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Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, pages 3784–3798 June 6–11, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics 3784 Case Study: Deontological Ethics in NLP Shrimai Prabhumoye * , Brendon Boldt * , Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Alan W Black School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA, USA {sprabhum, bboldt, rsalakhu, awb} Abstract Recent work in natural language processing (NLP) has focused on ethical challenges such as understanding and mitigating bias in data and algorithms; identifying objectionable con- tent like hate speech, stereotypes and offen- sive language; and building frameworks for better system design and data handling prac- tices. However, there has been little discus- sion about the ethical foundations that underlie these efforts. In this work, we study one ethi- cal theory, namely deontological ethics, from the perspective of NLP. In particular, we focus on the generalization principle and the respect for autonomy through informed consent. We provide four case studies to demonstrate how these principles can be used with NLP systems. We also recommend directions to avoid the eth- ical issues in these systems. 1 Introduction The 21st century is witnessing a major shift in the way people interact with technology, and nat- ural language processing (NLP) is playing a cen- tral role. A plethora of NLP applications such as question-answering systems (Bouziane et al., 2015; Gillard et al., 2006; Yang et al., 2018) used in diverse fields like healthcare (Sarrouti and Ouatik El Alaoui, 2017; Zweigenbaum, 2009), ed- ucation (Godea and Nielsen, 2018; Raamadhurai et al., 2019), privacy (Ravichander et al., 2019; Shvartzshanider et al., 2018); machine translation systems (Cherry et al., 2019; Barrault et al., 2019; Nakazawa et al., 2019; Liu, 2018), conversational agents (Pietquin et al., 2020; Serban et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2016), recommendation systems (Al- harthi and Inkpen, 2019; Greenquist et al., 2019) etc. are deployed and used by millions of users. NLP systems have become pervasive in current hu- man lifestyle by performing mundane tasks like setting reminders and alarms to complex tasks like * authors contributed equally to this work. replying to emails, booking tickets and recommend- ing movies/restaurants. This widespread use calls for an analysis of these systems from an ethical standpoint. Despite all the advances in efficiency and opera- tions of NLP systems, little literature exists which broadly addresses the ethical challenges of these technologies. Ethical theories have been studied for millennia and should be leveraged in a principled way to address the questions we are facing in NLP today. Instead, the topic of “ethics” within NLP has come to refer primarily to addressing bias in NLP systems; Blodgett et al. (2020) provides a crit- ical survey of how bias is studied in NLP literature. The survey finds that research on NLP systems con- ceptualize bias differently and that the techniques are not well tied with the relevant literature outside of NLP. This creates a gap between NLP research and the study of ethics in philosophy which leaves a rich body of knowledge untapped. Our work bridges this gap by illustrating how a philosophical theory of ethics can be applied to NLP research. Ethics (or ethical theory), is a the- oretical and applied branch of philosophy which studies what is good and right, especially as it per- tains to how humans ought to behave in the most general sense (Fieser, 1995). As NLP research qual- ifies as a human activity, it is within the purview of ethics. In particular, we are using a prescriptive, rather than descriptive, theory of ethics; prescrip- tive theories define and recommend ethical behav- ior whereas descriptive theories merely report how people generally conceive of ethical behavior. We select two ethical principles from the deon- tological tradition of ethics and focus on how these principles are relevant to research in NLP. Namely we look at the generalization principle and respect for autonomy through informed consent (Johnson and Cureton, 2019; Kleinig, 2009). We select de- onotology because it is reasonable, provides clear ethical rules and comports with the legal idea of the

Case Study: Deontological Ethics in NLP

Jan 08, 2022



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Page 1: Case Study: Deontological Ethics in NLP

Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of theAssociation for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, pages 3784–3798

June 6–11, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics


Case Study: Deontological Ethics in NLP

Shrimai Prabhumoye ∗ , Brendon Boldt ∗ , Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Alan W BlackSchool of Computer ScienceCarnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA, USA{sprabhum, bboldt, rsalakhu, awb}


Recent work in natural language processing(NLP) has focused on ethical challenges suchas understanding and mitigating bias in dataand algorithms; identifying objectionable con-tent like hate speech, stereotypes and offen-sive language; and building frameworks forbetter system design and data handling prac-tices. However, there has been little discus-sion about the ethical foundations that underliethese efforts. In this work, we study one ethi-cal theory, namely deontological ethics, fromthe perspective of NLP. In particular, we focuson the generalization principle and the respectfor autonomy through informed consent. Weprovide four case studies to demonstrate howthese principles can be used with NLP systems.We also recommend directions to avoid the eth-ical issues in these systems.

1 Introduction

The 21st century is witnessing a major shift inthe way people interact with technology, and nat-ural language processing (NLP) is playing a cen-tral role. A plethora of NLP applications suchas question-answering systems (Bouziane et al.,2015; Gillard et al., 2006; Yang et al., 2018)used in diverse fields like healthcare (Sarrouti andOuatik El Alaoui, 2017; Zweigenbaum, 2009), ed-ucation (Godea and Nielsen, 2018; Raamadhuraiet al., 2019), privacy (Ravichander et al., 2019;Shvartzshanider et al., 2018); machine translationsystems (Cherry et al., 2019; Barrault et al., 2019;Nakazawa et al., 2019; Liu, 2018), conversationalagents (Pietquin et al., 2020; Serban et al., 2018;Liu et al., 2016), recommendation systems (Al-harthi and Inkpen, 2019; Greenquist et al., 2019)etc. are deployed and used by millions of users.NLP systems have become pervasive in current hu-man lifestyle by performing mundane tasks likesetting reminders and alarms to complex tasks like

∗ authors contributed equally to this work.

replying to emails, booking tickets and recommend-ing movies/restaurants. This widespread use callsfor an analysis of these systems from an ethicalstandpoint.

Despite all the advances in efficiency and opera-tions of NLP systems, little literature exists whichbroadly addresses the ethical challenges of thesetechnologies. Ethical theories have been studied formillennia and should be leveraged in a principledway to address the questions we are facing in NLPtoday. Instead, the topic of “ethics” within NLPhas come to refer primarily to addressing bias inNLP systems; Blodgett et al. (2020) provides a crit-ical survey of how bias is studied in NLP literature.The survey finds that research on NLP systems con-ceptualize bias differently and that the techniquesare not well tied with the relevant literature outsideof NLP. This creates a gap between NLP researchand the study of ethics in philosophy which leavesa rich body of knowledge untapped.

Our work bridges this gap by illustrating howa philosophical theory of ethics can be applied toNLP research. Ethics (or ethical theory), is a the-oretical and applied branch of philosophy whichstudies what is good and right, especially as it per-tains to how humans ought to behave in the mostgeneral sense (Fieser, 1995). As NLP research qual-ifies as a human activity, it is within the purviewof ethics. In particular, we are using a prescriptive,rather than descriptive, theory of ethics; prescrip-tive theories define and recommend ethical behav-ior whereas descriptive theories merely report howpeople generally conceive of ethical behavior.

We select two ethical principles from the deon-tological tradition of ethics and focus on how theseprinciples are relevant to research in NLP. Namelywe look at the generalization principle and respectfor autonomy through informed consent (Johnsonand Cureton, 2019; Kleinig, 2009). We select de-onotology because it is reasonable, provides clearethical rules and comports with the legal idea of the

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rule of law in the sense that these ethical rules bindall persons equally, rather than shifting standardsto effect a certain outcome.

We find that there are two main ways in whichethical guidelines can be applied in NLP (or to anyother area of technology):

1. An ethical guideline can aid in deciding whattopics within a field merit attention; that is, itanswers the question “which tasks have im-portant ethical implications?”.

2. An ethical guideline can aid in determininghow to address a problem; that is, it answersthe question “what factors and methods arepreferable in ethically solving this problem?”.

We primarily address (1) and briefly touch on (2)by presenting four case studies relevant to NLP.In each case study we use an ethical principle toidentify an area of research that could potentiallyconflict with it, and suggest NLP directions to miti-gate it. Although we have selected two principlesfrom a deontological perspective, we are not inti-mating that these principles can address all ethicalissues nor that deontological ethics is the only ethi-cal framework in which our rules and case studiescould function (§6). Instead, we present the fol-lowing as a starting point for NLP researchers lessfamiliar but interested in applicable ethical theory.

Our primary contributions are:

• Providing an overview of two deontologicalprinciples along with a discussion on theirlimitations with a special focus on NLP.

• Illustrating four specific case studies of NLPsystems which have ethical implications underthese principles and providing a direction toalleviate these issues.

2 Related Work

2.1 EthicsWhile there are a number of categories of prescrip-tive ethical theories, including deontology (Kant,1785), consequentialism (e.g., utilitarianism) (Ben-tham, 1843), and virtue ethics (Aristotle, 350B.C.E.), we are only addressing deontology. We donot take a stance in this paper as to whether or notthere exists an objectively correct ethical theory,but we offer a brief sketch of deontological ethicsand our reasons for using it. Deontology or deonto-logical ethics refers to a family of ethical theories

which hold that whether an act is ethically goodor bad is determined by its adherence to ethicalrules (Alexander and Moore, 2016). These rulescan be agent-focused duties (e.g., duty to care forone’s children) or patient-focused rights (e.g., rightto life). Such rules can also be formulated in modallogic, allowing for more precise reasoning over setsof rules (Hooker and Kim, 2018).

Deontology stands in contrast to another popularframework of ethics: consequentialism. Conse-quentialism holds the ultimate consequences of anaction to be the deciding factor regardless of thenature of the actions taken to get there. We canillustrate the difference between them by observinghow each of them might condemn something likeracially biased hiring in academia.1 A deontolo-gist might say that this practice is wrong becauseit violates the human right to equal treatment re-gardless of race. A consequentialist on the otherhand, would argue that this is wrong because itseffect is stymieing academic creativity by reducingintellectual diversity.

We ultimately select the deontological frame-work in this work for the following reasons:

1. We find deontology to be convincing in itsown right, namely, its ability to delineate ro-bust duties and rights which protect the valueof each and every person.

2. The universally applicable rules2 of deontol-ogy provide a good basis for providing rec-ommendations to researchers. Since rightsand duties (at their core) are not situation de-pendent, they are tractable to address in NLPapplications. 3

3. The focus on rights and duties which apply toeveryone equally fits well with the widespreadlegal concept of the rule of law which statesthat every person is subject to the same laws.

2.2 Ethics in NLP

We appeal to the fact that problems should be an-alyzed with a systematic framework, and ethical

1Note that we are presenting generic examples of deonto-logical and consequentialist frameworks and that a variety ofnuanced theories in each category exist.

2While determining rules which apply universally acrossall cultures is a difficult task, the existence of organizations,such as the United Nations, presuppose the achievability ofidentifying internationally applicable norms.

3In contrast to (action-based) utilitarianism which man-dates evaluating the full consequences of each action.

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theories provide precisely these frameworks. Re-search should not be based on preconceived notionsof ethics which can be overly subjective and incon-sistent. To more rigorously determine what is rightand wrong, we rely on ethical theories. Card andSmith (2020) present an analysis of ethics in ma-chine learning under a consequentialist framework.This paper is a kindred spirit in that we both seekto make a philosophical theory of ethics concretewithin machine learning and NLP, yet the methodsof the paper are somewhat orthogonal. Card andSmith (2020) provide a comprehensive overview ofhow the particular nature of consequentialist ethicsis relevant to machine learning whereas we intendto provide tangible examples of how deontologicalethical principles can identify ethically importantareas of research. Saltz et al. (2019); Bender et al.(2020) advocate for explicitly teaching ethical the-ory as a part of machine learning and NLP courses;the case studies in this paper would be a logical ex-tension of the material presented in such a course.

NLP research on ethics has primarily focusedon two directions: (1) exploring and understandingthe impact of NLP on society, and (2) providingalgorithmic solutions to ethical challenges.

Hovy and Spruit (2016) started the conversa-tion about the potential social harms of NLP tech-nology. They discussed the concepts of exclu-sion, overgeneralization, bias confirmation, topicunder- and overexposure, and dual use from theperspective of NLP research. A lot of work fol-lowed this discussion and made contributions to-wards ethical frameworks and design practices (Lei-dner and Plachouras, 2017; Parra Escartín et al.,2017; Prabhumoye et al., 2019; Schnoebelen, 2017;Schmaltz, 2018), data handling practices (Lewiset al., 2017; Mieskes, 2017) and specific domainslike education (Mayfield et al., 2019; Loukina et al.,2019), healthcare (Šuster et al., 2017; Benton et al.,2017) and conversational agents (Cercas Curry andRieser, 2018; Henderson et al., 2018). Our paperdoes not focus on a particular domain but calls forattention towards various NLP systems and whatethical issues may arise in them.

Most of the work providing algorithmic solu-tions has been focused on bias in NLP systems.Shah et al. (2020); Tatman (2017); Larson (2017)aim to study the social impact of bias in NLP sys-tems and propose frameworks to understand it bet-ter. A large body of work (Bolukbasi et al., 2016;Sun et al., 2019; Zhao et al., 2019, 2017; Sap et al.,

2019; Hanna et al., 2020; Davidson et al., 2019)directs its efforts to mitigate bias in data, represen-tations, and algorithms. Blodgett et al. (2020) pro-vide an extensive survey of this work and point outthe weaknesses in the research design. It makes rec-ommendations of grounding work analyzing biasin NLP systems in the relevant literature outside ofNLP, understanding why system behaviors can beharmful and to whom, and engaging in a conversa-tion with the communities that are affected by theNLP systems. Although issues with bias are cer-tainly within the scope of the principles we present,we do not specifically write on bias because it hasalready received a large amount of attention.

3 Deontological Ethics

There is a variety of specific deontological theorieswhich range from having one central, abstract prin-ciple (Kant, 1785) to having a handful of concreteprinciples (Ross, 1930). Rather than comprehen-sively addressing one theory, we select two rules,one abstract and one concrete, which can fit withina variety of deontological theories. The general-ization principle is an abstract, broad-reaching rulewhich comes from traditional Kantian ethics. Therespect for autonomy is concrete and commonlyseen in politics and bioethics.

3.1 Generalization PrincipleThe generalization principle has its roots in Im-manuel Kant’s theory of deontological ethics (Kant,1785).4 The generalization principle states the fol-lowing (Johnson and Cureton, 2019).

An action A taken for reasons R is ethical ifand only if a world where all people performA for reasons R is conceivable.

It is clearer when phrased in the negative.

An action A taken for reasons R is unethicalif and only if a world where all people performA for reasons R logically contradicts R.

The main utility of the generalization principle isthat it can identify unethical actions that may seemacceptable in isolated occurrences but lead to prob-lems when habitually taken by everyone.

For example, let us take making and breaking alegal contract (the action) whenever it is convenient(the reasons); implicit in the reasons for making a

4It is also referred to as the “universal law” formulation ofKant’s categorical imperative.

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contract is that the other person believes we willfollow through (Johnson and Cureton, 2019). If weuniversalize this and conceive of a world where ev-eryone makes contracts which they have no intentof keeping, no one would believe in the sincerity ofa contract. Hence, no one would make contracts inthe first place since they are never adhered to. Thisis the sort of contradiction by which the generaliza-tion principle condemns an action and the rationalebehind it.

Another example is plagiarism of research pa-pers in conference submissions. Let us assume thata top tier conference did not check for plagiarismbecause they trust in the honesty of the researchers.In this case, a researcher G decides to take an ac-tion A of plagiarising a paper due to the followingset of reasons R: (1) G believes that they wouldnot get caught because the conference does notuse plagiarism detection software, (2) publishingthis paper in the said conference would boost G’sprofile by adding 100 citations, and (3) this wouldincrease G’s chances of getting a job. Plagiarismin this case would be ungeneralizable and henceunethical. If all researchers who want to boost theirprofile were to submit plagiarised papers, then ev-ery researcher’s profile would be boosted by 100citations, and 100 citations would lose their value.Hence, this would not increase G’s chances of get-ting a job, contradicting R3. Thus, G’s reasonsfor plagiarism are inconsistent with the assumptionthat everyone with same reasons plagiarises.

3.2 Respect for AutonomyRespect for autonomy generally addresses the rightof a person to make decisions which directly per-tain to themselves. One of the primary manifes-tations of this is the concept of informed consent,whereby a person A proposes to act in some wayX on person B which would normally infringe onB’s right to self-govern. Specifically, we use theformulation of informed consent given by Pugh(2020) based on Kleinig (2009):

1. B must be sufficiently informed with regardsto the relevant facts concerning X to under-stand what X is (and what consequences arelikely to occur as a result of X).

2. On the basis of this information, B herselfmakes the decision to allow A to do X.

Informed consent is an important idea inbioethics where it typically applies to a patient’s

right to refuse treatment (or certain kinds of treat-ment) by medical personnel. In routine medicaltreatments this informed consent might be implicit,since one would not go to the doctor in the firstplace if they did not want to be treated at all, but inrisky or experimental medical procedures, explain-ing the risks and benefits and obtaining explicitconsent would be mandatory. In this case, the pa-tient’s autonomy specifically refers to opting out ofmedical procedures, and informed consent is a con-crete method by which to respect this autonomy.

A non-medical example of respect for autonomyand informed consent would be hiring an inter-preter A for a language that the user B does notspeak. Under normal circumstances, B’s auton-omy dictates that she and only she can speak forherself. But if she is trying to communicate in alanguage she does not speak, she might consentto A serving as an ad hoc representative for whatshe would like to say. In a high-stakes situation,there might be a formal contract of how A is to act,but in informal circumstances, she would implicitlytrust that A translates what she says faithfully (X).In these informal settings, A should provide nec-essary information to B before deviating from theexpected behaviour X (e.g., if the meaning of a sen-tence is impossible to translate). Implicit consentis a double-edged sword: it is necessary to navi-gate normal social situations, but it can underminethe respect for autonomy in scenarios when (1) theperson in question is not explicitly informed and(2) reasonable expectations do not match reality.

4 Applying Ethics to NLP systems

We apply the generalization principle in §4.1 and§4.2 and respect for autonomy in §4.3 and §4.4.

4.1 Question-Answering Systems

Question-answering (QA) systems have made ahuge progress with the recent advances in largepre-trained language models (Devlin et al., 2019;Radford et al., 2019; Guu et al., 2020). Despitethese improvements, it is difficult to know how themodel reached its prediction. In fact, it has beenshown that models often obtain high performanceby leveraging statistical irregularities rather thanlanguage understanding (Poliak et al., 2018; Gevaet al., 2019; Gururangan et al., 2018). The resultis that when a QA system is wrong it is difficultfor an end user to determine why it was wrong.Presumably, the user would not know the answer

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(a) Micro-aggressive comment and its scores bystate-of-the-art hate speech detection andsentiment analysis tools (Breitfeller et al., 2019).

(b) NLP system flagging the micro-aggressive comment as of-fensive and generating the reasoning for flagging it (Sap et al.,2020).

Figure 1: Examples of flagging micro-aggression comments by different NLP systems.

to the question in the first place, and so it would bedifficult to determine even that the QA system waswrong.

The act of widely deploying such a QA systemis in conflict with the generalization principle. Forexample, a QA system G is unsure of its predic-tion A and does not know how it arrived at theanswer. Instead of notifying the user about its in-ability to reach the prediction, G decides to returnthe prediction A due to the following reasons R:(1) G believes that the user does not know the an-swer and hence (2) G believes that the user willtrust its answer and not ask for reasons for givingthe prediction. If all QA systems operate like this,users will lose trust in QA systems being able toanswer their questions reliably and no longer usethem. This contradicts assumption R2, violatingthe generalization principle. This issue goes deeperthan a matter of the (in)accuracy of the answer; ex-plainability is still important for a near-perfect QAsystem. First, the source of an answer could be fal-lible (even if the content was interpreted correctly),in which case it is important to be able to pointwhich sources were used. Second, answers can of-ten be ambiguous, so a user might naturally ask forclarification to be sure of what the answer means.Finally, it is natural for humans to build trust whenworking with a system, and explainability is animportant step in this process.

Attention weights have been widely used for ex-plaining QA predictions. Attention weights learntby neural models denote the words or phrases in asentence that the model focuses on. Hence, wordsor phrases with high attention weights are consid-ered as explanations to the QA predictions. Butthese weights do not reliably correlate with model

predictions, making them unsuitable for explain-ability (Pruthi et al., 2020; Serrano and Smith,2019; Jain and Wallace, 2019). Recently, gener-ating natural language explanations (Rajani et al.,2019; Latcinnik and Berant, 2020) for predictionshas gained traction. These methods train a lan-guage generation model to generate explanationsfor the QA predictions. Using a black-box modelfor text generation, though, pushes the same prob-lem further down the line. Part of the issue withboth of the aforementioned methods is that the“reasoning” for the answer is determined after theanswer has been generated (i.e., reasoning shouldinform the answer, not vice-versa).

The way forward: A method which reaches theprediction through reasoning would be more inline with the generalization principle. For exam-ple, reaching the prediction through traversal ofa knowledge graph. This has been used in sce-narios where a knowledge base exists (Han et al.,2020; Jansen et al., 2018) for a QA system as wellas in dynamic graph generation to reach the pre-diction (Liu et al., 2020; Rajagopal et al., 2020;Bosselut and Choi, 2019). In these methods, thereasoning is part of the process to generate the finalanswer, which is more suitable in failing gracefullyand building user trust.

4.2 Detecting Objectionable ContentSocial media platforms have made the worldsmaller. At the same time, the world has seen asurge in hate-speech, offensive language, stereo-type and bias on online platforms. These onlineplatforms have traffic in the millions of textual com-ments, posts, blogs, etc. every day. Identifying suchobjectionable content by reading each item is in-

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tractable. Hence, building an NLP system whichcan read textual data and flag potential objection-able content is necessary. These systems can reducethe burden on humans by reducing the number ofposts that need to be seen by human eyes.

The pivotal role NLP systems play in flaggingsuch content makes the ethical considerations im-portant. Fig. 1a shows a microaggressive commentand its scores by a state-of-the-art (1) hate speechdetection system and (2) sentiment analysis system.Since these systems rely on surface level words orphrases to detect such (overt) comments, they tendto miss subtle (covert) objectionable content (Bre-itfeller et al., 2019). If such NLP systems are useduniversally, then the users of hate speech will dis-cover ways to phrase the same meaning with dif-ferent words (as illustrated above). Thus, the NLPcontent flagging system will not be able to detectobjectionable content, and there will be no point indeploying it. This contradiction suggests that NLPsystems must not make their predictions based onlyon superficial language features but instead seek tounderstand the intent and consequences of the textpresented to them. Hence, they should generatereasons for flagging posts to facilitate the decisionmaking of the human judges and also to provideevidence about the accuracy of their predictions.

The way forward: An example of objectionablecontent is microaggression (Fig. 1). According toMerriam-Webster, microaggression is defined asa “comment or action that subtly and often uncon-sciously expresses a prejudiced attitude toward amember of a marginalized group (e.g. racial mi-nority).” Microaggressions are linguistically subtlewhich makes them difficult to analyze and quan-tify automatically. Understanding and explainingwhy an arguably innocuous statement is potentiallyprejudiced requires reasoning about conversationaland commonsense implications with respect to theunderlying intent, offensiveness, and power differ-entials between different social groups. Breitfelleret al. (2019) provide a new typology to better un-derstand the nature of microaggressions and theirimpact on different social groups. Fig. 1b presentssuch a comment and how we would like the NLPsystems to annotate such content. Sap et al. (2020)perform the task of generating the consequencesand implications of comments which is a step to-wards judging content based on its meaning and notsimply which words it happens to use. Althoughsuch an aim does not automatically solve the prob-

lem, attempting to uncover the deeper meaningdoes not result in an inconsistency or violation ofthe generalization principle.

4.3 Machine Translation Systems

Machine Translation (MT) systems have reducedlanguage barriers in this era of globalization. Neu-ral machine translation systems especially havemade huge progress and are being deployed bylarge companies to interact with humans. But facil-itating human-to-human interaction requires morethan just simple text-to-text translation, it requiresthe system to interpret the meaning of the language.This requires a greater sensitivity to style, intent,and context on the part of MT systems.

When an MT system acts as an interpreter fora user, it is essentially speaking for the user whenconveying the translated message. Speaking forone’s self is within one’s sphere of autonomy, butby using the MT system the user has implicitlyconsented to it representing the user. That beingsaid, the operating assumption for most users isthat the MT system will simply translate the sourcelanguage into the target language without chang-ing the meaning. Yet on occasion, differences orambiguities between languages require either con-textual knowledge or further clarification on whatis being said. If the MT system encounters suchambiguities, the user must be informed of such oc-currences so that she can consent to the messagewhich the system ultimately conveys. Moreover,the user must also be informed of the failure casesin the MT system rather than it producing an en-tirely incorrect translation.

For example, when translating from English toJapanese, there is a mismatch in the granularityof titles or honorifics used to address people. InEnglish, “Ms.” and “Mr.” is an appropriate wayto address a schoolteacher who does not hold adoctorate. On the other hand, in Japanese it wouldbe disrespectful to use the more common “-san”honorific (the rough equivalent of “Ms.” or “Mr.”)in place of “-sensei” which refers specifically toteachers or mentors and shows them a special levelof respect. If the MT system cannot reasonably in-fer how to resolve the ambiguity in such situations,the English speaker should be informed about it.The English speaker must be notified that such anambiguity needs to be resolved because there is arisk of offending the Japanese speaker otherwise.

In general, there is a trade-off in translation be-

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tween literality and fluency in certain situationslike the translation of idioms. Idioms are especiallyproblematic when considering autonomy becausethere are multiple strategies to translating themwhich are not only difficult in and of themselvesto execute, but deciding which one to use requiresthe interpreter (i.e., MT system) to understand theintent of the user. Baker (1992, Ch. 3) identifiesfive different methods for translating idioms:

1. Using an idiom of similar meaning and form;directly translating the idiom achieves thesame effect

2. Using an idiom of similar meaning but dissim-ilar form; swapping out an equivalent idiomwith a different literal meaning

3. Translation by paraphrase; simply explainingthe idiom plainly

4. Translation by omission

5. Translation by compensation; for example,omitting idioms in certain locations andadding them in elsewhere to maintain thesame overall tone

For example, in casual conversation, an MT sys-tem may prefer strategies 1, 2, and 5 to maintaina friendly tone, but in a high-stake business nego-tiation, it would be more prudent to play it safewith strategy 3. An MT system must be sensitiveto the user’s intent since choosing an inappropriatetranslation strategy could violate her autonomy.

While para-linguistic conduct may fill the gapsfor in person interaction, if the interaction is hap-pening only via the textual modality, then thereis minimal room for such conduct. The users inthis case may not be aware of the flaws of the MTsystem representing the,. A recent study (Heinischand Lušicky, 2019) shows that 45% of the par-ticipants reported that they expect MT output, inprofessional and private contexts, to be useable im-mediately without any further editing. However,post-study, this expectation was not fulfilled. Thework further shows that the expectation of the typeof errors is also different from the errors in theoutputs of the MT system. For example: only 6%of the participants expect that the output would beuseless, but after reading the output, 28% thoughtthat the output was useless. The participants in thisstudy had different levels of experience with MTsystems (frequent vs. rare users) and used MT sys-tems for different functions (private, professional).

The way forward: Mima et al. (1997) drive theearly discussion on using information such as con-text, social role, domain and situation in MT sys-tems. DiMarco and Hirst (1990) advocate forstyle and intent in translation systems. A study byHovy et al. (2020) finds that commercial transla-tion systems make users sound older and more malethan the original demographics of the users. Re-cent work (Niu and Carpuat, 2020; Sennrich et al.,2016) has given specific focus to controlling for-mality and politeness in translation systems. Thereis also work directed towards personalizing MTsystems (Rabinovich et al., 2017; Michel and Neu-big, 2018; Mirkin et al., 2015; Mirkin and Meunier,2015) while preserving author attributes as well ascontrolling structural information like voice (Ya-magishi et al., 2016). This is a step in the rightdirection, but we argue that to respect autonomy,translation systems should also obtain explicit in-formed consent from the user when necessary.

Further research is required in the direction of in-forming the users about the failure cases of the MTsystem. For example, in case of ambiguity, textualinterfaces can provide multiple suggestions to theaddresser along with the implications of using eachvariant. The user can select the option which bestfits their goal. In speech interfaces, the MT systemcan ask a follow up question to the addresser of thesystem in case of ambiguity or it can add caution-ary phrases to the addressee informing them aboutthe ambiguity. Alternatively, if the system thinksthat the input sentence is ambiguous and cannot betranslated with reasonable confidence then it cansay “I am unable to translate the sentence in itscurrent form. Can you please rephrase it?”. Anexample scenario where such clarification mightbe needed is: while translating from English toHindi if the sentence refers to one’s “aunt,” the MTsystem should ask a follow up question about ma-ternal vs paternal aunt since they have two differentwords in Hindi language.

4.4 Dialogue Systems

We can find a nuanced application of the autonomyprinciple in the way that dialogue systems, espe-cially smart toys or virtual assistants like Alexa andGoogle Home, interact with children.

One expression of a parent’s autonomy5 is gen-erally in deciding whom their child may interact

5This is technically heteronomy, but this examples com-ports with the spirit of respect for autonomy.

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with. For example a parent would permit interac-tion with a teacher but not a random stranger. Inthe case of a parent purchasing and using a virtualassistant at home, they are implicitly consentingto their children interacting with the assistant, andthe issue arises from the fact that they may not beinformed as to what this interaction entails. Toan adult, a virtual assistant or dialogue-capabletoy may seem like just another computer, but a 7-year-old child might view it as “more capable offeelings and giving answers”—a step in the direc-tion of assigning personhood (Druga et al., 2017).Furthermore, while humans have had thousands ofyears to learn about human-human interaction, wehave only had a half-century to learn about the ef-fects of human-machine (and thus, child-machine)interaction (Reeves and Nass, 1996).

We suggest two key areas which are importantfor dialogue system researchers: (1) they must an-swer the question of what unique social role dodialogue systems fulfill—that is, in what respectscan they be regarded as human-like vs. machine-like, and (2) the dialogue systems must have someway of modeling the social dynamics and cues ofthe interlocutor to fulfill the social role properly.

The way forward: There is a fair amount of re-search on the social aspects of human-computerdialogue both in general and specifically with re-gards to children (Druga et al., 2017; Shen, 2015;Kahn Jr et al., 2013). Although it is difficult to gaina complete understanding of how dialogue systemsaffect the development of children, the most salientfacts (e.g., children regarding virtual assistants asperson-like) should be communicated to parentsexplicitly as part of parental controls. We advo-cate for a “kids mode” to be included with thesevirtual AI assistants which would provide the fea-ture of parental control in accordance with respectfor autonomy. This mode would be aware thatit is talking to children and respond accordingly.NLP can also help in selecting content and styleappropriate for children in these AI agents. Addi-tionally, parents can be provided with fine-grainedcontrol over the topics, sources and language thatwould be generated by the agent. For example, theparent can select for a polite language and topicsrelated to science to support their child’s devel-opment efforts. Much research has focused oncontrolling topics (Kim et al., 2015; Jokinen et al.,1998), style (Niu and Bansal, 2018), content (Zhouet al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2020; Dinan et al., 2019)

and persona (Zhang et al., 2018) of dialogue agentswhich can be used for this purpose.

5 Ethical Decision Making with NLP

So far we have discussed how NLP systems canbe evaluated using ethical frameworks and howdecisions made by such systems can be assistedby these theories. NLP can also aid in makingdecisions in accordance with the deontologicalframework. Recall that the generalization princi-ple judges the ethical standing of pairs of actionsand reasons; these pairs could be extracted withvarious NLP techniques from textual content. Inthe case of flagging objectionable content (§4.2),extracting the deeper intents and implications cor-responds to the reasons for the action of flaggingthe content. Another example is building an au-tomatic institutional dialog act annotator for traf-fic police conversations (Prabhakaran et al., 2018).These dialog acts contain the rationales of the twoagents in the conversation: the police officer andthe civilian stopped for breaking traffic rules. Thedecision made by the police officer (the action)can then be judged to be in accordance (or not)with a human-selected set of ethically acceptableaction and rationale pairs. Similarly, for court hear-ing transcripts, the rationales of the arguments canbe extracted and the verdict of the judge can bechecked using them (Branting et al., 2020; Aletraset al., 2019). NLP tools such as commonsenseknowledge graph generation (Bosselut et al., 2019;Saito et al., 2018; Malaviya et al., 2019), semanticrole labeling (Gildea and Jurafsky, 2000), open do-main information extraction (Angeli and Manning,2013) etc. can be used to extract rationales, entitiesfrom text and also find relations between them tobetter understand the underlying intent of the text.

6 Discussion

We provide a broad discussion on the limitations ofthe principles chosen in this work and the issue ofmeta-ethics. Moreover, we emphasize that ethicalresearch is not merely a checklist to be satisfiedby abiding to the principles mentioned here. Itrequires our persistent attention and open-mindedengagement with the problem.

One limitation of this work is in the principlesthat we choose.6 For example, the interaction ofmachine learning and privacy is of huge ethical

6Kant would argue that the generalization principle canaccount for all ethical decisions, but we make no such claim.

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importance. While the respect for autonomy mayaddress this issue in part, it would be more produc-tive to utilize a deontological principle to the effectof the right to privacy with which such matters canbe judged.

Another instance is that in this work, we havenot discussed the principle of interactional fair-ness (Bies, 2015, 2001) which refers to the qualityof interpersonal treatment including respect, dig-nity, and politeness. With the increasing amountof interaction between humans and machine, thenatural language generation systems can be evalu-ated with this principle. Systems which show re-spect and dignity to users as well as generate politelanguage can enhance the degree of interactionaljustice, which can in turn enhance utility (e.g., trust,satisfaction).

Additionally, there are broader limitations in us-ing deontology as our ethical framework. In sce-narios where there are no a priori duties or rights,taking a consequentialist approach and optimizingthe effects of ethical guidelines could be more fe-licitous. For example, the specific rights and dutiesof autonomous AI systems are not immediatelyclear. Thus, determining ethical recommendationsbased on what leads to the most responsible useof the technology would be clearer than selectingappropriate rights and duties directly. Furthermore,rule-based formulations of consequentialism makeethical judgments based on rules, where the rulesare selected based on the consequences. Such theo-ries combine some of the benefits of both deontol-ogy and consequentialism.

The above difficulties are part of the larger issueof metaethics, that is, the discussion and debateon how to choose among different ethical theories.Within deontology, there is no one standard set ofrules. And even within the generalization princi-ple, there is considerable leeway to what “conceiv-able world” or “logically consistent” mean and howthey could be applied to decision making. Whilepresenting a universally accepted ethical theory islikely impossible, metaethical considerations canstill be relevant, especially in light of the applica-tion of ethical theories. As the field of NLP getsmore accustomed with theories of ethics, it will befruitful to compare the strengths and weaknessesof different ethical theories within the context ofNLP and machine learning.

7 Conclusion

Two principles of deontological ethics—namelythe generalization principle and respect for auton-omy via informed consent—can be used to decideif an action is ethical. Despite the limitations ofthese principles, they can provide useful insightsinto making NLP systems more ethical. Throughthe four case studies discussed in this paper, wedemonstrate how these principles can be used toevaluate the decisions made by NLP systems andto identify the missing aspects. For each of thecase studies, we also present potential directionsfor NLP research to move forward and make thesystem more ethical.

We further provide a summary on how NLP toolscan be used to extract reasons and rationales fromtextual data which can potentially aid deontologi-cal decision making. Note that we do not advocatedeontological ethics as the only framework to con-sider. On the contrary, we present this work as thefirst of its kind to illustrate why and how ethicalframeworks should be used to evaluate NLP sys-tems. With this work, we hope the readers startthinking in two directions: (1) using different ethi-cal frameworks and applying the principles to NLPsystems (like the case studies in §4), and (2) explor-ing the directions mentioned in the case studies ofthis paper to improve current NLP systems.


We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers fortheir constructive feedback, and special thanks toDirk Hovy for valuable discussions on this work.This work was supported in part by ONR GrantN000141812861 and NSF IIS1763562. This mate-rial is based on research sponsored in part by theAir Force Research Laboratory under agreementnumber FA8750-19-2-0200 (author BB). The U.S.Government is authorized to reproduce and dis-tribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwith-standing any copyright notation thereon. The viewsand conclusions contained herein are those of theauthors and should not be interpreted as necessarilyrepresenting the official policies or endorsements,either expressed or implied, of the Air Force Re-search Laboratory or the U.S. Government.

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