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Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


    Very trul^^^i^urs,

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  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


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  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


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  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York



  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York




  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York




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    THE dry details, called a Catalogue, may differen-tiate the porcelains described, and so help in theillumination of my colleSiion.But the secret of beauty cannot be communicated by words,

    nor can the mysteries of charm be understood except sen-sibility is born in the heart.These inanimate objeSls of art are my cherished and elo-quent companions. I love andfondle them with sentiment.Each one has its own magic lure.The miniature character that prevails is my chiefpride,for the little ceramic gems by their delicate artistry appealwith specialforce to my love of the beautiful.

    G. B. W.

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    INTRODUCTIONIN the Museum at Dresden the largest and mostfamous collection of old Chinese porcelain in the

    world may be viewed. It is pre-eminent for itsgarnitures of large and small decorated vases. Never-theless there are a great number of duplicate pieces,and many highly prized examples of the Chinese pot-ter's art cannot be seen in this public coUedion.The Salting collection in the Kensington Museumin London is one of the most veritable and valuablein Europe. The black and yellow hawthorn patternvases number forty pieces. The cabinet of small speci-mens of eggshell porcelain plates, cups, and saucersis extraordinary. Five superb blue andwhite hawthornjars may be seen. The representation of the single-color glazes is the least interesting feature of this col-lection of world-wide reputation.In the Louvre in Paris, the Grandidier collection,nearly forty years in forming and acquired principallyby direCl importations from China, contains a greaternumber ofunique pieces than any other public collec-tion. The history ofthe potter's art in China, from theearliest times to the beginning of the nineteenth cen-tury, has excellent illustration. The collection formedby M. Grandidier and given to the Louvre affords thelover of rare specimens of old porcelain the very bestopportunity for study.The Garland collection in the Metropolitan MuseumofArt, New York, does not possess the pieces ofgreatsize to be found in the Museum at Dresden. It is notas fine in the general average of blue and white por-celain as the Salting collection in the Kensington Mu-seum, and it lacks the number ofindividual anduniqueexpressions ofpure Chinese art that distinguishes theGrandidier collection in the Louvre, but the Garland

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    INTRODUCTIONcoUedion has superior features that should be men-tioned. The case of colored hawthorn vases holdingseventy-five specimens in great variety of form andembellishment is simply incomparable in the world.Mr. Salting's group alone can be referred to with it.In the class of powder-blue porcelain the Garlandgroups outrank both the Salting and Grandidier speci-mens. The powder-blue vases with polychrome deco-ration in the Garland coUedlion are superior in qualityto those shown anywhere.Individual pieces of rose-colored porcelain may beseen in the European colled:ions, but the famille roserepresentation in the Garland cabinet is the best. Inthe Dresden Museum colledtion the famille verte va-riety ofdecorated porcelain excels the examples shownin the Garland colledion. In the precious eggshellporcelains there are nearly one hundred specimens inthe Garland cabinets. This array of decorated plates,vases, and lanterns is beyond question the finest inthe world. The Garland colledtion, in the estimationof students of the decorated porcelain of China, hasmore points of excellence than any single public col-ledtion.In briefly noticing these four colledtions in Dresden,London, Paris, and New York, there has been no in-tention to omit reference to the great value ofthe col-ledtion in the British Museum formed by Sir Wollas-ton Franks or the Orrock colledtion in the KensingtonMuseum. Among other notable public coUedtions,that in the HohenzoUern Museum in Berlin is the firstin value in Prussia. The Museum at Amsterdam con-tains a large colledtion made up principally of sets ofold blue and white porcelain, and in the Museum atGenoa and in the Royal Palace at Naples a number

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    INTRODUCTIONof large and valuable old Chinese porcelain vases maybe inspeded.Supplementing the Garland colledtion in New York,the S. P. Avery porcelains and those colledled by thelate E. C. Moore may be profitably studied in the Met-ropolitan Museum ofArt. The museums of Boston,Philadelphia, Chicago, and Springfield contain collec-tions of Oriental porcelain of great artistic value.Allusion must be made to some of the chief privatecollections of Europe. Sir William Bennett, Chester-field Street, Mayfair, owns nearly four hundred piecesof old Chinese porcelain. As a colleftion it is deemedthe best-seled:ed private one in England. Twenty-five polychrome powder-blue vases are shown in onecabinet. These are pronounced matchless, while aset of five small tiger-lily vases command unstintedpraise.J. H. Lever, Esq., of Cheshire, England, in all prob-ability has the finest colledion of large pieces of high-class blue and white Chinese porcelain in Europe. Hischief treasure is a group of six blue and white haw-thorn pattern ginger jars with their own covers.R. Bennett, Esq., Pendleton, Manchester, has a beau-tiful private coUeftion numbering over six hundredpieces. In single-color porcelain it isvery rich. Onecab-inet holds thirty splendid specimens of sang-de-bceufporcelain, and another contains twenty choice vasesof apple-green glaze. A half-dozen specimens of thethousand-flower decorated vases give great distindionto this colledtion.The collecftion formed by G. P. Davis, Esq., at Hart-ford, is notable on account of its superb group of raresingle-color porcelains. There are many unique deco-rated pieces, acquired, like Mr. Davis's other treasures,

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    INTRODUCTIONby direft correspondence with Chinese dealers inShanghai.Mr. James Orrock of Bedford Square, a well-knownconnoisseur in Oriental porcelain, has a superb lot offine Chinese pieces, some of great value, but this col-ledion is constantly changing.The colledtion ofPrince Leichtenstein, arranged in hisbeautiful palace inVienna, is a special treat to the loverof the very best quality of Chinese porcelain. Thereare fifty vases of the greatest merit on view. Thesehave been selected from a much larger number. Theremainderofthe Prince's porcelains have been installedin the Leichtenstein pidhire gallery in another part ofthe city.In China large colledlions of Chinese porcelain out-side of the Palace possessions are no longer known toexist.Europeans have from time to time formed colle61:ionsin Shanghai, Tientsin, and Peking, but it is believedthat all the chief ones have been sold or exported.The most famous private collection in China wasmade by the late M. Startseff of Tientsin. This richRussian acquired during a long residence in China agreat many very rare and valuable pieces in fadl, hegathered the finest vases ever gotten together by aEuropean. Recently this colleftion has been disposedof and shipped from China. The late R. M. Brownlived many years in China, made a fine coUedtion, andsold it in the United States. The late Mr. Petthicksold most of his rare pieces during his lifetime. Mr.Howe, Mr. Arbuthnot, M. Vapereau, Captain Brink-ley, Dr. Ward, and Mr. KierulfF have had public orprivate sales of their colledions.Long ago the coUedions formed by Baron von Brandt

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    INTRODUCTIONand later by Chester Holcombe were distributed inthe United States.Pere Favier of Peking is reported to have recentlyparted with his private holdings of rare porcelain, andMr. Cheshire has returned after a long residence inChina intending to sell the Oriental pieces that hegathered during many years of official service there.In the United States the pioneer in colleding oldChinese porcelain was the late William T. Waltersof Baltimore. Nearly forty years ago this distinguishedconnoisseur commenced to make the great private col-ledion that bears his name. Through Mr. Walters'sinstrumentality the best publication ever issued uponthe subjedt of Oriental Ceramic Art has been given tothe world. Dr. S. W. Bushell, the eminent Chinesescholar and connoisseur of Chinese porcelain andpottery, has written the text-book of the William T.Walters colledtion, and the work was issued from theAppleton Press in 1899.It may be stated here that a smaller book, entitled"A History and Description of Chinese Porcelain"by Cosmo Monkhouse (Cassell & Co., London,1 901), is the last word upon a subjedt which, untilDr. Bushell's review appeared, had received no ade-quate treatment. The late Mr. Monkhouse's bookis strongly endorsed by Dr. Bushell.Reminding the reader of these two recent publica-tions, so complete and trustworthy, the writer refersthe student and amateur to these texts and resumeshis reference to porcelain collecting.Among those who long ago, like Mr. Walters, recog-nized the beauty and merit of old porcelain and fos-tered the idea of coUefting it, were Samuel P. Avery,Sr., George H. Boughton, George B.Warren, Samuel

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    INTRODUCTIONColman, Silas Eyans, E. C. Moore, Benjamin Alt-man, W. L. Andrews, Robert Hoe, Charles A. Dana,S. L. M. Barlow, Heber R. Bishop, H. O. Havemeyer,William Man, William M. LafFan, James A. Garland,Brayton Ives, S. N. Nickerson, Dr. Sturgis Bigelow,John L. Cadwalader, S. T. Peters, Henry Graves,Henry Sampson, and James W. Ellsworth.The famous William T. Walters colleftion at Balti-more, now owned by Harry Walters, Esq., the sonof the founder, may still be viewed on certain fixedreception days in the art season.Since the movement started by the above-named ama-teurs, aided by other ardent porcelain devotees whosenames are not recalled, a great period of colledling hasbeen inaugurated. A strong impetus for new colledorswas furnished by the dispersal of several great collec-tions at public sale, formed by Mrs. Morgan, WilliamMan, Esq., Samuel Colman, Esq., Baron von Brandt,Austin Robertson, Esq., General Brayton Ives, Hon.Charles A. Dana, and William C. Oastler, Esq.So much in earnest and so intelligent have been thecollectors ofthe past twenty years that it is now knownthat the finest private colledtions of pure Chinese artexist in the United States to-day. A number of thecoUeftors of Oriental art in New York and othercities may be mentioned: Messrs. H. O. Havemeyer,Heber R.. Bishop, J. P. Morgan, Henry Sampson,Benjamin Altman, H. McK. Twombly, M. C. D.Borden, Robert Hoe, Charles H. Tweed, W. Rhine-lander Stewart, John L. Cadwalader, James W. Ells-worth, W. M. LafFan, Samuel T. Peters, John LaFarge, George A. Hearn, Samuel Thorne, WilliamRockefeller,V. Everit Macy, Edson Bradley, HowardMansfield, C. W. Gould, Edward D. Adams , Cyrus

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    INTRODUCTIONJ. Lawrence, A. W. Evarts, I. D. Fletcher, W. A.Clark, R. H. Halsted, H. J. Grant, L. G. Wood-house, W. L, Stow, and Mrs. Frederick Goodridge,Mrs. A. A. Anderson, Mrs. Milbank, Mrs. W. B.Ogden, and Miss Jennings.In other cities in the United States, a few of the no-table colledlions of Chinese art objedts are herewithnamed:Henry Graves, Orange, New Jersey; Deming Jarves,Detroit; Charles L. Freer, Detroit; Marsden J. Perry,Providence; Thomas E. Waggaman, Washington,Distridt ofColumbia; Mrs. David P. Kimball, Gardi-ner G. Hammond, Jr., and Dr. Sturgis Bigelow inBoston ; Mrs. Nickerson, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mrs.W. W. Kimball and Mr. M. B. Ryerson and Mr.Cable, Chicago; P. A. B. Widener, Philadelphia; LewisH. Blair, Richmond; Sir W. C. Van Home, R. B.Angus, James Ross, and E. B. Greenshields in Mon-treal; and George B. Warren, of Troy, New York.Among the coUedtions named, that of Henry Gravesof Orange, New Jersey, is remarkable for its superbspecimens of single colors and soft paste blue andwhite and decorated vases.The collection of blue and white formed by DemingJarves, the noted connoisseur of Detroit, is one ofthe highest class and his single-color examples areunique.P. A. B. Widener's tall decorated vases are excep-tional, and his cabinets of porcelain vases are remark-able for beauty and rarity.Mrs. David P. Kimball's case of peachbloom porce-lain in Boston cannot be duplicated, and Charles L.Freer's Chinese and other Oriental pottery may not bematched.

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    INTRODUCTIONMarsden J. Perry's coUeftion of flawless pieces inProvidence is one of great distindtion.J. Pierpont Morgan's garniture of five large blackhawthorn vases is unrivalled. H. O. Havemeyer'smasterpieces of Oriental pottery are the finest knownanywhere.

    [ Heber R. Bishop's carvedjades and other hard stones[ are conceded to be best in existence.Edson Bradley's extensive and wisely chosen speci-mens represent Chinese art for nearly two thousandyears.Benjamin Altman's great coUeftion of red glazeschallenges all others.Henry Sampson's matchless single colors and raretypes of vases decorated in colors make his coUedtionunique. Samuel T. Peters has a wonderful group ofmetallic lustre vases.W. M. LafFan possesses a small but valuable groupof very rare vases, and George B. Warren of Troyowns an incomparable coUedtion ofthe highest gradesofporcelain in miniature and cabinet sizes. Mr. War-ren's love for fine old Chinese porcelain is of the gen-uine kind. This unique collection of Oriental art hasbeen made by a cultivated amateur a man of mod-est fortunenot for the sake of toasting, or withcommercial thought, but for his own pleasure, and inobedience to the claims of that love for the beautifulin art which guides those influenced by it to surroundthemselves with veritable and attraftive objedts.In an unostentatious manner he began to coUedl por-celainmany years ago, and in the beginning he found inhis life-long friend George H. Boughton, the painter,a sympathetic and competent adviser. Mr. Boughtonsays he noted while in Holland that the knowing

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    INTRODUCTIONDutchman showed a preference for a small vase if itwas of the highest quality. Mr. Warren adopted theplan to search for and acquire the finest of little vases.Six hundred pieces of porcelain are marshalled on hiscabinet shelves. No two pieces are alike and all arebeautiful to look upon. Mr. Warren's selections havebeen made from dire6t importations from China or bypurchases in the most famous public sales. In com-petition for little vases in various audion sales Mr.Warren invariably carried off the prizes.His most precious pieces are among the forty speci-mens of old red porcelain. In the classification of redglazes I include sang-de-boeuf^ ruby, cherry, peach-bloom, and ashes-of-roses. A group of green glazesshow every known hue. The soft paste and hard pasteblue and white miniature vases are matchless, and indecorated porcelains he has specimens that mark thehighest quality of the potter's art. To pick favoritesin Mr. Warren's colledion would mean to conferhonors upon nearly all his pieces. This careful col-leftor has passed the culling period. He is contentedto live with his porcelains as they stand, and, like alldevotees of precious things, he derives the keenestpleasure in showing his little idols to an appreciativevisitor. In this respedt he greatly resembles the en-thusiastic state ofthe late Charles A. Dana, who,whenhe found a sympathetic colled:or or studentwho woulddiscuss ceramics, postponed the most urgent ques-tions of letters or politics to play with his Chineseporcelain pets.The descriptive catalogue of Mr. Warren's coUedionhas been written by the colleftor himself. I have notread the text, but it is certain that he has not madesufficient claims for the excellence and superiority of

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    INTRODUCTIONhis treasures. One marvels at the beautiful colors,decorations, and forms, and you are glad that youknow the man whose unerring taste and judgmenthas brought to completion a coUedtion of old Chineseporcelain of such uncommon charm.THOMAS B. CLARKE.New York, March i, 1902.

    Note. Since tieforegoing introduSion was signed thefamous colleHionformed by the late James A. Garland has been sold, and through themunificence of the purchaser, J. Pierpont Morgan, the colleSion willremain at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

    G. B. W.

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    NoteChing-hwa Era A.D. 1465-148Wan-li Era A.D. 15 37-1 620Kang-he Era A.D. 1661-1722Tung-ching Era A.D. 1723-1736Kien-lung Era A.D. 1736-1795'Taou-kwang Era A.D. 1821-1851

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    NUMBER I . BEAKER. Dark deep red, sang-de-boeuf, with distindt clots of blood. Kang-he.Height, nine inches.2PEAR-SHAPE JAR. Sang-de-boeuf. Rich colorefFedl given by white blotches. Kang-he. Height, seveninches.3GALLIPOT. Sang-de-bcEuf. Beautiful gradationsof color from light tone to dark red, almost black.Kang-he. Height, six inches.4GALLIPOT. Sang-de-bcEuf. Brilliant gradations.Kang-he. Height, six inches.5GALLIPOT. Sang-de-boeuf. Distinfl clots ofblood.Kang-he. Height, six inches.6TRUMPET-LIP BOTTLE. Sang-de-boeuf. Kang-he. Height, four inches.7BOTTLE. Sang-de-boeuf. Kang-he. Height, fourinches,8TRUMPET-LIP BOTTLE. Sang-de-boeuf. Kang-he. Height, four inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: REDS9TRUMPET-LIP BOTTLE. Sang-de-bceuf. Kang-he. Height, four inches.loBOTTLE. Sang-de-bcEuf. Kang-he. Height, fourinches.1BOTTLE. Sang-de-boeuf. Kang-he. Height, fourinches.12BOTTLE. Sang-de-boeuf. Kang-he. Height, fourinches.13TRUMPET-LIP BOTTLE.^^-^^.Height,fourinches.The foregoing thirteen pieces are genuine examplesof the best of the red porcelains popularly known asLang Yao.BOTTLE. Light red, white showing through inblotches. Kien-lung. Height, three and three-fourthsinches.15BOTTLE. Even red. Taou-^wang. Height, fourinches.16CYLINDRICAL BOTTLE. Blush of red on oneside, the rest celadon. Rare coUedor's piece. Kang-he.Height, five and one-half inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: REDS17GOURD-SHAPE BOTTLE. Sang-de-bceuf. Cela-don sport on one side. Genuine Lang Yao porcelain.Kang-he. Height, three inches.18BEAKER, WITH FLARING LIP. Sang-de-boeuf. Very brilliant color. Genuine Lang Yao porce-lain. Kang-he. Height, three inches.19BEAKER, WITH FLARING LIP. Sang-de-boeuf. Showing ashes-of-roses tone in spots. Kang-he.Height, three inches.20BEAKER. Brilliant ruby red. Kien-lung. Height,four and one-half inches.21MINIATURE JAR. Sang-de-bceuf Kang-he.Height, two inches.22COUP. Sang-de-boeuf. Kang-he. Height, one andone-half inches ; diameter, two and one-half inches.23COUP. Sang-de-boeuf Kang-he. Height, one andone-half inches ; diameter, two and one-half inches.24INK POT. Mottled red and celadon. Lang Yaopiece. Kang-he. Yi&i^t, one and one-half inches;diameter, two and one-half inches.25WATER VESSEL, WITH WOOD COVER.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: REDSSang-de-boeuf. Very brilliant color. Lang Yao porce-lain. Kang-he. Height, one and one-halfinches; diam-eter, three inches.26MINIATURE INK POT. The smallest piece ofgenuine sang-de-boeufknown. X^g"->^^. Height, three-fourthsofan inch ; diameter,one and one-fourth inches.27PEAR-SHAPE, LONG-NECK BOTTLE. Sang-de-boeuf, but approaching peachbloom in color andform. Very rare piece. Kang-he. Height, eight inches,28MINIATURE BOTTLE. Rose-du-Barry, perfedcolor. Tung-ching. Height, two inches.31BULBOUS BOTTLE. Very fine. Light red. Kang-he, Height, five inches.32GALLIPOT. Unusually fine red coral color of softuniform tint. Kang-he. Height, six inches.33MOTTLED, SLENDER-NECK VASE. Peach-bloom. Kang-he. Height, six inches. This is known inthe peachbloom family as the amphora shape, calledafter the Greek vase of this form, and believed to bethe most beautiful form, having the most gracefullines, among all the vases made by the Chinese. Itsexquisite simplicity of form is supplemented by greatdelicacy of color and by beautiful modulations of thepeachbloom tint. The much-prized marks in green aredistind: inside and outside of the lip.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: REDS34ROUGE BOX. Peachbloom. Kang-he. Height, oneand one-halfinches ; diameter, three and three-fourthsinches. In this remarkable piece the green tints havealmost usurped the entire surface with their beauti-ful gradations, leaving but a small space for the dis-tindtive red which here emerges with the beauty ofits own color heightened by the environment. Thisis believed to be the rarest and finest peachbloomrouge box in this country.35ROUGE BOX. Peachbloom. Kang-he. Height, oneand one-halfinches ; diameter, three and three-fourthsinches. In this piece the fiiU rich peachbloom red pre-vails, edged with ashes-of-roses and the charadteristicgreen dots.36BRUSH POT. Peachbloom with lovely transitionsfrom red to ashes-of-roses. A graceful pattern etchedupon the surface under the glaze. Kang-he. Height,three inches; diameter, five inches.37PLATE. Ashes-of-roses. Tung-ching. Diameter, eightinches.39CYLINDRICAL SNUFF BOTTLE. Red coraldelicately etched in gold. Tung-ching. Height, twoand one-half inches.40LONG-NECK BULBOUS BOTTLE. Crushedstrawberry: strong crackle. A brilliant and notablepiece. Wan-li. Height, sixteen inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLACKSTALL CYLINDRICAL JAR. Medallions, flowersand scrolls over the entire surface in various colors onred ground. Kang-he. Height, eighteen inches.42SNUFF BOTTLE. Dragon and other decorationsin red on white. Tung-ching. Height, three and one-half inches.^^PLATE. Deep old rose. Kien-lung. Diameter, eleveninches.

    BLACKS50LARGE JAR, WITH COVER. Brilliant embel-lishment on a black ground, also medallions in enamelcolors on reserve white. Flowers and foliage in richcolors constitute the general decoration. Kang-he.Height, fifteen inches.SIGALLIPOT. Black; with hawthorn flowers andstems, and other flowers and leaves in colors on theblack ground. Wan-li. Height, seven inches.52BEAKER. Hawthorn flowers, and other flowers andleaves in colors on the black ground. Wan-li. Height,seven and one-half inches.53SQUARE JAR. Hawthorn on one panel, and otherflowers on the other panels in colors on the black

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLACKSground. Kang-he. Height, nine and one-half inches;four inches square.

    54EGG-SHAPE VASE. Ivory black, rung-ching.Height, five inches.55SMALL BOTTLE. Ivory black. ffif-/a^. Height,two and one-half inches.56SMALL BOTTLE. Ivory black. A:V-/a^. Height,two and one-half inches.57,58TALL CUPS. Hawthorn flowers and stems on blackground. Tung-ching. Height, five inches.

    59CUP AND SAUCER. Outside, hawthorn on blackground and polychrome medallions on white reserve.Inside, gay flowers and leaves on white ground. Kien-lung. Height, two inches.60BOWL. Black with hawthorn decoration in colors.Kang-he. Diameter, seven and one-half inches.61BULBOUS BOTTLE, WITH SPOUT. Blackground with flowers in colors and green leaves. Alsothree medallions of roses on white. Kien-lung. Height,eight inches.

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    WHITES62TALL, NARROW-NECK, EGGSHELL BOT-TLE. Graceful trumpet shape. Incised decorationunder the glaze. Very pure white. Tung-cUng. Height,six and one-half inches.63EGG-SHAPE VASE. {Pottery.) Exquisite creamywhite with crackle. Lovely tone. Kang-he. Height,three and one-half inches ; diameter, three and one-half inches.64EGG-SHAPE BOTTLE. Cream white with crackle.In grace of form, quality of paste and distindtion oftone, this piece is supreme. Soft paste crackle, Kang-he. Height, five inches.65COMPRESSED BOTTLE. Notable texture ofcreamy white soft paste porcelain. Curious form withembossed leaf at the base. Rare. Tung-ching. Height,four inches.66COUP, WITH ROUND BOTTOM. Creamywhite soft paste. Fine raised ribs of bamboo patternrunning over the surface under the band at the top.Tung-ching. Height, two and one-half inches ; diame-ter, three inches.67CYLINDER. White. Kien-lung. Height, five inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: WHITESLITTLE PEAR-SHAPE BOTTLE. Creamywhite soft paste. A charming bit. Kang-he. Height,three inches.68UNIQUE SOFT PASTE WATER VESSEL.Creamy white. Incised decoration of flowers and con-ventional drawing. Kien-lung. Height, one and one-half inches ; diameter, two inches.69OVOID VASE, WITH TALL STEM. Creamwhite. Graceflil etched pattern covers the entire sur-face. Silver trumpet finish at tip ofstem. Beautiful softpaste porcelain with crackle. Tung-ching. Height, fif-teen inches.70PLATE. White. Graceful etched pattern covers theentire surface. Tung-ching. Diameter, eleven inches.71PLATE. Cream white. Incised pattern. Ching-hwa.Diameter, ten inches.72SNUFF BOTTLE. White. Soft paste. Kang-he.Height, three inches.73COMPRESSED BOTTLE. Milk white. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.74OVOID BOTTLE. White. Taou-kwang. Height,two inches.

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    POLYCHROMESVASES. Figure compositions in colors on white. Kien-lung. Height, eight inches.77SNUFF BOTTLE. Raised dragon in red. Kien-lung. Height, two inches.81TALL CUP. Polychrome on white. Kien-lung.Height, five inches.82SNUFF BOTTLE. Lotus decoration in red. Kien-lung. Height, two and one-half inches.85SNUFF BOTTLE. Dark blue ground, human fig-ure and horses in colors. Kien-lung. Height, two andone-half inches.86BOTTLE. Red dragon and blue clouds on white.Kien-lung. Height, five inches.87EGGSHELL CUP,WITH COVER. Flowers andfoliage in colors on white. Kien-lung. Height, threeinches; diameter, four and one-half inches.88BOWL. Pomegranate fruit and leaves on a lightyellow ground; also medallions of flowers on white.Blue decorations inside on white. Kien-lung. Diame-ter, six inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: POLYCHROMES89BOWL. Flowers and leaves on a slate blue ground;also medallions of plants with flowers on white re-serve. Blue decoration inside. Kien-lung. Diameter,six inches.90BOWL. Vases with flowers on a light yellow groundalso medallions of sylvan scenes on reserve white.Blue decoration on white inside. Kien-lung, Diameter,six inches.91BOWL. Conventional flowers and stems on a pinkground; also medallions of flowering sprays on whitereserve. Blue decoration on white inside. Kien-lung.Diameter, six inches.92MINIATURE BEAKER, WITH FLARINGLIP. Light blue mottled. Kien-lung. Height, two andone-half inches.93OVOID BOTTLE. Blue mottled. Kien-lung.Height, two and one-half inches.94OVOID BOTTLE. Redmottled. Kien-lung. Height,two and one-half inches.95BOTTLE. Wine color. Kien-lung. Height, threeinches.

    96PLATE. Two borders and a flower in centre in reds,blues and greens. Kien-lung. Height, eight inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: POLYCHROMES97BOWL. Green ground. Dragons in umber. Kien-lung. Diameter, four and one-half inches.lOIBOTTLE JAR. Rich polychrome decoration. Wo-men occupied in games. Kang-he. Height, ten inches.103ROUND, EGGSHELL LANTERN. BeautifUlembellishment in enamel colors on white. Five richlydressed ladies engaged in conversation and music.Yung-ching. Height, nine and one-half inches. Lan-terns play an important part in the social and reli-gious customs of the Chinese.104SLENDER-NECK, GLOBULAR VASE. Poly-chromatic embellishment on white. An original andeffedive decorative scheme. Kang-he. Height, sixteeninches.105PLATE. Rose back. Richly decorated in colors;human figures in centre. With an ornamental border.Yung-ching. Diameter, eight inches.106SEVEN-BORDERED PLATE. Rose back. Richcolor decoration with seven distind: borders, and hu-man figure composition in centre. (Very rare.) Yung-ching. Diameter, eight inches.107PLATE. Decoration in colors on white. Neck ofland with houses and trees surrounded by water,

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: POLYCHROMESGeometrical border holding medallions of flowers.Tung-ching. Diameter, eight inches.io8PLATE. Rose back. Adornment in enamel colors onwhite. Lady and child in rich attire, with various acces-sories of vases, flowers, etc. No border. Tung-ching.Diameter, eight inches.109LARGE PLATE. Rose back. Decoration: humanfigures on a verandah; lotus plants in bloom in thewater, and ducks swimming. Very beautiful floralborder. Kang-he. Diameter, fifteen inches.1 10PLATE. Rose family. Kien-lung, Diameter, teninches.1 1 IPLATE. Famille-verte, illustrating "The LoveChase." Tung-ching. Diameter, eleven inches.1 12PLATE. Yellow border, two human figures in cen-tre. Kien-lung. Diameter, eleven inches.

    "3PLATE. Very beautiful, broad, floral border, withvase and basket filled with flowers in centre. Kien-lung. Diameter, eight inches.114PLATE. Diaper decoration with medallions offlowersin colors on reserve white. Ching-hwa. Diameter,eight inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: POLYCHROMESPLATE. Lovely narrow border of emblematic de-sign in colors and large lotus flower in centre. Bril-liant Mongolian symbols on outside. Kien-lung. Di-ameter, nine and one-half inches.Ii6, 117SMALL GINGER JARS. Eolychrome decoration.Taou-kwang. Height, six inches; diameter, five inches.118, 119SAUCERS. Mongolian. Same decoration as Number115. Kien-lung. Diameter, four inches.120BOWL. Mongolian. Symbols in brilliant colorscover the entire surface outside, large lotus flower incolors in centre of inside. Kien-lung. Diameter, seveninches.121SMALL CREAM PITCHER. Covered with bril-liant decoration in colors with a beautiful painted cockon reserve white medallion. Tung-ching. Height, fourinches.122TEAPOT. Same decoration as Number 121. Tung-ching. Height, four inches.123BOTTLE. Bright flowers in colors on white. I'aou-kwang. Height, five inches.124WALL VASE. Rose-du-Barry color. Chinese legendin medallion on reserve white in centre. Floral decora-tion on the solid red. Tung-ching. Height, ten inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: POLYCHROMES125WALL VASE. Flowers in color on white medallionin centre; delicate gold decoration on the clair-de-lune ground. Tung-ching. Height, seven inches.126WALL VASE. Dragons in gold. Chinese text inblack; clouds and emblems in colors, all on white.Tung-ching. Height, seven inches.127, 129WALL VASES. Flowers in color on white panels.Design on border in colors on light green. Tung-ching. Height, seven inches.128, 130WALL VASES. Flowers and vines in red and goldon a light blue ground. Tung-ching. Height, eightinches.

    BOWL. Bold flowers and scrolls in delicate schemeof bright colors on a light yellow ground. Kien-lung.Diameter, seven inches.

    BULBOUS VASE. Adorned with conventionaldragons, flowers and vines in bright colors in the trueOriental spirit. Kien-lung. Height, ten inches.

    BOWL. Large medallions treated in diaper; blueground between; and border at the top. Kien-lung.Diameter, five inches.135BOWL. Conventional scrollwork on a yellowground

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: POLYCHROMESalso small medallions carrying ornamental subjefts.Kien-lung. Diameter, five and one-half inches.136BOWL. Four large blue medallions on which arefaint color devices. Kien-lung. Diameter, four inches.138CUP, WITH COVER. Seals with colors on white.Kien-lung. Height, two and one-halfinches; diameter,four inches.139SMALL CUP. Seals in color on white. Kien-lung.Height, one and one-half inches.140BOWL. Large medallions carrying flowers in strongcolors on white; gold diaper between; and border attop. Kien-lung. Diameter, five inches.141BOWL. Medallions carrying plants in colors onwhite; pink ground between on which are conven-tional scrolls. Kien-lung. Diameter, five and one-halfinches.

    142BOWL. Scrollwork in blue all over, and an occa-sional flower in red. Kien-lung. Diameter, five and one-half inches.H3

    .BOWL. Conventional treatment of clouds in blueon white ground. Kien-lung. Diameter, five and one-half inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: POLYCHROMES144BOWL. Four human figure medallions in colors onwhite; diaper pattern between of light blue on yellow.Border at top. Kien-lung. Diameter, four and one-half inches.145SQUARE CUP. Decorated in colors on white withflowering plants. Kien-lung. Height, two inches.146BOWL. Mixed flowers in colors on white cover theentire surface. Kien-lung. Diameter, four inches.147BOWL. Four medallions carrying human figure sub-jefts in colors on white; slate blue between, on whichare clouds in colors. Kien-lung. Diameter, five inches.148CUP. Decorated in colors; male and female fishesin pairs. Kien-lung. Height, two inches.149FLAT SNUFF BOTTLE. Polychromatic decora-tion. Tung-ching. Height, two inches.150FLAT SNUFF BOTTLE. Polychromatic decora-tion. Tung-ching. Height, two inches.151FLAT SNUFF BOTTLE. Polychromatic decora-tion. Tung-ching. Height, two and one-half inches.152CUP. Man and deer in colors on white. Kien-lung.Height, two inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: POLYCHROMES153CUP, Man on crab, in colors on white. Kien-lung.Height, two and one-half inches.

    CUP. Men, trees and flowers in colors on white.Kien-lung. Height, two and one-half inches.

    CUP. Two women in colors on white. Kien-lung.Height, two and one-half inches.

    BOWL. Medallions of leaves and flowers in colorson white. Kien-lung. Height, three inches.

    SAUCER. Rose back with small medallions andflowers on rose ground; floral medallion in centre,and lovely border. Tung-ching. Diameter, six inches.158GLOBULAR VASE. Flowers and vines in brightcolors. Kien-lung. Height, six inches; diameter, fiveand one-half inches.

    SMALL BOWL. Mongolian. Same decoration asNumber 120. Kien-lung. Height, six inches; diame-ter, five and one-half inches.160CUP. Red outside with hawthorn embellishment.Kien-lung. Diameter, two and one-half inches.

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    163TALL, SLIM, CYLINDRICAL VASE. Cafe-au-lait. Large crackle. Kang-he. Height, eight inches.164CYLINDRICAL JAR. Dark cafe-au-lait. Largecrackle. Kang-he. Height, four inches ; diameter, fourinches.165BOTTLE. Light cafe-au-lait. Small crackle. Tung-ching. Height, five inches.166BOTTLE. Deep yellow. Tung-ching. Height, threeinches.167GLOBULAR VASE. Deep yellowish brown. Pat-tern of dragon and pheasant etched under the glaze.Tung-ching. Height, three inches; diameter, threeinches.168COUP. Yellow. Kien-lung. Height, four inches.169TEAPOT. Yellow. Kien-lung. Diameter, two inches,170GLOBULAR VASE. Yellow. Tung-ching. Height,one and one-half inches ; diameter, two inches.171SNUFF BOTTLE. Dark umber design on lightshade. Tung-ching. Height, four inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: YELLOWS AND BROWNS172WALL VASE. Branch with hawthorn leaves andflowers on a deep yellow ground. Tung-ching. Height,seven inches.

    GALLIPOT. Light cafe-au-lait color. Fine crackle.Kien-lung. Height, six inches.

    BOWL. Strolling musicians, and trees in variouscolors on a yellowish brown ground. Tung-ching. Di-ameter, seven inches.^7STEAR BOTTLE. Dark brown. Kien-lung. Height,two inches.176BOTTLE VASE. Mustard color. Crackled. Kien-lung. Height, six inches.177SMALLBOTTLE.Deep yellow. A:/Vk-/^. Height,three inches.178SMALL SQUARE VASE. Unique specimen ofgold bronze porcelain. Kdng-he. Height, two andone-half inches.179SMALL BOTTLE. Dark brown design on a lightershade. Kien-lung. Height, two and one-half inches.

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    GREENS20CYLINDER VASE. Light emerald green. Finecrackle. Kang-he. Height, six inches.202BULGING VASE. Malachite green. Strong crackle.Rare as peachbloom. Kang-he. Height, six inches.203VASE. Arabesque design in dark green on a blackground. Tung-ching. Height, six inches.204GLOBULAR BOTTLE. Malachite green. Finecrackle. Rare as peachbloom. Kang-he. Height, fiveinches.205, 206CUPS. Trefoil shape. Flowers and leaves in greenon a black ground. Tung-ching. Height, two and one-half inches.207GALLIPOT. Arabesque design in green on a blackground. Tung-ching. Height, six inches.208BOTTLE. Tea-leaves green. Tung-ching. Height,four inches.209GOURD VASE. Dark green. {Pottery.) Kang-he.Height, five inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: GREENS2IOBOTTLE. Green. Kien-lung. Height, five inches.21 1, 212, 213SMALL BOTTLES. Flowers, leaves and scrollsin green on a black ground. Yung-ching. Height,two and one-half inches.214VASE. Green. Kien-lung. Height, two and one-halfinches.215SNUFF BOTTLE. Color of the hare. Ymg-cUng.Height, three inches.216PEAR-SHAPE VASE. Sage green. {Pottery.)Kang-he. Height, eight and one-half inches.217OVOID VASE. Sea green. Strong crackle. Kang-he.Height, four inches.218TRUMPET-LIP BOTTLE. Camellia green.Tung-ching. Height, four inches.221BOTTLE. Dark green. Kien-lung. Height, threeinches.222EGG-SHAPEVASE.Very fine. Apple green. Strongcrackle. Kang-he. Height, four inches.223COUP. Dull bluish color. Ching-hwa. Diameter, twoand one-half inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUES224FLARING BOWL. Dragons in dark green andbrown on apple green ground. Unique piece. Kang-he.Height, three inches; diameter, nine inches.227BOWL. Horses and flowers and other objefts inlight green and brown on a very dark green ground.A rare bowl. Ching-hwa. Diameter, seven and one-half inches.

    230LONG-NECK VASE. Shagreen. {Pottery.) Ching-hwa. Height, seven inches.

    BLUES231SMALL VASE. Light blue. Sung. Rare. Height,three inches.232COMPRESSED BOTTLE. Turquoise blue.Unique specimen. Tung-ching. Height, six inches.233TALL CYLINDRICAL VASE. Powder blue,unusually rich tone. Flowers on white reserve panelsbeautifully painted in enamel colors. Delicate designin gold all over the blue ground. Kang-he. Height,sixteen inches.234PEAR-SHAPE VASE. Clair-de-lune color. Lovelyform. Kang-he. Height, five and one-fourth inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITES235COMPRESSED BOTTLE. Peacock blue. Kien-lung. Height, four inches.236PEAR-SHAPE VASE. Clair-de-lune. Kang-he.Height, five and one-half inches.

    BLUE AND WHITES237PEAR-SHAPE VASE. Decoration: plants withflowers on six raised panels. Kien-lung. Height, sixand one-half inches.238VASE. Panels with long Elizas and flowers. Kang-he.Height, five and one-half inches.239CUP. Kien-lung. Height, two inches.240PEAR-SHAPE, TALL JAR. House and trees indeep blue. Strong crackle. Kang-he. Height, thirteenand one-half inches.241, 242CYLINDERVASES. Landscape with rocks in deepblue. Soft paste. Kang-he. Height, nine inches.243PEAR-SHAPE VASE. Tiger-lily decoration. Tung-ching. Height, ten inches.244BOTTLE. Legendary Mammoth, and other decora-


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    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITEStions in deep blue. Tung-ching. Height, seven inches.245CYLINDER BOTTLE. Lace pattern. Tung-ching.Height, six and one-half inches.246PEAR-SHAPE VASE, WITH SLENDERSTEM. Very graceful form. Arabesque pattern overall the surface. From the Blenheim coUedlion. Kang-he. Height, seven inches.247PAINT-BRUSH HANDLE. Dragon medallionsonbulb,and diaper pattern on stem. Soft paste crackle.Tung-ching. Height, seven inches.248BULGING VASE. Wide border of flowers andvines around the main body. Palm leaves on stemand base. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, sevenand one-half inches.249LONG-NECK BOTTLE. Decoration: boating-party on body; little pearls and band on stem. Finestquality of soft paste. Kang-he. Height, four inches.250CUP. Decoration of various horses. A lovely pieceof delicate soft paste. Kang-he. Height, two inches.251SNUFF BOTTLE. Dragon treatment. Soft pastecrackle. Tung-ching. Height, four inches.252, 254MUSKMELON-SHAPE BOTTLES. Decorated

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESwith leaves and vines. Rare pieces. Soft paste crackle.Wan-li, Height, one and one-half inches.253SMALL PEAR-SHAPE JAR. Eagle on a rock.Rich cream crackle. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.255BOTTLE. The only decoration is a graceful bunchofgrapes with leaves.A very dainty piece ofsoft paste.Tung-ching. Height, three inches.256SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures engaged inplay. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.257TRUMPET-LIP BULBOUS VASE. Flowersand interlacing vines. Kang-he. Height, three and one-half inches.258LONG-NECKBULBOUS BOTTLE. Plants withleaves in dark blue running up the stem. Kang-he.Height, three inches.259SNUFF BOTTLE. A monkey on a tree, a deerbelow. Soft paste crackle. Wan-li. Height, three inches.260SNUFF BOTTLE. Decoration illustratesthe twelvehours by twelve animals. Very rare. Soft paste crackle.Wan-li. Height, two and one-half inches.261SNUFF BOTTLE. Lady and attendant descending

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESfrom the Palace garden. Soft paste crackle. Wan-li.Height, three inches.262GLOBULAR BOTTLE. Bulb covered with intri-cate decoration of lotus flowers and leaves in strongblue. Palm leaves on stem. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, six inches.263GOURD-SHAPE VASE. Lotus flowers and leavesand intertwining stems. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching.Height, five inches.264TEA CADDY. Houses on a river the chief decora-tion. Soft paste crackle. Wan-li. Height, five inches.265, 266SNUFF BOTTLES. Decoration of flying dragons.Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, four inches.267GLOBULAR BOTTLE. Rocks and plants. Strongsoft paste crackle. Wan-li. Height, three and one-halfinches.

    268COMPRESSED BOTTLE. Intricate combinationof flowers and vines. A rare piece. Kang-he. Height,three inches.269SNUFF BOTTLE. Officers of state travelling.Kang-he. Height, three inches.270SNUFF BOTTLE. Dragon and clouds. Soft paste

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITEScrackle. Tung-ching. Height, three and one-halfinches.271BOTTLE. Delicate blue. Dragon in the midst offlowers and foliage. Soft paste. Kang-he. Height, threeinches.272BOTTLE. Deep blue. Dragon in the midstofclouds.Soft paste. Kang-he. Height, three inches.273' 274GLOBULARBOTTLES. Bulbs coveredwith lotusflowers and intricate scrolls. Crackled. Little pearlsand bands on neck and stem of Number 273 ; palmleaves on stem of Number 274. Soft paste crackle.Wan-li. Height, four inches.275STRAIGHT-BODY BOTTLE. Lotus flowers andconneding scrolls cover the entire body ; palm leaveson stem. Softpaste crackle. Wan-li. Height, fourinches.These last three pieces are most refined and very rare.276SMALL PLATE. Very dark blue ground. Horseand arabesque pattern in faint white. Tung-ching.Height, three inches.277SMALL PLATE. Domestic scene. Tung-ching.Height, two and one-half inches.278SMALL PLATE. Tree and flowering plant. Tung-ching. Height, three and one-half inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITES279SQUARE BOWL. Plants and flowers on the fourpanels. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, threeinches ; five and one-half inches square.280CYLINDER VASE. Lotus flowers and connedtingfoliage. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, six andone-half inches.281BOTTLE, WITH LONG STEM. Two conven-tional dragons on the stem extending down upon thebody. Tung-ching. Height, eight and one-half inches.282VASE. Honeycomb pattern between two panels ofriver landscapes. Tung-ching. Height, seven and one-half inches.283SNUFF BOTTLE. Hexagon. Human figures oneach panel in rich blue on a very creamy white softpaste crackle. Kang-he. Height, five inches.284CYLINDER BOTTLE. Long Elizas betweenflowering plants in pots. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, five inches.285SNUFF BOTTLE. Octagon. Human figures andclouds. Tung-ching. Height, five inches.286SQUARE VASE. Raised lattice pattern, with blueflowers and leaves in the spaces. Soft paste crackle.Tung-ching. Height, four and one-half inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES287SNUFF BOTTLE. Decorationcomposed entirely ofhorses. Softpaste crackle.Kang-he. Height, four inches.288BARREL-FORM VESSEL,FOR BIRDCAGE.Beautiful decoration of lotus flowers, leaves and orna-mental scrolls. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height,five and one-half inches.289SNUFF BOTTLE. Covered with lotus flowers andfoliage in very light blue. Very beautiful and refined.Tung-ching. Height, four inches.290SNUFF BOTTLE. Decoration: human figures inlandscapes. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, threeinches.291SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures engaged inmusical entertainment. Kang-he. Height, three inches.292SNUFF BOTTLE. Landscape, human figures fish-ing and houses. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height,three and one-half inches.293SNUFF BOTTLE. Fishing scene. Tung-ching.Height, three and three-fourths inches.294GALLIPOT, WITH COVER. Dragon sur-rounded by lotus flowers and intricate foliage. Arich and fine piece of soft paste. Tung-ching. Height,three inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESSNUFF BOTTLE. Monkey, deer and birds. Softpaste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.296CYLINDER. Deep blue, landscape decoration. Softpaste. Tung-ching. Height, four inches.297SNUFF BOTTLE. Bulging toward the top; deco-rated with many human figures in diversion. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.298CYLINDER BOTTLE. Covered with flowers andscrolls in paleblue.Very creamytone. Soft paste crackle.Tung-ching. Height, four inches.299SNUFF BOTTLE. Decoration: various animals, invery strong blue. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height,three and one-half inches.300MINIATURE ROUGE BOX. Deep blue. Strongsoft paste crackle. Wan-li. Height, three-fourths ofan inch ; diameter, one and one-half inches.301SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures in landscape.Strong color. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, threeinches.302CUP-SHAPEWATER VESSEL. Landscape andboating scene in rich blue decoration. Wan-li. Height,three and one-half inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESROUGE BOX. Human figures in landscape. Wan-li.Height, three inches; diameter, two and one-halfinches.304ROUGE BOX. Pomegranate fruit on flat cover. Softpaste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, one and one-halfinches; diameter, two and one-half inches.305ROUGE BOX. Decoration on cover entirely ofclouds. Wan-li. Height, two inches; diameter, threeand one-half inches.306LITTLE JAR. Decoration in delicate blue. Softpastecrackle. Kang-he, Height, two and one-half inches.307COMPRESSED BOTTLE. Dragon extending overbulb; delicate borders on the stem. An unusuallyfine cabinet piece. Wan-li. Height, five and one-halfinches.308ROUGE BOX. Flattop. Soft paste cncyilt.Kang-he.Height, one inch; diameter, two and one-half inches.309ROUGE BOX.Dragonandclouds. Softpaste crackle.Tung-ching. Height, one and one-half inches; diam-eter, three inches.310SNUFF BOTTLE. Slight landscape decoration.Sweet in its extreme simplicity. Tung-ching. Height,two and one-half inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITESROUGE BOX. Landscape with human figures.Yung-ching. Height, one and one-half inches ; diame-ter, three inches.312ROUGE BOX. Dragons in brilliant deep blue.Yung-ching. Height, one inch; diameter, two andone-half inches.3^3SNUFF BOTTLE. Lotus flowers with leaves.Yung-ching. Height, two and one-half inches.314SNUFF BOTTLE. Lotus flowers and branches.Yung-ching. Height, two and one-half inches.315SNUFF BOTTLE. Lotus flowers and leaves. Yung-ching. Height, three inches.Numbers 313,314, 315 are little gems : all soft paste.316TALL VASE. Landscape with leaves. Very fine softpaste crackle. Kang-he. Height, ten inches.317HEXAGON VASE. Flowers and foliage on panels.Finest quality of soft paste crackle. Wan-li. Height,four and one-half inches ; diameter, three inches.318COUP OR BOWL. Rich blue decoration of humanfigures and jars. Lovely border at top and base. Finesoft paste. Strong crackle. Wan-li. Height, threeinches ; diameter, four and one-half inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESLOW DISH. Bird on branch of tree on one side,and bamboo tree on the other side. Exquisite ex-ample of soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, one andone-half inches ; diameter, five inches.320CYLINDRICAL VASE. Flowers and palm treein deep sapphire blue. Kang-he. Height, five and one-half inches.

    321VASE. Represents two squirrels fighting among treefoliage. Kien-lung. Height, four inches.322EGG-FORM VASE, WITH COVER. Humanfigures and plants on six panels. Tung-ching. Height,five inches.323SNUFF BOTTLE. White flowers and stemson darkblue. Soft paste. Tung-ching. Height, two and one-halfinches.324SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures and clouds. Softpaste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, two and one-halfinches.325SNUFF BOTTLE. Pomegranate and foliage. Softpaste. Tung-ching. Height, two and one-half inches.326SNUFF BOTTLE. Dragon medallions. Soft paste.Tung-ching. Height, two and one-half inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESSHORT AND THICK SNUFF BOTTLE. Lo-thario presenting gift to sweetheart. A piece of strongcharadler. Soft paste crackle. Wan-li. Height, two andone-half inches ; diameter, one and one-half inches.328SHORT AND THICK SNUFF BOTTLE,Merchant among his wares. Shows the stamp of age.Soft paste crackle. Wan-li. Height, two and one-halfinches; diameter, one and one-half inches.329SNUFF BOTTLE. Composition of human figuresat play. Kang-he. Height, three inches.330SMALL GALLIPOT. Human figures in landscape.A notable old piece. Soft paste crackle. Wan-li. Height,two and one-half inches.331TEACUP AND COVER. Very dark tone, and astrong crackle. Wan-li. Height, three inches ; diame-ter, two and one-half inches.332ROUGE BOX. Landscape with trees. Tung-ching.Height, one and three-fourths inches ; diameter, twoinches.333ROUGE BOX. Human figures at a table. Tung-ching. Height, two inches; diameter, two and one-half inches.334CUP, FOR BIRD CAGE. A very refined little bit

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITESin quality ofsoft pasteand decoration, Kang-he. Height,one and one-fourth inches; diameter, two inches.335SNUFF BOTTLE. Many human figures, one read-ing. Very deep blue. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he.Height, two and one-fourth inches.336SLIM CYLINDRICAL BOX. Fishingscene.^/V-lung. Height, two and one-fourth inches; diameter,three-fourths of an inch.337ROUGE BOX, Landscape decoration. Tung-ching.Height, two inches ; diameter, two and one-halfinches.338SNUFF BOTTLE. ^/>-/a-. Height,two andone-half inches,339TALL TEACUP, Trees and human figures. Kang-he. Height, five inches.340OVOIDVASE. Foliage and birds. Kien-lung. Height,four and one-half inches.341SNUFFBOTTLE.Boating-party.Softpastecrackle.Tung-ching. Height, three inches.342BOTTLE. Kien-lung, Height, three inches.343BOTTLE. Lotus flowers and scrolls. Kien-lung.Height, three inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITES344COUP. One large dragon in delicate blue. Exqui-site quality of soft paste and crackle. Wan-li. Height,one and one-halfinches; diameter, two and one-fourthinches.345HIGH TEACUP. Human figures at domestic work;and Chinese legend. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he.Height, three and one-half inches.346CYLINDER VASE. Dog Foo. Strong soft pastecrackle. Kang-he. Height, four inches; diameter, fourinches.347. 348SMALL CUPS. Pomegranates and leaves. Soft pastecrackle. Tung-ching. Height, one and one-fourthinches; diameter, two and one-fourth inches.349COUP. Pomegranates and leaves. Soft paste crackle.Kang-he. Height, two inches; diameter, three inches.350COUP. Pomegranates and leaves. Soft paste crackle.Kang-he. Height, one and one-half inches ; diameter,three inches.351BOWL. Human figures and flower sprays. Soft pastecrackle. Kien-lung. Height, three inches; diameter, fiveinches.

    352SMALL TEACUP AND SAUCER. Kien-lung.Decoration of human figures in strong blue.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES353BOWL. Decoration entirelyin five lovely ornamentalborders. Soft paste cr&ckle. Kien-lung. Height, two andone-half inches ; diameter, two and one-half inches.354TEACUP AND SAUCER. Kien-lung.355BOWL. Two large dragons and clouds. Kien-lung.Height, two inches; diameter, five inches.356WALL VASE. One large blossom surrounded byintricate net of leaves. Kien-lung. Height, six and one-half inches.357VASE. Flowering plants and two carefully drawnquails. Ching-hwa. Height, ten and one-half inches.358VASE. Tiger crouching under large tree. Ching-hwa.Height, ten and one-half inches.359BOTTLE. Severely classic form. The only decora-tion on the white surface consists of four small one-inch medallions in blue, and a dog-tooth border at thebase. Tung-ching. Height, nine inches.360BOTTLE. Dragon on stem. Tung-ching. Height,eight inches.361CYLINDER JAR. Hawthorn sprays and birds.Tung-ching. Height, nine inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES362BOTTLE VASE, WITH HANDLES ANDRINGS. Human figures and flowering plants. Tung-ching. Height, ten and one-half inches.*363SMALL VASE, WITH COVER. Ornamentalbands on body, and flowers on cover. Tung-ching.Height, three and one-half inches.364PLATE. Flowering shrub in a garden by the river.Kien-lung. Diameter, nine inches.365CUP, FOR BIRD CAGE. Closely covered with lo-tus flowers and leaves. Kien-lung. Height, two inches;diameter, two and one-half inches.366LOW BOTTLE. Plants with flowers in very deepblue. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, fourinches; diameter, three inches.

    BOX,WITH COVER. Enriched with lotus flowersand twining vines in deep blue, covering the entiresurface. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, two andone-half inches ; diameter, four inches.368TALL SNUFF BOTTLE. One large dragon.Kien-lung. Height, five inches.369LARGE CUP. Water scene and mountains, deepblue. Tung-ching. Height, five inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES37SNUFF BOTTLE. Boating scene. Cream toneand soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, three inches.

    SNUFF BOTTLE. Monkey and snake under atree. A dragon in the clouds. Kien-lmg. Height, threeinches.372ROUGE BOX. Intricate decoration of flowers andleaves. Taou-kwang. Height, one and one-half inches;diameter, two inches.373PLATE. Plants with flowers. Kien-lung. Height, eightand one-half inches.374PLATE. Flowering plants. Kang-he. Height, sevenand one-half inches.375PLATE. River scene. Kang-he. Height, nine inches.376PLATE. Conjugality Plate. Fishes swimming, Tung-ching. Height, ten inches.377PLATE. Hawthorn flowers in basket, etc. Tung-ching. Height, eleven inches.378PLATE. Village scene on the water. Tung-ching.Height, seven and one-half inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES379PLATE. Slight decoration: a plant and a text.Strong crackle. Kang-he. Height, six inches.380PLATE. Chrysanthemum flowers and trees. Kien-lung. Height, eleven and one-half inches.381DEEP DISH. Medallions of human figures andcocks. Tung-ching. Diameter, six inches.382DEEP DISH. Medallion in centre and border.Tung-ching. Diameter, seven and one-half inches.383PLATE. Chrysanthemum flowers and plants. Tung-ching. Height, eleven inches.384PLATE. Exterior scene with house. Kien-lung.Height, ten and one-half inches.385PLATE. Bold spray of chrysanthemums in centre;and border. Kien-lung. Height, eight and one-halfinches.386PLATE. Interior scene, human figures. Kien-lung.Height, six inches.387PLATE. Houses with human figures outside. Tung-ching. Height, ten and one-half inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES388LARGE PLATE. Bold tiger-lily composition, withflowers and connedling stems. Tung-ching. Height, fif-teen inches.390LARGE GALLIPOT. Bold and free decorationin deep blue; spreading tree, chrysanthemum flowers,herons and conventional Bird of Paradise. Giant softpaste crackle. Kang-he. Height, thirteen inches.

    BOTTLE VASE. Flying dragon in strong blue.Soft paste. Tung-ching. Height, four inches.392SNUFF BOTTLE. Birds, etc. Kien-lung. Height,two inches.393SMALL VASE. Spreading tree. Soft paste crackle.Tung-ching. Height, four inches.394SNUFF BOTTLE. Soft paste crackle. Jr

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESTHICK-SET BOTTLE. Dragon and clouds. Tung-ching. Height, two inches.399COMPRESSED BOTTLE. Closely painted withdragon, flowers and leaves. Tung-ching. Height, twoand three-fourths inches.400GALLIPOT. Sprigs ofpomegranate fruit and leaves.Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, five inches.401BOTTLE. Dragon and clouds. Soft paste crackle.Kang-he. Height, three inches.402OBLONG SNUFF BOTTLE. Landscape andfishing scene. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height,three inches.403EIGHT-SIDED SNUFF BOTTLE. Floweringplant on each of the eight panels. Kang-he. Height,two and one-half inches.404SMALL JAR. Dragon and clouds. Soft paste crackle.Kang-he. Height, two and one-half inches.405ROUND TEA CADDY. Ornamental bands indeep blue Grecian pattern. Strong soft paste crackle.Kang-he. Height, five inches; diameter, four inches.


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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES406JAR. Flowering plants. Tung-ching. Height, fiveand one-half inches.407THICK, WIDE-MOUTH SNUFF BOTTLE.Various animals. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height,two and one-fourth inches.408JAR. Human figure under big tree. Tung-ching.Height, five and one-half inches.409SNUFF BOTTLE. Various seals in blue. Soft pastecrackle. Kang-he. Height, two inches.410GALLIPOT. Refined treatment of flowers andleaves. Lovely piece of soft paste crackle. Kang-he.Height, five inches.411GLOBULAR BOTTLE. Plants with flowers. Softpaste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, five inches.412SNUFF BOTTLE. Procession of human figures.Tung-ching. Height, three inches.PEAR-SHAPE VASE. Plants with flowers. Softpaste, Tung-ching. Height, five and one-half inches.414SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures and camel. Softpaste. Kang-he. Height, three and one-fourth inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITESTHICK-SET SNUFF BOTTLE. Bold Easterndesign. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, two andone-half inches.416, 418MINIATURE GALLIPOTS,WITH COVERS.Decoration of human figures. Fascinating gems ofthehighest grade. Little ceramic aristocrats. Soft paste.Tung-ching. Height, two and three-fourths inches.

    VASE. Heron under a tree. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, five inches.419CYLINDRICAL BOTTLE. Graceful treatmentof lotus flowers and leaves. Tung-ching. Height, fourinches.420SNUFF BOTTLE. Landscape decoration. Softpaste crackle. Kang-he. Height, two and one-halfinches.421WIDE-MOUTH SNUFFBOTTLE. Eightlions.Kang-he. Height, two inches.422CYLINDRICAL BOTTLE. Dragons and clouds.Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, four inches.423SNUFFBOTTLE. Boating scene. Kang-he. Height,two and three-fourths inches.


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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES424CYLINDER SNUFF BOTTLE. Intricate lotusflower decoration. Soft paste. Tung-ching. Height,three and one-fourth inches.425OVOID-SHAPE SNUFF BOTTLE. Dragon andintricate foliage. Soft paste. Tung-ching. Height, twoand one-fourth inches.426THICK-SET SNUFF BOTTLE. Dragon andleaves. Soft paste. Tung-ching. Height, two and one-fourth inches.427GALLIPOT-SHAPE SNUFF BOTTLE. Cov-eredwith lotus flowers. Soft paste. Tung-ching. Height,two inches.428SNUFF BOTTLE. Dragon in light blue on darkblue ground. Soft paste. Tung-ching. Height, twoinches.429SNUFF BOTTLE. Confused decoration in strongblue. Soft paste. Kang-he. Height, one and three-fourths inches.430MINIATURE PILGRIM BOTTLE. Humanfigures in landscape. Tung-ching. Height, one andthree-fourths inches; diameter, two inches.431SMALL BOTTLE. Dragon and clouds. Tung-ching.Height, two inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESSMALL BOTTLE. Human figures and sprays offoliage. Kien-lung. Height, two inches.433SNUFF BOTTLE. Monkey and animals. Soft pastecrackle. Kang-he. Height, three inches.434LONG-NECK BULBOUS VASE. Handles withrings on stem. Dragon medallions on front and back.Soft paste. Yung-ching. Height, four inches.435FINE MINIATURE BOTTLE. Dragon andleaves. Charming piece. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he.Height, two inches.436CYLINDRICAL BOTTLE. One large dragon.Tung-ching. Height, three and one-half inches.437BOTTLE VASE. Closely covered with dragons,flowers andleaves.Soft paste crackle. X^fl|--Af.Height,two and one-half inches.438SLENDER-NECK, PEAR-SHAPE BOTTLE.Scene in a summer garden; three female figures. Therare soft paste Fun-ting Waitsu texture. A matchlesspiece of great charm. Ching-hwa. Height, seven andone-half inches.439THICK SNUFF BOTTLE. Decoration: housesand trees by the water, boating, etc. A charming littlegem. Soft paste. Kang-he. Height, one and one-half

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESinches; diameter, one and one-fourth inches.440CYLINDRICALSNUFF BOTTLE. Dragonandintricate treatment of flowers and leaves. Soft paste.Kang-he. Height, two and three-fourths inches.441MINIATURE BEAKER, WITH FLARINGLIP. Palm leaves in blue on stem. Soft paste crackle.Yung-ching. Height, two and one-half inches.442GOURD-SHAPE BOTTLE. Long Elizas andplants. Tung-ching. Height, four inches.443BEAKER. Stag under a tree. Kien-lung. Height,five and one-fourth inches.444TEACUPAND SAUCER. Long Elizasandplants.Tung-ching. Height, one and one-fourth inches.445TEACUP AND SAUCER. Raised panels on cupcarrying men on horses. Floral decoration on saucer.Kien-lung. Height, one and one-half inches.446THICK HEXAGON BOTTLE. Floral decora-tion on each panel. Kien-lung. Height, two and one-half inches.447CYLINDRICAL BOTTLE. Long Elizas andplants in medallions. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching.Height, three inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITES448BOTTLE, BULBED HALF-WAY UP. Alter-nate medallions of human figures and plants. Tung-ching. Height, four inches.449BOTTLE. Taou-kwang. Height, two and one-halfinches.450SNUFF BOTTLE. Closely covered with dragonsand waves. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, twoand one-half inches.451GALLIPOT. Houses and trees in deep blue. Softpaste crackle. Taou-kwang. Height, five inches.452SMALL CUP. Landscape with trees. Tung-ching.Height, one and one-half inches.453SMALL BOWL, WITH COVER. Flowers andleaves in bunches in blue. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Diameter, three inches.454SMALL CUP. Landscape andhuman figures in blue.Kien-lung. Diameter, two inches.455SNUFF BOTTLE. Rocks and trees in deep blue.Tung-ching. Height, four inches.

    456SMALL CUP. Light blue vines. Kien-lung. Height,two inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES457BOWL. Trees and abridge. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.458TEACUP. Small squares filled with intricate leavesin deep blue. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.459BOWL. Large dragon in blue winding around thewhite surface. Kien-lung. Diameter, four inches.460VASE. Ovoid body with broad flaring neck; brilliantornamentation of landscape with houses and a bridge.Tung-ching. Height, three and three-fourths inches;diameter, three inches.461GALLIPOT. Pomegranate fruit and leaves. Finesoft paste. Tung-ching. Height, five inches.462WIDE-MOUTH VASE. Sprays of pomegranatefruitand leaves. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height,five inches.463CYLINDRICAL BOTTLE. Boating scene. Softpaste crackle. Rare old piece. Kang-he. Height, fiveinches.464GALLIPOT. Human figures and horse. Soft pastecrackle. Tung-ching. Height, four inches.465PEAR-SHAPE BOTTLE. Human figure and

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITEShorse. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching, Height, fourinches.466SNUFF BOTTLE. Large trees and monkeys.Kang-he. Height, three inches.467SNUFF BOTTLE. Lotus flowers and stems. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.468CYLINDER, WITH TOP. Human figures inlandscape. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, oneand three-fourths inches; diameter, one and three-fourths inches.469SMALL BOWL. Medallions and arabesque designsin deep blue outside. Tung-ching. Height, two inchesdiameter, four inches.470SNUFF BOTTLE. Man riding lion. Other lions.Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, three inches.

    SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures in games. Softpaste crackle. Kang-he. Height, three inches.472TALL,SLIM SNUFF BOTTLE. Various animalsin open landscape, in very dark blue. Soft paste crackle.Kang-he. Height, three and one-half inches.473CYLINDER,WITH COVER. Human figures and

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITEShorse. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, twoinches; diameter, two inches.474CUP, FOR BIRD CAGE. Flock of ducks. Tung-ching. Height, one and one-halfinches; diameter, twoand one-half inches.475CUP, FOR BIRD CAGE. Human figures in land-scape. Tung-ching. Height, one and one-half inchesdiameter, two inches.476THICK-SET, FLAT-BOTTOMED BOTTLE.Bold sprays ofpomegranate. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, five and one-half inches.477TALL VASE. Deer under a big tree in very darkblue. Fine quality ofsoft paste. Kang-he. Height, eightinches.478CYLINDRICAL VASE. Lotus flowers and stemsdelicately composed. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching,Height, four and one-half inches.479BOTTLE VASE. Procession of men and horses.Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, six inches.480CONICAL-SHAPE INK JAR. Human figures inlandscape. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, twoinches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES481THICK-SET SNUFFBOTTLE.Acaravanof hu-man figures and camels. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he.Height, two and one-half inches.482OCTAGON BOTTLE. A dragon on each panel.Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, three inches.483TALL, NARROW VASE. Foliated decoration.An exquisite piece ofthe finestsoftpaste. Strong crackle.Kang-he. Height, five and one-half inches.484ROUGE BOX, WITH COVER. Lovely land-scape decoration. Tung-ching. Height, two inches;diameter, two inches.

    485FLAT-BOTTOM BOTTLE. Human figures.Tung-ching. Height, two inches.486SNUFF BOTTLE. Dragon in deep blue on a richcream ground. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height,three inches.487SNUFF BOTTLE. Trees and houses by the water.Tung-ching. Height, two and one-half inches.488BOTTLE JAR. Alternate medallions,human figuresand plants. Kien-lung. Height,fourandone-halfinches.489CUP, FOR BIRD CAGE. Intricate flowers and fo-

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESliage. Kien-lung. Height, three-fourths of an inch;diameter, two inches.490SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures in landscape.Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, two and one-halfinches.491, 492, 493MINIATURE VASES. A trio of exquisite bits ofceramic art, carrying as much artistic distindlion anddignity as vases of more ambitious size. Decorationlotus flowers and leaves. Tung-ching. Heights, oneinch, one and one-half inches, and one and one-halfinches respeftively.494SMALL BOTTLE. Dragon and clouds. Tung-ching. Height, two inches.495OVOID BOTTLE. Yung-cUng. Height, two inches.496BOTTLE JAR. Sprays of pomegranate. Kien-lung.Height, five inches.497, 498COMPRESSED BOTTLES. Bold decoration oftiger lilies. Tung-ching. Height, four and one-halfinches.499SNUFF BOTTLE. Landscape with house. Tung-ching. Height, two inches.500PEAR-SHAPE SNUFF BOTTLE. Spreading

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITEStrees. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching, Height, two andone-half inches.

    SNUFF BOTTLE. Cone shape. Procession of hu-man figures and horses. Kien-lung. Height, two andone-half inches.502CYLINDRICAL SNUFF BOTTLE. Boatingscene. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, threeinches.503PEAR-SHAPE SNUFF BOTTLE. Spreadingtrees. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, two andone-half inches.504BOTTLE. Human figures at games. Soft pastecrackle. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.SSPEAR-SHAPE SNUFF BOTTLE. Human fig-ures under a tree. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.506SNUFF BOTTLE. Boating scene. Soft pastecrackle. Tung-ching. Height, two inches.507SNUFF BOTTLE. Lion, dog, etc. Soft pastecrackle. Tung-ching. Height, two inches.508AMPHORA-SHAPE BOTTLE. Tiger-lily deco-ration. A very distinguished piece. Kang-he. Height,eight inches.

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    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESSNUFF BOTTLE. Landscape and house by thewater. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, threeinches.

    SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures. Kien-lmg.Height, three inches.

    BEAKERS. Tiger lilies on one and palm leaves onthe other. Tung-ching. Height, nine inches.

    OBLONG BOTTLE. Domestic scenes. Tung-ching. Height, two inches.

    ROUGE BOX. Dragon among intricate scrolls.Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, one and one-half inches; diameter, four inches.

    SNUFF BOTTLE. Boating scene. Soft pastecrackle. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.516CUP, FOR BIRD CAGE. Human figures in land-scape. Tung-ching. Height, one and one-half inches;diameter, one and three-fourths inches.

    THICK BOTTLE. Dragon medallions. Tung-ching. Height, two inches.

    TEAPOT. Blue bands with flowers in white in re-lief. Tung-ching. Height, five inches.

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  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESSNUFF BOTTLE. Mountain scenery. Soft pastecrackle. Kang-he. Height, three inches.520SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures in landscape.Kien-lung. Height, three inches.521THICK-SET, RIBBED SNUFF BOTTLE.Sprig of flowers and leaves on each of the eight sides.Tung-ching. Height, two and one-half inches; diame-ter, one and three-fourths inches.522MINIATURE ROUGE BOX. Yung-ching.Height, three-fourths of an inch; diameter, one andone-fourth inches.523SNUFF BOTTLE. House among trees by a lake.Kang-he. Height, three inches.524GALLIPOT. Eagle on a rock. Kien-lung. Height,three inches.

    525CYLINDRICAL SNUFF BOTTLE. Dragon indeep blue. Yung-ching. Height, two and one-halfinches.526SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures in adlion.Yung-ching. Height, three inches.527SQUARE BOTTLE. Ornamental borders, with

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  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESflowers in centre of panels. Kien-lung. Height, twoand one-half Inches.528SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures in aftion.Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, three inches.529SNUFF BOTTLE. House and trees by the water.Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, three inches.53SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures engaged insport. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, threeInches.

    PEAR-SHAPE BOTTLE. Human figures at atable. Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, three inches.532BEAKER. Tree and flowering plant. Kien-lung.Height, four inches.534EGG-FORM VASE. Sprigs of flowers and leaveson raised medallions. Kien-lung. Height, five inches.535OVOID VASE. Dragon on one side. Bird of Para-dise on the other in the midst of ornamental scrollsin light blue. Tung-ching. Height, four inches; di-ameter, three and one-half inches.536COMPRESSED, LONG-STEM BOTTLE. Hu-man figures in landscape. Kien-lung. Height, fiveinches.

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  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES537MINIATURE ROUGE BOX. Landscape deco-ration. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, oneand one-fourth inches ; diameter, one inch.538CYLINDRICAL VASE. Two horses under a tree.Tung-ching. Height, six inches.539THICK CYLINDRICAL VASE. Soft paste.Twobulls fighting. Tung-ching. Height, six and one-halfinches ; diameter, three and one-half inches.540SNUFF BOTTLE. Exterior of house. Kien-lung.Height, three inches.541ROUGE BOX. Covered with a network of flowersand leaves. Kien-lung. Height, two inches; diameter,one and one-half inches.542SNUFF BOTTLE. Man driving an ox; plantains,etc. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, threeand one-half inches.543SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures in landscape.Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.544LOW WATER VESSEL, WITH HANDLES.Butterflies on outside. Kien-lung. Height, two inches;diameter, four and one-half inches.

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  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITES545SNUFF BOTTLE. Dragons and clouds, deep blue.Soft paste crackle. Kang-he. Height, three inches.546DECANTER-FORM BOTTLE. Geometricaldecoration. Kien-lung. Height, two and one-halfinches.547SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures at games. Softpaste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.548GOURD-SHAPE BOTTLE. Dragon and clouds.Tung-ching. Height, two and one-half inches.549TEACUP. Two dragons on outside. Soft pastecrackle. Tung-ching. Height, one and three-fourthsinches.550PEAR-SHAPE HEXAGON BOTTLE. Intri-cate treatment of flowers and stems in light blue.Kien-lung. Height, three and one-half inches.SS^SNUFF BOTTLE. Landscape by the water. Boat-ing scene. Kien-lung. Height, two and three-fourthsinches.552THICK-SET, CYLINDRICAL BOTTLE.Monkeys in sport. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching.Height, two and one-fourth inches; diameter, oneand one-half inches.

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  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITES553SNUFF BOTTLE. Landscape by the water, Kien-lung. Heightj three inches.554SNUFF BOTTLE. Trees by the water. Fishingscene. Kien-lung. Height, three inches.555SQUARE BOTTLE. Long decorated panels sur-rounded by ornamental borders in very delicate blue.Kien-lung. Height, three and one-half inches.556WIDE-MOUTH JAR. House by the water. Softpaste crackle, Tung-ching. Height, two and one-halfinches ; diameter, one and three-fourths inches.557PEAR-SHAPE BOTTLE. Tree with birds inbranches: man beneath. Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, two and three-fourths inches.558SNUFF BOTTLE. Trees and landscape by thewater. Kien-lung. Height, three inches.

    559OBLONG BOX, WITH WOODEN COVER,On the front a poet contemplating the lotus, andon the back the famous poem on this favorite flowerin Chinese text. Fine old soft paste. Strong crackle.Ching-hwa. Height, two and one-half inches ; length,five inches.

    560SNUFF BOTTLE. Birds on a tree; monkey be-[ 81 ]

  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


    CHINESE PORCELAINS: BLUE AND WHITESneath. Soft paste crackle. Ching-hwa. Height, threeand one-half inches.561PEAR-SHAPE SNUFF BOTTLE. Human fig-ures on horses. Taou-kwang. Height, two and one-half inches.562SNUFF BOTTLE. Lotus flowers and stems. Kien-lung. Height, two and one-half inches.563SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures at war. Kien-lung. Height, two and three-fourths inches.564FLAT SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures outsideof house. Taou-kwang. Height, two and one-halfinches.565SMALL CUP. Human figures in landscape. Kien-lung. Height, one and one-half inches ; diameter, twoinches.566SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures in landscape.Soft paste crackle. Tung-ching. Height, three inches.567SNUFF BOTTLE. Human figures in landscape.Taou-kwang. Height, three inches.568ROUGE BOX AND COVER. Dragon and Birdof Paradise. Kien-lung, Height, two inches; diameter,three inches.

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  • 7/28/2019 Catalogue of antique Chinese porcelains owned by George B. Warren of Troy, New York


    CHINESE PORCELAINS : BLUE AND WHITESHIGH CUP. Boating and fishing scene in deep blue.Tung-ching. Height, five inches.570SNUFF BOTTLE. Taou-kwang. Height, threeinches.57^CUP.