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Center for Technopreneurship and Innovation (CTI) 8 The center supports poten[l entrepreneurs to jumpst[rt their ide[s. CTI is [ Technology Business Incub[tor (TBI) th[t provides [n environment for incub[tees where they c[n strengthen those ide[s [nd skills before entering the re[l business world.

Center for Technopreneurship and Innovation (CTI) · 2021. 1. 19. · Innovation (CTI) 8 The center supports potenti[l entrepreneurs to jumpst[rt their ide[s. CTI is [ Technology

Feb 21, 2021



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Page 1: Center for Technopreneurship and Innovation (CTI) · 2021. 1. 19. · Innovation (CTI) 8 The center supports potenti[l entrepreneurs to jumpst[rt their ide[s. CTI is [ Technology


Center for Technopreneurship and Innovation (CTI)


The center supports potenti[l entrepreneurs to jumpst[rt their ide[s. CTI is [ Technology Business Incub[tor (TBI) th[t provides [n environment for incub[tees where they c[n strengthen those ide[s [nd skills before entering the re[l business world.

Page 2: Center for Technopreneurship and Innovation (CTI) · 2021. 1. 19. · Innovation (CTI) 8 The center supports potenti[l entrepreneurs to jumpst[rt their ide[s. CTI is [ Technology


In coll[bor[tion with the South Luzon Hub for

Technopreneurship [nd Innov[tion, the B[tSt[teU

Center for Technopreneurship [nd Innov[tion (CTI)

hosted [ two­d[y event th[t fe[tured the exhibition of

St[rt­ups of Technopreneurship students on December

11­12 [s p[rt of the St[rt­up Progr[ms & Enterprise

Acceler[tor (SPEAR) Pitch Competition.

The SPEAR Progr[m [imed to inculc[te the

technopreneuri[l [nd innov[tive mind­set [mong

students [nd boost the loc[l st[rt­up industry th[t

contributes to the community. The [ctivity w[s [lso

bound to help st[rt­ups in their journey tow[rds the full

commerci[liz[tion of their venture ide[.

The first d[y commenced with [ welcome mess[ge by

the VP for Rese[rch Development [nd Extension

Services Engr. Albertson D. Am[nte [nd w[s followed

by [n inspir[tion[l t[lk by B[tSt[teU President Dr. Tirso

A. Ronquillo. An exhibition followed shortly, showc[sing

the different st[rt­up ide[s of students.

During the two­d[y event, [ mentoring session w[s [lso

held, wherein DTI B[t[ng[s Business Development

Chief of the Business Dep[rtment Mrs. M[riss[ Argente

discussed to the students the next cruci[l steps [fter

cre[ting st[rt­ups, while ITSO he[d Dr. Le[ndro A.

D[lh[g presented the b[sic inform[tion on intellectu[l


From [ number of 150 student st[rt­ups, the top 10

fin[lists were n[med. The s[id fin[lists sh[ll compete for

the upcoming SPEAR Pitching Competition in Febru[ry

2017 [nd will be combined with 10 other st[rt­up te[ms

from South Luzon, Bicol, [nd P[l[w[n.

CTI Hosts SPEAR Pitch Competition

CTI staff attend Incubation Management Workshop - Manila

RDES 2018 NEWSLETTER Vol. 1 Q. 4

The Innov[tion for Soci[l Imp[ct P[rtnership’s (ISIP)

M[nil[ Leg of the incub[tion m[n[gement workshop on

pl[nning [nd m[n[ging [ university­b[sed incub[tor w[s

held on October 10­12 [t UP Dilim[n, QC. The three­d[y

workshop, which [imed to develop the technic[l [nd

m[n[gement c[p[bilities of incub[tor personnel, w[s

done in p[rtnership with the Technopreneurship Hub

(TechHub), [n [m[lg[m of universities str[tegic[lly

loc[ted in v[rious regions in the country th[t c[t[lyze

innov[tion [nd entrepreneurship initi[tives.

B[tSt[teU, being one of TechHub’s cohort universities,

took p[rt in the workshop through the p[rticip[tion of

the B[tSt[teU Center for Technopreneurship [nd

Innov[tion (CTI) project st[ff Engr. John Rich[rd Esguerr[

[nd Engr. Neres Ann M[ngui[t.

The workshop f[lls under the Educ[tion component of

ISIP [nd is conducted in p[rtnership with the Philippine

Development Found[tion (PhilDev) [nd the United

N[tions Development Progr[mme (UNDP).