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12 CATHOLIC EDUCATION . IN THE UNITED STATES The Part Played by the Catholic Church and Its Teaching Orders in Educating Young Men and Young Women By L. E. TI CKER, School Editor. .'CATION has played s. moet EE. mportanf part In the hletory of the United States, and one of Its most Interesting chapters Is the one concerning Catholic education. "The grtatMt religious fact In the United bates says Bishop Spalding. Is the Catholic school system, maintained wuhout tny old except from the people who love If It is a vast system, com- prising more than l.OOO.oOO pupils, than gft.000 teachers, than 100.000,000 worth, of property and with an annual expendi- ture of more than $15,000,000. Its or- ganisation is national yet diocesan, and Instruction with a It COBlblnat rellgloua curriculum equal In Its number and nex-ihlllt- v of subjects as well as method 01 teaching to that of the puMlc school School Sys The Catholic Parochial tem The Catholic parish school system schools. Its inception, two nunureu years ago. in the early days of the Man land colony Two great periods i In Us de- velopment mav be distinguished L The first period extends from Colonial das to Revolutionary times, the second period extends from the latter named period un- til Always a direct the pres. nl day has existed between the roth of chr,h and the arowth of me c.uiiuii' i..v.. - . , i"- - v.,e . a. the missionary and that part country his of Alemanv v Cithollc ectiiemem!. wwwwn- -f o.i piorer amon E .h iorme.1 ,h. The in Marvland flour Catholic churches ano oesne, ...e .... .u,.i station. lie been this helpful church anTschool relationship that It IS JWJ-slbl- e to dlrsHsoclate the history of from the history of the other Moreover the Catholic school system school systems i of this is ath. r.... . n. nm - . in i Carroll, first of ollc radiiates second m ollc or BaUimore. Cnarlee Canoll and school, which were so as possiuie nuy. pear, oroera ann So Its '.. the - tur"i' they far . .,i n,inra that the Chris tian school stands for and around which of education re: 11) It builds Its system Moral framing or UC.tlOn irt IttJ tne enter upon OreatOt. portance of surrounding the growing with a religious atmosphere. Early Spanish Mission Schools. Don edu. The success Is In the ,,v svs- - Franc an (ro.i were i" m chief tr.tal towns to uw cste the naUVe. This was nut tne uswrj. planned tne Imw r,:r Of What hafare. in 151 by Xlmc-r.e- s the lUggeatiOn of the Bishop La. c.as3S Father atoaeM orphan raadtl parish brothers other Francis 0..,e1n, Bhnsis lariceiy 'aught spmni"g and other household and the eelved common trades laboring man memorial Ber.fc.1es authentic informatioi these probably efficiency IMO. mlsslonarlas were inakac;c1 con-ven- school, -- sslon COmlOf d'ocese schools jtsci Bl.hrp second traoei tnMi school! Jesuits normal native and higher branches they missionaries assist extension church and school lTfiT issued ordeis Lower sixteen Father work fatheis ho-.- South- west" mak-- s re- cords accomplished times inferior Mission Schools. Orleans, realiied provide children arrange front 1722 two friars attend church and father Bienville Jesuits people Jesuits established they clear support How-ee- r. their band sisters, trained from L'rsullne France, cuidance ehanse colony school United These sailed L'Orlent eventful ship beset and plrat.s several times voyage after them For river rude forests last thev liaht their convent BBhOOl girls, State. they er.tablishid school, orphan boarding pupils. Sister, excellent Some notable features pupil bright had rial pupils who asslited regular structlon the maintenance Specialisation. teachers permitted each her own special subject circu- lated room teaching subject only. (!) Hand work. Including sewing and em- broidery and other accomplishments skilful houaeworker given special attention When Napoleon sold Louisiana States Mother Superior 1S04 wrote President Jefferson received assurance from of tectlon. After the battle New Orleans the patriotic turned their Institu- tion de- voted themselves caring the wounded Andrew Jackson per- sonally visited their convent thanked slaters their help Ursullne Academy school prospering New Orleans. Kaekaskla. Macki Straits. Mich . Jesuits established Marylaud Schools. la.Lord outer Washington. Institution colored Father Andrew White, brated English Jesuits of time. another Jesuit father and brother this expedition fathers began learning Brother tongue confidence ' The teacner sent "jreyer iiauRiiiri were -- J",-. church Jesuit schools Ished until came persf-cutio- later educational effort made by establlsment of school Herman's Manor of Bohemia eastern Maryland. Many leading Catholic fami eagerly patronised this school anil many famous Catholics found country graduates Anions- - - - of Archbishop Baltimore; teachers were Leonarrt sv.i,. Archbishop Institutions established here and of rolltown. one ration Independence. Penusylvanla Schools. attitude Pennsylvania toward CaUiolu.. gave favorable opportunity will; avuca Mim . Jesuits educational knowledge .) WCbOlOglC child organised not had w.ere two ...M,.v Jesuits work gvegatlon. built probablv .chrml i.lllh1a. Orate King convert them. The Phila- delphia not complete without mention some New that then the ,n(, name, 1S4T were the 1". time tr( New lrUI 1j4 was may be concluded Catholic j, bean c to Bv the been The (v wir Af but tne i.. TM ciime rw.w. II were all the the The of the j af hen the and war It was i'te' the uthnlle Edmatlon ti. Of ince, e!i arn two the ITSS 'he hll by for in oiriest for for giriS ana also hool with tne were out as or lay to the In III for the and all in hv of of the In In the the " an race the that one of his was of th-- one of his was to for the over of to the to of two next to open a for the of of well to The not see a ten the the the o.".s came to take the of the girl of the have of tn war. The with and he The ar.d at the up for lost. Here the stuck rast the mud the by In by In .At de- with for the if bo The with and The by w. were ill. " were apt ten and la- - and tn of (2) So aa lack had and to of was to the the In to and him his of Into a and to for and the for The same and free is atlll at At III., and at naw the had one the the a lay mous Th.-- so won the of soon of A was the a in are a.. them Car- - of the of the of The of In the a for tne -i u nd he a con- - and a nt t'hll.l In a in that has arts ship .. Church school, i( one pupils closed, the or Is for trained the In to for Its of of the United States. arrived du at middle to n a t advice of the saintly St ; in viaii Belnlan to his sisters charge of years to of who fit. In to tne ac- - the of brothers this I Byken the , . , . , .... . , . . . . v. .1 CO s i i i brothers In IM J. ,Tn f an of Brother Church exceedingly lengthy j Indians The branch ve . m - . j 2 . .7 . - now df a .artr lA ivftllatm for in .m inay mmm none naa o ju . , , . - w In the pariah en- - Many were and rapidly Within the ten years the brothers had opened schools Bishop tb placed his famous In Bishop of opened novitiate and ,h the Atlantic Second These early In to schools have sue to Westchester, and nnally In to superb houses the In the brothers which as an acad- - and gre collegiate inatltu- - I La on Second and St James and James St Gabriel's are established by brothers t'nder the of the Brother Facile the brothers at St. Louis. Troy. Albany, TJtlca. Buffalo. San Providence.' River. Lynn. Detroit In a at , and Portsmouth. became district of the accom- plished efforts Brother on transferred to Ammendale. In landed ' suburbs of A a at St Mary's useful at county. Va . now Rock Hill was near latter the fa- - by savage waa nected aocletv con- - scnooi ...ui r, . ... 1M u.- - .ne ... lis the ex- - of the pishop Brother 1 ed ...u u . um ... the ie the the an the to the the In several companions from to the of on Pacific by St Mary's College at and to new of the college si that it transSerred to Oakland The of brothers in eluding a number .if parish schools, rather by the are the Sacred College at the at St at are now broth- ers of M.6M schools, schools all to show the steady, per its? the ereaturandfather growth Snnr.m. DoOirlrtSft .1 WO In the development de Whtft b.. the sum of f to of In sion of the territory now known as New to "toward a schoolhouse ' of the community WmJm the of of h.,.n,. th- - of to he at when Its thorough tartth hnr. there I .... .clo. ,. p.nns-lvama- . Many emi- - ,em of tr,ininc the navlceJ '.s who It'll nent Jesuit fathers did Many br;!lism' teachers In the school at of been of among the Re Mobile oldest schools colonics Farmer . . ,n 1or a number School the Father Brothers the Sacred Heart They Church. eSUbllahsd Philadelphia was that 0BBta a and i i liiJ. the Boston ,.irt,4t richest Catholic pariah Jt j asylum a training college Latin School, founded in the states, ana iree scnooi ..i i1t)(,n,,l1 in MISSISSIPPI ' ilry's in America wnwn achoois several schools colonies gagm req..ieFfn scho.-- l ooened Vlck.bUrg, New Mexico Catholic boys Baton House. Donalds catechism, Jesuit ajMIMIa,rta Mansuia vocal music, given SMM setback After nroiners glrlB sewing, bays Instruction of about' school! They continued with Increasing until rebel- lion shurcbea monasteries, only aiexito of of of of of pupils of of of there era church t.ii..l...l order. of After of of of of In In of In of of of In ot cf hl of nf of at an !n In tne At ?, the to ... . . . nil rtt... . i ... V , 4.1 . ... . . L in ine ..r I 'in all of the on by the an the of all Of in Of for and an j the in ntal In was 'h( a to the on . ... ... 1.a .. n . . , . o v" .. . . ... tne ' far '.n- - tu. me nau" at it ..I ,w in j re-- 1 In of is the of ea.h ' ( j ' M .. met The c4w , - ittonal latlon. of tlonarv Catholic of of I orders at ceased, schools were and in En;-lan- caused to by greate, of In The by the j Ii In came , In In novitiate hers to were of J The mother and no'i-.,.!- . .ei in reliaiou. for he United is lo- - tn ar.d ..... .,.,. . tu.,.i,n I In ,he - . nilvHW iie,i,r. ,i.- - m i . i.r'j .11 .., - - - UttdSr an At ijorgetown and the- Sulpi- - of houses DOW rounded into clan Pt Mary's a j.i I lent training of priests. ' There are hundred In and In ins Tr,.M are as- brother. In fmted States Thev are labored successful!! .?re parent of , thousand and in IBS nf in influence In ha Inaugu-- , Unlti(j statea. uplifting, rated tne of In ,.,H, M be- - o. upper ..atlfornU Frenrl.can gulplclan prhf'. school Mth at Hills. The later of Pittsburg, scnoiar Hills lt most In educational work th- S.minary preparatory ,n brought Earlv Jesuit rchool St Mar: in of teachlnir tirace It waa to Km-- 1 Franciscan Brothers came sarly as lioi tne Jesuits I It has Mount I Beiiew. in of at mission Of Bt XSVISI Mary College and to found at C' v - inautution or its enss in I several schools in the and one Christian doctrine, of famoug gra4Ua'tes con.wiuieu me The a s- dorrr.lto. Here brightest mision of t learning Then teachers i of work . Charley deportation of from Spanish replaced California Franciscan under leadership of Blackmar, In speaking California, in his "Spanish no work ever In modern Governor Of needs colony to Christian first bringing France in Capuchin to chool One these a for attempted persuade the to school and college the do a mis- sionary but could thetr to college g'. 'd offices a teachers, Order, teaching Oi under Bupenoi Tianchepaln. of These sisters the the professional ele- mentary In the from the voyage was storms ; struck a rock, pursued ship. arrlv.-- mouth of Missis in two weeks sisters sailed up day and the reached the of where- coming hailed sufferings a Hnd the present limits I'nit.-- Later a aiding an academy, a an asylum. sisters forty methods employed theae Ursu- llne re 1 teachers. .1 di.ilnleres These charge a group of la class disci- pline. tqfrher from Industrial a L'nlted Ursulinea temporary soldiers. early came These at among signers Decla Quaker. a tf history is at K These Th. the to secondary waa persecution tile the but far the the flute States now- n.. for the t0 the the the ano wno at the As the ie. the the the for the the the the the waa the the for this country. It. too. has an Carroll of York city in caused free school to he af St Peter's on street with .. children, soon the largest In hi ell . . mm an - r.vgiiv. nui.jts French an In i Dover. Col-lec- e Mextco writirtf , ., - Tuam !n of Joined a In In- - preparatory i Ii known as S the of i The of thee is L I In band ' There of had driven . an of about the the of Rose m of I. of Ky. In order to re cost of the were required to daily of manual on the farm. Later schools In In of In suaded of Marv. under them, the of ' Mever. to became founder of . educational Institution In rather a of Sul- - plclan was In of books in the State of Early The connection of the with the European orders of they the fact that so far a permanent of community di rected by the Church combined to the schools than In public The and sisters of eac order to a ship called a A large of the this had with the Thus, each teaching practically own normal or school before Mann the first normal school in TEACHING BR0TKEBS. of Congregation the Holy Cross. This of the of the has honor of being the nrsi of the now to he In the In 1841 Father Sorln six in from France a mother at Dante n col- lege u of They also parnchlul Cincin- nati. Milwaukee and of Haine Is still a great educational centre. Brothera of the Schoola. many futile attempts had the of Christian in 1S4. Dr ffcE SUN, SATURDAY, AUGUST and school Under the Bishop ! Carondelet r.ii-.- voune native look Two latar Christian heath recruit a Louis. They established New York another would devote tnemieives education which has become the centre of the boy. tivity found formalities coincident numher or f'Cf The New came from with founding a religious society HR, V " " utrni.nta emoteni -- ........ "'V"":.. ,,.,. France under the Catholic Philadelphia has excellent academy and a iv II a., oti Into collr and wflmtn Thin in oiyivan. wnwi inm no recrun men iw v WnrAhm academy unknown enterprise devoting their 3l .did novices the order grew first ten and persevered had own cathedral At solicitation of and school under their direction. 11 Spalding Loulavllle they a a normal crossed broad school street and (ettled Kentucky Just previous training heen cessfully Pocantlco Hills, where a building order. 1853 established Man- hattan Collcee. started emy Jnto a fetching from Salle Academy street Academy Brooklyn St. principal Institutions the superlorshlp energetic established branches Syracuse. Francisco. Waltham, Manchester. and established paratory) satlee of prosperous Norfolk. Baltimore and the head of new order. This was untiring of Christian Later noviti ate was In the Baltimore's colonv most permanent settlement boys Powhatan and famous founded Baltimore this institution labora the Azarlas ........e ru.rr."i-Birai- . loselv q,1M,t cin.c John With their long Justin with York begin the order const founding Franclsio form a district This he.ame successful San Francisco, white Rb been secondary than education. Chief among the estab- lished near coast Heart fan Francisco, Brothers' Sac- ramento and Joseph's Academy Berkeley. there over 1.100 teaching upward pupils York city have charge parochial eighteen eecondary and Manhattan This goes have a Tm. TA'ii'.te and thev hive had Cnnrt T.lHse 159 Jum tooa posses- - hgnUeStbllH ation America, jyjj name bpain ftrst benefactor Cath- - came from Seven examined splendid have work Gothenhoppen hers this full moit ,n,tingulshed Brothers Sacred Heart. John S Bizin and later Tne Reformed Molyneux. New Amsterdam Slhool now York and L nlted nay Louis that in order to call furnish schools am""." mnner wi atoceaes ware b vears Bnfllsn 'hem loiter education given time wtr NatCheS. New ftthen consisted read- - schools had nville. ing With em- - under order a:1d Louisiana and ir.str'jn-.- e thexn cased upon ....... .t" nintn swuhwr. close and rax-- 4 sew branched brothers always given immediate Ravoltt aaefilal attention education They have a number Religious successful acidemle-- throughout Catholic once unlust established laws Immi- - in Indianapolis New gration them increase part their work clergy exiled accomplished South French great num.- - ( lilt es'ahlkrhed a at America and Incalculable Mobil. aaatatine In Sta'.ee their ,,, ,., v in ..1, the American WtWf foun,e)j Trenton The In Canada these once more (oypjjfrt at form a organised system Baltimore about and fifty Tex. s Florida Fran mtltUtlons retarded also Institutions teaching about pupils educational lines Prill- - ,.o)rp Seminary Their education fields iant Father been most work Chrlstianisinf Horo, lftrward edu-4t;n- e niliv; founded a Brothers. After lnlTH i"; Pigeon Sulplc.ans O'Connor a prel- - a tna. amineni "'""'i,ounM pigeon a school known actlvg LAau,n a istT from Ireland a s. community HOT transferee Thev from unaea mltuburt, where grown into Mount archdio-es- e School tha J5" Saini s Seminary, a college Loretto ar.d mission second dloe.e Ivivs music uuiim. estab- lished boys from weie and were n expulsion possessions They fathers Sena chur.-- Colonization statement. History better Early French and founder city New ereatest Therefore, acts opened boys. sons station, through sister- hood Mother honor first Ftates slsisfg ship Olronde Their most once consumed month., they sippi everybody had glvm night slept city New Orleans, their with a commsnsuratt Thev established a first within hospital and day twanty.four employment 'who other tha teacher far room that subject. pro. cele with lies German mem the fields effect education upon established repealed rule rled long pjjhop hrought Bishop New a Bar-la- y This be'.ime parochial school hours order days order Cross house Noire Notre made York rank new and a the work order work larae them Duicn I larse South They also house- nnd prov cv,r Bal- - weie for way Ave has I j5 other branch or the to Brook lvn the small of twi soon hv manv novlc s St College of has St. Leoej.-u-- Commercial also of id about a dozen schools have Pennsylvania. and been founded The depari-dlan- i also great educational manl of the college followed end Qevo- - Francis novitiate !uf;on brother, at t0l. a of are about the who been from by order, 1,000 French revolutionary pupils The pedagogical training opened Convent Halnt these a high asnington. duce four labor rn,se were and of of The Bev of Father Fenwlck. who had been four the of first Bishop leadership of the Rev and the th. c....i ,.i nm Th. first Ohio Richard, member order, a pioneer school Catholic close ders which were each Catholic mentioned simply organization teachers who l!e n life produce Catholic better were those early lay brothers h 1, were obliged pass through member training part training glvn novi- tiate do training profession. order had training long Hrotbers Congtega-tio- n Holy existing brotherhoods with America and founded Lac. They school arts opened tohOOlS other towns the West Catholic christian After been secure services brother, Pv Cos- - 30, narochlal near men, soon houae America, nsisnisr) direction received numbera. Hughes the aVer revered Vavierana removed Anawalk 1006 the Fall Hartford 1R7I. novitiate the founded the Col- lege brought New the San Christian College all Vew brothers forty-fiv- e that Christian brother? wondered been and illed Vlncennes. English and elu- - and same Out and the and order broad.l educ have excellent have steadily numbers. Revolution they were seminary separate Catholic Franciscan Farm," Seminary brothers, writing, reading, brought Spanish Bienville. teaching education education being teachers dugouts Bohnlare hospital friendly education Spalding 1S00 estab- lished register hundred order brothers, seeking membership. Francis. Brooklyn developed Brooklyr. narochlal Kentucky Catholic activity Academy located Dominican fathers eighty members Belgium with Induence methods brothera schooling perform uominlcim estab- lished Industrial mentioned Inetltut'.ons Revolution Increasing beginning Cent.-rpor- excellence Brothers Mary. Clement Hammer, pastor Holy Trinity church Cincinnati, per charge Prothers made George Cincinnati print- ing Normal Scbnola. Catholic teachers available schools. novitiate teach- ing Horace THE Brothers founded Kdward brothers opened Chlra.o. teaching lonen returned brothers country progress Vincent. ploneera through Belmead. primary Bishop united enrolment branches - I" IU .1 111 .11-- II. A. ear thev established a mother house at Dayton They first opened a day school and then a hoarding school, which after- ward developed Into St. Man's Insti- tute. This institution Is the most impor- tant college and preparatory school of these brothers In this country The real name of this order Is the So- ciety of Mary of Fails The order Is COmpossd of priests and Of lay brothers There are many more lay brothers than pi teste in the order and lay brothers d. vote themselves exclusively lo the work of the primary school The special work of this order haa been the development of the high Bchool oi academy In connection with the elemen. ry parish school. The success of this. aim may be measured by fact that twenty-seve- n of their forty-thre- e parish schools contain high school grades. Brothers Zehler. Edel, Stintxl. Kim and Lltz have been greatly distinguished in the annals of order. Much of the suc- cess of the Brothers of Mary has been due to the fact that they laid down very careful rules of the training of their mem bers and that they also employ a most thorough system of Inspection and super- vision of all of their teachers. This en- ables them to asulst their teachers to reach an unusually high order of ex- cellence. The BOclety hue more than four hundred members who are eugeged In teaching upward of twelve thousand pupil. Xavleran Brothera. The Brothers of Ht. Francis Xavier. better known a. the Xavleran Brothers, are as yet newcomers among the various religious orders that are engaged In the extensive held of Catholic education. Their founder. Theodore Byken, s pious young Belgian, swept westward by the tide of immigration, landed in New Yoik very early in the la.t century. Having for some years previously been engaged In the care of luvenlleR, he paid particular uttentlon to see what was done fen the boys of America. His kery. rector of the cathidral at Baltimore, wahdsringl led him West, and at St aucceaded In persuading several brothers I Louis he . onflded to Bishop Ro..ettl his to come from Canada to Baltimore and I observations and what he desired to do. 1913. & m ? to Mother St. John , which been agisted by FWtgf to tlon. for in the face of terrible hardships . ...a . . hrnf.h n, tna the the outbreak of the civil war Conquer- ing every obstacle that their poverty, for- eign birth and brought against them they sowed the mustard seed of Now the has the Atlantic seaboard. old Philadelphia Z2"ESk bt7 MM Catholicity Xavleranlsm. congregation Philadelphia Virginia to New gt Washington The scnooi, wnicn edu- - In New brothers conduct catlonal Is known as St. John's College at Dan- - H; Brooklyn have charge of a vers. Man., a list of parochial thiir !o.tit,ition. in cen- - vr'. nmber schools. They tre around Mount Ht at more ; historic St. Joseph's at Bardetown. Ky. and St. Xavler's College at are' also conducted by the Xavlerans i down In the Old they con Old Point Comfort College pre a was waa was the the the the war tnai ,t,,. las the roll the the was the for the the the the Institutions In port News and Richmond. Old Comtort preparatory scnooi thev in ton. and Sinter the. In order other great optima "so at ing tSuZ has very great .ocial ana England, Angela's The long choi. Maryland Iare Joseph's Baltl Louis- ville Dominion duct Point hundred than their . The growlnx Dame, at Is one of s latest undertakings. the venerable Bllllart at its establishment It has proved a Nnmur. nave to work constant source o; satisfaction to volunteer sisters, of whom Sister Louise earned The courses offered prepara- - de Oonzague Among tory college work, end was a Holland sister. Sister Louise, school Marked success has to become a distinguished been achieved through COWPUlSOry lender at the community In nrivate studv two and sisters work Cln- - sessful In excellence of many pans. hours daiiy under the a very way. .s- - Ai,.-.r- - t The the Sister ool. rh chlal ar.d a few a ademies. They oi... hMm.. nrttoin and OnW flmws them who could sneak a hr,m at boys coming to Old Point are fascinated the water In short time once socn spread to Toledo. Oregon proficient Swimmer, can and California In IMS sisters began handle a rowhoat sail a craft with 'heir work In the b taking charge all the a this . the glrlS' school Mary's parish aquatic feature with usual attrac-.a- t Ions of a gvmnaslum a large campu I Other Eastern were opened cares fullv for the student's de- - Roxl ury. Lowell velopment Outride work. in community, tnanxu very tractions of the pla. e is another maae rapia growl n ai nrst tne historic atmosphere Situated ..n the order concentrated its clergies upon the tip of Virginia Pgninsula. every spot work of parochial school, but soon some of history they entered the Held M and Old Point, "Poynl Comfort" bv wcrk In lf'oo Mother that famous Capt founded Trinity C .llcpe at Washington. John Hampton. D. C . a very successful Instl-India- r. village KecOUftltM hera Cant lor the of young Smith met Powhatan and and Woman, Pocahontas in close proximity are j The of Merer. Jamestown and famed sight is Hampton Roada, where the Monitor Merrlmac fought their momentous battle The very act of living in a place so bound in history of a struggling past is a libera! education in itself THE SISTERHOODS. The Evolution of the (nmmetrls Three, sisters of the Second Saint Francis, nuns usually known poor Clares." came f:om France to Georgetown Nine years later opened an academy, which was the nrsi school In th English olonles The found ir very hard to get and on tho death of its ab- bess in 1S04 they returned France The Visitation Order. Carroll thought thit instead Of impending upon sisters fr..m i' would be we'.', to fcund rallglOUl orders In America Fah-- r L-- nt ard Neale, lai Archbishop of Baltimore, also hid th:. ; In mind when he Mies I...!or. a jde out young Irish woman, and two com raniciHs lo op'-- a school in Philadelphia 'out an of yellow fever s on caused It to be closed Wtien Father Neale became president of Georgetown University he Miss Lab r and her Iwo companions to come to Georgetown They did SO and the :lrst free in the District of Columbia Or. fh.. this training Because the little band clustered around Miss Lalor lacked organisation In j regular sisteihood form very fea p.- lar.ts came to Join The .;.:) j desired to become member! ol the Visitation which had been founded Saint Jane Prances de tal In 11 their desire was fulfilled and they became recognised as a branch j of this order This permission j lowed by the entrance of a larae number Of postulants The number Of increased and curriculum ae In 1S4J. the school numbered ion pupils, daughters of men prominent the social and governmental Ufa of Washington This academy prides itself arr unusually long list of alumr.a from distinguished families It ! the oldest English Catholic academy for girl In the country. The Slaters of The father, the Rev had been exiled to thlc OOUntO through the French Revolution. Bishop Carroll appointed him president Of (jeoraetown College he went te Havana Two years later. In IT'..., h founded Saint Marv's Seminary, the first ."jthoiic In the sis"? in is.f'6 jfathei Dubourg met Mn A Seton. a convert, who had some idea of joining S religious In Montreal Father Dubourg recognized In her unusu.l woman, gifted with preat talents and culturt an with a strong leanlnr toward rallgli u life He persuaded her to remove with her family of five young children to Bal- timore, where opened I boarding and dav girls Soon other women Joined Mother Seton little com- munity Hist called itself Sisters ..f Balni Joseph, but they soon took tne name of Sisters of after Ilia .religious order founded Saint Vincent de Paul A generouB purchased a farm near Emmittsburg as a home the order At first the ulsters had to endure (rest hard ships, but In the spring of lSlo thev were conducting a lars-- dav school and they had more than fifty pupils Two years later the community Was d to Sisters of Cheilt In Fiance The original rule of onl .ivina free Instruction lo children was modified becauae of the poverty of I the order and of tha fact that In this new country daughters of rich, equally with the daughters of poor, needed In 1M4 first branch of the older wan established the sending of Sister Rose to take charts Of Saint Joseph's Orphan Asylum In Philadelphia In 117 the sisters opened in New York city an orphan aavlum and u pay school In 1841! chango of ttnSS& i about by the forming Ul. . n.,.1,,. th. drnwal of the New York Sisters of C from the BmmltUburg communltj and their formation of a sepamtc community These slaters located theli mbtlier hOUSSS at Mount Saint Vincent on the Hudson, where s lendld CathOlli college and for glrla Is established. Another successful academy Is located at Forty-thir- d street. New York city. This Is second to none in Its record for preparing young worn, n to receive "Regents' counts" and for en- trance to the New York City School Independent branches of the Slstera of Charity of Kmmittsburg have been found- ed at New York. New Jersey. Ohio, Penn sylvania and Kansas In the United States more than S.fliiO Sisters of Charity Instructing more than lio.ono pupil. Sister, nf St. .losepb. The nrsi Sisters of St Joseph came to America and eatabllahed tbemselvea at that were able Fournler. the foundress Louis IMS. The'al.t.r is regarded as chief human ! P 0 5?JL,'1JR?5 the girls' schools !n caus. of rapid and wonderful pros- - Ho y Cross Increased so rapidly perlty of this order M.irv Agnes among most proi Jesuit to send out hands of O'Neill and Sister Mary Catherine Nevln Institution. this pari of ' eWMfJ. of 1 The growth foundation work this sisters to places. A waa also did for made In and school, were At Convent - Station there has been es- - . i&X a Saint """"T rSulnnZJ slstcnt . fntte.1 ha.' L"S5: TEACHING them community was founded Brooklyn. Two sisters, one of whom waa Mother Mary Austin, opened St. Mary's both numher, .ni Each and Parochial School. So. rapid was their under the foster care of Bishop Loughlln that the mZ Z 7, . removea, to versltlee the higher of learn school and academy been founded A branch of the Brentwood division has established a school, and academy avenue. Hamnshire nas the prestige. St Preparatary and sisters of the the number upward o, and more thirteen thousand pupils enjoy fostering care Sisters of Notre Dame. Bishop Purcell In 1840 Journeyed to Europe to seek professional teachers for his fas: schools The Sisters of Notre who had been founded the close of the French Revolution by the order Mother Julia Since Belgium, eight all con- - are was Superior. them business eOllfM who grammar was destined a America, nerlod. Covering Tr.ete began their In cinnatl and tluiiM schoo.t have for boys Farm- - English Bv a the Branches timorous lad Is a the or East ease of veteran Combining of In St the Boston t and schocls at physical and Philadelphia. the successful largely feature very the the the recalls page AfnerlCIM secondary named collegiate Julia old Colonial character Smith formerly th. Catholic tUMon education his dawgh- - fer. Yorktown. historically Sletcra within and up School Ord institution aleng. too Bishop caused epidemic Invited opened ii- - band order by Chan- - was fol- - greatly the er.richt.1 on Charity. Sulplc'.an Dubourg. Then seminary Elizabeth an she for The Charily, by for hoarding for- mally the the 'he the instruction. the by a a aoademy uniquely academy Training Academy ful successful six his The fouadation of the Order of Mercv took 1143 of C cod. IM Ireland so .. III.Ill.J' 'IV.I''11. I'lVUft'll r . . I" " and first street He various V, Soon n,.ni mors house and hV tne upper biii tnej W diffe-r- and Providence, but to and as many for What work la godlike," she would often say. "as of the these young and cultivation their pure The the many foundations of Mother Warde was the foundation the at Manchester. N H This was few sister from tiie house One the of house the Academy of M.junt Saint Mar;, North Plair.t'.cld branch of Sisters of teach the ;...rCKhiai the Other bands Sisters to this One little band established In New York in Saint Catherine's Academy, The headquarters branch now Itensaelacr At these sisters have eet. seed Saint Peter's Hc.sp.taL Th'-r- a;e than five In the They ar.- hos-plta- and instructing The The old foundation ,r,ir of New two bands tne vents, countv. Ohio These eetabliehed Cleveland, Youngstowh, Columbus, QrsswUls and The In for the from the foundation came the school at AkuUruk. in ln& 1141 some came from and their house In of Louis Morrleanla, New clt and moth, house was sen .lshe.1 at Park Frc'in the at Wil. mini-to- n Delaware, and the under able direct on Father C. O'Farrell St. ext. under the their rely gifted Mother Irene, the the Of In New oecanis so Ih.if. th. Vt. lie, This With model buildings:, able and curriculum, the lilt took possession if the See of Two ho. for sea- September 19. lfS!, new order whs at rapid and this order the houoe war. a new was then to Murv Xavier Ideal, The wonderful horticultural efforts that it seems to like a Jewel In Its when we view the building In the gar-Am- n Tlila r.llv in efficiency. development aucceedlng year finds more at the schootand an Increasing of .la doing honor work at unl- - In branches Sisters Saint Dominic. remarkable. tlon space to the and the The work of the Dominican In tea. nlng orders. With each brotherhood hark, back the time when or sisterhood the same process Mazauchelll. mis- - takes (1) found In 14 purchased a four hun- - tlon. (2 of the order in acre estate at Slnslnawa and hart, d) multiplication Improve, established a for boys Two menl of the established. Ml yea re later young ladies were branching out Into fields and the a community was organized I (gtabllinment new houses either as and Sister Clara was appointed j hranohts or as Independent mother The year. 1852 to 1S64 were onea. dl- - pne of rectlon of Father Maazucholll took It ,c;a (and often to anv other and of prescribed for the death llielr benefactor. In the world so Father Maaauchelll. the .nuch abor of a Is to these a of great misfortune voird nuns, and and but the Indomitable spirit of their lives to the twin the sisters tided over these difficulties Immigration several of hiKh praise; yet. after sisters came il; more C.)TI or from to teach the ,h n thtJ (ne.r to ,du-th- e Immigrants. In 1S53 one of .i..)n aH in motto, bands settled In Brooklyn, This afl0ptad hv all as principle, body of sisters has unusually sue- - .... L all for (R( honor and glory God. personal in with the that ... rolle.e Hav one now now Long Island, a home for hoys at Hicksville. Long Island and high at and Parmlngdala Their house is at nnd They now maintaining mission and an SOadefTVr in Porto Rico established Itself in New York In lilt The house of these sisters Y. They have a school at Sixty-eight- h street In New York city. There are several groups Domini-Ca- n s.ters In part, of the L'nlted the Holy Child Jesus, j The Sisters of the Holy .Child Jeeui came the United Stater, 111 were Mrs Connelly, a who .,ent sisters to open academy j qualified of It movement, Dominican superior) Dominican frstly of ... r m num. in Nov York place the arrival j cno?1 in Tittsburs in Marv J i"!L hX'" " '", M'"h'r; fereat in a Xavier Warle and six . 1 C V''1'"8'''"; 1 "rt " 1ctur c"c;c sisters from the of Archbn.hop of tChOOl Wat little of a Father th and he purchased to many parents, because it Involves ri-- . ci'c- - w. v.1 .u- - ror tnem a Deautirui est-n- ai Pittsburg, where their no opportunity of echool at Penn school I I,hV i af iuaint. strongly prospered through the en- - established IH.M. . h..- - to csll on those Whg ,.,.- -, .. a large number of novices .... : , ... Mother personally .'J of tn" away to school, claiming I I charge a stead!lv increasing ,, t... tt ..v . vh hour's talk with will "''lat ChKi-r- o,' which soon the .11. l,n "'L. satisfactory information of many "! n W School, were also ooened by i in..,h?. '00" i'-"0?- , :H . orresnondence must be i 7,, xorK on lr.ese Uothar at there is a nee she aimed open to conduct schocTs aa poss.ble. ' so the care development Intelle.-t- s tha urn of of convent in. ttltution ftarttd by a Providence of most branches this is i echools Trenton diocese. from Ireland country Convent Albany thou- sand Mercy upward thousand puplla. t'rsnllaea. Ursuline Orleans very the one has at r and in Thl t'.i- - of of and Of this is thev two poor more sent tamers. and established Cisullnes have Toledo. Tiffin, liosa opened and Alaska, In St. an act vi sightly location Bedford have come of Michael Theresa's parish Henry of founded Academy Angela sneAASSflll Opened. Institution. faculty planned In Iiayley on established Mary'B Newurk. growth Station worked training teachers modern of setting, stately beautiful Increasing pupils different through history America a opment plant, namely num-dre- d Mound college several received, prioress formative houSH, During period quality Catholic brand training students of .vowhere education passed a through dedicated During written German their guiding oiorlam." one-bal- f United Ingdale. Amltyville Brooklyn schools Ratlsbon colony Biauvelt. N. different of to In el Derby. Cornelia convert, of Mother educator compan- - XaV Convent Carlow. I;1 afterward l,UW noxltlate academy "TC, school pupils Warde family 5SL "I" mother school, v. Titusvllle. llkesbarre. however, hearts?" traln-- d for tholr work. are of giving Instruction SOME TEACHING FATHERS. The Fathers. Fa Of give them their Society of Which mother caltod from their special College Mercy Mercy United seventy profeeaed the n This s first founded ir. 1S after the res! bv a group of was Jean of In they to Elghtj-thl- rd street branches of I now have historic site th- - ni see. of earnestly in new Sisters maintaining many are of the out blown county in Santa Toledo li schools suters Arstii.i mother at Louis k . at Park at in ra . KT iHMla'l g of H grown .Is ...... t y where in- sight la mission Is Ideals. After sisters , e. mother avenues. mother is States. They ai , ,,.-.- , , , . . sisters There these sisters to 8,000 Marlst the:.. to correct litis, the toward Mary order Lver.s. in 5. French ir. Their Marie Colin the group lSS C Onvent school friend c Louisiana ) All Bt Mav. - Colli e Coilece in Thev hive fathe-- in c:-- . CLEMENT cator of disposition and bovs found classical practl mmandmenta Third Order after representation Marv. ualveston Clement n inese? - im out saariai tamers jouna. St. ten St. the :he b: Bt ins 11.14 of are Of by It It If of brief of to of is it trial, of at treat or k aa la , ln r"'" to a an d In of .,. ? acad- - It e of of us of of in to In .... .... an ar ai In it to of c ns ri. .rter l 1111 Father brought . from L'rsullne j.-so- ' Martins, Brown branches branch Montana Indians, Montana l'rsullne founded ' these opened academy r a Bed- ford academy branch ir, i now known Ulll.illf its well Xew Bishop of pendent diocese. Morris. number It prlnsts brothers colonies of d,vot(in n1nrm gfjgtaj orphan sisters' William orphan schools founded England, , i ".'.., " opene1 carefully teaching upward of Martst Mary, France, seminar; founder Claud. retiring States. Jefferson College College .I'tah'. (Maine Oeorgla teachlnir , missions exhorts offer of schools excellent ' iwnerever are In religion children Graham Another Sletvre parents person became supply i is ntluna! ., ., ... n- -- is A if to ,n formerly to n en in m- - r. T y ... r. i.i.- - m laboriously ooing rig, education In America lnaamuoh : ai passed it In tn anv complete nr.- - ialtion wisdom played In it I foolish al is or a beheld marvel. pany f are m" Of Gospel This order was In 1140 by natlus Lovola. a soldier w as wounded at the siege of Pampeluna. became a grim a of land to ... thlS giorlus order of my at ganizntion wa. military in character Their was based the two cardinal nrlncl. pies organisation obedient system Of wan based upon the Ratio Studlonim i Ratio ln- - stitutio studlonim Jesu) which was planned by a committee under the direction of Cladlus Aquavlva ex cellent method of followed it ton. te mothir '.,ra,r "f P''eleCtlon. repetition disputation, review i . a ,,. ,, v!,,..,vah r,i J 1114 Father White, accompanied generalship t other Jtsuits. Maryland missions I - . . .. . . rrlved the fathers to among the Indians, h obtained control of Cnth. colony of Father, Whits In back to Enaland be. of faith Although Catho- - success under the Cg regained control, there if the College "f N.-- Rochells to be more .f the Catholic Institutions In mora intolerable, until after one Hie country 'hundred yeaib oi service Hie' branch order suppre.-t.e- d at I'r.ulme Provlnolalate, where many mission stations and maintain anothsr excellent slementary j Fathers Harvey. Harrison Qaga schoe.l rt academy. Under DorgSh to minister to There ti re- upward of twenty one the sottlsrs In New Tork, They d IJrsUlins sisters In'the- l'nlted to school, 1119 number of their pupils clOSaly ap. I they forced to leave N w V twenty thousand. I causa the government Persecution suppression alike were sisters Churlty Convent Btgw POWsrlSSS to conquer JSSUll spirit, and Jersey. Newark. the it -- VSrt'a, XcVieTthe dehtyj;;r,ru.-a,,.m.Vs,r,,aii;- , are oi "- - ., COilege-S- with a tota ret istr.itioi, ,,t o I'll 11 ,. o ii ii ill. ill ll ) binnch his than Mother Xaxler kfabagan pf volleges in he hoi.en aa e..... St rran.-l- s Xavier impor- - '"th combined good voung ladlSS, novices, h?n',Ln'J'w',,y BfhOOl trained Novitiate 'l?09,! Cv' When training AtV t,.LVBft?x' -- i1!?ViL,U ,.ii ve with exception (Moths ti.lillat "m.V. v,,,.TOr,6i,y" Xavier sister Withdrawn waa the Influence n-- mother removed, first Madison, There academy Convent near town Mother for the along pedagogical methods educational buatneaa ability devout afe.irlllv tere I T . ii s '"' the his ,, mo Yc, are rk of Six now '1 to be it. the a a,, . d the oi i In So Of to are out the the set an ( ., l rid), The well and d Pane bun." BOW well Jesuit very large main. article would most trace Catholic Catholic colleges epoch making events later It stated that Catholic Is Sister. growth and that under education spirit love period who nftVa of They period of wnjt Rotisbm fatt ()at been n. Montrose fine hardful are now Inn over puplla, v.:-- - real and SISrISt also Instruction ministered religious uii. founded, Georgetown university NotiCe Washlng- - attenllou of all a. parent, In Sehool published wreLly by education. Conclusion. the per- mitted be Interesting the affiliation educational However. mav generally history the schools of the rellgloua humble attention represent uses education the rfaaervllul over s,e the the Notice To all teaohlsar orders In page manl Imp. ... Those omit- ted from this treaties were left out not hrcauee of contribution cause, simply becanee of lin of spare. In order that many possible of more Im. linrlnnl should he treated spuce alven t. one necessarily very brief. iii.ii-,- with ..lao-ip- n. ine supe-- . Ti0 "A Western State Franc V that th" W short America, O'Connor, had The soon men and devotion bishop Mtnday Sharon element, have Here thev opened iflr; ',VM urged rihll.H..ii,kl house United where tlou, many them, Cecil chains ontemplated sending the young num- - .a.... "on- - Umie. n' remembered. ...r,, cuy that wale, also came has the onelstsnt between th. of agent ar.-- l of representative from SChOOl invitation agent often annoying Th visit of the - man, calling by invitation, is dignified, Into close touch With the parent one who will possibly the :n relation to tho young m Keeping in marked diatlnction between the thlnga. we will pleased upon Interested possible patrons whenevar thai ..- - ii.f,;e,; t. Who booklet. " Catholic Kdu Drtlnltlonc Gleaaed From Original Soareee, "'n the principle people engaged in te hint profasalon are ,ntere.--e- l In trie of original .ourc-e.- :n chaiiyTinc educating ldet!. I 'ice selected fr'.rn sources these definitions of educators v.ho them idea what elii- - cation really meant to them, great p.rlsra-- s and West Vir- - 5AJVT -"- But our Edu-,j.- being practical, first tha .aid glnl attainment right , ir- - mav be their , ...... . ., colleges, which excellent our er.j Ir and scientific training. Tneir pu exhl of BUCh which laymen are eligible, ' sisters, one one , .Voting of Alexandria pranenvs i i turn, Na. hebeuf r.i lev.-- French con- - ,.:','", "" "aaieq nea lSea East able nette, inniiiuiion was and The came Hal lows . No history of or the other would be a. of God the by the Jesuits, mad gsngth iwakenlns. as the members of the Society from deep sleep.vl thi Jeius truth the -1 Ig- - pil- - and and mlghi nded The ard of and Th.. Jesuit atqiie Bocletatis ei-l- Thev ,.1f,n fo.m.ted . nrt m . repetition and In Calvert In For ten years Catholics, con- - Then thla lie Maryland and sent the nama soon was con- - which grew and they bad nnd net Gov hun- - States tempted In he wee rlt of and of of .,ne i 17.010 ,unt th. The sent nve of Of waa .Trent JJ one and he that nnd best this most The as of the eral. to the and this school other he of and the waa their to the education hut as the ones the which soliciting 'hat the who is:ts by ftool ar.d bring- the parent place worn this two be to call those may tii.s that the anl the in thoir at teen t00 and generally torn haa er;e and p.n sent other ipent nt.n. .n0 soon notn had thai whl less part Cor-.- - called ' who upon The .te... four with cause had gone but ths uiaee also with who .i.e.e. and were and nioet Ible The tal:. land i saw ni-- utterly i? the Jem of the of this world 0 shall ooma to Th. n i my h ove' mc m.Se.-.-ihl- e life rid I . . student the founder be exl me t.v. tSacheri the v..- motion, leadlna opened establish public wortniess naught irinsi of godlini I cure wa to corr i had been peiver witn evil men. II and first Of ail my ct my way c.f life v h led by aasocia'ion And then when I td the Oospsl and a rned therein fh la very great ptffsotlon to sell goods and make distribution to th poor brethren, and to live iio. lutely without ca.-- e of this life and to i have the distracted by no sympathy with the things that now are. I pi i i that I ml'lit find some brother who ,1 this way of life, so with ! him. I might togeth er over hi short of existence And Indeed I found manv SU' at Aleandr(a many In the - of Egypt, others still in Paie-- ' and Cceleayils and Mesopotamia whoss temperate stay of Ufa I adm.iei l .1 mired loo 'hep fortitude in labors " air 'led .it the mten.-- e farX'Or of r avers and how thev overcame aleep and ware bowed by n. phi. sic tl -- .c -- sity but maintained always a loftv I Indomitable temper of soul, in hunger md thirst pn;r..t no attention to the . ....-.- i ...... , .i . Another of this orde r Is located was Ney.-- i tln-i.- th. . ,, ,"',;.. . ' ' '.'.'... ''.; ' ' I show It is In reality to bear in the body the lying ..." tne Lord jand ed too ea fgr a Sttsinsbla by me. rassmbla men Basil of CsMSiea, translat. Proudflt, Dr. Bplstuls wptttt Bustathlus of Bebaats S VINT AUOl'STINS Trulv while such persecutions were somewhat discipline Is most which detrimental to their educational ., tlvlty a" many weak men aa pos his they steadily and quietly labored until c'tSde of this faith that In thell plae. times of persecution should be oyer perf. sci urlty tha ht, mm reai L'nlted Statea eteal nam ir.-- (.Letter or i the ELM S' cf sisters of Charity from oT5?A dstaVh tTSSfS: I Mount Saint Vincent The Butho. de. country alone there ...rtv-on- e Je,,,i, mo, 1,1 your ,;o, a you m reiuiauoii. , lo . i. ll llln-- - tudsnts thcB, New Mary chore of N.wi.rk irT.rlo. nMTl Slate order street, Ford became the Si.ter. Charity their ' f.nn, Mary other I Saint of r t educators, the Itolh nen. Is cell "Thr high history. school various these Idle. lack each with gifts, houat na4 u study pass 1 pr.t; I . " I j i t The - ' a 1 princes wept lieip toward one's chosen thai wavs their what micni 133, Dames direction this you in the stripes which ari lo boa it is h r. down, lift th. m up and gSSlSl them fatherly kindness and gsntlenei every soul has us proportionate food strong delights In strong mea patience end tribulations, not to w what la other's, to offer the other pray for enemies to love thot hate. Th" y.etik and fender In God vice ne.d milk! gentleness from oth kindness, moroy, cheerful eiwourajteti charltabls fnrtisarnnrt " .si An afacmlllan Co, Pane :..t i ;.. THE JE8UlTS"Slnoa II Ii -- the weightiest duties of our so let teach men ail the branches of kii'-- in keeping with our organisation in a manner that they may be moved tht to a knowledge and love f our and Redeemer, 1st the Provincial as h:s duty to provide with all seal the results wnich the grace of ou tlon demand-- , abundanti. sn.WSr in inifold lahare In education I Jesuits Orsist Psdagoglcoa tSssayg. i Us.) th n .f Ii i

CATHOLIC EDUCATION The Part rSulnnZJ iv bt7 T Z2ESk m12 CATHOLIC EDUCATION. IN THE UNITED STATES The Part Played by the Catholic Church and Its Teaching Orders in Educating Young Men

Jul 19, 2020



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Page 1: CATHOLIC EDUCATION The Part rSulnnZJ iv bt7 T Z2ESk m12 CATHOLIC EDUCATION. IN THE UNITED STATES The Part Played by the Catholic Church and Its Teaching Orders in Educating Young Men



The Part Played by the Catholic Church and ItsTeaching Orders in Educating Young

Men and Young WomenBy L. E. TI CKER, School Editor.

.'CATION has played s. moet

EE. mportanf part In the hletory ofthe United States, and one of Itsmost Interesting chapters Is the

one concerning Catholic education. "ThegrtatMt religious fact In the Unitedbates says Bishop Spalding. Is

the Catholic school system, maintainedwuhout tny old except from the peoplewho love If It is a vast system, com-

prising more than l.OOO.oOO pupils, thangft.000 teachers, than 100.000,000 worth,

of property and with an annual expendi-

ture of more than $15,000,000. Its or-

ganisation is national yet diocesan, andInstruction with a

It COBlblnat rellglouacurriculum equal In Its number and nex-ihlllt- v

of subjects as well as method 01

teaching to that of the puMlc school

School SysThe Catholic Parochialtem

The Catholic parish school system schools.

Its inception, two nunureuyears ago. in the early days of the Manland colony Two great periodsi In Us de-

velopment mav be distinguished L The

first period extends from Colonial das toRevolutionary times, the second period

extends from the latter named period un-

til Always a directthe pres. nl dayhas existed between the roth of

chr,h and the arowth ofme c.uiiuii' i..v.. - . ,

i"- - v.,e . a.the missionary and that part country his of Alemanv

v Cithollc ectiiemem!. wwwwn- -f o.ipiorer amon E .hiorme.1 ,h. The in Marvland flour

Catholic churches ano oesne, ...e.... .u,.i station.lie been this helpful church

anTschool relationship that It IS JWJ-slbl-e

to dlrsHsoclate the history of

from the history of the otherMoreover the Catholic school system

school systems


of this is ath.r.... . n. nm i Carroll, first of

ollc radiiates second mollc or BaUimore. Cnarlee Canolland school, whichwere so as possiuie nuy.pear, oroera ann



'.. the -


far. .,i n,inra that the Chris

tian school stands for and around whichof education re: 11)

It builds Its systemMoral framing or UC.tlOnirtIttJ

tne enter uponOreatOt.

portance of surrounding the growingwith a religious atmosphere.

Early Spanish Mission Schools.Don edu.

The success IsIn the ,,v svs- -

Franc an (ro.i were i" m

chief tr.tal towns to uwcste the naUVe. This was nut tne uswrj.

planned tneImw r,:r Of Whathafare. in 151 by Xlmc-r.e- s

the lUggeatiOn of the Bishop La. c.as3SFather atoaeM


raadtl parishbrothers other



lariceiy'aught spmni"g and

other household and theeelved commontrades laboring man

memorial Ber.fc.1esauthentic informatioithese probably

efficiencyIMO. mlsslonarlas were

inakac;c1 con-ven-

school,-- sslon

COmlOf d'ocese





traoeitnMi school! Jesuits


andhigher branches

theymissionaries assist

extension church and school

lTfiT issued ordeis



fatheisho-.- South-west" mak-- s re-

cords accomplishedtimes inferior

Mission Schools.

Orleans, realiied


arrange front1722 two friars

attend church andfather


people Jesuits establishedthey

clear support How-ee- r.

their bandsisters, trained from

L'rsullneFrance, cuidance


school UnitedThese sailed L'Orlent

eventful ship besetand

plrat.s several timesvoyage

after them

Forriver rude

forests lastthev

liaht theirconvent BBhOOl

girls,State. they

er.tablishid school,orphan

boarding pupils.

Sister, excellent Some notablefeaturespupil

bright had rialpupils who

asslited regular

structlon the maintenanceSpecialisation.

teachers permitted eachher own special subject circu-

lated room teachingsubject only. (!)Hand work. Including sewing and em-broidery and other accomplishments

skilful houaeworker given specialattention

When Napoleon sold LouisianaStates Mother Superior

1S04 wrote President Jeffersonreceived assurance from oftectlon.

After the battle New Orleans thepatriotic turned their Institu-tion de-

voted themselves caring thewounded Andrew Jackson per-sonally visited their convent thanked

slaters their helpUrsullne Academy

school prospering New Orleans.Kaekaskla. Macki

Straits. Mich . Jesuitsestablished

Marylaud outer Washington.

Institution coloredFather Andrew White,brated English Jesuits of time.another Jesuit father and brother

this expedition fathersbegan learning Brothertongue confidence '

The teacnersent

"jreyer iiauRiiiriwere --J",-. church Jesuit schools

Ished until came persf-cutio-

later educational effortmade by establlsment of schoolHerman's Manor of Bohemia easternMaryland. Many leading Catholic fami

eagerly patronised this school anilmany famous Catholics found

country graduates Anions- -- -

of Archbishop Baltimore;teachers were Leonarrt sv.i,. ArchbishopInstitutions established here and of

rolltown. oneration Independence.

Penusylvanla Schools.attitude

Pennsylvania toward CaUiolu..gave favorable opportunity

will; avucaMim . Jesuits educational

knowledge .) WCbOlOglCchild organised


had w.ere two...M,.v



gvegatlon. built probablv.chrml i.lllh1a.




them. The Phila-delphia not complete without mention





the ,n(, name, 1S4Twere the

1". time tr(New lrUI 1j4 was

may be concluded Catholic j, bean c to

Bv thebeenThe

(v wir Afbut tne

i.. TMciime rw.w. II


all thethe

The of the


af hen theand

war It wasi'te' the

uthnlle Edmatlon


ince,e!i arn two






oiriestfor for giriS


hool withtne were

out asor lay to


In III forthe and



of ofthe In

In thethe

"an race

thethat one

of his wasof th--

one of hiswas to for the over

ofto the to

of two

next toopen a for

the of of well toThe

not seea

tenthe the

theo.".s came to

take the of the girlof the have


tn war.The with

and he

The ar.dat the

upfor lost. Here the stuck rastthe mud the

by Inby In .At


for theif


with and

The byw.

wereill. "

were aptten and


and tn of(2) So aa

lackhad and



to thethe In

to andhim his


Into a andto for

andthe for

The same and freeis atlll at

At III., and atnaw the


one thethe

a lay

mousTh.-- so won the of


ofA wasthe a


area.. them

Car- -

of the of theof

The ofIn the

a for tne-i u

nd he a con- -

anda nt t'hll.l In


that has




Churchschool, i(







for trained


Into for










n a t advice of the saintly St; in viaii Belnlan to his sisters charge of

years to of who fit.In to tne

ac- - theof brothers this I Byken the


. , . ,.... . , . . . . v. .1 CO s i i i

brothers In IM J. ,Tn f anof Brother Church exceedingly lengthy j Indians The branch ve

. m - . j 2 . .7 . - now df a .artr lA ivftllatm for in .minay mmm none naa o ju . , , . - w

In the pariah en- -

Many wereand rapidlyWithin the ten years the brothershad opened schools Bishop tb

placed his famousIn Bishop of

opened novitiate and ,h the AtlanticSecond These early In to

schools have sueto Westchester, and

nnally In tosuperb houses theIn the brothers

which as an acad- -

and gre collegiate inatltu- - I

La on Second andSt James andJames St Gabriel's are

established bybrothers

t'nder the of theBrother Facile the brothers

at St. Louis. Troy. Albany,TJtlca. Buffalo. San

Providence.' River. Lynn.Detroit

In a at ,and

Portsmouth.becamedistrict of the accom-plished effortsBrother on

transferred to Ammendale.In landed ' suburbs of A

a at St Mary's usefulat county.

Va . now Rock Hillwas nearlatter the fa- -

by savage waanected


con- -

scnooi ...ui r, . ... 1M u.- - .ne ...lis

the ex- - of the pishop Brother1 ed ...u u.












several companions fromto the of

on Pacific by StMary's College at and to

new of thecollege si that ittransSerred to Oakland The of

brothers ineluding a number .if parish schools,


by the are theSacred College atthe at

St at

are now broth-ers of M.6M


all to show thesteady, per

its? the ereaturandfather growthSnnr.m. DoOirlrtSft .1 WO In the development

de Whtft b.. the sum of f to of In

sion of the territory now known as New to "toward a schoolhouse ' of the communityWmJm the of of h.,.n,. th- - of to he at when Its thoroughtartth hnr. there I .... .clo. ,. p.nns-lvama- . Many emi- - ,em of tr,ininc the navlceJ '.s

who It'll nent Jesuit fathers did Many br;!lism' teachersIn the school at of

been of among theReMobile

oldest schools colonics Farmer . . ,n 1or a numberSchool the Father Brothers the Sacred Heart They

Church. eSUbllahsd Philadelphia was that 0BBta a andi i liiJ. the Boston ,.irt,4t richest Catholic pariah Jt j asylum a training collegeLatin School, founded in the states, ana iree scnooi ..i i1t)(,n,,l1 in MISSISSIPPI

' ilry's inAmerica wnwn

achoois several schools colonies gagm req..ieFfn scho.-- l

ooened Vlck.bUrg,New Mexico Catholic boys Baton House. Donalds

catechism, Jesuit ajMIMIa,rta Mansuiavocal music, given SMM setback


glrlB sewing,bays

Instruction of about'school! They continued

with Increasing until rebel-

lionshurcbea monasteries,

only aiexito








there era





of of







of ofIn ot cf hl

of nf ofat an

!n Intne At ?,

the to... . . . nil rtt... . i ... V , 4.1 . ... . . Lin ine ..r

I 'in all of the onby the an the of all Of

in Of forand an j the in

ntal In was 'h( a to theon. ... . . . 1.a . . n . . , . o v" .. . . ...

tne ' far '.n- - tu. me nau" at it..I ,w


re-- 1













c4w ,




tlonarv Catholic ofof I

orders at ceased, schoolswere and in En;-lan-

caused to by greate, ofIn The by the j Ii In

came , In In novitiatehers to were of J The mother and no'i-.,.!- .

.ei in reliaiou. for he United is lo- -

tn ar.d ..... .,.,. . tu.,.i,n I In ,he- . nilvHW iie,i,r. ,i.- - m i . i.r'j .11 .., - - -

UttdSr an At ijorgetown and the- Sulpi- - of houses DOWrounded into clan Pt Mary's a

j.i I lent training of priests. ' There are hundredIn and In ins Tr,.M are as- brother. In fmted States Thev are

labored successful!! .?re parent of , thousandand in IBS nf in influence In ha

Inaugu-- ,Unlti(j statea. uplifting,

rated tne of In ,.,H, M be- -o. upper ..atlfornU Frenrl.cangulplclan prhf'. school

Mth at Hills. The later of Pittsburg,scnoiar Hills lt most In educational workth- S.minary preparatory ,n brought

Earlv Jesuit rchool St Mar: in of teachlnirtirace It waa to Km-- 1 Franciscan Brothers came

sarly as lioi tne Jesuits I It has Mount I Beiiew. in ofat mission Of Bt XSVISI Mary College and to found at

C' v - inautution or its enss in I several schools in theand oneChristian doctrine, of famoug gra4Ua'tes

con.wiuieu meThe

a s- dorrr.lto.Here brightest


learning Thenteachers i

ofwork .

Charleydeportation of

from Spanishreplaced CaliforniaFranciscan under

leadership ofBlackmar, In speaking

California, in his"Spanish

no work everIn modern


needs colony toChristian


France in Capuchinto choolOne these afor

attempted persuade theto school and college

thedo a mis-sionary but couldthetr to college

g'. 'd offices ateachers,

Order, teachingOi under

Bupenoi Tianchepaln.of

These sisters thethe professional ele-

mentary In thefrom

the voyagewas

storms ; struck a rock,pursued ship.

arrlv.-- mouth of Missis

intwo weeks sisters

sailed up dayand the

reached the ofwhere- coming hailed

sufferingsa Hnd

the presentlimits I'nit.-- Later

a aiding an academy,a an asylum.sisters forty

methods employed theae Ursu-llne re


teachers. .1 di.ilnleres Thesecharge

a group ofla class









came These



signers Decla







TheseTh. the to secondary

waapersecution tile the

butfar the


flute States now-


for thet0 the

the the

ano wno



As the




thefor the









this country. It. too. has an

Carroll of York city incaused free school to heaf St Peter's on

street with ..

children, soon thelargest In hi ell

. .mm

an- r.vgiiv. nui.jts

French an




Col-lec- e



, .,-




aIn In- - preparatory

i Ii known as Sthe of i The of thee

is L I

In band ' There ofhad driven . an of about

thethe of Rose m of I. of

Ky. In order to recost of the

were required to dailyof manual on the farm. Later




ofIn suaded of Marv. under

them, the of ' Mever. tobecame founder of .

educational Institution Inrather a of Sul- -

plclan was Inof books in the State of

EarlyThe connection of the

with the European orders ofthey the fact that

so fara permanent of

community directed by the Church combined to

the schoolsthan In

publicThe and sisters of eac order

to aship called a A large

of the thishad with the

Thus, each teachingpractically own normal orschool before Mann

the first normal school in

TEACHING BR0TKEBS.of Congregation the

Holy Cross.This of the

of the has honor ofbeing the nrsi of the now

to he In theIn 1841 Father Sorln

six in fromFrance a mother at

Dante n col-

lege u of Theyalso parnchlul Cincin-nati. Milwaukee andof Haine Isstill a great educational centre.Brothera of the Schoola.

many futile attempts hadthe of

Christian in 1S4. Dr


and school Under the Bishop ! Carondeletr.ii-.- voune native look

Two latar Christian heath recruit a Louis. Theyestablished New York another would devote tnemieives educationwhich has become the centre of the boy.tivity found formalities coincident numher or f'CfThe New came from with founding a religious society HR, V " " utrni.nta emoteni -- ........ "'V"":.. ,,.,.France under the Catholic Philadelphia has excellent academy and a iv IIa., oti Into collr and wflmtn Thin inoiyivan. wnwi inm no recrun men iw v WnrAhmacademy unknown enterprise devoting their 3l .did

novicesthe order grew

firstten and persevered

had own cathedral At solicitation of andschool under their direction. 11 Spalding Loulavlllethey a a normal crossed broadschool street and (ettled Kentucky Just previoustraining heencessfully

Pocantlco Hills, wherea building order.

1853 established Man-

hattan Collcee. startedemy Jnto a fetching from

Salle Academy streetAcademy Brooklyn St.

principal Institutions the

superlorshlp energeticestablished

branchesSyracuse. Francisco.

Waltham,Manchester. and

established paratory) satlee of prosperousNorfolk.Baltimore and the head of new

order. This wasuntiring of

Christian Later novitiate was In the

Baltimore's colonv mostpermanent settlement boys

Powhatanand famous

founded Baltimorethis institution

labora the Azarlas

........e ru.rr."i-Birai- .

loselv q,1M,t




their long

Justin withYork begin the order

const foundingFranclsio

form a district Thishe.ame successful

San Francisco, white Rb

been secondary thaneducation.

Chief among the estab-lished near coast

Heart fan Francisco,Brothers' Sac-

ramento and Joseph's AcademyBerkeley.

there over 1.100teaching upward pupils

York city have chargeparochial eighteen

eecondary and ManhattanThis goes

have a

Tm. TA'ii'.te and thev hive hadCnnrt T.lHse

159 Jum tooa posses- -hgnUeStbllH ation America,jyjj

name bpain ftrst benefactor Cath- -

came from Seven examinedsplendid have

work Gothenhoppen hers thisfull moit ,n,tingulshed Brothers Sacred Heart.

John S Bizin

and laterTne

Reformed Molyneux.New Amsterdam Slhool

now York andL nlted nay Louis

that in order to call furnishschools am""." mnner wi atoceaes ware

b vears Bnfllsn 'hem loitereducation given time wtr NatCheS. New

ftthen consisted read- - schools had With em- - under order a:1d Louisiana

and ir.str'jn-.- e thexn cased upon....... .t"nintn swuhwr. close

and rax-- 4



brothers always givenimmediate Ravoltt aaefilal attention

education They have a numberReligious successful acidemle-- throughout

Catholic once unlust establishedlaws Immi- - in Indianapolis Newgration them increase part their work

clergy exiled accomplished SouthFrench great num.- - ( lilt es'ahlkrhed a at

America and Incalculable Mobil.aaatatine In

Sta'.ee their ,,, ,., vin ..1,the American WtWf foun,e)j Trenton The In Canada

these once more (oypjjfrt at forma organised system Baltimore about and fifty

Tex. s Florida Fran mtltUtlons retardedalso Institutions teaching about pupils

educational lines Prill- -,.o)rp Seminary Their education fields

iant Father been mostwork Chrlstianisinf Horo, lftrward

edu-4t;n- e niliv; founded a Brothers.After lnlTH i"; Pigeon Sulplc.ans O'Connor a prel- -

a tna. amineni "'""'i,ounM pigeon a school known actlvgLAau,n a istT from Ireland a

s. communityHOT transferee Thev fromunaea mltuburt, where grown into Mount archdio-es- e

School tha J5" Saini s Seminary, a college Loretto ar.dmission second dloe.eIvivs



from weieand







statement. Historybetter

Early Frenchand founder

city Newereatest

Therefore, acts







honor first

Ftates slsisfgship Olronde Their


consumed month.,theysippi everybody had glvm

night sleptcity New Orleans,

their with acommsnsuratt

Thev established afirst within

hospital andday




tha teacher


room thatsubject.





German mem


effect educationupon established




long pjjhop hrought

Bishop Newa

Bar-la- y


parochial school








York rank













South They also



cv,rBal- -






I j5other branch or the to Brooklvn the small of twi

soon hv manv novlc sSt College

of has St. Leoej.-u--

Commercial also ofid about a dozen schools have

Pennsylvania. and been founded The depari-dlan- ialso great educational manl of the college

followed end Qevo- - Francis novitiate!uf;on brother, at

t0l. a of are about thewho been from by order, 1,000

French revolutionary pupils The pedagogical trainingopened Convent Halnt these a high



rn,se were and


ofThe Bev of

Father Fenwlck. who had been four theof first Bishop leadership of the Rev

and the th. c....i ,.i nm Th.first Ohio

Richard, memberorder, a pioneerschool


ders whichwere

each Catholic mentionedsimply organizationteachers who l!e n life

produceCatholic better

were thoseearly lay

brothers h 1,were obliged pass through member

trainingpart training glvn novi-tiate do training

profession. orderhad training



Congtega-tio- n



with Americaand founded

Lac. Theyschool arts

opened tohOOlSother towns

the WestCatholic

christianAfter been

secure servicesbrother, Pv Cos- -


narochlal near

men, soonhouae




Hughes theaVer revered






1R7I. novitiate


foundedthe Col-





Christian College


Vew brothersforty-fiv- e

thatChristian brother?







elu- -







broad.l educ




Revolution they

were seminary separate



Farm,"Seminary brothers,

writing, reading,













1S00 estab-lished



brothers,seeking membership. Francis.

Brooklyn developedBrooklyr.


Catholicactivity Academy

locatedDominican fathers eighty members

Belgium withInduence

methods brothera












Brothers Mary.Clement Hammer, pastor

Holy Trinity church Cincinnati, percharge Prothers

made GeorgeCincinnati


Normal Scbnola.Catholic

teachers availableschools.
























- I" IU .1 111 .11-- II. A.ear thev established a mother house at

Dayton They first opened a day schooland then a hoarding school, which after-ward developed Into St. Man's Insti-tute. This institution Is the most impor-tant college and preparatory school ofthese brothers In this country

The real name of this order Is the So-

ciety of Mary of Fails The order IsCOmpossd of priests and Of lay brothers

There are many more lay brothers thanpi teste in the order and lay brothersd. vote themselves exclusively lo the workof the primary school

The special work of this order haa beenthe development of the high Bchool oiacademy In connection with the elemen.

ry parish school. The success of this.aim may be measured by fact thattwenty-seve- n of their forty-thre- e parishschools contain high school grades.

Brothers Zehler. Edel, Stintxl. Kim andLltz have been greatly distinguished inthe annals of order. Much of the suc-cess of the Brothers of Mary has beendue to the fact that they laid down verycareful rules of the training of their members and that they also employ a mostthorough system of Inspection and super-vision of all of their teachers. This en-ables them to asulst their teachers toreach an unusually high order of ex-

cellence.The BOclety hue more than four hundred

members who are eugeged In teachingupward of twelve thousand pupil.

Xavleran Brothera.The Brothers of Ht. Francis Xavier.

better known a. the Xavleran Brothers,are as yet newcomers among the variousreligious orders that are engaged In theextensive held of Catholic education.

Their founder. Theodore Byken, spious young Belgian, swept westward bythe tide of immigration, landed in NewYoik very early in the la.t century.Having for some years previously beenengaged In the care of luvenlleR, hepaid particular uttentlon to see what wasdone fen the boys of America. His

kery. rector of the cathidral at Baltimore, wahdsringl led him West, and at Staucceaded In persuading several brothers I Louis he . onflded to Bishop Ro..ettl histo come from Canada to Baltimore and I observations and what he desired to do.


& m ? to Mother St. John , which been agisted by FWtgfto

tlon. for in the face of terrible hardships . ...a . . hrnf.h n, tnathe

the outbreak of the civil war Conquer-ing every obstacle that their poverty, for-

eign birth and brought againstthem they sowed the mustard seed of

Now the hasthe Atlantic seaboard.



Z2"ESk bt7 MM


Xavleranlsm. congregation


Virginia to New gt Washington Thescnooi, wnicn edu- -

In New brothers conduct catlonal Is known asSt. John's College at Dan- - H; Brooklyn have charge of avers. Man., a list of parochial

thiir !o.tit,ition. in cen- - vr'. nmber schools. Theytre around Mount Ht atmore ; historic St. Joseph's at Bardetown.Ky. and St. Xavler's College at

are' also conducted by the Xavlerans i

down In the Old they conOld Point Comfort College pre























Institutions Inport News and Richmond.

Old Comtort preparatory scnooi


in ton.and

Sinter the.In

orderother great







great .ocial anaEngland, Angela's

Thelongchoi. Maryland Iare

Joseph's Baltl




hundredthan their

. The

growlnxDame, at

Is one of s latest undertakings. the venerable Bllllart atits establishment It has proved a Nnmur. nave to work

constant source o; satisfaction to volunteer sisters, of whom Sister Louiseearned The courses offered prepara- - de Oonzague Amongtory college work, end was a Holland sister. Sister Louise,

school Marked success has to become a distinguishedbeen achieved through COWPUlSOry lender at the community Innrivate studv two and sisters work Cln- -

sessful In excellence of many pans.hours daiiy under the a very way..s- - Ai,.-.r- - t The the Sister ool. rh chlal ar.d a few a ademies. They

oi... hMm.. nrttoin and OnW flmws them who could sneak a hr,m atboys coming to Old Point are fascinated

the water In short time once socn spread to Toledo. Oregonproficient Swimmer, can and California In IMS sisters began

handle a rowhoat sail a craft with 'heir work In the b taking chargeall the a this . the glrlS' school Mary's parishaquatic feature with usual attrac-.a- t

Ions of a gvmnaslum a large campu I Other Eastern were openedcares fullv for the student's de- - Roxl ury. Lowellvelopment Outride work. in community, tnanxu very

tractions of the pla. e is another maae rapia growl n ai nrst tnehistoric atmosphere Situated ..n the order concentrated its clergies upon the

tip of Virginia Pgninsula. every spot work of parochial school, but soonsome of history they entered the Held M and

Old Point, "Poynl Comfort" bv wcrk In lf'oo Motherthat famous Capt founded Trinity C .llcpe at Washington.John Hampton. D. C . a very successful Instl-India- r.

village KecOUftltM hera Cant lor the of youngSmith met Powhatan and and Woman,

Pocahontas in close proximity are j

The of Merer.Jamestown andfamed sight is Hampton Roada,where the Monitor Merrlmac foughttheir momentous battle The very actof living in a place so bound in historyof a struggling past is a libera! educationin itself


The Evolution of the (nmmetrls

Three, sisters of the SecondSaint Francis, nuns usually knownpoor Clares." came f:om France

to Georgetown Nine years lateropened an academy, which was the nrsi

school In th English olonlesThe found ir very hard toget and on tho death of its ab-

bess in 1S04 they returned France

The Visitation Order.Carroll thought thit instead Of

impending upon sisters fr..m i'would be we'.', to fcund rallglOUl ordersIn America Fah-- r L-- nt ard Neale, laiArchbishop of Baltimore, also hid th:. ;

In mind when he Mies I...!or. ajde out young Irish woman, and two com

raniciHs lo op'-- a school in Philadelphia'out an of yellow fever s oncaused It to be closed Wtien FatherNeale became president of GeorgetownUniversity he Miss Lab r and herIwo companions to come to GeorgetownThey did SO and the :lrst free

in the District of Columbia Or.fh.. this training

Because the little band clusteredaround Miss Lalor lacked organisation In j

regular sisteihood form very fea p.-

lar.ts came to Join The .;.:) j

desired to become member! olthe Visitation which had beenfounded Saint Jane Prances detal In 11 their desire was fulfilledand they became recognised as a branch j

of this order This permission j

lowed by the entrance of a larae numberOf postulants The number Of

increased and curriculum aeIn 1S4J. the school numbered

ion pupils, daughters of men prominentthe social and governmental Ufa of

Washington This academy prides itselfarr unusually long list of alumr.a

from distinguished families It ! theoldest English Catholic academy for girlIn the country.

The Slaters of

The father, the Revhad been exiled to thlc OOUntO

through the French Revolution. BishopCarroll appointed him president Of

(jeoraetown College he went te

Havana Two years later. In IT'..., hfounded Saint Marv's Seminary, the first."jthoiic In the sis"?

in is.f'6 jfathei Dubourg met MnA Seton. a convert, who had

some idea of joining S religiousIn Montreal Father Dubourg

recognized In her unusu.l woman,gifted with preat talents and culturt anwith a strong leanlnr toward rallgli u

life He persuaded her to remove withher family of five young children to Bal-

timore, where opened I boarding anddav girls Soon other womenJoined Mother Seton little com-

munity Hist called itself Sisters ..f BalniJoseph, but they soon took tne name ofSisters of after Ilia .religiousorder founded Saint Vincent de PaulA generouB purchased a farm nearEmmittsburg as a home the order At

first the ulsters had to endure (rest hardships, but In the spring of lSlo thev wereconducting a lars-- dav school and theyhad more than fifty pupils

Two years later the community d to Sisters of Cheilt

In Fiance The original rule of onl.ivina free Instruction lo childrenwas modified becauae of the poverty of I

the order and of tha fact that In

this new country daughters ofrich, equally with the daughters ofpoor, needed

In 1M4 first branch of the olderwan established the sending of SisterRose to take charts Of Saint Joseph'sOrphan Asylum In Philadelphia

In 117 the sisters opened in New Yorkcity an orphan aavlum and u pay school

In 1841! chango of ttnSS&i

about by the formingUl. . n.,.1,,. th.

drnwal of the New York Sisters of C

from the BmmltUburg communltj andtheir formation of a sepamtc communityThese slaters located theli mbtlier hOUSSS

at Mount Saint Vincent on the Hudson,where s lendld CathOlli college and

for glrla Is established.Another successful academy Is

located at Forty-thir- d street. New Yorkcity. This Is second to none inIts record for preparing young worn, n

to receive "Regents' counts" and for en-

trance to the New York CitySchool

Independent branches of the Slstera ofCharity of Kmmittsburg have been found-ed at New York. New Jersey. Ohio, Pennsylvania and KansasIn the United States more than S.fliiO

Sisters of Charity Instructing more thanlio.ono pupil.

Sister, nf St. .losepb.The nrsi Sisters of St Joseph came to

America and eatabllahed tbemselvea at

that were able

Fournler. the foundress

Louis IMS. The'al.t.r is regarded as chief human ! P 0 5?JL,'1JR?5the girls' schools !n caus. of rapid and wonderful pros- - Ho y CrossIncreased so rapidly perlty of this order M.irv Agnes among most proi Jesuit

to send out hands of O'Neill and Sister Mary Catherine Nevln Institution. this pari of ' eWMfJ.of 1The growthfoundation work thissisters to places. A waa also did for

made In and school, were At Convent- Station there has been es- -.


Saint """"T rSulnnZJ




ha.' L"S5:



community was foundedBrooklyn. Two sisters, one of whom waaMother Mary Austin, opened St. Mary's both numher, .ni Each

and Parochial School. So. rapidwas their under the foster

care of Bishop Loughlln that themZ Z 7, . removea, to versltlee the higher of learn

school and academy been foundedA branch of the Brentwood division hasestablished a school, andacademy avenue.

Hamnshire nasthe prestige. St

Preparataryand sisters



number upward o, and morethirteen thousand pupils enjoy

fostering care

Sisters of Notre Dame.Bishop Purcell In 1840 Journeyed to

Europe to seek professional teachers forhis fas: schools The Sisters ofNotre who had been foundedthe close of the French Revolution by

the order Mother JuliaSince Belgium, eight

all con- -

are was Superior. thembusiness eOllfM who

grammar was destineda America,

nerlod. Covering Tr.ete began their Incinnatl and

tluiiM schoo.thave for boys Farm- -

EnglishBv a the Branchestimorous lad Is a the

or Eastease of veteran Combining of In St

the Bostont and schocls at

physical and Philadelphia.the successful largely

feature verythe

the therecalls page AfnerlCIM secondary

named collegiate Juliaold Colonial character

Smith formerly th. CatholictUMon education

his dawgh- -

fer.Yorktown. historically Sletcra











ii- -


orderby Chan- -

was fol- -

greatly theer.richt.1













mally the

the 'hethe













The fouadation of the Order of Mercvtook

1143 of C

cod.IMIreland so

..III.Ill.J' 'IV.I''11. I'lVUft'll r . . I" " andfirst

street Hevarious



house and hV

tne upper biiitnej W diffe-r-

and Providence, but toand as many

for What work la godlike,"she would often say. "as of the

these young andcultivation their pure

The the many foundations ofMother Warde was the foundation the

at Manchester. N H Thiswas few sister

from tiie house One theof house

the Academy of M.junt SaintMar;, North Plair.t'.cld branchof Sisters of teach the;...rCKhiai the

Other bands Sistersto this One little

band established In New York inSaint Catherine's Academy,The headquarters branch now

Itensaelacr At these sistershave eet. seed Saint Peter's Hc.sp.taL

Th'-r- a;e than fiveIn the

They ar.- hos-plta-

and instructing

TheThe old foundation

,r,ir of New two bands


countv. Ohio Theseeetabliehed

Cleveland, Youngstowh,Columbus, QrsswUls and

The Infor the

from the foundation came theschool at AkuUruk. in ln&

1141 some camefrom and theirhouse In of

LouisMorrleanla, New clt

and moth, house wassen .lshe.1 at

Park Frc'in theat Wil.

mini-to- n Delaware, and the underable direct on Father C.

O'Farrell St.

ext. under the theirrely gifted Mother Irene, the

the Of In Newoecanis so Vt. lie, ThisWith model buildings:, ableand curriculum,


lilt took possessionif the See of Two




September 19. lfS!,new order whs at

rapid andthis order the

houoe war.a new was

then to

Murv Xavier Ideal,

The wonderful

horticultural efforts that it seems tolike a Jewel In Its when we viewthe building In the gar-Am- n

Tlila r.llvin efficiency.

development aucceedlng year finds more at theschootand an Increasing of .la

doing honor work at unl- -

In branches

Sisters Saint Dominic.





theThe work of the Dominican In tea. nlng orders. With each brotherhood

hark, back the time when or sisterhood the same processMazauchelll. mis- - takes (1) foundIn 14 purchased a four hun- - tlon. (2 of the order in

acre estate at Slnslnawa and hart, d) multiplication Improve,established a for boys Two menl of the established. Mlyea re later young ladies were branching out Into fields and the

a community was organized I (gtabllinment new houses either asand Sister Clara was appointed j hranohts or as Independent mother

The year. 1852 to 1S64 wereonea. dl- - pne ofrectlon of Father Maazucholll took It ,c;a (and often to anv other

and of prescribed forthe death llielr benefactor. In the world so

Father Maaauchelll. the .nuch abor of a Is to thesea of great misfortune voird nuns, and

and but the Indomitable spirit of their lives to the twinthe sisters tided over these difficulties

Immigration several of hiKh praise; yet. aftersisters came il; more C.)TI or

from to teach the ,h n thtJ (ne.r to ,du-th- e

Immigrants. In 1S53 one of .i..)n aH in motto,bands settled In Brooklyn, This afl0ptad hv all as principle,

body of sisters has unusually sue- - .... L all for(R( honor and glory God.personal in with the

that ...rolle.e Hav one



Long Island, a home forhoys at Hicksville. Long Island and high

at and ParmlngdalaTheir house is at nnd

Theynow maintaining mission and anSOadefTVr in Porto Rico

establishedItself in New York In lilt Thehouse of these sistersY. They have a school at Sixty-eight- h

street In New York city.There are several groups Domini-Ca- n

s.ters In part, of theL'nlted

the Holy Child Jesus, j

The Sisters of the Holy .Child Jeeuicame the United Stater, 111were Mrs

Connelly, a who .,entsisters to open academy j








... r m Nov York place the arrival j cno?1in Tittsburs in Marv J i"!L hX'" " '", M'"h'r; fereat in a

Xavier Warle and six . 1 C V''1'"8'''"; 1 "rt " 1ctur c"c;csisters from the of Archbn.hop of tChOOl Wat little of a

Father th and he purchased to many parents, because it Involvesri-- . ci'c-- w. v.1 .u- - ror tnem a Deautirui est-n- aiPittsburg, where their no opportunity ofechool at Penn school I I,hV i af iuaint. stronglyprospered through the en- - established

IH.M. . h..- - to csll on those Whg,.,.- -, .. a large number of novices .... : , ...Mother personally .'J of tn" away to school, claiming

I I charge a stead!lv increasing ,,t... tt ..v . vh hour's talk with will"''lat ChKi-r- o,' which soon the .11. l,n "'L. satisfactory information

of many "! n WSchool, were also ooened by i in..,h?. '00" i'-"0?-, :H . orresnondence must be

i 7,, xorK on lr.eseUothar at there is a neeshe aimed open

to conduct schocTs aaposs.ble. ' so

the caredevelopment Intelle.-t-s

thaurn of

ofconvent in.ttltution ftarttd by a

Providence ofmost branches this is i

echools Trenton diocese.

from Ireland country



thou-sand Mercy

upwardthousand puplla.




the one has at rand

in Thlt'.i- -


andOf this is

thev two




tamers.and established

Cisullnes haveToledo. Tiffin,



Alaska,In act

visightly location

Bedfordhave come

of MichaelTheresa's parish Henry


Academy Angela


Opened. Institution.faculty


In Iiayley


Mary'B Newurk.growth


workedtraining teachers



setting,stately beautiful





Americaa opment plant, namely

num-dre- d



prioressformative houSH,

During period quality Catholic

brand training studentsof .vowhere education

passed athrough



Germantheir guidingoiorlam."

one-bal- f





Ratlsbon colony

Biauvelt. N.



to Inel Derby.

Cornelia convert,of

Mother educatorcompan- - XaV

Convent Carlow. I;1afterward l,UW

noxltlate academy"TC,


pupils Warde family

5SL"I" mother school,

v.Titusvllle. llkesbarre. however,


traln-- d fortholr work.

are ofgiving Instruction


The Fathers.Fa Of give them

their Society ofWhich mother caltod from their special






profeeaed the n

This s first founded ir.1 S after the res!

bv a group ofwas Jean

ofIn they to

Elghtj-thl- rd street branches of I now havehistoric site th- - ni see. of




Sistersmaintaining many

are of


blown countyin

SantaToledo li


sutersArstii.i motherat Louis


. atPark

at in



KT iHMla'lg of






y where














ai, ,,.-.- , ,


. .


There thesesisters to 8,000

Marlst the:.. tocorrect litis, the


Maryorder Lver.s.

in 5. Frenchir. Their

MarieColin the group





cLouisiana ) All

Bt Mav. - Colli eCoilece in

Thev hive fathe-- in c:-- .


of disposition andbovs foundclassical practl

mmandmentaThird Order after representation

Marv.ualveston Clementn inese? - imout saariai tamers jouna.













If of brief


to of





treat or

k aa



ln r"'"to

a and



acad- -It







In ....


Init to of


nsri. .rter l1111 Father brought .

from L'rsullne j.-so- 'Martins,


branchMontana Indians,



' theseopened

academy ra Bed-



ir,i now known Ulll.illf




pendent diocese.




prlnsts brothers

coloniesof d,vot(in







founded England,

, i



upward of




founder Claud.retiring


Jefferson CollegeCollege .I'tah'.

(Maine Oeorglateachlnir ,


offer ofschools


' iwnerever are









became supply



., ., ...n- --

isA if

to ,n formerlyto

n enin m- -

r. T

y... r. i.i.- - m laboriously ooing rig,

education In America lnaamuoh :ai passed it Intn anv complete nr.- - ialtion wisdom

played In it I foolish al isor a beheld marvel.

pany f are m" Of GospelThis order was In 1140 by

natlus Lovola. a soldier w as woundedat the siege of Pampeluna. became agrim a of land to ...

thlS giorlus order ofmy at ganizntion wa. military in characterTheir was based the two cardinal nrlncl.

pies organisation obedientsystem Of wan based upon

the Ratio Studlonim i Ratio ln- -

stitutio studlonim Jesu) whichwas planned by a committee under thedirection of Cladlus Aquavlva excellent method of followed

it ton.te mothir '.,ra,r "f P''eleCtlon. repetitiondisputation, reviewi . a ,,.

,, v!,,..,vah r,i J 1114 Father White, accompaniedgeneralship


other Jtsuits.Maryland



. ..




fathers to

among the Indians, hobtained control of Cnth.

colony of Father,Whits In back to Enaland be.

of faith Although Catho- -

success under the Cg regained control, thereif the College "f N.-- Rochells to be more.f the Catholic Institutions In mora intolerable, until after one

Hie country 'hundred yeaib oi service Hie'branch order suppre.-t.e- d

at I'r.ulme Provlnolalate, where many mission stations andmaintain anothsr excellent slementary j Fathers Harvey. Harrison Qagaschoe.l rt academy. Under DorgSh to minister to

There ti re- upward of twenty one the sottlsrs In New Tork, They d

IJrsUlins sisters In'the- l'nlted to school, 1119number of their pupils clOSaly ap. I they forced to leave N w V

twenty thousand. I causa the governmentPersecution suppression alike were

sisters Churlty Convent Btgw POWsrlSSS to conquer JSSUll spirit, andJersey.

Newark. the it

-- VSrt'a, XcVieTthe dehtyj;;r,ru.-a,,.m.Vs,r,,aii;- ,

areoi "- - ., COilege-S- with a tota ret istr.itioi, ,,t

o I'll 11 ,. o ii ii ill. ill ll) binnch his than

Mother Xaxler kfabagan pf volleges inhe hoi.en aa e..... St rran.-l- s Xavier

impor- -

'"th combinedgoodvoung ladlSS, novices, h?n',Ln'J'w',,y BfhOOl

trained Novitiate 'l?09,! Cv'When training AtV t,.LVBft?x' -- i1!?ViL,U

,.ii ve

with exception (Moths ti.lillat "m.V. v,,,.TOr,6i,y"Xavier sister


waa the Influencen-- mother

removed, first Madison,There academy

Convent neartown

Motherfor the along

pedagogicalmethods educational

buatneaa ability devout





. ii







rkof Six

now'1to be

it. the

a a,, .d

the oi i













andd Pane




very largemain.

articlewould most

trace CatholicCatholic colleges

epoch making events laterIt

stated that CatholicIs



that under education


loveperiod who

nftVaof They

periodof wnjt

Rotisbm fatt ()at

been n.





now Innover


v.:-- -


and SISrIStalso






Georgetown university


Washlng- -

attenllou of alla.parent, In

Sehoolpublished wreLly by


Conclusion.the per-

mitted be Interesting

the affiliation

educational However. mavgenerally

history the








uses educationthe rfaaervllul

over s,e



NoticeTo all teaohlsar

orders In page manlImp. ... Those omit-

ted from this treaties were leftout not hrcauee ofcontributioncause, simply becanee oflin of spare. In order thatmany possible of more Im.linrlnnl should he treated

spuce alven t. onenecessarily very brief.

iii.ii-,-with ..lao-ip- n. ine supe--.

Ti0 "A Western StateFranc V that th"

W shortAmerica,O'Connor,

hadThe soon





Sharon element, haveHerethev opened

iflr; ',VM urgedrihll.H..ii,kl







ontemplated sending the young

num- -.a....

"on- -Umie. n' remembered....r,, cuy that wale,






between th. of agentar.-- l of representative fromSChOOl invitationagent often annoying Th visit ofthe - man, calling by invitation, isdignified, Into close touchWith the parent one who will possibly

the :n relation to thoyoung m Keeping inmarked diatlnction between thethlnga. we will pleased uponInterested possible patrons whenevarthai ..- - ii.f,;e,; t. Who

booklet. "

Catholic Kdu DrtlnltloncGleaaed From Original Soareee,

"'n the principle people engagedin te hint profasalon are ,ntere.--e- lIn trie of original .ourc-e.- :n

chaiiyTinc educating ldet!. I 'iceselected fr'.rn sources thesedefinitions of educators v.ho

them idea what elii- -

cation really meant to them,


p.rlsra-- s and West Vir- - 5AJVT -"- But our Edu-,j.-

being practical, first tha.aidglnl attainment right , ir- mav be their , ...... . .,

colleges, which excellent our er.j Irand scientific training. Tneir pu exhl

of BUCh

which laymen are eligible, '

sisters, one one , .Voting of Alexandriapranenvs i i

turn,Na. hebeuf r.i

lev.-- French con- - ,.:','", "" "aaieq nea




nette, inniiiuiion






.No history of or the

other would be a. of Godthe by the Jesuits, mad gsngth iwakenlns.

as the members of the Society from deep sleep.vl thiJeius truth the -1

Ig- -

pil- -

and and mlghi ndedThe


of and Th..Jesuit


ei-l-Thev ,.1f,n fo.m.ted . nrtm . repetition and


Calvert In For ten yearsCatholics, con- -


lie Maryland and sent

thenama soon was con- -

which grewand

they badnnd

net Govhun- -

States tempted Inhe wee rlt


of of



th.The sent nve

of Ofwaa

.Trent JJone








as ofthe

eral. to the








theirto the education


as theones



soliciting'hat the

who is:ts by

ftoolar.d bring-

theparent place

worn thistwo

be to call

those maytii.s



in thoir at



andgenerally torn

haa er;eand p.n

sent otheripent

nt.n. .n0



thai whlless part

Cor-.- -

called '




.te... four with






also withwho


and were

and nioet





i saw ni-- utterly i? theJem of the of this world 0shall ooma to Th. n i my hove' mc m.Se.-.-ihl- e life rid I . .

student the founder be exl me t.v.tSacheri









irinsi of godliniI cure wa to corri had been peiver

witn evil men.

II and first Of ail myct my way c.f life v hled by aasocia'ionAnd then when I td

the Oospsl and a rned therein fhla very great ptffsotlon tosell goods and make distributionto th poor brethren, and to live iio.lutely without ca.--e of this life and to

i have the distracted by no sympathywith the things that now are. I pi i ithat I ml'lit find some brother who ,1

this way of life, so with! him. I might togeth er over hi short

of existence And Indeed I foundmanv SU' at Aleandr(a many In the

- of Egypt, others still in Paie-- 'and Cceleayils and Mesopotamia whosstemperate stay of Ufa I adm.iei l .1mired loo 'hep fortitude in labors "air 'led .it the mten.-- e farX'Or ofr avers and how thev overcame aleepand ware bowed by n. phi. sic tl --.c --

sity but maintained always a loftvI Indomitable temper of soul, in hunger md

thirst pn;r..t no attention to the. ....-.- i ...... , .i .

Another of this orde r Is located was Ney.-- i tln-i.- th. . ,, ,"',;.. . ' ' '.'.'... ''.; ' '


show It is In reality to bearin the body the lying ..." tne Lord

jand ed too ea fgr aSttsinsbla by me. rassmblamen Basil of CsMSiea, translat.Proudflt, Dr. Bplstuls wpttttBustathlus of Bebaats

S VINT AUOl'STINS Trulvwhile such persecutions were somewhat discipline Is most whichdetrimental to their educational ., tlvlty a" many weak men aa pos histhey steadily and quietly labored until c'tSde of this faith that In thell plae.times of persecution should be oyer perf. sci urlty tha ht, mm reai

L'nlted Statea eteal nam ir.-- (.Letter ori the

ELM S'cf sisters of Charity fromoT5?AdstaVhtTSSfS: I Mount Saint Vincent The Butho. de. country alone there ...rtv-on- e Je,,,i, mo, 1,1 your ,;o, a you m

reiuiauoii. , lo . i. ll llln-- -tudsnts

thcB, NewMarychore ofN.wi.rk irT.rlo. nMTl


order street, Fordbecame

the Si.ter.Charity their '


Mary other

I Saint




educators,the Itolh

nen.Is cell















1 pr.t; I .


j i







lieip towardone's

chosen thaiwavs






direction this you

in the stripes which ari lo boa

it is


down, lift th. m up and gSSlSl themfatherly kindness and gsntleneievery soul has us proportionate foodstrong delights In strong meapatience end tribulations, not to wwhat la other's, to offer the other

pray for enemies to love thothate. Th" y.etik and fender In Godvice ne.d milk! gentleness from othkindness, moroy, cheerful eiwourajteticharltabls fnrtisarnnrt " .si Anafacmlllan Co, Pane :..t i

;.. THE JE8UlTS"Slnoa II Ii --the weightiest duties of our so letteach men ail the branches of kii'--

in keeping with our organisation ina manner that they may be moved thtto a knowledge and love f ourand Redeemer, 1st the Provincialas h:s duty to provide with all sealthe results wnich the grace of outlon demand-- , abundanti. sn.WSrin inifold lahare In education

I Jesuits Orsist Psdagoglcoa tSssayg. iUs.)

th n

