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Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939

Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Dec 14, 2015



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Page 1: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Causes of WW21933 - 1939

Page 2: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Tensions between countries rose

dramatically in the 1930s

Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles

Britain’s policy of appeasement

Weakness in the WW1 treaties & long term consequences for international relations

Consequences of the failures of the League of Nations in the 1930s

Page 3: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

From foot-soldier to FührerAny account of the origins and course of the Second World War must give Hitler the leading part. Without him a major war in the early 1940s between all the world’s great powers was unthinkable

British Historian Professor Richard Overy, writing in 1996

Hitler became Führer in 1934 following the death of von Hindenberg.

This meant that he became the dictator of Germany, with almost unlimited power and an overwhelming ambition to make Germany great one again.

Page 4: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Hitler was never secretive about his plans for Germany. As early as 1924 he had laid out in his book Mein

Kampf what he would do if the Nazis ever achieved power in Germany.

Abolish the

Treaty of


Hitler’s Plans

Expand German Territories

Defeat Communism

Hitler’s Main Aims:

Page 5: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Hitler believed that the Treaty of Versailles was unjust.

He called the German leaders who had signed it ‘The November Criminals’.

The Treaty was a constant reminder to Germans of their defeat in the First World War and their humiliation by the Allies.

Hitler promised that if he became leader of Germany he would reverse it.

By the time he came to power in Germany, some of the terms had already been changed. For example, Germany had stopped making reparations

payments altogether.

Hitler’s Plans – Abolish Treaty of Versailles

Page 6: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

The Treaty of Versailles had taken away territory from Germany.

Hitler wanted to get that territory back.

He wanted Germany to unite with Austria.

He wanted German minorities in other countries to become part of his vision of a greater Germany.

He also wanted to carve out an empire in eastern Europe to give extra Lebensraum or ‘living space’ for Germans.

Hitler’s Plans – Expand German Territory

Page 7: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

A German empire carved out of the Soviet Union would also help Hitler in one of this other objective – the defeat of Communism or Bolshevism

Hitler was anti-Communist.

He believed that Bolsheviks had helped to bring about the defeat of Germany in the First World War.

He also believed that the Bolsheviks wanted to take over Germany.

We must not forget that the Bolsheviks are blood-stained. That they overran a great state [Russia], and in a fury of

massacre wiped out millions of their most intelligent fellow countrymen and now for ten years have been conducting the most

tyrannous regime of all time. We must not forget that many of them belong to a

race which combines a rare mixture of bestial cruelty and vast skill in lies, and considers itself specially called now to

gather the whole world under its bloody oppression.

From Mein Kampf

Hitler’s Plans – Defeat Communism

Page 8: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Hitler’s ActionsThis timeline shows how, between 1933 and

1939,Hitler tuned his plans into actions.

Date Action

1933 Took Germany out of the League of NationsBegan rearming Germany

1934 Tried to take over Austria but was prevented by Mussolini

1935 Held massive rearmament rally in Germany

1936 Reintroduced conscription in Germany

Sent German troops into the Rhineland

Made an anti-Communist alliance with Japan

1937 Tried out Germany’s new weapons in the Spanish Civil War

Made an anti-Communist alliance with Italy

1938 Took over Austria

Took over the Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia

1939 Invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia

Invaded Poland

Page 9: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

In order to increase Germany’s armed forces, Hitler drafted thousands of unemployed workers into the army.

This helped him to reduce unemployment, which was one of the biggest problems in Germany

It also helped Hitler to deliver on his promise to make Germany strong again and to challenge the terms of the Treaty of Versailles

Hitler handled potential fear from other countries by keeping it a secret.

In 1935 Hitler held a massive military rally celebrating the German armed forces and reintroduced conscription to the army.

Rearmament was a very popular move in Germany. It boosted Nazi support.


Page 10: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

The Saar Plebiscite The Saar region of Germany

had been run by the League of Nations since 1919.

In 1935 the League of Nations held the promised plebiscite for people to vote on whether their region should return to German rule.

The vote was an overwhelming success for Hitler. Around 90% of the population voted to return to German rule.

This vote was entirely legal and within the terms of the Treaty.

It was also a real morale booster for Hitler.

Page 11: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Remilitarisation of the Rhineland

In March 1936, Hitler took his first really big risk by moving troops into the Rhineland area of Germany.

The demilitarisation of the Rhineland was one of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. It had also been accepted by Germany in the Locarno Treaty of 1925.

Hitler was taking a huge gamble. If he had been forced to withdraw, he would have faced humiliation and would have lost support of the German army.

He know the risks, but he had chosen the time and place well.

Page 12: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Remilitarisation of the Rhineland

France had just signed a treaty with the USSR to protect each other against attack from Germany.

Hitler used the agreement to claim that Germany was under threat. He argued that in the fact of such a threat he should be allowed to place troops on his own frontier.

Hitler was confident that Britain would not intervene however his gamble was over France and whether they would let him get away with it.

Page 13: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Remilitarisation of the Rhineland

Hitler’s troops had order to pull out if the French acted against them.

The attention of the League of Nations was focus on the Abyssinian crisis.

The League condemned Hitler’s actions but had no power to do anything else.

Even the French were divided over what to do. They were about to hold an election and none of the French leaders was prepared to take responsibility for plunging France into a war.

In the end, France refused to act without British support and so Hitler’s big gamble paid off.

Page 14: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

The Spanish Civil War In 1936 a civil war broke out in

Spain between Communists, who were supporters of the Republican government, and right-wing rebels under General Franco.

Hitler saw this as an opportunity to fight against Communism and at the same time try out his new armed forces.

In 1937, as the League of Nations looked on helplessly, German aircraft made devastating bombing raids on civilian populations in various Spanish cities.

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Anschluss with Austria, 1938

Following the success of 1936 and 1937, Hitler turned his focus to his homeland of Austria

Many in Austria supported the idea of union with Germany, since their economy was so weak.

There was a strong Nazi Party in Austria. Hitler encouraged the Nazis to stir up trouble for the government.

Hitler told the Austrian Chancellor that only Anschluss (political union) could sort out these problems.

The Chancellor asked for help from Britain and France but was refused. So he called a plebiscite to see what the Austrian people wanted.

In March 1938, Hitler sent troops into Austria and as a result there was a 99.75% vote for Anschluss.

Page 16: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

AppeasementBritain and France had followed a policy of appeasement throughout the 1930s. This essentially meant that they

followed a policy of giving Hitler what he wanted.

Reasons for supporting appeasement:At least Hitler was standing up to CommunismThe attitude of Britain’s EmpireMust not repeat the horrors of WW1Britain was not ready for warOwn economic problems were a higher priorityHitler was right – the Treaty of Versailles was

unfairThe USA will not support us if we stand up to


Page 17: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Problems with Appeasement

Britain’s leaders felt that they had no option but to appease Hitler, but there were problems with such a policy.

Problems included:It allowed Germany to grow too strongIt scared the USSRIt encouraged Hitler to be aggressiveIt put too much trust in Hitler’s promises

Page 18: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.
Page 19: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

The Sudetenland, 1938Following his success with the Anschluss with Austria Hitler

set his sites on Czechoslovakia

Czechoslovakia had foreseen this and sought assurances from both Britain and France to defend them should Hitler make a move.

Czechoslovakia had been created by the Treaty of Versailles and had a large population of Germans living within its borders.

The German population was found in the Sudetenland and they demanded to be a part of Germany.

There was a great fear that war would break out so on 19 September the French and British put to the Czechs their plans to give Hitler the parts of the Sudetenland he wanted.

However Hitler upped his demands to all of the Sudetenland

Page 20: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

The Sudetenland, 1938Following some tense negotiations they decided to give

Hitler what he wanted.

They announced that Czechoslovakia was to lose the Sudetenland without consulting the Czechs or the USSR.

At the same time, Hungary and Poland helped themselves to Czech territory where Hungarians and Poles were living.

Page 21: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

The Nazi-Soviet Pact

On 23 August 1939, USSR and Germany signed a ‘Non-aggression Pact’

The pact also included a number of ‘secret protocol’ agreeing ‘spheres of influence’ in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Poland. It amounted to an agreement to invade and divide the countries of eastern Europe between them…with Poland first on the list.

Stalin agreed to this because he knew that Germany’s ultimate aim was to attack the USSR. He had tried to achieve an agreement with Britain first but these talks failed.

The Nazi-Soviet Pact happened for the following reasons: Time to prepare for war Hope to gain from a long war in which Britain, France and Germany

exhausted themselves Unhappy with Britain Germany – Hitler felt that a deal with Russia was the only way to

get Britain to back down over Poland

Page 22: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

The Nazi-Soviet Pact Historians have argued that the

Nazi-Soviet pact was instrumental in causing the Second World War, inasmuch as it: Freed up Hitler to invade Poland

– he knew that Britain couldn’t do anything to defend Poland (he invaded 9 days later)

Ended Britain’s hopes of an alliance with Russia to stop Hitler – people in Britain realised that nothing would stop Hitler now but war

Improved morale of British people of war – showed Hitler as an opportunist and a trickster, who could never be trusted.

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Other Source Material

Bidgood, A. et al (2006), Twentieth Century History 1900-1945, HTAV, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 214-219

Walsh, B., (2001), GCSE Modern World History, John Murray Publishers, UK, pp. 255-277

Clare, John (2013), Road to WWII, accessed at

Llewellyn, J. et al, “The road to war”, Alpha History, accessed [2 March 2014],

Selassie, “Speech to Assembly of the League of Nations in Geneva” (1936) in M. Perry, M. Berg and J. Krukones eds (2011) Sources of European History since 1900, Cengage, Melbourne, pp. 199-200

“Hitler’s Four Year Plan” in J. Noakes and G. Pridham eds, (2000), Nazism 1919-1945: Volume 2 State, Economy and Society 1933-1939, University of Exeter Press, Exeter, pp. 87-89

Stromberg, N., (2000), Europe in the Twentieth Century, Prentice-Hall, London, pp. 228-37

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Other Source Material “Hossbach Memorandum” extracts.

“Munich Agreement” in J.Noakes and G.Pridham eds (1988) Volume3 Foreign Policy, War and Racial Extermination, University of Exeter Press, Exeter, pp. 718-719

Chamberlain, N., “In Defense of Appeasement” in M. Perry, M. Berg and J. Krukones eds (2011), Sources of European History since 1900, Cengage, Melbourne, pp. 205-7

Stone, R., (1995), The Drift to War, Longmans, London, pp. 34-43

Stromberg, N., (2000), Europe in the Twentieth Century, Prentice-Hall, London, pp. 238-42

Taylor, A.J.P., “Second Thoughts 1963”, in A.J.P. Taylor, (1963), The Origins of the Second World War (2nd ed), Penguin, Harmondsworth, pp. 2-27

Lee, S. (1997), The European Dictatorships 1919-1945, Routledge, London, pp. 194-202

Page 25: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Task – Hitler and the Treaty of Versailles

1. Draw up a table like this one to show some of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles that affected Germany.

2. Using the information from this PowerPoint and other readings complete the table.

Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

What Hitler did and when

The reasons he gave for his


The response from Britain and


Germany’s armed forces to be

severely limited

The Rhineland to be a demilitarised


Germany forbidden to unite

with Austria

The Sudetenland taken into new

state of Czechoslovakia

The Polish Corridor given to


Page 26: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Task – Was the war all Hitler’s fault?

Imagine that Hitler is on trial. He is facing the charge that he deliberately planned and started the Second World War.

1. What evidence would the prosecution bring forward?

2. What evidence would be put forward by the defence?

Page 27: Causes of WW2 1933 - 1939. Tensions between countries rose dramatically in the 1930s  Hitler rearming Germany and openly defying the Treaty of Versailles.

Task – Views on Appeasement

Four views on Appeasement: The right policy at the right time The wrong policy, but only with hindsight A betrayal of the people of Czechoslovakia A risky policy that purchased valuable time

1. Collect evidence to support each of the above views.

2. Choose one viewpoint that you most agree with and write some well argued paragraphs to explain your choice: What the viewpoint means – in your own words What evidence there is to support it What evidence there is against it and why you have

rejected that evidence Your conclusion as to why this is a good verdict.