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 0 16 Oil Storage Tank Design As Per API 650 F auzan Badiwale

CAU2016 Tank.pdf

Jul 06, 2018



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  0 16

Oil Storage Tank Design As Per API 650

Fauzan Badiwale

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• This Presentation cover below topic-• Thickness Calculation

• Anchor Bolt calculation

• Liquid Height calculation

• Intermediate Wind Girder

• Roof Evaluation

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Intergra"# Tank

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$#at $e Can Do in TA%&

! General Tank "ata # $or %&en TA'( Anal)sis*! Roof Evaluation # A&&endi+ $

,! -eismic Anal)sis # A&&endi+ E.! Grillage Revie/ # A&&endi+ I0! 'o11le -tiffness # A&&endi+ 23! C)cle Life # A&&endi+ 45! E+ternal 2ressure # A&&endi+ 6

7! -hell -ettlement # A2I#30, A&&endi+ B8! Thinning Anal)sis # A2I#30,

9!6enting Requirement # A2I#*999

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In"ut s"read s#eet and 'D gra"#i!s intera!e

General Tank Data Roof   Specification

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Intergra&h TA'( is a com&rehensive: eas)#to#use soft/are &ackage for the design:anal)sis and evaluation of oil storage tanks! It &rovides users /ith quick and accuratedesigns for ne/ tanks and evaluation of e+isting tanks!

TA'( &erforms calculations in accordance /ith the latest A2I -tandards 309 and30,! Anal)sis can also take into account /ind: seismic and settlement conditions &lus

calculate air venting requirements to A2I *999 -ection .!,!!

Introdu!tion O TA%&

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(aterial Data)ase

• The program includes following material

databases: – TA'( has man) data;ases integral to the &ackage /hich make it eas) to select

standard data for accurate anal)sis! A num;er of <- and international structuralsteel data;ases are &rovided!

 – A&art from: the user can edit or customi1e the material &ro&erties as &er &ro=ectrequirement!

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In"ut s"read s#eet and 'D *2D +ra"#i!s Intera!eIn"ut S"read 'D D +ra"#i!sra"#i!s

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$#at $e Can Do in TA%&

! General Tank "ata # $or %&en TA'( Anal)sis*! Roof Evaluation # A&&endi+ $

,! E+ternal 2ressure # A&&endi+ 6.! 'o11le -tiffness # A&&endi+ 20! -eismic Anal)sis # A&&endi+ E3! -hell -ettlement # A2I#30, A&&endi+ B

5! 6enting Requirement # A2I#*9997! Grillage Revie/ # A&&endi+ I8! C)cle Life # A&&endi+ 4

9! Thinning Anal)sis # A2I#30,

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Build A Tank ,essel

General Tank Data-

• This /ill ;e the starting &oint of ever) tank that )ou anal)1e!

• It defines the diameter: liquid s&ecific gravit) and liquid height: an) small internal&ressure: materials of construction: and the num;er of shell courses in the c)lindrical


%&en Tank not useful for 2etroleum &roduct!• 4a) ;e useful for fire and cooling /ater!

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Build A Tank ,essel

Roof Evaluation - Appendi !

• As the name suggests: all the details a;out the roof are entered here! The t)&es ofroof availa;le for anal)sis are>

• -u&&orted cone

• Rafter su&&orted cone

Cone• "ome

• <m;rella

• The real &o/er of Tank is calculating the roof and its su&&orting steel su&&ort structureautomaticall)!

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"ome -u&&orted Cone

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Build A Tank ,essel

Design of "torage Tanks for EternalPressure # Appendi $

• Here /e &rovides minimum requirements for tanks that are designed to o&erate /ithe+ternal &ressure ?vacuum@! -o /ith the hel& of this &arameter ho/ /e can evaluatethe e+ternal &ressure ca&acit) of the tank

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Build A Tank ,essel

%o&&le "tiffness - Appendi P

• Where no11les are su;=ected to mechanical loadings and tem&eratures that differ fromthe shell tem&erature /here differential e+&ansion takes &lace: Tank /ill evaluate thestresses in the no11le to shell =unction!

• Intergra&h Tank Allo/s )ou to s&ecif) u& to fifteen tank no11les! The data s&ecificationcan include e+ternal &i&ing loads from a &i&e stress anal)sis: if availa;le!

• When )ou select 309 as the A2I "esign Code in General Tank "ata: the soft/are usesthe data acquired from this dialog ;o+ to im&lement the rules of A2I 309: A&&endi+ 2!

• When the tank tem&erature value in General Tank "ata is changed: the soft/areu&dates the 4odulus of Elasticit) and E+&ansion Coefficient values automaticall)!

• If )ou check <se 262#*58: TA'( uses an alternate method to com&ute the no11lestiffnesses!

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Build A Tank ,essel

"hell "ettlement - AP' ()* Appendi +

• Allo/s )ou to define the measured settlement of u& to .9 &oints around the tankshell circumference!

• With the hel& of this /e can determine the o&timum cosine curve /hich most

closel) re&resents the users measured values of shell settlement! After thecosine curve is kno/n: the out#of#&lane settlement and out#of#&lane deflectioncan ;e determined!

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Build A Tank ,essel

"eismic Anal,sis - Appendi E

• Tanks ma) have to /ithstand seismic distur;ances in the normal course of theirservice life! California and a&an are seismicall) active areas: and the accelerations to/hich the tank ma) ;e su;=ected must ;e ;uilt into the tank at the design stage;efore construction! A&&endi+ E of A2I 309 address this as&ect of design! Here /ill see/hat ha&&ens /hen the vessel has slur&ing liquid inside after a seismic distur;ance

and ho/ /e can get shear resistance force: com;ined hoo& stress and required free;oard value!

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In"ut s"read s#eet and 2D gra"#i!s intera!e

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Out"ut -e"ort

• %n -creen 6ie/#

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Out"ut -e"ort

• $ord -e"ort

• 'D PDF -e"ort

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Sta/ Conne!ted00

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