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Cassie Allgood || Design Portfolio

Apr 07, 2016



Cassie Allgood

Selected Works of Architecture and Humanitarian Design
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cdallgood11@ gm | 5841 South Lakew ood A venue | Tulsa, O klahom a 74135 | 918.314 .4 660

Proficient in: A utoC A D , Revit, Photoshop, Sketchup, InD esign, A crobat, basic H TM L coding, M S O ffi ce (Word, Pow erpoint, E xcel), M ac/Window s pla orm s, freehand illustra onG eneral know ledge of: Rhino, V -Ray Renderer, IllustratorC urrently learning: Spanish

University of O klahom a | N orm an, O klahom a B achelor or A rchitecture, 20 11 M inor in Interior D esign

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ORG A NIZA TIO NFreedom by D esign , O U C ha pterFB D A rchitect M en tor: D a vid B oeckFB D P r oject M a n a ger: C a ssie A llgoodFB D D esign /B uild Tea m : M em bers a n d Officers

D E SC RIP TIO NThrough a n orga n iza on ca lled Freedom by D esign , I w a s a ble ha ve a n outlet to fulfill a desireto do hum a n it a r ia n w or k for a sm a ll O kla hom acom m un it y. Freedom by D esign is a com m un it yservice project t ha t w or ks a lon gside the A m erica nInIn s tute of A rchitecture Studen ts. FB D ’s m a ingoa ls a re to (1) a id low -in com e elderly a n d disa bled by solvin g a ccessibility a n d life sa fetyissues in t heir hom es through design , a n d (2)build solu on s tha t w ill help them m ove freely,feel com for t a ble in t heir en viron m en t, a n dsecure their sa fety durin g em ergen cies.

WW e com pleted our first project, a 38 . ha n dica p a ccessible r a m p for Ver a in 2008. Ver a could n ot a fford this vit a l m odifica on , a n d she did n ot q ua lify for a n y other progra m s tha t a id the elderlya n d disa bled beca use she lives in a m obile hom e. In t he design of her r a m p, w e first a ddressed her sa fety, m a kin g sure tha t she could ea sily lea ve her hom e in hom e in ca se of a n em ergen cy. N ext w e m a de sure tha t she ha d a com for t a ble spa ce tha t she could en joy. W e built a spa cious porch w here she ca n do w ha t she likes to do: rea d a n d ca re for her pla n t s. Through our O U Freedom byD esign C ha pter w e w ere a ble to r a ise a ll fun ds for buildin g this project. W e hosted tw o designcha rcha r re es a n d built t he r a m p over t he course of3 w eeken ds.

Ver a ’s Ra m p

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ram p sec on/eleva on

ram p plan

k it of parts

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D E SC R IPTIO NTh e objec ve of th is project w as to design a Neon atalIn ten sive C are Un it th at cou ld be bu ilt in E astern A fricau sin g local m aterials an d tech n iqu ies from th e area.

O u r con cept for th is NIC U w as th e lotu s flow er, as it h as m ean in g of crea on , rebirth , an d life - all of w h ich inw h ich in com pass th e m ain pu rpose of th is bu ildin g.O u r site in Sipi Falls, Ugan da, w as ch osen for th e m agical view of a beau fu l w aterfall th at cascaded dow n from a n earby cliff. W e w an ted to in corporate n atu re an d w ater to e in to ou r lotu s con cept sin ce th at is w h ere th e flow er florish es.

Su stain ability w as of u tm ost im portan ce in a poor ruru ral area su ch as Sipi Falls. R ain w ater collec on , w ater fi ltra on devices, an d solar pow er w ere allin corporated in to th e design .

A frican NIC U

PR O FE SSO R (S)M arjorie C allah anD avid B oeck

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PROFESSORM arjorie C allah an

D ESC RIPTIONTh e objec ve of th is com pe on was to design a solar wood k iln for th e U n iversity of Ok lah om a M odel Sh op.Th is k iln would accelerate th e dryin g process of th e lum ber th at th e OU M odel Sh op a ain s locally. On ttop of con tribu n g to OU an d th e en viron m en t, th is was also a learn in g experien ce for all par cipan ts in volved in th e com pe on . D ealin g with th e design process, th e clien ts, th e Electric In spector, th e Fire M arsh al, an d th e con tractors were all part of th is project. Th e con struc on work ers were m y fellow colleagues an d m yself as wwell. Th is design was ch osen because of its prac cality an d m ee n g th e desire an d vision of th e clien t. It was fairly in expen sive to con struct an d is very sim ple to operate.

Solar W ood Kiln

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D ESC RIP TIO NThe tle o u r pro fesso r gave this pro ject w as called “M yO bject”. W e w ere to create a sm all o bject o f o u r o w ncho o sing in o rder to learn firsthand abo u t w o o dw o rk and po w er to o ls. I designed and bu ilt this piece inthe University o f O klaho m a’s A rchitectu re M o del Sho p.

P u rple Heart, HackberP u rple Heart, Hackberry, and W alnu t are the hardw o o dsthat w ere u sed fo r this pro ject. P u rple Heart w as u sedto represent red w ine, hackberry w as u sed to representw hite w ine, and the w alnu t bo w e jo ints and m iterjo ints represents co rk.

W ine B o le Ho lderPRO FESSO R(S)Janet B iddick

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D ESC R IPTIO NI w as in v o lved in this pro ject as an In tern A rchitect fro m Schem a c D esign to the C o n struc o n D o cum en t phase. I w o rked clo sely w ith Pro ject A rchitect Peter Petro m illi, A IA , an d A rchitect M ichael O w en sby, A IA .

So m e o f m y m ain respo n sibili es o n this pro ject w ere: - 2D ren derin gs,- in terio r eleva o n s,- site details, - ro o f plan ,- eq uipm en t an d do o r schedules, - pro ject specifica o n s/cut sheet m an agem en t,- an d - an d zo n in g an alysis.

This pro ject n o t o n ly w as a great w ay to stretch m ytech n ical draw in g sk ills, it also allo w ed fo r a lo to f freedo m , gro w th, an d respo n sibility given by the Sen io r A rchitects.

FIR MM iller A rchitects, In c.O k laho m a C ity, O k laho m a



St. A n th o n y H ealthplex

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DES C RIPTIO NThis lo w co st, eas ily co nstructable C M U dw ellingw as des igned w ith the p urp o s e o f p ro viding s afeho us ing w hile m aintaining a co m m unity enviro nm ent.

This p ro ject is underw ay o f being built as o f 2013 and the s am e p lan has been us ed fo r an o rp hanage and anelderly living ceelderly living center becaus e o f the layo ut giving aw ay o f m o nito ring s afety and bringing a s o cial facto rw ith the o p en co urtyard. There is als o a gate at theo p ening o f the building that is lo cked nightly.

FIRMM iller A rchitects , Inc.O klaho m a C ity, O klaho m a

Hai H o us ing

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RA IN W A TER COLLECTIONRain w ater collec on w as importanat for this designand any design in Hai especially because of the mul tude ofuses and extreme need for it. The rain w ater can not only be used for drinking, but for laundry and cleaning.

B EDROOM SThe bedrooms are designed to fit tw o people comfortably w ith

airfl ow coming in from betw een the roof and w all, w hich is typical in Hai .W indow s w ere pending w ith this design, but adjustable shu er w indow s

w ere specified for this project.

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DESC RIP TIONA n eff o rt to m o ve hu ndreds o f Hai an fam ilies fro m blu e tent ho m es to perm anent blo ck ho m es.

ORGA NIZA TIONM issio n o f Ho pe, HaiTitanyen, Hai

M OH500 Ho u s ng P ro ject

DESC RIP TIONA n eff o rt to m o ve hu ndreds o f Hai an fam ilies fro m blu e tent ho m es to perm anent blo ck ho m es.

ORGA NIZA TIONM issio n o f Ho pe, HaiTitanyen, Hai

M OH500 Ho u s ng P ro ject

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DESC RIPTIO NThis develo pm en t co n sistso f 55 acres o f lan d that w asgiven to M issio n o f Ho pe bythe Hai an go vern m en t.Plan s fo r this pro perty in clu dea ta trade scho o l, m edical clin ic, fo o d w areho u se, co m m u n ity cen ter, edu ca o nfacility, o rphan age, elderlyho u sin g, an d co n feren cecen ter.

DESC RIPTIO NThis develo pm en t co n sistso f 55 acres o f lan d that w asgiven to M issio n o f Ho pe bythe Hai an go vern m en t.Plan s fo r this pro perty in clu dea ta trade scho o l, m edical clin ic, fo o d w areho u se, co m m u n ity cen ter, edu ca o nfacility, o rphan age, elderlyho u sin g, an d co n feren cecen ter.

O RGA N IZA TIO NM issio n o f Ho pe, HaiTitan yen , Hai


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DESCRIPT IONA er w hat w as a sm all business o f ran by 6 w o m en physically effected by the earthq uake in 2010, sales w ent up and so did the space needed to create their beau ful w o rks o f art.

3 Co rds is a so cial enterprise fo unded in Septem ber 2010 to train, em plo y, and em po w er Hai an m en and w o m en. T heir m issio n is to pro vide o ppo rtuni es fo r physically handicapped w o m en and m en, and to sh o w them that they are bo th beau ful and valuable. T hey do this by training their em plo yees as arsans in a lo ving, co m m unity o riented eenviro nm ent.

ORG A NIZA T IONM issio n o f H o pe, HaiT itanyen, Hai

3 Co rds B uilding

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Renderings & Sk etches

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cdallgood11@ gm | 5841 South Lakew ood A venue | Tulsa, O klahom a 74135 | 918.314 .4 660

Proficient in: A utoC A D , Revit, Photoshop, Sketchup, InD esign, A crobat, basic H TM L coding, M S O ffi ce (Word, Pow erpoint, E xcel), M ac/Window s pla orm s, freehand illustra onG eneral know ledge of: Rhino, V -Ray Renderer, IllustratorC urrently learning: Spanish

University of O klahom a | N orm an, O klahom a B achelor or A rchitecture, 20 11 M inor in Interior D esign

Thank you.