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Ccna3 Finalexam Answers 2

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/2/2019 Ccna3 Finalexam Answers 2


    CCNA 3 Final Exam V4.0 Answers

    Posted on January 8, 2011 by admin

    1. Wh ich securi ty pr otocol or m easur e would pr ovide the greatest pr otection for a wir eless LAN?


    cloaking SSIDs

    shared WEP key

    MAC address filtering


    Refer to th e exhibi t. Al l tr unk l in ks ar e oper ational and al l VLANs are al low ed on al l tr unk l in ks.

    An A RP request i s sent by com put er 5. W hi ch device or devices wil l r eceive thi s message?only computer 4

    computer 3 and RTR-A

    computer 4 and RTR-A

    computer 1, computer 2, computer 4, and RTR-A

    computer 1, computer 2, computer 3, computer 4, and RTR-A

    all of the computers and the router


    Refer t o the exhibi t. H osts A and B, connected to hub H B1, attem pt t o tr ansmi t a fr ame at t he

    same tim e but a coll i sion occur s. Wh ich hosts wil l r eceive the coll i sion jamm ing signal?

    only hosts A and B

    only hosts A, B, and C

    only hosts A, B, C, and D

    only hosts A, B, C, and E

    4 .

    Refer t o th e exhi bi t. Rout er RA r eceives a packet w it h a sour ce addr ess of and a

    desti nati on addr ess of Wh at wi ll th e rout er d o wi th thi s packet?

    The router will drop the packet.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.1.

    The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2.

    The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.3.

    The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2 and interface FastEthernet 0/1.3.


    CCNA Chapter AnswersCCNA Explor ation 4.0 Chapter

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    Refer to th e exhi bit. W hi ch two sett in gs show th e default value of VTP confi gurati on on a Cisco

    2960 swi tch? (Cho ose tw o.)

    revision number

    existing VLANs

    operating mode

    domain name

    pruning mode

    6 . W hi ch value deter m in es if a swi tch becomes the centr al point of r efer ence in t he spanni ng tr ee


    lowest bridge ID

    highest revision number

    lowest numeric IP address

    highest numeric MAC address

    7. Wh at is the purpose of the Spannin g Tree algori thm ?

    It propagates VLAN configurations to other switches.

    It restricts broadcast packets to a single VLAN.

    It segments a network into multiple broadcast domains.

    It prevents loops in a switched network with redundant paths.

    8 . W hat ar e two benefits of th e IEEE 80 2.11n standar d over th e IEEE 80 2.11G? (Choose two.)

    requires less equipment

    provides improved range

    permits increased data rates

    has a single-input and a single-output

    needs no hardware upgrade for compatibility

    9 . Wh ich confi guration changes wil l i ncrement the confi gur ation r evision n um ber on the VTP


    configuring trunk links on the VTP server

    configuring or changing the VTP password

    configuring or changing the VTP domain name

    configuring or changing the VTP version number

    configuring or deleting a VLAN or creating a VLAN name

    10 .

    Refer t o the exhi bit. A company has acquir ed a new off ice in a campu s envir onm ent. Swi tches in

    the existin g off ice and the new off ice are dir ectly connected by a tr unk l in k. The VLANs and I P

    addr essing ar e setu p as shown i n t he exhi bit . The compu ters in each off ice ar e not able to pin g

    each other. What wi l l f i x the pr oblem ?

    Use an access link between S2 and S3.

    Connect S2 and S3 to a common router.

    Set the subnet mask in the new office to /24.

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    Configure the new office default gateway to

    Change the port assignments in the new office to a different VLAN.

    11. W hat is a possible im pact of setti ng too short an agin g tim e in th e MAC addr ess table of a


    overly large address table

    unnecessary flooding of packetsexcessive timeouts of static addresses

    impaired ability to dynamically learn new addresses

    12 .

    Refer t o the exhibit. The networ k adm in istrator has just added VLAN 50 t o Swi tch1 and Swi tch2.

    H osts A, B, C, and D ar e corr ectl y conf igur ed wi th I P addr esses in the subnet r ange for VLAN 50.

    H ost A can comm uni cate with h ost B, but cannot commu ni cate with host C or host D. What is the

    cause of th is pr oblem?

    There is a native VLAN mismatch.

    The Fa0/11 interface of Switch1 is not configured as a trunk.

    The link between Switch1 and Switch2 is up but not trunked.

    VLAN 50 is not allowed on the trunk link between Switch1 and Switch2.


    Refer t o the exhi bit . Users com plain that t hey do not h ave connecti vity to t he web server th at is

    conn ected to SW 1. Wh at should be done to r em edy th e pr oblem?

    Allow all VLANs on the trunk link.

    Configure VLAN 100 as the native VLAN for SW1.

    Configure the trunk port in trunk mode on SW1.Attach the web server to a router and configure inter-VLAN routing.

    14 . W hat VL ANs ar e al low ed across a tr unk when th e range of al lowed VLANs is set t o th e default


    only the management VLAN

    all VLANs except the extended range VLANs

    all VLANs except 1 and 1002-1005

    all VLANs


    Refer to t he exhi bit. A new h ost needs to be conn ected to VL AN 1. Wh ich I P addr ess shoul d be

    assigned to thi s new host? /28 /28 /28 /28 /28

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    16 . Using the comm and copy tftp :backup .cfg star tu p-confi g, an adm in istr ator dow nlo aded a saved

    configur ation f r om a TFTP server to a swi tch. Wh y does the adm in istr ator n ot detect any changes

    in the swi tch confi guration after the downl oad completes?

    The command should have been copy startu p-confi g tft p:backup.cfg.

    A backup configuration from a TFTP server cannot be copied directly into the startup-config.

    The command copy r unn in g-config star tup-confi g should be used to save the changes on the switch.

    Downloading to the startup-config requires the switch to be reloaded in order for the configuration to take effect.

    17. Wh at tw o m ethods can be used to r emove MAC addr ess table entr ies fr om a swi tch? (Choose


    Power cycle the switch to clear all dynamically learned addresses.

    The clear switchi ng-tables command will remove statically configured entries.

    The clear mac-addr ess-tabl e command will remove statically and dynamically configured table entries.

    The erase fl ash command will clear all statically configured table entries.

    Statically configured MAC addresses will automatically be removed from the address table 300 minutes after the

    last activity on a switch port.

    18 . W hi ch type of tr affic can stil l be received on a swi tch in terf ace that i s in STP blocki ng mode?

    BPDU frames

    multicast frames

    broadcast frames

    Layer 3 packets

    19 . W hich m ethod establishes an adm in istrative connection for confi gur in g the Link sys

    W RT300N wi r eless access poin t?

    Associate with the access point and then open a HyperTerminal session with the access point.

    Physically connect to the access point and then reboot the computer to launch the configuration software.

    From a computer in the same IP subnet as the access point, enter the default IP address of the access point in a

    web browser.

    Modify the TCP/IP properties of the computer connected to the access point so that it exists on the same network,

    and then reboot your computer to establish a connection.

    20 .

    Refer t o the exhibit. Al l edge por ts ar e configur ed with the spannin g-tr ee port fast comm and.

    H ost1 is r ecently conn ected to por t Fa0/ 1 on swit ch SW 1 . Wh ich statement i s tr ue about t he status

    of por t Fa0/1?

    The port will transition into blocking state.The port will transition immediately into forwarding state.

    The port will transition into blocking state and then immediately into forwarding state.

    The port will transition into blocking state and immediately transition through the listening and learning states.


    Refer t o the exhibit. W hat is tr ue of th e confi gur ation of swit ch S1?

    A Cisco proprietary protocol is in use for ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3.

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    Switch ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 have been configured with the swit chpor t m ode access command.

    Untagged frames received on ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 will be placed on VLAN 1.

    Switch ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 are configured to carry data from multiple VLANs.

    22 .

    Refer t o the exhi bit . The confi gurati on steps that ar e li sted in t he exhi bit have been entered i n

    switch S1 via th e console. Subsequent attemp ts to t eln et to the swi tch ar e not successful . W hat i s

    causing the probl em ?

    The switch must be configured with SSH version 1.

    The t r ansport input command must specify Telnet access.

    The RSA keys must be returned to zero before SSH will permit Telnet access.

    The ip domain-name command must also be entered in line configuration mode for the vty lines.

    23 .

    Refer t o the exhi bit . Wh ich swit ch wil l be elected as th e root br idge of th e spann in g tr ee topol ogy?





    24 .

    Refer t o the exhi bit . VTP has been confi gured wi th VTP pr un in g enabled on all swi tches. If H ostA

    sends a br oadcast fr ame to SW1, wh ich devices wil l r eceive the fr ame?

    SW1, SW3, HostF

    SW1, HostB, HostCSW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, HostF

    SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, all hosts

    25 .

    Refer t o the exhi bit . Wh ich tw o statements are tr ue about t he oper ation of th e in ter faces? (Choose


    Incoming traffic with VLAN ID 0 is processed by interface fa0/0.

    Incoming traffic that has a VLAN ID of 2 is processed by subinterface fa0/0.2.

    Both subinterfaces remain up with line protocol up, even if fa0/0 line protocol is down.

    Subinterfaces use unique MAC addresses by adding the 802.1Q VLAN ID to the hardware address.

    Traffic inbound on this router is processed by different subinterfaces, depending on the VLAN from which the

    traffic originated.

    26 . The network admin istrator wants to confi gur e a swit ch to pass VLAN update infor mation t o

    other swi tches in t he domain bu t not u pdate its own local VLAN database. Whi ch two steps should

    the admi ni str ator p erf or m to achieve this? (Choose two.)

    Reset the VTP counters.

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    Configure VTP version 1 on the switch.

    Configure the VTP mode of the switch to transparent.

    Verify that the switch has a higher configuration revision number.

    Configure the switch with the same VTP domain name as other switches in the network.


    Refer t o th e exhibi t. The devices in t he network are operati onal and configured as in dicated in the

    exhibi t. H owever , hosts B and D cannot p in g each other . Wh at is the m ost li kely cause of th is


    The link between the switches is up but not trunked.

    The Fa0/11 interface of Switch1 is not configured as a trunk.

    Hosts B and D are configured with IP addresses from different subnets.

    VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 are not allowed on the trunk between the switches.

    28 .

    Refer t o the exhibi t. User s A and B are reporti ng inter m itt ent connectivity pr oblems. Pre-

    in stallation sur veys show ed stron g signal str ength fr om th e AP location s to th e client location s.

    Outside electri cal in terf erence has been elim in ated. W hat wi ll fi x the pr oblem?

    Relocate the APs closer to each other.

    Increase the distance between the clients.

    Change the channel on AP-B to 6 or 11.Place AP-A and AP-B on the same wireless channel.

    29 . Wh y is i t advisable that a networ k adm in istrator use SSH instead of Telnet w hen m anagin g


    SSH uses TCP whereas Telnet does not.

    SSH encrypts only the username and password when logging in.

    SSH encrypts all remote management communications whereas Telnet does not.

    SSH sends a clear text message steam which reduces the bandwidth use for management.

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    30 .

    Refer t o the exhibi t. The teacher host i s connected to p or t Fa0/ 7 on swi tch STW. A student has

    decided to shar e access to the In tern et by attachin g a hub and laptop t o STW as show n. W hat wi ll

    be the result of th e student m aking thi s connection ?

    The Fa0/7 port of STW will be shutdown.

    The student will gain full access to the Internet.Both the teacher and student will be able to receive data but only the teacher will be able to send.

    The frames from the laptop will be dropped, but the teacher host will maintain connectivity with the network.

    31. A networ k admin istrator configur es a swit ch por t wit h the command switchport m ode

    dynamic auto. What i s the result ing behavior of th e swi tch port ?

    The switch port is able to trunk if the remote switch port is set to auto.

    The switch port is able to trunk if the remote switch port is set to desirable.

    The switch port will be disabled if it is unable to successfully negotiate trunking.

    A successful trunk will be established if the remote switch is non-Cisco but the port is configured for trunking.

    32 . W hi ch STP port type can onl y appear o nce on a segment , and m ust be pr esent i n or der fo r

    tr aff ic to f low on that segment?

    non-root port

    disabled port

    designated port

    non-designated port

    33 .

    Refer to the exhibi t. Wh at would happen if the networ k admin istrator m oved the networ k cable of

    H ost A fr om int er face Fa0/ 1 to Fa0/ 3 on swit ch SW1?Host A remains a member of VLAN 10, because the router is routing traffic between VLANs.

    Host A is no longer a member of VLAN 10, because port Fa0/3 has been manually assigned to VLAN 30.

    Host A remains a member of VLAN 10, because the switch provides dynamic VLAN assignment for the port.

    Host A maintains connectivity to all members of VLAN 10, because it is connected to the same physical network.

    Host A is no longer a member of VLAN 10, but because port Fa0/3 was unused, it is now a member of VLAN 1.

    34 .

    Refer to t he exhi bit. VL AN 10 has been configur ed on th e VTP ser ver . User s who ar e assigned to

    VLAN 10 are conn ected as shown i n t he exhi bit. On t he basis of the out put s that are pr ovided,

    whi ch gr oup of u ser s wil l be able to comm uni cate wit h t he user s on VLAN 10 on SW 1?

    all the users who are connected only to SW2

    users on VLAN 10 who are connected only to SW3

    users on VLAN 10 who are connected only to SW4

    users on VLAN 10 who are connected to both SW3 and SW4

    35 .

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    Refer t o the exhibi t. Wh ich thr ee option s cor r ectly identify i nfor mati on th at could be associated

    wit h thi s output?(Choose thr ee.)

    Interface FastEthernet3/0/0 is subinterfaced.

    A non-proprietary trunking protocol is in use.

    The configuration is appropriate for a router-on-a-stick network design.

    Ashutdown command has been applied to interface FastEthernet3/0/0.

    Interface FastEthernet3/0/0.3 is mapped to the default management VLAN.An IP address should be applied to FastEthernet3/0/0 for correct data routing.

    36 .

    Refer t o the exhi bit. The Layer 2 swi tchi ng design th at is shown has been i m plem ented in a

    camp us envir onm ent that i s using Spanning Tr ee Pr otocol. Al l int er -swit ch l in ks that are shown

    are tru nks. Whenever an int er-swit ch l ink fai ls, the networ k t akes near ly a mi nute to completely

    conver ge. H ow can t he conver gence tim e be reduced?

    Increase the capacity of the distribution and core trunk links to 10 Gb/s.

    Add a trunk link that directly connects D1 and D2.

    Use Layer 3 switching on the core switch.

    Implement Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol.


    Refer t o the exhi bit. Each swit ch is conf igur ed to parti cipate in STP for VLAN s 1, 10, 20, and 30 .

    Wh ich swit ch wil l become the r oot for VLAN 20 ?





    38 .

    Refer to t he exhibit . Swi tches S2 and S3 ar e pr operl y connected u sing an ethern et cable. A

    networ k adm ini str ator has configur ed both swit ches with VTP, but S3 is unable to pr opagate

    VLAN s to S2. What could be the r eason for th is?

    The VTP configuration revision is different on both switches.

    The VTP domains are different on both switches.

    VTP pruning is disabled.

    VTP v2 is disabled.

    39 . In a thr ee-layer hierar chical networ k design, which distr ibuti on layer function delineates

    br oadcast dom ains?

    routing between VLANs

    aggregating traffic flows

    providing redundant links

    reducing the network diameter

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    40 . Whi ch par ameter i s used to uni quely identi fy one wir eless networ k fr om another?





    41. What is one disadvantage that 802.11a wireless has compared to 802.11g?Use of the 5GHz band requires much larger antennas.

    The OFDM modulation technique results in a slower data rate.

    There are fewer non-overlapping channels available to help reduce RF interference.

    The use of higher frequencies means that signals are more likely to be obstructed.

    42. W hich th r ee statements are corr ect concer nin g the default confi gur ation of a new switch?

    (Choose th r ee.)

    It is configured in VTP server mode.

    STP is automatically enabled.

    The first VTY line is automatically configured to allow remote connections.

    VLAN1 is configured with a management IP address.

    All switch ports are assigned to VLAN1.

    The enable password is configured as cisco.


    Refer t o the exhibit. H ow is port Gi1/ 1 on SWT-A fun ctioning in the spanni ng-tr ee topology?

    It is sending and receiving data frames.

    It is receiving BPDUs, but not sending data frames.

    It is participating in the election process by forwarding the BPDUs it receives.

    It is receiving BPDUs and populating the MAC address table, but not sending data.

    44 . Wh ile confi gur ing a new switch, a networ k admi nistr ator configur es the swit ch as an HTTP

    ser ver . W hat benefit s does this configur ation pr ovide?

    This allows the switch to host web pages for the network.

    This allows remote VPN connections to the switch over the Internet.

    This is required if a web server or web farm is attached to the switch.

    This allows web-based configuration tools to be used with the switch.

    45. Wh ich statement descri bes the use of voice VLANs in Cisco IP telephony?

    The voice VLAN carries both tagged and untagged traffic.The voice VLAN carries untagged traffic having special QoS markings.

    The voice VLAN must be configured on the switch port to which the IP phone attaches.

    Data and voice frames are tagged with same VLAN ID between the IP phone and the switch when a voice VLAN is


    46 .

    Refer t o the exhibit . I f swi tch SW1 is confi gur ed with the four VLANs as shown in the exhibi t, how

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    m any physical int erfaces are needed on rou ter R1 to configur e in ter-VLAN r outi ng usin g







    Refer to t he exhibit . What does the term DYNAMI C ind icate in th e output that is shown?

    This entry can only be removed from the MAC address table by a network administrator.

    When forwarding a frame to the device with address 0060.5c5b.cd23, the switch does not have to perform a

    lookup to determine the final destination port.

    Only the device with MAC address 0060.5c5b.cd23 will be allowed to connect to port Fa0/18.

    The switch learned this MAC address from the source address in a frame received on Fa0/18.

    48 .

    Refer t o the exhi bit . The VTP dom ain h as been confi gur ed as shown i n th e exhibi t. The networ k

    techn ician accidentally confi gured t he VTP server as a VTP client. Af ter t he techn ician r eloadedthe swi tches, al l users i n t he VTP domain start ed to com plain t hat th ey lost connectivit y to th e

    user s on th e sam e VLANs that ar e conn ected to other switches. What shoul d be done in t he futu r e

    to pr event losing al l VL AN configuration s in a VTP domain?

    Configure all switches in VTP transparent mode and copy the VLAN configuration into flash.

    Configure all switches in the network as VTP clients and copy the VLAN configuration into NVRAM.

    Create a new domain and configure a second switch as a VTP server to take over in case of a primary VTP server


    In the same domain, configure a second switch as a VTP server to take over in case of a primary VTP server


    49 .

    Refer t o the exhibit. H ow does SW1 manage traff i c comi ng fr om Host A?

    SW1 drops the traffic because it is untagged.

    SW1 leaves the traffic untagged and forwards it over the trunk.

    SW1 tags the traffic with the lowest VLAN ID value and forwards it over the trunk link.

    SW1 encapsulates the traffic with 802.1Q encapsulation and forwards it over the trunk link.

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    50 . An admin istrator is troubleshooting a PC on th e network whi ch is sufferi ng from slow and

    in term itt ent conn ecti vit y. The PC has a pin g success r ate to th e default gateway of l ess th an half

    the pi ng att empt s. Other PCs on t he swi tch can consistentl y pin g the defaul t gateway. The swi tch

    port is configur ed for auto duplex and the PC is configur ed for ful l duplex. What wil l comm only

    cause thi s pr oblem?

    The PC is set to full duplex. The switch port fails to autonegotiate the duplex setting and defaults to half duplex,

    which causes a duplex mismatch.The switch traffic is exceeding available frame buffers. The result is that frames are being dropped.

    The PC and the default gateway have different bandwidth Ethernet ports.

    The default gateway is not on the same switch that the PC is.


    Refer to t he exhibi t. A networ k adm ini str ator has segmented the networ k in to tw o VLANs and

    confi gured Router 1 for int er -VLAN r outin g. A test of the networ k, however , shows that hosts on

    each VLA N can on ly access local r esour ces and not r esour ces on t he other VLAN . Wh at is the m ost

    li kely cause of thi s pr oblem?

    Switch port Fa0/1 is not trunking.

    Router interface Fa0/0 is possibly down.

    No routing protocol is configured on Router1.

    One of the router subinterfaces is possibly down.

    52 . W hat im pact does the use of the mdix auto configur ation comm and have on an Ethernet

    in terf ace on a swi tch?

    automatically detects duplex settings

    automatically detects interface speed

    automatically detects copper cable type

    automatically assigns the first detected MAC address to an interface

    -New quest ion s update 20 11


    Refer to t he exhibi t. A network admin istrator needs to add IP phones to the networ k. To which

    devices should the I P phon es connect?

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    AS1 and A S2

    DS1 and DS2

    DS1, DS2, and CS1

    AS1, AS2, DS1, and DS2

    54. Wh ich CLI m ode all ows users to access all d evice com m ands, such as those used for

    confi gur ation, m anagem ent, and tr oubleshooting?

    user EXEC mode

    pr ivil eged EXEC m ode

    global configuration mode

    interface configuration mode


    Refer t o the exhibit. Al l hosts are in l isten m ode. H ost 1 and H ost 4 both t r ansmi t data at the same

    ti m e. How do the hosts r espond on th e networ k? (Choose two .)

    After t he end of the jam signal, a backoff algori thm is invoked.

    Hosts 1 and 4 are operating full duplex so no collision will exist.The hub will block the port connected to Host 4 to prevent a collision.

    Hosts 1 and 4 are assigned shorter backoff values to provide them priority to access the media.

    I f a host h as data to tr ansm it after the backoff per iod of that h ost, the host checks to determ ine

    if t he l ine is idle befor e tr ansmi tt i ng.


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    Refer to t he exhibi t. An admi nistr ator documented the output of a CAM table fr om an Ethern et

    switch as shown. Wh at acti on wi ll t he swi tch take when it r eceives th e fr ame shown at the bottom

    of the exhibi t?

    discard the frame

    forward the frame out port 2

    forward the frame out port 3forward the frame out all ports

    for ward t he frame out al l port s except por t 3

    add station 00-00-3D-1F-11-05 to port 2 in the forwarding table


    W hat wi ll be the effect of t he com mand S1# copy system:r un ni ng-confi g tftp:/ / tok yo-


    The IOS will be copied to the TFTP server.

    The configuration file named tokyo-config will overwrite the startup configuration file on S1.

    The running configuration file on S1 will be saved via TFTP to a file named tokyo-config.

    The contents of NVRAM on S1 will become the startup configuration file on the tokyo switch.

    58. Company poli cy requir es disabling the comm and histor y buffer on n etwor k devices. An

    admin istrator enters term in al no h istory size at th e comm and pr ompt on a Cisco Catalyst switch

    and r eceives no err or m essages back, but t he comm and hi story buf fer i s stil l avail able. W hat is the


    The command contained a syntax error.

    The Cisco IOS version does not support disabling the command history buffer.The command history can only be disabled on a router, not a switch.

    The size parameter reset the default buffer size but did not disable access to the buffer.


    A network admin istrator is impl ementi ng VTP in a lar ge campus LAN th at contains one hundr ed

    swit ches. What ar e valid considerations for r el iabil i ty and admi nistr ation ?

    Using server mode on a single master switch and client mode on all other switches will provide the most fault

    tolerance for retaining VLAN information in all switches if power is lost on the network.

    Using transparent mode on all switches will allow for efficient administration and prevent VLAN data loss

    from the loss of any single switch.

    Configuring several switches in server mode will allow all VLANs to be entered from a single switch and

    preserve VLAN data if any of the switches or connections are lost.

    Configuring one primary and one backup switch in server mode and all other switches in transparent mode

    will provide fault tolerance for the VLAN data and allow for efficient distribution of the VLAN configurations

    to all switches.

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    Refer t o the exhi bit . Swi tch SW -A is to be used as a tempor ary r eplacement for another swit ch in

    the VTP Student dom ain. What t wo pi eces of in for mati on are indi cated from the exhibi ted

    outp ut? (Choose two.)

    The other switches in the domain can be running either VTP version 1 or 2.

    There is a risk that the switch may cause incorrect VLAN information to be sent through the domain.

    VTP will block frame forwarding on at least one redundant trunk port that is configured on this switch.

    VLAN configuration changes made on this switch will be sent to other devices in the VTP domain.

    This switch will update its VLAN configuration when VLAN changes are made on a VTP server in the same


    61. Wh at is the pur pose of i ssui ng the comm and swit chpor t m ode access on a swi tch in ter face?

    disable port security

    make the port operational

    override the default port behavior

    force the port to be a part of a single vlan


    Refer t o the exhibit . Wh at happens when a fr ame fr om a source MAC address different fr om

    00 a8.d2e4.ba27 r eaches swit ch por t 0 / 5?

    The frame is dropped.

    The port is shut down.

    An error message is displayed.

    FastEthernet port 0/5 will show an err-disabled messag


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    Refer to t he exhibit . What w il l be the result of the comm ands that are shown in the exhibit ?

    Only clients on VLAN 2 will be able to use DHCP for addressing.

    DHCP server responses will only be permitted on interface Fa0/2.

    Only 100 clients are permitted to request DHCP addresses on VLAN 2.

    Client requests for DHCP addresses will be filtered out if the requests are not received on interface Fa0/2.


    W hy is i t i m portant t hat the networ k admin istr ator consider th e spannin g-tr ee networ k diameter

    when choosing th e root br idge?

    The network diameter limitation is 9.

    BPDUs may be discarded because of expiring timers.

    The cabling distance between the switches is 100 meters.

    The network diameter must be set to the number of meters of the cable between the root bridge and its farthest

    connected switch.


    Refer t o the exhi bit . Wh at is the r esult of i ssui ng these comm ands?

    The enable password will be set.

    The password will be set for the first Telnet connection.

    The password will be set for the console connection.

    The password will be set for the auxiliary connection.

    Like One like. Sign Up to see what your friends like.


    why is it advisable that a network administrator use ssh instead of telnet when managing switches? (21),Refer to

    the exhibit What is true of the configuration of switch S1? (20),refer to the exhibit a new switch sw3 has been

    added to the network the network administrator determines that vlan information is not propagating to sw3

    which command will remedy the problem? (17),why is it important that the network administrator consider the

    spanning-tree network diameter when choosing the root bridge? (8),refer to the exhibit hosts a and b connected to

    hub hb1 attempt to transmit a frame at the same time but a collision occurs which hosts will receive the collision

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    jamming signal? (8),a frame from vlan1 of switch s1 is sent to switch s2 where the frame received on vlan2 what

    causes this behavior? (7),an administrator is troubleshooting a pc on the network which is suffering from slow and

    intermittent connectivity the pc has a ping success rate to the default gateway of less than half the ping attempts

    other pcs on the switch can consistently ping the (7),Refer to the exhibit All edge ports are configured with the

    spanning-tree portfast command Host1 is recently connected to port Fa0/1 on switch SW1 Which statement is

    true about the status of port Fa0/1? (3),refer to the exhibit a company has acquired a new office in a campus

    environment switches in the existing office and the new office are directly connected by a trunk link the vlans andip addressing are setup as shown in the exhibit the computers in each (3),refer to the exhibit which vlan will carry

    untagged traffic on fastethernet 0/1? (2),what is one disadvantage that 802 11a wireless (2),ccna3 final exam

    answers 2011 Update v4 0 (2),what will be the effect of the command s1# copy system:running-config tftp://172

    16 2 155/tokyo-config (1),ccna 3 final exam 2011 answers c (1),Which VLAN will carry untagged traffic on

    FastEthernet 0/1? (1),refer to the exhibit the vtp domain has been configured as shown in the exhibit none of the

    configured vlans on sw1 and sw2 are present on sw3 what should be done to remedy the problem? (1),CCNA 3

    FINAL 2011 V4 0 (1),which three statements are correct concerning the default configuration of a new switch

    (1),the important topic for all chapter for CCNA-D2 on final exam (1),which commands should you use to

    configure switch b\s fa0/2 to recognize vlan-tagged frames from switch a? (1),what is one disadvantage that 802

    11a wireless has compared to 802 11g (1),ccna 3 final test (1),ccna 3 final practice vtp stp (1),ccna 3final exam(1),ccna chapter 3 final exam (1),ccna final the network administrator wants to configure a switch to pass vlan

    updat information (1),ccna which two settings on hosta (vlan1) are required to allow connectivity with hostb

    (vlan2)? (choose two) (1),ccna3 final exam version 4 0 set b answers 2011 (1),ccna3 online final exam question

    (1),ccna3 what is one disadvantage that 802 11a wireless has compared to 802 11g? (1)This entry was posted in CCNA 3 Final Exam, CCNA 3 v4.0 answers, CCNA 3 LAN Switching and Wireless (V4.0) and tagged ccna 3, CCNA 3 Final Exam V4.0 Answers

    2010, CCNA 3 Practice Final Exam Answers, ccna final, Cisco CCNA 3 Final Exam Answers, LAN Switching and Wireless Final Exam Answers. Bookmark the permalink.

    11 Responses to CCNA 3 Final Exam V4.0 Answers

    Nguyen t r an says: January 19, 2011 at 8:17 am

    Thank you!

    I have passed 98%


    admin says:

    January 19, 2011 at 8:23 am


    Thank you for your comment


    JT says:

    January 26, 2011 at 7:19 pm

    Is this the latest one


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    admin says:

    January 27, 2011 at 2:15 pm

    Yes! This is ccna 3 final 2011


    admin says:

    January 27, 2011 at 3:17 pm



    JT says:

    January 27, 2011 at 3:54 pm

    well thanks hope i pass


    JT says:

    January 28, 2011 at 9:23 pm

    i passed cheers


    f l o r i n says:

    February 7, 2011 at 7:14 am

    There are all three variants covered?



    February 23, 2011 at 4:25 am

    Everyone must pass the Exams by themselves and not by taking the answers from here. Some one can use the answers from

    here to Excersize. I hope everyone will read the topic for the good of themselves.

    Best of lucks CCNA readers


    djkon says:

    February 23, 2011 at 8:12 pm

    so is this version a b and c? last time I failed semester 2

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