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CCG Direction

Jun 01, 2018



Surendra Dasila
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  • 8/9/2019 CCG Direction




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  • 8/9/2019 CCG Direction


    About this Document The Commandant’s Direction guides the Coast Guard during the tenure of each Commandant. This

    document is founded on our Core Values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty, and guided by the

    principles of Service to Nation, Duty to People, and Commitment to Excellence. Each principle reinforces

    the others and they collectively inform strategic, operational, and resource decision-making throughoutthe Coast Guard. In the following pages, each principle is described to explain its meaning, relevance,

    and applicability to all members of the Coast Guard Family — Active Duty, Reserve, Civilian, Auxiliary, and

    families alike. Priorities are identied to focus our efforts in meeting anticipated challenges and risks.

  • 8/9/2019 CCG Direction


    To the Men and Women of the Coast Guard,It is my great honor and privilege to serve you andthe American people as the 25th Commandantof the Coast Guard. Over the past 37 years, I havehad the opportunity to witness your courage,dedication, and professionalism in action across allof our missions. Today, our Coast Guard is stronger,more effective, and more relevant than ever before.Together, we will meet the increasingly complexchallenges of the future.

    Three guiding principles frame my direction for the Service over the next four years:

    Service to NationWe will serve our Nation through the seless performance of our missions.

    Duty to PeopleWe will honor our duty to protect those we serve and those who serve with us.

    Commitment to ExcellenceWe will commit ourselves to excellence by supporting and executing ouroperations in a procient and professional manner.

    You have my trust, condence, and admiration. I charge each of you - from oursenior leaders to our newest graduates of Cape May - to apply these principles toyour own unique role in the Coast Guard. Together, we will ensure our Service isalways ready for the challenges ahead. Semper Paratus!

    Admiral Paul F. Zukunft Commandant


  • 8/9/2019 CCG Direction


    As a Coast Guard, we will: Place Service above Self.

    Ensure readiness for all missions.

    Maintain operational focus onprevention and response.

  • 8/9/2019 CCG Direction


    Serviceto Nation

    We serve a cause greater than ourselves. This causeis the common thread which binds us to the Nationand to the communities in which we live. The Americanpublic places special trust in the Coast Guard toaccomplish our missions. We must honor that trust withprofessionalism and dedicated service.

    The maritime operating environment is increasinglycomplex and ever changing, and the Coast Guard’svalue to the Nation has never been greater. Our serviceto the American public is an essential safeguardagainst persistent maritime risks and emerging threats.As a leader in the global maritime community we willcontinue to build and leverage partnerships to ensure

    safe, secure, and environmentally responsible maritimeactivities. Together, we will focus on prevention andresponse while fostering the resilience essential tosafeguard America’s prosperity and security.

    We will place service above self as we advance ourNation’s interests at home, at sea, and abroad. Todayand into the future we will keep the Nation secure and itsmaritime gateways connected to the world.

    My Priorities Align Coast Guardstrategies with DHSpriorities to advancenational interests.

    Continue to invest in the21st century Coast Guard.

    Enhance partnershipswith stakeholders in themaritime community.

    Foster intelligencecapabilities and promotecyber security in the

    maritime domain.

  • 8/9/2019 CCG Direction


    As a Coast Guard, we will: Live the Core Values of Honor,

    Respect, and Devotion to Duty.

    Demonstrate moral courage andcommit to a safe, inclusive, andrespectful workplace.

    Commit to the well-being of our

    Coast Guard Family.

  • 8/9/2019 CCG Direction


    Dutyto PeopleDuty to people is about leadership. We are dedicated tothe citizens we serve and those who serve beside us.

    Our professional and talented workforce embodies thisdedication, continues our legacy of humanitarian service,and lives our Core Values of Honor, Respect, and Devotionto Duty.

    The Coast Guard’s strength resides in its people andthe different perspectives and talents they bring to theService. We will attract, develop, and retain the mosttalented maritime professionals in the world to maximizeour value to the American public. We must respect thosewe serve and those who serve with us by maximizingdiversity and inclusion to achieve the highest level ofmission excellence.

    The well-being of our people is critical to the success ofour Service. The Coast Guard relies on cutters, boats, andaircraft to operate in the maritime environment, but it is ourpeople who deliver truly unique capabilities to the Nation.We are committed to upholding values which advance aprofessional working environment today and cultivate theworkforce of tomorrow.

    My PrioritiesCommit to driving sexualassault from our ranks.

    Align recruiting , careerprogression, andworkforce structureto meet future


    Implement initiativesto ensure a workforcethat reflects the samediverse thought,experience, and talentfound in the richness of

    American society.

    Cultivate the well-being and professionaldevelopment of ourpeople.

  • 8/9/2019 CCG Direction


    As a Coast Guard, we will: Pursue excellence in mission

    execution and support.

    Foster an organization capable ofcontinuous innovation and learning.

    Be responsible stewardsof the Nation’s resources.

  • 8/9/2019 CCG Direction


    Commitment to ExcellenceExcellence is our standard. The American public knowsthat when the Coast Guard is called into action, we willrespond courageously and effectively. To do this, we must

    strive to achieve the highest standards of readiness andprociency. This is our responsibility — not only to thepublic — but to each other. We don’t know when we willencounter the next natural disaster or national crisis, orwhen a search and rescue case will suddenly turn lifethreatening, but we must remain true to our Service’smotto – Semper Paratus - and be Always Ready.

    Excellence in mission support is essential to ouroperational success. As Coast Guard mission demandincreases, we will always emphasize the safety of ourpeople. We will ensure operations are carefully planned tomaximize effectiveness and minimize risk. Our focus mustalso optimize efciencies and stewardship of resources.However, efciency goes beyond good stewardship ofpublic funds. It requires the Coast Guard as a whole tofoster innovation and partnerships across the public andprivate sectors.

    In all of our endeavors, we will continue to serve the Nationwith humility, and with the teamwork, on-scene initiative,and bias for action that are part of our enduring legacy.

    My PrioritiesAdvance ourcommitment to a moreproficient workforce.

    Ensure efciencyacross all Coast Guardactivities through

    effective planningand sound riskmanagement.

    Modernize our financialmanagement system.

    Enhance unity of effortthrough operational

    planning, logisticalsupport, and executionwith DHS, DoD, andother partners.

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  • 8/9/2019 CCG Direction


    Serviceto Nation

    Dutyto People

    Commitment to Excellence


  • 8/9/2019 CCG Direction


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