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gII w 1z r slim < ff I w THE CENTRAL RECORD SIXTREXTll TEdRrLANCASTER KY FRIDAY AUGUST 18 1905NUBER HO yourf W Roofing r and 1 4 I Guttering I I REPAIRED We do r class work atI reasonable I S I ratesI I Don J R I i 1 I r t HaseldeniDuring offer Special gai- nsUrnlture IN I t F We can furnish your houseI from cellar to garret and with our easy pay ¬ ment systcmI 1You Never Miss the Money Please remember when need furniture that youI tie People to 1Were Dunlap I Successors to JA Beaziey F Co L JAJeazley Undertaker Arterial old Cavity Embalming Fun line of Caskets and Burial Robes al ways in stock Undertakers Parlor on Danville lhstreet just above Presbyterian church Phone 111 i cg t 1BootsShoes I Cost LeastWear Best Salesman E C BOGUS Soor ran acs a scx sn + s csx WmHcriidon G Swlnebroad 1 I Herndon Swinebroad J Attorneys at Law Lancaster Kentucky over Stormcs drug store 7 Lome RL DAVIDSONI Ofllce over r 1 CHRIS PARIS + F e t Dentist I Office over Thompons IEstore Danville at Coal Now is time to lay in your winter fuel We wilt sell lots 100 to 200 bush- els of coal cheap for Cash We handle Jelhco SemiCannel Brilliant Black Bear and Dorchester smokelss Get our prices before buying LeavelFs old stand Threshing coal lie II B Northcott I am agent for the Louisville Post C ncinnati Post and Csnciunati Time Star For sale at Frisbles Drug Store Your subscription solicited hlS7tr Howard Withers r Lqii Notes An Important Matter If you will look at the little yellow label on this paper you will see to ex actly the date it is paid for Unless It reads ahead you are in debt to this otllce It is very unreasonable to ex ¬ pect a man to credit you and then have to hire a man to come after the money We need every cent due The Record office and hope those 3 arrears will show they want to do what is right oy calling at the office and settling Rev Fl N Falconer will preach at the Presbyterian church next Sunday Eld A R Moore of Birmingham Ala- filled the pulpit at the Christian church Sunday on invitation of Bro Tinder As Rastus can now work on the wa ¬ ter melon patches we hope the war on the chicken roosts will cease for the time being at least There will be a protracted meeting at the Fairview church beginning AUjf 20th Services will be conducted by Rev W C McCallum of Lexington Closes at Eleven We were mistaken in saying the mail for the morning train closed at 1115 It closes at eleven oclock sharp Remembet this 8150 to Cincinnati next Sunday Train leaves at f a in and leaves the city about S p m All day in Cincin ¬ nati and the round trip will cost only 8150The W C T U Library will be open Tuesday nights at 8 to 9 oclock and Saturday afternoons from 230 to 130 oclock Very attractive lot of bright new books have just been re- ceived Come and see them The colored fair will be held in Jno M Farras woods same place the white fair was held The colored people will have the best fair they ever held and a big crowd will attend each day The dates are 24 25 20 Tough On Our Neighbors A gentleman who came here to buy one of our rich farms said that a goodI farm was spoiled when Danville wasJ built and that Madison county a streak of lean and a streak of fat in it whilcGurrard generally has a uniform fertile soil Prospering In Middlesboro Frank Euibry oneof the bestknown colored men Lancaster ever produced was here from Middlesboro this week and received many cordial handshakes He has made money hand over list since locating in the MagicCity As he weighs 291 pounds it appears that he also feeds on the fat of the land Card of Appreciation I hereby express my heartfelt thanks and high appreciation of the many fa vors kindnessess and words of comfort bestowed by the good people of Lan caster during my greatest bereave ment My best wishes and my prayers that the richest blessings of Heaven may be shed upon them I offer in re turn S D Rothwell Uncle John Boner HurtJ The Danville Advocate says Uncle John Boner had two ribs broken and was otherwise injured by being thrown from his buggy a few days ago The horse scared ata bicycle ridden by some gimletheaded dude who even refused to assist Uncle John after he was injured Such people should be hung to a convenient tree Ladies Aid Entertainment The Ladies Aid Society of the ChrIsI tian church will have an entertain ¬ ment at the Court House Thursday evening the 17tfi The best home talent will take part and everyone is invited Admission 35cis children 15cts Drills will be given by the children a quartette will sing popular music while a number ot pretty solos will be on the program The pianola will be used and a most enjoyable eyening is in store 2t Frequest handtohand conflicts in the RussiaJapanese war between troops armed with the highpower rifles which were expected to banish the bayonet and reduce war to long range shooting have upset theories formula ted bv experts and demonstrated th usefulness of cold steel as an instru- ment of wholesale homicide Therefore distribution of new Springfield riflt have been deferred and the expers of the war deparment are considering the question of adopting a practical bayo- net to the weapons a meeting of the stockholders IAt Board of Directors of the Lancas Association held in Lancaster Ky at the Associations office on Au 14 1905 it was voted by the Board of Directors by and with the consent In writing of more than half of the stock holders of said association to dissolve said corporation and close and wind up its business All persons having claims against or indebted to said Association n will call on the Secretary RL David- son ¬ and settle at once 4t Lancaster Fair Association- s Lost short blue etamine jacket be tween Dripping Springs and Lances ¬ ter Return to Haselden Robin ¬ sons store 2t r It is requested that every member of the WC T U be present at the reg ular meeting Saturday afternoon No Law Suit The new policies of the New York Life are incontestible for any cause from date of issue Editor Still Disabled The editor of The Record Is still crippled from the effects of colliding with a rocking chair some three months ago The doctor insisted upon pressinn g forced resulted disastrously and we are again unable to work at all We will soon he all right however and will strive to make up for lost time Mr Leonard Miller and able assistants are in of the office and will furnish the bes of work orf shortest notice What matter we print is written byye editor under great difficulties Good Meeting At Hubble An exceedingly interesting and profitable meeting is in progress at the Hubble Christian chuch and has been drawing large congregations for two weeks The pastor Eld F M Tinder is being ably assisted by Eld A Rt Moore formerly of Lancaster but now pastor of a large church in Birming ham Ala A good number of addi ¬ tions have been made and great enthusiasm awakened in the church We do not know two more earnest Godloving God serving Christians than are these gentlemen and their efforts are bound to result in good Last Quarterly Conference The fourth and last Quarterly of the Conference year will be held at the Methodist church next Sunday The Methodist pastor of the Richmond church J W Crates will preach Sun ¬ day morning and the presiding elder J W Simpson will be here on Monday and preach Monday nightand hold the Quarterly Conference The years work will be completed at this time and the pastor C POney is very anx lous to have all the reports on all lines in by that time The Methodist Con- ference ¬ will meet 1st of September in Covington A Very Sad Death One of the saddest deaths in recent years was that of Miss Fannie Roys which occurred at the home of father Mr Wm Royston near Point Lcavell Tuesday evening about seven oclock Miss Royston was in perfect health until stricken by the dreaded typhoid fever some weeks ago Everything that loving haudsand mcdI ical skill could do was done for her butall to no avail She was in her twenty fourth year and was an unus- ually bright and attractive young woman beloved by all who had theI pleasure of her acquaintance SheI was an active member of the Presby- terian chnrch and a great favorite with her neighbors and friends Fun- eral services were conduted at the family residence by RevMrFrierson Wednesday afternoon the interment taking place at the Lancaster Ceme- tery at four oclock Great sympathy- is felt for the bereaved father and sisters Gone to Her Reward About one oclock last Friday morn- ing the spirit of Mrs Eliza Rothwell left the tabernacle of clay and took its flight to the eternal haven of rest She was in her 59th year and had been in poor health for some time Appropri- ate funeral services were oonductcd at the Christian church Saturday af ¬ ternoon by Elder F M Tinder and Rev CS Ellis after which the burial was witnessed by many friends and relatives in Lancaster Cemetery The song service the floral offerings the tears and the sighs evinced the high esteem in which she was held In early life she became a member of the church and she practiced in word and deed the principles of chari ¬ ty and benevolence which exist only in theory with the masses The pub ¬ lic will concur in the assertion that the unfortunate were never turned from her door and that she visited the poor and afflicted for the purpose of rendering substantial aid and min ¬ istering to their wants instead of merely calling to pay her respects as the custom of some is She was with ¬ out guile and duplicity and moved un der the standard of the Savior free from those principles which prevail under the Pharisaical standard Hersmiles and words of good clfeer for every body were messages sent glorye was possessed of all those lovable traits nobles are ed with the bright sunshine of chari ¬ ty to melt the cold and icy heart of the miser and conform the world to the teachings and practices Jesus In the domestic relations of life she was a queen and perfect in the dis ¬ charge of every duty Her husband Jg Mort they have the sincere condolence of the public in their greatest bereavement for her devotion to them was most beautiful It is the part of wisdom to so live that we may realize the rich promises of that happy re union beyond the limits of time free from the sting of death and the pangs of sorrowA Lost a green silk umbrella at Chris flan church about two months ago Leave at Record office and get re- ward ¬ 2t o- Ff Will White Dies in Texas News of the deth of Will W White in Dallas Tex was a great shock to the parents and last of friends of the young man here in his old home lie had been suffering from heart trouble for some time but his condition was not deemed serious The end came Fiday and as stated above was a terrible shock to the family Funeral services were conducted in Dallas day the interment taking place there He was the youngest son of Capt F J and Mrs White of this city and was born and raised here He accepted a position in Dallas with his brotherin law Mr JS Armstrong some years ago arid has since been a valued em ployee of the large Armstrong Packing Co jn that city He visited his par ¬ wast s and companions Will White was as bighearted boy as ever lived and made friends of all with whom he lied dealings Rejoined the Baptist church in Lancaster when quite young Ills death is a heavy blow to the aged par ents as only one daughter Mrs Arm ¬ strong is now Jeft to comfort them in their old age They have the deepest sympathy of everyone who knows them and many are the prayers that they may bear up under their great bereave- ment Automobiles The Danville News says The peo ple of this community are getting ve- ry much worked up over the automo bile question It has been authurita lively stated to the writer that auto mobiles are driving trade away from Danville The farmers are too busy to come to town and are afraid to send their wives and children because their horses are afraid of automobiles and they dont dare risk the lives ofi their loved ones on the highways alone It does look like something should be done to afford protection to those who travel the pikes and pay taxes for their maintenance There is a law in this state which requires a threshing machine an absolute ne cessity to have a matt two hundred yards in advance in order to protect those whose horses are afraid of it and yet the automobile is allowed to travel the roads at a mile a minute gait without any restrictions The automobile has no more right to thef highway than the threshing and should be subjected to the same restrictions or similar ones Acci dents from automobilesas it is titling ly termed are becoming so numerous that It is very alarming If the acci- dents only happen to those who drivcI the machines it would make little difference for in most cases they are caused by their recklessness but the trouble is that the innocent are the ones that generally have to suffer One human life is worth more to those who suffer by its loss than all the au ¬ tomobiles manufactured If automo- biles I want to break records let them get on a track the high road is no place for it TAINT LICK I Mr T C Adams of Richmond visit ¬ ed relatives here last week Miss Mary Coyle of Leesburg Fla is visiting Miss Lydia Champ Miss Annie Francis of Lancaster has been visiting home folks here Quite a number of our people attend ed Berea fair Friday and Saturday Mrs Fannie Koehler has returned home after a visit to relatives in Illi noisMiss Mary Clarke Engleman has been with Miss LizzieBest for several daysMisses Mary and Martha Spurlock have gone to Wilde to visit Miss Bran namanMisses Margaret and Jane White have for their guest Mr Sam Stoneof LouisvilleMr Mrs W T Griggs of Rich ¬ mond spenta few days last week with Mr and Mrs I C Rucker Mr Wm Brannaman has accepted the depot agency at Berea for 30 days and will leave here Tuesday Misses Alma and Mary Lear are in- structing ¬ a few little folks in music and books at their home Misses Ethel Galloway and Edna Guinchiagline of Richmond spent part of last week with Mrs Fannie Gar rard Mrs Gallic Denton and little daugh ter have returned to their home in Lexington after a visit to Mrs Wm WallaceRev S Young began a private school at his home Monday Mr Young is an excellent teacher and we trust his school will continue to grow Plain Honesty Needed What we want in this land is a re ¬ vival of oldfashioned common honesty We want a code of practice which makes it disreputable Tor a man to be a thief We want a class of educators who would scorn to beseen in company which an unrepentant rascal We want a body of yoters who will decline to support any map whose garments are stained by graft or spoils We want a church which Isnt afraid tc preach and a press which Isnt afraid to stand out against it We want leaders who are not pharlsees and followers who are not envious of illgotien gain All over America a wave of formal enthusiasm is moving People lmve at last begun to think It is a hope- ful ¬ sign Lewiston Me Journal IHUANTSYILLE Mrs Cyrus Euson is sick I Master Bryan Ballard continues ill of fever Mrs John Dunn is seriously ill at this writing Dr and Mrs J II Durham spent Mon day in Stanford timet at Dr W M Elliott lies gone to Chicago to attend the lectures Mr and Mrs J II Dunn are spending the weep at Dripping Springs Master Jacob Stcadman and sister Ophelia have returned home after a very pleasant visit to relatives in Ver ¬ sailles Miss Annie Cotton of Danville has been visiting her cousin Miss Jennie Burnsidc Miss Manic Lee Ballard is at home after a very pleasant visit to relatives in Stanford Little Miss Josephine Moss of Jes samine is visiting her grand mother Mrs Josie Boner Mr John Smith has returned from a visit to Ins brother Mr Will Smithof Davenport Oklahoma Miss Virginia King is expected home in a few days from Richmond where she has been for several weeks Mr A T Christopher and family have returned from Missouri they having been fully convinced theme is no place like Old Kentucky i Mrs Mollie Livingston of Galveston Texas has been visiting friends and relatives here This is her first visit to Kentucky for twenty years Dr J II Durham has returned home from Barbourvilie and his many friends are delighted to know that he has decided to stay in Bryantsville j Work has begun on the new Bryants I vine and Buena Vista turnpike This i will certainly be quite an improve- ment I to this part of the county The people are greatly indebted to Messrs Brooks and Easley bv whose vigorous 3 efforts the road was obtained Such I S citizens are always welcome to any 1 community f An exchange pertinently remarks A couple of weeks ago Colliers 5 Weekly took the newspapers to task or advertising patent medicines In f its columns were noticed in the issue ilaIHI medicines are less harmful and they j dont raise quite as much hell at least r Before it takes us to task it should r first clean its own t skirtsI p flJ TIT 11- I Get In the joseph visiting HabitI I IJEOL THEY C I OUR NEW I j j i Fall Goods H ri beginning to arrive mlare we now have some the prettiest and best r goods to be on the mar ¬ ket this fall m IYou know what we dohave Ithe very best of everything the very lowest prices I I 11 Dont select your fall tiDAY GOODS DRESS GOODS ETC 1 until you see our stock I TIrE N Eli m Josopli lerceolile Co J J a liimmle n i I I I I I AT COSTi III I I 11 I III Walkover Oxfords at Cost III- II I II 350 Grode for 295 II- I 400 Grade for 325 I III I I size is here Come and get it IIour IIIBargains InI Hot Weather o In 5 ii III have a nice line of two piece III IVe in Crashes and Worsteds wonderfully low prices 11 III- I IIStraw line of lint weather shirts in all II Nice Lint latest of patterns erweaI Everything new and uptodate 7N in Neckwear Call and see us I 11 r H T LOGAN 4 JVi1111V1t = = f y grT

Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) … at four oclock Great sympathy-is felt for the bereaved father and sisters Gone

Mar 24, 2020



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Page 1: Central record (Lancaster, Ky.). (Lancaster, Ky.) … at four oclock Great sympathy-is felt for the bereaved father and sisters Gone

gII w



slim < ff I


yourf W

Roofingr and1

4 I Guttering



We dor

class work atIreasonableI SI ratesI

I Don

J R Ii

1 I

rt HaseldeniDuring


Special gai-




FWe can furnish your houseI

from cellar to garret andwith our easy pay ¬

ment systcmI1You Never Miss the Money

Please remember when

need furniture that youI

tie People to



Successors to JA Beaziey F CoLJAJeazley


Arterial old Cavity EmbalmingFun line of Casketsand Burial Robes always in stock

Undertakers Parlor o n Danvillelhstreet just above Presbyterianchurch Phone 111


t 1BootsShoesI Cost LeastWear Best

Salesman E C BOGUSSoor ran acs a scx sn + s csx

WmHcriidon G Swlnebroad1



J Attorneys at LawLancaster Kentucky

over Stormcs drug store7 Lome


Ofllce over




t DentistI Office over Thompons

IEstoreDanville at


Now is time to lay in your winterfuel We wilt sell lots 100 to 200 bush-

els of coal cheap for Cash We handleJelhco SemiCannel Brilliant Black

Bear and Dorchester smokelss Getour prices before buying LeavelFsold stand Threshing coal lie II B


I am agent for the Louisville PostC ncinnati Post and Csnciunati TimeStar For sale at Frisbles Drug StoreYour subscription solicited

hlS7tr Howard Withers


Lqii NotesAn Important Matter

If you will look at the little yellow

label on this paper you will see to ex

actly the date it is paid for Unless Itreads ahead you are in debt to thisotllce It is very unreasonable to ex ¬

pect a man to credit you and thenhave to hire a man to come after themoney We need every cent due TheRecord office and hope those 3

arrears will show they want to do

what is right oy calling at the office

and settling

Rev Fl N Falconer will preach atthe Presbyterian church next Sunday

Eld A R Moore of Birmingham Ala-

filled the pulpit at the Christianchurch Sunday on invitation of BroTinder

As Rastus can now work on the wa ¬

ter melon patches we hope the waron the chicken roosts will cease forthe time being at least

There will be a protracted meetingat the Fairview church beginningAUjf 20th Services will be conductedby Rev W C McCallum of Lexington

Closes at ElevenWe were mistaken in saying the

mail for the morning train closed at1115 It closes at eleven oclock sharpRemembet this

8150 to Cincinnati next SundayTrain leaves at f a in and leaves thecity about S p m All day in Cincin ¬

nati and the round trip will cost only

8150TheW C T U Library will be

open Tuesday nights at 8 to 9 oclockand Saturday afternoons from 230 to130 oclock Very attractive lot ofbright new books have just been re-ceived Come and see them

The colored fair will be held in JnoM Farras woods same place the whitefair was held The colored people willhave the best fair they ever held anda big crowd will attend each day Thedates are 24 25 20

Tough On Our NeighborsA gentleman who came here to buy

one of our rich farms said that a goodIfarm was spoiled when Danville wasJbuilt and that Madison county astreak of lean and a streak of fat in itwhilcGurrard generally has a uniformfertile soil

Prospering In MiddlesboroFrank Euibry oneof the bestknown

colored men Lancaster ever producedwas here from Middlesboro this weekand received many cordial handshakesHe has made money hand over listsince locating in the MagicCity As heweighs 291 pounds it appears that healso feeds on the fat of the land

Card of AppreciationI hereby express my heartfelt thanks

and high appreciation of the many favors kindnessess and words of comfortbestowed by the good people of Lancaster during my greatest bereavement My best wishes and my prayersthat the richest blessings of Heavenmay be shed upon them I offer in return S D Rothwell

Uncle John Boner HurtJThe Danville Advocate says Uncle

John Boner had two ribs broken andwas otherwise injured by being thrownfrom his buggy a few days ago Thehorse scared ata bicycle ridden bysome gimletheaded dude who evenrefused to assist Uncle John after hewas injured Such people should behung to a convenient tree

Ladies Aid EntertainmentThe Ladies Aid Society of the ChrIsI

tian church will have an entertain ¬

ment at the Court House Thursdayevening the 17tfi The best hometalent will take part and everyone isinvited Admission 35cis children15cts Drills will be given by thechildren a quartette will sing popularmusic while a number ot pretty soloswill be on the program The pianolawill be used and a most enjoyableeyening is in store 2t

Frequest handtohand conflicts inthe RussiaJapanese war betweentroops armed with the highpower rifleswhich were expected to banish thebayonet and reduce war to long rangeshooting have upset theories formulated bv experts and demonstrated thusefulness of cold steel as an instru-ment of wholesale homicide Thereforedistribution of new Springfield riflthave been deferred and the expers ofthe war deparment are considering thequestion of adopting a practical bayo-

net to the weapons

a meeting of the stockholdersIAtBoard of Directors of the Lancas

Association held in LancasterKy at the Associations office on Au14 1905 it was voted by the Board ofDirectors by and with the consent Inwriting of more than half of the stockholders of said association to dissolvesaid corporation and close and wind upits business All persons having claimsagainst or indebted to said Association nwill call on the Secretary R L David-son


and settle at once4t Lancaster Fair Association-

s Lost short blue etamine jacket between Dripping Springs and Lances ¬

ter Return to Haselden Robin ¬

sons store 2t


It is requested that every memberof the W C T U be present at the regular meeting Saturday afternoon

No Law SuitThe new policies of the New York

Life are incontestible for any causefrom date of issue

Editor Still DisabledThe editor of The Record Is still

crippled from the effects of collidingwith a rocking chair some threemonths ago The doctor insisted uponpressinn g

forcedresulted disastrously and we are againunable to work at all We will soonhe all right however and will strive tomake up for lost time Mr LeonardMiller and able assistants are inof the office and will furnish the besof work orf shortest notice Whatmatter we print is written byye editorunder great difficulties

Good Meeting At HubbleAn exceedingly interesting and

profitable meeting is in progress at theHubble Christian chuch and has beendrawing large congregations for twoweeks The pastor Eld F M Tinderis being ably assisted by Eld A Rt

Moore formerly of Lancaster but nowpastor of a large church in Birmingham Ala A good number of addi ¬

tions have been made and greatenthusiasm awakened in the churchWe do not know two more earnestGodloving God serving Christiansthan are these gentlemen and theirefforts are bound to result in good

Last Quarterly ConferenceThe fourth and last Quarterly of the

Conference year will be held at theMethodist church next Sunday TheMethodist pastor of the Richmondchurch J W Crates will preach Sun ¬

day morning and the presiding elderJ W Simpson will be here on Mondayand preach Monday nightand hold theQuarterly Conference The yearswork will be completed at this timeand the pastor C POney is very anxlous to have all the reports on all linesin by that time The Methodist Con-ference


will meet 1st of September inCovington

A Very Sad DeathOne of the saddest deaths in recent

years was that of Miss Fannie Royswhich occurred at the home offather Mr Wm Royston near

Point Lcavell Tuesday evening aboutseven oclock Miss Royston was inperfect health until stricken by thedreaded typhoid fever some weeks agoEverything that loving haudsand mcdIical skill could do was done for herbutall to no avail She was in hertwenty fourth year and was an unus-ually bright and attractive youngwoman beloved by all who had theIpleasure of her acquaintance SheIwas an active member of the Presby-terian chnrch and a great favoritewith her neighbors and friends Fun-eral services were conduted at thefamily residence by RevMrFriersonWednesday afternoon the intermenttaking place at the Lancaster Ceme-tery at four oclock Great sympathy-is felt for the bereaved father andsisters

Gone to Her RewardAbout one oclock last Friday morn-

ing the spirit of Mrs Eliza Rothwellleft the tabernacle of clay and took itsflight to the eternal haven of rest Shewas in her 59th year and had been inpoor health for some time Appropri-ate funeral services were oonductcdat the Christian church Saturday af¬

ternoon by Elder F M Tinder andRev C S Ellis after which the burialwas witnessed by many friends andrelatives in Lancaster Cemetery Thesong service the floral offerings thetears and the sighs evinced the highesteem in which she was held

In early life she became a memberof the church and she practiced inword and deed the principles of chari ¬

ty and benevolence which exist onlyin theory with the masses The pub¬

lic will concur in the assertion thatthe unfortunate were never turnedfrom her door and that she visitedthe poor and afflicted for the purposeof rendering substantial aid and min ¬

istering to their wants instead ofmerely calling to pay her respects asthe custom of some is She was with ¬

out guile and duplicity and moved under the standard of the Savior freefrom those principles which prevailunder the Pharisaical standard

Hersmiles and words of good clfeerfor every body were messages sentgloryewaspossessed of all those lovable traitsnoblesareed with the bright sunshine of chari ¬

ty to melt the cold and icy heart ofthe miser and conform the world tothe teachings and practices Jesus

In the domestic relations of life shewas a queen and perfect in the dis¬

charge of every duty Her husbandJgMort theyhave the sincere condolence of thepublic in their greatest bereavementfor her devotion to them was mostbeautifulIt is the part of wisdom to so live

that we may realize the rich promisesof that happy re union beyond thelimits of time free from the sting ofdeath and the pangs of


Lost a green silk umbrella at Chrisflan church about two months agoLeave at Record office and get re-




Will White Dies in TexasNews of the deth of Will W White

in Dallas Tex was a great shock tothe parents and last of friends of theyoung man here in his old home liehad been suffering from heart troublefor some time but his condition wasnot deemed serious The end cameFiday and as stated above was aterrible shock to the family Funeralservices were conducted in Dallasday the interment taking place thereHe was the youngest son of Capt FJ and Mrs White of this city and wasborn and raised here He accepted aposition in Dallas with his brotherinlaw Mr J S Armstrong some yearsago arid has since been a valued employee of the large Armstrong PackingCo jn that city He visited his par ¬wasts

and companions Will White was asbighearted boy as ever lived andmade friends of all with whom he lieddealings Rejoined the Baptist churchin Lancaster when quite young Illsdeath is a heavy blow to the aged parents as only one daughter Mrs Arm ¬

strong is now Jeft to comfort them intheir old age They have the deepestsympathy of everyone who knows themand many are the prayers that theymay bear up under their great bereave-ment

AutomobilesThe Danville News says The peo

ple of this community are getting ve-

ry much worked up over the automobile question It has been authuritalively stated to the writer that automobiles are driving trade away fromDanville The farmers are too busyto come to town and are afraid tosend their wives and children becausetheir horses are afraid of automobilesand they dont dare risk the lives ofitheir loved ones on the highwaysalone It does look like somethingshould be done to afford protection tothose who travel the pikes and paytaxes for their maintenance Thereis a law in this state which requires athreshing machine an absolute necessity to have a matt two hundredyards in advance in order to protectthose whose horses are afraid of itand yet the automobile is allowed totravel the roads at a mile a minutegait without any restrictions Theautomobile has no more right to thefhighway than the threshingand should be subjected to the samerestrictions or similar ones Accidents from automobilesas it is titlingly termed are becoming so numerousthat It is very alarming If the acci-dents only happen to those who drivcIthe machines it would make littledifference for in most cases they arecaused by their recklessness but thetrouble is that the innocent are theones that generally have to sufferOne human life is worth more to thosewho suffer by its loss than all the au ¬

tomobiles manufactured If automo-biles


want to break records let themget on a track the high road is noplace for it


Mr T C Adams of Richmond visit ¬

ed relatives here last weekMiss Mary Coyle of Leesburg Fla

is visiting Miss Lydia Champ

Miss Annie Francis of Lancasterhas been visiting home folks here

Quite a number of our people attended Berea fair Friday and Saturday

Mrs Fannie Koehler has returnedhome after a visit to relatives in Illi

noisMissMary Clarke Engleman has

been with Miss LizzieBest for several

daysMissesMary and Martha Spurlock

have gone to Wilde to visit Miss Bran

namanMissesMargaret and Jane White

have for their guest Mr Sam Stoneof

LouisvilleMrMrs W T Griggs of Rich ¬

mond spenta few days last week withMr and Mrs I C Rucker

Mr Wm Brannaman has acceptedthe depot agency at Berea for 30 daysand will leave here Tuesday

Misses Alma and Mary Lear are in-


a few little folks in musicand books at their home

Misses Ethel Galloway and EdnaGuinchiagline of Richmond spentpart of last week with Mrs Fannie Garrard

Mrs Gallic Denton and little daughter have returned to their home inLexington after a visit to Mrs Wm

WallaceRevS Young began a private

school at his home Monday Mr Youngis an excellent teacher and we trusthis school will continue to grow

Plain Honesty NeededWhat we want in this land is a re ¬

vival of oldfashioned common honestyWe want a code of practice whichmakes it disreputable Tor a man to bea thief We want a class of educatorswho would scorn to beseen in companywhich an unrepentant rascal We wanta body of yoters who will decline tosupport any map whose garments arestained by graft or spoils We wanta church which Isnt afraid tc preachand a press which Isnt afraid to standout against it We want leaders whoare not pharlsees and followers whoare not envious of illgotien gain Allover America a wave of formalenthusiasm is moving People lmveat last begun to think It is a hope-


sign Lewiston Me Journal


Mrs Cyrus Euson is sickI

Master Bryan Ballard continues illof fever

Mrs John Dunn is seriously ill atthis writing

Dr and Mrs J II Durham spent Monday in Stanfordtimetat

Dr W M Elliott lies gone to Chicagoto attend the lectures

Mr and Mrs J II Dunn are spendingthe weep at Dripping Springs

Master Jacob Stcadman and sisterOphelia have returned home after avery pleasant visit to relatives in Ver ¬

saillesMiss Annie Cotton of Danville has

been visiting her cousin Miss JennieBurnsidc

Miss Manic Lee Ballard is at homeafter a very pleasant visit to relativesin Stanford

Little Miss Josephine Moss of Jessamine is visiting her grand motherMrs Josie Boner

Mr John Smith has returned from avisit to Ins brother Mr Will SmithofDavenport Oklahoma

Miss Virginia King is expectedhome in a few days from Richmondwhere she has been for several weeks

Mr A T Christopher and familyhave returned from Missouri theyhaving been fully convinced theme isno place like Old Kentucky i

Mrs Mollie Livingston of GalvestonTexas has been visiting friends andrelatives here This is her first visitto Kentucky for twenty years

Dr J II Durham has returned homefrom Barbourvilie and his manyfriends are delighted to know that hehas decided to stay in Bryantsville j

Work has begun on the new Bryants I

vine and Buena Vista turnpike This iwill certainly be quite an improve-ment


to this part of the county Thepeople are greatly indebted to MessrsBrooks and Easley bv whose vigorous 3

efforts the road was obtained Such I S

citizens are always welcome to any 1

community f

A n exchange pertinently remarksA couple of weeks ago Colliers 5

Weekly took the newspapers to taskor advertising patent medicines In f

its columns were noticed in the issue

ilaIHImedicines are less harmful and they j

dont raise quite as much hell at least r

Before it takes us to task it should r

first clean its own tskirtsI

p flJ TIT 11-

I Get In the

joseph visiting HabitI





i Fall Goods Hri

beginning to arrivemlare we now have some

the prettiest and bestr goods to be on the mar ¬

ket this fallm

IYou know what we dohaveIthe very best of everything

the very lowest prices II 11

Dont select your fall

tiDAY GOODS DRESS GOODS ETC 1until you see our stock



Josopli lerceolile CoJ J

a liimmlen

iI I





III Walkover Oxfords at Cost III-


II 350 Grode for 295 II-

I 400 Grade for 325 I


size is here Come and get itIIourIIIBargainsInIHot Weather o In 5 iiIII have a nice line of two piece IIIIVe in Crashes and Worsteds

wonderfully low prices 11


I IIStrawline of lint weather shirts in all II





erweaIEverything new and uptodate


in Neckwear Call and see us I11


JVi1111V1t= =f

y grT