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Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    My Vancouver Life

    Your Pathway To Success

    My Internship inVancouver

    Whistler SkiT


    Travel Job

    omestay fam



    s e Trabalho no Canada

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Estude e Trabalhe no

    Canad Aprenda, Ganhe Dinheiro e Aventure-se!





    YStep Up e Work n Study Hospitality um programa acadmico comestgio (no pago ou pago) que oferece mltiplas oportunidadesligando aprendizado de sala de aula com experincia profissional.

    O programa lder de Estudo & Trabalho no Canad uma das

    melhores maneiras de se obter experincia direta da cultura e do povono Canad. Estudar e trabalhar no Canad lhe dar opes eexperincias que so nicas. O que torna esta experincia to especial que quando voc volta para casa, voc ter muito mais que timaslembranas, novos amigos de todas as partes do globo, ou timasfotos de um pas lindo. Voc tambm ter experincia profissionalinternacional o que far com que seu currculo se destaque!

    Componente Acadmico composto por um curso intensivo de ingls e treinamento cultural,Workshops de hospitalidade (com base em ingls como segundoidioma), focados em aquisio do idioma e prtica nos contextos deresoluo de conflitos, competncia cultural, resoluo de problemas,

    trabalho em equipe, como lidar com crticas, adaptabilidade,motivao, habilidades de liderana, terminologia especfica de suaindstria e treinamento.

    Opes de programaNs sabemos que cada estudante tem uma personalidade distinta ecada um pode ter metas e objetivos muito diferentes, vindo para oCanad com experincias de vida diferentes, idias variadas sobre aaventura, a viagem e o trabalho no exterior. Com isto em mentedesenhamos o programa para ter opes que se encaixem na maioriados tipos de personalidade e desejos.

    Se voc j viajou para o exterior, tem experincia profissional e seconsidera muito independente, talvez voc prefira um leque deopes de trabalho e localidades de nosso programa Silver.

    Por outro lado, esta pode ser sua primeira experincia no exterior,voc pode ter muito pouca experincia profissional, e voc prefereter cada ponto de sua experincia de estudo e trabalho sobcontrole, gerenciada e organizada desde o incio at o fim...neste caso, nosso programa Gold e sua melhor opo!

    Programa GOLD

    Opes de 6 ou 12 meses

    Estudo intensivo no Campus deVancouver

    Aulas durante sua estadia nosresorts

    Localizado somente em Resorts

    (fora de Vancouver) Tipos de posies de trabalho de

    acordo com sua experincia,habilidade de comunicao

    Preparao de vigem

    Preparao de Acomodao

    Programa SILVER

    Opes de 6, 8 ou 12 meses

    Todo estudo feito no Campus de

    Vancouver No h aulas durante o estgio

    Posies disponveis em Vancouvere em Resorts

    Os empregos e vagas soconseguidos pelo prprio aluno

    Apenas para alunos maduros,flexveis e responsveis.

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    O perfil de um de nossos resorts

    Estudo e Trabalho Posies de Estgio

    em Poets Cove

    Caixa de mercado / Atendente

    Atendente de Quarto / Camareira

    Garom e Garonete

    Agente de Recepo e


    Equipe de Alimentos / Atendente deCafeteria


    Atendente de SPA

    Atendente de rea da Marina

    Assistente de Atividades

    Atendente de LavanderiaPoet`s Cove est localizada em Pender Island, uma das ilhasmais espetaculares da Colmbia Britnica nas reas das Ihas doGolfo do Sul. Entre Vancouver no Continente e a ilha de Victoria

    A ilha de Pender facilmente acessvel desde de Vancouver,Victoria ou Seatlle. Est h 40 minutos de ferry de Victoria. Htambm acesso ao servio de ferry a partir de Tsawwassen, aosul de Vancouver.

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Perfil de uma estudante Olga Shkarupa:

    Incio / Matrcula

    Matrculas abertas durante todo ano

    Com antecedncia mnima de 12semanas da data de incio

    Categorias de Estgio

    Chef, Bartender, Waitress/Waiter

    Dishwasher, Kitchen Hand

    Front Desk Agent, Receptionist,

    Retail Sales

    Catering Staff, Coffee Shop


    Events Assistant, Activities Director

    Spa Supervisor

    Room Attendant, Housekeeping

    Ski Boot Fitter, Ski Lift Attendant,

    Chairlift Operator e muito mais

    Requisitos edocumentosnecessrios

    Idade mnima de 19 anos

    Alunos devem ter compreenso doidioma ingls em leitura, escrita e fala

    CV em ingls

    Carta de intenes em ingls

    Certificados e diplomas de estudotraduzidos para ingls

    Seguro de Vida vlido

    Visto de estudo e Work Permit

    Ser maduro, responsvel e flexvel.

    Entrevistador: Voc pode, por favor, me contar algo sobre voc, de onde voc , sua histria

    profissional e suas experincias passadas?

    Olga: Meu nome Olga Shkarupa, tenho 23 anos e sou Ucraniana. Tenho um diploma emFinanas. Antes de vir ao Canad eu trabalhava como Contadora Jnior.

    Entrevistador: Quais eram suas tarefas e responsabilidades (posio) na Poets Cove? E o que

    voc mais gostava de fazer no seu trabalho?

    Olga:Atendente de caixa /Atendente... uma das coisas que mais gostava era fazer os clientesfelizes com o caf que eu preparava. Eu sou uma tima barista (arte de preparar cafsespeciais) agora...voc deveria provar um de meus drinques!

    Entrevistador: O que voc fazia para se divertir em Poets Cove?

    Olga: Escalada, ciclismo, caiaque e natao... Podia usar quase todas as instalaes de PoetsCove de graa.

    Entrevistador: Como foi sua relao com a equipe, ambiente de trabalho, e colegas de


    Olga: Meus colegas foram meus melhores amigos, trabalho ou festa, adorava estar com eles.Formamos um time de verdade, sempre tentando ajudar uns aos outros, cuidamos uns dosoutros. Isto realmente importante quando se est to longe de casa.

    Entrevistador: Como eram suas aulas na parte da tarde?

    Olga: Gostava de minha professora. Ela tem uma tima personalidade. Elamudou sua vida, para estar mais perto da natureza e agora ela parte de umtimo exemplo do que chamamos de comunidade de vizinhana e devigilncia. Ela viveu muito tempo fora do Canad, portanto ela se identificae sabe como ser um estrangeiro.

    Entrevistador: Quais os benefcios que o seu estgio

    proporcionou a voc?

    Olga: Primeiramente o meu ingls, minhas habilidadesde comunicao melhoraram muito. Eu precisavadisto para conseguir um bom emprego na Ucrnia.Acredito que passar um ano em outro pas uma

    tima experincia, isto ficar comigo parasempre. claro que os amigos tambm! Tenho amigos de todas as partes do

    mundo, no poderia imaginar minhavida sem eles agora.

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    studo & Trabalho no Canad

    Opes de Programas

    Programa GOLD

    No programa GOLD h duas opes de 6 ou 12 meses.Todos os alunos deste programa comeam seus estudosintensivos em nosso campus em Vancouver e depoiscontinuaro seus estudos durante o seu programa em

    um dos resorts onde trabalharo. Todos os alunos desteprograma tm de assistir as aulas durante a parte detrabalho nos resorts obrigatoriamente. Nossos resorts declasse mundial foram cuidadosamente escolhidos paraoferecer a melhor experincia de estgio possvel. Estolocalizados fora de Vancouver, em lugares muito bonitosno Oeste Canadense e disponibilizam aos alunos acessoa suas instalaes espetaculares, bem como umaexperincia nica do estilo de vida canadense.

    Todas as posies so conseguidas mediante ashabilidades de idioma do aluno, habilidade decomunicao, competncias culturais (todas estashabilidades so avaliadas durante o programa), adisponibilidade de um tipo de vaga especfica durante o

    perodo do ano, bem como o resultado do desempenhodo aluno em sala de aula. Experincia prvia na rea dehospitalidade um ponto adicional para ajudar nacolocao do aluno, mas no obrigatria.

    Ns ajudaremos os alunos com os detalhes da viagemao local de trabalho e acomodao em alojamento parafuncionrios, albergue ou em um apartamento.

    Programa SILVER

    No programa SILVER h trs opes de 6, 8 oumeses. Todos os alunos deste programa completartotalidade de seus estudos em nosso campus

    Vancouver (50% da durao total do programa), e de

    concluiro o restante do programa em seu trabaAlunos desta opo so responsveis por consegupor si s seus empregos, mas recebero preparaapoio atravs de Seminrios de Habilidades pEmprego e Entrevistas de Emprego.









    Canadas Only Shortlisted WorkExperience Program

    Program 100 - 6 months

    Students must succesfully complete 240 hours of their in-class Academic study,prior to qualifying to participate in their Practicum component.During their Practicum,they must successfully complete 160 hours of their in-class Academic study.

    English Language Training/Cultural Training (180 hours)

    Hospitality Workshops: English as a Second Language-based (60 hours)

    Evening Language Courses/Hospitality Workshops (160 hours)

    18 weeks to complete Paid Hospitality Internship.

    Program 100 + 200 - 12 months

    Students must succesfully complete 480 hours of their in-class Academic study,

    prior to qualifying to participate in their Practicum component.

    During their Practicum, they must successfully complete 380 hours of their in-class Academic study.

    English Language Training/Cultural Training (360 hours)

    Hospitality Workshops: English as a Second Language-based (120 hours)Evening Language Courses/Hospitality Workshops (380 hours)

    38 weeks to complete Paid Hospitality Internship

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Vancouver Internships Aumente suas opes:

    Incio / Matrcula

    Matrculas abertas durante todo ano

    Com antecedncia mnima de 12semanas da data de incio

    Categorias de Estgio

    Contabilidade/Finanas Vendas e Marketing

    Recursos Humanos


    Administrao Geral

    Gerenciamento de Eventos



    Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura

    Tecnologia da Informao

    Jornalismo e Mdia

    ... e outros mais!

    Requisitos edocumentosnecessrios

    Idade mnima de 19 anos

    Alunos devem ter compreenso doidioma ingls em leitura, escrita e fala

    CV em ingls

    Carta de intenes em ingls

    Certificados e diplomas de estudotraduzidos para ingls

    Seguro de Vida vlido

    Visto de estudo e Work Permit

    Maturidade, responsabilidade eflexibilidade




    The Hudson House 2nd Floor 321 Water StVancouver, B.C. Canada V6B 1B8

    Ingls de Negcios preparao parasituaes de trabalhoO curso de Ingls para Negocio composto de gramtica intensiva,conversao, compreenso e redao, bem como ingls paranegcios e preparatrio para ingls no trabalho, o que permitir que osalunos estejam prontos para o estgio. O foco especfico no

    vocabulrio da indstria especfica e em estudo de casos reais. Osalunos aprendem a desenvolver apresentaes eficazes, tcnicas denegociao, gerenciamento de encontro de negcios e escrever comeficincia enquanto adquirem conhecimento prtico de hbitos ecultura de negcios na Amrica do Norte.

    Estgio em uma Empresa Canadense O estgio um treinamento supervisionado (atravs de relatrios

    semanais, tarefas pr-determinadas, avaliao de progresso,feedback pessoal, anlise SWOT, relatrio final e sua apresentao),relacionado a uma rea acadmica, rea de estudo ou experinciaprofissional equivalente. O estgio permite adquirir o idioma epratic-lo em um contexto especfico com terminologia e treinoaumentando a competncia natural atravs de soluo de conflito,

    resoluo de problemas, trabalho em equipe, lidar com crticas,adaptabilidade, motivao e habilidades de liderana.

    O estgio oferece mltiplas oportunidades ao unir o aprendizado desala de aula com experincia adquirida no local de trabalho.

    O estgio ser conseguido aps sua chegada atravs de entrevistacom uma empresa interessada. Se solicitado previamente,entrevistas de estgio podem ser planejadas antes de sua partida.

    Aps a concluso com sucesso os componentes acadmico eprtico do programa, os alunos recebero um Certificado deParticipao e uma Carta de Referncia da empresa onde o estgiofoi realizado.

    A grande maioria dos estgios no remunerada. A parte doestgio de seu programa no pode exceder 50% da durao totalde seu programa. Durante toda a sua estada os alunos tero o

    apoio de nosso Coordenador de Estgios.

    AcomodaoDurante todo o perodo de estgio os alunos estaro vivendo em umahomestay em um quarto individual, 3 refeies por dia, e acesso ainternet. Na chegada os alunos sero recebidos no aeroporto elevados at a casa de famlia.

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Vancouver Internships Estudantes:

    Internship com osLideres de Mercado:


    Royal Bank Financial Group


    The Vancouver Board of Trade

    Sierra Systems

    Happy Planet

    Molson Canada


    Renaissance Vancouver Hotel

    Blast Radius

    Business Objects


    Riptown Media

    Kryton International

    Lululemon Athletica

    Georgia Straight

    Kraft Foods

    Best Buy Canada Ltd.

    Vancouver Convention & ExhibitionCentre


    Electronic Arts

    Radical Entertainment

    Ipsos Reid Corporation

    HB Lanarc


    Webtech Wireless Inc.

    Acredito que esta experincia tenha sido a melhor maneira de aprender ingls rapidamente ecom eficincia pois voc est sempre falando ingls e tambm ingls para negcios, o que bom para minha carreira... Tenho certeza que esta experincia me permitir encontrar um bomemprego mais tarde, porque Business Objects uma empresa bastante reconhecida no setorde inteligncia de negcios.

    Driss Frana, Programa da Universidade

    Fui mandado ao exterior por minha empresa com o objetivo de melhorar meu ingls... Porqueem minha empresa na Itlia, ns vendemos produtos que compramos nos Estados Unidos eCanad.

    Alberto, Itlia

    Fiz meu estgio em um canal de televiso comunitrio...Fiz trabalhos ao vivo comocmera...Trabalhei em partes importantes do processo televisivo.

    Raphael, Brasil

    Tive que melhorar minha comunicao... No apenas minhas habilidades no trato com aspessoas, mas minhas habilidades tcnicas e isto foi realmente uma experincia valiosa paramim.

    Anna , Rssia

    Eu estava trabalhando no processo de validao de administrao de tempo na Kodak.Trabalhei junto com os fornecedores e agentes de compra para ter certeza que no havianenhum erro no processo. Tive um excelente relacionamento com meus colegas... E eles meintegraram as suas discusses e me ensinaram vrias expresses... at mesmo gria.

    Gregorie, Frana, Programa da Universidade

    Trabalhei em dois projetos de recursos humanos recrutamento , aprendizado edesenvolvimento. Tive de definir os passos do processo de recrutamento e tentar melhor-lo,revisar os nveis e testar os passos... foi uma tima experincia.

    Maria, Hungria

    No suficiente ter a criatividade ou habilidades, eu estou aprendendo com meu supervisorque muito importante a forma com que falamos com as pessoas e nos expressamos. Ele est

    me ajudando a tomar decises, a ser dura e ir direto ao ponto em negcios, como apresentarmeu ponto de vista aos outros e ser escutada e compreendida, e, no caso de clientes,aceitarem minhas propostas.

    Lina, Mxico Programa Universidade

    Estou me beneficiando bastante do que aprendi nas aulas e no estgio. Apesar de tudo istomeu ingls melhorou muito que tambm muito importante para mim, fiz muitos novos amigos,e desenvolvi uma paixo pelo Canad ao viver e viajar aqui.

    Susanne, Alemanha

    Eu posso dizer que tenho mais confiana durante o processo de entrevista para novosempregos e agora sei exatamente meu prximo passo como um profissional em uma empresaglobal.

    Tomomi, Japo.

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Benefits of Work Experience Programs

    There are many benefits to participation in an International Work Experience

    Program. In addition to accelerated learning in a full English language immersion

    environment, an International Work Experience Program allows students to explore

    an exper ment w e ga n ng pro ess ona exper ence an exposure. t ona y,interning helps participants develop essential skills and build the confidence to secure

    future employment or further career development.

    Benefits include the ability to:

    Enhance your English skills in both a classroom and a real-world setting

    earn more a out a c osen e .

    Apply classroom theory and Language to real work situations.

    Become more knowledgeable about general work functions in particular fields.

    Identify and/or test interests and talents.

    Investigate organizational cultures.Learn career-related skills.

    Identify transferable skills.

    reng en wr en an ora ng s anguage s s.

    See if a selected career path is one you truly wish to travel.

    Find out what it's like to work in a specific business environment.

    Enhance and strengthen your resume.

    Make contacts to gain future employment.

    Bridge between college and work.

    Gain an increased awareness of skills, attributes, personal qualities and values

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    General Program Descriptions

    Work and Study Gold Program

    We have a 6 and 12 month option for the Gold Program. All students in this program will begin their

    Intensive study at our Vancouver Campus, and then continue their study throughout their program at

    one of our Resort locations.

    Students in this program are required to attend ongoing classes at our resorts during their Internship.

    Our World Class host resorts have been carefully selected to offer students the greatest Internship

    experience possible. They are located outside of Vancouver, in some of the most beautiful settings in

    Western Canada and offer students access to spectacular Resort facilities, as well as a unique

    Canadian lifestyle experience.

    All internship placements are arranged based on language skills, general communication skills,

    cultural competences (all of which we assess ongoing throughout the program), availability of specific

    o types ur ng t e year, as we as ow we stu ents per orm n t e r c ass. rev ous worexperience in hospitality is favorable for internship placements, but not mandatory/ necessary.

    We help students with all travel arrangements to their resort and assist in organizing accommodation

    at the resort in staff accommodation, a hostel or an apartment.

    or an tu y ver rogram

    We have a 6, 8, and 12 month option for the Silver Program. All students in this program will complete

    all their Intensive study at our Vancouver Campus (50% of the Program duration), and then spend the

    remainder of their time at their Internship. Students in this program are required to secure their own

    Internship placements, but will gain insight into the local hospitality market through our Interview andJob Skills Seminars.

    Vancouver Internship Program

    Our Vancouver Internships Program offers students the unique opportunity to internationalize, to

    improve their English skills, and to gain international work experience in their professional field of

    study. Our professional internships are designed for candidates coming to Vancouver to improve their

    English skills and to practice them in a Canadian company.


    average of 30 hours per week (during the internship portion of the program). Internship placementsare arranged in Greater Vancouver based host companies of all sizes and industries.

    Host companies that are hosting our students for their internship placements allow students to

    practice and refresh their acquired language and intercultural skills in their respective field (e.g. a

    student studying marketing in their home country will be interning in the area of marketing in


  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    This is perhaps the most important part of your registration process. A good, strong,

    accurate visa application will give you the best opportunity to be successful.

    Your local agent will assist with your Study Permit Application, as well as inform you

    about the necessary supporting documents you require in order to proceed with your

    a lication.

    Your Country InformationInformation regarding your Canadian Citizenship and Immigration office in yourcountry can be found at this link: locate your country and click on the link.

    Visa Processing Times for your CountryVisa Processing times are located at this link:

    Simply scroll down the list of countries to locate your country. Please ensure that yousubmit your visa application with sufficient time for processing so that you can beginclasses on your booked Start Date.

    Entering Canada

    If you are flying into Toronto (or any other port of entry for Canada) before coming to

    Vancouver, you must get your proper documents in the Toronto Airport.

    You will go to the first Customs officer (sometimes called the Primary officer) and then

    usually, you are referred to the Secondary Officer (this is the person who normally prints


    If you do not get this paperwork in Toronto, there is nothing we can do to help you get

    these papers in Vancouver. You will need to make a completely new application in

    Canada (including paying the application fee) and that means you cannot do anything

    until you hear a response.



    a. Official Approval Letters - from the consulate in your country (see Index Section, I3

    and I4)

    b. Official Letter of Acceptance and Support from English Bay College (see Index

    Section I5 and I6)


    Customs Officer (see Index Section I7 and I8)

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Day 1 at School

    a.Arrival Time - please arrive at English Bay College on Monday at 8:45am on your first


    We are located approximately 3 minutes by foot from the Waterfront Skytrain Station.Simply visit Google Maps at: and enter our Address:

    321 Water Street, Vancouver, Canada

    Take the elevator to the 2nd floor, and as soon as you step off the elevator, you are in

    front of the Reception area. Please introduce yourself to reception.

    If you get lost or have problems finding us, simply call us at 604-639-9075 and we will

    offer assistance with directions.

    b.Orientation - you will go to an Orientation Room with other students who are also

    starting on this day.

    During the Orientation, we will briefly review some Program policies, as well as some

    necessary paperwork that must be completed.

    c.Passport - please bring your Passport on your first day. We will photocopy your Study

    and Work Permit and this will be sent to your host company when you have a secure

    Internship job offer.

    d.Social Insurance Number Application we will assist you with the paperwork for this

    app cat on an you w v s t t e erv ces ana a o ce ocate 3 m nutes away rom

    the College. This SIN Card is what your host company needs in order to legally pay youduring your internship.

    e.Bank Account this is a great day to set up your Canadian Bank Account. We will

    provide you with addresses and information about some popular nearby banks where

    our students normally open accounts.

    f. Study Schedule you will be given your study schedule, your textbook and

    information about your teacher. Your first class will be Tuesday morning at 9am.

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Study Schedule

    Your study schedule will vary slightly depending on the Program for which you have


    Work and Study Gold Program - You will be studying from 9am to 5pm. This is our most


    Work and Study Silver Program - You will be studying from 9am to 3pm. Vancouver Internship Program - You will be studying from 9am to 3pm.

    What is COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE learning?

    All our Work Experience Programs utilize communicative language learning for both its

    proven benefits, as well as the obvious practical connection to the student internship

    ex erience.

    Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situations that necessitate

    communication. The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real


    Unlike the audio-lingual method of language teaching, which relies on repetition and drills,

    the communicative a roach can leave students in sus ense as to the outcome of a class

    exercise, which will vary according to their reactions and responses. The real-life

    simulations change from day to day. Students' motivation to learn comes from their desire

    to communicate in meaningful ways about meaningful topics.

    Teacher and Student Roles and Responsibilities

    The Roles of the Teacher and Student Change in Communicative Language Teaching:

    teachers in communicative classrooms will find themselves talking less and listening more-

    -becoming active facilitators of their students' learning (Larsen-Freeman, 1986).

    The teacher sets up the exercise, but because the students' performance is the goal, the

    teacher must step back and observe, sometimes acting as referee or monitor. A classroom

    during a communicative activity is far from quiet, however. The students do most of the

    speaking, and frequently the scene of a classroom during a communicative exercise is

    active, with students leaving their seats to complete a task.

    Because of the increased responsibility to participate, students may find they gain

    confidence in using the target language in general. Students are more responsible

    managers of their own learning.

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Academic Study Step UP Internship Module

    All students taking one of our Work Experiences programs are required to complete

    the Step UP Internship module. This is a language-based module, but the key

    content and context of the course focuses on soft-skills and cultural skills that

    enhance or detract from an internship work experience.

    u en s are c a enge o per orm some e a e se -eva ua ons n a var e y o

    areas (in English) in order to better prepare themselves for their experience. This is

    a workshop style with class sizes ranging from 15 to 25 students, with group work

    and participation being key elements. There is a great deal of peer review as well as

    detailed error correction provided by the instructor.

    As well, students will have the option to take additional Business English modules or


    component of the program.

    Course ObjectivesThe objective of Step UP module is to help students improve the ability to:

    Formulate an effective communication strategy for any message, in any medium,

    - - .

    Write clearly, concisely, and convincingly in English

    Create impressive formal presentations that are delivered with confidence and


    Give and receive feedback that will improve students and other's communication.

    Listen for understanding.

    Work effectively with others in groups or teams.

    people who are not from their culture.

    Improving communication is a continuous process of learning, doing, critiquing,evaluating, and doing again.

    Course ExpectationsBecause so much of the class will be "hands-on" and because feedback (ours, guestobservers, and the feedback you give each other) is so important to improving writing

    and speaking, our expectations about our work together includes:

    That students are committed to improving their professional effectiveness as acommunicator. That students are willing to share their opinions and ideas on topics presented inclass.

    , , ,feedback on work that is done. That any concept that is unclear or confusing will be challenged and examined. That there are no stupid questions or comments.

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Academic Study Step UP Internship Modules

    Unit Culture (Theme)

    1. Students will be able to articulate Canadian Cultural norms, and apply them to their

    own behavior in a work environment.

    2. Students will have strategies for dealing with cultural adjustment to Canada.3. Students will be able to use effective body language for presenting.

    . , . , . ,

    language (.32), Cultural Misunderstanding (.47), 5 stages of cultural adjustment (.55)

    Flattery Entre (Small Talk)

    OPV-Discuss in context of being Ethno-centric

    Presentation Practice Composure, Eye-contact, Body Language, Effective use of


    Pronunciation (M) ed endings, (W) s endings

    Interview practice - Small talk and Social norms- Not interrupting the employer, How to

    succeed in an uncomfortable situation, What personal info can/cant be shared,

    Personal space, Timeliness, Democratic attitude toward menial jobs, and those who

    Unit Career Development

    1. Students will be able to engage in culturally appropriate small talk with

    acquaintances, coworkers and supervisors.2. Students will create a well edited, well designed cover letter.

    3. Students will be able to describe themselves effectively in phone interviews.

    Cover letters (.5, .6), Computer lab research (.48), Transferable skill sets (pg. 50),

    Telephone interviews (.59), Sharing (personal) information, 8 Keys to getting Hired,

    Employability Skills

    Presentation Practice Organization, Introduction, Body, Conclusion

    Pronunciation (M) Rhythm, (W) Reduced forms

    Interview practice Resumes: What does go on a resume (& why), What does not go

    on a resume (& why)

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Unit Group Dynamics

    1.Students will be able to recognize motivation for Cross Cultural behaviors, and applythem toward their interaction with fellow employees and classmates.

    2.Students will be able to identify the leadership style of their employer, and adaptthemselves to the group of employees they work with and live with.

    3.Students will create a well edited, well formatted Resume.Power Distance Index (PDI),Team Interaction styles,Interviewing,PMI (p. 20),Power

    - - . - , . - ,and Low context (pg. 52),Group behaviors (.29),Team interaction styles (.33),Listen toThis American Life about one bad apple and attitude,Team interaction styles (.33),What goes on a resume?,Leadership styles Listening (.34)Presentation Practice Appeal,Strong visuals,Audience Interaction,Appropriate use ofmedia

    Pronunciation (M) Thought Groups, (W) Emphasis

    Interview practice - Cover Letters,How *not* to dress,Students will be graded oninterview performance.

    1.Students will be able to communicate concerns with school staff and employer staff ina respectful way.

    2.Students will be able to disagree with a supervisor or school staff member in aculturally appropriate way.

    Hedging,Principles for constructive feedback (.44-.45),Assertiveness (.46),Giving andreceiving feedback,Handling an angry customer (.56),Candy negotiations,BusinessEnglish Pod-handling stressful questions

    Presentation Practice Content,Research-Field Trip to library,Inviting and answeringquestions


    Interview practice - Socializing with Confidence,Answering difficult questions

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Program Changes and Fees, Inland ExtensionsBelow is a list of the possible program changes available within the WorkExperience Programs, as well as the fees associated with those changes.

    Program changes must be requested and submitted in writing, and may require an

    nterv ew pr or to acceptance nto a erent rogram.

    Program changes must be requested in writing no later than on the 3rd Monday.

    a $200 Late Program Change fee.

    Extensions for 12 Month Programs, there are no Program extensions.

    For 6 Month Gold and Silver Programs, students may extend an additional 6Month Silver Program. Extensions must be completed in a timely manner andaccording to English Bay College registration procedures.

    Contact reception and they will book a consultation with our Student Services staffmember, Natalia Kurembina.

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    Detailed Program Description Gold Program

    Resorts/ Host Companies

    Traveling to the Resort or Host Company

    Classes Onsite at or nearby Resort or Host Company

    The Placement process

    Positions/ choices

    Accommodations at or near the Resort or Host Company

    Stats on past placements and typical questions

    Resorts/ Host Companiesesort or ost company ocat ons epen on t e season, t e type o resort t at as

    shown interest in you as a potential Internship candidate, as well as your performance in

    your academic component of your program.

    Every resort or host company for the Gold Program is located outside of Vancouver. The

    closest resort or host company for the Gold Program to Vancouver is Poets Cove Resort

    and Spa ( ), which is a 2 hour ferry ride from Vancouver. The most

    stant ost company rom ancouver s t e arr ot n est monton

    ( ).

    Fact 1: You cannot live in Vancouver during your Internship component of the GoldProgram.

    Fact 2: Indicating preferences for resort or host company locations does not mean you

    w e p ace a one o ese resor s or os compan es.

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Regiao das Colocaes de Trabalho




    cola Vancouver


    Kelowna Banff

    Ilha de

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Colocaes em Jasper

    Faa sua experincia de trabalho no Estado de ALBERTAColocao Ideal para quem comea o curso em Abril, Maio e Jun

    Pistas de esqui e snowboard

    elaria = + de 25 hoteis na regio

    cola de Esqui

    as e Restaurantes

    rmot Basin = area de ski = 20 minutos da cidade

    nyon Ice Tour

    g Sledding




    r de Trem

    ur - Vida Selvagem

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Colocaes nas Montanhas Rochosas

    Panorama Resort - Em Brithish Columbia

    O Resort fica a 1 hora e meia do aeroporto YXC - Canadian Rockies International Airport

    Colocao Ideal para quem comea o curso em Abril ou Ju

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    olocaes em EdmontonCapital de Alberta

    Cidade + Regio Metropolitana = 1 milho de habitantes


    estaurantes e Bares

    otelaria, servio de quarto e governana

    Eventos Empresariais / Seminarios / Workshop e Casament

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    olocaes em EdmontonCapital de Alberta

    Cidade + Regio Metropolitana = 1 milho de habitantes

    abalho no WEST EDMONTON MALL = Entre os Top 5 maior Shopping Center do Mundo

    que Aquatico Coberto

    ttp:// Cobre uma rea de 500 000 m e possui cerca de 600 lojas e estabelecimentosEmprega mais de 23 mil pessoas e recebe mais de 22 milhes de visitas por ano

    a de alimentao Lojas

    Pista de Patino no Gelo

    Parque para crianas

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    esorts prximos a Vancouver ( 2 horas de distncia)oets Cove


    creaoatividades recreacionais listadas abaixo esto disponveis no local ou nas proximidades

    Aluguel de bicicletas

    Aulas de golfe disponveis

    Aulas de Yoga



    Golfe nas proximidades

    Natao no local

    Observao de baleias


    Pista de corridaPlayground

    Remo ou canoagem

    Trilhas para caminhada a p ou de bicicleta

    arina e passeios de barco Jantares e Eventos

    Aniversrios e Almoos

    isitas Guiadas e Viniculas

    Colocao Ideal para quem comea o curso em Abril ou Junho

    Ilha de Vancouver

  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Traveling to the Resort or Host Company

    As soon as your Internship job offer is organized and your start date is scheduled, your

    Internship coordinator will arrange (an Itinerary) for a specific travel time and date for you

    to travel to the resort or host company.

    Depending on locations, you may travel by ferry, bus, or plane. Travel costs range from

    to . ou are respons e or t ese costs.

    Classes Onsite at or nearby Resort or Host Company

    Every resort or host company for the Gold Program has an English Bay College teacher

    teaching classes onsite or what we consider within a reasonable distance from your


    ou are requ re o a en a m n mum o ours o c ass per wee . a ure o a en

    your classes during your internship in the Gold Program will result in a Written Warning

    Letter. If unexcused absences occur after the Written Warning Letter, you may be

    dismissed from the Program

    The Placement Process

    As soon as you have completed your Student Profile at our Online Database, we will


    secure interest from your potential host company, it is very important that you provide as

    much relevant detail as possible for your Student Profile.

    Your ongoing class performance will provide us with additional information that we can

    provide to your potential host companies. A potential host company will ask us for a

    detailed assessment of your class performance, an assessment of your attitude, and an


  • 8/14/2019 Catalogo Bay Estudo Trabalho Canada


    Positions/ Choices

    Positions or types of internships available depend on the season, the type of resort that

    has shown interest in you as a potential Internship candidate, as well as your performance

    in your academic component of your program.

    ere are no guaran ees or ypes o pos ons an a s o some o e more common

    positions offered is at this link: This

    list does not include every single position available in the past nor does it contain all

    positions in the future.

    We will contact a number of host companies on your behalf and we guarantee one secure

    internship offer for the Gold Program.

    Fact: You cannot wait for an additional internship offer after you have received an offer

    from one of our Resorts or host companies.

    Accommodations at or near the Resort or Host CompanyAll accommodation costs throughout the Program duration are your responsibility.

    mainly shared accommodations. In other words, you will have 1 or more roommates.

    These accommodations range in cost from $200 to $400/ month.

    In some Resort or Host Company locations, you have a variety of local accommodation

    options to select from. In this case, we will arrange a booking at an international hostel for

    the first 2 or 3 days of your stay.

    You have the option to continue to book more time in the hostel, however, the majority ofour students find local accommodation with fellow staff members or with their friends or

    classmates that are also doing their internship in the area.

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    Statistics on Past Placements for the Gold Program and Typical Questions

    Internship placement dates are scheduled at the start of your Program in conjunction with

    your Academic studies. As an example, your last class on our Vancouver campus usually

    ends on a Friday and your Internship is normally scheduled to start on the Monday.

    Q: Are there delays with Internship Placements?

    : ome ost compan es or esorts ave spec c start ates or t e r r ng. or examp e,Host Company Z may begin their training and orientation on a Thursday. As noted in

    above and as per your Student Contract (Article 19), you are responsible for any expense

    incurred as a result of your Internship not starting on your scheduled start date.

    Internship Placements 2006 2007 2008

    Total 800 875 980

    Q: Can I change positions after I start at my host company?

    A: Normally, most resorts or host companies will offer a student a specific position for the

    duration of their Internship. You should anticipate fulfilling the duties of your Internship asper the details and specifications of your written Internship offer.

    e ays

    owever, n e pas , some s u en s ave move n o eren pos ons epen ng on os

    company requirements. There have been a variety of reasons for these changes in the past

    including but not limited to the following: staff leaving and positions opening up, supervisors

    recognizing skills of an individual more suited to a different position, more positions created

    because of an increase in overall business of the Host company.

    Q: I am taking the 12 month Gold Programwill I do my internship at only one host

    A: This will depend on your start dates and the Resort or host company that offers you aposition. In the past, many candidates have completed their Internship with one host


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    There have also been candidates who have been offered a 2nd Internship offer during their

    program. We will keep you informed during your studies and your Internship. If this situation

    occurs, we will provide you as much timely information and support that are available..

    Q: I made a great friend at the Vancouver Campus during my first part of my programcan

    we be placed at the same location?A: You can certainly make this preference known to us as soon as possible, but we cannot

    guarantee that the same Resort or host company will offer you both Internship positions.

    Q: When will I receive my Internship offer?

    A: This depends on the Resorts or host companies and varies throughout the year. It is ver

    common to receive your Internship offer in the last week or 2 weeks of your Vancouver

    campus study.

    We understand that this uncertainty can cause some students to worry, but facts and histor

    show us that you will receive this offer. Resorts or host companies plan their offers on a

    short term basis.

    Q: When do I get my certificate?

    A: As soon as you complete the requirements of your internship, you are eligible to receive

    your Certificate for your Program.

    You will receive an email from our Student Services department near the end of your

    Internship component. In this email, you will be notified of your eligibility and we will reques

    confirmation on how you would like to receive both your Transcript and your Certificate. The

    options include:

    av ng t ese ma e to your ns te teac er, so you can p c t up n your ast ons te c ass.

    having these at English Bay College for pick up prior to your departure for home.

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    Detailed Program Description Silver Program

    Examples of Job/ Place

    Vancouver Hospitality Sector

    English level


    Type of Personality

    The types of Internship positions student have secured range on the list at this link:

    Many of our students have secured internship positions at the Delta Hotel, the PanPacific

    Hotel, the Marriot, the Water Street Caf, Gotham, and a variety of other hospitality

    locations throughout the greater Vancouver area.

    Vancouver Hospitality Sector

    Vancouver BC seems to employ the largest number of great Hospitality jobs in BC

    because many large hotel chains have their head offices in Vancouver. In addition to the

    numerous hotels, there is a thriving restaurant and dining industry.

    English Level

    - .

    be able to function well in an all-English-speaking environment and you should be able to

    ask for clarification when you are not sure about your language accuracy.


    You will be provided with the templates for your weekly reports/assignments and an outline

    for your final report. Report #1 - #4 are due on the Fridays of your first four weeks, and

    re orts #0506 and #1011 can be submitted in-between sendin re ort #4 and our final


    Type of Personality

    Students who have been successful in the Silver Program in the past normally have some

    or all of the following characteristics: independence, flexibility, determination, problem

    solver, positive attitude.

    As well, many of the students who take part in the Silver Program have already

    successfully participated in a Work and Travel USA program.

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    Detailed Program Description Vancouver Internships

    Our Professional Corporate Internships are available in companies of many different

    industries in Vancouver. Host Companies are selected based on their ability to provide an

    appropriate, professional learning environment for each candidate.

    An international internship is a supervised practical training for students and

    professionals at a host company that allows students to link classroom learning to

    workplace experience, including first hand exposure to Canadian business culture, as

    well as real world opportunities for practicing Business English in their respective

    industry. All Vancouver Internships are unpaid.

    Some of our most popular internships fields are the following:

    Studies of: Mechanical, Industrial, Electrical, Textile, Food/Beverage Engineering

    Internship in: Internship in Production, Quality Assurance, Research and Developments

    Studies of: Architecture, Construction Management, Civil Engineering

    Internship in: Engineering Office, Construction Management, Site Supervision, Interior


    Studies of: Business Administration

    Internship in: General Office Administration, Accounting, Finance, Public Relations,

    Human Resources, Marketing, Market Research, Sales, Logistics, Event Managements

    Studies of: Information Technology

    Internship in: Programming, Web Design, Graphics and Animation, Database

    development and implementation, Help Desk, Software Developments

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    Requirements and Other Regulations

    1. Minimum age 19 years Maximum age 35 years

    2. Students should be able to Speak, Read and Understand conversational English at

    the time they start the internship program

    3. The desired internship field has to correspond with either the educational

    background of the student or previous work experience.

    4. Students must have completed at least 4 semesters of studies at a University,

    o ege, etc.5. Students should preferably have some first hands-on experience (internship, student

    job, full time job) relevant to the desired internship field.

    6. Students should be Mature, Flexible and Independent

    Placement Process

    The number of interviews that students will have depends on the interest in their

    resume rom po en a os emp oyers. e resumes w e sen o a ou -

    companies that we think would be a good match for the students. Companies that are

    interested in the student(s) will contact us and arrange an interview for the student(s)

    with them.

    English Bay College does not decide how many interviews a student has. Students are

    guaranteed one interview, and we arrange a maximum of three interviews for a

    s u en .

    As interviews are based on the interest of host companies in the Student Profiles

    students should ensure that their profile is as complete as possible and includes all

    work experiences (with a proper description of those), educational information and

    extra-curricular activities. Preferences and dislikes have to be clearly indicated before

    the placement process starts.

    See Student videos at to get someperspective about the types of experiences students can have during a Professional


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    Accommodation Options while in Vancouver

    HOMESTAY with a Canadian Family

    Homestay with a Canadian Family includes 3 meals per day, a private room, and

    preferences based on your requests (if possible). Most homestay families are located in

    ort ancouver, urna y, or ancouver ast.

    Homestay with a Canadian Family is a great way to meet locals on your trip, to immerse

    yourself in the real conditions of a culture. It can be an enriching experience for both

    parties and can save significant expenses. It gives you a chance to see how the locals live

    and to get an insider's perspective on the area. The people you stay with often know the

    best local bargains, the most worthwhile things to see and do, and the easiest way to get

    aroun .

    Homestay must be booked and confirmed a minimum of 2 weeks in advance. Please

    review the Homestay Policies on the Student Program Contract (Article 34. Homestay

    Accommodations Policy Homestay Refund Policy).

    There are normally rules or guidelines that host families will expect you to follow.


    Hostel living is a great option for the very independent traveler who wants to get a feel of

    their environment before committing to a longer term accommodation option. Many of our

    past students have started in a hostel before arranging other living options while in

    Vancouver. Visit this link to hostel listings in Vancouver:

    . . . . .

    Be sure to read the reviews, as there is a wide variety in both quality and price available.

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    SHARED Accommodation (Self-Arranged)

    A number of students arrange shared accommodation prior to their arrival in Vancouver.

    They do this by doing searches on Google for shared accommodation in Vancouver

    Canada or by going to popular sites like Craigslist, where people post available shared

    accommodation options:

    Requests for Meetings and Resolving Problems/ ConcernsRequests for Meetings can be organized at Reception. We will require you to fill out a

    Meeting Request form. We need this information requested on the form in order to

    schedule a meeting with the appropriate staff member. As well, in some cases, we may

    need to gather information from different sources or people in order to fully assist you.

    For questions regarding your Academic class, the first point of contact is your specific


    For questions regarding your Internship/Practicum, the first point of contact is your

    Internship Coordinator.

    For Program Changes, the first point of contact is your Student Services Coordinator.

    Program Dismissal or Quitting the Program

    You are required to abide by the Program conditions, including the Academic

    Requirements. As per Article 14a subsection b: If, at any time, you are no longer

    participating in the Step UP to Work n Study Program, whether due to voluntary

    withdrawal or dismissal from the Program, the conditions of your visa are no longer


    Unpaid Fees

    Prior to the Program Start Date, the participant agrees to pay all fees in full, in

    accordance with the requirements of English Bay College. If there are unpaid fees upon

    your arrival, we will schedule an appointment for you with our Accounts department tomake payment prior to beginning your classes.

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    I1- Work and Study Student Contract

    You are required to read and sign this contract in order to participate in the Work and Study Program.

    I2- Vancouver Internship Student Contract

    You are required to read and sign this contract in order to participate in the Vancouver Internship Program.

    I3 Consulate Study Permit Approval Letter sample

    Please be sure to review your Study and Work Permit Letters. Often, you will receive 2 Letters as per the

    examples in this Index. For some countries, you will receive one letter with 2 file numbers (one file number for the

    Study Permit, and one file number for the Work Permit). If you do not receive Letters indicating both a Study and

    Work Permit, you will need to contact the Canadian consulate to politely ask for those letters.


    I5- English Bay College Letter of Acceptance sample

    I6 Study Permit Letter sample

    You must be sure to show both your Permit Letters, as well as your Letter of Acceptance. You must

    receive both the Study and Work Permit Letters in order to fully participate in your Program.

    I7- Work Permit Letter sample

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    1. Accurate InformationEach applicant agrees that all the information provided in theapplication is true to the best of his/her knowledge, andacknowledges that any false or misleading information may leadto immediate dismissal from the Step UP to Work n StudyTMProgram.

    2. Valid PassportEach applicant must hold a passport valid for travel to Canadafor the full duration of the program when submitting an

    application. Full name and details exactly as on the passport youwill use to travel to Canada must be used on the ProgramApplication Contract, and subsequent enquiries relating to yourapplication.

    3. Personal Health & Safety ConsiderationsThe applicant is responsible for considering his/her personalhealth and safety needs when applying for or accepting a placeon the Step UP to Work n StudyTM Program. If the applicantsuffers from any health or other condition that would create arisk for him/her while abroad, he/she should not apply.

    4. Informed ConsentThe participant is responsible for reading and carefullyconsidering all materials made available that relate to safety,health, legal, environmental, political, cultural and religious

    customs and conditions in Canada. Each participant must takefull responsibility in the event that laws, regulations, or customsare broken, regardless of foreknowledge.

    5. Fees Paid in FullPrior to the Step UP to Work n StudyTM Program Start Date, theparticipant agrees to pay all fees in full, in accordance with therequirements of English Bay College.

    6. Request for DocumentsApplicants are responsible for submitting all requesteddocumentation (including a valid passport) to the appropriategovernment office in a timely fashion for processing. EnglishBay College cannot be held responsible for any additional costsincurred (including the cost of rebooking a flight) due to delaysby participants in submitting documentation, changing flight

    dates, delays by the Canadian Embassy in issuing a visa, delaysby Canadian Authorities in issuing a Study Permit with a WorkAuthorization C-30 Exemption, or delays due to changes in theirregulations.

    7. Visa Processing Fees etc.Each applicant must pay the local visa fee to the CanadianEmbassy. Applicants are responsible for any additional visa feesthat might apply at the Canadian Embassy or Consulate in thecountry where they are applying for the visa, as well as thegovernment fee collected as part of the application. These feesare non-refundable.

    8. Online English Assessment /Telephone Interview

    Applicants are responsible for submitting an Online English

    Assessment and being available for a Telephone Interview withEnglish Bay Colleges Academic Director, prior to finalacceptance into the Step UP to Work n StudyTM Program.

    The Online English Assessment is located at: andmust include your Full Name and Agency Name.

    English Bay College will contact you via email to schedule a

    time and date for a telephone interview.

    9. Study Permit and Work Authorization PapersIt is the responsibility of the participant to exercise due careonce in possession of the legal documentation (Study Permitand Work Authorization Papers). The cost of replacing theseitems must be borne by the participant.

    10. Contact InformationIt is mandatory for each participant to supply English BayCollege with a valid email address, which will be used by you forthe duration of your stay in Canada. It is also mandatory tosupply English Bay College with the name and contact details ofnext of kin, to be contacted in the case of emergency. Thesedetails must be included on the application form.

    11. Personal ResponsibilitiesThe participant is responsible for all of his or her acts along with

    any loss or damage resulting there from while on the Step UP toWork n StudyTM Program. The Participant agrees to indemnifyand hold harmless English Bay College and any other party thathas suffered a loss by reason of the participant's conduct.

    12. Travel/ Operation of motorized vehiclesAll travel before, during and after the Step UP to Work nStudyTM Program is at the participant's own risk. Anyparticipant who chooses to operate motorized vehicles isresponsible for obtaining the necessary license, permission andinsurance and does so at his/her own risk.

    13. NotificationIf, during the course of the Step UP to Work n StudyTMProgram the participant encounters any difficulties with safety,health, the job, housing, sanitary conditions, overcrowding, etc.

    or any other problem, the participant must notify English BayCollege as soon as possible by phoning 604-639-9075 duringbusiness hours.

    14. Canadian Government Visa andImmigration Requirements

    Participants on the Step UP to Work n StudyTM Program arerequired to comply with all Canadian Government visa andimmigration requirements, including as follows:

    Fulfillment of Academic Requirementsa) Gold Program students must complete 240 or 480 hours(for the 6 or 12 month options) of Academic hours of study priorto the start of their Practicum/Internship component. During thePracticum/Internship component, 160 or 380 (for the 6 or 12month options) additional Academic hours must be completed.

    Failure to complete the required hours may result in thereduction or termination of the Practicum/Internshipcomponent, and/or dismissal from the program. Students mustalso complete several internship reports and a final assignment.

    b) Silver Program students must complete 12, 14, or 24 weeks(for the 6, 8, or 12 months options) of their Academic study priorto the start of their Practicum/Internship component. Studentsmust complete a Host Profile Form, as well as several internshipreports and a final assignment.

    Continued Program Participationa) The conditions of your visa depend on your continuedparticipation in the Step UP to Work n StudyTM Program, andyou are entering Canada for this reason. If, at any time, you areno longer participating in the Step UP to Work n StudyTMProgram, whether due to voluntary withdrawal or dismissal from

    the Program, the conditions of your visa are no longer valid. Inthis case, you can no longer legally remain in Canada with thiscurrent visa.

    Proof of Fundsa) All students are required to have sufficient funds to supportthemselves in Canada during the entire duration of their stay

    b) Proof of funds is a condition of your visa prior to enteringCanada

    15. Abide by Program ConditionsAll program participants agree to abide by the Programconditions, including the Academic requirements, and to returnto their country of origin at the end of their Program.

    b.Conflict Resolution PolicyAll program participants agree to abide by English Bay ColleConflict Resolution Policy. The resolution process will focusa rapid re-establishment of good working relationships apositive outcomes. Referral to an appropriate person to asthe effective and rapid resolution of any complaint will available if required.

    c.Abusive or Disrespectful Behavior PolicyAny student who engages in abusive or disrespectful actio(either verbal, written, or physical) to any staff member

    English Bay College, or other English Bay College studentmay face immediate dismissal from the Program.



    16. Paid Internships - ConditionsUnder no circumstances are paid Internship positioguaranteed. Even in the case when a Host Internship emplorepresents that a paid Internship is being held, this does constitute a binding contract that the paid Internship willavailable when the participant has completed the necessAcademic component of the Program. The Host employcommitment is one of good faith only. In addition, if

    participant is not able to function in a work environmentEnglish and/or does not arrive on time and/or misrepresented any statement in the application, there is extremely high likelihood the position will not be available toparticipant. In addition, if the participant does not meet bothcontractual obligations with the employer and the Academobligations of the Program, the sponsorship agreement mayEnglish Bay College 's sole discretion, be terminated.

    17. Change of Internship PositionsParticipants must work for the employer listed on thInternship Offer Agreement Form. If, for any reason, a changInternship employer becomes necessary, participants mimmediately contact English Bay College. Failure to do this mresult in English Bay College revoking its legal sponsorsfrom the participant, which will result in the termination

    his/her Program and his/her legal right to remain in CanadaIf a participant accepts a position with an English Bay Collegsourced employer he/she agrees to stay at that place employment for the duration of the Practicum component ofProgram. If he/she wishes to leave a position after he/she stathe Practicum or to decline to start the Practicum after accepta position, he/she must notify English Bay College in writand he/she must obtain its written permission to do so. Excin extraordinary circumstances, such permission will not granted. If he/she does not receive prior written approvachange paid Internship positions, and if he/she leaves this pInternship without the prior written approval of English College, English Bay College reserves the right to revoke his/legal sponsorship which will result in the termination of his/program and his/her legal right to remain in Canada.

    18. Unforeseen Circumstances/Delays ofArranged InternshipsDue to weather conditions, seasonality issues related to hirschedules, or other factors beyond English Bay Collegcontrol, some jobs have uncertain start dates and hours of wDelays of arranged Internships may be up to 14 days. In the cof delays, students are eligible to complete more of threquired Academic hours of study prior to their depart(therein reducing the remaining required hours during thPracticum/Internship component) at no additional cost.

    Step up to Work n Study Program Contract / Participant Responsibilitie

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    19. Expenses IncurredEnglish Bay College is not responsible for the participantsexpenses incurred if for any reason the participant has notstarted work by the agreed date due to weather conditions ordelays in obtaining Social Insurance numbers or for any otherreason not under the direct control of English Bay College.

    20. Internship Ending EarlyIf the English Bay College -sourced Internship position is notavailable, through no fault of the participant's own, English BayCollege will assist the participant in finding another position butEnglish Bay College makes no guarantee with regard to beingable to do so. Nor does English Bay College make anyrepresentation that it will be able to find a paid Internship for theparticipant in the same geographical area or of the same type ofpaid Internship the participant prefers.

    b. If the participants original paid Internship ends before thelegal visa dates listed on the Internship Offer Agreement Form(Step UP to Work n StudyTM Program End date) for any reason,it is the participant's responsibility to inform English BayCollege and ideally, get approval for any new job.

    21. Internship Termination/ FiringIn case of change of paid Internship or of premature terminationof paid Internship, or if the paid Internship is terminated beforethe end of the program for any reason, or if the participant

    decides to return home early, no fees will be refunded.If a participant is fired from his or her paid Internship forviolation of employer policies, he or she will be terminated fromthe Step UP to Work n StudyTM Program.


    22. Contract in EnglishThis English language version of the Contract is the bindingcontract between the participant and English Bay College.

    23. No Program Suitability WarrantyEnglish Bay College make no presentation or warranty of anykind, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the Step UP to

    Work n StudyTM Program for any participant and English BayCollege disclaims all such warranties to the full extent of the law.

    24. Change Without NoticeThe conduct of the Step UP to Work n StudyTM Program issubject to Canadian government approval and may changewithout notice.

    25. Third Party ResponsibilitiesEnglish Bay College does not own or operate any entity which isto or does provide goods or services for the Step UP to Work nStudyTM Program including, for example, arrangements for orownership or control over houses, apartments or other lodgingfacilities, airline, vessel, bus or other transportation companies,food service or entertainment providers, etc.

    All such persons and entities are independent contractors. As aresult, English Bay College is not liable for any negligent orwillful act or failure to act of any such person or entity, or of anythird party.

    Without limitation, English Bay College is not responsible forany injury, loss, or damage to person or property, death, delayor inconvenience in connection with the provision of any goodsor services occasioned by or resulting from, but not limited to,acts of God, force majeure, acts of war or civil unrest,insurrection or revolt, strikes or other labor activities, criminal orterrorist activities of any kind, overbooking or downgrading ofaccommodations, structural or other defective conditions

    houses, apartments or other lodging facilities (or in any heating,plumbing, electrical or structural problem therein), mechanicalor other failure of airplanes or other means of transportation orfor any failure of any transportation mechanism to arrive ordepart timely, dangers associated with domestic or wild animals,sanitation problems, food poisoning disease, lack of access toor quality of medical care, difficulty in evacuation in case ofmedical or other emergency, or for any other cause beyond thedirect control of English Bay College.




    26. Right of RefusalEnglish Bay College reserves the right to refuse any applicantwho does not meet the Program eligibility requirements or anyapplicant that English Bay College does not deem appropriate toaccept in the general interests of the Step UP to Work nStudyTM Program. In the event that English Bay College refusesan applicant and acceptance on the Step UP to Work n StudyTMProgram, full cancellation fees will apply.

    27. Program Participation / StartParticipation on the Step UP to Work n StudyTM Programbegins when the participant legally enters Canada andterminates on the day of departure from Canada (within the legalStep UP to Work n StudyTM Program dates). Participation onthe Step UP to Work n StudyTM Program will end a maximumof 12 months from arrival in Canada.

    28. Visa ObligationsEnglish Bay College may issue an Official Letter of Acceptanceif a participant meets the Step UP to Work n StudyTM Programrequirements, but English Bay College cannot guarantee that theCanadian Embassy or Consulate in a participant's country ofresidence will issue the necessary visa. English Bay College isnot responsible in the event that Canadian Embassy refuses toissue a visa and full cancellation fees apply.

    29. Non-Amended Program DatesOnce a participant has commenced his/her travel to Canada,English Bay College cannot amend the Step UP to Work nStudyTM Program dates as listed on the Official Letter ofAcceptance for any reason. It is the participant's responsibility tocheck prior to travel that the dates are correct.

    30. Travel InsuranceInsurance is mandatory for all participants on the Step UPWork n StudyTM Program and proof of Insurance must shown on the first day of classes.

    31. Program DismissalEnglish Bay College reserves the right to dismiss from Program any participant who is deemed by English Bay Collto be a danger to him/herself or others or whose conductdeemed to be detrimental to the Program. In the event of sucdismissal, English Bay College shall not be held responsibleany airfare, charges or any other expense incurred by participant, and shall not be required to return any fees paidthe participant.

    32. RefundsOnce a participant legally enters Canada, there will be no refushould the participant leave the Step UP to Work n StudyTProgram. There will also be no refund should English BCollege terminate the participant from the Step UP to WorkStudyTM Program.

    33. AccommodationsEnglish Bay College does not provide housing. If an Internshost company employer does offer housing it is usually ofirst-come first-served basis. Whether the participant arranhousing independently or through an Internship host compemployer the participant will be required to sign a lease and

    a deposit, which usually amounts to the first and last montrent and may include an additional security deposit.

    34. Homestay Accommodations PolicyHomestay Refund Policya.) If written cancellation notice is given 12 weeks or mbefore beginning of homestay, all money will be refundincluding homestay placement fee.

    b.) If written cancellation notice is given less than 12 webefore beginning of homestay, all money will be refunded excfor the homestay placement fee.

    c.) For refund requests after commencement of Homestay: Tstudent should inform the English Bay College in writing thweeks before the end of the homestay period if he/shedecideterminate the agreed homestay period. If the notification per

    is less than 3 weeks, then in addition to the non-refundanotification period,a $150 cancellation fee will apply. If the hfamily has failed to meet the Homestay conditions, the studwill be moved to another Homestay, and there will be no refugiven for the period of homestay already used.

    d.) English Bay College is not responsible for the airpcollection of any participant who is delayed or is re-routed asdirect result of a strike or any other problem with the aircarrier. In such cases, the participant should make his/her oway at his/her own expense to their accommodation locatioto English Bay College.

    Family Name: First Name:

    Date: Signature:Day Month Year

    By signing below, I indicate my understanding and agreement with all the terms and conditions of the Step UP to Work n StudyTM ProgramContract.


    Please fax all pages of this contract to +1-604-639-9079.

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    The company reserves the right to change the particulars of the services,including changes to courses, facilities and dates of programs wherecircumstances beyond the company's control necessitate such changes orwhere the number of bookings received do not reach the minimum numbersrequired to operate a course viably.

    Accurate Information

    Each applicant agrees that the information provided in the application is true

    to the best of his/her knowledge, and acknowledges that any false ormisleading information may lead to immediate dismissal from the VancouverInternships Program.

    Valid Passport

    Each applicant must hold a passport valid for travel to Canada for the fullduration of the program when submitting an application. Full name anddetails exactly as on the passport that the applicant uses to travel to Canadamust be used on the program application, and subsequent enquiries to aparticipants application.

    Personal Health & Safety Considerations

    The applicant is responsible for considering his/her personal health andsafety needs when applying for or accepting a place on the Vancouver

    Internships Program. If the applicant suffers from any health or otherconditions that would create a risk for him/her while abroad, he/she shouldnot apply.

    Informed Consent

    The participant is responsible for reading and carefully considering allmaterials made available that relate to safety, health, legal, environmental,political, cultural and religious customs and conditions in Canada. Eachparticipant must take full responsibility in the event that laws, regulations, orcustoms are broken, regardless of foreknowledge.

    Payment of Program Fees

    Prior to the Vancouver Internships start date, the participant agrees to pay allfees in full, in accordance with the requirements of English Bay College Ltd..No candidate will be allowed to start classes or to reside in English Bay

    College Ltd. arranged accommodation until they have paid their program feesin full. "Program Fees" include fees for all selected classes and servicesarranged through English Bay College Ltd..

    Request for Documents

    All candidates must have a valid Canadian visa for the duration of theirprogram before they start their program. Candidates should be prepared toshow their entry to Canada documents on the first day of their program. It isthe responsibility of the candidate to submit all requested documentation(including a valid passport) to the appropriate government office in a timelyfashion for processing. English Bay College Ltd. cannot be held responsiblefor any additional cost incurred (including the cost for re-booking a flight)due to delays by participants in submitting their application, changing flightdates, delays by a government office in issuing a Study Permit with a Work

    Authorization C-30 Exemption, or delays due to changes in governmentregulations.

    Visa Processing Fees

    Each applicant must pay the local visa fee to the Canadian Embassy.Applicants are responsible for any additional visa fees that may apply at theCanadian Embassy or Consulate in the country where they are applying forthe visa, as well as the government fees collected as part of the application.These fees are non-refundable.

    Personal responsibilities

    The participant is responsible for all of his or her acts along with any loss ordamage resulting from while on the Vancouver Internships Program. The

    participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless English Bay Coland any other party that has suffered a loss by reason of the

    participants conduct.

    Continued Program Participation

    The conditions of a participants visa depend on his or her continuparticipation in the Vancouver Internships Program, and participants aentering for this reason. If, at any time, a participant is no longparticipating in the Vancouver Internships Program, whether due

    voluntary withdrawal or dismissal from the program, the conditions of tvisa are no longer valid. In this case, a participant can no longer legaremain in Canada with this current visa.

    Abide by Program Conditions

    All participants agree to abide by the Vancouver Internships Prograconditions, including academic requirements and to return to their countryorigin at the end of the Vancouver Internships Program, unless otherwauthorized.


    Agreement in English

    The English language version of the agreement is the binding agreeme

    between the participant and English Bay College.

    Change Without Notice

    The conduct of the Vancouver Internships Program is subject to CanadiGovernment approval and may change without notice.

    Third Party Responsibilities

    Without limitation, English Bay College is not responsible for anyinjury, loss, or damage to person, property, death, delay, or inconvenienceconnection with the provision of any goods or services occasioned by resulting from, but not limited to, acts of God, force majeure, acts of war civil unrest, insurrection or revolt, strikes or other labor activities, criminalterrorist activities of any kind, overbooking or downgrading accommodations, mechanical or other failure of airplanes or other meanstransportation or for any failure of any transportation mechanism to arrive

    depart timely, sanitation problems, food poisoning disease, lack of accessquality of medical care, difficulty in evacuation in case of medial or othemergency, or for any other cause beyond the direct control of VancouvCorporate Interns.


    Right of Refusal

    Vancouver Corporate Interns reserves the right to refuse any applicant wdoes not meet the Program eligibility requirements or any applicant thEnglish Bay College does not deem appropriate to accept in thegeneral interests of the Vancouver Internships Program. In the event tEnglish Bay College refuses an applicant and acceptance on theVancouver Internships Program, all fees will be refunded but the registrati


    Visa Obligations

    English Bay College may issue an official Letter of Acceptance if a participameets the Vancouver Internships requirements, but cannot guarantee that tCanadian Embassy or Consulate in a participants country of residence wissue the necessary visa. English Bay College are not responsible in the evethat the Canadian Embassy refuses to issue a visa and all fees but tregistration fees will be refunded.

    Non-Amended Program Dates

    Once a participant has commenced his/her travel to Canada, English Bay

    Vancouver Internships Agreement of Participation

    I have read and understood this page Student: Agent:

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    College cannot amend the Vancouver Internships dates as listed on theofficial Letter of Acceptance for any reason. It is the participantsresponsibility to check prior to travel that the dates are correct.

    Travel Insurance

    Insurance is mandatory for all participants of the Vancouver InternshipsProgram and proof of Insurance must be shown on the first day of classes.

    Program Dismissal

    English Bay College reserves the right to dismiss from the Programany participant who is deemed by Vancouver Corporate Interns to be adanger to him/herself or others or whose conduct is deemed detrimental to

    the Program. In the event of such dismissal, Vancouver Corporate Internsshall not be held responsible for any airfare; charges or any other expensesincurred by the participant, and shall not be required to return any fees paidby the participant.

    REFUND POLICIESAll candidates agree to accept the English Bay College Ltd. Refund Policies.

    PROGRAM CHANGE FEE POLICYCandidates will be charged a course change fee of CAN $75 if, after they haveregistered, they change their program dates or accommodation dates. Anychange that results in a shortening of the course duration or adowngrade in the course intensity will be subject to English Bay College Ltd.

    Refund Policy. Tuition fees are non-transferable.

    PROGRAM REFUND POLICYTo apply for a refund, the candidate must submit a written notice ofwithdrawal to English Bay College Ltd.. Verbal notices will not be considered.Notices of dismissal to a candidate must also be in a written form. EnglishBay College Ltd. reserves the right to inform Citizenship and ImmigrationCanada of all program cancellations.

    Refund of Program Fees

    If cancellation is received before the program start date:If a visa is denied, the candidate will be refunded all fees except theregistration fee.

    a) Less than seven (7) days after registration, the student will be refunded75% of the total fees or the total fees minus CAD $ 400, whichever is less.

    b) Thirty (30) calendar days or more before the program start date, thestudent will be refunded 75% of the total fees.

    c) Less than thirty (30) days before the program start date, the candidate willbe refunded 60% of the total fees.

    If cancellation is received after the program start date:Once a participant legally enters Canada, there will be no refund should tparticipant leave the Vancouver Internships Program. There will also be refund should English Bay College terminate the participant from tVancouver Internships Program.

    Payment of Refunds Owing to Candidates

    Refunds owing to candidates shall be paid to the candidate, within sixty (6days of English Bay College Ltd. receiving written notification of withdrawor within sixty (60) days of written notice of dismissal.

    Accommodation related fees are refunded according to the Accommodati

    Fee Refund Policy, as explained below.

    Refund of Accommodation Fees

    a) If written cancellation is given 12 weeks or more before beginning homestay, all money will be refunded including homestay placement fe

    b) If written cancellation notice is given less than 12 weeks before beginnhomestay, all money will be refunded except from the homesplacement fee.

    c) For refund requests after commencement of homestay: the studshould inform English Bay College in writing three weeks beforethe end of the homestay period if he/she decides to terminate the agrehomestay period. If the notification period is less than three weeks, the

    in addition to the non-refundable notification period, a CAD $ 1cancellation fee will apply. If the host family has failed to meet tHomestay conditions, the student will be moved to another homestay, athere will be no refund given for the homestay already used.

    d) Vancouver Corporate Interns is not responsible for the airport collectionany participant who is delayed or re-routed as the direct result of a stror any other problem with the airline carrier. In such cases, the participashould make his/her own way at his/her own expense to thaccommodation location or the English Bay College.

    RESOLUTION OF DISPUTESIf a candidate wishes to complain about any aspect of the services tcomplaint should be made in the first instance to the English Bay College LProgram Director on site.

    Such complaints will be investigated providing that:

    the complaint is received within one month of the termination of tcourse

    the complaint was initially registered in writing with an on-srepresentative

    all invoices relating to the candidate making the complaint have besettled in full

    By signing below, I indicate my understanding and agreement with all the terms and conditions of the Vancouver Internships Agreement.

    Please fax all pages of this contract to +1-604-639-9079.

    First Name: Family Name:

    Date: Signature:


    Day Month Year

    First Name: Family Name:

    Agency Name:

    Date: Signature:

    Agent Representative:

    Day Month Year

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    PROGRAMA WORK AND STUDYentao para a Imigrao Quando voc receber os VISAS (pelo oficial da Imigrao)

    mbre-se de conferir todos os dados constantes nos seus documentos e

    ncipalmente se a data que expira o seu VISA

    a mesma data que expira o seu programa.

    no conferir, e, estiver com perodo inferior ao programado,

    c deve solicitar alterao.

    oficial de imigrao deve entregar o Visto de Estudante e

    sto de Estudante com Permisso de Trabalho.

    c dever sair da imigrao com estes dois documentos.

    o oficial no entregar os dois Vistos,

    c deve insistir para que ele(a) os entregue a voc,

    plique a ele(a) que sem estes dois documentos,

    c no ser autorizado a participar do programa.

    mbre-se, voc esta participando de um programa de

    udo com experincia no trabalho.

    c no est buscando trabalho no Canad.

    a atentamente os detalhes abaixo em ingls,

    sim voc se familiarizara com o vocabulrio utilizado.

    hen arriving in Toronto (from Sao Paulo ) or in Vancouver (from USA ), please remember the following information:

    on arrival at a Canadian Airport ,

    e first official you will meet is a Canadian Customs Officer.u must present your passport, your Letter of Acceptance,

    tter of Support, Letters from the Canadian Embassy, Landing Card

    e Customs Officer will ask you a few questions

    then return all these documents to you and direct you to Immigration.

    e Immigration Officer will examine your documents and

    k you some questions.

    swer him/her respectfully and do your best to cooperate with the officer.

    e whole program you are participating is considered an academic program

    ough there is a work portion.

    he Canada Customs officer asks questions about the Program

    mply tell them I am attending an Academic Hospitality Program.

    hey question you about the work portion, simply saye work portion is the practicum part of the program.

    mentioned before, the work portion is part of an educational program,

    erefore it is strongly recommended

    OT to use the term work at the immigration office.

    ease explain that your program contains of both

    academic component (language studies, cultural training,

    spitality specific training, hospitality workshops and a practical

    mponent, which is an essential and integral part of your academic program.

    e work portion doesnt exceed 50% of your total program.

    u will be issued a Study and Work Permit.

    ease ensure that you receive TWO VISAS, a Study Permit

    D a Work Permit.ose permits allow you to participate in the Work and Study Program

    your school only. This means that you are not allowed to

    arch and/or work at any other place.

    hen you are finished, please proceed to the baggage carrousel

    collect your luggage, and then head for the Exit/Sortie sign

    ere another officer will be waiting to collect your Landing Card.

    s officer will either direct