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Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering – No. 1 – Dec 2016 1 InMotion: Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education The general aim of InMotion is to continue the reform of the system of higher education in the Engineering in Malaysia and Russian Federation to improve quality of education and teaching according to the priorities established in the Bucharest and Yerevan Communiqués and to meet the demands of Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training (ET 2020). When implemented the project will change the situation in Engineering education in the following ways: Student-centred learning will make the educational process more flexible and effectively by the choice of the desired studying areas. Consortium universities in Malaysia and Russian Federation will be enabled to prepare graduates competent in the Computer Modelling and Simulation (CMSE) field. With Open Modelling and Simulation Environment platform (OMSE) we will create a new paradigm in respect to integration, harmonization and aggregation of various types of quality-controlled eLearning components derived from internationally operated learning and research facilities. All the consortium members will have an adaptive learning environment both meeting the needs of today and oriented towards technologies of tomorrow. The stakeholders will get access to the MOOCs for the LLL training of their professionals Prospectively, other Faculties of partner universities and universities outside the consortium may adopt the learning environment (OMSE) and use it for teaching students in the other fields. C C o o m m p p u u t t e e r r M M o o d d e e l l i i n n g g a a n n d d S S i i m m u u l l a a t t i i o o n n i i n n E E n n g g i i n n e e e e r r i i n n g g A quarterly newsletter published by InMotion — a project funded by European Union's Erasmus+ programme Dec 2016 Erasmus + Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Organisations wanting to participate in Erasmus+ may engage in a number of development and networking activities, including strategic improvement of the professional skills of their staff, organisational capacity building, and creating transnational cooperative partnerships with organisations from other countries in order to produce innovative outputs or exchange best practices. Key Action 2: Innovation and good practices Key Action 2 is designed to develop the education, training, and youth sectors through five main activities: 1. Strategic partnerships to support innovation in the sector as well as joint initiatives to promote cooperation, peer-learning, and the sharing of experience. 2. Knowledge Alliances to foster innovation in and through higher education together with businesses, and beyond, contributing to new approaches to teaching and learning, entrepreneurship in education, and the modernisation of higher education systems in Europe. 3. Sector Skills Alliances to tackle skills gap and ensure a better alignment of vocational education and training with labour market needs. There are opportunities to modernise VET, exchange knowledge and best practices, encourage working abroad, and increase the recognition of qualifications. 4. Capacity-building projects in the field of higher education to support the modernisation, accessibility, and internationalisation of higher education in Partner Countries. 5. Capacity-building projects in the field of youth to support the development of youth work, non-formal learning, and volunteer work, as well as promote non- formal learning opportunities with Partner Countries In this issue: What is Erasmus+ What is InMotion Calendar of events InMotion Partners and their Role in the Project Current activities Meet our partners: UniHB, SMTU, UniKL Calendar of events Past events 15.10.2016 InMotion Project started. 01.10- 15.11.2016 Information seminars at consortium institutions Upcoming events 19– 21.12.2016 Kick-off meeting in Bremen 25- 26.01.2017 Kick-Off meeting for the 2016 CBHE projects in Brussels N°1 InMotion

CCoommppuutteerr MMooddeelliinngg aanndd SSiimmuullaattiioonn iinn ... - InMotion project · 2016-12-26 · Project Web Site The project Web site was set and available CMSE end-user-needs

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Page 1: CCoommppuutteerr MMooddeelliinngg aanndd SSiimmuullaattiioonn iinn ... - InMotion project · 2016-12-26 · Project Web Site The project Web site was set and available CMSE end-user-needs

Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering – No. 1 – Dec 2016


InMotion: Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education The general aim of InMotion is to continue the reform of the system of higher education in the Engineering in Malaysia and Russian Federation to improve quality of education and teaching according to the priorities established in the Bucharest and Yerevan Communiqués and to meet the demands of Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training (ET 2020). When implemented the project will change the situation in Engineering education in the following ways: Student-centred learning will make the educational process more flexible and effectively by the choice of the desired

studying areas. Consortium universities in Malaysia and Russian Federation will be enabled to prepare graduates competent in the

Computer Modelling and Simulation (CMSE) field. With Open Modelling and Simulation Environment platform (OMSE) we will create a new paradigm in respect to

integration, harmonization and aggregation of various types of quality-controlled eLearning components derived from internationally operated learning and research facilities. All the consortium members will have an adaptive learning environment both meeting the needs of today and oriented towards technologies of tomorrow.

The stakeholders will get access to the MOOCs for the LLL training of their professionals Prospectively, other Faculties of partner universities and universities outside the consortium may adopt the learning

environment (OMSE) and use it for teaching students in the other fields.

CCoommppuutteerr MMooddeelliinngg aanndd

SSiimmuullaattiioonn iinn EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg A quarterly newsletter published by InMotion — a project funded by European Union's Erasmus+ programme Dec 2016

Erasmus + Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Organisations wanting to participate in Erasmus+ may engage in a number of development and networking activities, including strategic improvement of the professional skills of their staff, organisational capacity building, and creating transnational cooperative partnerships with organisations from other countries in order to produce innovative outputs or exchange best practices.

Key Action 2: Innovation and good practices

Key Action 2 is designed to develop the education, training, and youth sectors through five main activities:

1. Strategic partnerships to support innovation in the sector as well as joint initiatives to promote cooperation, peer-learning, and the sharing of experience.

2. Knowledge Alliances to foster innovation in and through higher education together with businesses, and beyond, contributing to new approaches to teaching and learning, entrepreneurship in education, and the modernisation of higher education systems in Europe.

3. Sector Skills Alliances to tackle skills gap and ensure a better alignment of vocational education and training with labour market needs. There are opportunities to modernise VET, exchange knowledge and best practices, encourage working abroad, and increase the recognition of qualifications.

4. Capacity-building projects in the field of higher education to support the modernisation, accessibility, and internationalisation of higher education in Partner Countries.

5. Capacity-building projects in the field of youth to support the development of youth work, non-formal learning, and volunteer work, as well as promote non-formal learning opportunities with Partner Countries

IInn tthhiiss iissssuuee::

What is Erasmus+

What is InMotion

Calendar of events

InMotion Partners and

their Role in the Project

Current activities

Meet our partners: UniHB, SMTU, UniKL

CCaalleennddaarr ooff eevveennttss Past events

15.10.2016 InMotion Project started.


Information seminars at consortium institutions

Upcoming events



Kick-off meeting in



Kick-Off meeting for the 2016 CBHE projects in Brussels

N°1 IInnMMoottiioonn

Page 2: CCoommppuutteerr MMooddeelliinngg aanndd SSiimmuullaattiioonn iinn ... - InMotion project · 2016-12-26 · Project Web Site The project Web site was set and available CMSE end-user-needs

Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering – No. 1 – Dec 2016


Project Partners and their Role in the Project

University of Bremen (UNIHB), Germany, Bremen. Project coordinator, leads WP7: Management; organizes the retraining of the staff in the field of the usage of Open collaborative platform SAKAI, eLearning and eAssessment technologies; takes part in the implementation of the Open Modelling and Simulation Environment platform (OMSE).

Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SMTU), Russia, St. Petersburg Leads WP5: Quality control; coordinates the work of RU partners; takes part in the implementation of OMSE; contributes to the development of teaching and learning materials (TLM); produces textbook and guidelines for Wolfram SystemModeler (WSM); develops virtual labs with WSM; coordinates the work on the development of new research based methodology for master and doctor cycle.

St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPbPU), Russia, St. Petersburg Leads WP4: Development; produces fundamental textbooks for CMSE and guidelines for the Rand Model Designer (RMD); coordinates the development of Syllabi and teaching and learning resources for CMSE; organizes the summer student school in St. Petersburg; coordinates the development of TLM and the work on plan for future action on dual degrees process

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU), Russia, Novosibirsk Leads WP2: Development; produces fundamental textbooks for CMSE and guidelines for ISMA; contributes to the development of TLM; develops virtual labs with ISMA; leads the work on the mini projects in CMSE; participates in the development of new research based methodology for master and doctor cycle; contributes to MOOCs development

Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UNIKL), Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Leads WP6: Dissemination; coordinate MY partners; contributes to the development of guidelines for Mathlab/Simulink and RDM; contributes to the development of virtual labs and of mini projects; contributes to MOOCs development.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur Leads WP3: Development; contributes to the development of guidelines for Mathlab/Simulink and RDM; contributes to the development of TLM and to the development of virtual labs and mini projects; contributes to MOOCs development.

National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain, Madrid Organizes the retraining of the staff in the field of the usage of Modelica and blended learning; produces fundamental textbooks for CMSE for modeling with Modelica; contributes to MOOCs development; evaluates staff retraining and results of the student summer schools; takes part in the assessment of new developed Syllabi and TLM

University of Liubljana (UL), Slovenia, Lubljana Leads WP1: Preparation; coordinate the Analysis of EU&PC educational programs and best didactic practice, comparative study of tools in CSME; organizes the retraining of the staff in the field of the usage of Simulink-Matlab; produces fundamental textbooks for CMSE and guidelines for the Simulink-Matlab; evaluates staff retraining and results of the student summer school; takes part in the assessment of new developed Syllabi and TLM.

Federal State budget financed Institution of Sciences St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciencies (SPIRAS), Russia, St. Petersburg Contributes to Analysis of EU&PC educational programs and best didactic practice, evaluates staff retraining and results of the student summer school; takes part in the assessment of new developed Syllabi and TLM; leads the development of MOOCs.

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia, Bandar Seri Iskander Contributes to the development of guidelines for Mathlab/Simulink and Wolfram Mathematica; contributes to the development of Syllabi and teaching and learning resources for CMSE and to the development of TLM; contributes to the development of virtual labs and mini projects.

Page 3: CCoommppuutteerr MMooddeelliinngg aanndd SSiimmuullaattiioonn iinn ... - InMotion project · 2016-12-26 · Project Web Site The project Web site was set and available CMSE end-user-needs

Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering – No. 1 – Dec 2016


Current Activities

Project Web Site

The project Web site was set and available

CMSE end-user-needs analysis

Surveys were carried out in consortium countries to reveal expectations of end-users towards a proposed learning and quantify demand for the learning environment and related services. Target groups and subgroups (clusters of end-users), for which the developed environment shall be adapted within the project, was refined (taking into account regional differences)

Information Workshops

All Partner Universities in Russia and Malaysia organized information workshops, informed the Universities staff, administrations, students and stakeholders about the project, it tasks, activities, and expected outcomes.

Prof. Y.Shornikov present the project in NSTU

Working teleconference meeting in SMTU

Open Modeling & Simulation Environment for CMSE

The Partner maintained the open Modeling &Simulation environment for Project Management and Educational resources. The first versions of manuals and guidelines for teachers and students are written and available online. The staff at the Partner universities begin to develop Teaching and Learning Materials.

Analytical review of educational programs and methods in CMSE field in EU and PC

The partners prepared the report on comparison of CMSE programs of EU Universities and educational programs at Partner country universities. It would serve as a basis for the upgrade of curricula in CMSE for bachelor and master level. Comparative analysis of the differences in training PhDs at Universities of different countries will be used for the development of the training programs for doctoral students.

Kick off meeting will be organised in Bremen from 19th-21st December. The partner will discuss management and reporting and plan steps for the fulfilling of the future activities. The report on it will be published in the next issue.

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Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering – No. 1 – Dec 2016


Our partners’ page

University of Bremen is represented in the project by the Center for Multimedia in Higher Education (ZMML). ZMML is the e-learning service center of the University of Bremen and fulfills needs and requirements of university faculties and departments. It supports all teaching staff and facilities of the university in the use of digital media and ICT in education, in organization of teaching, in instructional design, in organization and implementation of e-assessments and in production and delivery of digital learning materials.

In addition to the development and implementation of quality-assured e-learning services in close cooperation with the faculties and departments, one of the major tasks of the ZMML is the active participation in the development and implementation of a university-wide e-learning strategy.

The tasks of the ZMML include:

Deployment and support of e-learning services and their technical infrastructure (learning platform, e-assessment and media services).

Training, consulting and support of university staff in all aspects of e-learning, especially in instructional design.

Consulting the university and its committees on scientific and technological developments in e-learning.

Promoting intra-and extra-university communication and cooperation in e-learning.

Develope and run research and development projects in digital media and ICT in teaching and learning.

Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) is a full-fledged university, established in 2004 under the Malaysia Higher Private Education Institution Act. The university presently has over 27,000 local and international students studying at twelve (12) campuses throughout the country that offer high-quality, fully approved and accredited educational programs at certificate, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels. Being among the Malaysian universities ranked as 5* Excellent University in Malaysia, (ranked under SETARA by The Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia and Malaysian Qualification Agency), and in line with the vision to be one of the country’s leading technical

universities, UniKL integrated educational curriculum is comprised of four major components namely technical, social, learning and entrepreneurship. Introducing the concept of ‘One Institute, One Specialization’, UniKL contributes not only to tertiary education but also researches and development for commercialization purposes, which covers Engineering and Technology, Business and Management, Medicine and Medical Sciences courses.

St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SMTU) was founded in 1930. SMTU is the unique university in Russia that trains engineering professionals in all fields of study related to shipbuilding. SMTU trains specialists in 31 Bachelor's degree programs, 23 Master's degree programs and 13 PhD programs. The University staff is over 2000 peoples. SMTU has 5 faculties. SMTU is represented in the consortium by Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Technology. The Faculty is a large unit including 10 departments. Relative to the project are following fields of activity of SMTU: Applied Math & Math Modelling, Hydrodynamics & Marine Acoustics, Ocean Technologies, Ship theory, Structural mechanics, Ship design, Shipbuilding Technology, Computer Engineering and Information Technology. Institute of Information Technology, Laboratory of virtual simulation, which have more than 20 years of experience in the field of CAD/CAM/CAE and development of electronic learning systems, operate as a part of the Faculty. SMTU is a developer of multimedia tutorials, e-learning systems, knowledge expert evaluating systems, specialist for training and re-training systems. SMTU has a strong team of didactic specialists and developers of web-based learning modules and applied programs for multi physical processes simulation. Among the SMTU partners there are more than 60, universities, 85 scientific and research institutions and companies from 20 countries.

InMotion Project

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein