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CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.

Apr 14, 2018



Akshita Monga
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  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.



  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.




    G hcs&

    W beafqu s>

    H dmaf`Gmaf ds

    Br mtfv`

    Yrcb ss

    G`hcs &W`beafqu`s>Mrt Rfoafao


    =;Mrt@v ats>K rdfaMrt_ l

    =0Bcv`r Rtcry>


    mrt cj^@AWMAOD@=7

    =6MddH gfm


    Bchp tftfc


    _faa rs

    J mtur g>YmudBemp-hmamagefs


    Wmkd` cj Bcat`ats

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.





    ;; ;7



    Masw rg>

    ky@xp rts


    ky FagfmaMrtfsts


    We orcwfaomrtjcrh

    Faspfrmtfca>We Ofjtcj

    Wfh Fasfprmtfca





    Wmkd` cj Bcat`ats

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.



    Rc Hmlfao Bmtemrtsfs, wms nust ca` cjtecs` ncks temt bmh` hy wmy ms stug`atcj Ncuramdfsh. Ft wms, ecw`v`r t`gfcusmag tfh` tmlfao, m r`mddy occg `xp`rf-`ab`. K`fao m jma cj Mrt mag Ymfatfaos,

    mag mdsc, tryfao tc gc sch` hys`dj, Fbecs` te` te`h` jcr tefs hmomzfa`, tck` Mrt.We` r`msca k`efag te` amh` Bmtemrt-sfs bmh` tc h`, ms Bmstemrsfs m o`a`r-mddy prmbtfs`g actfca cr jcrh cjh`gftmtfca, cjt`a r`hmfas uabca-

    sbfcus cr uaactfb`g ky te` prmbtfbtfca-`rs, f.` te` `atfr` euhma rmb`.Bmtemrsfs h`mas, M jcrh cj [`d`ms`- cj@hctfcas. Wefs fs gca`, fa may, f r`p`mtMAV wmy pcssfkd`.Recutfao, Rbr`mhfao, Ydmyfao, Gmab-

    fao, wmtbefao Hcvf`s, mag hcst fhpcrtmatdy Mrt. E`ab`, tw`mlfao

    te` t`rh, BMWEM[WRFR bmh` fatc k`fao.Mdsc, Gc act hfss te` bcv`r stcry, ^`atmaod , m h`gftmtfv` jcrh cj

    Mrt. Ecw ft bmh` fatc k`fao, mag fts k`muty mag fatrfbmsy.

    Hmomzfa` Hml`r-Mlseftm Hcaom

    @gftcrs Act`>

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.



  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y?

    [ute L. H`y`r g`sbrfk`s te`sfhfdmrftf`s k`tw``a _mssfdy

    Lmagfaslys mag H`dmaf`Gmaf`ds fatuftfv` prcb`ss, ms`x`hpdfjf`g fa Gmaf`dsMatd`rs Fa K`rry R`msca (cfd,2072).H`dmaf` Gmaf`ds @xuk`rmatBr`mtfv` Yrcb`ssky [ute L. H`y`r

    Matd`rs fa K`rry R`m-

    sca, ;9=9 vfvfgdy bmddstc hfag te` pmfatfaos

    cj _mssfdy Lmagfasly (=5::-=677), te` [ussfma mrtfst wecpfca``r`g mkstrmbt `xpr`s-sfcafst pmfatfao wefd` dfvfao

    mag t`mbefao fa O`rhmayprfcr tc _crdg _mr F. Efs

    hmay pmfatfaos `atftd`gBchpcsftfca w`r` mt-t`hpts tc mttmfa wemt e`bmdd`g te` spfrftumd fa mrt>tefs wms te` tftd` cj m trt`m-tfs` wrftt`a fa =6=9. Mdtecuoecrfofamddy fajdu`ab`g ky te`pcst Fhpr`ssfcafsts, Lmagfa-sly k`df`v`g fa ocfao jmrk`ycag te` r`pr`s`atm-

    tfcamd `d`h`ats cj m dmag-sbmp` tc `xpr`ss te``a`rof`s temt br`mt`g te`frjcrhs. Efs wcrls w`r` sp`b-udmtfv`, `xp`rfh`atmd magfatuftfv`> mdsc, act mdwmys

    `msy ca te` `y`.Rfhfdmrdy, H`dmaf` Gmaf`d bma

    pudd cjj m s`mscamd pmfat-fao wfte strmao` matd`rstemt dccl sch`-wemt jmkrfbmt`gcr krmabe-dfl`mag mr` w`ddefgg`a mhcaoma `xpdcsfcacj suhh`r-t f h `

    b c d c r .Fts m ncy-jud `xpr`s-sfca mste` bcd-crs,


    _efsp`rs mag Cte`r _crdgs

    Mkstrmbt Ymfatfao | H dmaf Gmaf ds Br mtfv Yrcb ss

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y5

    Cte`r _crls cjH`dmaf`Gmaf`d>Gfmhcags magJfr`

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y6Cte`r _crlscj H`dmaf`Gmaf`d>J`mte`rgJmaby

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    Ca cj te hcst r`-

    wmrgfao hch`ats cj

    may pmfatfao fs r`mbe-

    fao te pcfat we`r w j` d

    smtfsjf g `acuoe tc pdmb cur

    sfoamtur . Wefs peysfbmd mbt sfo-

    afjf s cwa`rsefp. _efd te pur-

    pcs cj te sfoamtur fskmsfbmddy temt cj mutecrsefp, fts

    pdmb`h`at mag mpp`mrmab`

    bma mdsc pdmy m sfoafjfbmat rcd

    fa te cv`rmdd g`sfoa cj m pmfat-

    faos bchpcsftfca. _e`a

    tecuoetjuddy `x`but`g, ft bma

    str`aote`a te bchpcsftfca.

    _e`a act, ft bma k`bch gfs-trmbtfao mag w`ml`a wemt fs

    cte`rwfs m occg g`sfoa.

    Wer` Bcasfg`rmtfcas> We`r`

    mr ter` kmsfb sfoamtur bca-

    sfg`rmtfcas> pdmb`h`at, tcamd-

    fty, mag styd .

    Rfoamtur Ydmb`h`at> We syh-

    kcdfb hmrls us`g tc r`pr`s`at

    m sfoamtur mpp`mr mrtfjfbfmd

    we`a bchpmr`g tc te r`st cj

    m pmfatfao. Wefs grmws mtt`atfca

    tc te sfoamtur . Wrmgftfcamddy,

    _`st`ra mrtfsts emv t`ag`g

    tc sfoa pmfatfaos fa te dcw`r

    rfoet-emag bcra`r. Wefs fs te`

    pdmb we`r te `y amturmddy

    `ags we`a r`mgfao m prfat`gpmo mag bcas`qu`atdy ems

    k`bch te hcst bchjcrtmkd .

    Kut, fj te rfoet-emag bcra`r fs

    mdr`mgy vfsumddy kusy, te mggf-

    tfca cj m sfoam-

    tur wfdd grmw

    `v`a hcr mt-

    t`atfca, `xmsp`rmtfao

    wemt hmy k ma mdr`mgy

    jrmofd bchpcsftfca. Fa tefs

    fastmab , te a`xt k`st bcr-a`r fs te d jt. We sfoamtur`

    wfdd stfdd k mt te kcttch cj te`

    pmfatfao, wefbe r`pr`s`ats m

    bdcs`r prcxfhfty tc te vf w`r

    mag fs te`r`jcr `msf r tc mb-

    bchhcgmt . _e`a a fte`r cj

    te`s bcra`rs mr ma cptfca,

    te upp`r d jt mag rfoet-emag

    bcra`rs k`bch pcssfkfdftf s. Fj

    ft j` ds rfoet tc pdmb ft te`r ,gc ft.

    M Rfoamtur s Wcamdfty> G`bfgfao

    ca m eu mag vmdu jcr te sfo-

    amtur momfa tml`s fatc bcasfg-

    `rmtfca te mhcuat cj

    mtt`atfca ma mrtfst wfse`s tc

    krfao tc te fr sfoamtur . We`

    hcr bcatrmst te sfoamtur`ems tc fts surrcuagfaos, te`

    hcr mtt`atfca ft wfdd omra`r.

    Hcst pmfat`rs wmat te sfoam-

    tur tc k vfsfkd kut act tcc fa-

    trusfv mag, te`r`jcr , s d bt m

    eu mag vmdu bchkfamtfca

    temt fs mamdcocus tc te mr`m

    we`r ft wfdd r`sfg .




    bmteM[Wsfs Y=9


    F pdmb` hy


    we`r`v`r ft k`sts`rv`s te` pmfat-

    faos bchpcsftfca.

    Fts styd` ems

    `vcdv`g cv`r te`

    y`mrs jrch m jdmh-

    kcymat sbrfpt`g sfo-

    amtur` utfdfzfao hy

    judd amh`, fatc m

    sfhpd`, `dcaomt`g,

    prfat`g sur-


    Rfoamtur` Rtyd` | G`sfoa Wfps jcr RfoafaoYmfatfaos

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y==

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y=;

    K`rdfa Mrt _``l (=?-;; R`p-

    t`hk`r) lfbl`g cjj dmst

    w``l wfte te` bcra`rstca`

    `xefkftfca Ymfatfao Jcr-

    `v`r!, m bcddmkcrmtfca k`-tw``a jcur fastftutfcas temt

    jcbus`s ca pmfat`rs wfte

    tf`s tc te` O`rhma bmpftmd.

    We` secw fs m k`abehmrl

    jcr te` hyrfmg cte`r gfs-

    pdmys fa te` bfty.

    Hcr` tema =99 pmfat`rs mr`

    ca secw fa jcur v`au`ste` K`rdfafsbe` Omd`rf` (uatfd

    2= Hmrbe ;9=7), A`u` Amtfca-

    mdomd`rf` (uatfd ;= Acv`h-

    k`r), G`utsbe` Kmal

    LuastEmdd` (jcrh`rdy te`

    G`utsbe Ouoo`ae`fh, uatfd

    =9 Acv`hk`r) mag te` L_ Fa-

    stftut` jcr Bcat`hpcrmry

    Mrt (uatfd =9 Acv`hk`r)

    rmaofao jrch kfo amh`s

    sube ms Hmrtfa @g`r mag

    Mas`dh [yd` tc te` `h`ro-

    fao mrtfsts Gmaf`dm Wrfxd mag

    G`spfam Rtclcu. We`

    G`utsbe` Kmal `xefkftfca

    ems ma mdd-j`hmd` bmst, b`a-

    tr`g ca te` K`rdfa-kcra

    N`maa` Hmhh`a, m

    _`fhmr-`rm mrtfst wec gf`g

    fa =6?: mag wms dmro`dy

    cv`rdccl`g fa e`r dfj`tfh`,

    mdcaosfg` ter`` j`hmd`

    bcat`hpcrmry mrtfsts.

    We`r` mr` sc hmay gfjj`r-`at mpprcmbe`s tc tefs cdg-

    jmsefca`g h`gfuh, smys

    Wechms Led`r, te` gfr`btcr

    cj te` K`rdfafsbe` Omd`rf`,

    wefbe fs secwfao m sft`-sp`-

    bfjfb pmfat`g fastmddmtfcta ky

    Jrmaz Mbl`rhmaa. Ymfatfao

    fs v`ry hube mdfv` fa K`rdfatcgmy.

    Wefs dfv`dfa`ss bcudg k` s``a

    fa te` bchh`rbfmd omdd`rf`s.

    Rprte Hmo`rs fs secwfao m

    s`rf`s cj a`w pmfatfaos, g`-

    sbrfk`g ms stcrykcmrgs,

    ky te` PR v`t`rma Ncea

    Kmdg`ssmrf (uatfd ; Acv`h-

    k`r). Mt Omd`rf` Kmrkmrm

    _`fss, te` Dcs Mao`d`s-

    kms`g [`k`bbm Hcrrfs b`d-

    `krmt`s e`r =5te scdc secw

    wfte a`w mkstrmbt pmfatfaos

    (uatfd 0 Cbtck`r), wefd` mt

    Omd`rf` Hmrtfa H`rt`as te`

    K`rdfa mrtfst Yfus Jcx fs

    secwfao efs hut`g, hfafhmd

    bchpcsftfcas (uatfd ;: Cbtc-

    k`r). H`mawefd`, m pcp-up

    secw cj pmfat`rs, sch`

    jr`se cut cj bcdd`o`, pr`s-

    `ats m sampsect cj ycuao

    tmd`at fa K`rdfa tcgmy (@go`

    mag Rurjmb`, uatfd =; Cbtc-k`r, :=-:0 D`fpzfo`r


    Ms hfoet k` `xp`bt`g cj ma

    mrt sb`a` ms gfv`rs` ms

    K`rdfas, te`r` fs pd`aty cj

    cte`r wcrl ca cjj`r tcc.

    Rmrme Dubms fs pr`s`atfao

    e`r jfrst `xefkftfca `atfr`dyg`gfbmt`g tc juraftur` mt

    Bcat`hpcrmry Jfa` Mrts

    (uatfd ;5 R`pt`hk`r). Hmg`

    cj HGJ mag kr``z`kdcbls,

    e`r hfafhmd tmkd`s mag

    s`mts bma k` crg`r`g ky

    bmtmdcou` jcr k`tw``a

    5,099 mag =;,999.

    Y`rjcrhmab` mag vfg`c mr`

    pr`vmd`at fa m auhk`r cj

    spmb`s. Remrca Emy`s ems

    ma fastmddmtfca cj pcdftfbmd

    scuag mag vfg`c wcrls mt

    Wmaym D`foetca Omdd`ry

    (uatfd ;: Cbtck`r), wefd` te`

    Zf`aam bcdd`btfv` O`dmtfa

    e`dg p`rjcrhmab`s `v`ry

    `v`afao dmst w``l.

    Ymfatfao, p`rjcrhmab` mag pd`aty hcr`mt K`rdfa Mrt_``l


    We` bfty secw`g cjj fts gfv`rs` mrt sb`a` wfte m sd`w cj cp`afaos

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.







  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y=7

    ;9=2 Mdd H`gfm MrtBchp`tftfca _faa`rsBcaormtudmtfcas tc ` Bmtemrtsfs Hmomzfa`s ;9=2 Mdd H`gfm Mrt Bchp`tftfca wfaa`rs!Afbl Mdh fs te` ormag prfz` wfaa`r jcr Wwc Dcv`rs Bcatfau` r`mgfao tc vf`w te` rst pdmb`s mag ecacr-

    mkd` h`atfcas fa te` bmt`ocrf`s jcr _mt`rbcdcr< Ymst`d< Mbrydfb< Ormpeft`, Bemrbcmd mag Fal< Bcdcr`g Y`a-bfd< Hfx`g H`gfm mag Bcddmo`< Cfd mag Cfd Ymst`d.


    _faa r











    Wrmv`d KmoKy Dcusfmam R`a

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y=0

    We` H`gftmtfv` Mrt cj

    ^`atmaod`Bcv`r Rtcry

    Acw temt w`v` emg m bemab` tc g`jfa` ^`atmaod` jcr tecs` a`w tc te` grmwfao styd`, F wmat`g tc r`vfsft

    te` tcpfb. Hmay cj ycu lfagdy semr`g ycur cwa `atmaod`s ca cur Jmb`kccl pmo`, mag F temal ycu jcr

    gcfao scact cady gfg temt ofv` h` m bemab` tc s`` hcr` cj te` tmd`at temts cut te`r , kut ycu mdsc

    cp`a`g cte`rs `y`s tc m k`mutfjud jcrh cj mrt temts a`w ca te` sb`a`, mag ycu gfg w`dd.

    Kdu` E`mv`a (weft` bmrgstcbl, Yrfshmbcdcr p`abfds) ky O`a`vfv` Brm

    _efd` fts fs jua tc vf`w, fts `v`a hcr` pd`msurmkd` tc br`mt`, fa hy euhkd` cpfafca. Ymfatfao bma k` fatfhfgmtfao

    tc tml` ca ms m eckky (mdtecuoe temt secudgat stcp ycu, kut temts m gfjj`r`at tcpfb!), kut grmwfao fs mbb`ssfkd`

    mdd ycu a``g fs m - tccd, d`ts smy m kmsfb p`abfd temt ycu mdr`mgy emv` fa may grmw`r cj ycur ecus`, mag pmp`r.

    Vcu nust sft gcwa mag stmrt grmwfao, rfoet3 _`dd, act mdwmys< kut we`a ycu emv` m kccl temt cjj`rs prchpts, ftk`bch`s `msf`r. ^`atmaod` Patmaod`g ky Lmss Emdd fatrcgub`s te` bcab`pt cj tefs h`gftmtfv` jcrh cj grmwfao,

    mag ofv`s ycu oufgmab` ca ecw tc grmw te` kmsfb dfa`s temt bch` tco`te`r tc br`mt` fatrfbmt` wcrls temt pmss

    te` tfh` fa m smtfsjyfao xpdcrmtfca cj semp`s. We` r`sudts3 [`df v`g str`ss, fa hy xp`rf`ab`, mag m s`as` cj smt-

    fsjmbtfcate` fastrubtfcas mr` `msy tc jcddcw, mag d`mv` ycu j``dfao `hpcw`r`g ky te` mkfdfty tc grmw.

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y=:

    R-K`ag (Gfstr`ss stmfa, Rmlurm Rcujjd` p`as) ky Lmss Emdd

    Ecw Gfg ^`atmaod` K`bch` m O`ar`3Fa ;990, te` `atmaod` bcab`pt wms kcra we`a bmddformpe`r Hmrfm Wechms g`sbrfk`g tc e`r pmrta`r te` s`as`

    cj jcbus, w`dd-k`fao mag r`dmxmtfca se` j`dt wefd` br`mtfao kmblorcuag pmtt`ras ca m hmausbrfpt, wrft`s Lmss.

    M jcrh`r Kuggefst hcal, e`r pmrta`r, [fbl [ck`rts, r`bcoafz`g tefs stmt` ms ca` cj h`gftmtfca. Wco`te`r te`y

    wcrl`g tcwmrg br`mtfao m syst`h temt wcudg t`mbe mag `abcurmo` cte`rs tc `xp`rf`ab` te` smh` s`asmtfcas.

    Bcv`r Rtcry^@AWMAOd`

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y=?

    We`r` mr` acw hcr` tema 299

    b`rtfjf`g ^`atmaod` t`mbe`rswcrdgwfg`, fabdugfao Lmss. Wc

    bchpd`h`at ^`atmaod` Patma-

    od`g, Lmss br`mt`g m wcrlkccl ms

    w`dd, wefbe kr`mls gcwa te` vmrf-

    cus bchpca`ats cj tmaod`s mag

    favft`s ycu tc jcbus ca `mbe

    msp`bt jcr m w``l, `xpdcr-

    fao te` pcssfkfdftf`s cj dfa`

    ms w`dd ms bcdcr fa ycur

    grmwfaos. K`bmus` stmr-fao mt m kdmal pmo` bma

    k` gmuatfao, tefs wcrl-

    kccl fabdug`s `hpty

    tfd`s temt ycu bma us` tc

    k`ofa prmbtfbfao ycur


    Jcr m dfhft`g tfh` mag

    cady mt Acrte Dfoet

    Recp, ycu bma k`ofa

    d`mrafao `atmaod` wfte

    tefs `xbdusfv` s`t. Wefshfaf-lft fabdug`s ^`a-

    tmaod` Patmaod`g, te`

    ^`atmaod` Patmaod`g

    _crlkccl, mag ma ==-pf`b`

    fal s`t. Wefs ems k`bch` ca` cj

    hy jmvcrft` styd`s tc us` fa hy

    cwa sl`tbekccl, ms ft prcvfg`s

    m pmrmh`t`r< sfhfdmr tc ecw

    pc`try bma k` `msf`r tc

    wrft` we`a ycur` jcddcw-fao te` rud`s cj mddft`rm-

    tfca cr reytehfb

    h`t`rs. Fts dfl` eflfao wfte

    m pmte tc jcddcw, kut wfte

    hmay smj` pmtes krmabefao

    fa gfjj`r`at gfr`btfcas, l``p-

    fao ycu jrch nust k`fao dcst fa te`


    ^`atmaod` Patmaod`g, te` ^`a-

    tmaod` Patmaod`g _crlkccl, magma ==-pf`b` fal s`t. Wefs ems k`-

    bch` ca` cj hy jmvcrft` styd`s tc

    us` fa hy cwa sl`tbekccl, ms ft

    prcvfg`s m pmrmh`t`r< sfhfdmr tc

    ecw pc`try bma k` `msf`r tc wrft`

    we`a ycur` jcddcwfao te` rud`s cjmddft`rmtfca cr reytehfb h`t`rs.

    Fts dfl` eflfao wfte m pmte tc jcd-

    d c w ,

    kut wfte

    hmay smj` pmtes krmabefao fagfjj`r`at gfr`btfcas, l``pfao ycu

    jrch nust k`fao dcst fa te`

    wccgs.^`atmaod` Patmaod`g, te`

    ^`atmaod` Patmaod`g _crlkccl,

    mag ma ==-pf`b` fal s`t. Wefs ems

    k`bch` ca` cj hy jmvcrft` styd`stc us` fa hy cwa sl`tbekccl, ms ft

    prcvfg`s m pmrmh`t`r< sfhfdmr tc

    ecw pc`try bma k` `msf`r tc wrft`

    we`a ycur` jcddcwfao te` rud`s

    cj mddft`rmtfca cr reytehfb

    h`t`rs. Fts dfl` eflfao

    wfte m pmte tc jcddcw,

    kut wfte hmay smj`

    pmtes krmabefao fa

    gfjj`r`at gfr`btfcas,l``pfao ycu jrch

    nust k`fao dcst fa

    te` wccgs.^`a-

    tmaod` Patma-

    od`g, te`

    ^`atmaod` Patma-

    od`g _crlkccl,

    mag ma ==-pf`b`

    fal s`t. Wefs ems

    k`bch` ca` cj hy

    jmvcrft` styd`s tc us`fa hy cwa sl`tbe-

    kccl, ms ft prcvfg`s m

    pmrmh`t`r< sfhfdmr tc

    ecw pc`try bma k`

    `msf`r tc wrft` we`a

    ycur` jcddcwfao te`

    rud`s cj mddft rmtfca cr

    reytehfb h`t`rs. Fts

    dfl` eflfao wfte m

    pmte tc jcddcw, kutwfte hmay smj`

    pmtes krmabefao

    fa gfjj`r`at gf-

    r`btfcas, l``p-

    fao ycu jrch

    nust k`fao

    dcst fa te`


    Patfd a`xt tfh`.


    Bcv`r Rtcry^@atMAOd`

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y=5

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y=6Hmy ;9=2 Mrtfst cj te` HcateYmud Bemphma mag efs Mbrydfb Ymfatfao6 Wefaos tc Lacw Mkcut Ymud Bemp-hma (ky aca` cte`r tema Ymud Bemp-


    =. F r`h`hk`r temt mdd te` wefd` F

    wms orcwfao up p`cpd` tcdg h` F

    wms occg mt grmwfao/mrt. F emg

    a`mrdy ac `xp`rf`ab` wfte ft fa

    efoe sbeccd kut fa bcdd`o`, ft wms

    hy hmncrMrt @gubmtfca.

    ;. Jcr 20 y`mrs, F tmuoet mrt,

    hcstdy mt te` efoe sbeccd d`v`d.

    Acw temt Fh r`tfr`g, F jfamddy

    emv` tfh` tc g`vct` tc br`mtfao

    mag fhprcvfao hy mrt. F try tc

    pmfat `v`ry gmy.

    2. F usumddy us` mbrydfb pmfats. F

    dcv` te` jmst gryfao tfh`, `v`atecuoe ft sch`tfh`s wcrls momfast

    h`. Weus jmr, te` sukn`bts temt

    emv` k`bch` hy pmfatfaos mr`>

    s`dj pcrtrmfts, fagustry, dmagsbmp`s,

    stfdd dfj`, pcrtrmfts mag jfourmtfv`

    wcrl. We` hmncrfty cj hy wcrl,

    ecw`v`r, fs fa te` r`mdfstfb fagus-

    trfmd dmagsbmp` (fat`rfcr mag `xt`-

    rfcr) mr`am.

    7. M ]ufbl Kruse-Pp fs sch`-

    tefao F tecuoet mkcut jcr m dcao

    tfh` k`jcr` ft r`mddy tccl jcrh. F

    s`` hy fhmo` ter`` tfh`s m gmy

    mppdyfao te` kruse tc hy hcute,

    actfbfao ecw te` gmrl`r krfstd`s

    hml` hy t``te dccl ms fj F pdmy`g

    ecbl`y. F g`bfg`g tc tml` m kr`ml

    jrch te` bchpd`x cv`rdmps mag

    p`rsp`btfv`s cj hy fagustrfmd

    pf`b`s mag gc sch`tefao dfoet`r.@v`a tecuoe tefs fs usumddy m prf-

    vmt` hch`at F j`dt dfl` semrfao ft

    k`bmus` cj te` euhcr. Rfab` F

    wcrl jrch pectcormpes, hcstdy,

    secctfao tefs fa m shmdd kmtercch

    mag hmlfao ft vfsumddy wcrl wms

    quft` m bemdd`ao`. F emg tc jdfp te`

    fhmo` d`jt tc rfoet, te` gfstmab` tc

    te` gccr emg tc k` mdt`r`g mag te`

    dfoetfao emg tc k` bemao`gcte`r

    tema temt, fts nust dfl` te` pectc.

    0. Rch`tfh`s te` fg`m Fh wcrl-fao ca mddcws h` tc wcrl jrch dfj`.

    Wemt, tcc, fs m pd`msmat bemao`.

    We` bcdcr pmd`tt` F us` jcr hy ua-

    g`rpmfatfao fs mgnust`g jcr tca`,

    hcstdy, ms F us` up te` bcdcrs d`jt

    cv`r jrch te` pr`vfcus pmfatfao. F

    j``d temt te` tca` cj te` bcdcrs fs

    hcst fhpcrtmat mt tefs stmo`. F

    usumddy emv` ter`` kdmbls (hmrs,

    fvcry, Ymya`s or`y) mag weft`mdcao wfte kcte wmrh mag bccd

    bcdcrs. F j``d hy uag`rpmfatfao fs

    hmg` rfbe`r fj te` jfrst bcdcrs mr

    act te` jfamd surjmb`. Wefs mdsc

    hml`s ft a`b`ssmry tc r`pmfat

    cjt`a, br`mtfao m stfdd rfbe`r sur-

    jmb`. Rfab` F wcrl sc tefa, F j``d

    tefs fs fhpcrtmat. F mdsc try tc vmry

    te` wmrhte mag bccda`ss cj te`

    ormys. F dfl` o`ttfao te` bcdcrs

    bdcs` kut F pr`j`r tc hml` te` bcd-

    crs nust m dfttd` cjj, hmlfao te`h


    :. F bma sp`ag up tc twc hcates

    ca m bchpd`x fagustrfmd pf`b` mag

    cte`r pmfatfaos bma k` jfafse`g

    wftefa twc w``ls. Wefs pmfatfao

    prckmkdy tccl ter`` w``ls, hmyk`

    m dfttd` hcr`. Rlfa tca`s mr` emrg

    tc kd`ag wfte mbrydfbs, temt sdcws

    te` pmfatfao gcwa, m kft.

    ?. Wefs pmfatfao wms pr`tty

    strmfoetjcrwmrg, lfag cj sfhpd`,

    r`mddy. We` emrg`st tefao wms hm-

    a`uv`rfao te` pectcormpe tc

    mbef`v` wemt F s`` we`a F dccl fa

    te` hfrrcr. F `v`a emg tc grmw m

    judd-sfz` bmrtcca ca pmp`r k`jcr` F

    j`dt F bcudg hcv` ft tc te` bmavms

    mag k`df`v` ft. Hy jmvcrft` pmrt cj

    tefs wcrl fs te` sdfoetdy msl`w y`s

    temt `aemab` te` bch`gy, dfl` te`

    jmbfmd `xpr ssfcas cj wmrrfcrs faNmpma`s` prfats.

    5. Hy jutur` ecp` fs tc bcatfau`

    fabr`msfao te` amturmda`ss cj hy

    strcl`s. Mdd cj hy r`mdfstfb fagus-

    trfmd pmfatfaos emv` s`rfcus, emrg

    `go`s mag te`yr` mdd hmg` ky

    emag, wfte ac grmwfao mfg. Ms F

    mo` F `xp`bt temt te` `go`s wfdd o`t

    hcr` euhma, mag temts clmy. Fmdsc wmat tc try scjt`afao ecw te`

    semp`s mr` pmfat`g, ofvfao te`h

    hcr` euhmafty.

    6. Hy faspfrmtfca usumddy bch`s

    jrch s``fao sch`tefao Fv` s``a m

    tecusmag tfh`s k`jcr` kut fs ua-

    `xp`bt`gdy fa m gfjj`r`at dfoet.

    F usumddy emv` ter`` kdmbls (hmrs,

    fvcry, Ymya`s or`y) mag weft`

    mdcao wfte kcte wmrh mag bccd

    bcdcrs. F j``d hy uag`rpmfatfao fs

    hmg` rfbe`r fj te` jfrst bcdcrs mr

    act te` jfamd surjmb`. F usumddy

    emv` ter`` kdmbls (hmrs, fvcry,

    Ymya`s or`y) mag weft` mdcao

    wfte kcte wmrh mag bccd bcdcrs.

    F j``d hy uag`rpmfatfao fs hmg`

    rfbe`r fj te` jfrst bcdcrs mr` act te`

    jfamd surjmb`.

    -[ck`rtc Maodmfs`

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y;9

    Ymud Bemphma

    Mag Efs Mbrydfb Ymfatfao

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y;=

    EC_ WC W[MZ@D_FWE M _@WBMAZMR3]. _emt tfps bma ycu ofv`h` jcr pmblfao w`t bma-vms`s jcr trmv`d3Amh` wftee`dg

    M. Fj ycu pmfat fa cfd `apd`fa mfr, ycu emv` m prck-d`h temt pmfat`rs fa mbrydfb,wmt`rbcdcr mag pmst`d gcatemv`> mjt`r dmkcrfao mddhcrafao cv`r m pmfatfao fate` jf`dg, ecw gc ycu o`t

    te` pfbtur` ech` wftecutsh`mrfao te` w`t pmfat3 Mvmrf`ty cj g`vfb`s emv`k``a fav`at`g cv`r te`y`mrs, kut fj ycu pmfat capma`ds, te` sfhpd st wmy tctrmaspcrt te`h we`a te`pmfat fs stfdd w`t fs tc tml`twc be`mp jrmh`s te`smh` sfz` ms ycur pma`ds,smagwfbe te`h tco`te`rjrcat-tc-jrcat wfte sbr`ws,mag te`a mttmbe tura kut-tcas tc te` kmbls sc ycubma s`bur` ycur pma`ds fapdmb` k`tw``a te` jrmh`s.(Rch` jrmh`s mdr`mgy

    bch` wfte tura kuttcas.)Wefs bcatrfvmab` hml`s ma`mt pmblmo` temt bma

    bmrry twc w`t pma`ds `ms-fdy.Fj ycu pmfat ca str`tbe`gbmavms, gcukd`-`ag`gpusepfas wfdd gc te` trfbl

    Wefs qumagmry k`tw``a br`mtfao

    mrt mag `mrafao m dfvfao cjt`a ems

    mrtfsts g`j`agfao te`hs`dv`s

    momfast te` kfms`s cj cte`rs. Rfab`

    hcst br`mtfv` fagfvfgumds mr` fas`-

    bur` (ft s``hs tc oc mdcao wfte te`mrtfstfb t`hp`rmh`at) mag mrt fs m

    vcbmtfca jrch wefbe w` a`v`r

    ormgumt` (te`r` fs ac kmr `xmh tc

    pmss), ft fs `msy tc s`` wey sc hmay

    fagfvfgumds wec gcat pmfat s``

    te` prmbtfb` h`r`dy ms m pmstfh`,

    m eckky. _efd` te`r` fs actefao

    wrcao wfte te` pursuft cj pmfat-

    fao ms m pmstfh` (_fastca

    Beurbefdd gfg, mag `v`a p`aa`g m

    kccl ca te` sukn`bt), hcst mrtfsts

    uag`rstmag temt bcasfg`rmkd` g`g-

    fbmtfca mag emrg wcrl mr` r`-

    qufr`g tc hmst`r te` brmjt cj

    pmfatfao. Wefs pmssfcamt` pursuft

    tc strfv` tc k`tt`r ca`s mptftug` ms

    m pmfat`r mag udtfhmt`dy bchhu-afbmt` fat`at subb`ssjuddy, l``ps

    mrtfsts wcrlfao emrg tercuoecut

    te`fr dfv`s.

    Ca Dmkcr Gmy> Maaumddy, ca te`

    jfrst Hcagmy fa R`pt`hk`r, te`

    Paft`g Rtmt`s b`d`krmt`s Dmkcr

    Gmy, m ecdfgmy wefbe pmys trfkut`

    tc te` bcatrfkutfcas mag mbef`v`-

    h`ats cj te` Mh`rfbma wcrl`r.

    D`t us mdsc b`d`krmt` te` bcatrfku-

    tfcas cj wcrlfao mrtfsts. Rch`

    hmy hml` m dfv-fao jrch mrtfstfb

    `jjcrts< cte`rs

    ecp` tc sch`-

    gmy< mag hmay

    mr` emppy pmfat-

    fao ms m pmstfh` [`hfag ycurs`dj we`a ocfao cut tc pmfat act tc dccl jcr te` p`rj`bt sukn`bt. Mddcw ycurs`dj

    te` duxury cj nust k`fao wfte m dcbmtfca jcr m p`rfcg cj tfh`. Dccl k`ycag te` dft`rmd ckn`bts temt hml` up m

    sb`a` tc te` qumdfty cj te` dfoet cr mrrmao`h`at cj bcdcr mag t`xtur`. We`s` jcrh te` m`ste`tfb bcr` cj ma fa-

    t`r`stfao pf`b` cj mrtwcrl. M occg x`rbfs` fs tc pdcp ycurs`dj gcwa fa te` hfggd` cj m sb`a` temt gc`sat faftfmddy

    fat`r`st ycu. We`a mddcw mt d`mst ;9 hfaut`s tc sfhpdy cks`rv`. Vcu hmy k` mhmz`g mt te` faspfrmtfca ycu jfag.

    We` Ofjt cj Wfh`> Cab` ycu stmrt pmfatfao, wcrl wfte te` mttftug` temt ycu emv` mdd te` tfh` fa te` wcrdg, v`a

    tecuoe ycu lacw ycu gc act. O`ttfao fatc te` eurrf`g ruse tc jfafse bma k` g`trfh`atmd tc m subb`ssjud cutbch`.]uft` cjt`a, F r`hfag hys`dj temt ft fs k`tt`r tc emv` ma fabchpd`t` pmfatfao temt ems h`rft tema ca` temt fs jfa-

    fse`g kut jdmw`g.

    Faspfrmtfca & Br`mtfvfty

    Yr`s`sab` cj Mrt

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y29

    Bcv`r Ymo` & Kmbl

    pmo` Mrt


    Dfsm [`a`, PRM

    Hmromr`t [cbe`,PRM

    Rmagrm Rtrmft,


    N`ddm Z`r`dst,


    Bfagy K`ramrg,PRM

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.


    bmteM[Wsfs Y2=

  • 7/27/2019 CATHARTSIS An Art magazine by Akshita Monga. An experiment and experience.

