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10thbroch.qxdC E L E B R A T I N G 1 0 Y E A R S
Letter to President Broski
future volunteers of the
This October marks the 10th anniversary of the Institute for
Learning in Retirement (ILR) at Bradley University. On behalf
of the ILR members, we want to express our heartfelt
appreciation to Bradley University for its many contributions
and for offering this unique opportunity to Central Illinois
senior citizens who believe that learning is a lifelong activity.
From its modest beginning in 1994 with 84 students and 10
classes, ILR has grown to an average participation of 300 senior
citizens who attend sessions on four Wednesdays in October
and April and choose from 40 classes including art, music,
computers, history, politics, literature, current events, math,
religion, science, community information and health. Winterim,
held the first week in January, started in 1997 and now has an
average of 100 students who select courses from 16 equally
diverse offerings.
due to the generosity of Bradley
University, which furnishes such
enduring bond between the
administration continue to embrace the ILR and believe in its
commitment to lifelong learning.
talented current and retired faculty members to serve as some
of our instructors and provided engaging Bradley
administrators as speakers at opening luncheons. Campus
Dining Services has provided both tantalizing snacks and the
option of delicious noonday meals for ILR students on class
days. Academic and Technology Support has had the necessary
equipment in place for the presenters, and the staffs of the
Robert H. Michel Student Center and Facilities Management
have kept our surroundings pleasant and inviting. Bradley has
also given us the opportunity to participate in the research
projects of graduate and undergraduate students and accepted
our scholarship support for two programs, "World of Wonder"
and "Volunteer of the Year" (awarded to a Bradley University
undergraduate student).
The Continuing Education staff, working hand in hand with ILR
volunteers, thoughtfully coordinate all of these efforts. Janet
Lange, Nancy Proehl, Jon C. Neidy and Wanda Lane have
consistently facilitated the smooth operation of the program.
As we mark our tenth anniversary, we wish to thank you for
these years of learning and fellowship. We are grateful for our
shared history and welcome the next decade of discovery
and friendship.
University, Institute for Learning in Retirement
Mary Barthel, 04-05
I can’t recall that I have ever experienced a trip more satisfying
Stimulation of my gray cells
Informative friendly people, new adventures
Chances to open a new world for me
ANK YOU for all you do to make ILR classes interesting and worthwhile.
The quotations on this page and throughout our
publication are the comments and writings of members of
the Bradley University Institute for Learning in Retirement.
They have been collected from a variety of sources
including evaluations, classes, and publications.
2 3 1 First ILR Executive Committee and some members of Steering Committee: Top row: John Ruble, Allen Cannon, Paul Sawyer, Dean Howard, Chet Zebell, John Picco, Ed Flanagan and Jean Dace Bottom row: Nancy Hinrichs Proehl, Mary Buesing, Mary Petrucci, Ethel Picco and Pat Zebell.
2 Congressman Ray LaHood talks with the "Let’s Hear Both Sides" class in the fall of 1994.
3 First ILR President, Joe Hession.
It takes two people to bring a new child into the world, and it took two organizations to conceive the Institute for Learning in Retirement—Bradley University and the Elderhostel Institute Network.
While working on research for a master’s degree in 1992, Janet Lange, Executive Director of Bradley’s Continuing Education division, investigated new ways to involve friends and alumni in the academic life of the university.
Working as an intern with Bradley’s Vice President of Advancement, Janet explored alumni education programs which could cultivate future supporters for the university while also providing friends and alumni with a sustained educational link to the institution. She was especially interested in serving senior citizens, and this interest led her to the Elderhostel Institute Network (EIN).
Created by Elderhostel Inc., the EIN was formed to develop a network of learning organizations, for older adults, in their own communities. An EIN representative visited campus and provided Janet and a group of interested retired faculty, alumni and friends with direction on how to establish and organize an educational program for senior citizens.
From this initial meeting, 30 volunteers embraced the concept and formed a steering committee. They proposed that the University offer educational programs to senior citizens throughout Central Illinois and offer them, regardless of their alumni status, an educational home at Bradley University.
Vice President John Shorrock offered to match Continuing Education’s seed money for the program, and the Bradley University Institute for Learning in Retirement was born.
The steering committee continued to work with the University to develop a framework for the new organization. At the same time, something else was being built—a volunteer network. The concept of a learning organization for senior citizens had such appeal among its potential members that people quickly offered to help. Over time, the volunteers would number in the hundreds, and while worthy of individual praise are too numerous to list.
Nancy Hinrichs Proehl was the Institute’s first director. A Bradley alum and noted community volunteer, Nancy had both institutional history and organizing skills. She had the perfect credentials to launch the ILR.
Nancy’s charge seemed simple: offer some classes and convince people to attend. However, the entire infrastructure needed to be built before the program could be developed. Nancy started looking for assistance.
Her help came from people who would eventually become the first ILR members. In every phase—the development of curricula, the identification of speakers, the production of publicity, even the selection of the menu—ILR organizers were retirees volunteering their time. Already the ILR relied on its own members.
When the first ILR met in the fall of 1994, eighty-four senior citizens attended the ten classes that were offered. Evaluations from that first term resulted in innovations that were immediately instituted. With Nancy’s guidance, the members wrote a constitution and bylaws, developed a clock tower logo, incorporated a "field trip" concept into the program and addressed parking challenges. The ILR, only a year old, was already adapting to its members’ needs.
Indeed, change was the norm. Each year new program ideas were explored, new technologies were tested and new thinking was introduced. The ILR became a "continuous improvement process," continually changing and growing. Volunteer numbers increased with every term.
By the end of the 1995 fall ILR, the number of registrants had more than tripled with 252 members attending the program, and the number of class options more than doubled to 26. Such growth introduced new parking problems, so in the spring of 1996, a shuttle bus service was instituted. ILR members could park at Westminster Presbyterian Church on Moss Avenue and receive a free roundtrip between the church and Bradley.
The "field trip" program was already a tradition by the end of the spring of 1996 and continues to be of great interest to members. In those first five years, members planned trips throughout the region to Chicago, St. Louis, Springfield, Bloomington, Champaign- Urbana and the Quad Cities. Because the excursions always combined education with travel, this activity of ILR eventually became known as "Learning Trips."
Computer classes were also a popular component of the program. Driven by member demand, computer classes were given their own day, Friday, during ILR weeks. In 1997, the ILR added a third term in January, called Winterim, where computer classes were again incorporated into the curriculum. In its first year, Winterim offered 10 classes to 92 members—an enrollment greater than that of the first ILR offered in 1994.
Interest in computer classes continued to grow to the point that they became their own entity outside the ILR. Continuing Education developed a separate computer education program just for senior citizens. Today "Computer Classes for Seniors" annually delivers computer workshops to over 300 seniors throughout the region. This program had its beginning in ILR classes.
Jon C. Neidy became the ILR’s second director in the spring of 1998. The organizing work was well in place, so Jon had just two directives: enhance the members’ experience and expand the program. Jon’s initial contributions were technology-related. During his first year, he re-designed the registration software and facilitated, at member urging, the ILR’s first two-way live video conference with Binghamton University in New York. The video conference was so successful, that Bradley’s ILR was later invited, in 2000, to present a workshop at the national meeting of the Elderhostel Institute Network.
Members also broadened travel opportunities during this period. Beginning in 1999, the "Commerce Unseen" series gave a behind-the-scenes look at businesses and organizations in the community. Among the sites visited were the Greater Peoria Sanitary District (still the most popular destination), the Greater Peoria Regional Airport, Illinois American Water Company, Caterpillar Track Type Tractor Division, the U.S. Post Office, the Peoria Police Department, the Illinois Antique Center, the Peoria Civic Center and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
While regional trips flourished, an interest in longer trips emerged. International travel began in 1998 with a trip to France followed, in subsequent years, with travel to Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Africa. During this same period domestic travel was also taking off as ILR members participated in visits to Washington, D.C., New York and Alaska.
ILR members now enjoyed a thriving organization with a formal structure, a dynamic curriculum, growing enrollment and volunteer instructors who asked to be invited back. In fact, ILR members themselves were volunteering in increasing numbers. There were so many ILR volunteers that there wasn’t enough space for them to do their work. Mailings, data entry, meetings—all these activities were accommodated with campus space that changed from project to project.
Continuing Education recognized that a common workspace could provide continuity to volunteers while also giving them a designated workspace. Thus Continuing Education allocated space within its offices where ILR members could do their ILR work. By the spring of 2004, the office was providing support for the one third of ILR members who were doing volunteer work for the organization—over 100 individuals.
At this point in its growth, the ILR decided to give back to the community, and so began the members’ work with philanthropy. An annual volunteer award was initiated in 1997 that recognizes a Bradley undergraduate student who exhibits exceptional leadership skills and volunteer effort, Recipients are given $500 cash awards. Later, a scholarship program was developed for which the ILR offers financial support to children applying for Bradley’s summer program for gifted students, World of Wonder. Each year, the ILR awards ten scholarships to families in financial need.
By the time the ILR celebrated its fifth anniversary in 1999, it had become a University presence. Indeed, the campus recognized its newest "students" each term when the Student Center filled with over 200 participants taking nearly 40 classes. To celebrate its success, ILR members decided to formalize their connection to the University with the planting of a tree on the Bradley campus. In effect, the ILR laid down its roots.
It was now 2000—a new century and the beginning of the ILR’s sixth year. Members felt it was time for some updating. The first task was to refresh the marketing. During this period, members developed a new logo, launched a website, printed a membership brochure and introduced ILR apparel. The ILR had a new look for the new millennium.
Bradley’s ILR was showcased in the spring of 2000 when it hosted a regional meeting of the Elderhostel Institute Network (EIN), the national affiliate organization of the ILR. Four states and 15 ILR chapters were represented at that meeting.
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ILR past presidents John Quinn, Mary Buesing, Jackie Krag and Ruth Frost planting a tree on campus in celebration of our 5th Anniversary.
It was here that ILR members really developed a greater understanding of how their organization differed from other programs of its type. For one thing, Bradley’s ILR compressed its meeting times. Members came to campus four times in one month and stayed on campus each time for the entire day. Their 24 hours of contact time were distributed among four days. By comparison, most EIN programs mirrored a university course schedule— members met for one hour, once a week, throughout a semester. In other words, 24 hours of contact time were spread across 15 weeks.
Bradley’s unique meeting format meant that ILR members could be together for sustained periods of time. This created more opportunities for members to get better acquainted with their classmates which eventually led to the development of friendships and connections to other people. The "community" feeling of ILR was and is one of its greatest strengths.
The local art community also benefited from the ILR when the members began a modest art collection, now displayed in the Continuing Education office. In the fall of 2002, they added a new aspect to this interest when they invited local artists to display and discuss their work on selected ILR program days.
Throughout the ILR’s history, one individual maintained the continuity— Wanda Lane. A staff member in Continuing Education, Wanda’s original task was to provide clerical support to the ILR. Throughout the years, she worked with Lange, Proehl and Neidy, but Wanda’s gift to ILR was her goodwill. Today, ILR members who visit Continuing Education come first to Wanda’s desk because she is their anchor. In fact, Wanda has enjoyed her affiliation with ILR members so much that she looks forward to the day when she will be able to become an ILR member herself.
It is now 2004, and the ILR is celebrating its tenth anniversary. It is a time of reflection.
Since its conception, the ILR has been a gift to all those affiliated with it. For the University, ILR members enrich the intellectual life of campus and share with the Central Illinois community Bradley’s dedication to lifelong learning.
For Continuing Education staff, the ILR is an example of commitment. Members share their friendship and enthusiasm about their organization, about learning and about staying vital. They are living examples of a satisfying and fulfilling retirement.
For the members, the ILR has become their very own educational home, both a place and a feeling, where learning thrives and relationships are nurtured. And while it took Bradley University and the Elderhostel Institute Network to conceive the ILR, it is the members themselves who have given it life. Their spirit and dedication provide the foundation for a remarkable second decade.
Carla Rich Montez September, 2004
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Administration/Finance: Mary Buesing
and John Ruble
Wilson Schroeder, Chet Zebell and
Pat Zebell
So that’s how you use a mouse!
F A L L 1 9 9 4 Wednesdays, October 5, 12, 19, 26, 1994
Registrations: 84
Gift: Red notepad with white “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo and red and white ball point pen with contact information
Registration Breakfast: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise Thursday, August 11, 1994
Speakers: Dr. Ann Jones, Bradley University Jim Stowell, Robert W. Baird and Company Various Class Leaders
Innovations: The Institute for Learning in Retirement Computer Classes on Fridays ILR Clock Tower Logo Member Evaluations Wrap-Up Meeting (called the All Member Meeting) Constitution and Bylaws Nancy Hinrichs Proehl is hired as a Program Director in Continuing Education Wanda Lane is assigned to the program
Number of Classes: 10
8:30 AM The Inside Story of Bradley University: Paul Sawyer Economics: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask: Ed Flanagan It Sounds Like Spanish To Me: Mary Petrucci 10:30 AM If It's in a Frame, Is it Art?: Dean Howard Let's Hear Both Sides: Paul Sawyer Taxes—One of the Inevitables: John Ruble 1:00 PM It's Music to My Ears: Allen Cannon What Did You Do in WWII Daddy?: Joe Hession English Literature: Paul Sawyer
Friday Computer Classes 1:00 PM Computers for Beginners: John Picco, Ethel Picco
S P R I N G 1 9 9 5 Wednesdays, April 12, 19, 26, and May 3, 1995
Registrations: 146
Gift: Red notepad with white “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo and red and white ball point pen with contact information
Luncheon Speaker: Dr. Kalman Goldberg
Luncheon Date: Thursday, March 16, 1995
Innovations: New brochure format – 4 pages Kick-Off Luncheon Parking at Westminster – but no shuttle
Number of Classes: 25
9:00 AM Investing in the Stock Market: Philip Horvath The Bible as Literature: Randall Saxon The U.S. Government and Its Policies: Carroll Besing, Jim Foley, Les Brune The Print and the Power: John Fought, Jack Briemeier, Kirk Wessler, Barb Drake Writing Your Life History: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez 10:30 AM It's Music to My Ears: Allen Cannon Words about Words: Paul Sawyer Financial Planning for Seniors by Seniors: John Ruble Wanderlust: Art Mehl, Lee Mehl The Big Band Era – Not Hard Rock: Charles Cartwright 12:30 PM American Musical Theater: Wilson Schroeder The Peoria Party and America's Northwest Boundary Dispute: Bob Day Water Color Painting: Dean Howard WWII Roundtable: Joe Hession Back to Your Roots: Genealogy: Marjorie Kroehler Fifty-Five Alive: John Ruble Fifty-Five Alive: Robert Frost 2:30 PM The Bible, History and the Law: Robert Hunt Drugs and the Industry, Your Friend or Your Enemy?: Marvin Foss Peoria: Then and Now: Dorothy Sinclair, Bonnie Noble, Tucker Kennedy Crime and Its Effect on Seniors: Miriam Biederbeck, Bernie Zant, Lee Anderson, Vera Fernandez Where in the World are We? A Study of Our Universe: Lawrence Kellerman Russia Today: Irina Ostrovenok
Friday Computer Classes 12:30 PM Personal Computers For Beginners I: John Picco 2:30 PM Personal Computers For Beginners II: John Picco
Trips: Tuesday, April 16, 1995: Itzhak Perlman, Illinois State University, Bloomington, IL
F A L L 1 9 9 5 Wednesdays, October 11, 18, 25 and November 1, 1995
Registrations: 252
Gift: Off-white canvas bag with red “A Time For Learning” clock tower logo, Bradley University as background text in red
Breakfast Speaker: Dr. Sharon Murphy, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Bradley University
Breakfast Date: Wednesday, September 6, 1995
Number of Classes: 26
8:30 AM The Print and the Power: John Fought, Barb Drake 9:00 AM Armageddon: Holocaust, History or Hoax?: Randall Saxon Investing in the Stock Market: Philip Horvath U.S. Politics and Policies: Jerry Driscoll, Kalman Goldberg, Jim Foley, Ed Flanagan More Words about Words: Paul Sawyer Financial Planning for Seniors: John Ruble, Lois Williamson Antiques: Dee Perino 10:30 AM Writing Your Life History: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez It's Music to My Ears: Allen Cannon The Big Band Era: Charles Cartwright The Peoria Party and America's Northwest Boundary Dispute: Bob Day Spanish I: Mary Petruzzi Travel for Seniors: Donna Day, Arlene Heine Meyer, Bud Allen, Hattie Allen 12:30 PM Water Color Painting: Dean Howard Back to Your Roots: Marjorie Kroehler Religion: History of the Christian Church: Brendan Liddell Astronomy: The Earth Waits for No One: Lawrence Kellerman Town Meeting: MaryAlice Erickson, Camille Gibson, Ron Michaelson, Sharon Kennedy Wild Illinois: Linda Prescott WWII Memories: Joe Hession 1:00 PM Fit, Fitter and Fittest: Ingrid Friesan, Terry Matthews, Walter Forred, Karen Pflederer The History of Architecture: Les Kenyon 2:30 PM Inside Bradley University: Wanda Lane and Others 2:45 PM Short Stories: Jim Sullivan
Friday Computer Classes 12:30 PM Computers I: Mardee Brown 2:30 PM Computers II: John Picco
Trips: Thursday, August 31, 1995: “Claude Monet: 1840-1926,” Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL Wednesday, September 27, 1995: Meet Me in St. Louis – History and Elegance, St. Louis, MO
S P R I N G 1 9 9 6 Wednesdays, April 3, 10, Thursday, April 18 and Wednesday, April 24, 1996
Registrations: 245
Gift: Red zippered brief bag with white imprint of the Bradley University centennial celebration
Luncheon Date: Wednesday, March 6, 1996
Innovations: Lunch Buffet in Ballroom Bus Shuttle Service 6-page brochure Attended ILR Regional Conference at St. Xavier University Message from the ILR President in the brochure
Number of Classes: 31
8:30 AM Power and the Press: Bob Frost, Barb Drake 9:00 AM Introduction to International Trade: Jim Foley Writing Life History I: Art Allen, Margaret Nelson, Bradford Craig, Carla Rich Montez, Liz Stewart Risk Assessment in Investing: Philip Horvath The Peoria Party and America's Northwest Boundary Dispute: Bob Day Twentieth Century American Plays: Paul Sawyer Home Gardens and Landscape: Greenview Nurseries Contour Drawing: Helen Bruns 10:00 AM Writing Your Life History: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez Interior Design and You: Nancy Farischon, Janet Whitcomb Art Styles From Monet to Modern: Betty Starasta The Big Band Era: Charles Cartwright Health and Paper Work: Jim Money, OSF St. Francis, Mathis Law Firm Information Literacy: Wency Rains 10:30 AM What Have the President and Congress Done to Us Now?: John Ruble, Doug Thorsen, Kalman Goldberg Music Through the Ages: Allen Cannon It's the Law: Sandra Pellegrino, William Wombacher, John Nicoara, Kevin Lyons, Thomas Penn 12:30 PM Back to Your Roots: Marjorie Kroehler 1:00 PM Gems and Jewelry, Fact and Legend: John Vaughn Great Moments in Musical Theater: Wilson Schroeder Architecture: The History of Architecture in Peoria: Les Kenyon Antiques: Miriam Biederbeck, Dee Perino Wanderlust Revisited: Lee Mehl, Art Mehl, Alan Harkrader, Bob Day, Norma and George Kottemann What's Wrong With This Body and How Can You Fix It?: OSF St. Francis Mr. Lincoln's Religion: Randall Saxon
2:00 PM Seeing the Universe Through New Eyes: Lawrence Kellerman Short Stories: Jim Sullivan Inside Bradley: Wanda Lane, Corky Roberston, John Heintzman, Basquin Elwin, Bob Byczinski
Friday Computer Classes 12:00 PM Computer I: Mardee Brown 1:45 PM Computer I: Mardee Brown 3:30 PM Computer II: John Picco
Trips: Wednesday, June 26, 1996: Abraham Lincoln and the Promise of America, Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, IL Thursday, July 18, 1996: Art, Architecture, and Agriculture: Grant Wood, Davenport Museum of Art and Deere and Company’s Administration Center, Davenport, IA and Moline, IL
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F A L L 1 9 9 6 Wednesdays, October 16, 23, 30 and November 6, 1996
Registrations: 278
Gift: White 3 ring binder with red Bradley University centennial logo
Luncheon Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Huberman, Dean, Slane College of Communications and Fine Arts, Bradley University
Luncheon Date: Wednesday, September 4, 1996
Number of Classes: 32
9:00 AM Election Special: Jerry Driscoll What Should the Informed American Know about China?: Bert Thompson, I.N. Wong, James Winship, William Freistat, Peter Wong Decisions of the Supreme Court: LeAnna Karnopp, Lester Brune Antique Automobiles: Wheels O' Time Contour Drawing: Helen Bruns Contemporary Short Stories: Jim Sullivan Learn More about Peoria's Only Medical School: Richard Weber, Michael Bailie, Phillip Jobe, Joseph Solovy So You Want to Volunteer?: Jackie Krag Who's Polluting Our Environment?: Robert Frazee, Rita Castle, Ralph Moebus, Elaine Hopkins 10:00 AM Writing Your Life History: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez Art: Degas to the Modern Movement: Betty Starasta The "Right" Way to Argue: Paul Sawyer Understanding Your Investment Opportunities: Daren Epley Matters of Health and the System: Jim Money America's Debt to the Native American: Randall Saxon 10:30 AM Information and Research Via the World Wide Web: Wency Rains Great Musical Masterpieces: Allen Cannon 12:30 PM Back to Your Roots: Marjorie Kroehler Painless Opera: Dick Hinds, Fiora Contino 1:00 PM Religions of the World: Shyam Bhandari, John Ruble, Naidar Ahmed, Joseph Felder Tips and Trips: Arlene Heine-Meyer, Margaret Couch, Cindy Winkler, Sally Tippett Walker How to Make This Body Better: OSF St. Francis Mysteries-Who Dunnit or Who Didn't?: Joyce Walsh, Kathy Miller Architecture: The History of Architecture in Peoria: Les Kenyon 2:00 PM Using Positive Mental and Spiritual Resources for Life: Henry Hein 2:30 PM What You "Auto" Know about Your Auto: Doug Van Etten The Civil War: Various Instructors Issues of the Day: John Ruble, and Others Inside Bradley: Wanda Lane, Stan Glazier, and Others
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Friday Computer Classes 12:00 PM Computers I: Mardee Brown 1:45 PM Computers I: Mardee Brown 3:30 PM Computers II: John Picco
Trips: Saturday, August 24, 1996: Showboat, Auditorium Theatre, Chicago, IL Friday, October 25, 1996: Opera with Jerry Hadley, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, IL Tuesday, November 12, 1996: “Degas: Beyond Impressionism,” Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
W I N T E R I M 1 9 9 7 Monday-Thursday, January 13-16, 1997
Registrations: 92
Gift: Red big clipper pen with white Institute for Learning in Retirement imprint
Innovations: First Winterim
Number of Classes: 10
9:30 AM Home Gardens and Landscape: Greenview Nurseries Decisions of the Supreme Court: LeAnna Karnopp Understanding Investments: Daren Epley Painless Opera: Dick Hinds 1:00 PM Great Musical Masterpieces: Allen Cannon Short Stories: James Sullivan Introduction to Computers: John Picco, Mardee Brown Big Bands: Charles Cartwright The Way West: Peoria Pioneers: Bob Day Improving Your Computer Skills: John Picco, Mardee Brown
S P R I N G 1 9 9 7 Wednesdays, April 9, 16, 30 and May 7, 1997
Registrations: 215
Gift: Red padfolio with white “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo
Luncheon Speaker: Kathy Fuller, Assistant Vice President for University Relations, Bradley University
Luncheon Date: Tuesday, March 18, 1997
Innovations: Student Volunteer of the Year Award The Above and Beyond Award
Awards: Student Volunteer of the Year: Jennifer Kors Above and Beyond: John Ruble
Number of Classes: 30
9:00 AM Effects of Politics On Illinois and Peoria: Jerry Driscoll History of the Civil War: Arwin Smallwood Photography and Its Future: Corwin Berry The Legal System in Our Lives: LeAnna Karnopp, George Hoskins, Richard Eagleton The Nature and Character of Jesus of Nazareth: Randall Saxon Peoria: Power, Pleasure & Pitfalls of its Past: Dorothy Sinclair 10:30 AM Understanding the Investment Opportunities: Daren Epley Matters of Health and the System: Jim Money Vocal Music: John Davis What Makes it Art?: Betty Starasta A "Wee" Bit of Scotch: Donna Thompson How to be Happy Though Aging: Various Instructors Surfing the Net: Wency Rains The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: Phil Withrow 12:30 PM Musical Masterpieces: Allen Cannon Back to Your Roots: Marjorie Kroehler Quilting: From the Beginning to Now: Lisa Sutherland 1:00 PM Religions of the World: Dan Getz, Robert Gillogly, Kent Huntsman Gems and Jewelry: John Vaughn Using Positive Mental and Spiritual Resources for Life: Henry Hein Birding: Bert Princen Ring of Fire: Heather Fowler-Salamini, Charles Bukowski, Paul Kasambira, James Winship 2:30 PM Writing Your Life Story: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez Short Stories: Jim Sullivan Gardening Potpourri: Sharon Clemens, Jerry Newman Inside Bradley: Wanda Lane, Katsunori Hamanishi and Others Chemistry and You: Doris Kolb, Ken Kolb, Max Taylor
Friday Computer Classes 12:30 PM Computers I: Carroll Besing 1:45 PM Computers II: Carroll Besing 3:30 PM Computers III: Carroll Besing
Trips: Wednesday, March 19, 1997: Sunset Boulevard, Fox Theatre, St. Louis, MO Monday, April 14, 1997: James Galway: The Man with the Golden Flute, Illinois State University, Bloomington-Normal, IL Thursday, May 15, 1997: Chicago Art and Architecture, Chicago, IL Thursday, May 15, 1997 - Friday, May 30, 1997: Alaskan Adventure, Alaska
F A L L 1 9 9 7 Wednesdays, October 15, 22, 29, and November 5, 1997
Registrations: 313
Gift: Off-white canvas horizontal bag with red “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo
Luncheon Speaker: Gary Anna, Vice President for Business Affairs, Bradley University
Luncheon Date: Wednesday, September 10, 1997
Innovations: Executive Committee Meetings–held independently of general membership meetings
Number of Classes: 30
8:30 AM U.S. and World Trade Policies–What's New?: Kalman Goldberg, Jim Foley 9:00 AM Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia–Should We Be There?: Les Brune Forgotten Wars: Jerry Driscoll Musical Masterpieces: Allen Cannon Back to Your Roots Advanced: Marjorie Kroehler Pre-Revolutionary American History: Arwin Smallwood Learn More about Peoria's Only Medical School: Richard Weber, Phillip Jobe, Michael Bailie, Kay Saving 10:30 AM The B-I-B-L-E and How It Came To Be: Randall Saxon Matters of Health and the System: Jim Money Short Stories: Jim Sullivan Writing Your Life Story: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez Tunesmiths & Wordsmiths–Music For the Theater: Wilson Schroeder Perps, Punks, Prisons and Perks: Art Kelly, Vince Wieland, David Helman, Ron Budzinski The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: Phil Withrow Specialty Gardens: Bob Streitmatter, Jan Powers, Linda Gavin 1:00 PM The Wonders of Birding: Don Axt Painless Opera: Dick Hinds Taxes and Taxation: William Sharp History of Peoria Architecture and Sculpture: Les Kenyon The Tentacles of Vietnam: Tim Maga Renoir and His Time: Betty Starasta "The Kentucky Cycle:" Nina LeNoir Writing Life Stories for Fun & Inspiration: Art Allen, Liz Stewart, Maggie Nelson, Royce Elliott 2:30 PM Religions of the World: Dan Getz, Robert Gillogly, Kent Huntsman Inside Bradley: Wanda Lane, Steve Heineman, John Heintzman, Wency Rains, Chuck Frey Seeing Red, Whirling Tops & Shocks: John Kenny Creative Writing: Paul Sawyer Save Me the Aisle Seat–gA View of Movies: Joan Berg, Alf Berg
Friday Computer Classes 10:30 AM Surfing the Net: Steve Stone 2:30 PM Computers I: Carroll Besing
Trips: Thursday, October 16, 1997: Frank Lloyd Wright with Phil Withrow, Dana Thomas House, Springfield, IL Wednesday, November 12, 1997: “Renoir Portraits: Impressions of an Age” with Betty Starasta, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Spreading the word of the ILR at the Kiwanis Club.
Allen Cannon interprets the music for his class.
Learning for the pure enjoyment of learning
W I N T E R I M 1 9 9 8 Monday-Thursday, January 12-15, 1998
Registrations: 89
Gift: Burgundy calendar with gold “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo
Number of Classes: 11
9:30 AM French History: Two Turning Points: Les Brune, Joan Brune Bird Watching: Bert Princen Words on Words: Paul Sawyer So Your Dad Has a Barn and You Want to Do a Show…: Molly Sloter Improving Your Computer Skills: Carroll Besing 1:00 PM Down to Earth Gardening: Lauren Howell China: Two Views: Daniel Getz, Barbara Mantz Drake Introduction to Computers: Carroll Besing “The Kentucky Cycle:” Nina LeNoir The Changing Electronic Media: Gene Robinson The Life and Influence of Albert Schweitzer: Robert Gillogly
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Here, Let me show you...
Learning and laughing
S P R I N G 1 9 9 8 Wednesdays, April 15, 22, 29 and May 6, 1998
Registrations: 276
Gift: Small burgundy notepad with gold “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo
Luncheon Speaker: Janet Lange, Executive Director, Continuing Education, Bradley University
Luncheon Date: Wednesday, March 11, 1998
Innovations: Jon C. Neidy is hired and replaces retiree Nancy Hinrichs Proehl
Awards: Student Volunteer of the Year: Beth Runge
Number of Classes: 35
8:30 AM U.S. Trade Policies – Current Topics: Jim Foley 9:00 AM Post Revolutionary America: Arwin Smallwood Masterpieces Beginning with "B:" Allen Cannon Athletics in Today's World – Basketball and Baseball: Dewey Kalmer, Jeff Corley Modern American Poets: Jim Sullivan Peoria County Sooner and Later: Jim Tucker, John Throop, Gloria LaHood Germany Since 1945: Les Brune Communicating – Understanding Yourself and Others: Helen Evans Tai Chi: Robert Compton
10:30 AM Tunesmiths & Wordsmiths – Music For the Theater: Wilson Schroeder Creative Gardening: Peoria County Master Gardeners Impact of the Tokyo War Crimes Trials 1946-Present: Tim Maga Writing Your Life Story: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez The State of the Region and Regional Issues: Terry Kohlbuss, Bruce Carter Elderhostel: Study and Travel: Bob Day, Cletus Foley and Others Sing, Sing a Song: Ken Lister A Bird’s Eye View of Some Biblical Themes: Bob Gillogly Let's Hear Both Sides: Various Instructors 1:00 PM DNA Biotechnology and the Andromeda Strain: John DePinto Story Telling: Don Axt Keeping Seniors Safe and Sound: Holly Crotty, Linda Glackin, Stewart Umholtz Controversial Characters in Peoria History: Dorothy Sinclair Restoration Projects in Illinois: Les Kenyon The Story of the USDA Ag Lab: Peter Johnsen Jewish Religion – Past and Present: Michael Arsers Medical Ethics: Brooks McDaniel Back to Your Roots Advanced: Marjorie Kroehler 2:30 PM Inside Bradley: Wanda Lane and Others Managing Your Personal Finances: Joe Stowell Jr. The Virginia Dynasty of U.S. Presidents: Jerry Driscoll Learn More about Peoria's Only Medical School: Richard Weber, Kay Saving, Michael Bailie, Joan Ruppman Writing Poetry for Fun & Inspiration: Phyllis Kells Peoria Riverfront Past, Present and Future: Greg Edwards, Bill Roeder, Tom Tincher, Mike Wisdom and Dan Phillips
Friday Computer Classes 12:00 PM Computer I: Carroll Besing 2:30 PM Surfing the Net: Mary Jo DeJoice
Trips: Sunday, February 1, 1998: Backstage at the Opera with Dick Hinds, Civic Opera House, Chicago, IL Thursday, May 14, 1998: Chicago Botanic Gardens, Glencoe, IL Saturday, June 6 – Friday, June 12, 1998: The American Presidency with Jerry Driscoll and The Close Up Foundation, Washington, DC Thursday, July 23 – Tuesday, August 4, 1998: France Magnifique with Les and Joan Brune, France
1 9 9 8 - 1 9 9 9 I L R 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y
Thought provoking and inspiring
F A L L 1 9 9 8 Wednesdays, October 14, 21, 28 and November 4, 1998
Registrations: 256
Gift: White mug with red “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo and red big clipper pen with white Institute for Learning in Retirement imprint
Luncheon Speaker: John Shorrock, Vice President for Advancement, Bradley University
Luncheon Date: Wednesday, September 9, 1998
Innovations: Computer classes in the Campustown computer lab ILR registration fee increases from $50 to $75
Number of Classes: 37
8:30 AM U.S. Trade Policies – Current Topics: Jim Foley Save Me the Aisle Seat – A View of Movies: Joan Berg, Alf Berg Wandering the World Wide Web: Jon C. Neidy 9:00 AM Writing Your Life Story: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez Twentieth Century Masterpieces: Allen Cannon Post Revolutionary America: Arwin Smallwood Peoria History – The Complete Story 1673-1998: Susan Bucksath Critical Topics of Agriculture: Ron Christensen, Nina & Bill Baird, Sharon Hartsell, Robert Frazee An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Blair Gorsuch, John Preckshot, Dolores Sheen, Linda Fehr 10:30 AM Poetry II: Jim Sullivan U.S. and Japanese Relations: Tim Maga You and Your Income Tax: William Sharp Five Women in Art: Betty Starasta Art Demonstration: Dean Howard Global Affairs: Bert Thompson and Others Starting Points: An Introduction to Law: LeAnna Karnopp Investing to Own Your Own Share of America: Bert Sanders, Jeanne Robeson 1:00 PM DNA Biotechnology and the Andromeda Strain: John DePinto Jewish Religion – Past and Present: Michael Arsers Planning Your Landscape with the Indoors in Mind: Lauren Howell Can We Abolish the IRS?: John Ruble, Rooney Ringger, Kevin O'Brien Ireland and Scotland: John Kenny, Sam Black The Mystery of Mystery Writing: Dorothy Cannel, Jo Ann Schelley To Phrase A Coin: Art and History in American Coinage: Randall Saxon Newspapering in the Nineties: John Plevka, Fred Zwicky, Dave Auer, Paul Bullock
2:30 PM Beginning Genealogy: Marjorie Kroehler Inside Bradley: Wanda Lane and Others History of Peoria Medicine: Roger Monroe You Can't Take It With You: Ruth Collins, Greg Mescher, Rich Firebaugh Sculpture for Beginners: Nita Sunderland The Role of Zoos and Aquariums: Jan Schweitzer, Jason Beverlin Creative Writing: Phyllis Kells Designing with Antiques: Ronald Nell
Friday Computer Classes 10:00 AM Debunking the Mouse Mystique (Pre-Computer I): Susan Manley 12:00 PM Computer I: Carroll Besing 1:45 PM Opening Windows to New Worlds: Susan Manley 3:30 PM Advanced Internet, Info Searcher: Mary Jo DeJoice
Trips: Wednesday, September 23, 1998: Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, IL Monday, November 9, 1998: “Mary Cassatt: Modern Woman” with Betty Starasta, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
W I N T E R I M 1 9 9 9 Monday-Thursday, January 11-14, 1999
Registrations: 60
Gift: Black ice scraper with red handle and white “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo
Breakfast Date: Monday, January 11, 1999
Innovations: Kick-Off breakfast
Number of Classes: 12
9:30 AM Scaling Down With Style: Inge Wiesehan A Mountain High: Experience the BIG Ones!: Barb Gurtler Wandering the World Wide Web: Jon C. Neidy Is the Weatherman Always Right?: Lee Ranson Author! Author! What Do I Read Next?: Peoria Public Library Debunking the Mouse Mystique (Computer I): Susan Manley 1:00 PM You Can Grow Orchids, Too!: Bert Princen Today's Medicine to Stay Fit: Bruce Schellhammer Debunking the Mouse Mystique (Computer I): Susan Manley Lydia Moss Bradley and Her Victorian Counterparts: Dorothy Sinclair Piano Music and Related Topics: Edward Kaizer, Janet Kaizer Introduction to Windows 95: John Picco
S P R I N G 1 9 9 9 Wednesdays, April 21, 28 and May 5, 12, 1999
Registrations: 227
Gift: Off-white canvas bag with red “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo, Institute for Learning in Retirement as background text in red
Luncheon Speaker: Dr. Aaron Buchko, Faculty, Business Management and Administration, Bradley University
Luncheon Date: Thursday, March 18, 1999
Innovations: 8-Page Brochure Video conference class with Binghamton University: “Current Topics in US Trade Policy” Commerce Unseen Trips “A new travel opportunity that takes us into unseen and often overlooked businesses within our own community” Attended and presented at Elderhostel Institute Network Conference at the 10th Anniversary of EIN in Washington DC. We presented on the video conference class and registration fee increases. Continuing Education moved into new building, and the ILR was given a volunteer desk.
Awards: Student Volunteers of the Year: Jennifer Kors and Brandy Burhans
Number of Classes: 37
8:30 AM Current Topics in US Trade Policy…Goes National: Jim Foley 9:00 AM Abraham Lincoln: The Man Beyond The Myth: Randall Saxon America Since the Civil War: Arwin Smallwood Art That Shapes Our World: Bob Emser, Mark Schroll, Randy Carlson, Oscar Gillespie Hate Crimes, Civil Rights, Terrorism and the FBI: Steve Hancock Poetry Potpourri: Poetry Without Fear: Mary Jordan Sinatra: Beth Amberg, Joan O'Neil Who's Talking, Who's Listening: Helen Evans Y2K: Roy Schmidt, Dan Danner, Neal Johnson 10:30 AM DNA Biotechnology and the Andromeda Strain: John DePinto Drawing I: John Heintzman Four Forerunners of the Reformation: Robert Gillogly Legacy of Vietnam: Tim Maga Many Faces of Picasso: Betty Starasta Mastering Your Garden: Bill Sullivan Medical Ethics: Brooks McDaniel Sing, Sing a Song: Ken Lister Investing to Own Your Own Share of America: Bert Sanders
1:00 PM State of Imprisonment in the Nation: Dave Helman Foreign Policy Update: Jim Winship, John Guidry, Chuck Bukowski, Susan Fleming Holm Inside the Children's Hospital of Illinois: Children's Hospital of Illinois Join the Fray: Jon C. Neidy Odd Animals and Their Uses: Rudy Lewis, Jeff Broms Story Telling: Don Axt 2:00 PM Chicago – Its Lore and Legends: Jerry Driscoll China: Two Views: Daniel Getz, Barbara Mantz Drake History and Tradition of the Roman Catholic Church: John Dietzen History of Peoria Medicine: Roger Monroe Fundamentals of Chipping and Putting: Bo Ryan Inside Bradley University: Wanda Lane and Others Reading Shakespeare: Phyllis Kells The State of the Region and Regional Issues: Terry Kohlbuss
Friday Computer Classes 8:30 AM Wandering the World Wide Web: Jon C. Neidy 10:00 AM Word Processing: Skills and Tips: Susan Manley 12:00 PM Computer I: Carroll Besing 1:30 PM Opening Windows to New Worlds: Susan Manley 3:00 PM Advanced Internet, Info Searcher: Mary Jo DeJoice
Trips: Wednesday, March 10, 1999: Illinois American Water, Peoria, IL Wednesday, April 7, 1999: CILCO, Peoria, IL Monday, May 3, 1999: The Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL
Jim Foley and the Knights of the ILR in our first video conference class.
Sonnet from a German Merrill Buesing
How do I love thee? It’s not that hard you see.
I knew I loved you the day we met And each day my love grows stronger yet.
Volunteering at a mailing party. Standing outside the popcorn factory.
Visiting in the atrium.
F A L L 1 9 9 9 Wednesdays, October 13, 20, 27 and November 3, 1999
Registrations: 299
Gift: Red key-chain flashlight with white ILR imprint and black 14-month pocket calendar with gold ILR clock tower imprint
Luncheon Speaker: State Representative Ricca Sloan
Luncheon Date: Wednesday, September 15, 1999
Innovations: Completed revision of constitution First Commerce Unseen Trip
Number of Classes: 38
8:30 AM Save Me An Aisle Seat: Joan Berg, Alf Berg 9:00 AM All You "Auto" Know About Your Auto: Doug Van Etten American Presidents: Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis: Randall Saxon DNA Biotechnology and the Andromeda Strain: John DePinto U.S. History from WW1 to the Present: Arwin Smallwood The Mozart Effect: Allen Cannon The Workings of Peoria Sanitary District: Stan Browning Weather Whys in Central Illinois: Lee Ranson
10:30 AM Author! Author! What Do I Read Next?: Bill Adams, Phillip Jose Farmer, Peoria Public Library Staff Dealing with A Giant: Today's U.S. China Relations: Tim Maga Illinois Government from Neighborhoods to State Capitol: John Morris, Jim Daken, Bud Grieves, Carl Hawkinson, George Shadid Masterpieces of Vocal and Choral Music: John Davis Medical Ethics: Brooks McDaniel Pax Vobiscum (Peace Be With You): Robert Gillogly Play Reading for Pleasure: Wilson Schroeder Tax Law Changes: John Ruble, Doug Thurson Writing Your Life Story: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez 12:30 PM Astronomy: Using Tools to Study the Sky: Larry Kellerman Issues of Mental Health: Various Instructors Early Historical Development of Israel: Ariel Walsh George Gershwin, His Life and His Music: Dick Hinds Indoor Gardening: Barb Loar, Barry Jones, Joe Groesch, Bonnie Gudat Worldwide Economic Outlook and Legal Issues: Eng Seng Loh, Dave Vance, Ed Sattler You Can't Take It With You: Greg Mescher, Rich Firebaugh, Ruth Collins
1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0 I L R 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y
Three muses in Spain.
2:00 PM Architectural Styles and How You Find Them in Peoria: Les Kenyon The Windsor, the Empire and the Sportsman's Club – Signs of the Good Old Days: Dorothy Sinclair Human Images: Phyllis Kells Gun Control: John Stenson and Others Insights Into Women's Collegiate Basketball Including Title IX: Donna Freitag U of I College of Medicine: Michael Bailie, Richard Weber, Rebecca Knight, Phillip Jobe Short Stories: Mary Jordan Bradley's Cullum-Davis Library: How to Use It: Mary Jo DeJoice Peace Corps at Any Age: Mary Ann and Sheldon Schafer, Wayne Nolan, Michelle Lisenby- Aviles, Charlotte and Clare Grap
Friday Computer Classes 8:30 AM Wandering the World Wide Web: Jon C. Neidy 10:00 AM E-mail Explorations: Jon C. Neidy 12:00 PM Computer I: Carroll Besing 1:30 PM Opening Windows to New Worlds: Susan Manley 3:00 PM Advanced Internet, Info Searcher: Mary Jo DeJoice
Trips: Wednesday , September 8, 1999: Greater Peoria Regional Airport, Peoria, IL Tuesday, September 21, 1999: National Center for Agricultural Utilization and Research, Peoria, IL Friday, September 24, 1999 - Friday, October 8, 1999: Spain and Portugal Thursday, October 14, 1999: Greater Peoria Sanitary District, Peoria, IL
W I N T E R I M 2 0 0 0 Monday-Thursday, January 10-13, 2000
Registrations: 57
Gift: White sport bottle with red cap and red ILR clock tower imprint
Breakfast Date: Monday, January 10, 2000
Innovations: The silver Winterim brochure
Number of Classes: 12
9:30 AM The Wealth Builder's Guide: An Investment Primer: Steven Burgauer Current Issues in Government: Ricca Slone, Leanna Karnopp Grimsley Debunking the Mouse Mystique (Computer I): Susan Manley 4 Seasonal Gardens: Bob Streitmatter Jazz: Ed Schmidt Wandering the World Wide Web: Jon C. Neidy 1:00 PM Mystery Book Talk and Discussion: The Best of the Best: Various Instructors Diamonds Are Forever – And Much More: John Fitzgerald, Kevin Smith E-mail Explorations: Susan Manley Travel: Barbara Gurtler, Bob and Mag Itschner, Jeri Moreland, Carroll Besing Living Longer: Lois Bentler-Lampe, Linda Fehr, Stan Huff, Vicki Lannie E-mail Explorations: Jon C. Neidy
Images from Spain, Fall 1999.
S P R I N G 2 0 0 0 Wednesdays, April 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2000
Registrations: 233
Gift: Black padfolio with gold ILR clock tower imprint
Luncheon Speaker: Dr. Stan Liberty, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Bradley University
Luncheon Date: Thursday, March 16, 2000
Innovations: Continuing Education develops computer classes specifically for senior citizens in addition to the ILR classes Regional Meeting of Elderhostel Institute Networks held at Bradley University – Four states and 18 chapters were represented
Awards: Student Volunteer of the Year: Lindsay Wassell Ten Summer of Wonder Scholarships
Number of Classes: 35
8:30 AM Illinois River and Peoria Lakes: Crisis or Opportunity: Michael Reuter Save Me An Aisle Seat: Joan Berg, Alf Berg 9:00 AM All You "Auto" Know About Your Auto: Doug Van Etten America Since World War II: Arwin Smallwood American Presidents at War: Lincoln and Davis: Randall Saxon Herbs Through the Centuries and the Value of Prairie Plants: Jan Powers, Mike Miller The Story of Sommer Park: Gary Schopp, Robin Lehner Today's Medicine to Stay Fit: Blair Gorsuch Topics in Agriculture: Peter Johnsen, Larry Clay, Josh Joseph, Allison Cristi Women in Medicine: Victoria Loberg
Dick Hinds in a music-filled classroom.
Dorothy Murray and classmates listen intently.
Learning new things without “having to”
10:30 AM American Indian Cultures of Illinois: Judith Franke Big Band Era: Charles Cartwright Giants of the Renaissance: Betty Starasta Illinois Government: Tom Thomas, Carolyn Robertson, Shirley Houghton, Claude Stone, Hope Glasglow International Health-Care Systems/Long-Term Care Insurance: Kevin O'Brien, Lisa Gardner Investing for the Future I: Bert Sanders 12:30 PM Color in Architecture: Harold Linton Failures of Imprisonment: Bernard Zant History of Broadcasting: Wally Gair Images of the Sacred in Asian Traditions: Dan Getz Investing for the Future II: Bert Sanders Mozart Effect II: Why Mozart?: Allen Cannon Post Modern Literature: Phyllis Kells Story Telling: Don Axt 2:00 PM Contemporary Short Fiction: Fin-De-Siecle: Monica Berlin Crime Awareness: Michael Perkins, Tommie Moton DNA Biotechnology and the Andromeda Strain: John DePinto Riverfront Controversies: Tom Tincher, Mike Wisdom, Bill Roeder, Pat Sullivan Bird Watching: Bert Princen Bradley's Cullom-Davis Library: How to Use It: Mary Jo DeJoice
Friday Computer Classes 8:30 AM E-mail Explorations: Jon C. Neidy 10:00 AM Wandering the World Wide Web: Jon C. Neidy 12:00 PM Computer I: Carroll Besing, Lee Ann Huether 1:30 PM E-mail Explorations II: Susan Manley 3:00 PM Opening Windows to New Worlds: Susan Manley
Trips: Friday, March 10, 2000: The Dana Thomas House, Springfield, IL Tuesday, March 21, 2000: U.S. Post Office, Peoria, IL Tuesday, April 18, 2000: One Technology Plaza, Peoria, IL Tuesday, May 16, 2000: Caterpillar Track Type Tractor Division, East Peoria, IL Friday, May 19, 2000: Caterpillar Track Type Tractor Division, East Peoria, IL; Dickson Mounds, Lewistown, IL Tuesday, June 6, 2000: Nauvoo with Kent Huntsman, Nauvoo, IL
Patiently boarding the bus after another great day of ILR.
The members, the courses, the staff
2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1 I L R 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y
Brochure: Jeanne Schroeder
Parking: John Quinn
Hosts: Sally Hojczyk
FALL 2000
Not all learning takes place indoors. Wanda Lane providing friendly assistance.
Stimulates thinking
F A L L 2 0 0 0 Wednesdays, October 11, 18, 25 and November 1, 2000
Registrations: 282
Gift: Wooden ruler with red “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo. It included the phrase “Celebrating Five Years of Lifelong Learning.” Off-white canvas bag with red “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo.
Luncheon Speaker: Dr. David Broski, President, Bradley University
Luncheon Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2000
Innovations: ILR website is launched Tree is planted on campus in celebration of 5th Anniversary
Awards: Bradley University pins were awarded to all ILR members who had attended at least one term in each of the past five years
Number of Classes: 35
8:30 AM International Issues in Election Policies: Jim Foley 9:00 AM A Guide for Health & Fitness: Blair Gorsuch American Electoral System and a Comparative Perspective: William Hall, Mark Gobeyn Bradley University: Nina Collins, Scott Friedhoff, David Broski, Gary Anna Forging a Nation: The Susquehanna Valley Campaign, 1779: Randall Saxon George Gershwin, His Life and His Music: Dick Hinds Income, Gift and Estate Taxes: Bill Sharpe The Nature of Illinois: Mike Miller 10:00 AM Art After World War II: Betty Starasta Ethics in Today's Healthcare: Brooks McDaniel History of Broadcasting: Wally Gair Investing for the Future II: Bert Sanders Our Choices and the Fate of the Illinois River: Michael Reuter The Colonial South: Arwin Smallwood Writing Your Life Story: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez 12:30 PM Design Survey: Harold Linton Managing Resistance to Change in a Changing Environment: Diane Zosky Peoria Stories: Gloria LaHood, Norma Mall, Kenny Carrigan Play Reading for Fun: Wilson Schroeder Post Modern Literature: Phyllis Kells Welfare and Reform in Illinois: Terry Bruner Worldwide Economic Outlook: David Vance, Eng Seng Loh You Can't Take It With You: Greg Mescher, Ruth Collins
1:30 PM American Short Story – Old and New Voices: Peggy Carter DNA Biotechnology and the Andromeda Strain: John DePinto Exploring the Cosmos: Sheldon Schafer 5,000 Years of Music: Allen Cannon One Technology Plaza: Janet Lange Presidential Elections: Jerry Driscoll 2:00 PM Bradley's Cullom-Davis Library: How to Use It: Mary Jo DeJoice
Friday Computer Classes 8:00 AM Wandering the World Wide Web: Jon C. Neidy 9:45 AM E-mail Explorations: Jon C. Neidy 11:30 PM Scaredy Cats: Susan Manley, Jon C. Neidy 1:15 PM E-mail Explorations II: Susan Manley 3:00 PM Scanners – How to Use Them: Susan Manley
Trips: Tuesday, August 23 - Wednesday, August 31, 2000: Ireland Tuesday, September 19, 2000: Governor’s Mansion and Illinois State Library, Springfield, IL Monday, October 2, 2000: The Great Gatsby with Jerry Hadley, Lyric Opera, Chicago, IL Tuesday October 3, 2000: Dynamic Graphics, Peoria, IL Tuesday, October 17, 2000: Peoria Police Department, Peoria, IL Thursday, October 19, 2000: Amish Country, Arthur, IL Tuesday, October 24, 2000: Peoria Police Department, Peoria, IL Thursday, October 26, 2000: Emiquon, with The Nature Conservancy and Dickson Mounds, Fulton County, IL Tuesday, November 14, 2000: Illinois Antique Center, Peoria, IL
W I N T E R I M 2 0 0 1 Tuesday–Friday, January 9–12, 2001
Registrations: 49
Gift: Red big clipper pen with white Institute for Learning in Retirement imprint and magnetic fold out address book with “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo
Breakfast Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2001
Innovations: Winterim weekdays are changed from Monday–Thursday to Tuesday–Friday
Number of Classes: 12
9:30 AM Some Thoughts About Health: Various Instructors A Lifetime of Taking Pictures: Corwin Berry Scaredy Cats: Susan Manley Adventure in Paradise–Sailing: LeAnna Karnopp Grimsley Bible as Literature: Gil Nolde Wandering the World Wide Web: Jon C. Neidy 12:45 PM Fantasy Literature: Dianne Happ, Wanda Phillips, Melissa Robinson Jazz Over Coffee: Ed Schmidt Scanners – How to Use Them: Susan Manley Public Television: Building Social Capital in the Digital Era: John Morris New Cabinet–Profiles and Concepts: Bill Hall, Craig Curtis E-mail Explorations: Jon C. Neidy
S P R I N G 2 0 0 1 Wednesdays, April 11, 18, 25 and May 2, 2001
Registrations: 230
Gift: Pocket knives: stainless steel with Bradley University ILR black imprint and red with Bradley University ILR white imprint
Luncheon Speaker: Lori Winters, Executive Director of Alumni Relations, Bradley University
Luncheon Date: Thursday, March 20, 2001
Innovations: ILR marketing brochure was developed
Awards: Student Volunteer of the Year: Amy Slagel Ten Summer of Wonder Scholarships
Number of Classes: 33
9:00 AM A Peoria Sports History: Ed Murphy Abraham Lincoln in Peoria: Randall Saxon Aging Parent:s The Seminar: Susan Bohm, Ketra Mytech, Edward Slininger, Bryce Unruh Eastern Woodland Indians and Their Culture: Michael Shinkle George Gershwin, His Life and His Music: Dick Hinds Local Arts Potpourri: Dawn Roberts, Tommy Carrigan, Les Kenyon Today's Medicine to Stay Fit: Blair Gorsuch, John Preckshot, Greg White 10:30 AM Roads of the Future: Roger Miller, John Anderson, Maureen Addis, Scott Carpenter Home Gardening Series: Genny Gibbs, Randy Wall, Glenn Herold Investing for the Future III: Bert Sanders Sherlock Holmes: James Ludwig The Art of Vocal and Choral Music: John Davis The Post Revolutionary South 1783-1896: Arwin Smallwood Writing Your Life Story Part II: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez 12:30 PM Beethoven, The Emancipator of Music: Allen Cannon Design Survey: Harold Linton DNA Biotechnology and the Andromeda Strain: John DePinto Images of the Sacred in Asian Religion: Dan Getz Introduction to Islam: Bashir Ali Vincent Van Gogh: Phyllis Kells Tri-County Theater: Jim Evers, Kathy Morgan, Art Netherton, Bunnie Netherton, Craig Miller II 2:00 PM Building a Second Income with Investment Securities: Harold Anderson Chemistry and Society: Ken Kolb, Doris Kolb Diverse Voices in Contemporary American Literature: Various Instructors Music from 1930s–1960s: Charlie Cartwright, Bob McCallum Lay Caregivers: Tools and Techniques for Coping: Vickie Lannie Play Reading for Fun: Wilson Schroeder Watercolor Painting: Dean Howard
Friday Computer Classes 8:00 AM E-mail Explorations: Jon C. Neidy 9:45 AM Wandering the World Wide Web: Jon C. Neidy 11:30 AM Scaredy Cats: Susan Manley, Jon C. Neidy 1:15 PM Scanners – How to Use Them: Susan Manley 3:00 PM Windows II: Susan Manley
Trips: Tuesday, March 13, 2001: Federal Correction Institution, Pekin, IL Tuesday, March 27, 2001: Peoria Civic Center, Peoria, IL Friday, March 30 – Friday, April 13, 2001: Kenya Nature Safari, Africa Tuesday, April 3, 2001: Caterpillar Distribution Center, Morton, IL Thursday, April 5, 2001: Archer Daniels Midland Company, Decatur, IL Thursday, April 19, 2001: “Van Gogh and the Painters of Petit Boulevard,” St Louis, Art Museum, St. Louis, MO Thursday, April 26, 2001: Argonne National Labs, Darien, IL Tuesday, June 5, 2001: Cantigny Park, Wheaton, IL
ILR Members and Continuing Education staff patiently pose for another picture.
All the learning going on and the wonderful people
F A L L 2 0 0 1 Wednesdays, October 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2001
Registrations: 271
Gift: Small burgundy notepad with gold “A Time for Learning” clock tower logo and miniature stapler
Luncheon Speaker: Dr. Joan Sattler, Dean of the College of Education and Health Sciences, Bradley University
Luncheon Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2001
Innovations: Continuing Education Computer Lab is moved to the Global Communications Center ILR box logo is approved ILR art collection begins with a Dean Howard watercolor which is a pastoral setting with trees and a red barn.
Number of Classes: 35
8:30 AM International Trade: The U.S. and Asia: Jim Foley Save Me an Aisle Seat: Joan Berg, Alf Berg 9:00 AM The Ecology of Illinois: Mike Miller Here Comes the Judge: Robert Kauffman Legends, Unsolved Mysteries and Americana: Jerry Driscoll Lincoln and the American Mind: Randall Saxon Roads to the Future: Roger Miller, John Anderson, Maureen Addis, Scott Carpenter They Play in Peoria – Performing Arts: Erich Yetter, Margaret and Bill Swain, Allen Canon, Trish Roemer The Wonderful World of Birds: Bert Princen
Joanne Haupt’s class, Medical Terminology for Dummies, isn’t really for dummies after all.
10:30 AM Bradley's Cullom-Davis Library: How to Use It: Mary Jo DeJoice Fall Planning for Spring Garden Splendor: Dave Robson, Roseann Tomko The Impact of Tax Law Changes: Rodney Ringger, Kevin O'Brien, John Ruble Investing for the Future III: Bert Sanders Medical Detectives: Epidemiology in Our Lives: Marjorie Getz What is Philosophy?: Brooks McDaniel Writing Your Life Story: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez Van Gogh and Gauguin: After Impressionism: Betty Starasta 12:30 PM Absolute vs. Program Music: Allen Cannon DNA Biotechnology and the Andromeda Strain: John DePinto Health and Wellness: Eating and Exercising Right: OSF St. Francis Introduction to Islam: Bashir Ali Leave Your Passport at Home: Diane Tanner Play Reading for Fun: Wilson Schroeder Shakespeare's Heroines: Phyllis Kells Swing/Jazz: Bob McCallum, Charlie Cartwright, Bill Rexford, Todd Kelly You Can't Take It With You: Greg Mescher, Ruth Collins 2:00 PM Farms, Food and You: Alan Guebert George Gershwin: His Life and His Music: Dick Hinds Isaiah: An Uncommon Trilogy: Gil Nolde Lay Caregivers: Tools and Techniques for Coping: Vickie Lannie Museums in Peoria: Byron De Haan, Jim Richerson, Ed Murphy, Kathy Belsley Our Choices and the Fate of the Illinois River: The Nature Conservancy Slave Resistance Movements: Multiple Messages and Meaning: Junius Rodriguez U of I College of Medicine: Donald Rager, Jo Dorach, Richard Weber, James Graumlich Voices of Peoria's Greatest Generation: American Legion Peoria Post #2, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 814
Friday Computer Classes 8:00 AM E-mail Explorations: Jon C. Neidy 10:00 AM Selective Searching: Jon C. Neidy 1:00 PM Windows-Level 3: Susan Manley 3:00 PM From Typewriter to Word Processor: Susan Manley
Trips: Tuesday, September 18, 2001: Emiquon, with The Nature Conservancy and Dickson Mounds, Fulton County, IL Thursday, September 20, 2001: Greater Peoria Sanitary District, Peoria, IL Monday, October 15, 2001: ADM-Archer Daniels Midland Company, Decatur, IL Thursday, October 18, 2001: USPS Encoding Center and CEFCU, Peoria, IL Tuesday, October 23, 2001: “Van Gogh and Gauguin: The Studio of the South” with Betty Starasta, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2 I L R 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y
Brochure: Jeanne Schroeder
Parking: Kenny Carrigan
Luncheon: Peggy Walter
Hosts: Sally Davis
Gift: Sally Luthy
W I N T E R I M 2 0 0 2 Tuesday-Friday, January 8–11, 2002
Registrations: 91
Gift: Classic burgundy pen with gold “Institute for Learning in Retirement” imprint
Luncheon Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2002
Innovations: Winterim brochure format becomes the same as Fall and Spring ILR Terms Winterim Kick-Off Luncheon Offered 16 classes Winterim brochure is mailed to entire database
Number of Classes: 16
9:30 AM What Did Your Ancestors Die Of? – The World's Great Epidemics: Joseph Dean The U.S. Supreme Court: LeAnna Grimsley Short Mystery Stories: Wilson Schroeder Computers for Scaredy Cats: Susan Manley Flowers and Gardens: Tommy Carrigan, Lauren Howell Slave Resistance Movements: Multiple Messages and Meaning: Junius Rodriguez If Our Bodies Came with Owner's Manuals… Balance in Physical Functioning: Molly Sloter E-mail Explorations: Jon C. Neidy 12:45 PM Voices of Peoria's Greatest Generation II: American Legion Peoria Post #2, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 814 Introduction to Islam: Bashir Ali Othello: Conflict Between Good and Evil: Peggy Carter Windows-Level III: Susan Manley Who is Wisdom?: Gil Nolde Aviation: Linda Schumm This Is What It Looked Like and Here Is What Happened: Dorothy Sinclair and Others Wandering the World Wide Web: Jon C. Neidy
Images from the Architecture Tour, Spring 2002.
S P R I N G 2 0 0 2 Wednesdays, April 3, 10, 17 and May 24, 2002
Registrations: 261
Gift: Black desk clock with white “Bradley University Institute for Learning in Retirement” imprint
Luncheon Speaker: The Honorable Judge Michael Mihm
Luncheon Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2002
Innovations: ILR apparel with logo is offered
Awards: Student Volunteer of the Year: Garrick Throckmorton Ten World of Wonder Scholarships
Number of Classes: 34
8:30 AM Elbow Deep in Diamonds: Ronda Daily, John Fitzgerald 9:00 AM America at War, West of the Mississippi, 1861-1865: Randall Saxon Looking at Contemporary Art: Barbara Melcher Masterworks of Choral Music: John Jost Palestine, Past and Present: Jeries Abou-Hanna, Khaula Abou-Hanna Peoria Police: Safety and Statistics: Willie King, Jr, Joe Becker, Steve Eakle, Tom Larson Practical Optics: How Light Works for You: Conley Stutz Today's Medicine to Stay Fit: Blair Gorsuch, Greg White, John Preckshot 10:30 AM All You Ever Wanted to Know About Addiction…But Were Afraid to Ask: Frank Hubbell, Bernie Dempsey, Margaret Toniny Peoria Regional Biocollaborative… Building Together What Cannot Be Built Alone: Donald Rager, Peter Johnsen, J. Richard Lister, Robert Scott DNA Biotechnology and the Andromeda Strain: John DePinto How to Enjoy Live Music: Allen Cannon Long Term Health-Care and Social Security: Lisa Gardner, Kevin O'Brien Generating Income in Retirement: Bert Sanders Grumpy Old Men, Wearing Purple and Grandma Moses: Perspectives on Growing Older: Stella O'Hanlon, Channy Lyons Unusual, Underrated and Underused Plants in the Landscape: David Robson Confucius Said What?: Dan Getz The Darwinian Revolution: Karen Bartelt 12:30 PM Experiences at Ground Zero: Tommy Carrigan, Kevin Brattain, George Kottemann, Fred Schroeder Ireland: Phyllis Kells Science and Religion in Romantic Poetry and Music: Rob Prescott, Seth Katz Testimony of the Rocks: Topics in Geology: Merrill Foster The Many Facets of City Government: Michael McKnight, David Dobson, Pat Landes, Randall Ray
1:30 PM Algebra for Dummies: Mary Jane Sterling Apocalypse and Apocrypha: Gil Nolde Current Happenings in Chemistry and Society: Max Taylor Psychology of Women: Claire Etaugh The Fine Art of Collecting: George Kotteman, William Marshall, Burdell Hall, Kristan McKinsey President Who?: Jerry Driscoll Voices of Peoria's Greatest Generation: American Legion Peoria Post #2, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 814
Friday Computer Classes 8:00 AM PowerPoint Presentations: Jon C. Neidy 10:00 AM Selective Searching: Jon C. Neidy 1:00 PM Windows–Level 3: Susan Manley 3:00 PM Wandering the World Wide Web: Susan Manley
Trips: Thursday, February 28, 2002: Methodist Medical Center, Peoria, IL Thursday, March 7, 2002: Woolsey–Wilton Funeral Home, Peoria, IL Thursday, March 14, 2002: St. Mary and St. Martin de Porres, Peoria, IL Thursday, March 21, 2002: Weaver Farms, Peoria, IL Thursday, April 11, 2002: Chihuly in the Park: A Garden of Glass, Garfield Park Conservatory, Chicago, IL Thursday, April 25, 2002: “The American Presidency” with Jerry Driscoll, Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, IL Wednesday, May 1-Thursday, May 2, 2002: Architectural Tour of Indiana with Alf and Joan Berg, Columbus, IN Thursday, May 23, 2002: Nauvoo, Illinois Temple with Melvin Peel, Nauvoo, IL
F A L L 2 0 0 2 Wednesdays, October 9, 16, Tuesday, October 22 and Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Registrations: 302
Gift: Off-white canvas bag with red “Institute for Learning in Retirement” box logo
Luncheon Speaker: Honorable Mayor David Ransburg
Luncheon Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Innovations: Art displays every ILR day Betty Starasta painting is purchased. The painting is accompanied by the following poem: “Summer’s brilliance fades and the sturdy leaves of hollyhocks become lacey beauties of their age.”
Featured Artists: Wednesday, October 9, 2002: Nancy Tucker McGinn, photographs Wednesday, October 16, 2002: Pete Bennett, watercolors Tuesday, October 22, 2002: Al Harkrader, paintings and photographs Wednesday, October 30, 2002: Betty Starasta, paintings
Awards: There were no awards given.
Number of Classes: 38
8:00 AM Tai Chi for Health: Dave Grebner 8:30 AM Income, Gift and Estate Taxes: Bill Sharpe
9:00 AM All You Ever Wanted to Know About Addiction… But Were Afraid to Ask: Frank Hubbell, Bernie Dempsey, Margaret Toniny American Presidential Electoral System and a Comparative Perspective: William Hall, Mark Gobeyn Artificial Intelligence: The Wave of the Future: Frank Ritter Here Comes the Judge: Robert Kauffman Medical Terminology for Dummies: Bonnie Murphy, Joanne Haupt The City As A Living Organism: Ed Barry Watch Your Mouth: Randall Saxon When Our Thinking Changed: The Impact of Modernism: Seth Katz 10:00 AM Algebra for Dummies II: Mary Jane Sterling Chamber Music: Allen Cannon Continuing Down The Path To Garden Success: Dave Robson Developing A Sell Technique: Bert Sanders Epidemiology In Our Lives: What We Know About Arthritis, Heart Disease and Obesity: Marjorie Getz The History Of Temple Mount: Gil Nolde The Richard Rodgers Story: Dick Hinds Writing Your Life Story: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez Business Conduct and Ethics: Various Instructors Favorites of the Big Band Era: Charlie Cartwright, Bob McCallum Lewis and Clark Expedition: William Bowers, Henry Sinclair, Alice Axt-Pilon, Ken Holder Modern Architecture and Design: Harold Linton Peoria's Sister Cities: Leo Jordan, Rex Linder, Joann Randolph Reading John B. Keane: Phyllis Kells Short Mystery Stories of the 20th Century: Wilson Schroeder Urological Disorders: Sarat Sabharwal 1:30 PM Charles Dickens as Social Critic: Peggy Carter Developing Technologies: Tarsem Jutla, Bob Castle, Frank Huch, Grant Brewen How Animals Enrich and Help Us: Joan Segler, Sgt. Roegge, Judith Druse, Bob Perry Opera for Everyone: Margaret Swain, William Swain Special Collections of Bradley University: Charles Frey Twenty-five Years of Field Biology: From Army Tanks to Cows: Barbara Frase Two Contemporary Topics in Biology: Human Cloning and Bioterrorism: Sam Fan 2:00 PM Everyday Chemistry: Doris Kolb, Ken Kolb
Friday Computer Classes 8:00 AM Selective Searching: Jon C. Neidy 10:00 AM PowerPoint Pluses: Jon C. Neidy 1:00 PM Windows-Level 3: Susan Manley 3:00 PM Wandering the World Wide Web: Susan Manley
Trips: Tuesday, August 27, 2002: “Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi: Father and Daughter Painters in Baroque Italy,” St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MO Thursday, September 5, 2002: O’ Brien Stadium, Peoria, IL Thursday, September 12, 2002: Bradley University Olin and Constance Halls, Peoria, IL Thursday, September 19, 2002: Peoria Fire Academy, Peoria, IL Thursday, September 26, 2002: Caterpillar Technical Services Division, Mossville, IL Thursday, October 3, 2002: O’ Brien Stadium, Peoria, IL Thursday, October 10, 2002: Cahokia Mounds, Collinsville, IL Tuesday, October 29, 2002: Kewanee Architecture and More with Ed Barry, Kewanee, IL Wednesday, January 15, 2003: “Medici, Michelangelo and Late Renaissance Art, ” Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Chances to open a new world for me
W I N T E R I M 2 0 0 3 Tuesday–Friday January 7–10, 2003
Registrations: 91
Gift: Black ice scraper with red handle and white “Institute for Learning in Retirement” box logo
Luncheon Date: Tuesday, January 7, 2003
Awards: There were no awards given.
Number of Classes: 16
9:30 AM If Our Bodies Came with Owner's Manuals… Balance in Physical Functioning: Molly Sloter Peoria Reads!: Roberta Koscielski, Maggie Nelson, Nancy Rakoff The Louisiana Purchase: The Land of the Imagined and Redefined America: Junius Rodriguez Selective Searching: Jon C. Neidy Choral Masterworks II: John Jost Current Topics in International Trade: Jim Foley, Dave Williams Exploration of Art: John Heintzman, Michelle Traver PowerPoint Presentations: Jon C. Neidy 12:45 PM Astronomy and Space Exploration: Scott Hay City Council Candidates Weigh In: Various Instructors You Ate What!?!: Joseph Dean Scaredy Cats: Susan Manley Ireland: Phyllis Kells A World View of Agriculture Practice and Markets: Dale Clary, Scott Johnson, Jeremy Strubher, Kathleen Hainline Fastest Growing Hobby: Bird Watching: Bert Princen Windows Level 3: Susan Manley
2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 I L R 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y
Brochure: Jeanne Schroeder
Parking: David Hullinger
Luncheon: Peggy Walter
Hosts: Dorothy Noirot
Gift: Mary Barthel
S P R I N G 2 0 0 3 Wednesdays, April 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2003
Registrations: 279
Gift: Yellow industrial flashlight with black “Institute for Learning in Retirement” imprint
Luncheon Speaker: Alice Axt-Pilon, granddaughter of Carolyn and Don Axt, Sacagawea presentation
Luncheon Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2003
Innovations: ILR lapel pins with box logo for service to the organization ILR name badges on cords
Featured Artists: Wednesday April 2, 2003: Ed Levene, watercolors and ink drawings Wednesday April 9, 2003: Vurla Martin, oil paintings Wednesday April 16, 2003: Nana Ekow Maison, prints and paintings Wednesday, April 23, 2003: Roseann Tomko, photographs
Awards: Student Volunteer of the Year: Jessica Webb Ten World of Wonder Scholarships
Number of Classes: 35 8:00 AM Tai Chi for Health: Dave Grebner 8:30 AM Connecting with Nature Through Restoration Work: Maury Brucker, Emiko Yang, Mike Miller Save Me an Aisle Seat: Joan Berg, Alf Berg 9:00 AM Assassinated Presidents and their Assassins: Randall Saxon Challenges in Medicine: A Look at Emergency Care: George Hevesy, Richard Pearl, Julius Bonello, Debra Yandell Current Events in Science: Max Taylor Experiencing Shakespeare: Tad Currie Mythology: Mary Shallbetter Roads to the Future: I-74 Changes: Richard Dotson, John Anderson, Maureen Addis, Scott Carpenter 10:30 AM Information Resources for Investment Analysis: Bert Sanders Living Juicy: Stella O'Hanlon, Channy Lyons Long Term Health Care and Social Security: Lisa Gardner Palestine/Israeli Views (All Sides of the Issue): Shah Tarzi, Jamal Nassar, Robert Cruth, Jerrold Asal, John Throop The Art of Vocal and Choral Music: John Davis The Emergence of Women in Art: Betty Starasta The Richard Rodgers Story: Dick Hinds Transition Planning: Charlotte Smith, Edward Slinninger, Alan Lee, Carol Lowe, John Ruble
Wanda Lane, Bob Frost and Ruth Frost discussing the ILR.
12:30 PM History of Broadcasting: Wally Gair Music Form – Sonatas: Allen Cannon Professional City Management: Robert Wright Sherlock Holmes: Jim Ludwig Women of the Bible: Gil Nolde U.S. Grant and His Western Campaign: Bernie Drake Venice, Italy: Phyllis Kells 2:00 PM Great Literature from the Great Book: Mary Cignarelli Hebrew Alphabet for Beginners: Joanne Asal Intelligent Design: New Science or Old Religion?: Karen Bartelt Long Term Health Care Opportunities: Dave Weiman Mozart's "Don Giovanni": A Closer Look: Margaret Swain, William Swain Peoria School District #150 Update: Kay Royster, Sean Matheson, Alicia Butler, Ed Bradle Special Collections of Bradley University: Charles Frey
Friday Computer Classes 8:00 AM Wandering the World Wide Web: Jon C. Neidy 10:00 AM Excel as a Database: Jon C. Neidy 1:00 PM Windows – Advanced Tips and Tricks: Susan Manley 3:00 PM From Typewriter to Word Processor: Susan Manley
Lewis and Clark Country.
2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 I L R 1 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y
Brochure: Jeanne Schroeder
At Forest Park Nature Center.
Down on the farm – we really do go everywhere!Joan and Alf Berg visit with Karen Berthold.
Exercising and stretching my mind
F A L L 2 0 0 3 Wednesdays, October 15, 22, 29 and November 5, 2003
Registrations: 341
Gift: Classic burgundy mechanical pencil with gold “Institute for Learning in Retirement” imprint
Luncheon Speaker: Ron Kruse, President of Client Services, Caterpillar Logistics
Luncheon Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Featured Artists: Wednesday, October 15, 2003: Dean Howard, watercolors Wednesday, October 22, 2003: Judith Shanahan, paintings, collages and three-dimensional pieces Wednesday, October 29, 2003: James Hansen, ceramics Wednesday, November 5, 2003, Christine Slane, paintings
Awards: ILR lapel pins with the box logo awarded to all persons who held a volunteer position
Number of Classes: 41
8:00 AM Tai Chi for Health: Dave Grebner 8:30 AM Paying for Our Schools: Norman Durflinger 9:00 AM Fuel Cells and Automobiles: Dick Kruse Here Comes the Judge: Robert Kauffman, Thomas Perkins Income, Gift and Estate Taxes: Bill Sharpe Medicine Through the Ages: Julius Bonello Walk a Mile in Their Shoes: Barbara Hartnett, Joan Krupa, Sharon Mindock, Nancy Rakoff The Re-Creation of America: Randall Saxon Today's Medicine to Stay Fit: Blair Gorsuch, Greg White, John Preckshot 10:30 AM Aging, Caregiving and Memory Loss: Jackie Bowers Epidemiology in Our Lives: What We Know About Arthritis, Heart Disease and Obesity: Marjorie Getz George Gershwin: His Life and His Music: Dick Hinds Investing Fundamentals and Keeping What You Have: Bert Sanders Jewish Roots of Christianity: Jerrold Asal Mayors, Money and Sex: Dorothy Sinclair Planned Parenthood: The Organization and Advocacy: Joyce Harant, Fran Kepler The Revolution in How We View the Aging Process: Frank Hubbell, Bernie Dempsey U.S.–The Western Campaign: Bernie Drake Writing Your Life Story: Merrill Buesing, Carla Rich Montez
12:30 PM Bradley University's Collection: Pamela Ayres Down on the Farm in the 21st Century: Nancy Proehl, Keith Worner, Keith Wistehuff, Dan Sleaford, Lynn Coers Introduction to Islam: Bashir Ali Lewis and Clark–More About the Journey: Henry Sinclair, Chris Walker, Don Axt, Gary Moore Microbes and Humans: Sam Fan New Democracies in Central and Southeastern Europe: Sharon Murphy, Brad Njemcek Short English Detective Stories: Wilson Schroeder Testimony of the Rocks: Topics in Geology: Merrill Foster The Power of Music: Allen Cannon, Carroll Green 2:00 PM Basic Algebra: Raman Raman Chemistry in the News: Ken Kolb, Doris Kolb Diverse Voices in Contemporary Short Stories: Thomas Palakeel, Seth Katz, Susan Brill de Ramirez, Demetrice Worley, Peggy Carter Enjoying Opera: Margaret Swain, William Swain Hebrew Alphabet for Beginners: Joanne Asal Special Collections of Bradley University: Charles Frey Traveling Along the Old Galena Trail: Patricia Goitien Understanding China: Kristina Mao When Institutions Collide: The Presidential Impeachments: Sean Matheson
Friday Computer Classes 8:00 AM Selective Searching: Jon C. Neidy 10:00 AM PowerPoint Pluses: Jon C. Neidy 1:00 PM Windows Level 3: Susan Manley 3:00 PM Wandering the World Wide Web: Susan Manley
Trips: Thursday, September 4, 2003: Waste Management, Peoria IL Thursday, September 11, 2003: Maui Jim, Peoria, IL Thursday, September 18–Monday, September 22, 2003: Theatre in New York, New York, NY Thursday, September 25, 2003: PMP, Peoria, IL Tuesday, October 7, 2003: St. Louis Art Museum Centennial, St. Louis, MO Wednesday, October 8, 2003: Forest Park Nature Center, Peoria, IL Thursday, October 23, 2003: Touring the Imperial Valley of the Midwest with Nancy Hinrichs Proehl, Manito and Forest City, IL Thursday, November 6, 2003: The Galena Trail and Coach Road with Pat Goitein, Elizabeth, IL Sunday, December 7–Wednesday, December 10, 2003: Learning Behind the Scenes in Branson, Branson, MO
Horticulture Robert F. Frost
A plant that seems to ever grow And may sometimes really seem to glow
But might be named a dandy line Is just another weed to mow.
W I N T E R I M 2 0 0 4 Tuesday-Friday, January 6-9, 2004
Registrations: 108
Gift: Silver penlight with black “Institute for Learning in Retirement” imprint
Luncheon Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2004
Innovations: A January Trip
Number of Classes: 16
9:00 AM Publishing with Print Shop: Susan Manley Excel at Excel (Spreadsheets Made Easy): Susan Manley 9:30 AM Glass: Its Many Facets: Doris Kolb, Ken Kolb, Kristan McKinsey Are You a Modernist Thinker?: Seth Katz The Role of Illinois in the Abolition of Slavery: Junius Rodriguez And Dignity for All: James Despain, Jane Converse DNA Biotechnology and the Andromeda Strain: John DePinto Mythology: Mary Shallbetter 12:45 PM If Our Bodies Came with Owner's Manuals: Balance in Physical Functioning: Molly Sloter Peoria Reads 2004: Roberta Koscielski, Nancy Rakoff, Peggy Carter The Challenge of Healthy Living: Kay Coate, Kathy Riley, Mary Peifer Professional Theatre in Peoria: Will it Play?: Andrew Driscoll Choral Masterworks III: John Jost Controversial Issues of Genesis: Gil Nolde Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1349-1400): Phyllis Kells The Art of Medieval Manuscripts: Sarah Glover
Trips: Wednesday, January 21, 2003: Pollack and Picasso Play in Peoria, Peoria Art Guild, Peoria, IL
Inside Fermilab’s particle accelerator simulation…look out for the particles! Photo by Al Harkrader
S P R I N G 2 0 0 4 Wednesdays, April 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2004
Registrations: 297
Gift: Classic burgundy pen with gold “Institute for Learning in Retirement” imprint
Luncheon Speaker: Dr. Stan Liberty, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Bradley University
Luncheon Date: Friday, March 19, 2004
Innovations: ILR registration fee increases from $75 to $80 Class schedules provided inside name badges
Featured Artists: Wednesday, April 7, 2004: Phyllis Pryde, watercolors Wednesday, April 14, 2004: Mary Mathias, portraits Wednesday, April 21, 2004: Stephen Shively, graphic art Wednesday, April 28, 2004: Machiko Yamamoto, art quilts
Awards: Student Volunteer of the Year: Sara Ray Ten World of Wonder Scholarships
Number of Classes: 33
8:00 AM Tai Chi for Health: Dave Grebner 9:00 AM Basic Algebra: Raman Raman Illinois and the American Revolution: Randall Saxon Peoria Next: Jim McConoughey, Richard Lister Richard Rodgers, The Story: Dick Hinds Storytelling with Flair: Carol Johnson A Better Future: Natural Sustainable Cycles for Clean Air and Energy: John Clarke 10:30 AM Advanced Stock Analysis: Bert Sanders The Army of the Potomac: A Study in Leadership: Bernie Drake Beauty In Your Garden: Dave Robson Current Events in Science: Max Taylor The Power of Music II: Allen Cannon, Carroll Green Special Collections of Bradley University: Charles Frey Statistics for Every Day: Wendy Schweigert, Carol Sears, K.S. Krishnamoorthi This Mysterious Disease Called Cancer: Joseph Dean 12:30 PM Genetic Modification: Sam Fan The Ins and Outs of Public Sculpture: Kristan McKinsey, Fisher Stolz, Preston Jackson, Bob Emser Irish Country People: Phyllis Kells Magic of Theatre: Jeffrey Huberman, George Brown The Mystic's Gaze: Encountering the Holy in Asian Religions: Dan Getz No Passport Required: Diane Tanner
2:00 PM Art in the Age of Rembrandt: Stephen H. Knight Diversity and Growing Older: DuWayne Brooks, Trinity Maston Election 2004: Sean Matheson Fascinating Field Biology: Barbara Frase Gilbert and Sullivan's OTHER Operas: Dave Weiman Illinois Poet Laureates: Peggy Carter Opera, American Style: Margaret Swain, William Swain Springdale: Inspiration, Neglect and Rebirth: Richard Eagleton, Peter Couri, Jim Baldwin, Brenda Huston, Fred Dudis
Friday Computer Classes 8:00 AM Googleriffic (Everything Google): Jon C. Neidy 10:00 AM Googleriffic (Everything Google): Jon C. Neidy 1:00 PM Xploring XP: Susan Manley 3:00 PM Print Shop: Susan Manley
Trips: Tuesday, February 10, 2004: Dirksen Congressional Center, Pekin, IL Tuesday, February 24, 2004: Peoria County Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, Peoria, IL Wednesday, February 25, 2004: Rembrandt’s Journey: Painter, Draftsman, Etcher, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL Tuesday, March 16, 2004: Dental Arts Laboratory, Peoria, IL Monday, March 22, 2004: Trading and Exchanges in Chicago, Chicago, IL Wednesday, March 24, 2004: Fermilab, Batavia, IL Wednesday, March 31, 2004: Federal Corrections Institution, Pekin, IL Thursday, April 15, 2004: Caterpillar Mapleton Foundry, Mapleton, IL Monday, April 26, 2004: National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium, Dubuque, IA Thursday, April 29, 2004: Greater Peoria Sanitary District, Peoria, IL Tuesday, June 1 – Wednesday June 2, 2004: Two Milwaukee Museums and Ten Chimneys, Milwaukee, WI
After our particle party. Photo by Al Harkrader
The Bradley University Institute for Learning in Retirement
draws its members and instructors from throughout Illinois.
This map and list depict the cities, towns and villages in which
our members and instructors reside.
Avon n B a r t o nv i l l e n B a t h n B r im f i e l d n Can t o n
Ch amp a i g n n Ch i l l i c o t h e n Cub a n De l av a n n Dun l a p
E a s t Peo r i a n Ed e l s t e i n n Edwa rd s n E lmwood n Eu re k a
F a rm i n g t o n n Ga l e s b u r g n Good f i e l d n Green Va l l e y
G rove l a n d n Hann a C i t y n Kewan e e n K i c k apoo n L a con
L a u r a n L ew i s t own n Mack i n aw n Macomb n Man i t o n
Map l e t o n n Me t amo r a n Mor t o n n Norma l n Nor t h Pe k i n
Pe k i n n Peo r i a n Peo r i a He i g h t s n P r i n c e v i l l e n Roanoke
S a n J o s e n S p r i n g f i e l d n Tou l o n n Tremon t n Tr i vo l i
Wa s h i n g t o n n Wi l l i am s f i e l d n Wes t Peo r i a
Data compiled by Jon C. Neidy, Bradley University Continuing Education, August 2004.
45 Data compiled by Jon C. Neidy, Bradley University Continuing Education, May 2004.
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
number of courses registration cost
increased mai l ing l i s t
The Institute for Learning in Retirement is a successful organization due to the
willingness of its members to volunteer for tasks ranging from labeling brochures to
serving as president. Each year more than one third of the membership volunteers
in some capacity and is recognized during our spring session. The following is a list
of the positions and tasks that members fulfill each year.
Institute for Learning in Retirement 10th Anniversary Celebration Committee
Alf Berg Mary Buesing Jean Dace Ruth Frost Jackie Krag John Mason
Teresa McCabe Carol Morrisey John Quinn
Jeanne Schroeder Wilson Schroeder
From a new member…
thirty-three years was both exciting and scary. I knew
that I needed to find something to challenge my mind.
I found the answer when I received the brochure for
the session of the Institute for Learning in Retirement.
I had been vaguely aware of the program, but I had
no idea how extensive it was. I am still amazed at the
wide variety of offerings taught by excellent people.
Everything about the institute is so well organized
and very well planned. The student center welcomes
us as we take over the building and provides us with
a wonderful facility. As a Bradley alum, I feel as if I’m
home after a rather long absence. In addition to the
many opportunities for learning, there are numerous
times throughout the day for socializing. What a
wonderful way to spend a day with a group of
happy people!
Today is the last Wednesday of my first ILR. I am
already looking forward to the next session. I want to
thank everyone who did anything to put this session
together. Your efforts we