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Cognitive behavior therapy CBT adalah bentuk dari psikoterapi yang mengemukakan pentingnya peran berpikir seseorang dalam kaitannya dengan apa yang kita rasakan dan apa yang akan kita lakukan (National association of cognitive behavioral therapy ) CBT membangun skill seseorang agar : ‘aware’ denga pemikiran dan emosinya Mengidentifkasi bagaimana situasi sekitar pemikiran dan sikap mempengaruhi emosi

CBT (Ayu Indriani)

Nov 04, 2015




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  • Cognitive behavior therapyCBT adalah bentuk dari psikoterapi yang mengemukakan pentingnya peran berpikir seseorang dalam kaitannya dengan apa yang kita rasakan dan apa yang akan kita lakukan (National association of cognitive behavioral therapy)

    CBT membangun skill seseorang agar :aware denga pemikiran dan emosinyaMengidentifikasi bagaimana situasi sekitar, pemikiran, dan sikap mempengaruhi emosi

  • Basic of CBT

    Kemampuan untuk menyadari dan mengevaluasi automatic thought dalam keadaan putus asa / mengecewakan

    What was going through my mind when I noticed feeling emotionally upset?

  • Goal of CBT

    Membuat kita menyadari automatic thoughts dan belajar untuk menghadapi, mengevaluasi dan memperbaiki automatic thoughts yang bersifat negatif.

  • mood disorders, seperti depresi dan bipolar anxiety disorders, termasuk fobia, panic disorder, fobia sosial obsesif-kompulsif dan posttraumatic stress disorder bulimia nervosa body dysmorphic disorder (i.e., body image) penyalahgunaan zat ( rokok, alkohol and obat lain)

  • CBT juga bisa digunakan untuk terapi: psychosis gangguang kebiasaan gangguan seksual insomnia chronic fatigue syndrome chronic (persistent) pain long-standing interpersonal problems.

  • Elemen CBT

    Tipe terapiDeskripsiPengembangDialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)Bentuk terapi yang intensif dan menuntut perhatian yang menunjukkan hasil menjanjikan pada penanganan gangguan kepribadian borderline dan membahayakan diriMarsha Linehan

    Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT)Terapi integratif singkat mengkombinasikan elemen teori perilaku kognitif dan psikoanalitikAnthony Ryle

    Rational emotive behaviour therapy(REBT)Terdiri dari dukungan terhadap pasien untuk menentang dan menjauhkan pikiran irasionalAlbert Ellis

  • Contoh Cognitive therapy

  • Therapist: Can you think of a situation in the past week when you felt upset?Peter: I was sitting on the subway and noticing all of the couples together.Therapist: And what feelings came up for you as you were noticing the couples?Peter: I was feeling sad and angry.Therapist: And what were you thinking about as you were feeling sad and angry?Peter: I was thinking everyone seems to have someone in their life but me, and its just not fair.Therapist: And if its true that everyone seems to have someone but you, do you think this says something about you?Peter: Yah, that Im a loser and will always be alone.Therapist: And what did you do when you were thinking and feeling this way?Peter: After a while I couldnt take it anymore so I got off the subway even though I hadnt reached my stop yet. I went home and just sat on my bed thinking about all of this.

  • Hal yang Dapat DiidentifikasiSituation: On the subway, noticing couplesMoods: Sad and angryThoughts: Everyone has someone but me, it isnt fair, Im a loser, I will be alone forever.Behaviours: Escape from subway, return home to ruminate

  • Contoh Pertanyaan Terapist Do you know anyone that you like and respect who is not currently in a relationship? Do you have any past experiences in romantic relationships? If you had a good friend that had the same thoughts about himself or herself, what would you say to that friend? Are you possibly discounting any life experiences to suggest that you will not be completely alone? Are you potentially blaming yourself for something that you do not have complete control of?GOAL: MEMBANTUPASIEN MENYADARI KEAKURATAN PIKIRANNYA BERDASARKAN KEHIDUPAN NYATA YANG DIALAMINYA

  • Perkembangan CBTCognitive behavioral group therapy: dalam satu grup, untuk menyadari bahwa mereka tidak sendirian menderita dalam masalahnyaComputerized CBT: menggunakan komputer, akan tetapi tidak bisa menggantikan face to face therapy.
