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.., :c: N : 2 I I '17. SINGLE COPIES ORiole ' 34>550 The Caron-. del Mar Commun . lty Church Ia buylna the adjoin - Ina Blake property on HeUotrope Ave. and plana to develop It for a playaround. The Rev. Edwin Gomke .. ld that the old dwei1Jn1 on the Civic ·Group Says 'Elect, Not Appoint' A citizens group In Coila Mesa 1a organtzJna a campalcn to make all city otflcl&ls eleetJve lnttead of L. M. Ed· wardt Is c hairman or the organ . lzatJon. called the Cltlzena Civlc Leacue. n.e first meettna wu held last nlaht at the Harper School In C.O.ta Meaa. Newport Beach cltlzena are ln . vlted to join In the campaign whJch has u Its goal a ballot proposition to make such Jobs ele<'tlve as city clerk, city man . ager, city att o rney, lire c hief, po. lice c hief , public worka director. fi nance officer and planning comml•loners. CET 1'00 POLJO gon The Newport Harbor Junior Chamber ot Commerce 11 apon - aorinr a poUo shot aerv1ce th11 Satutday, from 10 a .m . to 6 p.m .. at the Horace Enslen School ca - feteria . The fee wlU be 11. property wtll be razed. and the lot wm bf cleared otf ana land - eeaped. The front portion of the Jot will u a lawn, and the rear halt will be made Into a playiJOund area. Thla pW'Chqe Ia· belna made from the estate of the late Col. R. G. Blake,. the plctUJ'e8Que old west per.onaUty who wu found dead of a' heart attack Nov. 20 In his home at the age of 118. Alao belonglnr to the Blake Htate Is the Lone Star Muaeum on Coast Hwy .. ac r0511 from the Enslrn buUdJng. No di s position of that property hu yet been announced. Abortion Ri ng Evidence Said 'I The ''We ll -organized abortion ri ng In Ne wport " spok en of by by Sil va Cota. Baja California attorney general, In a con vera& - tlon wtth Atty . Gen. Sta nley Mosk haa falled to mater l allze In the form of concre te e vidence, acmrding to Detective C& pt . AI Johnson of the Newport Pollee. C&pt. Johnson said yesterday that he " anticipated no arrests" due to lnsuttlcletlt evidence and lnautftdent Information from Ba - Ja Callfornia officials. TH E BLAKE a Corona del Mar landma rk, will $00n be gone. T he p roperly •s be1ng purchased by the Cor ona del Mar Co mmun ity Ch urch a nd the house will be ra zed . !Ensig n ph oto) YOL 11. JrUIOD n City Cou ncil approva l of the 1 1n the formation o! a prac ti c&l suggestiOns roncernJng maater plan f or over- all Im prove- plan of de vel opment of t hto bui ld . dt>ta l ls of tht> master p la n me nt ot the COrona del Ma r lnrs." He said t hat at is the ir fN.>hng beach w as recomme nded Becauw of the objections from that when th e) ' req u ested to at- day even in g by the Ne w port ' the fl oor. t he rommls.sion ap- tend some o! tht> l eue romrnat - Par ks, Beach es an d proved an addat lo nal motion t t>e mt>etangs, they wt>rt> dlh· atlon Commission. Tht> Council stating that " at llmt> a s missed ra tht>r arbitraril y &!> not w ill receive the recom mt>ndat lon ot her phases ar'f! ronsldert>d for having s tand ing to dJJicuss t ht> Mo nd ay evening. deve lopment. t h e comma ssaon matter There wt>re obje<:tlons from t ht> w ill asslat In &pKif ic pla nning He r('('{)mmenaed\ that a ll 6 a udi ence--by Bradt>n F inch. M rs ot each a rea ." stands bt> l"t'ta l ned il'nd that thP Robert !rea a nd M rs . Duncan Att orney Cha r le s Schlegt>l . N>p -I nteri m p lan shou ld bt> alt t>rl'd Stewa rt , all f rom Corona del Mar r esent1nr bearh conre..'i.Si on to allow t he c urr en t operat or'!> 10 t he grou nds th at the com. owners. the req u est conti nue on a to ye .r or mi ssion motion ga ve fuJI approv. that the con cesslonalnos be per - ot her Je8.8(> basis unt il 8 wt>JJ . a l. to the pl an as pre pared by mltt ed to tr l vt> ln fonn atlon an d tho ugh t out pl an Is e ffected Pleger-Biu rock -Bra ndt. a nd that --- -- - - ---- - -- - - ----- - - -- the Council m ay go ah ead wi th ca rryi ng out the plan wi thout c.c. Ok S • L Surtht- r cons ult aUon wi th the ays lg Par k Co nun lssJon. The ob jectors n aw' sai d they d isagreE'(! w i th port ions of t hto plan. especia lly the pa rk - ew Conflict for Close Out Sale · Plan Recreall·on Plans that f urth er stu dy Is required as I The first gt>neral membt> rs hlp I tour s ta rtJ ng at 4: 45 p.m. 1 to t he i nsta llat ion of sped flc meettnr ot the year will be he ld REALTY COUNCIL - F are 1 parts or the p lan. but The Newport Ca.ta fU rther stated that 11. In 1960-6 1, by the Newport Harbor Cha mber Walker sa id that the prim ary I that the total pla _n gl\fft a fra me . Mesa proeram bu ga . I the r'f!Crt'ation or ot Commerce at 7:30 p.m . Wed · p roje<-t wu to com pil e and k eep wo rk within wht ch to bu ild boo r aiaed 1..., nead once araln a t Ne wport Beach a nd Costa Me a nesday, May 6, in the Bal boa up to d at e an lndustrtal ma n ua l " An dedsJ on the Monday meeti ng or the hi gh would ta ke over t M e ntlr'f! rei' · Bay Club. of l n! onnatl on, whi ch 11 avaiJa. the coun c il IS the dis positi on of sch ool board. rtoa tion prog-ram. it woul d a Jlow Speaker will be H. T. Lar.on of ble for refer e n ce Jn the Chamber the con cess ion bulldlnrs and Nea r the t- nd of a 4 hour ._. t he school d lstr ict to Aeronutronl c Systems Inc ., the office . Jack Barnett .. ld It wu which expire th is fall We slon. Da ve RJng, admlnl.stra tlve i ts funds on lmp rovl na the ret · .• Ford Co. subJdluy located In the the ma.t widely used documenJ COMider the l ocati on of the con -j auistant to S upe rviJior Claire reatJon fa cilltln on both c&m· Upper Bay ar'f!a Inland from Co. In the cesaion &r'f!U u shown on the Nelaon. brought a new problem puses. rona del Mar. He wlll tell about CLUBS, ASSOCIATIO NS-Mon - pla n to be appropriate and ree -l to the at tention ot the board. Dr. Ed Mil um. member of t he He Started Baseball Career the orlctn of the Aeronutro. nl c te Grtmes reported on the break - omrnend that the Ci ty Council ni11 ti me, the dl Mculty lay In board, expreaed arreement w it h finn and Its decision to locate rut meetlnr neld that mornlnr the plan. a confilct between tM eo.ta Mr. Dungan 's Idea , &nd turthtor Along Great Ty Cobb In the Harbor Area . at Howard'a Ratautant. Club n order to de t ennlne the Meaa Boy's Club niJht bueb&U pointed out that a .. vtnr ot d 11 · Ha.t for the rneetinr will be repraentatlws who attended structural design, over-•ll de · leal\le, and wrowtng requests trlct funda arlaJng from such a the Jndu.trla.l eouncll of the •Pftd to form the "Newport atm. specific location and nurn- from adult 10ftball tums for shl!t of supervisory responslbll · Hany Stewart, a pltclUnr ltar ln 19CM In M&con. Ga. 1"bat'1 the ehamber, an*r the chairman- Harbor Cnamber of Commerce ber of conoealona the nlrht time tad lltles th11 sum . lty would help pay for a Uehling ot a laalf-eentury aro. wu same yeu that the rreat 1')t Cobb lhlp of J1ob Htuon Community Coordlnat!ftr Council area. It 1.1 recommended mat the mer. for the baseball fleld at around dul., tbe w.ek-end. vt.. aot b.1a lt&rt - with the AuJUI. Chamber Ned RJU ot llarbcw ArM Clut. and .u.o. eerv10M of a quallfied architect Mr. Rlnr polhted out th&t the either hich IIChool ltinl bla eon·ID·Iaw &Dt 4aqb . ta. ln tbe same lea,ue m&de the announcement at the datJona. " Each oraanlz.atlon hu be obtalned, prefera.bly Plecet · eo.ta Maa Patk Delda were the The tentatlw dedalon of the fer , Xr . ..S Jla . 1lillll* u llaain. lfr . Mlwart ltayed on Monday noott meet:Jna ot the Men requeated to name a dele . Blurock-Bnndt. to .tudy an4 only llJhc.d Oe1da in the Harbor board was for the prd'a l"f'Cl"ea- lt .. ot lmne Terra.c., and allo tor tM ·e...on, but 1M recaUt Board of 8. urpc1 all cate and an alternate to tll1a eonter wfth the I'D Commission Area. and tbat they were t&ken tion committee to meet toda y tiM •mor Jl&Jpb 8dtJalent ol a.J. that Ty dJtbl"t m.a. ke tbe trade chamber memben to attend and eoundt, which 11 lnt.,ded to up by tbe aoy.• Club wtth repl'ftentatl ves trom both '- laland. then; he wu reJeued after 3 to brt.n.-alona a trfend eenoe u a dearina bouee ot In - Qk R t He sugated that a poal b.W Newport 8udl and Costa Meu Ml' . Stewart, now 76, Nrled days. Here 11 a aununary · ot other formation for a ctlvltle. o! orran . ay eques would be tor lbe school to a bJa ,...,_.onal buebaU career Hany waa one of the lead Ina developments at the directors' lzatlons. . 1 board to aUow t he Ca.ta Mesa City Official Hurt in Crash Mrs.. Helen Orr ot Corona del Mar, aecretary for the Newport Beaob Parka, Beachea and R«re . atlon Cornrnt.lon. IU.tfft'ed mul . tlple lacerations ot the lower Up and aeveraJ teeth knocked out In an automobile accident Monday on Cout Hwy. oppa.lte the to Bay Shorea Mrs. Orr wu travellrla toward Corona del Mar on Cout Hwy. in the outside lane, wben she .truck a car attemptlna to tum lett Into Bay Shore.. The otheT car. drlwn by C&tyle Carter of 2!501 Creaf . vt.w Dr.. Bay Shorea, moved on the amber &lanai after the on - eornJna tratflc In tbe Inside lane had .topped. Mrs, Orr'1 car struck the Car· ter whlcle at the rlaht front wheel. Sbe wu taken to Boac Ha.Ptal , where abe la to be lmJII'OYina and In cood condttklr\, pjtchera on the Weat Coast In rneetinc. PERSONAL SERVICES - The Of c I 8 k Pa rk Board to " tab - T h I p 1910, when he wu hurling for SIGN ORDINANCE - At tne dlnctors the t'ftlrnatlQn a an !Jtsh a softball field In a corner eac ers ay the .s.n Francltco Seala. The of H.-gh Mynat t. sJrn of C&p Ragan u c hairman of ! of t he Harbor Hl eh foot ball field. 1 pme he llkes to remember.,_. committee c halpnan. the dlrec- t1t1.s council . C&p said ne wu too The way Is c leared for the Ca l- wi th the sti pulation that t ht- R • Ok d wu &n 18- lnnlng pitchers' dual ton voted to to the busy at his I"Htaurant In Corona lfomla Bank to build a new park board I"Ht ore the turf be· a1se aye that ended In a 1-1 tie, and both Newport Ci ty Council to del Mar to devote the neoesaary bulldlna at Coast Hwy. and Lark . f or'f! t he fall l he and hla oppa.lng pitcher adopt the rev ts.d draft of th• time to the c halnnansh lp but s pur Ave . for the Corona del Ma rJ Su pt . Ma.x R\l&Wll poi n ted out 1 A n•w te achtor 's sala f) S<"hed went the entire route. propoeed c ity sign ordlnall<."e, and would continue to aerve on the branch. The appli ca ti on for wa lv - that adult softbaiJ wo uld be t oo ule for t he next year w as From tbe Se&la he went with to thank the Planni ng Commls- coun cU. er of a portion ot off·ltr'f!et park . destru ctive to allow for rHt ora - adopted by the Newport elem• the Vernon team for 3 YftJ'S, alon for Ita cooperation In mak - ASSOCIATED CHAMBERS - lng was approved J ut Thursd ay l ion of the turf In tame for f all tary school boa rd Tuesday n ight. th.en to San Antonio where he Ina c hanges. The directors approved Preside nt bv the Newport Beach Plann ing f ootball prac tice I Th• sch edule sets beg innang wound up h11 pltchlne c;reer ' In CLOSE Otrr SALES-Secrt'tary Hlll's appointment of Roland Commissi on. Mr. RJ ng al so suggest.-d tnat a I sala ri es at $4.600. and runs to Si . 1916. He was with a taU -ender Jack Barnett reported that a new I Wright u representati ve on the Also approved w as a ma jor l ong range soluti on would be for 8S5 for t eac he rs with 11 y f'a l"'!l club, but even so It wu his best plan hu worked out wi th A.ssociated Chambers of Com - Balboa proje<-t - the 25-unl t. 5- the sch ool bo:& rd to a pprove con- In t he- distri ct, maste rs degrel'S year. He h&d a 19-won. 10-lost elty offici a ls to allow merc hants me rce board, and Urban as st ory apartment build i ng to be st n.a rtlon of li gh ts for the Har bor and a dd iti o nal uni ts. record for that final y ear and he to hold cloee out ules without altern a te. ronstructed by the Balboa Devel - High ba seba ll field for ne xt ye ar 1 toaed a no -hitter! ' having to pay the presently re- SNOWBIRD FUGHT - Urban o pment Co. on Balboa Bl vd. be- When Mr. point ed out 1 a;. liaile CNiriCf Kidnap Report Is Investigated qulred 1750 tee tor a 30 _ Beh s uggested that the directors tween A and 8 streets. that next year' ll bu d gtot woul d .... day .. le. A merchant desiring req"est the City Council for a j not a llow for such a n lnst alla Ia .., .... &.... _ic to hold such a sale would be re - donation of S500 for th is event. AAUW •IIAKCII TO ELECT tlon. Mr Ring su gges t ed tha t the ._ qulred to surrender h is regular whi ch will be sailed In the Har· Officers will be e lected at 8 par k boa rd the light s Aeron u tronlc Systems Inc. t hP buslnea and obtain a bor on Sunda y. July 26. He sa id p.m. Wed nesday, April 29. at tht> and t ht> sch ool dlstrl ct pa y back Ford we-st su bs ad a ry wh arh apeclal 30-day permit for a $SO thla would more than cover the Corona del Mu Youth Cent er by I t he moM y In 1960·61. 15 bu i lding Its ma in plan t near fee . He would alao be required coet. Cap Rapn said he wu op . t he newly organi zed N• wport - Board membe r Donald Du nga n thto Upper Bay, hu bHn aw arrif'd A pou1ble uaault and lddnap - to furnish a $1.000 surety posed to as kJ ng the City Council Cost a Mesa_ b ra nch of _ Ame rl . suggested that su c- h a transact io n the Army' s S23.000 000 Shi ll tol a JZh Inc 11 being lnvestlaated by payable to the ci ty to guarantee for any funds. The Chambe r ca n Association of Un1ve-rs lty w ould haw to be made throuli!h de 'l. t'l Newport Beach polJoe. performance Jn a ceord&nce with should ralee the money fo r the Women . a Joint power He opme nt p rog ram Cbuek Enrel of Balboa Covel the dty code The 30-d&y period Fllcht of the Snowbirds. and he The Arm y slm u ltaMOusly re reported Saturday that be ... 2 eould be re.Mwed twice, at $50 would pledre $25. Mr. Racan Holste·tn w ·.l l Take Ov er ve-aJed that the teenaaers In a '52 Plymouth ac · each renewal for a midmnm Ald. re ady for fu ll scale devt>lopmt>nt ca.t a boy a straw hat sale time of 00 days. The c ham - PUBUCITY- Rerb Parker M id 1 f bb and is e xpe<"t ed to be OJM"ra ll nn and the of ber diJ'ectors voted to en dorse t here w .. . nftd for nati o na l Rotary Gave ro · m A ott ·,; a the Newport Bank ot America. tbl.s propoNI. advertising for the Harbor Area 1 ... ,.. ftAIII DDAft ILATD He said one of the bo)'l lOt PAUING FINES-Mr Barnett and suggested the creation of a Geor ge Holstein m. hea d of the fi rs t v ice preside nt; Ted Ham. weight CU ided m aMaiP •;ystem for n.e pro and con ot the dty out of the car, ltruck vk:dm reported that the Ci ty. Coundl .epa rate bank aC<.'Ount to be used G4!-org M H tat i A So b lid b rook. serond vice presiden t a nd •cl 051e· tn r. upport of t Tht- b'aah and aarb&ce c:oUectton and thftw him ln the <'ar Be !or this purpoee on!y. He alto e · 0 e n ns u · · e ha,.,e w1U be praented at the heard the victim shout, "Let me plan to lncreue overtime park . surgested a rerular bulletin to lng nnn. will be Installed July J t>rry RJch atds , M'Cl'l' t&ry Anny sa id it wi ll ar t-ath• ln - meetinr of the Newport Ha.rbof ro; Jet me co. " whereupon the)' lng tinea from $1 to S2 Is con - members.. made aelf aupportlna 7 as p resi dent of the Ne wport The new boa rd of dlrf'('t on; will c rease ti re powf'r &Ratn<t armnr w · Clvtc Lea-... at t·30 "reaUv worked him over " The &ldered untalr by many business - through sale of advertl s lne Balboa Rota ry CJub. be com prl..ted of Mr Holstein. Mr · as aaaanst t roops and oman •- b ., · men on the l'fOUnds th&t they · He will s uc."Ceed Bailey Abbot t. Abbot1, Mr Albrigh t. Mr Ham . ft told fortJ f1 c-ataons V e hI co I P May lt, In the Ebe car wulalt eeen headJnr toward and t heir CWitomers would be hud of the Service Equ i pment brook. Mr. Richa rds. Ba r. Is one applk all on of Clubhoae, Balboa. the Arches. penalized for condition caused 8 0 a rd H .• res Co., bulld lng suppllt'S, of Ne w - r'f!tt. Harold Ca ldwell , Edwant I ha s sy stem prlmartly by outalde visitors. The port Ch apman m. Dr. No la n Frl tte ll. Tht> Shill t>l a gh program wi ll Newport Harbor Jaycees Will Install New May 15 dJrtctora aareec! th&t the lncreue 1.! Kenneth Albright was elected An drew Hedblom, Richa rd J ohn be In a 550.000- squart' - ln nne should not be clty - wJde. I 2 T eacners liOn. Carl Mlll t>r Jr. an d Edwarc1 t oot pl ant In Maywood, Atoronu - l>ut should be limited to spedal Tl... .... ..a 1 ..... Tu• Pellt'grln. tronk Prt" slde nt Ger&Jd Lynch locations. auch u the Coron• del Twelve new teachers ... ... Th e new Ro t ary pres.ident ha s Mar above the main tUred for the next acbool yeer by The CIUzem Committee for lived In the Ha r bo r Al"t' a slne't' --- - --- wbete many vla.ltora are parldng the Newport Be&ch Element&ry Lower Taxes has been orpnlzed 1944, tollowlna a('ti V to d uty In the owrttme for a 11 fJne rather tha School Board at the adjourned to a upport the ci ty's trash and Paci fl <' wt th tht- Navy He h as pay the 11 fee below. mt!etl•r Tuesday nJrht. rarbage collect.Jo n charae 11nd to he aded tht' buil ding firm since MA.P 5 locat1oM The new tMdlera are O.vtd campa lcn f or defeet of the June r'f!tl rement of h is f ather in for theM Ha.rbor Area pograph . Borkenhapn. Robert Coons. John l s pecial election propoaitJon. Les 1954. Nnvport Beach Ubrartan Dor. leal aJcns have been aelected and DaVIs, MJa Mary Ehrl c.- h, M.ra. Is c hairman. and Mrs. Tht' Holstetns Ji ve In the Ba<'k ot ht'a Sneety itt NqUt"SUna the will tt. tubmltted to the Newport Ma.rfan Guenther, Mlae Arwne Robert is Bay a rea. They h ave 3 d&ught eors. O.partmt'!nt ot lnttmal bwn ue leach and eo.ta Mesa dty coun . Hull, Ml8a lttfta. lira.. San · S ua n. 1 o. Sally 8. and Sandra 6 to F!ienda 6t the dla for approval. ctty coun - dra JUebL JUdw'd McCarth,y . •• ._ .. ' 'l lJbrary u non -prollt oraan . ciJ hu aDMd to pl'OVide up to Nlae Joan Nteft.bac:h. 3obn ..... . .... , ,_. 1 ..., .... _ a.;:u tlon so that donatioN made to $1. 500 In tu fUndi rot tbe aJgns. Jr. and Mra.. Darlene Wood. A contal.nlna .., dla · .-.y ..... ... 1 .=dl,.;'!!_. bt deductlbl COUNCIL- Rob Mila Georfla Roach wu f'm mo nda wt In platinum ud W'OI'1h - Hlaan dMN wtll . be played u a nuqae. a.-. and a rt..ral vaJ\Ifod at SJ ,. IJ M ...... Nelft Moncky t'wnJnr a 1DMt1J1w at ftOOft nat Wedoes - 500 stolt'n from ttw- bcllw J)Cit 8uC!b City poiwldl la ex- dq, April a, at the lrvtDe Cout uoao- ITOLD .ol Mra.. lobn Oabum ot lt -.., Vlnt Scboal flU · PtCted to re<ll!'iw donatioN to. Countr, Cla.b. "What tM Cham - Te,.nc. Clarb, 21. and Ted lalftd last n.u...s.., P'Dib ,.. era, wha \Utt IJarac» kOOO. MHit the btt c.n ciO '• lndwrtJW nnns " Solmaoft. K ot .U.btlm. and pclfted tocatJna a won\an IIUipiCt. School utn., f'Wf)' 2 ol u.. Ubrary . '"' 10 wt1l dtee' I cl . C..,. CNcllla. )&. ot 11\aMa but wtthlwW Ml name hrld -. Ubrary quiz mntest hl ob- !: ':.,-=- .:; 1IAIIIJfC COU!fCIL-Itm Law Putl ..,. ..._. on tiM ln'ft!IUpUCN\. •rvance ot nat i onal UbratJ CcnM Clellla.r u-... a..-Nlllcl w. ..... aJ wtn d\&it'e ot ....... ...... , ..... _ ... --, .... •t a• p.a. ..... , I. 8 ........ _of., .... ,. ucl ,_ .,_. CRft ..... IIAft am&. Ubrarlan **1Dan GilL ,_ t-. ..... at a. ..... _De; fi t ._.. .. the ....... .,... at •' Balian ,._DCI- Qa$ anDMtaeH the MnL ... . A .. .... , ........ , '7, ..... , 11Qr1et1 Dr. M .._, ..... _ A-. ..._ llaleiM\. ,._ Wl o...r Dr .. u. u.. cltdlr• ,_ _ .... ._ .- 1 .... ,. .... ._. .... _, WI .._.. ..._ ..... .._. "-' •t •• ' M4l .._ ..-. ,. - ... t1 .. .... _ .... ,. lat· poln 'DIIIIIN .._ .... .,. 10. '- ue 1111111p ..... It -- - lflil I Ia ......... II F ..... =Aid U. ........ taJ. ..... _, ff eM CIMil Jlfllt to 11117 - ....... 1Ma - ai ,.. wll ..... alii- a Ml\ tllll • II.,. .. I, ...... 5--., OM Clf '-r ea..- ..... ._ ... J!W. ..

c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans

Jun 11, 2022



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Page 1: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans


:c: N: 2 I I • '17.


ORiole ' 34>550 10~

The Caron-. del Mar Commun. lty Church Ia buylna the adjoin­Ina Blake property on HeUotrope Ave. and plana to develop It for a chu~h playaround.

The Rev. Edwin Gomke .. ld that the old dwei1Jn1 on the

Civic ·Group Says 'Elect, Not Appoint'

A citizens group In Coila Mesa 1a organtzJna a campalcn to make all city otflcl&ls eleetJve lnttead of appolntlv~. L. M. Ed· wardt Is chairman or the organ . lzatJon. called the Cltlzena Civlc Leacue. n.e first meettna wu

• held last nlaht at the Harper School In C.O.ta Meaa .

Newport Beach cltlzena are ln . vlted to join In the campaign whJch has u Its goal a ballot proposition to make s uch Jobs ele<'tlve as city clerk, city man . ager, city attorney, lire chief, po. lice chief, public w orka director. finance officer and planning comml•loners.

CET 1'00 POLJO gon The Newport Harbor Junior

Chamber ot Commerce 11 apon­aorinr a poUo shot aerv1ce th11 Satutday, from 10 a .m . to 6 p.m .. at the Horace Enslen School ca­feteria. The fee wlU be 11.

property wtll be razed. and the lot wm bf cleared otf ana land ­eeaped. The front portion of the Jot will ~main u a lawn, and the rear halt will be made Into a playiJOund area.

Thla pW'Chqe Ia· belna made from the estate of the late Col. R. G. Blake,. the plctUJ'e8Que old west per.onaUty who wu found dead of a' heart attack Nov. 20 In his home at the age of 118.

Alao belonglnr to the Blake Htate Is the Lone Star Muaeum on Coast Hwy .. ac r0511 from the Enslrn buUdJng. No dis position of that property hu yet been announced.

Abortion Ring Evidence Said 'I ns~fficient•

The ''Well -organized abortion ring In Newport" spoken of by by Silva Cota . Baja California attorney general, In a convera&­tlon wtth Atty. Gen. Sta nley Mosk haa falled to materlallze In the form of concrete evide nce, acmrding to Detective C&pt. AI Johnson of the Newport ~ach Pollee.

C&pt. Johnson said yesterday that he "anticipated no arrests" due to lnsuttlcletlt evidence and lnautftdent Information from Ba ­Ja Callfornia officials.

THE BLAKE ~OU~E, a Corona d el Mar landmark, will $00n be gone . The p roperly •s be1ng p urchased by the Corona del Mar Community Church a nd the house will be razed. !Ensig n photo)

YOL 11. JrUIOD n

City Cou ncil approval of the 11n the formation o! a practic&l suggest iOns roncernJng ~opeci Cic maater plan for over-all Improve - pla n of development of thto bui ld . dt>tal ls of tht> master plan me nt ot the COrona del Ma r lnr s." He said that at is their fN.>hng beach was recomme nded Tu~-1 Beca uw of the objections from that when the)' requested to a t ­day evening by the New port ' the fl oor. the rommls.sion a p - tend some o! tht> leue romrnat ­~ach Pa rks, Beaches and R«r~. proved an addat lonal motion tt>e mt>etangs, they wt>rt> dlh· a tlo n Commission. Tht> Council stating that "at s~.~;h llmt> a s missed ra tht>r arbitrarily &!> not w ill receive the recommt>ndat lon other phases ar'f! ronsldert>d for having s tand ing to dJJicuss t ht> Monday evening. development. t h e commassaon matter

There wt>re ob je<:tlons from tht> w ill asslat In &pKif ic planning He r('('{)mmenaed\ that a ll 6 a udience--by Bradt>n Finch. M rs ot ea ch a rea." s ta nds bt> l"t'talned il'nd tha t thP Robert !rea a nd M rs. Duncan Attorney Charles Sch legt>l. N>p - Interim plan shou ld bt> alt t>rl'd Stewart, all from Corona del Mar resent1nr th~ bear h conre..'i.Sion to allow the current opera tor'!> 10 ~n the grou nds tha t the com . owners. submltt~d the request continue on a y~ar to ye • .r or mission motion ga ve fuJI approv . that the concesslonalnos be per- other Je8.8(> basis u nt il 8 wt>JJ . a l. to the plan as prepared by mltted to trlvt> lnfonnatlon and thought out plan Is effected Plege r-Biurock -Bra ndt. a nd that ------ - ----- --- - ------ - -­the Council m ay go a head with ca rrying ou t the plan without

c.c. Ok S• L Surtht-r consulta Uon wi th the

ays lg Park ConunlssJon. The objectors n aw' said they disagreE'(! w ith portions of thto p lan. especia lly the pa rk -

ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan ' "~:!=:I!::notl~~~~~ Recreall·on Plans that further s tudy Is required as I

The first gt>neral membt>rshlp I tour s tartJng at 4:45 p.m . 1 to the installa t ion of spedflc meettnr ot the year will be held REALTY COUNCIL - F are 1 parts or the plan. but believ~ The Newport ~ach, Ca.ta fU rther stated that 11. In 1960-6 1, by the Newport Harbor Cha mber Walker said that the prim ary I t ha t the tota l pla_n gl\fft a frame. Mesa ~reatlon proeram bu ga . I the r'f!Crt'ation depa~nu or ot Commerce a t 7:30 p.m . Wed · proje<-t wu to compile and keep work within whtch to build boo raiaed 1..., nead once araln a t Newport Beach a nd Costa Me a nesday, May 6, in the Balboa up to date an lndustrtal manual "An imm~late dedsJon facln~ the Monday meeti ng or the high would ta ke over t M e ntlr'f! rei' ·

Bay Club. of ln!onnatlon, which 11 avaiJa . the council IS the dis position of school board. rtoation prog-ram. it would aJlow Speaker will be H. T. Lar.on of ble for refere nce Jn the Chamber the concession bulldlnrs a nd Nea r the t-nd of a 4 hou r ._. the school d lstrict to con~ntrate

Aeronutronlc Systems Inc., the office. Jack Barnett .. ld It wu which expire this fall W e slon. Dave RJng, admlnl.stratlve its funds on lmprovlna the ret· .• Ford Co. subJdluy located In the the ma.t widely used documenJ COMider the location of the con -j auistant to SuperviJior Claire reatJon fa cilltln on both c&m· Upper Bay ar'f!a Inland from Co. In the otfl~. cesaion &r'f!U u shown on the Nelaon. brought a new problem puses. rona del Mar. He wlll tell about CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS-Mon- plan to be appropriate and ree -l to the a t tention ot the board. Dr. Ed Milum. member of the

He Started Baseball Career the orlctn of the Aeronutro.nlc te Grtmes reported on the break- omrnend that the City Council ni11 time, the d lMculty lay In board, expreaed arreement with finn and Its decision to locate rut meetlnr neld that mornlnr a~?1Pt the plan. a confilct between tM eo.ta Mr. Dungan's Idea, &nd turthtor

Along W•lt~ Great Ty Cobb In the Harbor Area. at Howard'a Ratautant. Club n order to det ennlne the Meaa Boy's Club n iJht bueb&U pointed out that a .. vtnr ot d 11· Ha.t for the rneetinr will be repraentatlws who attended structural design, over-•ll de· leal\le, and wrowtng requests trlct funda arlaJng from such a

the Jndu.trla.l eouncll of the •Pftd to form the "Newport atm. specific location and nurn- from adult 10ftball tums for shl!t of supervisory responslbll· Hany Stewart, a pltclUnr ltar ln 19CM In M&con. Ga. 1"bat'1 the ehamber, an*r the chairman- Harbor Cnamber of Commerce ber of conoealona sultabl!_~0 the nlrht time tad lltles th11 sum. lty would help pay for a Uehling

ot a laalf-eentury aro. wu same yeu that the rreat 1')t Cobb lhlp of J1ob Htuon Community Coordlnat!ftr Council area. It 1.1 recommended mat the mer. ~em for the baseball fleld at around dul., tbe w.ek-end. vt.. aot b.1a lt&rt - with the AuJUI. Chamber .,.-~nt Ned RJU ot llarbcw ArM Clut. and .u.o. eerv10M of a quallfied architect Mr. Rlnr polhted out th&t the either hich IIChool ltinl bla eon·ID·Iaw &Dt 4aqb. ta. C...~ ln tbe same lea,ue m&de the announcement at the datJona." Each oraanlz.atlon hu be obtalned, prefera.bly Plecet· eo.ta Maa Patk Delda were the The tentatlw dedalon of the fer, Xr . ..S Jla. 1lillll* u llaain. lfr. Mlwart ltayed on Monday noott meet:Jna ot the Men requeated to name a dele. Blurock-Bnndt. to .tudy an4 only llJhc.d Oe1da in the Harbor board was for the prd'a l"f'Cl"ea ­lt .. ot lmne Terra.c., and allo tor tM ·e...on, but 1M recaUt Board of ~ 8. urpc1 all cate and an alternate to tll1a eonter wfth the I'D Commission Area. and tbat they were t&ken tion committee to meet today tiM •mor Jl&Jpb 8dtJalent ol a.J. that Ty dJtbl"t tbe trade chamber memben to attend and eoundt, which 11 lnt.,ded to up by tbe aoy.• Club 1~. wtth repl'ftentatlves trom both '- laland. then; he wu reJeued after 3 to brt.n.-alona a trfend eenoe u a dearina bouee ot In - Qk R t He sugated that a poalb.W Newport 8udl and Costa Meu

Ml'. Stewart, now 76, Nrled days. Here 11 a aununary· ot other formation for a ctlvltle. o! orran. ay eques ~luUon would be tor lbe school to ~k a ~lution. bJa ,...,_.onal buebaU career Hany waa one of the lead Ina developments at the directors' lzatlons. . 1 board to aUow the Ca.ta Mesa

City Official Hurt in Crash

Mrs.. Helen Orr ot Corona del Mar, aecretary for the Newport Beaob Parka, Beachea and R«re. atlon Cornrnt.lon. IU.tfft'ed mul. tlple lacerations ot the lower Up and aeveraJ teeth we~ knocked out In an automobile accident Monday on Cout Hwy. oppa.lte the ~nt7ane to Bay Shorea

Mrs. Orr wu travellrla toward Corona del Mar on Cout Hwy. in the outside lane, wben she .truck a car attemptlna to tum lett Into Bay Shore.. The otheT car. drlwn by C&tyle Carter of 2!501 Creaf. vt.w Dr.. Bay Shorea, moved on the amber &lanai after the on ­eornJna tratflc In tbe Inside lane had .topped.

Mrs, Orr'1 car struck the Car· ter whlcle at the rlaht front wheel. Sbe wu taken to Boac Ha.Ptal, where abe la ~ported to be lmJII'OYina and In cood condttklr\,

pjtchera on the Weat Coast In rneetinc. PERSONAL SERVICES - The Of c I 8 k Pa rk Board to " tab- T h I p 1910, when he wu hurling for SIGN ORDINANCE - At tne dlnctors a~pted the t'ftlrnatlQn a an !Jtsh a softball f ield In a corner eac ers ay the .s.n Francltco Seala. The ~on of H.-gh Mynatt. sJrn of C&p Ragan u chairman of ! of the Harbor Hleh football field. 1 pme he llkes to remember.,_. committee chalpnan. the dlrec- t1t1.s council. C&p said ne wu too The way Is c leared for the Cal- w ith the stipulation that tht- R • Ok d wu &n 18-lnnlng pitchers' dual ton voted to ~mmend to the busy at his I"Htaurant In Corona lfomla Bank to build a new park board I"Htore the turf be· a1se aye that ended In a 1-1 tie, and both Newport ~ach City Council to del Mar to devote the neoesaary bulldlna at Coast Hwy. and Lark. for'f! the fall tteme~ter l he and hla oppa.lng pitcher adopt the rev ts.d draft of th• time to the chalnnanshlp but s pur Ave . for the Corona del Ma r J Supt. Ma.x R\l&Wll poi nted out

1 A n•w teachtor 's salaf) S<"hed

went the entire route. propoeed city sign ordlnall<."e, and would continue to aerve on the branch. The applicat ion for walv- that adult softbaiJ would be too ule for t he next ~ool year was From tbe Se&la he went with to thank the Planning Commls- councU. er of a portion ot off ·ltr'f!et park. destructive to allow for rHtora - adopted by the Newport elem•n ·

the Vernon team for 3 YftJ'S, alon for Ita cooperation In mak- ASSOCIATED CHAMBERS - lng was approved Jut Thursday l ion of the turf In tame for fall tary school boa rd Tuesday night. th.en to San Antonio where he Ina changes. The directors approved Preside nt bv the Newport Beach Planning football prac tice I Th• schedule sets beginnang wound up h11 pltchlne c;reer' In CLOSE Otrr SALES-Secrt'tary Hlll 's appointment of Roland Commission. Mr. RJ ng also suggest.-d tnat a I salaries a t $4.600. and runs to Si . 1916. He was with a taU-ender Jack Barnett reported that a new I Wright u representative on the Also approved was a major long range solution wou ld be for 8S5 for teachers wit h 11 yf'a l"'!l club, but even so It wu his best plan hu ~n worked out with A.ssociated Chambers of Com - Balboa proje<-t - the 25-unl t. 5 - the school bo:& rd to a pprove con - In the- dis t rict, mas ters degrel'S year. He h&d a 19-won. 10-lost elty officia ls to allow merchants merce board, and Urban ~h as story apartment building to be s tn.a rtlon of lights for the Ha rbor and a dditional u nits. record for that final year and he to hold cloee out ules without alterna te. ronstructed by the Balboa Devel - High baseba ll fi e ld for next year 1 toaed a no-hitter! ' having to pay the presently re- SNOWBIRD FUGHT - Urban opment Co. on Balboa Blvd. be - When Mr. Ru~ll poi nted out

1a;. liaile CNiriCf

Kidnap Report Is Investigated

qulred 1750 Jl~nae tee tor a 30_ Beh s uggested that the directors tween A and 8 streets. tha t next year'll budgtot would .... day .. le. A merchant desiring req"est the City Council for a j not a llow for such a n lnstalla ~- Ia • ..,....&...._ic to hold such a sale would be re- donation of S500 for this event. AAUW •IIAKCII TO ELECT tlon. Mr Ring su ggest ed tha t the ._ --~~~~-qulred to surrender h is regular which will be sailed In the Har· Officers will be elected at 8 park boa rd flnan~ the lights Aeronutronlc Systems Inc. thP buslnea u~nae and obtain a bor on Sunday. July 26. He said p.m . Wednesday, Apri l 29. at tht> a nd tht> school dlstrlct pay back Ford we-st su bsada ry wh ar h apeclal 30-day permit for a $SO thla would more than cover the Corona de l Mu You th Cente r by I the moM y In 1960·61. 15 building Its main plant near fee. He would alao be required coet. Cap Rapn said he wu op. t he newly organized N•wport - Board member Donald Dunga n thto Upper Bay , hu bHn a warrif'd

A pou1ble uaault and lddnap- to furnish a $1.000 surety ~nd posed to askJng the City Council Costa Mesa_ branch of t~e _Amerl . suggested that su c-h a transaction the Army's S23.000 000 Sh illtola JZh Inc 11 being lnvestlaated by payable to the city to guarantee for any funds. The Chamber ca n Association of Un1ve-rslty would haw to be made throuli!h surfa~- to -surface m•~llto de 'l. t'l Newport Beach polJoe. performance Jn aceord&nce with should ralee the money for the Women. a Joint power a~ment He opment program

Cbuek Enrel of Balboa Covel the dty code The 30-d&y period Fllcht of the Snowbirds. and he The Army slmu ltaMOusly re

reported Saturday that be ... 2 eould be re.Mwed twice, at $50 would pledre $25. Mr. Racan Holste·tn w ·.ll Take Over ve-aJed that the Shillet.~rh ·~ teenaaers In a '52 Plymouth ac· each renewal for a midmnm Ald. rea dy for fu ll scale devt>lopmt>nt ca.t a boy ~artnc a straw hat sale time of 00 days. The cham- PUBUCITY- Rerb Parker M id

1 f bb and is e xpe<"ted to be OJM"ra llnn

and •ta~Prln~ln the vldnJ~ of ber diJ'ectors voted to endorse t here w .. . nftd for national Rotary Gave ro· m A ott ·,; ~ ~~~eri~d ~.~s a Thn~·\·\C~a,.~hn, the Newport Bank ot America. tbl.s propoNI. advertising for the Harbor Area


... ~- ~ ~.. ,.. ftAIII DDAft ILATD He said one of the bo)'l lOt PAUING FINES-Mr Barnett and suggested the creation of a George Holstein m. head of the fi rst vice president ; Ted Ham. weight CU ided m aMaiP •;ystem for

n.e pro and con ot the dty out of the car, ltruck th~ vk:dm reported that the City. Cound l .epa rate bank aC<.'Ount to be used G4!-org M H tat i A So b lid brook. serond vice president a nd • cl051e· tn r.upport of t roo~ Tht-b'aah and aarb&ce c:oUectton and thftw him ln the <'ar Be !or this purpoee on!y. He alto e · 0 e n ns u · · eha,.,e w1U be praented at the heard the victim shout, "Let me plan to lncreue overtime park . surgested a rerular bulle t in to lng nnn. will be Installed July J t>rry RJchatds, M'Cl'l't&ry Anny said it w ill a rt-ath• ln -meetinr of the Newport Ha.rbof ro; Jet me co." whereupon the)' lng tinea from $1 to S2 Is con- members.. made aelf aupportlna 7 as president of the Newport The new board of dlrf'('ton; will crease ti re powf'r &Ratn<t armnr w · • Clvtc Lea-... at t·30 "reaUv worked him over " The &ldered untalr by many business - through sale of advertls lne Balboa Rotary CJub. be comprl..ted of Mr Holstein. Mr · ~ ~ll a s aaaans t t roops and

oman • •- • b ., · men on the l'fOUnds th&t they · He will suc."Ceed Bailey Abbot t. Abbot1, Mr Albright. Mr Ham . fttold fortJf1c-ataons V e h I co I P 1\a~. May lt, In the Ebe car wulalt eeen headJnr toward and their CWitomers would be hud of the Service Equipment brook. Mr. Richards. Jam~ Bar. m~unllnll Is one a pplk allon of Clubhoae, Balboa. the Arches. penalized for • condition caused 8 0 a rd H .• res Co., bulldlng s uppllt'S, of New - r'f!tt. Harold Caldwell, Edwant I has system

prlmartly by outalde visitors. The port ~ach. • Chapma n m. Dr. Nola n Frlttell. Tht> Shillt>la gh program w ill

Newport Harbor Jaycees Will Install New Off~c;rs May 15

dJrtctora aareec! th&t the lncreue 1.! Kenneth Albright was e lected An drew Hedblom , Richard John be l nltJa t~ In a 550.000-squart'-ln nne should not be clty-wJde. I 2 T eacners liOn. Ca rl Mlllt>r J r. and Edwarc1 toot p lant In Maywood, Atoronu -l>ut should be limited to spedal Tl... .... ..a 1 ..... Tu• Pellt'grln. tronk Prt"sldent Ger&Jd Lynch locations. auch u the Coron• del Twelve new teachers • -· ... ... The new Rotary pres.ident ha s announ~. Mar a~a above the main ~ach. tUred for the next acbool yeer by The CIUzem Committee for lived In the Ha rbor Al"t'a slne't' ---- ---wbete many vla.ltora are parldng the Newport Be&ch Element&ry Lower Taxes has been orpnlzed 1944, tollowlna a('tiVto duty In the owrttme for a 11 fJne rather tha School Board at the adjourned to a upport the city's trash and Pacifl<' wtth tht- Navy He has pay the 11 par~lna fee below. mt!etl•r Tuesday nJrht. rarbage collect.Jon charae 11nd to headed tht' building firm since

MA.P SJ~ne 5 locat1oM The new tMdlera are O.vtd campalcn for defeet of the June t~ r'f!tl rement of his father in for theM Ha.rbor Area pograph. Borkenhapn. Robert Coons. John l special election propoaitJon. Les 1954. Nnvport Beach Ubrartan Dor. leal aJcns have been aelected and DaVIs, MJa Mary Ehrlc.-h, M.ra. Stt'Cfe~n Is chairman. and Mrs. Tht' Holstetns Jive In the Ba<'k otht'a Sneety itt NqUt"SUna the will tt. tubmltted to the Newport Ma.rfan Guenther, Mlae Arwne Robert ~· is ~-trusuft'r. Bay a rea. They have 3 d&ughteors. O.partmt'!nt ot lnttmal b w nue leach and eo.ta Mesa dty coun . Hull, Ml8a G~n lttfta. lira.. San · Suan. 1o. Sally 8. and Sandra 6 to designat~ ~ F!ienda 6t the dla for approval. Ea~h ctty coun - dra JUebL JUdw'd McCarth,y. •~ •• ._ .. ~ • ' 'l lJbrary u • non-prollt . ciJ hu aDMd to pl'OVide up to Nlae Joan Nteft.bac:h. 3obn ~ ..... ..... , ,_. 1 ..., ...._ a.;:u tlon so that donatioN made to $1.500 In tu fUndi rot tbe aJgns. Jr. and Mra.. Darlene Wood. A ~ contal.nlna .., dla· .-.y ..... ... ~

1.=dl,.;'!!_. bt deductlbl

INOUSTIU~ COUNCIL- Rob Mila Georfla Roach wu f'm monda wt In platinum ud W'OI'1h -Hlaan ~that dMN wtll. be played u a nuqae. a.-. and a rt..ral vaJ\Ifod at SJ,. IJ M ...... Nelft Moncky t'wnJnr theN~-a 1DMt1J1w at ftOOft nat Wedoes- 500 -.~ stolt'n from ttw- bcllw J)Cit 8uC!b City poiwldl la e x-dq, April a, at the lrvtDe Cout uoao- ITOLD .ol Mra.. lobn Oabum ot lt -.., H~rbor Vlnt Scboal al~ flU· PtCted to re<ll!'iw donatioN to . Countr, Cla.b. "What tM Cham - Te,.nc. Clarb, 21. and Ted lalftd last n.u...s.., P'Dib ,.. era, wha \Utt IJarac» ta~ kOOO. MHit ~ the btt c.n ciO '• lndwrtJW nnns" Solmaoft. K ot .U.btlm. and pclfted tocatJna a won\an IIUipiCt. School utn., f'Wf)' 2 ~ ol u.. Ubrary. '"' • 10 wt1l ~ dtee' I cl. C..,. CNcllla. )&. ot 11\aMa but wtthlwW Ml name peM~na hrld -. Ubrary quiz mntest hl ob- ~~N !: ~.;:!. ':.,-=- .:;

1IAIIIJfC COU!fCIL-Itm Law Putl ..,. ..._. ·~ on tiM ln'ft!IUpUCN\. •rvance ot national UbratJ CcnM Clellla.r u-... a..-Nlllcl ~Nt w. .....aJ wtn d\&it'e ot ....... ......,....._ ... --, • .... •t a• p.a. ~ • ....., I. 8 ........_of.,....,. ucl ,_ .,_. CRft ..... IIAft am&. Ubrarlan K~~ **1Dan GilL ,_ t-. ..... at a. ....._De; fi t ._.. .. the ....... ~ .,... at •' Balian ,._DCI- Qa$ ~. anDMtaeH the MnL ~ .... A .. ....,........, '7,.....,

• 11Qr1et1 Dr. M .._, ....._ A-. ..._ llaleiM\. ,._ Wl o...r Dr .. w~ur. u. u.. cltdlr• ,_ _.... ._ . - 1 ....,. .... ._. ...._, WI .._.. • ..._ ..... .._. "-' •t ••' M4l .._ ..-. ,.-... t1 • .. ...._ ....,. lat· poln 'DIIIIIN .._.... .,. 10. • '- ue 1111111p ..... It -- - lflil • I Ia ......... II F ..... =Aid U. ........ taJ. ....._, ff eM CIMil Jlfllt to 11117 - ....... 1Ma - ai ,.. wll ..... alii- a Ml\ tllll • II.,. .. I, ...... 5--., OM Clf '-r ea..- ..... ._ ... • J!W.


Page 2: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans



Rea ty Board Hears About Cameo S"ores De~elopment

P'totJ- bl ttM Cemto 8hoNt ~toft mowlq IMte ID JttM. 1&. ~t Oil Caul llwy. ju.t Macnab • ., adl,_ Jn dewloplna below c.aDa del liar wu to 1M .leeMid ~ Jn Jf ... u and ~ b UW lfewport JIUbOr ....... . w.w. Bl.a ancet· Boant ot ....._.. thlll momJna tJ&l ~ 1n etmllar proJ. at tllft> ....,. tnalrf.Mt at t1M .tt .._ badE ' for 300 ~ lal.,_ .._, Chatt_ by John Mac. •• b1i famll)' ftnt eMablJ.Ihld nab, ol tbe Maoco c.pc:nlkln, a ..._..,. oterprile Lll Scotland. clewJ.,. fill the ptOjert. ~ •

Mr. lllaeM'-, a epedaU.t to the II II ....._ II ....._ lielcJ ot lel.leold deVtlopment -·1 • .,....,1 ..._

~~IZIIXI~Iai:-:IQI::Iaii:IC'!J and eal-., ..._ ... • .,_, M . ..._ I rl ~ • ~ bol4w ol tM ...,... lf.nCS. ,._. -· ••• • C"' "'0 eouow 'nm plac. • .._ ~ • ._, ••• _.. u.u ...... •• u. tua.

I ft\Joy Balbi& friend ladt Shore TadcJe 's..., baD4y to the tory fill a. .......... .,... Lut lfonta Peny ot • D&Ua Aft., C\lmow'a columW In the L.A. junction ot eoa.t RWJ. an4 Dover ~k he ~ t he ~1100 Corona del lkr, le at a.• Jlol. '""'- but .omet1mH he over· Dr. (17th St.). LM hu taeen n&n. At. ot ~ acre. ot lfO'lDd at the pltal recovmn1 from a lHJt at. ~ c:ertaln whoppe,. that come 1 n1n1 a ct~ derby tor mebbe foot ot Valley 8u.t In Colt& ~ whkh Jse eufltred J ..-.

MRS THELMA KRIEGER, wond to the ~~Cales bere ln our little 6 weeka. He t.tJJ.a me that 80I'Dit MtJa. on the blurt ov.rlookLne aco. Mont& bu atrWd • cue. renowned as a champion woman old home town. I eo bay ftah~B ...... Nela· ll)il ocean. ., taRT f« u.e Corona •• ~

e THE WHEELS. OF JUS11CE a ngler, received an oward in A vtait to 811J Buah'a tackle ._tered. On the b~fd ''- ,.The= Sbora Jttoject hu Ccmm•nltl' Chuteh for ......U journalism for her woM: as press atore over In ~ proper wu 1 t derby leacleft, and ~re. U.t· been del"Way 8 montN and yeara but wtll now have to ctve

A' young Corona del Mar woman, 0

divorcee t f tL N _. H the occasion for lade \o ~ntl ed here w1th a "v1va," not to 82I8.0qO c.ubk yards ot earth have up that duty, on the advice or bJa secre llrY o ne ewpon ar· on tJ\e a1u of a cotblna and a mention a little friendly dJ1 for been moved In prepariftl the alte doctor.

and mother of 2 children , was arrested M onday after- bor Seventh Day t\dventist apotfln croeker be oaled In aald brother Jacbon Curnow. Here tor bomes. Elaht tei'Qlca have ------. the off' h h was pl d Th ar Church in 1958. The award was atore. We'll bal\d the 4~ ·pound l they m : been created on the alfe to en· GUlL roa ~ OGDDII

noon m tee w ere s e em oye · e - presented by R. L. Hubbs. pub- ~rblna a math, but the 6· 1. Harold E. Buller J lba., 12 ui_ able a majority ol the 1'n lots to A dauahter wellhllll 9 pou.nda, res1 was made by the county sheriff's office, on a lie relations secretory for the pound. 14-ounce croaker, which 2. M&J')' Ober ..... --91ba., I oz. have a horne with a view ol the 9 ounces was bom 1'\, Aprll warrant from Santa Clara County. She had no op- Southeastern Colifornio Con· Jack aaid wu the bla~est ln , 3. R. H. Boand ···-·-···7lbs., -toz. ocean. 'nle homes to be con· 14, to Harold and Marpret 0,. portunity to explain to hef employer what the cir - ference of Seventh Doy t\dven· BUI'a shop for aome Ume. Is real. 3. Georee Dean ··-····-7lt.., 9 oz. structed will be valued at be· den. 112 Gamet Ave., Balboa II· cumstances were, and she was taken to the county tists. Mr-1. Krieger lives at 100 ly a leetle feller, Sl you know mJ A.nlh~~~ttyt h :~J!ta= twe,n 135•000

and $150,~. JaneS. In _l!_oaa l:loepltal. · ·1 d h ld th ViA Lido Nord, Lido Isle. where to """"- v ...,>A. ,...._, OF ....,.,...,_..,...., ...... CH JOl an e ere. • .. · - and plenty ot dttuns have a lot """'x cAUPOR:NiA-

Her employer attempted wilhout success to or fun trylna to catch tttem. S£IU.ED PROPOSALS will be received at the otrlce ot ~ Ctty reach her by telephone in the county J'ail; overheard etJ. A~ cS Blood worma seem to be lood Clerk, Oty Hall, ctty of Newport Buch, California. unt1110:30 A.M. batt. on the 8th day of May, 1959, at which time they wW be publlcly over the phone was the remark, " No, y ou are not • • • • I'm a member or the Croaker opened and read, tor perrormlna work u follows: allowed to talk to him." But by means of a note trans- Cluh, It seems, ainee 1 eot bitten Irvtne Ave. lrnpJ"Ovement Project-Conatrudlon of curb,

By CX>L AJmllEW w. 1111'1'& f-,_,._ _. atr '>-MD by a blood worm. Watch their auttera. aldewalka, atorm draJn qatem. asphalt pavement mitted through the jail matron, she was able to in- b 1 d b • .. _,tin and appurtenant. f d 1 us nesa en w en you re .,. I No bid wW be reeelved unless It Ia made on a form orm her employer, '' I have one no WTong, Pease • MA'ITEJI or PJUKCDLE dal election <coet to us t~Y· up. The bite Ja very much like a furnished by the City Eullneer. Each btd muat be ac:ci,mp;fttect by

help me get an attorney, and please call my mother." Isn't there a matter of princl- ert, 16.000) for June 2. rtis la bee sting. Not deadly, but un. (cull, c:ertltled or cuhler'a check or bldder'a bond) made .,_yable The 1·ail officials were able to give only the infor- ple Involved ln this special 4!lec- only 10 months ahead of a reau· comfortable. to the City of Newport Beach. for an amount equal to at leaat ten

tion on the trash and garbage lar eledlon. and the Clty Council percent UO%) of the amoiUlt bld. auch cuaTaAt;)' to be torfeJted ma~ion tha1 she was being held on a felony check coUectlon charge! had 1one on record to place this MATLOFFS UVE GmL &bowd the bidder- to whom the contract ls •warded tall to enter chcrge for the Santa Clara County district attorney's It seems t9 me that 1 should very same question on that bal · VIctor and Suaan Matlort of Into the contract.

ff Th f S Cl C 11 d k If 'Do 1 11 b lot. The cost then would have 1921 Kewamee Dr., Irvine Ter· In accordance with the PtOVtslona of S«tion 1770 to 1m ot the

o ice. e warrant rom ante ora Qunty ca e as myse ·' want to ve Y been leu than 'lO. Any defense race, are the parents of a dauah. Labor Code the City Counclf of the City of Newport Bee.cb baa U··

for bml of $2,000 cash, or a bail bond of $4,000, whioh :u~~~~!c~;d 1:owlt ':t~o~~~ of forcing this etpensive item on ter bom Monday, April 13, In =1r:te ~n~·!':~\1cf;!~aWna rate of waaa applicable to the would require a cash expenditure of $400 for the ing my own share of what 1 use ? tbe taxpayers I am waiUng to Hoag R os PIt al, welghlna 7 Hourly Per Diem

bailhbond pr~mld·ur_n . ~151· amount could not be raised. ~ h~J;e~!Y ~a";.y S:,':;,'~! :e~ Jlsten to. pounds, 4 ounces. ~~~~.o~tt ···················~-··············-·-··-······Wa!~.~ Wag_00 SO S. e remcnne 1n jal . me pay for a service the necess· > 'nle 5ettert --· .. -··--·-·-··-··-··-···········-·····-··-·---·--· 3.60 3IUIO

The services of a local attorney were obtained. lty or which 1 create myself!" .e.tJ.t4. l,o. tJu, CJiJo4 _ • _ ~~n .~~.~.~~~.~::::::=:=::::::.::::~::=:::::::::: ~ g~ and he learned from the prisoner that she had writ- I refer. of course, to the ques· , Cement Finisher ···································-·-·····--············-··· a..5S 28.40 ten the c hecks on a bank account on thelenderstand- tion whether or not u ts proper Operators • Tenders of Pneumatic • Electric Toola.

h h f h band h d d d f d f and just that I pay for the re· Rollle Barcume, years and feel that he is sound Vltwallng Machines A aimllar mechanical toot. 2.89 23.12

ing t at er ormer us a eposi e un s or moval from my home the re fuse The Principia Colleg~. In respect to the fundamentals Cement Dumper (on 1 Yd. or Jareer mlxers and han· child support and alimony. A c all by the attorney to which l create, or vote to make Elsah. nunois of our constitutional gov~mment. . d llna bulk cement) ··---·-------·-··-·-- 2.89 23.12 the district a1torney's office in San Jose produced the someone who has a higher as. Dear Rollle: Undoubtedly you have made Crlbbert or Shorert ·· ········-··-··-····--··-·--··----·-·-·- 3

·()1 3ot.32 se-ssed va lue to pay part of my st d t th bj Concrete Curet · Impervious Membran~ --····--·····- 2.t17 22.96

' information that thts was a hrst offense, that the cost, whiC"h or course i.s the stt· Some time ago I read a note some u Y 0 e su ect, or are Fla£m&n ···-·-······-·········-·-···--··---·-·-·-·---· .. - .. 2.68 21.44

am~unt of the checks was under $1 00, but more than 1 id t h written to the Editor of the Co. usfng the opinions of others. It Sewer Pipe Layer (Excluding Caulker) ···-·-··-·-·········· 2.99 23.92 _ uat on when It is pa out o t e rona del Ma r Ensign. Arvo Is not unusual that two people, Sewer Pipe Caulker <Using Caulking Tools) _.............. 2.87 22..9i $50. whtch increased the charge from misdemeanor general tax fu nd. Haapa and signed by Rollle Bar. reading the same text. may ar. Mortarman ·-····---····--· ········-···················-~--···--··· 2.73 21.84

1 1 8 h b ·1 d at $2 000 $4 000 This service costs householders · rive at completely diUerent con· Apprenttce Engineer, Including Fireman, Oiler, • • to .e ony ut I e at remame . . o r , le-;s than 5 C"ents a day so 11 can cume. It my recollectJon Is cor. elusions. Greaser -·-··-········-··-··-··-······-·-·--·-·--·····-··· 2.93 23.44 1:-arl bond, and the. y oung w o man remamed in jall 1 hardly be a matter of ~oney. I rect, you may be the young man 1 d' th Air Compressor Operator ·---·-······-··-----·-·- 2.93 23.44 Sa who lived In Corona del Mar and Your letter n ~cates at you Concrete Mixer OperatoT · pav1ne type and 'mob'ife h ke a common cnmmal. unhl the arnval of nta I The rt>s ponslbility of removing I who ~lied with me on my L.ight · are troubled with the present mixer ···-·--······-······-·-·--····-··-······-····--······-······· 3.81 30.48 Claro officials to take her bac k there for arraignment refuse created by me Is a service I nlng on several occasions, out state of atfa1rs, juat u I am. My Concrete Mixer Operator . Skip Type ····-······-· ........ ······- 3.17 25.36 Sh d d f h kl · d her at present given by the city - f th Balboa Yacht Club views are so different from yours Pavement Breaker Operator -··············-··-·-·-······-.. -··· 3.71 29.68

e was epnve 0 e r wee Y mcome, an 1 which Is a matter of good city 1° If e d tb · I 1 should Uke to exchange a Pipe Layer~ ···-··-······-···----··---··--·---····-··-··· 2.99 23.92 employment was placed in posstble jeopardy. management and is charged to rov-~ne ~~~ th e:n:~ts few letters of s tudies with you. Pump Operator ···--··-·-······-··-·--··-·-··-------·- 3.17 25.36

Tha(s the story to date . and I am attempting to thed residents as a convethnleclnce 1 :;"y0':;~ letter ;: Mr. Jaapa, be· 1 have trl~ the past 15 Rollet OperatoT --··-··-·-·-··--·-···-·-·-··--·-·-·- 3.52 28.16 ... an a matter of keeptna e ty d bout rythl ISklp Loader Operator . Wbeel Type ----·-·-- 3.17 25.36

Pr es,.nt 1t with restraint and impartial attention to cause It Indicates that you must years, to rea a eve ne !Tractor RI·I.Jft Sbovel Operator -·-· ·-· 3.81 30.48 - . sanitary and reducing fire haz. of note respect1n1 the subject of Tractor n..-rator •, Tam .... r, Scraper or Draa

fac1s because this is more than a routine assignment ards feel stronely about the conv1c· ...,.,.... -· , l · t lona ~u expressed; to take ume your Jetter. My interest eon way 1'YDe Shovel or Boom Attachment. ·--·-··-·········· 3. 75 for a reporter I am the young woman s emp oyer Do you believe that anyon~ out to write to the editor. as you back to 1923 when I took an en· Trenchlna Macblne Operator ···-·-·····--·--·-·-·-·· 3.81

would want to make some other rolled course In Forelcn Trade Unlveraal ~lpment Operator (Shovel. Dragllne,

Haxton Joins Building ·Dept.

arrangement - haul It them · dl~Y 1\ma.ument and wonder is at San Franc:Uco. I even thought. Derrick. rrlclc ·~e. Cl.amahell or Crane) ···-··· 3.81 sei:Ves. or hlr~ a contractor! U that you have come to the con· In thoae days that I wu aolna Drlvera ~~ Dum~ Trucks of lea than f Yda. Water 2.83 they do, then for heaven'• sake, elusions and convictions that you to Chlna. Dri~~ DU-mp.Truek;·~·4 Yd&bUt.leu- let's let them, but require strict hav~. and that Mr. Haapa ahould ~ a beglnnlne gesture, I Water Level ·--··------··-··--··-····--···-·· 2.86 complian<'e with the sanitation. be Incorrect. 1 have been reading would like to ~nclose a pamphlet Drlvera of Trucks • Leaal Payload Capaclty leu than fire and license laws. Mr. Haapa's editorials for many of th~ Foundation tor Economlc 6 Tona ·-···----·-·-·--·-·-····----········-·-·-· 2.83

A new member ot the Building Many ciUes do license trash Education. This old oraantzation Drlvera ot Truck& • Leeal P,.atload Capacity between Dept. staff In the Newport Beach coJlection contractol"S, some of 1 ......... I .. J-LI ~ has endured through the years 6 A 10 Tona ······-·····---------··----··-··-·· 2.86 City Hall is Thomas Haxton Sr. I whom make contracts with the ~ ~ rlln u a stmon pu~ non-polltkaJ or- Drlvera ot Trucka • Legal Payload Capadty between of Santa Ana. He tills thl1' vacany By AJUIE scoU'910 • •

11 1ndlvldulas a nd do their own · .. ganlzatlon prlntlnJ the prlncl · D-'

10 6 fl:tTrTonsite·- ;;.•i::---U d·-·····3····y- .:a.:-···-·····-······ 2.3.9t07 • .._.... 11 1 1 h h Th t II ._LI- •a. I --·.. nvera o an.s .nuA - n ~r u.. -·-··-·-.. ····· that was lert when Roy Keene ot want to feel young again! 1 co ect ng o t e c arge. a r .... .-. .. .,_ -. pies of economic truth. Ute the Drtvert of Transite MJ.x- More tban 3 Yds. ·-····-······· 3.21

ln·ine Terrace decided to take oft Why not. It's spring and baseball , sort or an arrangement ls Just envelope, and receive the Free. Bricklayer and Stonemuon ··--··-··-----··-·-···-··-····· 4.00 for a journey to the Island of season is with us. Why not dig dandy. In other cases, a charge Local Navy men who took part man for 3 months with my com· "BrlclJ}ayera and Stonemuon Foreman Cnot Jess than )lajorC"a. out the old score pad and help Is m~de. a contractor is hired by in the Pacific Fleet'a teCOnd 1959 pllments. I am not sellina any- ' $2.00 per day above Journeyman rate)

~l r. Haxton was born in OkJa . a local agency organize their the ~lty, and the collection of the amphibious 1 and In 1 ex.eTClse, thine. forth~ la nothing to buy. Bric.ktenckr ------·---····--·-·-··-·--·--·· 3.00 homa when it was Indian terri· S<'h<'dule for the coming season. fee! IS made by the city. "Operation Big Land." April 1·10, The FoundaUon ~nda materla~ Electrlclan ···-·---··---··----···-··---·····-··-··-··-··-··· 4.15 tory, left there at the age of 20, All d l h d 1 t h 1 l notice bv the na .... rs that the oU the Southern Calltomla coast to most all or the oolle- and Asphalt Jlaker and IJ"Oner ···-··-·-.. -····-··- ·····-··· 2..89

you nee s t e es re o e p .r ,_,_ rested cltlze y_, will Aspbalt Plant Fireman ---···-·-··············-·-····-······ .. ·-··· 3.41 decided to come to Southern Cal . the kids along and one tree a ft er City of Los Angeles, which, by and Camp Pendleton were: Navy to all lnte ns. ou Asphalt or Cruablng Plant Enalneef -·-·-··············-··· 3.71 ifornla to spend a wlntl'r. and noon a week. Sound Uke fun ? the way, is the last city of lm· Lt. (Jgl Timothy Devine, son of learn that they have material on Concrete or A.lpb.alt SJ*eacllng, M~hanical Tamplng, nt>ver went back. He has been an ... just .give the Volunteer Bu. I portance In the state to do so. is Mr. and Mrs. Andy Devlne Cthe Foreign Trade, and many other or Flnt.ab.lnl 14acblne Operator _:._ ___ ····-·· 3.71 Orange County re~ident sinC"e reau a call at Liberty 8·0717 and about to follow the trend. One film and TV star ) of 107llarbor subjects. u well. Heavy Duty Repairman ---.. --··--···-··---··-··-·-·- 3.TI 19~ and remembero; wht-n mu C"h we will see that you start the wilt get you two if you will want Island Dr., Newport Beach. serv- In conclualon, one of the ftnrt Motor Patrol Operator, lncludJng any type of Pow~r or the Harbor Area was just mud 1 season along with the team. to lay It that they will come to It ing with Underwater Demolition thtnga I learned u an adult Rol · Blade -------··-··-·-··-··-·---··-·-----··-·····-··· 3·81 nat~. IC this isn't your cup of tea this year. Team 11; Leon Hart. machinist's 11 th t th GOVERNMENT Laborers, General or ConstructJon -··········-···--··············· 2.68

l HRf'. wac:



61ding rontracttodr come down to the Bureau any . I have not seen a defense yet madteMflrem,an.h UHSN, ao

1n of

1 M41

r6. h.~"': ~oney~ EXCEPT that :=,tJ~'!,~~::::.e~~~~~~.~: .. ~~~ .. ~~.~~~ .. :::~::: ~

n 1vero; e or yf'ar<; opera e way and register for volunteer by the Initiative petition pro· en rs . .. o n art r. o which It takes from lta people. Structural Steel Worker ··--·--·-·-······-·--·-··-·····-···· 3.85 a C"ar rf'pair s hop in ~ullerton. work. we need volunteers for a ponents of their forcing the ape. W es tmIn ste r Ave., Newport Without any aovemment. for· Palntera, Bruab -··-·-······-·-··········-···· ···-··-····-·-··-····-· 3.46 ser.f'd a~ a bulll'ling 1ns~or \ariety of jobs ... permanent or I Heights .. serving aboard the rad· ~lgn trade would pra.per and Painter, Spray Gun or Sand Bluter <7·hr. Day) -···-· 3.83 tor the Orange County Buildmg perhaps to till a "once only'· as . ._. p II f CDI ar picket destroyer USS Rogers, aucceed, due to -the enterprise of Plasterer -· ··--.. -·-······-··-·····-·----··-·-·- 4.00

30.00 30.48






23.28 2U6 25.68 32.00

2l00 suo 23.12 2'7..28 29.68

21.68 21.68

30.48 21M 21.44 28.80 30.8) 2'UI8 30.&1 32..00 3;.80 Dept. from 1955 to 195& then I signment. I r"Wb M Ill I and lames Goa. waman. USN, the people of the 'World; the need RooGe_f!rral _Co_ n-d-ltl··

0-·n.s·--- ··---·-··-·---·····-······-·-···-·-··· 3.35

server! as flood control Inspector son of Mr. and Mrs. lames Goa h of JOOds, d dl ...... for the county befort> coming SOIIOIUT'f BE .. EFIT Sr't' ~-nil WilL .~ ....... -.... of 214 Topaz Ave~ Balboa Island. or exc an&e an rea · All blcia are to be compared on the buts of the City Ena1neer'a " .....,. _.,.. n... ........ ness of t:rab.portation and ~m· estlmate of the quanUUea of work to be done. he;;e Haxton family includes a The Alpha Delta Pi ~Jumnae ==!n ~~a~~~~ua Con· munlcatlon. We now have ample No bld wtll be accepted from a Contractor who baa not I)Hn married daugh ter in Oklahoma Assn. will hold lt.~ benefit lunch . Pvt. David W. Penstone, 23. ev1cknc:e tbat much ot our for· llceNed In aceorda~ with tb&Jerovtaiona of Chapter 9, DlYlaion City and 2 sons. ThomAS Jr .. a eon fashion show at 1 p.m. Sat. whose wUe, Suzanne, lives at elgn ald Ia eolnJ to the wrone m of Bual.rle. and Prof..tonal . contrat'tor in Palm Springs. and ruday In the Jamaica Inn Res· 508~ Femleaf Ave., Corona del Cll 1111 •• ,_ places, and to tbe WI'Ot\1 peopl• eped'A~ may be ~1=- of pro=. ~~ntrac:t. and Lt. Col. Floyd Haxton or El Toro. taurant In Corona del Mar. The Mar, partlclpated with tb~ 101at ~~~ -much of It 1otna In at tbe top euy -~~Beach. Cal1f~l~ o1 the ty Enlf.DMr, combat pilot veteran of World money raising feature wiU be the A.JrbOme Dlvlalon'e 321at Artll· 111.. ........ to fUter down, but the ruter II Sped&~ attention of proepec:tjve blddera la eallecJ to the "Pro· War H and Korea. sale of white elepha.nt It~ do. lery In provldJna artillery-fire clotced BeArd what author Row· poea1 ~\llrelbot.Qta and Con4lUoDI"' annexed to the blank form ot

nated by sorority members. aupport for the 501at Infantry ,.. ...._,_ ·-t ard E. lterahner, LilA Witte. ln ~ lew ftall cJ.Iftct.kiD8 u to blcJcftnl, ete. during Its annual Army tralnlng .. ore •ponaora are sou... the enclc.ed dlpptna about IraqL A ~ble clepollt of $1.¥0 II NqulNCl ror e&eh eet ol plana

CBISSIE SOli BOilJf A son weighing 9 pounds, 7 TBEYU JfEW OrrDIJS"''S

ou nces was born Tuesday, April New me111bera Inducted Into 14, to Anthony and Nonna Cbls· the Newport Harbor Optimist sle. 3201 Broad St., Newport Club are Dr. Robert Belanger. Heights, ln Hoag Roq>ltal. Robert Harri11on and loe WalkeT.

t ta t Fort Cam beU. .... for the Colona del liar Mer- A.l1 for now. Will .. ~ your and ~ es a · P -v· c:hanbl buebell team. accordlq -•rly repl.. --~· '11M City ol Newport Beach reMrYell rlaht to reJect .... • all

Pvt. ~n.stone~ a cannonMt" ln to lack Wood abel Jim Reed, the - Y · b lda an4 to wal'1t:J tntc;"~ ln eudlWis. ......, the 32lst'a Battery B. attended Of'lanlteta an4 coa.chn. Slnc:eraly youra, . OF JtT B~al. CAIDOBlQA Newport Harbor High Sc:booJ, and OOY\ationa to meet upenee~ £lmeT S. Polrier 1fa.raer1 Sdu>oudet City Qed( • wu employed by the Orattre for the COOftllna ee..:m haw aJ. 211 Marauertte Ave.. ' Cout Nurary. Colrta Kesa. be- read)o been Neelnd t.r.a War. Corona del liar, CaL

omou s.u:ao fore entmnc tbe Army. • rm'a Barber Shop, .La C&ntJna -...;._~---------------=-.....-;..----...;..----=-Uqooa, Mr. Jobn'• lfen'a Wear, XiJtlpattkk 'IV, L It M Not , 001 YOU WANT • ~. • tW., a

IMW; • .....,....,, Or4.,.. .... .. "'..... .. ... , '" """" .... fW .... ~,.....

Ston. the Enalp newspaper, and Hovatter ol 11Ylne Ter.


Page 3: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans

Delldoua dlapatch from tbe Dell ..• What exotie aplee com­pany hu recently COllie out with a new fiavor ot atodt hue to make 1~ Qld faahloned Beef Gravy with the tllp ot a t.a.apoon Into a &Jaaa jar? Wltb a' tn.apoon equa.lllnl one boulllon eube! Which when mtx.ed with water wlll make a eup or broth ,... only tow and a half calodea! Jfp more bollln& ol old boow ... tft Sptee Ialande new leel ltodr Bue with cana and ca~ ol beet bouillon In one tiny aleamlna ju.

* * *

NEWS OF 10 YEARS AGO Nightingales • ....... .._ eam.t Ave. •11•,. laland. now Pick Officers

OIIJdaJ ~nt eame UYlna at liJJp. Leana Uland. "'-' U.. U. 8. het ortlce Dept. Mra. Wllllam Dana wu ln­lJt Wullloaton that Verne Wat. 5 YRS. A~o stalled recently .. cbalnnan of eoa wUJ be umed acttna po.~,. ~ the Niahtlnp.le Chapter of Hoaa mutet to SGeCIMd ao. K1q ... R~pltaJ Awdllaly. Crowda e.tlm&W at mor. than Other new ott'l<:'t"ra are' Mrs. 1.a pthered at tbe Co!Qna ct.l e AftiiL 21. liM WW.lam Morrta, ways and means ~ beMil and ~ the blufta MD. ~r H1U ot Lido laJe, chairman ; Mra. W. C. Sutherland, and rodca abow to take part In wbo ran atmo.t 1.000 vote. ahead recordJna Meld&ry; Mrs. Terry tbe nnt SUJlliae Servke by Sea o( the Deld ln lut .-k'a Coon. P r u d d e n. c:orrespondlnc ~eere. on Eutie.r ~ ... The apeclal dJ election, wae eiefted mayor tary; M.ra. lame~ Moultrup, mas . oomm.ltte. the Corona ol Newport Beach by the newly ure:r, and Mra. W. H. Van Land ­del Mar blu.ff view problem wtll c:onaUtuted CUy CoundJ ... N~ lncbam. parliamentarian. c:onalder a new lower road plan mayor In ec:.ta Mesa t. C1.a1re CommJttee chairmen are Mrs. dellcned to praerve the vt.ew In Nelaon, fHd stOft owner ... Jack Gamaua, calendar ; Mrs. the ev•nt ot bulldJn& on the bluff Counf¥ Supervlaor B~lnz K&Uier Frank Merkel. Mra. Don Weotls lOti. told ot plana tor an 80·acre and Mra. James Stiftler, holiday ;

..... "ndeee el 711 ...., c:ounty recreeUon wat.r Pllfk In Mra. lama Beattie, publicity. &w,.. c.- 611 - · ...., the Upper .. Y. betw..,. Co&at a nd Mra. Martin Lockney and .,_ -.:aG lk teh"' 21 Hwy. a nd "Coney 1&1.184" Mra. William Humason, tumor te ......... e II ,, .. Ia ..... ....., Due? 1 I ..W board. c., sb .... ...,...... .... • tbot u.. ...... ,_ ........... a...... ... ... Ita fJ.nt ~ Sc.boel Dt.tdct wtU be -act ..........., ... c:elebcat.d by te oppoowe bollda Ia tiM fall e1 St. A a d I' e w a Pleebytledaa 1155 fa. a ..,. ldgb edMol Clluda Wt=-di..- at tiM pkat . • . Cbal.a ..... -" .. CUd Sooat , c~auc~a ...t· RatloDal aty ,... dallnd ., lap on Ia the IU9b bla.M Ia the z.ter Weelt • · Scboolllllaaryt tiM .... 'nlclla· ddeat u.t broagbt Math .. 2 aa Ga..- t. ...... It ..... aad lafuy .. I etJl,

••• iOII'I' ............ 'I'W'17.aDA1', Aftll. Ia, l-

L..a~e~' Sportswur lingerie

Childreft '' w ·­y .rdage - Unen1

Ddad ............. ....... Mrs. Norman Frahm was ~ en wbea t llel r dab coape • • • l<t04 Vi. Lido elected president or tt\e Church I ....... .. f:roet ., u. taall LiM Ill n 3 I c..w Newport a..dt. C.lif. u..-. ........... .... School Guild of the Corona del trac,!,... dlrhtllv 0..._ s.-- sao VIa Lido --. ... a.. .,.,....,.. ......................

9""'- ... ·~· ... ... 1..- ... II JEt dded &OQPI .............. a..... beat •• • E99 ......... lbella wttb ... JDatoell, ~ ... ODd beef , o e

Oaloa to saab up ..ttb ett!aft wotu • cnaa ..• ho Soap wttlll l•obd Bam • • . wbo"4 ..u WU tboee dltecl up flclba wouJd .. tala ......... amobd boaa CIDd llacee • • • ADd of CID'IU'M • CJaic:keD Roo­en. . • . CIDd ~. a dried m......,.,_. eoup • • , Whotl DO

COI"JMd beef 4JIId c:allbap ' • e

Mont aMaJd. aboulda't

* * *

STEREOFOAM HEARTS oflo.,t in the swimming pool onnounc.ed Mar Community Church ... A oo ._t wy. at k1boa alY'd. .=::::::::=======:::::::_ _ _:F_::R:E£~P~A=R:K:IN:G:_I:_N:__:R~EA~R~ the news .,t o d inner porty on E.,ster Sund.,y thot M1ss J udy Otl!ne query to Newport City Clerk Char.l Perdita Hom. 1408 Seaview Clounch (.,bove) of Santo Monico ond & lboo lslond 1s e ng.,ged to lie Priest came all the way from Ave., Corona del Mar, wu named George ~dw.,rd Poske y of Sonto Monic.,. The porty wos held in the a Long Island resident on the to Phi Beta Kappa, highest un-

,-:o rono del Mor home of the future bride s uncle .,nd a un t, Mr. Md east coast reportln( the findi ng ~~~~~~~=g~o~~r -~~:!·~~~; Mrs. Arthur Block Jr .. 191 5 B.,yodere T e r., Irvine Te rrace. The en- of a spaniel with a Newport was elected rommodore ot the gogement announcement wos o for the 2-4 members of the Beach license ; owners were !den 1 Balboa Yacht Club junior ofll~rs . familie s "ttending the d inn4tf. All the woy from Chicago ct!lme M•ss tlfled as Mr. and Mrs. Charles . . . Theo. Robins a nnounced Sotie G.,rl ick. greol-gteot ount o f the bride -to-be. McCreery, former residents at 118 plans for a S60.000 building on

Mariners Mile to house h1s Ford UQAL XOTICE Boundary Line abo bt'lng the time before said hour set for i agency ... A. 1<. Phelps, Corona

RESOLUTION NO. 4965 northerly line of the Callfor- said htoarlng by any ~rson own . del Mar attorney. was tolected A RESOLUTION OF THE nla State Highway ORA -60-8. ing real property within the ter. president of the Newport Harbor CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 100 feet In width, as de- ritory proposed to be annexed, Optimist Club . . Strong protests OF NEWPORT BEACH DE· scribed In d~d recorded In and at any time before the hour i aaalnst the sensational manner CURING ITS INTENTION Book 487, Paae 3, Official set lor said hearlna any owner In which Los Angeles and Long TO ANNEX TO THE CITY Records of said Orange Coun - of pro~rty within the territory Beach newspapers handled the CE RTAIN PROPERTY ty; thence westerly along proposed to be annexed may ftle j Eas ter Week story were present . KNOWN AS SECOND ADDI - said City Boundary Line and a written protest aaalnst the an . ~d to the Newport Beach City TION TO JAMBOREE ROAD a lon1 the northerly l ine ot nexation. The protest s hall set Council by the Newport Harbor

Shake, rattle and Reese has rome out with a Horse. radish Whip In an aerosol can, romblned with a blend of spices to add delight to meats and sandwich mixes ... the horse­ra dish whip, not the can. silly.

ANNEX AND GIVING NO- said State Highway to a forth the name of the owner of Chamber of Commerce and the TICE THEREOF. point of Intersect ion with the the property affected and give Balboa Improvement Assn. WHEREAS, there is situated southeasterly prolongation of a description of the said property 1 outside and rontiguous to the the Court Decree Line be· in general terms. FJlA.IfCBJSE CAS• •AID

City of Newport Beach a ~rtaln tween Stations 16·8 and 17, The City Clerk or the City of Southern Counties Gas Co. has uninhabited territory within the as described In the Court Newport Beach is hereby a uthor made franchise pay ments ot Sl2 .. j meaning ot the Annuatlon ot I>Kree established by Super- lzed and dl~ted to cause a ropy 519 to Newport Beach and $1.2.31 9 Uninhabited Territory Act of lor Court Case No. 20-tJG of of this resolution to be published to C011ta Mesa tor use of streets I

Aftoqw Cold Scnt>U. 'T~ f,...,m,.rc.

/.4c •~>•d P~ctlm". Pc14t~. Soolls

* * * r .. a 11b IJMICidD? Bcud ID·

41aD Style IIDobd Mlmoa from the Rortb StaT PlsbftiM lD Vcmcounr ta tile -.t oom-pby way ... .. u.-.. me a sol, moD ..... , 1ooar.d nor toat.d so dlftera~t , . • Crispy TbJa ..Uea for mUDCblD9 ID Uagen.

* * * • It you want your fish whole so

you can look him rlaht ln the evp . . . We have th011e too ... Old fa sh ioned Norwegian Bloat ­ers. golden smoked ... big s ll ­"'er bea uties about a foot lon~ ... And to wind up with a sWHt, American Ha lvah. made with se · same Sftds. either p lain or ma r­belled wllh cocoa ... Most of u s have> never tasted Ha1vah, and we> ahould.

* * * Tbe thrUI of Swedlab BalM·

gaabonS Cilia DOW be }'O'lft M two ... coeltboeb ,... lwed· eD • . • 0.. ta ca1Md l....cllab Sm019QSbord by Apet. LaiD: pe . ... of s..-.a·a ...._.., c:u1J.Daly ...,.. CIDd tbe otMI' ta ca1l.ed Swedl.l!a Foed wttb 200 redpee oC 900d Swedlab food • • e tlMy ..... te ... bel'• rlA9 cmd ~ .. ......-y. tb1Dg ••• 11.m.., s.w. aa.:.~r Soap. auu..., ......... .u a.afoltded , • • caad I Jut M'N .. tJill tiMrt tMy odd • cap el cof • f• wttJa CNCIIJl oad ...,_ to a leg of lcaab.

* * * These two cookbook.a alon1

wlth the Wall Street Journal each day are the newln at the newspal)ft and ma&azlne come.,.

* * * n.. ... t .. n.. Art •.•

·- u. .......... ,... lloriMw ... will .... .,.., ........................ ao.u.w.t .... QbW..,.. ••• ......................... .................... wlualll• Ia _,.eltlea '-U. pw n ••• ...... ., aso ... -... ._ ...... .. aat 'clq ,.ny.

* * * Here at 11cbard's .. . you can still wln an Elec:troo.le Carap Door until the end ot the month • • . And anyday now the new buUdlnl out ln fnmt wUl beltn ... A.nt~• and N....-port

1939, said territory being more the Superior Court In and for once a week for two weeks. said and highways during 1958.. particularly here I n a f t e r de. the County or Orange. State publication to be romplete at !ICJ'ibed; anc:t of California; thence north· least twenty 1201 days prior to MATTRESSES

WHEREAS, it would be for the westerly along said City the date set for the hearing, and lfKW _ IIDU1LDDIC best lnterea~ of the City of New. 1 Boundary Line a nd along the publication shall be In the Poa~a ...._ port Beach and its citians that said southeasterly prolonga - Newport Harbor E nsign, a news- ln'eiNlar Shaoea said City annex said territory; tlon of said Court Decree paper ot general circulatio n I !nr ..,.ta,. - Cottoe and Line to said Station 16-B; printed and published In the City I COSTA MESA MATTlESS co

WHEREAS, the City Council of thence northeasterly along of Newport Beach. and the Costa 2110 ~ llw4. ll._.,_ a.I)Ol

the City of Newport Beach as said City Boundary Line and Mesa Globe Herald and Pilot. a •llll~llfli-~•-iiiiiiiiii'ilil· ' proponent did on or a bout the along said Court Decree newspaper of general clrt'Uiatlon 411 30th day of March, 1959, submit I Line to S tat Ion 16-A printed and published In the TIN& IT An! A 'I' TOft DOO~ I to the Secretary ot the Orange of said Court De c ree County of Ora nge and outside County Boundary Comml&slon a LJne : then~ northeasterly the City of Newport Beach. legll description and plat of the along saJi_ City Boundary The City Clerk Is further au he~lnatler described uninhablt . Lill(' In ~straight line to thorized and directed to mall a eel territory for Its report pur- Station No . .25 or uld Court notice of the proposed annexa . suant to the provtslona ol Section Decrft Line; thence reneral · lion to all persons to whom land 35002 of the Government Code or ly northeaaterly alona Nid proposed to be anflexed Is as the State of Callfomla ; and City Boundary Line and .ses.<;eod In the las t available

WHEREAS. on the 8th day of along said Court Decree Line equalized &SSt'SSmcmt rol l. a t th-: Aprll. 1959. there was tiled with to a point of lnterse<."tlon address shown thert'On or as the City Cferk of the Ci ty of New . with thto northwestc>rly line known to said City Clerk. I port 0

- h a port f ' d 0 of the a forementioned Block .,.,.ac re o sa& r - This resolution was adopted by l

a nge County Boundary Commts. 5.'5: t he nce northeasterly . ·-~~!!!!!!~~~~!!!~ slon pursua nt to the provisions along said City Boundary the City Council of the C1ty of · of Section 35002 of the Govern - Line and alon~ the north · I N•wport Beach at a regu lar ment Code of the State of Cali -1 westerly llne of said Block ~tlng on the I 3th day of April, I f · · 55 to the point of bf-glnnlng. 1959. by the following \Ote. to orma. wit·

NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RE- FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY · SOLVED by the City Council ot GIVEN that on Monday. the 25th AYES. COUNCILMEN: HART. the City of Newport Beach that j day of May , 1959. at the hour of SOMERS. LOR~Z. KINGSLEY. proceedings are hereby Initiated 7 :30 P.M. on said day. or as soon ATKTNSON. HIGBIE. STODDARD. by the City of Newport Beach to thereafte r as the matter may be NOES, COUNCILMEN: None. annex the said territory herein . heard, In the Council Chamber ABSENT COUNCILMEN : None. after described which territory of the City Hall of the City of JAMES 8. STODDARD 1s rontlguous · to the present Nc>Wport Beach , 3300 Newport Mayor boundaries of said City and Boulevard, Newport Beach. Call· ATTEST: which said territory now ill un . fornla, a hearing will be had, ~t MARGERY SCHROUDER Inhabited within the meaning of which heari ng the Ci ty Counctl City Clerk the Annexation of Uninhabited s hall hear and pass upon all Publish: Aprll 23 and Jll. 1959. , Territory Act of 1.939 and that the writte n protests tiled at any in the Newport Harbor Ensign. reasons for said annexation are that it would be for th~ best tn . tereats of the City of Newport Beach and Its citizens that .. ld City annex said territory and would be advanta&eous to ex· tend the boundaries of the City to Include Jamboree Road and the a~a hereinafter described.

N011CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that It 1s proposed by Kid CUy of Newport Beach to annex said , hereinafter described territory to aald City, which aald territory shall In thae proceedlnp ~ar tbe name of "SECOND AODI · TION TO JAMBOREE ROAD AN· NEX''. 'Mle specific detlcrlptJon of the boundaries of the territory 80 propceed to ~ annued is as foJJow. :

AU .. fOI 1B • aoMtl.crn C'GI.i/ontiG'• tr~t~•1 •printtim~ ~PtCtoclc • it'• a /wa·filhd u~ of MU.IC, tloMour Cll~ euit~rMnt for th.e ~ralin famuy fecturil!l ....... .

intunouonol SPliMG FLOWEI & WDEM FESnVAL

t"O!i/ornio ·•told~" C IT R U S E X H I B ITS

all M l: SPOilS MARillA • flEE CIRCUS u·~ rld ciiii.MpttmMUp .Amlf• I 0 D E 0

Bealnnlna at a potnt In the Boundary Llne ot the Clty ot Newport Beach. said polnt al8o belq the m• north· e:rly ClCII'Ml' of BJock 55, lr· vine's SubdJvt.Jon u shown upon a map reccrded In Ills· cella.Dewa ltecord Map Book 1. p.,_ • IIKordll ot Oranae eou~. CaUJomla: thence aouthea...., alone the ~line ol aald 8lodl !B .. die IDUtMuelfly l1Dt "' ,........ .. -.a. 100 '-tln....._ .. ~ In ~ ,_.... ln Book BOa• . . . - IM~HOVBMBII'&' J:.O&XS

• mo.· ,... ·• oaklal a.e.. criiJ of .... OrUet c.atJ; t1ltenct ........ ., .... tlllit ... tt I 1 lJ lble of .-.&d , .............. _.. . ...... ., ......... ... ..... .. ...._ IIlii ... .. •uo. .... 1~ Oftlclal • .._. tf eaMI Oluilll ODU· tr: ..._ 11tltt ..._. .. ,&,b .. ., ... ~ ....... ~ ... ... • «re ... ., ... a., ., .... ~, ...... ....

• I


" ~~ · l ; • . - · · r , R , r 1 k , • .. • . 1 \.L .

. I tOCIL C.IW:U 10 -- ,_, •

a.o.a-. .. anaa .., ... Clltt.-l ....... z .. ,.

Page 4: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans


suum PIOPOI.U..S WW M reeeived at tbt ~ ot 'the Cltr Cltrk. Clty HaJJ. ct~_ ol Newport ~ Calilwnla. W\UI 10:10 A.M. on tM -ro. ~ 01 ~. liCit; at whkh time they will be publJd;y opened and M4. for perton:Dlq won u tollowa: ~With 1 .. thldl-= UDbalt plant mix of Seuhore Dr .. 31.c lt.. to tllt a, UCI eeri.aJ:D ttreete In COroJ\a deJ Mar na.tnct. .

UCLA Course for Teacher:s at Harbor Hi Professional

!to ... wW M ~Yed --. it ~llomacte on a ~ form fW1UeMcJ . 1e tiM a~ ..._._.... Eadl DIU naut be aocomp&Jls.d ~ (cub, ewtiiiN • c:Ubiei'e ebeCk cw b&4der'e bond) made PQable to tM a* 11...-rt ........ u UDIIIU.Dt equal to at IHat tan ~t C > ot tM. amount b&d, nell auaranty to be forfeited iboaWI tbe elder to wbca tile contraet Ia a~ taU to enter Into U.. C'Gfttraft.

Ill aceordance wttb the IR'OY1I1ona ot Section 1T70 to 1'781 of tbe Labar Code the City Counelf of Use City ot Newport Beach bu U ·· certalMd tbe pneftl prevaUlna rate of waae- appllcable to the work to be done u follows:

A Unlvw.l~ af Cal1tom1a at 1.- ................ PI'OIJ'UD o· ... ectorv tor biiJl eebool ...a.... 1D tbe I '

a..... ANa wW be bel4 on the -~!!EE!!.:!:JW!!!!!£!10ai!!!!L....,

Rowly Per Diem

~~~o~tt -·-···-·-·········-············..:.------~~~~-~~ wat:.oo TJJe Setters ···--··-············-··-·-·····----···-·-·····-·····-····-··· 3.60 28.80 Watchman or Guard ··~··-··-··-··-----~-------·-· 2.48 19.8t Carpenter ····-·······-················-······------ --····-- 3.375 27.00

Wewport *''* Blth &:beol r­eanapue thll IU.IIlJMr. ..__,........,. .. ad Sen1el


.. 110 Broadway u .....a a a.MMOoltaM-

Cement Finisher -·····-··················--·--·····-··---·-····-··· 3.55 28.40 Operators A: Tenders of Pneumatic A: Electric Tools,

Tbe 5·week ~ whkh wtcald allow tbe CMelwn to am I tanlt. ol UPPft' cUvtalon eMit cw paduate CNdlt ~ their maar. de.-, wu revealed by Supt. Max &uaeell at the Aprtl e meettna of the IChool board. "-..... ""'"'"-~------

Vlbratlna Machlnes A: almUar mechanical tools 2.89 Cement Dumper (on 1 Yd.. or Jareer mlxen and han-

dUne bulk cement) ·-····~-·-· 2.89 Cribbers or Sborers ···-··············-·-··---· .• 3.0t Concrete Curer • Impervious Membrane ---····-·····-··· 2.87 Flaeman ···-··················-··-··-·--·----.-----··-·- 2.68 Sewer Pipe Layer (Excluding Caulker) -·---·-··--··· 2.99 Sewer Pipe Caulker (Ua1ne Caulldn& Tools) ·--··-·-···· 2.87 Mortarman -·····-··-··-··-··-··----------·-·-··-··· 2.73 Apprentice Enelneer, Including Fireman, Oller,

Greaser ···············-·-············-·-·-·-··--·--················ .. 2.93 Air Compressor Operator ···········-·-···--···-·-··-············· . 2.93 Concrete Mixer Operator · pavine type and moblle


23.12 24..32 22.96 2\.44 23.92 22.96 21.84

23.44 23.44

ftEE for the annual Soroptimist dinner donee has been prepared by ~left to right) Evelyn Mahoney Hougan, Corona del Mar at­torney: De Murl T o$h, Costa Mesa flOfist, and Alice Dra~e of the Village Draperies in Newport

Beach. Th. event wilt be h.ld Fridey evening, May I, at the Capistrano Beachcomber', Club. Proceeds will go to the Newport Horbor Area Girls.' Club to enable th. club to stort construc­tion of the clubhouse. (Terry Boris photo)

Mariners Bank Birthday Gift Is Drive-In Teller Window

mixer -·-·······················-·-··-·····-·---·----·-···· 3.81 30.48 Concrete Mixer Operator . Skip Type ···----··················· 3.17 25.36 A hobby club ha.a been or~· Pavement Breaker Operator ···································-······· 3.71 29.68 The Mariners branch of Call- growth of the bank when In De· 1z.ed by Mrs. Warren Fletcher, Plpe Layers ... ························-······-··---······---·-··········· 2.99 ~~ fornla Bank observed Its fourth c ember, 1956, the relatively 214 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar, Pump Operator -·-···· · ···················--·--··-·--~-····- 3.17 IN anniversary thla month by pro. youthfUl Mariners Bank opened and meeta every other Wednes-Roller Operator ··-···-·····-···-··-··-·-·--·····-·----·--·-······· 3.52 28.25 36

16 , vidlng a special birthday gift for a branch otflce In San Clemente day at the homes of members. Skip Loaoo Operator . Wheel Type -----·--· 3.17 · b k 1 d th d Th 1 b Ued Cr Tractor HI-Utt Shovel Operator ··-·-·-·-----·-·······-· 3.81 30.48 J an pa rons. un er e lrectlon of Theo. e c u Is ca "Laa eadors," Tractor Operator. Bulldozer. Tamper, Scraper or Drag On Monday, April 6, they op. WaJUneton, assistant vice-pres!- which Is Spanlsh lor "the crea-

Type Shovel or Boom Attachmenta ------·--····· 3.75 30.00 ened a drive -In teiJer window, dent. tors."

L~~~;~f ~~~~een~peo~~~t~~--·(shov.ei ···oraiu;;e: 3.81 30.48 , ~~~~~c~a~~~klng facility in en~:: sn~~~~~ol~e~~~: ~~ m~;~~~he~n~~~~fes ~:a!C:,o~~ Derrick, Oerrtck-Barae. Clamshell or Crane) -·-··· 3.81 30.48 The actual anniversary date fomla Bank, climaxing ln the by the members. Mrs. Eldon

Mr. RU118ell ltated that at th1a point the obly uncertainty wu the enrollment of teachers. In order for the proaram to take plue, he stated, 30 teachers will have to enroll ln the exten­sion eounea.

The PJ'OCl'IID provides a unique opportuqlty lor the teachers, aJ. lowing them to study In their own fields, under Instructors from the University ol Call(omla. on their own hleh echooJ campus~

Mr. Ruuell added that nego­tiations between the Newport Harbor Union Hlih School Dls· trlct and the University, and conslderatJon of such a progra on both their parts hu been go. lng on Cor some months. He men­tioned particularly the Interest and ~ork of Leroy llloon, chair­man of the Social Science De· partment at Harbor Hiah.


3131 HarbOr Blvd. at Gisler Costa Mesa

JC:MBERI Y 5-11!11 Drivers of Dump Trucks of less than 4 Yda. Water

22 64 was April 4, but that being Sat· mt>raer on lune 28, 1957. Much Edes Ia secretary of the club, and

Drlv;e.;~1f Dump·n;~;;k,;·· :··;ry·iiS:··b~t-"iess-Uia_n_SYdi 2·83 · urday, the observance and birth· thought had been a-tven to the other membera are Mmes. 1. E.

Water Level .. ····························---·----···---·······--···· 2.86 22.88 day gift wt>re delayed to Mon- merger Idea. Jt was decided that Pratt. Mae Weins, Ernest Win -Re&1atratlon for the course, "'::::::-:J!!J(!~r!===:::

which wtll run 4 hours a day tor r

Drivers of Trucks . Legal Payload Capacity less than j day morning. the Increased raciJltJea ot the bleler, Ray Braun, l . B. Roewe, 6 Tons ........ .... . .... ···········-·-··-······················· 2.83 22.64 Banker Edgar (Ned) Hill re. larger Institution would provide Walter Corbin and lerry Hught>s.

Drivers of Trucks • Legal Payload Capacity between I calls being advised that If the a wider range of banking serv- IEJf CAWTIIL\ !fAMED 6 lr 10 Tons . . ......................... .............. 2.86 22.88

1 new bank could show total de· Ices (or customers and still allow ... _._.ICJ WJ.II leef Ken Cawthra of 3231 15th St.

Drivers or Trucks . Lega l Pay load Capacity between 23

.28 posits of one and a half million the bank to continue Ita com- r•••• •• Newport He t g h t s. has been 10 lr 15 Tons .. . ........ ···························--· 2.91 at the end of a full year of opera I 1 b k 1 1 hi 1 h named manaeer of the new Red

Drivers of Transite Mix - Unde r 3 Yds. .................... 3.07 24.56 t It ld rt 1 1 id · mun ty an re at ons ps w t · Mrs. Robert Ramsay or Irvine Hill T Is C1 b d Drivers of Transite Mix - More than 3 Yds. ................ 3.21 25 68 •on. cou ce a n Y cons er out any change In start person· Terrace. wife of the partner-man . enn u • now un er con-

5 weelu and ~ days, will be ~-Foe aU your

Printing Needs

THE ENSIGN Publishing Co.

omoa. 1-0550 Brkklayer and Stonemason ................................. ·-· 4 00 32.00 l~lt a smashing success. At the nel. ager of VIncent's Udo Drugs. 1 structJon. He was formerly with Bncklayers and Stonemason Foreman (not less than conclu.slon of the first 12 months. StaU members have more than was luncheon chairman lor the the Balboa Bay Club, Bob Dal - 2850 E. eoa.t Hlehway

$2.00 per day above Journeyman rate ) deposi ts had rocketed well be- doubled from the original 11 to annual joint meeting of Southern 1 ton's, Harold's Club In Reno and • CoMna del Mar ~~~~~fc~~~r ..•.... .. . ....... ················-··-··············· 3 00 ll~ yond the three mllllon !'lark and the present 25• and deposits at California Pharmaceutical Assn. , Pi;::g:':n::' ~Wh=ls=U~e=res=t:a:u:ra:n~tl=. ==============::; Asphalt Raker and Ironer .. _ ·~:::~ :::.~::~::::::~:~~:~ ~:~ 23 12 ~~~~ continued to climb ever last count had comfortably auxiliaries, held last week at Los Aspha lt Plant Fireman .. . .................. ·······- 3.41 27.28 1 Th · f dl f th b k 1 passed the nine and a half mil· Coyotes Country Club In Buena EGREMONT Asphalt or Crushing Plant Enginet>r . ··-··· ·····-····· .... 3.71 29.68

1 el ounlbngdo e an f 5

5 lion mark- Park. Among the otflclal hos · Concrete or Asphalt Spreading, Mecha nical Tamping, arge Y attr ute to a group 0 tesses was Mrs. C. V. Turner of · ·

or FinlshJng Machine Operator ............... ····-·- 371 29.68 men who realized the necessity OFF FOil MIAMI BEACH Costa Mesa wife of the ownt>r of SUMMER DAY• CAMP Heavy Duty Repairman ..... .. ···-··. . .. . ....... .. ......... 3.71 29.68 for Increased banking facilities Three executives of Newport Turner's D~gs on Mariners Mill.'. I Motor Patrol Operator, Including any type or Power to help the Harbor Area keep Newport •

Blade . .. . .. . ... ...... ...... ...... ... ... . 3.81 30.48 pace with the tremendous busi . Balboa Savings 6 Loan Assn. are · QIILDJIEJI 5 TO l C TEA.IIS Laborers, General or Construction . ..... .. .. ...................... 2.68 21.44 ness, IJ"Jiustrlal and residential in Miami Beach to attend 2 MV· Dai1 S . . d Any Classification omitted herein, not less than ........ 2.68 228.1.

8044 growth. These are Superior Judge ings and loan conferences. They KEU.T'S WELCOME DA17CBTEJI Y WJIIU!11ng • Art an Cra:fta

Reinforcing Iron .... ............................................ 3.60 K 1 L D Is th N rt are executive vice -president Ag- Kay and Edward Kelly, l585 Sport and Game Acti'rities Structural Steel Worker ... . .. ·················· ········-·-····-··-··· 3.85 30.80 S:r ynn av . en ewpo nes Blomquist, vice president E. Ocean, Balboa, are the parents , T • Painters, Brush .. .. ........ . ····· ···-· .......... ............ .... 3.46 27.68 ach city attorney; John T. Robert Hleld and ~Ai're.tary Flor of a daughter. born Thursday. utonnq Painter, Spray Gun or Sand Blaster (1-hr. Day ) ........ 3.83 30.64 Boyd Jr., general manager of ~ · April 9. In Hoag Hospital. weigh . TraDipol1atloD lDdoded Plasterer ........... ... .. ..... ... ·············· ·············· ···················· . 4.00 32.~ World Sales lnc., Santa Ana, then ence Earl. Miss Blomquist and lng 6 pounds, 4 ounces. 211 MOKTE VUTA COSTA MESA. CALIF. Roofer . .. .. ...... . ....... .............. ····-··················· 3.35 26. owner of Botti Hardware; Leslie Mrs. Earl will tour the Caribbean General Condltlon!l SteUensen, Wahi - Harrington before returning hom•. Telep~Meea Kldwtry l·ll'I'D

d th b I f th City En I ee 's , .:.:::.::::"'.:.._ ___ :.__:::U_::••:_EM~i~g:" :_cl~••:•lfi:_:•:ed:_:ect~'-~O:It..:_l:~=SO.~~=======================~= All bids are to be compare on e ass o e g n r Lumber Company; Dick Richard. -estimate of the quantities of work to be done. f d' d M

No bid will be accepted from a Contractor who has not been owner 0 s U o arket, licensed In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9, Dlvlslon and Mr. Hill, whom the group III of Business and Professional Code. asked to head the new bank a.s

Plans may be seen, and forms of proposal. bonds. contract. and president. speclflcatloM may be obtained at t~ otflce of the City Engineer, These 5 men then sought to City Hall. Newport Beach, California. Corm a board of directors com·

Special attention of. prospective bidders Is called to the "Pro· prlsed of 7 additional men of di · posal Requirements and Conditions" annexed to the blank form of verse Interests withln the Har. proposal. tor full directions as to bidding. etc. bor Area.

No dt>posJt required. The City or Newport Beach reserves the right to reject any or all Still on the board are Lyman

b ids and to waive any Informality In such bids. Farwell. George Hol5teln m, ClTY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CAUFORNIA Sandy MacKay, Nelson . Neice,

Dated : April 14. 1959. Publish : April 16 and 23. 1959.

Margery Schrouder, City Clerk J. C. Steelman and Thomas A.

Waltlll Claate's Hawlllu Thomu. Dr. Harry Stickler re­signed to devote more time to his prac:tJce· and hls place has been taken by Clarence R. Brown. Gerry Richardson, who was ex· ecutlve vice-president, died 3 years ago.

The rapid growth of the Har­bor Area was reflected In the

Here's the money you neecl

to build, uy, or modernize Over 66 million dollars loaned and millions more now available for

·20 year 6% home loans We've provided the financing for thousands of Orange County homes and

building.1. You can P!Ofit from the experience we've gained in more than twenty­two years in the lending field. Come in- discuJS your requirements with one of our loan ofBcen - he11 be happy to show you our simple Jess-than-rent process of acquidng a debt-free home.

Remember, tf you're pJauning to build or buy a new home, or remodel your present one, Newport Balboa Savings"can offer you financing on tenns you can live with.

- -

DON'T OfT LOST -Get the! lk"Wnt map that showt ALL the - streets 1n the fabulous. fut­ITO'IriDI ama of Newport Harbor, Colla J..fesa aDd Corooa dd Mar. It was ~ ated ~Newport Balboa Savinp tnd J'Gar ffte c:ov1 aWllitl >"*· Come iD or write Ear it.

• t" - -

• 0


MedalliOn Home Your work .. M mueh e&lier in the all-electric k itchen or • M~dallion Home. Your modem electric range and oven, for example. automatically control cooking temperaturu. And tlec:trio cooking kt~ps your kitchen so much cleaner and J:ooler.

Electric applianeee are only one' or the advantqea offered by every Mt<lallion Home. Remember this: 2 out of 3 homes built today are tlec:triully obroltte. but n.•ery home that diaplaya the Medallion award has paascd rigid specifications laid down by ~lectric utilities ... sp~iflcations which ~uaralllee a new home to be electrica.Jiy up to date today, and far into lhe future.

And, lor the ultimate ln modem el~tric livi.Jl3, there'• the Cold Mt<lallion Home. It's all eleetrie, with a modern lecttic heating aylllem auch as the amuing electric heat pump lhat both heats and cools.

Page 5: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans

• ...

6 New Members Welcomed By Harbor Service League

Slx .new active membt>rl we... compl~ted tbelr provl.alonaJ year, welcomed Into tbe NfiVPOrt Bar. are Mma. WIUJam ~nta. Park~r bot> ~rvtc. League by MIL loh.n Dale, Wllllaro Hadley, Richard Porter lr.. president. at the Hopett. WUJJam Holstein and monthly meetln& 1ut week at 1eaer.on Soovtlle. the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Mrs. Richard Maraellus, place-

Tbe new Jnembers, who bave ment chairman, announced uiat

Open ·Houses Next Week· at Local Schools

Open hou.e will be h~ld at the Newport Beach ~ 1 em en t a r y achoola next week durtng the na· tlon ·wlde obeervanee ol Public Schoola WHk. Parenta and all otMr cltlz.ena of the community are Invited to vl.ltt the acbools and drcuJate through the vart . ous rooms, accordJng to Supt. Roy Andersen.

itere ls the schedule of open houses:

Corona del Mar School - 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Aprtl 28.

the active . membership ol the League had completed more than 6,000 houra of voJuntftr tervlc:e. bPQrflt ~regiven by Mrs. Rich · arda Slftl~. chairman of the Dan . lah Coft~ Garden In Corona del Mar; Mra. William Jahna, chair. man ot the VoJun~r Bureau ; Mrs. Edward Raulston. chairman of the philharmonic oortunJttee, and Mra. Tbaddeaua I ones Jr., ways and meana chalonan.

Developments In recent explor­ation ot outer space were related by Dr. Loula Walters, head of a&· trodynamlcs at Aeronutronlc Sys. lema Inc.

Grant Named For Mrs. Horn

THE MARSHALLS - Robert end Doreen -of 3b7 Vio Lido Soud, Lido Isle left Sunday by plone for -New Yo·~ 0" the f rst leg c i a 9-weelt vocat on ond bu~•nes• tr p eo•ood Tr.ey c)re cerry ng w th the m a let~er to the agr c~;t•..,r;,l at•;,cne of Sp.,·n b --~oec- •te V.,lenc•a oraroge qrove tilere. M r Mc•1ht11 ~ o c tr~o g•ower ,r •he T ushn orea. (Photo by Mr~ P11t SrepC!rd)

------------------Nt>Wport Helghta School - 7 to The' lntl'rnational grant t be 9 p.m. Tuesday, April 28. contributed for 1959 by th f I occ N . I .... &oS'Ign ... 9Vt.rly. loc..l

Horace Ensign School - 7 to I branch of the Amertcan ~~ u r s I n g &ubtcnp+iooo $l • yaat , $5 fOf' 2 9 p.m . Wednesday, April 29. lion of University Women will be I c • . r••"- Ol.IOLE l-0550.

p~ar~u~e;; ~~~·30 7 to 9 j named the Gertrude McKinley ourse Aga•n ............................................. .,

· N;wport Sch~l _: 7 t~ 9 m Horn International Grant.. ' .._ "Pleasing You Is ~ p. · This rf'<'Ognltlon Ia bemg ac. I A d•t d I" PI · U •• ~

Thursday, April 30. rorded to Mrs. Robert Hom o! s cere I e ~ ecumg • • · Corona del Mar, charter member ~ CROWN •

Terr•l Chosen and second president ot thl' Continued .tccredltation of the .._ ~ THEIR GOLDEN WEODfN6 anniversary wes eel- which had e bill for eech yelJr of the SO branch, for contributing to 21 1 vocational nursinr program at ,. ~~-~ra ~~- •

ebreted T uesdlJy, March 3 I, by Mr. Md Mrs. golden years. CGrl SwMson is a native o f Swed- A z G• I programs. act Ing Ln one ·act ' Orange Coast College has bet'n ~ _ ~ wr • C tJ rl SwtJnson ot the home of Harold end Oor- en, come to the U.S. in 1889 with hts pGrents, S Onta 1r plays, giving readings and re-~ grantPd by the !'Jatlonal A."l!! ~ TmlEl: aAUE.D • othy J o Swon$0n; bOb BegonilJ Ave., Corona d"' ~elebrating hi~ seventh birthday annivers.,ry dur- • viewing plays. The granta ot sev. elation for Practical Nurse Edu . • IIGUcattila9 t E.Dtl.n ramn • Mor. Son Herold is pictured h.,-e with the hon- tng the crosstng. Mrs. Swenson is a native of Terri Affolter. daughter or Mr. era! branchl's are combined to cation, In<'. .._ lloa.n· 1 :._ to 1 Y ored couple. who just recently moved from Pasco. lowlJ, and thot s where they met after the turn and Mrs. Bill Affolter, 1511 CIIU enable a woman SC'holar from a Applications for enrollmt'nt In ,. a-cs s~ cmd ,r.;:.,.., • Wosh .. to mGke the ir home Gt b20 PoinsettilJ Ave. ?f the ~entury. Mr. Swon~on was in the plumb· Dr .. Clift Haven. ls the Zonta girl fore~gn rountry to do advan~ the September class are now be ~SS15 E.. Coat Bwy .. oa S-8121· Also shown is & portion o f the '' money tree," •ng bus•ness tn lowe, lndtane e nd Washington. of the month for April. war In the U. S. with aiJ ex. lng a~ptt'd by Mrs. Quessle An · ~ (3 doon tro.m Ma.rguerilel •

Mrs. Jeffrey Burke, z 0 n t a pe~ paid. ~rson. director of the occ VO· .. coao• a DEL 110 LEQAL BOTJCE to the Secretary of the Orange tance of 50.00 t~t to a point a wards chairman. presented her • callonal nursine proil'am. ~•••• AA:AAAA~

RESOLU'nON NO. 4964 County Boundary CommlssJon a In the eutefly Jine of said with the award at a re<-ent m~t .


W1•11'1 Felle--t.:. The QJ'lt' year course Is also a p A RESOLU'nON OF THE leea~ description and plat of the Jamb 0 ref! Jto.d ; thence ing of the Newport Harbor Zonta ..... proved by the State Board of Lorgest and Most Complet. C1TY COUNCIL OF THE hereinafter described unJnh.ablt- southerly a long said City Club. .,... ,._ PIC8ic Vocational Nurse Examiners. Fumiiure Store in the ArM. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ed territory tor Ita report pur. B'oundary L.lne and said east· Terri 111 an honor studl'nt at I • •-r n During the courw. ~tud~nts ~-D~ &

0 ""G ITS ~oN auant to th pro· .. -1 f "'---J 1 11 t 1 bo N celve a minimum of 1100 hours of '" -n •-- L, __ L\,.~n u • • .,.., • • e .. .,. oru o """"' on er y ne o am ree Road to ewport Harbor High School. was The friendly service group ot tralntn 1 12

ths Pre Ji . ....., ,..,. rrw. TO ANNEX TO THE CITY 35002 of the Government Code of an angle point In said City recipient of the DAR gOOd cltl the Corona del Mar Community cal t r I n I mon I · _..~.·C nt· DECORATING SBVICI C ERTAIN P R 0 PERT Y the State of Calttomia; and Bolftldary Une. old point zeru award, and won second Church Women's FellowshJp will ra n ng n nurs ng ""'t>nces. Uberty .. 5511 KNOWN AS FIRST ADDI· WHEREAS, on the 8th day of being northeasterly o(. par· place In the Lloru Club atudenta hold Its annual pot -luck pl<'nir ~~~~Jnfu1~~ulres. f~Jn~ t


noN TO JAMBOREE ROAD Aprtl, 1959, there wu fJJed with allel to, and dlstant 1320.00 speaken contest. She rep~sented Tuesday May 5 at Costa Mesa c t> opmen an n . Hause· ... Gar~ t n ANNEX AND GIVING NO· the City Clerk of the City of New. fee t, measured at right an · Harbor High during youth appre · park. (~m 11 a .~. to 2 p.~ I trodthuct0ory P5Y~_!l_0!0CYCollls riven

'nCE niEitEOF. port Beach a report of uld Or- gles, from the southwesterly clatJon w~k. Officers of the group will be on e range ........ t ~e cam. WHEREAS, there Ia situated ange Cou nty Boundary Commls . line of Block 56. of said Jr. She plans to enter the Unlvers. Installed at th p·-• M D R pus by the vocational nursing

ld I h e h ,;m C. rs . . staff outa t> a nd cont guoua to t e slon pursuant to the provlslons vlnl''s Subdlvlslon : thence lty of California at Davis next Rooke will be installed a,s 'chair. ·

Fvmisninqs for homes, dubs. ~echts..

City of Newport Beach a certain ol Section 35002 of the Govern · southwesterly along the east- fall u a foreign language stu. man for ht>r second term. Mrs. Clinical training at the U · unJnhablted territory within the ment Code of the State of Call · erly line of SAid Amborft dent. R. w Wales 111 be ta tended Includes prep.

1017 W . c-t Hi9hwey N.wpori

meaning of the . AnnexatJon ol fornla; • Road to a n lnterwctlon with Mrs. Grant Pe~ will S::~re:!: aration of special hospital equip· Un1nh.ablted Territory Act of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R£. the soutttwesterly Une of Students w·.n u rer, and Mrs. Milton Humason ment auch as the oxygen tents 1.9.19, aald territory being rnore SOLVED by the City Council ol aald Block 56; thence north, w11l be vlce-chaJrman and croupettea. caring for lnstl"U · particularly hereInafter de. the City ol Newport Bead\ that westerly along the south · • menta a nd aupplle. and assisting 4 acrSbed · and t.. 1 11 f ld s f_ I h• rr-.. ..__ with pati~nta fftdJng. ~

WHEREAs, It would be for the ~~~~ :rN:~~ ::e~t~: ;.:c~ "'~ yto ~~ fnter:c. Cn0 ars IPS ~ ··~~ ... ~ The program Is open to stu ·\ ~ ~ best lntvesta ol the City of New- annex the aald territory herein. tlon with the northwesterly .. T ... II denta from 17 to 50 years of age. • ~ ....,_ ..._ • port BMc:h and Ita dtizena that alter described, whJch territory Une of aald Block 56. aald A.sst>mbJyman Bruce Sumner 1£., _.1 During th~ cUn\cal ~rlod ot l . • uld City annex aald te"'!tory; Ia contJcuous to the praent point aJao belna In the boun- and State Senator John Murdy t:raiAJng. each student re<"elves j .._ ..,.... ••• ..., • and boundarJes of l&ld etty an~ dary line of tht> City of N~· a nnounc.!d th1s Wftk that state The Newport Harbor Exchange a atJ~nd of J55 tor two month.a ~ ..,

WHEJ¥:,AS, the City Cou-ncil of which aald terrftory now Ia un. port Beach ; the~ north - college scholarmJps for 1959·80 Club wiU hold annual goU tour. and 180 for tl~ month&. Appll·/ • h • •Mt • the City of · Newport Beach a.s Inhabited wtthJn the meaning of euterly a long said City have been awarded to the follow. nament Monday, May 18, at the c.anta should eontact M rs. An · • ,. ••• • proponent did on or about the the Annexation of Uninhabited Boundary LJne and along ing Harbor High Schoolstu~nt.s : Irvine Cout Country Club course. d~rson at the coneee. .._ _. • 30th day of March, 1959, submit Territory Act of 1939 and that the the northwesterly line of said Jack Bradbury, 2037 Mlrantllr Tber~ will be a drawing In ,. ~

Drives Family Out of Hoose lid fbne

Bob K~ds. C'Un'ftlt11 of 8'205 Vete111o Ave .. l...o6 AoaeJa,. • a 1tood tat~. but hb tamOy '""­he d tettle dowD. TheYrw ttred of movfnr. Boo II a do-tt-)'OID'Ielf hobbV.It. Hb bobbyP Remodel­tn• and sellln• hla bome. -w.·.,. lived In fi ve bouta, • ayt Bob. ''I've remodeled aod IOid •_, aD. Mn~ a orolt •dl time. tDo. I wntt'h ~ classified adt Ia n. 1...05 Amrela nmea aod wt.eD I - a houw ad~ at a pdoe I lllte I cfletot IDto ft. Of eouna. mv tamil• uoans wbeD I buy t. came ~~~ I •U dw boat. ... ,. tn and - II'IO'Ve. RO'OU do J ae8 them' I lust ron a daaded ad ID The Times It 1 a woaderfal wu to brlaa buyer aad Miler t~ether:

W hat ever •our oeeck, lod It fatter tell It <Nk'k• . Ill The r~ma-worlcfs lartlelt duelled «<tion F Of n.,_ M~.mled ._,.. 1ce, a~U ORiole 5-0257.



reuoru for aald annl'xatlon a re Block 56. and along the Dr., Balboa ; Darien Dayton. 114 connection with the tourney, and .IIIia 1:--ll'f ...... j ~ • ltlf£1 "" that It would be for the beat ln. ~thea.sterly line of said Grand Canal, Balboa aland, and the prize will be an aU expenst' ... 1• • terest.s of the City of Newport Block 51 to the point of be- Rose Marte Anderson, 2159 Tus- trip to La.s Vegu Proceeds will IJ •1J11 I •- .._ .. • Beach and Ita dtizena that aald ginning. tin Ave., Costa Mesa. be~ to pay oU .the b&lance on ...... - r • City annex said territory and FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY I They were selected from mo~ the "cold blanket" for Hoag Hos· • p J would be advantageous to eX· GIVEN that on Monday, the 25th I than 8.000 top·rankJng stu~nta pttal. The grand prize wtll be Mrs. Jullt> Eggert of 1612 w., ~ e t e r 5 4 tend the boundaries of the City day of May, 1959. at the hour of In Callforula high l<.'hools, and awarded at the time of the pre. Ocean Ft.. Nt>wport. has bfoton "' • to Include Jamboree Road and 7 :30 P.M. on said day. or as soon I colleges. Up to S600 ls granted &entation of the golf tournament named to the national ·~ ~1ll , , • the area hereln&fter described. thereafter as the matter may be tor tuition a ftd fees. trophies at noon Thursday, May and membership committee for • FUR N 1 TUB E

heard, In the Councn Chamber 28. District 22. comprising southern • • NOTICE IS lfEREBY GIVEN of the City lb..ll of the City or,· F ... r I ......... I A..&l...l and <'t!ntra l California. of tht> ( PODDedy ~) •

Ot~a~e~pol!l rf=tob~nS:~~ ~~ Newport Beach. 3300 Newport ..._.. IWIRI American Cont ra ~ t BrIdg e, . ~ Bo I d N rt Be h C II I ............ •L-. League. Mrs. Eggert Is a dln"<'tor • Complete Rome Jl'umJshtnp ~ hereina fter described territory to u evar • ewpo ac • a . , I ,...... .._ o! the Newport Harbor Duphra t«" 11o. •

said City which said terri tory fornla. a heartng will be had. at B id Cl b hi h t - 30 " I-US4 shall In these proceedings bear which hearing the City Council Rosemary Ball (Mrs. Gilbert ~tu~~ay ue~e~in;s ';';,l"t"t~e81E~II ~ lal Rewped a... •• h f ,'I:"H».,... ADDmON shall hear and pus upon au c I t e name o 'r •....,• Mason l. onetime Jocal artist now Anny Pvt. Robert E. Hallahan, lubhouse, Balboa. COSTA twct~ ..

TO IAMBOREE ROAD ANNEX''. written protests flied at any living In New York. has a water. 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmond ~ I I tJme before old hour set for Tbe specltic de8Cr pt on of the color accepted In the American I . Hallahan, 1401 Bayside Or.. u .. Emit" ct.ulfiM Mt.. Ol l-0550. 1

boun~ries of the territory so said hearing by any person own- Watercolor Show at thl' NaUonal Corona del Mar, completed the i;-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii proposed to be annexed Is as lng real property with in the ter. Galleries. Of over 1.000 entries B·week lineman course March 27 follows: rltory proposed to be annexed. only 308 weTe hung. at the Southeastern S i • n a 1

Begtnntn1 at an angle polnt , In the boundary Jlne of the City ol Newport Beach ; aaJd point being In the southeast · erly line of Block 51 a.s ahown upon a map of l r · vine's SubdtvWon. recorded In Mlacellaneous Record Map Book 1, Page 88, Recorda of Orange County, Call!omla, dlstant thereon 3T7.85 feet southwesterly from the most eutuly oomer of the eouth one·quarter ol aald Bloc:k 51 ; thence along aald City Boun­dary Line Sou th so• 09' 25" on a llDe parallel to the IIOUtheasterly prolon1atlon of

•. the nort.heuter),y Une of aald aouth one·quarter CJ.f Block M. a dt.tance of 670.41 teet to a point In U.. amtaUne of Jamboree Road. 100 teet In wtctth. u ~bed ln deed. rftell'cJed ta Book 41lt, Pale 10, Offldal Recorda ol aald Oranp C.OW.ty; tiMnee aJoq aaJd av 8oadllry UDe South a · a.• a z..t a db·

and at any time before the hour • set for aald hearing any owner Mrs. Mason Is the daughter of School, Fort Gordon. Ga. of property within the territory Velma Barber fMrs. Charles F. He wu trained to construct propoeed to be annexed may file Dennison ) who Is a well known and malntaln •fleld communica­a written protest agalrut the an . society reporter In t.hls area. t1on wires and cables, He entt>r.d

the Anny laat November and nexatlon. The protest shall set Sntrrs Ill BAWAU completed basJc training at Fon forth the name of tbe owner of the property affected and give Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilbert Sperry Ord. Calif. He wu employed by a description of the said property ol 608 Seaward Rd .. Corona High · I Currie and Associ at San I In general terms. lands, are vacationing In Hawaii., Francisco, before e ertng the

The City Clerlc or the City of Mr. Sperry is a United Air Lines Army. Newport Beach ls hereby author· pilot, flying out of U. Angeles. I ------.+--lzed and directed to cause a oopy DDIOC&ATS PLU P of thJs raolut!on to be publlshed BOT SPIUlfC& VJSITOII The first In a series

k __ , • wide danoes aponso , by the once a wee for two weeks, .,..d Recent vacationers at Glen lvy Orange County Democratic <:en . publication to be complete at Hot Spl"lnp at Corona were Mr. tral Cornmlttee and the Orange leut twenty C20) da~ prior to and Mrs. J ames Ray or Corona County Council ot Democgallc the date set tor the hearing, and Highlands and Col. and Mrs. Wll. Clut. will be held at S!lO p.m. the publication shall be In the Uam Woodruff of WestclltL tomorrow (Friday > at 608 w. Ver· Newport Harbol' Ensign, a news· mont, Anaheim. TMre will be papel' ot genenl ctrcuJatJon s.o•soa IO:DQET ucura d printed and pu bl lahed In the Ctty game3, cards an dancing. of Newport BMch. and the eo.ta Tbe eo.ta Mesa .JunJor Cham. Meaa Globe He'&ld and Pilot, a ber ol Commerce ha.s the IIOAQ A~ IO.ETDIQ newspaper of general dreuJatlon exclusJve rights to apon.tQr and The annual meetlnc of the printed and publlshed ln the promote the Micro Midget ltac:. A\bdllary of Hoq ~tal wtll County of Orange and ou tside lng Assn. eve,nta held at tbe Or- be held tomomrw (Fridq) at St. tbe City of Newport Beach. ange County Fai.rarounde eacll Andrews Presbyterian Cbwdl In

Tbe City Cluk 1.a t\uthn au. Saturde,y, .Jaytee president C«· Ciilf Haven. Tbe will thorized and dJrected to mall a ald Brame announc:M this wed. foJJow coffee at 9 :30 a.m. DOtke of the pro~ annexa. tJon to all ~M to whom land propoeed to be annend Is u . ~ In the Jut available ..-tlad an m n.ent roll. at the •Mdla~~•-• abown tlwfton · or as

~-- to aaJd CSt)' CleftL ,. reeohltlon wu ~ by

• atF CGudl ot u-. ae;, ot • poft a.dl at a w.plar ......... - tM 13th ...,. ., 6Jlril. --. "' the followtq we. to wit:

FINAL REDUOION$! ..., 7 .. ,. 1111 ........ .. ..

Sfltlc .. Ml -II ... .. • ALUES TO lS..

1• ,.n If Frllk Lie -.i ,_.. 1H i••••• . ...... .. ..... ~· Slal-ll·••ll•n ~



Page 6: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans

D. ·- FrCMII ~ e 'IWVMDAT, Aftll.. I door w~ .- wu cloal.,.. at 5 -.r ,__ ._. ..... .,.....

JWMt Peteraon of 3000 Raven p.m. . •• A q CIIIWI'WKI by Helftl ---. ......_ ~ ... Pl.. Cl1tr Haven, complained at Ctu. of 225 »h St.. Newport ..._ G1h111to ef w Did 1t., 12:02 a .m. there had been '»adl. wu quarantined after bit. • .. ,., ...._ . a prowler at her ldtdaen win· 1n1 JtJta Lot\1. t, ot 400 Club· Morma11 'nll.nM7 ol 32t Hue} dow ... Mr1. A. C. Wlntetbot· bowie Ave., N~rt Bead\ ..• Dr:t Corona deJ Mar, aaJd be wu hun of 400 Snur Harbor Rd.. H, If. lltaly of l8ji8 Marapata Dr .. driY1n1 on a.)aJde Dr. ~n Clltr lteven, reported the theft Irvine Terrace, reported that out Jrla Ave. and JumJne Ave., Co· of a ~OC collar ... Harry PeU ot on Seadrift Dr., Irvine Ter. rona del Mtr. w"-en h.1a eu wu South La,una wu rtven OJI)'Ien race, have been tipped over ewry struck on tM hood by a rock; by tt~en. treated by a ptur-l· week-end; fnveatJptlna otfleer~ he chued 2 boys. about 13, wear. clan tor a heart attack Jn the came upon one tipped over at tnr t.e ahJrta, but he J.a.t th~ Chera Inn, Corona del Mar, at 12:30 a.m . and while lnvest11at. between In that atea ••• 1:35 p.m. and was taken to Hoar lnr heard another one 10 down A car drlvep by Joeep'h M. Kelly, Hoepltal .. . Peel)' Ann Lade of .. . Arthur Aune of 1630 Mariner~ 32. ot San l>le,o at:rudlo a parked 2914 W. Ocean Front, Newport Dr., Harbor Hllhlanda, com. car reclatered to CalVin C. lurt Beach, reported the ·theft of 2 platned that while atandlnt In parked ln front of hla horM at bathing aulll . . . WIUJam J . line at the Udo Theater, a boy 1230 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa .. . Gauley, 22, staying week·enda rtdlnc an llle1al skate board hlt Mrs. Robert Allen at ~ MOn. at 2720 Seaview Ave., Corona del his wlfe ln the lee ... Loren tana Dr., C:O.ta Mesa, wu drlvlna Mar, was taken Into custody on Thompeon, 17, of San Marino, south on IrVine Ave. about 22nd a charae of violation of parole apparently suffered an epileptic St, Bayc:rest, ·when an object. tor the California Youth Author· .elzure at Onyx Ave. and Balboa poalbly a buUet, shattered the lty ... The Unden Realty, 3001 Ave~ Bal~ Wand, at 9 :30 p.m., 1lua at her aleS.. E. Hwy., Corona del Mar. was treated by a doctor, and ta1c. e IV'IfPAT, AnJL JJ

• • ''THE COVE." by 'Vic Smith of Werlmin· stor, winn•T of the WOtefcolor purchosi award ot the Newporf H6tbor Art phibit.

listed the theft of a real estate en to h la local adclreta, 407 klnp ~ Farwell of 109 Slxth St., naa from In front of 1810 Klnp Pt. CllU Haven ... The cash box. Balboa. complained that some. J Rd .. Cliff Haven ... Two plercfd contalolne between $(1) and 100. one broke the wtndahleld ot bla urors Make Split Decision

In Art Exhibit Oil Award

SALUTING p rosj:>ective new me mbers are these officials of the Fed e rated Republica n W omen's Club of Newport Harbor on the occa1ion of an open house scheduled from 10:30 a .m. to 2 p .m. today (Thur,d.,y) at the home of Mr. a11d Mrs. Robert Barnes in Bay Shore s. Here , le ft to right. a re M rs. Rumont Houga n of Corona d e l Mar, Mrs. Herbert Gorne lius o f Corona del Mar, cha irman for tl•e occasion, end Mrs. Clarence H igbie of Balbo, Island. The ir good ~hip, Ente rprise ." will transport guests from the parking lot at 2482 Bayshore Dr. to the Barnes resid6 nce . !Photo by Mrs. Pat Shepard)

earrln11 each ~t with a larp was stolen from lnalde the lobby car parked at Sixth St. and Bat. diamond, valued at $1 .~.62. of the Lido Theater, theate, oftl . boa Blvd .... The br'akn 1ave were lost, Hubert Grenstad of 939 clal Crah~ Phoenix. of ~ E. way on a car belnc driven down w. Bay Ave., Balboa, reported 16th St .. Newport Helehta, report . the ramp to the Corona del Mar ... A SlOO ships bell was stolen ed at 10:16 p.m. main beach by Mrs. JefM Part· For the nr~t time In the 'Niec· coldr, . .,Reunion," and to Tyrus from hla patio during Easter e SA1VIIDAT uau. 11 ridge of Santa Ana and It crash · tlon of a winner In the Newport W~ for hla couache, "Lone Week, L. H. Himmel rich of 1103 Jack Stater' of 2931 E . Coast ed Into the car ahead, driven by Hatbor Art Exhibit. the awards Fla.herman." Balboa Ave., Balboa Island. re. Hwy., Corona ~I Mar, reported Pfc. RJchard L. Greer, El Toro jury faUed to reach unanlmoua Local artlata who are ported ... Ernesf U oyd, 18, of the t heft of a $45 fire extlnKUish · m&rtne. &ll'"J'nent, and the result was a Nnted in the art exhibit are Rex 114 E. Wilson St., Costa Mesa. er ... Laurence Booth of 2015 Jaeeplt C'hmD ...... of 1• hca1 special addItIonal honorable Brandt a.nd Burt Procter ot Co. was arrested on a grand theft Bayside Dr., Corona del Mar. An., 8alboa ~~lead. : r-e•· mention. rona del Mar, Ruth Oatood ot a uto charge In Balboa for al - complained that someone tore . ect t.bat •-·•• tJuew • .-111 "Black uaht." an abstract by Balboa, Ronnie Chue and Reclna legedly stealing a car registered up his mail box . . . Three roda of Ice ~ tluou9b • wtadow Irene k och of Ojal, was telected Bode Brtn.ham of C:O.ta MHA, to Carmen T. Nell~n of 231 E. and one reel, valued at $295, tato tbe ~ a.n.J.. ID as the winner of the 1350 oil and Phil Dike and Robert Wood, 18th St .. C011ta Mesa, parked in were stolen from his boat by a Agata Aft,. 8cdboa a.a..d, CDCl purch.ue award by juror~ RJch · who are ata(f member~ of t he

·T ru.stee Candidates Speak At Civic League Meeting

Candidates for election to the to the voters of the city." front of 333 N. Newport Blvd., thief prylnc oU a lock and hasp t.bat ..,u. .... ...,_. eatned arda Ruben, a teacher at Chouln. Brandt summer school or paint. elementary and hlih school The 3 andldates tor the 2 po. Newport Heights ... Jill Fowler.


to gain entry, Paul B. Youmr of tbe yard, tooll • patio cbab, ard Art School and Pomona Col. lng. boards explained their views on sltlons on the high school board 9, of 527 Seaward Rd., Corona 1034 w. Bay Ave .. Balboa .~re- raa. aoath towcad tbe bay, Ieee. winner or the P\Jrch&ae The art exhibit opened Mon . public education and the role of are Donald Dunean. Incumbent. Highlands, was treated for a dog ported ... Tools valued at more blolre tiM eMU, tJuew tiM ...t award In 1"1. and Jerome Don· day at Newport Harbor Klah a board o( education at a meet· Dr. Leslie Nl<'holson and Earl bite, and the dog owned by Rob· than SlOO were stolen from the cnray ... bpt tJae ..... • • • son, director of the Lone Beach &:hool and will continue throueh ing of the Woman's Civic League Peterson. Mr. Dunaan was un · ert Guyer of 311 Driftwood Rd., rarage of William R. Laidlaw of can cbtfta by Jelaa w. CoD- Art Gallery. Sunday. Hour~ are 2 to 5 p.m. Tuesday at the Harbor High able to be present. Shore Cliffs, was quarantined . .. 704 Fern leaf Ave., Corona del doD of 311 J.l8de lt.. a.JI)oa, Juror Leonard Kester, well and 7 to 9 p.m. throuab Saturday, Social Hall. Dr. Nicholson. a C011ta Mesa June CUnnlnaham, 32, of 410 Mar ... John Kirk. Balboa Pier. Clad Jolua a. ••In• ef Scata known artlat, member of th.e Na · and 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday.

Incumbent candidates for the optometrist. served as a achool Harding St., Balboa, was at· reported that akin diver~ In the A.- ,.... ta...a..d Ia - • · tlonal Academy of Deslcn. and 2 open positions on the elemen · administrator for 4 yeus and r"\ed on a charae of lntoxica . area of the Balboa PleT were In ~t .. •.....-t at9d... Cit tbe member of the American Society tary board are Milo Lacy and taught at Compton College be. tlon at Harding St. and Cypress danger of belna caught on f •tnrac. ~ .....,... Lido of Water Colorists, aald he would .Mel Berry. fore coming to Newport Bea<'h St .. Balboa. at 10:35 p.m . hooks of pier fishermen; officer~ MCII'IIet. ·~ ....._ not ro alona with the N lectlon.

l\l r. Lacy st ressed the view Mr. Peterson took his college AT APaD. 10 passed the Information on to A Corona del lllar father chu. Instead, he cha.e " Frel1ht Yard," that. " Progressive education IS degree at the University of • Fa.tD • lifeguards tlsed hls son, 10, a nd agreed to by Walter Mix of Claremont. a not all bad, Indeed, our young Southern California, moved to OfflC'ers confia.<'ated 2 knives A o-.0 .ioot aluub, ._.aed crt ~Y tor damaaes aner the boy more conventional oil palntlnc. people are enjoyi ng a far better the Harbor Area In 1947, and now with 14-lnch bla~ r:m D 4 Mad 115, wa stole• tram the boalo th~w 2 bicycles off a' blUff tbove and a special honorable m~ntlon ('dUt'atlon today than that of operates the Rant'ho Mesa Pre. rlnes stopped at ys e r. an of OrYtUe Deardorff crt '101 J•· the main beach. darnagl~ them wu clven for this work. their parents." S<'hool. He said he hac; I>Hn 8 <' · Marine Ave. at l:l2 a .m .. after llltM A..., eo.... del M• .. . . .. A pipe reducer, &pparently All 3 juror~ a,.reed on the wa.

He noted the lack of opposition Uv(', !<i n<'e coming her('. In the rt'<'elvlng a complaint of a distur· A as a.cllow ,... atoan tr.... thrown from a pasainc car, broke ter color purchue award of S200 candidates for the positions on Red Cross and Bov Scouts . He bance at Sapphire Ave. and Park the boat of~ EW. of1515 a window In the House of Future, to VIc Smith of Weatmlnater for th(' elementary board. and de- l was chairman of the Red Cros, Ave .. Balboa Is land. releasing the SyiYia L&. Ba:rbow JUrbMDda, 3012 Newport Blvd., Newpo hla temper a palntJne. "The plored what he termed "a l'ack 1 Water Sa fe ty Program. Marines to the shore patrol · · · moored crt Lido Yadlt .AJidaor. Beach. Cove." Mr. Smith la an Instructor

•• • 0.111 c •• ,., c ••••••• ., c. c.

11\e Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce director~ are eend · ' lng a letter ot commendation to WaUer Franz. president of South Coast Co., for "outatandlna lm· provement to the Newport area" by setting up a ...-rtne center with lawn, walkways and boat

or interest M'eat1ng an unhealthy Gar<'la J imenez of 695 Breakers av• .. . A Jllope•ty damage e MOJfDAT, AnJL 13 at Lone Beach State College. s1tuat ion " Tourist Senice Group ~~- · ~~ro7~t~::c~~~~ w~~::;:St~~ acdcleat rnultecs crt Jfewport Floyd Scfto, 62. ot 514 Fernleat Honorable m e n t 1 on awards ba41 the hilt" ,.,.,.,.,. ~~

:\-l r Berry laid great s tr('ss on I\ H d M uerlte Ave BlYd. COld FlDley A...._ Jfowpon Ave., Corona del M&r, received were lflven to Leonard Edmond. R~'-riptMA ollly SJ • , .. ,, 11 f« 2 ' 'the duty or a sC'hool board to II 0"'11111. Here 032~t09 wy an Darg McAlllste; a.acb. botw ... can drtftD Jrr (Continued on pare twelve) son of P .. dena for h la water. ,...,., OliOLI J.OUO.


:t pproach ('d U<'a 1 I on as a ron · • D

8 1 · a .m. · · · ave ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tinu ing proces.'l. in whirh t he lay R('staurant, hotel and motel of 1714 Westrllff Dr .. Westdlff,

pE>opiP of S('hool hoarr1s must people of the Harbor Area held rf'ported two windows broken at IITIIIIL h d 1 11 1 t that address by marbl" and one ('Ontanually s4'ek proft•..,slonal arl · l t e lr SC'<'On organ 1.a ona mee · window broken at 1728 WestcllU

vi''" f rom educators." He al11o


ing Tu~day pvening at the Hu r . c;tressed the lmportanrc of ke-t>p . lpy Bell in Corona ~I Ma r. and Dr by a pellet gun. for a total ing the rnntrol of rrluration on rame up with the following damage of S80 .. · John Hayden. tht' loca l <'IIY level. rath(' r than namt' for thl"ir R"rouo : TouriJJt 35. of 256 Catalina Dr., Newport tra n~ff'fri ng It to the rounty or c: .. rvirP<~ \ounC'i l of the Grt'ater Heights, was arrested on an In · statP llit'wport Harbor Area. toxl<'at iQn <'harge at 3001 New·


Til .. I ~l r IU>rrv c;ald hP wac; not In The? f il"'t pro1M"t plannPrl by port Blvd., Newport Bea<'h · · ·

ar• nr tl With Mr Lacy <'On('('rnang the round I is a pamphlet ll <~ting Offi cers warned a Corona del • nppoo;ltlon to Incumbent randl. 1 tourist a('("ommodat lon<~ a nd at . Ma r youth and his mother a~e~ rlaiP~ · a.; lnnJ;! a<~ lhOS(' <'andi · trar tlons ;'l;exl me-t>tlng will be> Carol Ret>m of the Corona e rlall•c; ha\e been "t"rving on the Tue<~dav evening, Mav 5, In Ma r Youth Center reported that bnarrl In a mannrr o::a tlsfa<'tory Chef s Inn. Corona del Mar. 1 a ti re C'ra<'ke r was thrown at the





-~-----­___ .. _,. __ ................. .... .... ............ ........... -....... .

PYill Wer• 1Yt· 41 ver1 leef Dhh a.. ... _,-........ , ........ . ~•tcv lu . er c•••· ........ ..-.._ "'· '~--':"..::' 88tf

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'--..~ .. $ 111 ...... . • ONLY

$100 .,_. ... 2 ..... -­•o.---•a.o ••. mtr

•o-... c:a..dl .... rll7

. ~·2.33'


En her Wllllanu .Zijl:

Enler new! B. in Ill. ftDim

by July 4t1t



@ lrha hard_,.,.. ., •• lr EdlwrW~

~ Pool(!o«liifl Nothing to buy . .. No finglu lo tDrfU • .. .. ._ ______________________________ __

ADO ..... ~------------------------------CrrY-------------------8TATWL----------• ' MY DII~UA .. a N~111----------------------------------. l.lluv. .All ,........ w...•'"""' ~ !$' . ..... eottpl••lil)' . ................ - .... ,.. ,.,-<~-« o... ot 4o7 ~ .. ca ..... ,....

-------------------------------------r--------------------------------------~ WE CtvE S&B




H a ~~h «?.f.!!~ c. COlONA DIL MAl. CALtfOlHIA




OPEJif niDAYS -nL JfllfE



1heyllllllce~ ......... .

e.v. ......... .,.... •

Page 7: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans

Staff and Faculty Members Hired by High School · Board

M&WJOft u: DriJGII f

YWUDDAT, a. ·-............ p, 1 n e l p ala, vice-fdndpala. · Prlndpat ol Harbor Hletr Is lo. The third annual Balboa Bay

CIOUIWe18n a..nd taeJMra for the .eph Ba.mbtec, principal ot Ca.u Club boat show will be held (rom -.u 8Cbool ,_, .,.... h1red bY Ilea H1ch ls t..lle M.Jller, and 10 a .m. to 9 p.m. tbl.a Saturday tM 1:\'UIICIIa e1 the JCewport kad\ coordinator lor both schools 1.a I a nd Sunday In the water and 11111\ Scbool m.trkt at thflr Floyd Harryman. ashore at the club. Admlalon la

Onday meetlna,. Vlce-prtnclpala at Harbor Hleh f~. a nd no tickets are required ; _ _ ....:.._ __ ....;::.. ______ are Robert Kacnu..on. boya. and but no peta u e allowed.

4-3 Victory For Tar Nine

Fay Rarbr.ort, cirlL Vice-princl­pala at eo.ta Mesa High a ,_. John I McCowan. boys. and Uta Schoen. mehl CirU.

Coun.elors tor next year wlll j .,. JAT COOl'D be Mla Martha Diekman. Dee

Cuey. Mrs. Mary Lou Stat John 1be Harbor IUab .,._._U tH.m Row and Mra. lUlthryn JordAn at

came tluoulh WUh • come-from. Hubor Hleh : and Mrs. Mary bdtind 4 to 3 aqueabr f1Ver Lone ~rdaer and John Prichard at Beaeh WU.On Monday on the Joe. eo. M HI h ua dlamoncl. ta esa I ·

Wlth t1w 8COre knotted at 2·2 N~ teachers hired tor 1959 60

The Rev. D. Weaell, Pastor

SOlfDAT. A.Pa.IL • 8 :00 A.M.-The Service 9:30 A.M.-Sunday School

11:00 A.M.- The Service In the ninth, Dirk Eutman Lined are ~II Taylor. Donald Ulander. Sennon: a eriap atop to left. Don Jaee MJlton Service. Walter Richard· ""Participa nt or Spectator?" buntej, and tM throw to first .on, Thomas Beaton and MJiton W E L C 0 II E

~t..uay. ~nc tlwNnnerss :~ud~ace~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Club to Hear Walter Knott

NEW OFFICYS of the C orona del Mar School P1' A are pictured here at the ins+ellation ceremonies heJd lest WMl at the pod. S.eted. left fo right, ere Mrs. Che~ ~sserl.y . auditOt; Mr~

1 Robert Bernard, fir5t "Vice-president: Mrs. E. Ralph Schisler. the new president; Mrs. Mal Fink. treasurer, and Mn. NOtm41'1 Boisserenc, ~cond vice ·presict.nt. Standing , left to right. are Mrs. Welter Ho ff·

The monthl1 luncheon meetlnc man. parliamentarian; Mrs. Michael Cfeomer. secretory. ond Mrl. Qf the Tuesday Club wtU be held Etton Bomett, historian. Mrs. Wayne BeHin<Jer is outgoing president. at the Balboa Bay Chtb next The instaHinq officer w&f Mo. Rob.rt Otender, past pre1•dent of Tuesday. The proaram will be a the Harbor View School PTA. (Ensign photoJ saga of the old a.t~d new West. presented by one of the descen· dants of the earUer .ettlers ot Oranae County, Walter Knott. ol the famous Knott's Berry Fum. £HIJitC:HES

Election of oftlcera for 1959-60 -----------------------­will be on the slate for the busi·

'Ciril•l• E•• d••'

to eeeond and third. ~n In r typk:aJ llaJ"bot atyle. ~ run­nen ~on squeeze plays by Butdl VJneoyard and Bob Uljen­waU. who picked u p tM win.

wu..on ICOred onc:e In tlw lut of the ninth with a tri pie and a 2-oat ainaJe.

II , ...... Tlllic IIIJ ... Prl,llll ~ Bayer and Mia 11.1 .. 1"' ..... s

Joyce A.nclenon, Wlttenbe~ Col · -r lqe cntdu.ata and teachers In ~~.arbor Hlp'a Key Club is the l'fewport Aru. will lead atw t>lamllnc a new~ ot .:holar. dlscu8alon on '1lle A.ctvantaee ol ah1p fund Pf'OIJ'&IIl for a· a Chrlstlan EdUcation·· at • meet . po.ed ltey Club Scbolarsh.ip. Inc ol the Luther Lncue ot the 'IbJII plan wu u.d at An:adla Corona dd Mar Lutheran Chard\ Hilh !khooJ in Cal1fom1a.. wtvre tbb Sanday. Ia total ol $2.50000 wu rat.ed

The I'Dft11n& will ~ at the toward a .ettolanhlp. ~ club honw ol an. Patl'tN Mackey, wW all decals ln the form ot a



When Liaeninq to the



neu mHtlnc. The music Jectlon will provl~ a chora l treat. doing 2 of their recent numbers. un~r the dl~on of Vera Eubank.

CDM LUt+«•NI cao-=* OMI¥ 1 " 11 1ft ra.LOWSIIiP 2801 a.-d St.. Newport Heieht.a. by wtlh the aJoca.n 1 helped a

SEE AJrD DAa TID lftAUM 1'JIAT WE.aE P'U1'V'RED AT 'I"'IE avua.. 'S wom.D PADI LAIT ftA&. "Are You a Spectator « a Par· Dr. Charla Blauvelt will apeak startlnr at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Wll . ~lar wtth a dollar... -

tlclpant!" wW be the ,ermon on •Jteu,ion and Mental Health'" Ham l'oww will have charr~ of 1"tw driv~ will be conducted EAST • ._ title of the Rev. DoucJu wa~e~ In olleervance ot Yetta! Health the dn'odona. and Kelly Bane May 2 throuab 9. COAST .....-at the 8 and 11 a.m. Sunday Wftk at 11 a.m. s..nday serv- will cllrec1 the business mH'tlnr. i Kembera o1 the club will com - BICiiiWAY -·~ .. services. lee. I pteu the proJ«t by .olldtlnc ·c:o.,.A -.:1~

A TALK OM LOn .. ,... door· to-door with the apoMOr· DEL IIAa ._... • .0 at~PI .EW SUifDAT ICIIOOL CLASI WA ~octst Looka at LoveN ahlp ot the J[.lwanls Club ol Or. oa s.a515 Eq-IJ swt ... n..taoed'"

A new clue wtD be a dded to will be the subj«t of a taJit b1 ..... ._._ 111....- ance County. Advl.or foe tbe ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;g : the Sunday School this Sunday BUl ..Bastemdorf. 0ran e County r15a ... croup. Mr. MaJaJlm Buchanan. -

N~w equipment has bHn pro- at the Evancelleal Lutheran eho t for the 1 N EnclJah teacher at Harbor Bleb. v1ded for the altar boys at the Church of the Master ln Coftma ~loeb ~00 · at a ~ Lynn ltusRil wa.a elec:Ud last will ..._, support this projeat. Lutheran Church of the Master. del Mar. There are now claaes dinner ':::'the. Sh~matn~roup Wftk as president of the Junior ~ p~ 8CbolanhJp w01 Corona dal Mar. for boys a nd gir'4 from 4 years Monda at &:30 .m... In the St bleb students of the Coroua ct.l be Civen to the J.ocaJ IICbolarshlp

A new candle Uehter a nd ex- of age throueh arrade 9. The ~ ~~erlan Chu.rch Mar Community Olurch. l..DwTey board tor coasldeT&rton. Money tlngulaher has bHn atven to the cluses meet from 9:30 to 10:30 lou nom~ was named vi~·Pfft· dooated will be Ciwn to a boy church by Mr. and Mrs. Paul a .m. n,e. ldent ; Sujon Hayton. Meretary ; cba.n by the commJttft. Bentzlen. Mr. and Mrs. Walter · •KWIOIIT u..oa Ltrr'IIEIIAJI Dour Salisbury, treasurer. Buchterkirchen have given the CDlSTlAJf SCIEJICZ CBUIIQIU The R.eov. Jobn Propp will Junloc High Pllr:rfm Fellow· CAUT'S DODrc: rarE material for 2 white cottas. The popular prowrb. " As the speak on .. Jesus. Parting Worda" ship otfiCftS wtll ~Carolyn ~H· Andy Can!')' Corona del Mar's which were made by Mrs. John trH falls, 50 It must Ue," ls the at the 8:45 and 11 a.m. Sunday ler, president; Jeanne Brilliant. I cltbm of not~. 1.a oa to a One Gus tafson. Two new cardinal red underlying the~e of the l.Aaon. ~ v1c:oe. presJdent ; IDm Kuster . .ec:- start ln hl.a e(&htll year on the cusocks for the altu boys we re I Sermo~ on Probation After 1 reta.ry, aDd Susan Hayton. trees. New York Yankft buebaU team. given by Dr. and Mrs. Stanley ~ath. to be heard at the New- ~i taU*:il, 8T ~ SU be urer. Andy has 11 hlts In 2B trips for Moraran. port Beach. Corona del Mar and Y« ~ Sake wU.l Lynn ll'ussell, K.athlftn Kelly a .393 a~ce.

George and Paul Dehn are Costa Mesa Chrlatlan .Science the .ennon topic of the ~ Ed. and Dau& Gomk.e 'ftTe awarded ! -------

elates ln the Golden Text. 1'be a.m. Suoday ~ eta. durinc Sundays lead· ......._ c.1 a.



JULY 6th THBU AUGUST 14th .:>U'as- I ::JO A.K.. .. l1:la •0011 DAILT

SPECIAL a assn 111 .. oJnCS & HADmc

* ~ 8EIIIC TAKa MOW AT TBE SCBOOL ornc:z - o.w. ,_ 1s. Rrvtna as alw bo)-s. Chu. rdlft thla -5unclay. Isaiah de- ward Sm.lth at tbe 9:.35 and 11 pins Cor perfect anftld.ance In


u- &lip

people that wa1Md In daratne. In to Easter ,.... ·

!:: = ~n ~t ~h]~ U: IMJI1f I ~~.::....:=:::..· -----....:.....:==--------!......::~================~ shadow of death. upon them that L 1 • fir 1


Coast Super Market tbe Ucht shined- f9:2). ql.l , Ell "How Much Is Enoueh ?" wtll

be the theme of the May Fellow. • · a. "!!I DAT ADVEIIIJST ltayvon Produrtions.. director ol ship Day sponsored by the utfl. '"The Jo1an Who Was Too Busy" promotions for many leadinc ted Church women Friday. M.ty will be the ~rmon theme of the I southland resldential develop. 1 at the Balboa Island Metbodf5t ~v. Walter Blehm. YQUth lea~r ments. has bHn appolnted as Church· for Southeastern CaUfomla Con- adwrtisinc dlrmon ot Newport

Bruktast at 9:30 will ~ fol- terence of Sev~nth Day Adven- Dunes. President lra Dowd an.. lowed by 8 program featuring a t1sts. at the 11 a .m. Saturday I nounced yesterday. talk by Miles Eaton. profeseor service. ~bath school will be The finn i.s headed by the bus­of economics and political sd · held at 9 :30 a.m. Saturday. ~nd band and wile lt'&JD of Wayne en<-e at Oran~re Coast Colle~e. Blblt! study and prayer mHttnll and Kay Von AldenbNck of Udo

Chairman tor the day wtll be at 7:30 p.m. Wednetlday, Rpril 29. t.sle. Mrs. A. J. Rutter. sr. JAJO:S UJSCO•AL r=============;

..... ....., ..... I J.=da/p~~~~" ~l ~~ I ~ SCIENCE

Cl .. 211 • elude Holy Communion at 8 a.m.. riiiT'caoa:a OJ' Cii&IST. -Ill ;y &amlly .sel"Vice and Sunclay school ICIDIISi,

Emery Hanson. vl<-e ·prerid~nt at 9:1.5 a.m .• and mominc prayer = lJdo and 14!rmon at 11 a.m. Thursday. l'f Beach

of P. A. Palmer In<-. of Newport April 30. pray~r pUd will be l UCG RO()JII,-Beach , announces that the real held at-9:15a.m. and Holy Com · 331S V1a Uclo. l'ewpcn Beadl Ntatto finn has handled alma-1 da .., ,., million In sales so far this tnunlon and heallnc service at ~n week p-- 10:30 a.. m. I a.m. to 5 p.m. year The sales were mainly on Weclnadays 9 a.m. . 7 :45 p..a Lido"• Isle. which was developed CDII WOWHY CIIUJICII TUesdays and Frida,._ t.y the Palmer oUiee. Bluest sale "All Thlnp Are Palsi bl.e" ~U 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. outl! tde ot the Harbor Area ln. be th~ sermon topic of A. K. ~ CKI"M"OII•IICII~ OP CiiWI, volved !» acres of u ndevele Phelps. a Corona del MAr attor. ICIDiiSi land a t Dana Point. wrchased ney, at the 9:30 and 11 Sunday .. apwt ~ td by P. A. Pa.lmeT Inc. from Mrs. .ervtcn. Inst:ructJon for new c-dll­C. E. Hum pert a nd Mra. M. E. -mbers will be conducted Wed. 38:lt East CGMt Blchway

rt. .~ Corona del Mar Burrus of Newpo neaday, April 29. at 7:30 p.m. at ltEADil'fC llO()II-

L&GAJ,..IIO'ftCE the rnan.e. 118 Orchid Aw.. Co. 31131 Eut CoUt mpway .A.MEND!IO:NT NO. 69 rona ckJ Mar. OpeD week ~a.m. to 3 p.m.

N011CE OF PUBUC HEARJJIC HWJOIIT P'DST MI'I1IT saDAY U8¥iC&I m Notice .. hereby rJven that a '"P'Owe.r Ua.limltacr" wlU be t1w .,... cawm

public beartnc" wU1 be held on aubjKt of U. Rev. IJeorbert John. SUJJDAY SCII()OL J:lS LDL the 21st clay of May, lB. a t the son at the 11 a.m. Sunday _,y. SUJJDAY SDYJCI!S U:OO a.m. bour of 8 :00p.m. In the lea Sermon topic for' t he 1 p.m. :!!e",!f"GS1AY PD~ir• Chambera of the Newport Inch ..mee wUJ w '"Wbat'a mpt ;:i,;;; ~ • City BalJ by the PlaaDlq Coal· Wl.dl tbe Cllan:ll.." A atld·week ..at1II'Dd tbe CIUiidl .semc­m l.aalon for the pwpoae ol eon-~ eervt.ce wW be twJd Wed· .... • - a. ••••• ......_ aldertnr A.meftd!Dnlt No. &a. ~~~~--~Ita~~~· ~·~pdJ~~-~·~t_:T~~~:...._-~=========== wbl.cb amenda Sed.lona 910l.34 -a nd 910'7.8 ol tlw ~ a-d\ Munldpal Co6t r e l a t l n 1 to hdpt ol tNUdlftp. '

U Y Y. COPEl.IN S«retaJY, Plannlnr CGmmlaalon

Publlab: Apr11 23. 1B In the Newport Batbcll' Enafan.. .......


C. A


33~ ; E~ s r caAsr HIGHWAY , Jt MARIGOLD , coRONA DEL MAR

Kraf( • Dcdicm Drwe ~"m'9!l--:a8 oz. Bottle UUY"S--11 ... c..

Corn Beef Hash e e •


Strained Junior

Bo&co-Milk Amplifier-11/2 lbs.

Llaft'S--..Ko.. 303 Ccm

39c Creamed Corn e

e e


Cabbage SOIOID

Squash 3 ... 1~ 15~

Taco eHs


Page 8: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans



•• llli



To the Ku.alc of

.lillY UIE

•• ••

c •• ,u. •• tary ,

... 'leme•

BT 4· 1151


Music· School Opens I May . I Anny Pvt. lUc:hard i.u..k Jr H..-e'a hotlna to lee mew of tel Ul1a SAt\JJ'CiaY, bGm noen to 2

The Belfn.fanbt C.naervatory of whcee wiLe, Claodla, Uvea at m you en.joylnr 't nlrht ,out every P.I'IL Don't mill It It JO'I're ln. Music opened Ita doors thla week W. Balboa Blvd.. BaJa... com- rSow and then t the m&J\)' ane teJ'Mte4 In Uae newett IPrtnr tor rerlftraUon, and cla.aaes will pleted the 8-week aeneral supply wine and dine spots alonJ the tuhlona. ' berln Frlday May 1. The new COUI'M April 10 at Fort . Ord., coast • • • Good food. wonderfUl Saw movie and TV .tar An~ school Ia located at 418 s. Bristol CaUl . atmO*phere, and ,excellent enter. Devtne. who S. now a Harbor


Ave. Santa Ana The 23-year-old • eold1er Is a faJnment · ' · Area resident, ~:~tlaxln& and en•

Sha• 1 th · lbUJty t 1953 iraduate ot Newport Harbor Attmtlon, tha.e of the amaf\Jy JoYtna• a bit ol Flehftman's r nr e respona o dressed set· A very amart tuh un...... ..._ hiJ 1 hi

directing the conservatory with Hlch School. Hla parents live at 1 h ~11 be h ld 1 th · ""._ ...... c ........ w e unc nr at Mlss Frieda Bellntante conduc- 1953 Anaheim Ave., C:O.ta )fesa . .;n a ~ of tH ,e .. ;., n H e the Sea Sbanty ln Newport lot tor of the Orange CountY PhUhar. errace ~ e ._. .. na o. week. 1be Sea "'Shanty q -.t the monJc, lll Adrian Holland, con. LEGAL IIOTICZ entrance to U6o Pen.lnaula, richt certmaster ol the Philharmonic. NQ11CE OF SALE 1A the middle ot the plctu.reeque Before coming to the U.S., Mr. Notice f.a hereby 11ven that the aettinr of water at~d boats. Holland was director of the Con· City of Newport Beach ottera tor Open house wiU be held from The special atma.phenf of servatory In The Hague, Holland. sale, In accordance with RaoJu. 7 :30 to 9 :30 p.m . today (Th\ll'l. Woods Cove tn Laruna wu en. The facul ty of the BeUnlante tion No. 4962 adopted by the City day) at the CO*ta Mesa High joyed last week by Paul Maxey, Conservatory will Include musl . Council of the City of Newport School In observance of public better knoW11 to ua u Mayor clans from Orange County and Beach on April 6, 1959, the fol - school.t week. Highlight of the Peoples Pf the "We the People" the Los Angeles area ..:... first lowing described property : program will a play, "The Stolen televtalon show .•. Alao at an · chair symphony men, profession- PARCEL 'A Prince," stylized version of an chor In the Cove waa veteran ac. als from radio and TV and from The southwesterly 119 feet of old time Chinese drama, to be tor Richard Arlen enjoying the the recording and motion picture Lot 8 in Block 51 of River presented by the drama club fine cuisine · · · industry. Section, In the CJty of New- · · The extra -special attractl<ft'l at

The Conservarory will 41tfer a port Beach, County of Or- LECAL XOTJCE Robert's famUy restaurant In Co-full academic course of lnstruc- ange, State of California, as NO. A 32877 sta Mesa IB the champaene din · tion, also prlmary a nd lnterme. per map thereof recorded In NOTICE TO CREDITORS ner. which Is .erved on steak dlate courses for young students. Book 4. Pare 25, of Miscel · nights, every Friday, Saturday, There will be classes In basic Janeous Maps ln the otoce of ESTATE OF JOHN KEHOE DE. Sunday and Monday. Robert's Is

AtiiBD . - · JUICY ....... ......... ._..... .... a.e.-.._ ...... ~ .... ...... ~ ................ ... ..............


..--CKampagne Dinners_..... SerYecl OD Steak NIP• oaly!



TOP SIRLOIN STEAK -.. --~----·-... · .. ·-·- 2.10 IJDiiD, ICAJ.Lon AIID FIIID'IJCU

SEAFOOD COMBINATION .. ------·-·-· 2.10 F ABM STYLE 1ft FRIED CHICIEN .... _._... 1.95 ~ SAUCE. Cl£411 CUVT

Ahoft Olden '-"d wltll • • • C... Salad. Cbo6ce ol Potatoe., Bot .0. tiDd •utt.r QaaaJICII1M without .... - - ..... tMJr Dlgbta •••

II.GO 9laa

theory, .not reading, ear tralnJng. the County 'Recorder of said CEN~cE IS HEREBY GIVEN to In the VIsta Shopptnr Center, on harmony. counterpoint. compos!. County. Excepting th~refrom the creditors of and all penons 19th St. near Placentia Aw. R b ' r.AMD.Y lion. orchestration. conducting, the southwesterly 15 feet. having claims against the saJd For a good movie, It's Rosalind 0 e t t 5 RESTI •uRANT music apprecftltion and reper. PARCEL B deredent or said estate to file Russell In her great com~y hlt. ___ IWl tolre. Lot 8 in Block 51 of River them with the necessary vouch · "Auntie Mame," now showing •


• . . On Balboa laland • Warm Wat~r Pool • Small Ctuses. All Ages • Day II Evening Classes • Classes for Club Groups • Recreation Swimming

ENROLLING NOW · ..... . QR 3-7170


Swim School -wBEU LEADIXC TO

SWill IS nnt• 490 Park Ave~ Balboa Island Down Agale Ave. from Ferry

Section, In the City ol New- ers In the office of the Clerk of at t he Port Theatre ln Corona del la .._ Vllltll I .. JJpl 1 C.tu · port Beach, County of Or- the Superior Court of the State of Mar . . . Don't forget the l am Jttll tt. at ,..,.. .... eo.te .._ 10 1-Sl• ange, State of California, as California In &Ad for the County Session ~ery Monday night at • 0pea Dally Gild I....S., _ 7 A.M. to t •.11. per map thereof recorded In of Orang~. or to present the the Gypsy penar ort M'aln St. In lfEW BOD _ 7 A.M. D*>• IW roa 8a&AID'AST Book 4, Page 25, of Mt.scel- same with the necessary vouch- Balboa, where you can eet a top ._ _______________________ ..J

laneous Maps In the ofllce of t~ the undersigned at hls or notch prime rib dinner alone r-----..... ------------------the County Recorder of said ~~; plac. ol business, to-wit: with the jam seaton . County. c/o A. K. Ph~lps, Attorney at Exceptine the southwesterly Law 3429 East Cout Highway 119 teet of said' Lot 8. ' ' Exceptlnc also that portion Corona del Mar, California, Jylrfg northwesterly of tbe Within six months after the first northerly line of Lot 2 Sec· publication of this notice, Uon 29, T. 6 S~ R. 10 w:, San Dated Aprll14. 1959. Bemardlno meridJan GRACE C. KEHOE JncludJnc tbat eertal~ pareel Admfnllltratrlx of the of land s.ltuated In SectJon Ea1ate of said 'decedent. 29, T . 6 S., R. 10 W., San Ber· A. K. Phelps nardlno meridJan, City of Attorney at Law Newport Beach, County of 3429 E. Co .. t Highway Orance State of california Corona del Mar. California descrl~ as follows: ' Published : A,ril · 23, 30. May

Berfnnlnc at the point of 7. 14, In the Newport Harbor En-Intersection of the south· sign. easterly line of Lot 8. In Block 51, said River Sec· LEGAL lfOTJCE

ABO-.o BUVY cauuu Charles HJtchcocl\, fire control

technJclan seaman, USN, son of Mr. and Mra. Kent Hitchcock of 1307 Santanella Tq .• IrVIne Ter­race, is .ervlnr aboard the heavy USS Roches..._, operating with the U. S. Seventh Fleet In the Western Pacific. The Roches­ter. OaphJp ot the neet hu vb· !ted Yokohama and Yokosoka. Iapan aod Manila.

APORT ·7 · I

II I IE I . S P E I II·L I 51.10 E..., .. ....., ..S TlnaaM)'

Dine O.erlooking . The Ocean ••• •• C'.cltn .. a.-,. lor

L .... u-. ......... lpedcd hrliM

WALLY IT ACIIELJ ,_,... _.tly at oar,..._.. ba

. DDI'IrD 5 • 11:311 - aAa "TTL I



LAGVlfA BEACB COMMUJUTT PLATBOVSE 311 Oeecm AYe. • JlfterYcrtioa8: BTatt 4-5.52!


6604 W. Coast Hwy.# Npt. Bch. Phone ORiole 3-9786

OPEX 4 P.X. to 2 A.M. •


WED. - FJlJ .• SAT •• SVlf. CAIIaplete DlDAera


Now you can enjoy Luncheon

and Dinner se"ed in the Victor

Hugo Mcmner • . . •




line of Lot 2, Section 29, PORT FOR COUNTY SA.Nl· T. 6 S., R. 10 W., San T A TIOII DISTRICTS NOS. 1, Bernardino m e r 1 d 1 a n, 2. 3, 5, f;. 7 and 11 OF OR· which COUJ'8e bears South ANGE ct>UNTY. 63• 43' East : thence NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN westerly along the north · that the BoaTd of Directors of erly line ot said Lot 2. County Sanitation District No. 5 Section 29, to Its Inter- of Orange County, California. did, eectlon with the north· a t l~ meetinr on April 8, 1959, westerly line of aa.ld Lot" ftnd \he report of l ohn A. Carollo. 8, aald Block 51; thence Consulting EngJneera, sanitation northeasterly along said enrtneera foJ said dlstrlft, filed northwesterly 11 n e of with aald board"on April '8, 1~. said Lot s, and Its north · to be satisfactory to said board easterly prolongation to and In compliance with the pro-Its lntersectlon with the vllllona of the County Santltatlon Jine of ordinary hlgh Dllltrlct Act. tide of the Pacific Ocean NCXI'ICE IS FURTHER GIVEN ln Newport Bay desJg. that on May 13, 1959, at the hour nated as ''SOUTH LINE", of 8:00 o'clock p.m. at the meet, In final decree entered lng place of said board In Room Auglist 22, 1928 In Su- 239. 1104 West Eighth Street, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pertor Court action 23. Santa Ana, Cautomla, are the 688, a certUied copy time and place fixed by aaJd thereof being recorded board for the hearinc of objec. September 19, 1928 In tlons to said report and to doing Book 201. Page 253, Otfl - all or any part of the work re· clal Re co-rds; thence ferred to In said report. southeuterly along said S.ld report Ia avaJlable *>r In- ,. ll IAI.ItOA a'f'D.. UL80A tide llne to Its lntersec· spectlbn at the office of the SeC· oa 1 ·7171 tlon wtth the northeut· retary ot said district at llCH ~ .._. 7 p.a. dcdlyl erly prolongation of the West EJghth Street, Santa Al\&. ,,. pa. I....S., southeasterly 1 1 n e of , CalUomla, and may be ~rhJned (Smoldnr 1n the Balcony) said Lot 8; thence south· by any person Interested. a,;;--;;-:;;;;:;;--;;=:;:=~;";' westerly tn a straight Given by orde.: ot aaJd board •ow ft.A'fDIQ TllltOOGII IA'I'. Une to the point ot be· adopte4 on AptU ...S. 1951. Glenn Ford. !!melt Borrnlne ginning. BOARD OF DIRrJC'roRS ''T0B.Pf.2)() J~UW•

Notice Ia further given that OP SANJTATION DIS~ Kirk Dourlu, Bella Darvl LtnfCHEON 12 to 2:30

-· n~coLor


lOSIIADf, 8AUO~ • oaJ..-.

GYPSY CELL·AR • it • ft1' Ulf'l "'OWII .. IIUIUUO• • * t

.ealed blda must be submitted TRICT NO. 5 OF o•· ' "THE RACERS•• to the City Clerk by 7:30P.M. on ANGE COUNTY, CALIF. (lportl C.._...) Featuring STEAK SAJfDWICH w/ SALAD Aprtl Z7, 1959, and will be pub· BY James Jl Stoddard; Both tn Col4r • • · • " llcly opened at a City Council Hana 1· Lorenz • S~tr ROAST PRIME Rll O.Hdoua -Meeting In the City Coundl and Willis H. Wamu, llJlf. - 11011. - 1'1JU. ,..,_ _. ....._ • •• 1flll ._1 Ia; t.t . Chambers at 7 :30 P.M. on AprU Bltay memora Mben.err1tt~ . .Montcomery Clltt. EIU!abeth 0 ... r DA'II A WDK ..,.J l A.JI. '10 I A.M. 1-11 27, 19!l9. AddJtlonal tntonnauon Taylor. Eva Marte Balnt • ~ m ay be obtained from the City Its aecretary.

4 '1lAINTREE COUN'I"r" J AM SESSION MON NITE Clerk's Office, lpcJudlnr lnfor· ~Pu~bllah~1 A~prU~21~a~nd~l la~.~ 19l!a~, ~~~ln~O~!Oio~r~~~ Ill e matlon u to procedure for sub- In the Newport Har'"F Ellllan. '--~--:-"~---...-..-~~-------..... ------..1 mJttlng oul bJda at the time of

the srue. ,-----~-----------------------~~~~~-----. Marg~ry Schroader

City Clerk City of Newport Beach,

CalltomJa Publl&h: AprU 9, 16, 23, 18,

In th~ Newport Harbor Enalrn.

•. ,

. .



Page 9: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans


New Officers Are lnstall8d 1... ....... .... --: .. •• ... _ .....,. - 'I

By Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Club ~•.,!!~., Coola -· Harbor H1gh Beacon, Galleon - ·.a-·llllUI-·n•- -New oUleen of the Soutll Cout are Mrs. Corkett, Mrs. Stanley ::~~onr:~·:cu:~ U:'~= Both Receive Second Honors !run '!!r !!.~ = * CROWN HARDWARE*

Alumnae Club of Pt J1eta Pb1 Van Dyke of Corolla del Mar, Hllh Beacon, ll olie o.f the 30 ~~~iiiiiii~~~!!!!II!IJ!! were trwtaUecl by ~· Kart ..,.. Marvin Sloan of lJdo lale, nnallaU In the 11th annual Por- Both the Harbor Hllh School eon Ued tor nrst place honon Corkett ot aatboa, outa0101 s--· Mrs. Brent MeGh'- of Anaheim. est Lawn Foundation wrlUn1 Beacon and Galleon won runner- tor -t spoiU tu~. and Pete tdent. at the founders day lu.Deb· Mrs. Thomas Fra.t ot <>ranee. awerdl procram. Jerry S. a 10ph. up honors at the alxth annual Lombardo won honorable men- ~ eon at the lrvlMI Cout Countr)' lilln. E. 1t. Knott •Jr. of Carden ornore poliUcal .eienee major at Santa Ana Colleee Journalism Uon for .porg column. Club, marldn1 the t2n4 aonl· Grove. Mrs. 8. E. at.,_anou of the UnJveralty of Redlands. Last worlcahope Jut week. The &aeon won seeond place veraary ot the naUonal eollep 1'\qtln, and Mn. G. M. Reynolda, yur he wu .elected as the ma.t Winners In the.e cateeortes tor best front pace and Ued for 10rortty. lira. Dwtaht Duncan and Mrs. outatan41nl staff member by the were the Oranee Hllh School seeond for belt ·~ NC'tlon.

Mrs. Robert ~ami ot CUff Marte Brlua Tlmmona of Santa Redlanda journaUam department. Jteneetor for beat new.paper and Haven s. the new pNalcSent; Ills. Ana. the Anaheim Hllh School Colon- aatJIJIDrc u. Olf IIATB Milo . J[etchum ot Santa Ana . C01fLE1'I ao 0* TOn lat tor the beSt yearbook. Webater Jewett Jone., mem~r I vlce-prealdent; Mrs. A. B. Conley CIIOaUI UADU •AK&D Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Conley Carolyn Casey of the Beaoon of the Harbor Hleh School facul -



* IS YEARS EXPERIENCE * tce.ber ~...._.. Detectlw Arndlrtlea

IUITII IETEITIVE IlDDY ot Lacuna. eo:rreapondJn1 ..,.. Gary Renaleman of eo.ta Mesa, of Lone Beach, tonner reaJdenta .taft Ued for third place In the ty, hu. been accepted tor a aum­tazy ; Mn1. Ralph Jkmard of Bal. l~or at eo.ta Mea ot Corona del Mar, are off on a " best journalist" catecory. She mer mathematlas l~Utute for boa, rec:ordlnc NCretary; Mrs. Rllh School, haa been appointed world trip that wiU take them to was runner-up tor beat news hlah school teachen at Knox Bruce Brown Jr. of Tu.t1n, trua· cho~ director of the Newport Hawaii, the Orient. Indla, Suez story and received honorable College. Galesbura. Ill .. .July 6 to urer. Harbor chapter of Barbl!r Shop Canal, the Mediterranean area menUon for beat editorial. Aua. 14. Teachers from 14 st ates

New executive board members Quartet Slnelne. and Europe. Mary Anna Petty of the Bea· will attend. .. -~!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!!!!!~!;!~~!!~!!!!!!!!!!~

Enjoy ·Drive-In Banking Service PAST ... ~CONV.EN I ENT I

• • •

Co•••• •• you are ••• ,. llank ,.,_. your car

Deposits 1

CheckS. cashed

. MONDAY THRU THURSDAY •.• lO:OO A.M. - 3:00P.M. FRIDAY ••• IOaOO A.M.- 6:00 P.. M.

••••••••••• •

....... Pe•ettAL ........ IN.UttANee ee•ttettA•I•N

MARINERS OFFICI 2712 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach

EDGAR R.HILL Vice President

J. C. STilLMAN Vice President

Page 10: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans












LAGUNA BEACH 222 Oeean Ave.

PHONE HY 4-1177

SAN CLEMENTE 60 I N. 8 Camino Real

PHONE HY ac:intn 2-1196 or HY Kinffl 2-1196

Far Tell -~ P•llh A laboratory workshop for we·

school children and their parents is ~lng ronsirlered by the adult !'ducatlon d i\ls10n of Orange Coast College for ne'<t fall.

TherE' would be I hour wl'ekly sec;slom; designl'd to tl'ach par ents thl' tl'<'hniQUI'S 1n handling pre schoolers and to provide a! nurs<'ry !'<'hool I} IX' C'Xperience Cor the chi ldrt>n.

ThP dE'<'1slon to offl'r this class will dcpenrl upon thl' response to this announcement. acrordlng to Mrs. Albert Smith. Liberty 8 -1541


Estate of ALVIN G. HEISS. de· ceased.

NOTJCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of and all penona tt.vtng clalRUJ aaalnat the aald decedent or said estate to flM them with the nec.-eauY voucb· .. 1n u.. omce o1 u.. Clftk ot tboe JQerW Court of tbe .... ol eao.r.mta. ill and ._ ... County of Oran~e. or 110 ,_at dle eanw, with the n.eo 1 1 1 ry vouchera, to the vftde ........ at Ills or her place or b--. .... wit:

Wlillaa Henly.,_, e/o ..,. ...._ JW!Itmae • ...... AIW­M7W at lAw, IM5 VIa LWo, w... port Beach. California. wtthln alx months after the first publication of this n.otlce.

Dated : March 26, 1959. WILUAM HENRY SYME Administrator of the Ea· tate of said decedent.

Attorneys for Administrator HARWOOD, HEFFERNAN. SODEN 3355 VIa U do Newport Beach. California

Publish : April 2. 9. 16, 23, In the Newport Harbor Enstfl\.


•....-t ...... Cllelt ...

Orco llodl Co. IUILDIIIG JILOCII.-W.L SIZES-ALL TYPD ~~,.- =a .,.._

.. r,· ••• _ .. ......_._.. ....

All AI 0.. ,,_. .. . All ,_ 0.. rlece7


• • • • • • ..

PS: • Fashion Show • .. Orllnile ~·· ............. clilplcr-... ................... aa' , I_. ..., -.-... .. ..., ... ._. ... mAT_,. qoJ:DI Date Ana .... ............ .. . nntntf• "•

• • •


• •

~ 24.!56 25.68 32.00

AL •


s..Dd -tvot• ...,. all a. ......- of em · •••IIMat buwt • •ntt

• SMALL lfOTD roa D19aU!PJCATIOJf. • DnDEST 'Am M011'111LY. • SBOaT TUIII MATVaJTJU. • lDrl. I&CWIII» Df A • ftfiNCl U&A. • 101. IR'T&aaT ... .......

Let .. a.- ..... ·- .,.... WE IIAJfACZ. U:IIVJC& AJm COLLEC'I'

Evans G. Parker & Co.

• •


ONLY $1.25

• • •

Boots on display on loncl oncl water • SATIBAY AID -AY.

APil B 'J6 11 AJl 10 t PX



Page 11: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans

' •&WJOft' IIADOa IJI'IIGJr ll taUdDAY, Aft1L 11. t•

roa GU u.u. ..-rau a lllllft&a OBGAN SALE OOJiONA b!t: JiUi- BMuutUJ iliiiWii'iiii'iinu~;;A;Tt';i~~;;;;

Hammond Kame Model, full 2 Wrm. u~ apt. P· pe4alt. mo&ee ol be.t orPnl*, ctpt .tow aftcl Nt Carpe&e4 Leslie .peak« extra ... )'irkw ~t. ~ bel', p&· for qukk ale. Conn orp.n wl&b tlo, p.rqe, 1 bloek (tom Chlqa ~rcualon. llke MW tl1'- Bam· CoYe ~ 1150 ,., WMnth oe :=;-::=~,...--::==...-"';o:o,...-= mond aplnet or1an late.t pereu. leue to adulta only. Zf01 alon model. w.ry bat buy of all Seaview. oa 3-1308. <trade in), one on!)'. KlmbaU « · BEACH~ 3· 1an 3 ' month& old, new a295. room and one•2-bMroolft un­now only ~~ U~ Hammond tum. ~ Yr. 1eaee. call OL =w.~u=•=m=--------dumt hn a:or the wbOie tole 5-0865. famUy, a wonderful buy th.U'a •to~a~dNT.:i.~.:....--:;:;;h~rn1ab~~ed::;;-;hou8e~~ TJlANSPOltTA110N IUEDJ:D by hard to iln~ and OW' Hammoad .aM a pertment on Wboa Ia· youn

1 lady dallY from Colona

Franchlle Guarantee. Other elee. land. )Veek. month, auon. oa del· Mar to Santa Ana and N· tric oreana low u $199. 01\e oW 3.4083 _ Olt 3-&Mt tum. Wotk.ln• hJL 8 to 5. Oil· faahJoned reed orcan $:50. Rent a · • • Hammond aplnet orpn t5 a ~-13M. 421 ~Uotrope, CDM, lneludee private ._,...._ e JIOifn '10 LOU SCHMJD'I'-PBILUPS. New Ham·

• mond Oreana - New SteJnwa.y Plana., 520 N. Main at 6th. Santa Ana.




.......... l BUSINESS BOATS AqTO


.... , rirlll .. ~ Spinet 88 not. $345. Small Spinet $259. Hallet a Davl.a walnut apln­et ~- Repoauaed Wurlltzer aplnet Salem Maple, aave S1S8. terma like rent, many tamou.a make. Jlke Stelnway, Knabe. 3700 Newport - OR 3-3700 Everett, Fl.achh, (2 ) Acroaonle by Beach home with used brk:k _ __ JC_ww_rport __ Bea_ cb ___ . - LA WlliNCE IUINICK (right) of Corona del Mar hos been awarded


Baldwin, many, many other.. 3 fireplace. Extra larp double I IDI'IJCZS the Orange Coast College achievement oword in chemistry as the With cues damaged alllhtly In ,.,.,e, plumbed for Nntal Mov· lNG? outstandinn freshman che mistry student. Here he r•ce ives a few shlppJn1. some rent retuma, •~ unJt above. BuUt In ranee and .., f h J w " up to $387. Electronic: plano $395. oven. Klcthen needs to be fln - ' more pointers rom is instructor, ames yue. 6 plano clOM out St5 •-'"ed ott ~ .. A.. a.L-.-u p. 3 s lleht)y u.ed SteJnway ~· • • . Tenn··s Court ........ nn Grands, perfect condJtJon lnclud- 34' LOT ON OCEAN FRONT Two men and van. You will lllce

lng a concert Grand. Baby Grand OCE N FRONT o~rorae!!_ancbm~~. fo:t~r;~00y.r Benef•1t Set l•lnMI fir SaW.. made by Kimball only $185. Kna- 6606 WEST A 4~ ...... -• •••r

be French Provincial In Cherry, NEWPORT BEACH NEWMAN Pacific Telephone drivers re-save $395, perfect beauty, juat In -----------::-=::--::- TRANSFER a STORAGE CO. The woman's Committee of the celved recocnltion lut week from from rent. Many other famous FURNISHED KITCHEN APT'S. for · Lowest Storage Bates Corona del Mar Youth Center wlll the N~rt Beach and Costa makes. Sweet toned practice pJ. rent. Winter rata, utll. paleS. 1968 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa hold a dinner party and dance Mesa pollee for traveling almoat anos S95, $1.35, $175 • up lnclud- OR 8--8370. Ml 6-2528 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Saturday, a quarter milliOn miles during lng a blonde studio - or wtll =~~:;.,:TO::;,RS-.,:;~F:-o-r -=-t.-he--.::bea--:-:t:-:-:rUll=m= ALL TYPES OF May 2. In the Youth Center, to the put year without an accl-~nt a new s pinet plano - Hurry 011 your advertlalnl be tn1l'e ........ -... IIIIRH.. rabe funds for tennis couru at dent of any .$Ind. The ~mony forth~ buys while they Jut- and advertiae 1n the Enalcn. '""---.... - p the playground. took place at tM garage at 22*) W~ c-arry our own . contracts. l ust call Anne--ORiole 3·0550. Col« FUm Servtoe. Mrs. l aclc Undsey is general Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa. which SCHMIDT-PHILLIPS, New Ham. 2 B.ll UNFUB.NlSHED APT. 706 : ~~ PNjedors for Bent. chalnnan. A.ul.sttpr ~r are M~ 1a home bue fQr vehicles of aU mond Oreana - New Stetnway Heliotrope CDM Fireplace e Moclel A.l.rpla.Be SUpplla. Clara Axtater. Ucket chairman ; Harbor Area departinents of the Pianos 520 N Main at 6th Santa ' ·• va11 ' Mrs. George Willson and Mr11. Telephone Co.

· · • patio, yard and praee. A • .~ ... o ..... ....._ Walter Pearson. tables and food ; Ana.__ able May 1st. Yearly leue. -~ -•-·•• ..-p ---.....,..---

Year's Biggest Scouting Show This Saturday at Fairgrounds

Spealtv at the Scout -O· Rama $1. All chUdren aecompanled by tb1a S.turday at the Orange thell parents may co In ~-County fall'grounda will be Maj. * * a.n. Samuef Jack.. commanding * pneral ol. headquarters Air P..M.F., Marine Air Station, El Toro.

Gen Jack h.aa been ~elected to ~ve the ....-aJ Sc:out·O-Rama award, presented each year to aomeone who hu made an out. atandlng contribution toward the welfare of youth.

The Scout-0 -Rama Is the bla· &est Scouting show of the year. It wW atart at 10 a .m. with the bll opening ahow and will con: elude wltb the Order of the .Ar· r'(YW Jn'cllan Dancing show a t 8 p.m .

David Vierling Wins · Contest

Cub Scout David VlerUng, aae 8. .on of Dr. and Kra. Lester Vier. Ung of 4.39 Catalina Dr., Newpon Heights, 1a the flnt place winner from the Harbor DfJitrtct of the ~e Empire Councll In the Scout-0 -Rama sx-ter contest for ~ubs.

Dave l.s a member ot Cub Pack 182 of Newport Beach, sponaored by the Newport Harbor EJg Lod.e. He 1a .den ~ader of Den 2 and 1a a Wolf Cub. He attends Newport H e I g h t s Elementary ScbooJ.

There will be over 200 Scout Unlta. with approximately 6000 Cuba. Seouu and Explorers pat. tJclpatiftl. Each Unit will spon. .or an exhibit booth In which they wtU demonstrate their var· lous Scouting akills and hobbles. Each of the Cub packa In the In addltlol'\. there will be outdoor Coundl COD4llcted a contest activt.ttea such u tower building within the pack, and the win­and arch~ry. Ourif\& the day var. ning poster from each hclc wu loua unJu will entertain with entered In the Counctl contest. special stage shows. The wlnnera will receive Cub

A typical circus atmosphere Scout uJpment u prizes. will prevail with all the trlm- .-.~--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ mlngs on hand. such as pop corn. hot does. candy conon. soda water, Ice cones. pie and coffee.


The general public Is Invited .,....._... & D14 1 ,

to attend. Tickets are on sale by • UII&II&........U all Cubs. Scouts and Explo~rs at 1111 c:.tlll .._




A boUday tn.a 0... tMt

Adult&. No pets. _ Phone OR Mrs. LaVerne Lake, telephone ; BEAft StJ'WI)AT llEJ'OirT

5-0047. l'nD ~J:"'; ~ llella Manrsd. MTrsomAJWvtllnllsa!!!:'~ce~~i~ns. Heart Sunday returns !rom the I · - · Newport Beactl are. totaled $3,. ••H!U PII .IS Pain~ Decorating Fer e l ,_. priftfift9 ,_,., eel tt. 1275.52, according to executive dJ .

.._.... ~- -- P BANGING &.ip ,_....,., c.., Ollole ).400. rector Howard BusweU. ·

HARDWARE * HOUSEWABES * GIFTS 1802 Newport Bl• d. at 18th SL eo.ta Me.a

Phone: Liberty 8-3425

!WIIeve It or not. It is now possible to have your HOME, YARD and ANlMALS f~ from the pesky liUle varmints all summer.

••• um11 GEOJ~s~ 1897 Oranp A-. eo.ta lie.

Start now. The fleas are just starti ng. and If you "get the jump on them" you can enjoy a rea I summer holiday from the Jlttlt s tlnkel"ll.

Ask for Holiday Products and the complete story from



WURUTZER - SPINET PlANO, walnut, 5 year. old. excellent condition. $!500. Call OR 3 -284.9.

aa.. WAJrrZD

•.•.. ..,._. Ac-1

Top job opportu. field& Ken and Women

UO TU.Un-Newport Bea.cb (aero. from All-Amtrican

parklna lot>


One and two bedroom Large apartments

Wall ·to-wall carpet Furnished • unfurnished

Ora pea Bullt-lna

AJI Electric

Ell ... llia • PriYICJ ............. Heated awimmln.e pool

See Manager at

rn E. 22nd St.., Costa Mesa Ml 6-1432

With $500 to $2500 tub to-Invest In one of America'a largest and safest industries. RevaluUonary new concept In Cigarette Sales. NO eelllng, NO experience need · ed. Full or part Ume. Investment tully secured by equipment. For local interview write National EduelrtlonaJ Society. P. 0 . Box

Be Sure To Cbeclc With

.IUIE FillY E•lll•t••ll . ac-t

- 1109. Santa Ana. Calif. Give phone numbe_r. JE 1 ·3047.

402~ 32nd St.. Newport OB1ole 3-4180

roa 1"D .



BUSINESS MAN 5' 10'', likes t o dance. awt.m. etc.; drives '58

Llbert.y 8-86211

( W ith Uda .S)

Watcll Clellilc Men's a Womey 7 to 21 jewel cleaned thorouehly and guaran· teed Cor 1 yr.

UI'S wat• le,air

2210 N. MaJn. Santa Ana J[J 7-3101

JOIDISTONE'S . ........ .. . Ulled -'uto Parts. 'l1l'el

We Buy Cars and Scrap Metal UBERTY 8-7013

2075 Placent1a Ave_ eo.ta MMI' ~ LAJi'DiCiiiiiQ


Free cSellve!'y CORONA DEL MAR NtJR:,'""EllY

OB1ole 5·0160·2744 E. Cout Bwy.

DO YOU WANT e job, e ride, •

Nfttel. o beby s1Het7 Or do you hno

10-itli119 to Mll7 Try Ensitn tlelli­

fi..l e ciL Oltiole )-0550.

COCZ..o"-TWK-WAI K ... -

PEl I.~

2 for 35c JfO. - 01111


2 for 29c CA.IIft.ELL 'S SOlJP


2 for 29c CLOJIIE'TTA'S-Ifo. 2 Ccm


10c ea. DUB.DE'S-Larp Jm



DEifiOIOit'S-40 .. c.. .. .. T UIIS




FRYING CHICKENS . 29~ (Wbole ow Cat Vp )

Drumsticks, Thighs BREASTS


49~ ·

lllicie• U I I Frail NTITI SAUl




Page 12: c.c. ew Conflict for Close Out Sale· Plan Recreall·on Plans

(Continued ,.,.,. .... lbc) a alJibt lac.aUon · aiout OM• lDcb over 1tft qe ln a dla· .....-ment wlt.llloha ~alftU. sa, cl San Dleao. at tbe rear ol 2'721 E. Cout Bwy., Corona del Ma.r. at 1 :22 a.m. •.. Oflicera retul'ned to 2721 E. Coast Hwy. at 4:13 a.m. In an.awer to a tJOUble call and learned that Jobh Farrell wu en route to a bus depot to catch a bus for San oteeo ... A dofr, owned by William W. Jones ot 224 VIa Ithaca, Lido I.sle, waa quarantined after 1t bit maJl carrier J. R. Dinsdale of 934 Doe· wood St., Costa Mesa.

Tbi .... ~ tbe ICftWS fnm a -..p to steal a 110 pkr gen. cmd 1ocll fiOIIl tbe pier 1D boat of tbe tao.. of Morvcua Cbaplllcm. 1220 E. lolboo &l....S.. lolboo . . . A IS torc:b type patio Uqbt WCII stolen fnaaa tbe froDt patio of tJM home of Dub Boga:a, 3001 W. <kMD Ft.. Jfewport a.odl . .• Offlcen a gun from two boys. 12 cmd 13, who were aboottaq at a caD lD tbe area of 1500 W. Coast Hwy.. New· port a.c.:b.

A purse with $16.50 was stolen from a car owned by Mrs. Mardi Michols of 1422 Miramar Dr .. Bal. boa . . . Floyd Martin, 22. El Toro marine, was booked tor pro· tectlve custody at 9 :15 p.m . and released a few mlnut~ later to s hore patrol without charge after he was found walking In the surf at 18th St., Newport Beach. where officers went In r.esponu to a call that a marine might be trying to commJt suicide.

Elsa B. ~1•. 31. El Toro, WCII ~ at 11:10 p.m. OD

cbarqes of petty UMft and lD· toadcaUoa Gt tbe IIWtO!) Jku. 471 Jf, .ewpor1 &lYcJ.. x.wporl Bel9hts. wbue be w01 Mid at 9UDP01Dt bf Mn. MariaD If. Porter, ,a, bclrteade1', Ullttl of· fJcfts an1nd • • . c.orp Prou of 1731 K1.rcmulr 01'.. &alboa. loet a paU of OIWIIIlUtal flo· mJaga.. aW.O from b1a hoat yanl.

A Corona boy, 15. and a Corona girl. 14, were charged with grand theft auto and lac" o( parental control after being taken Into custody at Bayside Dr. and Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. in a car stolen from Eugene H. Peterson. of 1003 E. Ocean Ft .. Balboa.

e TUESDAY. A...a. 14 Mrs. Ann Canl\on of 515 Poln ·

settla Ave., Corona del Mar. te· ported a prowler at her window at 3 :36 a .m .. . . An outside spot­light, belonelng to the Harbor bland A.Mn., wu stolen from the entrance to the bridJ'e, Mrs. Eve­rett Gardner. 34 Harbor Island. reported .. . A car, registered tq Warren Booth of 2136 College Ave ., Costa. Mesa. stolen from the Theodore Robins u.sed car lot. 3100 W. Cout Hwy.. Newport Beach. was recovered by Laguna Beach police. •

Four SaD •rDCDdiDO fUftD· u .. 'tiQo stepped at Coast Bwy. cmd Ncniqold A"'- ConDo del Mar, at 10 a.m. adYI.Md to 90 home afte1' beiD9 111..,... lJ9ated f« po=•'hle tnaaDcT •• • ,A $74.15 portable rodlo WCII atolea fnlm tJM cowatw 1D tJM haldwcue depaabaeat of tJM South Coast Co.. 231'd St. cmd Jlfewpon •l•d., Jfewport a.acb .. . A pa11' of ayloo pcmtlera cmd a baby lOCk were stoleD f.­the dot,_u .. of Mn. ltlcbant S&.p1 of StTTl/r 35th St.. • ... • port a.acb.

e WEDWESDAT. AP-. IS Henry Spaletta of the Shell

Service Station at Balboa Ave. and Marine Ave., Balboa l!lland, reported that someone broke some glass windows worth S5 . .. M. C. Johnson of 540 ~award Rd., Corona Highlands, com. plained that kids In the neigh ­borhood threw rocks at his house . . . Mrs. Ralph Hoyle of 1424 SantaneUa Ter.. Irvine Terrace, reported malicious mJschlef at 1917 See4rlft Dr.

Jon Mcutla of 22 Harbor II· lcmd aepoilted the u..ft of a dlstrlbatow ,._ Ilia 'SO Cbn· na-t eor..tte .....-.:t ID Harbor IUgb Scbool lot .•• lin. J~ EYGU of 7'0D :t lat St.. X ..-pert. eamplarAMd that a car bcbd lDto boer •sa Vol•o &msii!Jia9 the llceDM plate bloc:bt • . • Mcagant ErkboD of llo. S &a1boa eo... repon.d that aomeotN took ftl1oal from' IMr lecbd ~.

roa 11IE




Lovely und)' bea.d\, ..,... ~t .Up. tine ... ~ With modembed kitc:btn and batha. 4 bedrooma, • batba. $105.000.

5 year old, 3 bedaMlm 6 den, 3 bath, 2 JIN· ptu.,- trernendou.t muter ~ aulte, •~ from Bay Club. t87.SOO.

4 year old 2 bedroom A den, 2 bath. take Jaree boat. perfect. ts(),OOO. SOLD.

3 11 year old, outatandlne 4 bedroom, 3 bath on over 75 feet frontage on Bay. 1'ru.l)' a show­place. $104,()0().

Top condition, 3 bedroom. 2 baths. plus powder room. master bedroom 24 feet wide faclne Bay. BeautUully furnished and Includes 32 foot cruiser . • $110,000.


, "

. • • I

3 '*IICIGIQ. 2 .. , c:wpea. ,. ... .tovt. ,.. frtr_.. .....,. • ~, hl.fJ, etc. Ftne ama1J harM • .,. d•b •••.

f bedroom a &th hflnle on 55 feet with dellehttul MUth padb. Ca,...Una al\d drapert-. beauutul plan~ .. ~1.~

• 4 bedroom 3 batla on 2 St. to St. Iota. 6 yeaJS old. Carpetln~ and draperies. ElccelJent buy. EXeeUent terms. $:19,400. .. GorceOtu 2-atory home on V~ Ce.n~ Formal dlnJna room, outatandJne tamlly 106m: 3 bed­rooms. 3 balM. 3 car prap. Thl.a home hu to be eeen to ~pr« -'0().



• I

p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. mana&e~nt


3377 VIa Lido ORiole 3. 7300


-u ... p~~~~~ Utilities Willi •

Fillll ...... , .....


L•••••lll Ealltu frill $1,. lllllll IIVESTIEIT ca., llaltMI


OR 3-4400

e Too Late to CJa.ify B d N WANTED: ELEMENTARY ~hool

teachen. private school. Write ran ew to Box No. F423. c/o Enslen. 2 B.R. Apartmenta, all eJectr:lc CE 28!50 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del kitchen. pr. dl.ap., exhaUit f&h, Mar. l&rze, airy llvine room. .ound In-

UDO ISLE ., ...., CUrlliq 2 II.,

21at11H ...

sulated. 801'De carpeted. com· pletely draped, tub and &bower, heat lamp. Near bank and shop­ping center, 8 rn.lN. to Balboa Bay and beaches. ~nt or Jeue very reuonable. ChUdren o.k. In aome areu. Phone 10 5·1631. See them on Bristol St. Ju.t south of Delhi Rd., Santa Ana.

VOGEL VALUE c.._ an-111


For the dt.crlmlnatlng buyer. 2 bedrooma each. Lovely brick tlrepla.ce. antique Ahuttera. hardwood floors, tile kitchen. Separate patio. and atoraee· .. undry rooms. Divided 2·car garage. Fenced and landscaped. Delleht· ful street and aurroundlnga - near Uterally every­thing! Nicest Corona del Mar Income property we know of at the price ot

$31,100 <some tumlahlnp Included.)


THE VOGEL CO. .. 2667 E. Cout Bwy., Corona del Mar • ORiole 3·:10210 A ORlole 3-202.1

EVM. OR: 3·6456

.a ••u , I-I

127 ..... BEAUTIFUL newly decor&&ed


.IEWPIIT IEIIITS! Lowly 2 BR. on beautiful corner

property In aood area. Extra

larae Uvtne room with fireplace.

Channlne patio, partially en-near private beach .. . 2 enclosed patios, completely carpeted and Few .n ,_ pt"iltti"f "..4., qft til. clOHCI. An excellent buy at $21,· dra~d. Perfect condition. $31.500. &.tp Pu~ c:... oawe J..a10. 500 wt h

2 .......... ...... ORiole 3-3230 and OCEAN VIEW located In JR. • t easy tenns.

P-----~~~~~~----------------------------~ VINE TERRACE. Raa luxurlo~

RAMBLERTOWN WALL TO WALL CARPE'nNG .. , ..... ..., ..... Throuehout. VInyl In kitchen REALTORS and both bat~. 40 cal. heater, 1696 Newport Blvd., eo.ta lieu • IS





'51 F.D tTM PICIUP $1 .. With Campster. A real vacation specl&/

'41 CIIEYROI.ET t T. PICIUP -Top mechanical condition~

• HUIIY M NWI Tl ...-..oTIWI



cum. ,_ o.. ...u. c.--~, . (.


and new cop~r plumblne In · DayorNtchtPbone U8-U61 stalled. Hu exotic landscaped '





315 Marine Ave .• Balboa laland

OR 3-6900

Cllllll lB. Ill MPI.EI $21,111


Within walkJn1 dl.atanttlot our omc:e.

Clean, eood Income ~ Key In our offlce. 1 .....


3001 1!. Cout BW7. (Near Vlncent'a Drup)

Corona del Mar OR 3-0868 - Ev• OB 8.()372


Fll • I


nnrns l'Dils TO Z n:AJtS • IUY - IIOD.D -IIU.o

. Dnii.UCZ

two atrUtlna contempora~y duplexes; A.LA. dealan, lov· lna17 conatrueted by damell bulldera rtpt down to the automatic nooct Uahta, each apartme:nt c:ontalna 2 bed· rooml, 1 ~ batha, bUUt·lD ranee, o v • n. retrt,erator, ~ fan, forced air heathtJr'; ftlepl&ce, tWidoaa thlc:k carpeta. eu.tom drap. ertes. tN 11ppet apartmenta alto hav.- a tlolfoua oe»an · VIew, a breaJdut terrace. a larce Jnt$1oc- patio combln· eel with a aun- deck. they are located 1n a .ectlon of newport beach where prop­erty appredatet at the rate ot one llundred dollant a month. three ot the apart • menta are leued, produc­lna an J~ ot tf75 a month. the pre8eftt mort· cap paymenta are ~ per month tor all four apart­menta. total prtce all for mooo. with • c1own Jlq· mem u tow u u.., mq ._ '*aPt aepa.rateJy II JW a.t~w. owner wUJ ahow .,. ·~t. Phone oa . a._, 07 t!me. -


- 1'1 VEIY ... And J'ln ~'at SlUCJO, I bav. fow ~ two baU., forced alr heat and bMuut\tl oak noon over ufhalt tiJe. ~ badt yard ,. fnc:ed and hae lara• trea Lecatlaod only one blodt frena HUGE SHOPPING CEM I tit. DCI:I..IZJin' PINAJfCIJfG AVAILABLE.

. Three Bedrooma. 1"' bath.t, wtth fbeplaeel forced air t.e.t and aJJcUnc aJua door from 1at1e Uvtne room to patio. AdJacent to ahopptnc a.Dd public tranapor­tatJon. PULL PRICE tJ,3.950 wm1 t2,4:10 DOWN.

YES!!! SEE US fOR•RENTALS -r.t M. LaBorde, Reahor

•tyou'U llke our f:rlendly .ervlee ..

220 E. 17th St eo.ta Mesa l-Jberly 8-1139

< AO'OSI at:reet from Thrlfty Drue Store)

~nlnp Call KJ 5·9200 - U 8· 7021




Beautiful 1-acre estates on the Island of Hawaii tor only $795 with $165 down and SlO per month. Come In and see our maps, pictures, Geological Survey and select your l ·acre lot soon. They are going taat.


1696 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mesa Day or Nlaht Phone UtM!rty 8 · U61

liVEST II r• ... EIITJI . 2 Acres M-1. 1200 ft. bulldlnc, wire fenced . .... .$35.000

MedalJJon Home, 3 'BR., 2 Bath with VIew, 201 Tuatln - Exchanae - Clear! ... 135.500

:J BR., Beautltul Back Bay VIEW HOME 2 TV rooma. 2512 Sierra Vlata .. . ..... -. .. ............. .$30.000

2 Acres, R-4 with View .............................. .. .......... $21.500 with tl6.800 down-

R-4 Lot on Chatle St. ... - .................................. - .......... $4.:500

Lacuna Beac:h VIew Home .. - .... - .... .Exchan1e for local ' C-2 Newport Blvd, 2 HoUMa ........ __ , ......... .$2.000 down ...


100 MAIN, BALBOA. OR 3 ·3181 - 1880 PARX AVE., ~A MESA

MI 6 ·3320 - .141 6 .3101 - Ml 6 ·1675


AU electric: Jdtchena, oven and ranae, refrleeratoc.

wall-to·wall carpet, draperies, wuher and dryer.

patio. and earaee. NEAR THE OCEAN.




ORlo&e 3-2517

•••• HW noon, well ananpd, corner, nb patJo, - PWS 1 &Jl tu.rnWled apartment. Spadoua and vacloua llvin.l .


IU •ILTM 2531 W..t eout Rwy. lfewpan

u ~--- £veL u a.aas
