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Sparrow, J. M., Grzeda, M. T., Frost, N. A., Johnston, R. L., Liu, C. S. C., Edwards, L., Loose, A., Elliott, D., & Donovan, J. L. (2018). Cataract surgery patient-reported outcome measures: A head-to-head comparison of the psychometric performance and patient acceptability of the Cat-PROM5 and Catquest-9SF self-report questionnaires. Eye, 32(4), 788-795. Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record License (if available): CC BY-NC-ND Link to published version (if available): 10.1038/eye.2017.297 Link to publication record in Explore Bristol Research PDF-document This is the final published version of the article (version of record). It first appeared online via Nature at . Please refer to any applicable terms of use of the publisher. University of Bristol - Explore Bristol Research General rights This document is made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the reference above. Full terms of use are available:

Cataract surgery patient-reported outcome measures: a head ...€¦ · disability caused by cataract, including patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for cataract surgery. In

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Page 1: Cataract surgery patient-reported outcome measures: a head ...€¦ · disability caused by cataract, including patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for cataract surgery. In

Sparrow, J. M., Grzeda, M. T., Frost, N. A., Johnston, R. L., Liu, C. S.C., Edwards, L., Loose, A., Elliott, D., & Donovan, J. L. (2018).Cataract surgery patient-reported outcome measures: A head-to-headcomparison of the psychometric performance and patient acceptabilityof the Cat-PROM5 and Catquest-9SF self-report questionnaires. Eye,32(4), 788-795.

Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of recordLicense (if available):CC BY-NC-NDLink to published version (if available):10.1038/eye.2017.297

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Cataract surgerypatient-reportedoutcome measures: ahead-to-headcomparison of thepsychometricperformance andpatient acceptability ofthe Cat-PROM5 andCatquest-9SF self-report questionnaires

JM Sparrow1,2, MT Grzeda1,2, NA Frost3,RL Johnston4, CS C Liu5,6, L Edwards1,7,A Loose1, D Elliott2 and JL Donovan2,7


Background Cataract surgery is the mostfrequently undertaken NHS surgicalprocedure. Visual acuity (VA) provides a poorindication of visual difficulty in a complexvisual world. In the absence of a suitableoutcome metric, recent efforts have beendirected towards the development of acataract patient-reported outcome measure(PROM) of sufficient brevity, precision, andresponsiveness to be implementable inroutine high volume clinical services.Aim To compare and contrast the two mostpromising candidate PROMs for routinecataract surgery.Method The psychometric performance andpatient acceptability of the recently UKdeveloped five-item Cat-PROM5questionnaire was compared with the Englishtranslation of the Swedish nine-itemCatquest-9SF using Rasch-based performancemetrics and qualitative semistructuredinterviews.Results Rasch-based performance wasassessed in 822 typical NHS cataract surgerypatients across four centres in England. Bothquestionnaires demonstrated good toexcellent performance for all metrics assessed,including Person Reliability Indices of 0.90(Cat-PROM5) and 0.88 (Catquest-9SF),responsiveness to surgery (Cohen’sstandardized effect size) of 1.45 SD (Cat-PROM5) and 1.47 SD (Catquest-9SF) and they

were highly correlated with each other(R= 0.85). Qualitative assessments confirmedthat both questionnaires were acceptable topatients, including in the presence of ocularcomorbidities. Preferences were expressed forthe shorter Cat-PROM5, which allowedpatients to map their own issues to thequestions as opposed to the more restrictivespecific scenarios of Catquest-9SF.Conclusion The recently UK developed Cat-PROM5 cataract surgery questionnaire isshorter, with performance and patientacceptability at least as good or better thanthe previous ‘best of class’ Catquest-9SFinstrument.Eye (2018) 32, 788–795; doi:10.1038/eye.2017.297;published online 26 January 2018


Cataract is a common potentially blinding eyedisease1 with an adverse impact on quality oflife2 for which surgical intervention is currentlythe only effective treatment. In England duringthe year 2015–2016 there were over 390 000cataract operations undertaken in the UKNational Health Service (NHS), representing acrude rate of ~ 7.0 per 1000 population, with inaddition over 13 000 postcataract posteriorcapsulotomies,3 at a combined estimated cost of~ £400 million.

1Department ofOphthalmology, Bristol EyeHospital, Bristol, UK

2Population HealthSciences, Bristol MedicalSchool, University ofBristol, Bristol, UK

3Torbay Hospital, LawesBridge, Torquay, UK

4Gloucestershire HospitalsNHS Foundation Trust,Cheltenham GeneralHospital, Cheltenham, UK

5Sussex Eye Hospital,Brighton, UK

6Brighton and SussexMedical School, Brighton,UK

7NIHR Collaboration forLeadership in AppliedHealth Research and CareWest at UniversityHospitals Bristol NHS Trust,Bristol, UK

Correspondence:J Sparrow, Department ofOphthalmology, Bristol EyeHospital, Lower MaudlinStreet, Bristol BS1 2LX, UK.E-mail: [email protected]

It is with deep regret that wenote the death of ourcoauthor, friend, andcolleague Robert LJohnston, who sadly died inSeptember 2016.

Received: 4 August 2017Accepted in revised form:13 November 2017Published online:26 January 2018


Eye (2018) 32, 788–795Official journal of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Page 3: Cataract surgery patient-reported outcome measures: a head ...€¦ · disability caused by cataract, including patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for cataract surgery. In

In the face of high demand, shrinking NHS resourcesand variations in eye care4,5 taking account of the overallimpact of cataract on a patient’s life is of increasingimportance.6 The 2017 National Institute for Health andCare Excellence (NICE) cataract surgery guideline (NG77)and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists 2015 cataractsurgery commissioning guideline both recommendfurther research into self-reported measures of visualdisability caused by cataract, including patient-reportedoutcome measures (PROMs) for cataract surgery. Inaddition to the usual requirements of validity and robustpsychometric performance,2 a NHS-suitable cataractsurgery PROM would need to be brief to beimplementable in high volume service environments.Among the various measures two instruments appear tobe the most promising candidates: the English translationof the Swedish Catquest-9SF,7,8 and the more recently UKdeveloped Cat-PROM5.9 Each are short, psychometricallyrobust instruments validated in English-speakingcontexts.9,10 In this report we compare and contrast theirperformance and relative merits in a group of typical UKcataract patients in four NHS centres.Traditionally the visual impairment of cataract patients

before and after surgery has been assessed by monocularvisual acuity using a ‘letter chart’, the origins of which dateback to the late nineteenth century.11 Although useful,assessing patients’ overall eyesight using visual acuity failsto cover the wide range of problems and functionalconsequences of visual impairments due to cataract.Since the 1980s, and in line with a broader WHO

definition of disability, the PROM approach has attractedthe attention of medical practitioners, researchers, andhealth economists.12 This methodology involves thevalidation of standardized questions exploring patients’subjective perception of their state of health in relation toparticular issues. The obvious theoretical advantage of thePROM approach is that it expands medical insight beyondthe traditional narrow perspective of focusing attention onsymptoms and signs of diseases.13 A PROM may inaddition provide data useful for health economic analyses.A number of questionnaire instruments have been

proposed in the ophthalmic and vision science literature,several of which were designed specifically to measurethe state of vision of cataract patients.2,7,8,14 Mostpublished scales were developed within a Classical TestTheory (CTT) framework,15 a traditional psychometricparadigm that is now widely acknowledged to have non-trivial limitations.16 These methodological weaknessescan, however, be overcome by the alternativepsychometric approaches of Item Response Theory(IRT)16 including through Rasch modelling.17–19 It is theadoption of the stringent criteria of measures normallyused in the physical sciences which makes the IRTframework particularly valuable when applied to

PROMs.20 The Catquest-9SF questionnaire with nineitems was developed using CCT and subsequentlyreduced and refined using Rasch analysis, the longerprecursor instrument having originated in Sweden in1990s.7 This scale has been regarded by many as a ‘best ofclass’ instrument, attracting favourable commentary,6 andbefore Cat-PROM5 development was endorsed by theInternational Consortium for Health OutcomesMeasurement ( as their suggested example of aRasch calibrated PROM.The more recent Cat-PROM59 has been validated

within the Rasch framework and consists of just fivequestions harvested from two existing UK instruments,the VSQ21 and the VCM1.22 The item reduction andvalidation process was conducted using data from typicalUK patients undergoing cataract surgery, with the finalCat-PROM5 item set demonstrating satisfactorypsychometric properties.9 Determination of the final itemset was influenced by statistical considerations, a patient‘co-researcher’ advisory group and expert view. As partof the Cat-PROM5 development work, completions of theCatquest-9SF questionnaire were simultaneouslyobtained from participants, allowing a direct comparisonof the performance of both instruments.



Analyses presented here are based on a group of 822patients recruited from four cataract surgical centres inEngland (Bristol, Torbay, Cheltenham, Brighton). Data forthe study were collected in three separate cycles (Pilot,Cycle 1, and Cycle 2). To estimate sensitivity to surgicalintervention (effect size), participants in Cycles 1 and 2were asked to complete questionnaires both before andafter their cataract operation.

Analytical strategy

Comparative analysis was conducted by means ofseparate Rasch calibrations of both questionnaireinstruments. In both analyses, we used the Partial CreditModel19 available within the Winsteps analysis program( the study included repeated measurements

(before and after surgery) for Cycles 1 and 2, there was anissue with violation of the Rasch analysis assumption ofindependence of observations. The Rasch analyses weretherefore split into two phases, calibration and scaling. Inthe first (calibration) phase, participants who hadcontributed two questionnaire completions had either theirpre- or postoperative completion (never both) randomly

Cataract surgery: Cat-PROM5 vs Catquest-9SFJM Sparrow et al



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selected for inclusion in the analysis set, a procedure thatavoided violation of the independence assumption. This setof data was Rasch analysed and the item parameters(difficulties and Rasch–Andrich thresholds) established.These were then used at the next stage as anchors forestimation of the person parameters for the participant’salternative (pre- or postoperative) completion. Thisanalytical schedule avoided the problem of casedependency within the data, yet provided person estimatesfor two time points, thus allowing valid comparisons of theoutcomes of pre- and postoperative groups.Having completed analyses separately for Cat-PROM5

and Catquest-9SF, the performance of both scales wascompared with regard to three general questions: (1) Dothey both measure the same construct? (2) How preciseare each of the scales? (3) How well does each functionwhen applied to typical UK NHS cataract patients? Thefirst was assessed in terms of the correlation between thetwo questionnaires, we assumed a correlation of 0.70(nearly 50% of common variance) or above would besufficient. Precision of each was assessed using tworeliability indexes: Rasch-based reliability (the share of the‘true’ variance in the total observed variance of themeasure) and the classical Cronbach’s α with 0.70 too0.80 regarded as acceptable, 0.80 to o0.90 as good, and0.90 or above as excellent. To answer the final question,we compared performance of both scales on severalcriteria providing insights on the functioning of each in aUK context. Since Catquest-9SF was developed andvalidated in other cultural and geographical contexts(Sweden and Australia), it was deemed important toassess these elements on a relevant UK patient group. Weassessed these criteria: Rasch–Andrich item thresholdsordered in the expected (increasing) order; item fit (meansquare outfit/infit statistics within 0.7–1.3); point-measure item correlation (⩾0.4); category averagesincreasing monotonically along the Rasch continuum;unidimensionality (highest eigenvalue of residualcorrelation matrix o2.0); item invariance (DifferentialItem Functioning or DIF, assessed by both significancetesting and by differential magnitude following theEducational Testing Service classification of |DIF|40.63 asbeing large); responsiveness to surgery adopting Cohen’sclassification of standardized effect sizes (ES: 40.50moderate; 40.80 large, i.e., the higher the ES the moreresponsive is the scale to surgical intervention); andcompletion burden (number of items).A qualitative study on a separate group of patients

explored the face-validity and acceptability of eachquestionnaire (in terms of language, accuracy, andrelevance), particularly for those with visualcomorbidities. A purposeful sampling strategy was usedto include perspectives from a range of visualcomorbidities. Participants included men and women of

varying ages as well as pre- or postoperative status.Semistructured face-to-face interviews were guided by atopic guide to ensure that discussions covered the samebasic issues, but with sufficient flexibility to allowemergence of new issues of importance, and with newpoints added as analysis progressed to enable explorationof emerging themes and encourage more detailedresponses. Where uncertainties arose, respondents wereasked how they understood the items and encouraged toexplain their reasoning and reflect on their overallperceptions of the questionnaire. Data were analysedusing techniques of constant comparison derived fromgrounded theory methodology,24 and emerging themesand codes within transcripts and across the dataset werethen compared to look for shared or disparate viewsamong participants. Data collection and analysiscontinued until the point of data saturation.


Sociodemographic characteristics for participants havepreviously been reported.9 Briefly, participants mean agewas 76 years, 58% were female and 67% were undergoingsurgery in their first eye. The respondents’ results (Raschmeasure) on both scales showed a strongly positiveassociation with a linear correlation of R= 0.85 (Po0.001;N= 1189 completions). Figure 1 presents a Bland–Altmanplot of agreement incorporating the distribution of themeans along the horizontal axis and the distribution ofthe differences along the vertical axis. Table 1 providesdetails of the performance of both questionnaires, andTable 2 summarizes comparative performance based onthe parameters noted above.From both tables it is apparent that each scale performs

well with only moderate to small relative differences.

Figure 1 Bland and Altman plot of agreement between Cat-PROM5 and Catquest-9SF measures for pre- and postoperativequestionnaire completions (mean difference 0.36 logits; N= 1189).

Cataract surgery: Cat-PROM5 vs Catquest-9SFJM Sparrow et al



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Figure 2 provides ‘Person-Item’ or ‘Wright’s maps’ forboth scales illustrating the positions for each item andeach of their levels. Preoperatively there were no ceilingor floor effects for either scale. Postoperatively there was amoderate floor effect for Cat-PROM5, with 9% ofrespondents reporting no problems and for Catquest-9SFa more obvious floor effect, with 25% reporting no

problems. Figure 3 depicts the DIF plots for each scale forassessment of item invariance across eight groupings ofparticipants (e.g. older vs younger), showing that withvery few exceptions the performance of the individualitems is invariant across these groupings.In the qualitative study 16 interviews were conducted

with nine men and seven women with a mean age of 75years (range 57–92). Eleven patients were awaiting theircataract surgery, and five had recently undergonesurgery. Thirteen participants had other visualcomorbidities, including age-related maculardegeneration (wet and dry), myopic maculardegeneration, amblyopia, glaucoma, retinal vascularocclusion, previous retinal detachment, Fuchs endothelialdystrophy, and neurological visual field loss. Interviewslasted an average of 50 min (range= 24–73). Overall bothquestionnaires were well received, although patients withsevere visual comorbidities commented that it wasdifficult to differentiate between how the cataract andother conditions affected their quality of life. Mostparticipants preferred the large-font format of Cat-PROM5. Some preferred questions with more responseoptions as in Cat-PROM5, and others fewer responseoptions as in Catquest-9SF. The specific scenarios ofCatquest-9SF created some uncertainty where otherhealth problems affected the issue being addressed, andwhere the issue was not relevant to their livesrespondents were uncertain about how to respond. Incontrast, Cat-PROM5 enabled them to determine theindividual vision-related factors which they perceived tobe important, and to respond to the questions easily.

Table 1 Quality of the measurement models of Cat-PROM5 and Catquest-9SF across all cycles combined

ItemRasch measure—item

difficulty (SE)Infit



Rasch–Andrich thresholds (centralized toitem difficulty)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Cat-PROM5VSQ_Bad_Eye − 0.89 (0.09) 1.12 1.11 0.80 − 3.11 0.46 2.65 — — —

Interfere − 0.06 (0.08) 0.73 0.76 0.89 − 4.17 − 2.29 − 0.16 2.39 4.23 —

VSQ_Overall − 0.51 (0.08) 1.02 1.01 0.88 − 7.70 − 3.02 − 0.84 1.14 3.88 6.55VSQ_Doing 1.41 (0.11) 0.91 0.87 0.77 − 3.56 0.72 2.85 — — —

VSQ_Reading 0.05 (0.08) 1.18 1.14 0.82 − 3.53 − 1.70 1.09 4.14 — —

Catquest-9SF 1 2 3Cat_Vision 0.26 (0.09) 0.92 0.83 0.78 − 3.98 1.60 2.38Cat_Satisfied − 1.80 (0.08) 1.32 1.32 0.78 − 3.22 0.24 2.98Cat_Read − 0.39 (0.08) 0.96 0.97 0.79 − 3.08 1.38 1.70Cat_Faces 1.80 (0.09) 1.19 1.10 0.62 − 2.08 0.36 1.71Cat_Prices − 0.16 (0.07) 0.93 0.98 0.79 − 2.82 0.94 1.88Cat_Ground 0.70 (0.08) 1.10 1.25 0.71 − 2.49 0.50 1.99Cat_Handwork − 0.16 (0.07) 0.80 0.76 0.81 − 2.43 0.75 1.68Cat_Text_TV − 0.28 (0.07) 0.98 1.03 0.79 − 2.64 0.76 1.88Cat_Activity 0.03 (0.07) 0.75 0.66 0.81 − 2.42 0.73 1.69

Table 2 Summary of quality of both measures


PROM5 Catquest-9SF

Person reliability index 0.90 0.88Cronbach’s α 0.89 0.92Variance explained 72% 64%Variance explained by patients 55% 48%Variance explained by items 16% 16%Variance unexplained 28% 36%Highest residual eigenvalue 1.5 1.6Number of items 5 9Number of misfitting items (Infit/Outfit out of range 0.7–1.3)

0 2

Number of reversed thresholds 0 0Number of reversed categorymeans

0 0

Number of statistically significantDIF instances

3 (7.5%) 3 (4.2%)

Number of instances of ‘large’ DIF,i.e. |DIF|≥ 0.64 Logitsa

1 (2.5%) 2 (2.8%)

Cohen’s standardized effect sizeb − 1.45 − 1.47Cohen’s standardized effect sizec − 1.09 −1.14

aEducational Testing Service criteria bDenominator as SD from preoptime point. cDenominator as SD for the whole sample (including bothpre- and postoperatively).

Cataract surgery: Cat-PROM5 vs Catquest-9SFJM Sparrow et al



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DiscussionThe strong linear correlation (R=0.85) between the scalesprovides empirical evidence that both scales are measuringthe same theoretical concept. The Bland Altman plot with

distributions illustrates good agreement between individualperson measures derived separately from the twoquestionnaires. Each has a similar high level of precision;Cat-PROM5 achieves ‘excellent’ reliability based on the

Figure 2 Person-Item or Wright’s maps illustrating the distributions of patient responses in the upper panel from those with twocataracts, in the second panel from those with one cataract (a cataract in one eye and either pseudophakia or a clear crystalline lenses inthe other), and in the third panel those with no cataracts (either bilateral pseudophakia or pseudophakia in one eye and a clearcrystalline lenses in the other). The lower panel in (a) shows the positions of the Item Locations (Loc) and Category Thresholds (T#) forCat-PROM5 and (b) shows these similarly for Catquest-9SF. All panels refer to the same horizontal scale from − 9 to +9 logits.

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Rasch model, while Catquest-9SF achieves this level on theclassical Cronbach’s α. It should be noted, however, that thislatter coefficient is in part dependent on the number ofquestions included in the scale and Catquest-9SF has almosttwice as many questions as Cat-PROM5. In the context of ascale intended for use in high volume cataract surgicalservices, a longer scale has potential logistical and costdisadvantages that need to be borne in mind. From these

results, however, it is clear that both scales display highprecision with the shorter Cat-PROM5, perhaps having anedge over the longer Catquest-9SF. Both scales fit the datawell with fitting indices mostly within acceptable limits, noreversed thresholds, and point-measure correlations positiveand reasonably high. Both scales are unidimensionalconstructs with the highest eigenvalues in each case below2.0 (Cat-PROM5 1.5, Catquest-9SF 1.6). Had an alternative

Figure 3 DIF graphics for partitioning of response data across eight groupings for Cat-PROM5 (a) and Catquest-9SF (b). The graphicsillustrate that item functioning is largely invariant across these groupings.

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more stringent criterion of a highest eigenvalue threshold of1.5 or less been used,7,25 unidimensionality would howeverhave been borderline.Person-Item or Wright’s maps for both scales (Figure 2)

illustrate good span and targeting, with both scalesperforming similarly with a slightly wider (better) rangeobserved for Cat-PROM5. There were no ceiling effects foreither scale, although a notable postoperative floor effect(25%) was evident for Catquest-9SF. It should be borne inmind that following successful cataract surgery in both eyesvision would be expected to have been restored to normalor near normal in the absence of visually significantcomorbidities. Cat-PROM5 would, however, be moresensitive to detection of relatively minor postoperativeresidual visual difficulties. Both scales were highlyresponsive to surgical intervention, the estimated effect sizesor Cohen’s delta for each being very large, marginallygreater for Catquest-9SF. Based on the theoretically morerelevant preop SD calculation, these were both near−1.5 SD and based on the alternative pooled sample SDnear −1.1SD (both calculation methods have been providedhere for purposes of comparison with other publishedresults). It is worth noting that an effect size (groupdifference) of 40.8SD is regarded as a ‘large’ effect.Item performance was mostly invariant for both

measures across a range of groupings. In Table 2 andFigure 3 the number of statistically significant violationsof invariance measured by DIF was 3 for both Catquest-9SF and Cat-PROM5. Of these, 2 were deemed ‘large’ forCatquest-9SF and 1 for Cat-PROM5. A statisticallysignificant and large DIF thus occurred in less than 5% ofall comparisons for each instrument.The qualitative study indicated that both questionnaires

were well received. Participants varied in regard to ease ofcompletion of fewer (Catquest-9SF) or more (Cat-PROM5)item response options. On the whole, patients preferred thatthe Cat-PROM5 questionnaire enabled them to determinethe individual vision-related factors which they perceived tobe important, and to respond to the questions accordingly.In contrast the specific scenarios of Catquest-9SF providedparticular instances that were sometimes not relevant topatients’ lives, and there was little opportunity to capturethe ways in which cataract did affect their lives beyondthose specific scenarios. The questions in Cat-PROM5 havepreviously been shown to have high face-validity for themajority of cataract patients,21 affirmed by the qualitativeelement of this work.


In this report Cat-PROM5 was compared against theEnglish translation of Catquest-9SF, a widely used originallySwedish cataract PROM instrument. These results show thatboth scales measure the same concept with high precision,

are unidimensional, conform to the stringent Item ResponseTheory requirements of the Rasch model, and are highlyresponsive to cataract surgical intervention with very largeeffect sizes of around 1.5SD (baseline SD). The lessrestrictive Cat-PROM5 questions were preferred by patients,and at almost half the length this would seem the morefeasible implementation option for measurement ofvisual difficulty related to cataract and its relief fromsurgery in high volume surgical services such as those of theUK NHS.


What was known beforeK The ‘patient’s view’ is increasingly recognized as a key

measure in health service delivery.K Patient’s self-reported visual difficulty related to cataract

can be reliably measured using questionnaire instrumentswhich must be brief to be implementable in high volumeservices.

K Cat-PROM5 and Catquest-9SF both demonstrate goodpsychometric performance with high responsiveness tosurgery.

What this study addsK A head-to-head comparison between the best two

candidate instruments demonstrates that both performequally well psychometrically.

K Patients preferred Cat-PROM5 in terms of it being almosthalf the length of Catquest-9SF and less proscriptive,allowing them to map their own visual difficulties to thequestions.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Author contributions

JMS, overall responsibility for the study as chiefinvestigator, conception and design of the study,obtaining funding for the study, writing, and approvingmanuscript; MTG, statistical analyses and writingmanuscript; NAF, overseeing study as local principalinvestigator, interpretation of data, and reviewing andapproving manuscript; RLJ, overseeing study as localprincipal investigator, interpretation of data, andreviewing and approving draft manuscript; CSCL,overseeing study as local principal investigator andapproving manuscript; LE, managing the study,overseeing acquisition of data, and reviewing andapproving manuscript; AL, managing the study,overseeing acquisition of data, collection of data, andreviewing and approving manuscript; DE, design, datacollection and analysis of qualitative study elements, andreviewing and approving of manuscript; JLD, design

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overall and of qualitative study elements, obtainingfunding for the study, and reviewing and approving ofmanuscript.


This paper presents independent research funded by theNational Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under itsProgramme Grants for Applied Research Programme(Reference Number RP-PG-0611-20013). The viewsexpressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarilythose of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.JLD was supported by the NIHR Collaboration forLeadership in Applied Health Research and Care(CLAHRC) West at the University Hospitals Bristol NHSFoundation Trust, and is an NIHR Senior Investigator.


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Cataract surgery: Cat-PROM5 vs Catquest-9SFJM Sparrow et al

