New Milford PowerCo (Conn)—1st s f g 5s 1932 F&A 103 _

N Y Gas Elec LHAP Co-1st g 5s Dec 1 1948 J&D 103Pur mon col tr 4s 1049F&A 88EdElIll,NY,con g 5s'95J&J 1113%

Central Un Gas 5s g '27J&J 101Equitable Gas 1st Os '32_M &S 1053%Now Amster Gas 5s 1948..J&J 101NY&ERGas—lstg5s'44J&J 103Con Os 1945 J&J 100

NY&WestcLgGeng4s2004J&J 82Deb g Os 1054 op guar_J&J 101 M

Northern Un Gas Os 1927M&N 993%Stand'd Gas—lst 5s '30_ M &N 104

N Y & Queens Elec Lt A Pow-1st cons g bs Aug 1 1930 FAA 1013%

N Y & Queens Gas-1st & gen m g 58'34 opt F&A 98Tax exempt 99

N Y & Rich Gas g bs '21_ _ _M&N 96N Y & Sub Gas—See WestchLtgNiagara Falls Power 58 '32_ _J&I 1013%Can deb g(isSerA cony'll A &O 100Can deb g Os B n-cony'14 MAN 100Can deb g (is Ser C 1914.M&N 100Refg & gen Os Jan 1932 A&O 1043%

Niagara Light, Heat A Power-1st mort g Os 1922 _ MAN Cons & refg g 52 '25 opt _M&N

Northern Cal Power Os '32_J&D R & cons s 15s '48 op '15 J&D

North'n Westchester Lighting—it eon m a 59 1955 J&D 043%

North Hudson Lt H & P Co (Ho-60 bdken, N J)-5s 1938_ _ _A&O

North Shore Electric Co-75 1st g 581922 op 1912_ A&O67 1st & ref g 5s '40 op '20_A&0

Northwest'n Gas L&Coke (Chic)99 g Os Dec 1 1928 Q-M

& Coke Cicero Gas gen&ref 5s 132.J&J85 Norwich(Ct)Gas&E g 58'27_ J &J923% Oakland GL&H 2d5s 1916_ M&S

Ogden Gas Os 1945 M&N973% Oklahoma Gas & Electric-

1st Mg 55 '29 op aft '14 A&O95 Omaha Eiec Light & Power-100 1st g 5s 1933 op 1908 ____J&J

Omaha Gas 1st con g Os '17 F&A97 • Ontario Power Company-100 1st g Os 1943 op to '13___F&A85 Pacific Coast Power-

1st m g 5s 1940 op 1915_ M&SPacific Gas & El coil tr 58'36J&JDeb Os Dec 15 1937„J&D15

Pacific Gas Imp 4s Sept '30 Q-M1153% Pacific L & Pow 1st 5s '42__J&J118 Guaranteed Paterson A Passaic Gas & Elec.

Consol g Os 1949 M&S95 Pawtucket Gas 4s 1032.. MAN1023% Peoples G L & Coke, Chicago-1003% 1st con g 68 1943 A&O

Refunding gold 58 1947 M&S100 Chic G L & C 1st g Os '37_JdrJ95 Consum Gas 1st g Os

IndNat GAO g 5s '36u MAN96 Mutual Fuel Gas g Os '47 MAN

Peoria Gas A Electric Co-98 1st g 6s 1923 op 1908._ __J&J

Phila Co—See under St & Elec R973% Phila Elec Tr ctfs 4s Oct '49 J&J

bs g tr cert Apr 1 1948 A&O Philadelphia Suburban Gas & El100 1st m & ref g 5s '60 Or) '15F&A Portland (Me) Electric Co-108 lst s f g 5s 1926 opt F&A

Portland (Ore) Gas & Coke-973% Ist & ref g5s '40 op '20 ___J&J

Portland Gas 1st 5s 1951 _F&A1023% Potomac Electric Power Co-100 Ist g bs 1929 opt J &D993% Cons m g Os 1936 auar_ _ _J

Queens Borough (NY) Gas & El Gen 11I g 5s 1952 J&J102 Quincy (III) Gas Elec & Heat- 1st cons g bs 1935 op'10_M&S

Quincy G & E 58 1929 M&S87 Reno (Nev) P L dr W 6s '44_J&J

Roch Gas A Elec-5s '12M&N00 24 m 4%9'20°11'10 M&S 15_96 Rockford (Ills) Elect Co-903% 1st A ref s f 5s '39 op '14.M &S

Saginaw City Gas—Os WOMAN100 St Joseph Gas—lst 58 1937_J&J

St P Gas L—Con ex Os '18 J&J100 1st 6s 1915 J&J1003% Gen g Os 1944 —M&S110 San Diego Cons'd Gas & El-

1st g 5s 1939 op 1914_ _ _ A&O San Francisco Gas & Elect—

Gen m 4548 1933 M&N90 San Joaquin Light & Power-

1st NI 5s 1945 op aft '10_J&D953-4 Scranton Electric Co-

1st & ref g 5s 1937 op '12_J&J101 Seattle Lighting Co-1033%, 1st g bs 1944 op 1910 M&S973% Ref g 5s 1949 op 1914_ A&O

Seattle-Tacoma 1 ower-97 let 5s g 1925 op 1010 _J&D

Shelby Co (Ind) Water, G & E-94 1st s f g 5s '30 op aft '12_ M&S"1023% Sierra & San Francisco Power-

1st g 5s 1949 opt FAA,100 Somerset Un & Middlesex Ltg97 M M g 4s Dec 1 1943 J&D93 So.Bend & Mishawaka Gas-96 Cons.g.58.1926, opt.'08 .J&J96 Southern California Edison-92 Gen g 55 Nov 1939 opt_J&J100 Sou Pow—lst Os '30 opt M&S129 Springfield (0) Lt Ht & Pow-

1st s f g 55 1929 op 1914_F&A1053% Suburban Gas Co of Phila-

1st s f g.5sAprl'52op'07...k&O98 Superior Water Lgt & Pow Co- 1st 48 May 1931 MAN Syracuse Gas g 6s Jan '46 J&J1023% Syracuse Light & Power—

Col tr g 6 1954 J&J1043% Syracuse Light'g Os g 1951_J&D

Tacoma Gas ref g Os 1926_J&D1033% Tac G & E 5s Mch 1915 J&J833% Toledo Gas Elec & Heat— Con 1st g Os 1935 A&O103 Topeka Edison g Os Sept 19301063% red 1915 J&J101% Trenton G & El Cog Os '49.M&S105 Troy Gas 2d 6s 1923 FAA102 Consol Os 1939 MAN84 Union El Lt A Pow Co of St L-1023% 1st g bs Sept 1 1932M&S1013% Ref&ext Os '33 op aft '18M&N107 Union Light Heat A Pow. (Cin.)

1st 4s May 1 1918 op '06 MANUnited Elec Lt A Power. Bait—

let cons g 43%s, 1929 ._M&N99 Unit Elec Co of NJ4s 1949.J&D00 United Electric Securities Co-101 Coll tr g 5s 1933 to 1937.1?&A

United Gas & Elec of N J-1st coll tr g Os 1922 _J&J

United Gas & El (SF) 5s '32 J&JUnited Illum Co New Haven-

1st 4s Feb 1 1940 FAA Utah Light A Power—

Cons g 4s '30 op aft '09 __J&J100 Utica Elec Light & Power Co-08 1st g 58 Jan 1 1950 J&J993% Utica Gas & Electric Co-903% Refg & ext Os 1957 J&J

Valley Counties Pow Os '30 MAN











101 3%

































78%. .10234

















93 •99102




























b Basis. f This price includes accrued interest. k Last sale. n Nominal. 8 Sale price.Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 28: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf

46 MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES. LXXXXII.NOT ICE.—All bond prices are now "and interest" except where marked "1" and income and defaulted bonds.

Bonds. Bid. Ask.

























058297%100 %













Bonds and Stocks. Par. Bid.














901003/2 9798

f 1592


91 % 9734



f 10973/2983/2

f 619734



941 36












n 85

453/2 f 710097

1 60102103



1 33993/286




f 50111


99Ctfs. be


Ask. Stocks. Par.

Lake Super'r Corp•inc 5s'24.0ct 1st & coil tr gold 5s 1944_J&D

Lake of the Woods Mill'g Co,Ltd1st m Os June 1923 J&D

Laurentide Paper Co, Ltd-1st m g 6s Jan 2 1920J&J2

;Madison So Gard 1st bs '19 MANOs 1919(JPM&Co ctfs) M&N

Mallory Steamship Co-1st s f g 5s 1932 J&J

Mason Temp(Memph) 581911-30Minneapolis Brew-7s 1913A&0

Morris & Co 1st f 4%s 1939 J&JMortgage Bond Co—

Mtg g 4s ser 2 '66 op af'16A&OMt V'uon-Woodb'y Cotton D'ck

1st m g bs Sept 1 1949 __M&SNational Enamel & Stamp Co-

1st g 5s 1911 M&S Ref 1st R Es f g 53 '29__J&D

National Starch Co—Deb g 5s 1930 guar J&J

N E Cot Yarn Cog 5s 1929_F&A N J Zinc 1st 4s 1926 A&ONew York Air Brake-

1st Mg 8s 1928 cony M&NNY Dock Co—lst g 4s '51_F& A N Y &ER Ferry-5s '22_M&NN Y & Hob F bs May 1946_J&DHoboken Ferry bs 1946_M&NN Y &NJ Ferry-5s '46.J&J

North American Ca—Col tr g 5% n'es'l 2 op '09M&N

Oceanic SS 6s '24 op '09_ _ _J&J Ogilvie Flour Mills Co, Ltd-

1st m Os 1932 opt 1912_ _J&DOtis Elevator Co—Cony g deb 5s '20 op '13_ A&O

Pacific Coast Co--G 5s '46.J&DPalace Hotel (San Fran)-

1st 6sAug 1 1928 op 1913 F&APenmans, Ltd-

1st m g 5s 1926 opt ____M&N Phila Bourse 1st 6s 1913 __M&N

Pittsb Brewing Os Feb 4 '49 J&JPittsb Term Warehouse & Transf

1st ref g 5s Nov 1 1936.. _ M & NProvident Loan Society-

434s Sept 1 1921 M&SRailway Steel Spring-

1st M g 55 1921 opt J&JRapid Tran Ferry—G 58'44M &NSt Clair Furnace Co-

1st g gu 5s 1911 to 1939_F&ASt Jos Stock Yds 434s 1930A &JSt L Brew Ass'n Os 1014.... ....J&JSt Louis Car Co-

1st g Os May '21 '23 op'08M&N St L Nat Stock Yds 4s '30_ _J&J

St P Union Depot—Os 1930M &NConsol bs 1944 MANConsol 4s 1944 MAN

StPaul Un St'k Yds-5s'16 A&O Schwarzschild & Sulzberger Co.-Deb tris 1918 s f op. J&D

Securities Coot N Y-4% consols optional__ __M&S

Sibley Mfg Co 1st 5s 1922___J&JSimpson Securities Co—

Sinking fund 6s 1929_ _J&J 15Somerset Hotel Tr 4s I921J&D Standard Cordage-

1st M g 5s 1931 red.... A&OAdjust M 5s Apr 1 1931

Standard Mill—lst g 55 '30M&NStreet's West Stable-Car Line-

1st M equip g 5s 1911-27-J&DSwift & Co-5s '14 op 1910_J&JSwiftRfgTrans 4 %s'll to'12 J&J10th-23dStFerCo 1st 5s '19 J&DTexas Company—Cony g deb 6s

1931 opt 1915 "w i"J&JTimberCtfs 6s g '11 to '12_ F&ATorrington Co 1st g 5s '18_M&SUnion B & P 1st g bs '30 op _J&J Stamped

Union Ferry Co-5s 1920.. M&NUn Transpor 1st 5s 1923 F&A United Box Board & Paper—

Coll tr Os Jan 15 '26 red_J&JGen M g 6s1926 red yrly _J&J

Unit Fruit—Deb 43/2s 1923.J&JU S Env deb g 5s 1912 _-__F&A

1st g serial 5s'11-'34 op'19J&DU S 5s 1919 J&JCon gold 55 1929 J&J

United States Gypsum-1st m g 5s 1922 opt.... _..M&S

U 8 Leath—S f deb Os g '13M&NU S Mortgage & Trust Co—Ser E to N 4s 1917 to '22.... Var

U S Realty & Imp bs g '24 op J &J US Red & Ref Co 6s 1931_ _J&J

U S Rubber—Coll tr Os '18.J&DUS Smelt 1st 6s 1922 _ _ _ _ A &O Virginia-Carolina Chemical-

1st M g 5s 1023 ups f.... J&DWelsbach Co Col tr g 6s '30_J&DWest Canada Fl Mills Co, Ltd-

1st s f 6s Mch 1928 M&SWestern Electric Co-

1st 5s Dec 31 '22 op aft'll COAL, IRON & STEEL STOC

Alabama Consul Coal & Iron100 Preferred100

American Coal Co of N J 26Amer Steel Foundries 100Bethlehem Steel Corp 106

Preferred 100Bon Air Coal & Iron, com.._100

Preferred • 100Cambria Iron Co 50Cambria Steel Co 50Central Coal & Coke 100

Preferred ' 100Colorado Fuel & Iron 100

Preferred 100Col & Hock Coal & Iron 100

Bankers Tr Co. ctfs full paid _Preferred IOU

Consolidated Coal Co of St TA no




88100102% 913/2














97% 85




f 6293


18f 2


b5.30%100% b5%%65

101 %99100










d 45d 473/284%7931%110212











10390609 ol410799










$ 80

101 %








95% 97












Van Wert (0.) Gas Light-1st g 55 1935 opt 1910_ A&O

Ventura Co Power 1st 6s'3851&NVermont Power dr Ltg-

1st g bs 1927 gu s f M&SWashington Gas —49'27-129 .J &J

1st mtge gold 5s 1960_ _M&NWestchester Lgt 1st g 5s '50J&DN Y Sub Gas—lstg5s'49 M&S

Western United Gas & Elec—lst&ref 5s g 1015 to '50. F&A

Westinghouse El & Mfg-6% notes Aug 1 1913_ F&A5% notes Oct 1 1917_ __ _A&OCony s f g 5s '31 opt '12__J&JWalker Co 1st g 6s 1916_ _J&J

Wilkes-Barre Gas & Electric Co-Cons g 5s 1955 opt J&J

Williamspt Gas—lst g 5s'39F&AWillimantic Gas & Elec Lt Co-

1st bs 1923 op 1913. J&J Wilmington (Del) Gas Co-

1st & ref sf g 5s 1949 op M&SWyoming Valley Gas & Elec—Gen g 5s 1926 opt 1910_ _J&J


Albany Home Telep 6s '27_ _J&JAmerican Teleph & Teleg Co—

Coll tr g 4s 1929 J&J Cony g 4s '36 cony at '09M&8

Bell Telephone of Canada—Deb gold 5s of 1925 A&O

Cent Un Telep 6s 1911-16 __J&J 5s g Jan 1 1912-1919_J&J

Ches & Pot Tel bs '29 op '09 J&JChicago Telephone-

1st g 5s 1923 opt 1913_ _J&DCom'cial Cabie-4s g 2397_Q-JCumberland Teleph & Telegr-

1st s f g 5s 1918J&JDeb 59 Feb 1 1920_ __ _ _F&A

Cuyahoga Telep bs 1919 _ _ J&JHome Telep & Teleg (Los An-

geles Cal) 1st 5s 1933_J&J 1st refg 5s 1945_. J&J

Kan C Home Telep bs '23 J&J K C Long Dis Tel 55 1925__J&JKey. Tel 1st g bs '35 op '08J&JKinioch Long Dist Telep-

1st M g 55 1929 --------J&JKinioch Telephone 6s 1928 F&A Louisville Home Telephone-

1st g bs July 1 1922 J&JMaryland Telep & Teleg-

1st g bs 1929 J&JMet Telep & Teieg bs 1918 M&NMich State Telep-5s 1924_F& ANew Eng Tel&Te1-5s '15_ A&O6s Apr 1916 A&ODeb bs 1919 A&O4s Jan 1930 J&J

NY & NJ Telep 5s g 1920_M&NN Y & Pa Telep & Teleg Co-

1st gold 55 Feb 1 1926 _F&A Gen S Fd g 4s Nov '29 M&N

NY Tel.lst 4%s 1939___ _M&NPacific Teleph & Telegraph—

lattIr col trsf g 58'37 op'22J&JPostal Tel-Cable of Texas-

1st s f gu g 5s 1928 J&JRochester Telep 1st g 5s'20.J&J Gen 6s 1933 A&O

Southern Bell Telep & Teleg-1st s f g 5s 1941 op '16J&J

South New Eng Telephone-1st g 5s Dec 1 1948 J&D

Toledo Home Telep 5s 1922 J&JTwin City Telephone Co-

1st g 5s 1912 '14 '17 & '26 J&JU S Teleph bs 1919 J&JWestern T&TCol tr g 5s'32_J&J5% notes 1912 F&A

Western Union—Collateral tr cur 5s 1938_ _J&JFdg & R E M 4%s g '50_M&NConvg4s'36op'12Ser A M&NMutual Union 6s 1911 _M&NNorthw'n gu g 4%s 1934_J&J

WATER BONDS.Bethlehem City (Pa) Water Co-

1st g 58 1934 J&JBlue Lakes Water 1st 65'38M drSConsol Water Co of Utica-

1st g bs Jan 1930 J&JDeb 5s Jan 1 '30 op 1911_J&J

Contra Costa Water 6s 1915 J&JGen M 5s 1915 J&J

Denver Union Water 5s '14 J&JHackensack Water Company-

1st g 4s 1952 opt 1912_JdrJIndianapolis Water Co-2d g 6s July 1 1911-26_ _J&J

Louisv Wat Co-4s 1946... .J&J4s 1950 F&A

Montana Water 1st 15s 1933 J&DNashville Water 4s 1928 _ _ _J&JN Hay Wat cony deb 4s'15_J&JOakland WaterCo-5s g'd'15J St.)Omaha Water Co bs '48 op_J&J

Prior lien g bs 1916 opt_ _J&JPassaic Water gen g 5s '37_ _J&JPeople's Water, Oakland, Cal—Gold 5s Jan 2 1937_ _ __J&J

Portland (Me.) Water 4s,'27F& ARacine (Wis) Water 5s'31 MA NSou Yuba %Vat—Con 6s '23_ J &JSpringEr'kWater-54 g '26 A&Ogoring ValWater Ref g4s123.1&1)Tacoma Wat Sup 1st 5s '25.J&J

MISCELLANEOUS BONDS.Adams Exp col tr g 4s '48_M&SCol tr g 4s 1947 _J&D

Allis Chalmers Co-1st M s f 5s'36 opt '18_ _ _J&J

Amal Cop 5% Notes 1913. _ A&OAmerican Agricultural Cnem—

lst g 5s 1928 sr cony A&OAmer Cigar Co—Guar g notes 4sMar 15 1912. Ser. BM&S 15

Amer Cot Oil 4%s Nov '15.Q-F

















1001033,98% 100%1003102923/2103









9938596% 9282%




88%f 87




Amilide&Leathlst g6s'19.M&SAmer Ice Securities Co—Deb g 6s 1925 A&O

Amer-La France Fire Engine-1st M s f 6s 1924 A&O

American Locomotive Co—Ser g notes 6s Oct 1911 A&O

Amer Malt 6s 1914 J&DAm Sew Pipe—lst s f 68'20 M&S Amer Smelt & Refg—Cony g deb 6s sub rcts_ _ _F&A

A uer 8plrits Mfg g 6s 1915 M&SArtier Steel Found's 6s '35.A&ODeb 4s 1923_F&A

Amer Stra,wboard 6s 1916.F&A A tier thread cot tr 48 g 1919 J&.1Amer Tobacco 6s g 1944 _ _A &O4s g Aug 1 1951 __ _ ._F&A

American Type Founders—,Deb gold Os 1939 MAN

American Writing Paper-1st g 5s '19 op aftJuly'09_J&J

Armour & Co.—Real est 1st g43/2s 1939 op J&D

Associated Oil Co-5s 1922 FAAAstoria (NY)Veneer Mills & D-

1st s f g 6s 1941 opt J&J Atl Gulf & W Indies SS Lines—

Col tr g 5s Jan 1 1959_ _ J&JAtlas Portland Cement-

1st s f g 6s 1925 M&SAugusta Fact'y 1st M 6s'15M&NBaldwin Locomotive Works-

1st s f 5s 1940 op aft '15_M&NBarney & Smith Car .Co-

1st g 5s July 1 1936- -----J&JBerg & Engle Brew 6s 1921 _J&JBsrlin Mills 1st g 5s'llto'31F&AB tston Term Co-3 %is '47 _F & ABrooklyn Ferry Co—Cons g 5s 1948 ctts dep _ _F& AF3'n..t NY F'y 1st Os.1911_J&J

Barns (P) & Co, Ltd-1st s f g Os '24 op aft '14,A&O1st & ref s f 6s 1931_ _ J&J

Bush Term 1st cony g 4s '52A&OC,ons g 5s Jan 1 1955 _J&J

CAlifornia Wine Association—Cony g 5s Sep10 '25 op s f M&S

Canada Cement Co, Ltd-1st s f g 6s 1929 opt_ _ _ _ A&O

Canadian Car & Fdry Co, Ltd-1st s f g 6s 1939 J D

Canadian Colored Cott Mills, Ltd1st m 6s Apr 21012.. ___A&02

Canadian Cons Rubber, Ltd—Gold Os 1946 opt 1911_ __A&O

Central Foundry Co—Deb Os 1919, opt 1901 _M&N

Cent Hud St'boat —5s '19 M&NCentral Leather 5s 1925 A&OChes & Del Canal 1st bs '16_J&J

Chic B'd of Trade 4s 1927 __J&DChic Junct col g 5s 1915._ __J&J

Coll tr ref g 4s 1940 A&OChic Pneu Tool 5s Dec 31,'21 _J&JCleve & Sandusky Brewing-

1st a f g 6s June 1 ,'48.opt J&JClyde Steamship Co-

1st s f g 58 Feb '31 opt_F&ACons Rub Tire—Inc 4s '61 A&OConsolidated Tobacco Co—

Coll tr g 4s Aug 1 1951 F&ACorn Products Refining—Sk fd deb g 5s 1931 M&N1st g 5s 1934 s f MAN

Cov&CinBdg 1st g 4s 1915__J&JCramp (Wm) Sons S'p & E Bldg

lat m g 5s 1929 opt ___M & SCuban-American Sugar—

Coll tr 68 Apr 1 1918 opt_ A&ODiamond Match Co—Cony deb6s Dec 15 '20 op '15__J&D15

Distillers' Securities Corp—Col tr cv g bs '27 op '08 _ _ A dr0

du Pont (E I) de Nem Powd—Gold 43/2s June 1 1938 ... J&D

Eigle& Phenix Mfg 5s 1926 J&JEastern Steamship Co-

1st Ms f g 58 1927 (opt)_M&NErie & Western Transportation-

1st Mg 48'25 opt'10 gu_ _J&JFort St Union Depot. Detroit —

1st g 4%s Jan 1941 J&JGen Rub debs 434s g '15 op_J&JGirard Pt Storage 33/2s '40_ A &OGottlieb-Bauerschmidt-StrausBrew Co—lst 4s 1951 _M&S2d Income 58 Sept 1951 MAN

at North'n Paper g 5s 1.927,J&JHall Signal 1st 6s 1015 op_A&OHavana Tobacco-5s 1922_J&D

HawailanCom&Sug5s1919 A&OHecker-Jones-Jewell Os '22 M&SHoboken Land & Imp't Co-

1st M g5s Nov 1930 Hoster-Columbus Breweries-

1st g 6s 1955 opt J&J Hudson Nay g 6s 1938 opt F&A

Huebner-Toledo Brew 13s '30J&JIllinois Tunnel 6s 1928 D

6% g receivers' ctfs 1912 A&OIndependent Brewing 6s '55 J&J

Ingersoll-Rand—ist g 5s Dec 311935 opt Dec 31 1910_ _ _J&J

International Mere Marine— Col tr deb 43/2s '22 op '07 A&O

International Navigation-1st g bs Feb 1 '29 op '09_F&A

Internat Nickel 1st 5s '32_A&OInternat'l Paper—Os 1918_F&ACon cony g s f 5s '35op'09 J&J

Internal Salt g 5s '51 op ._ _A&OInternational Silver Os '48.J&DInternational Steam Pump-

1st lien s f g 5s '29 op_ _M&SKanCity Breweries 6s 1930 MANKansas City Stock Yards Co—Cony 5s Feb 1 1913 _F&A

Kirby Lumber Co—See TimbeKnickb Ice lst g 5s 1928 ___ A &O













































b Basis. d Price per share, not per cent. e New stock. f This price includes accrued interest. k Last sale. n Nominal. s Sale price.x Ex-dividend. y Ex-rights.Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 29: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf


Stocks. Par

Consolidation Coal of Md 100Crow's Nest Pass Coal, Ltd_ 100Crucible Steel Co of Am._ 100

Preferred 100Del Lack & West Coal 50Dominion Coal preferred__ _ _100Dominion Iron iSr Steel, pref_100DominSteel& Coal Corp com.100Empire Steel & Iron.. 100

Preferred 100George's Creek Coal__ __ _ _10La Belle Iron Works 100Lackawanna Steel Co 100Lehigh Coal & Navigation _50Trustees Certfs 50

Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal _ _50Maryland Coal, pref 100Monongahela River Coal 50Preferred 50

New Central Coal 20New Haven Iron & Steel 5Nova Scotia Steel & Coal.._ _100Preferred 100

Pennsylvania Steel 100Preferred 100

Pittsburgh-Buffalo Co pref _100Pittsburgh Coal 100Preferred _100

Pittsburgh Steel Co pref_ __ _100Republic Iron dr Steel 100

Preferred 100Sloss-Sheffield St'l dr Iron Co 100

Preferred 100Southern Iron & Steel 100

Preferred 100Texas & Pacific Coal Co. _ _ _100U S Steel Corporation 100Preferred 100

Vandalla Coal, corn 100Preferred 100

Va Iron, Coal & Coke 100Warwick Iron & Steel 10Westmoreland Coal 50Wheeling Mould & Foundry .50Wheeling Steel & Iron Co__ .100


Preferred Amer Gas & Elec corn 50 d 53

50 d 42American Gas of N J__ _ .100 American Light & 'Traction .1( 0 292Preferred.100 106

Amer Power & Light corn_ _100 68Preferred 100 81

Bay State Gas (Boston) 50 d 23c.Brooklyn Union Gas Co ..100 140Buffalo City Gas Co 100 4Preferred 100

Buffalo General Electric__ _100 96Butte Elec & Power com__100 106

Preferred 100 74Canadian General Electric _ .100 104Canadian Light & Power .100 57Chariest'n (Mass) Gas&Elec_50 d 123Cincinnati Gas & Electric__ _100 85gCincinnati Gas Transp'n__ _100 845Cities Service Co common_ _100 67

Preferred 100 773-iCity Electric, San Francisco_100 70Columbia Gas & Electric.. ..100 Columbus Edison Co

Preferred_ 100 89

100 Columbus Gas & Fuel corn... 100

Commonwealth Edison 100 74%Preferred 100 129

Con Gas E Lt & Pow (Bait)-Common 100 Preferred 100

Consolidated Gas (NY). See N Y CityConsumers' Gas (Toronto)... _50 198Denver Gas & Electric 100 Detroit Edison 100 x 107Dominion Natural Gas 100 Edison El Illum Co (Bost)-100 283Electrical Securities pref. _ _ _100 80Electric Co of America 10 d 12Electric Storage Battery.. _100 d 52%Elizabeth Gas-Light Co 100 300Equitable Ill G L Phila pref_100 109Essex & Hudson Gas Co __ _ _100 146Fall River Gas Works Co_ .100 300Gas dr Elec of Bergen Co__ _ _100 83General Electric common _100 1483,1Georgetown Gas 25 d 70Guanaro Pow & Elec com _ _100 33

Preferred 100 74Hartford Electric Light__ _ _100 217Hartford Gas Securities Co_ _25 d 50

Preferred 25 d 44Houghton Co Elec Lt corn_ __ 25d 163/2Preferred 25 d 23

Hudson County Gas 100 1433/2Indiana Lighting 100 343/2Indianapolis Gas 50 15Kansas Natural Gas_ _ _ _100 22Kings Co Elec Lt & Power. 100 1295/2Laclede Gas Light common _100 103

Preferred 100 933/2Louisville Gas Co 100 86Lowell Electric Light 100 200Lowell Gas 100 294Manuf Light & Heat Pittsb _50 d 193/iMassachusetts Gas Cos 100 92Preferred 100 963

Massachusetts Lighting Cos_100 127Mexican Li & Pow common_100 863,Michigan Light Co pref 100 97Minneapolis Gen Electric.. _100 121Preferred 100 1063/2

Mobile Electric Co corn 100 27Preferred . - - ..100 84

Montreal Li.ght Heat & Pow _100 1493/2Municipal Gas (Albany)_ _ _ _100 240Narragansett Electric 50 dx 913/2Nashville Gas Light Co__ _ .100 89Nat Lt Heat & Pow corn__ .100 10Preferred IGO 50

Newark Consolidated Gas_ _ _100 97New Bedford Gas & Edison_100 x 300New Haven Gag-T.10a 25 d 41

Bid. Ask. Stocks. Par. Bid.-

1003/2 Ne i. York Lity-Consolld'd_100 1441% 74 Minuet 100 17412% 13 Standard common 100 55793/2 793/2 Preferred. 100 n 90315 330 N Y & Queens Elec L & P _100 55 110 Preferred _100 75101. 102 Nee' York & Richmond Gas-100 50573% Niagara Falls Power Co _100 15010 15 Northern Calif Pow ($20 pd).100 d 54 57 North Shore Electric 100 86 Ohio Fuel Supply 25 dx 42

160 161 Oklahoma Gas & Elec corn--100 10245 Preferred 100 96

d 931/2 933% Oklahoma Natural Gas 59d 9352 933% Ottawa Lt, Ht & Power_ _100 133250 275 Pacific Gas & Electric 100 613/2

Preferred 100 873'2d 93/2 Pacific Lt Corp corn 100 d 24 Preferred 100 74

30 60 Paterson & Passaic Gas&El_100 90d s % Pawtucket Gas Co pref _100 90x 98% 99 People's Gas Lt&Coke(Chic)100 1073/2124 127 Phila Co-See under St & Elec Ry Securit k 60 Phila Elec Co ($15 paid). 25 d 163/2

s 1073/2 108 Pittsb Consolidated Gas pref _50 d 130 People's Nat Gas & Pipe'g_25 d 21 219/2 Pittsburgh Oil & Gas Co_ _100 d 773/2 79 Portland (Me) Gas-Light. _50 d 83

1013/2 102 Providence Gas 50 dx 9333 339/2 Rhode Island Elec Protect _ _100 1297 973/2 Salem (Mass) Electric 100 n 2755194 5234 Salem (Mass) Gas-Light _ _100 n 205 112 SanDiegoConsGas&E1 com_100 923 6 Preferred 100 959 12 '411awinigan Water & Power. 100 1135/295 100 Somerset Un & Middle'x Ltg 100 66773/2 775/2 Toledo Gas,Elec dr Heat 100 11894 119 Toronto Electric Light...... 100 125

93% Tr )y (N Y) Gas 100 165 23 Union Natural Gas Corp _100 13656 60 United Electric of N J 100 85

d 1094 11 United Electric &cur pref 100 110d 78 91 Unit Gas & Elec of N J.pref.100 85d 64 65 United Gas Impt (Phila) 50 dx 863/155 156 United Ilium Co of N Haven 100 180

Washington (D C) Gas 20 d 793%Western Power corn 100 34

Preferred 100 6256 West'house Elec & Mfg. asstg 5, 66433/2 1st preferred. 30 120

Wichita (Kan) Natural Gas_100 295107708324c.


s 109%33%76129%












• No. Last Sat,N Y Stock Exch..1,100 $68,000NY Con Stk Ex 1,017 250N Y Produce Ex_2,143 375N Y Cotton Ex 450 14,500N Y Coffee Exch. 323 2,025Baltimore Stk Ex 87 3,000Boston Stock Ex_ 150 35,000Chic Bd of Trade_1,644 2,700Chicago Stk Ex__ 295 2,000Cincinnati Stk Ex 40 3,100Cleveland Stk Ex_ 35 1,800Louisville Stk Ex_ 29 3,500ViinneapCh ofCom 550 4,000Montreal Stk Ex_ 60 29,500slew Orl Cot Ex _ 500 2,500trila Stock Exch_ 227 5,250

.'ittsb Stock Ex__ 130 3,000:t Louis Stk Ex 50 2,500( San F)Stk dtBdEx 42 10,000Washlon Stk Ex 40 3,500


Northern Mills.Acushnet Mill Corp (N B)_ _100Amer Linen Co (Fall River)_100Amoskeag Mfg Co (N H)__ _100Androscoggin Mills (Me)_..100Appleton Co (Mass) 100Arkwright Mills (F Iti 100Arlington Mills (Mass) 100Atlantic Cotton Mills (.1ass)_100Barnard Mfg (Fall River)_ _100Bates Mfg Co (Me) 100Beacon Mfg (hi B) 100

Preferred 100Berlin (Paper) Mills Co ( Me) 100Bigelow Carpet Co (Mass)_ ..100Boott Mills (Mass) 100Border City Mfg (Fall River) 100Boston Mfg Co (Mass) 100Boston Belting 100Boston Duck Co (Mass)__ ..700Bourne Mills (F R) 100Bristol Mfg Co (N B) 100Butler Mill (N B) 100Cabot Mfg Co (Me) 100Chace Mills (Fall River)..100Chicopee Mfg Co (Mass)..100City Mfg Corp (N B) 100Collins Co (Conn) 100Columbian Mfg Co (N II). _ _100Continental Mills (Me) 100Cornell Mills (F R) 100Crescent Mfg Co (N B) 100Dartmouth Mfg Corp (N B)_100

Preferred 100Davis Mills (F R) 100Davol Mills (Fall River)._ 100Dwight 3lfg Co (Mass) 500Edwards Mfg Co (Me) 100Everett Mills (Mass) 100Flint Mills (Fall River) 100Franklin Co (Me) 100Frisbie & Stand Knit'g pref_100(losnold Mills (N B) pref 100Granite Mills (F R) 100Great Falls Mfg Co (N H). - _100Grinnell Mfg Corp (1•1 B) ....100Hamilton Mfg Co (Mass). 100Hamilton Woolen Co (Mass)_100Hargraves Mills (F R) 100Hill Mfg Co (Me) 100Holmes Mfg (N B) 100

Preferred 100Jackson Co (N H) 1000














Stocks. Par.









Per share.167%1




s 250102110100165100










9783208 185

90s 130865103%260











s 115%

Kilburn Mill (N B) 100King Philip Mills (F R)..100Lancaster Mills (Mass) 100Laurel Lake Mills (F R)_..100 165Lawrence Mfg Co (Mass)_ _100 178Lincoln Mfg (F R) 100 Lockwood Co (Me) 100 Lowell Bleachery (Mass)...100 Lyman Mills (Mass) 100 125Wanomet Mills (N B) 100 115Massachusetts Cotton Mills_100 128Mechanics' Mills (F R)__ - _ _100 Merchants' Mfg Co (F R)__100 Merrimack Mfg Co (Mass). .100 58Preferred 100

Middlesex Co (Mass) 100 Monadnock Mills (N H)___1000 10023/2Morse Twist Drill (N B)____ 50 x 197Nashua Mfg Co (N H) 500 Naumkeag(hiass)St'mCotCo 100 14894Newmarket Mfg Co (N H)_ _100 Nonquitt Spinning Co (N B) 100 105Osborn Mills (Fall River)__ _100 Otis Mfg Co (Mass) 1000 2000Pacific Mills (Mass) 1000 Page Mfg (N B) 100 Pairpoint Corporation (N B) 100 160Parker Mills (F R) 100 Pepperell Mfg Co (Me) 100 Pierce Mfg Co (N B) 100 400Pocasset Mfg Co (Fall River) 100 Ponemah Mills (Prov) 100 109Preferred 100 108

Potomska Mills (N B) 100 ftich Borden Mfg Co (F R)_100 iagamore Mfg Co (F R)..100 Salmon Falls Mfg Co (N H)_300 282Seaconnet Mills (F R) 100 Skenandoa Cotton Co (Utica)100 133Soule Mill (N B) 100 Stafford Mills (Fall River).-100 Stevens Mfg Co (Fall River) .100 Taber Mill (N B) 100 Tecumseh Mills (Fall River)_100 Thorndike (Mass) 1000 1000Tremont & Suffolk M (Mass) 100Union Cotton Mfg (Fall Riv) 100 Utica Knitting Co pref 100 100Utica Steam & Mohawk ValleyCotton Mills 100 165

Utica & Willowvale Bleach'y100 200Wampanoag Mills (F R)....._100Wamsutta Mills (N B) 100Weetamoe Mills (Fall River) 100Whitman Mills (N B) 100 180York Mfg Co (Me) 100

Southern Mills.kbbeville Cotton Mills 03 C)_100Aiken Mfg Co (S C) 100American Spinning Co Anderson Cotton Mills (S C)..100krkwright Mills (S C) 100Atlantic & Gulf Cotton (Ga)100Augusta Factory (Georgia)_100Belton Mills (SC) 100Bibb Mfg Co (Georgia). _ _ ..100Brandon Mills (S C) 100Cabarrus Cotton Mills (N C) _100Clifton Mfg Co (S C) 100Clinton Cotton Mills (S C).. _100Courtenay Mfg Co (S C) 100Dallas Mfg Co (Ala) 100Darlington Mfg Co (S C)__ _ _100Eagle dr Phenix Mills (Ga)_ _100Enoree Mfg Co (3 C) 100Preferred 100

Enterprise Mfg Co (Ga) __ __ 100Exposition Cotton Mills (Ga)100Gaffney Mfg Co (8 C) 100Graniteville Mfg Co 03 0) _100Greenwood Cot Mills (8 C)_ _100Irendel Mills (8 C) 100Henrietta Mills (N C) 100King, John P. Mfg Co (Ga) 100Lancaster Cotton Mills (8 0).100Preferred 100

Langley Mfg Co (8 C) 100Laurens Cotton Mills (8 C) .J00Lockhart Mills (8 C) 100Preferred 100

Louise Mills (N C) 100Marlboro Cot Mills (B. C.)..100Mayo Mills (N C) 100Mills Mfg Co (8 C) 100Monarch Cotton Mills (8 0) 100Monoghan Mills (8 C) 100Newberry Cotton Mills (8 0).100Orangeburg Mfg Co pref-100Orr Cotton Mills (8 C) 100Pacolet Mfg Co (8 C) 100Pelzer Mfg Co (8 C) 100Piedmont Mfg Co (8 C) 100Phillips Buttorff Mfg 100Poe. F W, Mfg Co (S C) 100Roanoke Mills (N C) 100Seminole Mfg com 1001st preferred_ 1002d preferred 100

Sibley Mfg Co (Ga) 100Spartan Mills (8 C) 100Stonewall Cot Mills( Mobile).100Trion Mfg Co (Ga) 100rucapau Mills (8 C) 100Onion-Buffalo Mills(8 0)1st pref• Ictor Mfg Co (Et C) 100, arren Mfg Co (8 C) 104)do preferred 100

Washington Mills (Va.) pref.100Webb Mfg Co-Nashville. _100Whitney Mfg Co (S CI 100

Canadian Mills.Canadian Converters, Ltd...100Can Colored Cot Mills, pref_100Dominion Tex Co,Ltd,com_ _100

Preferred 100Montreal Cotton 100Penmans, Ltd, common... _100

Preferred 100















43x 74

71x 103%


Bid. I Ask.

Per share. 140 170 sx125

s 105






1188 290






• 165501031105314011010514010012510211085









s 9856 New stock. d Price per share, not per cent. I Flat price. k Last sale. n Nom. s Sale price. x Ex-city. y Ex-rights. z Ex 100% div. in corn. stk.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 30: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf


Stocks. Bid. Ask.--------


Albany. Par. Per cent.Albany Ins Co_ ....50 200Commerce Ins Co 25 190

Baltimore. PerGerman 10 17German-Amer.. ...25 37%Boston. Per

American(F&M)100 Boston 100 310Conveyancers'

Title 100 100Mass Title 100 k 50MercantileF&M.100 North Amer (F) 100 Brooklyn-See N YDetroit. Per share.

Detroit F & M__50 129Michigan F &M_ _50 81A

Hartford. PerAetna 100 x 307Connecticut.... _100 x 340Hartford 100 762National 100 x 413Phoenix 100 x 304 310Steam Boiler_ _ - _50 x 255

Life Insurance. PerAetna Life _ __ _100 x 660Conn General 100 x 250Hartford Life. .100 160Travelers' ___ _100 x 950Kansas City, Mo. Per

Kan City Lite_ A00 250Louisville. Per

German 50 100Louisville 100 100Memphis. Per

Bluff City 100 97Factors 100 95Hernando 100 100Phoenix 100 98

Minneapolis. PerNorthwest Fez N1100 Newark Per cent.

American 5 515 525Firemen's 50 485Newark Fire 5 310Prudential Life_ _50 450New Haven. Per

Security Ins_ _ _ _25 58New Orleans. Per

Hibernia 100 Lafayette 50 210 250lidechan & Trad_100 150Sun 100 110Teutonia 100 120New York. Per

City of N Y_ _100 175Commonwealth _100 325Continental 100 1050Empire City__ A00 125Fidelity-Phenix.100 328German-Alliance100 290German-Amer. _100 600Germania 50 280Hanover 50 210Home 100 705Nassau (Bklyn)._ 50 150Niagara 50 285North River 25 155Pacific 25 175Peter Cooper _ _ _ 20 90 110Stuyvesant _ _ _ _100 150 160United States 25 85Westchester __ - 10 450Williamsburg City(Brooklyn) 50 375Philadelphia. Per

Alliance of Phila_10 15American Fire_ _100 County Fire_ _100 Delaware 10 Fire Association 50 Franklin Fire__ 25Girard F & M.._100 InsCo of N A_ _ _ 10 203,InsCo State ofPa 50 Jefferson 50 Lumbermen's __ 25 Mechanics' 25 Pennsylvania F_100 People'sNatFire 50 Phila Life 10 Reliance 50 Spring Garden__ 50 Teutonia 100 Union 20 United Firemen's 10

Pittsburgh. PerAllemannia ____ 60 105Armenia 100 Birmingham ___ 50 65German • 50 75German-Amer__ 50 Humboldt 50 Monongahela__ 50 Nat Ben Frank.Pittsburgh 50 Teutonia 50 110Union 50 Western. 50 Providence. per

Equitable F&M. 50 50Prov Washing'n 50 80Richmond. Per

Virginia F & M. 25 67%Virginia State__ 25

Rochester, N. Y PerRochester Germ 100 225

St. Louis. PerAmer Central__100 173

St. Paul, Minn. PerSt Paul F & M_ _100 265San Francisco. Per

California 40 Fireman's Fund 100 250


18- -















• 400share.

16k 52%k 125%s 27s 339%k 55k 290

20 %k 53k 135k 75%S 45%s 405• 40s 10%• 90k 90%

kk 16share.

s 100









Arlington 10Commercial__ 5Corcoran 50Fireman's 20Franklin 25German-Amer_ _100National Union_ 5Potomac 25


Atlantic Mutual-1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911


Acacia 1Adventure Cons_25Ahmeek ($17 pd) 25Alamo 1Allouez 25AmalgamatedCopper 100

Am Gold M (St L)10Amer Zinc Lead &Smelting 25

Anaconda Cop_ .25Arnold 25Ash Bed 25Atlantic 25Batopilas Min_ 20Bonanza Dev Co_10Brittania Mining_ _1British Col Cop_ _5Butte Coalition_ _15Calumet & Ariz. _10Calumet & Hecla 25Centennial 25Center Cr'k Min_10Chino Copper_ .-.5Columbia Lead_ _10Con Mercur Gold_5Cop Range Con_100Cripple Cr'k Cons_lDaly-West 20Davis-Daly Cop_10Dante 1Doctor Jackpot_ ..1Doe Run Lead_100Elkton Cons 1Elm River 12El Paso Gold 1El Rayo 2Federal M & Sm 100

Preferred ___100First NationalCop. ($3.75 pd). 5

Franklin 25Giroux Cons M _5Gold Dollar Cons.!Goldfield Consol

Mines 10Gold Hill Cop_ .10Granby Cons M S& P 100

Granite-BI-Metallic(St Louis)._ _ _ _10

Greene-Cananea _20Guanajuato Cons_ 5Hancock Cons_ __25Hart Cons 1Homestake Min 100Hope Mining _10Inspiration Copp.10Isabella 1Island Crk C 1

Preferred 1Isle Royale Cop..25Jack Pot 1Kerr Lake 5Lake Copper_ _ .25LaRose Cons M 5La Salle Copper_25Last Dollar 1Lexington 1Mary McKinney_ 1Mass Cons 25Mayflower 25Miami Copper_ ...5Michigan 25Mohawk 25Moon Anchor_ _ _ _1National 25Nevada Cons Cop_5Nev-Utah M & SA0New Idria Quick-

silver 5Nipissing Mines_ _5North Butte... _15Ohio Copper_ _ _10Old Colony 25Old Dominion 25Ontario Sil Min_100Osceola 25Parrott Sll & Cop 10Pharmacist Cons_lPilgrim Cons 1Pinnacle 1Portland 1Prince Albert _ _ _ _1Quicksilver Min 100

Preferred ___100Quincy 25Ray Cons Cop_ 10Rose Nicol 1

Bid. Ask.i Bid.- -.


Per share. Par. PerSt Joseph Lead_ _10 10

28 293% SantaFe(G&Cop) 10 1 Seneca($10 05pd)25

793% Shannon 10 103%20% 213% Superior & Bost_10 b 3736 40 Superior 25 34260 Sup & Pitts Cop_10 x 143%8 9 Tamarack 25 3930 33 Tennessee Cop_ _25 38

Tonopah (Nevada)! 73%Tonopah Ext Min 1 Trinity 25 4Union Cop Mines_5 3-16Union Cop Land

f 100 102 & Mining 25 f 1003% 1023% United Copper_100 33%f 1003% 103 Preferred _ _ _100 9f 101 1033% Utah Cons 5 13f 102 104 Utah Copper Co_10 44f 1023% 105 Victoria 25 1%

Vindicator 1 89c.Winona 25 b 7Wolverine 25 110

Per share. Wyandot Work

251 133ic.33%c 43%c. Yukon Gold 5 33%5


32 33 Albany Tr (Bost). La 90Alliance Realty.. i 120

623% 623% Barristers' Hall Tr1 lc, 15c. ( os on) a 75

Bedford Tr(Bost) a x 243% BerkeleyHot1Tr(B) a 75

38 383% Bd of TrBldgTr(B)t a 104 BosGr'd RentTr(C) 1 a 96 Bost Land (Bost)..i 8

4 43% Bost R E Tr(Bos)_h al1702 23% BosStorWareh(B) la 10850c. 60c. Boston Wharf Co _I a .100 Bromf Bldg Tr(B) 1

53% 6 Business R E Tr(B)/ a 17 18 CentBidgTr(Bos) La 51 513% Chic R E Trustees ha 800480 490 City Assoc (Bos)_ _e a 525123% 123% City R E Tr (C)__h a 8001.50 Cleverly Tr (Cam) e a 223% 223% Congress St Associ-

ates (Boston)_ __I a 956c. 7c. C'gressStBlgTr(B) la

63 63 Constitution Wharf13%c. 23%c. Trust (Boston)_/a 9543,4 5 Copley Sq Tr (B).. _1 a 4513% 16 Delta Bldg Tr (B)_/ a

33%c. 43%c. Devonsh Big Tr(B)1 a 4563%c. 7c. Dwelling House85 89 Assn (Boston). _h a

653%c. 66c. East Bos Land (B)_ 93( s 18 East St R E Tr(B)_/ a 10374c. 743%c. Ensley Land Co.. _I 125 Essex St Tr (Bos) _I a 85

263% 35 FactoryBldTr(B) _I a 8560 65 Fifty Assoc (Bos)__ a 4000

Haymarket Tr(B) la 2 1-16 2 HotelBellevTr(B) La 40

b 9 9 HotlSom'setTr(B) /63% 6 5-16 Hot1Tr,T'raine(B) La 11511c. 113%c. Hudson Realty___I

Huntington Chemx 531 53% Tr (Boston)_ _1 a

% Journal Big Tr(B) 1 a Kimball Blg Tr(B) 1 a 60

323% 34 Lovejoy'sWhTr(B)/ a 103Manhat Bch Co_ _ _ / 2 A

463%c 50c. MerchRETr (Bos) h6 7-16 63% MunicipalRETr(B)/ a 95 Old South BldAs _I a 55

b 223% 223% Oliver Bld Tr (B)../ a 88 Paddock Tr (Bos)_I a 80

85 873% Pem'tonBidTr (B) la n 20c. Post Of Sq Tr(B)_I a 80

73% 75/g Pray BidsTr (Bos) La 14c. 15c. Q'cyMarkRETr(B)/ a 100303% 31 RE Assoc (Bos)__/ a 873% 873% Realty Associates of133% 143% Brooklyn

1 106c. 8c ..South St Tr (Bos)/ a 11006 5-16 6 7-16 South Term Tr(B) la 7532 323% State St Associates43% 43% (Boston) La 704 4% State St Ex (Bos)I a Suffolk R E Tr(B) h a

1c. 2c. Summer St Tr (B) La 40c. 41c. Term Hon Tr (B)_/ a 100

6 Preferred 1 a 1A 1A Texas Pacific Land19 193% Trust certfs_ _ _ _I 881% 23% Trem'tBldTr (B)_ _/ a 9736 37 Trim'tn Tr (Bost)_/ a 9023%c. 23%c. University Assocl-1 1y, ales (dambr)__ _la 9018 183% Western R E Tr__ _la 13095c. 96c. WinthropB1dTr(B)1 a


8%x 10%x 281 7-16








3568171 3%c.


Par.AlbanyHomeTp 100AmDisTelg(NY)100AmDisTelg(N J)100AmTeig&Cab,gul00AmerTelp&Teig 100Bell Telp (Can)_100Bell Telp (Mo)_100Bell Telp (Penn)100Cent &SA Telg.. _100Cent Un Telp_ _100Chicago Telp _ ..100Cin&SubBellTp 50Colorado Telp__ 50Cominer Un (gu) 25Cumberland Telp

Teig 100




























Per cent.40 50

80 85x 144% 145x 144115 118 k 11734

x 119% 12251122 122%186 190


x 147 148%


ParCuyahoga Telp_ 50

Corn, vot tr cts_ _Preferred _50Pref, vot tr

Dominion Telegr(Canada) __ _ _50

Empire & Bay StateTelegraph _100

Franklin Tg (gu)100Gold&StkTg(gu)100Ill & Miss Telg_ 50Internet Ocean Telg(Guaranteed) 100

K C Home Tp_ _100Keystone Tell). 50

Preferred ___ 50Kinloch Long DistTelephone _100

Louisv HomeTp 100Mexican Telg_ _100Mex Telp&Telg_ 10

Preferred ___ 10Mich State Telp 100

Preferred _ _ _100Mo & Kan Telp_100Montreal Telg__ 40Nebraska Telp_100N E Telp&Telg_100Northwesti(gu)50Pac&At1Tg gu) 25Pacific Telp Tg100

Preferred _ _ _100Pioneer Tp & Tg100Providence Telp 50Rocky Mt BellTp100South&At1Tg(gu)25Southern NE Tp100Toledo Home Tp100U S Telp 100Preferred _100

West Telp&Telg100Preferred _ ..100

WesternUn Telg100



Amer Surety... 50Bond & M Guar.100Casualty of Am_100Chicago T&Tr_ _100City SD(A1bNY)100Columbia Title(Washington) _5

Empire St'te Surety(New York)_ _100

Fidelity&D (Md) 60KC(Mo)Casualty.10Kentucky Title_100Lawyers M Co_100Louisville Title_100MarylandCasCo. 25Mortgage Bond_100Nashv 'Title Co_100Nat Surety Co 100N Y Mort &Sec_100Pacific Coast Cas'lty(San Fran) _100

R E Title Ins(Wash) 100

Rhode Isl S D...100SD&TrCo of Ba1100St Paul Title&Tr 50Title Gu Tr(StL)100TitleInsCo(NY) 100U S Casualty_ ..l00USFidel&Gu(M)100US SD Co (NY).100US TGu&Indem100Washington Title 10Westch & Bronx Tit& Mtg Guar_ _100

MISCELLANEOUSAdams Express _100Aeolian-Weber-Piano & Pian.100Preferred .._100

A.laskaPackAssnl 00Albany cN Y) SafeDep&Storage.100

Allis-Chalmers _100Preferred 100Amal Asbestos_100

Preferred _100Am Agri Chem_100

Preferred__ ..100Am Beet Sugar_100

Preferred_ _ _ _100American Book_100Am Brake Sh&F100

Preferred_ _ _ ..100American Brass.100American Can. .100

Preferred_ __ _100Am Car & Fdry_ 100

Preferred_ _ _ _100Am Caramel__ _100

Preferred_ _ 100Am Cement 50Am Chicle 100

Preferred_ ...100Am Cotton 011.100

Preferred.'.._ _100AmCredit Indem 100Am Express_ _ _ _100Am FrultProd_ _100

Preferred_ _ _ _100American Glue_100

Preferred... _100Am Graphoph_ 100

Preferred_ _ ..100Am Hardware_ _100Am Hide &Leath100

Preferred_ _ _ _100Amer Hosiery_ _ _ 25


Perd 17d 17




dd 33




x 1451041401126051

x 92118

dx 92






d 154d 11110260110

d 97%11285217219









95d 152331056010217024420



d 200

























8 4658101744497%16296136126



a Purchaser also pays accrued int. b Assessment paid. c 2d installment paid. d Price per share, not per cent. e Par value $500. h Par value1,000. i Par value $10. k Last sale. 1 Par value 15100. m 1st installment paid. n Nominal. s Sale price. t New stock. x Ex-div. yEx-rights.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 31: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf


Stocks. Bid. Ask. Stocks. Bid. Ask: Stocks. Bid. Ask. Stocks.

Par.Am Ice Secur_100Am-La France

Fire Engine 100Preferred ._.l00

Amer Linseed_ _100Preferred_ .._ _100

Am Locomotive 100Preferred_ ..100

Am Malt Corp_ ..100Preferred_ _..100

Am Pipe&Cons_100Am Pneu Serv_ _50

Preferred 50Am Press Assn _100Am Radiator__ _100

Preferred_ .__100American Screw 100AmSeedMachpf .100Am Sewer Pipe_100Am Shipbldg__ _100

Preferred_ .__100Amer Smelt SecPref Ser B. - _100

Am Smelt&Refg100Preferred_ __. 100

Am Snuff 100Preferred_ - _ _100

Am Soda Fount.1001st pref 1002d pref 100

Am Straw Board100Am Sugar Refg_100

Preferred_ __ .100Am Thread pref_ _5Am Tobacco_ ....100

Preferred_ _ _ _100Am Type Foun_100

Preferred_ _..I00AmWinGlass pf.100Am WinGlassM _ 100

Preferred_ _ _ _100Am Woolen.. _ _100

Preferred_ _ _ _100Am Wringer. ..100

Preferred_ _ . _100Am WritingPap.100

Preferred_ .._ _100ASSO Mer 1st pf .1002d preferred_ _100

Associated Oil_ _100At! Gulf & WInd SS Lines 100Preferred: _ _ _100

Babcock & Wil_100Baltimore Brick 100

Preferred_ _..100Baltimore Wareh 20Bar & Smith Car100

Preferred_ __ _100Billings & Spen_ _25Bliss (E W) Co_ _50

Preferred 50Booth Fisheries_100

Preferred__ ..100Borden's Con M 100

Preferred....100British Col Packers

Assce pf A. _100Preferred B...100

Broad Brook Co_ 25Brunswick Term& Ry Sec_ _100

Burr Index 25Butterick Co__ _100Calif Fr CanAssn100Calif WineAssn...100

Preferred_ _ - _100Calumet & ChicCan & Dock.. _100

Canada Cement_100Preferred _ ... _100

Canadian Car&F1 00Preferred _ _ A 00

Can Con Rub_ _100Preferred _ _ _100

Canton Co 100Casein Co of Am 100

Preferred__ _ _100Case Lockwood &

Brainard Co_ _100Celluloid Co_ _ _ _100Cent Fire Works100

Preferred_ _100Cent Foundry_ _100

Preferred. _..100Cent Leather_ _ .100

Preferred_ _ _ _100Champion Coated

Paper 100Preferred... _100

ChesebroughMfg100Chicago Audito-rium Assn_ _100

ChicBrew&Malt.£10Preferred_ __ _£10

Chic Junc Rys &Un Stk Yds _100Preferred .._A00

Chic Pneu Tool_100Chic Ry Equip_100Cin Tob Wareh_100Cin Un Stk Yds_100City Investing_ _100

Preferred_ __ _100Claflin (H B) Co 100

1st pref 1002d pref 100

Clev&SandBrew100Preferred_ .__100

Cleveland Stone 100Consol Car Heat 100Con CotDuckCor.50

Preferred 50Cons Fire Wks_100

Preferred_ ._A00

Par.24 243% Cons Ice(Pittsb).50 d

Preferred 50 d 2 3 Cons Rub Tire.. _100 110 15 Preferred... _100 10103% 12 Corn Prod Refg_100 1484313% 33 Preferred_ _ _100 x 773%37 38 Cramp(Wm) &1073% 108 SonsSh&EB1d100 n 16384 4 Vot trust ctfs-32 328 Crescent City s 95 Slaughter-Hse_50 d

d 43% 53% Crex Carpet_ _ _ _100 70d 15 153% Cuban-Am Sug_100 343%

95 100 Preferred_ __ .100 90275 Curtice Bros_ _100 125128 129 Preferred... _100 118

x166 170 D H Holmes Ltd100 120 100 De Long Hook123% & Eye 100 71 Denver UnWat _100 22

x 110 ----. Pref certfs_ _100 22Diamond Match 100 933%

87 88 Dist Sec Corp ...100 3574,' 75 75 Dixon (3) Cruc_100 285104% 1053% du Pont (E I) de268 Nemours Pow-99 102 Common _ _ ..100 155

1 Preferred_ ...100 843%• 17 24 Eagle Lock 25 d 88• 1 3 Eastern SS_ 100 803% Eastm Kod N J_100 473

118% 119 Preferred_ _ _100 122115 118 Electric Boat_ _100

d 43% 53% Preferred__ ..100 461 463 ElecBd&Sh pf _100 80973% 973% ElginNatWatch.100 15747 49 Ely Walker Dry99 101 Goods 100 70

1st preferred.100 1023/i2 33% 2d preferred_100 8 10 Fairbanks E&T 500 d 31 32 Far & Ship Tob883% 89 Warehouse _ _100 823% 873% 1st preferred.. 100 1123% 2d preferred ..100

13% 23% Farm Riv Pow_ _25 d 5529 30 Fay &Egan pref .100 105105 1073% Federal SugRefg100 43100 105 Preferred... _100 90513% 523% Gen Asph tr ctfs 100 323%

Pref tr ctfs. .100 7403% 10 Gen Chemical- _100 1313%22 22 Preferred.. ..100 1063%

1003% 102 General Motors_100 373%3 4 Preferred_ _ _ _100 7615 20 Gen Ry Signal_100

d 20 Preferred _100 73n 20 40 Globe-Wernicke 100 130n 85 100 Preferred_ _ _ _100 115d 42 Gorham Mfg pf _100 x 117121 125 Gottlieb-Bauer-121 125 Straus Brew_100 13%50 52 Gray & Dudley_100 10475 77 Great Lakes Tow100 11120 1203% Preferred_ _..100 107 109 GuggenheimExp100 188

HackensackWat. 25 11593 Preferred 25 115 Hall Signal_ _100 25

d 25 30 Harbison-WalkerRefractories _100

93% 10 Preferred_ ...100 -11E3%d 15 Hartford Carpet 100 123

29 313% Preferred_ __ _100 122105 Havana Tob.. _100 4653% 66 Preferred- - - -100 8873% 873% Hawaiian Corn

& Sugar 25 d 3047 53 Herr-Hall-Marv.100 2022 233% Hoboken L&Im 100 863% 864 HolyokeWatPo_100 375693% 70 Hooven Owens &

x 109 Rentschler pf.100 95 Hoster-Columbus s 100 Breweries_ _100 5115 120 Preferred... _100 282% 33% Houston OIL__ _100 753 60 Preferred.. _ _100 503%

, Hueb-Tol Brew_100 6145 Preferred_ _100 1283% 132 HutchSugPlta'n_ 25 d 163%2 5 Hydraulic Pr Br 100 10 30 Preferred_ _ _100 7734 Illinois Brick_ _100 66 Indepen Brew'g_50 d

28% 29 Preferred 50 d 9938 993% Ingersoll-Rand 100 95

Preferred_ __ _100 94 370 Intercont Rub_ _100 32

x 110 Intern Agric Corp..700 800 Pref vt tr ctfs _100 99

Intern Banking 100 5 7 Inter Button Hole1 13% Sew Machine_ _10 d 534334 434 Inter Construc_100 42

Internat Harvest 156 Corn tr ctfs _100 117 107 Pref stk tr ctfs100 1233%52 523% Inter Mere Marine.783% 783% Corn tr ctfs_ _100 43453 Pref stk tr ctfs100 1791 93 Inter Nickel_ _- _100 18760 65 Preferred_ .. _ _100 9208 100 Inter Paper_ __ _100 103%100 103 Preferred.. _ .100 483%93 95 Inter Power_ _100 95 Inter Salt 100 411 13 Inter Silver- - - -100 6035 40 Preferred_ ...100 1121023% 105 Int Smelt &Refg 100 55 563% Inter Smokeless

d 5 6 P & Ch corn_ _50 dk 15d 19 21 Preferred 50 d 15 35 Int SteamPump 100 40345 20 Preferred_ _ ..100 88

Int Time Record100 190Preferred_ _100 112



s 357536%92


s 105%263426%9435%310



S 10%8 4034



808 276%




Par.Iola Portld Cem_ 25

Preferred 25J R Montgomery100Johns-Pratt Co_100K C Breweries_ _100

Preferred_ ...100K C Stk Yards_100Kennard Carpet 100

Preferred_ _100Kentucky W ag'n100Keyst Watchc'e 100Knickerbock Ice100

Preferred_ ...100Lake Sup Corp_100Lake of the Woods

Milling 100Preferred _ ..100

Lanst Monotype 100Laurentide Pap_100Liberty Mills_ _ _100Lit Brothers_ _ _ _10Lord & Taylor_ _100

1st preferred _1002d preferred _100

Lorillard (P)pref 100LouisvPubWhse100LouisvTobWhse 100

Preferred_ ...100Mackay Cos_ .100

Preferred _100MadisonSqGard.100Manhat Transit_ _20Manufactd Rub.10

Preferred 10Mann County

Water (Cal)_ _100May(The) Dept

StoresCo corn 100 65Preferred_ __ _100 107

Merg Linotype_100 2153%Mil & ChicBrew £10 d 20Minneap Brew_100 145

Preferred 100 Morris Canal_ 100 65

Preferred 100 175MtOlivet Cem_ _100 90Nashville Wareh& Elevator_ A00 20

Na-shvWoolenM 100 40Nat Biscuit_ ...l00 132

Preferred_ _ _ _100 1263%Nat Candy 100 193%

1st preferred _100 2d preferred _100 903%

Nat Carbon... _100 119Preferred_ _ _100 117

Nat Enam&Spg 100 17Preferred_ ...100 87

Nat Fertilizer_ _100 50Preferred_ _ _ _100 75

Nat Fire-Proofg _50 d 6Preferred 50 d 25

Nat Lead 100 52%Preferred... _100 105%

Nat Machine_ _25 d Nat Sug Refg pf 100 101New Eng CotYn 100 113

Preferred_ _ _ _100 114New Haven Wat_ 50 d 90N J Zinc 100 400New Or! Brew_ _100

Preferred _100 N Y Air Brake_100 69N Y Dock 100 25

Preferred_ _100 x NY&E Riv Fer_100 10NY&KyCovot

tr certfs 100 Pref vot tr ctfs 100

N Y Transpor. _20 d 4Nicholson File_ _100 x 240Niles-Bern-Pond100 95

Preferred_ ...100 100Norf&W Stboat 100 212North American 100 71%NW StatesPortCemCommon ....l00 15Preferred_ _..100 70

Ogilvie Fl Mills_100 1223%Preferred ..100

Old Domin SS...100 n 108Otis Elevator_ _100 623%

Preferred_ _ _ _100 9754PacCoastBorax_100 152Pac Coast Co._ _100 93

1st preferred _100 852d preferred _100 93

Pacific Mail SS.100 24PeckStow&Wilc_25 d 36Penn Salt Mfg_ _50 dxl09Penn Traffic_ _ _2% dPhelps Dodge& Co 100 215

Pierce, Butler &Pierce Mfg p1.100 101

Pittsb Brewing. 50 d 233%Preferred 50 d 423%

Pittsb P1 Glass_100 106PlimptonMfgCo.100 95Pope Mfg 100 55

Preferred_ _100 75Pratt & Cady_ _100 75Pratt&Whit p1100 1023%PressedSteelCar 100 33

Preferred.. _ .100 98Proc & Gamble .100 392

Preferred _ _ _ A 00 180Producers Oil_ _100 125Pullman Co... _10t. 159Pure Oil 5d 63%

Preferred_ __ _100 9354Quaker Oats__ _100 164

Corn tr ctfs Preferred.. _ _100 10334

Ry St1 Spring_ _100 3336Preferred_ ...100 98


S 41














k 504189205116

ci d 17100220134999






d 16%



d %dndn 4

























s 10434%100


Par.Reece Button-Hole Machine_10 d 4

B. I PerkHorseS 100 3Preferred_ __ _100

Rich & Ont Nav100 120%Royal Bak Pow_100 178

Preferred_ _..100 106Rub Goods M pf100 100Safety Car H&L100 123St L Cot Comp_100 St Louis Transf 100 67Savannah Brew 100 94Sears, Roebuck& Co com___ _100 t 14554Preferred _ ..100 1213%

Shultz Belting _100 Siegel Stores Cor 100 60

Preferred_ _ ..100 95Silversmiths 00_100 90Simmons lIardw100 110

1st preferred _100 2d preferred_100

Singer Mfg 100 290Sioux CityStYds100 20

Preferred_ _ _ _100 81Smyth Mfg Co_ _100 210SoPortoRicoSugl 00 80

Preferred_ ...100 10734Spring Val Wat_100 5234Stand Cordage_100 Stand Coupler_ _100 42

Preferred.. _ _100 100Stand Milling_ _100 16

Preferred_ _ _ _100 48Stand Oil of N J 100 650Stand Screw_ _ _100 91

Preferred_ _ _ _100 96StandUnderCab 100 Stanley Rule &

Level(N Brit) 100 285Stanley Works_ _25 d 57Stern Bros pref_100 993-6Stetson (J B)_ 100

Preferred 100 Street's Western

Stable-Car L.100 11Preferred __ _100 45

Studebaker Corp100 49Preferred __ —100 101%

Swift & Co 100 x 100%10th&23dStFer_100 20Texas Company 100 129Torrington Co _25 d 31%

Preferred 25 d 27%Trenton Pott_ _ _100 4

Preferred_ _ _ _100 50Trow Directory_100 30Underw Typew_100 6334

Preferred_ ...100 103UnBag&Paper _100 7

Preferred_ ...100 5736Un Construct_ _100 39Un Dairy (St L)100 Union Ferry (N Y& Brooklyn)_100 23

Un Sand & Mate100 80Un Stock YdsSo Omaha_ _ _100 9336

Un Switch&Sig _50 dPreferred 50 d

Un Typewriter_100 361st preferred_100 1052d preferred _100 100

Untd Bk NoteCor. 50 d 5036Preferred_ _ _ _ . 50 d 5136

Untd Box Board100 48%Untd CigarMfrs_100 57

Preferred_ _ _ _100 102Unit Cig StoresCorp of 100 x 227

Untd Dry Gds_100 105Prefer red_ ...100 1043%

Untd Fruit_ _ _ _100 x 181UntdShMachCor 25d 545%

Preferred 25 d 283.1U S Ilob&Shut _100 35

Preferred.. _ _100 106USCastIP&Fdry100' 16%" Preferred_ __ _100i 55U S Envelope. _100 52

Preferred_ _ _1001 110U S Express_ _ _100' 98U S Finishing_ _100 92

Preferred_ _ _100 105135 Glass .1008 4334U S Motor 100 39

Preferred_ _ _ _100 73U S Play Card_100 150S Print of 0.100 91

US Realt v&Irn.100 72S Red & Refg 100 3%Preferred_ __ _100 11

11 S Rubber_ ...100 423%1st preferred _100 1122d preferred _100 7634

US SmRef&Min_50 dx 333%Preferred 50 dx 46

Va-Caro Chem_ _100 6654Preferred_ ...100 124

Vulcan Detinn_100 Preferred _100

Waltham Watch 100 39Preferred_ __ _100 12134

Wash Market _50 d 1836Wells Fargo &C 100 162Weisbach Co. _100 West States Port-

land Cement _100 18Preferred_ _ _ _100 69

Western Stone..100 21WestingAirBrake50 dx 139Westing Auto Air& St Coupler_100

WinchesterRepeat Arms_100 1000

Woman's Hote1.100 70Worthington(H R) pref-100 10.5









S 290


s 480k 206






8 100381101055252%557%104




s 43%40 .74160947351942%11378%3446661253%


165S 40




b New stock d Price per share, not per cent. k Last sale. n Nominal. 8 Sale price. t Ex-stock div. x Ex-dividend. y Ex-rights.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 32: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf


STATE AND MUNICIPAL BONDS.It is not the custom in quoting municipal bonds to include accrued interest in the price given.

interest must in all cases be added on. There are a very few instances which form exceptions to thethe prices given are flat prices, the accrued interest having been taken into account in making a special mark, thus (f) .

The figures in the column "to net" indicate the basis on which the securities sell or the interest rateif held to maturity, will net to the purchaser at the present market price.

Hence this accruedrule-that is, whereThese are indicated

which the securities,


Bid. Ask.ToNet. Bonds Bid. Ask.

ToNet. Bonds Bid. Ask.

ALABAMA4s renewal 010 1956_ J&J4.3 Currency fund'g 1920_J&J3).4s renewal Jan•1956__J&JBirmingham 6s Ref '23_ F&A5s Improv 1921 M&S5s School 1924 J&J

Jefferson Co-6s 1921_ _A&O6s Dec 1 1917 J&Dbs July 15 1920 J&J 4%s July! 1931 J&J

Madison Co-5s July 1 '19 op '09 ._J&J _J&J5s July 1 1929 opt '19_J&J

Mobile-5s1912 to 1919 opt_M&S4)4s Refunding 1937_A&O4)4s Wat & Sew '39_ _J&J4s Improv 1921 M&S

Mobile Co-5s 1911_ _J&D 5s Refund Mar 1928_M&S

Montgomery-6s 1924__J&J6s Jan 1 1921 J&J6s May 1 1918 J&J4%s Water 1928____A&O434sSchWW&Sew'44 J&J

Montgom'y Co-5s '35_A&OSelma-5s W '27 op '10 M&N• • ai • • a

ARIZONA ARIZONA5s Fund 1942 op '12.. _J&J 1530 Funding '53 op 1913_J&J Phoenix-5s 1924 op 1919 to• 1923 M&N

Prescott-5s 1948 J&J bs 1955 op 1910_ _ _ _J&D

Tucson-5s Water 1-950_J&J4)4sWWMch1 0'38 M&S10

ARKANSASHelena-Judg Sr refg 5s 1911to 1924 J&J

Little Rock-5s School 1912-1928_ A&O

St Francis Levee Dist-Os Oct 1 1943 opt '33_J&J6s 1947 opt 1937 --__J&Jbs 1949 opt 1929 J&J

CALIFORNIAIs Depot Jan 1 1912.. J&J Alameda-4s '11 to '41 _J&D 4365 MunImp'12-'48_ A&O

Eureka-414sg'11-'44 J&J 15 Los Ang-5s i1-'12 _M&N• 4%5 1911 to 1935_ ___J&J' .4).4sORDec31 '14-'47 J&D• 4s W ann 1911 to '45 M&N' .4s g 1911 to 1930____J&Jr.3,is Water '11 to '41_ A&Or• 3%s Sch 1911 to 1944 J&DMerced Co-4s '11-'16_ __ Dec Oakland-5s July '11-'12J&J 434s Pk Jan 15 '12242J&J

Oakland S D 45 '11-'44.. _J&J Pasadena-4sJan'12242 J&J Pasadena School District-436s 1912-1922_ _Sept 15

Sacramento-4s Ja'12-'45 op Sacramento Co 436s Dec 101917-1946 J&D

San Diego-436s '11-'41 J&J San Diego County-436s Highway '11249A&O

San Francisco-58 g July 1 1913-55.. _J&J _J&J •336s g July 1 1911-44_J&J San Joaquin Co 5s '12-49J&J San Jose 4s 1912-'46_ __ A&O Santa Barbara-5s gold Sch1912 to 1941 Jan 10 436s g Aug 1943____F&A

Stockton S D 5s '11.221_J&J CANADA-See last colCOLORADO

Is 1922 opt 1912 M&SBoulder-434s 1919.._A&O Chaffee Co-bs ref '23 opt '13.. ___M&S

Colorado Springs-434s Nov 1 1912 op 1902....4s Ref'g '29 opt '14_ _M&S

Denver 5s Oct 1819...... A&ODenver School District-4)4s 1917 opt 1007.. J&D 4s 1922 opt 1912_ _ _ M&N

Florida Mesa Irrig Dist-6s Aug 1 1921 to '30_J&D

Gunnison Co 4s'19op'09 A&OLake County-43 Nov 1921 op 1911_ A&O

Durar Co-4s '21 op '11 F&APueb o-6s Water June 19145s 1918 op 1913 J&D4%s Water '14 op '06 A&O434s

Pueblo School District-5s Nov 1917 op 1907_M&N

Rio Grande Co-Ss 1919 op 1909 F&A4s 1919 op 1909_ _ _ _ _ F&A

1'rinidad-5s '12 op '07 A&OVictor-5s 1916 op 'll_F&A

CONNECTICUTBridgeport-454s Court H July '18_J&J4s Corp July 1919_ _J&J

Bristol-4s Funding '27_J&JDanbury-4s 1920 J&J336s Oct 1941 A&O

E Hartford-4s'24 op04A&O





103b43% b4% ob434%9598103100






umn t








b 4.2098%983498%90100

104%101941121061064 )4%4% %


4% %4%%

1001011003%s971001063)4sb4%ow 0b4 %100100105102

__ .__

___ __101




his page.









-------- Amsterdam_____


: - 4.%









--- 4%



3.90 4.45 4.45 436



4.20 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30

4.35 4.30

4.15 4.40


4.35 4.35 4.20 494

4.45 4.45 4.45

___ 4.60



4.60 4%







East Hartford Fire District-4s Oct 1931_ A&O

Greenwich-4s1913 Hartford-4s 1918 J&J4s g Water 1918 J&J3%s g July 1 1954_ J&J

Hartford School Districts- 4s Arsenal 1917_ _ _ _J&D

4s 2d North '24 op-'04_J&J4s South 1927 M&N3%s South 1931 M&N3%s South 1955 M&S

Meriden-4s 1911 MANMeriden (Town)-314s 1917 to 1924_ M&N

Middletown-4s 1922_ _J&J4s Sch 1915 op 1910_ _J&J

1921 J&JNew Britain4s July 1 1927 F&A

Sewer 1924 J&J New Britain (Town)-34s Sch 1929 op '09_F&A

NewHaven-4s 1912-19_J&J4s Sewer 1912-1925__A&O3%s Oct 1911-1024.. A&O4s Town 1939 J&J3)4s Town 1911-1929_J&J

New London-4s 1919_ _J&J3)4s Sewer 1911 J&J

Norwalk-4s g May '35_J&J3)4s (Town) 1918 A&O3)4s Water '29 op '19 J&J

Norwich-4s 1930 M &STown 314s 1925 J&J

Orange-4s g Fund '25_ _J&JWaterbury-4s Sch 1927-46 op '12_J&J 336s 1911 to 1914w _J&J 45 Water 1919 J&J

Willimantic-4s 1924_ _A&ODELAWARE

4s June 1 1932 J&D336s Hosp 1915 on '06 _J&J 3s Dec 1 1927 op '02___J&D New Castle County-436s H'way Im'26-34.J&D4s Refund Dec '11 to '24_336s 1914 to 1920_ ___J&J

Sussex Co-4s '11 to '22 J&JWilmington-6s 1911 M&S 436s St & Sew 1922_ A&O 4s St & Sew Apr '25_ _ A&O DIST OF COLUMBIA

3.65s Fund cur 1924_F&AFLORIDA

DuvalCo 536s'32 op'12 M&N3%s5s Road 1939 J&D

Jackson County-4s Court H'se 1936__M&N

Jacksonville-5s g imp May 15 '24_ M&N5s improv't Jan 1936_J&J

KeyWest-5s '55 op'35.A&OPensacola 4)4s '36op'26_J&J St Augustine-5s 1927_ M&N Tampa-6s g 1921 J&J5s g R June 1 1929_ _J&D


Internal g 5s of '09 sf.M&SBritish-Cons 236s op 1923 Q-J

Chinese Government 5s.A&OCuban 5s 1944 op 1911 _ M&S"Internal" 5s Nov 28 1913

optional M&N 28"Ext'l"g 434s'49 opt F&A

French 3s perpetual Q-JGerman-3%s opt____A&O3%s perpetual J&J3s J&JNew 4s irr bet Ap 1'18A&O

Hawaii, Territory of-434s Imp '20 op 1910.J&J334s Imp '21 op 1911_J&J

Japanese Government-434s £ '25 op '10_ _F&A 15434s £ 1925 opt 1910 (2d

series) J&J 104s£ '54 op '10_J 30 & D 314s £ Jan '31 opt after 1921

Philippine Islands-4s g L Pur '34 op '14....Q-F4s P Wks & Imp 1935_Q-M 4s Impt 1936 op 1916 F&A Manila RR (South Lines)

1st g 48 '39 gu op_ M&NPhilippine Railway-

1st g 4s '37 stop gu_J&JPorto Rico-4s 1912-33_J&JRussian 4s of 1902 opt_ _Q-MWladikawkas 4s Jan 13 '57optional 1916_ __ _J&J14

San Paulo, Brazil-Treasury g 5s 1919___J&J

Swedish RR 4-334s '20 _F&ASwitzerland 4s optional J&DUnited States of Brazil-5s of 1903 op 1906....M&N

United States of Mexico-5s g Refunding '44_ _Q-Jan5s con sil loan of '94_ A&O4s g 1954 J&D3s Internal Loan FOREIGN CITIES, ETC.

4s 1900-01_A&O4s 1904 J&J

Augsburg 4s OD 1906_ _A&O




b43.b4-10b4.10b4.10b4.10b4.1099---------- Guelph-9998999592989298













c9334c88c88 34









_____-------- Copenhagen_____

-------- Frankfort_____


I _____

I _____



-------- 55__________-------- Manitoba-4s__________




436%4% %_____


' 82341043610236


4 969494843103





















- - - 4% 4%


. __________


4 4 4


4 4 4


-_-_-_ 4.30 4.30 4.30

. __



. ._____
















Berlin 3)4s opt after '09_J&JCologne 4s opt 1905_ _ _A&O

4s of 1901-_M&N JSr.1

3).4s of 1901_M&S Hamburg 4s yearly from

1906 optional 1909_J&J3s of 1902 M&S

Havana-lst Os 1939_ _ _Q-J2d 6s Q-J

Munich-4s optional_ _1911 Stockholm 4s 1941_ _ F&A 15Vienna 4s g opt 1910.. ..A&OBaden (Gr Duchy) 4s 1909_ _Bavaria 4s M&NHesse 3%s optional__ _A&OPrussian 3s of 1902_ _A&ONew 4s irr bef Apl '18A&O

Saxony 3s A&OState of Jalisco, Mexico-6s gold 1918-1928 _J&J 6s gold 1920-1930__ _F &A6s silver 1933 J&D

Vera Cruz, Mexico-5s s f Dec 31 1930____J&J

CANADA3%s Ref Nov 1 1913 M&N

5s Cons debt deb '20_J&J £ 1917 J&D 31

Hamilton-4s 1920_ __M&Sg 1930_ _M&N

4s Drainage July 1 '29.J&JMontreal-4s 1925_ M&N 4s reg May 1927M&N

4s May 1 1933 £____M&N 4s May 1 1944 M&N 356s Rfg May 1939 M&N

New Brunswick, Prov of-3%s Jan 1933 J&J4s April 16 1921_ _A&O 164s July 3 1930 J&J4s 1932 op 1902 J&J4s 1932 op 1902_ __ F&A 15

Nova Scotia, Province of-4s July 1 1919 J&J4s Jan 1 1920 J&J4s May 1 1920 M&N

Ontario, Province of-3%5'36 (tax-exempt).J&J

Ottawa City-334s Sew Sep 26 '28 M&S

Quebec City 436s 1914__J&J 436s 1922 J&J 334s g July 1930____J&J

July 1 1931_ J&J 3)4s Jan 1 1931_ J&J 336s July 1 1933_ __ _J&J

Toronto-4s Apr! 1916_J&J 4s July 1 1918 J&J 336s July 1 1913 J&J 3)4s July 1 1914 J&J 336s July 1 1944-45_ _J&J

'Winnipeg Man-4s June 1'34GEORGIA

7s University '32 to '46_J&J 4 s ref 1912 to 1916__J&J436s Act of 1884-1915__J&J436s 1922 J&J4s July 1 1926 J&J336s May 1 1915 M&N336s Jan 1917-1935 J&JAthens-5s 1922 M&NAtlanta-6s Cap 1914__J&J5s Red Sept 1915____J&J436s Redemp 1916_ _ _J&J436s 1922 J&J436s Jan 1 1940 J&J4s Water May 31 '23 J&J3365 July 1 '31 & '33.._J&J

Augusta-Os 1915 F&A5s 1921 M&N414s Red May 1 '24_ Al&N48 refunding 1934_ _ _J&J334s April 1930 A&O

Brunswick-5s Jan '21_ _J&J Chatham Co-5s '11-'19_J&J Columbus-434s 1927_ _J&J

434s Refunding 1939_J&JMacon-5s July 1923- -Q-J4349 Oct 1926 Q-J4s Pay& Sew '20 to '39 J&J

Rome-5s Fund Jan '12_J&J434s 1926 J&J

Savannah-5s July 1 1013 Q-J4).4s refunding 1959_F&A

IDAHO5s 1915 optional 1905_ J&J Bannock Co-Os '1221.6_J&J Boise City-5s Imp July 11922 optional 1012....

Boise City School District-5s Nov 1925 opt '15_M&N

Lewiston 5s 1922 op '12_J&J Shoshone County-5s1915 to 192400 '15_J&J

ILLINOISChicago-5s Wat '12 opM&N

4s g River 1915 J&J45 g Imp 1912 to '24_J&J4s World's Fair 1921_J&J4s g 1912-1925 J&J4s g Judg 1912 to '24_J&J4s g Gen Corp '12225.J&JSo Park 4s '11 to '24_J&D Lincoln Park 4s 1923 .J&J

WehlePk 5s '17 on '02 .T.1,1


d 92%



n 93








b40434%4360434 04340434%04 0b434%_b43i,b4b436 0434b436 %l0434 0

043404% 01023610296100



. 00 IX







• 9310036100361003610036





334%10234347340-3%38/ 43




43%494 434 0105









- - -

a Flat price. 0 Basis. c On basis of $5 to the Z. d On the basis of 4 marks to the dollar. 1 In London. n Nominal. s Sale price.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 33: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf



Chicago Sanitary District-5s Jul3r 1 1911 to 1914_J&J4%s Jan 1912 to '15__J&J4s Dec 1 1911 to 1923_J&D3%s June 30 1918_ _J&D

Cook Co-4s g 1911-231 _J&J4s g C't H Sept '11-25 M&S3%s g 1912 to 1923_ __J&J

East St Louis-4%s ref Sept 1 '28_ _Sept 1

Quincy-4%s 1911-17_ July4s Ref 1911 to 1917July 1

Rock Island-4%s 1911-1912 & '17_M&S

Springfield-3%s Ref'g Sept 1920_SeptINDIANA (See foot-note o)

3%s Fund '15 opt '10 .M&N3%s Fund '15 opt '10_ _ A&OEvansville-Os 1912_ _ _ _J&J5s Jan 1 1912 J&J4%s Jan 1 1912 J&J4s July 1 1912 __ J&J

Fort Wayne-3%s 1920.J&J4%s Oct 1913 A&O

o Fort Wayne School Dist-3%s 1912 to 1914__J&J

Indianapolis-4s 1927_ _J&J4s March 1924 J&J3%s Emerg '11 to '12_J&Jo3%s City Hall 1936_ _J&J

Indianapolis School Dist-5s 1911 J&J•onis July 1938 J&J

Jeffersonville-3%s Refund'g 1925 _M&N

Logansport-4s Refunding1915 optional 1905.. ..M&N

Marion Co-4s Ref '27_ _J&D3%s Fund '11 to '29_J&D03%s Bridge 1924_ _ _ _J&J

New Albany-5s 1915_ _J&JRichmond-4s 1927_ _ _IM&So St Joseph County-3%s 1922 to 1924 ...A&O

South Bend-o4s 1925_ _J&Jo3%s April 1912._ A&O

o South Bend School Dist-4%s 1912 to 1916_ _ _ _J&J

Terre Haute-Os '11-'18_J&Jo4s Oct 1 '27 opt '17_ A&O•4s Fund May 1 1915_ M&N

oTerre Haute School Dist-4s 1911 to 1914 A&O

Vanderburg County-5s Court house 1918_ _J&J

Vigo Co-3%s 1919 ....F&AVincennes-4%s 1911 to '13INDIAN TERRITORY See

IOWABurlington-4s 1924_ _ _ F&ACedar Rapids-43s 1911 to 1918__J&J4s 1911 to 1919 J&D

Cedar Rapids School Dist-3%s Sch '11 opt '06 J&D

Council Bluffs-4%s Ref '18 opt '03_ _A&O

Council Bluffs School Dist-45 Sch 1912 op 1907_ _J&J

Dallas Co-4s '11 to '12.J&JDavenport-48 Funding 1911-29_M&N

DavenportSD4s'16op'11M&SDes Moines-4s Funding 1916_ _M& N4s City Hall 1914-26_ _J&J

Des Moines School District-4s Nov 1 '12 op '07_ _Ni& N

Dubuque-4s 1917_ __ _F&AIowa City-43,Is 1926_ _J&DLee Co-33%s '11 to '20_J&DMahaska County-

Serial 43s Dec '11 to '18_Muscatine-4%s 1911 to 1918_ _A&O4s Ct H'se '12 to '2 _M&N

Ottumwa-4%s Ref'g Mch '17_ _ A&O

Polk Co-3%s Court HouseOct 1 1911 to 1017.. ..A&O4s 1911 to 1924_ _A&O

Sioux City-5s 1917 opt 1915_ _ _ _M&N4s Jan 1919 opt 1914_J&J

Sioux City School District-4%s Refunding 1919_J&J

Woodbury County-33.s Refunding 1914.M&N

KANSASAtchison-4s Ref 1913_ _J&JAtchison County-5s Refunding 1916_ _ _J&J4s Refund '29 op '14.. ..J&J

Emporia-4%s Dec '29 op '19_ -F&A

Fort Scott-4%s 1935 opt 1910 M&S

Hutchinson-5s 1911 to 1915Kansas City-6s Ref Oct 1 1915 F&A5s Jan 11917 F&A4%s Sch Bldg 1929_ _ _J&J430 Wat Plant Pur'39J&J4%s Refg Feb 1 '29_ _ F&A

Leavenworth-5sApl 15J&J48 Fund Jan 1914_ _ _ _J&J4%s Bd Ed '11 to '21_J&J

Leavenworth County-55 Ref July 1 1015.. J&J

Sedgwick County-5s Fund 1925 op 1915_J&J4%sB'ge Oct'27op'17_J&J

Shawnee Co-4s 1924_ _ M&NTopeka-•5s Top Wat Sept '26_ _J&J• 4%s Elec Light 1929_J&J• 4s Water April 1 '24_ A&O3%s Refund

1919_- _J&J

Topeka School District-4s Jan 1925 J&J

Bid. Ask.ToNet. Bonds Bid. Ask.

ToNet. Bonds Bid.






99S 4%b 4%

ob 309----------- 4s99

ob 33%ob 3%

b 4%54.10

b 4%

5 4%5 4%b o

b 4%

o o o



b 3%b 3%b 4%Oklah






5 4.305 4.305 4.305 4.305 4.3098



5 4.354.35

5 4.355 4.35


993% 99% 99% 99%






100to 4%to 4%



to 4%4%

to 5%

to 5%to 4%3.50%

to 4%

__ __3%3%%

b 33%


to 4%to 4to 4%oma







100 100











_ _____. ____




3% 45



__ 3'-%








3.90 3.00



4% 4


4.10 4.10

4 4












Wichita-6s 1915 J&J55 1929 opt 1919

J&J--4%5 1923 A&OWichita School District-

43/as July 1 1923 J&JWyandotte County-4%s Fund '19 to '23_ _J&J4%s Bridge '24 to '33_J&J

KENTUCKYCovington- .5s 1920 opt 1910_ _F&A 4s Water 1927 J&J 4s Redemption 1922_F&A

Fayette County- -4%s g Fund '12 to '24_J&J

Frankfort-4%s 1927 opt 1917_ _ _J&J

Franklin County-5s 1913 to 1924 J&J

Lexington-5s RR aid 1918 J&D 4s Feb 1945 F&A

Lexington S D 4s 1938_J&D Louisville-5s Park Aug 1 1911 F&A4%5 Hospital 1951__M&S 4s Mun Imp 1923_ _J&J

do Dec 1 '28_ _Q-M4s Park 1930 J&J4s Ref'g July 1 1937_ _J&J4s Sewer 1947 F&A33/28 g Ref'g 1940_ _ _M&N3%s Refunding 1943 J&J3s Sewer & Park 1941_J&J

McCracken County-5s Ref 1933 op 1913_M&S 5s Ref 1933 op 1923_M&S

Owensboro-4s Water 1931 op '11_J&J4s Street 1930 op '15_J&J

Paducah-4%s 1918 op 1898_ _J&D 4s Oct 1 1920 A&O

LOUISIANA4s State 1914 J&JAtchafalaya Levee Dist-5s Itef 1949 op 1939_M&S

Baton Rouge-Impt 48 '45 opt 1915_J&J

Bossier District Levee-6s 1922 opt 1912_ _ _ _M&N

Caddo District Levee-6s 1922 opt 1912_ _J&D 5s 1951 op 1941 J&J

Fifth District Levee-5s 1950 opt 1940 J&J 5s 1952 opt 1942 J&J

Lafourche Basin Levee-5s Jan 1954 opt 1944_ _J&J

Lake Borgne Dist Levee-5s Dec 1952 opt 1942_J&D

New Orleans-7s g G S & D 5 July '22.Q-J5s Premium J&J5s Premium (dr num) J&J 4s Floating debt 1948.A&O 4s Constitutional 1942.J&J4s Public Impt 1950 opt1942 (old iss) J&J

4s Pub Impt '42 op '28 J&JOrleans Dist-5s 1913_M&S 5s July 1959 opt 1929_J&J

Plaquemine Parish E Bank-5s Oct 1952 opt 1942_ A&O

Pontchartrain District-C 6s 1912 M&ND 6s 1944 M&N

Port of New Orleans-A 5s Sept 11014....._M&S B 5s Sept 11024_.._M&S

Red River A & B B Dist-5s 1950 A&O

Shreveport-4s Pay & Imp 1934_ __J&J

MAINE5s June 1 1919 J&D48 July 1 1917 J&J3s Oct 1 1911 to 1929_ _A&OAroostook Co-4%s '15_J&J4s C II June 1915_ _.__J&D

Auburn-3%s 1925 _J&JAugusta-4s Ref 1911 to 1919_F&A

Bangor-4s Nov 1 1914 M&N4s Ref Water 1935 _J&J

Bath-4s Ref 1921 op 1911 _J&D

Belfast-4s 1918 F&AGardiner Water District-

4s Jan 1934 J&JKennebec Water District-3%s g 1915-'20-'25_ _M&N

Kittery Water District-5s Jan 1912 to 1938_J&J

Lewiston-5s 1917_ __ _ A&O4s g Oct 1927 A&O

Portland-45 g Ref July 1 1912_J&J4sCity Hal11926to'45A&O 33/s g Ref July 1922_ _J&J

Portland Bridge District-33/s July '11 to '39_ _M&S

Portland Water District-4s Funding 1928_ _ _ _J&D

Rockland-3%s 1917 F&AWashington County-4s 1928 opt 1923 J&J

Waterville-4s g July 1 19273%s Sept 1935 M&S

Westbrook-4s 1915_ ___J&JMARYLAND

3%s July 1919 opt 1914_J&J3%s State Itils'24 op'19 F&A3s Jan 1914 op 1909_ _J&JAnnapolis-4s 1931, '41 and '50_ _J&J

Baltimore-5s July 11016 M&N4s Parks 1055 in&N








109 ,I




122%1 250f




















___ _109ii100%100%100%100%100%919181








_ __ __96

-------- --4s





----- --- Northampton-




-------- 45














4.40 4%



4% 4%

























Baltimore (Concluded)-4s Annex 1954 J&D4s Nov 1 1920 M&N4s Water 1926 M&N3%s July 1 1930 J&J 3%s Imp 1940 J&J 334s March 1945_ __ _M&S3%s Refunding 1952_J&J33/s Jan 1 1927 J&J

Cumberland-4s Water 1923 F&A

Frederick-4s 1918 opt 1903 J&J

MASSACHUSETTS3%s g Oct 1918 J&J 3%s gold Nov 1923_ _M&N 3%s g July 1 1935 J&J3%s Water 1942 J&J3%s g July 1944 M&S 3s g April 1915 A&O 3s April 1

1929__ _

A&O3s g May 1929 ___ _ _M&N3s Met Sewerage ________ 3s g July 1 1939 J&J 3s g Water Jan 1 1941_ _J&JArlington-4s Water '22.J&JAttleborough-4s 1924_ _J&J3%s March 1935____M&S

Beverly-4s 1911 J&J4s Water 1917 F&A

Boston-4s Water 1919 A&O 4s Park 1920 J&J 4s July 1936 J&J 4s Tunnel & Sub '48_J&D3%s Water Apr 1 '17 A&O 3%s Imp Sew age '19_J &J nis June 1 1923_J&D 3%s June 1 1924__ .J&D 3%s June 1 1932..... J&D3%s June 1 1934____J&D 3%s July 1 1935 J&J 3%s June 1 1943____J&D 3%s June 1 1944J&D 3%s July 1 1945 J&J 3s Jan 1 1921 J&J

Brockton-4s May 1927 M&N3%s Water 1932 M&N

Brookline-4s Water 1911 to 1923.J&J

Cambridge-4s Water Dec 1 1917_J&D 3%s Water May '25_ Al&N

3s Bridge 1941 F&AChelsea-

4s Park Oct 1930_ __ _A&OEverett-4s Sew 1929_M&SFall River -4%s School 1913_ _ _A&O4s Water June 1923_ _J&Dnis Water Feb 1930_ F&A

Fitchburg-4s Reg April 1 1922_ A&O3%s Water 1926 J&J

Gardner-4s Water 1911-1934_M&N

Gloucester-3%s Water '11 to '31.A&O

Haverhill-4s 1927_ _ _J& DHolyoke-4s g 1927_ _J&J 3%s Dec 1911-1932__J&D wrence-

July 1 1924 J&JLeominster-4s g 1926_ A&O

Water 1920.M&NLynn-4s July 1927._ J&J3%s April 1 1932._ Adr0

Malden-4s 1924 M&N3%s Water July 1 '24_J&J

Marlborough-4s 1915_J&D4s July 1926 J&J

Medford-481917 M&N4s Feb 1930 F&A

Melrose-4s June 1924_J&DMethuen-4s 1928 F&AMiddlesex County-4s 1916 to 1921 J&D

Milton-3%s '11 to '32_F&ANew Bedford-4%s 1917 A&O4s Water Apr 1 '26._ A&O3%s March 1 1912_ _M&S

Newburyport-3%s Water '11 to '34.J&D

Newton-4s Water Aug 1935.. F&A3%s Water Dec 1926.J&D

3%s g 1911 to 1926. J&JPittsfield-

4s Sch May15'llto'17/11&N Quincy-4s '11 to '37 A&O3%s April '12 to '39_ A&O

Salem-4s 1911 to 1920_J&DSomerville-

July 1911 to 1919-J&JSpringfield-4s g Water Apr 1 '13_ A&O4s g School Jan 1917_J&J3%s g 1911 to 1918_ _J&J3%s School 1925 J&J3s Sewer 1930 J&D

Taunton-4s 1927 J&D3%s Sewer Dec 1 '30_J&D

Wakefield-4s Water 1911-1933_A&O

Waltham-4s 1911 _ A&O4s Water Apr 1 1913_ A&O33is July 1920 J&J

Watertown-4s '11-'34_J&J3%s 1912 to 1929. __.J&J

Winchester- 4s Sewer Dec 1 '18-24.J&DWorcester-4s April 1938 A&O3%s June 1 1929 J&D

MEXICO •See Foretffn Gov'tc mug. no









99%b 3.9583%

b 4%100













b 4%5 4%b 4%94%86%10092









_ 93












f Flat price. b Basis. n Nominal o Under a law approved March 9 1903 and which went into effect April 23 1903, bonds issued after thatdate by State or municipal corporations are tax-exempt, and these sell on a better basis.

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Bonds Bid. Ask.TONet.

MICHIGAN (See foot-noteAlger Co-5s Road '22_ F&A Ann Arbor School District-48 Sept 1914 & 1935_A&O

Battle Creek-5s Water 1915 to '17..M&S 334s Pay Sept 1 '12_ _M&S

Bay City-8s 1913..__ _ A&O 58 1920 M&S 48 1934 J&J

Bay County-5s Bridge July 1911_ _J&J 4s Ref Aug 1922 & 1927

Benton Harbor-4s Park Jan 1 '24-'33_JSzi

Detroit-4s Sewers Apr 1 '22_ . A&O 3.655 Pub Imp 1918_ _J&J334s Park 1930 M&S

Escanaba-4s 1912-13_ _J&J Gladstone-43'4s 1919_M&N Grand Rapids-434s Water Jan 1 '12_J&J 434s Flood Prbtec'33.M&S 45-4s Sewer Sr Sts'11_51SrN 4s Market reg 1916_ _ M&N

Holland-4s Ref '12-'23.Feb Jackson-5s 1911 M&S Kalamazoo-4s 1911 to 1912___J&D

Lansing-55 1913 to '23.J&D48 Water 1920 J&J

Manistee-4s '11 to '12_A&O Marquette-4s 1916_ __ A&O

33-4s Imp 1911 J&J Muskegon-5s Water 1911-1925_ _J&J 48 May 1 1934 MN

Muskegon School District-55 1942 July

Muskegon County-434s Jan 1 1932 J&J

Owosso-4s Ref'g 1920_J&J Port Huron-4s Ref'g 1919

• 4s Jan 1 1932 J&J 34s Park July 1 '20_ _J&J

Saginaw-4%s Wat May 1 '25_M&N 4s Sewer July 1918_ __J&J -34s Vat Mch 10 '20 M&S

St Johns-5s 1914 A&O Sault Ste Marie-6s Water Nov 1913_ _M&N 5s Ref'g Apr 1 1917_ _ A&O 414s Bridge July 1 '20.J&J 48 gold July 1 1932_ __J&J

Wayne County-334s May 1 1914_ _ M&N

Wyandotte-4%s 1934_J&D

MINNESOTAAitkenCo434sDec'11-'24.Aug Beltrami Co 434s'11-'24.J&D Brainerd-5s Nov 1919-1929 Cass Co-5s Ct Irse '22.A&O Clay Co-434s 1915-16_ _J&J Duluth-5s g Water & Lt 1926 J&J• 4%s g July 1 1926_ ___J&J

' • 4s g Water & Lt '28_A&O• 4s Water & Lt 1936_ A& •Duluth Ind S D 5s '13_M&N5s May 1 1923 MN 434s Feb 1 '40 op '30_FSrA 4s 1934 opt 1924_ _A&O

Hennepin County-434s Ct H Apr 1924_ A&O

Itasca S D No 1 5s '13-24J&J JacksonCo5sJuly'12221.J&D LacQuiParleCo 5s'20-'30.J&JMarshallCoDitch5s'112 29J&J Minneapolis-434s Park July 1913_ _J&J434s g July 1920 J&J4s School Jan 1927 J&J4s4s School Jan 1 1935_J&J4s4s Improvem't 1937.. ..J&J3%s School Jan 1 '29_J&J334s Water-Wks '32_ _J&J

Ramsey Co-5s 1915_ J&J 434s Court H'se 1916_J&J

_ _M&N 3345 May 6 1921-Red Lake Co-54s '-20_A&O

St Louis County-5set II Nov 1 '11-'12.M&N

St Paul-5s Water 1915 A&O 434s Sept 1917 M&S434s Water 1918_ _ _ -M&S 49 Ref Mch 1 1939_ _ _ M&S 48 Sew'age July 1 '39_J&J 4s March 1 1940 M&S nis April 30 1922_ _M&N

Stillwater 45 1922 J&J MISSISSIPPI

48 Aug 1 1916 F&A 4s State Jan 1 1919 Jan 334s July 1 1934 option 1914 Greenville-6s Jan 1 1928 J&J 5s Refund Sept 1927_ M&S

Jackson-5s 1912 to 1922 Feb

Meridian-6s 1924 May 434s Water 1922-'39_ _J&J

Mississippi Levee District-58 May 2 1944 M&N434s Sept 1934 M&S

Natchez-6s 1920 May Vicksburg-55 1916_ _ -F&A 44s Sewer Dec 1 '28_Dec

Yazoo City-5s June 11 1911 to 1924

Yazoo Delta Levee District-Os 1947 option 1917.. J&J434s July 1949 J&J4s 1952 option 1922 J&J

MISSOURIOs School Fund July 1'11 Jan 5s do 1925_ _ _ _J&J AG Rarnin.rv ladl .1/3/J










b 5%



















434 434 4 4 434







4.10 4.10 454 434


- 4.60 434 44

434 434


434 434

4.60 4.60 4.60

434 434 434 434



3.80 4.40


. --






-, il









4 4






-.._ _

3.60 3.60

'2 An

Bonds Bid. Ask.ToNet. Bonds Bid Ask

. ToNet.

Cass Co-4s 1913 op '08_Jan Dade County-5s June 1914 op 1904_Apr 4s July 1919 op 1909..Febl

Hannibal-434s 1917 option '07_A&O

Henry County-4%s 1917 op 1907_ _A&O

Jefferson City School Dist-43 1923 option 1908 _J&J

Joplin-5s 1914 op 1909_J&J Kansas City-5s g (Westport) 1916_J&J434s g Water 1915_ _ _ _J&Jlc; Market House '24_ _J&J4s Water 1924 J&J4s Park & Bou11924J&J

Kansas City School Dist-4s July 1914 J&J48 July 1 1927 J&J4s July 1 1930 J&J345 Jan 1923 J&J354s July 1925 J&J

Kansas City Park District-7s to 1921 J&J

Lafayette Co-34s 1921 opt1906, 1911 and 1913 -J&J

Pettis County-4s 1918 opt on 1008 M&N

Rails Co-4s '13 op '08_ F&A St Joseph-

48 Aug 1923 F&A St Joseph School District-

4s April 2 1914 _A&O 24s 1920 option 1910.._J&D4s March 1 1927 M&S

St Louis-4s Renew ster 1911_M&N4s Renew g 1912_ _ _ _MSc N4s Renew £ 1913_ _A&O4s Renew g 1914 J&D4s Renew g 1918 J&J4s Insane Asy'm '28_ A&O4s Public Impt 1928 _J&J3.65s Ren June 25 '27J&D3.65s Renew g 1915_ M&N34s Renew g 1018__J&D354s April 1 1925_ A&O334s g April 1 1922._ A&O

Scotl'd Co 44s'17 op'07J&D454s 1917 opt 1012.. .J&D

Sedalia-410 1927 opt 1907_ _J&J

Springfield-354s 1921 opt 1906.. _J&J

MONTANABeaverhead County-5s 1919 option 1909 _J&J

Bozeman-5s '19 op '09_J&J Butte-434s Dec 1 '25 opt '15_J&J

Butte School District No 1-434s 1924 opt 1914_ J&J

Cascade County-4s1921 option 1911_ _J&J

Custer Co-6s '25 op '15_J&J Deer Lodge County-5s 1919 option 1909_ _J&J

Great Falls-5s Water 1913 & '18_ _J&J 4s 1923 option 1913__J&J

Great Falls Sch Dist No 1-4s 1925 option 1915_M&S

Helena-4s Ref 1916_ __J&J 5s Jan 1 1916 op 1906A &J

Helena School Dist No 1-454s Ref 1912 to 1922_J&J

Jefferson County-454s Ref

1914-1919_- _J&J

Lewis & Clarke County-554s C Hdf '11 to '19_ _J&J

Missoula 4 s '24 op '14_J&J Missoula ounty-4s Ref 1921 opt 1911_ F&A

Silver Bow County-5s Fund July '17 op '07J&J

Yellowstone County-5s Ref 1918 op 1908_ _J&J

NEBRASKABeatrice-4s Nov 1914 MSz N_____Dodge County-4s Ref 1919 op 1909_1I&S

Douglas Co-5s 1911_ _ _JSrJ 33%s 1922 J&J

Fremont Prec't (Dodge Co), 4s Ref 1919 op 1909_M&S Grand Island-

434s 1925 opt 1910_ _J&J Lincoln-5s 1911 to 1914 F&A 00'11 to '19 op '08_F&A454sRef'20 to'290p'20 F&A4s Ref 1919 on 1909 M&S

Lincoln School District-454s 1924 opt 1909.._M&N

Omaha-5s City Hall 1912_ _ F&A 454s Oct 1917 A&O 434s Renewal 1924_ __J&J 454s Refunding 1934_J&J 4s Funding 1918_ _ -M&S

Omaha School District-5s Jan 1912 J&J 434s July 1 1928 J&J 4s Jan 1919 J&J

South Omaha-5s June 1915 J&D 454s 1924 opt 1900.. J&D

South Omaha School Dist-5s July 1 1923 J&J

NEVADA4s School April 1915 _J&J Reno-5s 1924 op 1909_J&J WashoeCoSD 5s'12to'29M&S

NEW HAMPSHIRE4s Library July 1 1911._ _J&J354s Hospital 1911-'25_ _J&JBerlin-4s Ref 1917_ M&NConcord-4s 1923 J&J34s 1924 to 1929_ _J&J

b434b43454%54%0'54% o





10099349934993%100100100g_9834969692 100-- ----- ------191210034

__ _


















434 434






_- _


_ - -






454 434


4.65 43%




4.60 4.60





4%, 454



434 454 434 434 434

434 434 434






Dover-4s 1911 to 1916_J&J48 April 1 1912 A&O

Keene-4s 1914 to '17_A&O334s Water '11 to '13_J&J

Laconia-4s 1924 A&OManchester-5s Water Aug 1 1013.. F&A44s Nov 1 1013.. M&N4s Water Jan 1917_ _J&J334s Fund Apr 1 '19_ A&O

Nashua-4s '11 to '15_ _J&D3s 1923 A&O

Portsmouth-4s 1914_M&N45 g School 1923__.._J&D

Rochester-4s 1922_ _ _J &DSomerswth-4s '11-'18_ A&O

NEW JERSEYAsbury Nark-5s 1924_J&D

City-5s 1925_J&D 454s g Water 1926_ _J&J 414s Jan 1 1945 J&J 4s Water 1930 J&J

Atlantic Highlands-4s g Sewer July 1 1923 J&J

Bayonne-5s Funding 1928 J&J 434s gold Sept 1916_ _J&J

Bergen Co-4s Bridge '11 to '24_ F&A 4s Court Hse '14-'38_ A &O 4s Bridge 1939 • F&A

Camden-414s Wat '23_ J&J 434s Dock 1930 ASK)4s Paving 1929 MN 310 1911 to 1934.. &N

Camden Co-4s 1944_ _J&J Cape May-5s 1934.. _J&D East Orange-4s 1934_A&O 48 Water 1933 J&D 334s Water 1933 A&O

Elizabeth-4s 1922 op.. _J&JEnglewood-4s Sep '35 .M&S Essex Co-4s 1926_ _F&A 4s g Park 1938 &A 4s Hospital 1946-----&A 3.655 Park '15to'35_F&A

Guttenberg-5s Ref Apr 161913 to 1918 A&O ckensack-4s gold Sewer

to 1913 F&A Harrison-4s 1930 J&J Hoboken-4s 1919_ _ _ F&A 454s 1940 J&J 334s 1931 M&N

Hudson Co-4sCountyBldgs'48 A&O 434s Road 1923 J&J 434s May 1 1950_ _ M&N 4s g Park 1954 MN 4s County Bldgs 1946 F&A 4s g Ref 1935 F&A 334s Bridge '11 to'20 A&O

Jersey City-7s Wat'13111&N7s July 1 1913 J&J5s gold Assess 1924_ M&N At &N5s Water June 1, 1921 J&D5s Assess April 1916_A&O5s Water 1916 A&O434s Refunding 1928 J&J48 Water 1932 A&O4s 1935 J&D4s Refg 1949 F&A334s

5_is Refunding 1920 J&D

Long Branch-4s 193J&D Mercer Co-4s Road'33 J&D 34s April 1941 A&O

Middlesex Co-334s Bridge '22 to '31 J&J

Montclair-3%s Sch '32 J&J Morris Co-4s '35 op '05 J&J Newark-4%s Water'15F&A 4s Refunding 1923_ _M&S 4s Sch House 1959 op 1949 354s 1929 J&D 34s Track Elev '54_ F&A 3.35s High Sch 1917_11I&N Vallsburg (assumed)-454s Sewer 1934._ J&J

New Brunswick-is Refunding 1922_111&N

Orange-5s '23 to '32.. J&J 5s Water 1938 F&A 430 Sewer '15 to '21 A&O 4.9 Sch House 1934 _J&D

Passaic-454s 13 to '17 J&J 434s Fund 1912-'40_M&S334q 1911 to 1920_ ..F&A

Passaic Co-4s July 1920 to 1924.._J&J

Paterson-5s 1912-'22_ A&O 454s4s 1933 to 1944 M&N 4s 1•1 C Hall '23 to '32_J&J

Perth Amboy-448 Water Sep '22 op '07434s School 1938

Plainfield-4s '13 to '34 J&D 43 School 1959 M&N

Rahway-4s Adj '22 opill&NSouth Orange-

4s 1911 to 1944 J&J Summit-4s 1933 M&N Trenton-4s Fund 1934.A&O

4s City Hall 1939_ ..J&D 34s Sch Nov 1 1929 MN

Union Co-4s Oct 1 '42 A&O Vailsburg-See Newark.Weehawken-454s Fd'20F dr A 410 Funding 1911228J&D

NEW MEXICO.6s Ref'g 1923 op 1913.. J&J 5s Ins Any '25 op '15_ _J&J 4s Ref J'ne '33 op '23..., M&S 48 Bldg 1929 op 1919_ NUN 4s Fund 1939 op '29_ M&S Albuquerque-44s Sewers Mch '29 M&S

Bernalillo County-6s Fund 1922 op 1912_J&J 5s 1931 op 1921

Socorro Co-5s June 1911 on '21 MATS









__-. -


4.05%4 0574.0544.05%4.05%4.05%4.05%1001001004.05%





- --

-- ----


44 4.20 4.20 4 20 4.20


4.20 4.20

4.15 4.15 4.15 4 10 4.10

4.10 4.10 4.10 4.60 4.15 4.15 4.15

4-.55 4 4 4 4


454 434 4.15 4.15 4.15

4 4 4 4 4 4 4

___ _---_- -------__- - ---- --

4-.:1) 4,15 4.15

4.15 4% 4.15 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 :3.95


414 434 434 4 4 4 4.15

4.15 4.15

4.15 4.10 4.10 4.10

--- 4% 4.20 4.20

_ - -

4.20 4.20 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10


454 414 3.85 3.85 3.85




f Flat price. b Basis. n Nominal. o Under a law approved May 13 1909, and which went into effect Sept. 1 1909, bonds issued after that datemunicipal corporations are tax-exempt, and these, accordingly, sell on a better basis. e Tax-exempt.

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NEW YORK.4s g High Imp Mch '58_ M&S4s g High Imp Sep '58_ _ M&S4s High Imp Mch 1960_ M&S4s Canal Imp July 1960..J&J3s g Jan 1 1912 J&J3s g Jan 1 1913 J&J3s g Jan 1 1923 J&J.3s g Jan 1 1956 J&J3s g July 1 1958 J&J3s g Canal Jan 1 1959 J&JAlbany 6s 1915 to '19_ _M&NSs Wash P May 1 '20.M &N4s Park 1920 to '30_ _M&N

Albany Co-3%s 1911-1925 F&A33s Aug 1 1925 F&A

Auburn-4s May 1914 to 1.925_J&D

Binghamton-4s C H 1928 & 1929F&A33s Bridge 1935_ - F&A

Brooklyn-d7s Bridge 1915 to '24_J&J68 Park 1924 J&JSs Bridge 1919 J&J4s Bridge 1926 J&J4s School 1920 J&J4s Water Jan 1 1914 J&J33%s g 1912 to 1937 J&J3%s g July 10 1925_ J&J3%s gold 1927 J&J3%s g July 10 1934._ _J&J3%s gold 1936 J&J3s Bridge 1925 J&J

Buffalo-7s 1924 & 1925.J &J6s Parks Jan 1 1924_ _J&J4s Sewer May 1 '13 M&N4s School Aug 1 1929_ F&A4s Serial 1911 to '29_ F&A4s June 15 1911-30J&D45 June 15 1960 J&D3 s Oct 1017 A&O3 s Park Reg 1927.F&A33%s 1911 to 1919 M&S33%s Water 1911-35 .111&S35 Road 1913 J&D

Cohoes-7s 1911 to '13_ _.J&J48 July 1 1920 op '05..J&J

dCollege Point 7s '11-13_J&JElmira-4s 1935 M&S33%s Redemp '12 to '21......

Erie County-43jsRd '15-'36 tax-ex_J&J

Far Rockaway-dbs Imp 1911 to 1921_ _J&J

Fulton-3.40s '11 to '29J&DGeneva-4s Water '26_A&OGloversville-33%s 1.917.J&DHaverstraw-Sewer 4.12s 11111.237_M&S

Hempstead-d-4s g 1923_J&JHerkimer-43%s '11-27.M&NHornellsville-33s '2L. F&AHudson-4s Wat '11-22_JulyJamaica-d-4s April 1 1917Jamest'n 4s Mch 20 '43.A.&0Kings County-d4s Park May 1 1911 to 1944

Kingston-4s Ref 1912_J&J33%s g Wat '12 to '36.A&O3s R(d Jan 15 1914_ __J&J

Long Island City-d78 Sept 1 '11 to '14 M&S6s Feb 1914 to 1919_ _ F.&A43%s 1911 to 1923 M&S43 Water Sep 1 1920_M&N3%s Wat May 1 '20_M&N

Middietown-33%s '31 F&AMount Vernon-4s School '11 to '17_ _M&N33%s Sewer 1928 F&A

Nassau Co-43%s '20-29..J&J33%s Court House '30_ M&S

Newburg-4s 1912 F&ANew Rochelle-43 1911 to 1930 M&N33%s 1911 to 1933.. J&D

New York City-78 W Farms 1911 to 21477s Morrisania 1917 to 1980& Williamsbridge Highw'yMay 1911 to 1944_ M&N

43%s old) May 1957_ M&N4 new) Nov 1957.M&N4 old) May 1917..M&N43%s new) Nov 1917.M &N434s 1960 opt 1930....M&S454s'60(issof '11)wi.M&S4s Exempt 1913__M&N4s Various 1936 M&N4s Nov 1955 M&N4s Various 1056 M&N4s Various May '57..- M&N4s Nov 1958 M&N48 May 1959 M&N33%s Jan 1 1912 J'&.133%s Park Nov 1 '13_M&N33%s g Exempt 1914_M&N3 s g Pk 1916 Ex_ _M&N33%s Exmt Oct 1915_M&N33%s Exempt 1922.._M&N33%s Bkiyn M Sew '27_J&J33%s g D'k 1927 Ex_M&N3 s g_Exempt 1941_ M&N33%s Exempt 1042M &N3 s R T 1948-1950_M&N33%s g Exempt 1952_M&N3 s g Exempt 1953.M&N33%s g Exempt 1954_ M&N33%s g Water Ex '54_ M&N33%s Exempt 1955.-M&N33%s Stk April 1 '54 A&O33%s Nov 1 1929.. ......M&N3.30s Co '17-'21 Ex.._ _J&J35 School 1913 M&N3s g Street 1916 _ __ _M&N35 g Dock 1924 EX.. ..M&N3s g R T 1950 Exem_NI&N23%s Pk Ex '29op'09..M&N

Bid. Ask.ToNet. Bonds Bid.

104%104%104%10399%99%100%100%100%1003%646464 0























4.10%4.10%4.10%4.10%4.100' 03.95%


4.05% 04.10 /0

4.10% •4.104.10%4.10% 04.05 k



4.104.10 _Q4.10%4.10( 0898987H878788888888


3.903 90



Niagara Falls-4s Nov 192133%s 1942-1945 M&N

North Tonawanda-4s Water 1924 A&O

Oneida Co-3%s Feb 1912 to 1928 F&A

Onondaga Co-3s July 1911 to 1929.. J&J

Orange Co-3%s Feb 1 '15-'24_ Feb 1

Oswego-33%s 1912-22_ A&OPoughkeepsie-7s 1911 to 1913 M&N33%s 1911 to 1930 M&S

Queens Co-4s 1917 J&D4s 1927 J&D

Richmond Co-d43 Fund June 1 1914_J&D4s g July 1 1921 J&J

Rochester-4s '22 to '27_J &J33%s Ref '13 op '03_F&A33%s Imp Oct 1919__F&A33%s Imp July 1 1924_J&J33%s Ref '33 op '13_ _ _J&J33%s B'dge Sept 1 '21_J&J

Rockland Co-59 Mar 1 1912 to 1913_J&J4s Fund 1911-34...._1I &Snis Fund '14 to '24_J&D

Rome-4s April 15 '21 J&J33%s Sept 1911 J&J

Rye-5s Mch 10 '13-'38.M&SSaranac Lake 4%s'17-26M&S

4.45s Fire House'15-39J&JSaratoga County-33%s Feb '12 to 1913_F&A

Schenectady-4s Water 1911 to '15_M&N

Syracuse-4s Wat 1920_J&J4s Refdg 1929 J&D33%s Water 1928 J&J3s Water July 1 1920..J&J

Troy-4s Water 1915 _J&D4s Water 1925 J&D33%s Ref 1912 to 1914.F&A

Utica-4s 1912 to 1919.Jan.33%s Nov 1 1911 to '35Nov

Watertown-3%s Sewer '11 to '27_ M&N4s Water Sch Sew'38 M&N

West Seneca-5s Sewer Apr '13-'38_ A&O

Westchester Co-33%s June '27 & '28_ _J&D4s 1930 to 1935 F&A43%s San Sewer '33-'82 J&J

White Plains-4s 1914 to 1928 F&A33%s Water 1931 A&O

Yonkers-4s '12 to '25_ M&S4s Water '12 to '22.. A&OA&Onis May '11 to '24.. F&AF&ANORTH CAROLINA

4s Jan 1 1913 J&J4s 1950 J&JOs Construction 1919....A&OAsheville-6s 1916 J&J4s April 1922 F&A

Buncombe Co-6s Jail 1915 to 1928_ _J&J

Charlotte-5s 1929 J&J43%s Water Mar 1935_J&J

Durham-43%s July 1 '41J &JGreensboro-5s g 1931..J&J4s 1954 J&J

Greenville-5s 1937..._J&JMecklenburg County-6s RR aid 1920 M&N

Raleigh-5s 1927 A&Obs July 1 1939 J&J4s July 1 1929 J&J

Reidsville-Sch Dist 43%s My '31_Jly 3

Shelby 5s 1937 A&OWilmington-5s Fund Jan

1922...- _J&J

4348 g Wat & Sew '48.A&O4s g Ref July 1l929_ _J&JNORTH bAKOTA

4s Ref July 1 1914 J&J4s Funding Mar 20 '21..M&N4s Refg July 1 1923 J&JBurleigh Co4%s Oct 15 1918____A&O

Grand Forks-434s '25_ F&AWard Co-4s July 1925_J&J

OHIOAkron-4s 1911 M&SAuglaize Co-

bs Bridge '11 to '13.._J&JAvondale (in Cincinnati)-5s June 1916 J&D

Bowling Green-5s Refg 1912 to 1917_ M&S

Butler Co-4%s Bridge '21 & '24.J&J4s 1912-1916 J&J

Cambridge-4%s Water 1912-34.. ..J&J4s 1923 J&J

Canton-5s 1915 to 1917 J&J43%s Water-Wks '30.31&S4s '21, '22, '26 & '27_F&A

Canton School Dist-4s 1917 to 1918 M&S

Cincinnati--5s Sewer July 25 '37_M&N5s 1930 op 1910 M&N48 Aug 1 1934 F&A45 S E' 1941 op 1921__J&J4s Sept 15 1949 M&S3.65 g Feb 1937 F&A3s Ref '56 op '36 M&N31 s 1938 op 1918 F&A35.48 Water '45 op '25 F&A354s Ref 1952 op '32_ _J&J3s Water 1939 op '19_ F&A

Cincinnati School Dist-49 1936 op 1906 M&S3348 1940 op 1912..- ..A&O

6 4.15b 4.15






























444%444 04%4%4%




4 k





ToNet. Bonds Bid.

ToAsk Net





3 90





Cleveland-5s Library 1918 A&O4.10 Paving 1930 ..A&O4.10 Sewer Const '30_A&O4s Refunding 1918 A&O4s Infirmary 1920....A&O4s Water 1920 A&O4s Sewer 1925 J&D4s Park 1929 A&O4s Park 1931 A&O4s Sewer 1919 M&S4s Park 1924 A&O4s Grade Cross'g '30_A&O

Cleveland School Dist-4s April 1 1922 A&O454s July 25 1930_ ___J&J

Clifton (in Cincinnati)-43%s Water 24 ser '22 A&O

Columbiana County-4s Fund July 20 1911_J&J

Columbus-4%s Sewer 1921_ M&S4s F D June 1 1916 J&D4s Dec 1 1927 J&D4s Sewer '33 op '13 _M&S4s Wat-wks '45 op'20M&S3348 1932 op 1912_ _J&J

Columbus School Dist-4s March 1 192&....3348 March 1 1923....M&S

Cuyahoga County-5s 1911 to 1920 A&O45 Ref 1911 to 1920.. .A&O

Dayton-5s Apr 1915.... A&O4s 1911 to 1918 A&O33%s Water '11 to '15 J&D

Dayton School District-4s March 1920 M&S

Defiance-5s 1911 to 1915 M&S45.48 1911-1916 M&S

East Liverpool-4s Refdg 1940 op '20_J&J

Elyria-4s Water 1911 to '23_F&A4s Water 1924 to '38_J&D

Fostoria-4s 1925 M&SFranklin County-58 Def &Bdg'l 1 to'13_ M & N4s Bridge 1911 A&O

Gallipolis-5s Water Feb 25 '14_F&A4s Redemp Aug25'20 F&A

Hamilton-5s Gas Feb '12 to '18_ F&A43%s 1919 M&N

Hamilton County-5s Aug 1 '34 op '14 F&A4s C H J'ne '36 op '16J&D

Lakewood-5s 19201 _A&OLima-5s Water Apr 1 1916_M&S4s Sewer 1911 to '25_ A&O3%s Ref '30 op '25 A&O

Lorain-5s Riv Imp '18 to '32_J&J

Lucas County-4s C H 1944 op 1924 M&S

Madisonville-5s 1932 op 1922 J&J

Marietta-3%s 1931 op 1911_ _F&A

Marion-5s Sewer 1912 to '23_ M&S

Martin's Ferry-5s Sch 1926 to 1944 M&S

Mercer County-5s 1912 to 1924 F&A

Middletown-4s Park 1930 op '20_F&A

Norwood-5s Sep 1 '15.. Sep45-48 1925 J&D45 1930 A&O

Portsmouth-4s 1911 to 1924 J&D

Portsmouth School Dist-3348 1917 to 1922.. _A&O

Sandusky-5s Wharf 1911 to '26_F&A45 St Impt '12 to '18_M&S

Springfield-5s Fire Dept '15to'21 M&S43%s Big Sep 1 '11-'21M&S4s 1921-1925 M&S

Steubenville-4s 1924_M&STiffin-4s Sep 1 1915....M&SToledo 5s 1911 M&N43%s Oct 1919 A&O45.48 Dec 1914 J&D4s 1926 A&O4s Park July 1 1942 ..J&J33%s Refunding '30.. M&N

Toledo Sch Dist-4s '23 to'29Van Wert County-68 Rd 1911 to 1919 F&A

Youngstown-5s Park March 1 1914..J&J5s Fire Oct '11 to '17_A&O

Zanesville-4s 1915....A&O

OKLAHOMA3.90 4s Funding Aug 1 1920_F&A3.90 Ardmore-5s 1922_ M&N


3.90 Canadian County-4s Ct H 1922 to 1931_F&A 98

3.90 Muskogee-43%s Water-WksSewer & School 1925 M&N 102

3.85 5s Nov 1 1924 M&N 3.85 5s Funding 1929 _M&S 3.85 Oklahoma City-3.85 6s Funding 1915____F&A 1023.85 Os Sewer 1936 F&A 3.85 5s Water 1930 A&O3.145 Oklahoma City Sch Dist-3.85 6s 1914 J&J 1023.85 4s 1933 J&J 1003.85 Oklahoma County-3.85 45.48 1924 to 1933_J&

Payne County-3.85 43%s Ref '20 to '29 _A&O 3.85


































f Flat price. 6 Basis. d Now part of New York City. n Nominal.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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ORE GO N.Astoria-6s 1917 A&OBaker City 5s 1923 J&JDallas City 55 1917-26_3:1&NPortland-5s g CH 1922 J&J

5s Water 1923 J&J5s g Bridge 1925_ A &O4s g Bridge 1934_ J&J

Portland SD-5s July 1 1914Port of Portland--5s g Jan 1 1922 J&J4s Dry-dock 1934_ __ _J&J

Salem-5s 1912 A&O

PENNSYLVANIA6s Agr College Feb 1922 F&A4s Funding Feb 1912_ _F&3%s Funding Feb 1912_ F&AAllegheny-4s 1911-19_ _Var

4s 1912 '17 '22 & '27_J&J4s Street Imp 1937_M&N3%s 1911 to 1931___A&0

Allegheny Co-5s 1913_ _J&J4s Road 1934 M&N4s Road 1937 F&A4s Road 1937 A&O4s Road 1938 F&A33s 1932 opt 1922_ _AI& N

Altoona-4s '34 opt '14_J&J4s Ref 1936 opt '16_ __J&J4s Highway '37 op '32 J&J

Altoona SD 4s '12 to '35A&OBraddock 4%s '12to'16M&S4s 1911 to 1935 M&N

Chester-3%s 1929_ _J&J4s '37 op'17 tax-exm_J&J

Chester S D 33is 1931_ _J&JEaston-33.s 1928_ __ _ A&OEaston S D 4s '24 op '14F&AErie-4s Ref 1914 J&J

4s Street '21 op '11 J &JHarrisburg-4s 1920_ _ _J&J4s Aug 31 1926-32_ __M&S4sPub Im '11-'12to'36M&S3%s 1911 to 1925___NI&S

Harrisburg Sch Dist-33,6s 1912 to 1933_ A&O

Hazleton-4s '36 op '11 F&AHomestead-5.40s '15_11&SJohnstown-5s '21 op_M&N430 Sept 1 1023_ ___M&S43 Building 1930 opt_M&S

Lancaster-4s Wat July '11 to '20 Q-J4s Street Im '38op'28 A&O

McKeesport-5s W '11_ J&JPhiladelphia-4s 1937_ ..J&J

4s Jan 1 1938 J&J4s July 1938 J&J4s July 1940 J&J3%s Dec '11 to '24_ J&J3%s Dec '11 to '26_ J&J3%s Water 1931 J&J3%s July 1932 J&J33.s July 1 1934 J&J

Pittsburgh-7s 1912_434s 1911 to 1940 ___J&D4s May 1925013'10-22 M&N4s 1912 to 1927 M&N4s 1912 to 1939 J&J48 1911 to 1936 J&J4%s 1911 to 1038_ __M&N334s Apr '12 to '30 _ A&O

Reading-4s '12 to '28_ A&O43 1913218-'23228_ _M&S43 Apr '18 opt 1898 A&O

Schuylkill Co-4s '16 opA&O3s Jan 1 1921 opt.. _ _ _J&J

Scranton-4s '12 to '37 M&S4s 1915-20-25-30-35_ A&O3s June 1915 J&D

Scranton S D-4s '15-'18-'23-'28-'33 A&O

330 1914-1932 F&ASteelton S D-33,0 '30_J&DUniontown-4sIm '28op'18tax-ex M&N

Wilkes-Barre--3%s It'd'g '12 to '29_F&A4s 1912 to 1935 J&J

Williamsport-330 Ref '29 opt '09_M&S

RHODE ISLAND330 g S H 1934 J&J3s State H July 1938_ _ _A&OBristol-3%s g 1930.._31&SBurr1llville-33s 1939_31&SCranston-4s g 1939_ M&N_ East Providence-

4s g Fdg June 15 '47_J&DLincoln-48 1928 A&ONewport-4s g 1927_ F&A• 4s May 15 1948_M&N3%s g High Sch '54_ _J &D

Pawtucket-4s g h1ay 1937 M&N33.s 1922 J&D

Providence-4s g 1921_J&J4s g Apr 1927 A&O330 g Nat 1916_ M&S33s Sch & Br 1929_M&N3s Sewer & Imp 1929 M&N

Warren-4s '11 to '22_ _A&OWesterly-4s 1927.. _ _ _31&S3%s Water Feb 1929 FJ.,•A

Woonsocket-4s g '19_ _ A&O33is Wat May 1 '31_ M&NSOUTH CAROLINA

43s Blue 1928 J&J45-s Refund 1033 op '13 J&JCharleston-5s Oct '22_ A&O4%s 1928 A&O4s July '37(tax-ex't)_J&J4s Reig '38(tax-ex't)_J&J

Columbia-6s 1921_ ___J&J430 Water 1945 J&J

Greenville Co 4%s 1933_J&JGreenwood Co 534s '37_J&JNewberry 43-s 1949_ J&JSpartanburg-43.s '35_A&O

Bid. Ask.


b 4.30 4.20%

b 4.30 4.20%

b 4.30 4.20%

100 -----

b 3.85b 3.85O 3.85103%b 3.90b 3.90b 3.85b 3.85b 3.85

b 4.05b 4.05b 4.05h 4.05b 4.05b 4.05







3.80%3.803.801033.8:53.85 03.80%3.80%3.80%












ToN et. Bonds. Bid. Ask.

ToNet. Bonds

SOUTH DAKOTAAberdeen-6s 1915 J&J5s Oct 1 1911 to 1921.A&O

4.60 434sSewer July 2 '26.J&J2Custer Co-6s 1920 opt 1910

4.20 Faulk Co-6s 1915_ __ _S-an___ Marshall Co-6s 1915.. J&J4.10 Mitchell-5s'24 opt '14 M&N___ Sioux Falls-5s 1923_

Sch Dist 5s Oct 2 1925_0ct4% Yankton Co-4% 4s Bldg 1919 op '14_ M&N

TENNESSEE4%s Penit'y Oct 1913_ _A&O4%s Redemption 1913_A&O

4 4s May 1 1924 M&N3.80 3s Settlement (100) 1913 J&J3.80 3s Settle't (1000) 1913_ _J&J4.10 35 Scrip 4.20 Chattanooga 5s '20 A&0154 43s Public Imp 1937 J&J4 43s Rfg Ap15'39_A&O 154 Davidson Co-4 5s Asylum 1913 J&J4 43,s Bridge '37 opt_ _F&A4 4s Turnpike 1922_ _J&J4 Knoxville-6s 1915_ _J&J3.90 5s g Imp 1921 A&O4 430 Funded &c 1937 J&D4 43-is Water-Wks 1949 J&J4 4s June 1 1929 J&D4.20 No Knoxville 5s '19_31&S4.30 Memphis-6s Comp '15_J&J4.30 43s Refdg g 1926_ J&J4.10 43ijs Refd 1039 J&J4.10 43s 1950 J&J4.20 4s Water 1933 M&N4 Nashville-6s '11_ A30&0304 6s Water 1913_ A30&0304.10 5s Sewer Dec 1911_ _J&D4.10 5s Haymarket 1922_M&S4 4%s April 1 1923 _A&O4 4s Water 1919 J&J4 4s Sewer 1927 J&J4 4s (Tenn C RR) '24_ _M &N

Shelby Co-4s 1955 J&J4.1014.40 Austin-Ref 4-5s 1931_ _J&J43I Austin Co-5s 19304.10 Beaumont-4 5s 1941 opt 1921 J&D 4.10 481942 opt 1922 J&D 87

Bexar Co-3.90 5s Ref Jan'390pt'09.Apr10 3.90 4%s 1939 opt '09_ _Apr 10 4.20 Dallas-6s, F'd'g 1917A &O g___ 55 Water 1917

5s June 1 1931 J&D b43/5s g Aug 1928 4s Water 1940

Fjpj b49461

4s Water '11 to '49_M&N 93Denison-5s 1920 J&J









Denton Co-5s 1936 op_ A&O Ellis Co-5s Nov16'34 op '04 A&010

El Paso 5s '29 opt '14 F&A 55 Water 1929 op 1909_ _F

Fort Worth-Os 1922__F&A 10555 Ref 1920 J&J 9943sStImp'48op aft'28J&J 974%s Sch '48 op aft '28.3 &J 9743/es Sch'49 op aft '29 J&D 974s Refunding 1941__. J&J 88

Galveston-d5s Fdg '15 op '05_ _NUN 95d5s Water 1928 op '08_J&J 9.5d5s Lim debt Sept 1 1921_ 95d5s Lim debt June 1 1923_ 95d5s Lim debt 1927 955s Grade Rais 1944_ _A&O 9943sGrad,&c,'48op'28 J&J 90

Galveston Co-5s 1913 op 1903__April 10 95

Goliad Co-5s Mar 10 1919_ April 10

Harris Co-4s Oct 10 1947 op '17_A&O 95

Houston-6s Fund '12_ _J&J 1006s IIouston W W '44_J&J 1065s Comp July 1918_ J&J _J&J 1015s Sew Nov 15 1939_M&N 95

Milam Co 5s May15'35_A&O Paris-Os Apr '37 op '12_J&J 5s Imp June 1930- _J&J 100

San Antonio-6s g Imp 1917 op '07_ _J&J b4.705s 1917 op 1907 F&A 04.7043's May 1 1920_ __ _ M&N 04.70

Sherman-.6s Ref '12.... A&O






166 --9496



ik"; -441440,g98%95


















6s Funding 1930_ _ -A&O Tarrant Co 4s Refdg 1919_Waco 5s Impt 1920___M&S 1005s Nov 1 1934 M&N 100 •5s Sewer 1937 J&J 4s Jan 1 1931 90UNITED STATES-See page 2

:1-3i U. S. Possessions-See un der FoGovernments, page 50.

UTAH5s Territorial 1912 J&J 4s State 1916 J&J 3%s Ref 1918 J&J 33s Refunding 1920 ...J&J Ogden-Os g 1912 F&A 5s 1913 M&N 4%s Wat Jan 21929_J&J 4s Refg 1921 op 1911_J&D

Ogden SD 4s '22 op '12_J&J Salt Lake City-

5s Funding 1914_ _M&N 4%s Ref Jan 1 1924__J&J 4s Ref Jan 1921 J&J 4s Water '20 op '10_ A&O 4s S & W '25 op '15_ A&O

4.65 Salt Lake City Sch Dist-5s 1912 & 1913 F&A

43 Salt Lake County-4%s Fund '20 op '16_ F&A

-__ Weber Co-5s'21 op'11 A&O4s 1922 op 1912 J&J












VERMONTBarre-4s Water '14_ J&D 9933481922 op 1918____J&J 90

Bennington-4s 1917___J&J 9934Brattleboro-4s 1918... _J&J 9934Burlington-4s 1919_ _ _J&J 99Middlebury 4s '41 op'21M&N 99Montpelier 4s '19 op '04.A&O 99Rockingham-4s'12-'17 J&J 99Rutland-4s g 1924_ _ _M&N 99

VIRGINIA3s New c 1932 J&J 85343s Funded debt 1991_ _ _J&J 856s deferred ctfs 1871_ __ _J&J Brown Bros ctfs 5734

Danville-5s 1925 J&J 48 Street Imp Sept 1925__

Lynchburg-5s Perm Imp '26 op _J&J 43/2s Ref June 1 1927_J&J 1014s Refunding 1934_ _ _J&J 934s Water 1938 F&A 93

Manchester-4s 1935.... M&N 93Newport News-43/2s'48J&D Norfolk-6s Ren 1914_A&O 1024%s Imp July 1 '40_ _J &J 4s General 1929_ _ _ _ & N 92344s Water Oct 1 1934_A&O 92344s Impt March 1936_111&S 9234

Petersburg-5s Aug '29 F&A Portsmouth-4s Jan '30_J&J Richmond Os '12 to '14_ J&J 5s 1920 to 1922 J&J 04344s Jan 1 1924 to '26 J&J 9745 Refdg reg 1929_ __ _J &J 973/24s July 1 1925 J&J 97324s Jan 1 1938 J&J 97344s July 1 1941 J&J 97344s Jan 1 1942 J&J 984s July 1 1943 J&J 98

Roanoke-Ref 4345 '36_J&J 9934Imp 4s 1936 J&J 91

Suflolk-43/2s 1936 J&J WASHINGTON

Clallam Co-4%s 1921_ M &N King Co-5s '29 op '09.. _J&J 10058 Funding Feb 1928

Olympia-6s '20 op '10_J&J 100Pierce Co-

6s Fund '11 op '01_June 1 1005s May 2 1912 op '02_31ay 100

Seattle-5s Fdg g 1911 J (3rJ 5s g Gen 1912 • A&O 4345 Sewer 1927_ M&S 4s Lib Oct 15 '22_A&O 15


4s April 1925 A&O 4s Park 1927 M &S 4s April 1 1929 A&O

Seattle SD No 1 434s 24h1&N 430 Mch '12 to 30_ .M&S

Spokane-6s Water '11_ A&O 534s Feb 1 1918 F&A 5s g Water 1914_ _M&S 4s Water 1925 J&J

Spokane Co-4s ref 1921 op 1911_ J&D

Spokane Sch Dist No 81-434s July 1 1929 J&J 04.35430 Mar 1 1924_ __ _M&S 04.354s Aug 1 1911-1922_F&A 04.35

Stevens Co-4%s Fund '21 op '11_ M&S 100

Tacoma-58 g Fund 1920 F&A 434s Lt & Pow 1929_J&J

Tacoma Sch Dist No 10-434s Feb 1920 F&A

Whatcom Co-6s 1911_ Dec 434s Fdg '22 op '12_ _ _J &J 100WEST VIRGINIA

Charleston-4s Sept 1 '22 op '12_Sept 1 43,45g Jan '27-'41 an Jan 1

Charleston Sch Dist-434s 1932 op 1907_ ...May

Martinsburg-58 Wat-Wks'43op'29_Decl

Parkersburg-5s 'l&_ Anne 4s 1923 op 1913 A&O

Wheeling-6s 1924 op____N 102345s City July 1 1919 op__ ..J 100434s Bridge July 1 '24 op_J 1004s Ref 1912 to '36_ _July 1 99

WISCONSINAppleton-4s High Sch'12 to '24_ F&A 99

Bayfield Co 5s July '18.A&O Green Bay-58 '12 to '17 J&J 4s Refdg 1912 to '20_ _J&J 99

Kenosha-3348'19 op '09J&J LaCrosse-5s '15 op '05_J&J 330 Refdg 1919_ ___A&O

Langlade Co-4s June 1 '14 to '23_June 1 99

Madison-4s Oct 1925......Oct 99Milwaukee-5s Liby & Mu '11 to '17J&J 4s Viaduct 1911 to '26_J&J 33-'2s July 1911 to '21_J&J

Milwaukee Co-4s Viad Sept 1 '11-'25 ill&S 100

Racine-5s 1912 April 5s July 1916 op 1906_J&J 434s llefundg '12-'30 F&A 4s School 1912-1923_ F&A 99330 Sch '19 op '09_July 1

Racine Co-4s Asylum '12 to '23_F&A 100

South Milwaukee-5s Water Oct 1 1913_A&O

Wausau-4s '12 to '25_ A&O 9834'WYOMING

6s Insane Asy 1912-21 _ Jan Os Pub Bldg 1019-28...._ _July Cheyenne-5s Refg ':31 op '11_ F&A

Evanston-5s 1930 op 1910_ 9734Uinta Co-430 '11 to '18 op '09 _J&J


ioo --100-------------------------


56 --



















-- ---------


















f Flat price. 0 Basis. d Stamped 234% until Dec. 11906. n Nominal.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES•Quotations in this department are given per share, not per cent, except for stocks of New York City, Brooklyn and

Canadian institutions, and are as near as possible for the closing day of the month preceding the date of issue, though often are

nominal. An asterisk (*) denotes sales. The letter (h) prefixed to q. price indicates that the figures show the book value.

Figures of deposits, capital and profits for the national banks are from the Comptroller's last call; for all other insti-

tutions they are the latest obtainable, direct returns being procured by us where no periodic statements are required. For

the Clearing-House banks of New York, Philadelphia and Boston, deposits are taken from the latest weekly statement.Where Names are Printed in Italics Fuller Returns may be Found in the Advertising Columns

ALABAMA-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.

Capital.Surplus& Profits.


Par. Bid.



Birmingham- share.Amer Tr & Say Bk_ 500,000 116,157 3,400,109 100 150 160Birming'mTr & Say 500,000 466,675 4,747,755 100 230 250First National Bank 1,500,000 1.496,034 10,310,000 100 227 232Jefferson Co Say Bk 200,000 111,401 1,449.959 100 250 275Mer & Alec T& S Bk 100,000 7,000 453,000 100 120 130People'sSav Bk &Tr 75,000 76,129 1,075,988 100 250 300Traders' Nat Bank_Mobile-

100,000 22,007 1,008,367 100 140Per


Bk of Mobile, N B A 100,000 8102,098 81,322,890 100First National Bank 300,000 643,697 2,642,091 100 Merchants' Bank__ 150,000 127,142 1,100,000 100 People's Bank 150,000 665,097 2,240,000 100 Central Trust Co_ _ _ 250,000 106,273 656,990 100 City Bank & Tr Co_Montgomery-

500,000 607,844 3,393,681 100 Per share.

Exchange Nat Bank 300,000 108,171 706,745 100 First National Bank 1,000,000 289,007 2,887,034 100 Fourth Nat Bank.. _ 500,000 316,109 2,007,160 100 Mentgoin'y Bk& Tr a250,000 5,000 425,865 100 New Farley Nat Bk 200,000 50,920 • 387,726 100 Alabama I3k&Tr Co 300,000 33,817 351,845 100 Sullivan Bk & Tr Co 100,000 3,927 164,444Union Bk & Tr Co. 100,000 30,104 310,360 100

ARIZONA-Nat. banks March 7 1910.Phoenix-

Nat Bk of Arizona_Phoenix Nat Bk__ _



809,166 1001 100

Per share.

ValleyBk of Phoenix 100,000 60,241.1,766,0441,588.701

ARKANSAS-Nat. banks March 7, State institutions latest returns.

Little Rock- Per shareAmerican Bank_ _ _ _ 100,000 22,230 379,027 25 29 Bank of Commerce.. 100,000 207,052 1,620,437 25 62 England Nat Bank_ 100,000 9,149 341,917 100 110 Exchange Nat Bk.... 300,000 215,829 1,674,051 100 175 German Nat Bank_ 300,000 338,552 1,624,766 100 200 State National Bk_ 500,000 51,456 1,714,885 100 100 Little Rock Tr Co... 100,000 25,000 25 Mercantile Trust Co 120,000 75,917 796,523 40 65 Southern Trust Co_ 288,767 68,776 872,917 25 27 Union Trust Co..___

Pine Bluff-250,000 131,669 1,133,502 100 175

Per share.Bank of Pine Bluff.. 100,000 111,676 849,000Citizens' Bank _ 300,000 65,260 654,132Cotton Belt S& TCo 100,000 35,149 471,926Merch & Plant Bk_ 175,000 108,418 932,942 25 Simmons Nat Bank 200,000 55,000 615,000 100

CALIFORNIA-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.

Los Angeles-Amer Savings BankBank of Los Angeles


73,869ated with

2,327,522Home Say

100 Bk

Per share.

Bk of So California 300,000 5,564 547,197 100 95B'way Bk & Tr Co 250,000 246,936 2,216,994 100 185 California Say Bank 230,000 23,142 1,640,867 100 120 Central Nat Bank.. _ 300,000 247,179 2,224,962 100 190 199Citizens' Nat Bank_ 1,000,000 618,951 8,093,362 100 216 Commercial Nat Bk 200,000 49,985 2,319,129 100 150 Equitable Say Bank 250,000 78,900 2,230,898 100 210Farmers' & Mer Nat 1,500,000 1,999,027 12,214.490 100 297 310Federal Bank 25,000 5,073 290,895 100 First National Bank 1,500,000 2,306,600 16,326,543 100 501


515Germ-Amer Say Bk 700,000 475,801 13,926,052 100 338Globe Savings Bank 200,000 15,676 361,949 100 160Home Savings Bk.... 400,000 41,240 1,636,104 100 116 125Intern'l Say Ex Bk_ 200,000 11,119 1,297,071 100 Los A Ilibern'n S B 200,000 314,000Merchants' Nat Bk_ 200,000 718,793 6,458,676 100 560 Nat Bk of California 500,000 201,870 4,187,726 100 190 210Nat Bk of Comm'ce 200,000 27,649 755,476 100 106 125Park Bank 200,000 30,725 1,157,032 100 Security Savings Bk 1,000,000 879,653 27,921,397 100 400Traders' Bank 200,000 4,817 944,985Oil & MetalsB&TCo 274,900 1,900 614,833 100 Los Ang Tr & S Bk 1,500,000 934,339 8,086,103 100 Merch'ts' Bk &TrCo a250,000 225,651 1,550,579 100 Southern Trust Co.. 1,000,000 238,163 4,813,872 50 75 84U S National Bank.. 200,000 84,161 1,032,236 100 145

Oakland- Per share.Central Say Bank.... 300,000 300,000 4,730,000 30 Central Nat Bank.... 1,000,000 251,000 5,250,000Farmers' & Mer Bk al72,400 7,866 1,161,000 100 First National Bank 500,000 105,699 2,668,766 100 Harbor Bank al00 ,000 7,762 229,955Oakland Bk of Say.. 1,000,000 825,719 19,610,794 75 Security Bk & TrCo 156,290 52,418 935,692 20 State Savings Bank 100,000 150,034 1,092 395 100 Union Savings Bk_ 300,000 428,603 4,695,678 100

Sacramento- Per share.California Nat Bank 1,000,000 278,031 7,227,741 100 Farm & Mech S I3k_ a200,000 21,364 1,218,429 100 N B D 0 Mills & Co 500,000 784,071 4,393,733People's Say Bank_ 410,000 69,868 2,823,000 80 Sacramento Bank_ _ 500,000 443,399 6,035,189San Francisco- Per share.

American Nat Bank 1,000,000 395,299 5,438,420 100 130Anglo-London-Paris

National Bank.... 4,000,000 1,381,907 23,939,518 100 154 155Bank of Calif N A.... 8,600,000 7,828,023 28,510,953 100 206 Bank of Italy k750,000 100,000 3,100,000 100 110 115City & County Bk_ 350,000 33,175 1,043,998 100 95Columbus S & L Soc 130,000 125,054 1,971,357 250 Crocker Nat Bank_ 2,000,000 2,082,514 18,861,103 100 Don'hoe-Kelly B Co 650,000 221,513 2,515.191 100 First National Bank 3,000,000 1,638,831 12,706,694 100 217 220



de Profits.Gross

Deposits. Par Bid. Ask.

San Fran. (Con.) $ Per share.French-Amer Bk ofSavings 750,000 218,224 4,210,260 100 87M

German Say & Loan 1,000,000 1,475,000 40,384,727 833 2810 2900Humboldt Say Bk_ 600,000 382,600 5,459,070 100 124 135Mercantile Nat Bk.. 2,000,000 1,060,340 9,488,104 100 235Merchants Nat 13k 500,000 118,766 1,564,807 100 Mission Bank 200,000 70,979 1,530,741 100 145Mutual Savings Bk_ b300,000 463,433 8,233,762 30 673i Say Un Bk of S Fran 1,450,000 2,050,000 30,213,060 250 508% 520Seaboard Nat Bank 250,000 98,113 1.073,320 100 125 Security Savings Bk 500,000 460,043 3,615,927 250 320 Wells Par Nev Nat_ 6,000,000 5,033,637 23,938,906 100 185 195West Metrop N Bk. 1,500,000 227,350 3,275,964 100 85tAngio-Calif Tr Co_ 400,000 91,526 1,569,605tCentral Trust Co.. _ a1,000,000 663,765 6,239,996 100 120 First Federal Tr Co 1,500,000 125,890 2,113,431 50 Metrop Tr Say Bk_ 823,961 104,817 1,683,726 100 Union Trust Co_ __ _ 1,200,000 1,539,380 18,330,252 800 2300

San Jose- Per share.Bank of San Jose.._ 300,000 235,543 2,502,156 100 First National Bank 300,000 220,431 2,632,264 100 San Jose S Dep Bk_ 1300,000 700,000 4,568,699 30 Security Say Bank_ 100,000 29,000 1,098,632Security State Bk_ _ 100,000 60,046 520,832Gard C Bk & Tr Co_ 250,000 205,321 1,971,418 100'

CANADA-See last page.

COLORADO-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.Colorado S pr'gs- Per share •

Colorado Say Bank 50,000 54,4961 900,581 100 Colorado Spgs N Bk 100,000 50,247 377,700 100 El Paso Nat Bank.. 200,000 s253,520s1,900,559 100 270 Exchange Nat Bk_ 300,000 217,471 3,811.072 100 First National Bank 200,000 453,150 2,147,569 100 450Colo Title & Tr Co_

Denver-300,000 82,037 1,240,139 100 135


Capitol Nat Bank.... 300,000 301,527 3,025,677 100 Central Nat Bank.. _ 300,000 81,525 1,953,180 100 Central S Bk & Tr.. 250,000 58,633 2,299,009 100 City Bank & Tr Co_ 100,000 22,107 248,702Colorado Nat Bank 500.000 977,843 14,718,236 100 Denver Nat Bank_ _ 750,000 1,063,766 9,519,675 100 Denver Stk Yds Bk 100,000 56,537 808.551 100 First National Bank 1,000,000 982,847 18,048,701 100 Hamilton Nat Bank 250,000 339,806U S Nat Bank 350,000 301,799 4,766,326 100 Continental Tr Co. 300,000 110,643 747,679 100 German-Am Tr Co_ 500,000 75,112 3,130,010 100 Hibernia Bk&TrCo 100,000 32,394 203,466International Tr Co

Leadville-250,000 362,147 4,622,909 100

Per share.American Nat Bank 100,000 25,000 510,000 100 Carbonate Nat Bk_ 100,000 71,714 1,840,404 100

Pueblo- No minal pricesFirst National Bank 300,000 306,420 7,642.291 100 Mercantile Nat Bk_ 100,000 74,931 1,391 830 100 Pueblo Say & Tr Co 100,000 24,989 1,478,712 100 Western Nat Bank.. 100,000 19,767 859,195 100

CONNECTICUT-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions March 7.

Bridgeport- Per share.City National BankConnecticut Nat Bk





185 190

FirstBridgeport NB 500,000 689,637 2,905,844 100, 212 Pequonnock Nat Bk 200,000 192,347 1,210,466 100; 150 Bridgeport Tr Co.. 200,000 c100,000 c1,407,704 100;

Hartford- Per share.Aetna Nat Bank 525,000 835,9281 3,684,914 100, 245 American Nat Bk_ _ 600,000 437,147, 2,206,172 50' 69 71Charter Oak NatBk 500,000 419,476' 2,162,465 100, 135City Bk of Hartford 440,000 121,410 1,451,631 100; 104 108Conn River Bkg Co 150,000 c171,639 c926,700 30 70 First National Bank 650,000 464,332 3,860,170 100 162 168Hartford Nat Bank 1,200,000 1,035,091! 4,342,990 1001 140 142National Ex Bank.. 500,000 358,486 1,474,137 50; 65Phoenix Nat Bank.. 1,000,000 c649,427 c 2,195,672 100 121 125Security Company.. 200,000 177,767, 1,074,019 100 150 State Bank 400,000 370,924 2,396,692 100 150 United States Bank 100,000 297,683 1,870,2011 100 400 Conn Tr & S D Co_ _ 300,000 602,0711 3,714,112 100 350 Fidelity Trust Co_ - 100,000 99,5671 735,970 100 180 200Hartford Trust Co.. 300,000 420,4651 2,619,474 100 250 Riverside Trust Co_ 150,000 v94,360 v685,792 100 135 150New Haven- Per share

City Bank of N H__ 500,000 194,591 951,0471 100 137 141First National BankMechanics' Bank..





175 79

Merchants' Nat Bk 350,000 238,271 1,548,504 50 67 70Nat New Haven Bk 464,800 438,524 1,394,294 100 195 Nat Tradesm's Bk_ 300,000 397,395 1.561,207, 100 188 N II Co Nat Bank_ 350,000 490,464 1,789,209 10 20 People's Bk & TrCo 200,000 32,262 749,240 100 145 Second Nat Bank.. 500,000 553,164 1,789,973 100 196 Yale National Bank 500,000 324,687 1,541,176 100 141 1433inNew Haven Tr Co 329,900 222,745 759,452 100 150 nUnion Trust Co.. 200,000 199,876 822,534 100 150

Norwich- Per share.First National Bank 300,000 102,871 687,916 100 Merchants' Nat Bk 100,000 46,717 235,791 100 Thames Nat Bank_ 1,000,000 823,799 1,438,885 100 Uncas Nat Bank _ 100,000 29,367 213,652 100 Thames L & Tr Co_ 100.000 74.770 1,028,714 100

* Sale price. a Capital paid in; authorized amount is l'irger. b This is capital paid in; authorized amount is larger; when full paid, parivaluewill also be increased. k Capital to be increased. x Ex-dividend. d June 30 1910. h Dec. 31 1909. c Figures are of date Nov. 10 1910. n_Toconsolidate. /Jan. 241910. r Jan. 15 1910. y Jan. 221910. s Jan. 7 1911. t To consolidate. v Jan. 7 1911. e New stock.

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Where Names are Printed in Italics Fuller Returns may be found in the Advertising Columns.

CONNECT ICUT-(Concluded )


dc Profits.Gross

Deposits. Par. Bid. Ask.Waterbury- $ $ $ Per share.Citizens' Nat Bank_ 300,000 150,496 1,147,572 100 134 140Manufac's' Nat Bk_ 200,000 137,539 1,479,233 100 175 200Waterbury Nat Bk_ 500,000 482,349 1,297,185 50 80 85Colonial Trust Co__ 400,000 250,690 3,047,221 100 150 Merchants To Co__ 100,000 251 181,077Waterbury Tr Co__ 200,000 22,749 566,148 100

DELAWARE-Nat banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.

Wilmington- Per share.Central Nat Bank_ _ 210,000 94,273 546,187 100 115 125Farmers' Bank_ _ _ 200,000 85,801 735,737 50 120 135First National Bank' 500,000 378,374 1,335,659 100 140 160Nat Bk of Delaware 110,000 144,107 871,049 100 215 225N B of Wilmingtonand Brandywine_ 200,010 430,419 1,377,069 30 83 90Union Nat Bank.. _ _ 203,175 554,886 1,886,901 25 83 90Delaware Trust Co_ 100,000 106,761 93,959Equitab Cu & Tr Co 500,000 754,300 2,008,351 100 215 240Security T &S D Co 600,000 721,725 2,247,086 100 215 240Wilmington Tr Co_ 300,000 170,237 2,310.839 50 120 135

DIST. OF COL.-Nat. bk.,. March 7; other institutions March 7.Washington- Per share.American Nat Bk__ 600,000 266,049 2,653,400 100 x168 176Citizens' Say Bk_ 100,000 17,183 520,496

Columbia Nat Bank 250,000 295,977 1,906,482 100 x255Commercial Nat Bk 500,000 272,254 3,496,307 100 195A 1 95Dime Sayings Bk_ _ 100,000 n6,441 n232,010District Nat Bk_ 400,000 72,336 1,111,162 100 133 140Farm & Mech Nat.. 252,000 415,666 1,006,043 100 x270 290FourteentliStSayBk 100 000 6,267 369,368Home Savings Bk.. 100,000 120,349 2,965,260 100 300 Lincoln Nat Bank_ 300,000 91,221 1,089,927 100 139 March & Mech S B_ 900,000 151,066 2,454,399 100 155 Nat Bank of Wash. 1,050,000 683,867 3,200,967 100 266 270Nat Capital Bank_ 200,000 248,293 895,426 100 190 Nat City Bank_ _ _ 300,000 92,364 1,095,112 100 170 175Nat Met Bank 800,000 620,780 3,780,976 100 231 235Riggs Nat Bank_ _ 1.000,000 1,963,750 8,066,000 100 x550 625Second Nat Bank_ 500,000 249,227 1 .469,786 100 1603i 170Amer Secu & Tr Co 3,000,000 2,178,179 8,366,833 100 x284 287Nat Say& Tr Co.._ _ 1,000,000 820,204 6,859,892 100 226 235Union Savings Bk_ 200,000 149,807 1,500,464 100 x238 260Union Trust Co._ _ _Un'ed States SayBk




100 x142/i,

United States Tr Co 1,000,000 141,793 1,777,225 100 1173i 118Wash Loan & Tr Co 1,000.000 970,724 6,635,267 100 211 220

FLORIDA-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.

Jacksonville- Per share.Atlantic Nat Bank.. 350,000 578,689 5,324,710 100 325Barnett N B of JackCommercial Bank_ _




100100 iio 114

Florida Nat Bank_ _ 500.000 196,914 3,600,920 100 180 190Fourth Nat Bank_ _ 400,000 127,000 675,000 100 135 142Guar Tr & Say Bk_ 100,000 31,000 340,000 100 124 126

GEORGIA-Nat. Ma. March 7; State institutions latest returns.

Atlanta- Per share.American Nat Bk__ 600,000 517,976 3,106,444 100 200 205Atlanta Nat Bank,.,. 1,000,000 1,053,003 6,432,659 100 275Central Bk & Tr Cor 500,000 215,999 3,382,635 100 148 151Fourth Nat Bank__ 600,000 813,639 5,579,123 100*245 250Fulton Nat Bk_ ___ b300,000 19,881 934,775 100 114 *115Ga Say Bk & Tr Co_ 200,000 92,665 530,765 100 160 Germania Say Bank 200,000 20,000 120,000 100 Lowry Nat Bank__ 1,000,000 1,125,290 4,800,593 100 238 245Third Nat Bank__ 500.000 736,697 3,823,767 100 265 275Quar'ty Tr & Bk Co 500.000 60,929 244,960 100 50 65Hillyer Trust Co_ _ _ 9225,943 43,093 50,254 100 120 125Trust Co of Georgia 9500,000 499,036 234,707 100 200 Augusta- Per share.Augusta Savings Bk 50,000 35,239 782,589 100 150 Citizens' Bank__ __ 50,000 11,607 273,637 100 ____ 96Georgia Rit Bank.._ 600,000 172,790 4,758,429 100 Merchants' Bank__ 140,000 203,829 1,215,069 100 215Nat Bk of Augusta_ 250,000 258,880 495,648 100 175 Nat Exchange Bank 400,000 179,147 1,210,659 100 125 130Planters' L & S Bk_ 50,000 128,644 972,493 10 323 Union Say Bank.-- 30,000 97,410 908,350 25 75 Columbus- Per share.Columbus Sav Bank 200,000 75,950 767,418 50 Fourth Nat Bank__ 100,000 249,000 532,149 100 some Savings Bank 100,000 60,998 366,191 100 March & Mech Bk__ 125,000 120,000 400,000 100 Nat Bk of Columbus 200,000 221,170 464,912 100 Third Nat Bk 250,000 s315,000 s650,000 100 Macon- Per share.American Nat Bank 500,000 443,287 2,732,090 100 185 190

Citizens' Nat Bank_ 250,000 58,407 1,240,148 100 115 118Commercial Nat Bk 200,000 653,000 31,000,000 100 120 122Fourth Nat Bank__ 300,000 130,107 1,877,237 100 130 132continental Tr Co. 500,000 30,389 438,018 100 109 110Macon Savings Bk_ 9100,000 10,000 200,000 100 70 72Savannah- Per share.Chatham Bank____ 150,000 58,344 893,203 100 120

Citizens'&South Bk 700,000 942,371 7,112,777 100 257 Commercial Bank__ 83,260 49,520 406,981 100 125 Exchange Bank__ 125,000 39,539 555,708 100 125 126Germania Bank,.,.,. 300,000 335,569 1,352,895 100 186%Hib Bk of Savannah 200,000 162,543 825,865 100 150 Merchants' Nat Bk_ 500,000 186,049 610,940 100 110 111Nat Bk of Savannah 250,000 457,513 1,412,275 100 230 Iglethorpe Sav& Tr 9125,000 127,420 1,065,004 100 151 152%Real Estate Bank_ 150,000 7,547 174,1643avann'h Bk&Tr Co 628,600 538,335 1,546,845 100 161Atizens' Trust Co__ 100,000 23,496 118,404 100 1253avannah Trust C 500,000 250,799 1,120,521 100 140

IDAHO-Nat banks March 7; Stale institutions latest returns.

Boise City- Per share.Boise City Nat Bk_ 250,000 244,999 2,054,941First Nat of Idaho_ 200,000 296,000 1,850,697Idaho Ti &S Bk Ltd 200,000 12,925 1,258,980 100

* Sale price, adend. y Aug. 22 19r Nov. 10 1910. 5

Capital and surplus to be increased. b Capital to beto. c These figures date March 27 1911. d Nov. 11March 29 1911. •

ILLINOIS-Nat. banks March 7 (close of business); State institutions.March 8 (opening of business).

CapitalSurplus& Profits.

GrossDeposits. Par Bid.

Aurora- $ $ $ PerAurora Nat Bank__ 100,000 226,549 1,440,229 100*365First Nat Bank_ __ _ 100,000 149,741 1,404,010 100 265German-Am Nat Bk 100,000 56,982 921,181 100 160Merchants Nat Bk_ 100,000 122,430 906,942 100 230Did Second Nat Bk 200,000 57,385 1,054,346 100 110Aurora, Tr & Sav Bk 100,000 18,309 236,756 100 Chicago- PerCalumet Nat Bank_ 100,000 45,837 706,468 100 150Chicago City Bank_ 500,000 243,617 2,947,676 100 1717ont & Corn Nat Bk 20,000,000 10,259,443 170626,316 100 280.7orn Exch. Nat Bk__ 3,000,000 5,666,407 61,586,640 100 426Drexel State Bank_ 200,000 35,938 2,443,810 100 155Drovers DepNatBk 600,000 435,906 8,472,446 100 222Englewood StateBk 200,000 43,497 1,126,170 100 130First National Bank 10,000,000 11,263,810116044,744 100 420First Nat Englew'd 150,000 187,559 3,334,310 100

,280Foreman Bros BgCo 1,000,000 543,440 9,954,935 100 1Ft Dearborn N Bk_ 1,500,000 479,664 21,574,966 100 220 1Hibernian Bkg Assn 1,500,000 1,030,420 25,323,662 100 221(Caspar State Bank 200,000 180,829 3,922,891 100 260La Salle St Nat Bk_ 1,000,000 252,716 2,833,194 100 115Give Stk Ex Nat Bk. 1,250,000 537,631 10,146,938 100 243!Monroe Nat Bank.. 300,000 65,980 1,583,141 100 130Wag Bk of Republic_ 2,000,000 1,328,007 25,305,487 100 199National City Bank b1,500,000 488,554 27,665,861 100 230Nat Produce Bank_ 250,000 87,027 1,878,706 100 145North Ave State Bk 200,000 69,432 1,294,064 100 138No Side State SaBk 50,000 32,019 997,178 100 160North West State__ 200,000 25,197 970,663 100 123Peoples StkYdsSt'e 300,000 110,631 2,966,965 100 218Prairie State Bank_ b500,000 74,570 7,348,170 100 250Railway Exch Bank Absorbed by People's 'Tr & Say 13k3ecurity Bank b300,000 207,494 2,819,954 100 210io Chicago Say Bk 200,000 94,000 1,712,903 100 151iouth Side State- 200,000 11,567 1,455,236 100 144;tate Bk of Chicago 1,500,000 1,922,279 24,038,051 100 3773tock Yds Say Bk_ 250,000 193,197 2,690,535 100 209Union Bank of Chic 200,000 43,082 1,335,333 100 145Washington PkN Bk 100,000 8,494 570,676 100 138

Central Tr Co of Ill 2,000,000 945,794 18,649,296 100 174Chicago S Bk&'TrCo 8500,000 112,237 5,088,329 100 143Dhic Title & Tr Co.. 5,000,000 11,627,998 100 Dolonial Tr&Say Bk 600,000 473,133 5,152,278 100 185Dont & Corn T &S B 3,000,000 466,951;17,275,742 100 Drovers Tr &Sav Bk 200,000 134,903 2,740,902 100 183Farwell Trust Co,... 1,500,000 223,719' 722,474 100 112First Tr & Say Bk_ 2,500,000 3,420,107 52,110,689 100 Guarantee Tr&Sav 200,000 26,611 423,394 100 Elarris Tr & Say Bk 1,250,000 1,636,301 17,961,235 100 Illinois Tr & Say Bk 5,000,000 8,976,244 90,661,664 100 495Kenw'd Tr&Say Bk 200,000 50,394 1,612,328 100 152Lakev Tr &Say Bk 200,000 49,347 1,469,940 100 139aferchanteL & TrCo 3,000,000 6,110,39757,798,047 100 434Nietropol'n T&S Bk 750,000 229,803 4,534,657 100 127 •Michigan Av Tr Co 200,000 60,427 373,713 100 135Northern Tr Co Bk_ 1,600,000 2,525,38931,417.768 100 314Northw'n Tr&S Bk 200,000 73,769 2,403,575 100 158People'sTr &SayBk 500,000 149,768 4,398,102 100 178Pullman Tr&SayBk 300,000 263,861 4,154,841 100 1593heridan Tr Say Bk 200,000 20,973 569,662 100 1133tand'rdTr&SayBk 1,000,000 268,531 2,737,198 100 1343tockmen's Tr S Bk 200,000 36,984 959,328 100 115Union Trust Co__ 1,200,000 1,225,974 16,458,870 100 300West 'Tr & Say Bk_ 1,250,000 187,867 10,608,610 100 149W Side Tr & Sav Bk 200,000 129,231 3,785,668 100 200Woodl'n 'Tr&SayBk 200,000 64,746 1,254,139 100 189Elgin- Per

Elgin Nat Bank,.,.,. 100,000 4,419 679,134First Nat Bank,.,.,. 200,000 n117,306 n725,284Home Nat Bank..__ 150,000 134,829 852,096 100 LIrlion Nat Bank,.,.,. 100,000 20,000 400,000 100 Elgin City B'k'g Co 100,000 e115,930 e1,323,090Home Savings Bank 100,000 e65,551 e723,082 100 Peoria-

Central Nat Bank,.,. 200,000 172,316 2,332,040 100 Com'l Ger Nat Bk__ 550,000 636,702 5,577,644 100 Dime Say & Tr Co_ 250,000 e109,467 el ,800,499 _First Nat Bank_ _ _ 550,000 314,966 3,674,621 100 Home Say & State.. 120,000 e102,968 el ,304,685 100 :111nois Nat Bank__ 200,000 88,213 1,825,872 100 'nterst'te Bk&TrCo 200,000 e19,001 e435,331derchants Nat Bk_ 200,000 203,237 2,057,181 100 lay Bank of Peoria 150,000 215,289 2,226,694 100 Quincy-

Illinois State Bank_ 150,000 e334 e514,3724uincy Nat Bank... 100,000 65,567 990,889 100 Ricker Nat Bank,. 500,000 382,216 4,880,171dercantile Tr & S B 200,000 e64,590 e997,203itate Say L & Tr Co 500,000 e430,007 e4,778,386,.Rockford- Per

Forest City Nat Bk 100,000 147,744 1,026,686 100 v240danufrs Nat Bank_ 200,000 67,886 1,684,232 100v125?eoples Bk & Tr Co 125,000 139,764 1,082,901 100 v180R,ockford Nat Bank 100,000 159,734 1,490,352 100 v2503wedish Am Nat Bk 125,000 3,423 197,081 .._ __ v110Third Nat Bank__ 250,000 192,769 1,642,930 100 v165Winnebago Nat Bk 250,000 253,946 1,609,441 100 v190Springfield- I PerFarmers' Nat Bank 200,000 275,676 1,805,099 100 First Nat Bank_ __ . 250,000 211,883 1,735,310 100 Illinois Nat Bank__ 300,000 178,441 1,683,369 100 lidgely Nat Bank_ 300,000 121,069 1,312,430 100 ip'gfleld Marine Bk 300,000 e412,966 e2,279,972 100 FIrstT&SBk,Spfleld 100,000 40,436 516,089,. 1 3angamon L & Tr Co 400.000 e24 . 617 e2.164.577



















INDIANA-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.Evansville- Per share.

Bankers Nat Bank_ 250,000 c20,000 c1,025,000 100 Citizens' Nat Bank 300,000 36,462 1,609,917 100 City National Bank 350,000 317,647 3,504,450 100 Old State Nat Bank 500,000 245,814 3,469,201 100 West Side Bank_ 100,000 39,449 1,053,225 100 Am Tr & Say Bank 200,000 80,574 1,021,847 100 Evansv Tr &Say Co 100,000 54,365 1,148,814 100 Fort Wayne- Per share.First Nat Bank 500,000 243,976 3,786,656 100 150Ger-Amer Nat Bk,.,.Hamilton Nat Bank





130290 250

Old National Bank_ 350,000 189,675 2,775,899 100 175Citizens' Trust Co__Peoples 'Tr&Say CoTri-State L & Tr Co






110 110 150

increased. g Capital1910. e Jan. 8 1911

paid in; authorized amount is larger. x Ex-divi-v Last sale. 1 Dec. 31 1910. n Jan. 7 1911.

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Where Names are Printed in Italics Fuller Returns may be Found in the Advertising Columns.



de Profits.Gross


Par Bid. Ask.

Indiana polis- $ $ Per share.$Capital Nat Bank__ 1,000,000 450,417 6,056,719 100 187 192Columbia Nat Bank 500,000 30,842 1,913,471 100 105 Continental Nat Bk 400,000 37,347 1,313,369 100 110 Fletcher Amer N Bk 2,000,000 1,078.879 13,790,731 100 225 235Indiana Nat Bank_ 1,000,000 1,275,721 6,922,064 100 258 Merchants' Nat Bk_ 1,000,000 902,983 5,565,682 100 200 Union Nat Bank_ _ _ 400,000 57,960 1,698,158 100 115 Central Trust Co __ 300,000 85,308 366,357 100 124 130Farmers Trust Co__ 100,000 37,534 672,941 100 133 Fidelity Trust Co__ 100,000 3,910 463,033 100 German-Amer TrCo 400,000 171,398 3,705.025 50 8634 Indiana Trust Co__ 1,000,000 547,007 7,580,528 100 180 Marion Trust Co.._ _ 300,000 205,711 3,154,037 v100 200 Security Trust Co_.. 325,000 61,945 623,012 100 120 Union Trust Co_ __ _ 600,000 655,688 1,930,922 100 22534

Per share.Terre Haute- No minal prices

First National Bank 500,000 500,472 2,467,191 100 275McKeen Nat Bank_ 500,000 e310,000 e2 500,000 100 170Terre haute Nat 13k 300,000 97,537 886,775 100 140United States Tr Co y250,000 193,833 2,332,040 100 180


IOW A-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.

Burlington- Per share.Burlington Say Bk_ 100,000 15,600 530,717 100 First National Bank 100,000 61,112 767,473 100 Germ -Amer Say Bk 125,000 267,767 2,527,669 100 Iowa State Say Bk_ 200,01)0 215,227 2,816,956 100 Merchants' Nat Bk_ 100,000 137,781 1,178,156 100 National State Bk_ 150,000 168,899 1,061,569 100

Cedar Rapids- No minal pricesCed Rapids Nat Bk 100,000 193,196 4,337,982 100 Ced Rapids Say Bk 100,000 118,694 2,074039 100 Commercial Nat Bk 100,000 7,976 1,080,498 100 Commercial Say 13k 50,000 11,400 425,000 100 Iowa State Say Bk. 50,000 15,000 750,000 100 Merchants' Nat I3k _ 200,000 214,111 4,818,833 100 People's Say 13ank_ 50,000 31,194 825,284 100 Security Say Bank_ 150,000 115,000 1,825,000 100 Amer Tr & Say Bk_

Council Bluffs-

100,000 85,000 1,705,000 100

Per share.City National Bank 120,000 32,819 723,789 100 Commercial Nat Ilk 100,000 c27,000 c600,000 100 Council B1 Say Bk_ 150,000 124,910 2,106,128First National Bank 200,000 150,000 2,200,000State Savings Bank


50,000 61,699 743,000

Per share.Davenport Say Bk 300,000 340.000 3,900,000 100 260 275Farm & Mach Say_ 100,000 61,961 1,149,003 100 175 180First National Bank 200,000 217,462 1,520,317 100 240 265German Savings Bk 600,000 808,260 10,100,000 100 375 400Iowa National Blc__ 150,000 184,867 2,091,834 100 220 230 •Security Say Bank_ 50,000 18,000 335,000 100 125 135Scott Co Say Bank_ 250,000 285.000 4,670,000 100 275 290Union Savin,gs 11k_ 100,000 110,000 1,700,000 100 220 225Citizens' fr & S Bk

Des Moines-

100,000 101,883 285,971 100 200

Per share.Cap City State Bk_ 100,000 22,000 1,540,000 100 Central State Bank_ 200,000 67,927 2,789,152 100 Century Say Bank_ 100,000 10,000 693,637 100 Citizens' Nat Bank_ 200,000 151,200 1,998,993 100 Commercial Say Bk 50,000 18,000 500,000 100 Des Moines Nat Bk 500,000 107,239 5,531,958 100 Des Moines Say Bk_ 200,000 68,000 2,541,000 100 German Say Bank_ 100,000 18,000 1,300,000 100 Home Savings Bank 50,000 16,029 1,076,688 100 Iowa Tr & Say Bk_ y50.000 10,000 517,989 100 Iowa National Bk__ 1,000,000 377,230 7,478,361 100 Iowa State Bank__ 50,000 4,000 ' 360,000 100 Mechanics' Say Bk_ 50,000 13,089 635,000 100 People's Say /31c_ _ _ 100,000 140,444 2,097,675 100 State Savings Bankl 50,000 43,177 980,119 100 University State Ilk 50,000 4,539 165,227 100 Valley National Bk 300,000 142,111 2,336,027 100 Valley Savings Bk_ 50,000 52,500 1,054,042 100 Iowa Loan & Tr Co 500,000 692,536 t 2,040,107 100

Dubu iiic-Citizens' State Bk _ 100,000 13,193 520,373 100 100Dubuque Nat Bank 100,000 23,340 1,124,957 100 100Dubuque Say Bank 75,000 62,649 824,301 100 130 135First National Bank 200,000 138,524 1,477,671 100 *150German Say Bank_ 150,000 55,564 1,226,361 100 *120Germ Tr & Say Bk_ 100,000 62,461 1,549,442 100 100Iowa Tr & Say Bk_ 300,000 153,529 1,580,296 100 *140 Second Nat Bank__ 300,000 155,069 1,002,403 100 135 *140

Sioux City- No minal pricesFirst National Bank 400,000 119,599 6,741,561 100 Live Stock Nat Bk_ 100,000 80,786 2,090,971 100 Merchants' Nat Ilk_ Consolid ated with First Nati onal Bank.Northwest Nat Bk_ 100,000 36,389 942,271 100 Security Nat Bank_ 250,000 197,701 3,693,095 100 Woodbury Co S Ilk 50,000 63,235 927,102 100 Farmers L& Tr Co. 300,000 41,937 927,978 100

KANSAS-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.

Kansas City- Per share.Commercial Nat Bk 300,000 276,710 6,453,289 100 Exchange State Bk 100,0(10 52,791 1,076,311 100 People's Nat Bank_ 200,000 12,047 890,210Banking Trust Co__ 200,000 15,000 325,000 100 Kansas Trust Co_ _ _ 125,000 28,669 322,144

Topeka-Bank of Topeka_ _ _ 210,000 329,424 2,119,846 100 250Central National Bk 200,001) 47,710 2,256,745 100 151Merchants' Nat ilk_ 100,000 126,730 1,1161,091 100 175Shawnee State Bk_ 60,000 29,795 501,307 100 175Prudential Trust Co 100,000 30,000 450,000 100 125

KENTUCKY-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.


cfc Profits.Gross

Deposits. Par. Bid.



Covington-$ share.

Citizens' Nat Bank_ 200,000 128,917 1,037,892 100 160 First National Bk_ 600,000 151,000 2,117,000 100 160 170_Germ'n Nation'l Bk 350,000 157,386 1,028,667 100 135 140Covington S Bk&Tr y100,000 36,269 546,638 100 140 People's SayBk&Tr 150,000 25,110 679,472 100 120

Lexington- Per shareFayette Nat Bank.. 300,000 357,376 1,366,736 100 260First National Bk_ _ 400,000 104,722 883,544 100 128 129Lex'ton City N Bk_ 500,000 288,876 1,201,955 100 210vPhoenix Nat Bank 300,000 n83,000 n800,000 100 138Second Nat Bank__ 150,000 41,377 394,566 100 125 vTliird Nat Bank_ _ 300,000 104,089 1,754,154 100 147 149

Louisville- Per share.American Nat Bk_ _ 800,000 225,000 4,090,396 100 138Citizens' Nat Bank.. 500,000 628,418 4,017,990 100 237 250Corn Bank & TrCo_ 500,000 44,200 1,632,817 100 90 95First National Bk_ 500,000 239,019 3,286,247 100 215 German Bank 250,000 563,464 4,187,082 100 325 350Ger Insurance Bk_ _ 249,500 623,713 5,407,989 50 150 170German SecurityBk 179,000 86,897 1,018,633 100 173 174Kent Tit S Bk&TCo 350,000 84,027 1,177,156 100 115 Lincoln Say Bank_ _ 350,000 59,310 573,249 100 95 100Louis,/ Nat Bkg Co.. 250,000 107,729 2,159,461 100 153 155Nat Bk ofCommerce 800,000 370,385 4,147,406 100 177 Vi 178%Nat Bk of Kentucky 1,645,000 1,360,329 7,015.250 100 18734Southern Nat Bk__ 500,000 95,980 4,723,368 100 142Stock Yards Bank.. 100,000 60,251 535,658 100 132% Third National Bk_ Consolida ted with S outhern N at B ankUnion National Bk_ 500,000 536,495 5,021,473 100 220 230Columbia Trust Co_ 1,000.000 249,725 1,593,562 100 139U 140 34Fidelity Trust Co_ _ 2,000,000 131,400 1,617,863 100 148% 152Louisville Trust Co_ 806,100 279,313 975.000 100 164 16534U S Trust Co 350,000 106,299 665,967 100 12734 13234

Newport- Per shareGerman Nat Bank.. 100,000 64,654 579,485 100 120 Newport Nat Bank 100,000 70,417 477,649 100 120

LOUISIANA-Nat. banks March 7; State Institutions latest returns.

New Orleans-Bank of Orleans_Canal La Bk & T CoCitizens' Bic of La.._City Bk & Tr Co..Commercial Nat BkCommercial Germ'nTr & Say Bank_ _

Cosmop 13k & Tr CoGer-Amer Nat Bk_ _Ger-Amer Say Bank& Trust Co

It-State Tr&B Co_Metropolitan Bank_Morgan State BankN Hibernia Nat BkNew Orleans N Bk_People's Bk & Tr CoTeutonia Bk &TrCoU S S Dp & Say BkWhitney-Cent N BHibernia Bk&Tr CoWhitney-Cent Tr &Say Bk Shreveport-

American Nat BankCommercial Nat BkFirst National 13k Contin't'l B & Tr Co
















116,937 1,584,330434,463 4,308,265271,737 2,389,158113,641 917,76487,169 1,053,152007,650 4,526,26315,293 2,542,96975,031 1,529,771

145,682 1,364,9731,698,572 12,722,2102,373,127 16,518,729

57,793 2,677,994

48,617 1,041,046476,137 5,233,432251,231 3,802,366112,131 1,539,700





















MAINE-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.

Bangor-First National Bk_ _Merchants' Nat Bk_Second Nat Bank__Eastern Tr&Bkg CoKenduskeag Tr Co..Merrill Trust Co...._

Portland-Canal Nat Bank.._Casco Nat Bank__ _Chapman Nat Bk....Cumberland Nat BkFirst National BankPortland Nat BankFidelity Trust Co...Mercantile Trust CoUnion S D & Tr Co




309,134306,36937,93774,536491,939337 ,634443,373112,651237,279












MARYLAND-Nat. banks March 7; State tnstitutions latest returns.

Baltimore-Calvert Bank 100,000 42,047 1,345,830Canton Nat Bank 100,000 9,397 596,744Citizens' Nat Bank_ 1,000,000 1,981.766 9,811,920Com&Farm Nat Bk Merged in Nat. Bk. of BaltimoCommonw'Ith Bank 200,000 120,475 2,419,420Drov&Mech's N Bk 600,000 485,130 6,588,161Farm& Mer Nat Bk 650,000 276,716 3,184,963First National Bank 1,000,000 558,047 6,363,378German-Amer Bank 300,000 132,347 1,001,986German Bk. of Bait 400.000 173,063 1,311.604Maryland Nat Bank 500,000 108,160 2,362,900Mercantile Bank.... _ 100,000 46,715 787,883Merchants' Nat Bk_ 1,500,000 1,046,563 12,758,024Nat Bk of Baltim 1,210,700 357,192 6,580,079National City Bank 500.000 131,446 852,644Nat Bk of Comm'ce 500,000 553,281 2,924,363Nat Exchange Bk 1,000,000 708,983 4,501,671Nat Howard Bank.. 230,000 119,975 1,338,018Nat Marine Bank 400,000 218,896 2,702,264Nat Mechanics' Bk_ 1,000,000 1,089,119 6,606,120

, Per50 60100 10 4154

re 150 90100 22540 4834100 146100 106100 10220 2425 100 183100 150100 11015 3034100 16210 1330 413410 28









* Sale price. a Capital and surplus to be increased. b Capital to be increased. h Book value. v This is amount paid in on shares, par value$100; we quote per share, not per cent. x Ex-dividend. y Capital paid in; authorized amount is larger. c Figures date Mar. 27 1911. e Nov. 101910. 1 Last sale. n Dec. 19 1910. s Jan. 27 1911. 1 Includes debentures. d Dec. 31 1910. v To consolidate.

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Where Names are Printed in Italics Fuller Returns may be Found in the Advertising Columns.


Surplus GrossCapital. dc Profits. Deposits. Par. Bid. Ask.

Bait. (Con.)- Per share.Nat Union Bk of Md 1,000,000 530,096 2,770,720 100 132 138Old-Town Nat Bk_ 200,000 91,729 1,461,011 10 12 Second Nat Bank__ 500.000 794,325 1,390,488 100 195 Third National 13k_ Consolidat ed with Na t Bk of Ba ltim ore.Western Nat Bank.. 500,000 571,988 2,507,063 20 38 40Baltimore Trust Co 1,000,000 2,638,770 6,392,754 50 164 Colonial Trust Co.. _ 300,000 85,820 819,059 25 28 28 %Continental Tr Co.._ 1,350,000 2,467,692 5,012,569 100 205 207Fidelity Trust Co.... 1,000,000 809,334 6,794,915 100 210 230Maryland TrCo,corn 1,000,000 1 206,090 922,329 100 83

Preferred 500,000 J 1100 105 110MercantileTr&Dep_ 1,500,000 3,101,739 7,940,544 50 143 145Safe Dep & Tr Co_ _ 600,000 2,129,125 8,809,943 100 440 Union Trust Co..___ 500,000 193,417 668,494 50 70%

Frederick- Per share.Central Nat Bank_ _ 150,000 76,739 544,994 25 35 Citizens' Nat Bank_ 100,000 343,840 3,024,114 100 400 Far & Mech Nat Bk 125,000 r102,070 r1,110,000 25 40 Franklin Say Bank.. k104,000 25,620 350,464 100 115Frederirk Co NatBk 150,000 106,960 530,922 15 22 b'elc-Town Say Inst k156,721 126,976 1,095,082 100 175

111ASSACH USETT 5--N at .bks.(exc. Boston) Mar. .7 ; State ins t. latest returns

Boston- Deposits of banks date April 1. 1911. Per share.Atlantic Nat Bank_ 750,000 628,371 5,450,000 100 152 160Boylston Nat Bank 700,000 272 689 3,250,000 100 110 Commercial Nat Bk 250,000 258,790 1,982,000 100 145 Eliot National Bk.... 1,000,000 1,388,671 10,772,000 100 210 220First National Bank 3,000,000 6,194,896 64,147,000 100 415 425First Ward Nat Bk.. 200,000 188,130c1,285,340 100 *185Fourth Nat Bank.. _ 1,000,000 884,497 8,596,000 100 175 180Merchants' Nat Bk_ 3,000,000 3,702,722 12,541,000 100 275 280Mutual Nat Bank_ _ 200,000 4,067 c 1,218,493 100 Nat Bk of Com'ce_ _ 1,500,000 1,578,490 14,934,000 100*175 N Mkt Bk of Brig_ _ 250,000 210,970 c792,352 100 *116Nat Rock Bk of Rox 300,000 526,910c 3,349,770 100 185 Nat Security Bk_ _ 250,000 853,895 1 .786,000 100 240 Nat Shawmut Bank 3,500,000 5,781,167 85,351,000 100 395 *400Nat Union Bank_ _ _ 1,000,000 1,442,803 0,595,000 100 200 205New Eng Nat Bk_ _ 200,000 120,369 1,112,000 100 Old Boston Nat Bk 900,000 365,064 2,127,000 100*125 127People's Nat, Roxb 300,000 213,727 C 2,007,914 100 122 Second Nat Bank_ _ 2,000,000 2,956,932 22,687,000 100 267 South End Nat Bk_ 200,000 72,547 C 993,063 100 105 110State National Bk_ 2,000,000 1,737,720 9,924,000 100*176 Web'r&AtlasN't Bk 1,000,000 1,065,255 4,636,000 100 175 185Winthrop Nat Bk.. _ 300,000 576,576 3,325,000 100 325 American Trust Co_ 1,000,000 2,155,379 16,934,393 100 325 350Bay State Trust Co 500,000 642,025 6,847,727 100 Beacon Trust Co_ _ _ 600,000 529,002 8,566,724 100 *200Boston S Dep& Tr.. 1,000,000 2,757,569 13,289,849 100 369 Columbia Trust Co.. 100,000 30,7'28 496,469 100 118 Comm'w'th Tr Co._ _ 1,000,000 790,694 11,715,763 100 200 205Dorchester Tr Co.. _ 200,000 42,290 1,455,106 100*105 Exchange Trust Co. 250,000 53,587 1,216,596 100 100 Federal Trust Co.._ 1,000,000 404,560 5,872,884 100*138 140

International Tr Co 1,000,000 4,369,210 12,195,027 100 400

Liberty Trust Co.._Lincoln Trust Co....





135 140 150

Matta.pan D&Tr CoNew Eng Trust Co




100 100 300


Old Colony Tr Co.._Paul Revere Tr Co.





690 700

Puritan Trust Co.._State St Trust Co-





*200 225

U S Trust Co 200,000 915,287 d5,068,145 100

Beverly- Per shareBeverly Nat Bank.. 300,000 297,487 1,313,063 100 *15J4

Brockton- Per share.Brockton Nat Bank 200,000 190,507 1,813,830 100 145 Home Nat Bank 200,000 499,020 2,130,985 100 200 Plymouth Co SD&T 100,000 28,805 769,948 100 100

• Cambridge- Per share.Charles Itiv Nat Bk 100,000 179,716 1,051,314 100*220 D c 23'8Cambridge Trust Co 100,000 219,474 1,640,178 100 *1133.4 re'98Central Trust Co..__ 200,000 134,004 d2,188,614 100 Harvard Trust Co.... 200 000 168,747 2,009,844 100*170M ch '10

E. Cambridge- Per share.Lechmere Nat Bk.... 100,000 144,549 504,736 100*190 Oct'10

Fall River- Per shareFall Riv Nat Bk_ _ _ 400,000 234,360 1,551,401 100 128 132First National Bank 400,000 468,974 1,047,324 100 200 Massas'it-Pocasset N 650,000 460,693 2,241,051 100 157 Metacomet Nat Bk_ 750,000 328,261 1,193,101 100 125 130Durfee S Dep & Tr_ 400,000 465,701 2,386,782 100 190

Fitchburg- Per share.Fitchburg Nat Bk_ 250,000 319,902 1,425,223 100 170 175Safety Fund Nat Bk 200,000 210,610 1,102,603 100 120 125Wachusett Nat Bk_ 250,000 64,097 688,972 100 100 105Fitchb'g SD&TrCo_ 250,000 161,899 1,226,254 100 145 150

Gloucester-Cape Ann Nat Bk.... 150,000 123,443 680,733 100 Cape Ann Say Bk.... 281,083 2,703,389City National Bank 150,000 100,771 899,971 /150Gloucester Nat Bk_ 200,000 n 107,976 n 303,559 100 Glou'ter SD&TrCo_ 200,000 271,019 2,779,249

Haverhill- Per share.Essex Nat Bank_ _ _ 100,000 66,469 575,609 100 First National Bank 200,000 222,168 1,381,219 100 140 145Haverhill Nat Bank 200,000 373,037 1,346,992 100 *200Merchants' Nat Bk_ 200,000 118,027 1,101,749 100 125Merrimack Nat Bk_ 240,000 256,397 1,321,234 100 *125Haverhill Trust Co_ 200,000 75,097 d997,434 100 105


Capital.Surplus& Profits.

GrossDeposits. Par. Bid. Ask

Hol yoke- Per share.City National Bank 500,000 n212,919 n988,534 100 110 115Hadley Falls Nat Bk 200,000 n160,764 n743,088 100 140 145Holyoke Nat Bank_ 200,000 n286,434 n1,307,295 100 180 185Home Nat Bank.._ 250,000 n166,120 n1,126,072 100 140 145Park National Bank


100,000 n63,683 n560,971 100

Per share.Bay State Nat Bank 375,000 133,989 1,012,029 75 *1213,1 Lawrence Nat Bk..1 Merged in Merchants' Trust CoMerchants' Nat BkfPacific Nat Bank_ 150,000 99,000 635,000 100 117 Arlington Trust Co. 200,000 57,104 782,678 100 125Lawrence Trust Co. 100,000 26,317 d538,932 100 100 Merchants' Tr Co_


300,000 155,000 1,753,460

Per share.Appleton Nat Bank 300,000 171,874 845,362 100 103 105Old Lowell Nat Bk_ 200,000 66,304 501,647 100 105 Traders' Nat Bank.. 200,000 79,637 2,907,646 100 105Union Nat Bank 350,000 330,788 2,349,089 100 177 Wamesit Nat Bank 250,000 94,117 295,338 100 100 103Lowell Trust Co e216,100 97,000 1,100,000 100 105MiddlesexSD&TrCo


100,000 42,749 446,240 100

Per share.Central Nat Bank.._ 200,000 325,780 1,886,992 100 200 Lynn National Bk_ 100,000 t295,229 t1,032,364 100 300 Manufac's Nat Bk_ 200,000 102,168 1,482,320 100 110 National City Bank 200,000 188,706 1,098,068 100 150 Essex Trust Co_ _ 250,000 326,747 1,858,051 100 215 Lynn S Dep& Tr Co 100,000 253,076 2,414,203 100 250 Security Trust Co....

New Bedford-

200,000 157,799 3,500,000 100 175

Per share.First National Bank 1,000,000 674,944 1,356,510 100 x140 142Mechanics' Nat 13k_ 600,000 569,792 1,587,482 100 x150 Merchants' Nat Bk_ 1,000,000 1,148,176 2,214,587 100 x198 N Bed S Dep& TrCo


200,000 185,337 1,858,999 100 250

Per share.Warren Nat Bank.. 200,000 120,289 738,970 100*1Q83

Per share.Salem-- No minal prices

Mercantile Nat Bk_ 200,000 140,649 1,152,815 100 116Merchants' Nat Bk_ 200,000 264,265 1,789,410 50 83%*85Naumkeag Tr Co... 250,000 263,341 d2,255,809 100 250 Salem S Dep&Tr Co


200,000 121,743 998,480 100



share.Chapin Nat Bank__ 500,000 102,080 1,809,902 100 103 106Chicopee Nat Bank 400,000 422,001 3,197,596 100 180 190Springfield Nat Bk_ 500,000 656,193 3,358,491 100 108 205Third Nat Bank__ 500,000 556,239 3,713,631 100 225 230Springfield S D & Tr 500,000 732,910 4,464,107 100 225 230Union Trust Co....__


500,000 327,339 7,059,693 100 195



share.Bristol Co Nat Bk.... 500,000 90,919 1,230,248 100 _ * 98Machinists' Nat Bk 200,000 150,061 423,507 100 146Taunton Nat Bank_


600,000 203,921 768,458 100



share.Mechanics' Nat Bk_ 200,000 268,876 3,737,634 100 140 Merchants' Nat Bk_ 500,000 439,482 3,667,952 100 175 Worcester Nat Bk_ 250,000 423,495 4,205,617 100 212 Worcester Trust Co 1,000,000 552,177 9,801,729 100 210

MICHIGAN-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions March 7.

Bay City- Per share.Bay City 13ank......_ 150,000 n184,490 n2,413,977 100 230 250Bay County Say 13k 50,000 t49,931 1999,198 100 215 230Commercial Bank.._ 100,000 /111,466 /1,020,868 100 210 220First National Bank 100,000 n193,324 n1,193,753 100 235 250Old Second Nat Bk 100,000 n26,722 n671,264 100 80 95People's Say Bank_ 50,000 128,137 1966,282 100 150

Detroit- Per share.Central Say Bank.._ 100,000 109,730 3,542,943 100 220 Detroit Say Bank.... 400,000 754,844 9,864,948 100 239 Del United Bk Ltd_ 250,000 79,132 2,679,617 100 145 Dime Savings Bank 500,000 395,041 8,595,259 100 160 First National Bank 2,000,000 1,307,162 20,359,187 100 150 Germ-Amer Bank__ 250,000 77,714 2,289,272 100 130 Home Savings Bank 400,000 497,888 8,547,089 100 275 Michigan Say Bank 250,000 220,460 3,874,384 100 190 Nat Bk of Comm'ce 750,000 322,971 6,118,659 100 152 % Old Detroit Nat Bk 2,000,000 964,967 18,722,401 100 154Peninsular Say Bk_ 500,000 299,924 8,182,504 100 157 People's State Bank 1,500,000 1,919,849 30,618,259 100 223 Wayne Co Say Bk_ 1,000,000 1,282,727 13,448,016 100 225 Detroit Trust Co 500,000 1,277,701 3,344,753 100 300 Security Trust Co- 500,000 733,295 2,000,300 100 219 Union Trust Co..-- 500,000 405,919 2,571,394 100 156 158

Grand Rapids- Per share.City Trust & SayBk 200,000 47,653 1,011,494 100 Commercial Say Bk 200,000 55,127 2,151,648 100 130 Fourth Nat Bank_ _ 300,000 233,044 3,163,098 100 200 Gr Rap Nat CityBk 1,000,000 347,954 6,300,077 100 140 Gr Rapids Say Bk_ 200,000 127,694 2,728,696 100 210 Kent State Bank_ 500,000 275,260 6,412,162 100 240 National City Bk_ Merg ed into G rand Rapt ds N at. Cit y Bk.Old National Bank_ 800,000 658,237 5,011,912 100 193 People's Say Bank_ 100,000 112,269 1,098,085 100 200 Michigan Trust Co.. 200,000 432,893 1,155,963 100 400

Saginaw- Per share.Bank of Saginaw.... 500,000 729,964 8,050,862 100 250Commercial Nat Bk 100,000 130,120 1,149,121 100 210 -----People's Say Bank_ 50,000 92,929 1,116,776 100 225 -----Saginaw Co Say Bk Consolid ated with Bk of Sag na,wSecond Nat Bank__ 500,000 404,143 4,583,171 100 190 -----

* Sale price. a Capital to be increased. d Inch des savings deposits. e Capital paid in; authorized amount is larger. k This is the so-called"Weekly Deposits," now forming capital on which dividends are paid. x Ex-dividend. h Jan. 10 1910. 1 Last sale. n Jan. 7 1911. 1, Newstock. r March 25 1911. c March 7 1911. s Dec. 11910. t Nov. 10 1910. • •

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Where Names are Printed in Italics Fuller Returns may be Found in the Advertising Columns

MINNESOTA-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.

Surplus GrossCapital. & Profits. Deposits. Par. Bid. Ask.

Duluth- $ $ 8 Per share.Amer Exch Nat Bk. 500,000 1,173,382 6,733,999 100 325 City Nat Bank_ 500,000 192,694 2,614,617 100 130 First National Bank 500,000 1,563,669 8,177,926 100 418 Northern Nat Bk. _ 250,000 49,797 1,262,670 100 130

Minneapolis- Per share.East Side State Bk_ 100,000 14,657 454 067 100 125 First National BankGerman-Amer Bk_ _




100100 fis-5


Germania Bank _ _ _ 100,000 20,543 514,063 100 Hennepin Co Say B. 100,000 135,494 4,856,240 100 250 Merch&ManSt'teBk 100,000 26,937 522,793 100 115 Metropolit'nNatBk. 200,000 57,688 815,371 100 126 Minnesota Nat Bk_ Merged in Scandin avian Am er.N at. Ba nk.Northwest Nat Bank 3,000,000 2,306,276 24,144,189 100 273 278St.AnthonyFallsBk. 200,000 83,287 1,647,407 100 140 ScandinavAmNBk_ 500,000 69,080 2,461,496 100 112 Security Nat Bank.. 1,000,000 1,866,297 18,125,797 100 400 South Side State Bk 75,000 68,802 711,722 100 250 Union State Bank_ 100,000 20,531 546,346 100 115 Minn Loan & TrCo. 1,000,000 203,034 2,562,490 100 St. Paul- Per share.

American Nat Bk_ _ 200,000 64,776 1,892,727 100 106 Capital Nat Bank.._ 500,000 151,940 5,365,967 100 130 140First National BankMerchants' Nat Bk.Nat Germ-Amer BkSe,and'vian Am Bk_Second Nat Bank.._




100 100100100100

220220235 235


250Stock Yards Nat BkSecurity Trust Co.._





200 110

MISSISSIPPI-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.

Jackson- Per share.Capital Nat Bank_ 200,000 115,947 1,140,160 100 _First National BankJackson Bank



e855,383 420,852

Merch Bk & Tr Co_ c350,000 145,970 1,303,392Miss Bank & Tr Co..

Vicksburg-100,000 5,000 318,191

Nomi nat.American Bk&TrCo 150,000 62,690 1,138,224 ------ 135Citizens' Nat Bank.. 100,000 42,362 271,486 100 City Say & TrustCo 50,000 52,233 813,925 100 200Delta Tr & Bkg Co.. 100,000 60,000 450,000 100 First National Bank 300,000 154,207 914,111 100 150Merchants' Nat Bk_ 100,000 296,907 874,696 100 375People's S Bk & L_ 50,000 100,000 600,000 50 150

MISSOURI-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.Kansas City- Per share

All Night & Day Bk 100,000 181,289Corn Belt Bank..___ 100,000 27,887 521,394 100 140Drovers Nat Bank_ 300,000 52,010 926,231 100 140 145First National Bank 1,000,000 1,524,976 27,667,579 100 Gate City Nat Bk__ 200,000 23,676 857,478 100 100 110Ger-Amer Bank__ 100,000 83,062 1,307,919 100 350Int-St Nat Bk Kan_ 500,000 1,050,683 7,943,690 100 425 450Mercantile Bank__ 100,000 5,187 317,442 100 97), 100Nat Bk of Comm'ce 2,000,000 571,214 22,406,762 100 147% 149),Nat Bk of the Rep.. 500,000 80,582 4,268,073 100 140 160New Eng Nat Bank 500,000 804,630 13,911,932 100 440National ReserveBk 1,200,000 207,386 7,164,469 100 133 134Produce Exch Bank 100,000 10,977 611,793 100 150Security Nat Bank.. 200,000 71,966 1,140,903 100 140 150Southwest Nat Bk_ 132,260 244,460 11,673,196 100 167 170Traders' Nat Bank_ 200,000 39,126 3,161,397 100 150 163Western Exch Bank 100,000 160,497 1,509,291 100 375Westport Ave.Bank 100,000 36,260 503,443 100 200Amer Union Tr Co.. 132,260 33,072 98,018Commerce Tr Co_ - 1,000,000 285,140 8,340,074 100 148 150Fidelity Trust Co.... 1,000,000 1,183,827 7,465,124 100 295 300Pioneer Trust Co__ c267,500 339,109 2,265,632 100 223 225

St. Joseph- Per shareBurnes Nat Bank__let N Bk of Buchan-an Co








100 ----.German-Am Nat Bk 200,000 v147,577 v4,233,631 100 Merchants' Bank__ 200,000 128,500 1,813,600 100 St Jos Stock Yds Bk 200,000 90,000 2,000,000 100 Tootle-Lemon N Bk. 200,000 177,324 3,957,426 100 First Trust Co 50,000 2,686 464,482 100 Missouri Val Tr Co_ 100,000 22,000 700,000 100 St. Louis- Per share

Boatmen's Bank ___ 2,000,000 1,633,340 13,978,343 100 240 241Bremen Bank 100,000 566,663 2,787,164 100 555 600Broadway Nat Bk_ 200,000 12,312 493,767 100 Cass Ave. Bank...._ 100,000 55,290 1,085,776 100 155 160Central Nat Bank__ 1,000,000 131,916 10,228,766 100 125 126Chippewa Bank__ 100,000 53,187 870,926 100 156 160Franklin Bank........ 600,000 705,230 5,784,055 100 300German-Amer Bk.... 1,000,000 629,796 5,988,381 100 195German Say Inst'n_ 500,000 1,377,983 10,904,667 100 460 470Grand Ave. Bank.... 100,000 26,167 803,225 100 130 140Intern'l Bk St Louis 200,000 256,627 3,121,266 100 300Jefferson Bank........ 200,000 28,473 1,538,389 100 120 130Lafayette Bank_ 100,000 985,322 5,019,136 100 900 ----.Lowell Bank 100,000 9,669 439,716 100 105 110Manchester Bank_ y100,000 125,247 1,370,671 100 300 lifec-Amer Nat Bk__ 2,000,000 2,983,162 34,302,687 100 291 294Mercantile Nat Bk_ 1,500,000 552,761 6,000,948 100 blerch Laclede Nat.. 1,700,000 1,852,779 14,936,219 100 306)4 3083's1Vat Bk of Comm'ce_ 10,000,000 8,467,910 67,109,726 100 215)i 216Night & Day Bk.... 75,000 21,403 133,566 __ _ 100 150Northwest'n Say Bk 200,000 480,078 3,564,441 100 294).1 South'n Corn & Say 100,000 147,322 1,511,192 100 240 250South Side Bank . _ _ 200,000 263,942 3,277,020 100 3353 State National Bk_ 2,000,000 811,707 10,002,277 100 208Third National Bk_ 2,000,000 2,147,786 38,346,391 100 330 333Union Station Bk__ 100,000 26,599 451,067 110 130 Washington Nat Bk Absorbed by Americ an Trust CoAmerican Tr Co__ 1,000,000 68,891 3,304,079 100 B'way Say Tr Co__ 100,000 40,110 646,083 100 150 155City Trust Co 50,000 Began bus mess Jan 18 1911Commercial 'Tr Co_ 102,400 5,138 191,344 100 110 120Commonw'Ith Tr Co 2,000,000 172,660 4,359,776 100 108 109Farm&MerchTrCo . 100,000 31,532 500,743 110 130left-Gravois Tr Co_ 100,000 10,159 410,596 100 1123's Mercantile Tr Co__ 3,000,000 6,681,659 21,314,472 100 341)i 344Viesiselp Vat Tr Co 3,000,000 5,665,683 19,420,422 100 309 Nor St Louis Tr Co_ 100,000 14,198 383,538 100 118 1253tLouis Union TrCo 5,000,000 6,832,197 26,861,787 100 426 Savings Trust Co.... 100,000 13,727 258,928 100 104 106Vandeventer Tr Co_ 50,000 5,132 310,297 100 110 120West St Louis TrCo 100,000 17.920 383.853 100 115 125

MONTANA-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.

SurplusCapital. l& Profits.



Par. Bid.

Butte- $ 1 $ $ PerFirst National Bank 200,000, 520,237 3,998,681Miners S Bk & TrCo 200,0001 28,986 414,429Silver Bow Nat Bk_ 200,000 17,464 737,077Daly Bank & Tr Co 100,000 281,007 4,348,106 100 Helena- I Per

American Nat Bank 200,000 227,634 1,894,094 100 Nat Bk of Montana 250,000 138,320 2,423,3171 100 Thos Cruse Say Bk 100,000 37,600 650,000 Conrad Tr & Say Bk 200,000 11,022 230,300...........Union Bk & 'Tr Co 250,000 305.263 2.373.934 100




NEBRASKA-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returnsLincoln- Per share.

City National Bank 250,000 e82,281lel,297,176 200 First National Bank 400,000 347,444 3,692,027 100 Nat Bk of Comm'ce 200,000 61,552 1,340,712 100 First Tr & Say Bk 50,000 27,266 543,401 100 Omaha-

City Nat Bank__ 500,000 63,519 2,024,350 100 116 118)1Corn Exch Nat Bk 300,000 18,301 1,262,833 100 99 100First National Bank 500,000 e955,986 e9,558,336 100 250 275Merchants Nat Bk. 500,000 571,479 6,415,991 100 200 220Nebraska Nat Bank 200,000 e115,948 €1 ,790,914 100 115 130Omaha Nat Bank_ _ 1,000,000 599,360 12,042,080 100 175 200U S National Bank_ 600,000 782,467 11,525,748 100 285 300South Omaha- Per share.

Live Stock Nat Bk_ 100,000 22,219 1,043,375 100 120 125Stock Yards Nat Bk 750,000 435,264 6,329,649 100 Packers Nat Bank_ 200,000 e135,000 e2,000,000 100 130 145

NEW HAMPSHIRE-National banks Jan. 7.Manchester- Per sham

Amoskeag Nat Bk_ 200,000 348,367 1,770,469 100 250First Nat Bank._ 150,000 v145,789 v716,702 100 160Manchester Nat Bk 150,000 251,944 1,836,911 100 250Merchants Nat Bk_ 150,000 v77,900 v655,771 100 120

NEW JERSEY-Nat. banks March 7; State institutions latest returns.Camden- eVr 840,4

Camden Nat Bank.. 100,000 119,120 1,724,511 100 First National Bank 200,000 252,865 2,592,909 100 National State Bk 260,000 288,275 2,988,981 50 1 100 )Camden S D & T Co 100,000 1,062,098 6,734,590 25 Broadway Tr Co......100,000 68,324 856,264Central Tr Co 100,000 282,483 1,830,196 25 Security Trust Co.... 100,000 163,660 2,376,392 100 West Jersey Tr CoElizabeth-

100,000 63,365 636,255 ....._ _ Per

__ _share

National State Bk. 350,000 750,079 3,416,637 50 140Union Co Trust Co.. 300,000 348,034 4,217,872 100 280 300Hoboken- Per share

First National Bank 220,000 630,299 3,175,282 25 95 100Second Nat Bank__ 125 000 255,309 3,123,712 100 375 400Hoboken Trust Co_ 100,000 129,693 1,446,917 100 230 250Hudson Trust Co.... 500,000 1,443,867 14,576,444 100 550Jefferson Trust Co.. 100,000 71,230 845,812 100 140 160Trust Co of N J._ __ 500,000 859,966 3,885,297 100 385 415

Jersey City- Per shareClaremont Bank__ 50 000 25,690 261,644 100 175First National Bank 400,000 1,269,929 7,791,660 100 340Hudson Co Nat Bk_ 250,000 763,563 2,604,379 100 400 _ ___.Merchants Nat Bk_ 200,000 d37,400 d1,117,428 100 95 105Third Nat Bank...... 200,000 405,996 2,459,844 100 290 ___Bergen&Lafayet.Tr 100,000 130,131 3,212,969 100 260Commer'l 'Tr N J.._ 1,000,000 2,261,00912,411,797 100 350 365Greenv Bk & Tr Co 100,000 87,697 1,481,971 100 280 300Jersey City Tr Co.... 100,000 122,727 2,059,360 100 215 --Lincoln Trust Co__ 150,000 330,924 1,625,649 100 330 _--.Mercantile Trust Co 100,000 63,280 1,073,255 100 150 170N J T Gu & Tr Co__ 500,000 1,463,601 5,323,711 100 500 -.....Pavonia Trust Co__ 100,000 54,965 701,633 100 100 125Peoples S D & Tr Co 200,000 229,821 6,499,330 100 325 _ -_-.Union Trust Co--__ 500,000 179,240 2,045,652 100 75 100Morristown- Per share

First National Bank 200.000 341,043 3,248,320 100 1274National Iron Bank 200,000 75,086 1,558,747 100 110American Trust Co 150,000 25,000 38,915Morristown Tr Co 600,000 1,432,917 3,469,516 100 /455Newark- Per share

American Nat Bank 200,000 32,175 886,663 100 115 125Broad & Market NB 140,000 58,864 571,653Essex Co Nat Bank 1,000,000 1,458,109 7,742,014 50 150 155Mfrs' Nat Bank........ 350,000 401,768 2,454,785 100 250 260Merchants Nat Bk_ 500,000 700,499 4,012,146 100 260Nat Newark Bkg Co 1,000,000 1,880,493 10,127,062 50 190 iirNational State Bk_ 500,000 512,394 2,427,726 50 110 115North Ward Nat Bk 200,000 339,911 3,675,201 100 385Union Nat Bank__ 1,500.000 2,426,409 12,399,763 100 400 425City Trust Co 100,000 84,906 1,295,182 100 165Clinton Trust Co 100,000 28,739 403,077 ___ 140 - - -Federal Trust Co 1,000,000 1,030,689 5,222,096 100 210 22SFidelity Trust Co.._ 2,000,000 7,551,527 17,566,737 100 800 825Ironbound Tr Co 200,000 190,655 1,827,985 100 200 ---_.Newark Trust Co 100,000 55,869 825,497 100 150Roseville Trust Co_ 100,000 81,866 738,067 100 165West Side Trust Co 200,000 303,190 2,812,119 100 245 250New Brunswick- Per share

Nat Bank of N J.. _ 250,000 414,176 2,727,468 100 260 270Peoples Nat Bank_ 100,000 160,497 1,042,935 100 220 230New Br'sw'k Tr Co 100,000 137,074 1,304,963 100 220 230Passaic- Per share

Passaic Nat Bank.... 200,000 e343,129el ,616,202 100 300Hobart Trust Co...... 100,000 123,749 1,360,181 100 250 ---Passaic T & S D Co 200,000 138,584 2,953,930 100 220 ----.Peoples Bk & Tr Co 200,000 210,668 2,166,988 100 Paterson- Per share

First National Bank 500,000 673,274 3,032,931 100 295 305Paterson Nat Bank 300,000 397,260 2,300,735 100 260 275Second Nat Bank__ 150,000 251,749 2,901,600 50 220 _- -Paterson Say Inst'n 1,000,000 475,729 12,071,116 100 400 405Citizens Trust Co.._ 150,000 214,060 1,944,875 100 240 ---.German Am Tr Co_ 150,000 310,071 2,124,783 100 325 - - - -.Hamilton Trust Co_ 400,000 362,596 3,493,412 100 435 475Paterson SD&Tr Co 300,000 340,079 3,371,740 100k300 350Silk City SD&Tr Co 200,000 178,320 1,674,920 100 200 -- -Trenton- Per share

Broad St Nat Bank 250,000 308,643 2,421,022 100 First National Bank 500,000 389,175 2,499,375100 -- - ---.Mechanics Nat Bk_ 500,000 944,963 5,496,927 50 - -Trenton BankingCo 500,000 548,499 3,410,975 50 Mercer Trust Co_ 100,000 65,030 591,200 100 _rrnnt.. ,r,..t,en ii,, 9nn nnn 99S '2 1 ct 9 7.1 R AR inn

* Sale price. a Figures of date Sept. 1 1910. b New stock. c Capital paid in, authorized amount is larger. g Amount paid in. h Bookvalue. k N-,w stock. v These figures date Nov. 10 1910. x Ex-dividend. y Capital to be increased. d Dec. 31 1910. n Feb. 24 1911-e Jan. 7 1911 1 Last sale. r To consolidate. a Feb. 23 1911. t March 29 1910.

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Where Names are Printed in Italics Puller Returns may be Found in the Advertising Columns.

NEW MEXICO-Nat. banks Nov. 10 1910.


Albuquerque-First National Bank 200,000

Surplus& Profits.


GrossDeposits. Par

2,853,708 100

Bid. Ask.

Per share.

NEW YORK-Nat. bks. except N. Y. City March. 7; State Inst. Feb. 28.Albany-

Albany County Bk_First National BankMech'nics & F'rm'sNat Commercial Bk..N Y State Nat Bk_ _Albany Trust Co.:_ _Union Trust Co_ _ _ _

Auburn-Cayuga Co Nat Bk_Nat Bk of Auburn_Auburn Trust Co_ _

Binghamton-City National BankFirst National BankPeople's Bank Broome Co Tr Co -

yBrooklyn-Depodate April 1 191911 for Nation

Bank of Coney IsI'dBroadway Bank.. _ _Brooklyn Bank_ _ _ _First National BankHillside Bank Homestead Bank Manufact's' Nat BkMechanics' Bank Montauk Bank_ __ _Nassau Nat Bank.. _National City BankNorth Side Bank_ _People's Nat Bank_Prospect Park BankRidgewood Nat Bk.Terminal Bank_ __ _yBrooklyn Trust CoCitizens' Trust Co.._Flatbush Trust Co..Franklin Trust Co..Hamilton Trust Co_Home Trust Co.. _ _Kings Co Trust Co..Long I Loan & TrCoNassau Trust Co.. People's Trust Co....Williamsburg Tr Co

Buffalo-Bank of Buffalo Central Nat Ba,nk_ _Citizens' Bank_ _Columbia Nat BankGerman-Amer BkManuf & Trad Nat_Marine Nat Bank_ _Market Bank People's Bank Third National Bk_Union StockYdsBk.Buffalo L T&S D CoCommonw'th Tr CoFidelity Trust Co.. _Elmira-

Merchants' Nat Bk_Second Nat Bank.. _Chemung Canal TCo

yNew York City-are of date April1911 for Nationfor banks andmay be found in

Aetna National Bk_America, Bank of..Amer Exch Nat Bk.Audubon Nat Bk Bank of Europe_ Battery Pk Nat Bk.Bowery Bank Bronx Borough Bk_Bronx Nat Bank.. Bryant Park Bank..Butch & Drov Nat..Century Bank Chase National Bk_Chatham &PhoenixNat Bk

Chelsea Exch Bank.Chemical Nat Bank..Citizens' Cent Nat....City Bank, NationalCoal de Iron Nat Bk.Colonial Bank Columbia Bank Commerce, N Bk ofCorn Exchange Bk_Cosmopolitan Bk_East River Nat Bk_Fidelity Bank Fifth Avenue Bank.Fifth National Bk_First National BankFourteenth St BankFourth Nat Bank Gallatin Nat Bank....Garfield Nat Bank_German-Amer BankGerman Exch BankGermania Bank...._Gotham Nat Bank_Greenwich Bank_ _Hanover Nat Bank_





sits of Broo11. Surpl21 and Feb.

100,000200,000In volu300,000100,000200,000252,000

1,000,000100,000750,000300,000200,000200,000100,0001C0,000In volu




1,000,000In volu





Deposits of1 1911.

at and Feb.rust compour "Ry.300,000


k 200,000250,000150,000200,000200,000300,000250,000


















klyn banks are reporteus and pro fits are of28 for State Banks.

47,596 s214,216538,564 3,772,900

ntary liqu idation.038,739 3,306,30030,661 s288,53362,230 s385,871

835,800 5,939,000853,094 15,202,20069,361 :3535,038

1,043,649 8,216,000588,090 4,729,000150,786 2,344,900130,100 e1,387,43261,157 e609,78329,200 e423,100

ntary liqu idation.2,386,187 19,158,929176,329 1,359,165292,039 3,954,306904,714 13,279,932

1,083,169 6,954,674334,133 2,384,622

2,111,207 15,410,0312,130,697 8,626,407431,463 5,778,037

1,689,370 20,158,717ntary liqu idation.






N. Y. CitySurplus an28 for Stateantes in Nand Ind."

















banks ared profits arBanks. Aew York CiSec., page1,946,100













d netdate






repoe ofdivity an17210010010010010010010010010010025100100





and arMarchPer














e of7













rted netdate Mdend red BrooPer17560023734105


andar. 7.cordklyncent.180620242%120












* Sale price. b Capital and surplus to be increased. d Capital paidcreased. x Ex-dividend. c Jan. 7 1911. e Nov. 10 1910. 1 Last sale.a March. 7 1911. y Trust companies' date Feb. 28 1911. 1 New stock.

NEW YORK-(Continued.)

Capital.Surplus& Profits.

GrossDeposits. Par. Bid. Ask.

N. Y. City (Con.) Per cent.Harriman Nat Bank 200,000 n 220,147 n4,161,265 100 265 Hung. Amer. Bank k200,000 69,117 8433,695 100 Impor dr Trad Nat_International Bank


7,624,613111 460



57234 580

Irving Nat Exch Bk 2,000,000 1,850,929 26,322,600 100 210 216Jefferson Bank.._ 500,000 521,485 4,824,200 100 145 155Liberty Nat Bank_ 1,000,000 2,744,319 22,388,800 100 600 625Lincoln Nat Bank_ 1,000,000 1,598,555 16,202,400 100 400 425ManhattanCo,Bk of 2,050,000 4,402,103 36,300,000 50 325 Market&Fult Nat B 1,000,000 1,774,996 9,266,600 100 250 254Mech&Met'sNat Bk 6,000,000 8,146,68053,329,600 100 248 255Mercantile Nat Bk 3,000,000 2,713,116 10,767,300 100 153 Merchants'Ex NatB 600,000 567,200 7,796,600 60 165 170Merchants' Nat Bk 2,000,000 1,900,553 19,713,000 50 178 182Metrop's, Bk of the 1,000,000 2,124,517 12,265,200 100 390 410Metropolitan Bank.. 2,000,000 1,544,572 10,209,600 100 200 205Mount Morris Bank 250,000 334,380 3,292,400 100 250 260Mutual Bank 200,000 387,215 4,501,000 100 285 295Nat Nassau Bank.... 500,000 532,600 10,092,200 50 300 _Nat Reserve Bank.. 1,200,000 616,695 a4,319,769 100 100 110New Netherland Bk 200,000 271,859 2,751,000 100 210 220N Y County Nat Bk 500,000 1,666,581 8,193,600 100 925 N YNB A. Bk of.. 2,000,000 3,638,650 18,841,000 100 307% 315Nineteenth Wd Bk_ 300,000 184,951 85,748,697 100 240Northern Bk of N Y In liqui dation.Pacific Bank 500,000 932,153 3,250,600 50 230 240Park Bank, Nat.._ _ 5,000,000 12,728,21393,221,000 100 370 380People's Bank 200,000 467,496 2,174,300 25 245 Phenix Nat Bank _ Merged in Chatha m Sr Phoen ix N at. BkPlaza Bank 100,000 460,979 5,514,000 100 625 Produce Ex Bk N Y 1.000,000 783,903 9,370,200 100 170 175Public Bank k200,000 196,607 86,777,643 100 Royal Bank 100,000 44,069 3170,910 100 Seaboard Nat Bank.. 1,000,000 2,025,091 26,907,000 100 415 Second Nat Bank....Sherman Nat Bank







State Bank. Twelfth Ward Bank



19,364,00081 ,507 ,606




Twenty-third WdBk 200,000 107,503 2,154,800 100 140Union Exch Nat Bk 1,000,000 945,945 8,929,200 100 170 Wash'n Hts, Bk of.. 100,000 282,000 1,289,000 100 275 Westchester Av Bk 100,000 51,870 3128,810 100 West Side Bank__ 200,000 1,027,799 5,151,000 100 650 Yorkville Bank.. 100,000 492,780 5,428,400 100 500 y Astor Trust Co...... 1,250,000 987,335 17,341,131 100 340 350Bankers' Trust Co.. 3,000,000 6,822,027 76,074,136 100 650 Broadway Trust Co 700,000 427,396 4,395,292 100 145 148Carnegie Trust Co.. In liq uidation.Central Trust Co_ 3,000,000 16,398,640 66,806,212 100 1000 1025Columbia Trust Co.. 1,000,000 1,740,435 16,291,608 100 305 315Commercial Tr Co_ 500,000 208,214 4,861.144 100 105 115Commonw'lth Tr Co 250,000 367,688 476 100 140 160Empire Trust Co.... 1,000,000 1,171,149 18,716,434 100 300 310Equitable Trust Co 3,000,000 11,181,317 35,396,800 100 490 510Farmers' L Sr Tr Co 1,000,000 6,059,307 123020 311 25 1550 1580Fidelity Trust Co.._ 750,000 978,980 6,923,088 100 212 225Fulton Trust Co...... 500,000 823,744 7,647,064 100 290. Guaranty Trust Co_ 5,000,000 21,941,947 133729 746 100 800 825Guardian Trust Co.. 500,000 536,290 3,226,232 100 150Hudson Trust Co__ 500,000 699,308 3,525,723 100 160 Knickerbock'r TrCo 3,181,000 5,847,926 32,007,290 100 290 297;4Lawy'sTit In Sr TCo 4,000,000 6,300,563 13,759,092 100 248 255Lincoln Trust Co.._ 1,000,000 585,227 10,600,079 100 130 140Madison Tr Co 1,000,000 815,727 3,428,287 100 Manhattan Tr Co.... 1,000,000 2,197,769 20,968,017 30 375 400Mercantile Tr Co__ 2,000,000 7,486,996 52,193,691 100 725 750Metropolitan Tr Co 2,000,000 8,007,487 26,148,885 100 440 Mutual Alliance Tr.. 700,000 428,593 8,251,260 100 125 130N Y Life Ins & T Co 1,000,000 4,136,547 39,652,521 100 1100 1125New York Trust Co 3,000,000 11,134,082 48,310,897 100 635Savoy Trust Co......_ 500,000 90,116 1,722,272 100 -- 105Standard Trust Co_ 1,000,000 1,399,117 16,188,052 100 400 410Title Guar & Tr Co.. 4,375,000 11,073,131 26,573,730 100 490 500Trust Co of Amer.._ 2,000,000 6,612,769 27,256,100 100 340 350Union Tr Co of N Y 1,000,000 7,936,893 50,554,687 100 1240 1270US Mort & Tr Co_ _ 2,000,000 4,487,925 44,161,570 100 470 480U S Tr Co of N Y.._Washington Tr Co..







Windsor Trust Co__ 1,000,000 139,009 5,003,361 100 97)4 10254Queens Borough-

Bank of Long Isi'd_First Nat Bank........Queens Co Trust Co




100 100 100 110 125

Rochester-Alliance Bank Central Bank Merchants' BankLincoln Nat Bank..Nat Bank of Corn....Traders' Nat Bank..Fidelity Trust Co _Genesee Val Tr Co_Roch Tr & S Dep CoSecurity Trust Co.._Union Trust Co__ _







100100100100100100 100 100100100100

Per225235220200 170

165375600 155




Syracuse-Commercial Nat BkFirst National BankMerchants' Nat Bk_Nat Bk of SyracuseSalt Springs Nat BkStateBk of SyracuseThird Nat Bank__Syracuse Trust Co..Tr&Dep Co of Onon





100100100100100100100 100100





Troy- Per shareManufact'rs Nat BkNational City Bk_





325 162 165

NatStateBk of Troy 250,000 378,698 2,384,691 100 200 210People's Bank 100,000 110,792 772,444 100 200 210Union Nat Bank...._ 300,000 157,175 1,966,086 50 120 125United Nat Bank 240,000 414,187 678,995 100 315 Security Trust Co.... 200,000 233,276 2,917,949 100 190 200Troy Trust Co._ ._ 200,000 236,619 2,149,899 100 190 200

in; authorized amount is larger. h Book value. k Cap tal to be in-n March 20 1911. v Dee. 241910. r To consolidate. sFeb. 281911.

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Where Names are Printed In Italics Puller Returns may be Found in the Advertising Columns.

NEW YORK-(Concluded.) OH I0-(Concluded.)

SurplusCapital. ifc Profits.

- Utica-


First National Bank 1,000,000 1,406,084Oneida Nat Bank__ 600,000 8769,739Second Nat Bank__ 300,000 342,837Utica City Nat /3k_ 1,000,000 234,974Citizens Trust Co__ 300,000 263„553Utica Tr & Dep Co_ 400,000 515,734Watertown-

City National Bank 100,000 63,766Jefferson Co Nat Bk 250,000 313,911Nat Bk & Loan Co_ Absorbed by Nor'nNational UnionWatertown Nat 13k 200,000 271,199Northern N Y Tr Co 400,000 315,897Westchester Co-

Mt Vernon-lst N_ 200,000 72,331Mt Vernon N Bk_ 200,000 820,579Mt Vernon Tr Co 200,000 313,391

New Rochelle-Nat City Bank__ 200,000 99,194North Ave Bk___ 50,000 24,931Huguenot Tr Co_ 150,000 50,340N Rochelle Tr Co 200,000 103,997

Ossining-1st Nat_ 100,000 56,741Ossining Nat Bk_ 100,000 41,734

Peek skill-Westeli'r Co Nat.. 100,000 316,462

Pleasantville-Mt Pleasant Bk__ 25,000 22,115

Port Chester-lst N 100,000 185,567Mutual Trust Co_ 300,000 149,131

Rye-Rye Nat Bk_ 50,000 52,276Tarrytown Nat Bk_ 100,000 77,146White Plains-

Citizens' Bank__ 100,000 38,277Cent Bk WestcCo 100,000 167,023County Trust Co. 100,000 123,400First Nat Bank__ 100,000 85,137

Yonkers-1st Nat 150,000 76,448Yonkers Nat Bank_ 200,000 52,031

Westches'r Tr Co 300,000 216,731NORTH CAROLINA-Nat. bks March 7. State institutions latest returns.


3,624,977sl ,681 ,2271,106,4671,760,7933,504,5256,225,189

578,4321,559,866N Y Trust







1602201 A




1,111,866 100 2201,767,826

Per share.2,784,826 100 8563,834 S uspend ed.2,749,419 100

2,342,631 100 235,093178,247

2,368,360 100 375,139 100 719,648 100

2,523,307 50

527,59'791,761 100

1,096,115 100 631,971 100 914,710 100

449,414 100 748,038 100

1,910,934 100 230996,230 100

1,955,095 100 540,911

3,090,154 100

Charlotte-Charlotte Nat BankGommercial Nat BkFirst National BankMer & Farm Nat BkUnion Nat Bank.. _ _American Trust Co _Southern L & S Bk_Durham-

Fidelity Bank First Nat Bank__ _ _Citizens' Nat Bank_Home Say Bank_ _ _Merchants' Bank_ _

Raleigh-Citizens Nat Bank.Commer'l Nat BankMerchants Nat Bk_Raleigh Bkg&Tr CoWil ming ton-

American Nat BankMurchison Nat Bk_Peoples Say Bank _ _Southern Nat BankAtianticTr&Bkg CoWilm Say & Tr Co_










NORTH DAKOTA-Nat. banks March 7.

1,236,560 100 1401,104,787 100 153 156059,892 100 165 170059,382 100 175 386,316 100 120

1,135,797 100 134 136260,253 100 125

1,277,64881,371,396 100


Per share.1,164,726 100 160972,910 100 130

1,376,319 100 110 578,828 100 110

Per share.831,091 112 115

3,533,713 100 150 1511,032,337 25 50 1,394,340 100 152 155758,392 100 250 300

1,625,000 50 150 State inst. Latest returns.

Fargo-Commercial Bank _ _Fargo National Bk_First National BankMerchants Nat Bk_Northern Trust Co_

50,000 7,53850,000 11,520200,000 205,229100,000 59,320100,000 65,190




Per share-

OHIO-Nat. banks March 7. State institutions latest returns.Cincinnati- Per share.

Atlas Nat Bank_ _ _ 400,000 685,133 4,267,055 100 340 375Brighton Ger Bk Co 200,000 302,649 3,112,107 100 300 Citizens' Nat Bank 2,000,000 2,118,951 6,848,905 100 230 240City Hall Bank__ _ _ 100,000 141,576 1,557,752 100 250 Columbia B & S Co 100,000 221,959 1,141,987 10 450 500Cosmop Ilk & S Co.. 250,000 154,798 1,446,369 50 140 150East End Bank.... 50,000 6,990 101,989 100 Fifth-Third Nat Bk. 3,000,000 1,530,133 18,701,995 100 229 232First National Bank 6,000,000 2,341,965 27,384,730 100 235 240Fourth Nat Bank__ 500,000 826,663 3,569,795 100 250 280German Nat Bank_ 500,000 810,099 6,591,211 100 315 335Home Say Bk Co.. 50,000 1,852 323,171 100 100 110Market Nat Dank. _ 500,000 488,963 4,825,257 100 250 270Metropol B &I' Co_ 100,000 570,891 100 North Side Bank__ 75,000 40,530 409,922 50 120 Pearl St Market Bk 150,000 20,113 754,719 100 110 Peoples Bk & SY Co 200,000 18,310 765,494 100 120 Proy Say 13k & TCo 1,000,000 620,362 6,929,103 10 230 250Second Nat Bank__ 1,000,000 1,211,269 8,510,915 100 245 250Occur SB &SD Co 100,000 83,720 1,589,167 100 100 South Ohio L & Tr_ c8I 0,630 47,345 289,513 100 Stk Yds Bk & Tr Co 100,000 44,166 601,619 100 140 Union S B & Tr Co. 1.000,000 2,473,789 17,465,022 100 400 500Unity I3kg&Sav Co 75,000 37,829 782,919 100 140 West End Bk &Tr Co 100,000 21,675 649,976 100 Western GermanBk 250,000 676,199 9,446,167 100 500 650Cent Tr & S Dep Co 500,000 713,265 8,830,553 100 300 Cincinnati Trust Co 1,000,000 902,567 4,715,731 100 170 200Cleveland- Per share.

Bk of Comm'ce N A 2,000,000 1,685,043 14,380,273 100 t215Central Nat Bank.. 1,000,000 757,540 8,008,975 100 170Cleveland Nat Bank 500,000 111,169 2,568,672 100 103 Z05Clark Ave Say Bank 50,000 8,714 421,584Clay Say & Ln Co.. 250,000 82,602 872,514 100 Columbia Sy & L Co 100,000 48,286 1,099,685 50 Equity_ Say L Co _- 200,000 71,226 938,799First Nat Bank__ 2,500,000 1,390,400 29,482,966 /199Garfield Say Bk Co. 100,000 110,679 3,284,056 100 /220Germ-Am Say B Co 50,000 54,572 988,275 50 Lincoln Say & Bkg_ c50,000 10,237 619,912 100 Lorain St Say Bk Co 200,000 126,107 1,918,369 50 National City Bank 250,000 343,127 1,647,773 100 Nat Commercial Bk 1,500,000 985,769 5,04:3,707 169Pearl St Say & T Co 200,000 274,308 3,460,068 50


(1.7 Profits.Gross

Deposits Par. Bid. Ask.

Per sharePeople's Say Bk Co. 300,000 246,239 4,699,662 200 United Bk & Say Co 500,000 110,171 5,296,402 100 Union Nat Bank _ _ _ 1,600,000 976,107 13,086,173 100 t 158W Cleveland Bkg Co 100,000 8,000 355,000 50 li'way Say & Tr Co. 300,000 382.537 100 Citizens'Say&TrCo _ 4,000,000 2,886 070 40,593,784 100 249 260Cleveland Trust Co. 2,500,000 2,626,655 25,229,042 100 1220Forest City S & Tr_ 250,000 90,679 2,103,08:3 100 Guardian Say & Tr_ 1,000,000 1,055,519 20,874,100 100 250 L Sh 13kg dr Tr Co... 200,000 69,509 3,701,123 100 t230State Bkg & Tr Co_ 500,000 137,949 3,221,660 100 1112Super'r Say & Tr CoUnion Say & L Co_



8,840,018497,525 120

WoodI'd Ay S & Tr. 350,000 362,607 3,943,274 100 Nom. prices

Columbus- Per share.Capital City Bank_Central Nat Bank_




100100;Ho 1123

Citizens' Tr & Say_ 700,000 217,110 2,845,412 100 117 125City National Bank 300,000 90,729 1,765,186 100 130 140Columbus SayBkCo 50,000 56,147 604,670 100 Columbus S & Tr Co 610,000 36,593 2,184,689 100 90


Commercial N Bank 300,000 284,937 3,311,627 100 200 230Fifth Ave Say Bk.. 36,000 13,926 353,778 100 Hayden-Clin'n N B 700,000 417,307 3,894,724 100 225 250Huntington Nat Bk 400,000 112,421 1,866,725 100Lincoln Say Bk Co_ 50,000 912 130,244 100 Market Exch Bank. 100,000 96,299 1,227,986 100 200 210Nat Bk of Comm'ce 200,000 62,299 1,366,091 100 135 145New First Nat Bk_ 500,000 295,167 4,024,723 100 225 250Ohio National Bank 400,000 358,437 5,255,717 100 265 275People's Bank Co.. 36,150 367 124,623 100 90 100Union National Bk_ 750,000 8203,90082,508,577 100 *98 100West Side DimeSBk 25,000 9,367 297,948 50 120Security Say Bk_ _ _ 48,500 21,411 205,690 100 State S Bk & Tr Co. 400,000 104,779 1,483,129 100 130 140Capitol Trust Co __ Consolidat ad with S tate Say Bk & Tr Co

Dayton- Per share.City National Bank 200,000 317,427 1,638,876 100 285 Dayton Nat Bank_ 300,000 164,899 813,787 100 165First Say & Bk Co_ 100,000 54,032 870,814 100 135 Fourth Nat Bank.. 600,000 312,207 1,144,768 100 160 162Merchants' Nat Bk. 200,000 103,227 833,036 100 145 147Teutonia Nat I3ank. 200,000 86,785 583,342 100 130 136Third Nat Bank_ _ _ 400,000 286,537 1,342,196 100 195 201Winters Nat Bank_ 500,000 268,924 1,142,920 100 180Dayton Say & Tr Co 300,000 253,000 4,001,987 100 175

Toledo- Per shareCom Say Bk & Tr Co 200,000 1,100 1,137,414 100 98Dime Say Bank Co. 115,100 31,163 1,405,126 50 125 128First National Bank 500,000 926,997 3,940,706 100 265Home Say Bank Co. 250,000 176,895 2,263,426 106 156 Market Say Bk Co_ 93,469 11,972 434,721 100 108Mechanics' Say Bk_ c27,500 9,869 141,672 100 135 Merch & Cl'k S Bk. 150,000 234,493 1,761,109 100 255 _Nat Bk of Comm'ce 1,000,000 250,850 6,809,187 100 133 135Northern Nat Bank 1,000,000 388,439 3,705,427 100 140).1, 141kOhio SayBk& Tr Co 850,000 526,741 5,926,794 100 133 140Second Nat Bank__ 1,000,000 1,335,476 6,883,566 100 258 Secur'y S Bk&TrCo 250,000 67,417 2,531,376 100 133 Tol Say Bk & Tr Co 300,000 367,832 2,471,221 100 224 Continent'ITr&S Bk 200,000 7,619 987,892 100 105Union Says Bank__ 250,000 239,609 1,073,377 100 177

Youngstown- Per share.City Sayings Bank_ 100,000 24,167 1,240,797 100 145 Commercial Nat Bk 300,000 178,159 2,134,941 100 162Dollar Say & Tr Co. 1,500,000 531,627 7,211,921 100 189First National Bank 1,500,000 1,152,911 587,552 100 189 Mahoning Nat Bk__ 400,000 309,930 1,656,842 100 185

OKLAHOMA-Nat. banks Mar. 7; State inst. latest returns.

Cu thrie-- Per shareBk of Indian Terr'y 50,000 3,795 68,176 100 125 Guthrie Nat Bank.. 150,000 32,407 757,294 100 285Guthrie Say Bank_ 25,000 6,231 350,611 100 125Logan County Bank 25,000 4,339 228,447 100 125NatBk of Commerce 100,000 11,121 523,795 100 225Oklahoma State Bk

Mc Alester-

50,000 2,350 598,269 100



shareAmer Nat Bank_ _ _ 100,000 27,790 748,327 100 190City Nat Bank__ 50,000 16,000 230,000 100 170First Nat B of McAl

Mu skogee-

100,000 41,179 521,911 100



shareCommercial Nat Bk 200,000 56,660 2,152,379 100 180First Nat Bank__ __

Oklahoma City-

250,000 119,506 1,881,986 25



shareAmerican Nat Bank 500,000 46,773 2,336,329 100 160 175Farmers' Nat Bk.. 100,000 28,097 1,368,861 100 150Okla City Nat Bank 500,000 24,703 2,626,048 100 190Security Nat Bank_ 100,000 54,044 1,339,263 100 140State National Bk_ 200,000 58,067 3,523,261 100 260Western Nat Bank_ 100,000 30,809 1,322,005 100 250

OREGON-Nat. bankaMar.7; State institutions Mar. 7.

Portland- Per share.Amer Bk & Tr Co.. 150,000 25,844 182,498 Can Bk of Comm'ce 200,000 43,307 3,757,210 First National Bank 1,500,000 1,028,063 13,168,103German Amer Bk. _ 200,000 8191,712 Hartm'n &Th'mps'n 100,000 25,572 340,233Hibernia Say Bank 200,000 64,097 1,846,824Ladd & Tilton Bank 1,000,000 738,407 13,087,175 Lumbermen's N Bk 500,000 73,061 3,401,713 100 Merchants' Nat Bk. 250,000 105,306 2,681,972March Say & Tr Co. 150,000 36,020 475,118ScandinavianAmBk 100,000 15,467 709,791Security Say&Tr Co 500,000 485,417 7,475,049 100 Un States Nat Bank 1,000,000 855,399 10,992,477 100 Portland Trust Co_ 300,000 67,689 1,943,094 100

* Sale price. h Book value. a Capital and surplus to be increased. c CapitalIncreased. p Amount paid in. x Ex-dividend. p New stock. d These figures dateconsolidate. s Jan. 7 1911. 1 Last sale. v Sept. 1 1910. 1 Sept. 23 1910.

stock paid in; authorized amount is larger. k Capital to beNov. 10 1910. e Feb. 211011. r Dec. 22 1910. n To

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Page 44: cfc_19110408_supplement.pdf


Where Names are Printed in Italics Fuller Returns may be Found in the Advertising Columns

PEN NSYLV AN IA-Nat. bks. (exc. Phila.) Mar. 7; State inst. latest ret'ns. PENNSYLVANIA-(Continued.)


dc Profits.Gross



















Apr. 1 19£757,493t745,661




(1,954,4921,807,0008,326,000h First Nc2,850,6853,104,0003,323,0003,088,0002,277,0002,763,0005,280,000










Par Bid. Ask. Capital.Surplus

dc Profits.Gross

Deposits. Par. Bid. Ask

Alleghen y-Bk of Secured Says_First National BankGerman Nat Bank_Ohio Valley Bank _Second Nat Bank_ _Allegheny Trust CoDot Say Fund & TrManchester SayingsBank & Trust Co

Provident Trust CoReal Est Say&TrCoWork S Bk & Tr Co

Allentown-Allentown Nat Bk_Merchants Nat Bk_Second Nat Bank__Allentown Tr Co.. _ _Citizens Dep&Tr CoLeh Val T & S D Co

Altoona-First National BankSecond Nat BankUnion Bank Altoona Trust Co.._Central Trust Co_ _ _Mountain CityTrCo

Erie-First National BankMarine Nat Bank People's Bank Second Nat Bank Erie Trust Co Secur Say & Tr Co_

Harrisburg-Commercial Bank _East End Bank.... First National BankHarrisburg Nat Bk_Mechanics Bank.. _ _Merchants Nat Bk_Central Trust Co.. _ _Commonwealth Tr..Dauphin Dep Tr CoHarrisburg Tr Co.. _Security Trust Co.._Union Trust Co.._ Lancaster-

Conestoga Nat Bk_First National BankFulton Nat Bank_ _Lancaster Co N BkNorthern Nat BankPeoples Nat Bank_Farmers Trust Co.. _Lancaster Trust CoNorth Tr & Say Co..Peoples Trust Co Union Trust Co_ - _Philadelphia-

American Bank _ _Bank of Commerce..Bank of No Amer.._Centennial Nat Bk_Central Nat Bank Corn Exch Nat BankEighth Nat Bank....Far dc Mech Nat BkFirst National BankFourth St Nat BankFranklin Nat Bank..Girard Nat Bank _ _Kensington Nat Bkb1anayunk Nat Bk_Manufact'rs N Bk....Market St Nat BankMerchants Nat Bk_NatBk of Germ'nt'nNat Bk of No LibNat Security Bank..Ninth National Bk..Northern Nat BankNorthwestern NPenn National Bk_Philadelphia Nat Bk

aker:City Nat Bk• 1001 Nre Bank Secot% at-Bank.....Siktlz• r Bank_ _ _Sout k Nat Bk_South Stern N BkTenth at BankTextile Nat Bank....Third Nat Bank......Tradesmens Nat BkUnion Nat Bank _ _Western Nat Bank_Aldine Trust Co Belmont Trust Co.._Cent Tr & Say Co.._Chelten Trust Co....Colonial Trust Co.._Columbia Ay Tr CoCommercial Tr Co..Com'w'lth T Ins&TCont Title & Tr CoEmpire Title & T CoEquitable Trust CoExcelsior Tr & S FdFairm'nt Say Tr CoFederal Trust Co....Fidelity Trust Co....Finance Co, 1st Pt.2d Pref

First Mtge Guar drTrust Co

Frankford Tr Co......Franklin Trust Co..Ger-Am T & T Co....Germantown Pr CoGir'd Ay T & Tr Co









300 000150,000200,000300,000200,000200,000

110,00050,000100,000300,000100,000100 000125,000250,000300,000400,000




Deposits ofa 173,000

276,3001,000,000300 000


2,000,0001,500,0003,000,0001,000,0002,000,000250,00200 000500,000



; • 150,000280,000150,000250 000200,000200 000200,000600,000500,000800,000600,000200,000125,000750,000200,000250,000400,000









88 89383 061119,814751,427








banks datet66,312



1,442,5991,595,0176,499,3992,796,1694,450,939326,527390 416414,033

1,177,080lidated wit



• 487,7'64.567,787297,978154,344164,489132,793100,937897,870818,407751,431251,355129,7498,359






50100100100 100100 100

50 100 100 50



100100 100100100100

50 5010025Pri1002510010010025100


11.50 100 100 100 100 100 100100 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 100

at.50 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 50 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 25 25 100 50 100 100 100 100 100

100 50 50 50 100 50





150 150 160 Per


vate B27565350280 20033135 Per

285 225204 132 128151260500 90 290108Per





425share.1552503004744250share.350210175210210 .-35







300110share.70131 %316220%420275 X35014221831300416345%100259125%170





Girard Trust Co........Guar Tr & S Dep CoHamilton Trust Co..Holmesburg Tr Co..Industel Tr T& SayIndependence Tr CoIntegrity '1 itle InsTr & Safe Dep Co

Kensington Tr Co....Land Title & Tr Co_Logan Trust Co.._ _ _Market St T & TrCoManayunk Trust CoMerchants' Un TrCoMortgage Trust Co_Mutual Tr Co Northern Trust Co_No Phila Trust Co..No Western Tr Co_Pelham Trust Co....Penn Co for Insuron Lives & Gr An

Penn W'h'g&SD CoPeople's Trust Co Phil Mort & Tr Co_Phil Tr S D & In CoProvident Life & TrReal Est Tr Co, corndo do pref

Real Est Ti In & TrRepublic Trust Co..Rittenhouse Tr Co..Tacony Trust CoTradesmen's Tr Co_Trust Co of N A......Union Trust Co__United Sec L I &T..Wayne Junct Tr CoWest End Trust CoWest Phila. T&TrCo


Allegheny Val Bk....All Nations Dep BkAnchor Say Bank Arsenal Bank Bk of Pittsburgh NACity Deposit Bank_Columbia Nat BankCommercial Nat BkDiamond Nat BankDiamond Say BankDuquesne Nat Bk _ _Exchange Nat Bk_ _Farmers Dep N BkFarmers' Dep S Bk_Federal Nat Bank_Fifth Avenue BankFirst N Bk of Birm_First Nat Bk, Pitts_Freehold Bank..German Nat Bank_German S & DepBkGermania Say BankHomew'd Peop's BkIron&Glass Dol SayKeystone Nat BankLiberty Nat Bank_Liberty Say Bank....Lincoln Nat Bank..Manufacturers' Bk_Marine Nat Bank Mellon National BkMetropolitan N Bk_Monongahle N Bk_Nat Bk of West Pa_Park Bank Pennsyly'a N Bk Penn Say Bank........People's Nat Bank..People's Say Bank_Pittsb Bk for Say....Second Nat Bank Third National Bk_Union Nat Bank Union Savings Bk_U S Nat Bank West Say & Dep BkBankers' Trust Co_Central Trust CoColonial Trust Co.Commonw'lth 'Fr CoContinental Tr Co..East End 8 & Tr CoFidel Title & Tr Co..Franklin Say & Tr_Guardian Trust Ca..HazIew'd S & Tr CoHill Top Say&TrCoMerch Say & Tr Co_Metropolitan Tr CoOakland Say&Tr CoPeople's Trust Co..Pittsburgh Tr Co....Potter Title & Tr CoReal Estate Tr Co Safe Dep & Tr Co....South Hills Tr Co._South Side Pr Co...Terminal Trust Co_Union Trust Co__Washington 'I`r Co_West End SavB &Tr









1,000.000Merged in1,000,000160,000



































• 881,9782,315,699247,988

1,341,669• 77,809•1210,26'i2,238,2631,099,024755,087475,637508,51725,560




174,371• 54,3761,883,7471,189,211435,009





















1,554,2922,625,206' Union T



















2,304 366



100 100 50 50 50 50

5050 100 10025 25 100 100 50 100 50 50 100

100 50 50 100 100 100 1100 1100 100 50 50 100 100 100

rust100 100 50 50


50 50 5050100 100 100 100 100 50100100 10050100100100 10060100 50 100100100100 10050100 100 100 100100 60 100 50 100 100 100100100100100 100 100 50100 60 100100 100 100 50 25 100 5050100 100 100 100100 100100100 100

_ 100100 60









190 • 80300350



200 113


800 200115850



71 36




share92516260551 3'45


556%805015575825%70100255 X6600























* Sale price. a Capital paid in; authorized amount is larger. b Cap tal to be increased. c Figures are of date March 7 1911. d To consoli-date, 8 Jan. 7 1911. g Stock dividend 1001. v Sept. 11910. x Ex-dividend. 4 Sept. 22 1910. 5 Last sale. e Jan. 7 1911. t Nov. 9 1010.

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