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Caterpillar- Health Care Bill Would Cost It $100M

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  • 8/9/2019 Caterpillar- Health Care Bill Would Cost It $100M


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    Caterpillar: He alth care b ill wo uld cost it $100MPublished on March 19, 2010 7:10 AM | Submit a comment

    A worker at Caterpillar's plant in Mossville, Ill. (Jos Mor/Chicago Tribune)

    Dow Jones Newswires | Caterpillar Inc. said the health-care overhaul legislation being considered by theU.S. House of Representatives would increase the company's health-care costs by more than $100 million inhe first year alone.

    n a letter Thursday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Republican Leader John Boehner ofOhio, Caterpillar urged lawmakers to vote against the plan "because of the substantial cost burdens it would

    place on our shareholders, employees and retirees."

    Caterpillar, the world's largest construction machinery manufacturer by sales, said it's particularly opposed toprovisions in the bill that would expand Medicare taxes and mandate insurance coverage. The legislationwould require nearly all companies to provide health insurance for their employees or face large fines.

    The Peoria-based company said these provisions would increase its insurance costs by at least 20 percent,r more than $100 million, just in the first year of the health-care overhaul program.

    We can ill-afford cost increases that place us at a disadvantage versus our global competitors," said theetter signed by Gregory Folley, vice president and chief human resources officer of Caterpillar. "We areisappointed that efforts at reform have not addressed the cost concerns we've raised throughout the year."

    Business executives have long complained that the options offered for covering 32 million uninsuredAmericans would result in higher insurance costs for those employers that already provide coverage.Opponents have stepped up their attacks in recent days as the House moves closer toward a vote on the

    Senate version of the health-care legislation.

    A letter Thursday to President Barack Obama and members of Congress signed by more than 130conomists predicted the legislation would discourage companies from hiring more workers and would causeeduced hours and wages for those already employed.

    Caterpillar noted that the company supports efforts to increase the quality and the value of health care forpatients as well as lower costs for employer-sponsored insurance coverage.

    Unfortunately, neither the current legislation in the House and Senate, nor the president's proposal, meetshese goals," the letter said.

    Previous articles on Caterpillar from the Chicago Breaking Business blog and the Tribune Archives.

    Click here to sign up for breaking news, business and sports alerts.

    Categories: Construction, Economy, Government, Health care, Politics Tags: Caterpillar, Health care bill, Peoria

    GoWestYoungMan | March 19, 2010 8:49 AM | Reply

    Wow, I'm shocked that Obama himself didn't comment on this article already, knowing how much he cares

    about jobs and businesses that actually create something (like earth movers).

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  • 8/9/2019 Caterpillar- Health Care Bill Would Cost It $100M


    Maybe Pelosi can chime in here and tell us how CAT can raise their prices by $50k per machine and not lose

    any sales to Kamatsu.

    Harry, you there?

    diots, every one of them.

    Planwell | March 19, 2010 9:16 AM | Reply

    Wow - how many jobs will they have to cut to swing that one?

    Hans | March 19, 2010 9:16 AM | Reply

    Buried in the business section while the fluff piece on the two arm twisters from Chicago gets prominent


    wonder how many employees have been rehired by Cat since the messiah's photo op. This health bill should

    make the decision much easier as to whether to site more manufacturing capacity in the US.

    Maybe the libs in all their brilliance can create some more free money and extend unemployment benefits in

    perpetuity. Idiots.

    BS |March 19, 2010 9:18 AM | Reply

    ts about time they start paying their own way rather than having the US taxpayer subsidize their profits. Who

    o you think will pay that $100 million if the company doesn't pay? We will.

    man | March 19, 2010 9:19 AM | Reply

    ronic, since Catepillar and Obama used to walk "hand n hand" during the stimulus... LOL

    BS |March 19, 2010 9:19 AM | Reply

    ts about time they start paying their own way rather than having the US taxpayer subsidize their profits. Who

    o you think will pay that $100 million if the company doesn't pay? We will.

    RBH | March 19, 2010 9:20 AM | Reply

    The medium and large sized companies will definitely see huge hits on their bottom line. My husband's

    ompany (temporary staffing agency) will most likely have to shut its doors due to the insurance mandate. I'm

    ot sure how the Dems are able to project that this legislation is going to create jobs and save companies $$.

    The only jobs that I can see being created are in the Federal Gov't--IRS.

    man | March 19, 2010 9:21 AM | Reply

    @ BS - better hope it doesn't send you packing too?

    ank johnson | March 19, 2010 9:23 AM | Reply

    You wanna reduce hours and not hire? Fine, than the invisible hand will lead employees to look for better

    places to work and job seekers will not want to work for you. It's not all about keeping investors happy. You

    also need to keep employees happy or the ones you have will seek jobs w/ your competition and prospective

    mployees will be turned off by what you have to offer, or in this case what you can't offer. Don't fall for this

    orporate trickery. If nothing is passed, premiums will continue to rise and employers will continue to reduce

    benefits and increase premiums. And the next thing you know every corporation will look like Wal-Mart where

    a large number of employees are paid so little and the bare bones benefits are so pathetic that it leads to

    mployees getting coverage thru Medicaid and other state health insurance programs.

    andy | March 19, 2010 9:24 AM | ReplyYou assume the politicians in washington really care about the extra costs to catepillar; they don't give a rats

    ear-end about that. They want to force everybody out of employer paid health insurance plans and onto the

    ninsured roles to pave way for a complete government takeover; the public option.

    MattinIOWA | March 19, 2010 9:24 AM | Reply

    Hmm, I bet Catterpiller can find 100 million in its CEO's office and golden parachute.

    ero is not a hero | March 19, 2010 9:24 AM | Reply

    Caterpillar noted that the company supports efforts to increase the quality and the value of health care for

    patients as well as lower costs for employer-sponsored insurance coverage.

    As if this were all about reducing the price or increasing the quality of care. It's about providing handouts to get

    people hooked and Vote "D"...

    Could we please fast-forward to November already - hopefully most of this damage can be undone...

    Kent replied to comment from BS | March 19, 2010 9:24 AM | Reply

    ypical ignorant liberal. Cat will just lay off more and move production offshore. I used to work for cat and they

    ave a lot of plants in the US and elsewhere. Cat is a very large company and indirectly employ even

    housands more like the auto industry.

    When will moronic leftwing moonbats realize big companies dont pay taxes. They pass the cost along, close

    http://[email protected]/
  • 8/9/2019 Caterpillar- Health Care Bill Would Cost It $100M


    r move.

    Frickin socialist, progresive, communists just dont get it that sooner or later they run out of other peoples

    money to spend.

    Agreed | March 19, 2010 9:25 AM | Reply

    Yup. Which means less jobs, which means less money for people to invest, etc. Oh wait, we are there right


    Mark Garnett | March 19, 2010 9:25 AM | Reply

    This Sunday the far left radicals, the Marxis, the Statists, the Communists on team Obama will, in all

    kelyhood, pass a Health Care bill that will FOREVER change America! America turns back the clock, turns

    rom a BEACON of FREEDOMS into a 3rd World Dictatorship... Yes, from just this one bill...

    Why do you think they Comrade Pelosi and Chairman Obama are lying, breaking the Oath of Office to

    Protect and Defend" the Constitution... Because it gives them ULTIMATE POWER over your very LIFE! They

    an tell YOU how much you as a person anre "woth" in health care spending, they can tell you that YOUR

    festyle choices COST TOO MUCH and must be "changed" for the "good of all" and to "control costs"...

    They will CONTROL all YOUR once personal and private decisions reguarding they type and amount of

    HEALTH CARE, life and death, decisions that YOU use to make for yourself and your family! You, the

    PEOPLE, the CITIZEN, will no longer be ALLOWED to make ANY decisions on what you buy, who your

    Doctor is, how much it costs... You are NOW a servant to Obama and the radical left!

    You MUST, or pay and fine and go to JAIL, buy a Obama approved health care policy! YOU MUST or the8,000 NEW I.R.S. folks that this bill also hires WILL TRACK YOU DOWN AND FINE YOU AND PUT YOU IN

    AIL for NON-COMPLIANCE to Obama... Can anyone here say Castro, Cuba, Russia???

    Please someone show me, please you libs here in Kumpania, (and you and I know who you are), show me in

    The Constitution where it says that the Federal Govmt. can FORCE and MANDATE that a private citizen

    MUST purchase ANY PRODUCT or SERVICE or face FINE AND JAIL! Where is it???

    You can't show it because IT IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION, actualy just the OPPOSITE is in the

    Constitution... "CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAWS..." (look up the exact wording)

    Most of you far left radicals do NOT care what is in the Constitution because it is written to PREVENT the

    massive intruision of the FEDS and Obama into our daily lives... You want a NANNY STATE, WOMB TO

    TOMB care...

    Let me ask 3 questions and see if we can get ANYONE with the corage of their convictions to reply...

    Most radical libs are cowards and will not stand on ANY principals, but let's see...

    ) Would you buy a car that you have NOT SEEN... Pay for it for 4 years BEFORE you can drive it???

    *** No one, not even Obama knows what is in the current fraud of a bill, you will start paying new "fees" and

    TAXES, no matter what your income lvl is right away, but the "benifits do not even start for 6 to 8 YEARS!!!

    So would you?

    ) Are you OK and agree to let Obama and the far left in Congress RATION CARE and CUT Medicare and

    DICTATE YOUR CHOICES in reguards to YOUR health care and lifestyle???

    ** There are "Panels" (have been called "Death Panels") of so called health care experts, and YES IT SAYS

    THIS EXACTLY IN THE BILL, that will DECIDE how much you as a person are WORTH SPENDING ON...

    They, this unelected board, WILL tell Doctors what treatments and medicines YOU can get based on AGE,



    FACT !!! And now those same things are comming to YOU and our once great Country!

    Already, in many States and Cities we see the TIP OF THE ICEBERG as to what this can and WILL mean...

    Cities charging TAXES and FEES on salt intake, calories intake... Telling folks what they CAN and CAN NOT

    EAT... Or rights ARE under assualt... THEY WANT TO CONTROL EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES... In

    aliforian for example, they are now MANDATING what COLORS of cars can be sold... NO MORE BLACK

    CARS, they are bad for Global Warming... In NJ and NY they are TAXING sodas and telling PRIVATE

    esturants that they can no longer serve SALT in the foods... Have you ever tasted many foods WITHOUT

    alt??? They SUCK !!! So are you ready for this type of control???

    But WAIT, theres more...

    ) Why Dems, are you willing and ready to have HUGE WAITS to see ANY Doctor, go on WAITING LISTS for

    proceedusres, have YOUR choices removed and be at the MERCY of a nameless, faceless Govmt agency?

  • 8/9/2019 Caterpillar- Health Care Bill Would Cost It $100M


    Dive and Ihealu will tell ANYONE who asks about socilized, Govmt run health care... THEY HAVE IT IN


    BURDENS, POOR CARE QUALITY... Lack of new drugs, lack of new inovation... POOR OVERAL CARE!

    This is NOT about affordable health care, it's about a HUGE NEW GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER,


    ** Why, oh why, do we want what have been PROVEN to be a DISASTER in EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY

    hat has gone this route to happen to THE BEST health care in the world??? In Canada and France and

    England and from ALL OVER rich and affulent people FLOCK to AMERICA for threatments, why ?, because

    we have THE BEST Doctors, Hospitals, Medicines... THIS IS ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE and NOT for the

    better... RATIONING has and IS accuring right now in Germany, France, Spain, Canada, Cuba all over the

    world... WE CAN NOT AFFORD THIS MASSIVE GOVMT TAKE OVER OF 1/6 or 20% of our economy...

    OH, 1 more question Leftists...

    4) What gives you the "right" to tell me what I can and can not do, what I must and must not purchase, what I

    MUST spend my money on... Oh, and PLEASE, PLEASE use the lie that this Communist regiem is using

    about "that people must now buy care insurance. it's the same thing". NOPE, a lie... IF I do NOT own or dive

    a car, I ride a bike or take mass transit, I DO NOT HAVE TO BUY ANY INSURANCE!!! This bill says I MUST,

    at the point of a gun, jail and fines, I MUST comply with Obama and purchase a " Obama approved" plan... I

    ave NO rights, NO choice...



    What's next America????

    God save us all from our horribly dangerous "leaders"...

    Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the left HATE America as it is and as it has been... THEY HATE

    AMERICA'S CONSTITUTION, they are now showing it for all to see by VIOLATING it... They are, and you that

    upport this massive freedom buster of a bill, TRAITORS to our founding, TRAITORS to persona liberty and

    TRAITIORS to freedom of choice...

    doubt that ANY of you have the stones to reply, but who knows, maybe you have the convictions of your

    Marxist leaders to stand up and say, YES, I WANT TO BE A SLAVE TO BIG GOVERNMENT... YES, I






    WILL NOT PAY MY TAXES THIS YEAR ( go snitch to the secret police, like Russian neighbors did to each



    MILLIONS of real AMERICANS just like me, will refuse to BREAK THE CONSTITUTION, we will NOT become

    laves without a fight, a fight like has only been seen ONCE before in America, how will Obama put MILLIONS

    N JAIL to enforce his will on the masses...

    70% WANT HIS BILL KILLED in ALL the latest polls, they want some reforms, BUT NOT THIS BILL!!!

    KILL THE BILL !!!!!!!!!!

    Our so called "Leaders" our so called "Representatives" have been BOUGHT, BRIBED and PAID OFF...




    say, my friends, it's time to FIGHT !!!!!!!!

    We are about to let the VERY SAME folks that have RUINED SOCIAL SECURITY, BANKRUPTED


  • 8/9/2019 Caterpillar- Health Care Bill Would Cost It $100M



    WTF ARE WE DOING AMERICA ???? Let's let the MOST CORRUPT PEOPLE tell US ALL what to do, when

    o do it and what to pay for it...

    You gotta be kidding me...

    on eubanks | March 19, 2010 9:26 AM | Reply

    add the federal health increase to the poison illinois workman's comp. Illinois taxes, corrupt politics. sky high

    property taxes , union demands, and you soon See caterpillar [made in china] on you new earth mover, while

    he cat workers at Peoria start looking for a job at Walmart

    teve jackson | March 19, 2010 9:27 AM | Reply

    The calls against Bush for shipping our jobs overseas will pale in comparison to the tnes of millions of jobs

    hat will leave this country in mass exodus after this bill passes.

    Companies that do stay will lay people off right and left and salaries will decrease.

    Obama honestly believes if they dont pass this they lose at the polls but if they do they win? He is either truly

    tupid or is playing russian roulette with the democrat congress and they are playing along like good


    This is the kind of bill that has the potential to put the democrats in the minority for 50 years

    Karla | March 19, 2010 9:27 AM | Reply

    used to work for CAT, the dealership I worked for is barely hanging on, they are really slow and struggling.

    CAT pays their people really well. It's a great company to work for. I think this health bill might push them out

    f the country. I frankly don't know why they have not moved yet.

    teve jackson | March 19, 2010 9:28 AM | Reply

    The calls against Bush for shipping our jobs overseas will pale in comparison to the tnes of millions of jobs

    hat will leave this country in mass exodus after this bill passes.

    Companies that do stay will lay people off right and left and salaries will decrease.

    Obama honestly believes if they dont pass this they lose at the polls but if they do they win? He is either truly

    tupid or is playing russian roulette with the democrat congress and they are playing along like good


    This is the kind of bill that has the potential to put the democrats in the minority for 50 years

    VivianC | March 19, 2010 9:29 AM | Reply

    Obviously Illinois doesn't need jobs, we need health care. It will be a big hit to the state to see Cat move its

    actories off shore. Of course, we may not notice because a lot of other jobs will be leaving at the same time.

    CAT Shareholder | March 19, 2010 9:29 AM | Reply

    m a CAT shareholder and would easily agree to contribute my 16 cents to help this POOR corporation try to

    urvive. CAT currently has over 624,000,000 shares outstanding. If you divide $100 million by 624 million, this

    esults in a cost per share of 16 cents. In other words, this isn't even worth discussing.

    Hardy | March 19, 2010 9:30 AM | Reply

    propose legislation that will prosecute any congressman or congress woman who directly or indirectly

    benefits from the health care bill even after they get voted out of office.

    Second I propose legislation for every one voting for the health care bill that would make them directly

    esponsible for the rest of their life after they get out of office. If the health care bill destroys our country's way

    f life and bankrupts our financial system then we should be able to prosecute them for financial terrorism and


    f our congressmen and women believe in this bill so much then they would be willing to put some skin in the

    ame like their own futures and fortune. Would they be willing to risk future prosecution for destroying our


    onservativelookin4aHome | March 19, 2010 9:30 AM | Reply

    This idea of cost, what it costs for health care. Really? Iraq, Medicare, foreign aide to Egypt, Israel, German,

    apan, Afghanistan, rebuild schools, roads, hospitals, security, foreign armies; we pay for the health care of

    accused & convicted murders,rapist, crazies, troops. Why not implement something that will bring the overall

    osts down? I mean this article I read was from a republican and he supported health care and gave good



    ero is not a hero | March 19, 2010 9:31 AM | Reply

    s Karl Rove behind all of this?
  • 8/9/2019 Caterpillar- Health Care Bill Would Cost It $100M


    oereg replied to comment from BS | March 19, 2010 9:31 AM | Reply

    No one is paying the $100 million yet, that increase in cost is created by this bill. It is a new entitlement, the

    osts of this bill are new, the taxes are new.

    hrish | March 19, 2010 9:31 AM | Reply

    Has anyone bothered to ask Romney how to solve the healthcare crisis? He solved it in Massachusetts.

    Alex in DE replied to comment from MattinIOWA | March 19, 2010 9:31 AM | Reply

    You have to be kidding me...So in a world where people are out of jobs; you think by taking more money from

    he major companies that EMPLOY people should be just raked over the coals and sucked dry of any money

    hey have left? Good luck with Communism...because that's where this eventually heads.

    Bill | March 19, 2010 9:31 AM | Reply

    Again, this is the goal of the left. To destroy capitalism and private sector jobs. Earthmoving bad. The

    nvironmental wackos and tree huggers are all happy over this.

    Libs want ALL private jobs to fail. This is their next step into the socialist empire they want.

    Slaughter rule for Healthcare

    Slaughter rule for Tax n Cap

    Slaughter rule for illegal immigration reform.

    No need to vote any more. Obama's so smart we don't need any chacks-n-balances anymore. Soon, voting

    will be banned.

    BigKev replied to comment from tank johnson | March 19, 2010 9:32 AM | ReplyWell your useless libtard talking point is an example of someone who has no business sense. If it is going to

    ost $100m to fund mandated health coverage where does the company go to find that money? Payroll

    because it is the biggest expense for a firm. That means no new hires, no pay raises (possibly), and more

    kely are layoffs. Most profits a comapny like CAT makes go to reinvesting in the company, stock holders,

    and such. If the mandate eats into that proft margin then sooner or later the comapny will have to reduce its

    ize or go under. I hope you work for a company like this and enjoy your pink slip if this bill passes.

    Bobby dee | March 19, 2010 9:32 AM | Reply

    email the President everyday. Phil Hare will not even return a form letter. Health care bill will doom us.

    ohn | March 19, 2010 9:33 AM | Reply

    Huh, I thought Catepillar was a big Obama fan. I remember them coming out in support of the "stimulus" planbecause it was going to create so many jobs.

    Oh well, I guess they'll be moving operations over to China soon.

    is BS replied to comment from BS | March 19, 2010 9:33 AM | Reply

    Yes, you're right. The Obamacare is BS. And you're right, Cat will pass the cost to the consumers. And the

    onsumers will look for better prices, likely outside of the U.S. As a consequence, CAT will no longer be able

    o hold onto their employees and guess what, more layoffs!

    David, Small Town,Texas | March 19, 2010 9:33 AM | Reply

    To: BS

    Its about time they start paying their own way rather than having the US taxpayer subsidize their profits. "

    ust be glad its not your job they will have to cut to pay for this criminal bill, they are a for profit company at

    east until the democrats have something to say about it.

    omastein | March 19, 2010 9:34 AM | Reply

    You obviously do not understand basic economics. Either you want others to care for your needs or you've

    been schooled in one of our country's state universities.

    ero is not a hero | March 19, 2010 9:34 AM | Reply

    Has anyone bothered to ask Romney how to solve the healthcare crisis? He solved it in Massachusetts.

    Here's a guy close to the situation up North - things don't look good for the US of A...

    State Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill, an independent candidate for governor making a play for fiscally

    onservative voters, said yesterday that the state s universal health care law is bankrupting Massachusettsand will do the same nationally if Congress passes a similar plan."

    Matt replied to comment from BS | March 19, 2010 9:35 AM | Reply

    A terribly ignorant and uneducated comment. Guess who Caterpillar's shareholders are? American tax payers.

    Your anticipated response: Only rich American tax payers are shareholders.

    My dose of reality: Wrong. Everyday American tax payers are shareholders directly, and indirectly (through

    mutual funds, IRA's, and pension funds). THEY will pay for this $100 million. It would be equally ignorant to

  • 8/9/2019 Caterpillar- Health Care Bill Would Cost It $100M


    pretend Caterpillar is the only major corporation that will suffer.

    Your animosity for XXX (I won't pretend to know what it is) clouds your vision of reality.

    Mike | March 19, 2010 9:35 AM | Reply

    ve given up on convincing federal legislatures since they don't listen. Focusing on getting state gov't to enact

    ullification like Virginia, Missouri, and Idaho. See

    by Derek Sheriff

    oshua Lyons wrote about the health care debate last November:

    t is imperative that we take our eyes off the specifics of the proposed healthcare legislation (i.e. death

    panels, etc.) and focus on the authority granted [or not granted] to our federal representatives by the people.


    Unless we unify around properly granted authority..well continue a losing back-and-forth game of arguing the

    ssues where the ball keeps getting pushed down the field a few more inches toward the Nanny State end


    He was right when he wrote those words last year and the fact of the matter is that the situation remains

    nchanged today.

    No Authority

    Obama may have embraced a few Republican ideas as part of his new plan, but that doesnt amend the

    Constitution. The fact that the president wrote that he would continue to draw on the best ideas from both

    parties, and that he is open to these proposals doesnt mean that he is open to the proposal that Congress

    as no authority under Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution to event enact most of what will be contained in

    is final plan. His reaction to such a proposal would probably be similar to Nancy Pelosis reaction when she

    was confronted with it. With undisguised hubris, she asked the reporter, Are you serious?.

    When one looks at the larger picture, the details of Obamas new health care package, or whether or not it is

    passed with bipartisan support, matters little. What is far more important, now and in the future, is that people

    uestion the constitutionality of every bill proposed by Congress.

    Sadly, many opponents of big government cant see the forest (the larger constitutional objection), for all the

    rees, (death panels, debt, job losses, higher taxes etc.) How many Republicans who participated in Obamas

    ecent bi-partisan dog and pony show actually objected to the new plan on constitutional grounds? This needs

    o change right now. The details of the so called package should be ignored or at least take a back seat. We

    hould instead focus on the question of constitutional authority and limit the scope of this debate immediately.

    Much more is at stake here than health care freedom, after all.

    Our opponents would like nothing more than to distract us from the issue of constitutionality. But by refusing

    o be redirected, we can retain the high ground and dictate the terms of battle, as it were. This will also help toducate and prepare those who believe in limited government to resist not only this act of federal usurpation,

    but all such acts.

    Weak Arguments

    ts essential, both in the long run and the short run, that we educate people about just what the U.S.

    Constitution does and does not authorize our federal government to do. Its not very difficult to show anyone,

    who still has any regard at all for the Constitution, just how flimsy the arguments made by federal

    onsolidationists like Nancy Pelosi are.

    Arguments that consolidationists employ usually involve an extreme metamorphosis of the General Welfare

    Clause, or it is claimed that since Congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce and,

    .every aspect of the heath care system has an effect on interstate commerce, the power of Congress to

    egulate health care is essentially unlimited.

    Go back and read that statement again. Nancy Pelosi claims UNLIMITED power to regulate your health care!

    Someone should point out to her that a government without limits is a tyranny! Affirmation number six of the

    Tenth Amendment Centers 10-4 Pledge points out what constitutional scholars like Rob Natelson and Kevin

    Gutzman have been saying for years:

    The Interstate Commerce Clause in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, does not permit Congress to

    egulate matters that merely affect commerce among the States. It only permits Congress to regulate trade

    among the States.

    Unless we emphasize and stick to the point that Congress has only those specific, limited powers

    numerated in Article 1 Section 8, we are really just debating over who should be in control of what amounts

    o an unlimited, unrestrained, unaccountable central government. It doesnt matter which party controls such a

    eviathan because it will eventually end up controlling and regulating every aspect of our lives.

    But doesnt Congress have implied powers that can be inferred from the nessecarry and proper clause? Yes,f course, but this clause only empowers Congress to use the minimum amount of power nessecarry to carry

    ut those powers that are already enumerated in Article 1 Section 8. Affirmation number five of the Tenth

    Amendment Centers 10-4 Pledge explains it very succictly:

    n order for a federally-exercised power to be necessary and proper it must be

    a) something that, without which, would make the enumerated power impossible to exercise, and

    b) a lesser power than that which has been enumerated

    Novel interpretations of the commerce clause favored by federal consolidationists can never be reconciled

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    with its original meaning as understood by the Constitutions framers and ratifiers. Any layperson who has

    pent just a little time studying the ratification debates between the federalists and anti-federalists, can see

    ght through the arguments of todays would be nationalists and will realize just how dubious their claims of

    nlimited power to regulate really are.

    ts only been through the dumbing down of several generations and the repeated use of partisan divide and

    onquer tactics that the consolidationists in Washington, D.C. have even been able to perpetrate their

    commerce clause fraud for so long.

    Unfortunately for them, however, the people of the several states and a majority of their legislators in many

    tates, are now more alert and better informed about the 10th Amendment than they have ever been in recent


    A good place to start learning exactly why the proposed national health care reform is unconstitutional,

    would be this article written by a leading constitutional scholar, Rob Natelson, Professor of Law at The

    University of Montana: Pelosis Misleading Statement on the Constitutionality of Government Health Care

    Dont be distracted or become bogged down in this debate. Emphasize the Constitution above all else and


    Derek J. Sheriff [send him email] is the state chapter coordinator for the Arizona Tenth Amendment Center.

    His blog and podcast Principles of 98 can be found at www.PrinciplesOfNinetyEight.Com

    Copyright 2010 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted,

    provided full credit is given

    ero is not a hero | March 19, 2010 9:36 AM | Reply

    State Treasurer Timothy P. Cahil"

    But what does he know - he's only the treasurer - probably did not go to Harvard and is not a very smooth


    He's not the "One"...

    B replied to comment from BS | March 19, 2010 9:36 AM | Reply

    You idiot - why don't you move to Europe - you would fit in better.

    Adam Strong | March 19, 2010 9:36 AM | Reply

    Also bet Catapillar can easily find those 100 million and much more shipping all their jobs to china. it is not

    ust this 100 million it is all the taxes and regulaiton. sorry to the workers but most companies will just ship

    hese jobs over sees. creating even more people without jobs and more people without insurance.

    RTR | March 19, 2010 9:38 AM | Reply

    The bill is a total disaster for the U.S. Companies will hire less and move jobs overseas. It is common sense.

    t is shocking that the politicians in Washington do not see the damage that this bill will do to our country.

    Harry | March 19, 2010 9:38 AM | Reply

    What do you expect from a community leader, he has narrow mind view of the business operations and costs.

    He thinks the money grow on trees then printing to bribe the Senators and Reps is a noble thing to do,

    R replied to comment from tank johnson | March 19, 2010 9:39 AM | Reply

    f this bill gets passed... there will still be major cost increases in healthcare every year. The bill does not

    address cost increases, only insuring a large portion of the uninsured.

    lex | March 19, 2010 9:39 AM | Reply

    Catapillar must not insure a ton of jobs if they have to pay out that much.

    Sounds like an awful company. A very immoral one to boot. That or they're cooking the numbers to make their

    aulty case.

    Christus Reglen | March 19, 2010 9:40 AM | Reply

    Hey Chicago, looks like your boy Obama just can't cut it in the high office. BTW, how's that hopey changey

    tuff going for you there?

    berals suck replied to comment from tank johnson | March 19, 2010 9:40 AM | Reply

    Turbin already said premiums would not go down. Isn't he yours?

    ruce987 | March 19, 2010 9:40 AM | Reply

    The Socialist in power thinks corporate America is the enemy and wants to hurt them to benefit the lazy, the

    rug addicts, revolutionaries, illegals, etc. and poor.

    We can't compete so we will close up shop, watch stupid Hollywood movies knocking us or buy crap we don't

    eed from Wal Mart.

    Obama has nationalized some industries and will not stop.

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    And to my Jewish relatives in America and Israel. Think Obama and Clinton are still your friend??? (And yes, I

    mean blood relatives being Jewish myself)

    What our enemy couldn't do, Obama and the dems did, destroy America.

    lex | March 19, 2010 9:40 AM | Reply

    Catapillar must not insure a ton of jobs if they have to pay out that much.

    Sounds like an awful company. A very immoral one to boot. That or they're cooking the numbers to make their

    aulty case.

    Kyle | March 19, 2010 9:40 AM | Reply

    Liberals-your familys, your kids lives are being destroyed by this man-and it's on purpose. Wake up-America

    s headed towards's economic collapse-this is Obama's goal-to bring down the country and remake it. He saido.America is bankrupt-passing this health care plan is the final nail.

    t will be chaos when America defaults on it's debt in a few years. Buy Land and gold

    StopNonsense | March 19, 2010 9:42 AM | Reply


    ruce987 | March 19, 2010 9:42 AM | Reply

    The Socialist in power thinks corporate America is the enemy and wants to hurt them to benefit the lazy, the

    rug addicts, revolutionaries, illegals, etc. and poor.

    We can't compete so we will close up shop, watch stupid Hollywood movies knocking us or buy crap we don't

    eed from Wal Mart.

    Obama has nationalized some industries and will not stop.

    And to my Jewish relatives in America and Israel. Think Obama and Clinton are still your friend??? (And yes, I

    mean blood relatives being Jewish myself)

    What our enemy couldn't do, Obama and the dems did, destroy America.

    markevin13 replied to comment from Mark Garnett | March 19, 2010 9:42 AM | Reply

    Wow! You are one paranoid, ill-informed nut job.

    hope you're not a gun owner because you seem like a very dangerous, unstable person.

    ero is not a hero | March 19, 2010 9:42 AM | Reply

    TO CAT Shareholder | March 19, 2010 9:29 AM | Reply

    m a CAT shareholder and would easily agree to contribute my 16 cents to help this POOR corporation try to

    urvive. CAT currently has over 624,000,000 shares outstanding. If you divide $100 million by 624 million, this

    esults in a cost per share of 16 cents. In other words, this isn't even worth discussing.

    Yeh - TTM earning of 1.43 per share - 16 cents is 11.2% of their earnings - how will they cover this additional


    f this is going to cost them 11.2 or their earning, just think of how this will crush smaller business...

    Better off just selling your shares before they go to zero under zero...

    ystime | March 19, 2010 9:44 AM | Reply

    There is a middle road to reform. Why is no one approaching it this way -

    Regulate the ins companies with respect to profitability and rate increase limitation.

    Allow competition by insurance companies across state lines.

    Implement tort reform.

    Remove the anti-trust protection the ins companies enjoy.

    Fix the fraud and waste issues in Medicare/Medicaid

    These five actions alone would help to curtail rate increases, allow more people to have access to insurance

    albeit maybe not all 30M of them), and be employer friendly all without creating ANOTHER government

    ntitlement program.

    Another remark - I have not heard any of the talking heads ask anyone in Congress why Congress thinks they

    an run a new entitlement when they can't run the existing ones - SS and MED..



    BS replied to comment from Kent | March 19, 2010 9:45 AM | Reply

    That's right they pass the cost along. They have been passing it to the taxpayers for too long. I'd rather see

    hem pass the costs to their customers.
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    BoBama | March 19, 2010 9:45 AM | Reply

    You union folks voted for this so called president, now sit back enjoy what is about to happen. Maybe you will

    till have a job after it gets passed.

    Mr. Kelly | March 19, 2010 9:45 AM | Reply

    Hmmm... $100M divided by say $50K a year they could pay an employee.

    000 jobs worth.

    obs, Jobs,

    We don't need no stinking jobs,

    Please democrats. Pass this bill. It will be the end of the democrat party for decades. I just hope it can get

    epealed before the worst of the damage hits.

    esn replied to comment from tank johnson | March 19, 2010 9:46 AM | Reply

    ou are an idiot for thinking that. I hope u lose your job. The reason u want this to pass is because u want

    ealth insurance because you probably dont have a job.

    Harry | March 19, 2010 9:47 AM | Reply

    Wasn't America once called "The Land of the Free"? ROFLMAO.

    Not only is this bill going to be expensive but there will be hidden laws that will strip us of our dignity and

    reedom. Government in it's miniscule wisdom and infinite arrogance will force you to better health or they'll

    ne and/or put you in jail. America is bankrupt financially and morally. How do we take America back from

    politicians? We are already over legislated and overtaxed thanks to laziness and ineptitude. Instead of

    versight new laws are created to further stifle and penalize. Instead of fiscal responsibility more taxes are

    added. The spit has hit the fan but the Democrats want to turn the knob to full speed.

    Healthcare needs major reform but the issues needed to reduce costs aren't even being addressed.

    evolution | March 19, 2010 9:48 AM | Reply


    Ron | March 19, 2010 9:49 AM | Reply

    The best politicians aren't always in Washington:

    Caterpillar noted that the company supports efforts to increase the quality and the value of health care for

    patients as well as lower costs for employer-sponsored insurance coverage."

    Hellooooooo. What that really says is:

    Caterpillar noted that the company supports efforts to increase the quality and the value of health care for

    patients as well as lower costs for employer-sponsored insurance coverage as long as someone pays for it.

    itizen | March 19, 2010 9:49 AM | Reply

    We told you...this is what Obama really wants -


    arry reid | March 19, 2010 9:49 AM | Reply

    wish pelosi would find a lump

    ck | March 19, 2010 9:49 AM | Reply

    Assuming Cat is responsible to make health insurance available to its employees, what is Cat's responsibility

    o subsidize health insurance for its non-employees? I think that is where some/most/all of the $100MM in

    uestion will go.

    American Idiot | March 19, 2010 9:49 AM | Reply

    You Americans that want socialized medicine, give your head a shake!!!! I live with Canadian medicine and it

    ruly sucks! There are new hospitals with no staff. There is a doctor shortage. MRI waits are in the years.

    Operating rooms are closed due to shortage of funds to keep them open. A simple allergy test for my

    aughter is an 8 month wait! No doctors take new patients as they are already overloaded. OBGYN's that will

    ee new patients are few and far between... Even our government leaders run to the US to get speedy and

    ood health care!!!

    But... its free. BTW, I just recieved my bonus check - a full 38% was confiscated due to taxes! The province I

    ve in uses over half of its budget to pay for health care, and it still sucks! Why any of you want our style of

    ationed health care is beyond me. And yes, for those of you wondering, I have lived in the US and Japan, and

    n each case the health care speed and quality was far superior to ANYTHING I have ever recieved in Canada.

    So go ahead, go broke trying to model your health care after ours! We can't even get it right with 38 million

    people, it will be interesting to see how the government of the US will get it right with almost 400 million to

    ook after.

    hope you like paying taxes! I hope you like NOT seeing a doctor even more, cause that is what will happen!

    Natebo | March 19, 2010 9:50 AM | Reply

    Nice work, Mark Garnett.. Speak the truth!!
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    oe Standish | March 19, 2010 9:50 AM | Reply

    Well, the sad thing is that most of the claims here by both sides dont stand up to unbiased truth. If you have a

    brain and can shut off vitrol, and blind belief go to the unbiased fact check sites.

    The bill isnt as bad as some idiots would have you believe, and isnt as good as others would have you believe.

    There is no free lunch, The bill will cut out some inefficiencies, and have savings for some, and costs for

    thers. All in all not the end of the world, or shniy rainbow land.

    Grow up people. Get your facts straight before opening your mouths.

    lex | March 19, 2010 9:52 AM | Reply

    Kyle, stop being such a prima-donna. Canada has single payer and their kid's lives are better for it. It's not like

    n the U.S. where 30% of kids aren't covered.

    To be honest with you, I see Canada as an insanely successful country. It's not bankrupt, their education

    ystem is better then ours and their businesses are chugging along. They also enjoy a lower unemployment

    ate despite what some of your far-right people say about the effects of health-care overhaul.

    Passing health-care in this country isn't going to make us poorer or worse off. A country like china has just

    ecently vowed to provide coverage to all 1.3 billion people. Yet this nation, with all it's morally superior acting

    GOP naysayers continues to insist healthcare is bad for us. That it's "socialist" as if socialism was inherently

    vil. As if people don't understand that the U.S. military is a socialist program, built on socialist concepts and


    Seriously, get a grip. The sun will still rise in the East and set in the West. Our corporations will continue to

    o wonderfully and our nation's people will be healthier and better for having expanded coverage.

    DUGinFLA | March 19, 2010 9:52 AM | Reply

    Caterpillar, thanks for the heads up and everything, but probably could have used your help and this

    nformation before TODAY!

    NJ Voter | March 19, 2010 9:52 AM | Reply

    When corporate America and small businesses everywhere are socked with these costs of compliance with

    his legislation they will have to make tough choices. Choices like layoffs or passing on costs to employees in

    erms of paycuts or larger shares of cost for insurance (lower employer payments). When this happens every

    otification and communication to employees needs to specifically state that the company deeply regrets

    hese actions but they are necessary directly due to the health reform legislation.

    They need to pin the real costs in the memory of the voters, and those who will be adversely affected by this

    plan - which is most of us. Make it indelible. "sorry you are loosing your job because of our requiredompliance with the democratic health care reform..." "sorry your costs are going up 20% because congress

    etermined a family of four should pay $13,000"

    Unfortunately the much of their ranks believes the repeated mantra...if you like your healthcare you can keep

    - they fail to mention ALL plans (yes, even exiting ones) will have to comply with all mandates and that

    mployers will be subject to audit. Woops...big ommission there....

    StopNonsense | March 19, 2010 9:52 AM | Reply

    Why was the bill addressed to Pelosi? You might as well send it directly to the dead-letter office. She would

    hrow her own mother under the bus to get this bill signed.

    ADDRESS the 14 or 15 Congressional members who are supposedly wavering! They are the ones

    who can vote against this job-robbing bill.

    ustin | March 19, 2010 9:52 AM | Reply

    f this is true, this bill will be catastrophic for business...and hence our jobs. I just don't understand the

    Democrats' obsession with socialized health care when the economy is suffering and the recession is at a

    ecord high.

    Harold Reid | March 19, 2010 9:53 AM | Reply

    This country was founded on the belief that if you work harder and smarter, you and your family will enjoy the




    HoustonGal replied to comment from Mark Garnett | March 19, 2010 9:55 AM | Reply

    Amen, Brother.

    Socialized medicine is the death knell for both America's free enterprise system and the individual American's

    Life. I have personally experienced Socialized Medicine at work in the UK. It ruined my arm and killed several

    lose friends and relatives do to lack of treatment and delays. It killed the company for which I worked.

    Many of us escaped from the socialist country of the UK. Now where are we to go?

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    MotherRedDog | March 19, 2010 9:55 AM | Reply

    Did CAT think about that when he was holding hands with the "One"?

    This is disgusting.

    Boccieri (d OH) now telling people that he is going to vote YES. Illegal, disgusting, immoral.

    He is going to save one life at the risk of injuring 299,999,999.

    Patti O'Riley | March 19, 2010 9:56 AM | Reply

    Leftist have zero business sense and almost no connection to the productive private economy. In their world of

    ying unicorns, businesses are making huge profits and refusing to 'share' with their lowly workers. In the real

    world, companies like Caterpillar operate on minimal profits and many times make no profit for an entire year.

    Only 'Profit' pays wages. Only 'profit' pays taxes. No 'profit' means no business means no employment.

    $100,000,000 in extra cost means Caterpillar must generate $100,000,000 in extra 'profit', which meansCaterpillar must generate $2-4,000,000,000 in 'new' sales. Obama and libs' goal must be to crash the

    conomy for there is no other explanation for their actions.

    Walter | March 19, 2010 9:57 AM | Reply

    oe Standish, inefficiencies and savings will simply be transferred from the private sector to the government

    ector. You're one hundred percent correct. But, see, there's the problem. One can decide whether or not to

    eal with the inefficiencies of the private market. One cannot BY LAW decide NOT to deal with the

    overnment without going to jail. There's the difference and there, sir, is the rub.

    NoneoftheAbove08 | March 19, 2010 9:57 AM | Reply

    Perhaps US citizens should start talking about a "slaughter" solution for US politics...!

    A Caterpillar Dozer march on the white house would be a good start!

    The commie-filth inside our government better take note that the peasants are shaprening their pitchforks!

    arge companies are funny | March 19, 2010 9:58 AM | Reply

    t's funny how there is no bill, and CAT is already complaining that it would cost $100 million...scared much?

    Maximus | March 19, 2010 10:01 AM | Reply

    ronic, how do you like that hope and change now Caterpillar. Personally, I hope you freaking shut your doors.

    You putting your support behind these clowns proves you were stupid to begin with. It's stupidity to act in

    gnorance when facts are available. There were facts available about this bunch of gangsters in Washington,

    but you ignored them. I and most of the American people have no sympathy for you.

    Donna replied to comment from tank johnson | March 19, 2010 10:02 AM | Reply

    t's not corporate trickery it is the facts. These facts hold true for all businesses not just CAT so those other

    obs you reference will not be there either.

    eff Pappalardo replied to comment from BS | March 19, 2010 10:03 AM | Reply

    BS: Why is it up to the corporations to pay for everyone's healthcare? Where in the constitution does it

    mandate corporations are responsible for healthcare? They only offer it now to be competitive with hiring good

    mployees. A corporation's sole purpose is to create wealth for the owners and shareholders, not provide a

    welfare system.

    VANESSA | March 19, 2010 10:04 AM | Reply

    Taxes will go up for individuals, Insurance costs will go up for individuals. Costs will go up for "all" evilompanies. And we will be left with bigger, and bigger government. I shiver and think of the book 1984. I never,

    ver thought we would get here. Listen to a smooth talking, smiling "regular Joe", and never question anything

    hat is said. I cannot believe the people who are either too lazy, too complacent, or too ignorant to look, read,

    and comprehend what is happening in our country.

    As far as taxes increasing, -- they have already without anyone even being aware. Last year States mandated

    hat companies now insure Domestic Partners, and "children" who were between 23 and 29 and were without

    nsurance. Then the Federal Govt dropped the bomb,...yes, by the way -- those employees who now had

    overage for either of the situations, the "Fair Market Value", was now added to their taxable income,... so

    hey got to "donate" gobs more taxes to the Fed, and State Govt. And the Companies,...they got to pay their

    portion of the increased health care, and in addition, the FICA portion of the increased taxable income has to

    be matched by the Company. It is a crime, and I am sick to my stomach over the travesty, dishonesty,

    bullying, in my Country..... and we cannot stop it!

    lex replied to comment from JB | March 19, 2010 10:04 AM | Reply

    B, why don't you move to El Salvador? You'd definitely fit in better. They restrict women's rights, it's not

    riendly to gay rights, taxes are low, there's little safety net, as seen by the huge amounts of poverty and

    hanty towns. Everyone's religious, and morality is legislated.

    Go for it, JB!

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    he Truth | March 19, 2010 10:04 AM | Reply

    SILENCE!! You right-wing nazi fools at CAT do NOT know how much Obamacare will cost you!! Only Obama

    nows!! Obama knows all, Obama sees all!!! Submit to Obama's will at once!!! No questions or independent


    esstaxessmallergovt | March 19, 2010 10:05 AM | Reply


    m in the northeast; Mitt has been all over the place saying what a BAD job was finally done in Mass...both

    he current and former state treasurers say MassCare is a heavy contributor to the looming bankruptcy of the

    Commonwealth. And this is the "good" version of the bill opn which Obamacare is based. Fixed it in Mass?

    Nope, not even close.

    And yes, should I get the chance, I will vote for Mitt in 2012.

    ohn replied to comment from BS | March 19, 2010 10:06 AM | Reply

    Companies don't pay taxes, all costs are passed down to the consumers. This is too bad, because Cat is a

    eally good AMERICAN company, but when you look at their competition, I think they are all based outside

    America and thus do not get raped by the highest corporate tax in the world and these costly government

    actions. I imagine, if this slush bill passes, they will move overseas.

    Carey Dye replied to comment from CAT Shareholder | March 19, 2010 10:06 AM | Reply

    A fool is one who uses his investments to help the poor by funneling it thorough wasteful socialist programs.

    These "poor" people will never see your measly $0.16 per share by the time it gets to them.

    bama is god | March 19, 2010 10:06 AM | Reply


    Nickel | March 19, 2010 10:07 AM | Reply

    see the echo of a massive upheavel in the comments section of this article. One side is a bunch of leftist

    impletons who have never met a payroll or even paid any taxes and yet are willing to tell us about the "evil"

    profit motives of American industry. These clowns have somehow gotten their man into the White House and

    we must neutralize him and remove him and his Progressive allies from office before they totally destroy our

    reat nation. It is as simple as that. The time for polite debate is over.

    oakblue | March 19, 2010 10:09 AM | Reply

    The problem with looting other peoples' money is that eventually you run out of other peoples' money. Then

    what? Once we finish devouring Caterpillar's (and the rest of America's industry's) carcass, where do we turn


    The problem with Socialists is they don't follow thoughts to their logical conclusion. Instead, the want you to

    hope" things will be fine.

    No thanks.

    lex | March 19, 2010 10:09 AM | Reply

    American Idiot, there's a solution to your problem. Instead of only paying 11% of GDP on healthcare, why not

    pay what we do? An extra 7-8% of GDP will surely fill the hospitals with staff, get quicker coverage for more

    erious illnesses and still cover 100% of the nation.

    eff Pappalardo replied to comment from BS | March 19, 2010 10:09 AM | Reply

    BS: Why is it up to the corporations to pay for everyone's healthcare? Where in the constitution does itmandate corporations are responsible for healthcare? They only offer it now to be competitive with hiring good

    mployees. A corporation's sole purpose is to create wealth for the owners and shareholders, not provide a

    welfare system.

    Vinko | March 19, 2010 10:10 AM | Reply

    Don't worry Cat, your to big to fail, so the government will take you over as they did GM. Next step toward

    ontrolling construction along with the unions

    mike | March 19, 2010 10:11 AM | Reply

    he first plant they should close is in obama's home state

    RAS | March 19, 2010 10:11 AM | Reply

    The Cost will get past to consumers and they will just lay off workers. Obama will drive Unemployment rate

    igher and he doesn't care as long as he grows his soc ialistic agenda. Watch inflation in a few years. The US

    will be in danger of bankruptcy. Liberals think you can just raise taxes and print more money. This will get

    gly in years to come. Thanks barry

    aha | March 19, 2010 10:12 AM | Reply

    remember early into the election that the president of CAT was for Obama and trusted Obama to reform

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    ealth care.

    The republicans knew full well what a liberal president and liberal house would do if given the chance, and they

    warned everybody who would listen.

    You who refused to pay attention and voted for these democrats are to blame. I hope this keeps you up at

    ight and reminds you what needs to be done in November.

    RAS | March 19, 2010 10:12 AM | Reply

    The Cost will get past to consumers and they will just lay off workers. Obama will drive Unemployment rate

    igher and he doesn't care as long as he grows his soc ialistic agenda. Watch inflation in a few years. The US

    will be in danger of bankruptcy. Liberals think you can just raise taxes and print more money. This will get

    gly in years to come. Thanks barry

    enny Bea | March 19, 2010 10:12 AM | Reply

    And the next thing you know every corporation will look like Wal-Mart where a large number of employees are

    paid so little and the bare bones benefits are so pathetic that it leads to employees getting coverage thru

    Medicaid and other state health insurance programs."

    love you idiots, pushing for socialization, as if government is your mommy. Walmart has GREAT benefits,

    nlcuding 401(k) and stock options, on top of dental and vision- all aside from their medical plan. I know many

    people who work for them, and have been by choice for YEARS. The only people who dis Walmart are those

    who know nothing about their workforce, nor know anything about business. (Like your president.) Pray tell

    ow much more than the federal minimum wage a Walmart worker should make being a cashier? These

    people drag items across an electric scanner, and then make change. Why is it your business to dictate their

    alaries? I suppose it's just sad that people make a minimum wage, and you don't like it, so Walmart is evil.

    You know, Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts only pay the minimum wage, too? Same with Mickey D's. (And they

    all have a healthcare plan, too...) Damn evil corporations.

    Don Smith | March 19, 2010 10:13 AM | Reply

    Will Caterpillar be "deemed" too big to fail? Will there be a buyout for Caterpillar on the scale of GM as a

    payback from the Obama administration? Story at eleven? Not hardly. You can bet on this, whether Caterpillar

    s bailed out to the tune of $100M or if they are thrown under the bus, the mainstream media will not fully

    over the story. Sure there will be some boo-hooing by the media over the failure of a 100 years old company

    but there will be no deep coverage and analysis to let Americans see the actual costs to Caterpillar of this

    ebauckle of a healthcare bill. If they did that the outrage among employees (even union employees) that will

    ee their medium to large size business as next to fail. There is one very interesting point in the story and it is

    hat foriegn companies have no such mandate to provide coverage and can keep flooding our shores with

    nder priced products. We have gone from an agrarian to an industrialized society and we are now turning in a

    ervices only society. News flash...service only societies don't "produce" a product. They just move a limited

    amount of money around the nation. It is the selling of products overseas that make real profits and bring

    ollars into the nation. We've been paying China for years and lining their pockets and they are now using that

    money to buy our other word, they own us. And the Obama administration is making it ALL

    POSSIBLE by the passage of high dollar legislation that doesn't pay for itself and further increases our

    ependence on the Chinese.

    How can they be so blind?

    evo98 replied to comment from CAT Shareholder | March 19, 2010 10:14 AM | Reply

    How many shared do you own? I mean if you've got a hundred or so shares, then sure, it's no big deal for you

    o pay $0.16 per share per year. But when you're talking about Pension plans that are heavily invested in

    hese type stocks, to the tune of THOUSANDS of shares, it starts to add up here and there. And you're

    alking about only ONE company that may be in a plan's portfolio. Sure it's only $0.16 for CAT, but what if it's$.50 for GE, and say $1.25 for EXXON. Perhaps another $1.75 for RUBBERMAID. Nickle by nickle this bill will

    rain capital from EVERYONE's pocket, not just "BIG BUISNESS"

    d bet you'd be the first in line to whine and complain if your pension plan didn't turn a profit each year.

    Krissy replied to comment from Mark Garnett | March 19, 2010 10:17 AM | Reply

    Wow! Amen. I thought I was reading my very own thoughts. So glad you voiced them. I was born in Moline, IL

    home of John Deere tractor) and that place is a ghost of a community.Moved from Los Angeles in 94 and

    hen in 96 moved to Atlanta Georgia. Last the great state of TEXAS. I cannot get to DC this

    weekend, but my prayers to God is that someone, will stand up in this government and STOP this takeover.

    God Bless America

    Krissy in Austin Texas

    Analog Android | March 19, 2010 10:17 AM | Reply

    You Obama supporters voted for this clown, and undoubtedly voted for the Dems in 2006... All during the

    ampaign, Obama got nothing but softball from the media. No scrutiny of his past, no scrutiny of the fact that

    is schools blocked access to his academic works. No scrutiny of the radical, Saul Alinsky followers that he

    ung around with, admired and tried to emulate. Barry Soetoro, the chameleon. No scrutiny of the fact that

    his man has never owned or run a business, never managed so much as a McDonald's crew, let alone been

    n a position of authority in his BRIEF career as a politician. He has no understanding of free market

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    conomics (other than the fact that he thinks it is inherently "unfair"). He is the right man in the right place for

    he "progressive" far left power base to impose their vision of America on the rest of us. He is beholden to the

    nions, which have utterly destroyed just about every industry they have sunk their teeth into. I am sad to say

    his but I believe that America is going to see a downward spiral the likes of which we have never imagined.

    The policies he is implementing will have far reaching and devastating effects on our economy and way of life

    or decades to come. The issues of Insurance reform, financial market reform and energy are no doubt issues

    hat need to be dealt with, but not like this folks. Obama and the far left will tear this country apart.

    erry | March 19, 2010 10:20 AM | Reply

    To Bad Cat. You had a great photo op with this moron 10 months ago, talking about how many jobs he would

    reate at your company. Now you can go down with the rest of us. If this passes we are laying off 20% more

    f our work force, the next day. But its ok, because those 20% will have insurance. They cant eat or stay in

    heir homes, but they will have health insurance. And for you idiots who dont think this is a bad bill, you haveo idea how a company operates, and the cost associated with running one.

    SHRKB8 | March 19, 2010 10:21 AM | Reply

    When this passes, you will see a shift from employee based companies to companies who hire independent

    ontractors. No longer will companies be responsible for any employee costs (because they aren't employees

    any longer), only that the company will have a lot of contractors who now get paid the same amount they did

    before, just fewer benefits. Basically the core rainmakers of a company will be employed and quite rich while

    he laborers will be deemed independent contractors. The secretary for instance will get to find out how much

    un it is to find their own insurance on the open market along with opening funding their own IRA, as well as

    etting up their own FSA/HSA account etc. We should be in for an exciting ride.

    On the bright side, we'll all now be self employed!

    ReddiKilowatt | March 19, 2010 10:22 AM | Reply

    FINALLY, a companys with the BALLS to standup to this poorly constructed bill being thrust upon us by

    ocialist democrats. As caring people, we all want health care for the disadvantaged, but this bill has become

    a convoluted mess. I still cannot figure out exactly how this bill does anyone to 'reform' healthcare ~ that's a

    bunch of trash. The dirtly litte secret that noone wants to talk about is that those of us with insurance will see

    kyrocketing costs and reduced benefits. Unless of course you are in one of obama's 'protected' classes:

    nion member, state worker or federal worker. Obama/pelosi/reid - you stink!!

    Rube11 | March 19, 2010 10:22 AM | Reply

    Yo Pelosi; you like numbers; how about these numbers for Cat? You healthcare proposed program will run

    hem out of business!

    DUMAS | March 19, 2010 10:24 AM | Reply

    You folks who think that corporations exist only to employ people and make them happy really need to

    ducate yourselves.

    Any business exists for only one make a profit. People are employed (and compensated, by the

    way) to achieve that goal. People buy shares of the corporations because they want to make a profit too.

    There is no "greater good."

    When corporations are demonized and penalized because they do what they were designed to do, they tend

    o not stay in business. Or, to be more precise, they tend not to stay in business where they are demonized

    and penalized.

    You ask where American manufacturing jobs have gone and why. The answer is simple. They've gone where

    he corporate interests can continue to stay in business. The reason is because it costs too much to stay in

    business here. Additional costs imposed by "government" are never kept at the "corporate" level. They are

    always passed on to the consumer in the form of increased price of the product.

    When a competitor makes a product cheaper, people tend to gravitate toward that product.



    This goatf*#k being billed as health care "reform" will be signed by our president. The reality of its impact will

    ollide with the promises (lies) perpetuated in its birth pains and the reality will prevail. CAT will be lucky if it's

    nly $100 million.

    Who is John Galt?

    Catworker | March 19, 2010 10:25 AM | Reply

    Cat workers call your reps let them know that if they vote for this crap they will be voted out.

    Rightwingracisteabaggerconservativesurvivalist | March 19, 2010 10:26 AM | Reply

    The slaughter rule is aptly named as that is exactly what is going to happen. Stock up, confirm with your

    eighbors as to whom you can count on and get ready cause "it" is coming.

    ish2dabone | March 19, 2010 10:26 AM | Reply

    Follow the bread crumbs people... were told were adding 30M people to free healthcare while we save $100B

    oing so, keeping the deficit down. How does that work? Simple, the gov't shifts blame from their shoulder's to

    hat of Business Employer's across a broad spectrum of industries (Utility companies, restaurants, grocery
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    tores, hardware stores, clothing stores, etc.). These businesses and business owners will now be paying

    more to offer whatever level of healthcare insurance to their employee's and in turn will pass the costs along to

    heir customers... that's you and I people which means every time we buy any products, we will be indirectly

    axed' from all directions and the gov't can inform us they 'weren't the one's imposing taxes.

    The reason why some people aren't able to afford the increasing Insurance Premiums is because the

    nsurance companies are having to pay the inflated costs passed to them by healthcare provider's (hospitals,

    linics, physicians, Labs, diagnostic facilities, etc)... the reason why these healthcare provider's are inflating

    heir charges is because of the gov't mandates levied on them to "provide free or heavily discounted care" to

    hose without insurance which includes illegals, welfare recipients, etc. They are also experiencing annual

    Medicare reimbursement reductions, which force them to increase their fees for svc's to those paying patients

    and those who have insurance companies to offset their losses. Believe what you want out there, but

    axpayers and those paying insurance premiums are already subsidizing free healthcare to those without, and

    his Reform will not change a thing except where "we" will be taxed from

    on Banner | March 19, 2010 10:26 AM | Reply

    CAT's CEO should have known this! Berry is only doing what he said he would do. Why did CEO support


    ETEE | March 19, 2010 10:26 AM | Reply

    There is no margin at CAT. Because of Obama's Depression they are operating at their most efficient with

    heir existing personnel, who's numbers have been trimmed to the 'enth. Throw in a $100 Million invoice from

    he Federal Dot.Gov for Obama's ComradeCare and CAT's only alternative will be to move a number of their

    plants overseas to cover the loss.

    Actually, it may be the smart move, anyway. Caterpillar sells a huge number of its large bors Diesel Engines

    and Generators to the Oil Drilling Industry. And with Obama's penchant to kill the Oil business in the U.S.,

    both on and Offshore, the biggest players have already moved overseas. Ensco, TransOcean, Halliburton,

    Weatherford. All gone to Switzerland and Dubai, along with a million jobs and their annual orders for billions in

    American manufactured products.

    That Obama sure knows how to run jobs and business out of the country.

    CAT Shareholder replied to comment from Zero is not a hero | March 19, 2010 10:26 AM | Reply

    Zero - Your 11.2% calculation uses CAT's 2009 EPS which, due to the GREAT RECESSION was the lowest

    n the past 7 years. Using CAT's 2008 EPS of $5.66, this $100m amounts to less than 3%. Using CAT

    analyst's expected 2010 earnings, $100m would amount to 6.3%, but none of these calculations consider the

    ncome tax impact which would reduce their headline $100m amount to less than $70m.

    Further, no logical parallels can be drawn between CAT's very generous healthcare benefits and those offered

    by almost all small businesses. Therefore, the anticipated impact to one major industrial corporation does not

    ranslate into similar consequences for any small business.

    So again, why is this worthy of discussion?

    Karen | March 19, 2010 10:28 AM | Reply

    already have the list of people I am going to layoff if this thing passes. That's the bad news. The good news

    s that I tried to make sure they were all people that had voted for Obama.

    michael | March 19, 2010 10:28 AM | Reply

    am a proponent of the SINGLE-PAYER system for healthcare, Barack Obama said in 2006.

    What the fock is unclear about this socialist's words? This bill must be killed, for the sake of our children's

    and grandchildren's freedom.

    ocko | March 19, 2010 10:30 AM | Reply

    Some people posting comments do not understand how markets work. Saying that Caterpillar needs to "suck

    up" and pay these costs don't understand that US government, nor Cat have control over what competitors

    will do, especially foreign competitors. Caterpillar cannot simply absorb new costs without building it into the

    products price. Unlike the US Government, Cat cannot just print more money to pay for these benefits.

    Caterpillar can:

    a) charge more for their products. This will mean selling less, and will eventually lead to layoffs.

    b) move more jobs outside of the US to where labor costs and benefit costs are lower. Eventually, could even

    move its corporate headquarters outside the US to avoid government penalties for offshoring of jobs.

    The market will find its own solution to the problems being created by Congress. They have no idea of how

    markets work.

    N Pea-low- see | March 19, 2010 10:30 AM | Reply

    No problem. Just source out the work to China - problem solved. Oh right, fire everyone in production, keep

    hee warehouse people.

    im Wayne | March 19, 2010 10:30 AM | Reply

    Gee my heart really goes out to the shareholders - not - Caterpillar can afford it - any excuse to fire people is

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    ust that - an excuse that favors share holders over hard working people.

    Regular Guy | March 19, 2010 10:30 AM | Reply

    LOL...Most people in support of this bill just don't understand how damaging it will be. The targeted

    ompanies; large multinationals, will just move more jobs overseas. Only the companies that can't afford to

    move (or outsource) will stay and be bankrupted. The Democrats have successfully dumbed down their

    onstituents to the point that a liberal will support anything another liberal says/does no matter how stupid it

    may be...

    ohn replied to comment from BS | March 19, 2010 10:31 AM | Reply

    Sorry, BS...employer based insurance did not start as a mandate. It began as a recruiting tool. It was cheaper

    o offer health care than to offer an additional 5-10 grand per year. Unions negotiated the employer insurance

    as well. Employers should not be bound by federal mandates to offer insurance. My small business cannot

    aise the price of the product and compete with foreign enterprise. If forced to pay more than I do (for entry

    evel work (young college students), not bread winners), my employees will suffer as I cannot give them the

    vertime they enjoy or hire more of their friends. I already pay more than minimum wage, but to Congress this

    till isn't enough. Capitalism works when government gets out of the way and lets it.

    Dan replied to comment from tank johnson | March 19, 2010 10:31 AM | Reply

    You obviously have never ran a business.

    adams76 | March 19, 2010 10:32 AM | Reply

    love the comments of the [Social]Democrats on this site who say Caterpillar should just raise the price of

    heir product to cover the cost of Obamacare. Easypeasy. Spoken like the poli-sci majors they are who never

    ook econ 1. The jobs will go overseas. The pool of companies paying into your harebrained socialist

    fairness" schemes will keep shrinking. Government and debt will keep expanding and we will be another

    ailed Eurostate like Greece.... or was that the plan all along?

    rank Lockhart | March 19, 2010 10:33 AM | Reply

    Our REPUBLIC ( not a mobocrocy ) we are goverend by laws and

    Oboma is a traitor. pure and simple and all the cronies with him..

    Gary | March 19, 2010 10:33 AM | Reply

    They should move to Texas cause we are not going to

    ake this from Washington

    Michael J | March 19, 2010 10:34 AM | Reply

    Caterpillar had an incredible $895 MILLION (that's nearly $1 BILLION) in profit in 2009. I think the company

    an well afford to cough up some extra money for worker's healthcare -- if they really care about their


    Outraged One | March 19, 2010 10:34 AM | Reply

    Our government is being overthrown from within. They are supposed to represent us, this was a democracy,

    he elected officials did the bidding of their constitueny, now the people are being told they have no say in their

    overnment. Impeach them all!! This is exactly why the 2nd Amendment was inacted!

    Mike Decker replied to comment from CAT Shareholder | March 19, 2010 10:35 AM | Reply

    Cat Shareholder,

    anyone who writes they don't care if a company they hold loses $100,000,000 a year can not be a very good

    nvestor. how many stocks do you have in the company? 1, 10, 100? a $0.16 addational loss PER YEAR

    oes not come out of the stock price, it comes out of yearly earings per share and the cash holdings in the

    ompany. Earings / Share for Cat is currently listed at $1.43 so a $0.16 loss should devalue the stock price

    by about 11%-12%. since the market cap is currany approx. $37 B a 12% drop in value is a loss to the share

    olders and comany value of $4,440,000,000.

    ou really think that the company executive will allow that to happen? nope, it would be way cheaper to move

    he jobs over seas even after the initial cost of bulding new plants.

    emind me never to let you handle my market accounts. people like you are the reason why no one can guess

    where the market will be going. you invest without understanding market priciples AT ALL.

    ibsAreCommies | March 19, 2010 10:35 AM | Reply

    t is time to remove these LibCommies from power "By any means necessary". They should be dragged from

    ffice and jailed for willfully violating the Constitution.

    Sara | March 19, 2010 10:35 AM | Reply

    have the right to abort a living baby from my body at will but I will not have the right to choose whether or not I

    want health insurance. This makes no sense and cannot possibly be constituional.

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    uckrol | March 19, 2010 10:35 AM | Reply

    Now the government is not only pro-union, but has become one heavy-fisted union itself. I'm sure that will be

    reat for business. Look how well it turned out for the auto industry.

    Check out this hilarious parody music video on unions: http:/

    NOBAMA | March 19, 2010 10:36 AM | Reply

    Dear CAT:

    Where were you when this maggot was running for office?

    ReddiKilowatt | March 19, 2010 10:38 AM | Reply

    CAT Shareholder - you are a democratic STOOGE. You use the old, tired dem talking point that "its only 3

    ents per CAT share" or "the 100M is only 70M if you factor in taxes". Your argument is totally flawed. CATand most other companies in the US are working with ever tightening margins. If you tax them an additional

    amount, no matter how small, it cuts into those margins and forces cuts elsewhere (reduced labor more than

    kely). You also didn't bother to read the article very says that the added costs to CAT would be

    $100M THE FIRST YEAR. That means by year 10, the costs are going to be astrnomical, but by that time it

    will be too late.

    WeThePeople replied to comment from Harry | March 19, 2010 10:39 AM | Reply

    Harry, we can make a difference!

    Check this out and then pass it on -

    We have to elect representatives who agree to do the will of the people, who stand by the promises they make

    while campaigning, who will not be bribed, threatened, or coerced into voting for something their constituents

    o not want.

    We need to make 2010 the year we start getting rid of the politicians who don't do what we tell them to do.

    The work for US. WeThePeople

    bongo | March 19, 2010 10:39 AM | Reply

    ust lay off a few thousand union employees in Illinois. They voted for Obama anyways. Move production to

    on-union states or out of country. That is the only thing that will get the attention of the people and

    politicians. Kiss those $100K union jobs good-bye. You union goons were well-paid and had good benefits.

    You wanted more and now you will get nothing.

    tdon77 | March 19, 2010 10:39 AM | Reply

    CAT Shareholder | March 19, 2010 9:29 AM | Reply

    m a CAT shareholder and would easily agree to contribute my 16 cents to help this POOR corporation try to

    urvive. CAT currently has over 624,000,000 shares outstanding. If you divide $100 million by 624 million, this

    esults in a cost per share of 16 cents. In other words, this isn't even worth discussing.

    hanks very much, personally i like to read post of people who are actually involved and know what they are

    alking about instead of opinionated blowhards who have no idea what the issues are but just wants to scream

    and shout because glen beck says so, educate yourself on the issues then post a coherent assesment of the

    ituation. is that so hard to ask, if you know nothing about business or the stock market since CAT is publicly

    raded you have no idea of how this would impact that company so your rant is just that an ill informed rant

    about nothing. if these companies have so little money for health insurance then where do they get the

    millions to compensate the ceo's that run them into the ground, and i don't want to hear the "against profits"

    bs the profits needs to be shared with the employees also since they are the ones doing the work to build

    hese companies to where they are today not the ceo's or other corporate heads or shareholders. you take

    away the lowly paid work force from these companies and see what these bright,smart and overpaidxecutives and shareholders do

    Michael J | March 19, 2010 10:39 AM | Reply

    encourage all those who don't like President Obama's new healthcare program -- when it passes -- to follow

    Rush Limbaugh's lead and get their healthcare in Costa Rica. That country has universal healthcare. Ha ha


    lbeau | March 19, 2010 10:40 AM | Reply

    Here's from Caterpillar's OWN WEBSITE:

    PEORIA, Ill. Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) [end of Q4] announced sales and revenues of $32.396 billion for


    So, what's $100,000,000 divided by $32,396,000,000? It's 0.3% of their revenue! and that's ONLY for their core

    manufacturing business. It doesn't include their financing business and other subsidiaries.

    $100,000,000 sounds like a LOT of cash, but it's all relative to the size of the total operation. 0.3% of revenue

    not profits, just revenue) is not mouse nuts, but it's not a mountain either. Suck it up and give your

    mployees the benefits they deserve Cat!

    ubba | March 19, 2010 10:40 AM | Reply
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    Where are the specifics of CAT's claim that the bill will cost them 100M? Do they currently not offer insurance

    o their employees?

    Most of the arguments here are useless without looking at the specifics of CAT's complaint.

    NY Keith | March 19, 2010 10:40 AM | Reply

    @Tank & @BS - when I buy construction equipment I am looking at price and reliability and I shop US

    manufacturers AND global manufacturers.

    Your comment is either driven by partisanship or you don't understand how competition works.

    The Japanese, Koreans and Chinese don't care about your social issues, your labor issues, your political

    ssues. They want to drive competitors OUT OF BUSINESS by making better products CHEAPER to keep

    THEIR workforce working, their economies strong.

    You and millions like you are the reason why we have an ANTI-MANUFACTURING POLICY here in the US

    and have had for decades.

    What you and your fellow myopians fail to realize is that it is the US blue and gray collar worker that bears the

    brunt of these misguided policies. More manufacturing will move elsewhere. I don't understand how the party

    hat was supposed to be on the side of the worker class while saying it is helping it in the short term is killing

    over the long term.

    used to be a Democrat b