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【】 我我我我 我我我我我 46 我我 我我 我我我我我我 ,,,; 我我我 ,。 我我 我我我我 ,,, 我 我我我我 ,,。 我我 我我我我我我 ,,,; 我我我 ,。 我我 我我我我我我 ,,,; 我我我 ,。 我我我我我 我 我我我我我我 ??,; 我我我我 ??,。 我 我我我我我我 ,,,! 我我我我 ,,,! 我我我 我我我我我 79 我我 我 我我我我我我 ,。一。 我 我我我我 ,。。 我我我我 、一。、一。 我我我我 ,。,。

列治文平安福音堂 二零零一年夏令會 詩歌草擬 · Web viewShe is His new creation By water and the Word. From heaven He came and sought her To be His holy bride; With

Mar 15, 2021



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Page 1: 列治文平安福音堂 二零零一年夏令會 詩歌草擬 · Web viewShe is His new creation By water and the Word. From heaven He came and sought her To be His holy bride; With

【敬拜讚美】1 我歌頌你 ﹝敬拜頌歌 46首﹞1 我歌頌你,尊貴的主,藉你恩典,把我救贖;你救贖我代價極重,我與天使向你歌頌。

* 我歌頌你,尊貴的救主,用我口舌向你謳歌,我歌頌你,永遠歌頌你,因你喜樂已充滿我。

2 我歌頌你,縱淚滿襟,憂傷來臨,仍覺歡心;因我回想救主恩典,使我歌唱快樂無邊。

3 我歌頌你,直到離世,不論在家,海洋陸地;或經死亡進入永生,永永遠遠我歌頌你。

2 主愛有多少主愛有多少?主恩有多深?祂甘願捨命,為救人靈魂;主愛有多少?主恩有多深?每當我思想,我心感恩。天地有多麼高,兩極有多麼遠,救主的慈愛,也有多大!永恆有多麼長,無限有多麼廣,救主的恩典,也有多深!

3 敬拜主 ﹝敬拜頌歌 79首﹞敬拜主,敬拜全能的主。榮耀能力一切讚美都歸給祂。敬拜主,敬拜權柄的主。從祂寶座榮耀流出流到萬民。來高舉、一同高舉主耶穌聖名。來彰顯、一同彰顯耶穌榮耀王。敬拜主,敬拜尊貴的主。祂曾捨命今得榮耀,萬王之王。

Page 2: 列治文平安福音堂 二零零一年夏令會 詩歌草擬 · Web viewShe is His new creation By water and the Word. From heaven He came and sought her To be His holy bride; With

4 你真偉大 ﹝平安詩集 14首﹞1 主阿我神!我每逢舉目觀看,你手所造,一切奇妙大工;看見星宿,又聽到隆隆雷聲,你的大工,遍滿了宇宙中。

* 我靈歌唱,讚美救主我神,“你真偉大!何等偉大!”我靈歌唱,讚美救主我神,“你真偉大!何等偉大!”

2 當我想到,神竟願差祂兒子,降世捨命,我幾乎不領會;主在十架,甘願背我的重擔,流血捨身,為要赦免我罪。

3 當主再來,歡呼聲響澈天空,何等喜樂,主接我回天家;我要跪下,謙恭的崇拜敬奉,並要頌揚:“神阿,你真偉大。”

5 萬軍之耶和華 ﹝詩八十四;1-2,耶十七:14,詩二十五:16,20-21﹞

╭╮                ‧ ‧ ‧12|3‧3 3 3|5-- 67|1‧1 176|5-0萬  軍 之 耶 和 華,  我的 心 腸,我的肉 體。    ‧‧ ‧ ‧      ╭─╮ ╭─────╮567|11 1 176|5- 3 5|2--- |2--向永生 上帝,我 慈愛的 主  呼   籲。╭╮                ‧ ‧ ‧12|3‧3 3 3|5-- 67|1‧1 176|5-0萬  軍 之 耶 和 華,  求你 醫 治,我便痊 癒,    ‧  ‧         ╭╮  ╭────╮567|1- 176|5‧ 55 432|1---|1-0∥因為你 是  我的救 主, 我所 讚 美 的。   ‧   ‧              ╭╮╭╮67|17671‧76|5563‧3|2‧34563|5--求你 保護搭救我,使我 不至羞愧,因 為 我投 靠  你。   ‧   ‧              ╭╮╭╮67|17671‧76|5563‧3|2‧3456i|7- 0 :∥

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求你 憐恤轉向我,願正 直保守我,因 為 我等 候  你。

【靈修默想】6 如鹿渴慕 ﹝詩四十二;1﹞


7 憑你意行 ﹝敬拜頌歌 237首﹞1 憑你意行,主!憑你意行!因主是陶匠;我是泥土。陶我與造我,照主旨意,我在此等待,虔恭候主。

2 憑你意行,主!憑你意行!鑒察試驗我,就在今天!求主洗清我,皎白如雪,我謙卑跪下,在主腳前。

3 憑你意行,主!憑你意行!悲傷與疲倦,求主拯救;權柄眾權柄,全屬我主,撫摩並醫治,我的心靈。

4 憑你意行,主!憑你意行!管理我動作,全聽指揮;聖靈充滿我顯然可見,惟獨有耶穌,居我心內。

8 牽我 ﹝調用平安詩集 332首「請對我說」﹞1 聽風聽浪心冥冥,看星看船觸境;主犧牲唯一至愛,情盡碎心滿傾。  盼生盼盡千百應,獻生獻情獻命;願聽主您心細語,我心絲絲共鳴。* 求您在親身牽我,否則我怎麼過;獨個我必定出錯,如獲您可唱歌。  若您在親身牽我,獨處再不好過;外邊怎麼的坎坷,內裡快樂唱和。

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2 也許美事多碰到,也許困難寸步,或許迫害不休息,無論惡譽沿路。  您所指導的節奏,噢主我來接受;您所編寫的歌聲,常在唱不足夠。

9 自伯大尼 ﹝調用平安詩集 468首「超越時間之嶺」﹞1 自伯大尼您與我們分手.後,我心有個真空無可補滿;  我坐河濱,將琴掛在柳枝.頭,您不在此,我怎有心鼓彈?  當我深夜孤獨安靜的時.候,(此時我無忍受,我也無享受,)  不禁歎息,我想著您是多.遠,我想著您應許已久.的歸旋。2 您的馬槽使我生無家之.想,您的苦架使我無所欲喜;  您的再來使我懷未見之.鄉,您的自己成我追求目的。  您不在此,喜樂已減它滋.味,詩歌也缺它所應有的甜美;  您不在此,終日我若有所.失,主阿,我要您來,我不.要您遲。3 雖我在此也能享受您同.在,但我深處依然有個缺憾;  雖然有您光照,也有您撫.愛,有個甚麼我不知仍不滿!  平安裡面,我卻仍感覺孤.單,喜樂時候,我仍不免有吁歎;  最是足意中間,也有不足.意,就是我還不能當面.看見您。4 亡人怎不想見生長的鄉.邑?俘虜怎不想見故國故人?  情人分離,怎不一心羈兩.地?兒女遠遊,怎不思家思親?  主阿,我想看見您面的心.意,還非這些人間情形可比擬;  現今在此,我無法見您丰.采,是否只好歎息等到.您回來!5 主,您能否忘記您曾經應.許,您要回來,接我與您同在?  但一天天又一年年的過.去,我仍等候,您卻仍未回來!  求您記念,我已等得好疲.倦,而您蹤跡好像當初一樣遠!  多久?多久?還有多久的時.候,您才應驗應許來把.我提走?6 日出日落,一世過去又一.世,您的聖徒生活、等後、安睡;  一位一位,他們已逐漸離.開,一次一次,我們望您快回。  我主,為何您仍沒有顯動.靜,天仍閉住,我們觀看仍對鏡,  我們在此依然等候再等.候,哎呀,是否我們等候.還不夠?7 當我回想,我已等候多長.久,不禁歎息,低頭獨自流淚;

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  求您別再遲延不聽我要.求,現今就來接我與您相會,  來吧,我主,這是教會的求.呼!來吧,我主,請聽聖徒的催促!  來吧,歷世歷代累積的共.鳴,我主,能否求您今天.一起聽!

【培靈相交】10 靠我靈成事 ﹝亞四;6﹞

1 是否有山阻擋你路?甚多疑惑恐懼?  放心,請聽聖靈所言,這山必要挪去。* 非勢力,非才能,主說乃靠我的靈成事;  非勢力,非才能,主說靠我靈成事;  這大山必要挪移;這大山必要挪移。  這大山必要挪移,主說靠我靈成事。2 是否有河阻隔你路?這河又深又廣?  踏上,河水必要滾開,你必安達彼岸。3 是否有火試煉臨到,過於你能忍受?  看哪,萬福真神兒子,祂必與你同走。4 單獨信靠全能的神,主言風也聽從;  務要壯膽,不可灰心,主必為你開路。

11 我用主的愛真誠愛你             ╭────╮12|3333|4-32|5---|5-我用 主的愛真 誠 來愛 你,             ╭────╮34|5555|5-43|2---|2-我用 主的愛真 誠 來愛 你,23|4-43|2--5|3-32|1-

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因我 見 你裡 面  有 王 的榮 美,             ╭────╮23|4443|2-17|1---|1-∥           ‧我用 主的愛真 誠 來愛 你。12 一群大能子民我要建立一群大能子民,一群充滿讚美的子民, 他們要靠我靈來往此地,並要榮耀我寶貴的名。 主啊!興起!建立教會,使我們靠你堅固, 成為合一,你的肢體,在你愛子的國度。

13 以愛為旗 ﹝調用敬拜頌歌 237首「憑你意行」﹞1 以愛為旗,主,在我以上,引領我一生,常打勝仗,  耐心恩待人,使我寬廣,到處皆流露,基督馨香。2 以愛為旗,主,在我以上,不誇亦不妒,更不張狂,  不作害羞事,為主發光,不計算人惡,何等釋放。3 以愛為旗,主,在我以上,包容人過錯,蒙福必多,  不喜歡不義,只愛真理,效法主基督,愛人到底。4 以愛為旗,主,在我以上,不輕易發怒,儘量饒恕,  凡事肯捨己,不求益處,這不死的愛,永不停住。5 以愛為旗,主,在我以上,凡事有信心,一無罣礙,  凡事有盼望,把主披戴,這奇妙的愛,永不失敗。

14 教會唯一的根基 ﹝平安詩集 427首﹞1 教會唯一的根基,乃主耶穌基督,蒙主重造恩新奇,栽培澆灌祝福。主從天上來尋她,為主聖潔新婦,捨身流血的代價,堅立永遠基礎。

2 雖從萬邦選出來,信徒都成一體,教會合一的根據,一主一信一洗;同尊唯一的聖名,同餐唯一天糧,同懷唯一的希望,同蒙恩愛久長。

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3 雖她歷盡了艱辛,受人譏笑毀謗,內爭分裂了她身,異端叛逆中傷,聖徒焦慮對問說:黑夜到底多長?哭泣即將便歌聲,轉瞬便見晨光。

4 她雖在地卻聯合真神三位一體,已享安息的眾聖,奧秘永恆團契,直至欲穿的望眼,看見光榮家鄉,到時凱旋的教會,得享安樂無疆。

15 若非耶和華建造房屋 ﹝詩一二七;1﹞

1 若非耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就枉然勞力;若非耶和華看守城池,看守的人就枉然儆醒。我行若非神所悅,一切將拆毀,我做若無神祝福,一切都將枉然。

2 若非耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就枉然勞力;若非耶和華看守城池,看守的人就枉然儆醒。我所需要持守的,只是一顆心,一顆完全相信的;堅定倚靠的心。

16 尋求神的臉 ﹝代下七:14﹞

      ╭─╮3--56|5‧22-|3321  12|3‧53‧若  我的 子  民, 謙卑禱告, 尋覓 著 我臉,     ‧ ‧1|6--1|1‧53‧ 3|4‧321|2 - -承 認  他 的 過犯, 立 志 遠離邪 行,        ╭─╮4|3─-56|5‧22‧5|3‧6 1236|5--0             ‧   ‧我 便  打開 天  門,從 天 上 垂聽著禱 告, ‧ ‧    ‧ ‧1|1‧66‧1|1‧55‧ 5|4‧3232|1--0赦 免 罪孽,傾 出 恩典, 醫 好 這地的傷 處。              ‧ ‧2|3‧11235|5--01|1‧66453|2--0讓 我 們尋求父的 臉,  我 眾 罪孽盼主潔 淨,            ‧‧

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          (521)  ‧ ‧   ‧2|3‧1 1236|5--  01|165 16願 聖 靈 從頭復興 我,    化 軟弱成 壯健,

(每一個)‧ ‧‧‧             ╭────╮1|11153‧ 3|443232|1---|1---∥憂 傷得醫 治, 願 這裡彰顯主的 國。

17 堅定相信  1|3353|21- 3|2112|3--1 有 時黑影來 遮掩, 煙 霧隱蔽前 路;2 有 時道路甚 荒涼, 似 覺孤單獨 行;3 若 你愁苦壓 心頭, 背 負重擔難 受,    ‧‧‧  5|1116|53- 1|3223|2--  有 時黑雲增 無已, 白 晝竟亦似 暮。  已 忘記慈悲 天父, 看 顧屬祂的 人。  路 途雖崎嶇 難走, 記 住神必護 佑。  1|3353|21- 3|2112|3--  當 記得我們 天父, 祂 慈愛的看 顧,  多 少憂傷冤 枉受, 都 因信心失 掉,  祂 恩典必夠 你用, 足 可忍受煩 惱,    ‧‧‧  5|1116|53 12|3-2-|1---|  祂 仍愛祂的 兒女,且垂 聽 禱  告。  神 仍愛祂的 兒女,且垂 聽 禱  告。  神 永遠愛祂 兒女,且垂 聽 禱  告。  ‧‧ ‧  11-1|65--|1122|3---|  堅定 的 相信,  神垂聽禱 告;  ‧‧ ‧

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  11-1|65--|32-3|2-  堅定 的 相信,  不要 失 望;  5-|3332|21-3|5553|5--  你  擔子雖然 極重,愁 苦又壓心 頭,    ‧‧‧  5|1116|53 12|3-2-|1---∥  要 記住神仍 愛你,祂垂 聽 禱  告。

18 一切不徒然︵︵︵‧‧‧     ╭─╮‧    ╭─╮i7b6|6‧44|4176|53|3當我 見 主 耶穌, 一切不 徒然,

╭─╮     ╭──╮3#23|5‧42|252#2|3-|3當 我見 主 基督, 已勝 試 煉;‧‧‧ ‧  ╭─╮‧       ╭─╮121|1‧66|6176|6‧b65|5一見主 慈 愛面, 所有憂 愁  不見;︵ ︵        ╭─╮  ‧ ‧5#45|6‧57|7567|i∥故 要勇 敢 奔跑, 到見主 面。

【獻心立志】19 十架道路1 十字架的道路要犧牲,要將一切獻於神;  將一切放在死的祭壇上面,火纔在這裏顯現。* 這是十架道路!你願否走這個?你曾否背十架為你主?  你這奉獻一切給神的人!對神你是否全貞?

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2 當我們唱詩禱告時侯,何等願說「獻所有!」  但前面有更沉重的十字架!有更艱難的生涯!3 你要變節或忠心到死,讓一切完全損失,  直等到永活主的豐盛生命,天天充滿在你靈?4 神的救法是由死得生,你與主合為一人,  在十架你因信已與祂同釘,從你身活出祂命。5 我們的得失並不要緊,神的旨意當留心;  我們若將萬事都看如糞土,主纔不會受攔阻。20 我要用你 ﹝平安詩集 491首﹞1 你雖然像一匹小小驢駒,拴在門外從來沒人注意,看哪今日榮耀之王耶穌用溫柔的微聲對你說我要用你。

* 我要用你,我要用你,我實在歡喜用你,你若肯潔淨自己,在我十架前降低,完全讓我管理你,我就要用你。

2 我雖然能差遣千萬天使,往普天下去傳救人真理,我因愛你故特意選召你請再聽我懇切的聲音我要用你。

3 你肯否像聖先知以賽亞,存著歡喜又順服的心意,低頭屈膝俯伏在我面前恐懼戰兢說請差遣我我在這裡。

4 在那榮耀新天新地中間,同我作王享福樂永無限,你就明白服事我是恩典因為沒有十架就沒有榮耀冠冕。

21 心願主啊!我願奉獻我自己,主啊!我願永遠跟隨你。無論我在哪裡,無論我何境遇,我願一生順服你旨意。願為主捨性命,願為主作精兵;願為主殉愛情;願為主去飄零;主啊!我願奉獻我自己,主啊!我願永遠跟隨你。無論我在哪裡,無論我何境遇,我願一生順服你旨意。

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22 藉我賜恩福 ﹝平安詩集 480首﹞1 在塵世生命崎嶇道路中,多少人困倦悲傷,

黑暗滿佈,快把真光照亮,使憂傷者變歡暢。* 藉我賜恩福,藉我賜恩福,藉我生命,榮耀主名;藉我賜恩福,救主,聽我求,藉我賜恩福,使他人得救。

2 述說耶穌基督慈愛故事,述說祂赦罪大能,別人信主要藉你去見證,生活時刻像明燈。

D 4/4        會 歌5555|5.43.45-|4321|2---|教會合一,榮 耀歸 主名, 基督是根 基,

3333|3.21.23-|4321|5---|謙卑順服,配 搭齊 努力, 彰顯主生 命,

6666|6.54.56-|7654|3---|神家共建,恩 典與 真理, 基督是根 基,

44.445|6-3-|22 3#4|5---|相親 相愛主 喜 悅, 連於 主 生 命,

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5555|5.43.45-|4321|2---|同蒙應許,成 聖作 後嗣, 皆因信稱 義,

   ‧.╭╮ (765.7|i---)44.466|11550|432.2|1---∥在基 督裡合 而為一,  聖徒同 歡 欣。

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1 我歌頌你 I SING OF THEE  ﹝W46﹞

1 I sing of Thee, O blessed Christ, Since Thou hast saved me by Thy grace;Redeemed by Thee at dreadful price, With angels I would sing Thy praise.

* I sing of Thee, O blessed Saviour, Thy praise shall now my tongue employ;I'll sing of Thee, O Lord, forever, For Thou hast filled my soul with joy.

2 I'll sing of Thee, and smile thro' tears, When sorrow comes to make me sad;For I remember thro' the years, Thy grace, and sing because I'm glad.

3 Of Thee I'll sing while life shall last, At home, abroad, on land or sea;And when thro' death to life I've passed, Forevermore I'll sing of Thee.

2 主愛有多少主愛有多少?主恩有多深?祂甘願捨命,為救人靈魂;主愛有多少?主恩有多深?每當我思想,我心感恩。天地有多麼高,兩極有多麼遠,救主的慈愛,也有多大!永恆有多麼長,無限有多麼廣,救主的恩典,也有多深!

3 敬拜主 MAJESTY  ﹝W79﹞

Majesty, worship His Majesty,Unto Jesus be all glory, honor and praise!Majesty, Kingdom, Authorityflow from His Throne unto His own. His Anthem raise!So exalt, lift up on high the Name of Jesus!Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King!Majesty, worship His Majesty,Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all kings.

4 你真偉大 HOW GREAT THOU ART  ﹝P14﹞

1 O Lord my God! when I in awesome wonder,Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder. Thy power throughout the universe displayed:

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* Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee:How great Thou art. how great Thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee: How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

2 And when I think that God, His son not sparing, Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in; That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin:

3 When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration, And there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art!

5 萬軍之耶和華 ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH ﹝Ps 84:1-2,Jer 17:14,Ps 25:16, 20-21﹞

╭╮                ‧ ‧ ‧12|3‧3 3 3|5-- 67|1‧1 176|5-0萬  軍 之 耶 和 華,  我的 心 腸,我的肉 體。    ‧‧ ‧ ‧      ╭─╮ ╭─────╮567|11 1 176|5- 3 5|2--- |2--向永生 上帝,我 慈愛的 主  呼   籲。╭╮                ‧ ‧ ‧12|3‧3 3 3|5-- 67|1‧1 176|5-0萬  軍 之 耶 和 華,  求你 醫 治,我便痊 癒,    ‧  ‧         ╭╮  ╭────╮567|1- 176|5‧ 55 432|1---|1-0∥因為你 是  我的救 主, 我所 讚 美 的。   ‧   ‧              ╭╮╭╮67|17671‧76|5563‧3|2‧34563|5--求你 保護搭救我,使我 不至羞愧,因 為 我投 靠  你。   ‧   ‧              ╭╮╭╮67|17671‧76|5563‧3|2‧3456i|7- 0 :∥求你 憐恤轉向我,願正 直保守我,因 為 我等 候  你。Devotion & Meditation...Devotion & Meditation...

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6 如鹿渴慕 AS THE DEER  ﹝Ps 42:1﹞

As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee.You alone are my heart's desire And I long to worship Thee. You alone are my strength, my shield. To you alone may my spirit yield.You alone are my heart's desire And I long to worship Thee.


1. Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Thou art the Potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me after Thy will, While I am waiting, yielded and still.

2. Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Search me and try me, Master, today!

Whiter than snow, Lord, wash me just now, As in Thy presence humbly I bow.

3. Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Wounded and weary, help me, I pray!

Power, all power, surely is Thine! Touch me and heal me, Savior divine.

4. Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Hold o’er my being absolute sway!Fill with Thy Spirit ’till all shall see Christ only, always, living in me.

8 牽我 ﹝Melody from P332 “Speak to My Soul”﹞

1 聽風聽浪心冥冥,看星看船觸境;主犧牲唯一至愛,情盡碎心滿傾。  盼生盼盡千百應,獻生獻情獻命;願聽主您心細語,我心絲絲共鳴。* 求您在親身牽我,否則我怎麼過;獨個我必定出錯,如獲您可唱歌。  若您在親身牽我,獨處再不好過;外邊怎麼的坎坷,內裡快樂唱和。2 也許美事多碰到,也許困難寸步,或許迫害不休息,無論惡譽沿路。  您所指導的節奏,噢主我來接受;您所編寫的歌聲,常在唱不足夠。

9 自伯大尼 SINCE BETHANY ﹝Melody from P468 “Above the Hills of Time”﹞

1. Since long ago at Bethany we parted, Within my heart there is a ceaseless void;

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How can I take my harp down from the willow? How can my songs without Thee be enjoyed?And when at night I'm keeping lonely vigil, Grown numb alike to sorrow and to cheer, Then I recall the promise of Thy coming, But sigh, O Lord, why, why Thou dost not yet appear?

2. Thy manger wakes the thought: I too am homeless; Thy cross strips earthly pleasures from my soul; Thy coming bids me seek a better country, For Thou Thyself art now my final goal. Since Thou art gone, my joy has lost its flavor; My song the sweetness I would fain convey. Since Thou art gone, the sense of void o'erwhelms me. Oh, how I long that Thou wilt come and not delay.

3. Though even now I know Thy loving presence, Yet in my heart there's still a sense of lack. Enlightening and tenderest sustaining Can no more satisfy: I want Thee back. Despite Thy peace within, I still feel lonely; Despite Thy joy there still remains a sigh; When I feel most content, the silent yearning To see Thee face to face becomes an uttered cry.

4. What exile cannot but desire his homeland And long his people once again to greet? What soul on alien soil forgets his kindred? What parted lovers never yearn to meet? O Lord, how can these earthly loves and pleasures With all the joy of Thy return compare? Then, if I cannot here behold Thy countenance, What can I do but sigh till Thou, my Lord, appear?

5. Could'st Thou, O Lord, forget Thy word of promise Soon to return and take me unto Thee? Yet day by day and year by year I've waited And still I wait, and no return I see. Remember, Lord, the years I have been waiting While Thy dear footsteps linger far away. How long? How long? Oh! must I wait still longer Till Thou shalt come again in glorious array?

6. From generation unto generation Thy saints have come and gone, but have not seen Thy glorious promise pass into fulfillment. How long, how very long the time has been! Why cannot we, dear Lord, discern Thy footsteps? Why are the heavens still so closely sealed? Oh, must our waiting be prolonged still further Before Thou in Thy matchless splendor art revealed?

7. Lord, I recall the many years I've waited For Thy return yet, Lord, not I alone, But Thy dear saints through many generations Beseeching Thee to come back for Thine own. To countless tears and countless fervent pleadings, By Thine appearing haste to make reply. Oh, may Thou come, the echo of the ages, Come, come and answer now this mighty corp'rate cry.

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10 靠我靈成事 BY MY SPIRIT  ﹝Zec 4:6﹞

1 Is there a mountain in your way? Do doubts and fears abound?Press on, oh, hear the spirit say, This mountain shall come down.

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* Not by might; not by pow'r; By my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts;Not by might; not by pow'r; By my Spirit saith the Lord;This mountain shall be removed; This mountain shall be removed.This mountain shall be removed, By my Spirit saith the Lord.

2 Is there a river in your path, A river deep and wide?Step in, the waters will roll back, You'll reach the other side.

3 Is there a fiery furnace trial Far more than you can bear?Behold the blessed Son of God, is walking with you there.

4 Then trust alone the mighty God, He speaks the winds obey.Take courage, then, oh fainting heart For you He'll make a way.

11 我用主的愛真誠愛你 I LOVE YOU WITH THE LOVE OF THE LORD              ╭────╮12|3-3 3|4-32|5---|5- I love you with the love of the Lord.             ╭────╮34|5-5 5|5-43|2---|2- I love you with the love of the Lord.     ╭╮23|4-43|2--5|33 32|1-For I see in you, the glory of the King.             ╭────╮23|4-43|2-17|1---|1-∥           ‧I love you with the love of the Lord.

12 一群大能子民 FOR I'M BUILDING A PEOPLE OF POWER For I'm building a people of power, For I'm making a people of praise,That will move through this land by My Spirit, And will glorify My precious Name.Build Your church, Lord, make us strong, Lord, Join our hearts, Lord, through Your Son;Make us one, Lord, in Your body, In the Kingdom of Your Son.

13 以愛為旗 ﹝Melody from W237 “Have Thine Own Way, Lord”﹞

1 以愛為旗,主,在我以上,引領我一生,常打勝仗,

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  耐心恩待人,使我寬廣,到處皆流露,基督馨香。2 以愛為旗,主,在我以上,不誇亦不妒,更不張狂,  不作害羞事,為主發光,不計算人惡,何等釋放。3 以愛為旗,主,在我以上,包容人過錯,蒙福必多,  不喜歡不義,只愛真理,效法主基督,愛人到底。4 以愛為旗,主,在我以上,不輕易發怒,儘量饒恕,  凡事肯捨己,不求益處,這不死的愛,永不停住。5 以愛為旗,主,在我以上,凡事有信心,一無罣礙,  凡事有盼望,把主披戴,這奇妙的愛,永不失敗。14 教會唯一的根基 THE CHURCH’S ONE FOUNDATION (P427)

1 The Church's one foundation Is Jesus Christ, her Lord;She is His new creation By water and the Word.From heaven He came and sought her To be His holy bride; With His own blood He bought her, And for her life He died.

2 Elect from every nation, Yet one o'er all the earth, Her charter of salvation One Lord, one faith, one birth.One holy name she blesses, Partakes one holy food, And to one hope she presses, With every grace endued.

3 Though with a scornful wonder Men see her sore oppressed,By schisms rent asunder, By heresies distressed,Yet saints their watch are keeping; Their cry goes up, "How long?"And soon the night of weeping Shall be the morn of song.

4 Yet she on earth hath union With God the Three in One,And mystic sweet communion With those whose rest is won:O happy ones and holy! Lord, give us grace that we,Like them, the meek and lowly, On high may dwell with thee.

15 若非耶和華建造房屋 ﹝Ps 127:1﹞

1 若非耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就枉然勞力;若非耶和華看守城池,看守的人就枉然儆醒。我行若非神所悅,一切將拆毀,我做若無神祝福,一切都將枉然。

2 若非耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就枉然勞力;若非耶和華看守城池,看守的人就枉然儆醒。我所需要持守的,只是一顆心,一顆完全相信的;堅定倚靠的心。

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16 尋求神的臉 ﹝2Ch 7:14﹞

      ╭─╮3--56|5‧22-|3321  12|3‧53‧若  我的 子  民, 謙卑禱告, 尋覓 著 我臉,     ‧ ‧1|6--1|1‧53‧ 3|4‧321|2 - -承 認  他 的 過犯, 立 志 遠離邪 行,        ╭─╮4|3─-56|5‧22‧5|3‧6 1236|5--0             ‧   ‧我 便  打開 天  門,從 天 上 垂聽著禱 告, ‧ ‧    ‧ ‧1|1‧66‧1|1‧55‧ 5|4‧3232|1--0赦 免 罪孽,傾 出 恩典, 醫 好 這地的傷 處。              ‧ ‧2|3‧11235|5--01|1‧66453|2--0讓 我 們尋求父的 臉,  我 眾 罪孽盼主潔 淨,            ‧‧          (521)  ‧ ‧   ‧2|3‧1 1236|5--  01|165 16願 聖 靈 從頭復興 我,    化 軟弱成 壯健,

(每一個)‧ ‧‧‧             ╭────╮1|11153‧ 3|443232|1---|1---∥憂 傷得醫 治, 願 這裡彰顯主的 國。

17 堅定相信 KEEP ON BELIEVING   1|3 3  5 3 |2 1-3|2 1 1 2|3--1. Some-times, the sha-dows gather, And mists obs-cure the way;2. Some-times, the way is dreary, We seem to walk a - lone.3. O soul, weighed down with sorrow, Be-neath a heav-y load.

   ‧ ‧  ‧

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 5|1 1  1  6| 5 3- 1|3 2 2 3| 2--Some-times, the clouds grow heav - y, And dark-en all the day.

For-get - ting that the Fa - ther Keeps watch a-bove His own.Re-mem-ber God will help you, How - ev - er rough the road.

 1|3 3 5 3|21- 3|2 1 1 2|3--How precious to re-member Our Father's loving care,How many needless sorrows The faithless have to bear,His grace is still suf-ficient For ev-'ry load of care,

   ‧ ‧ ‧ 5|1 1 1 6|5 3 1 2|3-2-|1---|That He still loves His children, And He answers prayer.For God still loves His children, And He answers prayer.God ev - er loves His children, And He answers prayer.

 ‧ ‧ ‧ 1 1-1| 6 5--|1 1 2 2|3---|Keep on be - liev-ing, God will answer prayer;

 ‧ ‧ ‧ 1 1-1| 6 5--|32-3|2-Keep on be - liev-ing, never des-pair;

 5-|3 3 32|21-3|5 5 5 3|5--Tho' you be heavy laden, And burdened down with care,

   ‧ ‧ ‧ 5|1 1 1 6|5 3 1 2|3-2-|1---∥Re - member God still loves you, And He answers prayer.

18 一切不徒然 IT WILL BE WORTH IT ALL ︵︵︵‧‧‧     ╭─╮‧      ╭─╮i7b6|6‧44|41 7 6|53|3It will be worth it all, When we see Je-sus;

╭─╮      ╭──╮3   #2 3 |5‧42|25 2#2|3-|3Life's trials will seem so small, When we see Christ;

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‧  ‧  ‧ ‧  ╭─╮‧        ╭─╮1  2  1|1‧66|61 76|6‧b65|5One glimpse of His dear face, All sor-row will e-rase,︵ ︵        ╭─╮    ‧ ‧5#4 5|6‧57|75 67|i ∥So brave-ly run the race, Till we see Christ!

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19 十架道路 THE WAY OF THE CROSS 1 The way of the Cross means sacrifice, As to God you yield your all.

To be laid on the altar, the place of death Where fire will surely fall.

* 'Tis the way of the Cross, Are you willing for this? What does bearing the Cross mean to you?You who've given yourself, your all to God! To God are you wholly true?

2 As the voice of song and prayer we raise, How easy to say, "We give all;"Till some rougher cross lies just before, And sterner is duty's call.

3 Do you falter then or true to death, Just die on the cross in the way,Till the fullness of life from the Living One Is filling you day by day?

4 'Tis the plan of life, for you die to live, One with Jesus crucified;With the life alone to be lived through you, Of the Risen, the Glorified.

5 Look not at your gains or at your loss But the take heed to the will of God.Let us look upon all things as worthless dross, The steps of the Lord to


20 我要用你 ﹝P491﹞

1 你雖然像一匹小小驢駒,拴在門外從來沒人注意,看哪今日榮耀之王耶穌用溫柔的微聲對你說我要用你。

* 我要用你,我要用你,我實在歡喜用你,你若肯潔淨自己,在我十架前降低,完全讓我管理你,我就要用你。

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2 我雖然能差遣千萬天使,往普天下去傳救人真理,我因愛你故特意選召你請再聽我懇切的聲音我要用你。

3 你肯否像聖先知以賽亞,存著歡喜又順服的心意,低頭屈膝俯伏在我面前恐懼戰兢說請差遣我我在這裡。

4 在那榮耀新天新地中間,同我作王享福樂永無限,你就明白服事我是恩典因為沒有十架就沒有榮耀冠冕。

21 心願主啊!我願奉獻我自己,主啊!我願永遠跟隨你。無論我在哪裡,無論我何境遇,我願一生順服你旨意。願為主捨性命,願為主作精兵;願為主殉愛情;願為主去飄零;主啊!我願奉獻我自己,主啊!我願永遠跟隨你。無論我在哪裡,無論我何境遇,我願一生順服你旨意。無論我在哪裡,無論我何境遇,我願一生順服你旨意。

22 藉我賜恩福 MAKE ME A BLESSING  ﹝P480﹞

1 Out in the highways and byways of life, Many are weary and sad;Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife, Making the sorrowing glad.

* Make me a blessing, Make me a blessing,Out of my life may Jesus shine;Make me a blessing, O Savior, I pray,Make me a blessing to someone today.

2 Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love; Tell of His pow'r to forgive;Others will trust Him if only you prove True, ev'ry moment you live.

D 4/4        會 歌5555|5.43.45-|4321|2---|

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教會合一,榮 耀歸 主名, 基督是根 基,

3333|3.21.23-|4321|5---|謙卑順服,配 搭齊 努力, 彰顯主生 命,

6666|6.54.56-|7654|3---|神家共建,恩 典與 真理, 基督是根 基,

44.445|6-3-|22 3#4|5---|相親 相愛主 喜 悅, 連於 主 生 命,

5555|5.43.45-|4321|2---|同蒙應許,成 聖作 後嗣, 皆因信稱 義,

   ‧.╭╮ (765.7|i---)44.466|11550|432.2|1---∥在基 督裡合 而為一,  聖徒同 歡 欣。