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Case Study: Using PVS to Analyze Security Protocols Kyle Taylor

Case Study: Using PVS to Analyze Security Protocols

Jan 14, 2016




Case Study: Using PVS to Analyze Security Protocols. Kyle Taylor. Overview. Using PVS: Specify Communication Specify Encryption Specify Intruder Specify Protocol Analyze Results. What is PVS. General Prototype Verification System Inductive Theorem Prover - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Case Study: Using PVS to Analyze Security Protocols

Case Study: Using PVS to Analyze Security Protocols

Kyle Taylor

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Using PVS:– Specify Communication– Specify Encryption– Specify Intruder– Specify Protocol– Analyze Results

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What is PVS

General– Prototype Verification System– Inductive Theorem Prover– Augments classical higher-order logic with an

advanced type system– Implemented in Common Lisp– Based upon 20 years of experience– Emacs Interface

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What is PVS Cont.

Intended for the formalization of requirements and high level design

Functional Specification Language– Haskell, Lisp, ML

PVS consists of– Specification language– Predefined theories– Proof Checker

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PVS Specification Language

Type checking is undecidable because of constrained types

– Generates proof obligations for the theorem prover Assumptions Definitions Axioms Conjectures Theorems Lemmas

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PVS Proof Checker

Provides a collection of powerful primitive inference procedures– Propositional and quantified rules– Induction– Rewriting– Decision procedures for linear arithmatic

Requires Interactive proving– Contains automated proof strategies

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PVS and Security

PVS does not have built in security or communication primitives

The primitives need to be defined when a specification is developed

Luckily the definitions of the security primitives can be reused

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Communication and Encryption

Messages are defined as a function– Said(Sender: P, Receiver: P, Fields: F)

Fields are constructed by type coercion– Agent(Principle: P): F– Num(num: nat): F– Pkey(pkey: K): F– Con(field: F, field: F): F– Ped(pkey: K, field: F): F

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Communication and Encryption Cont

Encryption– Pub(principle: P): K– Priv(principle: P): K– Invkey(key: K): K

Axiom– Invkey(pub(A))=priv(A)

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Specifying Security

Parts(S)– All sub fields of a set S

Analz(S)– All sub fields of a set S that is accessible to an attacker

Synth(S)– The set of fields that is constructible for S

Secret()– Basic secrets

Initial()– Initial attacker knowledge

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Specifying a Protocol

Each protocol step is a function– The function accepts a Message and a Trace– The function returns a bool– The function constrains the Message and the Trace

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Specifying an Intruder

Done with a function– The function accepts a Message, a Trace, and a set

of initial knowledge– The function returns a bool– Constructs messages from a set of initial knowledge

and the set of derivable knowledge present in a trace

– Constructed message is from the intruder

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ffgg Protocol

1. AB: A

2. BA: B, N1, N2

3. AB: A, {N1, N2, M}PKB % {N1, X, Y}PKB

4. BA: N1, X, {X, Y, N1}PKB

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Ffgg Attack

AB: A (A)B’: A % masquerade B(A): N1, N2

B’(A): N’1, N’2 (B)A: N1, N’1 AB: {N1, N’1, M}PKB

B(A):N1, N’1, {N’1, M, N1}PKB

(A)B’: {N’1, M, N1}PKB

B’(A): N’1, M, {M, N1, N’1}PKB

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ffgg Specification

a1(E,H): bool=


A /= B AND

E = Said(A, B, Con(Num(1), Agent(A)))

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ffgg Specification Cont

ffgg(Q: trace): RECURSIVE bool= CASES Q OF cons(E, H): ffgg(H) AND (Fake(E, H, initial) OR a1(E, H) OR b2(E, H) OR a3(E, H) OR b4(E, H)), null: TRUE ENDCASES MEASURE length

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ffgg Results

PVS derived a case enumerating a trace of the attack that the user would have to prove

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Lessons Learned– Learning PVS is not trivial

Specification and prover are not intuitive

– Theorem proving has the ability to be very useful– Security is tricky

Limitations– Amount of background required of the user– Amount of training time required– Ambiguity of specification

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Future Work

Develop a theorem prover that is specifically designed for Security protocols (Athena?)

Provide a less powerful specification language to increase simplicity

Provide better separation of modules

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6 month estimate to learn PVS is very optimistic

One on one training with a PVS guru is a must Limited use due to ambiguity of specifications

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Millen, “A Necessarily Parallel Attack”, FMSP ‘99,

Crow, Owre, Rushby, Shankar, Srivas, “A Tutorial Introduction to PVS” WIFT ’95,

Butler, “An elementary tutorial on formal specification and verification using PVS”,

Owre, Shankar, Rushby, “The PVS Specification Language”,

Owre, Shankar, Rushby, “Users Guide for the PVS Specification and Verification System”,