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Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

May 14, 2020



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Page 1: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred
Page 2: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid CymruNational Youth Orchestra of Wales

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958)

Symphony no. 2 - A London Symphony (revised edition) 44.49

1 Lento - Allegro risoluto 14.122 Lento 10.443 Scherzo (Nocturne) 7.584 Andante con moto - Maestoso alla marcia 11.55

Published by Stainer and Bell

William Mathias (1934 - 1992)

Celtic Dances, Op. 60 13.57

5 I Allegro vivace 4.016 II Allegro leggiero 3.027 III Andante con moto 3.448 IV Allegro con slancio 3.10

Published by Oxford University Press

Total CD duration 58.47

Conducted by Owain Arwel Hughes OBE

Page 3: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

The orchestra in rehearsal

Page 4: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958)A London Symphony

A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred in March1914 on the eve of the Great War, it enshrines all the glittering brilliance of the pre-war world and,in retrospect, is its epitaph. It was the composer's own favourite of his symphonies and hedescribed it as a "Symphony by a Londoner." Although the Symphony is loosely programmatic, itdoes not represent the physical body of London, but the spirit of a great city.

A London Symphony is dedicated to the memory of George Butterworth, the young Englishcomposer killed in action in 1916 during World War I at the age of 31. It was Butterworth whoabruptly told Vaughan Williams one evening, "You know, you ought to write a symphony", and thecomposer recalled "from that moment the idea of a symphony ... dominated my mind."

The Symphony opens with a deep spacious idea representing London at daybreak (Lento), with theWestminster chimes heard in the harp and clarinet. The composer described the music that follows(Allegro risoluto) as the "noise and hurry of London, with its always underlying calm." Its brilliantorchestral colour, particularly at the close with its chiming bells and flaring lights, reminds us thatVaughan Williams studied orchestration with Ravel.

Butterworth described the slow movement (Lento) as "an idyll of grey skies and secluded by-ways,"though Vaughan Williams identified its topography more precisely as "Bloomsbury Square on aNovember afternoon." The music recalls the sound of a lavender-seller's cry (the composer heardthis in Chelsea in July 1911 and noted it down) and the jingle of an approaching hansom cab. Thethird movement is a scherzo, moving swiftly through a bewildering number of different moods, atonce noisy, mysterious, convivial (listen out for the cockney mouth organ) and briefly, towards theend, sinister and tragic.

This tragic tone rings out passionately at the beginning of the final movement, before giving way toa proud and solemn march. A quicker, more turbulent section follows before the march returnsagain, leading to a crisis. The music dies away and the chimes of Westminster are heard, usheringin a mysterious and hushed epilogue. The music that opened the Symphony returns and a risingviolin solo brings the music to rest on a deep chord that dies away into the depths of the orchestra.

Page 5: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

A London Symphony yw’r ail o blith naw symffoni gan Vaughan Williams. Fe’i perfformiwyd am y trocyntaf ym mis Mawrth 1914 ar noswyl y Rhyfel Mawr. Mae’n cynnwys holl ddisgleirdeb y byd cyn yrhyfel ac, o edrych yn ôl, dyma yw ei feddargraff. Dyma oedd ffefryn y cyfansoddwr ei hun ac fe’idisgrifiodd fel "Symffoni gan Lundeiniwr." Er bod y symffoni yn eithaf rhaglennol, nid yw’ncynrychioli corff materol Llundain, ond yn hytrach ysbryd dinas arbennig.

Cyflwynwyd A London Symphony er cof am George Butterworth, y cyfansoddwr Saesneg ifanc a fufarw ar faes y gad yn 1916 yn ystod y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf yn 31 oed. Dywedodd Butterworth wrthVaughan Williams yn sydyn un nos, "Fe ddylech ysgrifennu symffoni", a’r cyfansoddwr yn galw i gof"o’r moment hwnnw roedd y syniad o symffoni ... yn dominyddu fy meddwl."

Mae’r Symffoni’n agor gyda syniad dwfn eang sy’n cynrychioli Llundain adeg gwawr (Lento), gydachlychseiniau San Steffan i’w clywed trwy’r delyn a’r clarinét. Disgrifiodd y cyfansoddwr ygerddoriaeth sy’n dilyn (Allegro risoluto) fel "sŵn a phrysurdeb Llundain, gyda’i dawelwch sylfaenolsy’n bodoli bob amser." Mae’r lliwio cerddorfaol arbennig, yn enwedig ar y diwedd gyda’r clychau’nseinio a’r goleuadau’n fflachio, yn ein hatgoffa y gwnaeth Vaughan Williams astudio trefniantcerddorfaol gyda Ravel.

Disgrifiodd Butterworth y symudiad araf (Lento) fel "bugeilgan o awyr llwyd a chilffyrdddiarffordd," er nododd Vaughan Williams dopograffi’r lleoliad yn fanylach fel "Sgwâr Bloomsbury arbrynhawn ym mis Tachwedd." Mae’r gerddoriaeth yn galw i gof sŵn gweiddi’r gwerthwyr lafant(clywodd y cyfansoddwr hwn yn Chelsea ym mis Gorffennaf 1911 ac fe gadwodd nodyn ohono) athincial cerbyd yn agosáu. Scherzo yw’r trydydd symudiad, sy’n symud yn gyflym trwy sawl nawsddryslyd wahanol, sydd ar unwaith yn swnllyd, yn ddirgel, yn llawen (gwrandewch am yr organ geggydag acen cocni) ac yn fyr, tuag at y diwedd, mae’n sinistr ac yn drasig.

Mae’r tôn trasig hwn i’w glywed yn angerddol ar ddechrau’r symudiad olaf, cyn croesawuymdeithgan falch, ddifrifol. Mae adran gyflymach, fwy cynhyrfus yn dilyn cyn i’r ymdeithganddychwelyd eto, gan arwain at argyfwng. Mae’r gerddoriaeth yn marw ac mae clychseiniau SanSteffan i’w clywed, gan arwain at ddiweddglo dirgel a thawel. Mae’r gerddoriaeth a agorodd ysymffoni yn dychwelyd ac mae unawd ar y ffidil yn dod â’r gerddoriaeth i saib ar gord dwfn sy’nmarw i ddyfnder y gerddorfa.

Page 6: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

William Mathias (1934 - 1992)Celtic Dances, Op.60

The spirit and movement of dance is central to much of William Mathias's music. Pieces directly inspiredby dance include the Dance Overture (1962), the Invocation and Dance (1961) and the present CelticDances, written in 1972 to mark the 50th anniversary of Urdd Gobaith Cymru. Mathias's use of dance isnot superficial; on the contrary it reminds us that in earlier times dance was associated with religiousfervour.

The word ‘Celtic’ had many connotations for Mathias when he came to write this piece. He wrote, "themusic is intended to evoke an area of feeling largely associated with the mythological past, even thoughsuch an idea is here expressed in terms of our own time. Rite and magic, jewelled colours, the spirit ofplay, wistfulness, lyrical warmth, and (above all) rhythmic vitality - these are all qualities associated withCeltic arts and tradition, and they were present as part of that area of experience which prompted thecomposition of this work."

There are four dances in total. After a brief introduction, the first (Allegro Vivace) embodies the "spirit ofplay", whilst the second (Allegro leggiero) conjures up something of the "mythological past". The thirddance (Andante con moto) brings the lyrical warmth of Celtic art to the fore whilst the "rhythmic vitality"of the fourth (Allegro con slancio) brings the piece to a riotous close.

Mae ysbryd a symudiad dawns yn ganolog i lawer o gerddoriaeth William Mathias. Mae’r darnausydd wedi’u hysbrydoli’n uniongyrchol gan ddawns yn cynnwys Dance Overture (1962), Invocationand Dance (1961) a’r Celtic Dances presennol, a gyfansoddwyd yn 1972 i gofnodi pen-blwydd UrddGobaith Cymru yn 50 oed. Nid yw defnydd Mathias o ddawns yn arwynebol; i’r gwrthwyneb mae’nein hatgoffa roedd dawns yn gysylltiedig â brwdfrydedd crefyddol mewn amseroedd cynharach.

Roedd y gair Celtaidd yn arwyddocaol iawn i Mathias pan gyfansoddodd y darn hwn. Ysgrifennodd,"bwriad y gerddoriaeth yw ysgogi ymdeimlad sy’n gysylltiedig â’r gorffennol mytholegol, er bodsyniad o’r math yn cael ei fynegi yma yn nhermau ein hoes ni ein hunain. Defodau a hud, lliwiaugemog, ysbryd chwarae, hiraeth, cynhesrwydd telynegol, ac (uwchlaw popeth) egni rhythmig –dyma’r priodweddau sy’n gysylltiedig â chelfyddyd a thraddodiad Celtaidd, ac roeddent ynbresennol fel rhan o’r profiadau a wnaeth annog cyfansoddi’r gwaith hwn."

Page 7: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

Mae pedair dawns i gyd. Wedi cyflwyniad byr, mae’r gyntaf (Allegro Vivace) yn ymgorffori "ysbryd ychwarae", tra bo’r ail (Allegro leggiero) yn dwyn i gof rhywbeth o’r "gorffennol mytholegol". Mae’rdrydedd ddawns (Andante côn moto) yn dod â chynhesrwydd telynegol y gelfyddyd Geltaidd i’rblaen tra bo "egni rhythmig" y bedwaredd (Allegro con slancio) yn dod â’r darn i ddiweddglocyffrous.

Page 8: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

National Youth Orchestra of Wales

The National Youth Orchestra of Wales has the distinction of being the first national youthorchestra in the world. It combines traditional expectations with a contemporary outlook, developsa first-class training experience into performances that are full of energy and passion, and is notafraid to challenge audiences with a repertoire that is bold and adventurous. It is a flagship ofyouth music in Wales.

Founded in 1945 and presenting its first public concert in 1946, the NYOW is Europe's longest-standing youth orchestra. As such, it has an impressive history and recognition both within Walesand beyond.

The Orchestra has presented concerts in prestigious venues at home and abroad, including StDavid's Hall (Cardiff), Bridgewater Hall (Manchester), NCH (Dublin), Waterfront Hall (Belfast),Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt (Berlin), Beethovensaal (Stuttgart) and the Salle Erasme(Strasbourg). In 2007, the NYOW travelled to the island of Ischia in Italy to present the closingconcert of a summer music festival at the invitation of Lady Walton, widow of Sir William Walton.

Over the years, the NYOW has presented a broad repertoire including works with popular appeal(eg. Bernstein, Gershwin) and the classics (from Beethoven to Mahler); it also has the distinction ofbeing the first youth orchestra to present the works of contemporary composers such as Ligeti andLutoslawski. The NYOW has a commitment to music from Wales, and regularly performs works byHoddinott, Mathias and Grace Williams; it also commissions new works – most recently by Welshcomposers, Karl Jenkins and Gareth Wood.

The Orchestra has been featured on radio and television, and has made a number of audio-recordings - the most recent being Christmas Spirit (December 2005) and Elgar’s Symphony No 2(August 2006) – both conducted by Owain Arwel Hughes. The NYOW numbers between 110-115young people, aged between 13-21 years who are auditioned and drawn from all over Wales, andwho represent some of Wales’ most talented young musicians.

The NYOW celebrated its 60th Anniversary Year in 2006 – a significant milestone for the Orchestraand youth music in Wales.

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Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru - Bywgraffiad

Mae Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru yn arbennig gan mai hon oedd cerddorfagenedlaethol ieuenctid gyntaf y byd. Mae'n cyfuno disgwyliadau traddodiadol â rhagolwg cyfoes,yn datblygu profiad hyfforddi o'r radd flaenaf yn berfformiadau sy'n llawn egni ac angerdd. Nid oesarni ychwaith ofn herio'r gynulleidfa â repertoire sy'n feiddgar ac yn fentrus. Y Gerddorfa yw llinynmesur cerddoriaeth ieuenctid yng Nghymru.

Wedi'i sefydlu yn 1945 a chyflwyno ei chyngerdd cyhoeddus cyntaf yn 1946, CGIC yw cerddorfaieuenctid hynaf Ewrop. O'r herwydd, mae ganddi hanes a chydnabyddiaeth i'w chwennych yngNghymru a thu hwnt.

Cyflwynodd y Gerddorfa gyngherddau mewn lleoliadau o fri, gartref a thramor, gan gynnwysNeuadd Dewi Sant (Caerdydd), Neuadd Bridgewater (Manceinion), NCH (Dulyn), NeuaddWaterfront (Belffast), Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt (Berlin), Beethovensaal (Stuttgart) a'rSalle Erasme (Strasbourg). Yn 2007, teithiodd CGIC i ynys Ischia yn yr Eidal yn dilyn gwahoddiad ganyr Arglwyddes Walton, gweddw Syr William Walton i gyflwyno cyngerdd i gloi gŵyl gerdd yr haf.

Cyflwynwyd repertoire eang gan CGIC dros y blynyddoedd gan gynnwys gweithiau poblogaidd (e.e.Bernstein, Gershwin) a'r clasuron (o Beethoven i Mahler); y gerddorfa hon hefyd oedd â'r fraint ofod y gerddorfa ieuenctid gyntaf i gyflwyno gweithiau cyfansoddwyr cyfoes megis Ligeti aLutoslawski. Mae CGIC wedi ymrwymo i ddefnyddio cerddoriaeth o Gymru, a bydd yn aml ynperfformio gweithiau gan Hoddinott, Mathias a Grace Williams; mae hefyd yn comisiynu gweithiaunewydd – yn fwyaf diweddar gan y cyfansoddwyr Cymreig, Karl Jenkins a Gareth Wood.

Mae'r Gerddorfa wedi ymddangos ar y radio a'r teledu ac wedi gwneud nifer o recordiadau sain – ymwyaf diweddar o'r rhain oedd Christmas Spirit (Rhagfyr 2005) a Symffoni Rhif 2 Elgar – ill dau danarweiniad Owain Arwel Hughes.

Ymhlith aelodau CGIC mae rhwng 110-115 o bobl ifanc rhwng 13-21 mlwydd oed y byddant yn caeleu clyweld a'u dewis o Gymru gyfan. Maent yn cynrychioli rhai o gerddorion ifanc mwyaf talentogCymru.

Dathlodd CGIC ei Ben-blwydd yn 60eg yn 2006 - cryn garreg filltir i'r Gerddorfa ac i gerddoriaethieuenctid yng Nghymru.

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Owain Arwel Hughes OBENYOW Conductor and Musical Director

In a career spanning 40 years, Owain Arwel Hughes has conducted and recorded many of theworld's leading orchestras, including engagements as Principal Associate Conductor of theRoyal Philharmonic Orchestra, Principal Guest Conductor of the Cape Town PhilharmonicOrchestra, Associate Conductor of the Philharmonia Orchestra, London, Associate Conductorof the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, and Principal Conductor of the Aalborg SymphonyOrchestra, Denmark.

Owain Arwel Hughes is the Founder, Artistic Director and driving force behind the CardiffWelsh Proms. Inaugurated in 1986, it has become one of the major UK music festivalsattracting orchestras and leading artists from around the world.

Owain Arwel Hughes enjoys a long-standing relationship with the recording label BIS forwhom he has recorded the entire orchestral, concerto and choral output of Vagn Holmboeand all of Rachmaninov's symphonies and concertos. Recently released recordings includeHolst's Planets Suite with the Royal Philharmonic, the complete Brahms symphonies andovertures with the Stuttgart Philharmonic and the complete Tchaikovsky piano/orchestralworks with the Aalborg Symphony Orchestra.

Committed to the highest level of music education for young people, in 2003 Owain ArwelHughes accepted the position of Music Director of the National Youth Orchestra of Wales,the oldest such youth orchestra in the world.

Owain Arwel Hughes’ contribution to music has been marked with honorary doctorates andfellowships at nine universities and conservatoires and in 2004, in recognition of his servicesto music and charity, he was awarded an OBE.

Page 11: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

Owain Arwel Hughes OBEArweinydd a Chyfarwyddwr Cerdd CGIC

Dros yrfa o 40 mlynedd a mwy, mae Owain Arwel Hughes wedi arwain a recordio llawer obrif gerddorfeydd y byd, gan gynnwys gweithio fel Prif Arweinydd Cyswllt y GerddorfaFfilharmonig Frenhinol, Prif Arweinydd Gwadd Cerddorfa Ffilharmonig Cape Town,Arweinydd Cyswllt Cerddorfa Ffilharmonia, Llundain, Arweinydd Cyswllt CerddorfaGenedlaethol Cymru y BBC, a Phrif Arweinydd Cerddorfa Symffoni Aalborg, Denmarc.

Owain Arwel Hughes yw Sylfaenydd, Cyfarwyddwr Artistig a'r grym sy'n gyrru llwyddiantProms Cymru yng Nghaerdydd. Sefydlwyd yr wŷl hon yn 1986 ac ers hynny mae wediymsefydlu ei hun i fod yn un o brif wyliau cerdd y DU gan ddenu cerddorfeydd a phrifartistiaid o'r byd i gyd.

Mae Owain Arwel Hughes yn mwynhau perthynas hir â'r label recordio BIS ac ar eu cyferrecordiodd holl allbwn cerddorfaol, consierto a chorawl Vagn Holmboe a'r cyfan osymffonïau a chonsiertos Rachmaninov. Ymhlith recordiadau a ryddhawyd yn ddiweddarmae Y Planedau gan Holst gyda'r Gerddorfa Ffilharmonig Frenhinol, y cyfan o symffonïau acagorawdau Brahms gyda Cherddorfa Ffilharmonig Stuttgart a gweithiau piano/cerddorfaolcyflawn Tchaikovsky gyda Cherddorfa Symffoni Aalborg.

Oherwydd ei fod wedi ymrwymo i'r lefel uchaf o addysg cerdd i bobl ifanc derbyniodd OwainArwel Hughes swydd fel Cyfarwyddwr Cerdd Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru yn2003, y gerddorfa ieuenctid hynaf o'r fath yn y byd.

Mae cyfraniad Owain Arwel Hughes at gerddoriaeth wedi'i nodi gyda doethuriaethau achymrodoriaethau er anrhydedd gan naw prifysgol a conservatoire ac yn 2004 cydnabuwydei wasanaethau i gerddoriaeth ac elusennau pan dderbyniodd OBE.

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NYOW 2008

Arweinydd a Chyfarwyddwr Cerdd / Blaenwr / LeaderConductor & Musical Director Carly WorsfoldOwain Arwel Hughes OBE

Ffidil 1af / 1st ViolinAngharad Anwyl PowysHarriet Craddock Sir y Fflint / FlintshireElidir Dafydd Abertawe / SwanseaJonathan Davies PowysAngharad Evans Abertawe / SwanseaKatherine Evans Sir Gaerfyrddin / CarmarthenshireHawys Freeman Sir Gaerfyrddin / CarmarthenshireElanor Gunn GwyneddColette Hazen Sir Fynwy / MonmouthshireCiara Laverty CeredigionLydia Marshall Caerdydd / CardiffAndrew Millard Castell-Nedd Port Talbot / Neath Port TalbotElinor Morgan CeredigionLouise Quick Caerdydd / CardiffLucy Richardson Caerdydd / CardiffHelen Roberts Sir Gaerfyrddin / CarmarthenshireLaura Walker Sir Benfro / PembrokeshireCarly Worsford Torfaen

2il Ffidil / 2nd ViolinHiroshi Amako Wrecsam / WrexhamFfion Bevan Sir Gaerfyrddin / CarmarthenshireCarys Bromby Sir Benfro / PembrokeshireRebecca Cartlidge Caerdydd / CardiffRuth Felton Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr / BridgendThomas Graff Caerdydd / CardiffGwennan Hardy CeredigionAlice Jacques Casnewydd / NewportHarriet Lawton Sir Fynwy / MonmouthshireAnna Leggett Sir Gaerfyrddin / CarmarthenshireLaura McLoughlin Caerdydd / CardiffElin Powell Sir Gaerfyrddin / CarmarthenshireSioned Powell Sir Gaerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire

Page 13: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

Louisa Rich Casnewydd / NewportKate Richards Caerdydd / CardiffClaire Roberts Sir Gaerfyrddin / CarmarthenshireRebecca Rogers Caerdydd / CardiffEleri Tudor Rhondda Cynon Taf

Fiola / ViolaGareth Allmand Wrecsam / WrexhamJessica Bishop Castell-Nedd Port Talbot / Neath Port TalbotKirsty Brown Sir Fynwy / MonmouthshireRobert Guy Wrecsam / WrexhamRhoslyn Lawton Sir Fynwy / MonmouthshireAmelia Morgan Merthyr TydfilAlysia Sawicka Bro Morgannwg / Vale of GlamorganAngharad Thomas Castell-Nedd Port Talbot / Neath Port TalbotCerys Thomas Castell-Nedd Port Talbot / Neath Port TalbotLowri Thomas C astell-Nedd Port Talbot / Neath Port Talbot

Sielo / CelloGeraint Ballinger Caerdydd / CardiffJoe Blomfield Sir y Fflint / FlintshireBen Evans PowysThomas Jones Caerffili / CaerphillyEllen Lucas Wrecsam / WrexhamLuke Millard Castell-Nedd Port Talbot / Neath Port TalbotSteffan Morris Castell-Nedd Port Talbot / Neath Port TalbotTom Oyston Caerdydd / CardiffElizabeth Precious TorfaenEdward Wadon Wrecsam / WrexhamRachel Williams Casnewydd / Newport

Bas Dwbl / Double BassThomas Barton PowysSimon Brown Sir Fynwy / MonmouthshireRuth Llewhelin Sir Benfro / PembrokeshireLaura Murphy Wrecsam / WrexhamMatthew Perry PowysSebastian Pennar Caerdydd / CardiffEdith Trimby Abertawe / Swansea

Page 14: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

Ffliwt / FluteHolly Blomfield Sir y Fflint / FlintshireClara Buckland Bro Morgannwg / Vale of GlamorganRebecca Griffiths Sir Benfro / PembrokeshireCatherine Hare Sir Benfro / PembrokeshireSian Price Abertawe / SwanseaJack Welch Caerdydd / Cardiff

Obo / OboeBethany Elliott GwyneddDaniel Finney TorfaenLauren Foster Sir Fynwy / MonmouthshirePenelope Smith PowysMartha Wood Castell-Nedd Port Talbot / Neath Port Talbot

Clarinét / ClarinetDaisy Evans TorfaenJonathan Guy Wrecsam / WrexhamErin Morrey TorfaenRhodri Taylor CeredigionSamuel Woodford Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr / Bridgend

Basŵn / BassoonAmy Burden Castell-Nedd Port Talbot / Neath Port TalbotJonathan Davies Abertawe / SwanseaGareth Humphreys Casnewydd / NewportJonathan Jones Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr / BridgendHarriet Petty Sir y Fflint / Flintshire

Corn / HornRupert Browne Sir Benfro / PembrokeshireGeraldine Charles Caerdydd / CardiffKasey Davies Castell-Nedd Port Talbot / Neath Port TalbotMeilyr Hughes Caerdydd / CardiffDewi Jones Sir Fôn / AngleseyHannah Key Casnewydd / Newport

Page 15: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

Trwmped / TrumpetGraham Bushell Sir Fôn / AngleseyCai Isfryn Sir Fôn / AngleseyDaniel de Gruchy Lambert Caerffili / CaerphillyAdrian Williams Sir Gaerfyrddin / Carmarthenshire

Trombôn / TromboneJon Dallimore Caerdydd / CardiffNils Richards Sir Gaerfyrddin / CarmarthenshireGareth Robinson Rhondda Cynon Taf

Trombôn Bas / Bass TromboneChris Evans Castell-Nedd Port Talbot / Neath Port Talbot

Tiwba / TubaRobert Graham White Casnewydd / Newport

Offerynau Taro / PercussionSteffan Ciccoti Sir Benfro / PembrokeshireRichard Cartlidge Caerdydd / CardiffSusan Dodd Bro Morgannwg / Vale of GlamorganWilliam Edwards Sir Benfro / PembrokeshireElizabeth Stephens Casnewydd / NewportPaul Stoneman Casnewydd / Newport

Telyn / HarpDafydd Rhys Jones Sir Gaerfyrddin / CarmarthenshireRhianwen Pugh GwyneddBethan Semmens Caerdydd / CardiffElen Hydref Thomas Gwynedd

Page 16: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

Tiwtoriaid / TutorsAdrian Dunn Ffidil 1 / Violin 1Catrin David Jones Ffidil 2 / Violin 2Stephen Broom Fiola / ViolaJohn Cullis Sielo / CelloRichard Lewis Bas Dwbl / Double BassAndrew Nicholson Ffliwt / FluteJohn Anderson Obo / OboeElizabeth Jordan Clarinet / ClarinetSteve Marsden Basŵn / BassoonHuw Jenkins Corn / HornPhilippe Schartz Trwmped / TrumpetJohn Hendy Trombôn a Thiwba / Trombone & TubaEluned Pierce Telyn / HarpChris Stock Offerynnau Taro / Percussion

Cydlynydd Lles / Welfare Co-ordinator Cefnogaeth Reoli / Management SupportRichard Thomas Kathryn Webber

Staff Lles / Welfare Staff Staff Technegol / Technical StaffKatey Day Christopher FlavinMatthew George Rebecca FlavinLewis Gibbs Andrew BellamyCeli JohnstonCharlotte Jones

Staff Celfyddydau Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru yn CBAC / National Youth Arts Wales Staff at WJEC

The National Youth Orchestra of Wales also gratefully acknowledges the practical assistance of the followingorganisations:Mae Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru hefyd yn cydnabod yn ddiolchgar gymorth ymarferol y sefydliadaucanlynol:

All local education authorities in Wales Awdurdodau addysg lleol CymruFriends of NYOW Cyfeillion CGICRichards Brothers (Coaches) Y Brodyr Richards (Bysiau)Salvi Harps Ltd Telynau Salvi CyfSt David’s Hall, Cardiff Neuadd Dewi Sant, CaerdyddUniversity of Wales, Lampeter Prifysgol Cymru, Llanbedr Pont SteffanRoyal Welsh College of Music and Drama Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama CymruWelsh National Opera Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru

Page 17: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred


Page 18: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

Original recording made by the National YouthOrchestra of Wales and issued under licence.

℗2009 NYOW ©2009 Divine Art Ltd.

Programme notes: Peter Reynolds ©2008

Welsh translations: Lisa Williams ©2008

Photographs: Christopher StockBack cover photo: Geraint ToddBooklet cover design: ElfenPackaging design: Stephen Sutton

Recorded at St. David’s Hall, Cardiffon 6 August 2008Produced and engineered byPhilip HobbsPost-production and mastering:Julia Thomas

Page 19: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred

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Page 20: Cerddorfa Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru · Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) A London Symphony A London Symphony is the second of Vaughan Williams's nine symphonies. Premièred