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Implementing the CCAFS Gender Strategy Patti Kristjanson CCAFS Research Leader/Senior Scientist, World Agroforestry Center Gender Investors Meeting Paris June 15th
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Implementing the CCAFS Gender Strategy

Patti KristjansonCCAFS Research Leader/Senior Scientist, World Agroforestry Center

Gender Investors MeetingParis June 15th

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CCAFS Objectives

• Identify and develop pro poor adaptation ‐and mitigation practices, technologies and policies for agriculture and food systems.

• Support the inclusion of agricultural issues in climate change policies, and of climate issues in agricultural policies, at all levels.

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Adapting Agriculture toClimate Variability and Change

Technologies, practices, partnerships and policies for:

1.Adaptation to Progressive Climate Change2.Adaptation through Managing Climate Risk3.Pro-poor Climate Change Mitigation

Improved Environmental


Rural Livelihoods

Improved Food


Enhanced adaptive capacity in agricultural, natural

resource management, and food systems

Trade-offs and Synergies

4. Integration for Decision Making

•Linking Knowledge with Action•Assembling Data and Tools for Analysis and Planning•Refining Frameworks for Policy Analysis

The CCAFS Framework:Research Themes, Outputs, and Impacts

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The Three Focus Regions

South Asia:Parts of India, Bangladesh, Nepal

Regional director:Pramod Aggarwal

East Africa:Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia

Regional director:James Kinyangi

West Africa:Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Niger

Regional director:Robert Zougmoré

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Adaptation Theme – gender contentObjective: Contribute to the design of processes, technologies and related policy and institutional frameworks for the adaptation of farming systems in the face of future climate uncertainties that reduce gender disparities in critical vulnerabilities, reduce female drudgery, and improve incomes for resource-poor men and women

Research questions: How might males and females be (differentially) affected by long-run climate change? What are their adaptation options and strategies (individual, household, or collective)? How might their capacities to adapt be different?

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Risk Management Theme – gender content

Objective: Integrate consideration of gender differences into the development and testing of improved services and risk climate information products and management innovations so that these produce benefits for resource-poor women producers and traders as well as men

Research questions: What are the characteristics and causes of gender differentials in vulnerability to weather-related risk? What is the potential for climate-related information to help females and males to manage climate-related risk?

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Pro-poor Mitigation Theme – gender content

Objective: Evaluate how selected development pathways, organizational, policy and financial arrangements and farm-level agricultural mitigation practices deliver benefits to poor women as well as to men Research questions: What institutional arrangements provide incentives for reducing carbon footprints (delivering environmental services), through improved SWLM? How are each of these institutional arrangements gender differentiated (e.g. how are benefits shared)? What could be done to make these institutional arrangements more gender-equitable?

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Integration for Decision Making– gender content

Objective: Improve the gender-relevance of stakeholder dialogues, frameworks for policy analysis, databases, methods and ex ante impact assessment for planning responses to climate change in agriculture

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Overarching gender questions re: Climate Smart Agriculture

Which climate-smart agricultural practices and interventions (including improved soil, water, land, crop, livestock, fish, ecosystem service and

agroforestry-related) are most likely to benefit women in particular, where, how and why? What interventions, actions, strategies and approaches will

help stimulate them?

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Gender-CC work across CentresMost centers are doing participatory work of some kind, related to CC in some way, that includes gender aspects:

e.g. Bioversity, CIAT, CIMMYT, IRRI, CIP, ICRISAT, … on varietal selection/trait preferences•CIAT, IFPRI – supply/value chains•CIMMYT – conservation ag, food security•CIP, others – vulnerability•ICARDA, IWMI, WorldFish, ICRISAT, CIMMYT – climate risk management and improved climate services•ICRAF – institutional issues re PES•IFPRI – sustainable land management practice uptake, WEAI•ILRI, IFPRI – focus on womens’ assets

Most centres – adaptation strategies, but by women, men, youths, other disadvantaged groups?

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CCAFS Approach

Review all this work within a broader social differentiation and social learning framework

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CCAFS ApproachA technical advisory team is:•Identifying key research gaps/questions (applying to CCAFS but other CRPs as well)•Reviewing existing tools, methods, approaches (e.g. IFPRI’s WEAI, ILRI/IFPRI GAAP tools, etc)•Refining/developing new approaches; cross-regional training of teams that will implement new gender-targeted research, starting in CCAFS sites where other CRPs are also working

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CCAFS gender-CC tools, data

• CCAFS baseline surveys – household, village, organizational levels, with various gender, age disaggregated indicators for measuring change over time

• Building regional capacity: FAO/CCAFS participatory approaches aimed at key CCAFS gender questions relating to risk, adaptation and mitigation

Training of trainers approach started in India, Uganda, Ghana, Bangladesh; all training materials available

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Research grants to local female PhD-level researchers looking at gender-CC issues

Hilda Ngazi – Tanzania Mitigating Climate Change through Restoration of Degraded Land. Ecology and soil fertility background. Hilda is currently a Principal Agriculture Research Officer at the Ukiriguru Agriculture Research Institute in Mwanza, Tanzania.

Gulsan Ara Parvin – Bangladesh Role of Microfinance Institutions to Enhance Food Security. Urban engineering, climate change and disaster management, and participatory community planning background. Gulsan is the chief researcher of Pathikrit, a Social and Human Development Non-Government Organization in Bangladesh.

Nani Raut – Nepal Role of Gender in Agricultural Intensification and its Contribution to Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Implications for Policy. Nani is an expert in watershed management and rural water supply, and is working with Kathmandu University in Nepal.

Arame Tall – Senegal Gender and climate information needs. Community vulnerability to hydro-meteo hazards. Arame is doing a PhD at Johns Hopkins School of Int’l Studies, and is affiliated with the National Meteorological Agency of Senegal.

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Desired ImpactsIncreased livelihood resilience, improved food security, and enhanced environmental function

Changes In PracticesOne or more of the actor groups: use high

level scenario planning; use new or enhanced farming system technologies,

seeds and adaptation strategies; diversify livelihoods and diets; use new knowledge about inputs, finance, markets to change production, consumption and marketing


Changes In Knowledge Attitudes And Skills

One or more of the actor groups have better understanding and/or skills in: the benefits and

value of new technologies and crop-livestock-tree systems; diversified livelihood and nutrition

sources, ecosystem function; land, water and biodiversity management, implications of climate change and adaptation measures, community involvement; how to work in

partnership across scales and sectors in an adaptive & problem-oriented way


CCAFS Theory of ChangeCCAFS Theory of Change

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Gender-focused strategies to achieve outcome

Inclusive engagement processes: e.g. future scenarios, climate analogues, improved seasonal forecasts (e.g. with women’s groups, networks), cross-site/project learning visits/workshops

Innovative communication strategies: e.g. communication experts involved throughout, research on CC communication, use of radio, soaps/reality shows, ICT’s

Capacity strengthening targeting women and youths: e.g. resource and network mapping, training of trainers in gender-CC research in CCAFS regions, gender-CC research calls, training female and youth community resource persons

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Implementing in Cross-CRP sites

Proposal: Identify key cross CRP-cutting gender issues and refine existing approaches to capture them

Implement the new research jointly with other CRP’s in landscapes/basins/hubs that have been identified as CRP research sites

Take a 10-year learning approach and catalyze the use of engagement, communication and capacity strengthening strategies by all partners aimed at enhancing the likelihood of achieving outcomes (particularly gender-related ones)

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