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Catalogue Asian Studies

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 Asian StudiesJournals from Routledge

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 Asia Pacifi c Business ReviewEditors: Chris Rowley, Cass Business School, City Un iversity, London, UK andMalcolm Warner, University of Cambridge, UK 

 Volume 17, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1360-2381, Online ISSN: 1743-792X

 Asia Pacific Business Review draws together economics, history, politics andculture in order to explore business in the Asia Pacific countries. The Review isintended for both academics and interested observers, contains the contributionsof recognized experts, and is essential to anyone seeking the latest research on

 Asia Pacific business in a readily available, approachable form.

 Asia Pacifi c Journal of Tourism ResearchOfficial journal of the Asia Pacific Tourism Association

Editor: Kaye Chon, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

 Volume 16, 6 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1094-1665, Online ISSN: 1741-6507

 As the official journal of the Asia Pacific Tourism Association (FoundedSeptember 1995), Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research seeks to publish

both empirically and theoretically based articles which advance and fostertourism education, research, and professionalism in the Asia Pacific region. The

 journal welcomes submissions of full length articles, research notes, criticalreviews on major issues, and reviews of books and conferences with relevance tothe Asia Pacific region.

 Asia Pacifi c ReviewJournal of the Institute for International Policy Studies (IIPS)

Editor: Terri Nii, Institute for International Policy Studies, Japan Volume 19, 2 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1343-9006, Online ISSN: 1469-2937

 Asia-Pacific Review analyzes global political, economic, security, energy andenvironmental issues, with specific emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region, andaims to provide readers with excellent insights on a variety of crucial topics. 

 Asian AffairsJournal of the Royal Society for Asian Affairs

Editor: Barney Smith, Royal Society for Asian Affairs, UK 

 Volume 42, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0306-8374, Online ISSN: 1477-1500

Published continuously since 1914, Asian Affairs has established an enviablereputation for its range of coverage both in articles and reviews.Asian Affairs has a multi-disciplinary approach, which includes social, political and historical

perspectives as well as contemporary affairs. 

 Asian Affairs: An American ReviewExecutive Editors: Editors: Winberg Chai, University of Wyoming, USA, AndreaK. Molnar, Northern Illinois University, USA and Robert G. Wirsing, GeorgetownUniversity, USA

 Volume 38, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0092-7678, Online ISSN: 1940-1590

 Asian Affairs: An American Review provides deep insight into developmentsin politics, economics, security, and international relations, especially between

 Asian nations and the United States. Scholars, educators, policymakers,government officials, and business executives can rely on its thoroughly

researched articles. Recent articles examine U.S.-Japanese-Australian securityrelations, corruption in Taiwan, and Islamic separatist movements on theThailand-Malaysia border.

 Asian EthnicityEditor: Chih-yu Shih, National Taiwan University, China

 Volume 12, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1463-1369; Online ISSN: 1469-2953

In the twenty-first century ethnic issues have assumed importance in many partsof the world. Until recently, questions of Asian ethnicity and identity have beentreated in a balkanized fashion, with anthropologists, economists, historians,political scientists, sociologists and others publishing their studies in single-discipline journals. Asian Ethnicity provides a cross-disciplinary, internationalvenue for the publication of well-researched articles about ethnic groups andethnic relations in the half of the world where questions of ethnicity now loom


 Asian Journal of CommunicationJournal of the Asian Media Information and Communication

Centre (AMIC)

Editor: Hao Xiaoming, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

 Volume 20, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0129-2986; Online ISSN: 1742-0911

Since its inception in 1990, the Asian Journal of Communication (  AJC ) hasbeen a flagship publication of the Asian Media Information and CommunicationCentre (AMIC) in conjunction with the Wee Kim Wee School of Communicationand Information (WKWSCI) at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.The vision of the AJC is to create a world-class academic journal to advance theunderstanding of communication issues related to Asia by publishing articles thatdevelop communication theory, report empirical research, and describe advances

made in research methodology.

 Asian Journal of Political ScienceSponsored by Department of Political Science, National University

of Singapore

Editor: Terry Nardin, National university of Singapore, Singapore

 Volume 19, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0218-5377, Online ISSN: 1750-7812

 Asian Journal of Political Science is a leading journal that comprehensivelyexamines politics and governance in Asia. It publishes original articles in majorsubfields of political science, especially comparative politics, internationalrelations, political theory and public admin istration, with specific reference to

 Asian regions and countries.

 Asian Journal of Technology InnovationOfficial Journal of the Korean Society for Innovation Managementand Economics (KOSIME)

Editor-in-Chief: Kong-Rae Lee, Science and Technology Policy Institute(STEPI), Korea

 Volume 19, 2 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1976-1597 Online ISSN: 2158-6721

Innovation policy and innovation management today have been highly concernedand exerted great influence on private firms, governments, public organizations,research institutes and universities and even whole nations. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation is a multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the explorationof the innovation policy and management problems posed by those players andtheir interaction with economic, social and political processes.


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 Asian Philosophy An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East

Editors: Brian Carr, University of Exeter, UK and Indira Mahalingam Carr,University of Surrey, UK 

 Volume 21, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0955-2367; Online ISSN: 1469-2961

 Asian Philosophy  is an international journal concerned with such philosophicaltraditions as Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Buddhist and Islamic. The purpose ofthe journal is to bring these rich and varied traditions to a worldwide academicaudience.

It publishes articles in the central philosophical areas of metaphysics, philosophyof mind, epistemology, logic, moral and social philosophy, as well as in appliedphilosophical areas such as aesthetics and jurisprudence. It also publishesarticles comparing Eastern and Western philosophical traditions.

 Asian Population StudiesHosted by the Asia Research Institute of the National University of 


Editor: Gavin Jones,  Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore,


 Volume 7, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1744-1730, Online ISSN: 1744-1749

The first international population journal to focus exclusively on population issuesin Asia, Asian Population Studies publishes original research on matters relatedto population in this large, complex and rapidly changing region, and welcomessubstantive empirical analyses, theoretical works, applied research, and

contributions to methodology. Asian Population Studies is hosted by the AsiaResearch Institute of the National University of Singapore. For further informationabout the Asia Research Institute, please visit:

 Asian SecurityEditors: Michael R. Chambers, Indiana State University, USA, Amy L.Freedman, Long Island Un iversity, USA, and Devin T. Hagerty, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA

 Volume 7, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN 1479-9855; Online ISSN 1555-2764

 Asian Security  is the foremost journal on all aspects of national and international

security in Asia. The journal publishes original articles that cover traditionalissues like interstate warfare, the regional balance of power, alliances and othermultilateral security institutions, national defense policies, strategic culture, civil-military relations, nuclear proliferation, conventional arms racing, arms control,

and conflict-prone areas, as well as ‘new’ security issues like the stability ofdemocratic transitions, globalization and its backlash, ethnic conflict, insurgencyand counterinsurgency, failing states, and transnational terrorism.

 Asian Studies ReviewEditor: Peter Jackson,  Australian National University, Australia

 Volume 35, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1035-7823; Online ISSN: 1467-8403

 Asian Studies Review adopts a contemporary approach to area studies andwelcomes new research in related disciplines. Areas covered include recentacademic explorations in cultural studies, film, popular culture, health sciencesand the environment, as well as current research in the disciplines of economics,politics, sociology, history, language, literature, philosophy, religion, anthropology,international relations and gender studies. The journal also includes review

articles and book reviews.

 Asian Studies Review is associated with the Asian Studies Association of  Australia, a professional organisation devoted to study of all aspects of Asia. 

Bulletin of Indonesian Economic StudiesEditor: Ross McLeod,  Australian National University, Australia

 Volume 47, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0007-4918; Online ISSN: 1472-7234

2009 Impact Factor: 0.613Ranking: 147/245 (Economics)© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports® 

The Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, a peer-reviewed journalpublished by the Indonesia Project at the Australian University, fills a significantvoid by providing a well respected outlet for high quality research by bothIndonesians and foreigners on any and all matters pertaining to the Indonesianeconomy - from poverty to public administration, from small business to stateenterprise, from peasant farming and fisheries to financial crises - and touching

on closely related fields such as law, the environment, government and politics,demography, education and health. In doing so, it has played an important role

in helping the world, and the Indonesians themselves, to understand Indonesia.The journal has been recognised world wide as one of the top ranking economics

 journals in terms of citations.

Central Asian SurveyEditor: Deniz Kandiyoti, SOAS, University of London, UK 

 Volume 30, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0263-4937; Online ISSN: 1465-3354

Central Asian Survey is the only established peer reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal in the world concerned with the history, politics, cultures, religions and

economies of the Central Asian and Caucasian regions. These include primarilythe republics of former Soviet Central Asia and the South and North Caucasus.

 Also covered are Chinese Xinjiang, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey.

China Economic Journal The Official Journal of the China Centre for Economic Research

(CCER) at Peking University

Editor: Ho-Mou Wu, Peking University, China

 Volume 4, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1753-8963 Online ISSN: 1753-8971

China Economic Journal ( CEJ ) introduces readers to examination andanalysis of the latest developments in the Chinese economy and governmenteconomic policies. It contains papers focusing on cutting edge issues in China’seconomic development with long-term signifi cance. The papers are based onsolid analytical logic and empirical evidence. The editorial policy is designed

to maintain a sound balance between academic disciplines and accessibilityfor a wide range of readers. The targeted readers are academic and policyresearchers, business people and university students who share an interest in

observing and understanding the economic development of

China Journal of Social WorkEditors in Chief: Angelina W. K. Yuen-Tsang, The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, HKSAR, PRC and Sibin Wang, Peking University, PRC

 Volume 4, 3 Issues per year

Print ISSN: 1752-5098, Online ISSN: 1752-5101

Social work as an academic discipline was reintroduced to universities in theChinese Mainland in the 1980s. The number of universities offering social workprograms has increased drastically in the past two decades. Social servicesprovided by government organizations and NGOs have also proliferated as aresponse to rising social problems and needs. China Journal of Social Work  ( CJSW  ) is the first academic English journal jointly edited from Hong Kong andmainland China, to focus on social work development taking place in China.The journal endeavours to provide a platform for scholars within and outside

mainland China to share research, teaching and practice experiences and tofacilitate critical dialogue between Chinese social workers and their in ternationalpeers.

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more information on these titles or alternatively view details

for each journal via its listed individual web address

Contemporary Buddhism An Interdisciplinary Journal

Editors: Kate Crosby and Andrew Skilton,both at School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK 

Founding Editors: Michael McGhee, University of Liverpool, UK and JohnPeacocke, University of Bristol and Sharpham College, UK 

 Volume 12, 2 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1463-9947, Online ISSN: 1476-7953


Contemporary Buddhism is an international peer-review journal that publishesarticles on the current state and influence of Buddhism from across the humansciences. The journal is cross-disciplinary in its outlook and in addition toBuddhist and Religious Studies approaches, presents work from philosophers,

anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists, historians, theologians and politicalscientists. Contemporary Buddhism examines the historical, doctrinal, literary,

social and political developments that have formed contemporary versions ofBuddhism, East and West. In all this Buddhism is predicated as an inhabited andrelevant action-influencing worldview.

The interests of Contemporary Buddhism include:

• the meeting of Buddhism with western culture

• the current self-understanding of different traditions of Buddhism and therelations between these traditions

• the relations of Buddhism to other world religious traditions, both in mutualappreciation and in conflict

• Buddhism in application within societies, Western and Asian

• the uptake of Buddhism into other fields and disciplines

• spotlighting issues arising for Buddhism in the 21st century

• the non-partisan representation of all schools of Buddhism

• the active investigation of diversity in the development of Buddhism as we see


Contemporary South AsiaEditor: John Zavos, University of Manchester, UK 

 Volume 19, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0958-4935; Online ISSN: 1469-364X

Examinations of South Asia’s diversity have too often been limited by the nationalborders of its nation-states—Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal,Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Contemporary South Asia seeks to remedy this bypresenting research and analysis on contemporary issues affecting the region as

a whole. It seeks to cultivate an awareness that South Asia is more than a sumof its parts—a fact of great importance not only to the states and peoples ofthe region, but to the world as a whole—and to address the major issues facingSouth Asia from a regional and interdisciplinary perspective.

Critical Asian StudiesEditor: Tom Fenton

 Volume 42, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1467-2715; Online ISSN: 1472-6033

2009 Impact Factor: 0.396Ranking: 28/44 (Area Studies)© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

Critical Asian Studies is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal that welcomesunsolicited essays, reviews, translations, interviews, photo essays, and lettersabout Asia and the Pacific, particularly those that challenge the accepted

formulas for understanding the Asia and Pacific regions, the world, andourselves. Published now by Routledge Journals, part of the Taylor & FrancisGroup, Critical Asian Studies remains true to the mission that was articulated forthe journal in 1967 by the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars:

• to develop a humane and knowledgeable understanding of Asian societies

and their efforts to maintain cultural integrity and to confront such problems aspoverty, oppression, and imperialism

• to create alternatives to the prevailing trends in scholarship on Asia, which too

often spring from a parochial cultural perspective and serve selfish interestsand expansionism

Culture and Religion An Interdisciplinary Journal

Editor: Malory Nye,  Al-Maktoum Institute, Dundee, UK 

 Volume 12, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1475-5610, Online ISSN: 1475-5629

Culture and Religion is an interdisciplinary journal seeking an engagementbetween scholars working across a range of disciplinary fields, including

anthropology, cultural studies, critical theory and gender studies, andpostcolonial studies. Lying at the interface between the study of religion andother academic studies of culture, Culture and Religion is a forum for exploringthe perspectives of both anthropology and cultural studies. In particular, the

 journal will consider why cultural studies have hitherto neglected the significanceof religious manifestations in cross-cultural perspectives, and define ways inwhich the discipline of religious studies needs to engage with other areas ofcontemporary critical, cultural, and anthropological theory.

The principal aim of Culture and Religion is to promote critical investigation intoall aspects of the study of religion and culture, particularly from scholars with aninnovative and multidisciplinary focus. 


Editors: Martin Bulmer, University of Surrey, UK and John Solomos, City University London, UK 

 Volume 34, 12 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0141-9870; Online ISSN: 1466-4356

2009 Impact Factor: 1.245Ranking: 2/10 (Ethnic Studies) 32/114 (Sociology )© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

Race, ethnicity and nationalism are at the heart of many of the major socialand political issues in the present global environment. New antagonisms haveemerged which require a rethinking of traditional theoretical and empiricalperspectives. Ethnic and Racial Studies , published twelve times a year, is theleading journal for the analysis of these issues throughout the world. The journalprovides an interdisciplinary academic forum for the presentation of research andtheoretical analysis, drawing on sociology, social policy, anthropology, politicalscience, economics, geography, international relations, history, social psychologyand cultural studies.

EthnopoliticsEditors: Stefan Wolff, University of Birmingham, UK and Professor KarlCordell, University of Plymouth, UK 

 Volume 10, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1744-9057 Online ISSN: 1744-9065

 Ethnopolitics is an authoritative peer-reviewed journal which provides a forumfor serious debate and exchange on one of the phenomena that had a decisiveimpact during the last decades of the 20th century and continues to be of greatimportance in the new millennium. The journal gives a voice to established as

well as younger researchers and analysts from academic as well as practitionerbackgrounds. Ethnopolitics maintains a fair balance between theoreticalanalyses and case studies both of comparative as well as singular nature,covering all geographic areas.

Europe-Asia StudiesEditor: Terry Cox, University of Glasgow, UK 

 Volume 63, 10 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0966-8136, Online ISSN: 1465-3427

2009 Impact Factor: 0.634Ranking: 12/44 (Area Studies); 59/112 (Political Science);141/245 (Economics)© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

 Europe-Asia Studies is the principal academic journal in the world focusing on

the history and current political, social and economic affairs of the countries ofthe former ‘communist bloc’ of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Asia. At thesame time, the journal explores the economic, political and social transformationof these countries and the changing character of their relationships with the restof Europe and Asia.

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Global Economic ReviewPerspectives on East Asian Economies and Industries

 The International Scholarly Journal of the Institute of East and

West Studies at Yonsei University

Editor: Kap-Young Jeong, Yonsei University, Korea

 Volume 40, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1226-508X Online ISSN: 1744-3873

Global Economic Review publishes scholarly economic research, boththeoretical and empirical, on issues of vital concern to businesses, governments,and decision makers in Asia and the world. Particular focus is given to policy

oriented research that highlights the dynamics of Korean and East Asianeconomies and industries. The journal’s coverage includes the following subjectareas: international trade and finance, comparative economic and industrial

studies of emerging markets, issues of corporate, public and global governance,and other economic and business related issues in Korea and East Asia. 

Immigrants & MinoritiesEditors: Colin Holmes, University of Sheffield, UK , Don MacRaild, NorthumbriaUniversity, UK and David Mayall, Sheffield Hallam University, UK 

 Volume 29, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0261-9288, Online ISSN: 1744-0521

 Immigrants & Minorities provides a major outlet for research into the historyof immigration and related studies. The journal seeks to deal with the complexthemes involved in the construction of ‘race’ and with the broad sweep of ethnicand minority relations within a historical setting. Its coverage is international andrecent issues have dealt with studies on the USA, Australia, the Middle East andthe UK.

India ReviewEditor: Eswaran Sridharan, University of Pennsylvania Institute for the AdvancedStudy of India, India

 Volume 10, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1473-6489; Online ISSN: 1557-3036

 India Review is a quarterly refereed journal that publishes scholarly researchon the issues central to Indian politics, economics and society. The journalcombines theoretical rigor, substance knowledge, and policy relevance, andserve as a serious academic forum for understanding contemporary andhistorical developments in India.

Indonesia and the Malay WorldManaging Editors: Pauline Khng and Ben Murtagh both at SOAS, University of 

London, UK  Volume 39, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1363-9811, Online ISSN: 1469-8382

 Indonesia and the Malay World is a peer-reviewed journal that is committed tothe publication of scholarship in the arts and humanities on maritime Southeast

 Asia. It particularly focuses on the study of the languages, literatures, art,archaeology, history, religion, anthropology, performing arts, cinema and tourism

of the region.

Inter-Asia Cultural StudiesExecutive Editors: Kuan-Hsing CHEN, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan and CHUA Beng Huat, National University of Singapore, Singapore

 Volume 12, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1464-9373; Online ISSN: 1469-8447

The cultural question is among the most important yet difficult subjects facing

inter-Asia today. Throughout the 20th century, worldwide competition overcapital, colonial history, and the Cold War has jeopardized in teractions amongcultures. Globalization of technology, regionalization of economy and the end

of the Cold War have opened up a unique opportunity for cultural exchanges totake place. In response to global cultural changes, cultural studies has emergedinternationally as an energetic field of scholarship.

Japan ForumJournal of the British Association for Japanese Studies

Editor: Angus Lockyer, SOAS, University of London, UK 

 Volume 23, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0955-5803; Online ISSN: 1469-932X

 Japan Forum, the official journal of the British Association for Japanese Studiespublishes original research in the multidisciplinary field of Japanese Studies, witharticles in subject areas ranging from archaeology, language, literature, philosophyand culture to history, economics, politics, international relations and law.

Japanese Studies

Editor: Judith Snodgrass, University of Western Sydney, Australia Volume 31, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1037-1397; Online ISSN: 1469-9338

 Japanese Studies is a fully refereed journal publishing original, high-quality,scholarly articles on various aspects of Japan, as well as book and film reviews.

It has an international editorial board and readership and is published three timesa year, in May, September and December.

The journal is multidisciplinary, publishing papers across a range of areas toreflect the diversity of current professional interest in Japan. Recent issues

have carried papers on postwar politics and society, international relations,environmental issues, business and economics, literature, history, the legalsystem, gender studies, Japanese media, film and popular culture. It regularlyincludes papers on Japanese language teaching.

Journal of Asia-Pacifi c Business

Editor-in-Chief: Riad A.Ajami, Wright State University, USA Volume, 12, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1059-9231, Online ISSN: 1528-6940

The Journal of Asia-Pacific Business provides a blend of cutting-edge

knowledge and practical applications on business management and marketingstrategy in this dynamic region. The journal publishes articles and featuresections that provide a pragmatic view of the business environment andoffers readers a good blend of descriptive, conceptual, and theoretical articlesdealing with current topics of interest to academic professionals and corporatemanagers.

Journal of Asian Public PolicyEditors: Ka Ho Mok, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Ian Holliday,University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and Ray Forrest, University of Bristol, UK 

 Volume 3, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1751-6234; Online ISSN: 1751-6242

This exciting journal focuses on one of the most vibrant regions of thecontemporary world. Both China and India are now recognized to be criticalplayers in the global economy, with economic profiles that grow on an annualbasis. East Asian economies that started to develop somewhat earlier, followingthe Japanese lead, remain among the most important economies in the world.The emergent regions of South and Southeast Asia have many dynamic

economic sectors. Public policy, governance and development issues aredrawing increasing attention not only from academia but also from the widerbusiness, professional and policy communities.

Journal of China Tourism ResearchEditor-in-Chief: Haiyan Song, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

 Volume 7, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1938-8160, Online ISSN: 1937-8179

The Journal of China Tourism Research provides the highest quality theoreticaland empirical research, and benefits all academics and business professionals

interested in China’s tourism. The latest methodological developments in tourismresearch are presented with clarity and depth. Insights into the decision-makingprocess of the private sector and the policy formation within the public sector arediscussed in detail and provide an extraordinary opportunity for researchers andeducators to more completely understand the unique aspects of tourism in China. 

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more information on these titles or alternatively view details

for each journal via its listed individual web address

Journal of Chinese Economicand Business Studies

 The International Scholarly Journal of the Chinese Economic

 Association of UK (CEA-UK)

Editor-in-Chief: Xiaming Liu, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK 

 Volume 9, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1476-5284 Online ISSN: 1476-5292

 Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies is a peer-reviewed journalaiming to publish current and relevant findings from cutting edge research inChinese economic, business and related issues. More specifically, it aims:

• to provide a forum for exchange of information and ideas among people inacademic, business and government professions who are interested in theChinese economy,

• to foster and enhance research activities that advance knowledge in transitioneconomies,

• to discuss the relevance of Chinese economic and business studies to oursociety.

Journal of Contemporary AsiaEditor: Kevin Hewison, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA andPeter Limqueco, Quezon City, The Philippines

 Volume 41, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0047-2336; Online ISSN: 1752-7554

2009 Impact Factor: 1.188Ranking 4/44 (Area Studies)© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

When the journal was established, it was conceived as providing an alternative

to mainstream perspectives on contemporary Asian issues. The journal maintainsthis tradition and seeks to publish articles that deal with the broad problemsof economic, political and social development of Asia. Articles on economicdevelopment issues, political economy, agriculture, planning, the working class,people’s movements, politics and power, imperialism and empire, internationalfinancial institutions, the environment, and economic history are especiallywelcomed. The journal also has a strong interest in the scientific developmentof theory that is of global significance, especially on the role of the state, classanalysis, power and globalisation.


Editor: Suisheng Zhao, Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, USA

 Volume 20, 5 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1067-0564; Online ISSN: 1469-9400

 Journal of Contemporary China is the only English language journal edited inNorth America that provides exclusive information about contemporary Chineseaffairs for scholars, businessmen and government policy-makers. It publishesarticles of theoretical and policy research and research notes, as well as bookreviews. The journal’s fields of interest include economics, political science, law,culture, literature, business, history, international relations, sociology and othersocial sciences and humanities.

Journal of Ethnic and Migration StudiesEditor: Russell King, Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex, UK 

 Volume 37, 10 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1369-183X, Online ISSN: 1469-9451

2009 Impact Factor: 0.904Ranking: 3/10 (Ethnic Studies) 13/24 (Demography)

© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (  JEMS ) publishes the results of first-class research on all forms of migration and its consequences, together witharticles on ethnic conflict, discrimination, racism, nationalism, citizenship andpolicies of integration.

Journal of Intercultural StudiesEditors: Tseen Khoo, Monash Un iversity, Australia and Vince Marotta, DeakinUniversity, Australia

 Volume 32, 5 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0725-6868, Online ISSN: 1469-9540

 Journal of Intercultural Studies showcases innovative scholarship aboutemerging cultural formations, intercultural negotiations and contemporarychallenges to cultures and identities. It welcomes theoretically informed articles

from diverse disciplines that contribute to the following discussions:

• Reconceptualising notions of nationhood, citizenship and racialisation;

• Questioning theories of diaspora, transnationalism, hybridity and ‘bordercrossing’ and their contextualised applications;

• Exploring the contemporary sociocultural formations of ethnicity,

postcolonialism and indigeneity;

• Examining how past and contemporary key scholars can inform current thinkingon cross-cultural knowledge, multiculturalism, race and cultural identity.

Journal of Modern Chinese HistoryEditors: Wang Jianlang and Xu Xiuli both at Chinese Academy of Social

Sciences, China

 Volume 5, 2 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1753-5654, Online ISSN: 1753-5662

The Journal of Modern Chinese History promotes research on modern Chinesehistory by encouraging discussion of political, economic, ideological, culturaland military history. It also provides a forum for the exchange of ideas on thehistory of society, foreign affairs, and gender as well as regional research andhistoriography. Fully refereed, the journal welcomes all original research including

research articles, review articles and research notes, especially those reflecting

recent developments in

Journal of the Asia Pacifi c EconomyManaging Editor: Leong Liew, Griffith University, Australia

 Volume 16, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1354-7860, Online ISSN: 1469-9648

2009 Impact Factor: 0.204Ranking: 218/245 (Economics)© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

 Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy (  JAPE  ) is concerned primarily with thedeveloping economies within Pacific Asia and South Asia. It aims to promotegreater understanding of the complex factors that have influenced and continueto shape the transformation of the diverse economies in this region. Studies

on developed countries will be considered only if they have implications for thedeveloping countries in the region.

The editorial policy is to maintain a sound balance between theoretical andempirical studies.

 JAPE publishes research papers in economics but also welcomes papers thatdeal with economic issues using a multi-disciplinary approach. Submissionsmay range from overviews spanning the region or parts of it, to papers with adetailed focus on particular issues facing individual countries. In addition to

articles, it publishes short notes, comments and book reviews. Contributionsare encouraged to spell out the practical policy implications of their work forgovernments and business. All articles are reviewed by at least two referees.

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Journal of the Indian Ocean RegionJournal of the Indian Ocean Research Group Inc.

Chief Editor: Dennis Rumley, University of Western Australia, Australia

 Volume 7, 2 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1948-0881, Online ISSN: 1948-108X

The principal objective of the Journal of the Indian Ocean Region (  JIOR ),is to function as a facilitator and propagator of social science interdisciplinarypolicy-oriented research on the nature and impact of the human uses of theIndian Ocean Region (IOR), with the overall objective of realising comprehensivesecurity. 

National IdentitiesEditors: Peter Catterall, Queen Mary, University of London, UK , David Kaplan,Kent State University, USA, Elfie Rembold, Social Science Research CentreBerlin, Germany and Christopher Vernon, University of Western Australia

 Volume 13, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1460-8944, Online ISSN: 1469-9907

 National Identities explores the formation and expression of national identityfrom antiquity to the present day. It examines the role in forging identity of cultural(language, architecture, music, gender, religion, the media, sport, encounterswith ‘the other’ etc.) and political (state forms, wars, boundaries) factors, byexamining how these have been shaped and changed over time. The historicalsignificance of ‘nation’in political and cultural terms is considered in relationship

to other important and in some cases countervailing forms of identity such asreligion, region, tribe or class. The focus is on identity, rather than on contingentpolitical forms that may express it. The journal is not prescriptive or proscriptivein its approach. Instead, it acts as a forum within which the growing number ofscholars working in this field can explore this important subject. Comparativeperspectives are encouraged, and the journal features regular review essays as

well as book

Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalismand EthnicityEditor-in-Chief: Florian Bieber, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria

 Volume 39, 6 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0090-5992 Online ISSN: 1465-3923

 Nationalities Papers is the leading journal on nationalism, ethnicity, ethnicconflict and national identity in Central Europe, the Balkans, the former SovietUnion, the Caucasus, the Turkic world and Central Eurasia. Furthermore, the

 journal also publishes contributions on theories of nationalism, comparativestudies of nationalism, and trans- and supranational aspects of interethnicrelations and national identity. The journal publishes timely, high quality articlesfrom a variety of disciplines, including h istory, political science, sociology,

anthropology, and literature.

Patterns of PrejudiceEditors: David Cesarani, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, TonyKushner, University of Southampton, UK and Barbara Rosenbaum, University of Southampton, UK 

 Volume 45, 5 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0031-322X, Online ISSN: 1461-7331

2009 Impact Factor: 0.575Ranking: 7/10 (Ethnic Studies)© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

 Patterns of Prejudice provides a forum for exploring the historical roots andcontemporary varieties of social exclusion and the demonization or stigmatisationof the Other. It probes the language and construction of ‘race’, nation, colour,

and ethnicity, as well as the linkages between these categories. It encouragesdiscussion of issues at the top of the public policy agenda, such as asylum,

immigration, hate crimes and citizenship. As none of these issues are confinedto any one region, Patterns of Prejudice maintains a global optic, at the sametime as scrutinizing intensely the history and development of intolerance andchauvinism in the United States and Europe, both East and West.

Population StudiesManaging Editor: John Simons, London School of Hygiene and TropicalMedicine, UK 

 Volume 65, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0032-4728, Online ISSN: 1477-4747

For over half a century, Population Studies has reported significant advancesin methods of demographic analysis, conceptual and mathematical theories

of demographic dynamics and behaviour, and the use of these theories andmethods to extend scientific knowledge and to inform policy and practice.

The Journal’s coverage of this field is comprehensive: applications in developedand developing countries; historical and contemporary studies; quantitative

and qualitative studies; analytical essays and reviews. The subjects of papersrange from classical concerns, such as the determinants and consequences ofpopulation change, to such topics as family demography and evolutionary andgenetic influences on demographic behaviour. Often the Journal’s papers havehad the effect of extending the boundaries of its field.

Post-Communist EconomiesFormerly Communist Economies and Economic Transformation

Editor: Roger Clarke, University of Glasgow, UK 

 Volume 23, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1463-1377 Online ISSN: 1465-3958

 Post-Communist Economies publishes key research and policy articles in theanalysis of post-communist economies. The basic transformation in the past twodecades through stabilisation, liberalisation and privatisation has been completedin virtually all of the former communist countries, but despite the dramaticchanges that have taken place, the post-communist economies still form a

clearly identifiable group, distinguished by the impact of the years of communistrule.

Religion, State & SocietyEditor: Dr Philip Walters, Oxford, UK 

 Volume 39, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0963-7494 Online ISSN: 1465-3974

 Religion, State & Society has a long-established reputation as the leadingEnglish-language academic publication focusing on communist and formerlycommunist countries throughout the world, and the legacy of the encounterbetween religion and communism. To augment this brief Religion, State &Society has now expanded its coverage to include religious developments incountries which have not experienced communist rule, and to treat wider themesin a more systematic way. The journal encourages a comparative approachwhere appropriate, with the aim of revealing similarities and differences in thehistorical and current experience of countries, regions and religions, in stabilityor in transition, and continues to cover issues in communist and post-communist

countries, including Central Asia and


Editor-in-Chief: Jens Nørgård-Sørensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 

 Volume 57, 2 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0080-6765, Online ISSN: 1600-082X

Scando-Slavica is a peer-reviewed, annual international publication for Slavic

and Baltic philology, literature, history and archaeology edited by the Associationof Scandinavian Slavists and Baltologists. The journal presents articles of across-disciplinary nature and is an integral part of the Nordic and Baltic networkof research.

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more information on these titles or alternatively view details

for each journal via its listed individual web address

Sikh FormationsReligion, Culture, Theory


Editors: Pal Ahluwalia, University of South Australia, Australia, Arvind-PalS. Mandair, University of Michigan, USA and Gurharpal Singh, University of Birmingham, UK 

 Volume 7, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1744-8727, Online ISSN: 1744-8735

Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory was founded to understand Sikhs,

Sikhism, and Sikh Identity within the context of a new and dynamic settingthat embraces globalisation, trans nationalism, and other related processes. Inparticular the journal aims to:

• define a new cultural and intellectual space for Sikhs and Sikhism both within

Punjab and the emerging diaspora

• examine the politics of knowledge and comparative cultural theory as it arisesat the intersections between contemporary Sikh experience, the study ofSikhism and the disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences

• promote enquiry into and critical reflection upon the cultural, philosophical,religious, historical and political developments within Sikhism

• explore the self-understanding of these traditions and their mutual relations

• examine the dialogue and inter-religious relations between Sikhism and otherworld spiritual traditions.

Social IdentitiesEditors: Pal Ahluwalia, University of South Australia, Australia and Toby Miller,University of California, Riverside, USA

 Volume 17, 6 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1350-4630, Online ISSN: 1363-0296Recent years have witnessed considerable worldwide changes concerning socialidentities such as race, nation and ethnicity, as well as the emergence of newforms of racism and nationalism as discriminatory exclusions. Social Identities aims to furnish an interdisciplinary and international focal point for theorizing

issues at the interface of social identities.

The journal is especially concerned to address these issues in the context of thetransforming political economies and cultures of postmodern and postcolonialconditions. Social Identities is intended as a forum for contesting ideas and

debates concerning the formations of, and transformations in, socially significantidentities, their attendant forms of material exclusion and power, as well as thepolitical and cultural possibilities opened up by these identifications.

Social Sciences in ChinaPublication of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Editor: Gao Xiang Volume 32, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0252-9203; Online ISSN: 1940-5952

Social Sciences in China is a peer-reviewed quarterly academic journalcomprising articles translated from the prestigious journal published by the SocialScience in China Press on behalf of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.Every article is selected for quality, fully reviewed, and meticulously translated intoEnglish. Social Sciences in China has been published continuously since 1980and is the foremost journal published on the subject, uniquely based within Chinaitself.

South Asia: Journal of South Asian StudiesEditor: Ian Copland, School of Historical Studies and Monash Asia Institute,


 Volume 34, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0085-6401; Online ISSN: 1479-0270

South Asia is a refereed journal published under the authority of the South AsianStudies Association of Australia. Its mission is to provide a forum for scholarly

research, comment and discussion on the history, society, economy, culture andinternational relations of the South Asian region from the earliest times to thepresent day. Ordinarily there are two general issues each year, and one dedicatedto a topical theme. Published since 1971, South Asia is the world’s senior journalof record for the South Asian region.

South Asian DiasporaEditor: Ajaya K. Sahoo, University of Hyderabad, India

 Volume 3, 2 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1943-8192, Online ISSN: 1943-8184

The South Asian Diaspora, shaped by dispersions of people, goods, ideas andbeliefs that flowed from and through the Indian Subcontinent is currently oneof the world’s largest diasporas. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka,Bhutan and the Maldives all anchor a sense of home for people who have movedoutside the region through the centuries. These territories evoke emotional,social, political, economic, cultural and literary affiliations as well which findexpression in multiple ways. The diaspora is also marked by struggles overmeanings and tensions both amongst the diasporics and with people in the

countries where the diasporics now inhabit. In South Asian Diaspora we aimto explore some of the issues that the South Asian diaspora presents for thecontemporary world.

South Asian History and CultureEditors: David Washbrook, University of Cambridge, UK , Boria Majumdar, University of Central Lancashire, UK , Sharmistha Gooptu, South Asia ResearchFoundation, India and Nalin Mehta, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB andMalaria, Geneva

 Volume 3, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1947-2498, Online ISSN: 1947-2501

South Asian History and Culture offers a forum that will provide an integratedperspective on the field at large. The journal aims to bring together researchon South Asia in the humanities and social sciences, and to provide scholarswith a platform covering, but not restricted to, their particular fields of interestand specialization. Such an approach is critical to any expanding field of study,for the development of more informed and broader perspectives, and of moreoverarching theoretical conceptions.

South Asian StudiesEditor: Adam Hardy, Welsh School of Architecture, UK 

 Volume 27, 2 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0266-6030, Online ISSN: 2153-2699

South Asian Studies is the internationally refereed journal of the British Association for South Asian Studies ( BASAS ). SAS has appeared annuallysince 1985, and incorporated the earlier Afghan Studies, and has established

itself as the UK’s leading journal devoted to the visual and material cultures ofSouth Asia, and the only major journal outside the subcontinent devoted entirelyto this field. Its disciplinary focus embraces all aspects of visual and materialculture, including art, crafts, archaeology and architecture, while it welcomescontributions on textual, historical, religious, sociological, ethnographic and otherthemes wherever these throw light on the journal’s core areas of interest. Thegeographical focus of the journal is that of BASAS: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,

 Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, and the South Asian diaspora.SAS regularly includes South Asia-related material dealing with neighbouring

regions. The journal’s chronological frame is from pre-history to the

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South Asian Popular CultureEditors: Rajinder Kumar Dudrah, University of Manchester, UK and K MotiGokulsing, University of East London, UK 

 Volume 9, 2 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1474-6689; Online ISSN: 1474-6697

South Asian Popular Culture is an interdisciplinary journal designed to respondto the growing interest in South Asian popular culture within the different subject

disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. South Asian popular culture isdefined in a broad and inclusive way to incorporate lived and textual cultures, themass media, ways of life, and discursive modes of representation. Central to theformation of popular cultures are articulations of the economic, social and politicalspheres and the journal welcomes contributions that will highlight these issues.

 The Asia Pacifi c Journal of AnthropologyEditor: Kathryn Robinson,  Australian National University, Australia

 Volume 12, 5 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1444-2213, Online ISSN: 1740-9314

The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology ( TAPJA ) (formerly Canberra Anthropology , first published in 1977) is a leading refereed scholarly journaldevoted to the anthropological study of Asia and the Pacific. It is published jointlyby the Department of Anthropology in the Research School of Pacific and AsianStudies, and the School of Archaeology and Anthropology in the Faculty of Arts,The Australian National University.

The journal publishes research in social and cultural anthropology relating tothe Asia Pacific region, including Australia, particularly anthropological andethnographic papers concerned with contemporary debates in the region.

 The Journal of Comparative Asian DevelopmentEditor: Joseph Y.S. Cheng, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

 Volume 10, 2 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1533-9114, Online ISSN: 2150-5403

The Journal of Comparative Asian Development aims to offer the most up-to-

date research, analyses, and findings on the many aspects of social, economic,and political development in contemporary Asia conducted by scholarsand experts from Asia and elsewhere. It intends to offer in-depth as well ascomparative studies which will interest scholars, private and public institutions,entrepreneurs, as well as policymakers. Above all, it aspires to serve as aninternational forum for Asian academics and experts with their counterparts fromthe rest of the world.

 The Pacifi c ReviewEditors: Shaun Breslin, Richard Higgott and Christopher W. Hughes, all at

University of Warwick, UK  Volume 24, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0951-2748; Online ISSN: 1470-1332

2009 Impact Factor: 1.216Ranking: 3/44 (Area Studies) 16/59 (International Relations )© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports

The Pacific Review provides a major platform for the study of the domesticpolicy making and international interaction of the countries of the PacificBasin. Its primary focus is on politics and international relations in the broadestdefinitions of the terms, allowing for contributions on domestic and foreignpolitics, economic change and interactions, business and industrial policies,military strategy and cultural issues. The Pacific Review aims to be global in

perspective, and while it carries many papers on domestic issues, seeks toexplore the linkages between national, regional and global levels of analyses.


Editor: Shahid Qadir, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK 

 Volume 32, 10 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0143-6597, Online ISSN: 1360-2241

2009 Impact Factor: 0.920Ranking: 20/44 (Planning and Development)© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

Third World Quarterly ( TWQ ) is the leading journal of scholarship and policyin the field of international studies. For three decades it has set the agenda ondevelopment discourses of the global debate. As the most influential academic

 journal covering the emerging worlds, TWQ is at the forefront of analysis andcommentary on fundamental issues of global concern. TWQ examines all

the issues that affect the many Third Worlds and is not averse to publishingprovocative and exploratory articles, especially if they have the merit of opening

up emerging areas of research that have not been given sufficient attention.


 Australian Journal of International AffairsJournal of the Australian Institute of International Affairs

Editor: Andrew O’Neil, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University, Australia 

 Volume 65, 5 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1035-7718, Online ISSN: 1465-332X

2009 Impact Factor: 0.733Ranking: 30/59 (International Relations)© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

Established in 1946 (as Australian Outlook) the Australian Journal of  International Affairs (  AJIA ) is Australia’s leading scholarly journal in this area.

 AJIA is the journal of the Australian Institute of International Affairs . TheInstitute was established in 1933 as an independent and non-political body andits purpose is to stimulate interest in and understanding of international affairsamong its members and the general public.

 Australian Journal of Political ScienceOfficial journal of the Australasian Political Studies Association

 Editor: Ian McAllister, The Australian National University, Australia

 Volume 46, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1036-1146, Online ISSN: 1363-030X

2009 Impact Factor: 0.402Ranking: 68/99 (Political Science)

© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports


The Australian Journal of Political Science is the official journal of the Australian Political Studies Association. The editorial team of the Journal includesa range of Australian and overseas specialists covering the major subdisciplinesof political science.

The journal publishes articles of high quality at the cutting edge of the discipline,characterised by conceptual clarity, methodological rigour, substantive interest,theoretical coherence, broad appeal, originality and insight. The Journal featuresa lively exchange of views and therefore publishes critical comments and

responses. Research notes reporting on current research projects, researchdesigns and preliminary findings are also published.

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more information on these titles or alternatively view details

for each journal via its listed individual web address

Contemporary Social ScienceFormerly 21st Century Society

Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences

 Editor: David Canter,  AcSS, Emeritus Professor, University of Liverpool and

Director, International Research Centre for Investigative Psychology, The University of Huddersfield

 Volume 6, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1745-0144; Online ISSN: 2158-205X

This interdisciplinary, cross-national journal provides a forum for disseminatingand enhancing theoretical, empirical and/or pragmatic research across the socialsciences and related disciplines. Reflecting the objectives of the Academy of

Social Sciences, it emphasises the publication

of work that engages with issues of major public interest and concern across the

world, and highlights the implications of that work for policy and

professional practice.

Ethnomusicology ForumJournal of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology

Editors: Laudan Nooshin, City University, London, UK and Simone Kruger, Liverpool John Moores University, UK 

 Volume 20, 2 issues per yearPrint ISSN: 1741-1912, Online ISSN: 1741-1920

 Ethnomusicology Forum seeks to provide a dynamic forum for the presentationof new thinking in the field of ethnomusicology, defined broadly as the studyof “people making music”, and encompasses the study of all music, includingWestern art music and popular music. Articles often emphasise first-hand,sustained engagement with people as music makers, taking the form of

ethnographic writing following one or more periods of 

Journal of Baltic StudiesJournal of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies

Editor: Terry Clark, Creighton University, USA

 Volume 42, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0162-9778, Online ISSN: 1751-7877

2009 Impact Factor: 0.596Ranking: 13/44 (Area Studies)© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

The Journal of Baltic Studies , the official journal of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (  AABS ), is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary

 journal for the purpose of advancing the accumulation of knowledge about allaspects of the Baltic Sea region’s political, social, economic, and cultural life, pastand present.


Editor: Helmut K. Anheier, UCLA School of Public Affairs, USA and University of Heidelberg, Germany 

 Volume 7, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1744-8689, Online ISSN: 1744-8697

 Journal of Civil Society seeks to improve the theoretical understanding andempirical knowledge of civil society, its nature, patterns and composition, itshistory, development, and relationships with the economy, the political system

and society at large. A major focus of the journal is to encourage and inform therange of scholarships and approaches on civil society across disciplines andnational as well as cultural boundaries.

Journal of Multicultural DiscoursesEditor-in-Chief: Shi-xu,  Zhejiang University, China

 Volume 6, 3 issues per year

Print ISSN: 1744-7143, Online ISSN: 1747-6615

 Journal of Multicultural Discourses is a premier international journal indiscourse studies which aims to enhance cultural diversity, equality and prosperityin social life as well as in scholarship. A forerunner in the cultural politics of

language, communication or discourse research, the journal has published overthe past five years numerous articles on Asian, African, Latin American, as well aswestern, approaches to discourses in d iverse cultural settings.

Oriental Insects

NEW IN 2011

Editor-in-Chief: V.V. Ramamurthy, Division of Entomology, Indian AgriculturalResearch Institute

 Volume 45, 4 issues per year

2009 Impact Factor: 0.230© 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports®

Oriental Insects is devoted to publication of original research articles andreviews on the taxonomy, ecology, biodiversity and evolution of insects and otherland arthropods of the Old World tropics. Papers having a bearing on the subjects

mentioned above or on related fauna will also be accepted. Revisionary papersare given preference.

Wasafi riListed in the Thomson Reuters Arts & Humanities Citation Index®

Editor: Susheila Nasta, Open University, UK  Volume 26, 4 issues per year

Print ISSN: 0269-0055, Online ISSN: 1747-1508

Since the first issue was published in 1984, Wasafiri has always opened mindsand crossed literary worlds. The magazine remains key in mapping new literarylandscapes and offering the best of contemporary international writing today,consistently featuring Britain’s diverse cultural heritage whilst also highlighting thevast range of worldwide diasporic and migrant literature. ‘Wasafiri’, the Kiswahili

word for travellers, captures our ethos: to travel the world via the word to extendand challenge the established boundaries of literary culture.

World ArtNEW IN 2011

Editors: George Lau, Lecturer, Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa,

Oceania and the Americas, UK 

Daniel Rycroft, Lecturer in the Arts and Cultures of Asia, School of World ArtStudies and Museology, UK and Veronica Sekules, Head of Education andResearch, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, UK all at the University of East Anglia,


 Volume 1, 2 issues per year

Print ISSN: 2150-0894, Online ISSN: 2150-0908

Making, using and learning from artworks is fundamental to human social lifeand sensory engagement. In the context of the reassessment of the collecting,display and interpretation of cultures, the study of art as a global human activitychallenges categories of mainstream and marginalised arts and allows newhistories to emerge, highlighting different standpoints and disciplines.World Art 

encourages critical reflection at the intersections of theory, method and practice.It provides a forum for redefining the concept of art for scholars, students andpractitioners, for rethinking artistic and interpretive categories and for addressingcultural translation of art practices, canons and discourses. It promotes innovativeand comparative approaches for studying human creativity, past and present. 

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March 2011Hb: 978-0-415-59810-1:£85.00 / $140.00Pb: 978-0-415-59811-8:£24.99 / $47.95

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